PLEASE COMPLETE ENTIRE FORM (print Clearty) E-MAIL DATE PATIENT NAME SEX-AGE-BIRTHDATE MARRIED tr tr SINGLE tr E] ADDRESS ztP REFERRED BY soc. sEc. # _t_t_ _t_/_ DIVORCEI) REMABRIED tr WIDQWED HOME PHONE OCCUPATION WOFIK PHONE SPOUSE'S SOC. SEC. # A MTNOR) MERGENCY) RELATIONBHIP PHONE DATES OF IMMUNIZATIONS AND SKINTESTS HOSPTTALTZATTONS AND SURGERTES ALLERGIES sPECfl\L NOTES (OFF\CE LiSE ONLY) Asthma Health Flistorv Today's ay's Date Date _J_/ Male Female _JVlanied _separirted EdUCatiOn_ File# Race D Divorced veats Elementary Elemenfarv years _Widowed _single rreorc High fJicl e^L^^l years School _ Social SQcurity or Medicare No. FAMILY HISTORY: For each member of your fbmily, follow o the grey dr white line across the page and check the boxes for: Family refers to blood or natural rQlatives) PRINT NAMES BELOW write in age and cause ofdeath. Include fatal accidents and suicides. Father: Mother: Brothers/SIsters: Spouse: child child: child child; Matemal r latives (in each box, write how many affected with). Paternal re etives (in each box, write how many affected with). Beein YO ,UR HEALTH HISTORY here. Have you had: ! (.) o o 0) qt N cd .d H !l o () c) .t() () 6 O 'rl rFl E 9? q I 6 c) F >' o 6 o B C) o rJ p0 o o o o0 c6 'r Y E o F ? :l a 6 z o (.) H E bo F () F rh Additiontil rllnesses or Problems: Mark tr ! eye infQctions an X in the box next to any of the following that you have now or ever have had. pneumqnia tr neuralgia or neuritis fl tr scarlet fgver mononqcleosis tr thyroid Sisease tr pancreafitis E tension I anxiety E measles tr venerea{ disease E eczema tr liver disbase tr depressi[n E mumps tr yellow jbundice tr hives or rashes tr divertic{losis tr childhoQd hyperactivity u pollo tr tuberculpsis tr bronchitis LJ I tr tr nernla chicken pox rheumatirc fever tr tr tr German tr malaria tr fneasles Have you eirer been turned down for life insurance, military service or employrnent because of health problems? Yes No MAJOR HOSPITALIZATIoNS: If you have been hospitalize,d for any major mercical illness or operation, write in your most .ever recent hospitalizations below, Check this box if you had -ore than four such hospitalizations. (Do not include normal pregnancies) ! YEAR OPERATION OR ILLNESS NAME OF HOSPITAL CITY AND STATE I't Hospitalization 2no Hospitalization 3'o Hospitalization 4* Hospitalization had. Enter the year when you last,were given the tests or,.shots.,, tr mdmmosram tr tr tr --; Ll Ilu lnrectlons tr tr mrimps "shots" gallbladder x-ravs elebtrocardiosram tr TB test me[sles "shots" tr tr colon x-ravs ty/hoid "s'hots" - sisinoidoscoov Medic rnes: taking: allergic : tot takingl allergic to: tr tr tr antilbiotir antib E aspirrin aspir ''f tr tr penicillin tr tr diet pills tr E sulfa ! oplates/co$elne El laxatives tr E tr diuretics/ulater pills Ll colo tr n - sedatives tr ! n Demerol ----------------tr tr blood prelsure meds. I tr -----t--- YOUR SIGNATURE DATE Symptom Chart Began Rate S a Survival Program on ns from I (worst) to 10 (best: normal) I c.l s I O c) o '50 I c) SYMPT( M Shortness ofbreath Wheezinl Cough Cough ry 'etlmucusy Head con$estion (fullness) Nasal con estion (stuffz nose) Postnasal np Headache Yellow/gr len mucus (from nose) Yellow/gr )en mucus (back of throat) Sneezing Itching: n se, throat Ear conger ;tion (ears plugged up) Sore throa Swollen glands (in neck) Fatigue (ra te energy level) Avg # of h[s sleep Other Sym ptoms: Medicatio: s: (Pharmaceutical Drugs) (use a "r/ if still taki g drug " F rrl O 0) .o F -l fr) N oo c.) 0) F (a frl o ,O frl al Trl q) .() F L< frl you ever been diagnosed by Yes No a physician as having asthma? For example, was it a pulmonary.function test, a doctor listening to per year? ids (prednisone, medrol) _ or antibiotics have 6.Inthdpastye3r,howmanyacuteflare-upsorasthmaattackshaveyouhad-;arrdhowmturyof cQurses 7, P oforal steroids or antibiotics have you taken during this year? list all of the things you're presently doing to treat your asthma. Irrclude medications/inhalers, 'uIizer, nasal inigation, vitamins, supplements, etc. Also estimate how long you've been using each THERAPY 8. H:OW LONG ed in #8, has your r;ondition gotten better, stayed the ale o:f 1-10, with 1C)being optimal energy? ician for nasal allergies/hay fever, sinus a infection? If so, when were you treated, who is (or vyoD/ JUur prrysrurau, anq wnar were tne results of the treatment? AGNOSIS 11. Are DATE/PHYSICIAN RESULTiS presently taking anlthing for the conditions described in #10 If yes, what? Yes Most of the following questions have yes or lrio answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Has Jrour sense of smell or taste changed lately? Do ypu ever have sneezing spells? Does your nose ever bleed for no reason at all? Do ypu have than two to three colds per year? FIas jour voice ever been hoarse when you didn,t have a cold? Are jou sweating more than usual or having night sweats? Have you been bothered by a thumping or racing heart? _. Are you using more pillows to help you breathe at night? Do ypu have trouble with swollen feet or ankles? Are you getting cramps in yoru legs at night or upon walking? Have you ever been told that you have a heart murmur? Are >{our bowel movements ever black or bloody? Do yQu suffer pains when you move your bowels? 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Do ydu have a constant feeling that you have to urinate? No For Men Only: your urine stream very weak and slow? Has a doctor ever told you that you have prostate trouble,/ Havp you had any buming or discharge from your penis? Are there any swellings or lumps on your testicles? Do 1'our testicles get painful? 19. Is 20. 2r. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. JZ. aa JJ. 34. 35. 36. a3t. 38. 39. 40. 41. Fpr Women Only: Whlt was the date of your last menstrual period? Are you past your menopause, or have you had a hysterectomy? If ygs to #25: Have you noticed any vaginal bleeding since? Waq your last menstrual period abnormal? D h your periods? H yourperiods? D intercourse? Do liou examine your breasts less than once a month? Havp you ever noticed any lumps or pain in your breasts? Have you had any complications with any type of birth control? Havp you ever taken any birth control pills? Wrife in the month and year of your tait fap test_ Nunlber of pregnancies _ Nurriber of children born alive Nur4ber of premature births _ Nunlber of miscarriages _ Number of stillbirths Hav$ you ever had an abortion? 42. Are jyou troubled with _ stiff or painful muscles or joints? Are jzour joints ever swollen? Are you tloubled by pains in th-eback or shoulder? Are ;'our feet often painful? Are you handicapped in any way? _ H ring worm, jock itch, or other chronic funLgus infections of the skin or nails? D D g-.u* r-ull cut from bleedinLg? 50, Do you ever faint or feel faint? 51. Is anp parl of your body always numb? 52. Have you ever had any seizures or convulsions? 53. Has your handwriting changed lately? 54. Do you have tendency to shake or tremble? 55. Havqi you, at any time in your life, taken antibiotics for rer;piratory, urinary, skin (acne), ol other infections for two months or longer or in shorter courses four or more times in a. one-year period? 56. Havq you taken predisone, Decaron, or other cortisone-type drugs, orall.g or by injection orr inhalation, for orie week or more? 57. Havo you gained or lost more than ten pounds in the last six months? 58. Havq you lost interest in eating lately? 59. .Are j,ou always hungry? 60. Are 1[ou more thirsty than usual lately? 61. Are tfrere any swellings in yorn armpits or groin? 62. .Do ypu have difficulty either falling asleep or staying asleep? 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 63. Are you a regular user of sleeping pills, tranquilizers, or painkillers? 64. Do sical rn three timeia week? 65. Do , cigars, 66. Do alcoholi 67. Do 1|ou drink more than two cups of coffee or tea a day? 68. Havb you ever used cocaine, heroin, LSD or another hallircinogen? you 1'ou you 69. 70. 71. 72. ___ act ___ Do /ou drive a motor vehicle more than 25,000 miles ayear? Do lrou frequently not use seat belts when riding in carsi List any countries outside the U.S. you have visited in the past six months? Are there any personally challenging physical feats that you have ever considered domgltn-d if so, what are _ they? 73. WhaJ changes would you to see with respect to your body, ailments, and your environment? Most of the following questions have yes or,No answers. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. t4. 15. 16. t7. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Are irou very nervous around strangers? Do you find it hard to make decisions? Has your memory diminished significantly? _ Do /ou Do 5/ou Do y'ou Do y'ou tend to see the cup half-empty rather than half-full? Do you have difficulty relaxing? _ Do you a tendency to womy a lot? Are you troubled by frightening dreams or thoughts? __ Do you have a tendency to be shy or sensitive? Do you have a strong dislike for criticism? Do you lose your temper often? Do little things often annoy you? Do you often feel time pressure (not enough time)? HavQ you ever considered committing suicide? Havg you ever been in counseling or seen a psychotherapist? lf thE answer to #16 is "yes", when did the counseling take place, and how long did it last? on a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the peak of enjoyment, how much do you like your job? .How long have you held your curent job? Whai was your previous job, and ho*long did you have irl? Wha{ are your career and financial goals? __ 23. What is the highest level of education that you have attairred and from what schools did ygu receive your academic degrees? 24. Ho I much vacation time do you have each year? 25. 26. 27. _ HoW do you usually spend your vacations? What do you do to relax on a regular basis? Wtiat are your hobbies and special interests outside of work? Please answer the following questions in the space provided. 3. 4. Are you presently married or in a committed relationship? If sq, how long have you been in this relationship? Havp you been married previously? lf sQ, how many times and what was the duration of each relationship? 5. Ple4se describe your present relationship with your spouse or partner. 1. 2. 6. Pledse describe your present relationship with your parents and how often you communicate with them, are still living. If not, what was it like when they were alive? if thpy Whdt was your childhood like? If you have children, please describe yoru present relationship with thern. 9. 10. Do you have any close friends? On 4 scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the most intimate, how connected ilo you feel to the people closest to YPU? On d typical day, do you usually experience some degree of human touoh, either a hug, a sfi:oke, or some fdrm of physical affection? T2, Do j'ou belong to any social group, club, or organization that meets regularly? 13. Do J'ou ofter feel alone, isolated, or detached from others? 14. On 4 scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being an almost paralyzingfear, what is your general level o:flfbar or anxiety? 11. - 15. WnE situutions, practices, or people make you feel less fearful? 16. What was your religious upbringing like, and what impact do you think it has on your present state of being? 17. Plealse describe your present spiritual that you engage in on a regular basis. focusing on your concept of God and any spiritual practices Candida Questionnaire and Score Sheet Name: This questi stionnaire for adults; the scoring system ruu ---'- is isn'tL eyyrvyrr4rw ----'o r appropr:iate rv+ -- designed for vurrurvlr. children. rL It IIJLD lists I<IvLUIJ factors III in your me{ical history that promote the growth of Candida albicans (Section A), and symptoms commonly found in individuals with yeast-connected illness (sections B and C). qugstion in Section A has a numerical score. If your answer to the question is Yes, write or type the Pu:h indicate{ number in the shaded area next to the score. This is a protected form-field document, so if typing' ;iou can just tab to the next field. Total your answers, then move on to sections B and C and score as directed. Filling out and scoring the questionnaire should help you and your doctor evaluate the possible role of candida ip contributing to your health problems. Yet, it will not provide an automatic "Yes" or "No" answer. SECTIC NA: (1) HISTORY POINT SCORE: Ha, /e you taken tetracyclines (SumycinrM, PanmycinrM, Vibramycinrvr, Mir rocinrM, etc.) or other antibiotics for acne for one month or longer? (2) Zs Har /e you, at any time in your life, taken other "broad spectrum" antibiotics* for respiratory, urinary, or other infections for 2 months or longer or in sho rter courses 4 or more times in a l-year 20 period? course'/ (3) Har /e you taken a broad spectrum antibiotic*----even in a single (4) Har /e you, at any time in your life, been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis, or other problems affecting your reproductive (5) Har /e you been pregnant2 or more organs? times? I ti:ne? (6) (7) Har /e you taken birth control pills for more than2 years? For 6 months to 2 years? Har /e you taken prednisone, Decadron or other cortisone-type drugs, by inje ction or inhalation for more than2 weeks? For 2 weeks or less? (8) Dor )s exposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other che micals provoke moderate to severe symptoms? Mil d sl. nPtoms? 6 25 5 3 15 8 15 6 20 5 (9) Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places? 20 (10) Har /e you had athlete's foot, ringworm, jock itch or other chronic fungus inf :ctions of the skin or nails? Have such infections been: Sev ere or persistent? 20 Mil d to moderate? 10 (11) Do 1 'ou crave sugar? 10 (12) Do 1 'ou crave breads? 10 (13) Do 1 'ou crave alcoholic beverages? 10 (14) Doer r tobacco smoke reallv bother vou? 10 TOTAL SCORE, SECTION A: *Includiilg ampicillin, amoxicillin, Augmentin, Keflex, ceclor, Bactrim, septra, Levaquirf, Zitlromax, and many others. Such antibiotics kill off "good gernrs" while th$y are killing off those which cause infection. SECTION B: HISTORY For each of your symptoms, enter the appropriate figure in the point score column: Not at all:0 points Occasiodal or mild: 3 points Frequenf andlor moderately severe: 6 points Severe aldlor disabling:9 points Add totaf score and record it in the box at the end of this section. POINT RE: F atigue or lethargy Bloating F eeling of being "drained" Troublesome vaginal discharge P oor memory or concentration F oeling "spacey" or'tffeal" Persistent vaginal burning or itching Prostatitis D epression Impotence N umbness, burning, or tingling Loss of sexual desire N luscle aches Endometriosis or irrfertility N luscle weakness or paralysis Cramps andlor othr:r menstrual irresularities P ein and/or swelling in joints A bdominal pain Premenstrual tension C onstipation Spots in front of the eyes D iarrhea Erratic vision S ubtotal Subtotal MPTOMS Not at alf :0 , enter the appropriate figure in the point score column: points Occasio4al or mild: 1 point :2 points points t in the box at the end of this section. y severe D]rowsiness I{ritability Rash or blisters in mouth or jitteriness Bad breath Iircoordination Joint swelling or arthritis Iilability to concentrate Nasal congestion o,r discharge Postnasal drip Nasal itching Sore or dry throat Pfessure above ears, feeling ofhead swelling and tingling Itching Other rashes Heartburn hidigestion Belching and intestinal gas Mucus in stools Cough Pain or tightness irr chest Wheezing or shortness of breath Urinary rugency or frequency Burning on urination Failing vision Burning or tearing of eyes Recurrent infectiorrs or fluid in ears flemonhoids Dry mouth Ear pain or deafness Subtotal Subtotal TOTAL SCORE, SECTION B: GRAND SCORE: The Gtqld Total Score will help you and your doctor decide if your health problems are yeast-connected. Scores inlwomen will run higher as 7 items in the questionnaire apply exclusively to women, whLile only 2 apply exclusiveilv to men. IF YOUR SCORE IS: SYMPTOMS ARE: Women 180 or hilgher: almost certainly yeast-connected - IW: probably yeast-connected 60 - 19 : possibly yeast-connected Less thari 60 : probably not yeast-connected 120 1 Men 140 or higher: almost certainly - 139 : probably yeast-connected 40 - 79 : possitily yeast-connected 80 <40 = probably.not yeast-connected If after filling out this form on the computer you wish to e-maill it to Dr. Ivker, please re-name the file like this: Lastname-Firstlnitial Cand-quest. Thank you. Please nbte: FAM HOLISTIC HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE tal your score. Each response will be a number d within the paren.theses (e.g. "2 to 3x/wk',) when le, "Do you maintain a healthy diet." However, lon (most of the Mind and Spirit g;estions) - for ponse is more sub.jective and less exact, ancl you , such as ofien or dailg, but not to the numbered SS) 4 = Regularty (4 to 6 times/week) 5 = Daily (every day) BODY: Physical and Environmental Health 1. Do ygu maintain a healthy diet (low fat, low sugar, fresh fruits, grains 2. 3. and vegetables)? _ adequate (at least % oz.llb. of trody weighl.; 160 lbs. = BO oz.;,or 10 gtnl41A r".nt of your ideal body weight? _ 4. Do ybu feel physically attractive? _ 5. Do ybu fall asleep easily and sleep soundly? 6. Do ybu awaken in the morning feeling well-rested? __ 7. Do Ygu have more than enough energr to meet your daily responsibilities? _ 8. Are ypur frve senses acute? _ 9. Do ypu take time to experience sensual pleasure? 10. Do 5iou schedule regular massage or deep-tissue body work? __ 1 1. Doeb yout: sexual relationship feel gratifying? 12. Do Siou engage in regular physical workouts (lasting; at least 20 rninutes)? __ 13. Do 51ou have good endurance or aerobic capacity? ___ 14. Do 5iou breathe abdominally for at least a few minutes? 15. Do y'pu maintain physically challenging goals? _ 16. Are you physically strong? _ 17 . Do Siou do some stretching exercises? _ 18. Are you free of chronic aches, pains, ailments, and diseases? ___ 19. Do 54ou have regular effortless bowel movements? 20. Do 51ou understand the causes of your chronic physrical problems?_ 2L Are you free ofany drug or alcohol dependency? _ t with. respect to clean air, water, eund indoclr ? eciation for your brody, your home, ehvironment? _ 25. Do you have an awareness of life-energr or qi? _ Total BODY Score = _ aLnd you.r MIND: Mental and Emotional Health 1. Do yoi.r have specific goa-ls in your personal and professional life?__ 2. Do ypu have the ability to concentrate for extended periods of time? _ 3. Do yPu use visualization or mental imagery to help you attain yorur goals or enhance your pprformance? 4. Do you believe it is- possible to change? _ 5. Can you meet your financial needs and desires? 6. Is yoiur outlook basically optimistic? _ 7 . Do you give yourself more supportive messages than critical messages? _ 8. Doeg your job utlLize all of your greatest ta,lents? 9. Is your job enjoyable and fulfilling? _ 10. Are you willing to take risks or make mistakes in order to succeed? to adjust beliefs and attitudes as a result of learnin.g from painful e.xtrleriences? 1 1' lt" ifou_able 12. Do 5tou have a sense of humor? 13. Do 51ou maintain peace of mind and tranquility? _ 14. Are you free from a strong need for control or the need to be rigkrt? _ 15. Are you able to fully experience (feel) your painful fe:elings such as fear, anger, sadness, and. hopelessness? _ 16. Are jyou aware of and able to safely express fear? __ 17 . Are you awa-re of and able to safely express anger? __ 18. Are prou aware of and able to safely express sadness or cry? ___ 19. Are you accepting of all your feelings? _ 20. Do 51ou engage in meditation, contemplation, or psychotherapy to better understand your feelings? _ 21. Is your sleep free from disturbing dreams? 22. Do $ou explore the symbolism and emotional content of your dreams? _23, Do you take the time to let down and relax, or make time for activities that constitute the abandon or absorption of play? _ 24. Do liou experience feelings of exhilaration? 25. Do 51ou enjoy high self-esteem? _ Total MIND Score = _ _ SPIRIT: Spiritual and Social Health 1. Do ypu actively commit time to your spiritual life? __ 2. Do ybu take time for pr n? _ 3. Do y0u listen and act u 4. Are oreative activities a f.ime? 5. Do ypu take risks? _ 6. Do you have faith in God, spirit guides, or angels? 7 . Are y'ou free from anger toward God? _ 8. Are 5{ou grateful for the blessings in your life? 9. Do you take walks, garden, or have contact with nature? 10. Are you able to let go of your attachment to specific outcomes a-rrd embrace uncertainty? _ 11. Do 51ou observe a day of rest completely away from work, dedical.ed to nurturing yourself and your family? _ 12. Can you let go of self-interest in deciding the best course of acl-ion for a given sitruertion? ____ 13. Do you feel a sense of purpose? _ 14. Do you make time to connect with young children, either your own or someone else's? __ 15. Are blayfulness and humor important to you in your daily life? __ 16. Do yiou have the ability to forgive yourself and others? _ 17. Havg you demonstrated the willingness to commit to a marriage or comparable long-term reilationship? _ 18. Do )iou experience intimacy, besides sex, in your committed relationships? _ 19. Do yiou confrde in or speak openly with one or more close frienrlsr? _ 20. Do yiou or did you feel close with your parents? _ 21.If yop have experienced the loss of a loved one, have you fully grieved that toss? ____ 22. Has your experience of pain enabled you to grow spiritually? __ 23. Do ]4ou go out of your way or give your time to help others? _ 24. Do 54ou feel a sense of belonging to a group or comffrunity? _ 25. Do yiou experience unconditional love? _ Total SPIRIT Score = Total BpDY, MIND, SPIRIT Score = _ HEALTII SCALE: 325 - 375 Optimal Health: THRIVING 275 - 324 Excellent Health 225 - 274 Good Health L75 - 224 Fair Health L25 - IT4 Below Average Health 75 - L24 Poor Health Less th4n 75 Extremely Unhealthy: SURVIVING FULLY ALIVE MEDICINE (FAM) FAM TREATMENT OUTCOME QUES'TIONNAIRE 1. flow long 2. How many physicians have you seen for treatment of this condition, and what was their diagnosis? have you had the primary condition for which you're seetrdng treatment at FAM? Since you've been treating this condition, is there anything you've done or taken that has made a si gnifi cant improvement? Alpproximately how many days of work do you miss per year as a result of this condition? pproximately how much do you spend per year (out-of-pocket) on your medical treatment, including ice visits, diagnostic tests, procedures, and medications? (This figure is over and above insurance coverage. Do you have health insurance? ___-) are your most uncomfortable or debilitating symptoms? Please rate them from 1 to 10 (1 is inimal and 10 is the most uncomfortable and incapacitating). What would you consider to be a successful treatment outcome folllowing a minimum of a 3-month cbmmitment to the FAM Treatment Program? Please be as specific a.s possible. Acknowledgment of Privacy Practices Fully Alive Medicine (303)404-2232 3000 Center Green Dr. #130 Boulder, CO 80301 Datei The undbrsigned acknowledges receipt of a copy of the currently etfective Notice of Privacy Fractices for Fully Alive MQdicine (FAM). A copy of this signed, dated Acknowledgement shall be as effective as the original. lf you woUld llke a copy of Prlvacy Practices to keep please ask tlre receptionist. By providing your email address to Fully Alive Medicine you are consenting to recelve emall reminders of appointfients and occasional FAM e-newsletters (of which you can opt-out). You may receive a reminder phone cfllfrom our office before each appointment, Please see page 11.1of the Privacy Practices'Request Alternatlve Communicatlons' for more information. PLEASE |IIST ANY OTHER PARTIES WHO CAN HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR HEALTI.ICARE INFORMATION: (ThIs includes step parents, grandparents and any care takers who can have accerss to this patient's records): Name! Relationship; lPhone: Relationship:- Phone: Phone: Cancellation Policy: Half of the treatment amount may be charged for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice. Please S!& your name
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