The mission of St. John Neumann parish is to build up the Kingdom of God in the name of Jesus Christ through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit by the proclamation of the Good News and in the evangelical service that flows from it. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 4:30 pm Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:30 am choir Mass & 6:00 pm See inside for Daily and/or Holy Day Mass Schedule RITE OF RECONCILIATION Wednesday: 5:00 - 5:50 pm Saturday: 3:00 - 4:20 pm And by appointment PASTOR Rev. Monsignor G. Patrick Garrity, V.E. ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Christopher Riehl (865) 777-4319 [email protected] DEACONS Donald Amelse, MPS (865) 719-9660 Marquis Syler (865) 986-8132 Michael Gouge (865) 966-9504 WEBSITES & EMAIL ADDRESSES CONTACTS Church Website: School Website: Church Email: [email protected] Adoration Chapel Coordinator Anita Gouge (865) 966-9504 Adult Faith Formation Coordinator Sister Elizabeth W. Wanyoike (865) 777-4313 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CLASSES Confirmation Coordinator Yvonne Kidder Sunday: 9:35 - 10:20 am (Grades K - 5) Wednesday: 7:00 - 8:15 pm (Grades 6 - 10) Family & Parish Life Coordinator Marilyn Derbyshire (865) 777-4312 WELCOME VISITORS We extend a special welcome to our visitors and guests. If you are new to the parish and have questions about our parish community, the SJN Welcoming Committee invites you to contact them by calling Jane at 675-3930 or by email at [email protected]. Registration packets are available in the parish office. Grades K-12 Faith Formation Coordinator Marilyn Derbyshire (865) 777-4312 Music Coordinator/Choir Director Jonathan Leichman Director of Contemporary Ensemble Dr. Stephen Anderson (865) 742-6455 Director of Youth Ministry Al Forsythe [email protected] 633 ST. JOHN COURT + KNOXVILLE, TN 37934 + PHONE: (865) 966-4540 + FAX: (865) 675-6815 CORPUS CHRISTI + WEEK OF JUNE 1/2 2013 MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, June 1 4:30 pm † Robert Hughes Sunday, June 2 8:30 am Living and deceased members of the Knights of Columbus Council 8781 and their spouses 10:30 am † Mary Spratt 6:00 pm People of St. John Neumann Financial Stewardship St John Neumann Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013 May 19, 2013 Church Operation Collection Debt Reduction Last Week Offertory $ 16,273 $ 2,981 Monday, June 3 9:00 am † Robert Fehling Weekly Offertory Budget $ 21,545 $ 7,634 Tuesday, June 4 7:00 am Communion Service Year to Date Actual $ 956,148 $ 146,711 Wednesday, June 5 6:00 pm Communion Service Year to Date Budget $ 1,012,615 $ 358,798 YTD Surplus / (Deficit) $ $ (212,087) (56,467) Thursday, June 6 7:00 am Communion Service Friday, June 7 8:10 am † Marvin Himmelberg Saturday, June 8 4:30 pm Special intention for John & Lenore Pacitti Sunday, June 9 8:30 am † Lucy & Louis Ludovico 10:30 am † Marion Vanderveldt 6:00 pm People of St. John Neumann PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION “Let us confidently approach the throne of grace for mercy and to find help and favor in time of need.” Hebrews 4:16) Visit our chapel upstairs. You’re always welcome! 625 St. John Court Phone: (865) 777-0077 Fax: (865) 777-0087 Principal: Bill Derbyshire Assistant Principal: Mary Sue Kosky Our parish school enrolls students from pre-school to the 8th grade. Before and after care is available at the school for students. Please contact the school office for further information. DONATION OF FLOWERS Front of Altar From Darlene and Jim McNeece in honor of their 45th wedding anniversary Packets explaining Eucharistic Adoration are available. Call the parish office for additional information. TIMES TO BE FILLED Monday: Tuesday: Thursday: Saturday: Sunday: 10:00 - 11:00 am Noon - 1:00 pm 9:00 - 10:00 am 1:00 - 2:00 pm 9:00 - 10:00 am If you would like to sign up for a weekly hour of Adoration but cannot take one of the hours listed above, you are invited to take a different hour that works best. Parish News In Sympathy Please remember in your prayers the soul of Charles (Theo) Lynas, member of our parish, who passed away on May 26. May his soul and all of the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP The Holy Family charismatic prayer group meets in the Narthex of the church every Sunday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm. Come and join us in Praise and Worship to the Lord. First time visitors please contact Crystal Simoneaux at 584-1746. ALUMINUM CANS A reminder that we are still collecting empty aluminum cans. They can be dropped off by the donations trailer located on the rectory side of the school. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS COUNCIL 8781 Breakfast Buffet Sunday, June 2 9:00 am - 12:30 pm Menu: Pancakes (plain, chocolate chip, and pecan) Scrambled Eggs Sausage Patties Hash Brown Rounds Biscuits - Gravy - Grits Coffee/Orange Juice Cost: Immediate Family: $30.00 OR Ages 13 & Above: $7.00/person Ages 4 - 12: $5.00/person Ages 3 & Under Free This will be the last breakfast buffet served until September. ST. VINCENT de PAUL Your St. Vincent de Paul conference has donated $500 from the proceeds of the SJN parish Resource Guide to assist victims of the Oklahoma tornadoes. Anyone wishing to directly assist these victims can place checks or money in the poor box, with a note indicating your intention. This money will go directly to SVdP conferences in the affected communities to assist people with food, water, clothing and shelter . Meetings are held on the first and third Thursday of each month. All parish knights are encouraged to come and participate in our programs. CORPUS CHRISTI SUNDAY Our tenth annual Corpus Christi Sunday procession and celebration will be at 2:00, June 2. All are invited to attend. Meet in the church before 2:00. FAREWELLS AND WELCOMES As stated in Msgr. Garrity’s May 21 letter to parishioners, we wish Fr. Riehl well as he begins his ministry in the Diocese of Charlotte, North Carolina, and we prepare to welcome newly to be ordained Christopher Manning on July 1 as our associate pastor. We also welcome Fr. Joseph Hammond , coordinator for Hispanic Ministry who will be in residence at St. John Neumann. BABY BOTTLES If you picked up any baby bottles from the narthex for the baby bottle drive, please return them to the church as soon as possible. COMMUNION SERVICES The priests will be on retreat the first week of June, therefore, instead of Mass, we will have a communion service on Tuesday, June 4 at 7:00 am, Wednesday, June 5 at 6:00 pm, and Thursday, June 6 at 7:00 am. GRIEF SUPPORT St. John Neumann parish will offer Grief Support beginning Saturday, July 13 at 10:00 a.m. Path Toward Healing Grief Support: Finding Peace and Acceptance After the Death of a Loved One is an 8 week Catholic-based grief support program for the bereaved. If you have experienced the death of a loved one, you are warmly invited to participate. Cost for supplies is $20.00. For more information, contact facilitator Natalie Tabler at 357-1818 or [email protected]. To register, contact Marilyn Derbyshire at 777-4312 or [email protected]. ATTENTION BABYSITTERS; A list of babysitters is being compiled and will be available at the parish office for parishioners. If you are a Junior, Senior, or college age student who would like to be included on the list, please contact the parish office with your contact information. Registration for Vacation Bible School has just begun! VBS 2013, SonWest Roundup will be held June 17 through June 21. Please visit the display in the narthex of the church for registration forms and additional information. For any questions, please contact Lydia at [email protected]. Diocesan News HOMESCHOOLING Are you a Catholic home schooler, or are you considering homeschooling? Are you a Catholic parent not homeschooling, but looking for ideas and materials to supplement your student's public or private school-based education? The 2013 Kentucky Catholic Homeschool Conference, Fideles! Teaching Families in Faith, will be hosted by St. Thomas Aquinas Homeschool Group, Friday and Saturday, June 7th and 8th, at St. Louis Bertrand Catholic Church at 1104 S. Sixth Street in Louisville. This year's conference features keynote speaker, author Dr. Gregory Popcak, Executive Director of Pastoral Solutions Institute. Also presenting at this year's conference are Maureen Wittman, Paul Schaeffer, Brigadier General Reverend Patrick J. Dolan, Steve Bertucci, and Dr. Mark Ginter. A program about homeschooling "special needs" students will feature Sarah Wolford of Seven Counties Services and Elizabeth Matthews. Find conference hours, speaker info, program details, Teen Track, and ticket info at http:// default.html. MERRY WIDOWS Merry Widows will meet at the Apple Cake Tea Room on Campbell Station Rd Farragut at 12:00 noon on Tuesday, June 4. Meet at Holy Ghost Church if you need a ride . CATHOLIC SINGLES OF GREATER KNOXVILLE LINE DANCE LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS The Dancing Friends will begin a new session of lessons for beginners on Tuesday nights. The first lesson will be May 7 through July 9. These lessons will be in the gym at Sacred Heart Cathedral School . Doors open at 7 p.m. for warm-up and socializing, and the lessons are from 7:30 to 9 p.m. This is a slowpaced class specifically targeted to first-time line dancers and for people who are struggling to learn the basic steps. We will start with the basic steps and the easiest lessons. Each week we will review what we have previously learned and then add new material. There is no cost for these lessons, and no registration is needed. Students who are new to dancing should plan to start at the beginning. Please help us pass the word to your friends, family, and co-workers who would like to learn line dancing. For more information, e-mail [email protected]. June 1, Saturday Knoxville Firefighters Association benefit concert at Knoxville Coliseum, The Family Stone and special Guest Hey, Elsten. Our group will meet at the back mall area (east side) entrance at 7:30 p.m. Concert starts 8:00 pm. If there is enough interest, we will meet for dinner before the concert (place to be determined later). Cost $26 a ticket. To place your order, call 865-546-9628. (TICKETS ARE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR!) Contact Gail B. 399-7617, to let her know to be looking for you at the Coliseum or if you want to meet for dinner before hand. June 2, Sunday Easy to Moderate Hike. Meet at the All Saints Parking lot near the Pavilion; will leave at 7:30 am. For more info, please contact Randy S. at 556-3781 Knoxville Catholic Summer Volleyball Camps Fundamental Camp: June 13 & 14 Setter/Hitter Camp: July 28, 29, & 30 Setters: Friday 6-9, Saturday 9-4, and Sunday 2-5 p.m.; Cost $125 Hitters: Saturday only 9-4; Cost $65 Combo Camp: Friday 6-9, Saturday 9-4, and Sunday 2-5 p.m.; Cost $125 Registration is done online. Contact Diannah Miller at [email protected] any questions you might have or you can register online at: LADIES OF CHARITY June 22, Saturday, Ladies of Charity's 2nd Annual Wild West Roundup will be held at St. John Neumann Catholic School gym/corral at 6:00pm, dinner bell at 7:00. It is back by popular, foot-stomping demand! We have an auctioneer, square dance caller, and the most de-licious chuck wagon vittles you have ever put in your mouth! Join the fun at $75/person. The LOC Emergency Assistance Program for our areas' needy will benefit, while y'all have fun and socialize and bid at the auction! Call Carolyn Susano at 584-1480 for reservations. SJNCS is at 625 St. John Court, 37934. Time to head to the golf course for the 4th Annual Common Good Golf Classic presented by Covenant Health, June 17, Cherokee Country Club! Treat 3 buddies to a day on the green, full brunch and hosted reception included; all proceeds benefit Catholic Charities of East Tennessee. Sponsorships starting as low as $250 are still available. Please contact Sherrie Shuler for more information: 524-9896 ext.1005 or [email protected]. The Mobile Mexican Consulate, co-hosted by Catholic Charities, will be in Knoxville, June 11-14, at All Saints Catholic Church (620 North Cedar Bluff Road). Volunteers are needed daily, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., to help with basic functions. Spanish-speakers preferred but not required. For appointments call 1-877-6394835; to volunteer contact Nathaly Perez at 971-3550 or [email protected]. Catholic Charities' Pathways Housing program, in the Roane County area, is in need of donation and delivery of various furniture items for kitchens, living areas and bedrooms. Also in need of push mowers and other lawn care items. For specifics contact Stephanie at 865-748-4070 or [email protected]. High School Youth Ministry The High School Youth Ministry program meets each Sunday evening after the 6:0 0 pm mass. All youth in Grades 8-12 are invited to attend. Our regular youth group meetings a held on Sunday evenings in the Elizabeth Ann Seton Community Room throughout the year from 7:00 through 9:30 pm. All students in grade 8-12 are invited to join us each week after the Sunday evening mass. There is always room for more so feel free to join us! Youth Leadership Institute: Start the Fire… Spread the Fire! When: June 26-30 Who: Upcoming 9th-12 grade students What: Meet Catholics your own age from all over the diocese, listen to inspiring speakers, learn about the new evangelization, celebrate dynamic liturgy, challenge yourself on the high ropes course and adventure race and take a ride down the giant water slide or relax in the lazy river. Where: Horn’s Creek NOC Resort, 186 Hawkins Dr, Ocoee, TN 37361 Cost: YLI $269.00 includes LWYD Local WYD event on Sunday is also open to young adults (18-35) LWD only $25.00 Youth Ministry at Home - Connecting with Family Make a High School Memory Quilt. Send instructions out to the parents of college-bound freshmen to make a “Memory Quilt” for their son or daughter’s dorm room. The quilt is made from all the old t-shirts the young person has accumulated throughout their high school years—leadership training, rock concerts, mission trips, sports programs, conferences, school trips, and fundraisers. A 58”x80” blanket uses about 18 t-shirts; a 80”x80” throw uses about 25 tshirts. The parts of the t-shirts with logos and sayings are cut into large squares and interspersed with squares of blank t-shirt material (from the backs of the shirts or from a fabric store). Back the quilt with gray sweatshirt material. This is a unique memento of home, and every square will provide a great memory. Connect to last day of school; graduation; going off to college. Make An Inspiring Graduation Card for a Family Member. Graduation is a time of hope and inspiration toward the next step in life, whether it’s a graduation from high school, college or into the working world. Graduates appreciate the vote of confidence from their supporters who want to see them succeed. You can show the graduate you care with a nice handmade care that truly inspires. Greeting cards can be treasured for a lifetime if they send the right message at the right time. Invite family members to make an inspiring graduation card for the graduates in their life. Go to: http:// for ideas for ten inspiring handmade graduation cards. Connect to Graduations (late spring/early summer). Suggest Families Have a Backyard Breakfast Cookout. Suggest families surprise their kids with a backyard breakfast as an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of God’s creation. Invite them to make a cookout style breakfast in their backyard, enjoy the sounds of nature with the smell of fresh morning air, eggs, and bacon. As a morning prayer together, read Psalm 104. Connect to Summer. Help All Parishioners Learn to Pray the Rosary. Some children and adults are uncomfortable saying the rosary because they just don’t know how. Share this link for a printable “Praying the Rosary Guide” from Catholic Extension http:// Make copies available in your church and for religious education classes. Connect to May (the month of the rosary). Give Families Directions to Make a Flag Fruit Pizza. Bake a 10” x 15” sugar cookie and allow it to cool. Mix together one 8 oz package of cream cheese, 1 cup sugar, and an 8 oz. tub of whipped topping. Spread the cream cheese mixture over the sugar cookie. Use a knife to slice strawberries and bananas. Then form stripes with the strawberries and bananas and fill in with blueberries in the upper left corner square. Small, cut chunks of banana can serve as stars over the blueberries. Connect to Flag Day (June 14) or Independence Day (July 4). Parish Pledge Report for: Parish Name: St. John Neumann, Knoxville Our parish community is actively participating in the 2013 Bishop’s Appeal. The Bishop’s Appeal assists parishes and sustains ministries throughout the Diocese. Your support helps train priests, deacons, and parish leaders; reveals Jesus Christ to others through religious education and the sacraments; and changes countless lives through the work of Catholic Charities. To assist our parish in meeting our 2013 goal, please remember to make monthly payments for your Bishop’s Appeal pledges. Thank you for your support! Parish Goal: $160,500.00 Total Committed: $151,300.50 Collections to Date: $77,788.00 Amount Needed to Reach Goal: $82,712.00 RCIA INQUIRY AND REGISTRATION Are you interested in the Catholic Faith? Or have you been going to Mass but you are not Catholic? Come to deepen your faith through our RCIA Classes. There will be opportunities for you to ask your perplexing and difficult questions about the Church. Inquiry and registration are going on in the church’s office. If you have questions, please, all us at 865-966-4540 or e-mail us at [email protected]. You can also come to the offices and meet Sr. Elizabeth, the RCIA Coordinator. ADULT DINNER DANCE The parish is sponsoring A Summer Celebration Adult Dinner Dance for fun, fellowship, drinks, dinner, and dancing. Mark your calendars for Friday, June 21st starting at 6:30PM with a social hour serving beer & wine and non-alcoholic fare followed by a delicious dinner from Take Out Thyme at 7:30 PM. Dancing to the music of The Chillbillies is from 8:30 PM – 11:30 PM! Proceeds from this event will support The Ulster Project of East Tennessee with $10 of each $35/person ticket being a charitable donation. This event will be held at the gym in the school. Dress is summer casual. Come on out and be our guest and bring some friends! We'd love to have you here for a great time! Remember adults only 21 and up, please. For more information and to obtain tickets, please contact the SJN office at 9664540 for more information and reservations no later than June 14th. Parmesan Herb Chicken Breast Beef Brisket Mashed Potato Casserole Vegetable Medley Yeast Rolls Strawberry Shortcake Menu Apple Cobbler Tea Beer (Guinness, Smithwicks, Harp, domestic) Wine (various( Water Soft Drinks EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS with FAMILY WEEKEND – Sept 13-14, 2013. Register for a faith filled day in celebration of our Silver Jubilee Anniversary! Come and celebrate with Bishop Richard Stika our Eucharistic faith in Christ Jesus as a parish and diocesan family beginning the evening of September 13th and all day on September 14th at the Sevierville Convention Center. Visit to register and for additional information. Joining us for the region’s very first Eucharistic Congress is a an “all-star cast” of the top Catholic speakers in a line-up called “near miraculous,” including Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Cardinal Justin Rigali, Dr. Scott Hahn, and Fr. Robert Barron. Youth sessions include Dr. Hahn, ValLimar Jansen, Paul George and the musical talents of Josh Blakesley and Sarah Kroger. Our Hispanic speakers include Fr. Rafael Capó, Sr. Rosa M. Hernández, MGSpS, along with the musical talent and missionary spirit of Johann Alverez. Tickets are $20 for Adults, $15 per Child/Youth (ages 6-17). Additional information is also available at our website regarding discount lodging. Direct questions to Paul Simoneau at [email protected] / 865-584-3307. CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS ANOINTING & PASTORAL CARE OF THE SICK: Please notify the church office if someone wants to be visited in the hospital, nursing home or at home. Our pastoral staff and Eucharistic Ministers will gladly minister to those in need. For the ANOINTING OF THE SICK, the priest should be notified as soon as serious illness is diagnosed or serious injury is indicated; please do not wait until the end is near before notifying us. BAPTISM: Parents planning to have their child baptized are to attend a Parents’ Preparation class, unless they have attended a class within the past three years. Call Quent or Diane Below at (865) 675-3623 to register for the class. The class may be attended at another parish. Baptisms are scheduled by appointment with one of our priests or deacons. Please call the church office for any other information. CONFIRMATION: Confirmation is celebrated at St. John Neumann during the junior or senior year of high school. The Confirmation process if formation and education. The initial meetings for each cycle are held in the fall, around the time that school starts. Preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation is separate from regular Religious Education at SJN and Catholic High School. MARRIAGE: The Catholic Church requires a preparation period for marriage. In this diocese, the preparation period is four months and includes at least four working meetings with one of the priests or deacons, plus a marriage preparation weekend. The wedding date may be set at the second session with the priest or deacon. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA): We welcome all who feel interested in the Catholic Faith or have been going to Mass but are not Catholics to learn more through our RCIA program. Please call us, or see our website for more information. CONVALIDATION OF MARRIAGE: The church teaches that married persons must be in a valid marriage recognized by the church in order to receive the Eucharist worthily. If you want help pursuing a case with the Tribunal, we will be happy to assist you.
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