Potential Uses Beyond the Brain in Veterinary Medicine Christopher Warrington, DVM Resident, Medical Imaging University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center In vivo MR Spectroscopy • First reported in the brain in animal models in late 1970s o Phosphorus-31 (31P) o Measured metabolism Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) Phosphocreatine (PCr) Inorganic Phosphate (Pi) • First in vivo 31P MRS in humans reported in 1981 o Primary focus for MRS during the 1980s was on 31P o Clinical applications limited Low spatial resolution and SNR Requires large voxel volume (>30 cm3) Barker PB, et al., 2010. 1H-MR Spectroscopy • 1983 – first 1H-MRS in rat brain (8.5T) • 1985 – first 1H-MRS in human brain (1.5T) • Advantages over 31P o o o o High natural abundance Higher SNR and spatial resolution Uses same hardware as conventional MRI Smaller voxel volumes (1-8 cm3 at 1.5T) • Primary MRS technique for human brain metabolism since mid-1980s Barker PB, et al., 2010. Spectrum Acquisition • Define voxel in tissue of interest o Single voxel o Multi-voxel • Proton signal of metabolites within voxel used to produce the image • Chemical shift (resonance frequency) plotted on x-axis (ppm) • Relative metabolite concentrations within voxel plotted on y-axis Normal Brain Spectrum Image from Soares DP and Law M, 2009. Prostate Spectroscopy • Relatively low sensitivity and specificity of prostate cancer diagnosis with conventional imaging (US, MRI) in human medicine o Various prostate pathologies can mimic cancer Chronic prostatitis Scar tissue Hemorrhage • Studies report increased sensitivity and specificity with addition of MRS to US, MRI, biopsy, and/or protein-specific antigen (PSA) test • Coil options o Endorectal coil o External phased-array coil Barker PB, et al., 2010. Normal Prostate Spectrum • Normal prostate contains high levels of citrate (Cit) o Strong peak at 2.6 ppm (usually coupled) • Other prominent peaks o Creatine (Cr) at 3.0 ppm o Choline (Cho) at 3.2 ppm o Myo-Inositol (Ino) at 3.6 ppm Marker for altered membrane metabolism o +/- Polyamine (spermine) at 3.1 ppm • Metabolite ratio o Based on peak area Image from Kurhanewicz J, et al., 2000. o Cho + Cr / Cit (CC/C) or Cho/Cit o Normal CC/C = 0.22 +/- 0.013 (Jung JA, et al., 2004) Barker PB, et al., 2010. Abnormal Prostate Spectroscopy • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) 1 o Increased citrate production by secretory epithelial cells o ↑ Cit peak, therefore ↓ CC/C ratio o Spectrum can look very similar to normal prostate • Prostatitis Image from Garcia-Segura JM, et al., 1999. o Disagreement between studies • ↑ Cit, which decreases to normal following treatment2 Image from Van Dorsten FA, et al., 2001. 1Garcia-Segura JM, et al., 1999. 2Van Dorsten FA, et al., 2001. Pre-therapy Post-therapy Abnormal Prostate Spectroscopy • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) 1 o Increased citrate production by secretory epithelial cells o ↑ Cit peak, therefore ↓ CC/C ratio o Spectrum can look very similar to normal prostate • Prostatitis o Disagreement between studies • Image from Garcia-Segura JM, et al., 1999. ↑ Cit, which decreases to normal following treatment2 • ↓ Cit, to the point of mimicking prostate cancer3 1Garcia-Segura JM, et al., 1999. Dorsten FA, et al., 2001. 3Shukla-Dave A, et al., 2004. 2Van Image from ShuklaDave A, et al., 2004. Chronic Prostatitis Normal Abnormal Prostate Spectroscopy • Prostatic adenocarcinoma 1 o Normal glandular epithelial cells replaced by cancer = ↓ Cit o Increased cell membrane turnover = ↑ Cho o ↑ CC/C ratio, corresponding to degree of malignancy o May also see ↑ Ino Should be < Cr peak in normal and BPH Cr/Ino ratio < 1.0 reported as secondary indicator to discriminate between BPH and carcinoma2 1Barker PB, et al., 2010. 2Garcia-Segura JM, et al., 1999. Image from Garcia-Segura JM, et al., 1999. Image from Casciani E, et al., 2006. Grading Scale for Malignancy1 Normal 1 1Jung JA, et al., 2004 Malignant 5 Potential Use in Veterinary Medicine? • Possible o Prostate size – age and breed variation Volume averaging with surrounding fat o Castrated vs. intact o Lower citrate concentrations vs. humans1 o Cost MRI not routine to evaluate prostate o Accessibility of prostate for imaging and FNA/biopsy More difficult in humans (intrapelvic) o Questionable differentiation between prostatitis and cancer o Needs further investigation 1Mobasheri A, et al., 2003. Breast Spectroscopy • Third-most common clinical use of MRS in human medicine • Characterize breast lesions and determine malignancy o Added specificity to conventional MRI in defining malignant lesions • Hallmark peak is Cho at 3.2 ppm o Increasing Cho peak height correlates with increased malignancy o Elevated Cho more frequently seen in malignant than benign lesions Normal Weinstein S, et al., 2010. Image from Bartella L, et al., 2007. Breast Spectroscopy • Third-most common clinical use of MRS in human medicine • Characterize breast lesions and determine malignancy o Added specificity to conventional MRI in defining malignant lesions • Hallmark peak is Cho at 3.2 ppm o Increasing Cho peak height correlates with increased malignancy o Elevated Cho more frequently seen in malignant than benign lesions Benign fibrosis and ductal hyperplasia Weinstein S, et al., 2010. Image from Bartella L, et al., 2007. Breast Spectroscopy • Third-most common clinical use of MRS in human medicine • Characterize breast lesions and determine malignancy o Added specificity to conventional MRI in defining malignant lesions • Hallmark peak is Cho at 3.2 ppm o Increasing Cho peak height correlates with increased malignancy o Elevated Cho more frequently seen in malignant than benign lesions Ductal carcinoma Weinstein S, et al., 2010. Image from Bartella L, et al., 2007. Potential Use in Veterinary Medicine? • Doubtful o Size and periphery of mammary glands Volume averaging with surrounding fat o Periphery of palpable masses/nodules conducive to FNA or biopsy without imaging guidance o Cost o Potential for identification of metastasis? ↑ Cho peak not specific for mammary carcinoma No metabolite peak specific to mammaryorigin cells Musculoskeletal Spectroscopy • Relatively new procedure in human medicine o Limited reports in the literature o First report ~ 2000 • Mainly utilized in research at this time • Choline and creatine peaks are present in metabolically active muscle • High lipid and water peaks, which may obscure smaller adjacent peaks • ↑ Cho peak with active tumors o Malignant >>> Benign o Active benign lesions – neurofibroma and stress fractures – can show Cho peak o Can see discrete Cho peak and increased Cr peak post-operatively • Multi-voxel can be used to assess margins for extent/infiltration of mass Fayad LM, et al., 2007. Musculoskeletal Spectroscopy Image from Fayad LM, et al., 2007. “Normal” muscle spectrummyocutaneous flap post- tumor resection Musculoskeletal Spectroscopy Image from Fayad LM, et al., 2007. Low-grade sarcoma Musculoskeletal Spectroscopy Image from Fayad LM, et al., 2007. Lipoma Potential Use in Veterinary Medicine? • Possible o Size Larger muscles – accommodate voxel Smaller muscles – volume averaging o Determine malignancy of musculoskeletal masses (↑ Cho) o Differentiate recurrence of tumor vs. treatment effects o Needs further investigation Liver Spectroscopy • Relatively new MRS technique in human medicine • Characterize diffuse liver disease • Quantify lipid content in the liver • Diagnose malignancy (↑ Cho) • High water and lipid peaks may obscure smaller peaks • Technical limitations o Motion (primarily respiratory) o Low SNR o Volume averaging Qayyum A, 2009. Normal adult liver Motion Artifacts • Diffuse liver disease o Quality may not be as affected o Specific voxel location not as important o Avoid large vessels and edges of liver lobes • Focal liver disease o Large masses – majority of sampling may be representative o Small masses/nodules – volume averaging • Motion correction o Manual/automatic post-processing Cannot correct for inclusion of different tissues o Respiratory gating ↓ SNR due to shorter sequence Slightly different sample volume with each breath Qayyum A, 2009. Diffuse Liver Disease • Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver) o Multiple lipid peaks in liver Methyl (-CH3) at 0.9-1.1 ppm Methylene (-CH2) at 1.3-1.6 ppm o Total lipid/water ratio increases with steatosis grade (0 to 3) • Metabolite changes indicative of inflammation or fibrosis have not been clearly established Qayyum A, 2009. Hepatic Steatosis (Fatty Liver) Normal Fatty liver disease Qayyum A, 2009. Focal Liver Disease • Hepatocellular Carcinoma o ↑ Cho relative to lipids • Ability to distinguish benign and malignant tumors from normal liver parenchyma has not been established • Relatively large amounts of choline-containing compounds may occur in normal liver • More susceptible to motion artifact Qayyum A, 2009. Potential Use in Veterinary Medicine? • Possible o Hepatic lipidosis o o o o o o Different fat content in animal liver vs. human liver? Varying “baseline” fat content- lean vs. obese? dog vs. cat? breed differences? Diffuse liver diseases Regenerative nodules vs. malignant tumors Cost Anesthetic drug effects on liver MRS? Liver size Motion artifacts Summary • Human medicine o MRS routinely used as a diagnostic tool with conventional MRI o Decades of research and experience o Higher strength MRI units allow ↑ SNR and resolution • Veterinary Medicine o Virtually no MRS data to this point o Technically challenging due to small patient size o Cost o Potential areas of benefit o Improving technology and availability of higher strength MRI References 1. Barker PB, Bizzi A, De Stefano N, et al. Clinical MR Spectroscopy: Techniques and Applications. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2010. 2. Soares DP, Law M. Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain: review of metabolites and clinical applications. Clinical Radiology 2009; 64(1): 12-21. 3. Teresi LM. A Practicing Radiologist Guide to MR Spectroscopy of the Brain. Xlibris Corp., 2007; 14-20. 4. Kurhanewicz J, Vigneron DB, Males RG, et al. The prostate: MR imaging and spectroscopy. Present and future. Radiol Clin North Am 2000; 38: 115-38. 5. Garcia-Segura JM, Sanchez-Chapado M, Ibarburen C, et al. In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of diseased prostate: spectroscopic features of malignant versus benign pathology. Mag Reson Imag 1999; 17(5): 755-765. 6. Van Dorsten FA, Engelbrecht M, Van der Graaf M, et al. Differentiation of Prostatitis from Prostate Carcinoma Using 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI. Proc Intl Soc Mag Reson Med 2001; 9: 632. 7. Shukla-Dave A, Hricak H, Eberhardt SC, et al. Chronic Prostatitis: MR Imaging and 1H MR Spectroscopic Imaging Findings–Initial Observations. Radiology 2004; 231: 717-724. References 8. Casciani E, Gualdi GF. Prostate cancer: value of magnetic resonance spectroscopy 3D chemical shift imaging. Abdom Imaging 2006; 31: 490-499. 9. Jung JA, Coakley FV, Vigneron DB, et al. Prostate depiction at endorectal MR spectroscopic imaging: Investigation of a standardized evaluation system. Radiology 2004; 233: 701-08. 10. Mobasheri A, Fox R, Evans I, et al. Epithelial Na, K-ATPase expression is downregulated in canine prostate cancer; a possible consequence of metabolic transformation in the process of prostate malignancy. Cancer Cell International 2003; 3(8). 11. Weinstein S, Rosen M. Breast MR Imaging: Current Indications and Advanced Imaging Techniques. Radiol Clin N Am 2010; 48: 1013-1042. 12. Bartella L, Huang W. Proton (1H) MR Spectroscopy of the Breast. Radiographics 2007; 27: S241-S252. 13. Fayad LM, Barker PB, Jacobs MA, et al. Characterization of Musculoskeletal Lesions on 3-T Proton MR Spectroscopy. American Journal of Roentgenology 2007; 188(6): 1513-1520. 14. Qayyum A. MR Spectroscopy of the Liver: Principles and Clinical Applications. Radiographics 2009; 29: 1653-1664. Questions?
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