Document 192397

November 2012
Principals Message:
How to be a peacemaker
Learn about what is happening in the world around you.
Learn about different ways of living and thinking.
Be involved in the decisions being made on your behalf
by parents, teachers, counselors, politicians.
But first of all,
learn about yourself,
about why you think, believe, feel, and act as you do.
Learn how to listen
and how to see things from another point of view.
Learn how to solve problems peacefully in your own life,
because peace begins with youin your own backyard.
At Monsignor Fee Otterson School we recognize that „peace‟ begins here…in
our own hearts and in our daily interactions with one another. How important it is
for each one of us to reach out and share the spirit of peace with those we come in
touch with at our school. Watching our students‟ model compassion, understanding
and forgiveness when mistakes are made causes us to reflect on the importance of
creating that inner peace which celebrates the value of one another.
It will be through our November journey as we take “Giant Steps to Change
the World” that we will discover the peace within us and the peace that surrounds
us here at Monsignor Fee Otterson.
Every child…Every day…NO Exceptions
M. Whelan
Our students were actively involved in a wide variety of reading activities
brought to life by the many parents, grandparents and dignitaries brought to our
school during the week of October 1st - October 5th. It was a great way for us to
celebrate ‘Read-In-Week’ and we thank everyone who was able to join us. You are
Thanksgiving Celebration
Thank you to so many parents who joined us for our
Thanksgiving Celebrations. The music and prayers created a
beautiful atmosphere of celebration. The donations of Food to a
school in need was greatly appreciated. We are told they have plenty for
several months. If we see another opportunity for our involvement, we will
let you know. These items were delivered to a children in the inner city who
were very grateful that we thought of their families in need.
The Memorial Service which took place on Monday, October 15th was a beautiful ceremony
which honored the life of Monsignor Fee Otterson. Our dancers, singers and band students
and our entire student population gathered and celebrated in the Spirit of Fee Otterson. We
appreciated the many parents who came out to join us in our prayer service.
Archbishop Joseph McNeill was very touched by the memorial service our staff and students
created. He was a personal friend of our Fee Otterson and he told our students he was
deeply touched. Maureen Toth and Darcy Ross, the niece and nephew of Monsignor
Otterson were also deeply touched by the atmosphere of love created to honor of this special
priest in our lives.
In recognition of Monsignor Fee Otterson we initiated the following in his honor:
We purchased a star MEGREZ from the Big Dipper (Constellation Ursa Major) in his
name because his ‘light’ will shine on in our lives forever.
We adopted a Sea Otter and committed to adopting one each year based on Fee’s love
of Otters.
We dedicated his school to the Performing Arts because of Fee’s love for Music, Art,
Drama and Dance. This was one of Fee’s special gifts which he shared with so many
students in his teaching role in the Edmonton Catholic School District. In his name
we will continue in our love of the Performing Arts.
Message to our Superintendent Joan Carr
I wanted to share with you the beautiful music I experienced this evening at City Hall as part of the Archdiocese's
Jubilee Celebration.
The Children's Choir and Dancers from Monsignor Fee Otterson were just tremendous ... The children's voices
and their dancing were both beautiful to watch and to listen to.
And the Jazz Band from Archbishop MacDonald that followed the presentation was just as incredible.
We are really blessed in this District to have such talented and gifted staff and students.
Special thanks to Beth Pecson, Chantel Sampson, and Arthur Milan for organizing and working with their
students; no small feat in getting 39 choir members, 12 dancers, a flute player and an entire Jazz Band to City
Hall after school.
Their generosity of time and spirit was overwhelming.
Sandy Talarico
Religious Education Consultant
“We Day”, Calgary
On October 24, 2012, twenty-three Monsignor Fee Otterson students between grade six and nine were lucky
enough to attend We Day in Calgary. Put together by prominent Canadian social awareness group, Free The
Children, founded by Craig and Marc Kielburger, We Day is a national event designed to raise awareness of
many local and global injustices and promote empowerment among Canadian students.
At the Calgary edition of We Day, our Otterson students were grateful to be able to hear the powerful words of
actor Martin Sheen, motivational speaker Spencer West, and acclaimed interviewer and television star, Larry
King, among others. The students also cheered on musical performances by Shawn Desman, Marianas Trench,
Hedley, and Lights.
We are very proud of our attending students, as they took the inspirational words of the speakers and performers
to heart and came back home to Otterson motivated to share their experiences with their teachers, families, and
peers. Joined by a large selection of their classmates from grades six to nine, our We Day attendees are excited to
invigorate our school with a string of student-led social justice campaigns, beginning in November 2012 and
stretching on through the rest of the 2012-13 school year.
Thank you to all students who have chosen to devote their time to making our world a more just and fair place to
Jesse Diachuk
October was fire safety month. We have conducted one fire drill and discussed
fire safety concerns with all students. Students evacuated our building quickly
and safely, passing the school’s expectations with flying colors.
commended our students, their response and our red/green safety procedures
which indicate all students are safe.
Edmonton Catholic Schools - Online Financial Budget Survey
Edmonton Catholic Schools believes it is essential to involve parents in providing
input into the budget process. In preparation for the upcoming 2013-2014 budget
it is important that the district gather as much information as possible. Therefore,
as a parent of Edmonton Catholic Schools, your feedback will provide a valuable
contribution in the decision making process.
We would like to gather your input through an online survey. The survey can be
accessed through the District Website, Powerschool or by using the URL address
District Website: Go to then go to the slider indicating the Online Financial Budget
Survey and follow the directions.
Powerschool: Parents log on to Powerschool as you normally would to check your child’s progress.
Once in Powerschool, click on the tab “Financial Budget Survey”. This tab will take you directly to the
online survey.
URL Address: Click on the following link or enter the address in the web browser
The survey is open from November 1 to November 30. We encourage all families to fill out the survey.
The survey will only take a few minutes to complete.
Survey results will be shared with the Edmonton Catholic School District Budget Committee in January
for consideration during the 2013-2014 budget process.
November 4th, Sunday Mass at 10:00 a.m.
St. Thomas More Church
All families are invited to the St. Thomas More 10:00 a.m. mass on
Sunday, November 4th.
Students from all Catholic Schools in the parish will be involved in this mass in a variety
of meaningful ways. We will greet parishioners, participate in the bringing up of the
gifts and do some readings. It’s a time to celebrate the richness of having our
children attend Catholic Schools. Embraced by faith and learning, we are thankful we
have the opportunity to learn in a Christ Centered environment. Catholic schools,
educators and students will be recognized at St. Thomas More Church during the
10:00 a.m. mass.
Catholic Education Sunday will be celebrated at St. Thomas More parish
on Sunday November 4th at the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Each school will be
represented with their school banner proudly displayed in the sanctuary.
The school banners will be carried forward in the entrance procession. All
families are encouraged to attend this special Mass in support of Catholic Education.
1ST RECONCILIATION AND 1ST HOLY COMMUNION is offered to children in grade 2 who
attend St. Thomas More Parish. See the purple Reconciliation and green Communion brochures in your
school office or our parish brochure stand for the details. NEW THIS YEAR!! DROP-IN
REGISTRATION. Drop in at St. Thomas More parish to register your child for the two sacraments.
Drop-in on the 1st Saturday of the month from 9 am-11 am to register your child. Next drop-in
date Saturday November 3, 9:00-11 a.m. NO PHONE-IN REGISTRATIONS THIS YEAR
CONFIRMATION 2012: A reminder to all Confirmation candidates: The Confirmation retreat is
Saturday November 3, 10:00a.m.-1:00 p.m. The final Wednesday evening Catechism session is
November 14, 7- 8 pm. It is a rehearsal please attend. Bring your sponsor if possible. We will be
celebrating two special Masses for the 160 registered confirmation candidates on
Sunday, November 25.
Please note your Confirmation Mass time.
2 pm Mass------Louis St. Laurent students and AJM students
5 pm Mass-----For all other Catholic school students and Public school students
Thursday, November 8th at 10:30 a.m.
Our students will gather to remember those who have died so we may live in peace.
We are often reminded on many occasions of the importance of peace
and we will continue to pray that our lives will be blessed with a
peaceful world.
Monday, November 12th
LifeTouch Picture Re-Take
Wednesday, November 14th
Saturday, November 17, 2012
9:00 a.m. – 2:00
Monsignor Fee Otterson
This conference has always been a huge success and receives many accolades from
parents, students and staff who attend the day. Our own students will be delighted with the
time they spend with authors, illustrators, artists, puppeteers, cartoonists and actors. We
welcome over 300 students, with the largest numbers coming from Monsignor Fee Otterson.
This is such an amazing opportunity for our students who love to write and who view
themselves already as ‘Young Authors’! It will be experiences such as these that will release
the gifts and talents within each child.
Way to go Monsignor Fee Otterson!
David Bouchard - Author
David Bouchard
Sigmund Brower
Marty Chan
Georgia Graham
Lorna Bennett
Sandy Cooke
Frances AltyArscott
Pat Milan
Gerry Rasmussen
Gary Delainey
Gille Denis
Jon Shields
Paul Punyi
Maureen Rooney
Student Led Conferences
Monday, November 26th - Report cards out to parents
THURSDAY, November 29th:
1:00 – 5:00 p.m. and
6:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Students do not attend school as a total group on Thursday afternoon, November 29th. On Thursday, they will be
dismissed at 11:47 a.m. and the buses, as usual, will be here to transport our students to their homes.
Each child will return with their parents during a ‘selected time’ to demonstrate all they have learned. The focus is
on success while recognizing that learning always encompasses something new that needs to be achieved. It is
important for students to recognize that an error or difficult concept only indicates learning needs to take place.
Please take note of the information sent home by your child’s teacher. This date has been set aside to give you the
opportunity to spend time with your child at school. We hope you will be able to arrange your time to honour and
celebrate your child’s success and to identify areas for growth. Fifteen minutes will be spent with the teacher during
this time.
The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to Monsignor Fee Otterson School from
November 26th-29th and we‟re looking forward to you seeing you there.
Our Book Fairs connect students to books they want to read. To help your child find the newest
and best books, he or she will visit the fair during class time.
Thank you for encouraging your child to read. By purchasing books and supporting our Book
Fair, you enable our school to obtain new resources for our school library. We look forward to
seeing you at the Book Fair! Please note our Book Fair hours:
Monday, November 26th- 11:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, November 27th- 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 28th - 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 29th – 8:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
Would you and your family like front row seats to this year’s Christmas
Concert? Well, be sure and purchase your ticket(s) at the Student Led Conference, November
29th. Tickets will also be available at the office until one week before the Christmas concert.
Don’t be left out in the cold! Buy your tickets(s) now for the best view in the house. Money
raised will go directly to the music program.
Advent Celebrations
Monsignor Fee Otterson will be planning in class celebrations
More information will follow.
As we move into the season of Advent and Christmas, we will prepare our
hearts for the coming of Christ the King.
The first Sunday of Advent is December 2nd.
Transportation Advisory
Please be advised that the following
Radio and TV Stations will carry announcements with
respect to transportation cancellations due to inclement weather
CISN FM 103.9
JOE FM 92.5
The Bounce FM 91.7
AM 930 The Light CJCA
SHINE 105.9 FM
CFRN The Team 1260
LITE 95.7
The Bear 100.3 FM
CFCW 790
K97 97.3
CTV Edmonton
GLOBAL Edmonton
Every effort will be made to have messages broadcast commencing no later than 6:30 a.m.
Tuesday, December 4th
Tuesday, December 11th
Thursday, December 13th
Wednesday, December 19th
- Grades 2/3
-Grades 4/5/6
-Grade 1
-Junior High
Friday, December 21st
Please keep these times open.
More information will follow in the December newsletter.
Thursday, December 20th
Full Day of Classes
The last day of school before Christmas Holidays is
Friday, December 21st.
Dismissal at 11:47 a.m.