III :~~:~ -R~:~~~~f:~tI~~~. Jrca~~~i I NARBERTH MEN! !~~;~:sa~r:r;:k~:w:~le .~ PRICE TWO CENTS NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY. APRIL 19, 1917 VOLUME III. NUMBER 28 "First Aid"I . ----;1 ENTHUSIASTIC ------ ATTENTION! MERION Mr. and Mrs. William R. Parker have II Important Mej~ting Thursday I returned from .Ne:",_ York where they Evening This Week Not a have been vIsitIng Mrs. Parlter';i I • ' . • '. i MIlitary Orgamzatlon I,brother, Mr. A. Diehl. ! I l-R -O -LL OF HONOR-' MEETING Ii Unit of Home Defense Reserve Organized Tuesday evening a largely attended : II! Ii mhO! Thursdav evening April 19 an im- meeting was held in Merion, under , , ' .' ' . . the auspices of the ~erion Civic As- I , have been visiting their daughter, portant Town Meetmg will be held In sociation, to form a local unit of the I NAVAL COAST DEFENSE nESERVE Mrs. CLement Booth, have returned to Elm Hall at S o'clock, to organize Home Defense Reserve. Mr. Edward i their home in Springfield, Mass. JAMES COOK the Narberth Unit of the Home De- Bok, president of the AsSoci~tion, .inGEORGE McCAIG tense Resreve. Every man in Nar- troduced the speakers, mcludlng I PERRY REDIFER The Second Pocket Tournament was berth should attend thi!> meeting. George W~ltworth Carr, Mr. Will- i Hetty .nuxwl"s Gossip. LESTER JEFFERIES won by J. Cooke, who r,eceived a silver George Wentworth Carr, William iam DeKrafft. Major Mills and Captain! WALTER NASH cnp, and Charles McCarter, who re- DeKrafft and Captain Donaghy will Donaghy. Chief of the Lower Meriou I HENRY C. HOWES ceived a handsome one as second probably address the meeting, ana e::- Police Department. FRANKLIN FOSTER . i ltE~II~()En FRANK WINNE prize. plain the details of the organization, Mr. Carr clearly defined the obJects! MARINE COIlPS ~\ 11 11 l1al MeetIug, ('Ivie Assoeiation which will be in conformity with the of the Reserve, which are in no sense i JOSEPH LIGHT Ho not forget the l1uUl1ul meeting :'\arberth Boys' Club, five mall or.ganization effected in Merion Tues-I military: bl~t to act ~s aids to lo~ai : )[AUIN}; AVIATIOX of the Narberth ('hie AssoeluUon, bowling team, defeated the Franklin dav evening. (Read report of this authoritIes In preserv11lg order dUflng I NORMAN KRIEBEL 'l'hllrsdI1Y eveulu!l'. S o'clock, Allril Boys' Club in bowling Saturda)', the m~eting, in another column). any contingeney that ma)' arise. 'I'hel'e I :ilL\UINE UESEUn;S :lllth, at the Y. ll. t. .\. 14th. by winning the entire three The movement in' Narherth wa~ is to be nothing of I he "tin soldier" i F. C. IRWIN started by Postmaster l<::dwal'll S. element; no military tltieH nor gin- i .\ large utteutlllllee is urged, to games. Our Town desires to publish HawH, Mr. B. T. While, Mr. Willian. gerbread uniform,;. The head of each! discuss wells lire to light flies, I a complete list of all Narberth lIIosqultos 111111 other meuaees to A meeting to organize a company to Pugh, Jr., A. J. Loos and others. nnit is ealled the director. The (llrectmen who are in the service. If JIN1Ith. their friends will adVise PostI receive instructions on Home Guard These gentlemen, and Dr. R. C. Holl'- or appoints a numher of aids, and the master Haws of their whereHon. }'letcher W. Stites "'ill de- : duty, Thursday evening at the fire man, Hohert G. Savill, C. P. Cook. at- member,,; respond to any eall that may' abouts from time to time a copy Ih'er an elolluent l1ull forceful ud- I house. at eight o'clock. All men over tended the Merion meeting. rarlse. It is not the idea to have them of Our Town will be sent to dress on mattt>rs IIf the highest ,thirt)'-five years come out. It should he clearly understollli tha, armed. except with cluhs or "night them each week. I civic interest. this is not a military organizati" sticks;" members ealled upon to 110 . A little fresh paint and the vigorous Simply a bol1y of men. from eigHteen patrol ~Iut~: will d? so. in p.a~rs. Those: - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - Do not forget Clean-Up Da)'s, April I use of the scrub brusil make morals years of age IUlll upwardA. to be in who WIsh IIlstrllctlOn III nnhtary drl1l I (Continued on Third Page) . (Continued on Second Page) will have a eompetent ~nstructol', ~nd 24, 25 and 26. "1'. 1\• and Mrs. Geol'ge Lyon, 'The following boys of Narberth have answered the call for the defense of our country: NATIONAL GUAllDS JAMES McQUISTON, 1st Regt. CLARENCE HUMPHREYS, 1st Regt. EARL DICKIE, 3rd Regt. II : THE FIRESIDE I II I -::==~~===:=:::====~~===~~==~~====~=== Do not for get Clean-Up Days, April! :: 25 and 26. ~4, Mrs. A. K Siler .entertained cards on Tuesday. at' e CLEAN-UP. PAINT-UP, REPAIRl MAKE THIS THE TOWN BEAUTIFUL Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Pepler and family, have returned to Narberth. ))onald Laird has been quite ill a: his home on Woodside avenue. By Making YOUR Home Beautiful. Everybody Help! i\ll'. Joseph l<~. Laird, of Philadelphia, spent Sunday in NariJ,erth. Wagons will collect rubbish on the South Sr'de ·on Tuesday, April 24th; on the North Side, Narberth Avenue and East, on Wednesday, April 25th; on the North Side, Essex Avenue and West, Thursday, April 26th. Remember these dates and have your rubbish ready for the collector. Any further information regarding these clean-up days may be had by telephoning Mrs. H. R. Cook, Jr., Chairman of Civics, or Mrs. W. M. Cameron, President, Community Club. Miss Mason, of l"ew York is a guest of I"er sister, Mrs. George B. Abele. It's a boy. of Dr. Harry He came to the home 1'~. Hartley on Sunday, l\Iiss Eleanor Wilson, of South Narherth avenue, spent Sunday in Atlantic City. eI24Ih' Apr.eI2t=lh' "e April26lh'. Apr. MRS. IMOGEN B. OAKLEY possibly he armed With regulatIon ifles' TO SPEAK Ir M~: \Vllliam P. Gesr was unanhnolls- . Iv electe{l direetor of the Merion Unit, --Ithe ;nd nearly everyone who attended, is to he hoped that every rell!meeti;lg ,;ig;led the applIeation (lent :'\arberth...whether he o~vn,,; It ! Of. I·ropert~ {'al'll for membership. or not, \\ III show the nght by attending the "Civic H.ally" held on Monday evening, April 2~, S 1'.;1., in the ('ommunity Rooms ,01 the 'I. M. C. A. You wili be well repaid for any effort you may make ,~o attend this meeting. Mrs. Oakley iH just hrimming over with information and hel?ful sug~estions on civic mattel's. 'Iou owe It to yourllelf and the . eommunity in which you live to come and hear what she has to say. Monda~' evening. April 23, S P. M. Don't forget the date. : ~'pirit ! to be ! IAMERICAN NATIONAL : RED CROSS , II l Co-operation . I shIp Opened I I Set Asked-Memberto All-Purpose Forth-Notes of Interest I I Membership in the Red Cross does not involve any financial obligation, other than the payment of dues. I The American Red Cross asks tile I I ~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~o-operatlon of every man, woman and ehild in the United States in its ef- THE LYCEUM COURSE The Lyeeulu Course ended it,,; series of lee1Ul'es and entertainments on j"ridar '-,vening, April 10. MillH Marion fort to increase its membership. Any ('(lc',I,' C'.{III"III(lel! tile serl'e8' '\'1' til Iler Miss Mildred Harris and Miss Mar· tUB, st;UVU.'E };XA,JU~A'rIO~ Idtizen or resident of the United States . illustrated~ leeture on Greece. garet Mayes spent the week with Miss Clerk or its dependencies may become a All those who have attended this •lai\C Laird. An examination for clerk will be member of the American Red Cross, ~el'ies this winter have heen well hy the pay.mel.lt of due.s in the Class. of pleased and pl'onoullced it a great S'IICMr. William S. Horner is spending mem 1.leI'S IliP~ 11l.0 held at28 th,e post office in this city on ' t w IlIC II IIe (eSlr I e s ('ess mall)' of his week ends at Atlantic April 1917 . ". ,'IS. ,'111 tl Ie ta ient pOAsesselI ree, . eleetlOn. .bach member (except an-: ognizeli abilit.,·. The roceeds from ('It~· this spring. Age limit, 18 to 45 years on the date nual) receIves the Red Cross montllly .. _ '. . p ') of the examination . till:; I_y~eum Course were donated to Be sure to leave S atur d ay, May 1 -'. . '. • , The last meeting of the Boy Scouts I maga~me. . the Y. 1\'1. C. A., as a com liment from op,en for Baby Day. An extensive pro-: Married women Will not be adml.ted 'of Troop 1 Narberth was held on I It IS the only volunteer relief (Jr- . . . P l e d ' t tl exami ation This prohlbitio~ ' i : the 'Vomen s Commulllt,·. Club . . gram that all wll 1 enjoy JS p ann . ; 0 Ie n . " Friday April 13. The meeting was ganization for war or civilian disaster' · however ' does not apply to women . 1 I U S tates G ov-! Mr. Frank -------;----I . . I who· f I opened. as usual. recogmzec )y the nlted W.- Calvert formerly of Mr. and Mrs. ". H. Cohlc and Mrs. I are dIvorced, but they ar,e ehglb e o r . , . ernment, by act of Congress, and' ' 130 Imer (tl latter's sister) sent' appointment only as clerk. tuIl 011 Unrgess Rellr, .. . I Narberth, but now of Swarthmore, was ug J.e . ' P . . I' b h " 11 The Scouts first marched in a body PreSIdential proclamation. Its ac-: so unfortunate as to have a fire at his the week-end at SeaSIde Park, N. J. App icants must e p YSlCa y . countH are audited by tIle United i : sound, and male applicants must lJe to the home of Burgess George M. '. . i new home on Wednesday. The damMr. and Mrs. William Cameron en-' not less than 5 feet 4 inches in height Henry and presented him with a let!er (Contmued on Tlllrd Page) Iage. however, was not very great. tertained Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim FOII-! in bare feet, and weigh not less than offering t? th~ community and ~overntaine, of Philadelphia, over the week- 125 pounds without overcoat or hat. m.ent their aid, if called upon III case end. For application blauks and for fUll of emergency. . information relativ,e to the examina-' Two new Scouts psssed theIr tender!\ir. J. F. Purse and son Monroe, of tion, qualifications, duties, salaries, i foot tests after the Scouts returned 1.~lmwood avenue, left last Sunday for! vacations, promotions, etc., add res'> 'to the Y. M. C. A.-Anderson and a trip to Florida and otlter Southern I immediately i Wnrd. The meeting did not really points. MISS MABEL E. ARMOUR, ! start till then, however. T~e secreAny girl can learn in two short hours that which many a married · Secretary, Board of Civil Service I tary, that is the troop sC1'1be. read woman has learned only through years of strenuous experience-and some haven't learned at all. No correspondence school can teach it. The friends of Mrs. F. W. Stites are: Examiners, Post Office Narberth, Pa, . the minutes of the preceding meeting. Only by witnessing actual demonstrations and thrillingly realistic glad to welcome her home again. Mrs. The patrol reports were then called scenes can this important knowledge be acquired. Therefore, you must Stites bas been staying with friends NorrieI': for, resulting as follows: . secure tickets forin Ohio. Klmgaroo Patrol · Thcl'e will be a meeting of Council,: This patrol holds Its meetings every Miss Bertha Piggott returned to in Council Chamber, on April 23, 1917, other week and this one happens to JS'arberth last Sunday, after spending I' at 8 P. M. for the consideration of be an odd week, so the patrol had a week at her home in l"orth Chalms- changing the location of Hampton ave- nothing to report. for(l. Mass. In~e and Iona avenue, North of ".'ood.'Iying Engle Patrol i bme avenue. This patrol held its last meeting at Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Bullwinkel. of I All property OW\1el''; are' requested the home of Ellsworth Riley with all Brooklyn, N. Y., al'e visiting the!r! to be preHent. bnt one member present. daughter, Mrs. G. A, I_ough, of Wood- i (;. ". Noel. Seal Patrol sille avenue. i Secretary. This patrol had its last meeting at the home of !\Jr, Cole and received two new members. This meeting was a sort of a reorganization meetln~ To the Editor of Our Town: and from now on there will be someThe Fire Committee has very kindly offered the Fire Hall thing doing In the Seal Patrol. A for use in organizing a home guard, therefore I request all meeting was held at the home of EdButler's "Pigs is Pigs" is famously funny, and. he writes just as win Coggeshall Monday. April 16. All married men of the ~ge of 35 and over, who are interested in Seals entertainingly of other domestic animals. especially husbands. The were present but one. play will be presented by the Junior King'.s Daughters, the proceeds to this common cause. to report at the Fire Hall, Thursday night. }[r. Chalker's Talk be devoted to charity, The Arcade will be crowded-get your tickets Mr. Arthur Chalker gave us a fine the 19th. at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of organizing. early-36c and 60c. . . talk on the evils of intemperance at B.T. WHITE. (Continued on Fourth Page) ~:;:;:;:;:;:;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;:;:;:;;;;;;:;:;;:;:;:;;:;:;;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;;;=:;:;;:;:;;;:;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;;:;:;;dJ !: Ii' LOCAL BOY SCOUTS OFFER THEIR SERVICES TO THE COMMUNITY I . HOW TO TREAT AHUSBAND ARCADE THEATRE MONDAY EVENIN6, MAY 7TH -,
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