Iglesia Bautista de la Comunidad NON-PROFIT ORG . U.S . POSTAGE PAID ALABASTER, AL 35007 PERMIT NO. 9 8254 H i g h w a y 1 7 • P. O . B o x 1 5 9 M a y l e n e , AL 3 5 1 1 4 205.664.1675 REV. BO BROWN, Pastor 663.2340 (H) • 427.2340 (C) • [email protected] GREG RAGLAND, Youth Minister & Associate Pastor 664.7219 (H) • 936.9516 (C) • [email protected] MELISSA CALTON , Children’s Minister & Associate Pastor 620.6022 (H) • 790.5419 (C) • [email protected] M att M on k • E d u c a t i o n M i n i s t e r 663-7490 (H) • 368-8785 (C) • [email protected] DAVE MILLER, Music Minister & Associate Pastor 733.9351 (H) • 432.8282 (C) • [email protected] DAVE SHORT, Custodian 663-0050 (H) • 682-0778 (C) • SUNDAY SCHOOL • 9:45 / WORSHIP • 11:00 AM • 6:00 PM • WEDNESDAY FELLOWSHIP MEAL • 5:30 / BIBLE STUDY • 6:30 DEACONS J A CK IE MIMS , Chairman 6 8 5 - 9 006 (H) • 587-1338 (C) [email protected] (E) B I L L NELSON , Vice Chair 6 6 3 . 2 024 (H) • 306.2045 (C) GARY AUTHEMENT 621-9087 (H) • 901-8116 (C) [email protected] (E) BRIAN BARNETT 8 2 2 - 9 246 (H) • 396-8494 (C) b b a r n e tt9246@char ter.net (E) JIM BELL 6 2 1 - 6 934 (H) • 365-2216 (C) j a mes .bell@linde .com STEVEN BIERMAN 621-2007 (H) • b i e r [email protected] MI KE CARTER 6 6 3 - 4 377 (H) • 369-3109 (C) CHIC CHILDS 6 6 3 - 5 168 (H) • 515-3560 (C) JAY COFIELD 6 8 5 - 8 646 (H) • 936-3822 (C) c [email protected] JERRY HENDON 6 6 4 . 1 592 (H) • 913.0228 (C) p i s t [email protected] JIM LINAM 6 6 4 - 6 718 (H) • 365-4845 (C) l i [email protected] JONATHAN LOWERY 6 7 0 - 7 027 (H) • 283-8396 (C) j l owe r y2121@char ter.net (E) RICHARD McCOY 6 6 3 - 3 913 (H) • 253-1411 (C) r t [email protected] (E) JAC K IE MIMS 6 8 5 - 9 0 0 6 (H) • 888-307-3589 (C) [email protected] (E) BILL NELSON 6 6 3 . 2 024 (H) • 306.2045 (C) LEE PATE 4 2 5 - 9 033 (H) • 807-5001 (C) l e epate@ear thlink.net BO PIC K ETT 6 6 4 . 8 564 (H) • 368.3459 (C) b o dr [email protected] STEPHEN RYLEE 6 6 8 . 9 775 (H) • 586.9136 (C) r y l e [email protected](E) RAY WILSON 6 6 4 . 9 895 (H) • 310.5641 (C) r ay a n [email protected] folks folks just just like like you you BE SURE TO VISIT US at www.communitybaptistmaylene .com FEBRUARY 2 0 1 0 OUR RA’S W O RK ON LEARNI NG HOW TO S T AY OUT OF THE GUTTE RS PAGE 4 Page lookin’ ahead! FRIDAY ( 2 - 5 ) 6 : 3 0 - 9 P MK I D S F E S T 2 AT D O G WO O D BAPTIST C H U R C H ( VA N L E AV E S P R O MPTLY AT 6 PM) FRI-SAT ( 2 - 5 / 6 ) 7 P M - 7 A M YO U T H L O CK- I N THURS DAY ( 2 - 1 1 ) 7 : 0 0 P M CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING FRIDAY ( 2 - 1 2 ) 6 - 9 P M C H I L D R E N : B OY S L A S E R TA G Sunday ( 2 - 1 4 ) 5 : 0 0 pm Valentine’ s Ban q uet TUESDAY ( 2 - 1 6 ) 1 0 : 0 0 A M D OV E S M E E T I N G AT C H U R C H FRIDAY ( 2 - 1 9 ) T I M E T B A YO U T H I C E SKAT I N G SATUR DAY ( 2 - 2 0 ) 1 - 3 P M VO L U N T E E R F I R E D E PA RT M ENT I N F O R M AT I O N A L M E E T I N G IN S A N C T U A RY 5 : 0 0 P M E A G L E S M E E T AT C H U R C H 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H C H O I R K I CK O F F G A LA SUNDAY ( 2 - 2 1 ) 4 : 0 0 P M YO U T H C H O I R rehearsal BEGINS MONDAY ( 2 - 2 2 ) T I M E T B A S E N I O R A D U L T S C U L L M A N EYE CANDY C A R AVA N SATUR DAY ( 2 - 2 7 ) 9 A M - 1 P M Y M C A FA M I L Y H E A L T H FA I R SUNDAY ( 2 - 2 8 ) 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H TO S U P P E R SUNDAY ( 3 - 7 ) 7 : 0 0 P M R E C O N C I L I AT I O N WO R S H I P SERVICE & jennifer & todd R I D D L E WEDDING THURS DAY ( 3 - 1 1 ) 1 0 A M - N O O NY M C A S E N I O R A D U L T H E A L TH FAIR sunday ( 3 - 1 4 )daylight saving time begins 3 : 3 0 P Myouth : winterjam TUESDAY ( 3 - 2 3 ) 1 0 : 0 0 A M D OV E S M E E T I N G AT M A R I O N BATES’ HOME FRIDAY ( 3 - 2 6 ) 5 : 3 0 - 9 : 3 0 YO U T H I C E SK AT I N G SATUR DAY ( 3 - 2 7 ) T I M E T B A E A G L E S M E E T I N G , L O C AT I ON TBA Sunday ( 3 - 2 8 ) Palm Sunday Thursday ( 4 - 1 ) 7 pm M aundy Thursday service F riday ( 4 - 2 ) 7 pm G ood Friday service Sunday ( 4 - 4 )am E aster S unday FRI-SAT ( 4 - 9 / 1 0 ) 7 P M - 7 A M YO U T H R O CK - A - T H O N SATUR DAY ( 4 - 1 0 ) T I M E T B A C H U R C H - W I D E M I S S I O N YA RD & GARAGE SALE SUNDAY ( 4 - 1 1 ) 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H S . N . A . C . T I M E TUESDAY ( 4 - 1 3 ) 1 0 : 0 0 A M D OV E S M E E T I N G SATUR DAY ( 4 - 1 7 ) T I M E T B A E A G L E S M E E T I N G , L O C AT I ON TBA SUNDAY ( 4 - 1 8 ) 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H TO S U P P E R SUNDAY ( 4 - 2 5 ) 5 : 0 0 P M G U AT E M A L A M I S S I O N B A NQ UET SATUR DAY ( 5 - 1 ) T I M E T B A M I S S I O N - A - T H O N SUNDAY ( 5 - 2 ) 1 1 : 0 0 A M S E N I O R A D U L T C H O I R FRIDAY ( 5 - 7 ) 7 : 0 0 P M YO U T H L A S E R TA G AT P E L HAM FUN ZONE sunday ( 5 - 9 )mother’ s day (no evening service ) Sunday ( 5 - 1 6 )time tba C hildren’ s Choir musical: down by the creek bank W E EK L Y O N T H U R S DAY S 9 - N O O N • S E N I O R A D U L T S B I S C U I T B U D D I E S & J O I N T HEIRS SENIOR ADULT CHOIR 7 : 0 0 P M • EN G L I S H A S A S E C O N D L A N G U A G E C L A SS F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 RIDDLE NUPTIALS TO HIGHLIGHT EVENING WORSHIP MARCH 7th The entire church family is invited to a special evening worship service on March 7th. That evening’s service theme will be “Reconciliation,” and the highlight of the special service will be the observance of the ordinance or marriage between Jennifer and Todd Riddle. For those who may not know, the Riddle’s were formerly married and their marriage was dissolved just before Jennifer joined Community Baptist. At his son, Michael’s, urging, Todd began attending CBC. He soon joined as well. To their credit, Jennifer and Todd both became active members of the church and over time have re-discovered one another. With Bro. Bo’s help and the support of their many mutual friends, Jennifer and Todd reaches a point some time back where they felt God’s healing of their relationship and the agreed to re-marry. After much prayerful thought and discussion, the Riddle’s decided that they wanted their new wedding to take place within a normal church service, and Bro. Bo has felt led to focus on a theme of reconciliation in that evening message, in view of the circumstances. Everyone is encouraged to come be a a part of the Riddle’s special evening, beginning at 6 pm on March 7th. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELL OWSHIP SUPPER MENUS FEBRUAR Y FEB 3 • Cofield’s & Monk’s Clas s e s : SPAGHET TI & SAL AD FEB 10 • Friendship, L ady ’s & Ope n D o o r Classes: RED BEANS & RICE & S A L A D FEB 17 • Seniors Class: CHICKEN F I N G E R S , MAC & CHEESE, PEAS & CARRO T S FEB 24 • Gr een Room Class : HAM, SWEET POTATO CASSEROLE & G R E E N BEAN CASSEROLE F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 five years Five years ago this February I came to Community Baptist Church as Pastor. It would be my first experience in the Pastoral role to which God had called me. I came in wondering what God would do, and praying that I would have enough wisdom to let Him do it. Behind me I was leaving comfort, security and years and years of experience doing one thing well, but now I was being called to step by faith into the next adventure God placed in my life. It would not just affect me, but my wife Stephanie and my daughters, Claudia, Caitie, Chloe and Cana, as well. It was exciting and it was time! Now I stand here by God’s Grace and Love 5 years later celebrating God’s incredible faithfulness to His servant and His Church. There may have been things we could have done better, but we have chased the Will of God for CBC with no compromise. I could have never imagined we would be where we are, but then again it doesn’t surprise me because we serve a God who is mighty and capable of doing things beyond any dreams we could have. I look forward to the next 5 years and what God has in store. I am truly the most blessed man on earth. Below is a reprint of my first article every printed in our Newsletter. I thought it would be fitting to publish again so here you go: A NEW ADVENTURE AND A BLESSED SAVIOR To this day I still remember when it was time to go to the Hospital to witness the birth of my first child. I remember the 15 minute drive that seemed to take two hours. I remember the fretting as I paced back and forth wondering when this blessed event would actually occur. Time seemed to stand still for me. But in just a few hours, as things progressed at their natural pace, here she came in all her glory. Welcome to the world Miss Claudia Ruth Brown! A new beginning was started, more glorious than I ever imagined. Regardless of the any future circumstances, here was a gift from God. I remember it like it was yesterday, and praise God for my daughter daily. This serves as a reminder that within the Will of God, beginnings are wonderful things. They are filled with excitement and uncertainty, while at the same time full of potential and opportunities. We now are allowed the chance to share in a blessing of a new beginning. God has brought us together, here at Community Baptist Church, in His will and timing, giving us a beginning we can experience together. Let us embrace this challenge, using it as a springboard for our faith and obedience, seeing an opportunity to reach a lost and dying world. Seize this opportunity to pray diligently for God’s will and guidance, asking Him for direction as we grow together. There is no limit to God’s faithfulness! As stated in Psalms 34:8, “Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man that trusts in Him.” Stephanie, the girls and I are ready to become part of the Community Baptist family to begin a new ministry here. God has been incredibly faithful to us and we trust His direction fully, leaning on the truth that God is in control. God is Good - All the Time!!! And Blessed to be your Pastor Brother Bo P ag e From Your Pastor’s Heart RevERAND B o Bro w n Page Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y CBC Valentine’s Banquet SUNDAY • FEBRUARY 14 • 5 PM Always one of the our church family’s favorite events, the 2010 version of the Community Baptist Church Valentine’s Banquet will take place on Valentine’s Day, beginning at 5 pm. Hosted and served by our Youth, the Banquet features excellent food and a program that can range from the simply funny to the slightly bizarre. No word has slipped out yet what this year’s entertainment will be, but it’s sure to be fun, no matter what. Given the increasing numbers of those who will attend, the Valentine’s Banquet will for the first time be held outside the Fellowship Hall, in our Sanctuary area. As is our tradition, everyone is urged to gather in the King’s Palace (our former Sanctuary) or the Fellowship Hall, from which locations everyone will then be escorted into the Sanctuary for the evening’s festivities. There is no charge for the meal and evening’s entertainment, but at the evening’s end, those in attendance will be afforded an opportunity to tip their servers, and all tips will be devoted to the servers’ Fuge expense fund. Be sure to sign up today if you’ve not already done so. That’ll help the planning and food preparation. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y RA’S ON THE MOVE! All decked out in newly-acquired RA T-shir ts, the young boys at Community Baptist Church have entered a new and excitinbg phase in the progress of our Royal Ambassadors program. With expanded leadership from a variety of men, the boys have beenworkin in earnest on RA projects, leading to various merit badges as well as sharing a special afternoon out. On Januar y 23, 11 boys and several men headed to the Oak Mounatin Lanes and wore out the gutters during a great time of fun and fellowhip. Thanks to Steve Bierman, Greg Barlow, Jackie Mims, Brad Goggins and Josh Forrest for their excellent leadership in making it all happen. JERAN, LLOYD & KADEN MONTANA & JACKIE JACKSON, HUNTER, MONTANA, JOSH, MICHAEL & STEVE WILL & JESSE Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 P ag e LEFT: VALENTINES WERE GINGER SMITH & BAMBI TERRY’S THEME RIGHT: RITA MILLER’S MOST ELEGANT TABLE BELOW: PAM JONES GIVES CAREY GRIFFIN A ROSE BOTTOM RIGHT: JENNIFER & ABBY SUMMERLIN’S GAME-THEMED TABLE WOW!!! What an extraordinary evening we shared Friday, January 22nd, at our CWC Winter Wonders and Wide Open Hearts Tablescape Event. Our Fellowship Hall was filled with 70 beautiful women who shared with each other about the coldest or warmest winter they had experienced in their lives and how God had carried them through these cold times to a spring or summer time. The food was delicious and the tables were so amazingly different and wonderful to see. It always amazes me to see the versatility in our women and how God blesses them with gifts and the willingness to serve others and share those gifts. After the food was behind us we awarded several categories for the beautiful tables. The Most Original tablescape was created by Jennifer and Abby Summerlin. Rachel Black’s table was selected as the Most Creative. The Most Winter Beautiful table was a tie between the table decorated by Jeanie Blair and Dana Hollingsworth and the table decorated by Carey Griffin. The Most Elegant tablescape belonged to Laurita Miller. The tablescape that was judged as being the Best Overall was decorated by Rebekah Parr, Chelesea Woodring and Diana Lowery. Then came the best part!!! We all joined Melissa Calton in the King’s Palace for a spiritual worship time that can only be described as “GOD SHOWED UP!!!” Melissa shared her personal testimony of her and David’s family and particularly the situations and challenges that she has endured over the last several months. The overall message was to help us to realize that the Anchor holds in spite of the storms in life. Thank you, Melissa, for your willingness to share what God has brought you through and how we should never give up on God but hold to his unchanging hand. And thanks to everyone who contributed to making such a remarkable evening even be possible. - Debra TOP RIGHT: MINGLING & TABLE-GAZING GOT THE EVENING STARTED LEFT: HUGS IN ABUNDANCE BROUGHT THE EVENING TO A CLOSE RIGHT: CINDY & MELISSA SHARE A MOMENT AT NIGHT’S END Winter Wonders & Wide-OpenHearts Page F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 CBC youth 4 HYM from TH E CHINA D OL L S ’ D A DD Y Dear Community Family, I have been ver y blessed in the past couple of weeks. I would like to share the blessing I have received with you. Ann Jay Harrison will be starting a youth choir this month on Feb. 21. This is a letter that she asked me to share with the church. Please be in prayer for her as she starts this wonderful ministr y. I n C hrist , B ro . G reg Brother Greg Ragland Youth Minister “G od ’ s H and ” Wow!!!! If you’ve never experienced the hand of God in your life you are missing out on the greatest blessing. At the age of 18, I surrendered my life over to the mission field and to Christian ministr y. At that time I knew I wanted to work with youth, but thought it would be the route of seminar y and church vocation. What I didn’t know is that God was calling me to spend my life in the public school system. I grew up being a par t of a small, but fantastic youth choir, at Aliceville First Baptist Church. The largest number of kids we had in a choir was thir ty my 10th grade year. Almost ever y summer we went to Ridgecrest, N.C ., to the Southern Baptist Assembly. “Fantastic” is the only word I can use to describe those experiences. It was much like M-Fuge/Centrifuge. Actually, it was at Ridgecrest that I knew God was tugging at my hear t and I surrendered to his calling. Well, about 3 years ago, I star ted feeling the urge from God to star t a choir at our former church. He had given me a vision to star t one so that kids could receive the blessings that I had received growing up in my youth choir. My family and I had also been members at Hunter Street Baptist Church when my boys were younger and I wanted them to be apar t of a choir like that! I felt like this was coming full circle in the calling that I had felt at the age of 18. This past year, God told me to take my hands off of the choir. I didn’t understand, but I knew that God had a plan. You’ve no doubt heard that “when God closes a door he opens a window.” Well, I’m convinced that it is not a window he opens, but a wider, larger door!!!!! Before my family decided to visit Community, I talked to Greg Ragland to see if he had a vision for a youth choir. Not only did he have a vision, but he had been praying for a youth choir!!! When I went to meet with Greg to discuss his vision, I was reminded by God that when he gives you a vision, HE not ME opens the path!!! Greg had the same vision that God had given me. I pray that ever y young person will desire to come be apar t of the vision that God has given us. The choir will be working towards a choir tour in the future and hopefully some trips to churches around this area once we are established. The students in the choir will decide on a name and come up with a logo that we will have printed on T-shir ts. Please be in prayer for this choir and for the ones that will be leading it. As Brother Bo says: God is Good…. All the Time!!!! y yo ou ut th h c ch ho oi ir r p r a p c r t a c c ti e i c b e e beg i gin s ns f e feb b. . 2 21 1 - 4 4 p pm m A nn J ay H arrison F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 P ag e Whats Been Going On… FUGE Sign-ups – It is that time again. Our FUGE sign-ups were in Januar y and as of right now, we have 33 students signed up to go. That means we may be taking over 40 to camp this year. WOW!!! Please be in prayer for us as we begin to prepare for a life-changing camp this summer. SNAC Time – Jan. 17 – The youth went bowling in Vestavia for our Januar y SNAC Time. After the evening ser vices, we stopped by McDonald’s for supper and then made our way to the bowling alley. It was an awesome time!!! We wore the gutters out!!! Boy’s Day Out – Jan. 23 – Are you ready for some football??? The boys played flag football at Thompson Middle School. Jonathan and Greg need to really get in shape!!! After the game was over, the group had lunch at McDonald’s and then headed back to the church. Girl’s Day Out – Jan. 23 – The girls met at the church and made their way into the kitchen to prepare food for some of our families in our church. It was a great oppor tunity for each of them to ser ve. They cooked lasagna and the word is that it was delicious!!! Thanks to Rebekah Parr for putting this event together and ever yone else that helped out. Youth to Supper – Jan. 31 – There is nothing like eat at Buffalo Wild Wings after church with the youth group. The food was great, as usual, and the fellowship was even better!!! Whats Coming Up… CBC youth 4 HYM Valentine’s Banquet – Sun. Feb. 14 – 5pm – Our first fundraiser for FUGE. We will go out to eat lunch at Taco Bell after the morning ser vices and then return to church to decorate and set up. Bring a change of clothes to work in and $$ for lunch. The dress for the Banquet is dress pants or a dress and a nice shir t. If you are not at church on Sunday morning, you will need to be there by 2pm. Youth Choir - SUN. FEB 21 – 4 PM - 4HYM will be star ting a youth choir on Feb. 21 at 4 pm. Mrs. Ann Jay Harrison will be leading the choir. There will be a par ty to kick things off. Time and place is TBA. WINTER JAM 2010 – Sun. Mar. 14 – 3:30 pm – The doors open at 5pm, so we will be heading out at 3:30 to get in line. The show ends at around 9:45. We will return home around 10:30. There is no school the next day. Third Days, Newsboys, NewSong, and many others will be performing. The cost is $10. Eat before you come and bring money for food and snacks at the concer t. This will be our March SNAC Time. Ice Skating – Fri. Mar. 26 – 5:30-9:30 pm – Eat at Chick-fil-A before we skate. We will be skating from 7-9pm and will return to the church at 9:30pm. The cost to skate is $10. Bring enough $$ to skate and eat. ROCK-A-THON – Fri. Apr. 9 – Sat. Apr. 10 – 7pm-7am – Bring your own rocking chair and be ready to rock the night away. Bring games, MP3’s, and other things to enter tain yourself throughout the night. No sleeping allowed!!!! (ha ha ha) Or you will get wet!!! 6 2 1 june 2 Page mrs. melissa calton, children’s minister F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 m rs. me l is sa’s kidz notez B MY VALENTINE! H ope S chool and H ey K ids : W ill U B my VALENTINE? DAD U need a “ empty ” K leenex B ox , P aint it , decorate it and bring it to UR S unday C lass ASAP. W e will have a judging contest . WINNER gets MY COOL LIGHT UP YO YO! G et to working on those boxes by the way ...U will need to slide a few VALENTINES in those boxes the month of F eb ... so get your AUTOGRAPHS going . so ... this is what 2 do ... tell MOM SENIOR ADULTS and from Mrs. Melissa F ebruary 5 th KIDS FEST at D ogwood B aptist C hurch V an enjoy cool magic show with puppets F ebruary 6 th I PUPPETEERS will be taking a group of interested 6 pm . P lease be sure to eat B4 and lots of FUN, FUN, FUN!! leaves at to a call me asap . P uppet W orkshop F ebruary 12 th LAZER TAG 4 BOYS has been POSTPONED F ebruary 26 th 6-8 pm . K ids remember : L ove is KIND, L ove is P atient ! E njoy being a S ervin ’ the KID in P rattville . I f and rescheduled and learn to you board the van . We will you are interested , please 4: B LIKE JESUS....I love you 2 much . S hepherd , F eedin ’ H is L ambs ....M elissa HOW DO??? SENIOR ADULTS!!! It’s February and we are just warming up the VAN... We have a trip planned to CULLMAN... Lots 2 see in Cullman, we will enjoy Antique Shops, Quaint German Shops, Tool Shops (guys) and lunch around town. Join Us...Sign Up Sheet in Hall by Fellowship Hall February 22nd 9am - Until... Biscuit Buddies had 22 last week and we are having a ball. Every Thursday Morning 9 - Noon we enjoy biscuits, eggs, bacon etc..then play games. This month our craft is: Terra Cotta Bird Feeders $3 ea We will paint them and you can either make a suet for the birds or put some Valentine candy in them for your sweetie. We are enjoying the JOINTHEIR Choir. Currently we are working on MUSIC for SR. ADULT DAY which is May 2nd. Come CB on and join the fun. We want to FILL that CHOIR... We will begin working on a MUSICAL “Moving with the Spirit” come on now don’t be left out..join us, you won’t be sorry!!! Branson Trip Scheduled for April 26th and 27th. Sign Up Sheet in Hall by Fellowship Hall. I encourage you to SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD and HIS WAY of doing all that you do to the GLORY of our LORD JESUS CHRIST! C BISCUIT BUDDIES I love you sooooo much: Melissa F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 THE BIRDS’ NEST CBC EAGLES The CBC EAGLES did not meet in January. Our next meeting will be Feb. 20. we will meet at the church at 5 p.m. This will be a planning meeting, plus we will have snacks and a movie. See you then. . CBC DOVES The CBC DOVES met Jan. 19 at Darion Bates’ home. We planned our calendar for 2010 and then got to know each other better by describing how we have gotten to the place we are in our lives and how Christ has worked in directing us to the place that we are. We also decided to save our change for mission projects such as the upcoming mission trip to Guatemala. Our next meeting will be at the church on Feb. 16 at 10 a.m. Bring the change you have collected so far. Be sure to join us as we make visits and share with others. The March meeting will be at the home of Darion Bates on March 23. The LORD has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 P ag e NOW’S THE TIME TO REGISTER FOR LADIES’ ONE-DAY EVENT R enew , a ver y special one-day event presented by Alabama WMU at First Baptist Church of Pelham, is coming up on Saturday, Februar y 27th, from 9 to 3:30. Those who have attended past year’s versions of this event have always been deeply blessed. To reser ve a place at this extraordinar y event, please register before Februar y 15th. Page 10 F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 W elcome New Members enjoys hunting and fishing, and Bambi likes fishing as well, especially at the elder Terr y’s proper ty in Coosa County. The Terr y’s home is in Pelham although Bambi and the kids are at the currently living with her mom. BAMBI TERRY DECEMBER 6 • MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER Bambi Terr y had attended CBC from time to time back in the late ‘90’s when the family live din Long Meadow. But it was a visit last fall to one of our Community women connecting and the warmth and welcome she felt this past fall that led her to Community Baptist on December 5, 2009. Although born at Shelby Baptist, Bambi grew up in New Smyrna Beach, FL, and graduated from high school there. After attending a community college there for a few months, she moved back to the Birmingham area with her mom, Louise Blythe, and began working as a waitress. She and husband, Wade Terr y, were married 1998. They have three children. Michael is in 6th grade and Riverchase Middle School and is into skateboarding and basketball. Seven year old Jeran is a 2nd grader at Valley elementar y and like riding bikes and having adventures in the woods. And Dalyn, age 5, likes to help mommy and will head to kindergar ten next fall. Wade is involved in his father’s business, Erective Steel Products. Bambi, when not a stay-at-home mom over the past 12 years, has been employed by Darr yl Whitfield at the Bogue’s Restaurants. Wade RUSTY & KIMBERLY TANNER PAYTON & JACKSON TANNER JANUARY 24 • MEMBERSHIP TRANSFER The first new members in the year 2010 come to CBC with a strong music background. In the future, we’ll no doubt see ample evidence of that fact. Rusty, who was born and raised in Pensacolagraduated from Tate High School in 1979 and headed to Southern Miss on a music scholarship as a trumpet player. He graduated in 1987 with a Political Science bachelor’s degree, and evenutally went to work for CellularOne. Over the years he has worked for other wireless companies, but he has been with AT&T a good while and currently ser ves as Area Retail Sales Manager for national retail in Alabama/ Nor thwest Florida. He has played trumpet in the orchestra of the couple’s prior churches. Kimberly, who was born in Mobile, graduated from Vigor High School in 1988 and headed to the University of South Alabama pursuing studies in piano performance. However, she ended up graduating from Auburn with a degree in Speech Pathology. Somewhat similarly to Rusty, armed with that degree, Kimberly took on a position with BellSouth MobileComm, where she remained for a couple of years. After she and Rusty met, they married in 1995, and Kimberly bought and operated her own frame shop and ar t galler y in Pensacola. When daughter, Payton, came along in 1997, Kimberly became a stay-at home mom for 9 years, but for the last three years has been a Special Ed teacher in the Shelby County school system. In May, Kimberly will graduate with honors with her Master’s Degree in Special Education from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Payton is 12 and a 7th grader at Thompson Middle School. She loves music; especially singing. She seems likely to be chasing the singing and drama dream in the coming years. As it is, she has regularly sung the National Anthem at numerous venues and is eager to be a par t of various singing organizations. She takes voice and piano lessons with our pianist, Lisa Etheridge. Her dream is to be on American Idol. The Tanner’s have a son, Jackson, as well. Ten year old Jackson is a 4th grader at Thompson Intermediate School and enjoys soccer. He is also about to begin tennis lessons. Thus far, he’s not been bitten by the family’ music bug, but there’s always hope. When not working or spending time with his family, Rusty is a huge football fan in the fall. Kimberly’s kind of into anything and ever ything, she says: painting, writing children’s musicals, scrap booking, floral arrangContinued on Page 11 F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 P ag e 11 EDUCATION & DEVELOPMENT A Journey of FAITH, Part 1 from Brother Matt Monk Education Minister On January 10, the Ladies Sunday School room was filled with about 25 youth and 12 adults ready to embark on an adventure that scares most any Christian. It was at this time that these people made a commitment to learn how to better share their FAITH. Due to some late discipleship class cancellations, it was decided that the time was right to offer a class to teach people how to share their faith. One of the most effective ways to teach is to utilize the FAITH curriculum. Here are some facts about FAITH: 1. FAITH is a twelve-week study that offers believers a step-by-step way to share their FAITH. This class teaches people how to develop relationships and look for opportunities to gauge people’s thoughts on what one must do to obtain eternal life. This is designed to open doors for people to share Christ in a simple yet non-threatening way. 2. FAITH is a response to the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28:18-20 as it offers believers to go and make disciples and then teaching new believers about the basics of the Christian faith. 3. FAITH is a disciple-making course that encouragers learners to teach other believers about FAITH once the course is complete. 4. FAITH is a ministry that involves Sunday School as representatives from almost every adult Sunday School class is participating in the class for the purposes of ministering to current SS members while inviting and visiting prospective members. 5. FAITH invites people to pray for participants in the class that they be provided with opportunities and boldness to share their faith. These are just a few of the exciting things that we have going in the FAITH class. There are classes both for adults and youth during the spring session. This is a great opportunity for the church to reach out into the community and share our faith while also providing ministry opportunities in our Sunday School. I invite you to please be in prayer for those who are taking this course. Please pray that we all be given plenty of opportunities to reach out and share with others. Please pray for boldness to witness and protection from the enemy. It is exciting to think how God can use this class to reach out to our community and help us all to focus more in sharing our faith. I hope over the next few months to provide more updates and features on this class. In Christ Matt PS: FAITH stands for the words Forgiveness, Available, Impossible, Turn, Heaven. We are all in need of God’s forgiveness that is available through His Son Jesus Christ. It is impossible to be forgiven on our own so we must turn away from our sin and toward Christ. When we do this Heaven is our home and we are given eternal life. (Continued from Page 10) ing, hosting par ties and enter taining. According to Rusty, Kimberly should have a tattoo across her forehead saying, “Ask me . . . I won’t say ‘no.’ ” Taking advantage of that tendency, no doubt, Ann Jay Harrison has already enlisted Kimberly’s help in developing our newly-forming Youth Choir. Of course, Kimberly and Ann Jay have already become an impor tant par t of our Worship Choir. The Tanner’s are also known to enjoy going to the beach and taking family trips to Orlando where Rusty’s son David lives with his wife and two sons. When they are home, they are in Alabaster. Page 12 F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 What Drains Your Energies? by Dr. Joe McKeever I have previously mentioned that rebellious children sap the energies of parents, leaving them with no will, no time, and no strength for outside interests or ministries. Some of our readers have experienced this personally. The question before the class today, students, is: “What depletes your energies for God?” As usual, I’ll get us started. At the end, leave your own contributions to the list. Our hope is that someone will see himself in this and learn that a certain practice has been robbing them of their service to the Lord and will return to the Father. Luke 15:18 comes to mind. “I will arise and go to my Father.” Here are my top ten energy-depleters: 10. Compromise. You’re doing something displeasing to the Lord and you know it. The guilt lingers and weighs you down. When you try to read your Bible, pray, or worship, the fog is so thick you could cut it. God seems far away, and you know without being told it’s because you moved. You’re being torn down the middle and it’s a miserable feeling. Isaiah 59:1-2 comes to mind. “Your sins have separated you.” Confess them and move back closer. 9. Nay-sayers. The discouragers around you are constantly pointing out that you cannot do this, you are not the Christian you ought to be, the Bible cannot be understood, your prayers never go beyond the ceiling, and your pitiful offering amounts to nothing. To make matters worse, sometimes that negative voice hounding us is our own. You lose heart and want to give up. Psalm 103:1-5 comes to mind. “Bless the Lord, O my soul.” Speak to yourself words of faith. Believe your faith and doubt your doubts. 8. Nit-pickers. A family member, a colleague in the office, or a so-called friend has taken it as their personal calling to remind you of your failures in living up to the standards you claim. Your clothes do not match, you need a haircut, why do you waste your time on those books or that writer or that church, why aren’t you exercising more, you’re putting on weight, and I don’t think you’re right for this. Of course, he tells you this for your own good. You leave your friend’s presence feeling worthless and hopeless. Philippians 4:8 comes to mind. “Whatsoever things are true, think on these things.” Choose where your mind will land and come to rest and what it will feed upon. 7. Time-wasters. A few years ago, we would have named television as the biggest time-waster. It still is for many, but these days, the tube has lots of competition: the computer, computer games, the telephone, worthless reading materials, shopping, mall-crawling, and such. Each person has his own battlefield in this regard. But it’s not just the time; the problem is that it robs you of your energy for God or doing good or relating to other people. Luke 18:1 comes to mind. “We ought always to pray and not to lose heart.” The old hymn told us to “Take Time to Be Holy.” It takes time. 6. Starvation. When you’re really hungry, instead of pausing for dinner, you gulp down a soft drink and a bag of chips. Now, you have stopped the hunger but you’re starving your body. A few minutes later, your wife or mother calls you to dinner. You beg off; you’re not hungry. You dare not admit what you just did. That foolish scenario happens spiritually, too. Try this experiment. After watching two hours of television--especially sitcoms of the type the networks are running these nights--get up and go get your Bible and read a couple of chapters. You’ll have to make yourself do it. After a steady diet of mental junk food, you have no appetite for real nourishment. Matthew 4:4 comes to mind. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God.” And Psalm 34:8 “O taste and see that the Lord is good.” You need to feed your soul if you expect to have any energy for God. 5. Fatigue. You’re doing good work; you’re just doing so much of it that you’re exhausted. When tired, you get irritable and are no fun to be around. You end up having to force yourself to do your spiritual activities. It’s not an admission of weakness to confess you have physical limitations, that you need 8 hours of sleep at night and maybe a little rest in the daytime and a vacation once in a while. Mark 6:31 comes to mind. “Come ye apart and rest for a while.” And Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me all you who labor and are heavy laden.” 4. Depression. You are a Christian, one who believes your Bible and has the Holy Spirit, so how could you be depressed? Ever say that to yourself? The roots of depression (mental, emotional, whatever) are many and complex. You might need F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 ag e 13 NEWSLETTER CHANGES Com Iglesia Bautista 663.2340 M ayl ene, A la b DEACONS a S E P T. 1 0 C E TO B E G I N R S H I P S E RV I S E C O N D WO open , cres will be the door more peo- Now even Mike Carter, Chairman (C) capac ity. to invite e room speci al fellow • 369.3109 grow th ty 663.4377 (H) ating ampl expe rienc e the of consi stentto reduc e at Com muni rDave Bachelor mont hs ple to come creat ed here Follo wing ver y evide nt need ly await erful oppo has •919.039 8 (C) t a wond a 620.1121 (H) ship God ch. Wha ” as we eager and with uth.net (E) made emptynst @bellso y crow ding Bapti st Chur t a wond erful God! vice ion has been hip sanct uar ional ser James Burgess ies, the decisay morn ing wors The addit tunity - Wha with new facilit 8:30, 10th. 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Ja .2340 (H) • 427 663 inister M You GLAND, 6 (C) GREG RA 936.951 9 (H) • 664.721 inister usic M LLER, M DAVE MI 1 (H) 733.935 th lik e yo u fo lk s ju st & 6:00 IP • 11:00 • 9:45 / WORSH STUDY • 6:30 SUNDAY SCHOOLMEAL • 5:45 / BIBLE WEDNE SDAY REV. B (H) • 427 O BROWN , Pasto .2340 (C r ) • cbcpas tor@gmai GREG RAGL l.com AND 664.7219 (H) • 936 , Youth Minister & A .9516 (C) s • gregraglsociate Pastor and@bells MELISSA outh.net 620.6022 CALTON , Children’s (H) • 790 .5419 (C) Minister & Associate P • Meri_We a t h e r @ y a ha s t o r oo.com M att M 663-7490 ( H ) • 3 6 8 on k • E d u c a t i o n M i n -8785 (C) i • f o u r e y e ds t e r genius@ao DAVE l.com 733.9351 MILLER, Music Minist (H) • 432 .8282 (C) er & Associate Pasto r • cbcmusic @charter. net DAVE 663-0050 SHORT, Custodian (H) • 682 -0778 (C) • AUGU ST 2006 am de la Comunida 8254 H i g h w a y 17 • P.O. B M a y l e n e , AL 35114 o x 159 205.664.1 675 Baptist Chur ity c un m h to remind yourself that some of the finest Christians ever to walk the planet have battled depression. You have good company. Those believers made the same discovery you have made, that sometimes you just have to get up and go on with your day while depressed, that you don’t dare give in to it. Missionary leader and inspirational writer Elisabeth Elliot has said that when she’s depressed, her method for dealing with it is: “Do the next thing.” She does not make a long list of tasks to accomplish that day, but does the next thing before her, then she looks around and decides what is next, and so forth. Habakkuk 3:17-19 comes to mind. “Though the fig tree should not blossom and there be no fruit on the vines....yet I will exult in the Lord.” Praise Him anyway. 3. Rebellion. Compromise is one thing; you rationalize a sin and turn a blind eye toward a practice you know is not wise and is hindering your spiritual life. But rebellion is another matter altogether. In rebellion, you drop all pretense about wanting to do the right thing. You enthrone your self and devote your life to pleasing only you. This really gets scary when you’re in the Lord’s service and draw a paycheck from a church or religious organization and yet are in rebellion against the Lord. I’ve been there; I know. People are looking to you for spiritual direction and expecting to hear God’s voice through you, but what they are receiving is shallowness and staleness, negativism and putdowns, all bubbling up from the acid eating away at your soul. Revelation 3:4-5 comes to mind. “I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember....and repent.” The prodigal son story of Luke 15 applies. 2. Laziness. Sloth. Idleness. Lethargy. Listlessness. Dullness. Slackness. Find yourself in any of these? You just can’t make yourself get up and do anything spiritual such as reading the Bible or praying meaningfully or volunteering for a service project. You “just don’t feel like it.” Sound familiar? There’s a law of physics you may be familiar with. Inertia is the tendency of an object at rest to remain there, and a moving object to continue moving. Now, it takes energy to get the object moving and it takes energy to stop it once it’s in motion. Like priming a pump, we use energy to get energy. This pertains, whether speaking of the physical or the spiritual. Proverbs 6:6-11 comes to mind. “How long wilt thou sleep, O thou sluggard?” Wake up. Get up. 1. Satan. The enemy himself. You wondered if we would get to that? The unholy trinity of the world-the-flesh-and-the-devil are always at work to discourage believers from living the life Christ commands and we profess. The devil has had longer to study human nature than we, so he knows methods we have yet to discover. He uses detours, overloads, and even good works to P SUNDAY SCHOOL • 9:45 / WORSH IP • 11:00 AM • 6:00 PM • WEDNE SDAY FELLOW SHIP MEAL • DEAC ONS 5:30 / BIBLE JACKIE MIMS , STUDY • 6:30 Chairman 685-9006 (H) • 587-1338 (C) mims9006@be llsouth.net (E) BILL NELSON , Vice Chair 663.2024 (H) • 306.2045 (C) GARY AUTHEMENT 621-9087 (H) • 901-8116 auth5935@be llsouth.net (C) (E) BRIAN BARNETT 822-9246 (H) • 396-8494 (C) bbar nett9246@c har ter.net (E) JIM BELL 621-6934 (H) • 365-2216 (C) james .bell@linde .com STEVEN BIERMAN 621-2007 (H) • bierman_s@ bellsouth.ne t MIKE CARTER 663-4377 (H) • 369-3109 (C) CHIC CHILDS 663-5168 (H) • 515-3560 (C) JAY COFIELD 685-8646 (H) • 936-3822 (C) cofieldj@gm ail.com JERRY HENDON 664.1592 (H) • 913.0228 (C) pistolpete@ bellsouth.ne t JIM LINAM 664-6718 (H) • 365-4845 linamj@bel lsouth.net (C) JONATHAN LOWERY 670-7027 (H) • 283-8396 (C) jlower y2121@cha r ter.net (E) RICHARD McCOY 663-3913 (H) • 253-1411 (C) r tm1240@ao l.com (E) JACKIE MIMS 685-9006 (H) • 888-307-358 9 (C) mims9006@be llsouth.net (E) BILL NELSON 663.2024 (H) • 306.2045 (C) LEE PATE 425-9033 (H) • 807-5001 (C) leepate@ea r thlink.net BO PICKETT 664.8564 (H) • 368.3459 (C) bodr ummer1@ao l.com STEPHEN RYLEE 668.9775 (H) • 586.9136 (C) r yleefam@be llsotuh.net(E ) RAY WILSON 664.9895 (H) • 310.5641 rayandmikiw ilson@gmai (C) l.com folks folks just just like like you you BE SURE www.c ommu TO VISIT US at nityba ptistm aylene HA P PY N EW YE A R! MMX .com JANU ARY Behold, I will do a new 2010 thing. Isaiah 43:19 2010 As our church family has expanded and an increasing number of visitors come our way, the production and distribution of our newsletter, Community News, has become an increasingly involved, costly and time-consuming ministr y. At the same time, an increasing number of members are Internet-friendly and welcome being able to do things on-line. As a result of those factors, effective with the March issue of Community News, the following changes will be implemented: 1. Members with e-mail addresses will be aler ted when the electronic version is available on-line and may access it there. Those members will not receive a print copy unless they specifically request one. 2. The visitors to whom the print copy of the newsletter will be sent will be limited to those who have visited CBC within the preceding six months. Please e-mail Bro. Dave at [email protected] if you are on-line and still wish to receive a print copy of the our Community News newsletter. keep us from doing the best things. He uses our diversions to sap our time, people to sap our joy, and work to sap our energies. Our time gone, our spirits depleted, and our energies sapped, we decide not to read our Bible tonight, to skip on our prayer time, and to get our rest tomorrow by sleeping late and skipping church. Chalk up another victory for the roaring lion who walks about. I Peter 5:6-9 comes to mind. You know what it says. “We are not ignorant of his devices.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 Now....take a moment and give us your energy-for-God sappers. What have you found that depletes your desire to get up and serve the Lord? ©Joe McKeever and joemckeever.com, used with permission, all rights reserved. Page 14 From the Pen & Heart of MRS. ANN BURNETT F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 Loving Our Fellow Christians Love is one of the most predominate Christian characteristics–one that identifies us to the world. Our Lord gave us a new commandment. It was that we love one another, as He has loved us. It is not optional. It is a commandment. He tells us that the world will identify us as Christians by the way we love one another. Not by the way we love friends and neighbors, but by the way we love each other. Then He says something extremely interesting, which many people miss. He said, that we know that we have passed from DEATH unto LIFE when we love the brethren. He is telling us, that we actually can know we are saved, when we love the brethren. We have actually left behind spiritual death (our natural persona before we were saved). We have entered into our new lives, which are in the spiritual realm of His kingdom. We are filled with love of Him and love of the brethren. I was saddened to read an article in the Alabama Baptist about the #1 reason people give for being unchurched. They see no love in the church. I believe the reason that our church is adding so many members, is that the love of God is in our church. This love is made manifest by the love within our church family for one another. Love reaches out to others, crosses all boundaries and encompasses all age groups. We all have our friends within our classes etc. However, love crosses these small divides and spills over to our children and youth, who are the church of tomorrow in the realm of upholding the church. It crosses to the younger adults. I am reminded of Jane Hutcheson who got to know Alice Mitchell in a CWC group and dearly loves her to this day. Love simply crosses all age lines and embraces the church family as a whole. Love builds up people, families and the church. It is the cement that bonds us together. Love never seeks to belittle others but seeks to help lift them up in prayer and help to set their feet on higher ground. We have a praying church and this also manifests love within our church. Brother Bo set the stage for the love of God and the brethren when he became our pastor, by always being ready to give a big hug. True love is demonstrated by actions that speak louder than words. Jesus said something else, in the same chapter, that was very interesting. He said that He was not praying for the world. In His Gethsemane prayer, He prayed for the ones the Father had given Him. In other words, He was praying for the brethren, only, at this particular moment. As His children, we must live in the world, deal kindly in the world, with all we come across and certainly do justly to all and seek to make them our brethren by giving a witness to all. This fulfills the “love thy neighbor” that is one of the Lord’s commandments. Our priorities are. first to God, then to family, then to church family (Christian brothers and sisters)and then to the world (neighbors). By the way, when family members are saved, we have become brethren as well as having familial relationships. Never should there be gossiping and back-biting in the church, causing dissension amongst the brethren. The word tells us that love covers a matter. The Word says when we uncover a matter it is not out of love. Causing dissension amongst the brethren is one of the seven deadly sins and is a stench in God’s nostrils and an abomination before Him. Only when we see danger to our members should we speak to the brothers and sisters to cause them to be aware of certain situations. We surely had better be right before we speak, also. Love in Christ Mrs. Ann F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 0 BRO. BO KNOWS P ag e THE BIG DOG BARKS by Brother Dave Miller, Music Minister I’ve been waiting for five years to use that image. Like loose change in my pocket, it’s been burning a proverbial hole in my computers over these past five years. Five years? In many ways, it seems impossible that it has been that long since Bro. Bo accepted God’s directive to come lead our church family and tend this flock. And yet, when we reflect upon all the things that have happened over those 60 months, it seems equally remarkable that so much has happened at Community Baptist is such a relatively short time period under Bo’s stewardship. As we often remark, it’s all “a God thing,” because we are neither individually nor collectively equipped to achieve what has been achieved here, but for God’s grace and provision. Still, I believe that it is appropriate to appreciate a few of the obvious things that the past few months have shown us: 1. Being bi-vocational is not the same as being part-time. There are those who are dumb-struck when they first realize that Bo “actually works somewhere” other than CBC. The extent to which he has routinely made himself accessible and available is a hallmark of a dedicated leader and servant. 2. Be as uncomfortable as you wish, but hugs are a great Christ-like gesture, and Bro. Bo has refined the act to near-perfection. It is not his “schtick.” It has been and continues to be another hallmark of the warmth and care that permeates this church family in a special way. Six years ago, who’d-a-thunk-it? 3. Welcome and expect the unexpected and change for they are the stuff of growth and progress. That’s not to suggest that all change is good, just for change’s sake, but change that happens in order to progress and become something greater and more purposeful is a welcome occurrence, and necessary. Adaptability and a willingness to stay the course in times of discord or challenge mark a deep commitment and faith in many instances. 4. Wise counsel is best used when it’s actually heard. Those of us who know everything sometimes have a hard time listening and accepting the counsel of other, wiser or more skilled individuals, regardless of age or circumstance. Though many may not know so, Bro. Bo has repeatedly sought the advice and counsel of mentors and colleagues as he has grappled with the challenges we have faced together over these months. It has been a sign of wisdom and foresight that many in his position have not. 5. Love and respect should be shared in inexhaustible quantities and ceaselessly. Bro. Bo has modeled that principle in so many ways and so often that it seems foolish to even state it. As we have seen his example, it has been wonderful to see that approach to relationships permeate our church family in such a real way. 6. A brother in Christ is a brother indeed. Even though we don’t socialize or hang out as much as I suspect both of us would prefer, I have every confidence that my brother–the Bro. Bo–would be wherever I needed him to be to do whatever God needed him to do on my behalf. And I likewise. My Roll Tide cap is off to you, my War Eagle brother. Thanks for the agonies and ecstasies we’ve shared in the yoke. As to the future, I encourage you as Paul did Timothy, “fight the good fight, keeping faith and a good conscience.” [1 Timothy 1:18-19] And always remember, “What IHOP has brought together . . . Blessings, Bro. Dave 15 Page 16 F E B RU A RY 2 0 1 0 We’re Happy to Welcom e M i s s E mi E li z abeth W ilson Miss Emi was born to Miki & Ray Wilson on Tuesday, January 5, 2010, at Shelby Baptist Medical Center, at 21” long and weighing 9 lbs 13 oz. WE CELEBRATE THE ARRIVAL OF GRAYSON MATTHEW JENNINGS MONK MASTER GRAYSON WAS BORN TO MARY & MATT MONK (& JESSE, LILLY, BELLA, & NOAH) BELLA CUDDLES HER LITTLE BROTHER AT SHELBY BAPTIST MEDICAL CENTER ON JANUARY 28, 2010, WEIGHING 8 LB 1 OZ F E B R U A R Y 1 • ABBY LIPSCOMB 2 • DEAN GRIFFIN 2 • SHIRLEY McMANUS 2 • MATT RAMSEY 4 • MORGAN HAWTHORNE 5 • LISA SIMS 6 • JURNEY BLACK 6 • TAMMY JOHNSON 7 • BEN FORREST 7 • CAROLYN WILLIAMS 8 • AMBER FRIEDMAN 10 • KRISTI LOWERY B I R T H D A Y S 10 • TERRI McCAUGHY 11 • TROY ISAAC MASON 11 • BILLY MIMS 15 • CODI SUNDIE 17 • RANDY HATCHER 17 • MIA LANDRUM 17 • MARLENE WILLIAMS 18 • BOBBY YEAGER 20 • NATE LYTLE 21 • JOHN FULLER 21 • CRAIG SMITH 22 • JACK LILL F E B R U A R Y MOM, DAD & BABY MAKE 7 22 • ZIGGY WATTS 22 • CHRIS AUTHEMENT 23 • SCOTT DAVIDSON 24 • RAY WILSON 25 • CAMP HERNDON 25 • TIM OWENBY 25 • STEVE LANDRUM 26 • ADAM SMITH 27 * LUCAS BOYCE 28 • JAY COFIELD 28 • WAYNE FEDEWA A n n i v er s arI E S 7 • AMY & SCOTT BLACKMON 8 • SUSIE & WAYNE FEDEWA 17 • CHARLENE & SMITTY SMITH 20 • DOTTIE & CHARLES DEVORE D E A C O NS O F T H E W E E K FEBRUARY 7 GARY AUTHEMENT, BRIAN BARNETT & JIM BELL FEBRUARY 21 JAU COFIELD, JERRY HENDON & JIM LINAM MARCH 7 BILL NELSON, LEE PATE & BO PICKETT FEBRUARY 14 STEVEN BIERMAN, MIKE CARTER & CHIC CHILDS FEBRUARY 28 JONATHAN LOWERY, RICHARD McCOY & JACKIE MIMS MARCH 14 STEPHEN RYLEE, RAY WILSON & GARY AUTHEMENT
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