1 KNOWLEDGE SHARING WORKSHOP FOR EVALUATION MANAGERS: How to design and conduct a country programme evaluation Structure & content WORKSHOP FOR THE AFRICA REGION Johannesburg, South Africa June 25- 29, 2012 Africa Regional Office and Evaluation Branch at Division for Oversight Services United Nations Population Fund UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND STRUCTURE & CONTENT OF THE WORKSHOP The delivery of this workshop is part of the launching and implementation of the new methodology for UNFPA country programme evaluations (CPEs) developed by the evaluation branch at the Division for Oversight Services (DOS). This document presents the outline of the course both in terms of structure and contents. TARGET GROUP The main target group for this workshop consist in evaluation managers in UNFPA Country offices. The first workshop will be delivered in the Africa region. DURATION Four days in two-session modules. The second half of the last day will be devoted to Evaluation Quality Assessment (EQA). OBJECTIVES The overall objective of the workshop is that evaluation managers are qualified to perform their roles in the conduct of a CPE. To achieve that goal the workshop has been designed to familiarise evaluation managers with the process of designing and conducting CPEs. The workshop has three main specific objectives: Evaluation managers are acquainted with the overall CPE process and with the main features of every phase of the CPE. Evaluation managers are well informed and understand the roles they will play in future CPE and in particular, they are fully acquainted (i) with the CPE tools they will have to provide input to; (ii) and with the quality standards of the tools evaluators will use. Evaluation managers have a full understanding of the quality assurance mechanisms they will have to apply to ensure both the quality of the entire process in general, and the quality of the final report in particular. WORKSHOP METHODOLOGY The presentations delivered in the workshop are mostly based on the Handbook on how to design and conduct Country Programme Evaluations. The handbook is essentially targeted at the evaluation team members who will actually design and conduct the evaluation. Therefore, the presentations adjust the content of the Handbook to the workshop’s target group: the evaluation managers. The workshop will consist in a series of brief presentations on methodological aspects supported by examples and followed by exercises. The workshop approach will also rely on debates, that is, specific time slots placed at the end of some of the modules. Evaluation Branch, Division for Oversight Services UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND Most of the examples provided in the workshop will be based on the pilot implementation of the CPE methodology in Bolivia, Cameroon and Madagascar. WORKSHOP MATERIALS Materials will include: The PowerPoint slides organised by module The Handbook on how to design and conduct Country Programme Evaluations, which includes all the tools and templates that will be used throughout the five phases of the CPE. The handbook can be accessed here: http://www.unfpa.org/public/home/about/Evaluation/Methodology The following hand-outs: o Supporting materials complementing the exercises e.g. print out of parts of CPE Final Reports, EQAs, etc. WORKSHOP STRUCTURE - Summary The workshop is structured around five modules: introduction, preparatory phase, design phase, conducting the evaluation and reporting phase. The main workshop units, learning points, exercises and the timings are summarised in the tables below. Evaluation Branch, Division for Oversight Services UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND Day 1 Time 8:30 9:00 9:30 9:40 Module topic Registration Opening remarks Introduction Course presentation 10:00 Overview of the phases of a CPE 10:30 11:00 Debate MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION Learning points Presentation of participants Presentation of the objectives of the training session as well as the Handbook. Presentation of the five phases of the CPE process. Brief presentation of the features of each phase, how the phases interrelate and the role of the evaluation managers in each phase. Questions and answers NA NA Examples of key issues not-to-be omitted in each phase and which have important repercussions in the quality of subsequent phases. Coffee break INTRODUC MODULE 2 – PREPARATORY PHASE Brief ToRs overview: elements to be included in the ToRs; the consultation process associated to drafting the ToRs; considerations on quality. The main aspects to take into account when selecting and recruiting the evaluation team; presentation and succinct study of the Ethical Code of Conduct for UNEG/UNFPA Evaluations; focus on aspects such as independence and conflict of interest. Aspects to take into account when establishing the Reference Group, i.e., members, representativeness, and operational mechanisms. How to design the quality assurance process: identification of quality assurance process milestones, and the role of the Reference Group in quality assurance. Questions and answers 11:20 Drafting the ToR 11:45 Selecting and recruiting the evaluation team 12:00 Establishing the reference group and the quality assurance process 12:15 13:0014:30 14:30 Debate Lunch break Preparing initial documentation Inventory of the required documentation: where to find it and how obtain it. Exercise: prepare a list of documents 15:00 Preparing list of Atlas projects by CPAP output and Strategic Plan Outcome Preparing stakeholders mapping Steps involved in the preparation of the list of Atlas projects Why this list is important and how evaluators will use it 15:45 16:0017:00 Examples Coffee break Debate Steps to be carried out in the preparatory phase in order to provide input to the stakeholder sample selection process in the design phase. Rationale of selecting a sample of stakeholder rather than a sample of projects. Exercise: prepare a Stakeholders’ mapping table Examples of features that should not be omitted when drafting ToRs. Examples of team composition Introduction to the tool 9: checklist for the documents to be provided by the CO to the Evaluation Team. Introduction to the tool 3 and template: List of Atlas Projects by CPAP output and Strategic Plan outcome Introduction to the tool 4 and template: Stakeholders’ mapping table Open discussion on the role of the evaluation managers in the preparatory phase. Opening questions: do current resources, organisational structures and internal capacity at Country Offices allow evaluation managers to carry out their role in the preparatory phase? What are the weaknesses in this regard and how could they be overcome? Evaluation Branch, Division for Oversight Services UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND Day 2 MODULE 3 - DESIGN PHASE Time 9:00 9:30 Module topic CPE wider Framework The CPE internal framework (ToRs) Country context and UNFPA response Intervention logic Learning points Examples Main elements of the CPE evaluation framework: CPE mandate The three CPE components; the objectives of a CPE; the scope of a CPE. Overview of what evaluators should know to understand the country context and the UNFPA response. Review of the main documents. The questions that evaluator may ask about the UNFPA response and programmatic flow. The elements of the intervention logic (needs, objectives, inputs, activities, outputs, outcomes, impact). NA Evaluation criteria What are the evaluation criteria; definitions and rationale of the evaluation criteria for the programmatic areas and for strategic positioning; differences between criterion e.g. efficiency and effectiveness; responsiveness and relevance. 10:30 11:00 11:20 Debate Coffee break Evaluation questions Questions and answers 12:00 12:4514:15 14:15 Debate Lunch break Questions and Answers From a sample of stakeholders to the CPA overall agenda The role of the evaluation manager in drawing the agenda. How to develop individual agendas out of the overall agenda. The supporting and quality assurance role of the evaluation manager in drawing up individual agendas. 14:30 Data collection methods Brief analysis of quality issues for evaluation managers to take into account when assessing the appropriateness of the data collection methods chosen by the evaluation team. Validity of findings Brief analysis of quality issues evaluation managers should have into account when assessing the validation mechanisms and the triangulation techniques. What the Evaluation Matrix is and how to prepare it. How evaluator managers can assess the quality of the Evaluation Matrix. What are the evaluation questions and why are they so important; the link between evaluation criteria and evaluation questions; process of selecting priority evaluation questions. 15:00 The Evaluation Matrix 15:45 16:0017:00 Coffee break Group exercise: participants will assess the quality of an Evaluation Matrix. Evaluation Branch, Division for Oversight Services See template fot the ToRs Overview of the basic documents that the Evaluation Team should read (tool 9) and where Evaluator managers could find them. See elements of theory (Part 3, 3.4.1) Examples of Cameroon and Madagascar Effects diagrams Differences between key terms – tips to avoid confusion: activities and Annual Work Plans; outputs and outcomes; efficiency and effectiveness, relevance and responsiveness. Examples of evaluation questions: how to identify well formulated from inadequately formulated questions. Strategic Plan issues: Tool 5 The corporate alignment matrix and table 5- Corporate mandate aspects that should be assessed and the criteria under which they could be assessed. Tips and suggestions for a realistic agenda (briefing and debriefing allocations; independence of the team in field visits; etc.). Examples of situations in which is more appropriate to use one type of data collection method and the reasons why. Examples of Evaluation Matrixes UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND Day 3 MODULE 3 - DESIGN PHASE Time 9:00 10:30 11:00 12:4514:15 14:15 Module topic Learning points Starting the field mission – overview General briefing (plenary session) Data collection – practical considerations 15:45 16:00 Coffee break Data analysis practical considerations – Presenting preliminary results 16:45 Examples Group presentations: Results of the Evaluation Matrix exercise will be presented and discussed with the entire group. Discussions will be facilitated and guided by trainers and will conclude with the main learning points. Design Report Brief presentation of the detail outline of a design report; One or two real reports will be structure, minimum content and quality aspects. presented to illustrate how a complete design report should look like. Coffee break Debate Open discussion on the role of the evaluation managers in the design phase. Lunch break Debate MODULE 4 - CONDUCTING THE EVALUATION Evaluators’ internal team meeting; security briefing; general briefing with the country office and individual briefings with the CO’s programme officers (individual agendas, logistics, programme overview). Rationale, and main issues to be covered: presentation of the CPE methodology, briefing on general political and technical aspects, logistics and two core aspects: refining and adjusting the Evaluation Matrix (if necessary). Practical aspects that influence the quality of interviews and groups discussions. Practical aspects regarding changes in the individual agendas. Role of the evaluation manager in the preparation and organization of focus groups; quality aspects. Examples (Cameroon and Bolivia) of presentations of programme overviews to be made by programme officers to the evaluation team and suggestions on their minimum content. . Examples of factors that influence the quality of the data collected (especially when conducting interviews). Tool 13 – Interview logbook; Template 8 – Note of the results of focus group. Practical aspects to be considered to ensure the quality of Examples of triangulation the data analysis process. This unit will also cover the chain techniques and validation of reasoning of the evaluation and the approach to data mechanisms. analysis (evidence-based reasoned judgments). How evaluators will prepare the plenary debriefing; what Example of a PowerPoint evaluation managers should expect from the presentation; presentation used to present the double objective of plenary sessions; who should preliminary results in a Plenary attend; sequence of the presentation. briefing. Open discussion on the role of the evaluation managers in the field phase. Evaluation Branch, Division for Oversight Services UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND Day 4 MODULE 5 - REPORTING PHASE Time 9:00 9:45 11:00 11:15 11:40 12:30 13:00 14:30 16:00 16:15 16:20 16:40 – 17:15 Module topic Learning points Examples Assessment of the Overview of the main features of the Assessment of the Tool 16 – CPAP indicator quality M&E system of the M&E system assessment grid CO Group exercise: participants will assess the quality of the indicators of a results framework Group presentations: Results of the exercise will be presented and discussed with the entire group. Coffee break The Evaluation Overview of the outline, structure and contents of a final Example of completed evaluation Report – structure report. reports. and template Evaluation Report Explanations on the review process; types of observations; Examples of audit trails – review process how to fill in the audit trail. An explanation on what is the EQA, what are the quality Evaluation criteria, when it should be filled out, how it is structured, Quality Assessment (EQA) how to fill it out, how to apply the scoring and the weighting Questions and Answers Debate Lunch break Group exercise: participants will assess the quality of one CPE report Examples of EQAs Group presentations: Results of the exercise will be presented and discussed with the entire group. Coffee break Beyond the The evaluation report is distributed to stakeholders in the reporting phase: country and at UNFPA headquarters. CO and relevant Management services prepare a management response to the evaluation response, recommendations. Report made available to UNFPA dissemination and Executive Board by the time of approving a new CPD. follow up The report, the Evaluation Quality Assessment and the management response will be published on the UNFPA evaluation webpage http://web2.unfpa.org/public/about/oversight/evaluations/ Follow up of recommendations one year later. Presentation of a Example of a completed concrete example management response sheet. Open discussion on the role of the evaluation managers in the reporting and dissemination Debate phases. Evaluation Branch, Division for Oversight Services
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