September 2012 COUNCIL 9282 KNIGHT LIFE 14544 LEBANON ROAD OLD HICKORY, TENNESSEE 37138 Catholic Men doing God’s work Knights and Ladies enjoying the camaraderie of the Treasure Hunt 2012 – 2013 OFFICERS & PROGRAM CHAIRS Chaplain Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Lecturers Advocate Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard Officer Emeritus One Year Two Year Three Year Program Director Council Community Charity Church Family Pro-Life Vocations Youth Health/Fitness Membership Director Recruitment Retention Insurance Webmaster Newsletter Deacon Fred Bourland Kent Russ Bob Young Bill Walsh Howard Moloy Robb Mayes Tim Winecoff Bob Copeskey Tom Malone Mark Heckel Frank Rosetti Dave Waters Dan Eggleston Bill Gunter OFFICERS 754-6899 773-5256 772-6402 754- 4282 481-3775 773-2037 519-7193 758-8936 889-4224 316- 0631 889-3871 889-5615 773-2335 773-8518 TRUSTEES Lee Brideau 885-3068 Kevin Hennessy 883-0844 Tom Doss 871-7269 PROGRAMS Bob Young 772-6402 J. D. Hill 553-4263 Howard Hotard 828-1664 Dennis Kaney 754-5208 Bob Copesky 758-8936 Chris Robinson 773-5334 John Norfleet 883-5961 Bill Walsh 513-6369 Bob Brake 758-4024 Kevin Fitzgerald 497-1563 Bill Walsh 513-6369 Mike Porter 847-4295 Bob Young 772-6402 Bill Gunter 773-8518 Steve Cartier 902-9700 Bill Walsh 513-6369 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] BLOOD DRIVES FOR 2012-2013 Mark your calendars November 11, February17, August 18, November 10 Sign up by going to and putting in sponsor code: SaintStephen, or sign up on the sheet at the blood drive table in the old church. If you have any questions, please call Mark Marsh @ 207-9434. Knight of the Month for Apr 2012: Knight of the Month for May 2012: Knight of the Month for June 2012: Knight of the Month for July 2012: Knight of the Month for August 2012: Knight of the Month for September 2012: Knight of the Month for October 2012: Knight of the Month for November 2012: Knight of the Month for December 2012: Knight of the Month for January 2013: Knight of the Month for February 2013: Knight of the Month for March 2013: Knight of the Year for 2012-2013: Dennis Kaney Jerry Shoulders Zig Wajler Tom Doss Bob Young Family of the Month for April 2012: Family of the Month for May 2012: Family of the Month for June 2012: Family of the Month for July 2012: Family of the Month for August 2012: Family of the Month for September 2012: Family of the Month for October 2012: Family of the Month for November 2012: Family of the Month for December 2012: Family of the Month for January 2013: Family of the Month for February 2013: Family of the Month for March 2013: Family of the Year: Kevin and Myra Hennessy Mark and Cheryl Marsh Albert and Marylou Go Bill and Joan Gunter Dave and Lucky Van Degejuchte Note: due to the timeframe for submission of names for Knight and Family of the Year to the District Deputy, the timeframe for nominees runs from April through March. Chaplain’s Corner Do you know where your Bible is? Have you opened it lately? Have you read it lately? As Knights of Columbus we are called to be practical Catholics. And as practical Catholics we need to know Jesus. And how can we know Jesus if we don’t spend time with him and his Word. Other Christian faiths put us to shame when it comes to reading and knowing the Bible. The Bible is not some ‘dry’, ‘boring’ ‘old’ book. It’s the living word of God and it contains all we need to know for our salvation and about what we need to know and do to bring about the Kingdom of God. It is not ‘dry’ and it is not ‘boring’. It is lively and exciting. It doesn’t really matter what version you read or how you read it. Any version will do, and you can read from the beginning to the end or you can use any other method that works for you. Fr. Steve gave us a method of reading a chapter a day called A Time To Seek. (It’s still on St Stephen’s web site.)With his method you can read the whole Bible in four years. If that works for you, Great! If not, find a method that works. When Fr. David Knight was here he said to place your Bible on your pillow in the morning and you would have to pick it up before you got into bed. Once it was in your hand open it up and read something—a verse, a page, a chapter. Just read something! Then put your Bible on your shoes. The next morning you have to pick up your Bible before you can put on your shoes. Since it’s in your hands, open it up and read something. Great advice! Use whatever method works for you, but first you have to find that Bible. Vivat Jesus Deacon Fred Bourland Brothers, We have had another great month. The treasure hunt/yard sale was a huge success. A special “thank you” to all the volunteers who gave so freely of their time for this annual event. Because of the time and effort put into the yard sale by Chip and his kitchen crew, it has been decided to do away with the September family dinners. It is too much to ask them to turn around and do these dinners so close to the yard sale. We are pairing with the Holy Rosary council for a back-to-school picnic on Saturday, September 8, following the 5:00 Mass. Please try to attend and welcome the St. Stephens students who attend Holy Rosary School. Remember the R’s, recruit, recruit, recruit. We have two new members this month and need more next month. Vivat Jesus, Kent Special Note from the Membership Director We recently started a campaign to contact some of our less active brothers by sending them an invitation to a retention dinner. Inadvertently, we included some of our active members in error. This was my error in conducting the screening process of the invitations before mailing. If you are one of the brother knights that are active and feel slighted, I sincerely apologize. This was solely my fault and responsibility, not the council officers or others on the membership committee. Again, I am sincerely sorry for any offense – there was none intended. Sincerely, Bill Walsh, Membership Director Aug 23-25 the annual Treasure Hunt was held Aug 23rd, 24th, and 25th. There was a large turnout of buyers each day. The KCLA had a booth the sold beverages and baked goods. Although we could have used more workers, we had a good turnout of brother knights, spouses and parishioners helping with the set up and sale of items. Thanks to the cooks for keeping the workers supplied with excellent grilled and smoked items, as well as breakfast items for those that either stayed overnight or were early bird workers. We netted $10,883.64. Deacon Fred opened the meeting with prayer and his Chaplain’s report. He urged all members to wear their name badges. Not only does it show the number of men we have in the council but encourages others to join. He urged all to be proud of being a Knight and of the good works we do in the parish. Deacon Fred also asked that we take a pro-active role in attending the First Friday Adoration. This activity takes place every First Friday {note: this is on the council calendar and in the Church Bulletin}. The Parish Mission is scheduled for Oct 14-15-16, John Michael Talbot will be the leader. Please attend. Congratulations to Kevin Fitzgerald and Jonathan Gobbell for attaining the 3rd Degree in August. Dave V. gave a presentation on the funds raised. We netted, after expenses, $10,883.64. The council voted to apportion the funds as follows: Fr. Pat/Church - $5,500.00; Council General Fund - $5,083.44; Ladies of Charity - $300.00. There is a potential of additional funds for the Church, depending on the sale of antique dishes donated. Dave expressed his appreciation for all those that worked during the Yard Sale, including those that picked up donations, set up the tables, and helped with the take-down. GK Russ announced Bob Young as Knight of the Month, Dave and Lucky V. as the Family of the Month. RESCHEDULED EVENT – The Firearms Safety Presentation scheduled for October 15th has been rescheduled for March 2013 in order to avoid any conflicts with the Parish Mission activities. Sep 8 Sep 10 Sep 17 Sep 22 Holy Rosary Back to School Picnic This is a fundraiser for the school. Please try to attend and enjoy the games and food. Starts after 5:00 Mass at Holy Rosary and will be held in the gym and grounds. First Degree There will be a First Degree ceremony in the Holy Family Center on Monday, Sep 10th. Candidates should arrive by 6:30; if a candidate has not completed an application, he should arrive at 6:00pm. Initiation fees are $15.00. Retention Dinner This dinner is still scheduled to be held and is by invitation only. We are inviting those members we haven’t seen for awhile in order to welcome them back as an active member or find out why they are no longer active. If you receive an invitation, please attend. We need your input and you as an active member. It is not too late to call Tom Doss - we need a response that you are either coming or not attending so we can finalize the amount of food to purchase. This will be a catered event. Help Needed for the Fall Festival Help is needed for the St. Stephen Fall Festival on September 22. The Council's Kitchen Crew is preparing the food for two meals during the Festival. There will be hot dogs and hamburgers all afternoon for the families coming to the family/teen/children activities during the day. During Mass, we will transition from the lunch food to our dinner that will be served up to the start of the evening entertainment. This is the biggest function we do all year and thus all kinds of help are needed. Specifically, help is needed on Saturday starting at 9:30 am with set-up. From there we need help on the grills, running food to the service lines, serving afternoon and evening meals and clean-up which is an ongoing activity. To volunteer, please contact Chip Harris at [email protected] Please put Fall Festival in the subject line and let Chip know the times you are available and for which tasks you are available to help. Thanks in advance for supporting the St. Stephen Fall Festival! Sep 24 Second Degree There will be a Second Degree ceremony in the Holy Family Center on Monday, September 24th. All 1st Degree brother knights in good standing should plan on attending. Since there is a 3rd Degree in early October, you can obtain all three degrees within a month’s time. {Officers’/Directors’ meeting will be held after the degree ceremony} Sep 26 40 Days for Life begins Check the bulletin for the dates and how to sign up for a time to pray at the Pregnancy Center. Prayer is a powerful source and can prevent abortions. Sep 29-30 Tootsie Roll Drive for M.R. Foundation We will be collecting donations after each Mass this weekend. We need at least 5 workers for each Mass. Contact Bob Young {phone/email in officer roster} to sign up. Oct 5 Silver Rose The Silver Rose will be on display at St. Stephen in the morning, starting after 8:30 Mass. Please attend if possible. If you are a 4th Degree member, we need members in full regalia for the period of display and two members in full tuxedo to escort the Silver Rose later that morning to Our Lady of Guadelupe. Contact Kent Russ if you can either escort or be part of the color guard. Oct 7 Corporate Communion The council and KCLA will attend the 8:30 am Mass as a body. Please remember to wear your badges. Oct 13 Golf Tournament The tournament will be at Windtree this year. Entry fee is $80, mulligans $10 and other items available for $10. You can sign up as a single or team. This is a fun event with several prizes, breakfast and lunch provided and a silent auction. Even if you never broke 100, you will be placed with a competitive team so everyone has a chance to win. Rental clubs available from Windtree Golf Course, 810 Nonaville Rd, Mount Juliet, TN 37122 (615) 754-4653 – call to reserve. To sign up for the tournament, contact Pat Reilly (615) 773-3517 [email protected] or J.D. Hill (615) 553-4260 [email protected] . Dec 14 Christmas Gala Keep this date open on your calendar. More information will be distributed as we get closer to the function. If you can assist with this event, notify Kent Russ. PRO-LIFE Prayer vigils still continue on Saturday mornings at the abortion clinic next to Grace Pregnancy Center with a rosary at 6:45 am. Contact Sir Knight John Norfleet if you need directions. Safe Haven Safe Haven is a facility in St. Patrick parish that provides a safe home for up to five families. The chaperone’s duties are to make sure the doors are locked in the evening and that the residents are observing the lodging rules. The residents take care of cleanup and watching the children. St. Stephen provides the evening supper and chaperone(s) the first Friday of each month. The chaperone is to be there from Friday 5:30pm to Saturday 7:00am. Chaperone(s) are provided a separate dorm room with facilities for up to two people. If you would like to try it, but want someone to go with you the first time, just let GK Kent know. We would like to schedule the chaperones. If you can be a chaperone, even if just once during the year, please notify GK Kent. GK Kent will keep the schedule so we don’t have to scramble each month. Husband/wife teams accepted. Monday Night Rosary The Council continues to sponsor a rosary service for those serving in Armed Forces and for the sick and distressed of the St. Stephen Community. Each Brother Knight is encouraged to participate in the Monday night Rosary. It is conducted every Monday at 6:15pm in the Chapel. First Friday Eucharistic Adoration Please make it a point to attend at least one First Friday Adoration this year in the Church at 7:00pm. Our goal is for every member to attend at least one adoration this year. No role will be taken; it is on the honor system. 2nd/3rd/4th Degree If you need to attend the 2nd, 3rd or 4th Degree, please contact either GK Kent Russ or Bill Walsh. You do not have to wait until our council hosts a degree ceremony –you can attend another council’s ceremony if needed. 2nd, 3rd and 4th Degree Schedules Check the online schedule at the State KofC website for current dates or ask GK Kent Russ on availability. The degree schedule can be viewed online at: Membership All Brother and Sir Knights are encouraged to sign up a new Knight. New membership is our lifeblood and insures that the Council will continue to flourish as we move into the future. If you need a Form 100(membership application), please contact Bill Walsh or GK Kent Russ. MEMBERSHIP DRIVE We are initiating a new membership drive with a goal of one new member per month. There are several prizes available: 1. Supreme will provide a specially minted, two-inch bronze medallion with the image of Father McGivney on the front and St. Mary’s Church on the back to each member that signs up one new member. 2. For each new member signed up and goes through the 1st Degree, the new member and proposer will receive a coupon good for him and his family at any KofC Dinner (Christmas Gala and Awards Banquet excluded). 3. For each new member signed up and goes through the 1st Degree, the proposer’s name will be placed in a hat. A name will be drawn by the Chaplain at the May meeting. The winner gets a $50 savings bond. Sign up 5, get your name in the hat five times. Membership Table We have a sign-up table after each Mass on the first weekend of the month. If you have time, please spend a moment helping out or bringing a prospective member to the table. We provide materials, application forms and can discuss the benefits of becoming a Knight. Set-up and Take-down Crews FDM Bill Gunter leads the set-up crew. Currently he has a small crew and can always use some additional hands. BK Howard Hotard leads the Take-down crew. Same applies to the number needed. We always need help setting up the Family Center and then putting up the chairs and tables and cleanup afterwards when we have an event. We understand if you can’t work every event. Any help is appreciated. Many hands make light work. This is also a great way as a new member to get to know the other members of the council. Prison Ministry We received a request that the Knights help with this ministry. DGK Bob Young and Brother Knight Dennis Kaney have participated. They tell us it is a very rewarding experience and that you’ll get as much from them as they get from your visits. The ministry is also in need of Catholic Bibles (English and Spanish) or other religious books. Bring Bibles and books to the meetings; we will accumulate and get them to Suzanne. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer to visit the prison, contact Suzanne Visitacion 754-2489. CCC CAMPAIGN (Coins for Children at Christmas) GK Kent has begun a new campaign for needy children. Kent will bring a container to each business meeting. He asks that you get a container at home and put your extra change in it. Bring the change to the meeting and put it into the big container. At Christmas, the proceeds we collect throughout the year will be used to buy presents for those needy children identified by the Church office as well as a party. Response has been very good; keep gathering the change. Christmas is not that far away. Social Meeting programs will be announced at the business meeting. Please check the calendar before going to the HFC for a social meeting. IMPORTANT NOTICES Meeting Dates As a reminder, if the 1st Monday is a legal holiday, in accordance with the by-laws we will meet the next day UNLESS you receive notice of another date. This includes business as well as officers’ meetings. MEETING CHANGES - Because of the way the meeting dates fall on the holidays this year, the following dates have been changed: Officers’ meeting for December to be determined. Address or Phone Number changes Brother Knights are reminded to notify Robb Mays, Council Financial Secretary, [email protected] and the Church Office [email protected] if you have a change in address so we can keep you informed and contact you as needed. Email your new email address to [email protected] if you have a change in email address so you will continue to get the newsletter and other mailings. On behalf of the Church Office If you consider yourself a member of St. Stephen Community and are not receiving monthly envelopes in the mail, please contact the Church office and make sure you are included in the church roster. Deceased Members If you become aware of a Brother Knight becoming deceased, please notify GK Kent Russ immediately. Please do not assume that the council’s leadership is aware. GK Kent needs to notify the Financial Secretary and Insurance Agent in order to arrange for any benefits the Brother Knight may be entitled. We will also need to update the council’s rosters to avoid any mailings that may upset the survivors. GOOD OF THE ORDER If you know of someone that should be added or corrections needed, notify Bob Copeskey, our Memorial and Illness Committee chairman at [email protected]. For those who are sick or recovering from surgery: Bishop David R. Choby; Father Wil Steinbacher (retired Glenmary priest); Deacon William Steltemeier (retired); Tom Malone, Lou & Susie Pfister [brotherin-law & sister-in-law of Bill Bell-3763 (deceased)]; Monte Walker, Jr. (nephew of Mike Porter; Terri English (daughter-in-law of Ed English & sister-in-law of John Williams); Betty Maier [spouse of Bill Maier (deceased)] PSD; Thomas Gregson [brother of John Gregson (deceased)]; Father Tomy Joseph-3763 and his family in India; Leigh Ann Gregory (spouse of Deacon Wayne Gregory-4972); Rose Thompson (mother of Larry Thompson); Zygmunt Wajler (father of Zig Wajler); Ferne Harris (mother of Chip Harris); Jean Kaney (mother of Dennis Kaney); Verne Benke (friend of Kent Russ); Frank Orscheln-4972; Bishop Mikaelian (daughter of John Mikaelian); Chris Sundin (nephew of Chip Harris); Sister Rachel Bouchard (aunt of Chip Harris); Jim Johnson; Diane Richardson (sister of Mark Fyke-3763); Agnes Hassentufel (mother-in-law of PSD Michael Porter); Larry Whitley (friend of Kent Russ); Virginia Webster [spouse of Jack Webster-3763 (deceased)]; Teresa Featherstone (sister-in-law of PSD Michael Porter); Davis Nolan; Cindy Bertalott (sister-in-law of Richard Short); Rita Bottei; Gary Supple (cousin of Chip Harris); Jim Kelly-4972: Romey Baltz; Frank Roach (father-in-law of Mike Raway); JoAnn Link (sister of Mark Caldarulo); Sandra Porter (spouse of PSD Michael Porter); Irma Roy (mother-in-law of Larry Thompson); Joann Doss (spouse of Tom Doss); Ginger Farry; Marge Fricault (spouse of Joe Fricault-3763); Marty Callahan; Don Westcott; Helen Walsh (spouse of Bill Walsh); Mary Lou Go; Flo Pattawi and Deacon Mickey Rose. For those who have died: Father Wieslaw Burakowski (Father Mario)-3537 (Clarksville); Charles Donnelly-544; LCol James B. Coman, Jr.; For those who are homebound or in nursing homes: Trudy Faimon [spouse of Joe Faimon (deceased)]; Marguerite Dammann (mother of Dan Dammann); June Marie Anderson (spouse of Gray Anderson); Rachel Hassler; Mary Hobbs (mother of Joe Hobbs-4972); Bernardine & Elizabeth Baltz and Catherine Corbitt (sisters of Romey Baltz); Millard Crowe (father of Michael Crowe); Nina Pugh (mother-in-law of Paul Mclean); Isabelle Cook; Ed Kibler; Mary Oxley (spouse of Kenrick Oxley); Helen Eshbach; Dorothy Krueger; Theresa Jenesse; Laurine Kroutter (aunt of Tim Campbell-4972); Josephine Foley (mother of Mike Foley); John Harris (father of Chip Harris); Helen Porter (mother of PSD Mike Porter); Virginia Kupchik (daughter of Chris Kupchik); Karla Fosbinder; Paul & Juanita (Mary) Kaelin; Jerry Deffenbaugh (father-in-law of PSD Michael Porter); Dorothy Taylor (mother of Paul Taylor); Hal Dreifuerst (uncle of Greg Wathen); Bud Cantrell (father of Chuck Cantrell) and Betty Batcheldor (spouse of Deacon James Batcheldor & mother of Jimmy Batcheldor4972). For our military personnel especially those who are involved in the Middle East Crisis: Stephen Molnar, U.S. Navy; Adam Aleywine, U.S. Air Force; Bryan White, U.S. Marine Corps; Dan Millay, U.S. Marine Corps; James Conklin, U.S. Navy; Travis Kersey, U.S. Air Force; Robin Kersey, U.S. Army; Justin Collins, U.S. Army; Steven Smith, U.S. Air Force; J. Kevin Johnson, U.S. Army; Robert Massey, U.S. Navy; Brent Tidwell, U.S. Marine Corps; Jamie Riles, U.S. Army; David Farley, U.S. Army; Natasha Bergfalk Bratz & Alan Bratz, U.S. Navy; Justin Cobb, U.S. Navy; Adam Bowers, U.S. Army; Keith Sprouse, U.S. Army; Deacon John Krenson, U.S. Army; Matt St. John, U.S. Marines; Lesile Cooper, RN, U.S. Army; Don Sauls, U.S. Army; David Klunk, U.S. Air Force; Patrick Simpson, U.S. Army; Mark Fyke, Jr., U.S. Marines Corps; Patti Roach, U.S. Army; Timothy S. Matthsen, & Nikolas O. Matthsen, ; U.S. Marine Corps; Nick Madore, U.S. Marine Corps; Joseph Jenkins, U.S. Army; Michael Porter (U.S. Navy); Ray Baker, U.S. Army; Phillip Ware, U.S. Army; Jonathan Moss, U.S. Army; Theo Spanoudis, U.S. Army; Chris Peeks, U.S. Army and Gary Shannon, U.S. Army. Mass cards from Council 9282 for Healing were sent to:. None Mass cards from Council 9282 for the loss of a family member were sent to; None . Please keep in your prayers those Brother Knights in the Nashville Diocesan Diaconate Program: Paul Taylor, Bob Ochoa, Steve Molnar and Tom Samoray. Congratulations to Ed and Mary English (great grandparents) and John and Debbie Williams (grandparents) on the arrival of Kinslee Kay Braswell daughter of Steven and Mary Braswell on Wednesday, August 1, 2012 at Summit Medical Center in Hermitage. Congratulations to Sarah Beth Thompson and Bryan Karazia who were married Saturday, August 4 at St. Stephen Catholic Community. Sarah Beth is the daughter of Larry and Angie Thompson. .LET US PRAY for our above-listed persons – Our Father…. Hail Mary…. Glory Be…. if you are aware of a member or someone in a member’s family that should receive a Mass Card or Special Healing Mass card, notify Bob Copeskey, Memorial and Illness Committee chairman Health Hint for the Month PROSTATE AWARENESS MONTH If you don’t know what your prostate is or what it does, you’re certainly not alone: most men don’t. But you really should. More than 30 million men suffer from prostate conditions that negatively affect their quality of life. • Over 50% of men in their 60s and as many as 90% in their 70s or older have symptoms of an enlarged prostate (BPH). • Each year over 230,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer and about 30,000 will die of it. • Prostatitis is an issue for men of all ages and affects 35% of men aged 50 and older. What Is the Prostate? Technically, it's part of your sex organs. It's a small gland, about the size of a walnut that surrounds your urethra, a tube that takes urine from the bladder to the penis. The urethra also carries semen during ejaculation. The prostate gland grows quite a lot during puberty and then doesn't change much until about age 40, when it slowly begins growing again and, in many men, doesn't stop. Half of men aren't bothered by their growing prostate. But the others will develop one of three prostate diseases; enlarged prostate, prostate cancer, or prostatitis, or may have more than one. Prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate that may be caused by an infection. It's the most common prostate problem for men under 50—so common that about half of adult men in will be treated for it in their lifetime. There are three major types of prostatitis: Bacterial prostatitis, Nonbacterial prostatitis and Prostatodynia Bacterial prostatitis. There are actually two types of bacterial prostatitis: acute (meaning it develops suddenly) and chronic (meaning it develops slowly over several years). Both types can be treated with antibiotics. Each type affects about 1 in 10 men with prostatitis. Symptoms of acute bacterial prostatitis are often severe, and therefore are usually quickly diagnosed. These symptoms include: Fever, Chills, Pain in lower back, aching muscles, Fatigue, Frequent or painful urination. Chronic bacterial prostatitis may involve few symptoms other than those of a recurring urinary tract infection, and the condition keeps returning even after the initial infection has been treated and symptoms have disappeared. Nonbacterial prostatitis occurs in about 6 out of 10 men with this condition. Although the causes are unknown, the inflammation may be related to organisms other than bacteria, like a reaction to the urine of substances in the urine. For example, men with a history of allergies and asthma sometimes develop nonbacterial prostatitis. However, doctors cannot be sure exactly how these conditions are related. Doctors do know that nonbacterial prostatitis is not found in men with recurrent bladder infections. Symptoms include: Occasional discomfort in the testicles, urethra, lower abdomen, and back; Discharge from the urethra, especially during first bowel movement of the day; Blood or urine in ejaculate; Low sperm count; Sexual difficulties; Frequent urination. Prostatodynia (pain in the area of the prostate gland) occurs in about 3 out of 10 men with prostate irritation. Unfortunately, tests used to diagnose infection and other problems affecting the prostate gland are not useful in detecting the cause of this pain. In some instances, the pain may be caused by a muscle spasm (an involuntary sudden movement or contraction) in the bladder or the urethra. Usually, though, the cause of prostatodynia is unknown. Symptoms include pain and discomfort in the prostate gland, testicles, penis, and urethra, and may include difficulty in urinating Certain activities increase your risk of developing prostatitis. These include: Having had a recent bladder infection; Having BPH; Having gonorrhea, chlamydia, or other sexually transmitted disease; Having frequent, unprotected sex, or unprotected sex with multiple partners; Excessive alcohol consumption; Eating a lot of spicy, marinated foods; Injury to the lower pelvis (often as a result of cycling, lifting weights, etc). Diagnosing Prostatitis Diagnosis is usually made during a DRE (digital rectal exam), where the physician inserts a lubricated, gloved finger into the rectum to feel the prostate, or by examining fluid from the prostate under a microscope. Some doctors use a symptom index questionnaire developed by the National Institutes of Health. Still, diagnosing prostatitis isn’t easy, so the most important diagnostic tool your doctor has is you and your detailed descriptions of your symptoms. Prostatitis is not considered a serious disease, and it doesn’t lead to cancer. But it’s painful, extremely inconvenient, and sometimes difficult to cure. There are a number of treatment options that usually provide relief. These include antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and surgery. Observations of a Curmudgeon Random thoughts - why do restaurant servers become less friendly the fancier the restaurant and more the food costs? Why the closer you get to being late, the harder it is to find a parking spot? Why are there Big&Tall stores but no Short&Fat ones? Why does the shoe store carry every style and color except for one you need for the special event? Why do men’s coats still have a buttoneer hole when men no longer wear buttoneers? Why do drive up ATMs have the buttons in Braille? See ya next month. Special Request: Brother Michael and Janice Hamelburg are in need of transportation. Janice is looking for employment but has no car to get to her job. If you can be of any assistance, please call them at (615) 288-4287. Thanks. REMINDER: THE ONLINE CALENDAR IS THE LATEST IN UPDATES The council newsletter is now available on the KofC State website . SEPTEMBER 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 5:00 Membership table 2 Membership table all Masses 3 LABOR DAY Rosary at 6:15PM* 9 4 5 6 4th Degree Mtg BUSINESS MEETING 10 7 8 Safe Haven HRA Picnic /Adoration KofC Family Dinner 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 Rosary at 6:15PM * 1st Degree 16 17 18 Rosary at 6:15PM * Retention Dinner 23 St. Stephen Fall Festival 24 Rosary at 6:15PM * Officers’ meeting 25 26 27 28 40 Days for Life begins 30 Tootsie Roll Drive *Monday Rosary dedicated to our Troops; First Monday also dedicated to Vocations 29 Tootsie Roll Drive OCTOBER 2012 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY 1 WEDNESDAY 2 Rosary at 6:15PM* BUSINESS MEETING THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY SATURDAY 4 5 Safe Haven /Adoration th 4 Degree Mtg Silver Rose AM 7 8 8:30 COLUMBUS Corporate DAY Communion Rosary at Membership 6:15PM* 9 10 11 6 KCLA Breakfast 12 5:00 Membership table 13 GOLF TOURNAMENT table all Masses 14 Parish Mission 15 16 Parish Mission 17 18 19 20 KofC Family Dinner 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 30 31 HALLOWEE N Rosary at 6:15PM * Parish Mission 21 Rosary at 6:15PM * 28 Rosary at 6:15PM * Officers’ meeting *Monday Rosary dedicated to our Troops; First Monday also dedicated to Vocations
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