Effective Consultation Techniques By: Wayne Jacobson, BC-HIS Who am I and why should you listen Over 56 years selling experience 38 years in the hearing aid profession Started my own practice from scratch and owned it for 22 years before selling it and semi-retiring at 57 Practice Development Consultant for Phonak Trainer and Open House Consultant for WOW – Right Hear Author: Book and numerous articles Sell more hearing aids – help more people 56 years worth of selling 38 years with hearing aids Just one binaural you would have missed will pay for the book 50 – 100 times over www.sellinghearingaids.com Why selling hearing aids is different Nobody wants to buy a hearing aid, but they do want better hearing Considerable expense for small product Numerous confusing ads People ask two things: How small, how much It can be the easiest hard job or hardest easy job It is an awesome responsibility – you can dramatically change lives The benefits can be substantial Very rewarding to change lives Very good income potential Your patients become more of a friend than a client Freedom to move wherever you want Numerous work environments and options to choose from SELL is a four letter word…… What is your definition of SELLING? SELL is a four letter word…… Like LOVE, CARE, and HEAR Selling is nothing more than a transference of feelings – If I can make you feel about my products and services the way I feel about them, you will want my products and services SELL is a four letter word…… Like LOVE, CARE, and HEAR Selling is nothing more than a transference of feelings – If I can make you feel about my products and services the way I feel about them, you will want my products and services Nothing happens until someone sells something SELL is a four letter word…… Like LOVE, CARE, and HEAR Selling is nothing more than a transference of feelings – If I can make you feel about my products and services the way I feel about them, you will want my products and services Nothing happens until someone sells something If you interact with people, you are selling SELL is a four letter word…… Like LOVE, CARE, and HEAR Selling is nothing more than a transference of feelings – If I can make you feel about my products and services the way I feel about them, you will want my products and services Nothing happens until someone sells something If you interact with people you are selling Selling is simply finding out what the patient wants and then showing them how to get it Who is the REAL winner? How long will your part of the sale last (commission, salary or bonus)? How long will the patient use the hearing aids? Who is the real winner? You don’t have to feel guilty selling better hearing tit The patient When does the “selling” begin? First impressions: phone call, reception, waiting room, practitioner introduction, consultation room……. Waiting room forms Hearing loss history/case history Hearing evaluation (not just spinning dials) Audiogram explanation Specific recommendation and ask for order Who is most important? $5000 ad promotion: 50 calls 40 appts. 50% closing 80% binaural and $2000 ASP 20 sales 36 aids equals $72,000 6 appts. 50% closing 80% binaural and $2000 ASP 3 sales 5 aids equals $10,000 If you can’t talk with them, you can’t sell them First Impressions are important Studies have shown that in a TV commercial the sale is made or lost in the first 3 – 5 seconds For print ads, 75% of the buying decision is made based on the headline alone Sales presentations are made or lost in the first 3 – 5 minutes First impressions are very important Before you can build a sale, you must have a blueprint Hearing aid sales need a blueprint to build from: six essential steps What do you want to accomplish Ask open ended questions - discover their needs and wants (wants will give them a reason to buy, needs let them justify it) Sell yourself – people enjoy doing business with people they like (have some fun with them) Sell your practice and the manufacturer (why is this not just another hearing aid or you not just another hearing aid salesperson) Make a recommendation that fills a need, satisfies a want and show the benefits You must “earn” the Ask for the order right to ask for the order A simple case history is a valuable tool, if you use it properly 19 CONFIDENTIAL PATIENT ANALYSIS Patient_________________________________________ What do your friends call you___________ Spouse____________Male___ Female___ Family Physician______________________________ Date of birth__________ Address___________________________________ City__________________State___ Zip__________ Occupation________________________ if retired, what was your occupation_____________________ HISTORY OF COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS Which is your better ear? Right Left Both about the same_____ Do you ever ask others to repeat? Yes No Do you ever have difficulty understanding your spouse? Yes No Do you have difficulty understanding conversations in noisy places? Yes No Do you have difficulty understanding on the telephone? Yes No Do others complain about the TV being too loud? Yes No Do you hear voices loud enough but have trouble understanding the words? Yes No If a hearing loss is discovered that can be helped, are you ready for help? Yes No Have you ever had your hearing tested before? Yes No When_____________________ Where does your hearing loss bother you the most? __________________________________________ On a scale of 1 – 10 with one being no motivation and 10 being very motivated, how motivated are you to correct your hearing problem __________________ HEARING AID HISTORY Have you ever worn hearing aids? Yes No Left ear Right ear Both ears Do you currently wear the hearing aids? Yes No How many hours per day? __________ What problems are you experiencing with the hearing aids? Some sounds too loud ________ Things sound tinny _________ Hearing aid whistles _________ Wind noise ________ My ears feel plugged up ________ My voice sounds hollow ________ I can’t understand in noise ________ Telephone is difficult __________ I can’t tell what direction sound is coming from _________ When did you get your last hearing aids? _____________________Where? ______________________ CONFIDENTIAL SPOUSAL ANALYSIS Spouse______________________________________Husband_____Wife_____Other______ HEARING COMMUNICATION ANALYSIS Does your partner have difficulty hearing while driving? Yes____No_____ Does your partner have difficulty hearing in noise? Yes____No____ Does your partner have difficulty hearing on the telephone? Yes____No_____ Do you think your partner’s hearing is getting worse? Yes____No____ Does your partner turn TV up louder than you like it? Yes____No____ Does your partner accuse you of mumbling? Yes____No____ Do you ever not say something because you figure you will just have to repeat it? Yes____No____ Are you ever embarrassed by your partner’s hearing loss? Yes____No____ Do you think your partner needs hearing help? Yes____No____ Would life be more enjoyable if your partner wore hearing aids? Yes____No____ How long have you been trying to get your partner to do something to improve their hearing?_____ years Find your starting point 1 10 How important is it to improve your hearing “Why isn’t it a 1 or 2?” 1 10 How confident are you that hearing instruments are the right choice? 5 or lower: “So you are still a little hesitant, why is that?” Use the questionnaire Go over the responses with the patient Dig deeper into problems areas NPR (Nod, Pause, Repeat) to open them up Establish rapport Creates the proper professional attitude If all the answers are NO, you really have your work cut out for you Sell the sizzle – not the steak You can not create NEEDS and WANTS, they must be uncovered using a needs assessment, case history or a Hearing Loss Inventory Needs Want s Why dig for their NEEDS and WANTS People buy because they need or want something…1/4” drill or 1/4” hole? • How many computers were sold last year? • Our job is to give them a reason and an excuse to buy (They love to buy but hate to be sold) • Wants are actually more important than needs (how big of a house, how many shoes or how many airplanes) Why dig for their NEEDS and WANTS People buy because they need or want something…1/4” drill or 1/4” hole? • How many computers were sold last year? • Our job is to give them a reason and an excuse to buy (They love to buy but hate to be sold) • Wants are actually more important than needs (how big of a house, how many shoes or how many airplanes) • You have to “help” them spend $6000, give them reasons, or even better, an excuse to spend it Get excited and have some fun……… People spend more money when they’re having fun The evaluation: Make it a selling tool It is not just spinning dials Explain what you will be doing Use a bold pen or marker, let the spouse see Explain in terms they can understand and tie their problems back to their loss Help them understand WHY they have difficulties Explain the audiogram Explain how the ear works (again and again) Explain the concept of hearing with the brain, not the ears (use it or lose it) Explain the PB max and/or high freq. word scores “What I hear, I forget. What I see, I remember. What I do, I understand” Confucius, 451 BC Demonstrate????? I say YES, but not everyone agrees They will hear your explanation They will experience the difference “Don’t believe everything you hear” You bring another sense into play Use sound byte demonstrations Make a specific recommendation They came to you for a professional opinion and recommendation Too many choices will just overwhelm them You must make it easy to decide The natural tendency is to do nothing and “think about it” ASK A CLOSING QUESTION Feature – Function – Benefit Sell the sizzle – not the steak Twenty digital bands – feature Allows a more precise prescription – function You will hear your granddaughter more clearly now as well as in the future when your hearing changes –BENEFIT WHICH DO THINK WILL GET YOUR PATIENTS MORE EXCITED AND MOTIVATED? Now what? A few people may say, “OK, let’s get hearing aids” Most have to be helped or at least want to be helped make the decision Now is the time to sell the “SIZZLE” as well as the steak (bands, noise reduction, multiple memory, automatic features etc., “but will I hear better?”) Speak in their interest areas (case history results) Determine what you are selling They won’t say, “I want a twenty band, multi-program canal instrument with automatic directional microphones” Determine size (manual dexterity, battery insertion and cost, wind noise, ear canal size…..) Level of technology (you choose or have them help) Price…..at the beginning or end? Ask for the order Closing the sale Not as difficult as it used to be High pressure is not necessary (but you still have to help them make a decision and even work through three or four “NO’s) You are merely helping the patient make up their mind It is the natural progression of all that has gone on up to this point (think of it as a date) Either ask a question or take action, DON’T JUST SIT THERE Ask for the order 63% of all sales situations ended with no attempt to close (a recent survey of sales people) Excitement sells Make it easy for them to buy When you “close” you become part of the solution rather than the problem – become an assistant buyer Ask easy questions make it easy to say yes Either/or: CIC or BTE; Color to match your hair or a flesh tone; do you prefer the 20 bands of adjustment or do you feel 16 will be sufficient? You wear it for 30 days, if they do not do everything you want just bring them back and the only cost will be a minor fitting fee. Does that sound fair enough? What it comes down to is this: Would you like to start hearing better? Do you feel it is time to start hearing your grandson? Assume “yes” and proceed Not all questions are objections Will they fall out of my ear? Can I sleep with them in? Will I be able to use the telephone? Do you accept credit cards? ANSWER AND PROCEED (or they will keep asking questions) The “assumed close” The easiest and most natural Move right into the impressions or paperwork, if they don’t stop you – keep going “Physical action” as the close Money motivator Double binaural discount, “would you like to take advantage of the extra savings?” Single appointment discount (test and impressions during the same appointment, better than a limited coupon) Second (or third) year warranty for one appointment (they are used to appointments costing extra $) Cash discount or spread the payments out? (in order to get the cash discount, they have to buy) COD/FOD Most important decision Not if you get help but where you get help Good product can give bad results Hearing help is a long term relationship I will be a part of your life for a long time If I do my part, we will become good friends Could you stand me as a friend and not dread coming in to see me? OK my friend, lets get started Does that sound fair enough? People want to be fair 30, 45 or 60 day trial Full or almost full refund Satisfaction guaranteed Does that sound fair enough? Use it or lose it Hear with our brains, not our ears PB word list (heard them all but only understood ? %) I can not bring you back to 100% but I want maximize the hearing you do have and to try and protect what you have left Arm in sling example You would like to try and protect the hearing and understanding you have left wouldn’t you? What happens when they say, “NO” Rarely is the first reason for not buying the real reason The patient really does not want to say NO it is too final Some patients have even fibbed about the reason for not buying Based on what you have told me so far, the answer is NO When they say NO they really are saying, “they don’t KNOW enough to say yes” Acknowledge, agree and continue Common objections That is too much money I can’t afford it I have to ask my spouse I want to think about it I want a second opinion PROCRASTINATION Four times to answer an objection Before they occur When they occur Later Never (if it comes up a second time, you better answer it) What do you say to an objection? Acknowledge, Agree and Continue (they want to be right and they want to be understood) Try to uncover the REAL objection Give additional information Give them another opportunity to make a new decision based on the new information There are five main reasons your patients will not buy • No NEED • No MONEY • No DESIRE (want) • No HURRY • No TRUST Trust & Charisma What is it? Who has it? Can you develop it? Ideas from Influence: the Psychology of Persuasion by Robert Cialdini 10 ways to get people to want to do business with you People tend to do business with people they like Likeable, polite and patient People are attracted to people who keep their word If you tell them something, make it truthful or follow through People trust people who have their best interest at heart Give advice that benefits them more than you People feel comfortable giving money to people who are honest, ethical and above board Don’t lie or mislead in your marketing. Do what you say you are going to do People are attracted to people physically attractive – or at least not repulsive Eat right, exercise, be well groomed and pay attention to personal hygiene Charisma continued People want to do business with people who are experts in their field Become an expert, write articles, give speeches put on lunch and learn events and talk at local service groups People feel better doing business with people who seem “real” Be cordial, friendly and genuinely interested in others People respond better to people who listen and pay attention to what they say The old two ears and one mouth adage People feel comfortable with people who are like themselves Identify something you have in common: gold, kids, pets, photography, aviation, boating, bird watching etc People are impressed by people who are busy Never complain about things being slow, set an actual appointment instead of saying “come in anytime today” That is too much money • This is a very easy objection to give, but usually is not the real objection • Typically you have not sufficiently sold yourself, your company or the product – value does not yet equal or exceed the price • Be careful not to drop the price too quickly by offering either discounts or lower level technology • Payment plans, especially interest free, can often save the day • We would rather explain price once instead of having to apologize for lack of quality, performance or service forever. Do you think we made the right decision? (trial close) Your price is too high •There is no question, the price is high. But when you add the benefits of quality and subtract the disappointment of cheapness, multiply by the pleasure of hearing better and divide by the number of years you will enjoy these, the arithmetic definitely comes out in your favor. *I agree the price is high, but good things are not cheap and cheap things are not good. We made a decision to only provide quality products and services to our patients so in the long run you are much more satisfied and the costs are lower. My goal is to provide you with the best hearing possible. Do you think this was the right decision? I can’t afford it Very similar to the “too much money” objection “Can’t afford it” and “don’t want to afford it” are two completely different objections Time payments can be helpful A lower technology level may have to be offered I have to ask my spouse This objection should not come up since if at all possible, the spouse should be present If the spouse is not present and you elect to proceed, confirm the spousal interest in the beginning of the consultation Tell the patient that there definitely is a problem with the hearing. Since the hearing loss effects the spouse as much or even more than themselves, you would like to schedule another appointment so both can understand the problem and solutions. When would be a good time? Call the spouse and explain the hearing loss and solutions and confirm attendance at fitting I want to think about it • • This is probably the most frustrating objection but usually is not the real one Acknowledge, agree and continue I agree, it is certainly something to think about. What is it you want to think over? (don’t wait for an answer before continuing) Are you not convinced you have a hearing loss? (if the answer is no, go back over the audiogram, pb test, and hearing loss inventory) Are you afraid the hearing aids won’t work? (if the answer is yes, go over your trial and return policies) After explaining the trial, ask “Does that sound fair enough?” Are you concerned about the price? (discuss payment options and if necessary, less expensive levels of technology) I want to think about it Feel - Felt - Found • You’re right, it is something to think about • I know how you feel • Many of my patients have felt same way • But what they found is………. • Our patients want to be right and want to be understood Should I or shouldn’t I order these the they I want a second opinion • They are not convinced you offer the best product, service and/or price • They like your product and services but want to negotiate the price • This could just be another stall • Resell, reinforce then give another opportunity to make a decision How do you present your pricing and tech levels? Top down advantages: less confusing, may say yes, it is the best we have Top down disadvantages: You may scare them off and they will tune you out Bottom up: This is just a bad approach, don’t do it Offer more than one price and explain the difference: it allows an either/or close, people usually choose the middle option, the lower prices are even lower when compared to the top price Dropping to a lower technology level • Don’t make it demeaning Speak in terms of what is being given up for the price reduction – use a talking pad, seeing is believing Compare value, choose between technology/price levels instead of yes/no Effective selling will focus on the patient’s needs, wants and what they are able to purchase Talking Pad (Don’t believe everything you hear, but seeing is believing) *Discuss 4 automatic prescriptions and 20 bands of adjustment *Compare to 3 automatic prescriptions and 16 bands *The basic model has only 2 prescriptions and 6 bands (It is not always necessary or even wise to present all three or even four levels) Talking Pad If they still can’t decide, the bands of noise reduction can be brought into the equation. This lets them decide on something other than Yes or No Talking Pad If they say it is too much money, ask how much too much. If it is $1000 too much, break it down into bite size pieces………… Would it be worth .55 per day to hear your granddaughter and have the best hearing money can buy? It now has become a $1000 decision instead of a $6000 decision .55 Three question close Can you see where this would help you hear better? (especially if you have demo’d) Would you like to start hearing better? If you were ever going to start hearing better, when do you think would be the best time to start? Things that don’t always work…..BUT Would you please do me a favor Keep them talking Think outside the box – get creative Would you do me a favor? After you have given up and accepted the patient’s “NO”, start putting things away then stop and say, “Could I ask a favor of you? You obviously need these hearing instruments, I suspect you could afford the instruments and yet you are not getting the instruments. I feel terrible that I missed something that I should have covered. It would be a big favor to me and would allow me to not make the same mistake with other people if you could tell where I went wrong or what question I did not answer” This won’t always work, but often enough to try, they will tell you exactly what the problem was. At that point say, “Well of course, no wonder you were hesitant to make the decision. Let me answer that question for you right now.” Keep them talking After they have said “NO”, keep them talking. If they don’t get up to leave, you still have a chance. Tell a story But recognize when it is a lost cause Don’t over answer an objection This could indicate to the patient that you are overly sensitive to this issue. Or you could overwhelm them to the point they feel stupid for even bringing it up. Scripture says Sampson killed thousands of Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass. Every day thousands of hearing aid sales are killed with the same tool. (Constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth) Important points to remember An objection is just a request for more information When you get an objection – Acknowledge, agree but immediately follow up with more information and another opportunity to decide If you are getting the same objections all of the time, you need to change something in your presentation If you drop to a lower technology level, give a chance to move back up them Effective Selling It is not so much the “How to” overcome objections as it is the “Heart to” overcome objections A closing thought You can get everything you want out of life if you just help enough other people get what they want. Zig Ziglar If you sell your next door neighbor, make sure they are happy Questions www.sellinghearingaids.com
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