_•!•-, ffljff- • _ • FABM, ^ND HOUSEHOLD. coarse stable manure, cornstalks or forest Downright Cruelty. HEALTH HINTS, Bernard Murphy, Champion "Youth leaves may be used to good advantage. To permit yourself and family to Walker of Australia, says in the MelTo Pre»crve Potatoes. Do not iemovc this in the spring, &s tha To cure and heel a running sore, ap- JUS zarvsztTio-r OT O S S A T trss TO bourne Sportsman: "On Monday pre"Suffer!" With sickness when it can be prevented This a very excellent method for pre- plants can easily grow Up through it, and ply alum water twice a day. viGus to the match with Ormes, of 1SydSOUTHER-? CITIES. I and cured so easily • • A liniment of equal parts of oil oi serving the potato during the whole Year it is of great assistance in retaining m6isWith Hop Bitters ! 1! Process—Clear Block* ney, I was attacked with the 'stitch. I round: Get a copper of water to "boil jture during the fruiting season, as well wintergreen and olive oil, or soap lini- TheofAmmonia could not walk another yard, and gave Ico HIad« from HtoUs Filled as in keeping the fruit clean.—-Cultivament, is said to afford almost instant reand keep it at that point; have ready Up all hope of winhingi I was advised will, ITtiiddr Waters T H E sdldier'9-month—March. lief from pain in acute rheumatism. some open worked baskets, into which tor. Take the Worst mud-puddle along the to try St. Jacobs Oil. I did .so* rubput your potatoes. Stand them in the bing a little oil my side; i have not Having experienced a great deal ot Put five drops of chloroform on a little highway and when it freezes up the ice copper and let them remain two minutes. "Trouble!" from indigestion, so much so Bread Making. cotton or wool in the bowl of a clay pipe> will be as clear as that cut from the been troubled since, and won my match." ;hat I came near losiuz _Kr Be sure the water boils and covers the And what a fuss most people make then blow the vapor through the stem riven Haven't you often wondered at Life! vegetables. Do not let them boiljbeyond about bread making. I believe that into an aching ear and instant relief will this? Wouldn't it seam reasonable to My trouble always came after eating my The Bible is circulated in Pennsyl- Is more provalent Lathe spring than at otter seathis time, iPlacp them to dry on the with bread, as with many other things be afforded. expect the ice. to be the same color as vania in twenty-two languages, and^.sixty sons, being brought on b j sudden changes in tho food— fkxH\ and they will befitto store away. in this life, the simplest way is the best. However light weather, causing- bitter tasto.offensivo breatb.ooatod A simple remedy for neuralgia i3 to the water? Why isn't it? languages and dialects are spoken in the tongue, sick headache, 'drowsiness, dizziness and This process does not injure the pcJsto I know that I, for one, should patronize apply grated horseradish, prepared the And digestible, That's the keynote of my subject. For two or three hours at a tima I had t o ' loss.ofappetito. Hood's Sarsaparilla combines tho Hor detract from its virtue, as the germ '!the baker much more than I do if I were same as for table use, to the temple when State. ' Dame Nature has some very curious ways, go through most best known .remedies for biliousness, and readily (which is all it affects) is so near the obliged to go through the complicated the face or head is affected, or to the , „ iting pains', Excruciacures the most severe attacks. It gently stimulates "She tried her prentice hand oil marii skin. When my family were young I process laid down as a rule by many wrist when the pain is in the arm orand this is one of them. In summer sho tho digestive, organs, relieves headache, ana re- "And the only way I over got" helps that mud-puddle to render itself And when she formed the lassies, 01" found it not only economical, but an ex- cooks, to get the home-made. And my shoulder. "Relief 1" "What is woman's worth?" asked a fair- stores the appetite. e«3!eni method to prevent disease or frost bread is good. I boldly declare it be- There is nothing better for a cut than offensive to the" eye and the nose—in damsel of a crusty old bachelor. He did not Was by throwing up all my stomach conBad Taste in the Mouth. tained, No one can conceive the pain that zrom catching them. If you have no cause in the first place I know good powdered resin. Pound it until fine, winter she alone .purifies its. When heir know, so she said: W. O. man (double you "i?or the post three months I have been troubled I had to go through, until convenience to do many at once put bread myself. In the second, the chil- and put it in an empty, clean pepper- cold, frosty fingers begin to dabble in Oman.) But a woman fee's trbrfcu little if "At last?" has-invaded her,system and is daily a great deal with biliousness, which, on Betting up th«m in cabbage nets and boil them in dren cry for it. In the third, my friends box with perforated top, then you can the waters of the sloughs and ponds and disease sapping her strength; For all female .weakcaused headache and bad tasto fa I was takeni "So that for thr96 weeks I your cooking vessels. It will reward offer cakes, preserves and various other easily sift it out on the cut; put a soft bayous sho begins to purify. As the ness, Dr.a,ViJ?ierce's "Favorite prescription" inihemorningi my mouth. After using throe bottles of Hooa's Bat' lay in bed and freezing process is carried on the water your trouble. • unrivaled-. It cures the complaint and saparilla I am entirely free from all biliousness and dainties in exchange for it. I generally cloth around the injured member, and is refined, and when the ice comes you stands Could eat nothing! builds up the system. Send two letter headache."—J. SI. P H E C U S , Wait's New Hotel, My sufferings were so that I called two use the "entire wheat" flour. It is ex- wet it with cold water once in a while. see it clean and transparent. Nature stamps for pamphlet to World's Dispensary Bloqmingto'-. HI. doctors to give me something that -would Blooming Lily of the Valley. cellent"and I make it in the same way I It will prevent inflammation aisd sore- may not be able to squeeze out all this Medical Association, Buffalo, M. Y. "I have used Hood's Sarsaparill- for biliousness; stop the pain; their weeds and sticks from this pond ice, but It is not generally known, says an dc my white bread with the exception of ness. think it a groat remedy for that complaint. "~J. W. Efforts were no good to me. STBEET cars in Venezuela are always open AJBOTT, Manch-Bter. H. H. English exchange, thut the young plants the addition of a tablespoonful of mo- An excellent glycerine ointment for it would surprise you to see what she ones, and will seat only twelve peraonSi At last I heard a good deal lasses and once in a while, when I feel "About your Hop Bitters! chapped hands is made by melting,with does cast aside in the process of purifiof lily of the valley do not bloom until Hood's Sarsaparilla Pierce" "PleKSttnt Fnrgatlre Pellete." And determined to try them." very generous, a small lump of butter. a gentle heat, two ounces of sweet oil of cation. they are fully three years old, and even Positively Eopular; Provoke Praise; Prove Sold by all druggists, sjjl; six for $5. Prepared only Got a bottle—in four hours took the conthen size and beauty of the blooms will And I'll tell you all, in the stric- almonds, half an ounce of spermaceti The first hint of how to make artificial Priceless; Peculiarly Vroinpt; Perceptibly. by 0 . 1 . HOOD & GO., Apothecaries. Lowell, Has?.tents of depend on their having been well grown test confidence, what that way is: and one dram of white wax-. When ice must have come from a man who had Potent; Producing Permanent Profit;. PreIOO Doses One Dollar melted, remove from the stove and add closely studied Nature's ways. Before cluding Pimples and Pustules; Promoting in the interval. They will not do much Kelt day 1 was out of bed, and hare not Purity and Pesce. Purchase. Price, Petcy. When some bread I wish to make, one ounce of glycerine, and stir untilthe the war all the ice used in the South was Pharmacists Patronizing Pierce Procure good if they are not separated from the sen a First a cake of yeast I take; mixture is cold. The ointment can be shipped from the North, and it had a mother plants, and planted in well"Sick!" Break from it a scanty quarter, scented with any perfume to suit the ready sale at three dollars per 100Plenty. manured, light soil, in"a warm sheltered Soak the rest in lukewarm water, Hour, from the same cause since. IN these "shutting-down" time3 it is evi- Cleanses th« 8 eftd. fancy. Keep it ia wide-necked bottles. pounds. Many ships were engaged in place, and kept watered during dry I haye recommended it to hundreds of others. You hare no such , weather. For this purpose cow manure about a teacupful. the trade, loading the ice on the New dent that ten mills do not make a cent. Allays Inflammation. Pneumonia is inflammation of t i e Then you sift two heaping quarts and "Advocate as I am."—George Kendall, Alis the best. Crowns- produce better England coast and delivering it at Use the great specific for "cold in head' When the inflammation is on iston, Boston, Mass. „ Heals the Sores. Reblooms and foliage than clumps, and old a pint of flour and a level tablespoonful lungs. Columbus Advocate, Texas, April 21,'u3. lining of the chest it is pleurisy. The Charleston, Savannah, Galveston- and and catarrh—Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. lily beds become productive of small of salt into your bread bowl and place the stores the Senses o f Dear Editor:—I have tried your Hop Bitters, other points. Much of this ice was natTHEBB are seventeen skating rinks at Buftwo may be combined. Pneumonia is a blooms and a great mass of crowded, ill the bowl where it and its contents can dangerous and find they are good for any complaint. Taste,Sniell.Heivrlng-. disease and requires prompt urally lost in the handling, and the high falo. Tho best medicine I ever used in my larndeveloped young plants. Lily of theget slightly warm. When the yeast cake action. It is price made it an article of luxury. The preceded by a chill, from "Koiigii on Toothache." y is dissolved, make a well ID the middle A POSITIVE CUBE * H. TALENER. valley that has once bloomed does not invention of a processs by which ice Instant relief for neuralgia, toothache, faqe* which it sometimes is difficult to restore of your flour, having first taken out a die, nor do the plants flower again for i che. Ask fof"Rough on Toothache. "15&35C. CREAM BALIYr could be turned out in large quantities at the natural heat. This chill is followed has gained an enviable reptwo years. Hence the waste of time in pint, pour in the yeast and mix with it, by a high fever, in which the heart beat3 very low rates was, therefore hailed with I t Stands to Reason wherever Known forcing of the lilies the first and second using a wooden spoon, the flour directly rapidly. Chills may pome from other great satisfaction, there is not now a that an oil devoid of all irritating ptoper'- utstion displacing all other preparsurrounding it. Then mix with tepid ations. A particle is appliefll • 1 / I" P . IS* ft Hay-NoM genuine without a bunch of ties, that aever becomes rancid, should make after blooming-. each .nostril; no pain H A Y • P r U P n green hops on the white label Shun all the water by degrees^-the way they say causes than pneumonia, but iinless-sure .city of any size in the South without its an excellent Hair Dressing. Such is Carbo- into agreeable to use. |1MI~- Ibliall vile poisonous stuff with "Hop" or "Hops manufactory, and ice can be had at reline,made from pure Petroleuni. All druggists lawyers go to heaven—the remainder of of the cause and sure that it is not danPrice 50c. bv mail or at drufiffiflt. Send for circu. EIiV BROTHERS, Druggists.I)wego, K. Y., In their name. Fertilizers for Squashes and Pump- the flour; about a pint and a half will gerous it is safe ts suspect a coming tail for $1 to $1.50 per hundred pounds. AN ITEM OF INTEREST.—"Beeson's Aromat- lar. kins. S I S TJ-11do for the white flour, a little more for pneumonia and to send at once for a No Northern ice can find a market ex- ic Alum Sulphur Soap prevents, cures and THIS PLASTE3 A Skin of Beauty Is a Joy Foraver. cept along the seaboard. I have seen, heals skin disoas3S,softons and beautifies face physician. Good, thoroughly decomposed stable the entire wheat. on three different occasions, lumps of and hands. 25c by Druggists, or by mail. clef t i w the nwret of tha manure is as good aB any fertilizer we DE. T. FELIX GQTJRAUD'S litck, t'.ic scat oi all pain. when at last the spoon dough-fettered Northern ice and cakes of artificial' ice Address Wm. Dreydoppel, Philadelphia, Pa. What Cariosities Cost. have ever tried for squashes and pump- Andhelpless stands, FOJtt ALL placed side by side in the sun, and in Life Preserver. " I t is the general belief that the efkins. But after the plants are well I pluck it forth, and in I go with both my Lunf Troubles., whtttur If you arelosjng your grip on life, try"'Wells' fect of African colonization is being felt each instance the artificial lasted much locai' or deeply seated thli started it is a good plan to top dress the hands. Health.B,enewer."-ioes directtoweak spots. pliu-Scr -frill be found to the longest. in the wild animal trade, and that conhills with, wood ashes, bone dust, land And now you'll see what the pint of jlva lnititit relief by spThe powerful curative properties of a iJop I" plying Dsnrees the shouV sequently the prices are much lower," plaster, or some similar fertilizer, apply- flour was reserved for. Toflourthe And now as to the manufacture: There Plaster der-bladesare irresistible when applied to ing not more than a small handful at a dough and your fists so that you can remarked Barnum's agent, Mr. Tody are two processes, but we will take the Backache, Sciatica, or any sort of soreness. SHARP Kg- For Kidney Trouble, y, time, and repeating the application every knead for about ten minutes without Hamilton, as Jumbo was led into, the simplest, which is called the ammonia The best and strongest porous plastermade; 'XheumaUim. Neuralgia, fiei detection. ring to go through his performance. process. The building maybe, an old A trial will demonstrate it. 25c. Pain in the Std* and Back ten clays, or about twice a month. These any unpleasant amount of stickiness. It h t s stood Ache, they are a certain ''But it is a mistaken idea altogether. barn or rough shed, and the-engine from the U i t ot S« later applications not only stimulate the The purest, sweetest and best Cod -Liver and speedy rarei. years, and )• EO-armleM growth of the piant, but often prevent Fists? Yes, indeed, for breadfitto be eaten, Colonization ha? not extended to the ten to twenty horse-power. As I saw Oil in the world, manufactured from fresh, tiBte i t t o bi Has always been by someone's fists well Sold by DrurgiiU JTor S jungles of Abyssinia and the far interior healthy livers, upon the seashore. It is absothe attacks of insects. Wood ashes are the operation in a Georgia town they sure the pre cents, orfi-re for S I . beaten. p-ration n of the dark continent. Even if it had pumped their water from a canaL and it lutely pure and sweet. Patients who have Hailed on rec«lpt ot an excellent fertilizer for all kinds of properly mf>-*> once taKeii it prefer it to all others. Physiprice by S m i t h ,l»oolltreached the outskirts of the home of the When the dough no longer clings to Aooop-t. n< vines, and if thece are insects to be driven was too muddy for a fish to live in. Fill cians have decided it superior to any of the 11c dc S m i t h , Ge-«»1 counterfeit oj JLsenti, Boston'^ away add about a tablespoonf ul of spir- your hands shape it, give it an improving lion, hippopotamus^ tiger and elephant, a barrel with it to stand over night and other oils in market. Made by Caswell, HazEimiUr. _une. T h e diBtin its of turpentine to every half peck of pat or two, cover with a thick cloth—a the prices of these animals would remain there would be two inches of mud in the ard & Co., New York. Six lbs. flee to FREE D L physicians a n d • ashes used, which must "be mixed and bit of old blanket is good—and leave it the same." bottom of the barrel next morning. CHAMED HAHDS, face, pimples and rough who from' clergymen will pay .transkept in a tight box over night before ap- to rise. Set at 9 o'clock at night and skin cured by using Juniper Tar Soap, made by "How is that?" asked a writer for the The water is first pumped into a large "Send O.J !fc« leeutTiarmful of all me tncmprepara:ion:r.- y BRAN portation. bottle mil last a i l months, Uiing it erery day., A] plying. Creosote, benzine, kerosene, or left in a moderately warm -room it will Mail and Express. 'or circular. condenser, and is there purified and Caswejl, —hazard & Co., New York. For Dyspepsin, Foudr* removes supernuous superfluous » hair" wit&tntt I Fr . . .Subtils »«• Far>veIi&Rhines . _ .-• emoves ir.~_ IM n > m / l n» n c fw«uj>»> l i n i Hn thinned coal tar may also be used in the be ready for the finishing touches early "Rongh on Itch." "It requires in the first place an out- passed to condenser number two. It is Diatictes, Neiiur irytotheuitin. MME. M. B . T. G0UR&.V3. Sol. Sol Siareh S itoprietor-s, _>rop., "Eough on Itch" cures humors, eruptions, vous Debility Pr « BondJt.. N. T . For sale by all Drugglit; an d same way and for the same purpose.— iu the morning. In the morning give it lay of $30,000 to start after a batch of again purified, and is then pumped into aiai C"j Wat erto-fl-t, _?. Y. F Fancy Goods • JJaalefa throughout th» y . S., Oattfoai and Children a light kneading, divide it into loaves, wild animals in Abyssinia. The men the baths. Each bath is a huge, square ring-worm,tetter.,salt rheum, chilblains. New York Sun. and Europe. SafBaware oibsie imitations. «l,«0Ke. F o o d . N ey -ASB ward for a r r o t and proof af any on» nulling tho atm». i'razor Axis {Jreaste. two large or three small ones, grease who undertake to get them are not na- bin, provided with apertures for holding Waste-KepnirThe Ifrazer Axle Grease received medals at your bread pans with a little butter, tives, but Europeans who have made it a ninety-six molds. These molds are sixTEI,EPHO-«e. Milk-Fever Treatment. the Centennial, N. C. State Fair, Paris Expoplace your Iove3 in them—they, the profession. Gives splendid satisfaction.. Nce_or> They get the natives to as* bitant rental fee to pay—Sold oiitirhf I wish to repeat the way to prevent loaves, must only half fill them—and sist them in capturing young animals. teen inches long, eight wide and four sition, American Institute, IT. * . , and others. MODERN kad ruar*nteedloiitotk. nlc«!yo!.llnes Pretty Womeni . -wtthm its compass(-miles)',or-faey and cure milk-fever in cows, says D. A. leave it to rise again. When risen to To do this the old have to be killed, and thick, and are open at the top. Each LOW-COST ritftraded. Constructed on. new and Ladies who would retain freshness and vican, when tilled with water, is placed in HOUSES. Barker in the New York Tribune. The the top of the pans, which will be in an often afiercelion sends a Nubian spearscientific principles; works entirdyby the bin in a compartment by itself, and vacity. Try '^Wells' Health Eenewer." rlhratisa. Two or three mpntai'renway to prevent is to feed about two-thirds hour, more or less, put it in a good oven man to paradise. . til tec to the Bell Telephone wfubtrya large lid shuts down over all. As the If afflicted with sore eyes use Dr. Isaac plans, .. outrieht a complete private Iin«. U is rations of fodder and half rations of and bake for another hour. And if the /*» only P B . A C U C A I . and B - K i l Thompson's Eye Water. Druggists sell it. 25c. npto $6,#if6r""_ii"c_nistbV.: " So' "When a sufficient number of the water reaches the molds it is so clear and A B U C non-electric Telephone mWe, whatever mess they have been eating for bread is not good, send bill for loss young have been captured a great excompleteaboo-oftbiskindusnally and warranted to jive satisfaction, sr ONE acre of cucumbers in Florida netted COIUSS. OURPBIOBOSLTWCtE., a few days before they come in, and for and damages to me and make any way pense is incurred furnishing goats' milk transparent that you could easily pertxency rc/untcd. AG-CKTB can sent DOEt-pahl. AddroH. ceive a grain of sand at the bottom make immense profits and pet an tho $475 last year. " .two or three days after calving feed you choose in future. One word more to them. The' chiefs and sheiks of the BOILDlNa .ASSOCIATION, , wort they can do. No previous e*peof the can. Through the bins and around 2* Beekmit- St.; (Box £70-,), X. T. -*.* ~ riencerequired.TVherelhavcno.aE-en'.i sparingly with fodder; give no mess at on this subject. Be sure and haye your desert furnish the goats, sending a herd Telephones d a y b6 ordered direct for private me. Circular! all for the first day or two after except a dough as soft as you can handle it. Stiff near the place where the animals are cor- the cans ammonia gas is is constantly tree. S . T . JOHNBOW. WE WAST 1000 BOOK AGENT2. 108 S. Divieion St., Buffalo, K. i half dozen potatoes or carrots, and take bread, like stifE-neckad people, is not ralled. Another expense is the deposit circulating in pipes, and salt water is I VEAKS AMONG the chill off all her drink for forty-eight nice. Water is cheap. Use a little money the. sheiks frequently exact as a churned about and kept in constant mo' I.yine Agtnti c*m SELLssdMB the truth, sbout JONXS. Put you* hours after calving. If the weather is more than I have specified if you find guarantee of the return of the Nubians tion by means of paddles worked by chinery. By Geu. DODGE and Gen. SHERMAN. The fii.te»t selling ^ & " ^ hot, keep her in the shade in the heat'of you need it.—Aunt Patty, in Detroit who are employed. In the march homey^ bookout. IndorsedbyPreB't-Arthur, Gcirs Qmot, Shermani I t takes seventy pounds of salt to Bheridan, and thousands of Eininrot Jmlscs, clergymen, the day, and she will not be likely to Free Press. ward through the desert the young aniEditors, etc., as *' Tlte Best and Finest Illustrated Jhaum make a "bath" for three bins holding have any trouble. Book Ever PttilMieS." I ttakeslike Trildfiro. and Agents sea mals are transported on camels, and 288 molds, and it is renewed once a 1 0 to SO ad»y. O3-T5.00O _oia. Ita Great Ant ' ' But if you are caught with a case of •nd Solid Merit make it the oooming hook for . many die on the way. They are carried I WAGON SCALES. A Clever Swindle. week. One barrel of ammonia will last S_?*Send for Circ-lars, Specimen Plate, Extra Terms, milk-fever, don't try to physic her, but to the Suez canal and shipped to Europe. a small factory like the one I am "deA. ».-WCSTinK61:ON & CO.,llBrtford,Ce_-_; Beam Box. Ton Beam. Freight empty the rectum and give an injection Paid. Eree Price t,iit.i.Evcry BUM, A person who spends his days in sell- If the jungles were colonized the wild scribing about ten days. addreci IOHIS OF BCSSHAMTO* of half an ounce of laudanum diluted ing ham and beef over the counter can animals would seek other quiet haunts REMNANTS. BrNeHUTONM T with thin starch, and keep giving the hardly be expected to be a judge of mu- in the interior, -so I cannot see how the Let the factory start with all the molds Wo will send yoii T l stylos o£ Laces which laudanum often enough to keep her easy, sical instruments. It was owing to this expense of getting them would be les- full of- water, and it is only about half can be "bought at-half pnoe.ii you iiSl-Bend thoiiames of fivo ladies in and in four or five days her bowels will lack of judgment that a Parisian dealer sened. To sum' up, the freight, the an hour before the men begin to take your ticinity to T . E . P A R K E R , Ijynn, Masg. move. When you wish to leave her for in these wares has just been mulcted of. trouble of capture and the risks run of out ice. The molds are lifted out of tha the night, give an extra amount of laud- a considerable suin of money under rather, bringing them to Europe alive, are the bin and carried out to a vat of hot water TT\O Introduce nndteell the trade the Trell-known and JL celebrated OiE«rsot the NEW YORK i HAVANA anum. As she begins to get better she unusual circumstances. To the police, items which anake wild animals costly. and dinped; Each cake weighs twenty CIQAB COJIPANy. liberal arrangements. SiiiKI or COMMISSIOK paid to tho right man. For ftu-tbef will look brighter and drink a little, and in relating his misfortune, he told;, the As they grow, older and become accli- pounds, and three of them are placed »f* C h i T C Slado only by the H". T . •£ particulars nnd terms address, at once, will not need as much laudanum. W d [ « • 9 • Havana Cigar Co., 57 BroadThe N e w Y o r k (fcHaya'-ia Ciitar Co., following story: A.day or two since.a mated their value increases. If I wanted together to freeze solid. This makes a CureiliHEUMATISM, XEtJliAI.GI A, SCIATICA, PosilivelytheXcst. way, M. Y. ASK FOB IT. '! 5T B r o a d w a y , New Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Tootnaclie, cake sixteen inches long, twelve inches By the second or third day she will al- little Italian minstrel entered his shop to to sell an elephant to-day I would have ew York. Soro Throat, SwellinsnYSpralnfj Brnliw, Burns, Scalds, Frwt Bites,_aiid other Pains sad Aches. ALL IMPERFECTIONS most surely need a catheter to empty her buy a few pounds of ham. The boy on to mention whether acclimated or not to thick, and twenty-fout inches wide. It gSftjCtmtf mbottle. AtDrnggist!-.ndDenlen, Directions inllJangaixei. of the Bace, Hands & Feet, Superfluous is so perfectly clear that it reflects your THE CHARLES A. T&tlELEP. CO., Baltiaoro. Md.. U. s.>. bladder. If there is no catheter near, a feeling in his pockets discovered, with' make a difference of a thousand or so Hair, Moles, -Warts.l'ree_les,ilotb. Bed Nose, Acne.BlMc Heads. Scars, Pitting small rubber tube will answer. Your well-feigned surprise, thai he had nodollars. There is about $4,000,000 in- image like a glass, and you can read Ladies' Weaknesses and treatment. D r - J o h n W d o d b u r i r , ,37 N . l ' e a r l St., Albany, N . - f family physician can tell you how to use money, but he offered the charcutier to vested in wild animals in- the United newspaper print through tliree feet of it. Mr, T. H. Gafford, of Church Hill, Md., ''Established 1S70. .Send lite, for book. lliltsbmcacy.triatl-will nemlTWO BOTTLK3 I'KBE, . it if necessary. A little weak saltpetre- leave his violin in Ms hands- as a guaran- States, not including elephants. There ' There 13 the engine pumping up the is so thankful for the restoration of his wife together with aTAI.lTAin.ETKEATISB on this d u u u a toanys-ffnrer. GlvocxpressandJ?. O.nddress. i water for a diuretic is useful. Cows six tee ,pf payment, and was allowed by the are sixty elephants in thetJnited States, muddy water at one end of the old to complete health, that he is willing to c e r ~DB-.T. A. SLOCO_I,lslEi!_rlSt., Now York.years old and over are more likely to tradesman to take away the ham which ranging in price from $8,000 to $20,000. building, and the mea handling the tify to the fact arid the inanner of her cure. have milk-fever; I have never known a his "mother was waiting for." Soon If an elephant is trailed and acclimated, purest, nicest !ice you ever saw at the To Mrs. Lydia E. Pinkhami This is to cer- S e n t on approval. Catalogue Ires. A . A N D E R R. U. AWARE WhoicsaSe filairafuctarer, Buffalo, N. Y, case with a cow less than five years old. after the lad's departure a well-ap- it will bring $20,000. But those that other, while between them are only a tify to the grand effects of your Vegetable SON, THAT • . : A-N_-SB.—Special agents to handle goods of mifew tanks and pipes. It seems wonderGood cows that give much milk and are pointed carriage stopped at the are stupid and cannot be trained never Compound. My -wife was suffering from a Lori-lard's Climax H a g extra well fed are the ones that have it. tradesman's door. Out of it bring over $3,000 or $4,000. In Hiy ful doesn't it? terrible disease which seemed to baffle the hearing a red tin tag ;~tbat Lorillard _i In summer it is a common thing in sMll of the best medical men. She was in.a A great many Jersey cows have died in stepped an elegantly dressed gentleman opinion it will be a great many years • -—I t o s o J_enf flnecut; that Lorlllard's Nitvy Clippineu.and tnat Lorlllard's Snufi«, ax« that way. 1UB Prophylactic AppIIaisce cures Nervous with a beribboned buttonhole, who before wild animals will become cheaper, Hew Orleans and. other Southern cities poor, languid, depressed, nervous condition. Debility, l'remature Decay, Lost Manhood; etc., the test and cheapest, quality considered T"' " wished to purchase some pots of foe no matter how civilization and coloniza-, to see blocks of artificial ice in the win We finally concluded to try your Vegetable oy.prevontingthecause- Sealedtreatisafroe. Address do'ws of restaurants with quail, rabbits Compound and to our great surprisethehalf PBogBmACio AfegiJA-KOE Co., Bmshamton,.K. Y. Strawberry Culture. gras. He chanced to perceive the violin, tion advances in Africa." and other game frozen in them. One of one bottle had hot been taken b.efbre there w d R Y According to J. H. Hale's experience took it up, tried it, went into ecstasies who does not understand that it is ' arti- seemed to be a. thorough, change in her in Connecticut the following are some of over it—briefly, he offered the charcutier Japanese Dentists. "H H>W«I«P_F m wmi •* i b n i i b i v y _• «*• m » *<< —••-•-»! ficial ice is fain to wonder how on earth wlidle condition, and now to-day she is inKe.eping(T.ceth*gerfect ami Cciunsjgealtiiy. EASILY CURED. ADVICE FREE. the leading points in successful straw- over $200 for the marvelous instrument. The Japanese impress all travelers as TEA SETS, «to. Dr. good health and entirely relieved frf.m all berry culture': To start with, the land The tradesman explained it was not his being a mild-mannered and considerate the articles got in there". A|nw _ c Sample Book.Premram .List. Price List fi J.C. HOFFMAN, Jefferson,Wis. to Ladies who ac wAlf-ld free. T7. 8.OAKDCO., Oeaterbroolc.Oa And ifi. connection With this ice ques-- former depressed feelings. • as agents for us. should be well plowed, subsoiled and io dispose of, and after much discussion people. There is nothing harsh or rough it was finally arranged that he should I w,ant to diop a hint to the farmer bojs Morphine H a b i t Cared i n l G T. S . Gafford and wife. harrowed several times over to make it about them. Perhaps their gentle ways ATLANTIC TEA •fiO., Fitchburg, Mass. to 3 0 days. No pay till cured. soft and mellow. Well-rotted stable persuade the "Italian boy to sell it, and are best shown in their method of pulling of the North. There is hardly a farm in B B . J..ST-SPIIENS, Xeimnon, Oilo. E E W O R L D ' S W O N D E R S and Official BUmanure, if applied liberally, will give would receive a handsome commission if teeth. The Japanese dentist does not, any county on which a fish pond cannot D l «_••.!__ D i l l * . Great English Gout and TJLR 16ry of Che Grcr.lu Expedition. Grand new book; outt D I P n r > l 7 3 C P»lnlns >n» cure. Book rr*» sells everythinff. Salary or com to Agents. •Write quick lV/ fA n l U U b C . L t ClTi.l. Ate-cj, 160 J-CHCJ-It;..*,T: l S I I l l S i Rheumatic Relnedy. iaispecigl good returns. If commercial manures he brought it that evening to "Lord Rus- like his European or American brother, be made.. Y°« want clean, clear water D l a lOval terms. H i s t o r i c a l I ' u b . Co.; Phila., Pa Box, Sl.OO; roin-.d, 5 0 (its. sell," Grand hotel. ; When the boy acto feed it. If the,"iijlet is a creek you are used, those having but a smalt have an array of glittering steel instruamount of nitrogen are best. The straw-- complice of the distinguished foreigner ments to remind the patient of the torture must arrange matters in such a Way that, berry is a gross feeder, and a large returned the tradesman, with difficulty, which is in store for him. He performs during higher water, when the water is amount of available plant food of a nitro- persuaded him. to part with his instru- all his tooth-drawing with his thumb muddy,it can be diverted from the pond. genous character, such as blood" and ment for the sum -of $160. With it in and forefinger. Such is the skill which A flume or race, or pipe from the creek Two Cents. bone, guaup or fish scraps, will produce his hands, the confiding charcutier hast- long practice gives him, that with these to the pond can be closed up any time a very rank foliage the first year, and the ened to the Grand hotel; discovered, simple means he can extract half-a-dozen Perch, bass, mullet, suckers, bullVWJXAT is the World coining fo ? The poor man is now on an equality with the richest, GUIZOT'S plant seems to make its plans for analaa! that no such person as "Milord tee.th iii half a minute. During this heads, pike and other varieties will live , .. » Russell" was stopping there; and, beHISTORY OP enormous crop • the next season, but, and thrive ifi a.pond on the farm, arid in so far as books ^re concerned. "—Central Baptist, St. Louis. time his fingers .are not once removed A MAPJPTMAN. " Give aman this taste (for good books), and'the means of gratifying it, arid somehow, it never keeps its promise. coming uneasy, took the violin to a from the patient's mouth. FRANCE, time the farmer will have fish to sell- at stringed instrument shop in the neighThen- comes a great show of foliage, but the nearest market. There is amuse- you can hardly fail of- making a happy man. You place Mm in contacWith the best society jn every With 426 Fine The dentist has to go through a long little fruit,while the latter is watery and borhood. Its value was estimated at recreation and profit all in one, period of history, -with the -wisest, the wittiest, the tenderest,-the bravest, and the purest characters illustrations, Eight course of training Before he can experi- ment, ' insipid in flavor, and will keep but a $1.20.—London Standard. and wheu Winter comes this same pond •which have adorned hunianity."—Sis JOHN HEESCHEI,; beautiful volumes,.,1 \ ment on a human beings Hisfirstwork will yield all short time after being picked. On the ice wanted at the farm-, small octavo, cloQvgilt is to take out with hisfingerspegs which house duringthe i)ainty little boois, always unabridged, i n large other hand, a manure of raw, ground tops. Price re&Tiped the summer. There are have been pressed into soft wood. Then and irrneaf paper covers. Tfeprices include postage: Softening Leather. from $49.50 to $8.00, bone and wood ashes, or muriate of potmany of these fish-ponds in the South, hu is fried With a series of tasks which to 130 Hilton. T. Bablngton Haooulay.... • 75 Life*. Sum Houston 20e postage $1.30; ash, encourages a less rapid plant growth and the owers are making big money Neatsfoot oil will not soften leather VitiTAr...... 2c MS Erasmus and Henry ~" VIIL B'Au- 5c 74 TbuiV People'e Lite of Washington »Qo THE BEST. . . . . . . E goa-S<jrpe»t_of 3o;enoe. Wllion... 2o early the first season, but gives a steady under all circumstances; neither is castor are made more and more difficult, until from the sale of fish alone. I have seen - blK116;........... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2C 70 SOB. SUS, 68,67, «a, 6!)j combined..;.. Mo at last he is able to draw out hard pegs 6 EmoonArdeu'. Alfred TeBnrson... 2c 138 Lt>dyoftheLalio. Saott ''.'' 8B This is the only comand continuous growth through the sea oil any better. Oil is not necessary to AHaBSourwlthSt.P«ul them fed by a pipe running from a wind8 Frederick the Great. Macauluy Marcaion. Soott IS/ Karmlon S c o t t o%a 69 70 HI 63 The Cttaifl-ion. Cunningham Gsikie3c 2 10 Queen Mabel, etc. Ellen T. Alden.. 3c "> Lay of the Last Minstrel. Scott.... 6c 67 63 TheCtiiolfl_ion.Cunnlcgh»i.aeikle Senec4hnd St. Paul Canon Sfarrar 2c 2o plete American editioE son. These foliage plants will, at fruit- the pliability of leather^rthe leather of which have been driven into an oakmill and a_. tank a long way off, and 11 t_f« or six iBaao Newton. Parton.. 26 i Confessions of a n Qplixm-Eater. - 10c 6ii Th Tho CelH plank with, a -inallet. s. KinssJeyi 2c of this work, -which is" CelHcHermlts. Chas. ing season the next year, give a heavy the ox, goat, calf and kid. It is neces^ 12 WorlttSm-iUnc,etc. Williams.... 5 SchUleV's S h UleV'sHlatoryThirtyTe l V H l T h i t T aTeaxa'War x a ' W a r 30c again by a flume leading off a creek. ... 2o I Legend of the Wandering Jew^ 2c 65 A writer, in a French medical journal Any natural sink,or basin will make the Pil»rim'« ProErcis. IUus 106 i Hercaann and Dorothea. Goethe... 6c 64 The Me Known as the Uest popEsiayaot Lord Baco Bacon M The E i crop of firm, bright and well-flavored, sary that the leather be kept moist, but .Humorists.—irVIng........ So PubUe Health. Edward OrtoE,M,.5" 2c 63 6M Mud d King's Daughter Daughter. An Andersen.. 10c ular history oi France." Amorlcsn HuinorUts.—Holmes 2c 121. Some a t l l y Pets. Grace Greendk, and other Stories... M 63 Me —Journal, Indianberries. The best time to plant straw- oil need not be rhe moistening means. says that no human -jaw can resist the lake if you can get water enough, and IT 3 ThsTJgljbudk, ThsTJ wood 2c 61 The pfefoT Cricket on the Hearth. Sickens.... 10c Book without Pictures Pictures.30c 30c p berries is early in the spring, while'the Yet in use oil is the most convenient delicate but powerful pressure of tho the fish should be. fed now aiid then with »18 American HutaoriJta. Lowell la 139 Th«RaTeu, etc. EdsarA.Poe. 26 ffl d other th SStories.. t i s 10c 10c apolis, Indk ffl The Th Ice I ilalden, and .. • fingers of the Japanese dentist. 30 Amerlcac Humorists. A. Ward 2a 119 Ethics of the Dast. John. Eusfcin.. lee 55 The Christmas Greeting 10c plants are in a dormant condition. Hows means for keeping leather, soft. It would bread crumbs. The farmer's boy who 31 AnMHccs Humorists. Mark Twain. So 118 Crown ef WlldOUve Johii Hu«_ih 10c 53 ShosB ot Fortune a n d other Stories. 10c MACAU LAY'S Peer . -. "_- • - • • ' — "~~ ' Dowrtad Village, etc. Ooldimith. 20 117 Sesame and Lilies. John liuskin... 10c STPair-T Talefc Hans Andersen. Bins". J'Jc "Guizot is the»a&'Ai to four feet apart, and plants ten tobe inconvenient to employ water to keep will go into this will have more sport 35 26 Cotter's Saturday Night, etc. Burns. 2o Luther Anecdotes. Dr. llacaxilav.. Se X Tho fetory Xeiler, a n d other Tales... lOc A Cat Fishing- Fojr I t s Liflng. twelve inches, with all the runners cut, pliable the leather of our boots, because than in hunting and more profit than in 28 Songs of Seven, «tc. Jean Xngelow. 2b 113 115 Luther's Table Talk. Dr. JIacanlay So 51 No_.10,13,40.51.52,53 combined 12c caalay of the history of Si -okfll»r'« Song of the Bell, etc...;... 2o 114 Ufa of G-orso Muilcr. Mrs. -thller sc £3 Adrentures «t Baron Munchausen. 2 s France. His narrative Four miles from here, says a Johnston selling eggs.-—Detroit Free Press. will give the most and best fruit at theof its spreading the pores of the leather 119 The Undergtandlue. John Loske.. 10c 52 Sindbad the Sailor. lit areat Thoughts from Greek Auth2c least expense. The great bugbear of and admitting cold" air; beside, unless correspondent of the Charleston (S. C.) or*. Euripides.. Zc 113 The Battle o*-Waterloo, E. S. Greasy 2c 61 Fables from ^Bsop. Qlustr-ted 3c is full of emotion, :like ft1SS The J«tn«: Seniosthenes, Diogenes. 3c 111 TheBattleof SaratoRu. E.S.Creasy 2c 46 Philosophy of Style. Spencer 4c quick stream; his charnarrow-row or Mil culture is cutting the always wet, leather becomes hard and News and Courier, one of the county 110 Defeat of the Spanish Armada So M£ Tho same: AriBtotle, etc So The Origin of Music. ti Evidences of EToUition. .Huxley... ia 1U _ 'ffce same: Aristophanes, etc. 2c lttl Battle of Hastings. E.S. Creasv.... gc 43 Buddalam. ByJohnCaird ia actors lisa before us as runners, but this is nothing to the labor rigid. Oil, on the contrary, keeps the commissioners, Henry .Gallmac, owns a Theiame: BschTlus Anacreo 243 TbeiameV-Bsehylus, JLna'creon, eto. 2c 1IB Tints of the Times. O: Ci-Kern . . . . 2c i2 Clviliiatlonsof Asia. Bawllhson.. 2c in the flesh; they are ( of picking out the weeds from a matted leather in a proper state for its best use- mill and pond and grinds corn for the In all countries legends exist ascribing 113 Emerson.. Matthew Arnold 2c 107 -Battle of the Books. Dean Switt . 2c 41 Life of Peter Cooper, c . E. Lester. Me the origin of music' to celestial source. la Physical Sducation. Spracar 5o 106 The Hears of Brace, etc. Aytou's... 2o 4U Sunshino and-other Stories. A'ldeB. Sc men and "women, -not' row during the last three growing fulness, that of pliability. But iin. "order public. He has a man by the name of 1 « Ksral aducation. Herbert Spencer 6o 105 TIrgiaia, The Armada. JXaeaulay... 20 381_fe of Eicaard Wagner. Portrait. So historic lay figures. I t China, Greece; Rome, Assyria, Egypt 104 Count Bumford. John Tyndall.A. So S7 Pearls ot the Faith. BdwlnArnold. 15p months of the season, while plants may that oil may soften the leather, its way- Fruit, who attends to the mill. Pruit 1QS TheBattl6of Marathon.E.S.Creasy 3c 33 Life of Alex. H. Stephens. Illus 16c is as charming as any and India all concur in giving the art a be grown more cheaply in the 102 The Ancient Mariner.- Coleridge..\2c should be prepared by a thorough wet- owns a large cat that as soon as the mill divine origin, and also in returning the romance. There is ofcl)r 101 llazeppa.. LordBrron tc p narrow rows, the fruit will be ting of the leather by water. Much less is stopped, by shutting down the gate, JM The ar for the union. W.PhilUps 30 00 James Ferguson, Ferguss , the he Astronomer...'£. »i 27 BrowLisaLpvedtbeKJnK. „ onedraw-back , . . it gift to its Maker in songs of praise. eo.Wm. Curtis 3c 99T_eFoiur Chieet Apostles. F. Godet._.. Geo.'Wm. 1* Wead-URsUllpj. Wead-URsUllpj. G larger and of better quality, and oil is required if the leather is well satur- will immediately run down -behind the Sot i s Life of GustiveDorfc G u s t i e D r frftlu c fllustratedVi fllustratedi So seems more like getting' d of f WyomiiiB. 3c N Numbers. b K Kattherr t tt h Arnold. l d 3 89 Gertrude Numbers. K Wyoming CamphelL. CamphelL 2o 0M3 A A Halt Halt Hour Hour In In Natural Natural History History..,,3c 3c .& present than m k i will suffer less from drought than ated with water. The philosophy is 6b- mill and get oh; a 16a just over the sheet- Egypt, however, recognized the dual 134 S 3 3c ISTfcS C ISlTfcS Coming i S Slavery. Sl Spencer. 3c W Essays on Man.- By Pope character of music by a legend which de83 Fior d'AIlza. By Lcmartino 15c 133 On Liberty. John Stoart Kill l!e HaMst. Shakespeare 7c purchase." —Domi in matted rows. By the selection of vions; water is-repellant to the oil, and ing over which- the water is flowing. 131B6keby. Sir Walter Scott 8c 73 The Spectre Bridegroom. Irving... 2c SXrhe Words of Washington 4c scribed music as springing from two Motive and Habit of Reading 2c varieties, and the soil on which to plant prevents it from passing entirely through She will then look very intently into the ENGLISH! _SJE-^X)J57xJ(S—_in th© Elzevir Churchman, Toronto.! them, the strawberry season may be pro- the leather, holding the oil in the sub- water, which is from-eighteen inches to sources, the one good, the other evil. The Egyptian was more sparing of music Library. " This series of brief, condensed- accounts of CtPHERED OVER. : longed to six weeks or more, if the early stance of the leather. The use of water to two feet deep, until she spies a fish, the great literary works of Greece and Eome has taken "l?rom the pen of a varieties are planted on warm, eariy soil. for softening belts in factories is not in- she then plunges into the water fre- in religious service than Roman or Grecian, but deserves thanks for at least un= its place among the standard authorities. The books are admirably written and -wholly adequate master. HowJttr.Alden If planting is done in spring all blossoms convenient, if advantage is taken of a" quently burying herself under it, but can give the eight -vol- j should be cut off as fast as they appear, holiday. At night the "belto may be almost always coming out with a fish. derstanding that music, like any other in their scholarship. For English readers who desire acquaintance with the great worka of antiquity, umes, and this oh " % art, could be abused. Even to-day, the these books may be recommended as the very best within reach.—TJie Christian Union, New York. and no fruiting be allowed thefirstsea-brushed clean and thoroughly wetted, She then quietly sits down oh a rock paper, and clear . division between the sensuous and lofty j 97 Heeiod and Theoguls. Davles, 15o 83 The Greek Anthol[OgT. Lo LordNeavcs. I5o 4STacituG. Br . 15c including the multL. eon. As soon as plants become well es- then in the morning use the oil; a-much near by and. enjoys her meal. L Collins 35c 39 JuvenaL By Edwarfl.Walford 15c K Pindar. B y R e r . f . D . Morice;; ifo 81 Aristophanes. B in music is a strongly marked one; and, i Pli ByChar BrodrTbb'.IIi dibb ISc 34 Horace. By Theodore Martin l l k . . . . . . . 15c 15c 80 PlTny.'ByChurihand S6 liuoretlui. J * W. H. Killook....... tablished commence running the culti- smaller quantity is necessary to render 15o of illustrations, i s _ lli 15 .erehce. W. L. Collins 15c 78 Sophocles. By C. "W. Collms. ; 15e 33 Plato. By CHhton W. Collins.. log vator between the rows, and continue it the belt pliable than when no water is , In Paris there are 250 miles of water unfortunately, the tendency of modern ; ttPlautttsand SI LuoUn. By W;I,rCollins. 15c 77 ^3schylus. Bishop of Colomoo 15c 51 Aristotle. By s i r Alex. Grant. 16c thing w^e have ciphered composers is too often toward the former ' 76 Xonpphon. By.Slr Alex. Grant 15e M TaucyoUUs. By W. L. Collins l§c mains,, and a city system of pipes would, 20 Demosthenes. By W. J.Brodrlbb.. Mo over, but we-f ail to unonce in a week or ten days all through used.—United States Miller. ~ O«a. By KsV. A. Chircli.. lac 73 Homer's Odyssey. By W. L. Collins. J5o-i 24 Cicero. By W. Lucas Col!_ ilUns. ISo derstand \t.n— OArtsif developed, reach from Paris to Buchar- style, and the oratorio school seems alIiTf. ByW.L.Collins 1BC 7S Homer's Iliad. By W. L. Collins.... 35c 23 Herodotn.3. By G«o.C..Sww_. the season. At the approach of winter, „ •ay«e...« 15e SI Virgil. By W.L. Collins JSO |£2 Cassar. By Anthony Trbllope. most extir.ct.^-._-W£caZ Herald. '. Jttu-ld-U. By W. a Donne :15c 13c tian Leader, Boston. est, as soon as the ground is frozen, cover the The University of Cairo, Egypt, ia whole field with a mulch of some sort; 100-FAGE CATALOGUE sent free. Tha best Ut, _ £ V » K » , i j> » prioe of above costing not less than 5i).cts.,.if. sens witMn 10 dKjs It is estimated that the silver taken An English clergyman recently persalt-marsh hay, pine needles or tobacco said to be 900 years older than Oxford, i O y E H T b i from dat* of this iiaper (give-name of paper). TSis offer is to 06- erature of the world at the lowest prices ever known.' Books from the Comstock mine would load a formed 108 baptisms and 9 marriages on and has 10,000 students who are being e_r» yaar PROMPT reiyonsa and indicate the payig adT'l^ingmtdituns / stems are best materials, aRhough straw, sent for EXAMINATION JBEFOBE PAYMENT one Sunday. . | educated as Mohammedan missionaries. wagon train 547 miles in length. Address JQHN0, ALZ>EN,Pia>Msit€}' 393 Teerl 'Street, New T»rk. MAEING ARTIFICIAL ICE. Biliousness ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAOTIFIER GLUTEN Bread Gem flora FLOUR. — . —__—^ _ . • _—_. I I I — » 1 . — ^——_• _ 0 ^ _ . ^ _ f c ^ _ f A How To Bui! OUR WILD INDIANS ptfARE $60.5 TON CONSUMPTION. S3S HARNESS for SI8 O 1 THE GPIUM-HA6.T MORE • _ A r m _ —. —* * • _ _ . _ __» _^_> __A_» O ^ ™ ^.uvvuu. •r • > gwdfwta. i - : ...\.' :V Mj , , - . JJ. X I U U U V . > » I t • • • • • *OV
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