CITY COUNCIL ATHENA CITY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014 John Shafer, Mayor Rebecca Schroeder, Commissioner of Parks Chet Sater, Comm. of Fire Services Carol Speed, Comm. of Public Works LaVerne Mitchell, Comm. of Administration Deborah Hayward, Comm. of Library John Shafer, Comm. of Police Services: ***** CITY HALL HOURS Monday – Friday 8am - 5pm (open during lunch) Closed all legal holidays Huge congratulations to Weston-McEwen’s outstanding athletes who represented our school and community at State in Track, Softball and Baseball. Way to go TigerScots!!! CITY PHONE NUMBERS City Hall 566-3862 City Shop 566-0228 Library 566-2470 Emergency 911 Non-Emergency Sheriff Dispatch 541-966-3651 City Police 566-0944 Ambulance Calls: MAY 2014 ILLNESS 4 TRAUMA 5 Year -to- date: 2014 TOTAL: 104 JUNE MEETINGS All meetings are at City Hall unless otherwise indicated. Livestock Commission Tuesday, 3rd @ 5:30 pm Library Board Monday 9th @ 5 pm Planning Commission Wednesday, 11th @ 6:30 pm Oregon College Savings Plan is sponsoring professional juggler, Charlie Brown, @ the Athena Public Library on June 11th @ 10:00 a.m. All children that participate are eligible to register for a chance to win a $529 college savings account! FAMILIES, Get Ready, the Athena Public Library is having a huge Birthday Party this summer. The library will be 100 years old! A schedule of summer activities should be available at the library on June 11th. Let’s have a BLAST! Go-Cart Derby was a huge success last year; what adventures are awaiting you this year? Fizz! Boom! Bang! City Council Meeting Thursday, 12th @ 6:30 pm Cemetery Meeting Tuesday, 17th @ 5:30 pm Ambulance District Tuesday, June 17th @ 6:30 (Ambulance District Office) SWIMMING POOL SEASON The pool will open June 7th. Contact City Hall to sign up for swim lessons. Sessions are scheduled for June 23– July 4, July 14-25, and Aug 4-15. Cost is still $25.00 per child and a family pool pass is only $50.00 . Lifeguards this year are Riley & Rawley Faircloth, Maddie Carlin, Linton McAllister Jimmy Patrick and Betsy West. Enjoy the pool!! Caledonian Games News Make your plans for Caledonian Games now and be sure to include Friday night's FREE movie: "Brigadoon", what else? "Brigadoon" is a beautiful movie set in the mists of Scotland and there is a village that only appears once every hundred years. Dancer Gene Kelly, starring as a vacationer from New York, wanders into the village on its one day and he becomes involved.. There's really great dancing numbers and lots of old Scottish costumes. It will be fun to see and I repeat, it is FREE. Please purchase our popcorn and help pay some expenses. Not only that, but our Ceilidh (pronounced kay-lee) on Friday night will feature real Scottish Highland food!! Order Scottish Meat Pies or Sausage Sandwiches on Friday night for supper from Scottish Outfitter's menu. Next day, you can try their Haggis. (Like a hot dog, you don't want to know what all is in it, but I understand there is oatmeal and meat of some description cooked in a casing.) The vendor said, "You wouldn't believe how much Haggis I sell." Well, I hope that we don't disappoint her! The challenge is to try it. Also on Friday night, please plan to attend our Candle Lighting Ceremony at the cairn in the park at about 7:30 (after dinner and just before the movie.) The Ceremony is a blessing for family and clans and for our festival. A wreath will be placed in memorial to fallen heroes. It is a precious service. Please plan to attend. So Friday is unique and exciting: dinner (5:30-7:30), candle lighting (7:30 PM) and a movie at dusk or about 8:15 PM. Bring a blanket to sit on. Knight Time in Scotland will be a feature running for the two days at Caledonian. The Knight shows you how the knights of old Scotland dressed in armor. The Knight discusses what life was like in the Middle Ages and he talks about the Code of Chivalry that knights honored. At the same time, the Knight Time in Scotland dispels some of the myths that we have seen created about knights in movies and TV. "A knight's sword was heavy and awkward." (Wrong--lift one and see how light it was.) "A knight needed a crane to get on his horse and couldn't get up if he fell down." Wrong." All knights were small and lived short lives." Wrong. Come and learn about medieval Scotland, the Middle Ages, knights and their Code of Chivalry. Knight Time in Scotland also has displays of coins, buckles and art work to show you the beautiful details that every day items had at that time. Kids can come and play games too. Learn and be challenged to calculate and throw tennis balls like a trebuchet (a medieval seige machine that hurled stones at the target.) Your target is a small wall and you are the the knight aiming at the wall. Knight Time in Scotland will appear at Caledonian, July 12 & 13 for the full two days with continuous programs and kids games from their medieval-like pavilion. ATHENA CITY NEWSLETTER JUNE 2014 Page 2 MINUTES OF THE MAY 8TH REGULAR MEETING OF THE ATHENA CITY COUNCIL Attendance: Mayor John Shafer called the regular meeting of the Athena City Council to order at 6:30 p.m. in the City’s community room. Mayor Shafer asked Recorder Nancy Parker to take roll. Councilors Deborah Hayward, LaVerne Mitchell, Chet Sater, and Rebecca Schroeder were present. Councilor Carol Speed was excused. Sergeant John Reitz, Recorder Parker and two guests were also in attendance. Mayor Shafer led everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. Business from the Public: None Planning Commission: Commissioner Helen Miller reported a permit for Robert Cannon to build a garage was approved. Formal training is still in the planning stages, and all commissioners have expressed interest in attending. Consent Agenda: Councilor Hayward moved and Councilor Mitchell seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the 4/10/2014 regular meeting, the financial statements and bills. Motion passed 4-0. Actionable/Discussion Items: Councilor Schroeder moved and Mitchell seconded a motion to begin charging a $10 door hanger feel for past due accounts, and to also charge a $10 late fee after the 20th of the month. City Hall will have discretion to waive the late charges in the event of a hardship. New fees will be effective July 1, 2014. Motion carried 4-0. Old Business: There were no questions on the City water project for Brad Baird. Fire Chief Reitz will contact Baird directly to discuss a couple of item. New Business: Parker reminded everyone of the Budget Meeting May 21st @ 6:30 pm. Business from the Departments: Police: ODOT has completed installation of the radar speed sign, which reads incoming traffic. Councilor Report: Parks & Recreation: Schroeder reported the pool will kick off its opening June 6th, after school, with a free swim day. Administration: Mitchell reported the map of Athena is complete and looks very nice. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m. The next regular council meeting will be June 12, 2014 @ 6:30 pm in the Athena City Hall meeting room. *Minutes are subject to council approval, any corrections or additions will appear in the next newsletter. JUNE 2014 Page 3 Public Budget Hearings City of Athena A public meeting of the Athena City Council will be held on June 12, 2014 at 6:30 pm at 215 S Third Street, Athena, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2014 as approved by the Athena Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at 302 E Currant Street Athena Oregon, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This budget is for an annual budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. ******************************************************************************************************* Athena Cemetery Maintenance District #1 A public meeting of the Athena Cemetery Maintenance District #1 will be held on June 17, 2014 at 5:30 pm at 215 S Third Street, Athena, Oregon. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the budget for the biennial year beginning July 1, 2014, as approved by the Athena Cemetery Maintenance District #1 Budget Committee. A summary of the budget is presented below. A copy of the budget may be inspected or obtained at Athena City Hall, 302 E Currant St. Athena OR, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. This budget is for a biennial budget period. This budget was prepared on a basis of accounting that is the same as the preceding year. Annual Cancer Walk The Six Annual Cancer Walk will be held June 21st beginning at 8 am with a 5 and a 7K walk. Registration at 7:30 am in the park. Once again, US Bank of Athena will be spearheading the walk. Several new events are being added such as free pancake breakfast after the walk; a silent auction; live music on the walk and/or in the park, T– Shirts for sale, activities for children. Contests include Most spirited group, largest group, and the first runner in!! "Proceeds donated to St. Mary Cancer Center Patient Special Needs Fund. This fund helps support the extra expenses that arise for patients and their families in our region during the diagnosis and treatment time including travel expenses, food, lodging, medication and wigs." Contact US Bank for details. CHAMBER CHATS—MAY 2014 Not too many showers brought in our May flowers, but what an array we have here in Athena. Take a walk and see all the colors and varieties! Our “Yard of the Month” has been selected and the recipients are Marty and Gina Ray at 804 N. 5th St. Make sure you take a look as you are walking or driving by. Congratulations to the two of you—that takes a lot of planning and work. The May clean-up was highly successful thanks to Crop Production Services, Humbert Refuse, and the following volunteers; Shane Purcell, Mayor John Shafer, Michael Shafer, Matthew Shafer, Sam Keeney, Travis Glover, Rob Sparks, Robert Sparks, Justin Rohde, Allison Faircloth, John Lee, Chad Winsch and of course, Helen Miller who takes calls and organizes the event. What would we do without people who are willing to volunteer their time and abilities?? The Community Yard Sale, May 24, is well underway and a good turn-out is expected. Paula Babb is organizing a map and publicity. We are looking forward to the event drawing people into town and the businesses prospering as a result as well as the individuals having the sales. Our May meeting, the third Thursday of the month, was very well attended with the Doubletree catering hamburgers for those who wanted them. The main feature was the Lions Club who informed us of the many services they provide. Eye and hearing screening for the schools as well as providing glasses for those who are in need are among just some of them. They will also be providing a health screening during Hodaka Days. Keep up the good work. They are always looking for new members. A big thank you to the VFW for the flag display honoring the Armed Services. I love the way the town looks with all the flags displaying our allegiance to our great country. Looking ahead we have the annual Cancer Walk June 21st, and Hodaka Days June 28th both of these events give us an opportunity to support good causes and have a great time doing it. Remember, “Show you care, be aware!” See you at an upcoming event!! Margaret Hansell, president After 19 years of service, Rosie Brito is retiring from ABC Children's Ministries Preschool and Daycare. You are invited to celebrate with us Open House style on Saturday, June 7th from 1-3 pm in the Fireside room at Athena Baptist Church, 413 N 5th St, Athena, OR 97813. City of Athena JUNE 2014 Page 4 SAVE THE DATES Thank you!! June 6-7 Pioneer Days - Weston June 8 Weston-McEwen Golf Tournament To all our citizens who participated in the City Wide Clean up . June 15 Father’s Day June 21 Athena Cancer Walk 8:00 am A special thank you to those of you who donated your trucks to help haul garbage to the dump. June 27-29 Hodaka Days June 29 Saturday Market 9:00 am -1:00 pm on Main Street July Caledonian Games THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS WE APPRECIATE ALL WHO DONATED THEIR TIME!! LATE FEES CHANGES Due to the large number of late pays the City has been experiencing, beginning in July payments received after 20th of the month will be assessed a $10 late fee. There will also be a $10 fee for Door Hangers beginning in July. 11-13 This year-round fundraising puts everyone at ABC Children’s Ministries Preschool and Daycare, the kids, their parents and the community in the winner’s circle! What is eScrip? eScrip has created a system that rewards customer loyalty by contributing a percentage of purchases made by participating families to school or youth based groups. How Does eScrip Work? Parents, teachers, friends and families are encouraged to register their grocery club cards, and existing credit/debit cards as supporters. A percentage of all purchases made at eScrip merchants will be given back to the designated school or group. Participating merchants contribute each time your families make a purchase using their registered cards. There are no receipts to collect, no vouchers or certificates to buy, no hassles for you and every purchase counts Sign up today at with ABC DAY CARE AND PRESCHOOL City of Athena PO Box 686 Athena, OR 97813 Athena City Hall 302 E Currant PO Box 686 Athena, Or 97813 JUNE 2014 Phone (541) 566-3862 Fax NEWSLETTER (541) 566-2781 E-mail [email protected] Ceud Mile Failt (100,000 Welcomes) ATHENA BOXHOLDER ATHENA OR 97813 CITY NEWSLETTER Is published monthly by the CITY OF ATHENA Editors: Nancy Parker: [email protected] and Michelle Fox: [email protected] reserve the right to edit for content and space. Original articles from this publication may be reprinted with proper acknowledgment.
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