How to Access Company Documents and Surveys Training

How to Access Company Documents
and Surveys Training
2011 by Select Merchandising Services
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Select Merchandising Services.
WebTracker: Company Documents & Surveys
Logging In
Make sure you use Internet Explorer to access the CRC WebTracker
system. Other browsers will not access the information correctly.
Go to Enter the following: Company ID #, Your ID #, Your Password.
Note: SMS Company ID is
always 370, User ID = Your 4
or 5 Digit ID Number, Password
= Your 4 or 5 Digit ID Number
(unless you changed it).
Click the “Sign In” button when
The first screen shows the Main Menu with the Messages link open. This is also where you will
find the Company Documents link and a Store Information link. For this training, we will
concentrate on learning how to access Company Documents (Documents formerly housed on
the SMS Biz site) and surveys.
Company Documents
The Company Documents link in WebTracker replaces the SMS Biz site and houses all
account-related documents. This includes SBS‟s, POG‟s, and other service information. Also
available here are HR forms and documents and CRC/IVR instructions. If something was on
the SMS Biz site, you should find it under Company Documents. The link will show the folders
for the different categories or accounts within Company Documents.
Select Merchandising Services – Confidential & Proprietary
August 2011
WebTracker: Company Documents & Surveys
Some tips:
Click the plus sign next to the
desired folder to show the
contents of the folder.
2. Once you click a
list of available
folders open.
1. Click this link to access documents
from the old SMS Biz site.
Click on the document
needed and the document will
be displayed on the screen.
You will then be able to save
the document, print out the
document or simply view the
Click on the + next to the
account folder to access
account-specific documents.
Folders inside each account
Forms: Documents that are
not a POG or SBS
POGs: POGS & pictures
Training: SBS’s
Click on the + next to
Account Management
(or on the name) to view
specific account folders
and information.
Click the + to open the folder
and then click on your document
to open, view, and print it.
Select Merchandising Services – Confidential & Proprietary
August 2011
WebTracker: Company Documents & Surveys
To answer a survey in WebTracker, you still need to call in and out of the IVR system as you
always have. This will create a visit in WebTracker and allow you to access and answer any
related surveys.
First, to locate the visits you have called in, click on the Main Menu, then click the Visits folder
and choose the “Visits” link. This will open the „Visits‟ screen and allow you to see your visit
Now filter your visit history by setting the date range and other optional search fields at the top
of the screen.
Once all search data is entered, click the “Find Now” button. This will show you all of the calls
logged for the date range chosen.
Your search
Select Merchandising Services – Confidential & Proprietary
August 2011
WebTracker: Company Documents & Surveys
To complete a survey, locate the call that
requires a survey and click the ellipsis
(…) button next to the call.
Details about the current visit will appear
on the left, a message indicating to select
an option on the left will appear, and you
will see the “Surveys” folder appear.
Click the Surveys folder and a list of
links to available surveys will appear.
Surveys links are now color-coded, based on the
Black – An available survey that has not been answered in
the past for this store, but is not a required survey.
Orange/Gold – An available survey that has been answered
at least once in the past for this store.
Green – A survey that has already been answered for this visit. Clicking on a green survey will allow
you to edit previously entered answers for this survey in this visit.
Red – An available survey for this store that is mandatory for this store visit. You will not be allowed to
close this visit until all red surveys are complete.
Blue – A survey with locations and/or products that have had at least one location or product answered
for this visit (but not all). Click the desired survey and the questions will appear.
Select Merchandising Services – Confidential & Proprietary
August 2011
WebTracker: Company Documents & Surveys
Accurately answer all the
questions according to the
question type. Once you have
answered all required questions,
click the “Save” button at the
lower right. The Answer Wizard
will confirm “Your answer has
been saved”.
Now click “Finish” at the lower
You will return to the screen below.
Select Merchandising Services – Confidential & Proprietary
August 2011
WebTracker: Company Documents & Surveys
Once here, click the “Visits” folder and
select “Close Visit.” This will confirm the
closing of the visit. Click “OK.”
You will be returned to the visit history
where you started.
Note: You can complete additional surveys
at this time by following the same steps
above or you may log out.
To log out of the WebTracker system, click on the Logout
button on the lower left of the screen.
If you have any questions or need help with anything
regarding the WebTracker system, please contact your
Supervisor. Your Supervisor will then contact the IVR
Manager for assistance.
Select Merchandising Services – Confidential & Proprietary
August 2011