Morning News • Sunday, November 30 1997 — 5G AROUND ''ie Morning Ne*b welcodies information front local at lists about their exhibits it is the responsibility of the artist or Uie gallery where the works are being "shown to submit the information in wilting to this newspaper at least 10 days before the opening. A date when exhibition will end must be includ- ARTS V 1/fTtf AMUML STUDENT CERAMK EXI«-a.-flfllON AND SALE, presented by Club Mud of Georgia Southern University. will be held from noon-10 p.m. Dec. 4, from 10 a.ra-10 p.m. Dec. 5 and from 10 am.-6 p.m. Dec. 6. The event will take place in the ceramic sturJo on the fourth floor of the Foy Fine' Arts Buikftng in Stateaboro. Admission is free. For more information, caH (912) THE LOBBT OALLEJtY in the Decker Courtyard at City Market wW feature the paintings and etchings of Savannah artist Kathy Miller during December. MWer is known throughout the Southeast for her luminous land^capes, florals and wikflife paintings and etchings. The Milter paintings range from realistic to impressionistic and from the serious study to commentary on the whimsical e. She Is listed in Who's in American Art and her work hbrgs in private and corporate collections across America The Lobby Gallery is open from 9 am-5 pm Monday-Friday and on weekends by appointment. For more information, call 2324903. 1)C VtlAQE CRAFTSMAN, 223 W. River St., is a cooperative of original arts and crafts from tow country artisans of Savannah and surrounding areas. In December, custom photographic • restoration and historic photographs'of old Savannah by Richard and Gini Steete are featured. Open dairy from 10 ajit-5 pjn. For more information. cat! 236-7280. QALLERY 208 features tlie paintings of Savannah native Tom Stutts and the pottery of Linda Whitt Smith during December. Stutts' realistic watercotors highlight many Savannah and coastal scenes as well as architectural features. During November. Gallery 209 features the photography of Joseph Shields and the handbuirt ceramics of Betty Metaver. Shields' work explores a variety of subjects from scenic landscapes to abstract colors and designs, many featuring images from his Tybse Island . home. Melaver's organic clay forms draw their inspiration from what trie artist sees in nature. Gallery 209 is on East River Street and open from 10-30 am-5:30 pjn Monday-Saturday and from noon-5:30 pm Sunday. Call 2364583.. THE RED PIANO ART CMUIRV will present its holiday season exhibition, titled Little Picture Show, through Dec. 24. There will be more than SO small paintings available representing both contemporary and earty American artists. For more information, call Nancy L Chamberlain or Jack Lane at (803) . 785-2318. Gallery hours: 11 am-5 pm Monday-Saturday. The gaHery Is at 220 CordHto Parkway. Hitton Head Island. TOE SMAMMH MfERNATMNAL ART OALLERY, home of All African Art, features: "Miami In Savannah," an exhDit of the an of 30 artists from Miami. •The exhibit runs through Jan. 4, 1998, _ at 232 W. Broughton St. 9440955. OBFJHi *RU presents a now show, Expressions In Nature: Contemporary Pastel Landscapes, introducing 15 new works by Ohio artist John CaracHto. The exhibit wHI run through Dec. 14. Also 011 display are several new original drawings and monotypes by Penny Feder, who won a merit prize at the Telfair Art Show; original mixed meda drawings and prints by Conrad Bell; and new work by Marty Whatey Adams. New to the gallery for the holidays is a collection of technc-fomantic jewelry"* by Thoma Mam from New Orleans. Off The Wall is at 412 Whitaker St. Gallery hours are 10 am-6 p.m Monday-Saturday and 10 am.-3 p.m. Sunday. Por more Information, can Gail Levites at presents the of sculptor Tina Logan and pnoJohn McNeil at Studto 8, talm, Franklin Ward South, the Art ter at CKy Market. Also on exhibit >ill be new works by painter Kip r. mixed media artist John tchsil, painter Karen Nagte and phcJoseph Shields. Ex NWtton :lnues through Jan. 10.1998. For information, call 236-1080. mJMN Wl^rwWil^RJ * - "*~ t Cafe of Tybee, in collaboration rlth Tybee Arts Association, presents Baker's Palette," featuring a df local artlstavery month, 's chok» for Number is Judith K • ' with her array of watercokx fk> ;«als and landscapes. c 9 am-6 pm. WednesdaysMonday. Located at U.S. 80 (1st Street) and Campbell Avenue on Tybee Island. Admtsston is free. Call 786-8003 for more information. THE ATHENA GALLERY, 409 E. Uberty St., features contemporary and traditional works of art by local and national artists. The gallery also features monthly exhibitions. "Creations from Chaos" by Stephen Fessler is showing through November. Hours: 10 am.5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sundays. Call 232-0403 for more information. THE OMCNS-YHOMA* REOONAL AR1I OALLERY presents the work of several local artists in a suite of small paintings and works on paper through Jan. 4. Featured artists are Mary Adams, Eliae Aniel, Michael Chad Barrett, Elizabeth Cam. Nteoto Fisher, Rene Kutz. Karen Nangle. Joseph Shields and Mark Itananrt They win show works ranging from oils and watercotors to abstracts and photographs. The Regional Arts Gallery, located upstairs in the Museum Shop of the OwensThomas Carriage House, 124 Abercom St., is open free to the public. The gallery is open the same hours as the Owens-Thomas House: 10 ajn.-5 pjn. Tuesday-Saturday and 2-5 p.m. Sunday. Startlr«Jarul,tr»Owens-Thorna8 * ' House will also be open noon-5 p.m. Monday. For more information, call 2338252. "QUANTS RUMS" — The Signature GaMery in Savannah's City Market wHI focus on the new holiday prim "Grant's Friends" by Gwen Rim during November and December. FUnn also presents a variety of her latest prints and originate, many featuring children's toys as well as feature series on low country scenes such as the Harbor Town and Halg Point light Signature Gallery Is open seven days a weak, with one of the member artists always available to dtecuss the wide variety of the gallery's works. For more information, call 2333082. THE WALLS OF SAN MMUEL is an exhibition by Rowland Sherman in The Lobby Gallery in the Decker Courtyard of City . Market for November. Gallery hours: 9 am-5 p.m. weekdays and weekends by appointment. For more information, caH 2324903. THERAPEUTICS EMOTION — The Telfair Museum of Art presents Its exhibition ofwonXsbyphysfcaHyardmentatty How to get stuff in Calendar The Savannah Morning News and Carolina Morning News welcome information for our Calendar listings. Night Clubs, Music, Theater and Audition listings appear in Friday Diversions. Saturday and Sunday's Accent sections contain a list of area tourist sites and non-entertainment events. And Arts, Attractions and Classes/Talks/Readings are listed in Sunday's Arts and Travel section. Information must be sub'mined IN WRITING by 5 p.m. one week prior to publication. Items without information such as date, time, place, sponsor, cost or phone number may not be used. The Calendar listings are free. The newspaper reserves the right to reject items at the editor's discretion. Unsolicited information or photographs cannot be returned. EVENT: DATE: LOd/mON: COST: „ ........ POR MORE INFORMATION CAii:. OTHER: _: ....... played. THE OOLPMN * THE MERMAD is a new cooperative working gallery that opened recently In Thunderbolt. The gallery is at 3121 River Drive (directly across the street from The River's End Restaurant). An open house will be haU from 69 p.m. Dec. 13. Gallery artists will be present and light refreshments will be served. A twonour demonstration of watered or techniques will be given by gallery artist Unda Ray Undeborg at 1 p.m. Through December, the gallery Is featuring the works of local artists: Rebecca Kahrs Willis, watercokxlst; Undeborg, watercotorlst and graphic designer, Robert Isiey. pastel and oil; Ariane Montemuro, oils; Debbie Mueller, Raku pottery; and Greg McDonald, stained glass. The galtery sponsors workshops weekly in art and has free monthly lee tures. Gallery hours: 10 a.m6 p.m. Tuesday; noon-9 pm Wednesday; 10 a.m.-6 pm Thursday and Friday; 10 a.m.4 issues. The twolKHjr classes are each Monday in the fall and winter quarters. The course is designed to help participants better understand how the legal system protects and preserves justice and fairness. To register, call the Coastal Georgia Center at 651-2767. The cost of each session and the handout materials is $10. Participants may attend as many of the classes as desired. Every student receives handout materials for each of the sessions and a certificate. The school is sponsored by the Georgia Civil Justice Foundation and the Law Offices of Howard E. Spiva, who will chair the school. «•**•***+**•*< Cut out this form and send information to: pm Saturday; closed on Sunday and Monday. For more information, call 351-9911. DESIGN SOUTH QAtlERY presents handcarved bird figures created by local artists Bill Lawler and his son, Tim, at 1100 Eisenhower Square next to the theaters. The figures will be on display free through December. CREATIVE COLLECTIBLES ARTS AND CRAFTS, 40 E. Factors Walk, exhibits the work of 70 artists. Featured in November are 20 new artists, includ- ^ ing Isabella Davis, stained glass, and Helen Harris, floral designs. Hours: 10 a.m.-6 pm Monday-Saturday. Call 238- 9148. ' . . . . . CLASSES, READINGS & LECTURES organization, Is continuing Its longterm study of the Atlantic Botttonose Dolphin along the coastal waters of Georgia and the southern portions of South Carolina. Scientific experience Is not necessary to participate and all are welcome to join. The project always needs skippers (with boat), photographers (with 35mm camera and a 200mm or longer lens), and data recorders. Orientation and a training workshop. In preparation for Survey No. 35. will be held Dec. 6 in Hawes Hall at Armstrong Atlantic State University. Anyone interested in learning more about tha, Dolphin Project is invited to attend the orientation, beginning at 9:15 am for approximately one and a haft hours. Training for those wishing to participate In the January survey will follow the orientation. The program will conclude by 1 p.m. Training for experienced merntaers who wish to advance to the position of "team leader" will begin at 9:45 a.m. For additional information, call 92&7420, 354-9377 or (803) 837-2612. COLONUL QUILTS CLASSES: All classes will be held at 117104 Largo Drive. Must register ahead of time and pick up supply list. For more information, call 925O055. ATTRACTIONS rtfn) (>AJ<: c»rid t.' 1 l'-a" b l> " COST lives JOCKS S5 dOultb. $2 bO (.tiiiaren Waikir^> tours start at the riouse ana go throughout nistone downtown Seivannan Cost $10adu«s 15 children Make reservations. Gnost tours are offered every Fnday and Saturday night at 8:30 p.m Cost: $1O adults. $8 children. 2334800. HISTORIC RAJLROAO SHOPS on Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard. These antebellurn shops, a National Historic Landmark, recently designated as the^ official State of Georgia railroad muse» urn. make up the oldest and most complete railroad repair and manufacturing facilities remaining in the United States. Operating HO model railroad layout, volunteer activities. Open daMy 10 a.m.4 pm. for setfguktod tours. Fee: $2.50 adults; $2 seniors, students and military. 651-6823, NAN MUSEUM, 505 W-36th St.. has African carvings and other artifscts. Open 11 am.-5 pm and 7-9 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays by appointment only. No admission charge. 236-' 8544. ANDREW LOW HOUSE, 329 Abaroom 9L. facing Lafayette Square. t)pen 1030 am-4 pjn. weekdays; noorv4 pjn. Sundays; dosed Thursdays and national holidays. Last tour at 330 pjn. '; Donation: $6 for adults; S3 for children 6-12; induing GUI Scouts and Scoutleaders, children under 6 free. 233- MNHTY SfH AIR TOW* HEM1ME MUSEUM honors the more than one million men and women who have served in the 8\h Air Force since it was created in Savannah in 1942, and 6854. is now open to the public from 10 am6 p.m. seven days a week. It features TER, 142 Bull St.. is open from 10 a 100,000 volume capacity library, am-4 pjn. weekdays except archives, memorial gardens, an art Christmas in Paper Piercing — 6:304:30 Wednesday. 10 am-4 pjn. Saturday gallery, meeting and study rooms, a pjn. Dec. 8. Cost: $18, includes kit. and 12:304:30 pjn. Sunday. $5 for gift shop and a snack bar as well as a Make a fabric Christmas card. adults. $4 for children 6-1S and stularge exhibit area. The 90,000-squareBeginning Cross-Stitch Class — 6:304:30 dents. Free for dMkfcm 5 and under. foot museum is located at the interp.m. Dec. 4. Cost: $15, includes ktt. Discount for GM Scouts. 2334501. section of Interstate 95 and U.S. 80 Basic Embroidery Class —10 am-noon (Exit 18) in Pooler. Admission is by Dec. 9. Cost: $15. 330 Drayton St. is open 10 am-5 membership card or by purchasing Beanbag Buddy Carrier Class —10 am-2 pjn. Tuesday through Saturday. tickets at $7.50 for adults. $6.50 for pm Dec. 8. Cost: $18. Features historic Gtri Scout >nemorab» children ages 6-12. Children under six Holiday Table Runner Class —10 am-2 ia, gift shop and merchandJae, and are admitted free. Group rates are p.m. Dec. 13. Cost: $12. ' activity centerlbrtroops. Free. Troops available at $5.50 per person for Savannah in Paper Piecing II Class —10 should call ahead to register, for activP groups of 20 people or more. anvl p.m., two sessions, beginning ties. 232-8200. RALPH MARK OLBERT CTAL RWHTS Dec. 2. Cost: $25. JMASSCHERnMECOfTERofthe MUSEUM showcases Savannah;s THE ST. PIUS namx RESOURCE CENTER SavarmarvChatham Pubic Schools, dynamic role in one of the nation's ongoing series of free afternoon and 207 E. Gordon St.. has exNbfts on most significant and critical eras: the . evening classes: Savannah's unique city plan; Egyptian, Civil Rights Movement. Located at 460 Tuesday: 4-5 p.m.. Drama Class; and 6-7 Greek, Roman and Victorian architecMartin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, the pm, irtermedlate/Advance African ture; and a 19th century schoolroom.* museum is open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday Modern Dance (14 and older), adults Open 9 ajn.4 pjn. MonrJayT-riday. through Saturday and 1-5 p.m. Sunday. welcome. Admission: $2.661-7O22. Cost: $4 adults, $3 seniors, $2 stuWednesday: 4-5 pm, Imani Choir; 4-5 dents. 2314900. p.m., Beginning Ballet/Modem (6-11 . 711 Sandtown Road, has a trail sys-" years old); 5:30-7 p.m., African Drum . CHATHAM COUNTY OARDEN tern, plant and animal exhfcfts, and a. ONTTR/BOWiCAL GARDENS, 1388 Class (6-20 years old); and 5:306:30 historic cabin site. Open &3O am-S Eisenhower Drive. This 1840s farm p.m., Intermediate Modem/African pjn. Monday-Friday and 10 aja-S rxm. house, was relocated and restored as Dance (12 years and older). every Saturday. Admission is $2 per, a center for developing landscaped garThursday: 6-7 p.m., Intermediate person ages 4 and older. 897-3773. dens of interest to the area and educaModem/African Dance (i4 years and OWENS-THOMAS HOUSE, 124 Abercom, tional purposes. The 10-acre tract proolder); and 6-7 p.m.- Capoeira Angola featuring the nation's finest example of vides a variety of seasonal plantings. (African Instrument Making Regency Architecture. Hours: noon-5 Sponsored by Savannah Area Council Workshop). pm Mondays; 10 am-5 pm. Tuesof Garden Clubs. Open. 10 am-2 pm For more information, call Tanya S. Hunter Sat; and 2-5 pjn. Sundays. Admission: Monday-Friday and by special arrangeat 651-6810. . $7 for adufts, $3 for students, $2 for ment. Cost: $3 adults for guided tour. ART WTORY LECTURE SEfUES — The children 6-12. $6 for seniors, and free 3553883. Terfair Museum of Art presents a free, for children under 6. Cal 2339743. THE GEORGIA HISTORICAL SOOETY, 501 eight-part Art History Lecture Series Whitaker St. is open 10 am-5 p.m.. ' through April 1998. The series will HOME, 207 E. Chartton SL. features Tuesday-Saturday. Call, 651-2125. range from ancient to contemporary restored and refurbished parior-tevel MUSEUM OF COASTAL HISTORY and St. western art. rooms as well as pictures and memenSimons Lighthouse is open seven days . Each lecture will be free to the public and tos of O'Connor. Open Saturdays and a week. Hours: 10 a m.-5 p.m., presented at 3 pm on a Sunday. Sundays 1-4 pjn. Admission free, donaMonday-Saturday and 1:30- 5 p.m. Seating is available on a first-come tions accepted. 2336014. Sunday. Closed on holidays. Admission basis. For more information, caM'the COMMLHERnME SOOETT/OLO mrf prices: 12 and over $3. children 6-11 Telfair Museum of Art Department of JACKSON HBTOWC SITE, 1 Fort $1, and under six free. Education at 232-1177. Jackson Road, is open 9 am-5 pjn. ~ TOURS OF MSTOMC HRST BRYAN BAPDec. 7 — The Age of Baroquji and the Art Monday-Saturday, noon-5 pjn. on TWT CHURCH are available 10 emof Becoming. Roy Sonnema, professor Sunday. Special programs are offered noon on Wednesdays by appointment. of art history, Georgia Southern at 1 pjn., 2 pm. 3:30 pjn. and 4:30 232-5526 or 233-7366. University. pm daily. Permanent exNbits relating DAVENPORT HOUSE AND MUSEUM, 324 Feb. 15 — From Royalists to Realists: Art to military and civrtiah life during the , E. State St., is open 10 am-4:30 p.m. in the Age of Revolution. Holly Koons, ' Civil War, artifacts from the CSS daily. Walking tours on the hour and assistant curator of eduction, Telfair Georgia arid an active calendar of . harfhour; last tour at 4 p.m. each day. Museum of Art. events. Cost is $2.50 for adulte and $4 general admission. $3 for ages 6March 22 — The Foundations of $2 for students, armed services menv 18, free for children under 6.236Modernism: From Impressionism to bars and senior citizens. PnsschooMgfi 8097. Cubism Diane Lesko, director, Terfair ctfldrmadrnttedlrae. 2323945. ' EFTWQHAM OLD JML MUSEUM, Pine and Museum of Art. MDWMr MUSfUM, U.S. 17. in Midway . Early streets in Springfiekl is open 2-5 April 5 — Everything You Always Wanted features furnishings and artifacts ton p.m. Sundays. Cost: Free, but donato Know About Modem Art (But Were the 1752-1865 period. Hours an 10 tions are accepted. Afraid to Ask). Christine C. Neal, curaa.m.4 pjn.. Tuesday through Saturdqr, PORT MCALLBTER STATE HISTORIC tor of fine arts & exhibitions, Telfair and 2-4 pm Sunday. Admission is S3 PARK, nine miles east of Richmond Museum of Art. adults, $1 students. Group rates availHill, is an example of a Confederate April 19 — Trends/Issues In • able. (912) 88*5837. earthwork fortification. It has a museContemporary Art. Julie McGuire, proRICHMOND MIL MUSEUM, comer of Ga um, historical movie, tours by reservafessor of art history, Georgia Southern 144 (Ford Avenue) and limber TraN tion, and camping. Open 9 a.m.-5 p.m. University. Road, is what used to be the originalTuesday-Saturday, and 2-5:30 p.m. SAUNA PROttRAM POR EVERYONE — kindergarten built by Henry Ford. Sunday. Closed Monday. $1.50 for Savannah Sailing Center, fall program There are pictures of Ford, artifacts adults, 75 cents for children ages 5— "Catch The Wind" event will be and'oM car relics. There is also a 12. 727-2339. held from 9 am-noon every other Plantation Room. Civil War Room and PORT PULASKI NATIONAL MONUMENT, Saturday through Dec. 6 at Lake an Early Tools Room. The museum wW U.S. 80 East between Savannah and Mayer. The event is presented by be open from 9 am.-noon every Tybee Island, is where, in 1862. Savannah Sailing Center. The cost is Saturday through the end of August.. defense strategy changed worldwide $20 per session (one Saturday). 756-3518. when rifled cannon first first overcame Scholarships, discounts available to SAVANNAH HISTORY MUSEUM at the a masonry fortification. Museum those who qualify and discounts for Visitors Center, 301 Martin Luther exhibits, audiovisual program, book multiple sessions. For more inform* King jr Blvd.. displays Savannah's hisstore, nature trails, boat launching tion. call 231-9996 or fax 231-9699. tory and artifacts dating from its ramp and a picnic area are available THE QEORQIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY 1997 founding in 1733 through present day. "Open 8:30 a.m.-5:15 p.m. daily Fall Lecture Series will be on Museum hours are 9 a.m.-5 p.m. dairy. Admission: $2, under 17 free 786 Agriculture in Georgia. The schedule: Museum admission: adults $3; senior 5787. Worklr^ the Waters: Georgia's Shrimping citi/ens $2.5O. children ages 6-12 aREEWMELDRIM HOUSE, Madison and Oystering Industry" — Jack Leigh, $1.75. 2381779. Square, was Gen. William T. Sherman's photographer — 7 p.m. Dec. 11. Book SAVANNAH AND OQEECICE CANAL headquarters during the Union occupa signing following program. MUSEUM, at the Ogeechee River at tion of Savannah and is the parish All programs are In the library at Hodgson Bush Road and Ga. 2O4 (Fort Argyte house of St. John's Episcopal Church Hall, 501 Whitaker St., and are free Road) two mites west of Interstate 95. Open 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Tuesday Saturday and open to the public. Call 651 2125 is open for explonng of its two bnck $4 for adults. $2 for students. 233 for more information. locks and one4hird mile-long tow and 3845. YOUTH DANCE CLASSES will be ongoing heel paths completed in 183O. Picnte HAMILTON-TURNER MUSEUM, 330 Wednesdays, 68 p.m. (13-20 years of shelter and rest rooms availabte. Free. Abercom St., across from Lafayette age); Fridays, 4-5 p.m. (6-8 years), 56 Hours: 9 ?> m.4 p.m. seven days a Square. It is where the character p.m. (9-12 years), and && p.m. (1320 we-^ 74&8068.. "Mandy" from "Midnight in the Garden years); Saturdays. 1-2 p.m. (6€ years), Community News Desk Savannah Morning News/Carolina Morning News P.O. Box 1088 Savannah. Ga. 31402 Or fax information to 912-2346522 Items for this calendar must be received at least 14 days before the event. Only classes or lectures that are free or have a nominal cost will be accepted . challenged artists in rehabilitation for publication. Nonprofit groups will be from traumatic injury or Wness through given priority. The cost must be includNov. 30. "I Have Marks to Make" highed with the announcement. Ijghts paintings, drawings, and sculp- ' ture created in the museum's outreach HOSPICE VOLUNTEER TRAMN8 — to special audiences and by individuals Hospice Savannah Inc. is offering an working with local agencies. orientation on death and dying for comParticipants represent the city of munity education and to prepare inrJSavannah's Therapeutics Program, the vkluals interested in becoming hospice Memorial Rehabilitation Center, the volunteers. The sessions will be held Second Chance Program of Goodwill from 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Dec. 6 and Dec. 13 Industries, the Savannah Association at NationsBank, 203 South Laurel St. of the Blind, and TkWands Lighthouse in Springfiekl Hospice Savannah proCenter or have executed projects with vides a unique kind of health care for Savannah community artist Kip the terminally ill. Bradley. The training is free and there is no obligaMAMUTN LYON FOLEY — An exhibition of tion unless participants choose to recent watercolors presented by Kim apply their knowledge as volunteers. locovozzl Fine Art. 12 W. Harris St., Participants Interested In becoming runs through Nov. 30. Hours: 10 a.m.-5 Hospice Savannah volunteers must pm Monday-Saturday. The exhibit is attend both sessions. For reservations free. Call 2349424. and more Information, caH 355-2289; LOW COUNTRY ARTISTS RMJ. EXWE4HOSPICE MMMAH INC. offers Its annual HON. titled "Southern Inspiration." Grief & the Holidays Workshops, free runs through December. The 25 artists to anyone who wants to (earn more: from Hilton Head Island will exhibit Dec. 4 at 7 pm at Effingham County their paintings at the Fraser Museum Hospital. in Sea Pines, 175 Greenwood Drive, Holidays Workshop for Children & Hilton Head. The museum is open dally Adolescents: from 95 pm Monday-Friday. There is Dec. 6 and 13 —10 am-1 pm at no charge for the exhibition. Call (803) Hospice Savannah Inc., 1352 837-5041 Of (803) 3632615. Eisenhower Drive. MOONtHELL •AUERY * S1UDNM — Two Reservations suggested. For more inforisland artists, Ellen Huey and Joyce mation, call Roania Detoach at 355Thompson, are holding a joint show of 2289. their recent works at MoonsheH Art THEDOLPHN PROJECT; an altvolunteer Gallery. The exhibit continues through December. MoonsheH Art Gallery, formerly legated In the South Beach section of Sea Pines Plantation, has, recently moved to No. 37 New Orleans Road in the plaza on the second floor over Expressions Interiors. Works by other MoonsheH artists will also be dis- 2 3 p m i 9 12 ,ea'Si ari<J 4 O p ' " 1 j 20 years) Hie tree < iciw:s <vin u- tienJ at W.W. Law Center. 909 E Boltun Si Presented oy Leisure Services/ Youtr, Futures. For rrxwe informal ion. can 651-6787. THE PEOPLE'S LAW SCHOOL is in Savannah through December. Trie course is being taught by local attor neys. who cover a broad range of kjga!
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