1 HOW TO ESCAPE If you are a 25 year old male with a university degree and no kids, then your exit strategy is as plain as your designer 5 o’clock shadow. A stay-at-home-mom-with-two-kids-in-diapers-and-nomoney-of-her-own has a different set of problems. If you have been married forever and it’s time to end things, then you may have some stress. Like other people, your big concern is probably about money. Separation is not fun. Divorce is not fun. Both can hurt. This book might help ease your pain because your book is filled with stress-busting information to help resolve your separation issues. I’ve been through the same thing which you are facing right now. Three times. Helping you with separation and divorce. This is Colin Kennedy, I am a respected ‘guru’ who has written books about divorce and resolving spousal support without lawyers. This publication provides meaningful and accurate information to help you resolve issues. It’s free, and you may pass it on to friends. I am not a lawyer. Not being a lawyer means I’m not handcuffed by any state or provincial Law Society and I can “tell it like it is” . 2 Introduction This information represents the latest research and is written by respected authorities. You will understand that you are not alone, and you are not the first person on the planet to suffer the misfortune or the glory of separation. This book will help you to resolve legal and relationship issues. - So you can base your decisions on the right information. - So you can save thousands in legal fees and protect your money. - So you can be clear about the terms and rules about separation and divorce; including child custody and child support issues. Written by Colin Kennedy Produced by Sandhurst Ink and Adobe Content is protected. You may not copy or publish. You may send this publication to friends and your ex. How to Escape Your Marriage Contents and Organization There are 3 primary chapters Chapter 1 is about the rules of separation and divorce. Chapter 2 is about money. Chapter 3 is about relationship issues. “I’m tired of the doomsday reports and the label of the ‘broken home.’ We have been so inundated with negative stories of divorce, that men and women need to hear the message that they can make their families work better, minimize stress, and not feel like total failures. In a good divorce, a family with children remains a family -- one that is sufficiently cooperative to permit kinship bonds to continue. Perhaps if we begin to revise our expectations of what divorce means, all parents who divorce can do so with civility and respect.” Vicki Lansky. Her practical, common sense approach to parenting and household management is familiar to thousands throughout the world. Divorce is the largest single financial transaction of most people’s lives and raises important questions that demand immediate answers. 3 4 Introduction We like free stuff We like collecting the sample bottles of soaps from hotel rooms. Most of us like free samples of just about anything. My mother discovered the internet when she was in her 90’s. She loved getting free recipes. My mom liked getting mail from Kraft. She would e-mail questions and be delighted when the answers arrived. Getting a free legal document from some internet sites means giving your name and address, and an OK to allow them to send you promotions. Imagine them having your name along with 50,000 others. You are targeted as being in a state of relationship change. Your name has value to people who are promoting legal services, moving companies, real estate, financial advisors, credit fixing schemes, and even dating sites. She didn’t mind when she was blasted with offers from cook ware, trips, books, financial advice, and language school. People were interested in her, and she liked it. The free recipe about stuffed portobello mushrooms came with a string. Tell us your name and address and we’ll send the free stuff - AND - we’ll keep sending messages until you get really sick of us and tell us to stop. This type of internet marketing is called opt-in. It’s an art when done right. You ask for something and agree to receive promotions - sounds fair. What they don’t tell you is that the promotions come from 20 other places. They sold your name and address to a ton of other people, and it’s legal because you gave them permission. In Canada and the US there are certain laws that basically say that marketers must give you the opportunity to unsubscribe. Some marketers make this easy for you, then have software which quickly removes you from their database. Unfortunately others make it difficult and almost impossible to opt-out. Does this book and the other free stuff come with strings? You won’t ever receive mail from me unless you make direct contact by asking a question. I personally answer every e-mail and maintain a strict privacy policy. So why am I giving away a valuable document? You might be a candidate for one of my books or for my divorce document service, so why don’t I send you promotional mail every month?. I will not be invasive by sending you promotional offers because I respect your privacy and want to earn your future business. How to Escape Your Marriage Chapter 1 page 6 - Separation 101 page 8 - The Rules page 10 - Separation with Children page 12 - Child Support page 14 - Things That Go Wrong page 16 - Lawyers and Your Agreement page 18 - 4 Legal Methods to Divorce, one is free Chapter 2 page 20 - All about money page 21 - 25 Ways Not to Go Broke page 23 - Spousal Support Money Chapter 3 page 25 - Walk Away Wife Syndrome page 26 - And Then We Danced page 27 - Mediation How to Impress A Woman page 29 - 4 Reasons Your Partner Wants to Dump You page 31 - Rowing to Emotional Recovery page 32 - Why Sould I be the One to Change? page 34 - 7 Ideas to Improve Your Life page 36 - Lust and Love Becomes Fight and Flight page 38 - The Final Word 5 6 CHAPTER 1 Separation 101 Separation is defined as living separate and apart for the purpose of quitting the marriage. You do not need a legal reason to stop living as husband and wife. It takes one of you to decide to quit the marriage, and you do not need your spouse to agree. It is OK to share the same address and be living separate and apart. The action of separating must involve an open and complete break from the married relationship and may include: • • • • • • • not having sex with each other living in separate rooms operating separate bank accounts not sharing meals not providing household services not sharing mutual entertainment inside or outside the home not representing to relatives, neighbours or friends that the marriage is continuing There are a number of legal rights and obligations which are triggered by separation, so protect your rights with a written separation agreement. A written agreement is an excellent tool to establish your separation. It is a domestic contract which you create to resolve and record things. - Your agreement when signed and wittnessed by any adult is legal and binding. - An agreement is a good tool, but some times it is wise not to sign it. - A written separation agreement is not a requirement for divorce. The free template will walk you through the agreement and you’ll soon find out that not only do you not have the answers, but you may not even have the questions. That is OK. Take your time and continue to learn about the rules and your money. Even before seeing your agreement a lawyer may say your agreement will not stand up in court unless it is created and signed by him/ her. The most common reason given is that the lawyer’s job is to protect your rights and do what is best for you, and without his/her help you may be at risk. For more about what lawyers say about your agreement Please see Is the Agreement Legal How to Escape Your Marriage Pensions Your CPP pension credits are split automatically upon application by either party, and their rules over ride your separation agreement. Company pensions are often matrimonial property, but some pensions are closed. If your pension(s) are matrimonial property then your spouse may have a claim on part of your pension. Pensions are retirement income, and if your ex has a valid claim then his/her portion is set aside for when he/she reaches retirement age. The company pension administrator needs to be informed of your change in marital status even if no claim on your pension has been made. If there is a claim don’t try to work the numbers yourself. Contact your admin person and he/she will do the calculations. I agree that only an accountant would find this stuff sexy. If you want to see my wittings about sex. read When Lust and Love Becomes Fight and Flight. Real Estate Think of marriage as a business partnership. You ceremoniously form a legal entity, you both bring assets and skills with the intent to grow and prosper. When your partnership is about to dissolve, you prepare to divide the spoils. Normally, the value is calculated from the day you started living together to the day you split. When you divide your assets and liabilities, it is usually 50-50. Your rights to the matrimonial home are protected, and it does not matter who is on title, and 7 it does not matter if you are now living elsewhere. Neither party may sell or refinance the matrimonial home without the other’s consent. Have a third party give you a fair market value. You can hire an appraiser, or a Realtor. The appraiser will charge a fee, and the report is accepted in court. The Realtor may do a free market assessment which may suit your needs. Both professionals use the same methodology of comparing your home with other similar properties that have recently sold. Caution: put little weight on expired listings or property which has been listed for a long time - these are often overpriced. You have three options. 1. You can do nothing for now. 2. You can sell the property, and after adjustments split the profits. 3. One can buy the others’s share. This brings us to the second important thing about property. You need a real estate lawyer to handle the legal end of selling to a third party or the legal end of buying/selling your share. 8 Chapter 1 The Rules • Process overview • Basis for a divorce • Support and custody issues •Reconciliation • Starting the process • Two primary rules • File the second set of papers. • The courts will look at your papers and decide to grant your divorce. The Divorce Act and its recent amendments are federal laws. Provincial courts are tasked to grant your divorce if you can prove certain facts. Generally, you file in your home province. You will need to produce your original marriage certificate. You will also require a copy of existing court orders, separation agreements and any other written agreements dealing with the marriage or any children of the marriage. If one of you has been previously divorced, a copy of the divorce judgment is required if divorced outside of Canada. It is not for free; when you file your documents you pay court costs. The amount varies by province. You may see the court costs with this link. How long does it take? The minimum time is 90 days, but it all depends on several factors. Short version of divorce in Canada. • Decide if divorce is your only option. • Try to resolve property and children issues first. A separation agreement is a good idea, but not a requirement for divorce. • File your petition/application/claim. • Wait 30 days for ‘clearance’ and concur rently give a copy of the petition to your spouse. Grounds for Divorce In Canada the only basis for granting a divorce is marriage breakdown. There are only three reasons for breakdown. Separation: You have lived separate and apart for at least one year. You do not need to prove desertion nor do you need to prove any fault at all. If you have lived apart for one year, and there is no dispute about the time or anything else, then your divorce may be granted. In some provinces you may file for divorce before the one-year period. ( It is OK to share the same address) Adultery: The spouse against whom the divorce is claimed has committed voluntary sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. You may be granted a divorce if you and your spouse can agree on the facts or you can prove your claim in court. Cruelty: You may proceed to get a divorce on the grounds of physical or mental cruelty without a waiting period. 9 How to Escape Your Marriage Support or Custody issues A federal act helps the court determine the amount of child support. Please refer to the Child Support Guidelines The court would prefer that you and your spouse come to an agreement about custody and support issues in accordance with the guidelines. You both have an obligation to follow the guidelines. Your divorce order may include provisions for monthly child support payments, custody and visitation rights and the division of property. A separation agreement is a sound idea. If you have one, good for you. If not, then you can see a lawyer to have one drafted, or, request your free separation agreement package from divorce specialist Colin Kennedy. However, a separation agreement is not a requirement for divorce. (I think you have heard that a couple of times already, and there is a good reason for repetition) Reconciliation The court has a duty to ask you if reconciliation is possible. You and your spouse may live together after separation for the purpose of reconciliation without eliminating the time towards the one-year period as long as each temporary period or periods of living together does not exceed 90 days in total. A weekend away or casual sleepovers do not hinder your one-year waiting period. How to Start your Divorce Proceedings Some people would automatically seek out a lawyer, but it can take longer and cost a lot of cash to have a lawyer’s clerk fill in the papers. Things have changed with the relaxed version of the Divorce Act. The process has been simplified. However, various forms must be completed and submitted. Figuring out which ones apply to you can be daunting and confusing. To start your divorce, simply fill in the application form and send it along with your one time fee of $249. Your divorce papers are prepared and sent to you ready for filing at your local court. In addition, you receive unlimited e-mail support. Two Primary Rules 1. You need to have one of the three legal reasons for divorce. 2. One of you needs to be a resident in a province for one year before you can start the divorce proceeding. If you leave Ontario and escape to Kamloops, you can not file in BC until you have lived there a year. So, you either wait, or you start the Ontario divorce proceeding before you move. Interestingly, it’s OK to move the day after you file. There is no problem with inter-provincial or international divorce if one of you meets the residency rule. Your country of origin, citizenship, or the place of your marriage does not matter; what matters is that one of you must reside in a province for one year. Note It is a myth that your spouse must agree with you. You don’t need his/her permission or approval to start your divorce. 10 Chapter 1 Children and Separation Custody is often misunderstood. I see this every day. Couples make their own support payment arrangements - and it is OK to make any kind of arrangement you want; you can have your ex stand at the end of the driveway every Friday morning and sing to you. You can make an agreement for any amount of child support, or you can agree that no child support will be paid at all - that’s why it’s called an agreement. Custody is defined by where the children reside, not by the number of hours of access or visitation. If the children live with you, then you have custody. • Sole custody means that one or more children live with you, and you make the sole decisions. • Joint custody means that one or more children live with you and you have primary care, and you both share major decisions. • Shared custody means that one or more of the children live with you, and one or more children live with your spouse, usually on a week-on week-off basis. The problem? If you vary from the guidelines you risk having your claim rejected. The least which will happen is that the court will ask for financial statements and other support documents to prove your case. • Split custody means that one or more children reside with you, and one or more children reside with your spouse. • Can you have combinations? Yes. Another problem? Often one spouse will misrepresent, either by design or by honestly not knowing; either way it’s misinformation, and it is not a good idea to rely solely on information from your ex. If the other side does not disclose income you can ask the court to have your ex file a financial statement. Access and Visitation However, when it comes to divorce both parties are expected to follow the Child Support Guidelines. Sure, it is OK to pay or receive an amount which is different than the provincial tables, but you need to convince the court that your reasoning is valid. The Justice has a duty to follow the guideline table first, and then listen to your arguments. Maximum contact by both parents is something the courts like to see. Let’s say he/she is not paying support money, or you are still angry, or you don’t like the new live-in. Unless there is a harmful risk to the children, you are expected to allow or have fair and reasonable access and visitation. How to Escape Your Marriage 11 “If your former spouse was cheap, never on time and thoughtless before the divorce, he or she will continue to be tight, late and prone to saying stupid things in the divorce....” “It is common for couples to flirt from dance to dance, each calling their own tune, sometimes in step as if arm in arm, other times crashing apart then rushing back to stomp toes. Often their own”. It is little wonder that things go wrong. Let me share a valuable tip. Money is important! Child custody issues are often money issues, “I won’t give you a divorce” is almost always about money. Marriage is about money, separation is about money, and so is your divorce. Not doing your homework wastes money. Without certain knowledge you end up listening to the wrong people; you pay the wrong people, and you get bogged down with indecision. Beware! t is common for one spouse to not have a true understanding of the rules. Or a spouse may misrepresent and act in bad faith just to save a few bucks. There are rules to follow. If you make babies and separate, you are obligated to pay child support based on your income. It does not matter if the receiving parent earns more than you, or has an adult friend helping out. It does not matter if you move to another country. It does not matter if you cry poor. Under the Child Support Guidelines there are exceptions, but don’t count on avoiding child support. 12 Chapter 1 Child Support Separating couples can make their own child support arrangements and it is best to follow the rules. If you are divorcing, the Child Support Guidelines apply. If you have children you are obligated by law to follow the rules. The Child Support Basics • The divorce judge follows the Child Support Guidelines. This means that you will not need to argue with your spouse over child support money. • The spirit of the guidelines is such that both parents are expected to contribute financially. • The amount of child support is determined by the number of children, where they sleep at night, and the income of the person paying. • • • • A man in Ontario who earns $50,000 per year would pay to his ex, the sum of $753.00 per month for 2 kids. If she earned more than him? He would pay the same $753 per month. If she won the lottery? He would pay the same $753 per month, and be really nice to her. You can ask the judge to raise or lower the amounts, but you need to support your request with financial statements and a solid legal reason why the court should step outside the guidelines. • Rules are included for special circumstances, self-employment and undue hardship. Do the guidelines apply to you? In general, the federal Divorce Act sets out the rules for child support amounts if you are already divorced or planning to divorce. Provincial laws apply if you have never been married or are separated, or planning to separate, but have decided not to divorce. The Federal Child Support Guidelines consist of a set of rules and tables for calculating the amount of support that a paying parent should contribute toward his or her children. The guidelines are designed to make the calculation of child support fair, predictable and consistent for the benefit of the children. Parents may agree on the amount by themselves, or with a legal advisor or mediator. When the parents file a separation agreement with the court, the judge will: • look at the appropriate guidelines • find the appropriate amount • determine whether the amount the parents agreed on is reasonable. In most cases, under the Divorce Act, the judge must refer to the guidelines in setting the amount. Write this down When an agency or court is involved you and your ex have a duty to comply with the Child Support Guidelines 13 How to Escape Your Marriage Start and end times for child support The right thing is to pay child support as soon as you separate. Child support normally ends when the child marries, dies, or reaches the age of majority. Does a child enrolled in post-secondary education still qualify for child support? The Divorce Act does not require parents to continue support to children over the age of majority who are pursuing a reasonable post-secondary education. If both parents agree that they will not continue support, then there is no legal obligation on the part of either parent to do so under the Divorce Act. The Divorce Act recognizes that, in some cases, children at or over the age of majority may continue to require support. If the parents cannot agree whether to provide support, then one parent could seek the support from the other parent. In such cases, the courts have the discretion to determine whether there is an obligation to support the child. Can we Duck the Guidelines? A little repetition is good because most people get this totally wrong. You and your ex can agree to little or no support, and agree to your own custody terms. When the guidelines kick in your sweet deal goes south. An example? One of you files for divorce, or one of you seeks social assistance. The divorce court follows the rules, and the social agency, whose money you want, has a duty to try to collect child support from your ex before they spend their own coin. Beware Are you hearing words from your ex like this? “my lawyer says...” “the guy in the next office who just went through this says...” If you are hearing these words, then send a copy of this publication to your ex. 14 Chapter 1 Things That Go Wrong in Court It may have taken you twenty years of marriage, difficult times and a two hour drive to find yourself standing at the counter with your divorce papers. Things can go wrong here. Trust me on this one. Stepping up to the court counter can be intimidating. Just getting to the court counter can be an eye opener. You may see police and scruffy people. There is a high probability that you’ll pass a security check-point. Sitting on benches and standing in groups will be other people with a reason to be in the court house. The reason for your visit is to hand over your Step 1 divorce documents. You’ll meet a clerk. While the clerk can be very helpful and maybe chatty, it is not her task to listen to your not so unique case, or to give you legal advice. She or he will simply take your paper to create a file, and take your money. Your first visit You can help by not asking procedural questions or telling her about your ex. Just hand over your Step 1 documents and wait for her to do her job. The clerk has a ton of paper work every hour of her day and things will go smoothly if you leave her alone. Step 1 papers are Step 1, so don’t ask the clerk to look at your Step 2 papers just yet. One step at a time, please. If you arrive mid morning or early afternoon you’ll avoid the rush hour traffic and your wait on the hard bench will be minimal. Most courts use a number system. When you get your number, ask for the pink and green form. You can fill in the top section while you are waiting. In big city courts it can be a long wait, and some courts close at 5 pm. If you have not stepped up the counter, you get to come back another day. If your papers are correct, things should go smoothly. Court clerks can be very helpful. Or not. Each clerk in each court seems to have their own pet way of doing things and they have the power to make things simmer or boil. All you can do is smile and follow their suggestions. Typos are an inconvenience, but your case can be delayed, or dismissed if you have not followed the rules. Just about every court counter has a sign pinned to a wall, right near the window saying the clerk cannot give legal advice. The clerk might even say to hire a lawyer! The smaller courts are not so busy, but the process is the same. In some courts you may be required to see a help desk first. How to Escape Your Marriage 15 Your second visit The pink and green form you filled in on your first visit goes to the Divorce Registry in Ottawa. The clerks at the registry check for previous divorce or possible duplications. This process can take up to eight weeks and at the end of the checking the registry sends a ‘clearance’ back to the court clerk. Without this clearance the clerk can only hold your file. The clerk will notify you if there is a hiccup. If yours is a sole application, your ex needs to be served, There are only two ways this can be done. When the service has been done you can return to the court with the rest of your Step two papers. Over time I have discovered how to work with the clerks, so all in all things will go smoothly. Corrections and new documents are sometimes required; that’s the way of it. Be patient. The clerk will read over the paperwork and do Beware computer entering. If you have followed the steps and the rules, things will proceed smoothly. Any unclear wording, or the smallest of errors will cause a day-at-the-beach divorce to become a The clerk takes your completed paperwork and month-in-shark-infested-waters divorce. sends you on your way. However; the clerk works for several judges and each judge may Avoid using the court to harass your ex rather want things done a certain way. That’s why some than to achieve a resolution. clerks want changes. Roadblocks spring up when either of you fail to Too often the divorce is delayed when people agree, or simply fail to understand the basic rules think they can bend the rules about child support. You may have an agreement with your ex that Errors and omissions in your paperwork will have says you both agree to either no child support your case put on hold or rejected. or a lesser amount. But the court has a duty to follow the Child Support Guidelines and will order The courts have little sympathy for two kinds support paid according to the table sums. You of self-represented parties - the hostile and the may ask the court to vary from the guidelines, inept. but it is a difficult task. Look at it this way. If you and your ex have an agreement that you can drive 20 Km over the speed limit, will the police agree? 16 Chapter 1 Lawyers often tell you that your written separation agreement needs to be made by a lawyer. A written agreement is a domestic contract which is legal when signed and witnessed by any adult. So why do lawyers claim you need legal counsel for any agreement to be legal? Even before seeing your agreement, a lawyer may say your agreement will not stand up in court unless it is created and signed by him/her. The most common reason given is that the lawyer’s job is to protect your rights and do what is best for you, and without his/her help you may be at risk. The courts encourage you to use an agreement, and the courts also say that your agreement needs to be signed and witnessed, and can be made with or without legal counsel. Under normal conditions, you and your ex can come to reasonable terms because there are rules about child support and property, which leaves very little room for fighting. Use the free template to hash out the details. In a December issue of McLean’s the premier of Alberta called this approach “getting to yes”. What happens next may surprise you, or not. One of you decides to take it to a lawyer for a quick review. You are told your agreement is invalid and should not trust anything from the internet. During your first interview the lawyer will ask some very basic questions about children, property, and money. The lawyer draws out your answers to discover your situation and to decide if it is in the lawyer’s best interest to represent you. Face facts here; a lawyer has only so much time in the day, and he/she will always ask “Does this person have the ability to pay my bill?” A lawyer cannot represent both sides, so your spouse will need to hire his/her own lawyer. By nature and training lawyers are expected to fight, so your separation agreement is now following the adversarial model to resolution- and that my friend suits the lawyers just fine. Don’t be fooled if your lawyer talks about the collaborative model; this approach means that the lawyers promise to work things out between the parties without going to court. The collaborative law model does not promise to limit the meetings or the billings. Consider this; if you have children you and your spouse and your team of lawyers have a duty to comply with the Child Support Guidelines. The guidelines have been in place for a while and are designed to eliminate fights and costly court time. There is little to argue about, and little to discuss about child support - but your lawyer, despite the rules, uses the traditional adversarial model to drag things out with more meetings which results in you spending more money. Property and pensions have their own set of rules, which also means there is little to discuss, but if you can pay the fee, lawyers will find things to argue. 17 How to Escape Your Marriage There are two legal issues about separation that may seriously require legal assistance: claims for custody of children, or claims for spousal support. Often claims for child custody are used as a red herring, to stall or to avoid paying child support. Lawyers truly like to fight over spousal support because it generates so much billings. I wrote the book How to Resolve Spousal Support Without Lawyers. For answers and more info about alimony and spousal support see www.myspousalsupport.com Maybe you have only paid $1,200 for your lawyer to print your agreement, or maybe you have parted with $20,000. Now you are ready to do the signing, Guess what - your ex has no legal duty to sign the thing, ever. Why use a lawyer for your separation agreement? You may go to lawyer for a separation agreement because you have no idea of what it should contain or what terms are agreeable. You may be so emotionally drained and cannot think straight, so you seek legal help to sort out the mess. You may be so angry that you seek out a lawyer to “make ‘em pay”. You have tons of money, so a few thousand paid to a lawyer is simply lunch money. Maybe you sincerely do need legal help, so try to pick the right counsel. You may be better served by an accountant or a real estate lawyer. Special rules for Alberta? Lawyers in Alberta have been known to claim that in Alberta only lawyers may make an agreement. They say that a written agreement in Alberta is invalid if it is not created by a lawyer. The lawyers are manipulating and dancing around the facts. Here’s why. The legislation is called the Alberta Matrimonial Property Act. (MPA). The very last line causes a ton of confusion and results in misinformation. Here’s the short version of the requirement that a written agreement must be made by a lawyer under this Act. 1. If there is a dispute about property, and the dispute comes before a court, 2. If evidence is in the form of a written agreement, then, the agreement is accepted by this court as evidence if the agreement is made before a lawyer. Lawyers for years have used the last line in this act to claim that all written separation agreements in Alberta must be made before a lawyer. They also insist that both parties to an agreement seek independent legal advice, which drives the billings. Here is what is also in the Act and they don’t want you to know... “Creating a separation agreement will allow the parties to contract out of the MPA. That means that the MPA will not apply to their property. The spouse must understand that they are giving up their right to future claims– this right is being replaced with the agreement.” It is not a legal requirement for lawyer to make your separation agreement. 18 Chapter 1 Four Legal Methods to End Your Marriage 1. Do Nothing One of your options is to do nothing. If you do nothing you’ll stay married, and what’s the harm of staying married? Obviously you won’t be able to remarry until you get around to divorce, and being married will hinder any new relationship. Is that a bad thing or a good thing? If you wait long enough your spouse may do the deed for you, and you’ll get a free divorce. Wait a little longer and your spouse may die, and you become a widow(er). In the dating game there is a real advantage to being a widow(er). You can stay married, but it is prudent to protect your rights and resolve issues with a separation agreement. 2. Hire A Lawyer Set aside $4,000 to $8,000 to hire a pretty good lawyer. As in any profession, there are good lawyers and bad lawyers. It’s up to you to ask the right questions and to determine which lawyer is best for you. Lawyers expect you to follow these simple rules. • Everything is not an emergency; your lawyer is not on call after business hours. • Your lawyer is not a psychologist. • Communicate honestly with your lawyer. • Take your lawyer’s advice. • Your lawyer can’t change the system, nor can your lawyer punch your divorce into ‘turbo speed’. (often a lawyer brokered divorce takes 3x longer). • Your lawyer cannot circumvent the Child Support Guidelines, the Divorce Act or any other of the hundreds of rules. • Your lawyer expects to be paid on time, usually in advance by a series of retainers. Failure to follow these rules may result in your lawyer ‘firing’ you. He/she can choose to stop representing you and withdraw from your case. This usually happens if you fail to communicate with your lawyer or fail to follow his/her advice. It may also occur if you cannot pay the bill. Money is important, so try to get a firm estimate of how much money you will pay for your divorce. Unless you can negotiate a flat fee you can expect to be billed for every meeting, every phone call, every single piece of paper, and even the stamp used to send you your bill. That’s the way of it. Your lawyer is not doing you a personal favour; he/she is working for you and expects to be paid. 3. Do it Yourself Divorce I am often asked if it is possible to do your own divorce. And the answer is, “Maybe”. It is a general principle in law that no person needs to employ a lawyer if he/she does not want to and anyone can represent himself or herself in court. This is true of divorce just as it is of any other legal proceedings. It is unlikely that you will be required to attend court; provided that you have been diligent with your paperwork and support documents. In fact, you can do it yourself and for you this may be a perfectly satisfactory option. How to Escape Your Marriage Be aware that DIY divorce is possible if you have the time and patience to research the Divorce Act, study your provincial laws, and become comfortable with court proceedings. You still need to do your own cost/benefit analysis; you must seriously consider the colossal amount of time required just to correctly fill in the various forms and decide which ones are appropriate for you. 19 The entire divorce process results in you getting this single piece of paper mailed to you from the court clerk. It’s your DIVORCE ORDER Free Divorce Forms are available for all provinces. Simple typing for most of you. The do-it-yourself method bogs down very quickly when you are asked to present your facts in a certain way. Most people start to write essays, or try to include legal sounding words which make no sense at all. It does make for a good laugh, and it also means the court clerk will reject your forms and send you on your way. 4. On-line Divorce This method is an alternative to paying thousands to a lawyer. - This method uses the same forms, the same court rules and you can expect the same outcome - you get divorced. When you hire me to prepare your legal package your divorce goes smoothly and quickly. You hand over your completed documents knowing that your papers are correct and in accordance with the Divorce Act and the Child Support Guidelines. The fee to prepare your legal documents and guide you through the system is a modest $249. There are no hidden fees, no taxes, no handling fees, no shipping charges Send your on-line application, it will take only two two minutes How Can I get a free divorce? • Legal aid is available in most provinces if you have almost no income. Divorce is not covered by legal aid unless you or your children are in danger. • Court fees can be waived in some circumstances. • You have the right to ask the court to have your soon-to-be-ex pay your costs. It is then up to you to collect the money from your ex. • Do nothing, just wait for your ex to do the deed. 20 Chapter 2 All about Money Honey Your separation and divorce is usually all about money. Now you can keep more of your money, and sleep nights”. Separation is like this iceberg. What you don’t know can hurt you. After the wedding bells fall silent and baby cries fill the air - you may only see the tip of the financial berg. When separation or divorce is staring you in the face, it is time protect yourself. It’s time to stick your head in the water and see what lies beneath. • • You either love your lawyer, or learn to hate dealing with them. Ask for a flat fee, so what you see is what you get. But like the iceberg, lurking below the surface are hidden costs. Beware of hidden fees. “There are so many rules and so little time to ponder them. I had better stop because I cannot bill my client for these thoughts. Or can I?” ( Delfman, Bruce. The Rule in Jimmy’s Case.) How to save on legal bills Section 2 is written by an accountant and applies to everyone. Use a separation a agreement; and before you start to fill it in and present it for his/ her signature learn all you can about your money situation, and don’t rely exclusively on information from your ex. As related in Things That Go Wrong with Divorce you may find yourself being manipulated by misinformation. • do your own homework. • know your rights and know what you want. • Save about $3,700 by using the free separation agreement. • decide if you actually need a lawyer to broker your divorce. • leave your tears at the door, why pay $350 an hour to use the lawyer’s box of tissue? • Hidden fees are legendary; it will cost you money just to call the office. Please remember the lawyer is not paid for your successful divorce, the lawyer is paid for time. How to Escape Your Marriage 25 WAYS TO DIVORCE WITHOUT GOING BROKE 21 credit in your own name, and to use when you cancel your joint accounts. Divorce is the largest single financial transaction 7. If you need quick access to cash, borrow funds of most people’s lives and raises important ques- from your parents, or a credit union. The cost of these sources of funds beats credit card interest tions that demand immediate answers. rates by a wide margin. Before the Divorce 1. Cancel all joint credit cards, including charge, department store, and gasoline card accounts. Even if a court rules that you aren’t responsible for charges made by your spouse after you separate, the credit card company can hold you responsible while you and your ex sort it out. 8. Make a clear copy of all tax returns, loan applications, wills, trusts, financial statements, banking information, loan documents, credit card statements, and deeds to real property, car registration, insurance inventories, and all insurance policies. Copy all papers having to do with money now, so you won’t have to subpoena them later. 9. Don’t delay gathering financial information, even if you are not sure if you want to divorce. your automobile and home, buy clothes for your- Knowledge about your finances will make you a self and your children, and other family expenses. better partner if the two of you stay together, and Begin your divorce with these expenses already will help you get the best settlement possible if paid, rather than arguing with your spouse about you don’t. who should pay them later. 2. Before you separate, use joint funds to repair 10. Copy records that you can use to trace your 3. Remember that judges usually enforce the sta- separate property, such as an inheritance or a gift tus quo, so start the processes now that you will from your family. These assets will remain yours want to continue after your divorce. For example, as long as you can document them. go back to school, get braces for the kids, begin medical treatments, etc. 11. Read a book or take a class, and read related articles and information within this site, even 4. Open a post office box that you can use for if you plan to use a lawyer or mediator. Knowing your mail before you separate and while you are how the legal process works will mean that your in the process of divorce. Confidential information lawyer won’t have to explain it to you—at his or can be sent to you there, and it provides a stable her normal hourly rate. mailing address as your life changes. 5. Accumulate money in an easily accessible bank account in your name. Although eventually you will have to tell your soon-to-be ex-spouse about the funds, you will be able to use the money to get through the divorce. 6. Apply for credit cards in your own name. These cards have multiple uses: as an easy way to access money during the divorce, to establish 12. Try mediation instead of litigation. The liti- gation process creates an environment in which two spouses fight against each other, instead of working together to solve the problems of property division and custody arrangements. Mediation is private, less expensive, and kinder to your children than litigation. 22 Chapter 2 13. If mediation won’t work, consider arbitration. Arbitration is less expensive than court, but lets you “rent a judge”, an impartial observer who may be able to help decide any issues remaining in your settlement. 14. Do not waive your right to spousal support except after close consideration of all of the facts and a thorough discussion. Once waived, the right to spousal support cannot be re-acquired. 15. Consider receiving your spousal support as a lump sum payment instead of monthly checks. The default rate for monthly payments is about 50%. A smaller lump sum that you actually receive is better than monthly payments that never arrive. 16. Fighting over child support in court is gener- ally unnecessary. All provinces have child support guidelines based on income and child sharing arrangements that do not allow for negotiation or tantrums. 17. When deciding whether or not to keep the house, consider the cost of maintenance, repairs, homeowner’s association fees, gardeners, and other household expenses. Although you may be able to afford the mortgage, the other expenses may exceed the amount your budget. 18. Consider the value of professional degrees and licenses. In some cases, these assets are marital property, and you are entitled to a share of their value. 19. Don’t forget often overlooked assets. Fre- quent flyer miles, vacation and sick pay, season tickets, club memberships, timeshares, magazine subscriptions, and prepaid insurance all are assets that have value and should be split. 21. Find common ground and proceed from there. Even if you and your soon-to-be-ex can agree only on minor points, that’s a starting place. Document your understandings in writing, use a free separation agreement from candivorce.ca and build on your agreements, rather than focusing on disagreements. 22. Don’t let guilt rule you. “Please release me, let me go” goes the country song, but don’t give up everything to buy your release. Your spouse will still be unhappy, and you’ll be equally unhappy when you find yourself impoverished by your foolish gesture. 23. Don’t leave home until you have to. Once you move, you may have trouble getting your personal items, and you’ll also have difficulty gaining custody of the children you’ve left behind. And if you and your spouse both want to keep the house, the resident spouse is more likely to win. 24. Don’t let your spouse turn off the utilities and phone. If your spouse moves out and asks the utility companies to cease billing him, they may turn out the lights. Contact the utility companies to be sure they will continue service in your name. 25. Do you really need to spend thousands on a lawyer? Colin Kennedy offers workable alternatives. By Ginita Wall, CPA, CFP with Jessica Richman Edited for Canadian content by Colin Kennedy. For divorce see http://www.YouCanDivorce.com For Spousal Support see: http://www.myspousalsupport.com How to Escape Your Marriage A very quick summary about money. If you have custody of your children, you will have child support money. If you have property, you have the right to cash out your share. You may be entitled to monthly payments from your ex. This is called spousal support and is discussed now. Spousal support It is money to help withthe transition to self-sufficiency. When it comes to spousal support, please accept two simple truths. 1. There are no official spousal support guidelines. Each case stands on its own. 2. There are only two methods to resolve spousal support money: by agreement, or a court order. I’ve been privileged to have success as a separation and divorce specialist. Every month thousands of people snap up my legal separation agreement and this book How to Escape your Marriage They use the on-line tools to solve money, property, and child support issues to successfully finalize their own affairs without interference from lawyers. Over the course of two years I wrote the book on spousal support. This book can make the world of difference -- and can save you countless nights of frustration. If you insist on hiring a lawyer then with your new knowledge, you can shorten your consulting time and substantially lower the lawyer’s bill. 23 This book will solve problems, but it is not a free book. Take a look at http://www.myspousalsupport.com How much spousal support money? There are no official spousal support guidelines, and the software lawyers use to make the calculations is totally misleading. I’ll show you how to work out the support sums and present your draft for approval so you won’t have to go to court or spend a fortune in legal fees. You control the process and eliminate wasted time running back and forth to a law office or waiting for appointments. If your ex is leaving and you need the money! “You rat, you’re leaving me high and dry, I want you to pay”, isn’t going to work It can be a difficult time when you struggle with change, and it’s a double whammy when you are running on empty. I’ ll show you how to recover and how to fill up the tank. If your ex is demanding spousal support money The premise here is that you do not want to pay alimony or spousal support, and even if you think it’s fair to pay alimony and you intend to do so - but the other side is out for blood, I’ll show you how to understand what the other side must prove. I’ll share what processes they might use, and how the attack might happen. I’ll show you how to decide what amount of money is fair; and key negotiating skills so you can lower the support payments to a modest level. 24 Chapter 2 Maybe we need to shift the blame? Most lawyers and other experts will often tell you that delays and expenses are a result of a directions from a spiteful spouse, backed up by the whisperings of a new live-in, ignorance, or maybe just a pig-headed need to cause pain. Sorry, I don’t have an answer for yours or your ex’s behaviour. I would suggest you do your research about child support and spousal support. because maybe you can avoid the court route altogether. Divorce doesn’t “fix” your ex. If your former spouse was cheap, never on time and thoughtless before the divorce, he or she will continue to be tight, late and prone to saying stupid things in the divorce. The things that you tolerated in marriage under the perfume of love will infuriate you in divorce. You thought you were done with putting up with his or her behaviour, but it continues just like it was in your marriage. You have to learn to accept, overlook and forgive, or else you are going to expend lots of wasted emotions on someone you’re not even married to. You can only be angry with or hate someone you care about. (Ain’t that a bummer!) Also, your lawyer can’t make your ex-spouse be a sensitive person or parent, so don’t waste unnecessary dollars trying to have your lawyer get “through” to him or her. When you can begin to replace the word “wrong” (as pertains to parenting skills, money values, personal habits, etc., etc., etc.) with the word “different,” you’ll have come a long way toward acceptance. If you don’t hate your exiting spouse when you first separate, you will within three months to three years. It’s next to impossible to skip this one, though it always seems to come as a surprise. Why, I’m not sure. Now you both have different agendas and no way will your priorities (usually money concerns or kid issues) be the same as your ex’s. It’s okay, and sometimes even important, to be angry with your ex (for a certain amount of time -- not forever), but it’s not okay to share or show that anger with your children or in front of your children. Not easy, but for their mental health, their need for a safe haven and their need to love both parents, you’ve got to keep these volatile feelings to yourself -- or limit them to your therapist or support group. Chapter 3 How to Escape Your Marriage 25 Relationship For anyone who hasn’t been divorced, trust me, divorce is never what you imagine it to be. Here are a few insights that give you some idea of what may lie ahead. It covers most of us The Walkaway Wife Syndrome Two thirds to three quarters of divorces will be filed by women. What is this so-called, “Walkaway Wife” syndrome all about? In the early years of marriage, women are the relationship caretakers. They carefully monitor their relationships to make sure there is enough closeness and connection. If not, women will do what they can to try to fix things. If their husbands aren’t responsive, women become extremely unhappy and start complaining about everything under the sun... things that need to get done around the house, responsibilities pertaining to the children, how free time is spent and so on. Unfortunately, when women complain, men generally retreat and the marriage deteriorates even more. After years of trying unsuccessfully to improve things, a woman eventually surrenders and convinces herself that change isn’t possible. She ends up believing there’s absolutely nothing she can do because everything she’s tried hasn’t worked. That’s when she begins to carefully map out the logistics of what she considers to be the inevitable, getting a divorce. While she’s planning her escape, she no longer tries to improve her relationship or modify her partner’s behavior in any way. She resigns herself to living in silent desperation until “D Day.” Unfortunately, her husband views his wife’s silence as an indication that “everything is fine.” After all, the “nagging” has ceased. That’s why, when she finally breaks the news of the impending divorce, her shell-shocked partner replies, “I had no idea you were unhappy.” When her husband undergoes real and lasting changes, it’s often too late. The same impenetrable wall that for years shielded her from pain, now prevents her from truly recognizing his genuine willingness to change. The relationship is in the danger zone. Please don’t give up. I have seen so many men make amazing changes once they truly understand how unhappy their wives have been. Sometimes men are slow to catch on, but when they do, their determination to turn things around can be astounding. I have seen many couples strengthen their marriages successfully even though it seemed an impossible feat. Give your husband another chance. Let him prove to you that things can be different. Keep your family together. Divorce is not a simple answer. It causes unimaginable pain and suffering. It takes an enormous amount of energy to face each day. Why not take this energy and learn some new skills and make your marriage what you’ve wanted it to be for so long? If you’re a man reading this and your wife has been complaining or nagging, thank her. It means she still cares about you and your marriage. She’s working hard to make your love stronger. Spend time with her. Talk to her. Compliment her. Pay attention. Take her seriously. Show her that she’s the most important thing in the world to you. Perhaps your wife is no longer open to your advances because she’s a soon-to-be walkaway wife. Don’t crowd her. Don’t push. Be patient. If you demonstrate you can change and she still has eyes... and a heart, you might just convince her to give your marriage another try. 2002 Copyright - Michele Weiner-Davis. 26 Chapter 3 And Then We Danced An older man, separated from his wife for eight and a half years decides to apply for a simple divorce. They have no children and all their property and money things have been attended to a long time ago. The man is asking only for divorce, and according to the Divorce Act there is no dispute. The dance begins. His is the dance of acceptance. Hers is the dance of anger and resentment. Denial Anger / Resentment / Revenge Bargaining / Negotiation Depression Acceptance A true story of two people dancing out of step, soon joined by her lawyer who has his own bargaining dance. If she does nothing then she automatically gets a free divorce. She partners with her lawyer who give her his wise advice. “Do not ignore this document, we must file at once”. The man receives a notice telling him to pay her costs to file, and to pay her partner’s ample coin. Now he does the dance of depression. Later the same day, after parchment from his own divorce specialist, the man returns to the dance of acceptance, knowing he can sit theirs out. A related article, Walk Away Wife Syndrome looks at another dance. The husband is blissfully unaware of problems. You can see him prancing about whistling the chorus called denial. Everything is fine on his marriage dance floor. Meanwhile, she does a two-step all by herself. She’s done with the moves to denial, has moved beyond the rhythm of anger and the shuffle of bargaining. She has left depression behind and is now firmly embracing the melody of acceptance. They dance and dance, out of step and finally out of their lives. It is common for couples to flirt from dance to dance, each calling their own tune, sometimes in step as if arm in arm, other times crashing apart then rushing back to stomp toes. Often their own. Children are invited, the music loud. Anger and revenge blasts the air. Soon enough, quietly on their own they learn the fancy steps of bargaining. Take time to observe and you’ll see them practicing depression, but rarely acceptance. Maybe couples dance the same dance at the same time. If it’s denial, then all seems well. If it’s the fast tempo of anger, then words and cries fill the air. Bouncing here and there. Directionless. We frequently see a pair of pipers with their forms and letters - keeping the dance alive. At the end of the day with bows and curtsies all around, they pay the pipers their coin. They finally leave the floor, acceptance mellow in the background - to dance and dance and dance alone. Alternatively, they can decide to pause, to take note, to see and hear the other, eyes and ears open, willing to learn and practice the new dance called communication. 27 Mediation Family mediation may be a good idea if you cannot agree. It’s like having a referee. Corporations and unions use mediators, you can too. You both agree to take part in this process. The mediator helps you to look at the outstanding issues. Typically you will first be interviewed by the mediator one at a time. The process will be explained and the mediator will try to find out if this process will work for you. A key part of the mediator’s job is to listen - Your mediator helps communication and problem solving - Provides a safe and supportive setting - Ensures discussions are meaningful and respectful - - Assists you both to identify needs, create and evaluate solutions, make decisions and word their own agreements Encourages you to assess their current financial situation and determine how they will provide for future needs. What’s in it for you? Maybe your ex will see your side. Maybe you’ll see his. Maybe you’ll actually resolve things. Maybe you won’t need to spend thousands on adversarial lawyers. How to Impress a Woman A Sunday afternoon, it’s summer, friends are sitting by the water, watching boats, the dogs, but mostly just sitting about, doing not much of anything. “Here’s a joke that I tell at my seminars, says Richard. A man is walking down a beach when he picks up a bottle and, lo and behold, a genie emerges, saying what else but “Your wish is my command.” The man thinks a minute and finally asks, “Well, I live on an island, 30 miles from land. I’d like you to build me a bridge so I can drive back and forth.” The genie shakes his head, strokes his beard, and says, “That’s an awfully difficult request, don’t you have anything easier for me to fulfil?” The man says, “Let’s see, well since I deal with women, it would be really helpful to know what they want.” The genie answers, “About that bridge, two lanes or four?” From across the lawn, a sharp rebuking from Richard’s wife. “Richard, if you wait for me to tell you what I want it’s too late.” “Shoes! And more shoes” A return shout from Richard, his arms flying in mock defense. “Well smarty pants, how come it takes a million sperm to find one egg?” She flings the answer, “Men are too stupid to ask directions!” One of the mature ladies reaching into her purse says, “Here is something I printed from the internet. 28 How to Impress a Woman. respect her, honour her, compliment her, cuddle her, kiss her, caress her, listen to her, care for her, comfort her, wine and dine her, go to the ends of the earth for her. She pauses for effect, getting ready to deliver the punch line. She observes some of the females smiling as if to say ‘wouldn’t it be nice.’ Richard jumps in, shouting, “Hey you know how to impress a man? Show up naked and bring food!” Laughs all around, both sexes nodding approval. A voice, soft and soothing, barely heard, flows over the group. “To be seen and heard, and for you to know what I want before I have to ask for it.” Says the Doc. “Yes. It’s a deeply familiar female sentiment that’s completely unfamiliar to males, unless it’s said during a fight or in couple’s therapy.” Doc pauses, giving others a chance to offer words or take over. They don’t, not even Richard. “It’s a learned behaviour, girls start shutting down in the sixth grade, according to a recent study by the Association of University Women. They drop to minimum levels of participation by the seventh and eighth grade. It’s as if saying “I want” or “I need” seems unladylike and unattractive.” The group of friends are silent. It’s not often the Doc runs on like this. She continues, “Or maybe the reasons are even more serious. The extreme view is that women can see no way of exercising control without risking an assertion that seems selfish and hence morally dangerous. What ever the reason, women have learned not to speak up; they developed an unwritten code of of behaviour characterized by subtlety, innuendo, inference and at worst manipulation. Women have become comfortable with this code, yet men have not.” Doc takes a deep breath, considering and editing her next words, and from her right a booming voice. “Hey, how ‘bout them Jays?” 29 Four Reasons Your Partner Wants to Dump You This will help you with your day to day dealings with people. You will discover the four key reasons why someone will co-operate with you, do business with you, and like you. Conversely, you will find four key reasons why people will not deal with you, or won’t follow your suggestions, or buy from you, or why they want you out of their life. The four reasons apply to me just as they apply to you and everybody in your work or personal life. These four reasons will show you why people either turn to you or turn away. So let’s get to it. 1: Need An hour ago a tell-a-marketer called me; the one with the hard to understand accent, the one asking me to switch phone service. I have a phone, I have been with the same carrier for forty years. No matter what incentives she offered, I am not about to switch. I do not need her service. The same is true of snow tires. If you do not have a need, then you are not going to buy new tires. Ditto in your personal relationships. The key here is to discover the other person’s need and then meet it. In my business I deal with separation and divorce issues. Every week hundreds of people ask for and receive my legal separation agreement. This free agreement in Word format helps people resolve their issues without spending a stack of their hard-earned money on legal bills. I meet their need. Personal relationship needs are more complex than phone service or legal papers. Needs must be met, yours and your partner’s. It is not easy; it takes a sincere willingness to openly communicate. 2: No Hurry There are just too many things in our day-to-day lives that need immediate attention, and by nature we put off what we can. The guy at the tire store will tell you that his busiest time for new snow tires is right after the first snow fall. In work or business we need to act quickly or we loose customers and money. Often a business will tempt you with incentives, sometimes overdoing it and driving you away forever. In my business, people have their own time-line. Work, kids, money, and events all take priority over something that can be put off another month or two. Some people even after years of separation are still not divorced. It took me six, so I can understand the no-hurry syndrome. The danger with fixing work or personal relationships is that it is just too easy to put things on hold. An eroding association takes enormous energy to fix, and the longer things fester the harder the task. So find out what it will take to make things happen right now. Honestly examine where you are in your relationship, what is good, and what needs immediate attention. Why not take some of this energy and learn some new skills to strengthen your relationship? “Women are the relationship caretakers. They carefully monitor their relationships to make sure there is enough closeness and connection. If not, women will do what they can to try to fix things. If their husbands aren’t responsive, women become extremely unhappy and start complaining about everything under the sun. Unfortunately, when women complain, men generally retreat and the marriage deteriorates even more” 30 3: You Are No Help Six people are standing around a tree. Looking up. A kid is stuck, crying for mom. Six people offer advice. Not one of them has a ladder. In business you need to have the tools ready, and you need the skill to use those tools. Too often a business can not help you, but the real sin lies in the common attitude of not caring enough to even consider taking a small step to solve a problem. You see it everyday. On the plus side, you experience quality help in many business transactions. You walk away feeling good, like you count. Relationships matter. If you and your partner are having difficulties perhaps it’s time to decide on fixing things. To help the other and help yourself. Persistently show that you like each other to keep your relationship fresh. Even something as simple as complementing on your spouse’s looks or buying little surprised gifts can help. Look for the things that would make your partner feel cherished. Both of you have a duty to your partnership to maintain open and honest communication. Marriage fails for a multitude of reasons; this writer suggests that the number one relationship killer is a failure for couples to communicate openly. “Relationships must deepen or die” John LeCarre 4: I Don’t Trust You Cops, lawyers and the tax man all assume people do not tell the truth. It is their starting point. Don’t confuse credibility with trust. Credibility is a degree on the wall, a title, skill or knowledge. “Trust me, I am a certified expert”. Ya right. Trust is something you earn. The easiest method to gain someone’s trust is to do what you say. Relationships fall apart when he doesn’t call when he knows he is going to be late. When she fails to fulfill a promise. Things erode one tiny failure at a time. Every person who has ever been involved with any kind of sales transaction will tell you about the “Be Backs”, the person who tells them they want what they are selling. It is too difficult to say “I don’t need your product, I am not buying anytime soon, and I find that you aren’t much help anyway”. The easy response is usually “I’ll be back”. We hear the relationship “Be Back” all the time. The “I’ll look after that”. If nothing else, one should be open and admit that there is a delay or a problem that needs attention. “Here is how I am going to fix it….” Then do it. You gain others trust by doing your job. By doing what you say. Period. 31 Rowing to Emotional Recovery Late summer of ‘92. Bent over, arms on knees, resting, trying to recover from a long hard row against the tidal current. Pleased with this not-soeasy accomplishment. Too bad there wasn’t an audience, someone to do the clapping, to deliver accolades. She is no longer here, my wife. Perhaps she is with him right now. Having a morning coffee, or sharing a shower. Back then, before the recovery, I was adrift and afloat in selfpity. Wondering for the hundredth time. What did I do to deserve this? Why me? Why did our friends abandon me too? The questions unanswered, just floating out to sea, then sinking. It’s was like this for a while, owning this deep feeling of loss and hope. Still expecting her to just show up at our favourite dock-side restaurant, her smile radiating, her arms open. At home the deck lights were always on, waiting her return. Sitting at the window, watching the rain, waiting for the taxi. The emotional steps leading from the first shock of betrayal to the cleansing action of divorce is similar to the steps dealing with death. And in the early stages I sometimes preferred death. Friends tried to help with their professional advice. Mostly they said it will get better with time. “You’ll be fine.” “You just need time to heal” That was a good one, like if it were only as simple as a broken leg, or hole in the hull. Those I could fight, those I could understand. Did I listen then? I said I did, but in the early stages it’s impossible. Months later, visiting a friend in a hospital room I found myself saying the same things. My words sounding terribly false and hollow against his real pain, his discomfort and fear. “You’ll be fine” In his case, like mine, it was true, and we both recovered. I remember my anger, experiencing it as feeling down or depressed. Left unresolved, this anger could have ruined my career, business opportunities and my health. All of these feelings lowered my sense of self-worth and self-esteem. At this point, motivation and drive to try new things disappeared, resulting in less and less confidence in my abilities. I began to worry and over-think, creating feelings of anxiety. I worried about many things, especially not ever letting anyone into my life. I could justify being a castaway, safely at anchor, alone. I continued to have work problems and developed a sleep disorder. I found comfort in plotting fanciful revenge. If left unchecked this pattern would continue into a downward spiral, creating more fear, more anger or depression lower self-esteem and more worry and anxiety. The simple truth is that I had a good marriage with a good wife. She left. Yes I had generous feelings of betrayal; how could she do this to me? I had constant feelings of loss. Driving our car, turning to see the passenger seat empty would fill me with unseen tears. Somehow things changed for me; sure the counseling helped, but mostly the change happened when I finally gave myself permission to move on, to accept things for what they are, to accept the new opportunities, to see the door open, not closed. 32 I dreaded the thought of divorce. I had worried about divorce for a long time before I had the nerve and courage to take this final action. I spend many nights saying it was OK to do it. I’d put it off for one good reason after another. I told myself the money was too tight, knowing the lie. I told myself I would do it after the holidays, or maybe next month, or next week. Intellectually, I was aware of the immediate benefits of getting divorced and since there was nobody seeking my hand I kept postponing, procrastinating. The day I filed my divorce papers was a day of discovery. I discovered relief from anxiety and a freedom I did not expect. The day I filed was a day of new beginnings, a day of new life. Why Should I be the One to Change? You’re really mad at your partner. You’ve explained your point of view a million times. S/he never listens. You can’t believe that a person can be so insensitive. So, you wait. You’re convinced that eventually s/he will have to see the light; that you’re right and s/he’s wrong. In the meantime, there’s silence. But the tension is so thick in your house, you can cut it with a knife. You hate the distance, but there’s nothing you can do about it because you’re mad. You’re really mad. You try to make yourself feel better by getting involved in other things. Sometimes this even works. But you wake up every morning facing the fact that nothing’s changed at all. A feeling of dissatisfaction permeates everything you do. From time to time, you ask yourself, “Is there something I should do differently,?” but you quickly dismiss this thought because you know that, in your heart of hearts, you’re not the one to blame. So the distance between you and your partner persists. Does any of this sound familiar? Have you and your partner been so angry with each other that you’ve gone your separate ways and stopped interacting with each other? Have you convinced yourself that, until s/he initiates making up, there will be no peace in your house? If so, I have few things I want to tell you. You are wasting precious energy holding on to your anger. It’s exhausting to feel resentment day in and day out. It takes a toll on your body and soul. It’s bad for your health and hard on your spirit. It’s awful for your relationship. Anger imprisons you. It casts a gray cloud over your days. It prevents you from feeling real joy in any part of your life. Each day you drown yourself in resentment is another day lost out of your life. What a waste! I have worked with so many people who live in quiet desperation because they are utterly convinced that their way of seeing things is right and their partner’s is wrong. They spend a lifetime trying to get their partners to share their views. I hear, “I’ll change if s/he changes,” a philosophy that ultimately leads to a stalemate. There are many variations of this position. For example, “I’d be nicer to her, if she were nicer to me,” or “I’d be more physical and affectionate if he were more communicative with me,” or “I’d be more considerate and tell her about my plans if she wouldn’t hound me all the time about what I do.” You get the picture… 33 “I’ll be different if you start being different first.” Trust me when I tell you that this can be a very, very long wait. There’s a much better way to view things when you and your partner get stuck like this. I’ve been working with couples for years and I’ve learned a lot about how change occurs in relationships. It’s like a chain reaction. If one person changes, the other one does too. It really doesn’t matter who starts first. It’s simply a matter of tipping over the first domino. Change is reciprocal. Let me give you an example. I worked with a woman who was very distressed about her husband’s long hours at work. She felt they spent very little time together as a couple and that he was of little help at home. This infuriated her. Every evening when he returned for work, her anger got the best of her and she criticized him for bailing out on her. Inevitably, the evening would be ruined. The last thing he wanted to do after a long day at work was to deal with problems the moment in walked in the door. Although she understood this, she was so hurt and angry about his long absences that she felt her anger was justified. She wanted a suggestion from me about how to get her husband to be more attentive and loving. She was at her wit’s end. I told her that I could completely understand why she was frustrated and that, if I were in her shoes, I would feel exactly the same way. However, I wondered if she could imagine how her husband might feel about her nightly barrage of complaints. “He probably wishes he didn’t have to come home,” she said. “Precisely,” I thought to myself, and I knew she was ready to switch gears. I suggested that she try an experiment. “Tonight when he comes home, surprise him with an affectionate greeting. Don’t complain, just tell him you’re happy to see him. Do something kind or thoughtful that you haven’t done in a long time…even if you don’t feel like it.” “You mean like fixing him his favorite meal or giving him a warm hug? I used to do that a lot.” “That’s exactly what I mean,” I told her, and we discussed other things she might do as well. She agreed to give it a try. Two weeks later she returned to my office and told me about the results of her “experiment.” “That first night after I talked with you I met him at the door and, without a word, gave him a huge hug. He looked astounded, but curious. I made him his favorite pasta dish, which was heavy on the garlic, so he smelled the aroma the moment he walked in. Immediately, he commented on it and looked pleased. We had a great evening together, the first in months. I was so pleased and surprised by his positive reaction that I felt motivated to keep being ‘the new me.’ Since then things between us have been so much better, it’s amazing. He’s come home earlier and he’s even calling me from work just to say hello. I can’t believe the change in him. I’m so much happier this way.” The moral of this story is obvious. When one partner changes, the other partner changes too. It’s a law of relationships. If you aren’t getting what you need or want from your loved one, instead of trying to convince him or her to change, why not change your approach to the situation? Why not be more pragmatic? If what you’re doing (talking to your partner about the error of his/her ways) hasn’t been working, no matter how sterling your logic, you’re not going to get very far. Be more flexible and creative. Be more strategic. Spend more time trying to figure out what might work as opposed to being hell bent on driving your point home. You might be pleasantly surprised. Insanity has been defined as doing the same old thing over and over and expecting different results. 2002 Copyright - Michele Weiner-Davis 34 7 Ideas to Rebuild Your Life 2. Focus Recovery from divorce or separation takes time, and work and a few other things. A broken relationship is like a boat with a broken rudder; you are crippled and out of control, and you may end up on the rocks. In time you will recover. It’s tough in the middle of storm and the boat is sinking. 1. Desire In my day to day dealings with clients and visitors I am sometimes reminded that not all people feel that divorce or separation is a defeat. Often it is seen as a reason to celebrate. However, for most of us it is not a happy event. To begin your recovery or your building process you must have want or desire to do it. Here is what I suggest you do right now to start feeling good about yourself. Make a quick list, point by point; because writing creates feelings, and feelings create action. Begin with a single bold statement like “I wanna move on”. Interestingly other ideas or desires automatically unfold. Write ‘em all down, in any order, forget the speling, just write.Then refine your statement with specific details “I desire ownership, without debt, of a 45 foot Swan, cutter rigged, cruise equipped, and in the water by the end of August 2014”. I am very clear with my desire so it is easier for me to stay focused. We all have things that get in the way of what we want. We all have good days and bad days. We all have other things that cry for our attention. We all have handicaps. We all have side trips. In the middle of your storm you can’t be all things to all people, nor can you do ten things at once. That is OK, providing you do something to retain your focus on the things or outcome that is really important. What would happen if after you have written down your desires and you sense that your priorities are upside down? 3. Priorities Do I reach for the bailing bucket or jump overboard? It is a sinking feeling when we are overtaken by really bad weather. For a lot of people with relationship problems their focus is simply too narrow. I have watched marriages disintegrate because one spouse lived only for money. Or for kids. Or for toys. If your desire is to repair a relationship or repair yourself then you may need to focus and change your priorities. It’s not all that easy to do everything, so maybe you shouldn’t. Change means adjustment and it may mean giving up being super-mom or the club secretary. It may simply mean getting some sleep. It may mean going back to school, or quitting something. Yes it may mean doing nothing. In bad weather sailors often lash the wheel and confidently go below to ride it out. . 35 4. Passion 7. Wisdom I love getting wet and banged about as much as the quietness of a tropical lagoon. Couples in a successful relationship share a passion for that relationship. They are focused and have their priorities reasonably ship-shape. Passion does not necessarily mean night after night high-energy sex. It is simply liking or loving what you do. When you find and follow your passion then everything else just sorta falls into place. It is the wise person who knows when to switch jobs, and the same is true with relationships. Focus on your passion. No passion? Go find one or make one or borrow one. Running your boat onto a hard surface teaches you not to run aground. 5. Work and More Work. The reward of a safe passage is paid in the coin of preparation and practice. There are no shortcuts. None. It is not a gift or luck. All successful people work very hard. Does Tiger Woods bother with practice? Does Oprah come into work everyday at 5 am? A commonality is that they love their work. To them it is not work. Look at it this way. Good lovers know they are good, and they always make an effort to improve. So, does it not make perfect sense to work just as hard at building or maintaining or repairing yourself? Consider an investment. Talk to a counsellor, a mentor, go on a date, talk to your dog. Anything that works is OK. 6. Persistence “Never!. Never!. Never, give up!” Churchill. Think of the people who have conquered Everest, or people who have earned their degrees or stripes or wreaths of laurel. Each has earned their reward one step at a time. They did not quit. Persistence pays rewards like no other quality. OK, I see the hands. Yes, I said it is OK to quit sometimes. That is true. Which brings us to one more point. We earn wisdom. We pay the price in the form of wins, but mostly it comes from errors, mistakes, missed orders, failed business and failed relationships. With experience, you’ll know when to leave the ship. With experience, you’ll know not to fear the storm, but to welcome the opportunity it presents. 36 Chapter 1 When Lust and Love Becomes Fight and Flight to sex, tends to take the lead and ask for sex in his own way. A problem develops when he is rejected six times in a row. He gives up. The problem of course is that he may withdraw and a standoff develops. Divorce specialist, Colin Kennedy, firmly believes that it is just too easy to walk away from a relationship that has gone south. This report examines our journey from love to flight and includes practical help with the whole process. Wouldn’t it be nice if you both agreed to an open and sincere communication about sex, and about money, and work, and kids, and having a date, and holidays, sharing housework, and sharing some private time for just the two of you? Why not have a date without the kids? In the beginning, you both try to impress the other; there are numerous questions and answers and the great joy of discovery. Everything is new and exciting; you are the envy of your friends. You can’t wait until you see each other again. You both make a commitment and share hopes and dreams. Hint. Persistently show that you like each other to keep your relationship fresh. Even something as simple as complementing on your spouse’s looks or buying little surprised gifts can help. Look for the things that would make your partner feel cherished. Sex within the marriage is a good and comforting extension of your day to day intimacy. Both of you have a duty to your partnership to maintain open and honest communication. Marriage fails for a multitude of reasons; this writer suggests that the number one relationship killer is a failure for couples to communicate openly. Consider the man who says his wife will not initiate sex. Men have this need to feel they count; they usually have a need for their spouse to take the lead occasionally. How the female does it is important because the male tends to misread things. He tends not to get the subtle approach. The male, who is usually dominate when it comes An eroding relationship can be salvaged. If you learn to communicate,it is a certainty that you can save your marriage. If you both can not accept that things are heading south, the erosion will only get worse. Help comes in the form of mediation and joint marriage counseling. Counseling will only work if you both sincerely want to make adjustments and improvements. Help also comes in the form of financial counseling because the number two relationship killer is how you make and handle your money. Even before seeing your agreement a lawyer may say your agreement will not stand up in court unless it is created and signed by him/her. The most common reason given is that the lawyer’s job is to protect your rights and do what is best for you, and without his/her help you may be at risk. For more about what lawyers say about your agreement please see Is the Agreement Legal How to Escape Your Marriage Going, going, gone. One of you has made the decision to bail, but before you run to the divorce court do yourself a major favour - do your preparation work. At this point, the marriage is done; it is now a time to divide the spoils. This can be a dangerous time. One partner may not accept facts and it is better if you can resolve your own issues with our sample separation agreement. All is not totally lost if you can make a serious attempt to reconcile. Accounting and evaluation of real property and tax issues is suggested if you feel overwhelmed. Do your homework by making an inventory of property, gather tax information for both parties and make an appointment with an accountant. You can expect to pay about $200 for this onetime objective advice. It is a fraction of what a law firm would charge for the same work. Real property, including the matrimonial home and the cottage can be an issue. The value of the properties is calculated by subtracting what is owed from the market value. Market value is defined as what a willing buyer will pay today. You can get a free market evaluation from any Realtor. It’s his or her job; they know the market and this evaluation is a free service. Children are deeply affected by the split. Be open with them and they will understand. Surprisingly they will adapt. Unless they are very young, the kids already are aware of the relationship difficulties and there is no sense hiding things from them. In every province, the court follows the Federal Child Support Guidelines to determine who pays what to whom. It does not matter if you are separated or divorced, the guidelines apply. You can read the guidelines here. You may also download my free book about child custody and support. 37 Lawyers and your money go hand in hand. Traditionally couples would seek legal help from a local lawyer, but divorce law has changed so that it is possible to get divorced without a lawyer. Alternatively, you can beat the high cost of your divorce by making a serious attempt to reach an agreement by using the free separation agreement. Get the property and child issues resolved first; then the divorce becomes easier and less stressful. Recovery can take time. Divorce is the legal end of your marriage. Not all people see it as a failure; some see it as a learning experience and they gain a boatload of wisdom. They have the benefit of their experience and learn to accept the reality. Traditionally, females have a tougher time adjusting, but it is not impossible if you face your new life with a distinctively healthy attitude. Things will get better. That’s a promise. 38 The Final Word I don’t think there will be a final word. The first chapter was about the basics of separation and divorce. It covered the rules and concepts. The second chapter was about money. If you are making a change, be sure to read 25 Ways. The third chapter was about relationships and things that can imporve your life. Chapter 3 is not the last, but the begining... When you hire me to prepare your legal package your divorce goes smoothly and quickly. You hand over your completed documents knowing that your papers are correct and in accordance with the Divorce Act and the Child Support Guidelines. The fee to prepare your legal documents and guide you through the system is a modest $249. There are no hidden fees, no taxes, no handling fees, no shipping charges Send your on-line application, it will take only 2 minutes You may send me an e-mail to: [email protected] You may visit the web site where you will discover more aritcles. You may pass on this book to your friends and foes alike.
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