Independent Evaluation Office UNFPA TRAINING WORKSHOP FOR EVALUATION MANAGERS: INDEPENDENT EVALUATION OFFICE How to design and conduct a country programme evaluation at UNFPA Agenda WORKSHOP FOR EECARO REGION CPE EECARO Presenters Alexandra Chambel, Evaluation Adviser, Independent Evaluation Office, New York Valeria Carou-Jones, Evaluation Specialist, Independent Evaluation Office, New York Mahbub Alam, Regional Monitoring & Evaluation Adviser, EECARO, Istanbul Ankara, Turkey December 9-12, 2013 Independent Evaluation Office Hosted by: Eastern Europe and Central Asia Page 1 Regional Office DAY 1 MODULE 1 – INTRODUCTION TIME 9:00 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:45 11:00 11:20 12:15 12:30 TOPIC Registration Opening remarks Introduction and presentation of participants Objectives of the training UNFPA Evaluation Policy and framework Role of the Independent Evaluation Office Country programme evaluations Role of the Regional Office Role of the Country Office Debate: Q&A Coffee Break Structure of the Handbook Overview of the phases of a CPE PRESENTER Werner, Regional Director, EECARO Mahbub Alam, Regional M&E Adviser, EECARO Alexandra Chambel, Evaluation Adviser, Evaluation Office Mahbub Alam Valeria Carou-Jones, Evaluation Specialist, Evaluation Office Debate: Q&A Lunch break MODULE I1 – PREPARATORY PHASE 2:00 Drafting the terms of reference of the evaluation Selecting and recruiting the evaluation team Preparing a CPE budget Setting up a calendar Identifying the CPE deliverables Setting up a reference group Independent Evaluation Office Alexandra Chambel Page 2 2:45 3:00 3.45 4:00 4:30 5-5:30 Desk review: Preparing initial documentation Debate: Q&A Exercise 1: prepare a list of documents Coffee Break Preparing a list of Atlas projects Preparing a stakeholder map Exercise 2: stakeholders mapping for a CPE Debate: Open discussion on the role of the evaluation managers in the preparatory phase. Independent Evaluation Office Valeria Carou Jones Page 3 DAY 1I MODULE II1 – THE DESIGN PHASE TIME 9:00 9:15 10:15 11:00 11:20 12:00 12:30 2:00 2:45 4:00 4:20 5:00 5:105:30 TOPIC The CPE objectives and scope Intervention logic Evaluation criteria Evaluation questions Coffee Break Exercise 3: criteria and evaluation questions The evaluation matrix Lunch CPAP indicators and their quality Exercise 4: Quality assessment of the CPAP indicators Coffee Data collection methods Stakeholder sample selection and CPE agenda The design report Debate: Open discussion on the role of the evaluation managers in the preparatory phase. Independent Evaluation Office PRESENTER Valeria Carou Jones Alexandra Chambel Valeria Carou Jones Alexandra Chambel Mahbub Alam Alexandra Chambel Valeria Carou Jones Page 4 DAY III MODULE IV – CONDUCTING THE EVALUATION TIME TOPIC Starting the field mission: key activities and the role of the evaluation manager Briefing by the country office on the country 9:00 programme Briefing to the CO and reference group Adjusting and refining the evaluation matrix Exercise 5: Complete the evaluation 10:00 matrix 11:00 Coffee Break Practical considerations for interviews and focus 11:20 groups 12.30 Lunch Break Triangulation techniques 2:00 CPE: The chain of reasoning Presenting preliminary results: debriefing to the CO Consolidating the evaluation matrix 2:30 Final evaluation report: structure and review process Beyond the reporting phase: management response, dissemination and follow-up 3:30 Debate: Q&A 4:00 Coffee Break 4:20Exercise 6: Terms of reference 5:30 Independent Evaluation Office PRESENTER Alexandra Chambel Alexandra Chambel Valeria Carou Jones Alexandra Chambel Mahbub Alam/ Alexandra Chambel Page 5 DAY IV MODULE V – QUALITY ASSURANCE TIME 9:00 10:40 11:00 12:0012:30 12.30 TOPIC Quality assurance during the design phase Quality assurance during the field phase Quality assurance during reporting and analysis The Evaluation Quality Assessment (EQA) Grid Coffee Break Exercise 7: Assess the quality of an Evaluation Quality Assessment Grid PRESENTER Alexandra Chambel Mahbub Alam Mahbub Alam/ Valeria Carou Jones Debate: Q&A Lunch Break EASTERN EUROPE AND CENTRAL ASIA REGION - COUNTRY CONSULTATION MEETING 14:00 15:00 – 15:30 Evaluation Policy Alexandra Chambel Debate: Q&A Independent Evaluation Office Page 6
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