/ 12 L ORIBOO OBSERVOt Sunday, December 17, 2006 OUESHEl CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, December 17, 2006 ' B3 THE Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com QCQQffjg EIBIEIS E3E!S[!!I CO § S3 i t HOW TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD and [SiSISIIIl SBSQ BQIQQ • Q S QIBBQiSEa B B Q BQG!! S S S H S B I Q B d QQQSIB E3SSB (SISBE! E3BISIE) SSiSEi EICBBS S]BSI SOZIB Phone I I filasterCaid AWHWffl6B!IIHff?IH» - m»..,...„ .15s ..Ifl: ttm!um»ntmit ..65 ..75 SfdglM ..,.;...,.„..,..,........,....„.S0 Iranlltan/VKatloii 85 ^ WWH fl >1O fl -m T>*-f«»«-»««1SS .175 18* ,165 > R«»mi»...« 189 "Ftoffitbim..... , JZOS WMaUMflou Mtttl SpoitlBBttoodt Tool* 'hadtorSwap 210 216 ...220 22S 230 235 240 ,. Bosltitttt OpportunlUof 254 Carton ,....;.:..,.,..........j........i.258 Oaycara 202 Education 268 NorpWanltd 270 Prorestlonal 274 SUUadTradaa.............o.. ..'..278 TMortpg 282 Volanteera 288 MtoiliWantad 290 AceooaORO... ^pllttta* • AuUinslln.ki DulldlnvSarvlcat. Catertnii Catpaoliy, f *«....«p...i CMtdCana 302 304 ..308 n..S08 ..810; ;.ai2 .314 ,.3i8'v > CMmtaucttoit....... onrarali EdoeatloR/nttBring Haettia , Excavtiioii ' Flnanta/Mortgaaa Htwlynun Hpffl* Ifliprovamam ,.ai8 .^820. 422 , HomaSoiVQrt HoutaSlttloo... invaaUnant Jpttltprtal Undteaplnp/GardanlnD MatDlnt/WaldIng UlsetltaiiaoDaSaivlcaa IfatlcUtsoii* Woltaa P«»ioo PftotognplV.. , www.quesnelobserver.coni QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER To join the Website Directory, call Trina at 992-2121. QUESNEI. • CARIBOO OBSERVER ..3S8 IrtiaJ 384 .388 .388 .... Si* - - ^"^'WY* ticKets: $5.00acha|»Wpt!|jeare^'a3-fei OmMfomiax INTEGRIS CREDIT UNION 9! ..:....428 .432 ..438 .444 HlacetlaRai MskliaHosin »,448 MoAilirNoiim .492 ' Hoomi.......J...............,«.........45e Rosffl ftBaat8..,........» 480 Sanfam/Ratlnnaa} tatom .484 . StanAAtcamfflotfaUm ........»....4B8 ..824 328 ...328 838 332 384 .338: ,338 ;340 .342 .844 ;348 ..348 .,350 ..352 ....354 358 Sattas Tooritt Aeeofflfflotfailoa Atnaoa/una .......,....'.,808 CaNn/Cofiasf* 512 ; Connnafttat 6oalQ9aa<^...,4v..,.,v*.^,518< \: CoaunaicralFnpartir.... 524 : Cowtoa , 638 Opplax/Foinpiex 538 Faratt/naneliea .S42( ForSalaorRaoi 648 : Houw Ukathore 560 Mobllea 668 Modular Homaa 572 apaaHouss.....................w..;....578 OulolTovra 684 RValloa 690 Townhoutoa 698 \. Pat* Tkaiian INPU8TBYB5D-699 • Niiit..^ ^ •: tniilimp .730 UgalNodcaa,.,.. Tandert..,, We Love You! When you sell an itern for under $100 your ad Is free'of chargel' Come infothe Cariboo Observer with yourad at 188 Carson Ave.; or fax it to 992-5229. •Limit of 3 ads pet customer. Must include price to qualify. For non^commercial use only. 30 In Memoriam THE QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER the following: . (Drears S.,Enemark S , & Phillips Dawn MbbleyWebster lytar Curtly SE^IC^I^ CpnsMltant Fed The FIVE STAR Difference FIVE S T A R ^ ^ ^ Tho Cariboo's only HVE STAR Dealer 259 McLean SL 992-9293 (Gardner, Graham, Johnston, Moffat & Yorston) (Funn St., Gemini, & North Fraser Drive) 992-9293 JT'r^""^^^ UL.fFO<KK> -fha Cariboo'* only RVE STAR Dealsr : (Caravelle, McLean, Omega, Schemenaur) (Red Bluff. Sales R d West & Roan) (Belcarra, Gook, Jay & Renyard) (Hilbom) (Barlow, Callanan, Grey & Vaughan) Anyone interested i n these routes please call Jaicey at 9922121. g r a c e f u l l y t u r n s 75 Dec. 21, 2006 G . R . B a k e r Auxiliary Gift Shop. Hand crafted items, stuffed toys, cards, fresh coffiec. Located in L o b - ' 789 \ ,....740: .749 AUTOMOnVETBOT -Hlf Caooplat,..,....; Can i.li;..: Claulca Part* 8UV*A4x4'a,... Thict* Vani/Butas ,..,<.,... Observer classifieds.' , pECflEA11OtfALTD0-74B Rtntala Snowmoblla* Do yoLi have an upcoming event? Use this space to promote and inform the Quesnel readers. Permanent carriers arc required for Equtpmani 660 Looglno/nmbar 670 : HathUiary..„....;^;........,...i.....,.680! Mining ', 690 BVa.........u,....., Advertise 12 Birthday 608 612 818 ...624 .,.630 ...638 ...642 .,.M8 Mrcnfl 709 /im.;;.....:..........;.....:,.,w......7iD Boatt/Martmi 718 Hootaboata 720': Motonytla* 729, ATTENTION All Clubs, Groups FREE and Organizations. In the Quesnel Cariboo ...478 » . . . JMO ..484 ....488 .492 WanMtoRani BoBRlIng FarmEqulpmant FeodASead FrulVPnduta/Mtal Honaa Uvattock SW£ET Sponsoredfi)y 155 . 9^ ir Cnrits .,..*.•••« BolMIiigMsMib Cowpnte* Cootigaiiuints PooWSpaa ForRtalflrSal*...... ..........dS .-. . SS I R K C D H I M H ...........................80 JWfcBW*......;. DOUGLAS LAKE EQUIPMENT l ^ t e r Wonderland accepted at n TfcM*B.......i...... www.douglaslakeequipnienLconi presents BEWTM, 488-499 Apaitfflaiita..................... ....484 BttiwlorSa8».....:...:~ Ji88 .412 CabUM/Cetueas.. 418 ComwMtial-,..., , .420 " .424 » QUtukfln FLOOD, FIRE, SMOKE DMIAGE 8 i m QmOt 3 . . . CoiniatEnKti www.contFactingbc.coin Quesnel Figure Shading Club HOURS: Open 8 am - 5 pm Monday r Friday ilBnodBMonatt click Atourof k)cal menHiants that you can visit on the web 3 Announcenients or drop into our office at 188 Carson Ave., Quesnel, BC www.quesnelobserver.com ,.„.,...,...7B0 ; 762; 768 774 780 786 ...^.....702 810 ...830 Love from husband Bill, 8 childreji, 24 grandchildren and I greatgrandchild by. • In loving m e m o r y o f Shirley M a c B u r n i c December 18,1998 She is gone but not forgotten. A n d , as dawns another year, In but lonely hours o f thinking, Thoughts o f her are always near. Days o f sadness w i l l come o'er us. Many think the wound is healed. But they little know the sorrow T l i a t l i e s i n the heart concealed. L o v e G i l l i e & family . 65 LosI Fouiicl F o u n d D o g : German Shepherd mix puppy, 10-12 weeks o l d , foiind i n Quesnel-Hixon R d . area. Pleaseconlact the S P C A 250-992-7722 ; L o s t : longhaired brown female cat. In R e d B l u f f R d and Maple Drive area. C a l l 747-1381 .;, SECOND HAND SMOKE... Backyard . « f o ' p r g a r d e n . C©iiip®stiiig ' ^ S S Second-hand smoke has up to 400 chemicals in it. Cigarette smoke contains V i n y l Chloride (makes P V C ) , D D T (Insecticide), Acetone (Paint Stripper) and Hydrogen Cyanide (Prison used in gaschambcrs), Canadi.ii Bocuu * . a CMcer 'mmdlenn* socbtiy da cncer The fight agalh.^t canccrhos many foccs, ' . • Tobacco reduction is just one o f them. B4 QUESNa CARIBOO OBSERVER Sunday, December 17, 2006 QUESNEL CARIBOO OBSERVER Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclassified.com Ph: 992-2121 See your ads on-line! www.bcclasslfied.com 85 Travel/ Tours/ Vacation 36 Thanks SKI & STAY at SUN PEAKS RESORT! Vacation rentals o f new Condos & Chalets, 1-4 bedrooms. F u l l kitchens, fireplaces, hot tubs, slope-side locations. 1-800-811-4588 www.BearCpuntry.ca now offer private ATV/SNOmOBILE insurunce ocross from Ihe Post Office For Sale: Antique sidetx)ard, beautiful hardwood throughout, carved large center drawer and 2 doors below, excellent condition. $1000 obo. 992-8646 I S 333 Reid S t . . 992-6611 C o m e O n D o w n a n d iHimi miiiiiiMiiiimi B & B M U S I C LTD THE O N E R i d e tfae B A D N I G H T / TOY 160 Appliances ::! Whirlpool apartment size washer, excellent condition._$150. Inglis almond dryer. G o o d condition $50. 992-5865 O N L Y 175 Huilding Materials LESSONS REPAIRS UNOBR • MEW RENTALS FLOORING IMPORTER NEEDS $$$ .; FLOW BUY DIRECT 8&12nil laminate from..$.49sq/ft 6 " Pine............ .......$l,29sq/ft 3 1/4" Oak, Maple o r Exotics prefin $l.99sq/ft Bamboo pre-fin solid or engineered ftx)m ........$2.99sq/ft 5 " handscaped Oak, Maple, A l d e r pre-fin...............$3.99sq/ft 3 l / 4 " & 5 " Japanese Cherry or Black Walhut pre-fin from $3.99sq/ft TONSMORE 1-800-631-3342 MMMMBMENV 326 Reid St. 992-5512 HUGE PRE-CHRISTMAS SALE iNJEW INVENTORY ARRIVING DAILY! 200 Free Give Away Free to good home moving. Young, fixed, female cat. Mouser. White witii peach. 991-6208 LARGE SELECTION OF HfitDciba^s And Difxper Ba^s • New accciiories for &rij etc&iior • 205 Furniture Cficck cut ooir L O W RATES for TANNING , I 260 Reid St. , ^ , Cliesterlield & L o v e scat, excellent condition, Dusty Rose color. $350.992-1012 eves. ii 30 In Memoriam 33 Obituaries , lb A M 0OMta Today/ HazelKrumm Services Friendly a n d professional service witli over 4 0 y e a i s e x p e r i e n c e > Vocational Assessments > C a r e e r Re-direction with S t a n d a r d i z e d Testing (Interest, Personality '& Aptitude Testing) ' i ^ One o n One J o b S e a r c h Techniques Career & Employment Consulting ALL SERVICES FREE OF CHARGE 1 5 3 Reid St. 992-7691 Employment w^S^I^^** Services T\M Govemment of Canada has contributed lundlng to this Initiative. Your aplrit is here I would bet "We will all hike together again, by and by I will Remember Yoa Tiom Hcatha" G, OBITUARY TRIBUTES To place an obituary tribute please call 992-2121. OFATOI^T* V/JDO£iKVil#K Obituary tributes are $45/smgle spot. $75/double spot and 1 A t l r a c U v c SWF, 30ish, seeking S W M who enjoys dancing, country muisic, romance, outdoor activities & the simple things in life. Send photo & brief description. Strictiy confidential. Reply to box M , c/o Quesnel Cariboo Observer, 188 Carson Ave,, Quesnel B . C . V 2 J 2 A 8 , Must be sincere. Inspire. Perspire. 1,800,321,1433 www,joint$inmotion.ca 220 Miscellaneous FLOORING IMPORTER NEEDS $$$ FLOW BUY DIRECT 8 & 1 2 m l laminate from..$.49sq/ft 6 " Pine...., $l,29sq/ft 3 1/4" Oak, Maple or Exotics prefin. ..$1.99sq/ft Bamboo pre-fin solid or engineered from........$2.99sq/ft 5 " handscaped Oak, Maple, Alder pre-fin $3.99.sq/ft , 3 I / 4 " & 5 " Japanese Cherry or Black Walnut pre-fin from $3.99sq/ft TONS MORE 1-800-631-3342 $mart $pen(ldr^ Shop flrSt In our ; ciaSSIflod^P^ Call 992^2121. 258 Careers Res<>rt Manager North Barriere L a k e Resort is seeking a manager for May-Sept 2007. Must have experience i n cabiri/campsite bookings, running equipment (generators, water system, back-hoe). Responsible for managing all aspects o f a seasonal resort; Self motivated, organized and exceptional customer service ; skills mandatory. Married couple preferred. M a i l detailed resume to: N . B . L . , c/o 959 Lincoln Court, Kamloops. B C V 2 B 8 K 2 . For all the news 180 Computers For ALL your COMPUTER & ELECTIQC NEEDS Come in & talk....our staff would be pleased to help 1055 Hwy. 97 992-2875 220 Miscellaneous Feeling the Christmas Cash Crunch? C a l l Cash Factory Loans aiid get up to $800 until your payday or borrow up to $10,000 using you car, truck, boat o r any assets as collateral - and keep tiie vehicle! L o cated at 1219 Cariboo H w y N . next to Crystal Glass or 992-7070 New, H a r l e y Davidson L t d . edition racing jacket X L . Sells for ovfcr $ 6 0 0 - $ 4 0 0 992-7135 O v e r 100 L P records. Country, Christmas & Classical 50's & 60's - C a l l 747-2020 6 ft. snow board with case and bindings $60. like hew. Colour 12 inch T V $20 Floor polisher $10 992-7810 or 992-5030. 254 Business Opportunities Advertise your Business Opportunity Nationally to approximately 11 million households in North A m e r ica's best suburbs by placing your classified ad in over 900 suburban newspapers just like this one. C a l l tho Suburban Classified Advertising Network at 888-486-2466 www.suburban-news.org/scan SUNBELT BUSINESS Advisors. The place to go to buy or sell a business. Worid's largest Business Broker. Confidential. Professional. Serving your community. Toll-free. 1-877-289-0969. www.Kunt>cllnetwork.com/ccntrallK J a m e s & S o n s The Right Products . The Right People "THE RIGHT CHOICE" Installations * Pecks • Speakers * Amps • Alarms * Two Way Radios • Accessories S81 Lemare Lake Ltd. is seeldng ftill time Heavy Duty Mechanics for our North Island logging company. Successfiil candidates require n o less than 3 years experience in the mechanics field, up to date tickets and experience with heavy machmery and logging equipment a must. Welders ticket an asset but not required. Toapplyplease contactPeggy © 250-956-3123 or fax resumes to 250-956-4888. PATHFINDER TRUCK LINES is looking for experienced Class 1, C O M P A N Y D R I V E R S and owner operators to m n Canada and U S . For more info contact George 604882-0006 or 1-800-565-2440 o r email: pathfinder-trucklines®shaw,ca Experienced Buncher Operator required for Merritt area. Phone B r i a n after 7pm 378-6984 or fax to 378-6930. ' Custom home audio/Video Installations 6 Accessories Ross ill 992-/076 "1271 Hwy 97H . . . . l i i l i i CARIBOO FIRST AID AND AMBULANCE SERVICE i l specializing in Remote Work Sites "WCB Approved" Specializing in First Aid Attendants, Ambulance ETV's Mobile Treatment Centre and Rrst AidTiTailers HI C O N T A C T : R A J DHILLON tm sill k y o a i l l o M i A ' ' M o i D i b « i N t " Help Is only a phono call away. FIRRr F L O O D 254 Business, Opportunities Specialty Ski & Outdoor retail business. Established over thirty years. Owner retiring, A l f inventories and fixed assets included. Quesnei S k i & Sports L t d . Quesnel. B . C . „ ' :; [email protected] HEAVY EQUIPMENT Training. Excavator, Grader, Dozer, L o a d er O i l field tickets, industty recognized. Full-size equipment. Class 1. Job placement. N o comparison, www.iheschool.com. , 1-866^3993853,250-766-3853. S H A L L O W UTILFFY FOREMAN. Shallow utilities f/man. F u l l time, okanagan based, primarily Kelowna-Veraon. Experienced in Hydro, tel, catv and traffic sign: al. installations, Raceway tickift required. F u l l benefits, union rates, good company. Fax resume 250765-1961. www.qiiesaelolisefver.cotD $104/trlp!e spot and includes archiving on our Internet site. 70 Personals Steve or Andre (800) 663-0099 Grace Steele C a s i o H a n d h e l d colour T;V. 2.5" new sells for $180 + - sell $125 won in contest. 992-7135 When I-walk thiougli Barkerville and ace/our garden... atandlng tall, Demembcring your part, in «aving the Weiggon Koad aa I "vrander over iL..winter through fall Aa I walk the moflsy hilla and climb up to the top... And gaze with vender all around aa I rest upon the rock, I will remember you. The aun-willrise,the aim wili aeL.. Throngh the atjara. the moon will move acroaatheaky Unlquia opportunity to pwrh and operate a 2006 Poto witli zero dovm. Must have 1 year flat deck highway experience, willing/ able to run CANADA/USA & possess good references. Owner/Operators & Company drivers welcome. Up to $3000 signing tiomi9. WEST RIM EXPRESS UNES LTD. Go3^'2t\xs% all of you. 4 bottle wine cooler, subs. Prize in lottery. Retails $150 - sell $100 obo. 992-7135 OPEN MONDAY- FRIDAY 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM 270 Help Wanted TESTDRIVE Thank You "Meals on Wheels" When r was unable to move I around, 1 would not have regainecl my health without those wonderful volunteers who brought me hot, healthy meals. Holidays or slippery roads, nothing kept themfromtheir duty to those who needed them. 155 Antiques www.quesnelobserver.com 254 Business Opportunities 1 ADMsionol r^SSd. B5 www.quesnelobserver.com 18 Coming events INSURANCE^ Sunday, December 17, 2006 flIMOlD Remediation J WEST FIRASER MILLS LTD. Williams Lake Woodlands Full Service Restoration SILVICULTURE F O R E S T E R West Fraser Mills Ltd., Williams Lake Woodlands has a i l opening for a Silviculture Forester to assist i n implementing the Silviculture program for the W i l l i a m s L a k e Woodlaiids operation. 239iHydraiilicRd: 747-2951 www.conlractingbc;com This position is based out o f our W i l l i a m s Lake Ply wood Well established flower shop f o r sale, being in Quesnel for 46 yrs. Large clientele. Serious inquires only please. 249-5320 after 6pm office. The Position The successful candidate w i l l report to the Silviculttire Supervisor. Short Log truck & ti^iler #47 consolidating list Tolko I N D . W . L . 1996 Kenworth log truck 1993 Brodex l o g trailcr/shortlog bunks Radio wrappers, cinches & 3 sets o f used Uiple chains Hauling contract - good until March 2011. $90,000 250-392-5947 b,M,U Responsibilities will include the coordination, implerneiitation and supervision o f company reforestation consistent w i t h applicable legislation. Corporate D i v i s i o n a l Environmental Stewardship and Policies. Ensuring that these activities .ire conducted i n an efficient, safe, and cost efTectivc manner, with attention to continualimprovemcnt. value. West CheinSfy Cleaiier. Drier. Healthier. Business For Salel • Guaranteed Commercial Contracls • Proven Loyal Clientele and Growing • Superior Cleaning Products • Superior Cleaning Equipment • Great Support from Head Office and Franchise Network • Solid Income and Growing • Self-Employment and Freedom ASKING . $39,000 OBO 991-0474 Fraser's Environmental Management System I li Giftware Russ PlustiToys Bearington Bears Baby items Sundries • Cards Quilts • Handknits IK f 1.,-,., i and ensuring that all work and practices arc conducted to a high standard o f environmental i C o m e in a n d see our Selection Guidelines and The individual must hold Safety as an underlying core Baker Hospital Gift S/mji C ^ ^ d n g for a GJ^> and stand lending activities in a manner The successful candidate w i l l be integral i n implementing Classic G.R, overall „i,iii, m responsibility and integrity. Preference w i l l be given to candidates holding a degree/ diploma in forestry, who have a m i n i m u m o f five years related experience and who are registered or are eligible I for registration w i t h the Association o f British C o l u m b i a Forest Professionals. Candidates must be self motivated and a team player. Some camp work and isolated situations will required. Interested candidates must reply by January 12,2007. Send resume to: West Fraser Mills Ltd. Williams Lake Plywood Division P.O. Box 4509, Williams Lake, BC V2G 2V5 Attn: Guy Burdlkin, RPF, Silviculture Supervisor Guy.burdil{[email protected] be SPECIAL GIFTS FOR SPECIAL PEOPLF... Find what you need at • Cupid's Touch... Friendly discreet atmosphere, fllft-wrop service. '
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