WEDNESDAY, JULY 29, 2009 MOORESVILLE TRIBUNE Scouting for wildlife PHOTO COURTESY OF SCOUT TROOP 171 Piedmont Electronics NEW MODELS ARE IN! New Models just in at Great Prices! 1389731.1 On June 26, 11 scouts and five adult leaders from Boy Scout Troop 171 participated in the Wildlife and Industry Together (WAIT) initiative organized by Public Service Corporation of NC (PSNC). This initiative’s goals are to make industrial sites more accommodating to native wildlife species. The scouts, with help from PSNC staff, built birdhouses and placed them around the site, as well as planted native species that provide cover and food for a variety of species. PSNC also conducted an indepth safety program that, in addition to plant safety practices, trained scouts in the safety issues surrounding natural gas. The afternoon was capped off with a massive, controlled natural-gas fire that was extinguished by PSNC personnel. 5A Free estimates on repair with this ad. 657 N. 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