360 360° Learning through buildings and places Issue 20: Autumn 2009 How to get great school design Education grants up for grabs Learning the Japanese way Win a prize for your lesson idea SCHO PULL OL POST-OUT INSIDER E Autumn spotlight° Welcome to the autumn term edition of 360˚. It’s been a very busy summer for CABE and our education work. Our biggest project by far was Green Day in June, with more than 120,000 young people taking part in eight cities across England. Our new teaching and learning in action slot looks at how teachers are using the built environment in the Engaging Places programme. Engaging Places is run by CABE in partnership with English Heritage. It promotes learning using the world’s largest teaching resources – the buildings and places around us. We start with Cardinal Newman Catholic School’s project with Brighton and Hove’s museum service. For pupils, our double-sided poster looks at careers in quantity surveying and at the award-winning East Beach Café in Littlehampton, designed by Thomas Heatherwick. We visit Japan, looking at a beautiful park in Kakamigahara City, to see how people are using their green spaces. Finally, to coincide with the start of the new school year, and for the third year running, we’re opening our small grants programme. Details are on page four. 06 Policy and practice Setting the standard for new school design Centre pull-out poster East Beach Café, Littlehampton Ever wanted to work out how much buildings cost? 08 Looking towards Japan 10 Teaching and learning in action Opening a window on the past 11 Education at the architecture centres 12 CABE education resources “The new minimum design standard means that all secondary schools must be well-designed” With our best wishes for the new school year. Anne Diack Head of education 360˚ Issue 20 Right and below © www.lydiaevans.com This issue sees the launch of two new features. In each issue, we’ll be looking at a different aspect of the school building programme. And to kick off, we look at the new minimum design standard that all BSF secondary projects must now meet. 04 News Education grants Green Day Green Day, Britain’s biggest day of schools action on climate change is set to go nationwide in 2010, after a hugely successful event in June. Some 120,000 young people in eight cities outside London took part in this year’s event, with 96 per cent of teachers rating Green Day as good or very good. Green Day highlights the links between climate change and the places where we live and learn. CABE supports teachers planning their school’s Green Day with free training workshops and has published a 32-page activity kit packed with ideas for subjectspecific lessons or whole-school activities. This year, more than 400 schools ran activities including designing eco-cities, turning oil into biodiesel, podcasts comparing a new school building with the old one, and trading carbon with pupils across Europe. Outside speakers joined in, including MPs, TV personalities, radio DJs, architects and university professors, as well as parents and local people. Environment secretary Hilary Benn said: “The huge increase in support for Green Day this year shows how much our schools care about the environment. Helping us and the next generation to live sustainably is one of the most important things we have to do as a society. We will need all the talent, creativity, innovation and commitment we can get in this task – especially in the face of dangerous climate change.” CABE is offering every school across the country the chance to participate in 2010. For further information visit www.cabe.org.uk/greenday 360° 03 News° CABE education grants CABE is offering six grants of up to £1,500 to help schools in England offer students great ways to learn through buildings and places. The grants are available for projects that take place between December 2009 and 31 March 2010. Schools can apply under one of five categories: environments · learning about local places · participating in community projects · engaging with the design process. The deadline for applications is 5pm on Monday 9 November. Successful candidates will be notified by 5pm on Monday 30 November. All images this page © A&M Photography Ltd · sustaining cities and buildings · transforming school In 2008/09, winning schools explored Building Schools for the Future, local regeneration, school grounds design, local landmarks, sustainable materials and building techniques. Pupils participated in a variety of creative activities including photography, dance and drama. Pupils also took part in a range of practical sessions including the construction of a straw bale building (pictured above). To find out more about last year’s projects visit www.engagingplaces.org.uk For further information and to download an application form please visit www.cabe. org.uk/educationgrants “Pupils participated in a variety of creative activities including photography, dance and drama – and practical sessions including the construction of a straw bale building” 04 360˚ Issue 20 Fifty fifty chance W E AR E CABE marks 10th anniversary In September CABE reached its 10th anniversary. To mark the anniversary, we are inviting you to submit a lesson idea you have developed that uses a local building or place to inspire the teaching of a curriculum subject. The entries will be published on the Engaging Places website, and the winner will receive a signed architectural drawing. To find out more and to submit your resource, go to www.engagingplaces.org.uk Stuck for ideas? Read our teaching and learning case study on page 10 to see what another school did. The closing date for entries is Friday 11 December. Right © Zander Olsen, Make Architects Below © FreeFoto.com/Ian Britton 10 Beach hut Throughout 2010 RIBA East Midlands will be celebrating brilliant and diverse architecture in the region, such as on Nottingham University’s Jubilee Campus (left), through an exhibition showcasing 50 selected buildings. The exhibition, 50|50, will travel to each county in the region, raising awareness of modern architecture and encouraging young people’s interest in design and the built environment. If you would like your school to get involved, contact Jude Hall [email protected] Beach hut makeover makeover In September, Boscombe in Dorset announced the winner of its beach hut design competition. As part of CABE’s Sea Change programme, Boscombe received funding to commission new beach huts to cater for disabled users. The competition attracted more than 150 entries from all over the world and eight proposals were shortlisted this July, with residents and visitors casting votes. Designs range from one made of giant ice cream sticks, to another which disappears into grassy mounds. The entries have been on display over the summer in Boscombe’s shopping arcade. To see the designs and find out who won visit www.bournemouth.gov.uk Have you used a CABE education resource as the basis for a project or lesson with young people? Would you like to see them included here or on our website? If so please email [email protected] 05 Policy and practice° Setting a standard for new school design Wolverhampton: putting school users first Wolverhampton: putting school users first Building Schools for the Future (BSF) is seeing every secondary school in England rebuilt or refurbished. Here we look at the new minimum design standard, coming into force next year. Anne Diack explains For the first time, a minimum standard for design has been set for a public building programme – and secondary schools are the very first to benefit. Not without reason either. School buildings need to create an environment that’s conducive to successful education. This means that, above all, the design should be functional. It should allow teachers to deliver the curriculum in an imaginative and stimulating way, and help pupils to learn effectively. Design quality has a strong influence on staff morale, pupil motivation and effective learning time. In one school, a redesign 06 Getting the people who’ll use a building involved in design decisions is critical to success – so talking to teachers and pupils early in the process is vital. Wolverhampton City Council has been putting consultation at the centre of its BSF planning. Four of its sample school projects going through the CABE schools design panel process are now benefitting. The local authority wants to see similar consultation at 26 schools citywide. of the playground allowed the school to reduce the number of supervisors and manage their resources more effectively. Another benefit is the positive effect on the behaviour of students. Vandalism, truancy and bullying in poor quality school buildings have all been reduced or eliminated when students feel valued by a campus that’s a pleasure to use. Schools that have good quality buildings are also better able to attract and retain teaching staff. So in May this year the government formally announced that a minimum design standard would come in to force in early 2010. The standard has been Teachers and pupils from the sample schools took part in development workshops, facilitated by DEGW, the local authority’s client design advisor. Three whole-day, whole-school workshops looked to match spatial and design requirements with the new teaching and learning models that the schools are using. DEGW also ran three school staff InSETs later in the process with all four schools, talking to every member of staff, including administrative staff. Young people in Wolverhampton also worked with the Sorrell Foundation in workshops that brought young people together with architects to discuss design. Each school appointed two student ambassadors who were encouraged to think about what design meant in everyday life. 360˚ Issue 20 Left © A&M Photography Ltd Right © CABE/Dave Morris Below © Christian Smith CABE believes that there are 10 essential criteria for a well-designed school. Its schools design panel uses these to assess if a proposal is good enough: created to ensure that local authorities get the best design for their BSF schools. Any that now fall short of the standard will not get built, so taxpayers will be guaranteed value for money from the government’s investment. Only those graded as ‘very good’ or ‘pass’ will be able to proceed through procurement and into construction. The CABE-led schools design panel assessing schemes now includes education experts, such as Andrew Flack, a former teacher and director of children’s services, as well as specialists in landscape design and sustainability. 360˚ Issue 20 The views of teachers, pupils and other stakeholders will also now be fed into panel discussions (see box opposite). These will be gathered through a series of exercises using the design quality indicator tool. The DQI tool helps the users of the school building, including teachers and pupils, to develop and record their hopes and ideas for the new or refurbished school building. There’s a lot more information about the work of the schools design panel, and how the minimum design standard will work, on the CABE website www.cabe.org.uk 1. Identity and context: making a school the students and community can be proud of 2. Site plan: making the best use of the site 3. School grounds: making assets of the outdoor spaces 4. Organisation: creating a clear layout for the buildings 5. Buildings: making form, massing and appearance work together 6. Interiors: creating excellent spaces for learning and teaching 7. Resources: establishing an environmental strategy 8. Feeling safe: creating a secure and welcoming place 9. Long life, loose fit: creating a school that can adapt and evolve 10.Successful whole: making a design that works in the round. 07 Looking towards° Japan Japan finds space for people power Manabi-no-Mori is a beautiful park in Kakamigahara City, Japan. Since opening in 2005 it has been a huge success. It is an outstanding example of inclusive design and a beautiful green public space, maintained by local people. Hannah Loizos reports Manabi-no-Mori is a remarkable new public space in the heart of Kakamigahara City in central Japan. Built on a redundant 40-hectare site – home to a local agricultural college that closed in 1985 – the new park’s name translates as ‘Learning Forest’, referring to the site’s former use. The site already contained a local park for children’s play, but it lacked a place where adults could relax and enjoy green space alongside their children. Manabi-no-Mori’s design encourages elderly people, families with small children, and university students to mix together in a varied landscape that caters for all. “Local people were involved in the design consultation phase for the park’s development and they continue to play a part in its management” Learning through doing The park is packed with features that encourage natural play and informal learning. Young people are invited to explore and experiment through areas which have in-built surprises such as mist sprinklers buried in the flat grassy areas. There’s also a dedicated slope for grass sledging. Schools use the park to teach. One school’s grounds directly back on to the park, allowing subjects such as biology and art to be studied outside very easily. Well-maintained parks like this can provide a stimulating environment for formal learning. 08 360˚ Issue 20 Back in England The next issue of 360˚ will be dedicated to green skills and public space – and we want to hear your experiences of working with young people in parks and green spaces. Further information www.cabe.org.uk/casestudies/manabi-no-mori www.diplomaelbs.co.uk www.cabe.org.uk/ public-space/skills Students are being encouraged to take up green skills through the diploma in environmental and landbased studies that starts in September. But how can we open up other opportunities and inspire interest earlier on? If you have a story to contribute please contact Lydia Coelho education@ cabe.org.uk, by Friday 06 November. · Kakamigahara City is in central Japan and has a population of 136,000 · After an agricultural college closed in 1985, the 40-hectare site was disused until Manabi-noMori opened in 2005 · Since opening, the city has won the Prime Minister’s ‘Green City’ Award. © Mikiko Ishikawa All other images © Hideya Yamashita Adults can learn too Adults in Kakamigahara City also have opportunities for learning at the park. Local people were involved in the design consultation phase for the park’s development and they continue to play a part in its management. The local authority established a voluntary park ranger program when the park opened, inviting local residents to participate in planting, cleaning and maintenance. With the necessary equipment and insurance provided by the council, residents were able to learn the skills they needed to maintain the park. There are now 1,750 volunteer rangers working in the park on a regular basis. Local people’s sense of ownership helps prevent vandalism. England’s green space sector is facing a crisis as it struggles to attract and retain young people in its workforce. Many are unaware of the jobs available, and do not know how to get into a career in this area, or whether they have the skills required. Teaching and learning in action° Opening a window on the past The project, for key stage 3 students, focused on three streets in the Lanes, a historic part of Brighton now packed with shops and restaurants. Using street directories, the students delved into the history of the buildings. In school, they carried out internet and library research. Out of school, they explored archives, old maps and census data at Brighton Museum. Visiting the streets proved a turning point. The students’ list of names and addresses became real places, lived in and worked in by real people over hundreds of years, bringing the past to life in a vivid and exciting way. Inspired by their research, the students decided to create a film documentary. To add colour, they dressed in period costume and retold the story of three buildings through the eyes of historical characters – a Belgian chocolatier, a wealthy hairdresser and the impoverished child of a large brewery family. 10 Right © Alys Tomlinson Below © Cardinal Newman Catholic School Gifted and talented geographers and historians from Cardinal Newman Catholic School, Brighton, recently took part in ‘A window on the past’ with Brighton and Hove’s museum service. The project was developed by Brighton teacher Kate Forbes, as part of the CABE-led Engaging Places network. Project aims and impact Putting the film on the school’s intranet has created an appetite for local history. Year 7 students now visit the local history centre and use census materials and street directories. Guided tours of the past have become learning walks, with students exploring the streets and finding things out for themselves. As Kate Forbes says: “the project has opened students’ eyes to the variety of ways that you can uncover historical information”. ‘A window on the past’ followed the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency (QCDA) framework for delivering a compelling learning experience. The teacher wanted to increase students’: · curiosity about the built environment · understanding of how we are shaped by where we live · attainment in geography and history · confidence, independence and teamwork skills. The students learnt by: · exploring how local streets have changed over time This project is part of the Engaging Places network. To find out more, visit www.engagingplaces. org.uk/network · researching the lives of particular buildings · making a short film for other students. The students are now: · more aware of the physical face of their town and what it can tell them about the past · more confident when working in teams and with outside experts · reaching new heights of enthusiasm and attainment in geography and history. 360˚ Issue 20 Education at the architecture centres° Open up! For the seventh year running, Open House is giving secondary schools across London the opportunity to explore an inspiring London building, guided by an architect. The programme is free to state schools and includes InSET days for teachers to support the learning back in the classroom, ensuring it ties in with the key stage 3 and 4 curriculum. To find out more, email Ros Crocker rcrocker@ openhouse.org.uk For details of your local architecture and built environment centre, as well as news, activities, events and programmes in your region, go to www.architecturecentre.net Lord Mayor’s Show To see the model and the rest of the procession go to www. lordmayorshow.org/ visitors for visitor information. Right © Beam Below Left © Michele Turriani On 14 November, the Lord Mayor’s procession will wind through London, travelling over three miles. As part of the show, the Building Exploratory will unveil a model designed with year five students from Sebright Primary School, Hackney. The model was commissioned by the City Bridge Trust and celebrates 800 years of managing the five bridges linking the City to south London. Inspired by nature Explore the work of Japanese designer Ryumei Fujiki this autumn with a visit to Beam in Wakefield. Until 23 October the architecture centre is exhibiting the Aqua-scape, Fujiki’s ‘floating’ sculpture inspired by organic form and the Japanese art of origami. More information can be found at www.beam.uk.net/gallery Left © Alys Tomlinson Right © Robert Clack School of Science The Architecture Centre Network co-ordinates, supports and advances the work of architecture and built environment centres. The Big Draw To celebrate The Big Draw’s 10th birthday this October, architecture centres in the South West are hosting architecture-inspired drawing events for all ages. Architecture Centre Devon and Cornwall (ACD&C) is collaborating with the University of Plymouth on 28 October to draw the city red, blue and green. ACD&C will also be at the Eden Project on 30 October, exploring the architecture of ‘the Core’ building through drawing. The Architecture Centre Bristol is holding a family event on 10 October to celebrate overlooked, everyday and unique bits of Bristol. There will also be an opportunity to get involved in creating a giant alphabet to be displayed in the gallery after the event. Details of all Big Draw events across the UK can be found at www.campaignfordrawing. org/bigdraw On 16 October CABE and the Big Draw are running a teacher’s workshop. If you would like to attend go to www.engagingplaces.org.uk for more details. 11 CABE helps schools design the campus and teach the curriculum We offer expert advice to schools rebuilding or refurbishing their buildings or grounds. And we deliver resources and programmes that help teachers use the built environment to inspire learning about any subject at every age. Sign up online to CABE’s network of teachers and other professionals. You’ll get free copies of 360˚ magazine mailed to you direct www.cabe.org.uk/360 CABE education resources Engaging Places www.engagingplaces.org.uk Supporting teaching and learning through buildings and places. The website is packed with ideas and information, including best practice case studies and teaching resources for all key stages. To sign up to the newsletter, go to the website home page. Help Engaging Places grow. We want to hear about your favourite place and what young people can learn from it. Send your ideas to [email protected] Key stage 2 Neighbourhood journeys: making the ordinary extraordinary Using the local built environment as a context for learning in and around the school. Our street: learning to see This revised cross-curricular teachers’ guide provides numerous ideas and suggestions for making a visual analysis of a street, and includes a CD ROM of images. Key stages 3 and 4 Green Day Green Day is a one-day event for schools about climate change and the built environment. Getting out there: art and design local safari guide Five ideas to support teachers in using local buildings, places and spaces for teaching. 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