Stephanie Harmon, Pastor Edward Spurr, Program Director Kay Chinn, Church Secretary Debby Babbitt, Parish Health Nurse [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] HOW TO PLANT YOUR GARDEN OF DAILY LIVING First, Come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses….. FOR THE GARDEN OF YOUR DAILY LIVING, PLANT THREE ROWS OF PEAS: 1.Peace of mind 2.Peace of heart 3.Peace of soul PLANT FOUR ROWS OF SQUASH: 1.Squash gossip 2.Squash indifference 3.Squash grumbling 4.Squash selfishness PLANT FOUR ROWS OF LETTUCE: 1.Lettuce be faithful 2.Lettuce be kind 3.Lettuce be patient 4.Lettuce really love one another NO GARDEN IS WITHOUT TURNIPS: 1.Turnip for meetings 2.Turnip for service 3.Turnip to help one another TO CONCLUDE OUR GARDEN WE MUST HAVE THYME: 1.Thyme for each other 2.Thyme for family 3.Thyme for friends WATER FREELY WITH PATIENCE AND CULTIVATE WITH LOVE. THERE IS MUCH FRUIT IN YOUR GARDEN BECAUSE YOU REAP WHAT YOU SOW. 220 Junction Road Ruidoso, NM 88345 Ph. 575-257-4170 Health Mary Dolphin, Bill Martin, Paul Kolb, Evan Giallanza (EvaDell Chesbro’s Son), Whitney Blaine (EvaDell Chesbro’s granddaughter), Betty Neill, Doyle Harmon In the Military Jesse Leuvano, Josiah Benison, Josh Crawford, Jordan Brewer, John Meeks, Jeffery Paulson, Curtis Ballard, Joseph Neal Harrison, Craig (C.J.) Hope, Chase Rankin, Amanda Lang, Trey Lenzo, Scott Gossett, Maj. Heidi Potter, Luis Zaragosa Home bound Phyllis Russell, Manon Mitchell, Marilyn Schoof In the Care Center Miriam Smith, Gladys Spurlin (Mandy Mader’s grandmother) Sandra Marshall, Roseann Tsosie To my community family, Thank you for your prayers, cards and calls. I feel blessed and a little guilty for all the attention. With your prayers form I'm working very hard to get better - - I don't want to disappoint you. In Christian Love, Mary Dolphin The United Methodist Connection September 2012 You are invited! If you have wondered about the “roots” of Christianity, now is your chance to dig in and find some answers. A new study will begin on September 5 th using a video course by Adam Hamilton, “Christianity’s Family Tree”. Join us Wednesday Nights @ 6:30pm. Call the Church office to register, or just join us on September 5 th for our first session. This fall Gail Hovious and Sarah Mazur will be leading the Beth Moore Bible study, “A Heart Like His, seeking the heart of God through a study of David”. We hope that you will be able to join us for this in-depth 10 week study. We will begin the study on Tuesday, September 18 @ 9:30am. Registration begins now. Youth Notes We start this month's notes with a great big thank you to all who helped and attended the pancake breakfast to raise money for our youth. Super big shout out to Debbie Russell for all the hard work in organizing and bringing it all together. Couldn't have done it without you! Since the last newsletter, we had our pool party/lock-in and started school. One fun, the other not so sure. All the youth have said that school has started out good. With the new school year, our attendance has gotten back up to closer to normal with some great new additions. Looking forward to getting to know them better. Activities upcoming for the month of September starts with another attempt to see the full-moon at White Sands on September, 1st. Then after Labor Day weekend, we are participating in and helping out at Run for the B.E.A.C.H., on the 8th. Later in the month, we're going to FunTrackers (tentatively set for the 23rd starting at 4:00). We still have upcoming events in the Fall including: horseback riding, trick or trunk, community Thanksgiving service, and A Walk Through Bethlehem. We also will be starting Radical Jesus Bible study soon. See you next month with the latest information and times. UNITED METHODIST WOMEN have been on summer "vacation" the last two months and will resume meetings this fall on Tuesday, September 10, at 1:30 p.m. in the fellowship hall. All the women of the community are invited to attend whether members of CUMC or not. Come join us and bring a friend if you can. The program will be "We in the World" focusing on our patterns of consumption as we attempt to be instruments of giving and nourishment in the world. Carolyn Durrett will bless us with the devotion. The organized unit of United Methodist Women shall be a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ; to develop a creative, supportive fellowship; and to expand concepts of mission through participation in the global ministries of the church. Labor Day reflections Labor Day brings to mind picnics, cookouts and family gatherings. Falling on the first Monday in September, it marks the unofficial end of summer and the beginning of a new school year. But the holiday was created in 1882 to honor the social and economic contributions of American workers. In a strong economy, it’s easy to take for granted the ability to work and be paid well. But times have changed during the past few years, with many people still struggling with unemployment and underemployment. During our holiday celebrations this year, let’s give thanks for the jobs we have, pray for those who aren’t as fortunate and offer words of encouragement or help to someone who needs it. . The United Methodist Connection September 2012 Summer is over? Where did it go? It certainly proves the old adage, "time flies when you are having fun". It has been an extraordinary year. The past month we have built a robot, taken a ride in space, talked about the Mars rover (the kids had seen it on tv) and lost eight children to kindergarten. This was a bittersweet moment as we work to get the kids ready to go to "big school" and then they are gone. Our oldest class was exceptional in any number of ways but they generally cared for their teacher and each other. If someone was sad, they rallied to make them feel better. If someone was having a bad day, one child would just shadow him/her until things got better. They talked. At circle they would bring up instances between themselves that happened in class or at home and talk and discuss and have opinions. This is something special in a four and five year old. During the fire one of our kids lived in Enchanted Forest and was evacuated for some time. They circled the wagons to let Alysa know she had friends who cared. On the 17th we had a pizza party to celebrate their new adventure. I looked up to find the last five who were leaving sitting in the circle and sobbing because they were going and I was staying. Wow! I have been teaching for a while and this had never happened to me before. With all those bittersweet tears and hugs, it had to have been one of my all time favorite days. Ava has been in my class for over a year. She is a sassy, willful, loving child. She has been a challenge. Her little brother. LaVon started with us last winter. He is a quiet, serious little boy who loves cars. They are two of the first kids who come to school in the morning. Since Ms. Veronica moved away, I have become the opening teacher. It's fun because I get a chance to meet the kids and get to know them from the other classes. Ava and LaVon usually come in with breakfast. They sit at the table to eat and when finished Ava gathers up their mess and puts the cups in the fridge and the rest in the trash. The brother and sister are very close. Then we hear a loud crash. LaVon knows exactly where my car box is and goes straight their. When time comes for the kids to go with Ms. Jenny or Ms. Debbie, Ava walks over and takes LaVon's hand and walks with him to class. When she returns she goes right to LaVon's mess and picks it up and then tells me she has picked up her brother's mess. The reason this is so special is because Ava has been with me so long and she DOES NOT pick up her own mess until she is faced with consequences! PARISH HEALTH Greetings to all and Happy Labor Day! We have survived the start of a new school year! May we continue to watch out and pray for the school children, big yellow buses, school board, teachers and all those involved with our children. Parish Health Ministries has been busy praying visiting and seeing the hand of the Lord move and bless people. Psalm 31:7 I will be glad and rejoice in your love, for you saw my affliction and knew the anguish of my soul. He is the comforter. Many visits and phone calls have been made. We have seen many blessed and comforted and lifted up. It is a blessing to bless. May we continuously thank the good Lord for our many blessings, health, family, friends and for His wonderful kindness, generosity and love toward us His children. by Maury St. John “Knock, knock, may I come in?” This is the protocol for beginning a Chaplain visit at the hospital. In all the visits I have made there has never been a “No!” What troubles and cares are there on the patient’s side of the door? What need will they express? Will I be able to portray Jesus’ love and concern for the patient. Sometimes I feel very inadequate but in my heart I am praying as I enter the room and know that Jesus is there with me and will help me! This reminds me of the picture of Jesus standing at the door and knocking. How many times have we said “No!” One of the fascinating things to me about this painting is that there is no doorknob on the outside—Jesus cannot open the door. We have to let him in! I know that there have been many times when I have refused to open the door. Have you said “No” today? D. Elton Trueblood I encourage the growth of the Stephen Series. Only as Christians are trained for their own ministry is there real hope for Christian renewal. The United Methodist Connection September 2012 SACRAMENTO UPCOMING RETREATS: Registration forms can be found in the church office and also available on the Sacramento website at on the “Camps and Retreats” page. The Seasoned Citizens Retreat will be held at Sacramento October 15-19. This year’s theme is “Tune In – to Self, to Neighbor, to Nature, to God”. You’ll enjoy the nice, cool mountains with their beautiful fall colors while you participate in Bible Study, Worship, Music, and many fun activities (including some of Sacramento’s adventure activities, if you’d like). Join Darla and Roland McGregor, camp dean and camp preacher, for a fun & fellowship-filled week. * The United Methodist Men would like to invite you to their annual retreat at Sacramento, September 21-23. Don’t miss out on this weekend of great fellowship, worship and study, as well as some fun activities. This year’s guest speaker will be Rev. John McClean of First UMC, Albuquerque. Registration is Due by September 14th. Beth Moore Simulcast – Sept 15 Grace Community Church in Roswell 9am to 4pm (Doors open at 8:30am) $20 To purchase tickets, call their church office at 575-623-5438 or email [email protected]. Community United Methodist Church 220 Junction Road Ruidoso, NM 88345 (575) 257-4170 The United Methodist Connection September 2012 ANNUAL CHURCH CONFERENCE OCT 3 @ 6:30 PM All full members may vote. Election of Lay Leadership for 2013 2013 Pastor Compensation Recommendations for Ministerial Candidates Recommendations for Certified Lay Speakers Membership Report WE NEED TO UPDATE OUR RECORDS…. Please help us by completing the information below and mailing it to the church or emailing it to [email protected]. Even if you think we have the correct information, we would like to verify our records. Thank you for your help!! Name(s) Physical Address Mailing Address (if different) Additional Addresses (summer/winter etc.) Phone #’s (please specify home/cell/etc.) e-mail addresses If you receive the newsletter in print and have the ability to read it online, please help us save on first class postage. Let us know if we can change the delivery method. Thank you! The Church office is looking for a New Membership Secretary. If you are comfortable on the computer and willing to learn our software, we need all of our records updated and audited. We are also looking for a good Proof-Reader for the bulletin once a week and the newsletter once a month. If you are interested in either of these Volunteer Opportunities, Please contact Kay in the church office. COMMUNITY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH - CALENDAR OF EVENTS September 2012 Sunday Aug 26 Monday 27 Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 September 2012 October 2012 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Thursday 30 Friday 31 Saturday Sep 1 Aug 26 - Sep 1 8:30am UMM - FH 2 3 Sep 2 - 8 8:30am Worship - Sanc 9:45am Sunday School All ages 11:00am Worship - Sanc 6:00pm UMYF - YW Sep 9 - 15 9 10 8:30am Worship - Sanc 9:45am Sunday School All ages 11:00am Worship - Sanc 6:00pm UMYF - YW Sep 16 - 22 16 8:30am Worship - Sanc 9:45am Sunday School All ages 11:00am Worship - Sanc 6:00pm UMYF - YW Sep 23 - 29 23 8:30am Worship - Sanc 9:45am Sunday School All ages 11:00am Worship - Sanc 6:00pm UMYF - YW 30 Sep 30 - Oct 6 4 5 CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 8:00am Lincoln Cty Health - FH LABOR DAY 6:00pm Cub Scouts - FH 1:00pm STAFF MEETING-Office 6:00pm Girl Scouts - IS 6:00pm Boy Scouts - YW 6:30pm Girl Scouts - Lib 11 18 6:00pm Cub Scouts - FH 6:00pm Girl Scouts - IS 6:00pm Boy Scouts - YW 6:30pm Girl Scouts - Lib 24 19 9:30am Women's Bible Study-CH 1:00pm STAFF MEETING-Office 6:00pm Finance - Lib 25 6:00pm Cub Scouts - FH 6:00pm Girl Scouts - IS 6:00pm Boy Scouts - YW 6:30pm Girl Scouts - Lib Oct 1 12 13 26 2 14 15 9:00am Coffee Time 9-12 - FH 1:00pm Parish Health Lib 5:00pm Missions - Lib 5:00pm Weight Watchers - FH 6:30pm Worship Team 7:00pm Emmaus - Lib 20 21 9:00am Coffee Time 9-12 - FH 1:00pm Parish Health Lib 5:00pm Weight Watchers - FH 6:00pm Church Council CH 6:30pm Scouting Round 7:00pm Emmaus - Lib 27 11:30am Emmaus 6:30pm Choir - Sanc 7:00pm Men's Bible Study - Lib 3 8 9:00am Trustees 11:30am Emmaus 6:30pm Choir - Sanc 7:00pm Men's Bible Study - Lib 9:30am Women's Bible Study-CH 1:00pm STAFF MEETING-Office 7 9:00am Coffee Time 9-12 - FH 1:00pm Parish Health Lib 5:00pm Weight Watchers - FH 7:00pm Emmaus - Lib Santa Elena Mission Trip 1:00pm STAFF 11:30am Emmaus MEETING-Office 6:30pm Choir - Sanc 1:30pm UMW - FH 7:00pm Men's Bible Study - Lib 6:00pm Cub Scouts - FH 6:00pm Girl Scouts - IS 6:00pm Boy Scouts - YW 6:30pm Girl Scouts - Lib 17 6 11:30am Emmaus 6:30pm Choir - Sanc 7:00pm Men's Bible Study - Lib 28 9:00am Coffee Time 9-12 - FH 1:00pm Parish Health Lib 5:00pm Weight Watchers - FH 7:00pm Emmaus - Lib 4 22 6:00pm SPRC-Lib 8:00am Girl Scouts 8-5 YW 29 All Church Camp-out 5 6 8:30am Worship - Sanc 9:45am Sunday School All ages 11:00am Worship - Sanc 6:00pm UMYF - YW Room Key: FH=Fellowship Hall, YW=Youth Warehouse, Lib=Library, CH=Celebration House, Sanc=Sanctuary, IS=Imagination Station Classrooms
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