Document 189013

1 9 6 2
In This Issue—
OF THE WEEK )p. 3)
WIVES )p. 3)
Vol. LIV
No. 45
crowded condition. The two church
services found the church filled to
capacity twice, some of the members
coming from nearby suburbs of Chicago where there were no churches.
Two years ago the Hinsdale Church
decided to trim down its membership
by establishing a "foster" church in
Downer's Grove. They anticipated
45 charter members but 70 actually
showed up. The church now has almost 100 members and is formulating
plans to construct a church home of
its own.
Within three months of the forming
of the Downer's Grove Church,
Hinsdale was as crowded as before.
"As far as congregation size is concerned," stated Eld. R. D. Fearing,
It was a happy moment when the first signature was placed on the membership scroll
for the new Elmhurst Church. Signing in is
Robert L. Bruns. There were 32 charter members of the church.
pastor, "we couldn't tell that a single
member had left."
While the church officers watched
with interest the growth of Downer's
Grove, they began to lay plans for
"swarming" again by creating another
church in a nearby suburb. It was
hoped that this effort would drain off
additional members from the already
overcrowded Hinsdale Church; but
more important, it was hoped that
such an undertaking would take the
knowledge of the third angel's message to additional surburban areas
where no Adventist churches are now
Under the chairmanship of Eugene
Elstrom, a development committee be-
How to Decrease Your
Church Membership
WE WELCOME all the visitors to
Sabbath School this morning—I
guess that includes everyone, for there
are no members. We're all visitors."
These were the introductory remarks
by Eugene Elstrom, Sabbath School
leader at Elmhurst, Ill., Nov. 3, 1962.
Those in attendance at this Sabbath
School were visitors from other
churches in the Chicagoland area. The
reason that they were all visitors was
that this was the first meeting of the
new Elmhurst Seventh-day Adventist
Most of the "visitors" were from the
Hinsdale Church, but others came
from a variety of locations, some out
of curiosity and others with serious
intentions of becoming c h a r ter
How did the Elmhurst Church
begin ?
The idea for this church originated
several years ago when increasing
membership forced the Hinsdale
Church to take a serious look at its
Richard D. Fearing, pastor of the Hinsdale Church, has sparked the missionary endeavor of
his populous congregation, encouraging them to establish Adventist lights in the communities
in nearby Chicago suburbs. The new Elmhurst Church is the second such endeavor.
The Elmhurst congregation meets in the youth chapel of the First Congregational Church. More than 100 were present for the organization.
After the Elmhurst Church was formally declared to be in existance, a nominating committee (left) was chosen to select offices for their
church. Right: Ordained as first elder of the Elmhurst Church was Dr. Joseph Zweig. Ministers participating are (left to right): C. L. Turner,
pastor of the new church; R. D. Fearing, pastor of the Hinsdale Church; and W. A. Nelson, president of the Illinois Conference.
gan to lay plans for the new Elmhurst
Church. Two years to the week end
from the time that Downer's Grove
was organized, the Hinsdale Church
was again on the move.
Leading out in organizing the
Elmhurst Church, 73rd in the Illinois
Conference, were Conference President
W. A. Nelson and conference Secretarytreasurer Elton Dessain. In his remarks
to the new congregation, Elder Nelson
observed that the conference officers and
the sister churches in the conference
will watch with interest the progress
of this new church.
The Elmhurst Church has been established without expense to the
Illinois Conference. However, as a
token of its interest and support, the
conference presented a gift of 25 church
hymnals, a communion set, and offering plates to the congregation.
The slate of officers elected was as
follows: first elder, Dr. J. M. Zweig;
home missionary leader, Eugene Elstrom; treasurer, Mrs. Eugene Elstrom;
clerk, Mrs. Vera Norman; Sabbath
School superintendent, Mrs. Florence
Ward; Sabbath School secretary, Mrs.
Ruth Cessford; head deacon, John
Cessford; head deaconness, Mrs. Jack
Singer; organist, Mrs. Kay Zweig.
Even with the large membership of
900, Hinsdale keenly misses the absence
of some of its staunch leaders who
have formed the nucleus of the new
church. However, they have taken the
position that this is a good home missionary project, one which they hope
will be adopted by other large churches
in the United States.
To show their sincere motive in establishing the new church, the Hinsdale church board has voted to guarantee the church expense of the Elmhurst Church for the first two years
of operation. By that time Hinsdale
hopes that it can set another new
Entered as second-class matter in the Post Office, Berrien Springs, Mich. Printed weekly, 50
times a year (omitting the weeks of July 4 and December 25) by the College Press, Berrien
Springs, Mich. Yearly subscription price, $2.00.
POSTMASTERS: Send all notices to LAKE UNION HERALD, Box C, Berrien Springs, Mich.
church into operation in one of the
many other Chicago suburbs not represented by an Adventist congregation.
Of the 32 charter members, 75 per cent
are from Hinsdale. Presently, there are
20 Adventists in Elmhurst and about
30 others living nearby.
"We are fortunate to have secured
the lovely new youth auditorium of the
First Congregational Church in Elmhurst in which to hold our services,"
stated Eld. Claude Turner, pastor of
the new Downer's Grove and Elmhurst
Churches. "Their cooperative spirit
and low weekly rental fee has helped
us feel welcome in this community."
"I Walked Today Where Jesus
Walked" (LP 5061 and ST 061), featuring contralto soloist Barbara Morton
Mote with the Mitzelfelt Chorale and
Orchestra, is an excellent rendition of
truly fine performers.
Included in the recording are sacred
numbers by Brahms, Bach, Franck,
O'Hara, Malotte, and others in a variety of interesting arrangements.
Mrs. Mote has produced two other
successful chapel records. The Mitzelfelt Chorale, a Los Angeles area S.D.A.
Choir, is fast gaining a national reputation for their vocal beauty, technique,
and precision. Chapel has done several
releases of this group. Order through
your local Book and Bible House.
"Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" (LP
5062 and ST 062). Those in the Lake
Union who have enjoyed the organ
music of Pastor and Mrs. Leonard
Venden will be pleased to learn of
this recent Chapel release. The originality in the arrangements of such standard favorites as "Does Jesus Care?"
"In Heavenly Love Abiding," "Rock
of Ages," and "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" will appeal to those who enjoy
hearing familiar hymns.
The Vendens spent a number of
years in ministerial and educational
work in Michigan. Those who know
them personally will particularly want
this record and others who like soothing Sabbath background music will
find it most pleasing.
To Husband and Wife
Vice-president of the
North American Division
1. Keep up the courtship. Continue
the early attentions. Study to advance
each other's happiness. Marriage is the
beginning, not the end, of love. Give
it your best efforts.
2. However humble, make your own
home. Relatives are wonderful (to
visit), but not to make your home with.
3. Have children.
4. Plan and share home burdens, the
care and training of children, finances,
and recreation. Avoid secrets and counsel together often.
5. Maintain neatness in home and
person. Love suffers in the midst of
untidiness, soiled garment s, dirty
dishes, and disagreeable odors.
6. Don't be stingy. Remember the
birthdays, anniversaries and gift days.
Love cannot exist without expression.
7. Take a vacation together. Make it
another honeymoon.
8. When things go wrong, as they
sometimes will, keep smiling. Be kind
November 20, 1962, Vol. LIV, No. 45
Ingathering Uncovers Interested Friends
Many of our believers in the Illinois Conference are now engaged in the
important soul-winning endeavor known as Ingathering. The purpose of
this annual project is two-fold: to extend the gospel through means of
personal contacts and to extend the gospel world-wide through the funds
Through the years souls have been won to this message as a result of
the Ingathering crusade. A great impact is made in the community as the
people read what Seventh-day Adventists are doing far and near for suffering humanity.
Recently we received a letter from a lady who had been contacted by
students from Broadview Academy on their October Ingathering Field Day.
Her testimony is as follows:
"Dear Sir:
"One of your girls left a booklet These Times for a small contribution.
As far as I can tell the only difference in the Seventh-day Adventists and
my Free Methodist religion is the day you observe. I've been trying to
learn the basic truth in each church. Do you have literature explaining
your doctrines and how you came into being?
"Thank you and may the Lord bless you for your unselfish help to others.
Mrs. L.
Woodstock, Ill."
For more than 55 years Ingathering has been an important and necessary facet of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist program. We heartily
commend Ingathering as a means to search for honest souls.
Home Missionary Secretary
in speech and action. Allow no sharpness to come into your voice.
9. Be sympathetic. Cultivate patience by practicing patience. Never
let the sunset find you at variance with
each other. Forgive and forbear and
all will come out right.
10. Have morning and evening worship together. Attend Sabbath School
and church together. Praying and worshiping together keep you together,
here and in eternity.
For Teen-agers Only
Wouldn't you like to find out how
you rate when it comes to personality?
A good test is your relationship with
your family. Here are a few pertinent
questions. You be the judge.
Is my mother an unpaid maid who
hangs up my clothes and puts my
things away?
Am I lively in a crowd, but solemnly
silent at home? Or do I share my best
jokes and sweetest smiles with my own
Do I expect to be paid for everything
I do around the house? If so, when
was the last time I paid for a meal or
a good night's rest?
If I brag that what my parents advise goes in one ear and out the other,
is it because my head is empty?
I buy little luxuries for myself. Have
I ever brought home a bag of candy
for my kid brother or sister, or even
Mom or Dad?
When I'm expected home at a certain
hour and I realize I'm going to be unavoidably late, am I thoughtful enough
to save Mom and Dad extra worry by
How explosive is my temper? Do I
shout, sass, and argue when I don't
get my way?
When Dad comes home from work,
do I have a cheery greeting? Do I let
him have the best chair for TV?
Do I show my parents that they can
trust me before expecting them to give
me the privileges that I want?
Are my parents really proud of me?
Do I give them any reason to be
proud? Or am I failing to use my
talents and just coasting through
This quiz was made up by the teenagers of the Aquinas High School in
La Crosse, Wis.
What do you think should be added
to this list? What should be omitted
or changed? Send your suggestions to
Archa 0. Dart, General Conference of
S.D.A., 6840 Eastern Avenue, N.W.,
Takoma Park, Washington 12, D.C.
Comments ...
Several times I have been asked, "Are
you happy you took the Licensed Practical Nurse Course offered at the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital?" And each
time my answer has been an unqualified,
"Yes." With God's help and that of devoted teachers I have learned how to care
for the sick, encourage their loved ones,
and do my part on the nursing team in the
restoration of health.
Those without specialized training are
often at a loss as to how best to care for
a sick person. The practical nursing course
has explained many underlying reasons
for and fears associated with illness, and
how to be of help.
Our year of training went by swiftly as
each day brought fascinating new challenges in preparing for a worthwhile MRS. j ANALENE MACFARLAN
work. Time spent in study and in various
departments of the hospital now produces a rich harvest as patients and
visitors express their appreciation for the good care given by our L.P.N.'s.
The entire course was a challenge, but in looking back I see that in
preparing to serve others I have also better prepared myself to serve Him.
I am happy for the privilege of passing
on to the readers of this paper the deep
feeling of satisfaction I have received as a
result of taking the practical nursing
course at Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital. It has opened doors of Christian
service as well as doors of opportunity.
In James 1:27 we read, "Pure religion
and undefiled before God and the Father
is this, To visit the fatherless and widows
in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
I believe that the course in practical
nursing has helped me, through service
to others, to better fit into the pattern of
true religion as portrayed in the Word of
God. Each day brings a rich, new experience with new avenues of learning and
opportunities to serve presenting themselves.
This year of training to be a practical nurse stands out as one of the
high lights of my life. I appreciate the dedicated help of Christian teachers
and am grateful that the doors of this school were opened to me.
Another Class Begins January 6, 1963
Write: Mrs. Mildred Vye, Director
School of Practical Nursing
Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital
120 North Oak Street
Hinsdale, Ill.
. .. From Academy Campuses
A.A.—Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich.; R.C.A.—Battle Creak Academy, Battle Creek, Mich.; B.V.A.—Broadview Academy, La Fox, Ill.;
C.L.A.—Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich.; E.M.C.A.—Emmanuel
Missionary College Academy, Berrien Springs, Mich.; G.L.A.—Grand
Ledge Academy, Grand Ledge, Mich.; LA.—Indiana Academy, Cicero,
Ind.; W.A.—Wisconsin Academy, Columbus, Wis.
A.A. Eld. Lowell Litten, secretary of the MV
Department of the General Conference and
the editor of the MV Program Kit, had
charge of the MV service Alumni week end.
Some of the class members of '37 told of
experiences they had while students at A.A.
A.A. Monday, Sept. 10, 1962, the senior class
officers were elected. Chosen were: Ron Williams, president; Bonnie Keller, vice-president:
Judy Edwards, secretary; Jon Van Horne,
treasurer; Charlotte Van Camp, chronicler.
The two sergeants-at-arms are Ron Spruth
and Dick Forrester.
A.A. The junior class has organized for the
1962-63 school year. Mike Rassmussen was
elected president; Ilene Ivey, vice-president;
and Pam Shirley as secretary. Judy Leist was
elected treasurer and Larry Robinson as pastor.
The sergeants-at-arms are Rick Arms and
Rick Price.
B.C.A. A brand new 50-star flag has been
presented to the school by the Student Association. The purchase of the flag was voted
by the assembled students in chapel nearly
a week ago.
C.L.A. Changes in the campus scenery have
been taking place recently. Dirt has been
moving from one place to another. A new
floor and foundation for a quonset-type warehouse has been taking shape. "Nothing definite is planned for the building," according to
Mr. Spaulding, "just looking into the future."
The cement floor will be used for lumber
C.L.A. Eld. Charles Danforth of Holly conducted the fall Week of Prayer. "I Love Life"
and related themes were his subjects. The
student body expressed appreciation for his
E.M.C.A. students greatly appreciated the November 2, Friday evening vespers presented
by Dave Knecht, English teacher from Battle
Creek Academy. Erich Bekowies, music director from B.C.A., with some of their students,
offered several musical selections which added
greatly to Mr. Knecht's vesper message.
Thanks so much B.C.A. Please come again.
G.L.A. The Cum Laude campaign was successfully completed on October 29 with a total
of over 1,400 subscriptions. The seniors and
sophomores tied with 9.8 subs per capita.
Those students who turned in 14 or more
subscriptions are looking forward to a special
outing, which as yet has been kept secret.
G.L.A. At the October 30 meeting of the
Seventh-day Adventist Board of Regents,
Grand Ledge Academy received full accreditation.
W.A. The Senior class was organized Monday,
October 29. The officers are Sam Woods,
president; Beverly Berger, girls' vice-president;
Bill Stich, boys' vice-president; Carol Chilson, secretary; Connie Frost, treasurer; and
Peter Nachreiner, pastor. The officers were
announced on the local radio station. Radios
were provided in all of the classrooms and
work places so all could hear the announcement.
Idlewild, Michigan
Church Dedication
Van Putten, who was the spark plug
for our building program.
Pastor M. L. Eagans followed Elder
Van Putten, and a number of additional souls were baptized into the
church as a result of a tent effort conducted in 1960 with William H.
Brown, Jr., assisting.
We have now arrived at this challenging mile-stone place in our progress
under the leadership of Pastor L. 0.
Anderson, and as we give thanks and
glory to God for what has been accomplished, we also solicit an interest in the
prayers of our brethren as we continue
to labor for souls in this part of the
Lord's vineyard.
On Saturday, October 27, the Idlewild, Mich., Church was the scene of
a joyous occasion as the members of
the church were joined by visiting
friends from Chicago, Detroit, Coopersville, Reed City, and Ludington to
participate in the dedication of the
High lights of the program included
the reading of the scripture by Arthur
Haynor, local elder of the Ludington
Church; the opening prayer by Eld.
C. E. Bradford, president of the Lake
Region Conference; a vocal duet beautifully rendered by Miss Dorthella
Dobbins and Mrs. Nina Hill of the
Tabernacle A.M.E. Church, accom- Annual Book Sale at
panied by Mrs. Pearl Marshall of the Andrews University
First Baptist Church; a presentation of
On Saturday night, December 8,
the Church history by Mrs. Adria before and after the annual Band
House; the dedicatory sermon by Eld. Concert, a special book sale will be
Jere D. Smith, president of the Lake held in the Educational Gymnasium at
Union Conference; the act of dedica- Andrews University. This book sale is
tion by Pastor L. 0. Anderson and a traditional event at this time each
the congregation; the dedicatory prayer year. We hope you will plan to come
by Eld. M. C. Van Putten, secretary- in and pick up items from our display.
treasurer of the Lake Region ConferWe will have some very fine bargains
ence; and a vocal solo by Mrs. Laura for your holiday purchasing. Mark
McCall of the Christ Community this date on your calendar if you live
Church who has been so very generous in or around the University, and be
in the lending of her talents and time there. Come enjoy the concert and take
to the church on many other occasions. a supply of good books home with you.
It is with sincere gratitude in our
hearts that we say, "To God be the
Michigan Book and Bible House
Glory." When we think of our humble
beginning, we are reminded of how tall Special Offer
oaks from tiny acorns grow, since with
The book The 7th Day is now being
our heavenly Father at the helm, we offered at two for the price of one. The
were able to pay off the church debt regular price of this book is $4.95, but
in about four years instead of the six now we will send it to you at two
that were originally planned.
for this price.
Reflection on the growth of the
This volume has proven itself as
church brings to mind how the work the very best for breaking down prejwas started when Elders Kagels of udice. This offer is so very special
Cadillac and Charles Danforth of Reed it cannot last long, so order your copies
City held evangelistic meetings in the now so as not to miss out on this price.
U.N.I.A. Hall, were a tremendous When the quantity is 10 or more to
interest was shown. Among those who one address we will give a discount
contributed to this effort were the beyond this price, depending on quanArthur Haynor and Swan families of tity. Get a large order from your
Ludington. When the effort closed church and save.
Elder Higgs was sent to supervise the
work, and he was followed by Elder
Michigan Book and Bible House
November 20, 1962, Vol. LIV, No. 45
Participate at
P.A.T.E., December 1
The newly remodeled church at
Mesick will accommodate the Petoskey
Area Teachers Exchange, Sabbath
afternoon, December 1, at three o'clock.
All Sabbath School officers and
teachers, incumbent and future, as
well as lay workers interested in reaping souls from the "It is Written" telecasts must endeavor to attend.
Bait: Timm's Electric Board; Wash
'n Dri'; Dial On Toothbrush; free
copies of: Curing "I" Trouble; and
Dollar Xmas Trees.
Imitate Mrs. Pat Morrison's and
Mrs. Grau's techniques, Sabbath School
leaders and teachers, in the junior,
primary, kindergarten, and cradle
roll divisions.
Cultivate suggestions on senior and
youth division teaching from the tape
of Lesson One by Elder Lowe of the
General Conference.
Extricate excellent tips for superintendents and secretaries from the pages
of mimeographed General Conference
Generate zeal for garnering candidates for immortality from the "It is
Written" telecasts with the help of
the Bible Circle Task sheets.
These are a few of the things about
which YOU should become TEXcited. Advocate P.A.T.E., "lubricate"
P.A.T.E., and congregate at P.A.T.E.
Remember, head for P. A. T. E.
Michigan Teachers' Institute
Over 125 Michigan elementary,
intermediate, and junior academy
teachers met at St. Mary's Lake near
Battle Creek, October 14 to 17, for
their Annual Teachers' Convention.
Eld. G. M. Mathews from the General Conference spoke on "The Challenge of the 60's" for the opening address, and many times throughout the
convention he gave valuable help in the
sessions along lines of teaching children
to listen and maintaining good discipline in an emotionally relaxed classroom.
Dr. Floyd Rittenhouse, president of
Andrews University; Dr. Stanley
Chace, assistant profesor of education;
and Miss Ruth Finck, director of
elementary education; both from An-
drews University, were also speakers.
Miss Kathryn McCully, representative from Scott Foresman, used two
general sessions in teaching arithmetic
and its importance.
The speakers at the devotional periods each morning were: Eld. G. E.
Hutches, superintendent of education
from the Union; Eld. Lawrence Caviness, MV secretary from Michigan; and
Eld. R. D. Moon, pastor of the Battle
Creek Tabernacle Church.
Four teachers led out in various
fields: Winifred Sheldon, Battle Creek;
Russell Hartwell, Ithaca; and Duane
Barnett of Grand Ledge had charge of
a workshop period giving actual situations with children performing. Wendell Graham of Edenville demonstrated
very beneficially how to weave physical
education into elementary teaching.
Eld. G. E. Hutches met with the
junior academy principals and teachers
as they discussed their problems and
exchanged ideas.
"This was an informative and useful
institute," mentioned many teachers
as they packed to go back to their
much as you have done it unto one
of the least of these, my brethren, ye
have done it unto me." Matthew 25:24.
Let us continue to keep busy, going
about doing good!
Home Missionary Secretary
Hyde-Schimke Wedding
The marriage of Miss Dorothy Ann
Hyde, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otis
Hyde of Tampa, Fla., and Dallas Albert Schimke, son of Eld. and Mrs.
Albert Schimke of Jamestown, N.D.,
was recently solemnized by Elder
Schimke, father of the bridegroom.
Mrs. Schimke is a June graduate
of Union College. The groom graduated from Cedar Lake Academy,
Cedar Lake, Mich. He attended Emmanuel Missionary College, Berrien
Springs, Mich., and is now attending
Union College. May God richly bless
this new home.
A. SCHIMKE, Pastor
Winner in Slow Bicycle Race
Wisconsin Pathfinder Fair
Calendar of Special Days and
Offerings for the Michigan Conference
17 Week of Sacrifice Offering
24 Church Expense Offering
24 to Jon. 5, 1963
Ingathering Campaign
1 Home Missionary Day
1 Church Missionary Offering
8 Education and Improvement Offering
15 Church Expense Offering
Scores of Pathfinders came to the
auditorium at Wisconsin Academy on
Sunday, October 28. This was a day
in which all clubs were given opportunity to demonstrate their skills
learned during the past year and exhibit projects completed.
Booths were set up by each club on
the theme "Pathfinders Look Ahead."
Floats were brought, assembled, and
made ready for the parade. Exhibits
Judges check with Compass the Results
Clothing Drive Successful
Our members throughout Michigan
will be happy to learn of the results
and outcome of our annual Fall Clothing Drive. Your response was heartwarming! Believe it or not, it enabled
us to ship two 40-foot Interstate Vans
to New York City with 22 tons of
clothing, or 44,000 pounds! No doubt
by the time you read these lines, the
clothing will be in New York and
much of it will be baled and on its
way to serve calamity victims in need
in overseas countries having disaster
We wish to express our sincere
thanks and appreciation to our conference and welfare workers, for your
enthusiastic support and faithfulness
in behalf of helping to make Michigan's
annual fall clothing drive an outstanding success. This is Christianity in
action and is walking in the Master's
steps with our compassion and ministry
to those in need. For He says, "Inas6
Float—on theme "Pathfinders Look Ahead"
Archery Contestant—Three shots and three hits!
Squad Drill and Final Awards
were presented indicating advancement in MV classes. Pets owned and
cared for by Pathfinders were all given
first honors.
The program began with the National Anthem played by the Wisconsin Academy band. Madison Pathfinders posted the colors and all pledged
allegiance to the flag. Prayer was offered by Eld. Fred Beavon, Lake
Union Pathfinder director. Following
the introduction of the judges for the
fair, the grand parade began in which
all club members and officers took
Events during the day included club
and squad drills, knot tying, push-ups,
compass capers, a slow bicycle race,
and archery. All clubs were eligible to
receive a first, second, or third ribbon
award for each contest. The clubs participating this year were: Indian Hill
of Bethel, Eagles from Wautoma, Madison, Milton Junction, Wausau, Milwaukee Central, Milwaukee Concordia, Raymond, Janesville, and Beloit.
Other clubs came for observation, inspiration, and ideas.
A Pathfinder Fair means a thrilling
experience of a task well done, a greater
interest in the advanced MV classes,
with a new challenge for more and
better activity.
Pathfinder Director
November 20, 1962, Vol. LIV, No. 45
for their families and friends. May we
encourage you, yes urge you, to plan
to give our good books and periodicals
this year while the freedom to do so is
still ours.
Additional shopping hours are being
planned at the Book and Bible House
during December. The following is
a schedule of extra hours in addition
to our regular schedule of 8:30 a.m. to
5 p.m. each Monday through Thursday, and 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on
Sunday-10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
December 2, 9, 16
Tuesday—Open until 9 p.m.
December 4, 11, 18
Thursday—Open until 9 p.m.
December 6, 13, 20
Holiday price lists and other special
information have been mailed to conference church members and supplies
of the same have gone to church missionary secretaries for distribution to
church families. Be sure to get your
copy. Reduced prices became effective
November 15 and will be available
through December 31.
The annual sale at the Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital will be held on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday,
December 11 to 13. "See you at the
Illinois Book and Bible House
Quarnstrom-Myers Wedding
Pets Included a Racoon
Book and Bible House Notes
The holiday season is just before us
and already we see evidences on our
city streets and in the stores of preparation for celebrations and tremendous
sales as people enter into the spirit of
giving. Undoubtedly most of our members, too, will be thinking about gifts
On Sunday afternoon at four o'clock,
Oct. 7, 1962, Janice Quarnstrom,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Quarnstrom of Green Forest, Ark., was
united in marriage to Duane Myers,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers of
Evanston, Ill., in the First Presbyterian Church of Wilmette, Ill. This is
the church in which the Wilmette
Seventh-day Adventists hold their worship services.
The couple spoke their vows before
D. B. Myers, uncle of the groom and
pastor of the Traverse City, Mich.,
Church. A reception was given the
couple in the church parlors.
Mr. and Mrs. Myers went to Arkansas for a honeymoon trip, and are now
residing in Sunset Park. Ill.
May the Lord richly bless this couple in the establishment of a Christian
There are an estimated two million alcoholics employed by business and industry.
These addicted drinkers cost industry at least
one billion dollars per year and the problem is growing.—"Listen."
Illinois Youth Rally
2:30 p.m.
1154 Wisconsin Ave.
7:30 p.m.
Oak Park
Program Will
Start on
in thine hat. to make greot."
luede Sftea‘et-ELD.
"Your Bible and You"
• Bring Your MarkediBible
We would like a picture of hundreds
of marked Bibles during the program.
Finish Your Bible Memory
An "Award" will be given to all who
complete this project.
Master Guide Investiture
Tadizeweeuta sitecia need& Zloa weee
7:30 p.m.—Walt Disney True Life Adventure Film
News Notes
* Attendance at the evangelistic effort in Shelbyville being conducted by
Alfred Kromminga and William
Haynes is most encouraging. Prospects
are good.
* Eld. T. E. Unruh conducted the
Week of Prayer at Southern Missionary
College, October 26 to November 3.
He reported an excellent response on
the part of the entire college family.
* All conference officers and departmental secretaries of the Indiana Conference joined in the Administrative
Council held in the Lake Union Conference office, November 5 to 8. Plans
for all departments for the year 1963
were studied and adopted.
* Eld. Glenn H. Hill from Portsmouth, Ohio, has accepted a call to
the Indiana Conference to serve as
leader of the Bloomington district. The
Hills will be moving to their new field
of labor on November 20. They have
a seven-year-old daughter, Patricia. We
welcome them to Indiana.
* Construction work has begun on
the new South Bend Church. Dick
Rogers, elder of the Frankfort
Church, is the general contractor. It
is hoped the new structure can be enclosed before the severe winter weather
sets in.
* The Gary English congregation
has moved into their new church
building. It has demanded much in
effort and sacrifice to ready the building for occupancy. Eld. C. 0. Kinder is
the pastor.
* Eld. Erwin Wandersleben has been
appointed pastor of the Gary Spanish
Church to fill the vacancy resulting
from the acceptance of a call by Eld.
Robert Gorransson to the Iowa Conference. Elder Wandersleben will spend
week ends in Gary until he has completed his work at the Andrews University. Elder and Mrs. Wandersleben
and family come from South America.
* Ingathering in Indiana is getting
under way. If every member of the
conference participates, victory will be
achieved in record time. Let us all
unite in the objective of making Indiana a Silver Vanguard Conference
by January 1. The Indiana Conference
has started a Jasper Wayne Club. All
who report $130 or more are eligible
for membership. A membership list
will be published.
* Joseph Battistone, candidate for
the B.D. degree at Andrews University, has been appointed assistant pastor
of the Plymouth Church. He and Mrs.
Battistone spend from Friday to Sunday with the church each week. His
services are much appreciated.
* Eld. James C. Vetter, pastor of the
Evansville Church, checked into the
hospital for gall bladder surgery on
November 12. He will appreciate the
prayers of our members for his speedy
* The conference treasurer's report
indicates that our members contributed $7,750.20 to the Million Dollar
World Evangelism Offering this year.
Recent reports also indicate a Voice of
Prophecy offering of $2,542.04 and a
Temperance Offering of $997.39. Tithe
receipts for the month of October exceeded slightly the returns for the same
month last year. In September, Timber
Ridge Camp contributions exceeded
$1,000 and in October $587.97 was the
total contributed for the same project.
For all this wonderful support we express a grateful thanks.
* Eld. W. Melvin Adams, associate
secretary of the Religious Liberty Department of the General Conference,
and Gordon Engen, Lake Union Conference, will spend January 21 to 26
in Indiana conducting Religious Liberty Workshops. Definite appointments,
times, and places will be announced
soon. It is hoped that most of our
members will have the opportunity of
attending these workshops. Our liberties are in jeopardy.
Cicero Church Open House
A special open house service was
held at the new Seventh-day Adventist
Church on the Indiana Academy campus in Cicero, Ind., for the local corn..
munities on Sunday, Oct. 7, 1962, at
2 p.m. The Ministerial Associations
of Arcadia and Cicero cooperated to
bring out a fine group of people. The
service which began promptly at two
o'clock was preceded by a fine selection
of music played by F. Keith Olsen on
the Allen organ. Speakers taking part
in the service included Elders T. E.
Unruh and C. M. Willison from the
Indiana Conference and Rev. Neil R.
Anderson and Rev. Russell McInnis,
presidents of the Ministerial Associations of Cicero and Arcadia respectively. Music for the occasion was given
by Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Karlick, Diane
Nelson, Mrs. Esther Little, F. Keith
Olsen, and the Indiana Academy
The Cicero church was organized
in October of 1920 in connection with
the new Academy and had a charter
membership of 47. During all these
years the church services were held in
various places at the Academy. A small
building fund was started during the
pastorate of Eld. L. L. Murphy. It was
revived in the fall of 1956 in the beginning of the present pastorate, and construction on the church began in the
spring of 1958. The new church has a
seating capacity of 600 and approximate
value of the building and furnishings
is $150,000. About ninety per cent of
the labor on the building was donated
by the members.
The first worship service in the sanctuary was held on Nov. 25, 1961. The
edifice is now complete with furnishings throughout, and all the landscaping and lawns are in. This church is a
product of its members and stands as
a memorial of faith and love.
New Cicero, Ind., Church
November 20, 1962, Vol. LIV, No. 45
Senior Benefit
Variety Program
Cicero, Indiana
Academy Auditorium
December 8, 1962, 8 p.m.
Everyone Invited
Come! Support Your Senior Class.
The talents of the members of the
Class of '63.
$1.50 per family
.75 per person
.35 for children under 12
(More INDIANA NEWS on page 12)
HUBBARD, Mary Etta, was born July 22,
1887, at Zeigler, Ill., the daughter of George
and Alice Sims. In 1903 she was married to
Arthur Hubbard and they made their home in
Mulkeytown, Ill.
Mrs. Hubbard passed to her rest on July 14,
1962, at Anna, Ill. Memorial services were
held at Christopher, Ill.
Surviving are her husband, Arthur; a daughter, Mrs. Marie Duchene, of Mulkeytown, III.;
a son, Floyd L. Hubbard, of LeMay, Mo.; o
sister, Mrs. Golda Pike, of Christopher, Ill.;
five grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
She was laid to rest in the Mulkeytown
Cemetery to await the call of her Maker.
W. A. Kolmodin
KLOSE, Freda Swenson, born May 25, 1895,
in Sweden and died Sept. 9, 1962, at Lomo
Linda, Calif. She came to America at the
age of 16 and attended the Swedish Seminary
at Broadview, Ill.
In 1918 she married J. C. Klose and they
went immediotly to Korea as missionaries
where they worked for 7 years and where 2 of
their 4 children were born. After returning to
America they worked in the Southern Union
for 17 years. For the past 16 years they have
lived and worked in the Michigan Conference
at Ann Arbor, Muskegon, and Paw Paw.
Survivors are her husband, Eld. J. C. Klose;
one son, John C. Klose, Jr. of Leonard, Mich.;
three daughters: Alyse Rice of La Sierra,
Calif.; Gladys Schlinkert, Loma Linda, Calif.;
and Marjorie Gelsinger of Tomahawk, Wis.;
one brother, Berndt Swenson of Sweden;
four sisters: Bettie Olson, Glendale, Calif.;
Nellie Swenson, Santa Barbara, Calif.; Helga
Berndtson, Chicago, Ill.; and Signe Wahlquist
of Sweden; and 11 grandchildren.
LEWIS, Mrs. Annabelle Hendrick, passed to
her rest at Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 24, 1962.
She was born April 26, 1863, and lived within
seven months of being 100 years old.
Mrs. Lewis united with the church in 1892.
She helped pioneer the first churches in Saginaw. She was an untiring worker in the church,
helping out in every department.
Mrs. Lewis leaves one daughter, Mrs. Flack,
of Saginaw. She will be remembered by her
friends as a devoted Christian. We believe she
awaits the call of the Life-giver at the glorious appearing of the Lord.
Wayne W. White
RAINWATER, Martha Louise, was born
Sept. 30, 1911, at Princeton, Ky., and passed
to her rest Oct. 11, 1962, in a Chicago
On March 10, 1927, she was united in marriage with Curtis Rainwater, at Earlington, Ky.
To this union were born two daughters, one
of whom preceded her in death in infancy.
Mrs. Rainwater accepted the faith of the
remnant church and was baptized by Eld. C.
Ray Kinney on Aug. 22, 1953. Because of her
devotion to the cause of truth, she was able
to lead most of her loved ones into the church
before she had to lay down her armor.
Surviving her passing are her companion,
Curtis E. Rainwater, and one daughter, Mrs.
June Brouch, both of Chicago; three sisters;
five brothers; one grandchild; and many other
relatives and friends.
She now rests from her labors in the beautiful Oakwood Cemetery, Earlington, Ky., awaiting the call of the Life-giver on the resurrecT. G. Herr
tion morning.
WINNE, Alma Rachel, passed away Oct. 8,
1962, at the Lapeer General Hospital, Lapeer,
Mich. She was born in Genoa, Mich., July 16,
She was a life-long member of the church.
Her parents learned the principles of the
third angel's message, and she held firmly to
the principles of her faith and was loved by
all who knew her.
She is survived by five daughters: Mrs. S. R.
Sheldon, Otter Lake, Mich., with whom she
lived; Mrs. Cash Asher, Corpus Christ, Tex.;
Mrs. N. R. Dewey, Muscatine, Iowa; Mrs. Don-
All advertisements must be approved by
your local conference office and accompanied
by cash. Money orders and checks should be
mode to the Lake Union Conference at Berrien
Springs, Mich.
Rates: $2.00 per insertion of 40 words or
less, and 5 cents for each additional word, including your address. The HERALD cannot be
responsible for advertisements appearing in
these columns.
20-Pound Package top-quality dried fruit
and shelled nuts, includes 5 lbs. each: dates,
Monukka raisins, mixed fruits (5 kinds), and
mixed shelled nuts (6 kinds). Express prepaid,
$14.45. Price list of dried fruits, shelled nuts,
olives on request. CALIFRUIT, Calimesa, Calif.
Health Foods: Available at factory wholesale
prices by your factory-authorized distributor.
Mixed cases pocked. Freight prepaid on orders
of $50 or more. All leading brands stocked,
prompt shipment. Free price list. Hollis H.
Olsen, Rt. 1, Fort Atkinson, Wis.
Wanted: Registered civil engineer and land
surveyor to head engineering department. Send
references and background experience to John
E. Smith and Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1498, La—263-47
fayette, Ind.
Wonted: Skilled tradesmen. Must be young,
ambitious, and experienced in construction.
Year-round work available. Send references,
background experience, and type of trade to
John E. Smith and Co., Inc., P.O. Box 1498,
Lafayette, Ind.
Bethel Convalescent Home, Inc., Arpin, Wis.
This 127-bed nursing home located in beautiful rural surroundings, adjacent to a Seventhday Adventist junior academy and church has
positions open for:
Registered nurses—male or female
Cook—male or female
We invite applicants whose companion can
work in one of our many other departments.
Exceptional salary and liberal fringe benefits.
For further details write or telephone N. A.
Howard, Administrator, Bethel Convalescent
Home, Inc., Rt. 1, Arpin, Wis.
old Burchard, Prescott, Ariz.; and Mrs. Simpson Green, Missoula, Mont.; one sister: Mrs.
Alfred Corbin, Eaton Rapids, Mich.; twelve
grandchildren; seventeen great-grandchildren;
nieces; and nephews.
Funeral services were conducted by Eld.
M. E. Munger, in the Otter Lake Church
where she was a member. Interment was in
Mason, Mich., her former home, where she was
buried beside her husband, Alfred, who preM. E. Munger
ceded her in death in 1935.
WYTHE, Mrs. Susie, was born Nov. 24, 1877,
and passed away at Grayling Mich., March
19, 1962. She is survived by her children:
Carlton Wythe of Detroit, Mrs. Edna Feldhauser of Grayling, and William Wythe of
FINCH, John P., was born at Strathroy, Ont.,
to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finch. He attended Lorin
Park Academy (later Oshawa Missionary College) (Previous obituary of his wife calls it
Lornedole Academy) where he met and married Eva Johnston. The Finches moved to
Washington, D.C., in 1920 where he worked
for the Review and Herald Publishing Association and the General Conference printing
department for 42 years. In 1959 his first
wife passed away and he later was remarried.
Death came on Sept. 17, 1962, as a result
of a heart condition. Burial was at Onaway,
Mich. Survivors include his wife, Mrs. John
P. (Florence) Finch; sons: Dr. D. E. Finch,
Onaway; John L. Finch, Arlington, Va.; Joseph
P. Finch, Calif.; and 17 grandchildren.
Here is my Investment Project: Buy at
wholesale: toys, everyday needs, radios,
watches, tools, electric razors, kitchen ware,
also free gifts with every order. Write for free
catalog to Arthur R. Smith, 1853 Jefferson
Rd., Otsego, Mich.
Secretarial Help Needed: Responsible position with a denominationally-owned institution.
Address replies to Loma Linda Food Co., Box
388, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
For Sale: 6 room house-3 bedrooms, living
room, dining room, kitchen, bath, and utility
room. Not completed. Reasonable. Walking
distance to church school, church, academy,
post office, and stores. Write: Mrs. L. E.
Bishop, Cedar Lake, Mich.
For Sale or Rent: Seven-room house with
three-room camping extension suited for camping (total ten rooms). Cheap. On easy payments. Three-quarter acre garden. Near Standish, Mich. Excellent opportunities for missionary work. Write: E. D. Willmott, 1508 E. Wilson, Glendale, Calif.
Date of Issue Announcement
Week End of
November 27
December 4
December II
December 18
December I
December 8
December 15
December 22
Must Be in
Local Office
November 16
November 23
November 30
December 7
(According to U.S. Naval Observatory)
Berrien Springs, Mich.
Chicago, Ill.
Detroit, Mich.
Indianapolis, Ind.
La Crosse, Wis.
Lansing, Mich.
Madison, Wis.
Springfield, Ill.
Nov. 23
E.S. 5:19
C.S. 4:25
E.S. 5:06
C.D. 5:24
C.S. 4:33
E.S. 5:09
C.S. 4:27
C.S. 4:38
Nov. 30
E.S.—Eastern Standard time. C.D.—Central Daylight time. Add one minute for each
13 miles west. Subtract one minute for each
13 miles east.
Vol. LIV, No. 45
November 20, 1962
Chairman; H. A. Shepard, Vice-chairman;
Gordon Engen, Secretary.
CORRESPONDENTS: Elton Dessain, Illinois;
T. I. Rush, Indiana; James H. Jones,
Lake Region; Morten Juberg, Michigan;
Miss Roberta Patton, Wisconsin.
pictures, obituaries, and classified ads
must be channeled through your local conference correspondent. Copy mailed directly to the HERALD will be sent to the
conference involved.
MANUSCRIPTS for publication should reach
the Lake Union Conference office by Monday, 9 a.m., a week preceding the date of
issue. Final deadline for late copy, Tuesday, 9 a.m. The editorial staff reserves the
right to withhold or condense copy depending upon space available.
ADDRESS CHANGES should be addressed
SPRINGS, MICH. Always give full name,
old address, and new address. If possible,
send address label from an old issue.
NEW SUBSCRIPTION requests should be
addressed to the treasurer of the local
conference where membership is held.
Conference Directories
Box C, Berrien Springs, Mich.
J. D. Smith
H. A. Shepard
E. S. Cubley
G. E. Hutches
Educational Secretary
Home Missionary Secy.
Vernon Flory
Sabbath School Secy.
A.S.I. Secretary
Public Affairs Secretary
1...Gordon Engen
Radio-Television Secretary
Publishing Secretary
J. W. Proctor
Missionary Volunteer Secy.
Fred Beavon
Temperance Secretary
War Service Secretary
ILLINOIS: W. A. Nelson, President; Elton
Dessain, Secretary-treasurer. Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs., 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Fri., 8
a.m.- 12 :30 p.m. Office Address: 3721
Prairie Ave. Mail Address: Box 7, Brookfield, Ill. Phone: HUnter 5-1200.
INDIANA: T. E. Unruh, President; T. I.
Rush, Secretary-treasurer, Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs., 7:45 a.m.- 1 2 :15 p.m.; 1 -5: 15
p.m.; Fri., 7:45 a.m.-I2:45 p.m. Office
and Mail Address: 1405 Broad Ripple
Ave., Indianapolis 20, Ind. Phone: CLifford
LAKE REGION: C. E. Bradford, President;
M. C. Van Putten, Secretary-treasurer.
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m.-12
noon; 1-5 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.-I2:30 p.m.
Office and Mail Address: 8517 S. State St.,
Chicago 19, 111. Phone :Vincennes 6-2661.
MICHIGAN: N. C. Wilson, President; W. F.
Miller, Secretary-treasurer. Office Hours:
Mon.-Thurs., 7 :30 a.m.-12 noon; 1-5:15
p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.-I2:30 p.m. Office
Address: 320 W. St. Joseph St. Mail Address: Box 900, Lansing 4, Mich. Phone:
1Vanhoe 5-2226.
WISCONSIN: R. E. Finney, Jr., President;
L. G. Wartzok, Secretary-treasurer. Office
Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 7:30 a.m.-I2:15 p.m.;
1-5 p.m.; Fri., 7:30 a.m.-l2 noon. Office
Address: 802 E. Gorham St. Mail Address:
Box 512, Madison I, Wis. Phone: ALpine
Mammoth bones mounted for display.
Science students of Andrews University played
an active part in not only excavating the
bones but also in preparing them for display.
Faculty and Students
Help Excavate Mammoth
Remains of a Jefferson mammoth, a
post-glacial grazing animal, were excavated recently near Andrews University by university scientists and students along with a University of Michigan paleontologist.
Farmer Wesley Prillwitz and crane
operator Carl Harris were enlarging an
irrigation pond near Eau Claire when
they discovered a huge bone and temporarily halted work so that careful investigation might be made.
Dr. Asa Thoresen, assistant professor in the department of biological
sciences, stated that Doctors Marsh, Ritland, and Roth of Andrews University
were involved in the investigation
along with 12 students from their
classes. Dr. Thoresen did scuba diving
in search for bones on the bottom of
the pond.
"The bones found within eight feet
of the surface include virtually the entire skeleton and is one of the two best
specimens to be found in the state of
Michigan," commented Dr. Richard
Ritland of the Geoscience Research Institute. "Thirty-two mammoths have
been discovered in Michigan," he
Andrews University scientists are cooperating with paleontologists from the
University of Michigan in dating the
skeletal remains. After the bones have
studied they are slated to be returned
to Berrien County, where they will, no
doubt, be assembled for display at
Andrews University.
The excavator estimates that the
specimen stood between eight and nine
feet at the shoulder and weighed
nearly four tons. The tusked animal
roamed the American plain much as
elephants on other continents, and
were .considered as eating delicacy by
early Indians, according to a recent
National Geographic study.
November 20, 1962, Vol. LIV, No. 4.5
Registrars Attend
Association Meeting
Dyre Dyresen, registrar; Mrs. Betty
Kidder, assistant registrar; and Mrs.
Lois McGaughey, assistant to the registrar; attended the annual meeting of
the Michigan Association of Collegiate
Registrars and Admissions Officers
held at the Ferris Institute in Big
Rapids on November 13 and 14.
In connection with the annual meeting, there were workshops dealing
with practical aspects of the work in
the registrar's office such as admissions
policies, foreign students' transcript
evaluation, data processing equipment,
statistical procedures, legal regulations
regarding transcripts, the registrar's relationship to government offices, etc.
Mr. Dyresen has attended several
previous meeting of the MACRAO
and is an active member of the special
projects committee. He has also represented MACRAO on the joint committee of MACRAO and the Michigan Association of Secondary-School
This was the first time Mrs. Kidder
and Mrs. McGaughey have attended
the meeting of the Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers.
casion to take part in Michigan evangelistic campaigns. Meetings have been
held in Coldwater under the direction
of Eld. Roger Holley, Ohio Conference
evangelist. Eld. Bruce Johnston, assistant professor of homiletics, has recently
completed a Hartford campaign. Five
further series are planned in the immediate future.
University officials observe that the
location of the institution is particularly
advantageous for conducting a strong
program of this type, as the abundance
of church districts in the area offers
opportunity for considerable practical
"It is the purpose of our program,"
commented Elder Banks, "to combine
practical experience with classroom
theory. We feel that in this way the
student receives a balanced perspective
of the ministry while at the seminary,
thus enabling him to serve God and
Seminary Field Work
Boasts Strong Program
Sixty-six students attending the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary this semester are gaining extensive
church leadership experience in serving 22 pastors in 34 surrounding
churches, according to Eld. E. C.
Banks, field work program co-ordinator and acting head of Andrews University's Applied Theology Department.
Serving churches within a one-hundred-mile radius, Seminary students
participate in varied church activities
of the Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois
Conferences. Primarily stressing on-thespot training for future ministers, the
program also provides the benefit of
classroom guidance once each week
when students assemble to discuss actual situations and the corresponding
role of ministry.
Because of the students' heavy study
loads as well as the distance factor, ministers involved gear their church activities to the week end, allowing the student to better gain wide experience in
ministerial duties. Weekday participation is encouraged for special activities
as evangelistic efforts and Ingathering.
During the months of September at
least ten class members have had oc-
Dr. E. S. Chace, Assistant Professor of Education at Andrews University and Coordinator
of the Conference.
Educational Conference
Scheduled Jan. 3 to 24, 1963
"The Image and Role of the Educational Superintendent" will be the general theme of study in an intensive Andrews University educational conference slated for Jan. 3 to 24, 1963.
Directed primarily to meet the needs
of Seventh-day Adventist superintendents of education on the local conference level, the event will also be open
to graduate students in education.
"Two hours of graduate credit may
be earned by qualified persons," according to Dr. E. S. Chace, assistant
professor of education and co-ordinator
of the conference.
Highlights of the three-week pro11
gram include qualified speakers and
field trips which will take the participants to places of interest in the surrounding area. Trips will include direct observation of ungraded schools in
the Chicago district, a tour of the
unique school plant at Carson City,
Mich., and the opportunity to examine
new school furniture design.
An added feature of the conference
will be the establishment of a closed
circuit television system on the campus
whereby direct observation of laboratory school teaching methods may be
observed by all participants.
"Our department has sought to create a program that will delineate the
specific role of the Seventh-day Adventist superintendent; a role that involves varied activities and responsibilities," said Dr. Chace. "Rather than
cutting out a fascimile of the public
school superintendents, our goal is the
development of a new and distinctive
Seventh-day Adventist school superintendent."
Further information concerning this
conference may be obtained by writing
to Dr. E. S. Chace, Department of Education, Andrews University, Berrien
Springs, Mich.
Nurse Aide Miss Marylan Martinez attends patient at Hinsdale Sanitarium
and Hospital. (Photo by Hawley)
Nurses' Aides Are Needed Now • • •
The partial opening of Hinsdale Sanitarium and Hospital's new
wing necessitates the starting of a new Aide class, Dec. 10, 1962.
Join the nursing team and serve humanity while earning a livelihood. For further information write today to:
(Continued from page 9)
Indiana Academy
Science Classes
Science classes at Indiana Academy
are taught with the aims of discovery,
understanding, and appreciation: the
discovery of the "why" of things, the
understanding of the "how" of things,
and the appreciation of the great mind
behind all the physical making of our
The young people are taught to
analyze opinions and theories and to
form their own conclusions concerning
Sandra Massengill, George Watkins, and
Norman Perry experimenting in the science
Guy Stewart, Personnel Director
120 North Oak St.
Hinsdale, Ill.
the scientific evidences and theories advanced, which, if not analyzed critically, could destroy the true prospective
of the Creator and his creation.
The science classes have a pleasant,
up-to-date laboratory with new materials being added to supplement and
give practical application to the material they learn in the classroom. The
students in the science classes at Indiana Academy, "Where Christianity
is a way of life," are kept informed on
the current trends and discoveries in
the world about them that they may
be able to live understanding and useful
lives where Christianity is an intregal
part of their lives, and doubts concerning divine origin of the universe
through fundamentalistic concepts of
the Bible need not bother them or
shake their faith.
Science Teacher at Indiana Academy
When a person drinks enough alcohol long
enough, his brain cells coagulate like a cooked
egg, says Dr. Richard E. Strain, neurosurgeon,
in the current "Listen."
Taxes for
Parochial Schools?
C. Stanley Lowell
Editor, "Church and State"
Monthly Publication of POAU
(Protestants and Other Americans
United for the Separation of
Church and State)
Music by the Popular
Wheaton College Glee Club
Tuesday, November 20, 8 p.m.
Fill the Chicago Music Hall
32 West Randolf, Chicago
Don't miss this outstanding program
especially planned for
POAU's 15th Anniversary.