Parent Handbook Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre Parent Handbook Visit our Website: or follow us on Facebook First Edition 2014 Parent Handbook Contents Welcome ……………………….……………………………………………………… Our Philosophy for the Service ……………………………………………………. Management of the Service ………………………………………………………… Parent Participation…………………………………………………………………. Settling Your Child into the Service……………………………………………….. Some Details About the Service That You Need to Know…………………….. Hours of Operation………………………………………………….... 8 Enrolment…………………………………………………………...… 8 Priority of Access…………………………………………………….. 9 Children With Special Needs……………………………………….. 9 Current Fees………………………………………………………….. 9 Payment of Fees…………………………………………………….. 10 Child Care Benefit/Rebate……………………………………………… 11 Arrival and Collection of Children………………………………….. 12 Signing In and Out Cards…………………………………………… 13 Family Access………………………………………………………… 13 Termination of Care………………………………………………….. 14 Complaint Procedures……………………………………………….. 14 2 3 4 6 7 8 Our Program…………………….……………………………………..… 15 Children’s Program and EYLF………………………………………….. 15 Service Routines……………………………………………………… 17 Meals…………………………………………………………………. 17 Babies’ Bottles and Breastfed Babies ……………………………. 18 Sleep Time…………………………………………………………... 19 Nappies………………………………………………………….…… 19 Toilet Training………………………………………………………. 19 What Should Your Child Wear?.................................................. 20 Other Requisites We Ask You to Provide………………………... 20 Personal Toys……………………………………………………….. 20 Family Photo………………………………………………………… 21 Special Events………………………………………………………. 21 Birthdays………………………………………………………….….. 21 Supervision…………………………………………………..………. 22 Guiding Children’s Behaviour……………………………………… 22 Excursions………………………………………………………….... 25 Health & Safety Issues……………………………………………………………. Hygiene ………………………………………………………..…... 26 Immunisation…………………………………………………......... 26 Exclusion( What to do if my child is sick)………………………. 27 Unwell Children at the Service……………………………………. 28 Medication………………………………………………………..... 29 Work Place Safety and Health………...……………………… 30 Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2011 26 Parent Handbook Sun Protection ………………………………………….………… 31 Safety Drills……………………………………………….………. 31 Accidents…………………………………………………..……… . 31 First Aid Qualifications……………………………………….…… 32 References ………………………………………………………………………….. Parent/ Guardian Terms Of Agreement Form…………………………………. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 1 32 33 Parent Handbook Welcome to the Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre Welcome to our Service. Please read this information carefully to assist you in settling your child into the Service and to answer any questions you may have. If you require more detailed information please do not hesitate to consult with the Supervisor or a Educators member. The Service’s Policy Manual is available in the office for you to view at any time. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre commenced service on the 19th of October 2009. It has been a valued addition to the local community of Harvey by providing the only Long Day Care Service in the district. The service prides itself on being friendly and flexible to accommodate the individual needs of all families. Located at 1 Hester Street Harvey, the service is positioned approximately 2 minutes to the main shopping precinct. Positive aspects of the venue location include; St Anne's Primary School being adjacent to the children's outdoor play space, enabling management with the ability to provide safer drop-off and collection options for families. Our Service is licensed for 24 full day places. We typically structure supervision for children of the following ages; 4 Babies 0-24 months 5 Toddlers 24-36 months 10 Kindy Age 36 months + 5 Before or After School / Primary School Age children Educators Introductions: We would like to introduce the friendly Educators. Management encourages open communication within the service. Opportunities will be provided throughout the year to assist with building and maintaining these trusting, strong, positive, relationships. Please feel free to approach all members of Educators for any assistance you may require. Management Sharon Fimmano - (Bachelor of Arts in Early Childhood Education) Service Owner (Licensee), Director/Operator, Nominated Supervising Officer and Administrative Accounts Manager. Educators and Staff Jenny Smither – Qualified Child Care Educator- Diploma, Certified Supervisor Jo O’Brian – Qualified Child Care Educator- Diploma, Certified Supervisor Amanda Button – Child Care Educator – Certificate III Teleah Fimmano – Child Care Educator working towards her Certificate III Miranda Narducci – Book Keeper Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 2 Parent Handbook Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre aims to nurture parents, children and Educators with loving care and support. The Service promotes all family and community involvement. We are committed to building strong positive relationships with families to ensure the wellbeing of all children. Our service was a KIDSMATTER – Early Childhood Pilot Site (federal metal health initiative for early childhood) from 2009 - 2012 and we are working closely to align with all of the facets of the National Early Childhood Agenda, including using the Early Years Learning Framework and Quality Improvement. We provide students with opportunities to gain practical work place experiences and it is a service requirement that all volunteers, visitors and students complete a confidentiality statement to protect families’ rights to privacy. A current Working With Children Check must be provided to management before arrival at the service. Our Philosophy for the Service is: Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre’s image of the child is that he or she comes into the world capable, with a passion for relationships, activity, exploration, and discovery. Our goal is to foster a strong, positive self-image within your child and we strive to enhance both natural curiosity and creativity through belonging, being and becoming. In Relation to the Educators The role of the Educator is to make sure these expectations are met and to provide a service to children and their families. To offer love, responsive and warm interactions and support traditionally provided in extended and community networks and to provide the children with guidance, care and protection. The Educators’ role is to facilitate the development of each child's unique aptitudes, skills and interests. Educators provide opportunities that enable each child to reach his or her full potential as an individual and as a contributing member of his or her community, providing a sound base for future learning. In Relation to the Children In order for babies, toddlers and young children to grow and develop to their full potential they need to develop trust in themselves and others through attachment relationships. They need to have their physical needs met by responsive and caring adults with whom they have loving relationships. They need the opportunity to explore and play in the environment without fear or harm, under the guidance of respectful adults who are willing collaborators in their development. Children are diverse individuals and develop at their own pace. In Relation to the Environment Both the human and physical environments have a major influence on the development of infants, toddlers and young children. The human environment is characterized by respectful, responsive and reciprocal interactions in every instance, being between management, Educators, families and children. The physical environment is safe to offer challenges and opportunities for problem solving and to promote the health and emotional well-being of the child. Positive surrounding helps to develop a sense of security where children feel comfortable to take risks and learn through play. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 3 Parent Handbook In Relation to Families Children’s development is influenced by the social and cultural context in which they live. Very young children need continuity and stability with regard to expectations and child rearing practices. Babies, toddlers and young children need to know that there is mutual respect and understanding between their primary care givers and the child care Educators and that family individual differences are considered and welcomed. We encourage families to spend time in the service and support open communication and the building of strong, positive, connective relationships. Supporting parents and parenting has positive influences on well-being and developmental outcomes for children. We believe in listening to the needs of families and offering support by sharing understandings and resources about parenting. We believe in offering families the opportunity to be involved in the service and participate in many ways and that the service becomes a welcome extension to each child’s family life. In Relation to the Community Children and families using the program need to feel part of their local community and the program has a duty to foster links between the children, the families and the community. In Relation to Learning, Continuous Improvement and Reggio Emilia Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre has embraced the Reggio Emilia early childhood education philosophy. Reggio Emilia is a small town in Italy that has fostered and developed a leading approach to child care and education. One of the key elements is Emergent Curriculum which allows Educators to respond to children’s ideas as the curriculum unfolds. Projects follow the children’s interests and Educator’s support and nurture children’s rich relationships with the world around them. Children use language and artistic media to discover and express ideas. We will continue to explore and learn about the Reggio approach and encourage families to join us in this learning journey, whilst embracing the Early Years Learning Frameworks. We are committed to continuous improvement in all areas and as a part of our ongoing learning. (DEC 2012 version) Management of the Service Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre is operated by Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre Pty Ltd. The Owners are Sharon and Frank Fimmano. Sharon has had 32 years working in the Early Childhood sector. Her extensive career includes; child care, kindergarten and pre-primary teaching, music teaching and primary school teaching, lecturing in children’s services and presenting professional knowledge to her peers. Sharon has been volunteering as a trained Breastfeeding Counsellor for the Australian Breastfeeding Association for over 18 years and has implemented her Family Partnership Training understandings in her various roles over the past 8 years. Sharon has trained as a facilitator for Parental Guidance Recommended (for families, about children and nutrition). She is also trained as a facilitator of Family Rhyme Time and is looking forward to the opportunities this training may bring to the families and Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 4 Parent Handbook children of Harvey. Frank (non-contact) currently has no service experience or training. Sharon and Frank have 3 daughters, Jasmine 20, Madeleine 18 and Isabella 11 years old. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre aims to provide a valued, high quality service to the local area of Harvey and surrounding communities. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre aims to nurture parents, children and Educators with loving care and support. We aim to be committed and flexible in our quest to exceed Educators, child and family expectations of care. We will endeavor to create a relaxed, loving and stimulating atmosphere where all persons are able to enjoy a range of experiences harmoniously together. Parental involvement and strong positive relationships with parents are crucial to ensure the service is meeting a high standard of care for all children in the Service and ensuring the service is meeting family needs. This influences positive well-being and developmental outcomes for children. Families are encouraged and supported to participate in the Service in many ways, including open discussions with Educators about their child and the use of the confidential parent 'suggestion box' for ideas, issues and concerns. (This is located in the sign/insign/out room.) Children’s developmental learning journeys will be documented and presented to parents in a meaningful way, including dialogue and photos and parents will be encouraged to share these with their children. Parents will have access to a variety of resources and will be supported in their role as parents. Regular notices for families will also be posted newsletters written and emails sent, to provide parents/guardians with an opportunity to arrange progress meetings, individual development interviews or contribute to program experiences. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre participates in the National Quality Standard Assessment and Rating. “The National Quality Standard is accompanied by a national quality rating and assessment process that reflects a national approach to the assessment and reporting of the quality of education and care services across the variety of service settings. The availability of this information promotes transparency and accountability and will help parents make informed choices regarding the quality of education and care at a service. Each service will receive a rating for each quality area and an overall rating. These ratings must be displayed by the service and will be published on the ACECQA and the MyChild websites.” (ACECQA website) During the year, the Director organises informal social events for parents and/or Educators to give opportunities for relationship building. You are encouraged to attend these get-togethers to find out a little more about the Service and to establish friendships with Educators and families at the Service. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 5 Parent Handbook Parent Participation How can you be involved? The Service has an Open Door Policy and actively seeks and encourages families to be as involved in the Service as they wish. This can range from evaluating and adding input to your child’s program and observations, volunteering within the Service and sharing skills & experiences that the children and the program will benefit from. Parents are our biggest support. Their encouragement and aid, in whatever way, such as coming to a parent night, collecting bits and pieces, help with fund raising and at busy bees, is of invaluable assistance. You are encouraged to become involved with the program of the Service and your ideas and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. We are always happy to have people come into the Service with interesting things to show, sing, teach and make with the children, especially activities of a multicultural nature. You can be involved by explaining your child’s temperament, stages of development and likes and dislikes to the Educators. Even though a parent’s life is very busy, we would appreciate a few minutes every morning and evening as you bring and collect your child to talk about how he/she is progressing. Tell the Educators the little things they need to know e.g. changes in sleeping patterns, any development you observe, the cold your child appears to be contracting or how an activity was enjoyed. To give the children the best opportunity for development, Educators and parents work hand-in-hand. We want children to gain the best that is possible from our Service, so please do keep in touch and discuss your joy, problems, concerns and feelings with the Educators. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 6 Parent Handbook Settling Your Child Into The Service How to prepare your child for our environment? Orientation is an important start for your child and family to connect to our Service. We encourage each child to attend the Service in the company of a family member three times before they start the day with us. This gives you and your child the opportunity to gain an understanding of our program, the lay out of the room, where to find things, provide Educators with additional information about your child and how we can best support their transition and settling period. Come into the Service with your child and say hello to the Educators. Have a look around the Service. You might like to settle your child with an activity. It is okay to stay until your child feels comfortable, then say goodbye, confirming you’ll be back soon, and leave. Some parents find visiting the service on one or several occasions before leaving the child helps them to settle and adjust to the secondary Educators’ easily. You are encouraged to discuss your child’s separation behaviours with the Educators. As your child sees you build a secure, strong, positive and happy relationship with us they will feel more secure and feel happier when you are not here. Parents are always the best judges. If you wish to leave and your child is hesitant you may leave them with us. Sometimes tears are short lived, and we’ll contact you if they’re not. On the other hand, you are more than welcome to stay. A comfort toy or item belonging to you to look after is a good settling technique. It is important to say goodbye to your child when you are leaving, even if your child becomes upset, to establish trust that you will not disappear and to reassure him/her of your return. Alert the Educators of your intention to leave, so they can attend to your child’s reaction. If you are worried, please feel free to telephone the service during the day for reassurance that your child has settled. The Educators will always tell you honestly how your child is. Be aware that some children settle quickly and others take longer or may be distressed by group care. Our Educators will assess your child's emotional needs and discuss this with you. Sometimes regular attendance can also help a child to settle. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 7 Parent Handbook Some Details About the Service That You Need to Know The following information will help you to understand the administrative requirements of enrolling your child and the operational policies that you need to know. Hours of Operation The service is open from: 7.30 am to 6.00 pm Monday to Friday (Excluding Public Holidays) Session Times: Full Day Care Half Day Care (am) Half Day Care (pm) Before School After School 7.30 am to 6.00 pm 7.30 am to 12.30 pm 12.30 pm to 6.00 pm 7.30 am drop off 6.00 pm pick up Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre closes over the Christmas/New Year break for 4 weeks. Families will be advised of the specific closing dates as they become available, via newsletters emails and notice boards. Enrolment Should you wish to enrol your child you will need to know the following enrolment procedures. You may like to also refer to our enrolment policy. You will be asked to complete an enrolment form containing information regarding your child’s health, development, custody arrangements and emergency contacts. You will need to name all persons who may deliver or collect your child from the Service. These persons must be over 18 years of age. It is your responsibility to ensure your nominated people are responsible and available when required. The details required on the enrolment form are needed by our Educators to help them take the best possible care of your child. It is also a licensing requirement. All information is strictly confidential. If any of the details on the enrolment form change you are asked to advise the Supervisor immediately. At the time of enrolment you will be asked to pay two weeks fees in advance, fully disclose any medical or health concerns relating to your child, and agree to lodge your application with the Family Assistance Office for Child Care Benefit within 28 days of your child starting care (See the section on Child Care Benefit requirements for further information). Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 8 Parent Handbook Priority of Access The Commonwealth Government requires the Service to provide access to the service according to the following priority of access. This means that when the Service is full, those families who are third priority may be asked to alter their care arrangements to allow a family with higher priority to access the service. First priority: Second priority: Third priority: Children at risk of serious abuse or neglect. Children whose parents satisfy the work/training/study test under section 14 of the Family Assistance Act. Any other child. You may like to also refer to our policy; Priority Of Access Guidelines QA6 Children with Special Needs Our Service caters for children with special needs. Children with special needs that cannot be catered for within the usual day care routine will be integrated into the whole group with additional support from an Inclusion Support Facilitator. Referral to the Inclusion Support Facilitator or other professionals is made either directly by the parent, or by the Supervisor after permission is given by the parent. Where possible, support will be obtained prior to the commencement of care. This will ensure transition into care is successful to all concerned. (You may like to refer to our policies ; Additional Needs QA1 and Anit-Bias and Inclusion. QA5) Current Fees Our fees are reviewed regularly. Our current fee schedules (as at 01/01/2013) are: Full Day Care: Half Day Care: Before School Care: After School Care: $88.00 per child $63.00 per child $35.00 per child $45.00 per child for permanent for permanent for permanent for permanent places places places places $93 for casual $68 for casual $40 for casual $50 for casual Please refer to separate updated fees schedules displayed in the sign in room. A Late Fee of $1.00 per minute applies to all families (except under special circumstances, where approved by the service director) who arrive at the service after the designated session time to collect their child/ren. Special circumstances such as traffic accident or vehicle breakdown will be given consideration in relation to the administration of late collection fees. Whenever possible, the parent should ring the service to advise they will be late to collect their child. A late collection fee will be charged to parents for each child not collected from the service by closing time. (You might like to refer to our policy – Arrival and Departure of Children QA2.) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 9 Parent Handbook Fees are to be paid to the Supervisor/Supervisor in advance. A dated receipt in accordance with Commonwealth Guidelines, will be provided for each payment. Educators must refer all specific queries regarding Child Care Benefit and payment of fees to the Director, they are sometimes able to answer basic questions when the Director is not available. Parents must contact the Service to advise of their child’s inability to attend as soon as this is known. Fees are required to be paid for short term absences if a place is already booked for the child. Parents are required to inform the Director in writing if their child is going to be away for longer than a week. Failure to do this could result in the child’s place being cancelled. Families who cannot afford fees due to sudden unforeseen expenditure or short term financial difficulty will be assisted where possible or provided with information on other possible avenues of financial support. Educators should refer all enquiries to the Director. Payment of Fees Our Service’s operation is dependent on maintaining fees. Please read the following information carefully. Fees must be paid for two weeks in advance. Parents pay for a place, therefore, once it is booked, payment is required whether your child attends or not. Fees are payable on public holidays. Casual care must be paid for at the beginning of the day or session. Casual care clients cannot be guaranteed a place. The Director will provide a statement of fees due each fortnight via email (or printed if necessary). You are asked to pay your fees promptly to ensure the viability of the service. Receipts will be provided. Details of individual families’ accounts and all completed forms are confidential and may only be accessed by the family concerned and those Service Educators who need to access the information. Anyone experiencing difficulties in meeting their fees payments can speak to the Director who can make mutually agreeable repayment arrangements. If your fees are more than three weeks overdue and you have not made arrangements to pay, or have not kept to the arrangements made, your child’s place will be cancelled. Because we plan staffing rosters two weeks in advance, based on bookings, we ask all parents to comply with our withdrawal policy. If you wish to withdraw your child from the Service you are asked to provide two weeks written notice or pay the fees due in lieu of this notice. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 10 Parent Handbook Please inform the Director in writing if your child is going to be away for longer than two weeks. Any child not attending the Service for two weeks without notifying the Supervisor of the reason, shall be regarded as having withdrawn and the place will be cancelled. Parents should notify the Service if their child will not be attending during their booked time, as soon as this is known or at the very latest by 9.00 a.m. on the morning of attendance. Fees may be paid by Cash, Cheque or Direct Deposit. Cheques must be made payable to Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre. Direct Deposits can be made to: BSB: 633 000 Account: 137481586 (Please remember to include your identification when depositing funds.) For assistance Telephone; 9729 3344. Child Care Benefit/ Rebate All families who meet the Australian residency requirements are now eligible for Child Care Benefit (CCB) and/or Child Care Rebate. You can apply for these payments, which will reduce your child care fees or entitle you to lump sum payments, by contacting the Family Assistance Office online, or call 13 61 50. You will also be asked to provide evidence of your child’s immunisation status to the Family Assistance Office. CCB entitlements are payable on 30 allowable absences per year. CCB entitlements are payable on all approved absences. These must be recorded with the adequate documentation eg. Medical certificate. Fee Reduction Families Families’ income is assessed and is used to determine the amount of CCB or Rebate. The Family Assistant Office will send the family an assessment notice. You must contact the Family Assistance Office (13 61 50) to ensure you and your children have Customer Reference Numbers (CRN) and to let them know you intend to commence care with us. They will let you what percentage of CCB you are entitled to. Our service’s software will then connect with Service link and directly rectify your account to show your entitlements. Lump Sum Payment Families Families who wish to receive a lump sum payment at the end of the financial year, instead of having their fees reduced during the year also need to have a Customer Reference Number. You need to complete a request form for a CRN for the parent claiming the Benefit, and one for each child attending care at the service. The service needs to have this number at the very beginning of the year, before the first statement, as the payment will not be backdated. Please note: The forms that you sign for the purposes of CCB are legal documents, and we are asked to remind you that giving false information is a criminal offence. It is your responsibility to notify Family Assistance Office if your circumstances change. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 11 Parent Handbook Arrival and Collection of Children Our primary concern is the welfare and safety of your child. We therefore request that you comply with the following requirements. Arriving at the Service We request that children be handed to an Educator upon arrival. Please keep to the attendance times requested on your enrolment form as this enables the Supervisor to compile accurate Educators work rosters. If you wish to change your times please speak to the Supervisor. Authorised Persons The Service’s primary concern is for the safety and welfare of your child and will therefore only release your child into the care of the custodial parent or authorised persons identified on your child’s enrolment form. Any changes to these authorities must be advised in writing to the Service as soon as possible. We request that you confirm who will collect the child each day. If an unauthorised person arrives to collect your child, the child will not be released until your authorisation (preferably in writing) has been obtained. You must ensure your child’s collection from the service is reliably organised, as uncertainties and irregularities can cause anxiety for your child and the Service. Late Collections If you are unavoidably detained and unable to collect your child at the agreed time you must telephone the Service and advise of your expected time of arrival. If you need to arrange for another person to collect your child you must provide full details about this person to the Service. If you have not contacted the Service and your child has not been collected by the agreed collection time, the Service will attempt to telephone you, or if this is not successful, the emergency contact people listed on your child’s enrolment form, to arrange for their immediate collection. The service has a policy of charging a fee to parents who are late to collect their children from the service. This fee is to cover the costs of Educators overtime hours. The service’s policy requires that the Police and the Department of Community Services is contacted to advise them of the situation if a parent is more than 30 minutes late without explanation and no-one else can be contacted. Children’s Safety on the Roads In the case of a parent or guardian arriving at the service to collect their child in a visibly intoxicated or unfit state to drive, they will be encouraged to contact an alternative adult to drive them and the child home, or the service will offer to call a taxi at the expense of the parent/guardian. (You might like to refer to our policy; Arrival and Departure of Children QA2.) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 12 Parent Handbook Signing In and Out Signing children in and out of the Service is a daily requirement. The following policy applies to all families. Accurate attendance records need to be kept and checked each day. Whoever brings your child to the service or collects your child at the end of the day is required to record and sign the child’s times of arrival and departure. Signing IN and OUT sheets have been developed for this purpose and are found in the foyer. This is a legal requirement by Education and Care National Services Regulations. If you do not complete these records you will not be eligible to claim Child Care Benefit. Family Access We will work in partnership with families at all times and welcome your input and access to the service according to the following guidelines: Communication with Parents Educators at the Service are supportive of children and their parents. Both parents of the child will be treated equally. Without legal documentation Educators cannot act as though one parent is more fit than another to the legal rights of their child. Parents may visit the service at any reasonable time whilst their child is in care. However, you are requested to give consideration to the time of day so that other children are not disturbed e.g. rest time. Any concerns you have may be discussed with your child’s Educator or the Supervisor at any reasonable time. All information about your child will always be treated with the up most confidentiality. Custodial Issues Where a child attending the Service is not living with both parents, or where disputes arise in relation to responsibility for the child, the following will apply: Parental responsibility remains with both parents jointly and individually except where it is altered by an order of the Family Court of Australia. In the absence of such an order the child will be released to either parent who is the authorised person to collect the child on the enrolment form. Where a non-enrolling parent cites an Order of the Family Court giving him/herself lawful access to the child, the order needs to be produced for inspection by the Supervisor. The enrolling parent will be telephoned both to check the existence of the order and to be informed about the situation. The child will only be released into the care of the enrolling parent, or other persons specifically authorised by the enrolling parent, except when the Department for Community Services or the Police specifically direct otherwise under the provisions of the Children & Community Services Act. (You may like to view our Arrival and Departure of Children Policy QA2) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 13 Parent Handbook Termination of Care In extreme circumstances it may be necessary to terminate a child’s care. Exclusion of children from the service will only occur after all other avenues of communication and support have been exhausted and when: Professional advice confirms a child is in psychological danger as a result of an unusually prolonged inability to settle into care away from the parent. A child puts the majority of children at risk through inappropriate behaviour. The parent continually fails to observe Service hours of operation and/or fails to pay the required fee. Complaint Procedures Please let us know if you are unhappy with any aspect of the service we provide for you and your child. We welcome all parent feedback, including your grievances and complaints, as these will help us to improve the services we provide. All concerns or complaints will be dealt with in a prompt, positive and sympathetic manner. If you have a complaint or concern you may discuss your problem with the relevant Educators member or with the Supervisor. If you feel the problem is not resolved you may take the matter to the Operator for resolution, either through the Supervisor or by writing directly to the Operator. (You might like to view our Grievance Procedures: Parents policy. QA6) If you have further concerns about our approved Education and Care Service contact the Education and Care Regulatory Unit on 6210 3333 or free call 1800 199 383. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 14 Parent Handbook Our Program Children’s Program and Early Years Learning Framework Through our curriculum, The Early Years Learning Framework, we have a focus of Belonging, which is integral to a child’s sense of self. It acknowledges belonging to a family, community and culture. It is the foundation of relationships and acceptance. Along with Belonging we have Being. Being is allowing the children to be in the present - to concentrate on the here and now. It’s allowing them time to investigate, attach to people, environments and experiences. They are able to meet challenges with confidence that they have the time and support to work through and overcome any obstacles in their own time. Being sees the Educators develop and support an environment that is child focused, not for the convenience of routine or the Educators. Lastly, we have Becoming. Becoming acknowledges change and there is no time in one’s life that has more rapid change than in the years of early childhood. Becoming recognises the skills that are necessary to thrive through change and how experiences and circumstances create skills, expectations, understandings and relationships. It allows flexibility for a child to learn and grow. On this foundation we observe each child for outcomes that we can support in the program. The 5 outcomes are: Children have a strong sense of identity Children are connected with and contribute to their world Children have a strong sense of wellbeing Children are confident and involved learners Children are effective communicators. Each day your child is observed with relevant information documented. Along with the goals that are developed for each individual child, the observation is reflected on and followed up with extended experiences to support the child in expanding their knowledge, concepts and skills related to their interest. Families are given the opportunity to also reflect on the observations and add their input which Educators will then incorporate into the program. We know that children learn effectively through play and this is supported by Educators who are diligent in their responsiveness to each child. Applying strong intentional teaching practices will provide the children with an authentic and meaningful learning environment which challenges, supports and nurtures a child’s development. Our Educators are supportive and encouraging, and communicate with the children in a friendly, positive and courteous manner to establish a warm and caring relationship with each child in their care. Each day, the Educators responsible for your child will discuss your child’s day with you. Please take advantage of this time to discover your child’s highs and lows for the day. Children who attend our Service participate in a range of activities that have been planned to meet their developmental needs. The Educators are responsible for creating an atmosphere and environment which is responsive to the physical, emotional, intellectual, social and special needs of each individual child and to the group as a whole and which reflects the philosophy and goals of the service. The program is child Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 15 Parent Handbook serviced, and takes an emergent ‘hands on’ approach, with Educators acting as facilitators who create an environment and experiences which are stimulating, safe, nurturing and fun. The program will include indoor and outdoor learning experiences, quiet and active times, individual, small group and large group times, time for individual Educators/child interaction, group interests, children’s special interests, and be flexible enough to allow for spontaneity and the unexpected. The program is emergent, play based, developmental and sometimes thematic. Children are encouraged to build upon their knowledge by relationships and communication with other children, adults and the materials they encounter. We focus on the processes of learning, not the product they may (or may not,) produce. Throughout the year we will encounter topics based on the emerging ideas we understand by listening to the children. Parents are invited to have input into the program themes and content. You are welcome to share your special talents and ideas and to encourage children to bring in special items of interest. Children are encouraged to participate and work at their own level, express themselves in many ways and develop independence and co-operation with others. During play they concentrate, create and use initiative. Adults can help children think through problems and discover solutions by being involved and asking questions. Importantly, children are given opportunity to enjoy themselves, learn a love of learning and continue developing a good self-concept and a high self-esteem. The program is developed as a result of listening and observations made by the Educators during the time the children are at the Service. Children are encouraged in a positive and supportive manner to explore their environment and try new experiences. You will find your child’s program displayed in their playroom and documentation of what actually occurs in our journals. We invite you to have input into program development especially in relation to multicultural opportunities, music, storytelling and adding items of interest. Any suggestions you have can be discussed with your child’s Educator or be put into the Suggestions Box in the foyer. Portfolios Every child will have a personal, confidential portfolio comprising of; Child profile sheet Goals from families and Educators Observations Objectives for further development Work samples Checklists Other relevant data This portfolio is to be maintained and used as a direct tool for evaluation and future planning within the Service’s program. This makes the program reflect the value of individuality and is not be used as a means of comparison between peers or stereotypes. You will be given your child’s portfolio at the end of the school year or as they finish at the Service. The portfolio will be used in parent/Educator meetings throughout the year and is always available for you to review at your convenience. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 16 Parent Handbook Service Routines The activities that happen at the service are built around the daily routines. Children need routines to help them to settle and feel comfortable in the Service. Please discuss your child’s routines with their Educator. Routines are built around the regular events of the day, i.e. arrival, snacks/drinks, toileting/nappy change, main meals, washing, dressing, sleeping and departure, and take into account the developmental needs of individual children, children’s attendance patterns, climate and physical environment, the numbers and ages of children within a given group, children with special needs, new children entering the group and parents expectations. A copy of the routine is located at the entry to each room. Meals Meals form a significant part of the daily routine. Please make sure that any food allergies, strong dislikes and special dietary requirements your child might have are recorded on the enrolment form and discussed with the Supervisor. The menu is varied, balanced, nutritious and reflects a wide variety of cultures. We provide low salt, low saturated fats, low sugar, less additive and preservatives, less processed foods. The weekly menu is displayed on the notice board in the foyer. Ideas and recipes are welcome. Please chat to Educators or put your ideas in the Suggestions Box in the foyer. When our numbers of children are high the Service employs an experienced cook who prepares morning and afternoon tea, and lunch. From time to time recipes from that we cook will be printed in our monthly newsletter. Our director is trained to facilitate Parental Guidance Recommended and can help support you with choices you make for family nutrition. Meals are appetising and provide variety in colour, texture and taste. At meal times children are always encouraged to help themselves to food and drink and to feed themselves. Meal times are treated as social occasions. The Educators always sit with the children during meal times to interact with them, provide help when needed and set a good example for the children. (You may like to view our Nutrition and Food Safety policy QA2.) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 17 Parent Handbook Babies’ Bottles and Breastfed Babies FORMULA: To meet food safety regulations regarding the storage of milk we ask parents to provide formula in its dry granulated form – preferably measured in the child’s bottle, ready to mix. We can then ensure it is heated and kept at food safe temperatures for regulated amounts of time. COWS MILK: Toddlers requiring cow’s milk will have that milk provided by the centre. BREASTMILK: You might like to visit us during the day to breastfeed your baby, or use our Educators room and facilities to express milk. Mothers bringing in expressed milk to the centre will need to discuss the food safe requirements with the Director. BOTTLES: We take particular care to ensure babies’ bottles are hygienically stored and cleaned after use. Please mark names on bottles, caps, tops and dummies. It is a good idea to leave extra milk as, from time to time, a growing baby’s needs change and more milk is required. (You might like to view our Breastfeeding/Breast milk and Bottle feeding policies. QA2) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 18 Parent Handbook Sleep Time Sleep and rest times are another daily routine for the children at our Service. Please discuss your child’s current sleep patterns with their Educator. Children are encouraged to rest from about 11.40 a.m. to 12.20 p.m. Some younger children will need to sleep, others will read, play quiet games and construct puzzles. Parent wishes about their child’s sleeping pattern will be adhered to as far as possible. Remember, however, that in group care there are many distractions and children’s sleep patterns may be different. At no time will a child in this Service be forced to take a sleep. Babies’ sleeps are according to need and routine. Service Educators will consider such factors as SIDS guidelines, cultural needs and requests from parents when tailoring individual children’s sleeping routines. (You may like to view our Rest Time and Sleeping requirements policies QA2.) Nappies For children in nappies, families need to provide a minimum of 5 nappies for their child per day. Unused nappies will be returned to your child’s bag before departure. The Service provides incidentals such as gloves and wipes etc. Any necessary creams powders and ointments that may be required can be used only after a parent has filled out an Administration Of Medication Form. Please fill out this form on arrival at the service. (You may like to view our Nappy Change – Toilet Training policy. QA2) Toilet Training It is important that we work in partnership with parents in meeting children’s toilet training needs. Consistency and continuity is important for children learning to use the toilet. Please communicate with the Educators in the room your child attends so they can follow the routines you have in place for toilet training. Educators will discuss signs of toileting readiness with you and work with you to develop a consistent approach to toilet training. (You may like to view our Nappy Change – Toilet Training policy. QA2) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 19 Parent Handbook What Should Your Child Wear? Please consider clothing that enables the child to move around easily and allows children to be independent in dressing. Please dress your child suitably for play activities in clothes that you do not mind getting grubby with paint, mud, sand or glue and that are practical for climbing and toileting. Clothing such as long dresses, overalls, braces, belts and stiff buttons can prove a problem for children who need to go to the toilet. We require all tops and t-shirts to have sleeves, no mid-drift tops or dresses with straps. Hats that are broad brimmed are essential for effective sun safety. Shoes also, need to allow children freedom to run, climb, hop & jump as well as being easy for the child to take off and put on by him/her. Unsuitable shoes are thongs and gumboots and we prefer that these are NOT worn to the Service. Joggers or sandals are appropriate. We do provide aprons for art but clothes can still get stained. Many of our activities will be messy and inevitably there are spills. Paint splashed on clothes can be soaked, or scrubbed with laundry soap, it usually comes clean – but the paint and dye stains sometimes persist. Let’s not have children’s learning be hampered by good clothes. You will also need to provide an extra set of clothes in your child’s bag to change into should the need arise. We recommend that at least two pairs of spare undies are included. Babies need at least three spare nappies. We have spare clothes available if needed. If your child goes home in day care clothes we ask that you wash and return them to the Service. Your child’s bag and all personal items must be clearly labelled with your child’s name. This helps to minimise loss of items. If your child is accidentally sent home with something that does not belong to him or her, we ask you to return it the next time you attend the service. Other Requisites We Ask You to Provide To help us keep our costs at a minimum we ask parents to provide the following items. - One piece of fruit per day for our shared platter One labeled water bottle with fresh water (no juice or cordial) each day A labeled sun hat (Broad Rimmed) A large bag (labeled and large enough to keep all belongings) Personal Toys We understand that many children would like to bring toys to the Service. Your child is welcome to bring toys or a security toy (i.e. dummy, teddy, rug, Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 20 Parent Handbook sleep etc). It’s a good idea to ensure these toys are clearly labelled with the child's name. Sometimes ‘sharing’ these with other children can be a difficult concept for a child to grasp. Sometimes distress is caused by their own toys being lost, broken or played with by other children. Care is taken, however, the service will take no responsibility for broken or lost that do not belong to the service. Sometimes children accidentally put service toys into their bags and take them home. Please bring these toys back and put them in the box provided in the foyer. Family Photo We have Family Wall. This is a strong and valuable tool in our environment for your child to connect to, feel that they and their family are valued and that their family is as much a part of the Service, even if they are not always there. If you would like to bring in a photo, or a couple of photos that represent your family, we would love to add it to our wall. Special Events We consider that special events which happen during the year provide an excellent learning and socialising opportunity for the children. Programs will reflect the cultural differences of all families using the service. The Service will celebrate special events with the children that reflect the cultural heritage and ethnic origins of children attending the service. The following events are celebrated at the Service each year: Special Persons’ Day (i.e. Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day etc). Christmas. Easter. Chinese New Year Hanukkah The Service understands that some parents may not wish their child to participate in some celebrations and therefore notice will be given in the monthly newsletter of forthcoming celebrations, so that parents may choose whether or not their child will participate. Birthdays We would love to help celebrate your child’s birthday at the service. You are more than welcome to bring a cake (or cupcakes – these are easily handled) along on your child’s birthday – or the nearest day here. Other things, ie. lollies or cheesels etc. are not necessary. The Educators will encourage the children to sing "Happy Birthday". Parents are more than welcome to join the occasion if they can. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 21 Parent Handbook Supervision The Service will maintain high levels of supervision of children at all times. The Educators:child ratios contained within the Children & Community Services (Child Care) Regulations 2006 will be strictly adhered to at the Service. These ratios are: 0-2 years 2-3 years 3-6 years 6-12 years 1:4 1:5 1:10 1:10 Children will be appropriately supervised at all times. Educators will position themselves where they can see all the children under their supervision, listen carefully to what is happening and know the children individually so they can anticipate their needs. Educators will join in the children’s play and encourage them to try new experiences. Children outdoors will be supervised in small groups for safety, however, they will be given opportunities for self discovery, risk taking and freedom of choice. Educators will judge when children need assistance, an adult to facilitate play or will join in at the child’s request. Children will be regularly reminded of safety procedures for fixed play equipment. Children will be encouraged to try new challenges and take risks as appropriate. Guiding Children’s Behaviour Learning appropriate behaviour is part of your child's social development. You are encouraged to discuss your child’s behaviour with the qualified Educators in your child’s playroom to ensure consistent behaviour expectations between home and the Service. The Service will provide a secure, loving and stimulating environment which encourages children to co-operate enhances their self-esteem and encourages their ability to interact with others, and where acceptable behaviour is promoted and any recriminations are kept to a minimum. The Educators will endeavour to build relationships with children based on mutual respect and trust. Educators will give all children the opportunity to expand their experiences of life in a productive, safe environment that allows individuals the right to safety, tolerance, self-expression, cultural identity, dignity and the worth of the individual. Where a child continues to behave in an unacceptable manner, parents/guardians will be consulted and asked to work with the staff to ensure techniques developed to support the child are consistent and clear. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 22 Parent Handbook Positive emotional connections and attachment with each child and their family creates trusting relationships where children are more open to listening and following guidance. Educators will always explore the possibilities of why a child may be reacting in a negative way and use this to guide the appropriate response to give. Children will be given positive guidance towards acceptable behaviour so they learn what to do instead of what not to do. Educators will encourage the individual social development in each child. All children will be encouraged to co-operate positively with others. We strive to develop in children selfregulation and an understanding of the feelings of others. Authentic feedback will be given freely for positive behaviour. Allowing children to develop self-regulation, a respect for others, and for property, it is important that children understand how to be considerate to others and of the property of others. We need to prepare children to know how to behave in an acceptable manner in everyday life situations so that they may develop self-respect and tolerance. If a child hurts another child, they will be encouraged to assist the hurt child to feel better, whether that be to apologise or to help hold the ice pack with adult guidance. Children need to develop awareness of how their actions impact on others and on others feelings. Children should also be assisted in understanding how their own feelings are an indicator to them of the acceptability of their own behaviour. The feelings of others will be discussed with the children throughout the curriculum to help children to understand the consequences of their actions. Children will be encouraged to use their words rather than actions to resolve conflicts and strengthen communication and enrich the environment with effective verbal communication. Children are encouraged to: Greet others when they arrive and depart from the Service Share toys and games Tidy up after an activity is finished Say 'please' and 'thankyou' (by Educators modelling this) Say 'I'm sorry' or to act in a way that indicates a sense of empathy, for example giving a cuddle, after behaving in an unacceptable manner to another person Wait their turn. Positive guidance through redirection will be used by Educators. In the instance of undesirable behaviour being continually observed, Educators will evaluate their program, room set up, supervision etc. in terms of whether or not these aspects are a cause of such behaviour and if so makes appropriate changes in consultation with one another. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 23 Parent Handbook Educators will role model appropriate behaviour and language, encouraging children to socialise with children of different cultural backgrounds as well as from different age groups and different sexes. “Time with” an adult will be used when all other strategies (above) have been exhausted and no positive response was forthcoming. “Time with” allows children time to reflect on their actions, assisting in fostering self-regulation and to acknowledge that there are consequences to actions. “Time with” will occur with Educators. Educators will use calm reassuring voices, an understanding tone and close eye contact as a way to assist children to self-regulate. Educators use the phrase, “I understand.” and this is sometimes all that is necessary, until a child calms down and can think and talk about a situation. Behaviour guidance will always take into account the past experiences of the child or young person as he or she may be responding to past trauma such as abuse, neglect, family violence or placement in care. Behaviour guidance will be sensitive to these earlier experiences and plans should include strategies that will facilitate alternative and positive behaviour. All behaviour guidance will be appropriate to the child or young person’s age and developmental capacity. Behaviour guidance will always emphasise positive approaches and prohibit cruel, harsh, humiliating or degrading actions. Families will be informed of behaviour guidance as it occurs with their child, this includes; the highs and the lows in the day. With the help of the parents, the Educators will develop a broader understanding of the child’s developmental level, the child's family, the parent's feelings, and any recent events which may be influencing the child's behaviour, such as teething. Educators will consult with industry professionals to support the child within the service and implement techniques within the program to benefit all. Educators will commit to inservice training and industry information regarding behaviour management. It sometimes becomes necessary to physically re-direct a child who may be causing or about to cause harm to themselves, another child or adult. Such incidents can include a child who is kicking, spitting, biting, throwing furniture or toys, punching or hitting. It may also include an incident where a child places themselves in a dangerous situation, for example, climbing a fence or hiding under furniture. In all of these incidents safety is a priority and this may mean using physical re-direction in which an Educator will actually remove the child from the harmful situation. The Educator will gently physically re-direct or lift the child with both hands under the supervision of another Educator. In an instance where this action has been necessary, the child’s parent will be informed in writing and a copy kept on file. Where a similar incidence occurs three times the child’s parents and Educators will meet to discuss the issue and create a plan of action to support the child in the environment. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 24 Parent Handbook Exchange of information between Educators and families on the subject of behaviour management is encouraged both on an informal and more formal basis, such as parent interviews and through newsletters. When a Behaviour Guidance Plan has been developed, Educators must be adequately briefed, trained and supervised to implement such a plan ensuring that information is collected and recorded for evaluation and reflection on its effectiveness for the child. Biting and hitting are normal behaviours in the development of most children, usually caused by frustration through lack of verbal communication skills. These behaviours will be dealt with using the same positive behaviour guiding strategies that Educators use to deal with other unacceptable behaviours (as mentioned above). Educators are always available to discuss such issues with you and will work with you to address any persistent behaviour problems. (You may like to view our Behaviour Guidance policy.) Alternative care After the child has been given every chance to respond positively and parents have been provided with written responses regarding the strategies used to improve their child’s behaviour, and if and all methods fail to result in a positive change, the Director will discuss alternative care with the parent, in consideration of the health and safety of other children in care. (You might like to refer to our Behaviour Guidance Policy.) Useful Websites for information about parenting and discipline: Dr Stuart Shanker – Self regulation You Tube Kidsmatter – Early Childhood Excursions Children will be taken on excursions outside of the Service as part of the planned activities of the Service. Excursions are considered to be an integral part of the children’s program and will therefore be arranged from time to time to provide a broad range of learning experiences for children. Permission for walks to the local Apex Park and to the St Anne’s School grounds and facilities, is granted or denied on the enrolment form. For all other excursions, written permission will be sought from parents and details of the outing provided in writing. All excursions will comply with the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 Alternative arrangements will be made for children not participating in outings. You are requested not to send your child on an excursion if they display any signs of being unwell. This is in the interests of everyone concerned. (You might like to view our Excursions policy.) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 25 Parent Handbook Health & Safety Issues Hygiene In group care situations one of the most troublesome problems is controlling the spread of infections among the children and Educators. The application of universal hygiene procedures will be followed at the Service at all times to control the spread of infection. Educators model a high level of personal hygiene at all times, and place emphasis on the children learning and understanding why hygiene is important. Hand washing is central to this system and children will be introduced to washing their hands before all clean tasks (i.e. meals) and after all dirty tasks (i.e. after using the toilet) as soon as they developmentally ready. (You might like to view our Hand washing and Health and Safety policies QA2.) Immunisation Immunisation of children who attend the Service will help to limit the spread of infection. A record of your child’s current immunisation status will be kept at the Service. Children who are not immunised will be excluded from care during outbreaks of some infectious diseases in accordance with the National Health & Medical Research Council exclusion guidelines (on display in the foyer), even if the child is well. This is to limit the spread of infection and protect unimmunised children. (You might like to view our Children Immunisation policy. QA2) NHMRC Recommended Immunisation Schedule (0-5yrs) from January 1, 2006 Age Birth 2 months 4 months 6 months 12 months 18 months Prior to school entry 4-5 years Disease Hepatitis B Diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis; Polio; Hib; Hepatitis B, Pneumococcal Diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis; Polio; Hib; Hepatitis B, Pneumococcal Diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis; Polio; Hepatitis B, Pneumococcal Measles, mumps & rubella; Hib; Meningococcal c Chickenpox (Varicella) Diphtheria, tetanus & pertussis; Poliomyelitis, MMR Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 26 Parent Handbook Exclusion (When should I not send my child to the Service?) As a protection for all children and Educators the following exclusion policy applies to all children enrolled in the Service. Children with infectious diseases will be excluded from the Service in accordance with the National Health & Medical Research Council exclusion guidelines (on display in the foyer). A clearance certificate from your child’s doctor, is required to pronounce the child fit for child care, before your child can return to the Service. Child Care is a busy and demanding day for the bodies and minds of our children. Our Service is not equipped to care for sick children; however we will do everything we can to comfort a child who has become sick whilst in our care. To try and prevent the spread of disease, please monitor your child’s health and watch for: A runny, green nose High temperature Diarrhoea Red, swollen or discharging eyes Vomiting Rashes Irritability, unusually tired or lethargic Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 27 Parent Handbook Please do not bring your child to the Service if they display any of the above symptoms. If a child becomes ill whilst at the Service the child’s parents or person responsible for the child will be contacted to organise collection of the child. If the child is unable to be collected, that child will be kept away from other children and given the opportunity to rest or play with a quiet washable activity whilst remaining within adult supervision. When the child is collected, the family will have the following information made available to them to present to their doctor: symptoms, date of onset, general behaviour of the child leading up to the illness and any action taken. Your child should not attend the Service if they have had Panadol or Neurofen within 24 hours. The other consideration is that medication of any type should not be added to a child’s bottle. Children who are on antibiotics are to be kept away from the Service for the first 24 hours to allow the child to rest and the risk of spreading the infection to decrease. Unwell Children at the Service The Service is not able to care for children who are ill. It is important that the Supervisor or the child’s Educator be notified if your child has been unwell or received an injury since last attending the Service. In the event your child becomes ill whilst at the Service, you will be contacted and asked to collect your child. (This includes fever of 38 degrees or above.) Where the Supervisor has asked you to seek medical advice regarding your child’s health, you will be given details about your child’s symptoms and information of any illnesses that have recently affected children and/or Educators at the service to relay to the doctor. The doctor will need to provide a Clearance Certificate that pronounces your child fit for care before they can return to the service. On your child’s enrolment form you have given approval for an ambulance or doctor to be called if urgent medical attention is required. Every effort will be made to contact you or your nominated emergency contact people as soon as possible. All medical and ambulance costs are the parent's responsibility. Infectious Diseases The following information has been supplied by the National Health and Medical Research Council re: exclusion from the Service of a child suffering with the following diseases/ailments. Please inform staff if your child has any of the following so that we can let families and the Health Department know if something is going around and avoid an epidemic. (Confidentiality maintained of course). (You might like to view our Control Of Infectious Diseases policy QA2) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 28 Parent Handbook Condition Hand, foot and mouth disease Hib Hepatitis A Herpes – cold sores Influenza and flu-like illnesses Measles Meningitis (bacterial) Meningococcal infection Mumps Poliomyelitis Rubella (German measles) Salmonella, Shigella Streptococcal infection (including Scarlet Fever) Tuberculosis Whooping Cough Worms (intestinal) Exclusion Until all blisters have dried. Exclude until medical certificate of recovery is received. Exclude until a medical certificate of recovery is received, but not before 7 days after the onset of jaundice or illness. Young children unable to comply with good hygiene practices should be excluded while the lesion is weeping. Lesions to be covered by dressing, where possible. Exclude until well. Exclude for at least 4 days after onset of rash. Exclude until well. Exclude until adequate carrier eradication therapy has been completed. Exclude for 9 days or until swelling goes down (whichever is sooner). Exclude for at least 14 days from onset. Readmit after receiving medical certificate of recovery. Exclude until fully recovered or for at least 4 days after the onset of rash. Exclude until diarrhoea ceases. Exclude until the child has received antibiotic treatment for at least 24 hours and the child feels well. Exclude until a medical certificate from an appropriate health authority is received. Exclude the child for 5 days after starting antibiotic treatment. Exclude if diarrhoea present. Medication The giving of medication to children will be strictly monitored to ensure the child’s safety and welfare. Wherever possible, medication should be administered by parents/guardians at home. However, we are aware that this is not always feasible. Therefore, to ensure children’s safety and welfare, the giving of medication at the Service will be strictly monitored. Parents/guardians should consider whether the child who requires medication is well enough to be at the Service and to keep the child home if they are unwell. Medication will only be administered by Service Educators if: 1. It is prescribed by a doctor and has the original pharmaceutical label detailing the child’s name, the name of the medication, the required dosage, the date of dispensing and the expiry date; OR 2. It is still in the original pharmaceutical packaging (ie. Non-prescription medication), indicating the name of the medication, the dosage, age appropriateness and the expiry date; AND 3. The parent has completed and signed an authority to give medication form on the day that it is to be administered. Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 29 Parent Handbook You must never leave medication in your child’s bag or add medication to your baby’s bottle. You must inform the supervisor, place the medication in the Medication cupboard or in the refrigerator, if necessary; and complete an Authority to give Medication Form. At the end of the day you must collect the medication from the cupboard or fridge. Only prescribed medications, or medications accompanied by an explanatory letter from the child’s Doctor will be administered by Educators at the Service. This is to ensure an accurate dosage of appropriate medicine is given to children at all times. The Service will provide you with a list of ointments, creams and applications used at the Service, such as sunscreen, insect repellent, antiseptic cream, nappy rash cream, teething gel, band aides etc. You will be required to sign your consent that these applications can be applied to your child, or provide an alternative brand for your child’s use. Any other creams or applications will require completion of an Authority to give Medication Form in line with administration of medication policy QA2. Allergies or Asthma Please submit any allergies or asthma on the Enrolment Form and also bring it to the notice of our Director on enrolment or as it is diagnosed by your Doctor. The Service has a procedure the staff follow to minimise allergic reactions. The Service requires an Action Plan filled in by your Doctor to assist in managing your child’s needs. The Action Plan is to be updated every 6 months. Where medication is needed for long term treatment (eg. Asthma, epilepsy, ADD), or your child has severe allergies (anaphylaxis) the Service will need you and your child’s doctor to complete a ‘Special Health Needs Support Plan’, and/or an ‘Emergency Action Plan’. If a child is receiving medication at home but not at the Service, the Service should still be notified of the purpose of the medication, its nature and the possible side effects it may have on the child while they are in care. (You might like to view our Administration Of Medication and Managing Anaphylaxis policies QA2.) Work Place Safety and Health Our Service is concerned with protecting the health and safety of children and Educators at the Service. In the interest of Workplace Safety and Health, and the well-being of the children, the Service is a smoke-free zone. This includes all indoor and outdoor play areas and anywhere on the premises or in sight of the children. We request that parents adhere to this. Educators are vigilant to identify and remove any hazards that may create a risk to children or themselves. All equipment, toys and play areas are checked regularly to ensure they are clean and safe for children’s use. (You might like to view our Occupational Safety and Health policy and our Health and Safety policy. QA2) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 30 Parent Handbook Sun Protection To ensure all children attending the Service are protected from skin damage caused by harmful ultra-violet rays of the sun the following applies: Children will wear a hat which protects the face, neck and ears whenever outside and will be encouraged to use available areas of shade during outdoor activities. SPF 30+ broad spectrum water resistant sunscreen will be provided for children and applied 15 minutes before going outside. Outdoor play will not occur in extreme heat or at the hottest time of the day and/or unsafe UV ray times according to daily information available from the Bureau Of Meteorology. If your child is sensitive to the provided sunscreen, please provide your own for your child. Educators will act as role models, by wearing hats, applying sunscreen and seeking the shade wherever possible. (You might like to view our Sun Protection policy QA2.) Safety Drills Safety drills will be practiced to ensure that children and Educators are familiar with the procedures should an emergency occur. Emergency evacuation and safety drills will be practiced at the Service at least four times a year. Evacuation procedures are displayed in the foyer and in each play room. Parents are asked to familiarise themselves with these procedures. Accidents Despite every precaution, accidents will occur at the Service from time to time. The following policy will be implemented to protect your child and keep you informed should an accident occur. You are required to provide written authority (included in the enrolment form) for the supervisor of the Service to seek medical attention for your child if required. In the case of a minor accident, Educators who are qualified in First Aid will attend to the injured child and apply first aid. Depending on the injury, you will be contacted at the time of the accident or informed about the incident when you arrive to collect your child. If a serious accident occurs which requires more than simple first aid treatment you will be contacted immediately or, if you cannot be contacted, your emergency contact person will be phoned. Your child’s injuries will be assessed and either an ambulance will be called or your child will be taken to a local clinic or medical practitioner for medical treatment. A Educators member will accompany your child until you are able to be there. You will be asked to sign an accident report completed by the person in charge at the Service at the time of the accident, and be provided with a copy of this report. (You might like to view our Illness, Injury, Accident and Medical Emergency policy. QA2) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 31 Parent Handbook First Aid Qualifications It is a requirement that at least one Educators member with a current First Aid and CPR qualification is on duty at the Service at all times children are on the premises. All Educators at the service are required to maintain a current Senior First Aid Certificate. First Aid will only be administered by qualified first aiders in the event of minor accidents or to stabilise the patient until expert assistance arrives. A fully equipped First Aid Kit is maintained at the Service. Thank you for taking the time to read our Parent Handbook. Please speak with the Supervisor or Director if you require any further clarification. References Child Care Centre Desktop Resource Unit for Children with Special Needs RUCSN Resource Service website: phone: 9270 6618 fax: 9249 4366 email: [email protected] Professional Support Co-ordinator WA PSCWA helpline: 18000 783 768 website: email: [email protected] Education and Care Regulatory Unit – Education and Care Services National Law (WA) 2012 and the Education and Care Services National Regulations 2012 . ACECQA Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 32 Parent Handbook Parent/Guardian Terms of Agreement (Please tear this form off your booklet and give to Service Educators to be kept in your file.) It is a condition of Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre that all families complete an enrolment form detailing current, relevant information for Educators. After the parent handbook has been received families must return a signed, dated copy of the “Terms of Agreement” confirming that they have read and agree to abide by the contents of the handbook prior to the commencement of care. I __________________________________________ have read and understood (Parent/Guardian name) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre’s Parent Handbook and to the best of my knowledge provided management with current enrolment details and contact particulars regarding the care of my child/children: ______________________________________________________________________ (name of enrolling child/children) I agree to update my enrolment particulars as they change and abide by the terms and conditions outlined in the handbook. I understand that a breach of these conditions may result in the immediate termination of care. It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to have read all information provided throughout the orientation/enrolment process before signing this document. _____________________ ________________ (Signature of Parent/Guardian) (Date) _____________________ ________________ (Signature of Director/Supervisor) Annie’s Angels Play And Development Centre 2014 (Date) 33
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