TM ABN 70 066 902 467 This number is your unique customer number and refers to your specific contact details. This number is your account number and refers to the property being billed. You should quote this number if you have a query with us. Please pay - this is the total amount that is owing to City West Water. Due date - this is the date the total amount owing is due to be paid. This is your mailing address where your bill is sent. This is your billing address, which refers to the property where the services we provide are being used and therefore charged against. Previous bill - this is what was billed to you in your last account. This bar graph shows your average daily water usage. You can use this graph to compare water consumption each quarter. Amount received - this is what was received Balance forward - this is the amount that was after your last account was issued. owing up to the issue of the current account. Water and sewerage Volume charges - this is the total charge for the combined water usage and sewage disposal for the period of the account. This amount is billed after we have read your meter. Adjustment - this is an amount that has been added to or deducted from your account. An explanation of this charge is on the reverse of the bill. Annual Parks Charge - this is an annual charge that City West Water bills and collects on behalf of Parks Victoria. This charge helps fund the purchase, development and maintenance of Melbourne’s major parks, reserves and gardens. The amount is usually charged in the July-September quarter and may be why your account, for that period, seems higher than normal. For enquiries, contact Parks Victoria on 131 963. Waterways and Drainage Charge this quarterly charge is billed by City West Water on Melbourne Water’s behalf. Melbourne Water is responsible for the management of waterways, drainage and floodplains in your area. Note: This charge can also be called ‘Waterways Charge’ depending on the location of the property. TM Less Pensioner Concession - this is the discount granted if you are a holder of a current health care, veterans affairs or pensioner concession card and this is your principal place of residence. Further information regarding eligibility can be found on our website. How to read your City West Water water bill 168CW40010 Service charges - these are fixed fees that are charged if you have the water and/or sewerage service mains available to your property. This amount is billed in advance for the upcoming quarter.
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