How to submit blog arcle: 1) Seng up

How to submit blog arcle: 1) Seng up
Go to hp://
Enter your username (first inial and last name in capital leers (e.g. GCARRE) and password (your student
Click on profile to set up the name that
you want to show on your blog arcle.
You can not modify your username, but you
can input a nickname (1) and select it for the
display name (2). In other words you can determine the name that goes with the arcle.
[you can put in your real email address as well]
You can logout at any me by moving the cursor over your
username on the top right of the screen.
2) How to publish
A0er you have wrien your blog in a
word processor, log in and put your cursor over Posts
And then select add new (unless you are eding a
previous post).
Cut and paste the Title (1) and the body of the arcle (2) into the appropriate fields.
Once finished (somemes you need to remove some carriage returns ) click on publish on the right (or save dra0 if
you are not ready to put it on the website). Then log out and
go back to the website to find your blog and determine
whether it looks alright.
You should also select a category and add some keywords
(tags) using the fields at the boom of the right column. Ask
me to add a category if you cannot find an appropriate one.
To edit later click on Posts and select your arcle from the
list. Click on edit when you hover over the tle.
If you want to add an image (I will if you do not), click on
‘add media’ so that one shows up in the full post, and also
select ‘feature image’ at the boom right so that it shows
up on the front page. The image should be 220x126 pixels
in size.