HOW TO USE THIS GUIDE This guide contains a large collection of reports that are currently programmed into the Center Management System as of the date of publication. For each report listed, a descriptive narrative is provided along with an accompanying report sample. The report sample may have numbers in bold that correspond to the narrative items on the left side of the page. The reports are categorized according to the particular program under which they appear within the Center Management System and have been divided into individual sections within the guide. The first page of each section contains a Table of Contents for that section only. For example, reports pertaining to the Daily Reporting System (DRS) will be listed beginning with page DRS-1, DRS-2, etc. i This manual was based on Control Desk Software Version 3.2/CCD471. Refer to the Release Notes sent with Software Update diskettes for any changes or additional features that occurred after release of this manual. The Frameworx™ concept is a trademark of Brunswick Indoor Recreation Group. Bowler Express is a registered trademark of Computer Sports Systems, Inc. Copyright © July 1997 by Brunswick Indoor Recreation Group. All rights reserved. Past Revisions: June 1996, November 1996 REPORT FORMATS QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE Vol. 1, Ver. 3 Reorder Part No. 57-900383-000 Confidential material under license. DO NOT reproduce or disclose. Brunswick Indoor Recreation Group Electronics Documentation 525 West Laketon Avenue P.O. Box 329 Muskegon, MI 49443-0329 DAILY REPORTING SYSTEM REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. Daily Report DRS-2,3 Daily listing of sales & lineage figures derived from combining shift reports of the day. 2. Period Summary (Report Between Two Dates) DRS-4,5 Same format as Daily Report. Sales and lineage figures will be a consolidation for a period of time. Used to generate weekly, monthly, etc. 3. Shift Report DRS-6,7 Same format as Daily Report. Isolates sales & lineage for shifts within a day's business. 4. League Activity Report DRS-8,9 Further definition of league & tournament activity. Can be generated for a period of time, as little as a day or as large as a year. 5. Lane Activity Report DRS-10,11 Bar graph of pinsetter activity. Used to check for uniform lane usage and to check against Daily Report of paid lineage. 6. Billiard Table Activity Report DRS-12,13 Similar information as lane activity but pertains to hours of usage on each table. 7. League Weekly Report DRS-14,15 Same format as League Activity Report, but can be printed to reflect a single league's weekly payments for lineage and/or prize fund ring ups. 8. Journal Transaction Log DRS-16,17 Line by line entry of each transaction that has occurred thru the control desk and pinsetter. 9. LIU and SIU Error Logs DRS-18,19 SIU and LIU error logs. Listing of each error and when and where it occurred. 10. General Ledger File Report DRS-20,21 Listing of manual journal entries with general ledger accounts. 11. Adjustments of Transaction Log DRS-22,23 Prints reports of who made adjustment and when. 12. Additional Department Cash Report DRS-24,25 Prints cash entry in defined additional departments, date of entry, and user name. ** Reports available from Center Management System only. ** DRS-1 COMPETITION DAILY REPORT USE: This report will reflect all revenues generated during a work day. It can be printed for any single day that is recorded in the journal log. [1] Reflects the date of the sales data. Report can be generated for a single cash drawer or as a sum of all bowling cash drawers on the system. [10] Total net revenue from shoe rental. This will reflect up to 3 different prices and any voids or refunds that may have occurred during this reporting period. [2] Reflects the actual time and date the report was printed. [11] [3] Will display each drawer's shift total that is included in this report. Total net revenue generated from any of the 20 available open departments. Any voids or refunds done during this time period will also be listed. [4] Total of all open bowling. This will be a sum of each open play price, including any specials, and the number of games bowled per rate. Directly above the total line will be a breakdown of the rates that were used during this time span. [12] Total taxes collected (PAID) for each rate of tax in the system. Two lines, per tax rate, will reflect taxes added to the sale and taxes that were backed out of a price (VAT). [13] [5] Total of all league bowling. This will be the sum of all leagues bowled, including the lineage, during this time period. Directly above the total line will be the breakdown of the types of leagues that bowled during this time span. Total monies paid out during this time span. If any pay-outs were charged against one of the 20 open departments, the department name will also be listed. General pay-outs not coded to an existing department will be listed as MISC PAID OUT. [14] [6] Total of all tournament bowling. Revenue and lineage figures will reflect lineage bowled and revenue rung up during this time span. A SUBTOTAL will be listed IF any monies are added to the additional open departments, from the office program. This line will be omitted if no additional departments are used. [7] Total of games bowled for all open, league, and tournament activity. [15] Total of all additional departments manually entered through the office program (DRS). Each one of the departments (max 40) will be listed separately, above the total line. [8] Total revenue from billiards, including each rate charged and the total hours of activity. [16] The GRAND TOTAL will include all revenues and pay-outs from the lines above. [17] The program will allow up to 9 different forms of payment, besides CASH. This area will display the different forms and their associated dollar amount. [9] Total net revenue from cue rental, if used. This total will reflect up to three different prices and any voids or refund transactions for cue sticks rental. DRS-2 DAILY REPORT [1] Date of Sales Data [2] Time report was printed [3] Specific time period of each shift with shift cash totals. [4] Total of all open play revenue and games [5] Total of all league play revenue and games [6] Total tournament activity [7] Total of all games bowled [8] Total billiards activity [9] Total cue rental activity [10] Total shoe rental activity [11] Total of all open department activity [12] Total tax collected [13] Total of all monies paid out [14] Subtotal of bowling, billiards, shoe and department revenue [15] Total of additional open department revenue entered manually thru the office program [16] Grand total of all revenues [17] Breakdown of monies received by payment types DRS-3 PERIOD SUMMARY (Report Between 2 Dates) USE: This format is the same as the Daily Report. The difference is that it can be generated for any period of time that data exists on the system. This format would be used to generate a weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annual report. Or, it could be used to generate a report for as little a time span as a minute. This period summary can also be printed for a single cash drawer, if multiple cash drawers are on the system. [1]-[3] Indicate the actual dates and time the report data covers, and the time and date the report was printed. [4]-[6] [7] [8],[9] [10] [11] Indicate totals for lineage and revenue. Each type of lineage bowled, i.e. Jr, Sr, Men's league, or tournament, is listed separately, above each total line. Tax totals. Each tax rate used will be listed separately, with a possibility of two lines per tax. One line indicates the taxes added to the sale, the other line will reflect any taxes backed out of a sale (VAT). [12] Total of all paid outs done for this period of time. Detail of the paid out items will be registered directly above the total line. This is the grand total of all games and revenue from fields 4 through 6. [13] These fields indicate activity in the billiards and shoe rental. This activity includes all paid transactions and any refunds or voids. There could be an additional field under the billiards, if the center charges cue stick rental. This will be the grand total for the entire report. If any additional department revenues were entered, via the office program, this line will be a subtotal with the additional departments listed next. The grand total will follow the additional departments. [14] If any form of payment was used, besides cash, each payment type will be listed here, with the dollar amounts for each one. Total of all open departments (maximum 20) that were used during this time frame. Total will include any refunds and/or voids. Detail of the departments used will be listed above the total line. DRS-4 PERIOD SUMMARY (Report Between 2 Dates) [1] Date of report data [2] Date report was printed [3] Period of time (date, hour, and drawer number) report is for [4] Total of all open play revenue and games bowled this shift [5] Total of league lineage bowled and revenue this shift [6] Total tournament lineage and revenue for this shift [7] Grand total of all games and revenue for this shift [8] Total billiards revenue and hours played this shift NOTE If cue rental procedure is used, sales data will be listed next. [9] Shoe rental activity this shift [10] Net total of department activity, including voids and refunds [11] Total of tax collected [12] Total of monies paid out [13] Grand total of all lines above [14] Listing of other forms of payment DRS-5 SHIFT REPORT USE: This report also mimics the Daily Report, in format, and is used when multiple z-outs occur during the business day. (Ex: Shift report is taken at end of the day shift and again at the end of the evening shift.) If the center works out of a single cash drawer, and only takes a single reading (at the end of the business day), this report would be of little use. [1]-[3] Reflect the dates and time of the report. Each shift will be time stamped at the top of the report. The "Run Date" indicates the actual date and time the report was printed. [4]-[6] These "Total" lines will reflect open play, league, and any tournament bowling that was done during this shift. [7] Will indicate the total games and revenue from fields 4 through 6. [8],[9] Net totals of billiard and shoe rental. These totals will include any voids and/or refunds. There also will be an additional line below the billiards, if the center is charging a cue stick rental fee. This will be the net total of all open departments during this shift. Any voids and/or refunds will be included. Detail of the total will be listed directly above the total line. [10] [11] Tax totals. Each tax rate used will be listed separately, with a possibility of two lines per tax. One line indicates the taxes added to the sale, the other line will reflect any taxes backed out of a sale (VAT). DRS-6 [12] Total of all paid outs done for this period of time. Detail of the paid out items will be registered directly above the total line. [13] This will be the grand total for this shift. If any additional department revenues were entered, via the office program, this line will be a subtotal line, with the additional departments listed next. The grand total will follow the additional departments. [14] If any form of payment was used, besides cash, each payment type will be listed here, with the dollar amounts for each one. [15] This total will be on the last shift report of the day. The total represents the total time the pinsetters were on for maintenance and the total number of frames that may have been cycled through. [16] This total will only be on the last shift report of the day. This will reflect the entire day's total revenue. SHIFT REPORT [1] Date sales data represents [2] Actual date report was printed [3] Listing of shift date, time, and drawer number, if center has more than one cash drawer [4] Total of open play revenue and games bowled this shift [5] Shift total of league lineage bowled and revenue collected [6] Total tournament lineage and revenue for this shift [7] Grand total of all games bowled for this shift [8] Total billiards revenue and hours played this shift NOTE If cue rental procedure is used, sales data will be listed next. [9] Shoe rental activity this shift [10] Net total of department activity including voids and refunds [11] Total of tax collected [12] Total of monies paid out [13] Grand total of all lines above [14] Listing of other forms of payment [15] Length of time pinsetters were on for maintenance and frames bowled during maintenance [16] Grand total of all shifts DRS-7 LEAGUE/TOURNAMENT ACTIVITY REPORT USE: This report supplements the Daily Report. The Daily Report lists the total games bowled and the revenue generated for leagues and any tournaments that were bowled. This report will break out each league and indicate practice and league lineage, revenues owed and revenues paid. Any tournament information will be separated, also. This report format can be generated for a single day, a period summary, or a payment history for a single league. If done for a single league, each weeks activity will be listed separately, as a line item. If the report is generated for all leagues over a period of time, the totals will be accumulated totals. [1],[2] Indications of when the report was printed and for what span of time the report is for. [8] This column will reflect what the league owed, what the league paid, and any difference between the two. [3],[4] Listing of the programmed league number and corresponding league name. [9]-[11] Will sum the activity from columns 6 and 8. [5] Actual clock time that practice mode was started, practice ended, and the time that the league ended league play. [12]-[16] Will indicate the tournament activity during the time of this report. [6] The actual lineage bowled during practice and during league play will be separated here. [7] This column will indicate how the league is being charged for lineage. [17] DRS-8 Lists further instructions on the meaning of some of the columns of information. LEAGUE/TOURNAMENT ACTIVITY REPORT [1]RUN DATE: 02/26/96 LEAGUE/TOURNAMENT REPORT [2] [5] 15:50 FROM 02/19/96 @ 7:00 AM THRU 02/20/96 @ 11:59 PM [3] [1] Actual time report was printed 10 [2] Period of time report covers [3] Programmed league number [4] Name of league [5] Start and end of time lanes were used for practice. Also, ending time of league play [6] Games bowled during practice and league play [7] Rate league is being charged [8] Fees due, fees paid, and any difference [9] Total of Guaranteed league fees [4] LEAG NAME ------ ----------------- 905 920 Total fees paid by non-guaranteed leagues [11] Total of all league fees paid END WILDCATS S.H.S SENIOR POWER 7:07 AM Tournament number [13] Name of tournament [14] Number of games bowled during practice and tournament play [15] Lineage payment for tournament [16] Total of all tournament fees [17] Details of exceptions [7] GAME 11:40 AM WED KOFFEE KLUTCH 10:53 AM 10:55 AM 950 LITTLE HOT SHOTS 11:40 AM 11:42 AM PRIZE 111 GUAR 185.00 .00 185.00 95.00 .00 95.00 70.00 .00 70.00 PAID DUE DIFF 0 33 2.00 33 2.00 66.00 66.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 -1.00 PAID DUE DIFF 0 24 GUAR .00 13.25 -13.25 .00 .00 .00 .00 1.00 -1.00 PAID DUE DIFF 12.00 12.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 PAID DUE DIFF 26.50 13.25 13.25 .00 .00 .00 2.00 1.00 1.00 PAID DUE DIFF 11:42 AM 945 [8] ------PAYMENTS----LINEAGE OTHER 0 7:10 AM 0 0 9 4.00/3 9 4.00/3 0 0 GUAR 970 WEDNESDAY SENIORS 2:03 PM 2:05 PM 100.00 5.00 1.00 PAID 0 36 GUAR 100.00 5.00 1.00 DUE .00 .00 .00 DIFF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [9]TOTAL GUARANTEED: 0 171 377.50 192.50 185.00 0 42 12.00 .00 100.00 5.00 95.00 [10]TOTAL NON-GUARAN: 73.00 4.00 69.00 PAID DUE DIFF 12.00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 DUE DIFF PAID [11] TOTAL ALL LEA: 389.50 100.00 73.00 PAID 0 213 204.50 5.00 4.00 DUE 185.00 95.00 69.00 DIFF ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [12] TRN ------ [13] NAME ------------------- [14]---GAMES--- TEST [15] PRAC TRN LINEAGE PAYMENT 0 12 100.00 5 KING OF THE HILL 8 72 240.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL ALL TOURNAMENTS [12] [6] ---GAMES--PRAC LEAG RATE ANOTHER ONES DOWN 1 [10] ---------TIME--------START END PRAC 8 84 [16] 340.00 [17] END PRAC WILL BE BLANK IF NO PRACTICE USED. END WILL BE BLANK IF NO TEAMS HAVE FINISHED DURING REPORT PERIOD. BE SURE TO LEAVE EXTRA TIME AT START AND END OF PERIOD TO INSURE THAT ALL TEAMS ARE INCLUDED IN THIS REPORT. DRS-9 LANE ACTIVITY REPORT USE: This report is a good indicator of where all the activity is occurring across the bowling center. All lanes should receive approximately the same activity. If the pattern is even across the center, the wear and tear on the lanes and equipment will be even. The information for this report is generated from the pinsetter cycle meters. If the meters are not working or are incorrectly registering cycles, this report will be false. Also, if the first method of calculating games is interrupted (bad Scorer Interface Unit), the Center Management System MUST rely on this count to calculate games bowled. It is important to make sure that all pinsetter meters are in working order. This report can also be used as a check against actual games paid for on the Daily Report. The total pinsetter cycles, divided by 11, will give an approximate number of games that should have been paid for. [1]-[3] Date and time this report was printed and dates and times this report covers. If a statement appears indicating "No Records", that means no pinsetter activity was recorded for that date. [4],[5] DRS-10 Will be the lane numbers and each lanes activity. The bar graph will change in size depending on the actual pinsetter activity. LANE ACTIVITY REPORT LANE ACTIVITY REPORT [1] Run Date: 4/18/96 8:11 AM BRUNSWICK LANES FROM 4/15/96 @ 7:00 AM THRU 4/17/96 @ 3:00 AM [2] **NO RECORDS EXIST FOR 4/16/96 [3] [1] Date and time report was run [2] Date and time report covers [5] [3] Dates no activity was recorded, if listed [4] Lane numbers [5] Pinsetter cycles on each lane 1XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 103 2XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 180 3XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 125 4 5XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 268 6XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 372 7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 344 8XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 258 9XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 155 10XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 88 11XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 281 12XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 94 13 14XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 134 15XXXXXXX 33 16XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 92 17XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 326 18XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 88 19XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 227 20 21 22XXXXXXXXXXXX 65 23 24XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 124 25 26 27 28 29XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 81 30XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 85 31 32XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 294 LANE [4] RELATIVE LANE USAGE (ACTUAL FRAME COUNT AT END OF LINE) TOTAL FRAMES FROM PINSETTER: 3817.0 AVERAGE FRAMES FROM PINSETTER: 119.3 DRS-11 BILLIARD TABLE ACTIVITY REPORT USE: This report will give the activity on the billiard tables, in hourly usage. This report serves a similar purpose as does the Lane Activity Graph. If some tables are used more than others, the wear and tear will be greater, thus causing table repairs sooner than if all tables are used evenly. The total time of usage should match the Daily Report totals. [1]-[3] Date and time this report was printed and dates and times this report covers. If a statement appears indicating "No Records" means no billiard activity was recorded for that date. [4],[5] DRS-12 This information is the break down for each table's activity. The bar graph will alter in size depending on each table's usage. The numbers at the end of each line indicate the total hours/minutes that the table was in use. BILLIARD TABLE ACTIVITY REPORT [1] Date and time activity happened [2] Actual date report was run [3] Dates no activity was recorded, if listed [4] Table numbers [5] Hours of activity on each table DRS-13 LEAGUE WEEKLY REPORT USE: This report is similar to the League/Tournament Activity Report. The major difference being that the report can be generated for a single league, and that the information will be a week to week listing of activity for the league or leagues indicated. If a center is doing the prize fund banking for a league, this will be a good report to indicate what was deposited on a weekly basis. If the center is also using the Treasury program in the League Record Service software, this report will be a good backup to the entries in the treasury program. [1]-[3] Date and time this report was printed and dates and times this report covers. If a statement appears indicating "No Records" means no league activity was recorded for that date. This report can be generated for a single league or all leagues. When starting the report, the only information necessary, besides the league numbers, is the start of the bowling season. [4],[5] Programmed league number and name. [6] Date transaction was recorded in the journal log. [7] Actual lineage that was bowled during practice and league play. [8],[9] Listing of amounts due and actual amounts paid. [10] Difference, if any, between column 8 and column 9. [11] Further explanation of any abnormalities in the report. DRS-14 LEAGUE WEEKLY REPORT [1] Date and time report was printed [2] Specific time period of data printed [3] Calendar dates when no activity was recorded [4] Programmed number for this league [5] Actual name of league [6] Date that data was entered through the control desk [7] Actual lines bowled during practice and league [8] Amount due from a guaranteed league [9] Listing of actual payments [10] Difference between columns 8 and 9 [11] Indications that payments listed may not have been on a regular basis or were not what was due in column 8 DRS-15 JOURNAL LOG (All Transactions) USE: The Journal Transaction Log is a fully detailed report of every transaction that occurred. Each time a completed action is done, at the control desk or pinsetter, that action is given a sequence number, by the system, and logged in here. This report can be generated for any time period between a minute and 400 days, depending on the data recorded in the computer. This report can also be generated to list all transactions or a specific type of transaction, i.e. just paid out transaction, or refunds only. The Journal Log is usually printed to help clarify a Daily Report that may not be balancing. [1],[2] This will indicate when the report was printed and for what period of time the information covers. [3]-[5] The sequence number assigned to this transaction, by the program, and the date and time the action occurred. [6] Lane number(s), if any, that were involved in this transaction. [7] Sheet numbers are automatically assigned to each open play transaction. The numbers could represent an actual open play sheet that was assigned, provided the house is using numbered lane sheets for open play. [8] Shoe rental transaction followed by the drawer number, if more than one cash drawer is on the system. [14] This will be a description of the transaction. This will list lane on and off, adjustments to the transaction, taxes (if added on to the sale), and open department sales. The open department is indicated by the alpha code associated to that department, preceded by a $ sign. A "v" or "r" will precede the alpha code if a void or refund transaction was recorded. [15],[16] These two columns will display the payment totals and the total of any downward adjustment that was made to the cost of the sale. [17] This column will display a single alpha character that will indicate a special condition was noted. Examples of a special condition could be that the lane was turned off after the walkdown time expired but no frames were counted. [18] This will list the User ID # of anyone that completed a password protected function. Time elapsed from the time the lane was turned on until the lane was turned off. [9]-[11] Total frame cycles from the pinsetter and game and extra frames scored for this transaction. [12] [13] The bowling rate that the lane was issued at and turned off at. This could also be the league or tournament number in use, or in the case of a billiards, the rate and collateral excepted for a billiard transaction. DRS-16 JOURNAL LOG (All Transactions) [1] Date and time report was printed [2] Period of time report covers [3] Auto sequence number, assigned by the program, to every transaction [4] Calendar date of transaction [5] Time of transaction [6] Lanes involved in transaction, if any [7] Sheet number, assigned by system, every time a lane transaction occurs [8] Time elapsed from lane on to lane off [9] Pinsetter cycles for this transaction [10] Games scored by scorer [11] Extra frames scored by scorer [12] Bowling rate lane was issued at [13] Rental shoes paid for [14] Description of transaction [15] Amount collected for sale [16] Displays any downward adjustment in the computer generated cost and that which was actually collected [17] Alpha codes denoting exceptions to the transaction. Alpha codes are listed in DRS manual [18] User ID # of person completing password protected function DRS-17 LIU AND SIU ERROR LOGS USE: Both of these reports should be used by the mechanic to help determine any scorer or lane interface problems. A detailed explanation of the LIU errors can be found in the DRS User's Guide and the SIU errors should be listed in the Mechanic's scorer manual. The LIU (Lane Interface Unit) report indicates non-routine conduct or any break in the normal operating procedures when the Center Management System is dealing with the pinsetters. This report is only available with “AS” scorers. The SIU (Scorer Interface Unit) report indicates non-routine conduct or any break in the normal operating procedures when the Center Management System is dealing with the automatic scorers. Both reports can be generated for any time period that data exist on the computer and can be anywhere from a minute up to 400 days. It is recommended that this report be printed as soon as the system is activated. After that, a routine scheduled printing should be setup between the mechanic and management. LIU Report: SIU Report: [1],[2] Listing of report printing time and time span report reflects. [1],[2] Listing of report print time and time span report reflects. [3] Sequence number assigned by system to this transaction. [3]-[6] Details of the error - when, where, and what happened. [4]-[7] Detailed listing of when, and where the error occurred and a description of the error. DRS-18 LIU ERROR LOG LIU AND SIU ERROR LOGS LIU Error Log LIU ERROR LOG BRUNSWICK LANES FROM 3/19/96 @ 2:54 AM THRU 3/30/96 @ 4:56 PM [2] [1] Date and time report was printed [3] [4] [5] SEQ# DATE TIME [2] Period of time that is reflected on report [3] Program sequence number of action [4] Date error occurred [5] Time of day error occurred 013776 013776 013776 013820 013820 013820 013820 013820 013820 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/23 3/23 7:59 7:59 7:59 9:37 9:37 9:37 9:37 9:37 9:37 [6] Lane(s) error occurred on [7] Description of error [6] [1] RUN DATE: 4/1/96 2:54 PAGE 1 [7] LANE ERROR DESCRIPTION 4 5 1 13 14 15 16 17 18 MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON MAINTENANCE ON SIU Error Log [1] Date and time report was printed [2] Period of time reflected on the report [3] Date error occurred [4] Time of day error occurred [5] Lane(s) error occurred on [6] Description of error NOTE Both reports should be given to the center mechanic. Description of errors can be found in DRS User's Guide and Mechanic's scorer manual. SIU ERROR LOG SCORER ERROR LOG BRUNSWICK LANES FROM: 1/7/96 @ 9:00 AM THRU 1/7/96 @ 12:19 PM [2] [3] [4] DATE TIME LANES 1/7 1/7 1/7 9:58 10:05 10:33 3-4 12-13 7-8 DRS-19 [5] [1] RUN DATE: 1/7/96 12:38 [6] ERROR DESCRIPTION SCANNER NOT TALKING PRINTER OUT OF PAPER SCANNER INPUT ERROR PAGE 1 GENERAL LEDGER FILE REPORT USE: General Ledger numbers assigned to control desk revenue are listed. This report will print total dollars and will print with or without General Ledger numbers. Several options are available for changing, viewing, or printing. This report would be a consolidated hard copy of journal entries, and can include general ledger numbers, if they have been entered into the system. [1],[2] Listing of the date and time the report was printed and the time span this report covers. [6] Dollar value of the category. This could reflect a positive or a negative number. [3] The type of activity. [7] Total amount of revenue. [4] The center's general ledger code for this type of business. [5] Number of items sold for this dollar value, if any units can be indicated. DRS-20 GENERAL LEDGER FILE REPORT [1] Name of report and center [2] Date and time report was printed [3] Type of activity [4] General ledger account number [5] Number of items associated to dollar value, if applicable [6] Dollar amount of specific revenue [7] Total amount of revenue CASH EXPRESS LEDGER NUMBERS [1] BRUNSWICK SCORER SCHOOL PAGE 1 [3] [4] [5] [6] Category Ledger Number Units Amount 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 0900-500 170 100 30 30 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 $34.00 $17.50 $5.25 $2.85 $610.00 $5.00 $25.00 $6.00 $15.00 $150.00 $2.00 $57.38 $2.38 [7] TOTAL AMOUNT = $932.36 OPEN GAME ADULT PAID OPEN GAME JUNIOR PAID OPEN GAME SENIOR PAID OPEN GAME SPEC B PAID LEAGUE UNSUPP LEAGUE OTHER LEAGUE PRIZE FUND SHOE RATE 1 DEPT LOCKERS DEPT P/S BALL DEPT KEY DPST TAX 1 TAX 3 DRS-21 [2] RUN DATE: 04/28/96 13:36 JOURNAL LOG ADJUSTMENTS USE: This report can be generated to show any manual adjustments made to the journal log. This report is similar to the format of the actual transaction log. This adjustment report is printed to show who made adjustments, what was adjusted, and when the adjustments were made. [1],[2] Indicates for what period of time the information covers. [3]-[6] Indicates the actual date and time the adjustments were made and by whom, and the sequence number involved on the log. [7],[8] Lane numbers and sheet number, if any, that were affected by the adjustment. [9] Time elapsed from the time the lane was turned on until the lane was turned off. [10]-[13] Shows total frames, games, and extra frames involved and also the rate of bowling charged. [14] Shoe rental transaction followed by drawer number. [15] Description of manual adjustment. [16] Amount of manual adjustment. [17],[18] Indicates any special conditions involved or if a downward adjustment was done. DRS-22 JOURNAL LOG ADJUSTMENTS [1] Name of center [2] Period of time report covers [3] Date of adjustment [4] Time of adjustment [5] Name of person who adjusted transaction log [6] Auto sequence number that was adjusted on the log [7] Lanes involved, if any [8] Sheet number, if any [9] Time elapsed from lane on to lane off [10] Pinsetter cycles for this transaction [11] Games scored by scorer [12] Extra frames scored by scorer [13] Bowling rate lane was issued at [14] Rental shoes paid for [15] Description of transaction adjustment [16] Amount collected for sale [17[ Any downward adjustment in the computer generated cost [18] Alpha code denoting exceptions to the transaction. Codes are listed in the DRS User's Guide BRUNSWICK LANES [1] FROM 1/4/96 @ 3:35 PM THRU 1/5/96 @ 8:47 AM, ADJ (ALL DRAWERS [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] PAGE 1 [17] [18] DATETIMEUSER SEQ LANESSHEETELAPSEFRAMEGAME EXTRA RATE SHOEDESCRIPTION AMOUNTADJUSTEXCP 1/415:35 chuck 010111 1 - 2 00000 0:00 1/5 8:47 back 010039 2 - 2 00000 0:20 DRS-23 0 23 0 2 0 6.00/GAME 3 15.00/HOUR LANE /S ADJUST LANE /A ADJUST 100.00 .06 ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT CASH REPORT USE: Report showing manual entry of revenue to additional departments that have been designated for adding to the Daily Report. [1],[2] Name of report and the center with the date and time the report was generated. [3] Date for which additional revenues were entered to be included on the daily report. [4],[5] [6] Additional department defined in the back office for which revenues need to be included. These monies are not received by the control desk. [7] Amount of dollars manually entered for the additional departments. Time the revenues were entered and by whom. DRS-24 ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT CASH REPORT [1] Report name and place [2] Date report was generated [3] Date that manual entry was accomplished [4] Time that manual entry was done [5] Name of person who manually entered amounts [6] Additional department involved [7] Amount of monies manually entered to specific additional department ADDITIONAL DEPARTMENT CASH REPORT [1] BRUNSWICK LANES DRS-25 [2] RUN DATE: 1/5/96 9:36 PAGE 1 [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] ENTRY TIME/USER DEPARTMENT AMOUNT 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/5 9:35 back 9:35 back 9:35 back 9:35 back 9:35 back 9:35 back 21-TROPHIES 22-SHIRTS 23-LOTTERY 24-RENT S/B 25-RENT P/S 26-BANQUET DEPOSIT $ $ $ $ $ $ 21.00 .54 200.00 100.00 10000.00 122.55 CONTROL DESK REPORTS REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. Shift Report CD-2,3 Quick reference report for the total of the shift sales, listed by department totals. Total lineage for open, league, and tournament are listed at end of report. 2. Transaction Receipts CD-4,5 Sales transaction print-outs. Listing of each item sold. Can be reprinted on demand. ** Available from Center Management System.** CD-1 COMPETITION SHIFT REPORT USE: This report is generated from the control desk terminal. It can be directed to print on the control desk receipt printer or the office printer, whichever the management decides. This report is designed to be a quick reference to the sales generated this shift. Each type of bowling is displayed with corresponding dollar values. League and tournament payments are shown, as well as any open department sales. If taxes are added to the sale, they will be listed separately. The total line will reflect the net sales for this shift. Pay-outs, voids, and refunds will have been deducted from this line. Below the total line will be a listing of open, league, and tournament lineage. These will be listings of actual scored games and any extra frames that were bowled. This report can be printed any time during the day, and zeroed any time of the day. CD-2 SHIFT REPORT CASH DRAWER #1 SUMMARY BRUNSWICK BOWLING Z-OUT #: 0138 12:02 PM USE: This report is generated from the control desk terminal. It can be directed to print on the control desk receipt printer or the office printer, whichever the management decides. APR 2 OPEN/GAME OPEN/TIME OPEN/FLAT SUBTOTAL This report is designed to be a quick reference to the sales generated this shift. Each type of bowling is displayed with corresponding dollar values. League and tournament payments are shown, as well as any open department sales. If taxes are added to the sale, they will be listed separately. 13.00 9.45 .00 22.45 * LG/LINEAGE 659.50 LG/PRIZE 125.50 LG/OTHER 75.00 TOURNAMENT 125.75 BILLIARD 13.00 SHOES( 1.00) 3.00 SHOES( .75) 3.00 CANDY –.35 COOKIES –.50 LOCKERS 12.00 P/S BALLS 109.00 P/S BAGS 56.90 P/S SHOES 75.00 TAX( 4.000%) 31.41 TAX( 5.000%) .65 TAX( 5.000%) 12.05 _________________________ TOTAL 1323.36 The total line will reflect the net sales for this shift. Payouts, voids, and refunds will have been deducted from this line. Below the total line will be a listing of open, league, and tournament lineage. These will be listings of actual scored games and any extra frames that were bowled. This report can be printed any time during the day, and zeroed any time of the day. OPEN GAMES: EXTRA: LEAGUE GAMES: EXTRA: TOURNAMENT GAMES: EXTRA: When this report is zeroed, an unresettable sequence control number is printed below the date and time. If there is no sequence number on the report, the “print only” option was selected — not the “zero totals and print” option. CHECKS VISA CASH CD-3 6 0 40 0 0 0 235.00 75.00 65.93 TRANSACTION RECEIPT USE: Serves as a customer receipt. Produced from the receipt printer attached to the control desk monitor. Every transaction or only selected transactions can be keyed to print at the end of the sale. A duplicate receipt can be generated, immediately after the sale, by pressing the SHEET key. Transactions will be listed as they occurred. Each line of entry will be printed, with a detail of how the transaction was paid for, i.e. cash, check, Visa, etc. The program can have nine forms of payment, besides cash. Each transaction will be date and time stamped. A five line message can be added to the top of the receipt and/or the bottom of the report. Either or both can be highlighted (in red), provided the Star Printer is used, with black and red ink. The receipt can also have any included taxes (i.e. PST, GST) printed on a separate line. CD-4 TRANSACTION RECEIPT USE: BRUNSWICK LANES _______________________________________ 2-Apr-96 11:56 AM CASH TRANSACTION Serves as a customer receipt. Produced from the receipt printer attached to the control desk monitor. Every transaction or only selected transactions can be keyed to print at the end of the sale. A duplicate receipt can be generated, immediately after the sale, by pressing the SHEET key. P/S BALLS = $109.00-T5 P/S BAGS = $56.90-T5 P/S SHOES = $75.00-T5 TAX 5: $12.05 AMOUNT DUE: $252.95 GFT CRTFCT : $100.00 VISA : $152.95 Transactions will be listed as they occurred. Each line of entry will be printed, with a detail of how the transaction was paid for, i.e. cash, check, Visa, etc. The program can have nine forms of payment, besides cash. CHANGE: Each transaction will be date and time stamped. Five lines of messages can be added to both the top and bottom of the receipt. CD-5 $.00 OPEN PLAY REPORTS REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. Center Directory OP-2,3 Listing of all open bowling groups on this computer. 2. Bowler Information Report OP-4,5 Multiple format report that will list all bowlers selected, with addresses, phone #'s, and various data. 3. Score Verification Report OP-6,7 Listing of manually entered scores. 4. Standings Sheet OP-8,9 Individual standings of selected bowlers in the open play program. Selection is based on various critiera. 5. Bowler History Report OP-10,11 Individual bowler printout with current and year to date activity. 6. Activity Report OP-12,13 Listing of year to date, open play activity. Shows monthly, the number of new bowlers and number of bowlers that have not bowled recently. COMPETITION **Available with Center Management System. Automatic interface with the AS-90 scorer is possible if v900 software is present (in scorer).** OP-1 DIRECTORY OF CENTERS USE: This report will list all the bowling center and/or group numbers that open bowlers are being entered into. The term 'center' and 'group' are synonymous. This program can be used to list bowler names, addresses, phone numbers, and scores of any person, whether they are an open bowler or not. Names can be “grouped” together for isolation purposes. Names from sister centers can be entered and kept separate from the main bowling center's mailing list. HOWEVER, if the center is going to send the bowler names to the scorer consoles during open play, those bowlers must be registered in center number one. All Center Management Systems arrive with bowling center number one already defined. The only setup procedures necessary are to change the name of the center to reflect the correct name. OP-2 CENTER DIRECTORY USE: RUN DATE: 04/18/96 CENTER DIRECTORY This will list any additional groups of bowlers that are on the computer. "Center" #1 will represent the bowling center the computer is located at. The other "Center" numbers could represent actual bowling centers that names are being retained for or different groups of bowlers within center one. CENTER # 1 2 3 4 The RUN DATE will reflect the date the report was printed. The remaining information will be a listing of any existing group/center numbers and their identifying title. OP-3 CENTER NAME JOE'S KEGGLING SALOON ROBIN'S PLACE LITTLE LAMB DAY CARE ALLENDALE H.S. PHYS. ED. BOWLER INFORMATION REPORT USE: The Bowler Information Report will list bowlers in the Open Play program in several formats. The listing of the bowlers can be in one of 3 different orders. The bowlers selected for the printout can be from seven different selection criteria. Example: List all adult, male bowlers (in alpha order) between the average of 175 and 200 who are league bowlers and have bowled within the past month. [1] Date the report was printed for. Bowling center or specific group the bowlers are listed under. Title of report and period of time the report is for. [2] Selection criteria that the following bowlers have met. Specifics as to what was used to select the bowlers and in what order they are listed. [3] The ID number from the open play program and the bowler's name. OP-4 [4],[5] Bowler's address and phone number. If no data was entered, the field will be blank. The headings will stay the same. [6] The Age column is really the Age Group. There are three different categories for the age group: Adult, Junior, and Senior Citizen. [7] Gender of bowler (Man, Woman, Boy, Girl), whether this bowler bowls in a league or not, and if the bowler is right or left handed. BOWLER INFORMATION REPORT [1] Date the report was run, the bowling center (or group) represented, and the time period covered by the report are indicated in the heading. [2] The method used to select the bowlers (one of five). [3] The open bowler ID # and the name of that bowler. [4],[5] Any address and/or phone number information in the bowler's file will be listed next. [6] The "Age" column refers to bowler type, 'A'dult, 'J'unior, or 'S'enior Citizen. [7] Additional information about that bowler. OP-5 SCORE VERIFICATION REPORT USE: This is a hard copy of any scores that have just been entered manually to the open play program. [1] Date report was printed, center/group represented, and time period report covers. [2] Open Play bowler ID # and name. [3] Current scores and total pins that have just been entered to the bowler file. [4] Sum of the bowler files that have been adjusted, including total number of games entered, total pins and a composite average for the open bowlers who have just completed bowling. NOTE This report prints automatically, at the end of the score entry routine. OP-6 SCORE VERIFICATION REPORT USE: This is a hard copy of any scores that have just been entered manually to the open play program. [1] Date report was printed, center/group represented, and time period report covers. [2] Open Play bowler ID # and name. [3] Current scores and total pins that have just been entered to the bowler file. [4] Sum of the bowler files that have been adjusted, including total number of games entered, total pins and a composite average for the open bowlers who have just completed bowling. NOTE This report prints automatically, at the end of the score entry routine. OP-7 STANDINGS SHEET USE: The standings sheet is used in the same fashion as the standings sheet for league or tournament. This report recognizes bowler accomplishments, in open play. The sheet is all by individual and the bowlers can be listed in one of five different ways: 1) By ID number, low to high. 2) Alphabetically 3) By average, high to low 4) By number of games bowled, most to least 5) By high game, high to low. The bowlers printed can be chosen from seven different criteria selections. Example: Print adult women non-league bowlers, under the average of 150, that have bowled a score of 175 or better, within the last season. [1] Date the report was printed, bowling center or group the bowlers represent, the title of the report and the time span the report covers. [5] Total scratch pins, from the total games bowled, during this time frame. [2] The order the bowlers are listed. Any specific selection criteria used will also be listed. [6] Average generated from taking the total pins bowled and dividing them by the total games bowled. [3] Open Play ID number assigned to that bowler, followed by the bowler's name. [7] Highest game bowled during this time frame. [4] Total number of games bowled during this time frame. OP-8 STANDINGS SHEET [1] Date report was printed, center/group represented, and time period report covers. [2] Method used to sort the bowlers selected (one of five ways to sort). [3] Open Play bowler ID # and name of bowler. [4] Total number of games bowled during this time frame. [5] Total scratch pins for all games bowled, during this time frame. [6] Average based on total pins divided by total games. [7] Highest game bowled over this time period. OP-9 BOWLER HISTORY REPORT USE: This report is similar to the bowler summary printed from the League Record Service program. This report can be printed at any time and will reflect the open play activity during the specified time span. The format cannot be altered, but the message file can be customized to the bowler, to the group, or to the center. This report, when folded properly, can serve as an addressed letter for envelopes with windows. [1] The date the report was printed, with the group or center information and report title. [2] This will be the open play ID number assigned to the named bowler. [3] The customized message file that has a maximum size of 10 lines by 40 characters. OP-10 [4] The bowler's address file. [5] Each month's activity for this bowler, followed by the year to date running total. [6] The highest game bowled to date. BOWLER HISTORY REPORT [1] Date report was printed, center/group represented, and title of report. [2] Open Play bowler ID number and bowler's name. [3] Customized message file, maximum of 10 lines by 40 characters. [4] Bowler address file. NOTE If report is folded in thirds, the address will fit an envelope with a window, for mailing. [5] Bowling statistics for the current month and the year to date totals. [6] Highest game bowled to date. OP-11 ACTIVITY REPORT USE: This report will reflect the center or group's open bowling activity. The report can be run at any time. The 'year' is based on a bowling center's season, September to August. The data recorded will reflect only those bowlers that are registered in the Open Play program. [1] Date report was printed, bowling center/group information is from, and title of report. [2] Month by month breakdown of number of bowlers that bowled, total games completed by those bowlers, and a composite average of those same bowlers. [3] A breakdown of the composite average from #2 above, but divided among right and left handed bowlers. OP-12 [4] The type of bowlers that generated the data above. New bowlers indicates first time registration in the Open Play program. Any number in the idle column would be existing bowlers in the Open Play program that did not open bowl that month. [5] Year to date totals of the same monthly categories. ACTIVITY REPORT 5 USE: This report will reflect the center or group's open bowling activity. The report can be run at any time. The 'year' is based on a bowling center's season, September to August. The data recorded will reflect only those bowlers that are registered in the Open Play program. [1] Date report was printed, bowling center/group information is from, and title of report. [2] Month by month breakdown of number of bowlers that bowled, total games completed by those bowlers, and a composite average of those same bowlers. [3] A breakdown of the composite average from #2 above, but divided among right and left handed bowlers. [4] The type of bowlers that generated the data above. New bowlers indicates first time registration in the Open Play program. Any number in the idle column would be existing bowlers in the Open Play program that did not open bowl that month. [5] Year to date totals of the same monthly categories. OP-13 CASH EXPRESS REPORTS REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. Menu Items in a Specific Department CER-2,3 Listing of items for sale in a specific department. Includes prices and taxes. 2. Shift Report CER-4,5 Isolates sales and items for periods within a day's business. 3. Daily Report CER-6,7 Combined report of the entire day's sales and items for all time periods. 4. Journal Transaction Log CER-8,9 Line by line entry of each occurring transaction for any time period. 5. Itemized Sales Report CER-10,11 Isolates specific PLU showing quantity and net sales for a specified time period. 6. Items for Sale at Cash Terminal CER-12,13 For reference only. Provides a listing of PLU items for sale at a specific location. 7. Paid Out Report CER-14,15 Lists any monies paid out during a specified time period at specified locations. **Available with Center Management System.** CER-1 COMPETITION MENU ITEMS IN A SPECIFIC DEPARTMENT USE: The department list should be printed for reference purposes. This printout includes department name, department number, price code, prices, and tax information. [1] The run date and department name is listed. [2]-[4] The item name and Price Look Up Number is given. A column is included to indicate whether an item is out of stock or not. Out of stock items are indicated by an asterisk. [5]-[10] The item's department number and price code is given. The three level pricing tier is listed with tax codes. CER-2 MENU ITEMS IN A SPECIFIC DEPARTMENT [1] Date report was generated, with center name, department number and name [2] Price Look Up Number of item [3] Column for indicating item out of stock [4] Item name [5] Department number [6] Price Code used to change prices of groups of items [7] Three prices available for use for same item [8] Four tax rates available for assigning to an item RUN DATE: 04/24/96 BRUNSWICK LANES [1] MENU MAINTENANCE - ALL MENU ITEMS IN DEPT 12 - LIQUOR [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] DEPT PC PLU# OUT ITEM NAME 1200 VODKA COKE 12 12 1201 VODKA SHOT 12 12 1202 VODKA ROCKS 12 12 1203 VODKA SODA 12 12 1204 VODKA TONIC 12 12 1205 VODKA & 7 UP 12 12 1206 SCREWDRIVER 12 12 1207 VODKA GRAPEFRUIT 12 12 1208 VODKA PINEAPPLE 12 12 1209 VODKA CRANBERRY 12 12 1210 VODKA GIMLET 12 12 1211 VODKA COLLINS 12 12 1212 VODKA MARTINI-UP 12 12 1213 VODKA MARTINI-RX 12 12 1214 BLOODY MARY 12 12 1301 ABSOLUT SHOT 12 12 1302 ABSOLUT ROCKS 12 12 1303 ABSOLUT SODA 12 12 1304 ABSOLUT TONIC 12 12 1305 ABSOLUT & 7 UP 12 12 1306 ABSOLUT DRIVER 12 12 1307 ABSOLUT GRAPEFRUIT 12 12 1308 ABSOLUT PINEAPPLE 12 12 1309 ABSOLUT CRANBERRY 12 12 1310 ABSOLUT GIMLET 12 12 1311 ABSOLUT COLLINS 12 12 1312 ABSOLUT MARTINI-UP 12 12 1313 ABSOLUT MARTINI-RX 12 12 1314 ABSOLUT BLOODY MARY 12 12 1401 GIN SHOT 12 12 1402 GIN ROCKS 12 12 1403 GIN TONIC 12 12 1404 GIN & 7 UP 12 12 1405 GIN & O.J. 12 12 1406 GIN GRAPEFRUIT 12 12 1407 TOM COLLINS 12 12 1408 GIN MARTINI-UP 12 12 1409 GIN MARTINI ROCKS 12 12 1410 GIN BLOODY MARY 12 12 1411 GIN GIMLET 12 12 1412 TANQ SHOT 12 12 1413 TANQ ROCKS 12 12 1414 TANQ SODA 12 12 1415 TANQ TONIC 12 12 1501 TANQ & 7 UP 12 12 1502 TANQ & O.J. 12 12 1503 TANQ GRAPEFRUIT 12 12 1504 TANQ GIMLET 12 12 1505 TANQ COLLINS 12 12 1506 TANQ MARTINI UP 12 12 1507 TANQ MARTINI RX 12 12 CER-3 PAGE 1 MENU MAINTENANCE [7] PRICE A 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 1.95 2.75 2.75 2.15 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 3.05 3.05 2.45 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 3.05 3.05 [7] PRICE B 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 1.95 2.75 2.75 2.15 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 3.05 3.05 2.45 1.95 1.95 1.95 1.95 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.15 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.45 2.45 2.45 2.45 3.05 3.05 [7] [8] PRICE C TAXES 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.20 1000 3.00 1000 3.00 1000 2.40 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 3.30 1000 3.30 1000 2.70 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.20 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.40 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.50 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 2.70 1000 3.30 1000 3.30 1000 SHIFT REPORT USE: The Cash Express Shift Report is a summary of the sales made during a shift on a specified date. The shift report includes payment types, departments, items, and tax totals. [1]-[3] Indicates date of the shift report requested, the run date and time, and drawer number. The shift range of time from zeroed shift to the next is shown. [12]-[13] Breaks out any taxes charged with description, and gives total taxes charged. [4]-[10] Shows the items sold as summarized. Lists the department number, total sales, voids, paid outs, discounts, and final total of the items sold. [11] Indicates any paid outs not specific to any department. (Note: An asterisk denotes taxes included in price.) CER-4 [14] Lists grand totals of each column. [15] Shows payment types with summarized totals. [16] Represents discounts recorded with description and totals. SHIFT REPORT SHIFT REPORT FOR 23-APR-96 BRUNSWICK LANES [1] ALL TERMINALS [2] RUN DATE: 23-APR-96 7:31 PM PAGE 1 TERM 2 SHIFT 23-APR-96 @ 5:00 AM (DAY START) TO 23-APR-96 @ 6:14 PM [3] [1] Shift report date, center name, and cash drawer number [2] Date and time report was initiated [3] Lists terminal number, date, and range of time of report [4] Department number [5] Department title [6] Total department sales for that period [7] Void or refund totals for a specific department [8] Paid out totals for a specific department [9] Discount totals for a specific department [10] Total department sales after voids, paid outs, and discounts [11] Miscellaneous paid outs not attributed to a specific department [12] Total taxes charged by title and type [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] VOID/ TITLE SALES REFUND PAID OUT DISCOUNT TOTAL DEPT 1 * BEVERAGES 20.51 .00 .00 .00 20.51 1 * OPEN BEVERAGES 2.59 .00 .00 .00 2.59 2 APPETIZERS 31.85 .00 .00 -.30 31.55 2 OPEN APPETIZERS 6.50 .00 .00 .00 6.50 4 BURGERS 17.95 .00 .00 .00 17.95 5 PIZZA BY SLICE 4.50 .00 .00 .00 4.50 6 SUBS & SANDWICHES 15.45 .00 .00 .00 15.45 7 * ICE CREAM & NOVELTY 2.50 .00 .00 .00 2.50 15 PIZZA PIES 68.40 .00 .00 .00 68.40 15 OPEN PIZZA PIES .00 .00 -20.00 .00 -20.00 17 ITAL SPECIALTY 3.60 .00 .00 .00 3.60 20 * IMPULSE SIDE SALES 2.13 .00 .00 .00 2.13 21 * PIZZA TOPPINGS 3.76 .00 .00 -.19 3.57 22 * COOKIES/CAKE 1.18 .00 .00 .00 1.18 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[11] MISC. PAID OUT -10.00 -10.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS: 180.92 .00 -30.00 -.49 150.43 [12] TAX 1 VOID/ SALES REFUND TOTAL ADDED: 8.88 .00 8.88 INCL: 1.92 .00 1.92 TOTAL: 10.80 .00 10.80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[13] TOTALS: 10.80 .00 10.80 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[14] GRAND TOTALS: 191.72 .00 -30.00 -.49 161.23 [13] Total taxes charged [15] [14] Grand total of sales with taxes minus paid outs, voids, refunds, and discounts TITLE SALES PERCENT 6.000 PAYMENT TYPE TOTAL ----------------------------------MASTER CARD $23.52 GIFT CERTIF $10.00 CASH $127.22 ----------------------------------TOTAL $161.23 [15] Payment types with totals [16] Discount types with totals [16] CER-5 DISCOUNT TYPE TOTAL ----------------------------------1 OPEN % DISC OPEN % -$.19 2 SENIOR DISC -10% -$.30 ----------------------------------TOTAL -$.49 DAILY REPORT USE: The Cash Express Daily Report is a combination of totals for all shifts during a business day. A separate daily report can be generated for each terminal. This report can be displayed on screen or printed on the printer. [1]-[3] Indicates date of the shift report requested, the run date and time, and drawer number. The shift range of time from zeroed shift totals to the next zeroed shift is shown. [12]-[13] Breaks out any taxes char ged, with description, and gives total taxes charged. [14] Lists grand totals of each column. [4]-[10] Shows the items sold as summarized. Lists the department number, total sales, voids, paid outs, discounts, and final total of items sold. [15] Lists payment types with summarized totals. [11] [16] Represents discounts recorded with description and totals. Indicates any paid outs not specific to any department. (Note: An asterisk denotes taxes included in price.) CER-6 DAILY REPORT [1] Daily report date, center name, and terminal numbers [2] Date and time of initiated report [3] Lists shift time periods covered with shift totals [4] Department number [5] Department title [6] Total department sales for that period [7] Void or refund totals for a specific department [8] Paid out totals for a specific department [9] Discount totals for a specific department [10] Total department sales after voids, paid outs, and discounts [11] Miscellaneous paid outs not attributed to a specific department [12] Total taxes charged by title and type [13] Total taxes charged [14] Grand total of sales with taxes minus paid outs, voids, refunds, and discounts COMBINED DAILY REPORT FOR 23-APR-96 [1] BRUNSWICK LANES ALL TERMINALS [2] TERM 2 SHIFT 23-APR-96 @ 5:00 AM (DAY START) TO 23-APR-96 @ 6:14 PM TERM 1 SHIFT 23-APR-96 @ 5:00 AM (DAY START) TO 23-APR-96 @ 7:18 PM TERM 2 SHIFT 23-APR-96 @ 6:14 PM TO 23-APR-96 @ 7:18 PM COMBINED REPORT [4] [5] RUN DATE: 23-APR-96 7:31 PM PAGE 1 $161.23 $463.71 [3] $115.24 [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] VOID/ TITLE SALES REFUND PAID OUT DISCOUNT TOTAL DEPT 1 * BEVERAGES 39.12 .00 .00 .00 39.12 1 * OPEN BEVERAGES 4.71 .00 .00 .00 4.71 2 APPETIZERS 59.55 .00 .00 -.30 59.55 2 OPEN APPETIZERS 10.00 .00 .00 -1.00 9.00 3 SALADS 3.45 .00 .00 .00 3.45 4 BURGERS 17.95 .00 .00 .00 17.95 5 PIZZA BY SLICE 7.35 .00 .00 .00 7.35 6 SUBS & SANDWICHES 35.75 .00 .00 .00 35.75 7 * ICE CREAM & NOVELTY 2.50 .00 .00 .00 2.50 7 * OPEN ICE CREAM & NOVELTY .94 .00 .00 .00 .94 10 * BEER 304.82 -1.75 .00 -6.32 296.84 11 * WINE 8.95 .00 .00 .00 8.95 11 * OPEN WINE 2.59 .00 .00 .00 2.59 12 * LIQUOR 126.84 -2.03 .00 -2.13 122.68 12 * OPEN LIQUOR 6.13 .00 .00 .00 6.13 14 * BAR MODIFIERS .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 15 PIZZA PIES 102.10 .00 .00 -6.95 95.15 15 OPEN PIZZA PIES .00 .00 -20.00 .00 -20.00 16 HOT DOGS 6.00 .00 .00 .00 6.00 17 ITAL SPECIALTY 3.60 .00 .00 .00 3.60 20 * IMPULSE SIDE SALES 2.13 .00 .00 .00 2.13 21 * PIZZA TOPPINGS 3.76 .00 .00 -.19 3.57 22 * COOKIES/CAKE 1.18 .00 .00 .00 1.18 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[11] MISC. PAID OUT -12.00 -12.00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTALS: 749.42 -3.78 -32.00 -16.80 696.84 [12] VOID/ SALES REFUND TOTAL ADDED: 14.28 .00 14.28 INCL: 29.28 -.22 29.06 TOTAL: 43.56 -.22 43.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[13] TOTALS: 43.56 -.22 43.34 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[14] GRAND TOTALS: 792.98 -4.00 -32.00 -16.80 740.18 TAX 1 [15] Payment types with totals [15] [16] Discount types with totals [16] CER-7 TITLE SALES PERCENT 6.000 PAYMENT TYPE TOTAL ------------------------------------MASTER CARD $23.52 GIFT CERTIF $10.49 CASH $127.22 ------------------------------------TOTAL $161.23 DISCOUNT TYPE TOTAL ------------------------------------1 OPEN % DISC OPEN % -$.19 2 SENIOR DISC -10% -$.30 ------------------------------------TOTAL -$.49 JOURNAL TRANSACTION LOG USE: The Cash Express Journal Transaction Log is a fully detailed report of every transaction that occurred. Each time an action is taken at the Cash Drawer, that action is given a sequence number by the system and is logged. This report can be initiated for any time period between one minute to 400 days. This report has several options listed with it. [1]-[2] Indicates when report was run and for what time period. [3]-[5] The sequence number assigned to the action and the date and time the action occurred. [6] The register number where action took place. [7] The type of action that took place whether a "no sale" occurred, or if a Bowler Express order was entered. [8]-[11] The quantity, menu item, cost, and pricing tier are described here. The letter "A" represents the default rate. [12]-[13] The total cost of the menu items and the payment type are listed here. [14] CER-8 The name of the person initiating the action. JOURNAL TRANSACTION LOG [1] Date and time report was printed [2] Period of time report covers [3] Auto sequence number assigned to the action [4] Calendar date of transaction [5] Time of transaction [6] Number assigned to the terminal performing the action [7] The type of action taking place [8] Number of specific menu items being sold [9] Item name and department number [10] Item cost JOURNAL TRANSACTION LOG - ALL TRANSACTIONS [1] RUN DATE: 23-APR-96 11:59 PM BRUNSWICK LANES PAGE 1 FROM 23-APR-96 2 19:10 TO 23-APR-96 2 23:50 CASH TERM(S) 1 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] SEQ# DATE TIME REG# DESCRIPTION QTY DEPTITEM COST RATE PAY TYPE TOTAL COST USER ------------------------------------------------------------------------------000363 04/23/96 07:10 PM 01 SALE 6 10 BECKS BOTTLE 9.50* A CASH 9.90 000364 04/23/96 07:10 PM 01 SALE 20 10 BECKS BOTTLE 33.00* A CASH 33.00 000365 04/23/96 07:10 PM 01 SALE 14 10 MILLER LITE BOTTL 23.10* A CASH 23.10 000366 04/23/96 07:10 PM 01 SALE 4 10 BUD PITCHER 24.00* A 5 12 TOM COLLINS 10.50* 5 10 BUD DRAFT 9.25* 5 10 MILLER DRAFT 9.25* 9 10 BUD LIGHT DRAFT16.65* CASH 69.65 000367 04/23/96 07:11 PM 01 SALE 1 12 WHITE RUSSIAN 3.25* A CASH 3.25 000368 04/23/96 07:11 PM 01 SALE 8 10 SHARP'S BOTTLE 13.20* A 8 10 MILLER BOTTLE 13.20* A DISC 1=50% -6.60 CASH 19.80 ALAN 000369 04/23/96 07:11 PM 01 SALE 1 10 PABST BL RIB BOTL 1.65* A 9 12 BLOODY MARY 19.35* CASH 21.00 00037004/23/96 07:11 PM 01 REFUND ITEMS -1 BLOODY 12 MARY -2.15* A -1 10 BUD DRAFT -1.85 CASH -4.00 SUSAN 000371 04/23/96 07:12 PM 01 SALE 1 12 B52 3.75* A DISC 3 = $$$ -.25 CASH 3.50 BILL 00037204/23/96 07:12 PM 01 BE 1 007 008 2 10 MILLER DRAFT 3.70* A 1 10 COORS BOTTLE 3.30* 2 10 SHARP'S BOTTLE 1.65* CASH 8.65 000373 04/23/96 07:12 PM 01 SALE 4 12 GIN MARTINI ROCKS 11.00" A CASH 11.00 00037404/23/96 07:13 PM 01 SALE 12 10 MILLER LITE PITCH 72.00* A CASH 72.00 000375 04/23/96 07:13 PM 01 SALE OPN 1 FIVE LIQ. 6.50* A CASH 6.50 [11] Price rate whether A, B, or C [12] Payment type [13] Total cost of sale [14] Person who is ringing up the sale as logged on to the terminal CER-9 ITEMIZED SALES REPORT USE: This report is generated when an itemized sales report is needed by department and menu item. It lists each department and shows quantity and net sales of specific PLU numbered items sold. These menu items are listed from most sold to least sold showing the percentage of sales for that day. [1]-[3] Report name with center name and the date the report was produced is listed here. The time period the report covers is also shown along with the Cash Express terminal for which the report represents. [10] [4]-[5] Price Look Up Numbers and menu item names are listed here from most sold in that department to least sold. [13] [6]-[9] Includes the price per unit and the number of items sold for that time period. The total dollar amount with tax included. Net sales are without tax. Gives the percentage of sales for a period of time for a specific item. [11]-[12] Department totals are combined for total sales. CER-10 Special symbols are explained in order to interpret the report. ITEMIZED SALES REPORT [1] Date period of report [2] Date and time report was printed [3] Number of terminals involved in report [4] Price Look Up Number unique to a sales item [5] Item description [6] Price of one item [7] Number of items sold [8] Total sales with asterisk indicating tax included [9] Net sales after taxes (less discount) [10] Percentage of sales for that day for that item [11] Column totals for a department [12] Grand total of every department sale [13] Description of special symbols ITEM SALES REPORT FOR 24-APR-96 BRUNSWICK LANES ALL TERMINALS [3] [1] [4] PLU# [6] UNIT PRICE 101 102 102 107 110 162 163 165 165 172 183 OPN [11] 200 205 210 215 224 225 235 240 260 265 270 275 OPN [5] ITEM DEPT. 1: BEVERAGES LARGE COFFEE SM DECAF COFFEE LG DECAF COFFEE GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ORANGE JUICE JUMBO COKE SMALL DIET COKE JUMBO DIET COKE SMALL DR PEPPER JUMBO DR PEPPER JUMBO MOUNTAIN DEW OPEN DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL DEPT. 2: APPETIZERS NACHOS MOZZARELLA STICKS FRIED VEGETABLES CHICKEN WINGS LOAF GARLIC BREAD BREAD STICKS FRIED MUSHROOMS ONION RINGS FRIES SMALL FRIES LARGE CURLY FRIES LARGE CURLY FRIES OPEN DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT TOTAL [2] RUN DATE: 24-APR-96 12:16 PM PAGE 1 [7] # SOLD [8] SALES [9] NET SALES [10] % OF SALES .80 .60 .80 1.30 1.30 1.45 .95 1.45 .95 1.45 1.45 3 2 1 2 2 3 4 6 4 1 6 2 36 2.40* 1.20* .80* 2.60* 2.60* 4.35* 3.80* 8.70* 3.80* 1.45* 8.70* 6.00* 46.40* 2.25 1.14 .75 2.46 2.46 4.11 3.60 7.40 3.60 1.37 7.67 5.66 42.47 .48 .24 .16 .52 .52 .88 .77 1.58 .77 .29 1.63 1.21 9.04 2.50 3.30 4.25 2.95 1.50 2.00 3.20 2.90 1.65 2.55 2.10 2.95 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 26 52 3 21 1 115 2.50 6.60 17.00 2.95 1.50 2.00 3.20 2.90 42.90 132.60 6.30 61.95 1.25 283.65 2.50 6.60 17.00 2.95 1.50 2.00 3.20 2.90 42.90 132.60 6.30 61.95 1.25 283.65 .53 1.41 3.62 .63 .32 .43 .68 .62 9.14 28.24 1.34 13.19 .27 60.40 DEPT. 4: BURGERS HAMBURGER 1.90 1 1.90 1.90 .40 DOUBLE HAMBURGER 2.60 36 93.60 93.60 19.93 3.20 15 48.00 48.00 10.22 DBL CHEESEBURGER DEPARTMENT TOTAL 52 143.50 143.50 30.56 ================================================================== [12] TOTAL - ALL DEPARTMENTS 203 473.55* 469.62 100% [13] * = TAX IS INCLUDED & = NET SALES LESS DISCOUNTS NOTE: % OF SALES IS BASED ON NET SALES (NOT INCLUDING TAX) 400 412 415 CER-11 ITEMS FOR SALE AT CASH TERMINAL USE: This report provides detailed and summarized menu rosters. The summarized roster shows item names and Price Look Up Numbers only. The detailed roster includes the department number, price code, three possible prices, and taxes. Three report options are available. [1]-[2] Report title, center name, and cash terminal number is listed. The run date and time of the report is shown. [3]-[4] CER-12 The report is listed alphabetically, by PLU #, or by order of entry with the department number and item description. ITEMS FOR SALE AT CASH TERMINAL [1] Name of report, center name, and terminal number [2] Date and time report was generated [3] Price Look Up Number [4] Item name PLU ROSTER [2] RUN DATE: 24-APR-96 11:27 AM BRUNSWICK LANES PAGE 1 [1] BRUNSWICK SNACK BAR - CASH TERMINAL #2 [3] [4] 112 BLOODY MARY 803 SUGAR MIX 770 SUPREME BAR 130 BREAD STIX 811 SWEET N LOW W/CHZ 111 TOMATO JUICE 765 CANDY CRUNCH 746 VAN/CHOC CUP 322 CHICKEN 832 W/1000 ISLAND NOODLE 526 W/BLACK OLIVES 710 CHOC CHIP 833 W/BLUE CHEESE COOKIE 527 W/CANADIAN 760 CHOC ECLAIR BACON 725 CHOCOLATE BROWNIE 323 CLAM CHOWDER 785 COOKIE SANDWICH CER-13 109 CRANBERRY JUICE 912 CREAM 780 FROZEN MILKY WAY 107 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 246 HONEY ROAST NUTS 121 HOT TEA 740 ICE CREAM SANDWCH 11 JACKPOT 775 JUMBO JET POP 821 W/EXTRA CHEESE 823 W/EXTRA PEPPERS 831 W/FRENCH 525 W/GREEN PEPPERS 830 W/ITALIAN 822 W/JALAPENOS 840 W/KETCHUP 846 W/LETTUCE 842 W/MAYO 180 JUMBO ROOT BEER 750 KING CONE 813 LEMON FOR TEA 103 LG DECAF COFFEE 105 LG HOT CHOCOLATE 10 LUCKY PULL TAB 514 MAKE IT A DELUXE 12 MATCH TICKET 182 MED MOUNTAIN DEW 523 841 854 843 851 844 820 834 522 W/MUSHROOM W/MUSTARD W/ONION W/ONION W/PEPPERONI W/PICKLES W/PIZZA SAUCE W/RANCH W/SAUSAGE PAID OUT REPORT USE: The Paid Out Report lists all paid out transactions performed during a specific period. The report can be generated for one day, one month, and between two dates or sequence numbers. The report can be generated for one terminal or combined terminals. It can also be printed with several other options. [1]-[3] The report name with time period of report, center name, and number of terminal is shown. The date and time the report was generated is also indicated. [4]-[5] The Price Look Up Number with department number is indicated. If an item is part of an open department, it is shown. [6]-[7] The number of department paid outs is recorded with the total amount of paid outs. [8] All department paid outs are totaled. CER-14 PAID OUT REPORT [1] Report name and time period [2] Terminal number [3] Date and time report was generated [4] PAID OUT REPORT FOR 23-APR-96 BRUNSWICK LANES ALL TERMINALS [3] [1] [2] RUN DATE: 23-JUN-94 7:49 PM PAGE 1 [5] ITEM DEPT. 2: APPETIZERS OPN OPEN DEPT. ------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: [6] # PAID OUT [7] AMOUNT [4] PLU # 1 --------- 65.95 -------65.95 1 --------- Price Look Up Number DEPT. 15: PIZZA PIES OPEN DEPT. ------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 20.00 -------20.00 [5] Item description OPN 3 --------- [6] Number of total paid outs DEPT. 55: PULL TABS OPEN DEPT. ------------DEPARTMENT TOTAL: 17.00 -------17.00 [7] Total of department paid out amounts [8] Grand total of all paid outs OPN MISCELLANEOUS PAID OUTS: 12.00 ================================================================== TOTAL PAID OUTS - ALL DEPT. [8] 114.95 CER-15 BOWLER EXPRESS REPORTS REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. Department Summary Report BER-2,3 Listing of cash totals by department, used to determine "best sellers." 2. Lounge/Snack Bar Transaction Log, Summary BER-4,5 Summarized listing by lane of each order with cash total. 3. Lounge/Snack Bar Transaction Log, Detailed BER-6,7 Detailed listing of entire order with receipt number, by lane; includes voided orders. 4. Lounge/Snack Bar Item List BER-8,9 Any menu item with prices, flagging, and modifier group number is listed. 5. Modifier Group Report BER-10,11 Listing of groups identified as modifiers. 6. Center Information Inquiry List BER-12,13 Report generated to list inquiries to a category for center information (How many times did someone look at an item?). 7. Center Information Signup List BER-14,15 Report listing those who want more information. 8. MECHANIC'S ALERT Trouble Call Transaction Log BER-16,17 Detailed listing, by lane, of trouble calls for a specified time period. 9. MECHANIC'S ALERT Trouble Call Summary Report BER-18,19 Summarized listing by lane and type of trouble call with total number of calls for that lane. **Available with Center Management System.** BER-1 COMPETITION DEPARTMENT SUMMARY REPORT USE: This report lists the cash totals for each department at each location of a cash terminal for a specific time period. This report is useful for determining what department is the best producer for any given period of time. [1]-[3] The report description, run date and time, and center name is included in the heading. [4] Indicates the time range of the report. [5] Department number and name. BER-2 [6] Receiving station sales totals. [7] The department number and name is included with the sales total at the different Bowler Express receiving stations. [8] Lists the total period sales by location. It also includes a grand total of sales. DEPARTMENT SUMMARY REPORT BOWLER EXPRESS DEPARTMENT SUMMARY REPORT [2] [3] [1] Report name [2] Report date and time [3] Center name RUN DATE: 15-MAR-96 9:35 AM [1] BRUNSWICK LANES DEPARTMENT SUMMARY REPORT FROM 14-MAR-96 @ 6:00 PM TO 15-MAR-96 @ 11:59 PM [5] DEPT [6] LOC 1 BAR [6] LOC 2 LOUNGE [4] [6] LOC 3 SNACK BAR [7] TOTAL 10 LIQUOR 92.00 40.00 00.00 $132.00 11 BEER 80.50* 70.00* 00.00 $150.50* 12 WINE 40.65* 14.00* 00.00 $54.65* [4] Time range of report [5] Department number and name 15 PIZZA 00.00 00.00 80.95 $80.95 [6] Receiving station sales total 20 BURGERS 00.00 00.00 78.95 $78.95 [7] Total of department sales 21 SANDWICHES 00.00 00.00 50.00 $50.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TOTAL [8] 168.55* 00.00 141.35* 309.90* [8] Grand total of location sales AN * INDICATES TAXES ARE INCLUDED BER-3 LOUNGE/SNACK BAR TRANSACTION LOG, SUMMARY USE: This report is a list of every Bowler Express order within a specific time frame. The summary includes date, time, lane number, and total cost of each order. The printout includes taxes. [1]-[4] The report title, run date, center name, and time range is included in the report. [5]-[8] BER-4 The date and time of each Bowler Express order is summarized by lane number. LOUNGE/SNACK BAR TRANSACTION LOG, SUMMARY BOWLER EXPRESS [1] SUMMARIZED TRANSACTION LOG [2] [3] [1] Report name [2] Report date and time [3] Center name [4] Date and time range of report [5] Date [6] Time [7] Lane number [8] Total cost of order RUN DATE: 15-MAR-96 9:35 AM BRUNSWICK LANES BOWLER EXPRESS TRANSACTIONS FROM 14-MAR-96 @ 9:00 PM TO 14-MAR-96 @ 11:59 PM [5] DATE 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 3/14/94 [6] TIME 9:26 PM 9:30 PM 9:32 PM 9:38 PM 9:38 PM 9:39 PM 9:39 PM 9:41 PM 9:41 PM 9:43 PM 9:47 PM 9:48 PM 9:59 PM 10:01 PM 10:01 PM 10:03 PM 10:11 PM 10:21 PM 10:29 PM 10:42 PM 10:58 PM 11:20 PM 11:37 PM [7] LANE [8] ORDER COST 37 26 15 2 13 11 8 2 16 6 14 1 6 12 22 27 17 31 7 11 15 6 10 $16.15* $ 6.60 $ 4.80* $10.62 $ 2.20* $ 3.71 $ 6.50* $16.38 $ 7.20* $18.85* $ 9.64 $12.75* $14.01 $11.94 $ 2.25* $ 3.11 $ 7.65* $ 4.22 $22.59 $ 8.49 $10.64 $ 1.55* $ 3.74 AN * INDICATES THAT SOME ITEMS IN THIS ORDER HAVE TAXES INCLUDED BER-5 [4] LOUNGE/SNACK BAR TRANSACTION LOG, DETAILED USE: This report lists every transaction from the Bowler Express terminals within a specified time. In addition to the information available in the summary report, this report also lists the specific items ordered in each transaction. It includes taxes, station number, and the lane number from which items were ordered. Will also include voided items. [1]-[4] The report name, time and date of generation is listed. The time range is included with the center name. [5]-[8] The date, time, and lane number from which the items were ordered is included in the report. The station number to which the order was sent is listed as well. [9]-[12] The entire order is detailed with the cost of each item as well as the entire cost of the order. The order receipt number is also listed. BER-6 LOUNGE/SNACK BAR TRANSACTION LOG, DETAILED BOWLER EXPRESS [1] DETAILED TRANSACTION LOG [2] [3] [1] Report name [2] Run date and time [3] Center name [4] Time range of report [5] Date of Bowler Express Order [6] Time of Bowler Express Order [7] Lane number [8] Station number receiving order [9] Order receipt number [10] Number of items ordered with item name [11] Item cost [12] Total order cost RUN DATE: 15-MAR-96 9:30 AM BRUNSWICK LANES BOWLER EXPRESS TRANSACTIONS FROM 14-MAR-96 @ 9:00 PM TO 14-MAR-96 @ 9:45 PM [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] DATE TIME LANE STA RECEIPT ITEM COST ORDER COST ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3/14/96 9:26 PM 37 1 0000077 1 SM DECAF COFFEE 2.60* 1 SM HOT CHOCOLATE 2.65* 3 ENGLISH MUFFIN 3.25 TAX: SALES 0.20 TAX: CITY 0.16 TAX: LUX 0.13 TAX: MISC 0.10 $ 9.09 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3/14/96 9.32 PM 32 1 0000078 1 HEINEKEN BOTTLE 1.90 TAX: SALES 0.11 $ 2.01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3/14/96 9:33 PM 27 1 0000079 3 CHABLIS 6.75 1 WHITE ZINFANDEL 2.25 VOID -1 CHABLIS -2.25 TAX: SALES 1.17 TAX: CITY 0.83 $ 8.75 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AN * INDICATES TAXES ARE INCLUDED IN PRICE. BER-7 LOUNGE/SNACK BAR ITEM LIST USE: This report is a list of all menu items in the Bowler Express system. It includes prices, taxes, flagging information, and modifier group number. The report includes the category box number as shown on the Bowler Express lane terminal. [1]-[3] Includes the report name, center name, and run date and time. [4] This line lists the category box number, the screen page number, the category name, and whether the station is the bar or snack bar. [5]-[9] Within each category box are more item boxes (up to 15). The box number, the Price Look Up number and description are included. The three price tiers are listed with the tax types. [10]-[13] If an item is flagged or highlighted it is listed here. The station number, to which the ordered item is sent, appears here. If an item has a modifier group, the number is listed. BER-8 LOUNGE/SNACK BAR ITEM LIST BOWLER EXPRESS [1] [2] [1] Run date and time [2] Center name [3] Report name [4] Screen page number, category box number, name, station type, if itemized [5] Menu box number [6] Price Look Up number [7] Item name [8] Pricing tier [9] Tax type [10] Flagging number [11] If highlighted [12] Receiving station number [13] Modifier group number RUN DATE: 15-MAR-96 10:35AM BRUNSWICK LANES [3] LOUNGE/SNACK BAR ITEMS AND MODIFIERS [4] PAGE 1 BOX 1 BEVERAGES TYPE: BAR ITEMIZE: N ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[5] [6] [7] [8] [8] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] BOX PLU NAME PRICE A PRICE B PRICE C TAX FLG HI STA MOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 62 COFFEE .50 .60 .70 1 N 2 6 2 63 LARGE MILK .75 .85 .95 1 N 2 3 64 SMALL MILK .50 .60 .70 1 N 2 4 87 APPLE JUICE 1.25 1.35 1.45 1 N 2 12 5 66 ICED TEA .50 .60 .70 1 N 2 6 67 HOT CHOCOLATE .80 .90 1.00 1 N 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 1 BOX 2 BEER TYPE: BAR ITEMIZE: N ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOX PLU NAME PRICE A PRICE B PRICE C TAX FLG HI STA MOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 4001 BUD DRAFT 1.85 1.00 2.10 1 B N 1 2 4004 MILLER DRAFT 1.85 1.00 2.10 1 B N 1 3 4003 MILLER LITE DRAFT 1.85 1.00 2.10 1 B N 1 4 4029 BUD BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 5 4027 MICHELOB BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 6 4028 COORS BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 7 4033 BUD LITE BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 8 4026 BECKS BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 9 4032 HEINEKEN BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 10 4024 SHARP'S BOTTLE 1.65 1.00 1.90 1 B N 1 13 246 HONEY ROAST NUTS .75 .75 .75 1 Y 1 15 250 PRETZELS .75 .75 .75 1 Y 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PAGE 1 BOX 3 APPETIZERS TYPE: FOOD ITEMIZE: Y ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BOX PLU NAME PRICE A PRICE B PRICE C TAX FLG HI STA MOD ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 200 NACHOS 2.50 2.50 2.50 1 B N 1 10 2 205 MOZZARELLA STICKS 3.30 3.30 3.30 1 B N 1 3 210 FRIED VEGETABLES 4.25 4.25 4.25 1 B N 1 4 215 CHICKEN WINGS 2.95 2.95 4.25 1 B N 1 5 224 LOAF GARLIC BREAD 1.50 1.50 1.50 1 B N 1 6 225 BREAD STICKS 2.00 2.00 2.00 1 B N 1 7 235 FRIED MUSHROOMS 3.20 3.20 3.20 1 B N 1 8 240 ONION RINGS 2.90 2.90 2.90 1 B N 1 9 260 FRIES SMALL 1.65 1.65 1.65 1 B Y 1 10 265 FRIES LARGE 2.55 2.55 2.55 1 B Y 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BER-9 MODIFIER GROUP REPORT USE: This report lists the items set up in Bowler Express that act as modifiers to major items. With this option, a list of modifier group names can be produced, or a detailed list of groups. There are several options for this report. [1]-[2] Indicates the run date of the report with the center name and the name of the report with the Modifier Group Number. [3]-[5] This section lists the Price Look Up number with the item name. It also includes whether the item is out of stock. [6]-[9] BER-10 Lists the department number and the price code. The pricing tier with tax information is shown. MODIFIER GROUP REPORT RUN DATE: 15-MAR-96 9:50 AM BRUNSWICK LANES [1] PAGE 1 MENU MAINTENANCE [2] [1] Run date and time [2] Group number and name [3] Price Look Up number [4] Out of stock column [5] Item description [6] Department number [7] Price code number [8] Pricing tier [9] Tax code [3] PLU # 100 245 246 250 251 252 260 261 [4] OUT [5] ITEM NAME WITH FRIES RAW ONIONS FRIED ONIONS WITH MAYO WITH KETCHUP WITH MUSTARD ADD LETTUCE ADD TOMATO MODIFIER GROUP 1 - CONDIMENTS [6] DEPT 4 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 [7] PC 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 AN * INDICATES TAXES ARE INCLUDED IN PRICE. BER-11 [8] PRICE A .85 .10 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 [8] PRICE B .95 .10 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 [8] PRICE C 1.05 .10 .10 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 [9] TAXES 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 CENTER INFORMATION INQUIRY LIST USE: This report lists the categories set up in the Center Information section of Bowler Express, and lists the total inquiries for each category. There are several options available for this report. This report documents the level of bowler interest in each promotion. [1]-[2] The report name and the time period of the report is listed. [3]-[5] There are 99 separate center information categories that can be defined. The category number and whether it is presently showing on the screen, with the title name is shown. [6]-[7] BER-12 The number of times someone accessed the category box is recorded. If a bowler accessed the screen wanting to leave his name and phone number, it is also recorded. CENTER INFORMATION INQUIRY LIST BRUNSWICK LANES [1] [1] Name of report [2] Time period of report [3] Category item number [4] Current category on screen [5] Category title [6] Number of times a category was accessed [7] Number of times more information was requested BOWLER EXPRESS CENTER INFORMATION INQUIRY LIST THE FOLLOWING LIST INCLUDES: ALL CATEGORIES [2] INQUIRIES MADE ON 4/3/96 [3] ITEM 3 16 23 25 29 30 35 43 44 56 68 83 [4] # * * * * * * * * * [5] TITLE JOIN A LEAGUE BIRTHDAY PARTIES NIGHT CLUB NIGHT ACTIVITIES LOTTERY SUNDAY CLUB PRO SHOP INSTRUCTION LEARN TO BOWL TOURNAMENT INFO MOONLIGHT BOWLING TOURNAMENT RESULTS [6] # INQUIRIES 20 6 0 0 2 5 4 0 4 13 6 4 * CATEGORY IS CURRENTLY IN USE BER-13 [7] MORE INFO 13 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 2 1 RUN DATE: 4/6/96 CENTER INFORMATION SIGNUP LIST USE: This report is a printout of those who have "signed up" for requesting more information about a category. A report is generated which can be used to follow up promotions, or as a database for those who want to join a league. There are several options for this report. [1]-[2] Report name and time period requested is indicated. [3]-[4] The time and date of the bowler "sign up" is recorded. [5]-[6] BER-14 The name and phone number of the person who signed up for more information is listed. There is a filter system that will eliminate false entries of names and/or phone numbers. CENTER INFORMATION SIGNUP LIST BRUNSWICK LANES [1] [1] Report name [2] Category name and number [3] Date of inquiry [4] Time of inquiry [5] Name entered by bowler [6] Phone number entered by bowler BOWLER EXPRESS CENTER INFORMATION SIGNUP LIST THE FOLLOWING LIST INCLUDES: NAMES ENTERED FOR CATEGORY #3 - JOIN A LEAGUE ON 4/3/96 [2] [3] DATE 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 [4] TIME 11:00 AM 11:21 AM 02:07 PM 02:21 PM 04:56 PM [5] NAME BETTY SMITH AL JOHNSON JENNY KITTLE CHRIS STEWART ELLEN KING 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 04:57 PM 06:46 PM 08:13 PM 09:21 PM 09:49 PM ELAINE GOLD ANNA DAWES IDA NELSON DICK SMYTHE PEG WEST 277-0983 242-3235 511-0741 423-0935 787-9861 04/03/96 04/03/96 04/03/96 10:03 PM 10:11 PM 11:00 PM ED BARRONS SUE STENGEL BARBI JACKSON 328-9932 312-0432 216-9821 BER-15 [6] PHONE # 762-5094 609-4438 423-5987 261-9872 332-5072 RUN DATE: 4/6/96 MECHANIC'S ALERT - Trouble Call Transaction Log USE: This report lists trouble calls for a specific period of time. It lists date, time, lane number, and type of problem. It may be printed for all lanes or only certain lanes. It may be used to print details of all problems on specific lanes. [1]-[3] The run date and time, center name, and time period covered is listed. [4]-[7] BER-16 The day and time of the trouble call is recorded, as well as the lane number from which the trouble call was made. The type of problem involved is also listed. MECHANIC'S ALERT - Trouble Call Transaction Log BOWLER EXPRESS [1] [2] TROUBLE CALL TRANSACTION LOG FROM 4/3/96 @ 11:00 AM THRU 4/3/96 @ 9:00 PM [1] Run date and time STATUS [2] Center name [3] Time period of report [4] Date of trouble call [5] Time of trouble call [6] Lane number of trouble call [7] Type of trouble call [4] DATE 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 4/3/96 - - - - - -END-OF-REPORT- - - - - BER-17 RUN DATE: 4/5/96 10:05 AM BRUNSWICK LANES [5] TIME 11:00 AM 11:20 AM 11:22 AM 12:13 PM 12:15 PM 1:23 PM 1:27 PM 2:10 PM 2:22 PM 3:44 PM 3:44 PM 4:08 PM 5:51 PM 6:44 PM 8:13 PM 8:13 PM [6] LANE 17 18 4 10 17 12 4 11 11 4 12 9 10 11 4 12 [3] [7] PROBLEM BALL RETURN CLEANUP SPILL MACHINE PROBLEM BALL RETURN PIN 5 CLEANUP SPILL DEAD WOOD SCORER HELP DEAD WOOD SCORER HELP MACHINE PROBLEM DEAD WOOD CLEANUP SPILL BALL RETURN MACHINE PROBLEM BALL RETURN MECHANIC'S ALERT - Trouble Call Summary Report USE: This report lists the lane number and total number of each type of problem at the center. It also lists the number of problems on a lane for a specific length of time. It gives an overview of the types and frequency of trouble calls in a center. [1]-[3] Run date and time of report, with the center name and time period being reported. [4]-[12] The lane number that was involved in the trouble call is recorded along with the trouble call type and total number of calls on that lane. BER-18 MECHANIC'S ALERT - Trouble Call Summary Report BOWLER EXPRESS [1] [2] TROUBLE CALL SUMMARY REPORT FROM 1/1/96 @ 12:00 AM THRU 1/5/96 @ 12:00 AM [1] Run date and time [2] Center name [3] Report period [4] Lane number [5] Number of times pins had to be reset [6] Number of ball returns [7] Number of times a machine problem was called in [8] Number of times a bowler needed help at the lower console [9] Number of times dead wood appeared [10] Number of times a beverage spill was called in [11] Number of undefined problems [12] Number of all trouble calls on that lane [4] RUN DATE: 1/5/96 12:03 AM BRUNSWICK LANES [3] LANE [5] RESET PINS [6] BALL RETURN [7] MACHINE PROBLEM [8] SCORER HELP [9] DEAD WOOD [10] CLEANUP SPILL [11] OTHER PROBLEM TOTAL 1 2 3 0 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 4 TOTAL 2 1 - - - - -END-OF-REPORT- - - - - 0 0 0 0 1 4 BER-19 [12] LEAGUE RECORD SERVICE REPORTS REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. League Roster LRS-3,4 Listing of bowlers in league with several optional formats always presented and four columns of information. 2. League Standings LRS-5,6 Weekly listing of team standings. Will list seasonal awards for bowler and team, plus weekly winners. There are approximately 15 options to set the format of the standings. 3. Individual Average Report LRS-7,8 Listing of each bowler, in team or alpha order, with year to date totals and award scores. There are approximately 15 options for the format of this report. 4. Team Weekly Report LRS-9,10 Listing of past week's game and series scores, plus year to date total pins and high award scores. 5. Bowler Weekly Report LRS-11,12 Listing of past week's game and series scores for each bowler. Year to date totals and high award scores are printed also. This format could be in team order or alpha order. 6. Bowler/Team Weekly Recap Form LRS-13,14 Multi-part form printed weekly, for bowlers to record their scores. 7. League Season Schedule LRS-15,16 Listing of each week the league bowls and lane assignments. Special weeks and a listing of team numbers and names is provided. 8. Awards Printout LRS-17,18 Five different formats for season end awards. Listing will rank all bowlers qualified in high to low order. 9. Bowler Final Average Report LRS-19,20 Listing of bowlers, alpha order, genders separate, that can be submitted to most associations for final average listing. Report can be generated any time of the year. 10. Individual Bowler Season Summary LRS-21,22 Bowler's season summary of each week's scores and final average, with award scores. LRS-1 COMPETITION LEAGUE RECORD SERVICE REPORTS - Continued REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 11. Team Season Summary LRS-23,24 Team's season summary of each week's scores and final team average, with award scores. 12. League Accounts Report LRS-25,26 If tracking lineage and prize fund, this report will list year to date totals for each team and the league total. 13. Bowler Dropout List LRS-27,28 Report can be generated to list bowlers who have not bowled within a specified number of weeks. 14. League Directory LRS-29,30 Listing of all leagues on the computer, with day, time, and lane assignments. 15. Mailing Labels from League List Label Program LRS-31,32 Can be printed from each league, or using the League/List Label program, all leagues can be consolidated into a single print. **Available with Center Management System.** LRS-2 COMPETITION (leave blank for now) LEAGUE ROSTER USE: This report can be customized in several different formats. The most extensive would be to have all the information in the bowler file printed. This would include complete address and phone number. The bowlers that are selected can also be customized. The report could print everyone or be as selective as to only include substitutes. [1] Actual date the report was printed. [2] The league's number and name. Also the current week of the season the league is in at the time the report is printed. [3] The team number and name, plus the rostered members. [4] If the league is a mixed league of adults or adults and juniors, this column will indicate (M)an, (W)oman, (B)oy, or (G)irl. [5] If requested, the complete address of the bowler can be added to this printout. Another column will be added if phone numbers are requested. [6] Any roving or floating substitute bowlers will be listed alphabetically, with the same information requested for the regular bowlers. NOTE The following is a listing of the selections available for this report: 1. Complete list - active bowlers only 2. Complete list including inactive bowlers 3. Team captains only 4. Substitutes only 5. Inactive bowlers only 6. Men only (from a mixed league) 7. Women only (from a mixed league) 8. Boys only (from an adult/youth or mixed junior league) 9. Girls only (from an adult/youth or mixed junior league) LRS-3 LEAGUE ROSTER [1] Date and time report was printed [2] League number, name, and the current week number of the season [3] Listing of team numbers, names, and current roster on each team Columns #4 and #5 are optional. An additional column can be added for the phone numbers, also. [6] Roving substitutes will be listed alphabetically with the same information as the regular team members. NOTE This printout can be done by team order or all bowlers alphabetically. This report can include all bowlers, including inactive bowlers. This report could also be selective, i.e. substitutes only. There are up to nine different bowler groupings that could be requested. LRS-4 LEAGUE STANDINGS USE: This is a weekly printout that is done after weekly scores have been entered. The standings reflect the win/loss record of each team, plus optional statistics. Individual and team seasonal awards will also be printed, along with weekly awards. The bottom of the standings can display a message, and if selected, will list any bowlers celebrating a birthday this week. The format is determined through the setup of the league rules. This report can be printed any time, BUT it will always reflect year to date totals. [1]-[7] Particular information pertaining to this league. These are all optional information and can be deleted from the top of the report, if desired. [8] This is a message line that is center created, and will stay on the standing sheet until deleted or changed. [9] Current team standings from first place to last. [10] Current win/loss record, season to date. If any makeup matches are pending, this column will have an asterisk beside the "WON" column. [11] Team total pins. This column could reflect total plus handicap or just scratch pin fall, depending on the league rules. [12] Optional statistics for high game/series scratch and high game/series handicap. These columns are maintained throughout the season and updated automatically as the scores are entered. [13] This is an optional column and is recommended if the league bowls split seasons. The LRS program will allow up to four splits per season. This column would reflect the standings at the end of each split. NOTE [14] through [17] are optional selections when defining the league. They are optional not only to print or not to print, but the number of people listed can range from two to five, in each category. The number of teams that can be listed also varies from two to five, again, depending on how the league rules are defined. [14] Last Weeks Results will reflect what each team did against their opponent. Pin totals can be with or without handicap, depending on how the league rules were defined. [15]-[16] This will reflect the season and year to date winners of the specific awards selected to print. The selection of the specific awards, the number of people listed, and how the awards should be determined, are all decided during the league definition. [17] LRS-5 If this option is selected, the program will pull out the winners in the same categories as #15 and #16. The difference is that only last week's scores will be scanned. LEAGUE STANDINGS [1] Center information. [2]-[7] General league info that is optional to print. [8] A message that is user defined and will stay there until deleted or changed. [9] Team position standings from first to last. Ties will be indicated with a blank by the tied team. [10],[11] Current win/loss record (half, quarter, etc.) and total pins bowled. [12] Optional high scratch game/series or handicap game/series scores. [13] Optional display of year to date season win/loss standings. [14] Optional team display of game scores and wins with only last week's scores. [15],[16] Optional individual and team award scores. Categories and number of places shown are all governed in the league rules. [17] Last week's score will be scanned to select the high scores for the same award categories selected in number 15 and 16 above. LRS-6 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGE REPORT USE: This report is a current listing of each bowler and their bowling statistics. This report is a year to date total of each person's bowling activity in this league. The report can be modified with a set of options that are defined when the league is set up. The report can be printed by itself or as part of a weekly reports option. The Average Report can be printed in a number of ways: alphabetically, in team order, in average order (high to low), or by team and lane assignment order (like the sample). Once that selection is made, the columns to be printed are selected. Standard columns: Total pins, # of games bowled, and current average. There are eight more options, of which five can be added to each person's information. [1],[2] The date and time the report was printed, along with the league number, name, and the current week of the season and the date. [3] In the example, the bowlers are listed by team and in lane assignment order for the upcoming week of bowling. [4] Seven of the 13 options that can be listed for each bowler. [5] Current lanes that the two teams are to bowl on, this week. LRS-7 [6] Roving/floating substitutes for the league will be listed alphabetically, with all the statistics as the regular members, plus their league ID number. The ID number is helpful for the league operator to activate that bowler's score file. [7] The lane assignment schedule can be printed in one of four ways. The report shown lists the schedule for the upcoming two weeks. INDIVIDUAL AVERAGE REPORT [1],[2] Date and time report was printed and for what league. [3] Team names and numbers, with their rosters. [4] Year to date statistics that are selected through the league rule definition. Pins, games, and current average are always printed, but a maximum of five other columns may be selected to print. [5] Optional format to print teams in lane assignment order. [6] All roving substitutes will be listed alphabetically, with same data as regular bowlers plus their system assigned bowler number. [7] Optional listing as to upcoming lane assignment schedule. LRS-8 WEEKLY TEAM REPORT USE: The Weekly Team report is a current listing of last week's scores. Each team is listed, with the game and series scores. Teams are listed numerically, not by position. Win/loss record and current high award scores for each team are listed. This report can only be printed for the immediate past week. [1],[2] Date and time report was printed. Also listed is the league number, name and the current week of the schedule and its corresponding calendar date. [3],[4] This will list each team and the lane they bowled on last week. [5] How the team did this past week in the win/loss column. [6] Game scores for the team this past week. This column can reflect either the scratch or the handicap scores, depending on the selections made during the league setup. LRS-9 [7] Total pins bowled last week. Again, this could reflect a scratch or handicap total. [8] Grand total for the year to date. [9] Current team average (total pins divided by games bowled) and current award scores. [10] Season to date win/loss record for the league. These numbers should be the same, but if not, it probably means that a makeup match is pending between two teams. WEEKLY TEAM REPORT [1],[2] Date and time report was printed and for what league. [3],[4] Team number and the lane they were on last week. [5] Points won and lost last week. [6] Team game scores. Depending on league rules, these could be scratch or with handicap. [7] Series total for last week. [8] Total pins for year to date total. [9] Current team average and high game/series scores, scratch and handicap. [10] League win/loss total for year to date. LRS-10 WEEKLY BOWLER REPORT USE: This report is very similar to the Weekly Team Report. Each bowler is listed with the scores he or she bowled last week. The bowlers can be listed one of two ways: by team or alphabetically. Once that format is selected, the columns of information to follow are selected. The following are hard coded to print: last week's scratch game and series scores, total pins, # of games bowled, and current average. There are five other options that can be selected for this report. All of the selections are made as the league is being built. Like the team report, this report can only be printed for the immediate past week's scores. [1],[2] Date and time report was printed. Also listed is the league number, name and the current week of the schedule and its corresponding calendar date. [3] Bowler names, either in team order or alphabetically. [4],[5] Scratch game and series scores bowled last week. [6] Scratch total pins bowled year to date. [7] Total games bowled to date. [8] Current average and current high award scores. [9] If the league is an individual match point system, the individual points won for the week and the season to date will be listed. [10] If the league is a handicap league, the current individual handicap will be listed. [11] In mixed leagues, a column for the gender can be provided. The genders are designated with an (M)an, (W)oman, (B)oy, or (G)irl. [12] All roving/floating substitutes will be listed in alphabetically, with all the stats portrayed for the regular bowlers. NOTE There is also the option to print the league schedule on this report, similar to the individual average report. LRS-11 WEEKLY BOWLER REPORT [1],[2] Date and time report was printed and for what league. [3] Listing of bowlers in team order. [4],[5] Scores bowled last week for each game and a series total. These will be scratch totals. [6] Year to date total pins. [7] Number of games bowled to date. [8] Individual's current average and high scratch game and series will always print. [9] If league has individual match points and is bowling a split season, printing match points at the end of each split, is optional. [10] Current individual handicap. [11] In mixed leagues, the gender is an optional print column. [12] Roving/floating substitutes will be listed here, in alphabetical order. If they bowled last week, their game and series scores will be listed. LRS-12 BOWLER/TEAM WEEKLY RECAP USE: This form is provided at the beginning of each scheduled match. It is a multi-part form that provides a copy of the scores for the secretary, league operator, and one for each team captain. [1]-[3] League name followed by the current week number and the date. [6] Current rostered bowlers for this team, up to a maximum of seven names. [4] Each team's name will be listed, with the lane that team is supposed to start the match on. [7] Current average of each bowler, if the league chose that rule. There may be just a team average and handicap listed down below. [5] This column will have either the entering average of each bowler or the current handicap, depending on how the league rules were set up. LRS-13 LEAGUE RECORD RECAP [1]-[3] The league name, current week of competition, and the current date will be printed across the top of the recap. [4] Each team's name and the lane they bowl on will be listed here. [5]-[7] The current rostered bowlers, up to seven, will be listed with either their current handicap and average or their entering and current average. The total of their averages and/or their individual handicaps will be totaled at the bottom of the recap. This form has multiple copies for the secretary, league operator, and team captains. LRS-14 LEAGUE SEASON SCHEDULE USE: This will be a listing of each week of the schedule with the lane assignments for each match-up. If there are to be any holidays (byes), sweeper weeks, fun nights, and/or positions rounds, they will all be noted as such. This schedule can be altered any time during the season. Lane assignments can be manually entered as well as any of the calendar dates changed. [1],[2] Date and time report was printed. Also listed is the league number, name and the day and time the league bowls. [3] Listing of each week of the season. [4] Listing of each calendar date, for each week of the season. [5] Lane numbers and the team numbers that will bowl on them. [6] A listing of the team numbers and names. LRS-15 LEAGUE SEASON SCHEDULE [1] RUN DATE: 10/22/95 08:01 SEASON SCHEDULE BRUNSWICK LANES PAGE 1 [2] [1]-[2] LEAGUE #1: WEDNESDAY MADNESS WEDNESDAY - 3:00 P.M. Date and time report was printed and the name and number of the league. [3] WEEK # [3] Week numbers in the season. [4] Calendar dates of scheduled matches. [5] Lane pairs the league bowls on. [6] Team numbers and names. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 * 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 [4] [ DATE 1-2 5 ] 9/9/95 9/16/95 9/23/95 9/30/95 10/7/95 10/14/95 10/21/95 10/28/95 11/4/95 11/11/95 *** 11/18/95 11/25/95 12/2/95 12/9/95 12/16/95 12/23/95 *** 12/30/95 1/6/94 1/13/94 1/20/94 1/27/94 *** 2/3/94 *** 1-2 3-4 3-1 4-2 2-3 1-4 3-4 2-1 4-2 1-3 1-4 3-2 2-1 4-3 1-3 2-4 3-2 4-1 POSITION WEEK*** 4-3 1-2 2-4 3-1 4-1 2-3 1-2 3-4 3-1 4-2 NO BOWLING*** 2-3 1-4 3-4 2-1 4-2 1-3 1-4 3-2 POSITION WEEK*** SWEEPER*** 3-4 * - START OF NEW ROUND OR SPLIT SEASON [6] LRS-16 TEAM # 1 2 TEAM NAME THE HOT SHOTS MAD HATTERS TEAM # 3 4 TEAM NAME THE 3-M COMPANY ALICE'S CARDS AWARDS PRINTOUT USE: This function will produce a variety of reports. It is an excellent report for that end of year award processing. The report can be printed with all bowlers listed in high to low order for the scratch or handicap individual awards. Teams can be listed in the same fashion. This function also produces the Most Improved awards list, based on 12 or 21 games and/or entering average. This report can be printed at any time, not just at the end of the year. The report can be generated to list men and women separately. [1] League number, name, and current week number and date. [2],[3] The sample happens to be a listing of all bowlers for the high scratch awards, both series and game. The options for this report are as follows: a) Most Improved Bowler b) Individual High Game/Series Scratch c) Individual High Game/Series Handicap d) Team High Game/Series Scratch e) Team High Game/Series Handicap LRS-17 AWARDS PRINTOUT [1] League number and name and current week number and date. [2],[3] Listing of all bowlers who qualify for the award. Listing will be in high to low order. This listing can be for individual or team awards. The awards the program will scan are also varied. INDIVIDUAL HIGH GAME AND SERIES SCRATCH BRUNSWICK LANES RUN DATE: 01/05/96 13:48 PAGE 1 [1] LEAGUE #55: ALL STARS WEEK #2 - 9/9/95 [2] HIGH SCR. GAME [3] HIGH SCR. SERIES 300 300 300 250 250 221 205 201 200 160 150 150 125 97 95 880 750 704 700 604 600 578 557 453 450 450 375 301 285 285 LRS-18 DARRELL NOBLE TOM GERALD ALICE ADAMS NANCY CARNES ANN ANDERSON LINDA MOORE GERRI BOSTON BARRY NOBLE MARY DELANEY ADAM BENZ DORIS HICKSON DICK D'EASOM LISA BILLINGSLEY SUE MOREY 2 WAY TIE DAN LEVANDOWSKI NANCY CARNES TOM GERALD ANN ANDERSON GERRI BOSTON MARY DELANEY ALICE ADAMS BARRY NOBLE ADAM BENZ DORIS HICKSON DICK D'EASOM KATHY FASCZEWSKI LINDA MOORE CHUCK KERRICK BILL HENDRIX BOWLER FINAL AVERAGE REPORT USE: This will be a listing of selected bowlers' total pins, games bowled and current average as of the date the report was requested. It does not have to reflect the ending season totals. The bowlers that will be listed depends on a few selections made at the beginning of the report request. The following will be the selections offered: a) All bowlers or only active bowlers b) All bowlers or only those having bowled a set number of games c) List substitutes with regular bowlers or list separately [1],[2] Date and time report was printed. Also listed is the league number, name and the current week of the schedule and its corresponding calendar date. [3] General center and league information taken from the league rules. [4] LRS-19 All bowlers will be listed alphabetically with the total pins, games bowled and current average. If the league is a mixed adult league, mixed junior league, or an adult/junior mixed league, the genders will be separated automatically. BOWLER FINAL AVERAGE REPORT [1] RUN DATE: 10/14/95 13:25 INDIVIDUAL AVERAGES BRUNSWICK LANES PAGE 1 [2] [1],[2] Date and time report was printed and the name and number of the league. Current week of schedule and calendar date are also printed. [3] The general league information printed here will be determined by the league definition. [4] Bowlers will be listed alphabetically. Information included will be standard items required by most associations, mainly; total pins, games bowled, and ending average. LEAGUE #361 : STREAMWOOD BELLES WEEK #30 - 10/10/95 CENTER PHONE: 616-555-2695 MONDAY: 6:30 P.M. 80% OF 200 - 7 POINTS LEAGUE PRESIDENT: JEAN KRAFT PHONE: 616-5551234 LEAGUE SECRETARY: BEVERLY SCHROEDER PHONE: 616-5551452 [3] LEAGUE SANCTION NUMBER: 5623-8 RESULTS-WK 13 OF 17 (34) ________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________ [4] NOTE This report can be printed any time, and the selection criteria can be based on the number of games bowled. BOWLER DARLENE AITKEN TONI AMBERG DIANNE BITTEN GERI BOHNE CANDY BUSSELL PINS 12316 13650 10951 9014 9404 GMS 90 90 81 71 81 AVG 136 151 135 126 116 MARY CIZOWSKI LORRAINE CLELLAND MARGIE CLELLAND STACY DENT SHARRON DATTAMO 11864 11624 12487 12677 13367 87 87 81 84 87 136 133 154 150 153 LRS-20 BOWLER KATHY KIERMEIR JEAN KRAFT JOYCE LOMAURO MAGGIE MARTINEZ DEBBIE MILLER PINS GMS 9802 81 13626 84 9634 80 15058 90 11599 84 SUE NIELSEN KRISTINE OLSON BARBARA PERMAN DARLENE RAJEWSKI DAWN RELAZ 10082 9247 8305 12106 11451 79 73 81 84 84 AVG 121 162 120 167 138 127 126 102 144 136 INDIVIDUAL BOWLER SEASON SUMMARY USE: This will be a listing of each bowler's season scores. The report will also list the team this bowler is on and a composite of game averages for the series. If a bowler did not bowl, but the team used the absentee average, the scores will be in parentheses ( ). This report is usually used as a season summary for each bowler, but it can be printed at any time. [1] Basic information about league and team this bowler bowls on. Individuals high award scores and final average are also listed. [2] Each week the bowler bowled, or his or her absentee average was used, will be listed in the order that the scores were bowled. Each game is listed with the series total. [3] LRS-21 The game averages here are a composite average for each game in the series. INDIVIDUAL BOWLER SEASON SUMMARY [1] BOWLER SCORE SUMMARIES BRUNSWICK LANES RUN DATE: 4/21/96 10:35 PAGE 1 LEAGUE #111: BRUNSWICK DEMO WEEK #1 - 4/7/96 Individual bowler information, such as team, ending average, and high scratch game and series. MICHELE INCROCCI [2] Every week this bowler bowled will be listed, with date and game and series scores. If the bowler was absent and the team used the absentee average, that will be noted by ( ) around the scores. [3] This will be a composite average of each game in the series. It is an indication of how well the bowler bowled throughout the series. [1] LEAGUE: BRUNSWICK DEMO TEAM #1: TEAM 1 HIGH GAME SCRATCH: 150 HIGH SERIES SCRATCH: 250 HIGH GAME HANDICAP: 231 HIGH SERIES HANDICAP: 493 ENTERING AVERAGE: 98 FINAL AVERAGE: 83 NOTE This report is usually printed at the end of the year, but can be printed any time. SEASON SCORE SUMMARY [2] WEEK 1 DATE 4/7/96 GAME 1 20 GAME 2 80 GAME 3 150 GAME AVERAGES GAME 1: 20.0 GAME 2: 80.0 [3] GAME 3: 150.0 LRS-22 GRAND TOTAL 250 GMS 3 AVG 83 TEAM SEASON SUMMARY USE: This report is of the same variety as the bowler's season summary. Each weekly game and series score will be listed. This report can be printed any time, although it is usually printed at the end of the season. The report can be generated for a single team or for each team in the league (ten at a time), depending on what is requested at the time of printing. [1] Name of report, bowling center name. [2] Run date of report. [3] The league name and number, the current bowled through, and the corresponding calendar date. [4] Team number and team name is listed. [5] Basic information about the team. Team highs and pin totals are listed. [6] Current roster of bowler on this team. Up to a maximum of 10 bowlers can be listed. [7] Each week the team bowled, scores bowled, points won/lost, and totals are listed. [8] The game averages are a composite for each game in the series. LRS-23 TEAM SEASON SUMMARY [1] Report and center name [2] Run date of report [3] League number, name and week number [4] Team number with name [5] Team high statistics, with win/loss record to date [6] Rostered team members [7] Weekly listing of scored games [8] Composite average for each scored game NOTE This report is usually printed at the end of the season, but can be printed any time. TEAM SCORE SUMMARIES [1] BRUNSWICK LANES [2] RUN DATE: 01/05/96 14:06 PAGE 1 [3] LEAGUE #69: ROBIN'S 96 DEMO WEEK #1 - 1/4/96 [4] TEAM #4: SUPER STARS [5] LEAGUE: ROBIN'S 96 DEMO POINTS WON: 4 POINTS LOST: 1 TOTAL PINS SCRATCH: 2893 TOTAL PINS HANDICAP: 2893 HIGH GAME SCRATCH: 990 HIGH SERIES SCRATCH: 2893 HIGH GAME HANDICAP: 990 HIGH SERIES HANDICAP: 2893 TEAM SCRATCH AVG: 964.3 [6] *** ROSTER *** 16. RODNEY COLMAN 17. DONNA ADAMICK 18. MARK ROTH 19. VIRGINIA NORTON 20. JUDY SOUTAR [7] SEASON SCORE SUMMARY WEEK 1 DATE 1/4/96 WON 4 GAME GAME GAME LOST 1 2 1 922 981 3 990 GRAND TOTAL TOTAL AVG HGS HSS HGH 2893 2893 964 990 2893 990 [8] GAME AVERAGES GAME 1: 922.0 GAME 2: 981.0 GAME 3: 990.0 LRS-24 HSH 2893 LEAGUE ACCOUNTS REPORT USE: This will provide a weekly report for the leagues that may be using the Treasury program within the League Record Service program. The format cannot be altered, but manual entries may be made to the team fees, weekly, and year to date totals. [1],[2] Date and time report was printed. Also listed is the league number, name and the current week of the schedule and its corresponding calendar date. [3] Each team is listed with the amount paid this week, the amount paid year to date, and any difference from what should have been paid and what was recorded. Overages or shortages will appear, team by team, in the ARREARS column. This column can also be printed on the Team Standings report. [4] This will reflect the current week's payment history. It is automatically calculated as the team fees are entered. [5] This will reflect the year to date payment history. This is also automatically updated from the weekly entries. NOTE Both #4 and #5 can have manual entries made, if corrections to the totals need to be made. All reports will be year to date activity. LRS-25 LEAGUE ACCOUNTS REPORT [1],[2] [3] [4] [5] LEAGUE ACCOUNTS BRUNSWICK LANES [2] LEAGUE #55: ALL STARTS WEEK #3 - 3/27/96 Date and time report was printed and the league number and name. Also the current week of the season and the date. WEEKLY TM# FEE PAID Each team's payments for the week and their year to date totals will be kept. If the team is short or over, that information will be noted in the ARREARS column. These totals will reflect the current weeks activity. The totals are automatically updated when the team fees are entered. Manual changes can be made to some of the line items. [1] RUN DATE: 3/28/96 PAGE 1 [3] 1 2 3 4 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 TOTAL FEES PAID ARREARS $ 175.00 $ 175.00 $ 185.00 $ 160.00 $10.00 -$15.00 TOTAL DUE PER TEAM AFTER WEEK #3 = $175.00 NOTE: $25.00 ENTRY FEE (SPONSOR FEE) WAS DUE BY WEEK #3 NOTE: THE LAST 2 WEEKS OF BOWLING ARE DUE BY WEEK #4 TEAM FEES COLLECTED . . . . . . . . . . (-) LINEAGE FEES PAID . . . . . . . . . . . (-) OTHER FEES PAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEPOSITED TO LEAGUE ACCOUNT MISCELLANEOUS WITHDRAWALS MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSITS . . . . The totals here are for year to date sums. Again, they are updated automatically as the weekly fees are recorded. Manual adjustments may be made here also, if needed. $ 200.00 (-) 150.00 (-) 10.00 $ 40.00 (-) .00 (+) .00 TOTAL AMOUNT FOR WEEK . . . . . . . $ [4] 40.00 TOTAL LEAGUE ACCOUNTS TO DATE TEAM FEES COLLECTED . . . . . . . . . . (-) LINEAGE FEES PAID . . . . . . . . . . . (-) OTHER FEES PAID . . . . . . . . . . . . . DEPOSITED TO LEAGUE ACCOUNT MISCELLANEOUS WITHDRAWALS MISCELLANEOUS DEPOSITS . . . . $ 695.00 (-) 150.00 (-) 70.00 $ 175.00 (-) .00 (+) .00 TOTAL AMOUNT IN LEAGUE ACCOUNT LRS-26 $ [5] 175.00 BOWLER DROPOUT REPORT USE: This report is excellent for tracking the bowlers that have not bowled within a set number of weeks. A program director can then call the bowler and find out if maybe that bowler would be more comfortable bowling some other time. The report cannot be altered for format, but the selection of bowlers is governed by the selection of how many consecutive weeks are missed prior to being placed on this printout. LRS-27 BOWLER DROPOUT REPORT USE: This report is excellent for tracking the bowlers that have not bowled within a set number of weeks. A program director can then call the bowler and find out if maybe that bowler would be more comfortable bowling some other time. The report cannot be altered for format, but the selection of bowlers is governed by the selection of how many consecutive weeks are missed prior to being placed on this printout. BOWLERS WHO HAVE NOT BOWLED RECENTLY BRUNSWICK LANES RUN DATE: 4/21/96 10:42 PAGE 1 LEAGUE #111: BRUNSWICK DEMO WEEK #1 - 4/7/96 THE FOLLOWING BOWLERS HAVE NOT BOWLED IN 1 OR MORE WEEKS: AVG # GAMES BOWLED # WEEKS NOT BOWLED TM # SUE CARON LISA FERENZ TOM WHITE DARLENE NEWTON ROBIN MILLER 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 KEN PROKOPEC RICK KRUSE RANDY LILLMARS DAN LEVANDOWSKI DENNIS METTERNICH 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 RANDY TRAVIS GARTH BROOKS PATTY LOVELESS 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 NAME LRS-28 ADDRESS PHONE LEAGUE DIRECTORY USE: This report is used to list all leagues currently on the computer. Leagues can be sorted by day of the week, or all leagues listed together. This is a good fast reference guide for the league operator or the control desk operator. The format of this report cannot be altered. The only selection available is to print all leagues or just leagues for a particular day of the week. The listing of the leagues can also be done in league number order or by the day of the week. LRS-29 LEAGUE DIRECTORY USE: LEAGUE DIRECTORY This report is used to list all leagues currently on the computer. Leagues can be sorted by day of the week, or all leagues listed together. This is good fast reference guide for the league operator or the control desk operator. The format of this report cannot be altered. The only selection available is to print all leagues or just leagues for a particular day of the week. The listing of the leagues can also be done in league number order or by the day of the week. LRS-30 ID # LEAGUE NAME DAY TIME LANES 1 2 50 55 88 123 HOUSE TEMPLATE *NONGUARANTEED LEAGUE VIRGINIA'S RANGERS ALL STARS STREAMWOOD KEGLERS PINHEADS SUNDAY SUNDAY MONDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 7:00 P.M. 5:00 A.M. 8:30 P.M. 7:30 P.M. 8:00 P.M. 9:30 A.M. 1-6 1-10 3-4,7-8 1-16 3-20 MAILING LABELS from LEAGUE LIST LABEL program USE: This program will produce mailing labels for all league bowlers on the computer. The information contained on the label may vary according to the items selected for print. A maximum of 131 characters can be printed. All labels are printed 2 wide (side by side). Avery produces a mailing label that can be used in the Center Management System printers. The selection of bowlers to print can include team captains only, everyone, or maybe just bowlers who have a birthday in September. There are over 25 different selections available. Labels can also be printed from each league, separately. LRS-31 MAILING LABELS from LEAGUE LIST LABEL ANSWER 1 PRINTOUT OF THE LEAGUE BOWLER NAMES USE: This program will produce mailing labels for all league bowlers on the computer. The information contained on the label may vary according to the items selected for print. A maximum of 131 characters can be printed. All labels are printed 2 wide (side by side). Avery produces a mailing label that can be used in the Center Management System printers. THE FOLLOWING ITEMS MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE PRINTOUT OF THE BOWLER NAMES (NOTES: 1. A MAXIMUM OF 131 CHARACTERS CAN BE PRINTED ON ONE LINE. 2. THE NUMBER OF CHARACTERS NEEDED FOR EACH ITEM IS IN PARENTHESIS.) NAME (20: ALWAYS INCLUDED) ADDRESS: (59) PHONE: (15) SEX: (4) LEAGUE NUMBER: (7) LEAGUE NAME: (31) NUMBER OF GAMES BOWLED: (4) PLAYER AVERAGE: (4) BIRTH DATE: (9) The selection of bowlers to print can include team captains only, everyone, or maybe just bowlers who have a birthday in September. There are over 25 different selections available. Labels can also be printed from each league, separately. WHICH OF THE ITEMS DO YOU WISH TO INCLUDE IN THE PRINTOUT (ANSWER YES OR NO) LRS-32 TOURNAMENT SYSTEM REPORTS REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 1. Tournament Rosters TS-3,4 Print-out of bowlers in each event. Can be printed by event and six options exist to select bowlers to be listed. 2. All-Events Roster TS-5,6 Listing of all bowlers in all events and their respective team numbers. 3. Team Lane Assignments TS-7,8 Two formats exist. Use for check-in of teams. Can be printed in team # or lane # order. 4. Tournament Recaps TS-9,10 Form used to record bowled scores. 5. Manual Adjustments at the Scorer TS-11,12 Printed prior to entry of scores. Will list any walk-in bowlers or name changes. 6. Team Records TS-13,14 Every team completed in the event will be listed with scores. 7. Bowler Records TS-15,16 Each bowler will be listed, with scores. 8. Team Event Handicap Standings TS-17,18 Results of team bowling with individual and team high award scores. 9. Doubles Event Scratch Standings (by Individual) TS-19,20 Individual results in the doubles event. Individual and team award scores can be listed as well. 10. Single Handicap Standings (with Prize List) TS-21,22 Results of singles event with handicap. Prize list distribution can be listed. 11. Individual All-Events Standings (with Prize List) TS-23,24 Ranking of all bowlers that have completed all events. Prize list and messages are shown. 12. General Tournament Information TS-25,26 Listing of # of bowlers in each gender that bowled, and in what average bracket they were grouped. Team fees can also be tracked. 13. Teams That Have Not Bowled TS-27,28 Will list teams that have not had scores recorded yet. TOURNAMENT SYSTEM REPORTS TS-1 COMPETITION REPORT TITLE PAGE # USE OF REPORT 14. Mailing Labels TS-29,30 Adhesive label printed in different categories. Listing of incomplete bowler files will also be printed with each run of labels. 15. Tournament Directory TS-31,32 Listing of all current tournaments on the computer. 16. Prize Fund Distribution TS-33,34 Listing of number of places, prize amounts, and balance of prize funds. 17. Prize Fund Recapitulation TS-35,36 Summarized review of information found in the Prize Fund Distribution report. 18. Match Play Summary TS-37,38 Results of match play competition within a singles event. 19. Standings Sheet for Optional Singles TS-39,40 Lists bowlers having highest individual series within a doubles or team event. 20. Tournament Rules TS-41,42, 43,44,45 Allows verification of information used to define a tournament. **Reports can be generated from the Center Management System.** TS-2 COMPETITION (leave blank for now) TOURNAMENT ROSTERS Printed in Team Format or Printed in Alpha Format USE: The rosters printed from the tournament program can be generated in a couple of formats, depending on what they will be used for. The most popular would be the Team format with the captain's phone number printed. The report can be further defined by type of bowlers to be included and whether all bowlers are desired. The printout could also list bowlers by squad number, round number, and series number. If the tournament has multiple events, i.e. singles, doubles, the rosters could be specific by event, also. If an All-Events is included, rosters can be generated to list everyone in each event. (See All-Events Roster sample) The title of the tournament, the date printed, and the name of the report will also be included in the heading. If this is a multiple event tournament, the title of the event can also be included in the heading. Other information that can be included on this report: • • • • Entering average Status of tournament fees (paid in full, partial payment, or no fees paid) Team number Date and time the team bowls TS-3 TEAM EVENT ROSTER IN TEAM ORDER TOURNAMENT ROSTERS 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 TOURNAMENT ROSTER Printed in Team Format or Printed in Alpha Format USE: The rosters printed from the tournament program can be generated in a couple of formats, depending on what they will be used for. The most popular would be the Team format with the captain's phone number printed. The report can be further defined by type of bowlers to be included and whether all bowlers are desired. The printout could also list bowlers by squad number, round number, and series number. TM 1 2 3 4 5 #1-ROCK AND BOWL DOUG VANDECAMP TONY MACHADO MARK TAYLOR TYRONE PRICE BOB WEBB TM 6 7 8 9 10 #2-VIDEOS R US WALK BURNS BRAD TIMES KASEY WOODROE THOMAS SMITH BRUCE MILLS (310)426-3371 (209)634-7725 TM 11 12 13 14 15 #3-ONLY THE LONELY JEFF RAMPEE (714)293-7735 MIKE DERMONTE ERIC ISEMAN CHUCK SOMMERS FRANK BELLOWS TM 16 17 18 19 20 #4-WE CARRY EVERYTHING RON MOHR (209)453-8624 TERRANCE DARBY CHUCK HALL LARRY BROWN TOM REYNOLDS If the tournament has multiple events, i.e. singles, doubles, the rosters could be specific by event, also. If an All-Events is included, rosters can be generated to list everyone in each event. (See All-Events Roster sample) The title of the tournament, the date printed, and the name of the report will also be included in the heading. If this is a multiple event tournament, the title of the event will be included in the heading. Other information that can be included on this report: • • • • TEAM EVENT ROSTER IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER Entering average Status of tournament fees (paid in full, partial payment, or no fees paid) Team number Date and time the team bowls 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 TOURNAMENT ROSTER BOWLER 15 19 6 17 12 18 13 2 10 16 TS-4 FRANK BELLOWS LARRY BROWN WALT BURNS TERRANCE DARBY MIKE DERMONTE CHUCK HALL ERIC ISEMAN TONY MACHADO BRUCE MILLS RON MOHR BOWLER (209)634-7725 (209)453-8624 4 11 20 9 14 3 7 1 5 8 TYRONE PRICE JEFF RAMPEE TOM REYNOLDS THOMAS SMITH CHUCK SOMMERS MARK TAYLOR BRAD TIMES DOUG VANDECAMP BOB WEBB KASEY WOODROE (714)293-7735 (310)426-3371 ALL-EVENTS ROSTER USE: This roster would be a unique listing of bowlers that are participating in the All-Events portion of the tournament. This report has several options of information to be printed. The report will indicate which team # the bowler is on for each event. There is also an option to print the squad number and status of tournament fees (paid in full, partial payment, or not paid). The title of the tournament, the date printed, and the name of the report will also be included in the heading. If the tournament has multiple events, the name of the event can be included in the heading information. TS-5 ALL-EVENTS ROSTER 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 ALL-EVENTS/ROSTER USE: This roster will be a unique listing of bowlers that are participating in the All-Events portion of the tournament. ID # This report has several options of information to be printed. The report will indicate which team # the bowler is on for each event. There is also an option to print the squad number and status of tournament fees (paid in full, partial payment, or not paid). The title of the tournament, the date printed, and the name of the report will also be included in the heading. If the tournament has multiple events, the name of the event is included in the heading information. SINGLES TEAM # DOUBLES TEAM # TEAM EVENT TEAM # 15 19 6 17 12 FRANK BELLOWS LARRY BROWN WALT BURNS TERRANCE DARBY MIKE DERMONTE 15 19 6 17 12 8 10 3 9 6 3 4 2 4 3 18 13 2 10 16 CHUCK HALL ERIC ISEMAN TONY MACHADO BRUCE MILLS RON MOHR 18 13 2 10 16 9 7 1 5 8 4 3 1 2 4 4 11 20 9 14 TYRONE PRICE JEFF RAMPEE TOM REYNOLDS THOMAS SMITH CHUCK SOMMERS 4 11 20 9 14 2 6 10 5 7 1 3 4 2 3 3 7 1 5 8 2 4 1 3 4 1 2 1 1 2 3 7 1 5 8 TS-6 NAME MARK TAYLOR BRAD TIMES DOUG VANDECAMP BOB WEBB KASEY WOODROE TEAM LANE ASSIGNMENTS Printed in Lane Number Order or Printed in Team Number Order USE: This printout has a couple of uses. The main use would be to serve as a check-in sheet, at the time of team sign-in. There are two different reports and two formats for each report. Lane number order or Team number order, and with team names only or with team and bowler names can be listed. This report can be generated for a single squad or all squads; one after the other, if squads are used. The title of the tournament, the date printed, and the name of the report will also be included in the heading. If the tournament has multiple events, the name of the event is included in the heading information. When printed in team number order, the starting lane number of each group of games bowled on the same lane pair is displayed for a tournament that rotates lanes during a series. When printed in lane number order, the date and time of the squad is also displayed. TS-7 TEAM LANE ASSIGNMENT BY LANE TEAM LANE ASSIGNMENTS 47TH ANNNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 SQUAD 1 Printed in Lane Number Order or Printed in Team Number Order USE: This printout has a couple of uses. The main use would be to serve as a check-in sheet, at the time of team sign-in. There are two different reports and two formats for each report. Lane number order or Team number order, and with team names only or with team and bowler names can be listed. This report can be generated for a single squad or all squads, one after the other, if squads are used. The title of the tournament, the date printed, and the name of the report will also be included in the heading. If the tournament has multiple events, the name of the event is included in the heading information. LANE 1 POS A TEAM TM #1 1 2 3 THE BROWNS DOUG BROWN DARLENE BROWN JOHN BROWN 2 A TM #2 4 5 6 THE STRIPES CANDY STRIPE MANDY STRIPE JOHNNY STRIPE 3 A TM #3 7 8 9 THE JONES JANICE JONES CARL JONES JACK JONES 4 A TM #4 10 11 12 THE CAMPERS DAISY CAMP DOUG CAMP JAN CAMP 5 A TM #5 13 14 15 THE BG'S TERRY BLACK MARTHA GREEN JASON GRAY 6 A TM #6 16 17 18 THE WINNERS JIM OVERTON MARY DUNN PAUL ENDERS When printed in team number order, the starting lane number of each group of games bowled on the same lane pair is displayed for a tournament that rotates lanes during a series. When printed in lane number order, the date and time of the squad is also displayed. TEAM LANE ASSIGNMENT BY TEAM NUMBER 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 TEAM NAMES ONLY TEAM TM #1 - THE BROWNS TM #2 - THE STRIPES TM #3 - THE JONES TM #4 - THE CAMPERS TM #5 - THE BG'S TM #6 - THE WINNERS TS-8 LANE 1 2 3 4 5 6 POS A A A A A A SQD 1 1 1 1 1 1 TOURNAMENT RECAPS USE: This form can be printed prior to each squad assignment, for each event. This will provide a form to record scores for each game. The date and squad number (if used) will be printed, as well as the bowlers' names, numbers, averages, and handicaps (if used). The best use would be for a team tournament, provided the teams either stay on a single lane pair or both teams rotate to the same pair. If printed in lane number order, all teams scheduled on the same pair are printed as the same recap. If printed in team number order, each team is printed on a separate recap. TS-9 TOURNAMENT RECAPS USE: This form can be printed prior to each squad assignment, for each event. This will provide a form to record scores for each game. The date and squad number (if used) will be printed, as well as the bowlers' names, numbers, averages, and handicaps (if used). The best use would be for a team tournament, provided the teams either stay on a single lane pair or both teams rotate to the same pair. If printed in lane number order, all teams scheduled on the same lane pair are printed on the same recap. If printed in team number order, each team is printed on a separate recap. TS-10 MANUAL ADJUSTMENTS AT THE SCORER USE: This report will list any name, average, or handicap changes made to lineups that were sent to the automatic scorer, prior to the start of the match and will also provide a good listing of any walk-ins. This report prints automatically before processing scores or it can be printed any time, after a match, from the main print screen. The names will appear in the order that they complete their game or games. TS-11 MANUAL ADJUSTMENTS AT THE SCORER USE: 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 This report will list any name, average, or handicap changes made to lineups that were sent to the automatic scorer, prior to the start of the match and will also provide a good listing of any walk-ins. THE FOLLOWING BOWLERS HAVE EITHER: 1. CHANGED THEIR NAME (CHECK SPELLING OF NAME IN BOWLER FILE) 2. CHANGED THEIR HANDICAP (CHECK AVERAGE AND/OR HANDICAP RULES) 3. ADDED THEIR NAME AT THE SCORER (ADD NEW BOWLER IF NOT ALREADY ENTERED) This report prints automatically before processing scores or it can be printed any time, after a match, from the main print screen. PLEASE PROCESS THESE BOWLERS MANUALLY AFTER MAKING ANY NECESSARY CORRECTIONS. The names will appear in the order that they complete their game or games. START LANE 1 CHUCK HALL 3 WALTER BURNS 3 WALTER BURNS 3 WALTER BURNS 1 CHUCK HALL 1 CHUCK HALL 2 JACK PRINCE 2 JACK PRINCE 2 JACK PRINCE 2 CHARLES SOMMERS 2 CHARLES SOMMERS 2 CHARLES SOMMERS 4 SAM STONE 4 SAM STONE 4 SAM STONE TS-12 NAME 24 24 24 24 24 24 32 32 32 24 24 24 20 20 20 HDCP 230 163 114 190 189 181 196 183 154 193 186 185 197 180 199 GAME SCORE TEAM RECORDS USE: This report will list all teams that have bowled, along with their scores. The report can be printed at any time. The format of the report cannot be altered and all teams will print when Team Records is selected. [1],[2] Tournament name, date the report was printed, and the title of the report. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [5] Total team handicap applied to series, if handicap is used. [6] Team total pins, including handicap. [3] Listing of teams in team number order, with team name, if used. [7] Team average calculated by dividing team total pins scratch by games bowled. [4] Scratch game and series scores. TS-13 TEAM RECORDS [1] 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 USE: [2] This report will list all teams that have bowled, along with their scores. The report can be printed at any time. The format of the report cannot be altered and all teams will print when Team Records is selected. [1],[2] Tournament name, date the report was printed, and the title of the report. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [3] Listing of teams in team number order, with team name, if used. [4] Scratch game and series scores. [5] Total team handicap applied to series, if handicap is used. [6] Team total pins, including handicap. [7] Team average calculated by dividing team total pins scratch by games bowled. TEAM RECORDS TEAM TS-14 GAME 1 GAME 2 GAME 3 TOTAL HDCP TOTAL PINS AVG 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. TEAM 1 TEAM 2 TEAM 3 TEAM 4 TEAM 5 341 368 368 328 434 423 389 335 378 413 331 383 343 449 412 1095 1140 1046 1155 1259 6 60 72 249 135 1101 1200 1118 1404 1394 365 380 348 385 419 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. TEAM 6 TEAM 7 TEAM 8 TEAM 9 TEAM 10 398 342 421 328 408 342 323 413 388 389 404 423 483 448 482 1144 1088 1317 1164 1279 138 168 48 99 18 1282 1256 1365 1263 1297 381 362 439 388 426 [3] [4] [4] [4] [4] [5] [6] [7] BOWLER RECORDS USE: This will provide an individual bowler printout, by team, of game and series scores. This report can be printed for each event, in a multi-event tournament. [1],[2] Tournament name, date the report was printed, and the title of the report. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [6] Entering average, if used. [7] Individual handicap, if used. [3] Bowler names, listed in team number order. [8] Gender of bowler. [4] Game and series scores for this event. [5] Individual current average. TS-15 BOWLER RECORDS [1] 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 USE: [1],[2] [2] This will provide an individual bowler printout, by team, of game and series scores. This report can be printed for each event, in a multi-event tournament. BOWLER RECORDS Tournament name, date the report was printed, and the title of the report. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [3] Bowler names, listed in team number order. [4] Game and series scores for this event. [5] Individual current average. [6] Entering average, if used. [7] Individual handicap, if used. [8] Gender of bowler. TS-16 [3] [4] [4] [4] [4] [5] [6] [7] BOWLER NAME GAME 1 GAME 2 GAME 3 [8] TOTAL AVG ENT HDCP TM #1 = TEAM 1 DOUG VANDECAMP136 TONY MACHADO 205 201 222 234 97 571 524 190 174 197 201 2 0 M M TM #2 - TEAM 2 MARK TAYLOR 164 TYRONE PRICE 204 155 234 197 186 516 624 172 208 185 189 12 8 M M TM #3 - TEAM 3 BOB WEBB 167 WALT BURNS 201 189 146 155 188 511 535 170 178 211 170 0 24 M M TM #4 - TEAM 4 BRAD TIMES 164 KASEY WOODROE 164 189 189 223 226 576 579 192 193 153 142 37 46 M M TM #5 - TEAM 5 THOMAS SMITH 189 BRUCE MILLS 245 201 212 215 197 605 654 201 218 168 175 25 20 M M TM #6 - TEAM 6 JEFF RAMPEE 211 MIKE DERMONTE 187 186 156 205 199 602 542 200 180 190 152 8 38 M M TM #7 - TEAM 7 ERIC ISEMAN 145 CHUCK SOMMERS 197 167 156 189 234 501 587 167 195 160 169 32 24M M TM #9 - TEAM 9 TERRANCE DARBY 164 CHUCK HALL 164 199 189 214 234 577 587 192 195 183 175 13 20 M M TM #10 - TEAM 10 LARRY BROWN 211 TOM REYNOLDS 197 203 186 245 237 659 620 219 206 192 215 6 0 M M TEAM EVENT HANDICAP STANDINGS USE: The Tournament Standings will be used to display the results of the tournament. This report can be printed at any time, not just at the end of the tournament. If the tournament is a multi-event tournament, each event will have its own 'standings' report. An All-Events standings can also be generated. If the tournament is running separate squads, each squad can be printed individually or all squads together. [1] The name of the tournament and the date the report was printed will be listed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the heading information. [2] The "Standings" column can be by team or individual. This column could contain all teams that have completed the matches, or could be scaled down (for large tournaments) to reflect just the top (or bottom) "x" number of places. The teams could also be ranked by total pins scratch or total pins handicap. [3] The total pins scratch, handicap, and total pins with handicap columns are displayed because of the tournament definition. Each team score will also be included. [4] The team current average is determined by the total pins scratch being divided by the total games bowled by the team. TS-17 [5] The award scores listed and the number of places for each award is determined by the tournament definition. High individual average will always be printed. The other options are printing high game and series scratch, high game and series handicap, both, or none. The number of places printed can be from two to five. This applies to both individual and team awards. This sample happens to show just first and second place. [6] The message file has a capacity of ten lines of text. This message will be displayed at the end of the standings report. The message is not a stored file and will need to be reentered for each printing of this standing sheet. TEAM EVENT HANDICAP STANDINGS [1] 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 [1] [2] Tournament name, and the date the report was printed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [2] [3] TM# TEAM STANDINGSSCRATCH [3] [3] [4] PINS HDCP TOTAL PINS AVG 336 2931 3296 117 986 3048 102 456 2953 2899 950 814 1. #3 ONLY THE LONELY 2960 2. #4 WE CARRY EVERYTHING 977 3. #1 ROCK AND BOWL 2851 4. #2 VIDEOS R US 2443 The position standings for the teams that have completed this even. This area could include specific "places", i.e. positions 1 thru 5, or all teams in top x number of teams or bottom x number of teams, or just all teams in the tournament. [5] [3] Current team total pins scratch, followed by the team handicap (if used), and then total pins with handicap. Each team score will also be included. [4] Team average determined by total pins scratch divided by games bowled. [5] Individual and team award categories, showing only first and second place. The awards and places displayed are determined when setting up the tournament definition. [6] ***1ST*** 215 JEFF RAMPEE 234 JEFF RAMPEE 646 JEFF RAMPEE 247 JACK PRINCE 676 JACK PRINCE 1011 ONLY THE LONELY 2960 ONLY THE LONELY EVERYTHING 1123 ONLY THE LONELY 3296 ONLY THE LONELY EVERYTHING Message file contains a maximum of ten lines of text. The message file is for a single print only. Every reprint of the standings will ask for a message text. [6] TS-18 TOURNAMENT LEADERS ***2ND*** HIGH AVERAGE 200 IND. HIGH GAME SCRATCH 224 IND. HIGH SERIES SCRATCH 602 IND. HIGH GAME HANDICAP 242 IND. HIGH SERIES HANDICAP 670 TEAM HIGH GAME SCRATCH 1006 TEAM HIGH SERIES SCRATCH 2931 MARK TAYLOR TONY MACHADO MARK TAYLOR JEFF RAMPEE JEFF RAMPEE ROCK AND BOWL WE CARRY TEAM HIGH GAME HANDICAP 1098 VIDEOS R US TEAM HIGH SERIES HANDICAP 3048 WE CARRY IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THE SCORES THAT HAVE BEEN POSTED, CONTACT JOHN SIMMONS AT THE ASSOCIATION OFFICE. THE TELEPHONE NUMBER FOR THE OFFICE IS 978-0985. THE DEADLINE FOR FILING A PROTEST IS MARCH 25, 1996. DOUBLES EVENT SCRATCH STANDINGS (by Individual) USE: This standing report is similar to the Team Standings. The major difference is that along with the team name, each bowler on the team will be listed separately. This gives more concise information as to what a team did for this event. The format can be used for every event and can also be printed with scratch total pins and/or handicap total pins. The individual game scores will always be listed as scratch. This report can also be printed at any time, not just at the end of the tournament. [1] The name of the tournament and the date the report was printed will be listed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the heading information. [6] The bowler's current average will be based on total pins scratch, for this event, divided by the number of games in the series, for this event. [2] The listing of the standings will depend on whether the scratch or handicap total pins is used to rank the teams. Only teams that have completed the matches in the event will be listed. The team name will be omitted, just the team number will be displayed. [7] The team's total pins can be scratch or handicap, depending on the tournament definition. [8],[9] The individual and team awards, and the number of places listed, will all depend on how the tournament was defined. The individual high average will always print, but the others are optional. The number of places printing can be from two to five. This sample displays three places in each award. [3] The game and series totals will all be listed scratch. [4] The individual handicap will be listed, if it is used to determine standings or awards. [5] This column will be individual total pins with handicap. TS-19 DOUBLES EVENT SCRATCH STANDINGS [1] 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 (by Individual Bowler) [1] [2] Tournament name, and the date the report was printed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. 1. TM # #8 2. #10 Team standings, with each team member listed. Standings are based on scratch total pins. 3. #5 4. #9 [3] Scratch game and series scores. 5. #4 [4] Individual handicap, if used. 6. #6 7. #2 [5] Individual total pins including handicap. 8. #1 [6] Individual current average. 9. #7 [7] Team total pins, scratch. 10. #3 [8] Individual award scores. The types of awards and the number of positions was determined when building the tournament definition. [2] [8] [3] [3] [3] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] GAME GAME GAME PINS TOTAL TEAM TEAM STANDINGS 1 2 3 SCRATCHHDCP PINS AVG PINS FRANK BELLOWS 197 156 215 568 48 616 189 1317 RON MOHR 224 257 268 749 0 749 249 LARRY BROWN 211 203 245 659 18 677 219 1279 TOM REYNOLDS 197 186 237 620 0 620 206 THOMAS SMITH 189 201 215 605 75 680 201 1259 BRUCE MILLS 245 212 197 654 60 714 218 TERRANCE DARBY164 199 214 577 39 616 192 1164 CHUCK HALL 164 189 234 587 60 647 195 BRAD TIMES 164 189 223 576 111 687 192 1155 KASEY WOODROE 164 189 226 579 138 717 193 JEFF RAMPEE 211 186 205 602 24 626 200 1144 MIKE DERMANTE 187 156 199 542 114 656 180 MARK TAYLOR 164 155 197 516 36 552 172 1140 TYRONE PRICE 204 234 186 624 24 648 208 DOUG VANDECAMP136 201 234 571 6 577 190 1095 TONY MACHADO 205 222 97 524 0 524 174 ERIC ISEMAN 145 167 189 501 96 597 167 1088 CHUCK SOMMERS 197 156 234 587 72 659 195 BOB WEBB 167 189 155 511 0 511 170 1046 WALT BURNS 201 146 188 535 72 607 178 HIGH SCR. GAME 268 RON MOHR 245 LARRY BROWN HIGH SCR. SERIES 749 RON MOHR 659 LARRY BROWN HIGH AVERAGE 249.6 RON MOHR 219.6 LARRY 245 654 218.0 BROWN [9] Team award scores. The types of awards and the number of positions was determined when building the tournament definition. BRUCE MILLS BRUCE MILLS BRUCE MILLS HIGH HDCP. GAME 272 KASEY WOODROE 268 RON MOHR 265 BRUCE MILLS NOTE A message can also be entered for this form of "standings." The file size is up to ten lines of text. HIGH HDCP. SERIES 749 RON MOHR 717 KASEY WOODROE 714 BRUCE MILLS HIGH SCR. GAME --TEAM 483 TEAM 8 482 TEAM 10 449 TEAM 4 HIGH SCR. SERIES--TEAM 1317 TEAM 8 1279 TEAM 10 1259 TEAM 5 HIGH HDCP. GAME--TEAM 532 TEAM 4 499 TEAM 8 488 TEAM 10 HIGH HDCP. SERIES--TEAM 1404 TEAM 4 1394 TEAM 5 1365 TEAM 8 [9] TS-20 SINGLES HANDICAP STANDINGS (with Prize List) USE: Same as other standings report. Information is tailored to the event. [1] Tournament name, and the date the report was printed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [2] [3] Multiple prize lists can be built in each event. This report reflects the prize pay-outs for prize list 1. The name of the prize list is also included. Team standings for this event. [4] Event game and series scratch scores. [5] Team handicap, if used. [6] Team total pins, including handicap. [7] Prize pay-out amounts. NOTE If the event has multiple rounds, individual games are displayed only for each round. When printing the report for all rounds, only the total pin count will be displayed. TS-21 SINGLES HANDICAP STANDINGS (with Prize List) [1] 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 USE: Same as other standings report. Information is tailored to the event. [1] Tournament name, and the date the report was printed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. [2] PRIZE LIST 1 [3] [2] Multiple prize lists can be built in each event. This report reflects the prize pay-outs for prize list 1. The name of the prize list is also included. [3] Team standings for this event. [4] Event game and series scratch scores. [5] Team handicap, if used. [6] Team total pins, including handicap. [7] Prize pay-out amounts. TEAM STANDINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. NOTE If the event has multiple rounds, individual games are displayed only for each round. When printing the report for all rounds, only the total pin count will be displayed. TS-22 TYRONE PRICE JEFF RAMPEE KASEY WOODROE CHUCK SOMMERS MIKE DERMONTE LARRY BROWN BOB WEBB WALT BURNS RON MOHR TOM REYNOLDS TERRANCE DARBY BRAD TIMES CHUCK HALL ERIC ISEMAN FRANK BELLOWS TONY MACHADO BRUCE MILLS THOMAS SMITH MARK TAYLOR DOUG VANDECAMP [4] [4] [4] GAME 1 GAME 2 GAME 3 264 215 167 188 167 215 205 167 224 224 167 167 186 145 146 199 175 167 197 156 257 267 199 179 188 201 234 189 213 213 189 159 145 167 213 192 167 154 152 197 224 214 205 245 198 224 211 211 201 201 237 189 225 188 189 205 189 185 164 188 [4] [5] PINS SCRATCH HDCP 745 696 571 612 553 640 650 567 638 638 593 515 556 500 548 596 531 506 513 541 24 24 138 72 114 18 0 72 0 0 39 111 60 96 48 0 60 75 36 6 [6] TOTAL PINS 769 720 709 684 667 658 650 639 638 638 632 626 616 596 596 596 591 581 549 547 [7] PRIZE 250.00 125.00 75.00 50.00 40.00 35.00 30.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 INDIVIDUAL ALL-EVENTS STANDINGS (with Prize List) USE: This report is similar in fashion to the other standing sheets. The major difference is that the standings are all by individual, not team. The only bowlers listed will be those that have been considered for all-events. An all-events printout can be generated for a combination of events, not necessarily all of the events in the tournament. For example: All bowlers that have completed singles and doubles could be listed on an all-events standing report. After determining what is to be considered for all-events, all the standard questions for the other standing sheets will be asked. [1] The name of the tournament and the date the report was printed will be listed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the heading information. [2] This will state which prize list is being distributed, if any. [3] The 'team' standings will be a listing of all individuals that entered the all-events event. [4] [5] The scores here reflect each bowler's series total in each of the events being considered for all-events. The event scores will be scratch, as well as the total pins column. [6] Total pins will now include handicap. [7] The individual current average will be computed from the total pins scratch divided by the total games bowled in all events. [8] Pay out amount of the prize list. [9] The message file has a total of 10 lines maximum that can be used to leave messages for the bowlers. This message is not stored and would need to be reentered with each printing of the standings. NOTE If two or more bowlers are tied for a place that receives a prize, the prizes are combined and divided evenly. This will be the individual's series handicap. TS-23 INDIVIDUAL ALL-EVENTS STANDINGS INDIVIDUAL ALL EVENTS 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 [2] (with Prize List) USE: [1] Same format as other standings except it represents only those individuals that were signed up to compete in All Events. [1] PRIZE LIST 2 [3] [4] TEAM STANDINGS [4] [4] [4] [5] [6] PINS TOTAL SINGLESDOUBLES TEAM SCRATCH HDCP [7] [8] PINS AVG 178 PRIZE 1. KASEY WOODROE 150.00 2. JEFF RAMPEE 696 100.00 3. CHUCK SOMMERS 60.00 4. RON MOHN 638 5. LARRY BROWN 640 6. CHUCK HALL 556 7. BRAD TIMES 515 8. TERRANCE DARBY 9. FRANK BELLOWS548 10. BRUCE MILLS 531 11. WALT BURNS 567 12. ERIC ISEMAN 500 14. THOMAS SMITH 506 15. MARK TAYLOR 513 16. BOB WEBB 650 17. TONY MACHADO596 18. DOUG VANDECAMP Tournament name, and the date the report was printed. If the tournament is multi-event, the title of the event is included in the header information. 571 579 458 1608 414 2022 602 646 1944 72 2016 216 612 587 568 1767 216 1983 749 659 587 576 593 568 654 535 501 605 516 511 524 541 596 582 578 470 577 601 494 541 565 480 602 563 587 571 1983 1881 1721 1561 595 1717 1679 1643 1566 1591 1631 1724 1707 518 0 54 180 333 1765 144 180 216 288 225 108 0 0 1630 1983 1935 1901 1894 117 1861 1859 1859 1854 1816 1739 1724 1707 18 220 209 191 173 1882 190 186 182 174 176 181 191 189 1648 196 [2] Indicates which prize list is being distributed, if any. [3] Team standings. All individuals that have entered the AllEvents will be listed here. [4] Series totals for each event bowled, plus the 'all-events' total scratch pins. [5] Individual series handicap, if used. [6] Total pins, from all the events, plus handicap. [7] Bowler's current average, based on the total scratch pins divided by the total games bowled in all the events. THIS YEAR'S CSBA TOURNAMENT SET A RECORD FOR THE NUMBER OF ENTRIES [8] Amount of prize won. WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK ALL PARTICIPANTS, FOR WITHOUT YOU WE COULD NOT HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFUL. WE HOPE NEXT YEAR'S TOURNAMENT WILL BE EVEN BIGGER. [9] This is the ten line message file that is available for all standing sheets. [9] NOTE If two or more bowlers are tied for a place that receives a prize, the prizes are combined and divided evenly. TS-24 196 181 GENERAL TOURNAMENT INFORMATION USE: The general tournament information contains the number of bowlers in each gender and the number of bowlers in each average bracket. The entering average would be used to sort by. If the tournament definition specified that team fees would be recorded, a record of those payments will be listed here. This report can be generated at any time. It usually would be printed after the tournament has begun and scores have been processed. TS-25 GENERAL TOURNAMENT INFORMATION USE: 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 NUMBER OF BOWLERS BY ENTERING AVERAGE The general tournament information contains the number of bowlers in each gender and the number of bowlers in each average bracket. The entering average would be used to sort by. BELOW 111 111-130 MEN 0 WOMEN 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 If the tournament definition specified that team fees would be recorded, a record of those payments will be listed here. 131-150 151-170 1 0 1 6 0 6 171-190 ABOVE 190 TOTAL 7 0 7 TEAMS NOT PAID IN FULL This report can be generated at any time. It usually would be printed after the tournament has begun and scores have been processed. ALL TEAMS HAVE PAID IN FULL ENTRY FEE/TEAM - $50.00 INCOME - $500.00 TS-26 6 0 6 20 0 20 TEAMS THAT HAVE NOT BOWLED USE: This report will be a fast reference when printing out final statistics. Any team listed in any event that does not have scores entered will be listed here. This report can be printed for each event in the tournament and can be used to find duplicate entries, entries that did not show and need to be deleted, and/or teams that did bowl but have not had scores processed yet. TS-27 TEAMS THAT HAVE NOT BOWLED USE: 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT 2/20/96 TEAMS WHO HAVE NOT BOWLED This report will be a fast reference when printing out final statistics. Any team listed in any event that does not have scores entered will be listed here. 1 3 5 7 9 This report can be printed for each event in the tournament and can be used to find duplicate entries, entries that did not show and need to be deleted, and/or teams that did bowl but have not had scores processed yet. TS-28 TEAM 1 TEAM 3 TEAM 5 TEAM 7 TEAM 9 2 4 6 8 10 TEAM 2 TEAM 4 TEAM 6 TEAM 8 TEAM 10 MAILING LABELS USE: The mailing label format is the same format that is used in the League Record Service and the Open Play programs. The system will print completed address files only and will print them two across. Avery produces a two wide adhesive label that will work in the Center Management System printers. The labels selection can be based on the following: 1. All bowlers 2. Team captains only 3. All above a certain average 4. Men only 5. Women only 6. Boys only 7. Girls only After the labels have printed, the system will print a list of bowlers that have incomplete address files and therefore did not have labels printed. If the tournament is multi-event, labels will be produced by the event. TS-29 MAILING LABELS MAILING LABELS USE: The mailing label format is the same format that is used in the League Record Service and the Open Play programs. The system will printed completed address files only and will print them two across. Avery produces a two wide adhesive label that will work in the Command Network and Desk Command printers. The labels selection can be based on the following: 1. All bowlers 2. Team captains only 3. All above a certain average 4. Men only 5. Women only 6. Boys only 7. Girls only After the labels have printed, the system will print a list of bowlers that have incomplete address files and therefore did not have labels printed. DOUG VANDECAMP 1234 LINDEN AVE. APT. 10 LONG BEACH, CA 90803 TONY MACHADO 3732 OLIVE AVE. LONG BEACH, CA 90806 MARK TAYLOR 1234 LINDEN AVE. APT. 5 LONG BEACH, CA 90803 TYRONE PRICE 16734 SEAL BEACH BLVD. SEAL BEACH, CA 93720 BOB WEBB 12373 FIG AVE. #232 TORRANCE, CA 92333 WALT BURNS 7523 CERRITOS AVE ORANGE, CA 92806 BRAD TIMES 12 RIO WAY ONTARIO, CA 93722 KASEY WOODROE 75-10 LACE WAY DINUBA, CA 93266 THOMAS SMITH P.O. BOX 734 LAGUNA BEACH, CA 90823 BRUCE MILLS 253 CEDAR AVE. LONG BEACH, CA 90810 JEFF RAMPEE 106 BEVERLY DRIVE PLACENTA, CA 92670 MIKE DERMONTE 1730 E. MORNINGSIDE COURT ANAHEIM, CA 92080 If the tournament is multi-event, labels will be produced by the event. LIST OF BOWLERS WITH MISSING ADDRESS BOWLERS NOT PRINTED DUE TO A MISSING ADDRESS BOWLER # 21 34 TS-30 NAME JACK PRINCE JOHN DOE BOWLER # 22 39 NAME SAM STONE SAM STONE TOURNAMENT DIRECTORY USE: This report will list all tournaments currently on the computer and will reflect the tournament number and name. TS-31 TOURNAMENT DIRECTORY TOURNAMENT DIRECTORY TOURNAMENT # USE: This report will list all tournaments currently on the computer and will reflect the tournament number and name. 1 2 10 40 75 TS-32 TOURNAMENT NAME #3 TEAM DEMO DOUBLES DEMO FILE 47TH ANNUAL CSBA TOURNAMENT TEST TOURNEY VER. 151 ERO INVITATIONAL PRIZE FUND DISTRIBUTION USE: This report is used to inform the bowlers how much each place is worth in the standings for each event. The report shows the number of places, or groups or places, the prize amount for each place, and the balance of prize money that has not yet been distributed. The report can be changed at any time. When printing the standings, the operator has the option of including this report's information on those standings. TS-33 PRIZE FUND DISTRIBUTION PRIZE FUND DISTRIBUTION RUN DATE: 23-FEB-96 4:44 PM TOURNAMENT #: 44 DESERT WITH MATCH PLAY USE: This report is used to inform the bowlers how much each place is worth in the standings for each event. PLACE FROM THRU ---------------- The report shows the number of places, or groups or places, the prize amount for each place, and the balance of prize money that has not yet been distributed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 The report can be changed at any time. When printing the standings, the operator has the option of including this report's information on those standings. TS-34 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 PRIZE AMOUNT -----------1000.00 900.00 800.00 700.00 600.00 500.00 400.00 300.00 200.00 BALANCE -------------5800.00 4900.00 4100.00 3400.00 2800.00 2300.00 1900.00 1600.00 .00 PRIZE FUND RECAPITULATION USE: This report lists each of the prize lists that were defined in the tournament, with the number of places paid and total amount of money distributed. Since the same prize list can be used for more than one standings, the name of the prize list could be generic, such as “SQUAD PRIZES.” The report is a summary of the detailed information found in the Prize Fund Distribution report. TS-35 PRIZE FUND RECAPITULATION PRIZE FUND RECAPITULATION RUN DATE: 23-FEB-96 4:44 PM TOURNAMENT #: 44 DESERT WITH MATCH PLAY USE: This report lists each of the prize lists that were defined in the tournament, with the number of places paid and total amount of money distributed. Since the same prize list can be used for more than one standings, the name of the prize list can be generic, such as “SQUAD PRIZES.” The report is a summary of the detailed information found in the Prize Fund Distribution report. TS-36 PRIZE LIST ____ 001 NAME ______ TOTAL # PLACES _________ TOTAL AMOUNT _________ MATCH PLAY PRIZES 16 6800.00 MATCH PLAY SUMMARY USE: This report prints the results of match play competition in the singles event of a tournament. It can be requested by round, and by series within the round. The report lists the bowler's team number and name, each game score with the match play result (W=won, L=lost, T=tied); bonus points, total pins scratch, handicap with bonus points, and the grand total pinfall if there were qualifying games before this round. If the report is printed for more than one series, only total scores will be printed and not each individual game score. The W-L-T totals will still be printed. The date and time (printed above the results) indicate when the series was bowled. TS-37 MATCH PLAY SUMMARY USE: This report prints the results of match play competition in the singles event of a tournament. It can be requested by round, and by series within the round. The report lists the bowler's team number and name, each game score with the match play result (W=won, L=lost, T=tied); bonus points, total pins scratch, handicap and with bonus points, and the grand total pinfall if there were qualifying games before this round. MATCH PLAY SUMMARY EVENT: SINGLES ROUND 2, SERIES 1 DATE: 02/01/96 TIME: 18:00 RUN DATE: 23-FEB-96 4:20 PM PAGE 1 TOURNAMENT #: 44 DESERT WITH MATCH PLAY GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GAME GRAND TM # TEAM STANDINGS ____ ________________ 1. 7 MARTY CARROLTON 2. 8 ED WHITEHORSE 3. 16 ALLEN SMITH 4. 10 WALTER CRUZ 5. 18 MAX TOLBINE 6. 3 MICKY WALTERS 7. 9 DAN LEVANDOWSKI 8. 2 HAL RICHARDS 9. 4 JIM JACOBS 10. 5 MARK ARNOLD 11. 6 MARK YODER 12. 11 MATT JONES 13. 13 BRENT WOODS 14. 1 BOB MITCHELL 15. 15 JACK WALLACE 16. 17 ROBERT HARDING If the report is printed for more than one series, only total scores will be printed and not each individual game score. The W-L-T totals will still be printed. The date and time (printed above the results) indicate when the series was bowled. TS-38 1 _____ 252W 225W 234W 216L 258W 250W 226W 217L 221L 217L 196L 209L 222W 218L 236W 229L 2 _____ 293W 280W 248W 247W 245L 161L 212W 174L 189W 257W 208L 247L 179L 178L 215W 183L 3 _____ 305W 262W 239L 205L 214W 224W 257W 164L 231W 204L 164L 226W 208L 191L 162L 204W 4 _____ 221L 242W 245W 256W 204L 251W 259W 231L 238W 194L 148W 197L 188L 218L 227W 147L 5 _____ 251W 215L 192L 185T 194L 269W 232W 282W 207L 212L 200W 198L 222W 232W 185T 224L 6 _____ 241W 262W 300W 247W 231L 252W 202L 217W 168L 151L 227L 194L 201L 248L 236W 226W 7 _____ 227L 258W 235W 261T 254W 218L 212W 261T 228W 230W 234W 207L 188L 178L 172L 247L 8 _____ 207L 222L 223W 212L 264W 180L 211L 205W 244W 138L 257W 187L 232W 218W 195L 239W PINS SCRATCH ________ 1949 1878 1644 1349 1312 1517 1251 1623 1382 1475 1538 1169 1376 1308 1308 1499 BLOCK W L T _________ 05-03-00 06-02-00 06-02-00 03-03-02 04-04-00 05-03-00 06-02-00 03-04-01 05-03-00 02-06-00 04-04-00 01-07-00 03-05-00 04-03-01 04-03-01 03-05-00 HDCP _____ 48 88 272 480 552 288 560 128 344 128 96 496 264 320 320 200 PTS ____ 50 60 60 40 40 50 60 35 50 20 40 10 30 45 45 30 TOTAL ______ 2047 2026 1976 1869 1904 1855 1871 1786 1776 1623 1674 1675 1670 1673 1673 1729 TOTAL ______ 3467 3412 3284 3251 3235 3202 3186 3105 3078 3056 3037 2995 2967 2843 2843 2810 STANDINGS SHEET FOR OPTIONAL SINGLES USE: This report lists the bowlers who have the highest individual series within a doubles or team event, with or without handicap. In order to be included on this list, the operator must have indicated in the program that the bowler is participating in the optional singles event. The report lists the bowler's number and name, each individual game score, series handicap, total pins scratch and handicap, and their individual average for this particular series. The report can be printed for each tournament event (doubles and team) that has an optional singles event within it, and can be selectable by series within the event. TS-39 STANDINGS SHEET FOR OPTIONAL SINGLES USE: STANDINGS SHEET FOR OPTIONAL SINGLES EVENT: DOUBLES This report lists the bowlers who have the highest individual series within a doubles or team event, with or without handicap. BWLR IND STANDINGS ------- ------------------------ In order to be included on this list, the operator must have indicated in the program that the bowler is participating in the optional singles event. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. The report lists the bowler's number and name, each individual game score, series handicap, total pins scratch and handicap, and their individual average for this particular series. The report can be printed for each tournament event (doubles and team) that has an optional singles event within it, and can be selectable by series within the event. TS-40 #19 #8 #4 #20 #17 #6 #5 #3 #14 #2 #1 #13 #15 #10 #21 #16 #9 #7 PETER SPALDING ED WHITEHORSE JIM JACOBS ALEX ESTRADA ROBERT HARDING DAN FREMONT DAN LEVANDOWSKI MICKY WALTERS JOSEPH CARMICHAEL HAL RICHARDS BOB MITCHELL BRENT WOODS JACK WALLACE WALTER CRUZ PETER FONTAINE SEAN BILLINGSLEY JASON MATTHEWS MARTY CARROLTON RUN DATE: 23-FEB-96 3:20 PM PAGE 1 TOURNAMENT #: 33 DESERT CHAMPIONSHIPS GAME GAME GAME PINS 1 2 3 SCRATCH -------- -------- --------- -------------- TOTAL HDCP PINS AVG -------- ------- ------ 255 236 231 251 200 279 224 188 204 199 195 165 168 135 190 145 166 214 75 33 129 51 75 36 48 108 114 48 99 99 120 180 156 102 210 18 242 234 200 222 205 182 212 179 205 201 175 188 177 178 155 189 105 177 210 277 185 201 222 204 203 205 155 215 184 199 185 154 146 192 141 175 HIGH SCR. GAME -----------------------279 DAN FREMONT 277 ED WHITEHORSE 255 PETER SPALDING HIGH SCR. SERIES --------------------------747 ED WHITEHORSE 707 PETER SPALDING 674 ALEX ASTRADA HIGH HDCP. GAME -----------------------291 DAN FREMONT 288 ED WHITEHORSE 280 PETER SPALDING HIGH HDCP. SERIES ---------------------------782 PETER SPALDING 780 ED WHITEHORSE 745 JIM JACOBS 707 747 616 674 627 665 639 572 564 615 554 552 530 467 491 526 412 566 782 780 745 725 702 701 687 680 678 663 653 651 650 647 647 628 622 584 235 249 205 224 209 221 213 190 188 205 184 184 176 155 163 175 137 188 HIGH AVERAGE -----------------------249.0 ED WHITEHORSE 235.6 PETER SPALDING 224.6 ALEX ESTRADA TOURNAMENT RULES USE: This report verifies that the information used to define the tournament rules is accurate. The report cannot be customized, it simply provides a printout of all the tournament rules as they were defined in the system. The numbers and letters of each category on the report correspond to the numbers and letters of the options used when defining a tournament within the Center Management System. This feature allows you to quickly find any rule that requires changing. NOTE: The tournament rules will differ depending on the specific events that comprise the tournament. The samples of tournament rules listed here contain two pages each from a singles event, a doubles event, and a team event. TS-41 TOURNAMENT RULES USE: This report verfies that the information used to define the tournament rules is accurate. The report cannot be customized, it simply provides a printout of all the tournament rules as they were defined in the system. The numbers and letters of each category on the report correspond to the numbers and letters of the options used when defining a tournament within the Center Management System. This feature allows you to quickly find any rule that requires changing. NOTE The tournament rules will differ depending on the specific events that comprise the tournament. The samples of tournament rules listed here contain two pages each from a singles event, a doubles event, and a team event. TS-42 TOURNAMENT RULES RUN DATE: 23-Feb-96 3:32 PM 11. Printout of Tournament Standings A. Tournament Standings Determined: Total Pins Scratch or Total Pins Handicap B. The Base Score for the +/- Display: 0 C. Following Columns Are Included in the Standings Report: Individual Game Scores Total Pins Scratch Handicap Total Pins Including Handicap Pins Team Average Team Number Singles Event ____________________ 1. Name of Tournament: #33-DESERT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Type A. Tournament Events: Singles Doubles Team B. Optional Singles: Yes C. Individual All Events Included: Yes D. Pinsetter: 10 Pin E. Advance Reservations: No 3. Format A. Format: U.S. 4. Optional Heading Line: SINGLES 5. Division Setup A. Individual Division: No B. Team Division: No 6. Squads, Rounds and Games A. Keep Records of Separate Squads: Yes B. Number of Rounds/Sessions of Bowling: 1 C. Number of Series/Blocks: 1 D. Number of Games Per Series/Blocks: 3 E. Number of Teams Per Squad: 50 7. Lane, Team and Practice Information A. Download Names to the Scorers: Yes B. Singles and Doubles Events Bowled Consecutively in the Same Squad: No C. After First Game Each Team: Rotate a Certain Number of Lanes D. How Do Teams Rotate: Rotate Right 2 Pairs of Lanes E. The Number of Minutes of Practice Bowling: 5 12. Individual Achievement A. Statistics Printed for Individual Achievements: High Game and High Series -- Scratch and Handicap B. List the Individual Achievements: C. Allow the Same Bowler Listed: In All Award Categories D. Number of Individual Leaders Printed: 3 13. Team Achievements A. No Team Achievements for a Single Tournament 14. Tournament Fees A. Keep Records of Tournament Fees Paid Per Team: Yes B. Amount of Money Due Per Team: $50.00 C. Fees Paid Automatically: Yes D. Separate Fee For All Events: Yes E. Amount of Money Due Per Individual: $10.00 F. All Events Fees Paid Automatically: Yes 8. Event Type: Men A. Type of Game Default: Full Frame Bowling 15. Printout of Bowler Records A. Lists Each Bowler In the Tournament and All Games Bowled: Yes B. Following Columns Printed Out: Entering Average Handicap C. Skip a Line Between Each Team: No. 9. Reenter Command A. Reentry of Teams Allowed: No 16. Prize Lists Defined: No 17. Bowlers Transferred to Database: No 10. Handicapping Procedures A. Handicap Based on Average B. Method of Computing the Team Handicap Adding the Individual Bowler Handicaps C. Handicapping Method: Add Each Team's Handicap to Its Net Score D. Percentage Handicap Used: 80% of 220 E. Negative Handicaps Allowed: No F. Minimum Allowable Bowler Average Rule for Handicapping Purposes: No TS-43 TOURNAMENT RULES RUN DATE: 23-Feb-96 11. Printout of Tournament Standings A. Print the Standings: By Team and Individual Bowler B. Tournament Standings Determined: Total Pins Scratch or Total Pins Handicap C. The Base Score for the +/- Display: 0 D. Following Columns Are Included in the Standings Report: Individual Game Scores Total Pins Scratch Handicap Total Pins Including Handicap Pins Team Average Team Number 3:32 PM Doubles Event ____________________ 1. Name of Tournament: #33-DESERT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Type A. Tournament Events: Singles Doubles Team B. Optional Singles: Yes C. Individual All Events Included: Yes D. Pinsetter: 10 Pin E. Advance Reservations: No 3. Format A. Format: U.S. 4. Optional Heading Line: DOUBLES 5. Division Setup A. Individual Division: No B. Team Division: No 6. Squads, Rounds and Games A. Keep Records of Separate Squads: Yes B. Number of Rounds/Sessions of Bowling: 1 C. Baker Format Rounds: No D. Preliminary Rounds Before Baker Format: 11 E. Number of Series/Blocks: 1 F. Number of Games Per Series/Blocks: 3 G. Number of Teams Per Squad: 50 7. Lane, Team and Practice Information A. Download Names to the Scorers: Yes B. Singles and Doubles Events Bowled Consecutively in the Same Squad: No C. If There Are More Than Two Teams on a Pair of Lanes, The Lane Assignments Are: Both Bowlers on the Team Are on the Same Lane D. After First Game Each Team: Stays on the Same Lane E. Keep Track of Team Captains: No F. The Number of Minutes of Practice Bowling: 5 8. Event Type: Men A. Type of Game Default: Full Frame Bowling 9. Reenter Command A. Reentry of Teams Allowed: No 12. Individual Achievement A. Statistics Printed for Individual Achievements: High Game and High Series -- Scratch and Handicap B. List the Individual Achievements: C. Allow the Same Bowler Listed: In All Award Categories D. Number of Individual Leaders Printed: 3 13. Team Achievements 14. Tournament Fees A. Keep Records of Tournament Fees Paid Per Team: Yes B. Amount of Money Due Per Team: $100.00 C. Fees Paid Automatically: No D. Separate Fee For All Events: Yes E. Amount of Money Due Per Individual: $10.00 F. All Events Fees Paid Automatically: Yes 15. Printout of Bowler Records A. Lists Each Bowler In the Tournament and All Games Bowled: Yes B. Following Columns Printed Out: Entering Average Handicap C. Skip a Line Between Each Team: Yes 16. Prize Lists Defined: No 17. Bowlers Transferred to Database: No 10. Handicapping Procedures A. Handicap Based on Average B. Method of Computing the Team Handicap Adding the Individual Bowler Handicaps C. Handicapping Method: Add Each Team's Handicap to Its Net Score D. Percentage Handicap Used: 80% of 220 E. Negative Handicaps Allowed: No F. Minimum Allowable Bowler Average Rule for Handicapping Purposes: No TS-44 TOURNAMENT RULES 3:32 PM 11. Printout of Tournament Standings A. Print the Standings: By Team and Individual Bowler B. Tournament Standings Determined: Total Pins Scratch or Total Pins Handicap C. The Base Score for the +/- Display: 0 D. Following Columns Are Included in the Standings Report: Individual Game Scores Total Pins Scratch Handicap Total Pins Including Handicap Pins Team Average Team Number RUN DATE: 23-Feb-96 Team Event ____________________ 1. Name of Tournament: #33-DESERT CHAMPIONSHIPS 2. Type A. Tournament Events: Singles Doubles Team B. Optional Singles: Yes C. Individual All Events Included: Yes D. Pinsetter: 10 Pin E. Advance Reservations: No 3. Format A. Format: U.S. 4. Optional Heading Line: TEAM 5. Division Setup A. Individual Division: No B. Team Division: No 6. 7. 12. Individual Achievement A. Statistics Printed for Individual Achievements: High Game and High Series -- Scratch and Handicap B. List the Individual Achievements: C. Allow the Same Bowler Listed: In All Award Categories D. Number of Individual Leaders Printed: 3 13. Team Achievements 14. Tournament Fees A. Keep Records of Tournament Fees Paid Per Team: Yes B. Amount of Money Due Per Team: $200.00 C. Fees Paid Automatically: No D. Separate Fee For All Events: Yes E. Amount of Money Due Per Individual: $10.00 F. All Events Fees Paid Automatically: Yes Squads, Rounds and Games A. Keep Records of Separate Squads: Yes B. Number of Rounds/Sessions of Bowling: 1 C. Baker Format Rounds: No D. Preliminary Rounds Before Baker Format: 11 E. Number of Series/Blocks: 1 F. Number of Games Per Series/Blocks: 3 G. Number of Teams Per Squad: 50 15. Printout of Bowler Records A. Lists Each Bowler In the Tournament and All Games Bowled: Yes B. Following Columns Printed Out: Entering Average Handicap C. Skip a Line Between Each Team: Yes Lane, Team and Practice Information A. Download Names to the Scorers: Yes B. After First Game Each Team: Rotate a Certain Number of Lanes C. How Do Teams Rotate: Rotate Right 2 Pairs of Lanes D. The Number of Bowlers on Each Team: 4 E. Keep Track of Team Captains: No F. The Number of Minutes of Practice Bowling: 5 8. Event Type: Men A. Type of Game Default: Full Frame Bowling 9. Reenter Command A. Reentry of Teams Allowed: No 16. Prize Lists Defined: No 17. Bowlers Transferred to Database: No 10. Handicapping Procedures A. Handicap Based on Average B. Method of Computing the Team Handicap Adding the Individual Bowler Handicaps C. Handicapping Method: Add Each Team's Handicap to Its Net Score D. Percentage Handicap Used: 80% of 220 E. Negative Handicaps Allowed: No F. Minimum Allowable Bowler Average Rule for Handicapping Purposes: No TS-45
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