MONUDS 2011 5th- 8th May 2011 Strasbourg “How to treat migration in times of emergencies” A Model United Nation Simulation organized by the Master students of Relations Internationales of ITI-RI, Université de Strasbourg and the Master students of European Public Administration of Hochschule Kehl The simulation is part of the European Seminar “L’Europe et les enjeux internationaux” in Kehl, Strasbourg and Brussels of the ITI-RI, Universitè de Strasbourg and the Hochschule Kehl from 5th to 10th May 2011, supported by the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW/OFAJ) 1 Programme (of 02/05/11- subject to change) Thursday, 5th May 2011 Venue: ITIRI- Strasbourg 10h00 Arrival of the groups t.b.a Reception and presentation of the programme: Eckhart HÖTZEL, Director of ITI-RI, Université de Strasbourg Gert FIEGUTH, Study Dean of Master programme “ European Public Administration”, Hochschule Kehl Madjid BOUZAR, Responsible of the Section “Relations Internationales”, ITI-RI, Université de Strasbourg 10h30-12h00 Anne MASSERAN and Gert FIEGUTH: Intercultural Integration 12h00 Lunch break Restaurant Universitaire 13h30-15h00 -Plenary Session- Amphi, ITI-RI 1. Opening of the 3rd session by the President of the General Assembly. 2. Minute of silent prayer or meditation. 3. Organization of work (announcement of the programme of the conference and reminder of the main rules of procedure) 4. Call on the participants (???) 5. Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: reports of the General Committee. 6. Opening speeches of the delegates (1 min each delegate) 15h00-15h30 Break t.b.a 15h30-16h30 Amphi, ITI-RI 7. Presentation of the draft resolution 8. Begin of the debates 9. Closing of the plenary meeting by the president 2 18h00: Reception at the Town hall of Strasbourg (Venue: Hôtel de Ville de Strasbourg, 9, rue Brûlée, behind Broglie square in the city centre: tram station “Broglie”) N.B: Last bus Nr. 21 from stop Aristide Briand departs at 21:44 to Kehl! No night bus! Friday, 6th May 2011 Venue: ITIRI- Strasbourg 09h30-12h00 -Committee Session- Amphi, ITI-RI Committees’ venues: - “Environmental Refugees” (room Athènes), - “Refugee Policy: Instability and War” (room Irkautsk) - “Irregular Migration” (room Granada) 1. Opening of the session by the Chairperson of the respective committee 2. Organization of work, adoption of a committee agenda 3. Debates on the draft resolution, amendments, negotiations and drafting of new resolutions 12h-13h30 Lunch break t.b.a 13h30-16h30 4. Last Committee Work “Environmental Refugees” (room Athènes), “Refugee Policy: Instability and War” (room Irkautsk) “Irregular Migration” (room Granada) Closing of the committee meeting by the Chairperson 18h00 - open end Party: Soiréee de Crepes 3 t.b.a N.B: Last direct connection to Kehl: 21 h26 Tram stop C ”Universities“ (direction Rodolphe Roos) and change 21h 44 Bus Nr. 21 ”Jean Jaures” (direction Kehl) Last bus Nr.2 to Pont du Rhin (last stop in France, close to Europabrücke): 23h39 Tram C “Universities “(direction Rodolphe Roos), change at “Esplanade” 23h46 Bus Nr. 2 “Esplanade” (direction Pont du Rhin), walk or taxi Night buses within Strasbourg Saturday, 7th May 2011 Venue: ITIRI- Strasbourg 10h00-12h30 -Plenary Session- Amphi, ITI-RI 1. Opening of the meeting by the President of the General Assembly. 2. Organization of work 3. Adoption of the agenda and allocation of items: reports of the General Committee 4. Voting about the final version of the resolution 5. Delivery of awards and certificates 6. Minute of silent prayer or meditation. 7. Closing of the session by the President of the MONUDS General Assembly, Acknowledgements 12h30 Visit to Strasbourg centre with cultural and student sights concluding to a pique nique t.b.a Main coordination: Alexander Ilg and Anna Issayeva Address of ITI-RI Strasbourg: Building PANGLOSS (on the campus Esplanade, building on the university map Nr.59) rue de Rome (next to the bank BNP Paribas) 67084 STRASBOURG Bus/ Tram stop: Esplanade 4
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