People Value Process Technology Practicing Enterprise Information Architecture II: What to Deliver and How to Deliver Information Architecture Freddie Mac Enterprise Architecture Leon Bernal, Architecture, Director Xinhua Deng, Ph.D., Senior Information Architect -1- Succeed With Information Architecture (Recap) I. People - Information Architecture (IA) resides in Enterprise Architecture (EA) with executive support People - Requires soft and technical skills II. Process - Engage early before budget is set - Create architecture - Approval at control gate Value III. Technology - Use U proven ttechniques h i IV. Value Technology - Improve systems environment Process - Eliminate breakage from ‘out-of-scope’ impacts - Improve data quality: data definition, minimized redundancy, defined SOR, and clear access path for consumers -2- I People: Who Creates Architecture? -3- Four EA Disciplines Model System & Service Model Data, Information Lifecycle & System Define Hardware, Operating System, Network Security & Network, Middleware Model Function, Process, Business System -4- Collaboration to Build Better Systems Business Architect Delivery Services Application pp Architect Develop Architecture Build the System Partners 架 构 EA Information Architect Client Services Technical Architect -5- Establish Business Case II Process: How and What to Deliver for Information Architecture? -6- Early Engagement Is Key Guidance Phase 0 Opportunity Assessment Strategy Solution Approach Architecture and Business Case Approval Phase 1 Pipeline Analysis Project Origination Architecture and Design g Approval pp Phase 2 / SDLC Project & Initiative Execution Project Initiation Project Planning Project Execution Create and Review Architecture, Provide Guidance Architecture Approval -7- Phase 3 / SDLC Post Implementation Project Close-Out IT Production Solution Close-Out Architecture Engagement Goals 1. Determine whether project change is architecturally significant 2. Ensure that architecture allows us to go from current state to desired state 3. Ensure the architecture meets requirements and is consistent with our goals and principles 4 Ensure 4. E D Design i iis consistent i t t with ith the th approved d architecture hit t Processes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Determine if engagement is to create or review architecture Create SOW if creating architecture Submit architecture or design g to g group p mailbox for review Review performed by senior architect with delegated approval authority Review SLA is 5 business days for feedback or approval Retain approved artifacts under version control -8- Information Architect Role & Responsibilities - Define EA Goals, Principles and Guidelines - Define Corporate Data Architecture - Create, review and approve architecture and design for Pipeline projects and Initiatives - Define system partitioning with Application, Business, and Technical Architects - Define information model - Define canonical data model, system logical data model model, conforming dimensions and facts - Create interface formats based on CDM XML CDM, -9- Consider: - Is approach aligned with strategy, requirements, q , standards? - What is the appropriate source? - What data is created or changed? - What is impact p on data consumers? - What data history is required? - What constraints apply? Define: - System of record - Alternate data source - Read only copy - Data structure patterns - Interface p - Historical record Architecture Deliverable 1 2 3 4 5 SCOPE and OBJECTIVES ARCHITECTURE ASSESSMENT 2.1 Project Team’s Assessment 2.2 Architecture Services’ Assessment ARCHITECTURE SOLUTION 3.1 Current-State Capability 3.2 Architectural Assumptions 3 3 Architectural Decisions 3.3 3.4 Open Issues 3.5 End-State Vision 3.6 Models 3.6.1 Logical Data Model 3.6.2 Business Model 3.6.3 Information Model 364 3.6.4 Application Architecture Model 3.7 Architecture Risks ARCHITECTURE ALTERNATIVE ANALYSIS ARCHITECTURE EVOLUTION PRIORITIES - 10 - Joint Effort IA Effort BA Effort IA Effort AA Effort Joint Effort Architecture Assessment No Yes System changes are architecturally significant if they affect key structural elements of a system, externally visible properties, and their relationships. 1. 2. Creating a new system is architecturally significant Changing g g a system y can be architecturally y significant g if: Creating a new data entity Creating a changing a data source Creating or changing a system interface Creating or changing an external interface Creating new PPI or confidential data - 11 - Logical Data Model In Phase 0: 1. Name and define the data entities that will be stored by, produced by, or consumed by the system as described in the requirements. 2. Indicate the System y of Record for the data when defining g the data entity. In Phase 1, elaborate on Phase 0 as follows: 3. Create a data model that depicts the data entities, the relationships between the data entities and the cardinality of the relationships. 4. Identify confidential and Personal Protected Information (PPI) at the d t entity data tit level. l l In Phase 2, elaborate on Phase 1 as follows: 5 Create a Logical Data Model including all data entities and data 5. attributes that are part of the solution. 6. Prepare a data dictionary, naming and defining all data entities and data attributes in the data model. - 12 - Create Logical Data Model using CDM Create Requirements IT Review Requirements Create or Change Data Model? No Yes No Search S h ffor Data D t Element in CDM System Metadata? Is Data Element in CDM? No Add Data Element to CDM - 13 - Yes Yes Create Logical System Data Model End Logical Data Model – Fund Loan Fund Loan: Purchase Loan and Create Security, essential to Freddie Mac Mortgage-Related business Loan Origination RESPA Summary Financial Instrument Z Loan Settlement Loan Position Loan Borrower Loan • • Pool Security Collateral Group • Loan Activity Agreement Loan Acquisition Counterparty p y Fund Loan Mortgage Backed Security Securitization Trust Create Security - 14 - Leverage CDM Depict entities and relationships needed to meet requirements Subject areas: Loan Loan, Security, Party, Agreement Logical Data Model Description Entity Name Loan Agreement Pool Counterparty MBS Loan Origination Entity Definition An agreement, in writing, between a lender and a borrower where the borrower will be loaned a specific amount of money over a specific amount of time at a specific interest rate or rates. Meeting of minds (or an evidence of mutual accord or understanding) between two or more legally competent parties, about their relative duties and rights regarding current or future performance. A collection of (usually similar) financial instruments that are treated as an aggregate, such as for collateral backing a security or as sharing a credit enhancement. Counterparty is a company that does business with or supports the business of Freddie Mac. A counterparty engages with Freddie Mac in a transaction where one or more parties agree on an exchange of assets at a specific point in time and deliver on the ag A mortgage-backed g g security y ((MBS)) is an asset-backed security y whose cash flows are backed by y the p principal p and interest payments of a set of mortgage loans. Payments are typically made monthly over the lifetime of the underlying loans. Loan origination is the process of creating a (mortgage) loan, culminating in the signing of the loan documents by the lender, the borrower, witnesses, and/or their agents. It also records information about the loan that is current at the time of origina • • Name and define each entity, and each attribute. Align with the CDM to standardize data definition. - 15 - Information Model In Phase 0: 1. Create one overall Information Model Diagram depicting the system and systems with which this system will interface. 2. Assign responsibility for data entities, systems of record, and data stores. 3 Depict what is new or changing in this initiative/project 3. initiative/project. 4. Use data names defined in the Logical Data Model. In Phase 1, elaborate on Phase 0 as follows: 5. Complete the information-oriented diagram including all impacted systems, subsystems, data stores, and data entities in the diagram. 6. Name and define each system depicted in the diagram. 7. Depict service interfaces, data proxies and data movement. 8. Annotate data movements with the data access mechanism 9. If there are multiple data stores in a system, depict the data stores involved in data accesses and movements. 10 Identify object/entity volumes and sizing estimates (the system at rest) 10. rest). 11. Define each system with which this system interfaces, and the technology choice 12. Define impacts to each data consumer. In Phase 2, 2 prior to SDLC Checkpoint A Design review: 13. Update the Information Model defined in Phase 1 with changes and the rationale for the change. - 16 - Information Model – Fund Loan Counterparty + Counterparty (S OR) Deal + A greem ent (S OR) + Counterparty C t t (ROC) Loan S ourc ing + A greem ent (ROC) + Counterparty (ROC) + Financ ial Ins trum ent ((S OR)) + Loan (S OR) + Loan A c quis tion (S OR) + Loan B orrower (S OR) + Loan Origination (S OR) + Lo an S ettlem ent (S OR) + RE S P A S um m ary (S OR) Loan S ervic ing + A greem ent (ROC) + Counterparty (ROC) + Loan (ROC) + Loan A c tivity (S OR) + Loan Origination (ROC) + Loan P osi ti on ( S OR) S ec urity S truc ture + A greemen t (ROC) + Collat eral Group (S O R) + Loan (ROC) + P ool (S OR) Data Integration Hub + Ag reem ent (ADS ) + Co llateral Gro up (A DS ) + Coun terparty (A DS ) + Financ ial Ins trum ent (A DS ) + Loan (A DS ) + Loan A c qus iti on (A DS ) + Loan A c tivity y (A ( DS ) + Loan B orrower (A DS ) + Loan Origination (A DS ) + Loan P os ition (A DS ) + Loan S ettlem ent (A DS ) + M B S (A DS ) + P ool (A DS ) + RE S P A S um m ary (A DS ) + S ec uritiz ation Trus t (A DS ) + S ec urity (A DS ) S ec urity Is s uranc e + Collateral Group (ROC) + Counte rparty (ROC) + M B S (S OR) + P ool (ROC) + S ecur itiz ati on Trus t (S OR) + S ecurit y (S OR) W arehouse Foundat io n Lay er + A greem ent (A DS ) + Collateral Group (A DS ) + Counterparty (A DS ) + Financi al Ins trume nt (A DS ) + Loan (A DS ) + Loan A c qus ition (A DS ) + Loan A c tivity (A DS ) + Loan B orrower (A DS ) + Loan Origination (A DS ) + Loan P osi ti on (A DS) + Loan Se tt lem ent ( ADS ) + M B S (A DS ) + P ool (A DS ) + RE S P A S um m ary (A DS ) + S ec uritiz ation Trus t (A DS ) + S ec urity (A DS ) E nterpris e Data M art + A gree ment (ROC) + Collat eral Group (RO C) + Counterparty (ROC) + Financ ial Ins trum ent (ROC) + Loan (ROC) + Loan A c quis ition (ROC) + Loan A c tivity (ROC) + Loan B orrower (ROC) + Loan Origination (ROC) + Loan P os ition (ROC) + Loan S ettlem ent (ROC) + MB S (RO C) + P ool (ROC) + RE S P A S um m ary (ROC) + S ec uritiz ation Trus t (ROC) + S ec urity (ROC) SOR System SOR: S Of Record ROC: Read Only Copy ADS: Alternate Data Source 1. Arrows indicate the dependencies between systems 2. Data Entities are from the Logical Data Model - 17 - Information Model Description – Fund Loan Counterparty Deal Loan Sourcing Certifies and maintains a record of counterparties with whom the company will do business and the types of business transactions for which the counterparty is eligible. SOR for counterparty. Maintains a record of negotiated business terms related to the deal. Uses ROC of counterparty from data integration hub and is SOR for agreement. Accepts loan data into the company and records the purchase of the loan. Uses a ROC of counterparty and deal from data integration hub and is SOR for most loan data. Creates fund loan event. Processes and maintains a record of the loan events such as loan payment, loan payoff. Uses a ROC of Loan Servicing counterparty, agreement, loan and loan origination from data integration hub. SOR for loan activity and loan position Fund loan event initiates set up of loan for servicing position. servicing. Security Structure Creates pools of loans that will form the structure for a MBS and structures the cash flow. Uses ROC of loan and agreement from data integration hub and is SOR for pool and collateral group. Fund loan event initiates securitization of the loan. Security Issuance Creates MBS using g security y structure,, manages g the transfer of ownership p of a MBS to an investor,, disclosing g MBS characteristics to the capital market, and wiring the MBS to the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). Gets the pool and counterparty from data integration hub, SOR for MBS, securitization trust and the security. Data Integration Hub Integrates and stages business transaction data and related reference data. Maintains the current view of entities. Serves as the alternate data source for data consuming systems. Reconciles to SOR. Warehouse Foundation Layer Maintains a normalized, historical record of data and serves as the alternate data source for the enterprise data marts. Reconciles to SOR. Enterprise Data mart Maintains dimensional structures facilitating data analysis, management and financial reporting. Reconciles to the Warehouse Foundation Layer. - 18 - EA Scoring and Communication - Score Architecture for 5 Goals +1 = Moving Toward Goals 0 = Neutral -1 = Moving Away From Goals - Communicate Scores to Stakeholders Agility SPOT Security Reliability 0 0 0 0 0 Y Y Y Y Y R -1 Interoperability G 1.000 Score 1 R -1 G 1.000 Score 1 R -1 G 1.000 Score - 19 - 1 R -1 G 1.000 Score 1 R -1 G 1.000 Score 1 Scoring is Based On EA Goals What It Means EA Goal Agility ‐Business agility requires flexible IT systems Single Point of Truth ‐Ability to rely on our data for running our business Interoperability ‐Ability for systems to communicate with each other Reliability ‐Ability to rely on our systems for running our business Security ‐Ability to protect our sensitive information and systems - 20 - II Technology: What Tools and Patterns are in the Information Architecture Toolbox? - 21 - Information Architecture Toolbox Mission Strategy & Policy EA Standards and Principles EA Review Processes EA Catalog Data Data Data Data Storage Definition Movement Persistence • TDS • Canonical Data Model • DW • ODS • Data Mart • Business Data Dictionary • XML • ETL • Messages & Messaging • ESB Metadata Business Unstructured Intelligence Data • System of Record • Metadata Repository • Conforming Dimensions • Document Management • Alternate Data Source • Architecture Repository • Conforming Facts • Email • Read Only Copy • Data Model Repository • Source from Historical Record Canonical Data Model Metadata Management (MDR & CDE Registry) Information Quality and Controls Data Security - 22 - Freddie Mac Enterprise Architecture Contacts L Leon Bernal B l Architecture, Director Freddie Mac 8250 Jones Branch Drive M L McLean, VA 22021 [email protected] - Think strategically - Keep K enterprise t i view i - Act specifically - Be persistent - Keep p smiling g Xinhua Deng, Ph.D. S i IInformation Senior f i Architect A hi Freddie Mac 8250 Jones Branch Drive McLean, VA 22021 [email protected] What?! Out of Scope? - 23 -
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