INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS OF THE SAMARA REGION 2013 GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, OOO ‘NPO’ LEADER’, SAMARA REGION FUND FOR INNOVATIONS Telephone: +8-800-333-63-11 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443022, Russia, Samara, ul. XXII Partsyezda, 7 ‘A’, office 7 Vyacheslav S. Kolesnikov, Director Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. OOO ‘NPO’ Leader’ – the company showed up in the Russian market in 2007 and up till 2011 specialized in making lathe and milling machines. Since 2011, in close cooperation with the Samara State Medical University, the company launched a project for development and introduction of high-tech software and hardware complexes to meet the needs of healthcare and medical education. The key advantage of the company is development of a high-tech production contributing to acceleration of the country’s economy modernization by offering medical equipment comparable with world analogs. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOFTWARE-AND-HARDWARE COMPLEXES ‘VIRTUAL SURGEON’ FOR 3D SIMULATION OF THE SURGERY PROCESS AS WELL AS FOR APPLICATION IN TRAINING-AND-METHODOLOGICAL MODULES TO BE USED IN SYSTEMIC TRAINING OF SURGEON IN OPEN SURGERY METHODS WITH SMALL-SIZE SURGICAL AREA, IN ENDOVASCULAR AND ENDOSCOPIC SURGERY TECHNIQUES AT THE STAGES OF PRE-DIPLOMA AND POST-DIPLOMA TRAINING ADVANTAGES: • Price. The cost will be lower vs. existing foreign analogs. • Reliability. Design of the simulator includes reliability specifications, which significantly outperform imported analogues. • High reality rate. Incorporated are the following options: possibility of simulating and resolving non-routine situations, potential pathologic processes with patients, possibility of simulating problems emerged as a result of erroneous or inaccurate actions or as a consequence of random factors. • High image detalization degree and accuracy of the anatomical model outperforming respective foreign analogs’ indicators. • High feedback accuracy. • Multilingual capacity with the possibility of changing the interface language. • Augmentability by adding new methodological materials. • Possibility of using the developed platform as a framework for other training systems, attracting other enterprises, education institutions and individuals to further development. • Possibility of conducting attestation of medical doctors. By results of the work, the complex enables attestation of doctors and determining their skills level. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, OOO ‘IT-TRADER-SOFT’ Telephone:+7 903 301-68-86, +7 (846) 373-55-99 Fax: +7 (846) 379-55-99 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 443001, Russia, Samara, ul. Galaktionovskaya, 157, office 1106 Katerina O. Ruban, Projects Manager Development of software and consulting in this field. Activity related to development and use of databases and information resources. Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. ANATOMICAL 3D ATLAS ‘INBODY ANATOMY’ The Atlas contains 3D-models and enables full-cycle training of students: viewing models, comparing norms and pathologies, working with diagnostic data, developing and passing tests. ‘InBody Anatomy’ is a highly realistic three-dimensional atlas of the general and pathological anatomy of human’s body. The proposed Atlas is an interactive training software product enabling more accurate logics in training students and doctors at the courses of topographic and pathological anatomy, surgery, court expertise, etc. Application of the software product under consideration enables full-cycle training – from familiarization with the training materials and visual text maintenance up to checking the obtained knowledge. ADVANTAGES: • High realism. • Detailed elaboration and high accuracy of anatomical models. • Availability of pathologies. • Availability of diagnostic information: ultrasonic scanning, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. • Multilingual capacity. • Augmentability (regular issuing of updates and supplements). • Possibility of reliable knowledge evaluation in automatic mode. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA Telephone:+7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website:, 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. FUNCTIONAL NUTRITION UNDER UTILIZATION OF GLUCOKINASE ACTIVATORS Attempts are made in the world to use glucokinase activators for treating and preventing diseases mediated by glucokinase’s low activity, such as 2-nd type diabetes and obesity. The SamGMU researchers have developed new innovative glucokinase activators on the basis of very-low-dose potentiated synergistic metabolites, which differs from the earlier offered glucokinase activators. They are applicable in developing medications and biologically active supplements. Possible application fields: • Development of bakery product receipts under utilization of the proposed innovative component (glucokinase activator) showing its efficiency and safety in treating and preventing diseases caused by low glucokinase’s low activity, such as 2-nd type diabetes and obesity • Development of comprehensive technology of processing brewing barley in the process of producing malt wort and fermentation – with the purpose of producing special competitive beer having treatment-andprevention properties, not causing excessive weight on the basis of processing by very-low-dose potentiated synergistic metabolites of the glucokinase reaction. DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY OF BIOLOGICALS PRODUCTION ON THE BASIS OF POLYMER TISSUES EMBALMMENT ADVANTAGES: • Enables production of biologicals, which facilitate training students, doctors and post-diploma education trainees in anatomy and morphology. • Illustrativeness of the proposed biologicals, which increases quality of learning. Develop and introduce in the training and research process of the morphology-profile chairs a new and, environmentally cleaner and safer (with regard to students’ and professors’ health) innovative technology of polymer embalming of the autopsied specimen, which does not require its regular care and preservation in formalin-containing media, in which case there is no fetid odor, the organs preserve their natural color and shape and they can be used for indefinite time. DEVELOPMENT OF COMPUTER SOFTWARE WITH THE PURPOSE OF MAINTAINING THE WAITLIST AND MAKING FORECAST OF POST-SURGICAL RISKS IN CASE OF KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION, BASED ON THE PERSONALIZED MEDICINE PRINCIPLES The project’s technological idea consists in developing computer software meant for observing patients; this software will consider dynamic changes in the patients’ condition – from entering them into the waitlist up to kidney transplantation outcome. The project’s innovative component is provided by the fact that alongside with the standard functions of the ‘Access’ database the software, developed on the basis of thorough retrospective clinical-andlaboratory analysis and relevant algorithms, will enable not only tracing the patients’ status changes and matching donor-recipient per formal parameter, but also sorting out the patient risk groups, forecasting response to the immunosuppressive treatment and possible post-surgery complications. In addition, the software will be developed with the purpose of generating mathematical models showing the patients’ clinical-and-laboratory status changes – on the basis of systemic multifactor analysis, thus enabling evaluation of complications risks. INNOVATIVE DEVICE DESIGNED TO CONTROL THE STATE OF WAKEFULNESS OF VEHICLE DRIVERS OR DISPATCH OPERATORS As opposed to the existing methods of controlling the wakefulness level of drivers and dispatchers, the proposed method (abbreviated as EMKSB) has a number of advantages: • Absence of great many electrodes limiting the driver’s or dispatcher’s motion activity, which ensures maximum portability of the device utilizing the proposed method. • The method under consideration directly registers the brain activity, thus eliminating errors in determining the wakefulness level. • Registration of the brain activity under this method does not require special preparation of the electrodes attaching areas (no depilation). • Registration of the biopotentials will be made from the skin in the postaural area (where there is no pelage). 2D VIRTUAL SURGEON The Samara State Medical University developed a training program referred to as ‘2D Virtual Surgeon’ incorporating high-realistic scenarios of 2D simulation of open surgical intervention supplemented with graphical and training video-materials and designed for educating medical students in the algorithm of various operations. The student is supposed independently perform surgical operation – from the moment of selecting tools up to completing the surgery and putting stitches onto the skin wound. This being so, it is expected that the student performs the main procedures observing all the rules and requirements. There are two software program modes: training and testing. The list of operations includes: appendectomy, perforated stomach ulcer suture, Witzel’s gastrostomy, stomach resection per Bilrot I, stomach resection per Bilrot II, hernioplasty per Lichtenstein and hernioplasty per Scholdeis, putting intestinal anastomosis. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, OOO ‘SYNERGY’ Telephone:+7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Anna A. Shishkina, Director of OOO ‘Synergy’ Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. TREATMENT-AND-DIAGNOSTICS STAND OF INCREASED GRAVITATION For the first time, as a healing factor for patients with complicated fractures and vascular surgeryrequiring diseases of lower extremities, application is offered as to moderate-value increased gravitation created with the aid of pilot centrifuge of short-radius impact. Functions of the stand: • Medical rehabilitation of patients in surgery, traumatology, orthopedics, therapy • Prevention of complications by fractures and vascular surgery-requiring diseases of lower extremities The proposed method can be used in combination with treatment-regeneration measures and can also be an element of mono-therapy. The respective technique is noninvasive and is well endured by patients. Its application reduces the treatment time and decreases disability rate with patients of traumatological and surgical profiles. Application recommendations: • by treatment-and-prevention institutions of any profile; • by rehabilitation institutions of various profiles; • by health-resort institutions; • by major commercial entities and manufacturing companies with the purpose of equipping medical stations. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, ООО “COMBIS” Telephone: +7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Mikhail A. Melnikov, Director of ООО “Combis” Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. DEVICE FOR TREATMENT OF VARIOUS ETIOLOGY WOUNDS The apparatus for treating the indolent wounds may be used in the ambulance situation and in hospitals with departments of general and vascular surgery, as well as in burn centers. Action principle is based on the interaction between the two factors: 1) Low intensity laser (infrared) radiation 2) Fine spraying of drugs, optionally with dosing dispenser, in a range predetermined by the end user Advantages of the device: • under the influence of laser radiation the drug not only gets dispersed over the wound surface, but also penetrates into granulation tissue; • combined effect of laser radiation and fine drug accelerates wound cuticularization time by 1.5 times compared with the laser radiation only; • application of aerosol drug helps to multiply save medicines; • device’s mobility allows performing treatment in the dressing rooms and at the sickbeds. Indications for the “Combis” application: • phleboid trophic ulcers of the lower limb, • diabetic ulcers of the lower limbs, • trophic disturbances at limb vasculopathies, • indolent wounds of the limbs, • donor spots after the skin grafting, • topical treatment at skin eczema, • vast perineal wounds at paraproctitis, • treatment of the epithelial coccygeal cysts in the postoperative period. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, ООО “BIOCERAMICA” Telephone: +7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Kirill A. Krivchenko, Director of ООО “Bioceramica” Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. DENTAL IMPLANTS MADE OF POROUS MATERIAL BASED ON TITANIUM WITH APPLICATION OF SHS Titanium monobrid has a crucially new morphology of the through porosity, simulating the medullar spaces and adequately distributing the functional load. In addition to this, titanium monobrid may be used with all conventional metals without losing the composition’s biocompatibility. The proposed dental implants are rigid permeable porous structures created by way of sintering the titan powder mixtures with application of the self-propagating high temperature synthesis (SHS). Indications for implanting the titanium boride are as follows: • bone defects formed by cancer processes. • post-traumatic deformations of the facial skeleton. • low bone density D 3, D 4 as per Misch. • single end denture defects, when implanting can help avoiding preparation of the teeth adjacent to the defect one. • end denture defects, when implanting can help perform non-removable prosthetic dentistry. • complete adentia, when implanting can help perform non-removable prosthetic dentistry of provide a safe fixation of the overall removable denture. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, OOO “PROTOTYPE” Telephone: +7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Bulat R. Nimazov, Director of OOO “Prototype” Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. METAL-RUBBER DENTAL IMPLANTS “Metal Rubber” (MR) is a titanium wire 0.05 mm in diameter, which is wound in a spiral, put in a certain manner and compressed by cold pressing forming an implant of desired shape, desired porosity and elasticity. Using this material a new dental implant was created, which is not only biocompatible, hypoallergenic, inert, but also has “shock-absorbing” (damping) properties. Deposition of various substances, such as hydroxylapatite, bioceramics etc., on the implant, contributes to increase of bone formation rate near the implant. Indications for implanting the porous material are as follows: • large sizes of dental devices; • bone defects formed by cancer processes; • post-traumatic deformations of the facial skeleton; • low bone density D. 1, D. 2 as per Misch; • single included end denture defects; • complete adentia. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, ООО “PRICK” Telephone: +7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Boris V. Borodulin, Director of OOO “PRICK” Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. DEVICE FOR SKIN TESTS WITH TUBERCULIN AND OTHER ALLERGENS The proposed device for skin testing aims to qualitatively change and standardize the tuberculin test procedure to exclude contraindications and technical errors, make the procedure available to the nursing staff, thus allowing application of the device in the primary care and general practice medical institutions, tuberculosis dispensaries, immunological and allergy centers, schools and kindergartens, and private medical facilities. PRICK-test advantages: • technical simplicity of the method; • lower dependence on the nursing staff qualifications; • standardization through the same depth of dermal layer damage; • less skin surface required for the testing; • absence of defects in performance; • absence of vascular damage; • better papule characteristics with less damage to the skin; • clear and smooth boundaries of papules, no hyperemia; • enhanced objectivity of test result assessment; • better subjective evaluation by patients and medical staff (psychological comfort ); • 5 times increase in the productivity of medical staff compared to the Mantoux test; • prick test is 3 times more profitable compared to the Mantoux test 2TE. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, OOO ‘NPO ‘PHOENIX-MED’ Telephone:+7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Anatoly V. Tolstov, OOO ‘NPO ‘Phoenix-Med’ Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. WOUND COVERING A new technique of treating wounds and managing wound infection of skin and soft tissues is carried out with the aid of combined application of high-efficient phitotherapeutic agents in relevant therapeutic dozes in wound covering. Application of the phototherapeutic component for treating infected wounds is proposed for the first time. Proportional and gradual delivery of the phitotherapeutic substance takes place on contacting the covering and the wound. The covering protects the wound surface and creates an ideal medium for acceleration of the natural wound repair; the covering also possesses painkilling and sedative property. The wound covering under consideration – containing in the healing layer a combined phitotherapeutic substrate (of coneflower, eucalypt and calendula to be used in conservative treatment of wound infection of skin and soft tissues) – is unique. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, OOO ‘SAMARA BIOTECHNOLOGIES’ Telephone:+7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected] Website:, 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. DEVELOPMENT AND TESTING PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FORT SPECIES-SPECIFIC PROBIOTICS TO BE USED IN LIVESTOCK BREEDING For the first time technology has been developed with the purpose of generating species-specific probiotic to be used in livestock breeding, under application of EM-technology standards. For the first time technology has been developed as to producing livestock supplement, under utilization of natural raw stuff and species-specific probiotic. Application of original medium of plant monosaccharides for the EM-technology and of natural raw stuff reduced the product cost by 40% vs. existing analogues. Probiotic meant for livestock contains efficient lactic-acid flora microorganisms extracted from animals’ gastrointestinal tract and cultivated in medium of plant monosaccharides and pumpkin suspension (pulp and seeds), which ensures availability of anthelminthic substances. In dry form probiotic is produced by accumulation medium sorption of lactic-acid flora on leguminous: chick-pea, soya or pea. Acidic hydrolysis of leguminous protein takes place in the process of sorption. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, INSTITUTE FOR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGIES OOO ‘LIOCELL’ Telephone: +7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website:, 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Larisa T. Volova, Director of the Institute for Experimental Medicine and Biotechnologies of SamGMU The Institute for Experimental Medicine and Biotechnologies operates as a research-and-methodological center of the University integrating (i) a number of laboratories designed to carry out fundamental medical-biological research and (ii) modern tissue bank. Currently, priority field covers studying tissue- and cellbased biotechnologies and their introduction into clinical practice. Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. DEVELOPMENT OF PILOT SAMPLE FOR REGENERATING HYALINE JOINT CARTILAGE WITH THE AID OF CELL-TISSUE TECHNOLOGIES The proposed cell-tissue transplant will basically differ from synthetic analogues by its natural origin, structure, bio-creativity, resorbable nature, adhesiveness. This transplant will not require additional stabilization in tissues. The sample will simultaneously be carrier of cartilage cells and bioreactor facilitating active proliferation and directed cell differentiation. The unique medical technology as to cartilage cells culture integration with bio-carrier when placing them in the bone-cartilage defect zone will facilitate complete regeneration, with formation of organ-typical hyaline cartilage tissue. It is proposed to produce modern medical cell-tissue transplants on the basis of natural three-dimensional porous resorbable nano-structured bio-carrier – allogenic demineralized spongiose (produced by the ‘Lioplast’® method) and cell cultures (auto- and allogenic) of hyaline cartilage tissue of costal and articular cartilages. They will not require additional stabilization in tissues. These bio-carriers will simultaneously be carrier of cartilage cells and bioreactor facilitating active proliferation and directed cell differentiation. The produced cell-tissue specimens, after preclinical trials (which confirm their safety and efficiency) it is planned to use them in traumatology-and-orthopedics in-patient hospitals – to treat medium-age-group patients and sportsmen having traumatic and destructive injuries of big joints’ hyaline cartilage tissue. GBOU VPO SAMARA STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY UNDER THE MINISTRY FOR HEALTHCARE AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT OF RUSSIA, INSTITUTE FOR EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE AND BIOTECHNOLOGIES OOO ‘LIOCELL’ Telephone: +7 (846) 332-18-60 Fax: +7 (846) 332-18-60 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website:, 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Chapaevskaya, 89 Gennady P. Kotelnikov, Rector Larisa T. Volova, Director of the Institute for Experimental Medicine and Biotechnologies of SamGMU The Institute for Experimental Medicine and Biotechnologies operates as a research-and-methodological center of the University integrating (i) a number of laboratories designed to carry out fundamental medical-biological research and (ii) modern tissue bank. Currently, priority field covers studying tissue- and cellbased biotechnologies and their introduction into clinical practice. Samara State Medical University (SamGMU) is one of the recognized leaders in developing and introducing new medical technologies and medical products. Currently, SamGMU operates as a major research center incorporating more than 80 chairs, 5 research institutes, 5 research-and-education centers; it also runs clinics with 1200 in-patient capacity. Annually, the University provides training for over 6000 students and more than 2000 doctors, interns and attending physicians. DEVELOPMENT OF METHODOLOGY FOR TREATING OSTEOPOROSIS WITH THE AID OF BIOCOMPOSITE MATERIALS. LAUNCHING AND ORGANIZING PRODUCTION OF NANOPREPARATIONS OF ALLOGENIC MINERAL-ORGANIC COMPOSITE WITH THE PURPOSE OF TREATING BONE PATHOLOGY AND PREVENTING BONE TISSUE DESORPTION (OSTEOPOROSIS) The proposal under consideration is a new patented method of preventing and treating osteoporosis by nonrecurring administration into muscle of a newly-developed medical preparation – allogenic ‘hydroxideapatite’. It is generated of native bone and contains calcium and phosphorus as well as microelements in the same proportions as in the bone tissue. Distinctive features of the product: • higher performance efficiency vs. other preparations: • stronger impact of the preparation on the target areas of the organism and on the organism integrally; • smaller consumption volumes vs. other preparations in treating osteoporosis; • better assimilability of the preparation and absence of side effects; • nonrecurring administration; • depot creation; • long-term durable action. This project is an absolutely new development. Preparation formula and technical scheme of its application constitute the developers’ know-how. OOO ‘DESCRIPTOR’ Telephone: 8-917-110-92-90 Fax: +7 (846) 333-52-55 E-mail: [email protected] 443100, Russia, Samara, ul. Kuibysheva, 153, office 12 Evgeny L. Krasnykh, Ph.D. in Chemistry, Director R&D in natural and technical sciences DEVELOPMENT OF PILOT SAMPLE OF AN ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY VISCOSITY CONTROLLER FOR POLYMER MATERIALS – OF RENEWABLE PLANT RAW MATERIALS The product passed technological laboratory and industrial tests at ZAO ‘TARKETT’ and showed full compliance with the requirements of the company taking world lead in making environmentally safe PVC floor coatings including such indicators as high quality stability, proofness as per various plant raw materials. ZAO ‘TARKETT’ annual demand only makes up 5-6 thou t of the product under consideration. ADVANTAGES: • Obtaining environmentally friendly viscosity controller of renewable plant raw materials • Possibility of controlling viscosity of the plastisol pastes within the required shearing rate range maintaining working values for a long time • Avoidance of stickness of the finished PVS material, improvement of its physical-and-mechanical as well as performance properties and exterior view • Significant decrease of harmful emissions in the working zone and atmosphere • Cost reduction OOO ‘IMS’ Telephone: +7 (846) 222-72-32 E-mail: [email protected] 443099, Russia, Samara, ul. Knyazya Grigoriya Zasekina, 1, ‘Z’ Oleg V. Novikov, Director Development of software and information systems DEVELOPMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE LABORATORY INFORMATION SYSTEM OF AUTOMATION AND MONITORING OF EPIDEMIOLOGICAL AND SANITARY-HYGIENIC RESEARCH – UNDER APPLICATION OF ‘CLOUD CALCULATION’ MODEL The proposed approach implies automation of the laboratory research record process – from generating application for laboratory research in a major regional multi-profile hospital, delivering results to the principal (medical institution) up to entering the obtained results into the electronic case record. OOO ‘INGONI’ Telephone: +7 (8482) 93-55-55 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 445039, Russia, Togliatti, boulevard Gaya, 19, office 10 Aleksander A. Masyagin, Director ‘Ingoni’ company was established in summer 2010 with the purpose of pooling together creatively thinking people who want and are able of developing projects that are in demand with the public. ‘Ingoni’ was selected by UFS Investment Company and OAO ‘MMVB-RTS’ as a pilot project in Samara Region from the perspective of attracting investments to the project via the IPOBORD tool and further – promoting to the ‘MMVB-RTS’ stock exchange. The key business direction is development of software in the field of strategic information technologies including computer-aided simulation of technological processes. (Russian National Classifier of Economic Activities OKVED: 72.2) Products – information systems, hardware-and-software complexes, databases. INFORMATION SYSTEM ‘ZDRAVPORTAL’ Organizing access of individuals to services related to health maintenance and resumption. The system integrates on one site healthcare goods and services, which enables all-round approach to healthcare issues and managerial decision making in online mode. The system is arranged on the public exchange principle – trustworthy buyer is supplied with trustworthy good or service. ‘Alarm button principle’ – the system automatically offers all available resources. ‘See everyone’- the system reflects objective indicators as per demand and supply – for partners and project participants as well as for consumers. CONSORTIUM ‘INTEGRA-S’ Telephone: +7 (846) 951-96-01 Fax: +7 (846) 930-80-66 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443084, Russia, Samara, ul. Stara-Zagora, 96 ‘A’ Vladimir A. Kudelkin, Consortium President Leading Russian developer of intelligent integrated security and facilities management systems The ‘Integra-Planet’ system of uninterrupted monitoring of facilities- and territories-based situations enables online centralized control and surveillance of territorially distant facilities of the state. THE SYSTEM PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING: • rapid and reliable informing authorized persons of each local complex’s and the whole system’s status; • installed security sub-systems control: video surveillance, access control, intruder and fire alarm, engineering, identification of license plate numbers, etc.; • technical status control of any object within the system – from a simple sensor to a soft- and hardware complex. OOO ‘KINTERM’ Telephone: +7 (846) 333-52-55 Fax: +7 (846) 333-52-55 E-mail: [email protected] 443010, Russia, Samara, ul. Kuibysheva, 153, office 10 Svetlana V. Levanova, Dr. in Chemical Sciences, Professor, Director Competent young and promising personnel, long-term work experience in the field of chemical remediation of industrial waste, cooperation with the Samara Region industrial enterprises METHOD OF PRODUCING LOW-TOXIC HIGH-PERFORMANCE PLASTICIZERS FOR POLYVINYLCHLORIDE COMPOSITIONS ADVANTAGES: • The proposed technology is unique worldwide. • Laboratory samples of adipinic acid and ester plasticizer have been produced. • The samples under consideration are not inferior to the world analogues as per performance indicators. • The plasticizer samples have low toxicity (fourth class of hazard). OAO ‘COMSOFT’ Telephone: +7 (8482) 51-79-02, 51-79-08 Fax: +7 (8482) 51-79-12 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 445035, Russia, Togliatti, ul. Industrialnaya, 3 Viktor D. Shpilevoy, General Director Since 2004, OAO ‘COMSOFT’ is rated among 80 sustainable companies in the Russian market of information-andcommunication technologies (as reported by the ‘ExpertRA’ agency). Currently, OAO ‘COMSOFT’ is accredited in the register of organizations operating in the IT field. More than 80 competent IT specialists of the company are highly experienced in delivering in-house products and other producers’ systems (Oracle). The company’s IT-solutions are certified by the Institute of Professional Accountants and Auditors of Russia. ‘COMSOFT’ actively participates in the activity of Association for Development of Medical Information Technologies. By today, the company’s portfolio includes over 500 successful IT developments at the Russian and CIS enterprises. Uninterrupted collection and analysis of information as per developments results enables outlining the general tendencies in the enterprises’ economy development; consequently, new technological solutions reflect the automatized enterprises’ production processes as accurate as possible. ‘SIMIS’ - SEMANTIC INTEROPERABLE MEDICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM’ SIMIS is a service-oriented system designed for development and integration of Electronic Medical Cards (EMC) and EMC-applications at the treatment-and-diagnostic institutions as well as at the local, regional and national levels. This application system is based on the open international standard and supports the main published and new standards. It ensures full architectural and technical solutions compliance. OOO ‘NPO ‘MEDTECH’ Telephone: +7 (8482) 70-61-77, 53-94-79 E-mail: [email protected] 445039, Russia, Togliatti, ul. Voroshilova, 53-41 Oleg V. Boychenko, Director Manufacturing medical technical equipment. R&D in natural and technical sciences. MANUFACTURING DOMESTIC INNOVATIVE PRODUCTS TO BE USED IN TRAUMATOLOGY, ORTHOPEDICS AND MAXILLO-FACIAL SURGERY One of the main directions of the company’s business profile is development and production of innovative in the Russian market product – extensible self-blocking rod for intramedullary (intrabone) osteosynthesis, to be used in treating patients with pipe bone fractures. Analogue of such rod is produced by only one company worldwide - Israeli manufacturer ‘DiscoTech’. The main advantages of the proposed extensible intramedullary rod are as follows: less traumatic surgical treatment, reduced surgery time, smaller blood loss, shorter X-ray time for patient and medical personnel, shorter rehabilitation period, smaller number of various complications (including fatal outcome). OOO ‘OPEN CODE’ Telephone: +7 (846) 331-11-11 Fax: +7 (846) 331-11-11 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443001, Russia, Samara, ul. Ulianovskaya/Yarmarochnaya, 52/55 Oleg L. Surnin, General Director The ‘Open Code’ company was established in Samara, in 2001. Since 2004 – when the company was declared winner of the first stage of the START program launched by the Fund for Promoting Small Businesses in the Research-and-Technical Sphere (Moscow) – its specialization has become development of applied IT-systems to be used in corporate management. In the course of time, the list of its services increased significantly. Currently, the main sphere of the company’s activity is ‘turn key’ development of sophisticated soft- and hardware complexes for state and commercial organizations, which include the following: electronic services ensuring delivery of services in e-format; targeted facilities for maintaining interrelations between citizens and authorities; solutions for intradepartmental interfacing; facilities meant for increasing efficiency of public authorities’ and commercial organizations’ performance; solutions in healthcare, etc. In addition, the ‘Open Code’ company renders comprehensive services as to ensuring information security, connecting to the e-paperwork of state institutions, testing and controlling quality of software products, selling and installing licensed software available from domestic and global vendors. INFORMATION SYSTEM OF DEVELOPING AND MANAGING ELECTRONIC DATA ARCHIVES The proposed system ensures possibility of automation and maintenance of a unified record of all operations as per technological cycle of industrial digitization of any graphical information type as well as e-archive filling. Additionally, the e-archive management info system enables online access to documents for all the organization’s specialists within their office authority combined with the possibility of using sophisticated multi-criteria data sampling from the e-archive, rapid and precise search of required information, formation of reports, efficient intra-organizational relations with the aid of e-paperwork integrated scheme as well as uninterrupted organizational processes linked to archive documents and maintenance of electronic intra- and inter-departmental relations. INTERACTIVE INFORMATIONAL PANEL DESIGNED FOR CONSULTING ON DISEASES, SYMPTOMS, PREVENTION MEASURES – WITH THE AID OF NONCONTACT PLAY CONTROLLERS The proposed solution is focused on delivering demonstrable reference information on matters related to various diseases and their prevention. The panel under consideration is an interactive full-value three-dimensional anatomical human atlas, which is managed in a noncontact way, with the aid of the play sensor controller. The user is capable of performing various manipulations with the model, e.g. rotate it in all planes, separately scale its elements, view its different layers (skin, skeleton, muscular system, blood-vascular system, etc.). This model will be integrated with the database as per any disease, treatment techniques and preventive measures as well as with medical institutions’ addresses. LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ‘RESEARCH CONSULTING-AND-TECHNOLOGICAL CENTER ‘PROLOGUE’ (OOO NKTC ‘PROLOGUE’) Telephone: +7 (927) 613-53-79, +7 (8482) 53-95-91 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.нктц-пролог.рф 445020, Russia, Samara Region, Togliatti, ul. Belorusskaya, 14 ‘B’, 520 Postal address: 445012, Russia, Samara Region, Togliatti, ul. Matrosova, 15 ‘A’, 5 Dmitry S. Trushkin, Director Development and production of training-and-simulation equipment and software (including products with interactive multimedia 3D-content), development of automated control systems, intelligent subsystems designed for supporting decision-making as integrated in the company’s automatic control system PREPACKAGED TRAINING LABORATORIES DESIGNED FOR TECHNICAL OCCUPATIONAL ORIENTATION, PRACTICE-FOCUSED TRAINING IN ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING, AUTOMATION MEANS AND SYSTEMS Development, efficient application, technical maintenance of modern industrial equipment and technologies is close linked to the necessity of intensification of training and retraining as well as advanced training of workers and specialists in electronic engineering, automation means and information technologies. The following is critical for ensuring innovative modernization of the RF economy: • mass-scale technical occupational orientation of young people; • practice-focused training of personnel in relevant institutions (NPO, SPO, VPO). Prepackaged training laboratories are formed on the basis of training equipment sets and educational technique materials. ‘Multi-level Electronic Intelligent Construction Kit’ (ELIK) developed with the purpose of occupational awareness raising of young people and performing laboratory-research work, retraining of personnel (including educational institutions’ faculty and training-support personnel. OOO ‘R5’ Telephone: +7 (846) 922-82-87 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443056, Russia, Samara, ul. Podshipnikovaya, 8, office 4 Andrey L. Zlobin, Executive Director • Development of software and consulting in the related field • Consulting on computing hardware • Data processing • Activity as to development and application of databases and information resources • Technical maintenance and repair of office machines and computing hardware • R&D in natural and technical sciences DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEM OF MONITORING PEOPLE’S HEALTH WITH THE AID OF UNIVERSAL SOFT- AND HARDWARE COMPLEX DESIGNED FOR DISTANT COLLECTION, TRANSFER AND ANALYSIS OF HUMAN VITAL ACTIVITY PARAMETERS The system is proposed to be used for monitoring people’s health and to be applied in the Samara Region healthcare. The health monitoring system is meant for people subject to medical screening in polyclinics and in their households, which leads to improvement of healthcare efficiency; the system can be replicated in other Russian Federation regions. The biggest target group includes patients who regularly undergo check-up in medical-and-preventivetreatment facilities. Introduction of such a system in Samara Region will enable not only reduction of mortality rate from cardiovascular and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases but also collection of statistical information on the residents’ health status. Adoption of the proposed system will make Samara Region the first territory countrywide to introduce telediagnosis systems in a comprehensive way. OOO ‘NPK ‘RAZUMNYE RESHENIYA’ Telephone: +7 (846) 279-37-78, +7 (846) 279-37-79 Fax: +7 (846) 279-37-78, +7 (846) 279-37-79 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443013, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye shosse, 17 Business Center ‘Vertical’, 12-th floor, office 1201 Pyotr O. Skobelev, General Director The company’s main field of activity is development of intelligent new-generation systems designed for managing companies’ resources and supporting decision-making within real time framework, e.g. in transport logistics, machine building, airport operation, aerospace, medicine, personal planning, etc. The company’s developments objective – increasing corporate resources utilization efficiency (when smaller resources volume enables execution of larger number of orders) owing to application of accelerated flexible planning as per corporate human and material resources with regard to events and within real time framework. Systems proposed by the company are based on multi-agent technologies. Such systems consist of autonomous software agents able of perceiving situations, take decisions and interact with similar systems. Settling tasks of any complexity rate in such a system is formed evolution-wise – via interrelations of dozens and hundreds of thousands of agents continuously competing against each other and entering into cooperation. This enables solution of tasks of supreme complicity, which is impossible to do by other methods. Application of such systems makes it possible to increase resources utilization efficiency by 15-40%. Recently, the following entities became customers of the company: OAO ‘Energy’, OAO ‘RZhD’, ‘LEGO’ corporation, ‘EASD’ and ‘Airbus’ corporations, OPK ‘Oboronprom’, OOO ‘SVGK’, OAO ‘Aviaagregat’, OAO ‘Izhevsky Motozavod ‘Aksion-Holding’, transport companies OAO ‘Lorry’, OOO ‘Monopoly’ and OOO ‘Prologics’ as well as some other major companies. ZAO NPP ‘SAMARA HORIZONS’ Telephone: +7 (846) 278-80-27 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Website: 443072, г. Samara, Moskovskoye shosse, 18 km, ‘A’, Industrial Premises, bld. 4 Gennady A. Grigashkin, General Director ZAO NPP ‘Samara Horizons’ is part of the holding group, the following co-members being: • Siberian Research-and-Design Institute ‘Oil Horizons’; • joint with Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas – OAO ‘Research-and-Design Center for Gasand-Oil Technologies’. Since 1996, ZAO NPP ‘Samara Horizons’ has been developing and delivering equipment, renders information services to drilling companies. Over the period of its existence, the holding group has developed drilling designand-estimates documentation for more than 500 wells and has carried out geo-navigational and technological civil engineering maintenance for over 200 horizontal and low-angle boreholes of sidetrack wells at the fields of Western Siberia, Samara Region, Tatarstan, Krasnodar krai, Dagestan, Kaliningrad Region, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine. DEVELOPMENT AND COMMERCIALIZATION OF MULTI-HOLE DRILLING SYSTEMS FOR HORIZONTAL BOREHOLES WITH TWO COMMUNICATION CHANNELS, WHICH INCLUDE ADVANCED CONTROL SYSTEMS AND NAVIGATION EQUIPMENT FOR DRILLING PROCESS MAINTENANCE Within the project implementation framework, complex of technical facilities and multi-lateral gas- and oil-well drilling technology will be developed, which will enable – alongside with significant growth of the wells’ yield – increase of the oil recovery factor up to minimally 50-60% (while the today’s recovery. FEDERAL STATE BUDGET-FINANCED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOR HIGHER VOCATIONAL TRAINING ‘SAMARA STATE AEROSPACE UNIVERSITY (SSAU)’ NAMED AFTER S.P. KOROLYOV (NATIONAL RESEARCH UNIVERSITY) Telephone: +7 (846) 267-43-01 Fax: +7 (846) 335-18-26 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443086, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye shosse, 34 Evgeny V. Shakhmatov, Rector SSAU operates as a National Research University being also the competence center of the Aerospace Cluster, which is integrated with the institutes of Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), innovative entities and industrial enterprises. FEDERAL STATE BUDGET-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER VOCATIONAL TRAINING ‘SAMARA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY’ Telephone: +7 (927) 205-19-12, +7 (846) 278-43-11 Fax: +7 (846) 278-44-00 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443100, Russia, Samara, ul. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244 Yury N. Klimochkin, Dr. in Chemical Sciences, Professor, Project Manager Aleksander N. Reznikov, Contact The Samara State Technical University is one of the oldest higher-education institutions of the Volga area (Povolzhye). Currently, the University employs more than 90 Doctors of Sciences, Professors, about 500 Ph.D., Senior Lecturers. The key fundamental principle of the University is integrity of training, research and engineering developments. SAMPLE TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT - LABORATORY-TECHNOLOGICAL RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR PRODUCTION OF NEUROTROPIC PREPARATION (S)-PREGABALIN PHARMACEUTICAL SUBSTANCE The essence of the proposed technology is revision of the general production scheme under application of an inexpensive and easily available catalyst, which ensures high enantio-selectivity. (S)-Pregabalin pilot sample, demonstrating better competitiveness of the substance vs. foreign analogues, correlates with the following: • considerable decrease of the substance production prime cost; • enantiomeric purity of the generated pharmaceutical substance; • application of enantio-selective metal-complex catalysis enabling avoidance of the racemic mixtures separation and (as consequence) at least 50% losses of the target product; • application of industrially available primary products and technological process simplification. FEDERAL STATE BUDGET-FINANCED INSTITUTION FOR HIGHER VOCATIONAL TRAINING (FGBOUVPO) ‘SAMARA STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY’ Telephone: +7(846) 278-43-11 Fax: +7 (846) 278-44-00 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 443100, Russia, Samara, ul. Molodogvardeyskaya, 244 Dmitry E. Bykov, Dr. in Tech. Sciences, Professor, Rector FGBOUVPO ‘Samara State Technical University’ is a leading research-and-education center of the Volga area (Povolzhye) training specialists with higher technical and economic education. The University carries out research in various priority-driven fields of science, technologies and engineering operating also as a site for interrelation of Samara Region industry and research school. INTEGRATED EQUIPMENT FOR OCEANOLOGICAL STUDIES The proposed complex incorporates the unit (probe) and the above-water part including equipment and a portable computer for entering program task into the on-board control system and collecting (processing and imaging) information from the probe’s measuring devices. Autonomous probe is like an underwater glider (see photo) supplied with measuring devices, which hovers in the aqueous medium owing to changes in body’s buoyancy. The probe is absolutely environmentally friendly, as it is made of chemically inert materials; battery pack’s electric power is used to make it move; there is neither noise nor water disturbance the probe moves because it lacks rotating water propellers and moves at a low speed. The complex can be used: • for inspecting underwater engineering structures, pipelines and deep-water cables; • for searching and surveying sunken objects, searching burial places of chemical or bacteriological weapon; • for carrying our geological exploration works; • for carrying out oceanological, hydrobiological, hydrophysical, hydroacoustic, hydrooptical and other studies; • for carrying out studies in the fields of fishery and environmental matters; • for protecting facilities and water areas, etc. Below are tactical and performance advantages of the complex: • small dependence on hydrological and meteorological conditions; • easiness of deploying the system in the given water area; • no need in constant presence of the accompanying boat; • possibility of conducting mass-scale studies simultaneously, in any specified place of the global ocean; • full sustainability in operation; • absolute noiselessness while moving in water; • capability of maintaining hover modes in specified point as well as drifting – ideal mode for measuring and studying aqueous medium; • exchanging information with the accompanying boat or with the on-shore observation center (at the experiment’s rate); • possibility of operating under ice. The proposed system’s production technology is very economical, as its design concept is based on the principle of maximum use of uniform equipment, measuring devices and automation facilities that are available in the market. UNIVERSAL TRIBOTECHNICAL COMPLEX With the purpose of testing constructional materials and lubricants for friction and wear-and-tear, researchers of laboratory for nano-structural coatings of Samara State Technical University developed a universal tribotechnical complex having the following specifications: • testing schemes: ring-plane (butt tribometer), ball-disc, ball-roller, ring-ring, four-ball scheme; • friction types: mixed, interfacial, dry; • wear-and-tear types: abrasive, fatigue, seizure; • lubricant: sample of plastic lubricant or oil – 10 g; • normal load: 1.5 … 200 kgf (pressure 1…130 MPa); • rotation rate: 600… 1750 min-1. • data recording: automated registration of self-heating temperature, friction moment, normal load. Advantages of the tribotechnical complex are as follows: simplicity, convenience, cost efficiency, automated monitoring and data storage, and high results reproducibility. Tests are carried out with small amount of lubricant on small samples. Universal nature of the complex is confirmed by numerous testing schemes. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES OF FUNCTIONAL COATING. RESOURCE-INCREASING TECHNOLOGY OF DETONATION-BASED APPLYING OF NANOSTRUCTURED COATINGS FUNCTION: strengthening and regeneration of parts, technical accessories and tools subject to major tear-and-wear. ESSENCE OF THE TECHNOLOGY: high-speed interaction of powder material particles with the processed surface due to their tossing by pinpoint blasting of condensed explosive material and gas mixture. EVAPORATED MATERIALS: iron, nickel, chrome, copper alloys, hard alloys (wolfram-cobalt), aluminum oxide, composite mixtures (iron-nickel, nickel-chrome, etc.). TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: • particles velocity – over 1000 m/s; • blast products temperature – up to 40000 C; • productivity – up to 3 kg/h; • blasts frequency – up to 10 Hz; • particle size of evaporated powder – 30…50 um; • detonating mixture: acetylene + oxygen + special addition agent; • thickness of layer applied by 1 blast – up to 15…20 um; • maximum coating thickness (without intermediate processing) ≥ 2 mm; • protective gas – nitrogen; • self-heating of the processed part during evaporation – not more than 1000 С; • powder efficiency ratio – up to 80%. Developed has been a new technology of making replaceable cutting inserts (RCI) for metalworking tools based on detonating evaporation of hard alloys onto steel rough workpieces. RESOURCE-INCREASING TECHNOLOGY OF APPLYING NANO-STRUCTURED CHROMEDIAMOND COATINGS FUNCTION: increasing resource of tools, high-loaded parts of units and mechanisms under conditions abrasive media impact, high pressures and temperatures; protecting industrial accessories operating in contact with fluidized rubber, plastic materials, PVC, clue, steel, etc. DND application in applying protective coatings vs. standard galvanic technology enables increase of the products’ service life 2.0-…4.5-fold. This technology makes it possible to apply coatings on products with complex shape. Experiments showed that the nano-structured chrome-diamond coatings’ durability outperforms conventional coatings of chrome (without DND) 6-fold, and coatings of titanium nitride 1.5-…2-fold. RESOURCE-INCREASING TECHNOLOGY OF APPLYING NANO-STRUCTURED SILVER-DIAMOND COATINGS MAIN ADVANTAGES: • Durability of silver-diamond coatings outperforms durability of conventional silver coatings 1.5-…2.5-fold. • ‘Human factor’ is eliminated owing to automation of the coating application process. • Process productivity, production profitability and competitiveness of the products are increased. • Bearing capacity of silver-diamond coated friction unit parts reaches 130 MPa (at 20 um thickness of the layer). • Occupational hazard of production technology is decreased owing to absence of free potassium cyanide in the silver-plating electrolyte. • High strength of adhesion with the base (up to 60 MPa of ‘tensile strength’). • Self-heating of parts is decreased at friction. • Antiwelding properties of the coating are improved owing to creating positive gradient of mechanical properties. • Low friction factor 0.016. • Low porosity, high corrosion resistance. TECHNOLOGY OF PRODUCING GENERIC FORM OF ANTIEPILEPTIC MEDICINE (S)-PREGABALIN In the world, there are more than 30 mln registered cases of epilepsy. On the average, in countries of Europe and the USA epilepsy accounts for about 50 cases per 100 thou residents annually. In Russia, 800 thou children and teenagers have epilepsy. Over the last 15 years, the number of epilepsy patients doubled. Due to aging of the population, growth of epilepsy rate is forecasted. The medication referred to as ‘Lyrics’ - (S)-Pregabalin produced by Pfizer (USA) is currently the most efficient anti-epilepsy remedy; it sells very well in the global pharmaceutical market. Pfizer (USA) holds exclusive title to Pregabalin. The LyricsТМ patent expires in 2018, consequently development of technology ensuring production of competitive generic forms of the first generation becomes topical; this could enable winning a major market segment. BOTTLENECK OF THE EXISTING TECHNOLOGIES is application of expensive reagents, including those based on noble metals; this results in high prime cost and – as consequence – high release price of Pregabalin. DEVELOPMENT OF PILOT SAMPLE of (S)-Pregabalin demonstrates competitiveness of the developed technology vs. foreign analogues as to the following: • significant reduction of prime cost of the substance production; • enantiomeric purity of the generated pharmaceutical substance; • application of enantio-selective metal-complex catalysis, which enables avoidance of separation of racemic substances and related loss of 50% or more of the target product; • utilization of industrially available raw stuff and technological process simplification; • environmental safety of production. PROJECT COMMERCIALIZATION The proposed innovative technology will ensure development of domestic generic (S)-Pregabalin being not inferior to foreign analogue, given also 3-fold lower product’s prime cost the least. It is expected that market availability of the domestically developed Pregabalin generic will cover up to 50% sales demand of Pregabalin in Russia. Annual sales volume of (S)-Pregabalin generic is estimated at RUR 1 bln. MAIN WAYS OF PROJECT COMMERCIALIZATION Selling of license for making (S)-Pregabalin generic to major producers of medications. Registration of the medication and organizing own production, which includes the following: • issue of standardized batch of (S)-Pregabalin; • packing the pharmaceutical substance for storage – with purpose of determining its useful life; • development of pharmaceutical form; • development of standard operating procedures and temporary regulations for pharmaceutical form; • production of pilot pharmaceutical form batch; • conducting tests for bioequivalence; • preparing documentation set for registration of the medication in the RF. OOO ‘SVETTECHSERVICE’ Telephone: +7(8482) 48-40-03, 63-71-74 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 445020, Russia, Togliatti, ul. Gidrostroevskaya, 19-2 Vladislav A. Naumov, Director OOO ‘SvetTechService’ (STS) was established in 2008 by the Togliatti State University employees, under active financial and information support by the Samara Region Government and NGO ‘Innovation-and-Investments Fund of Samara Region’. The key objective – fabrication of modern light-emitting devices with the purpose of equipping primarily state budget-financed organizations (schools, hospitals, universities, etc.). The main product group – fluorescent lamps with electronic control gears (EPRA). OOO ‘SvetTechService’ is involved in full production and sale cycle of power-saving light equipment and electronic devices in Russia and in countries of the former Soviet Union. The offered product range consists of more than 170 dimension-types. OOO ‘SvetTechService’ is resident of the ‘Zhigoulyovskaya Valley’ technopark (Togliatti) in the high-tech sphere, representing ‘Power efficiency and power saving, including development of innovative production technologies’. Within the framework of the ‘Solar Module’ project (implemented in the ‘Zhigoulyovskaya Valley’ technopark (Togliatti)), STS plans to develop power saving techniques and application of renewable power sources: start production of hybrid solar modules with concentrators (having no analogues in the Russian market). SOLAR MODULE The proposed project provides development of autonomous combined converter of solar energy into electricity and heat on the modular scheme basis as well as organizing production of goods. The project is designed for organizing heat, hot water and electricity supply of buildings. The project’s groundwork consists of series of new-type modular solar batteries’ models, which incorporate low-intensity concentrators and thin-film solar batteries assembled on the modular scheme. The proposed solar batteries type is a major product-competitor for industrially manufactured worldwide flat solar batteries. The developed devices enable significant (in case of large-scale production – many-fold) reduction of solar batteries unit cost, while their effective service life will be longer. As a result, alternative solar battery models will be present in the market; they will be characterized by lowest installed power capacity (per $/kW of peak capacitance), longer service life and simple maintenance. STATE-FINANCED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION TOGLIATTI STATE UNIVERSITY Telephone: +7 (8482) 53-95-22 Fax: +7 (8482) 53-95-22 E-mail: [email protected] Website: 445667, Russia, Togliatti, ul. Belorusskaya, 14 ‘A’ Mikhail M. Krishtal, Rector Innovation Development Office Tel./Fax No.: +7 (8482) 53-92-29, +79272144599 E-mail: [email protected] One of the largest universities in the Volga region, holder of the Russian Government award-2009 in quality, twice a winner of the “100 best higher educational institutions in Russia” contest (2004, 2011). TGU incorporates 11 institutions, each meeting all employers’ up-to-date requirements, and 50 chairs. An important part of the TSU life is assigned to scientific research conducted on the basis of modern laboratories and research and education centers. The university works in 18 research areas and has established 26 small innovative enterprises. HEAT RESISTING CERAMIC COATING Purpose: increasing the heat resistance of the heat engine elements: ICE cylinder-piston blocks, rotary engines, gas and steam turbines. Application field: mechanic engineering. Scientific and technical description: this innovative project includes a high-temperature operation of the heat engine elements: ICE cylinder-piston blocks, rotary engines, gas and steam turbines. Cr2O3; Al2O3; ZrO2 ceramic coatings can be an effective barrier for diffusion of the oxygen and other combustion product into the unit surface. This project introduces the production technology of laminated metalceramic self-healing protective coatings based on yttrium chromite. In this process, the high-temperature operating environment becomes a stabilizing and forming factor for the ceramic coating Advantages: increasing the heat resistance of ceramic coatings by 25 times at operating temperatures of 1300-15000 С. Legal protection of intellectual property: Patent No. 2309194 “Heat resisting ceramic coatings”. Invented by: V.S. Goncharov, Ph.D. in Tech. Sc., Professor. REINFORCEMENT COATING APPLICATION METHOD WITH A SELF-SHARPENING EFFECT FOR THE EDGE TOOLS Purpose: increasing the edge tool wear resistance along with creating the self-sharpening effect. Application field: mechanic engineering, industrial agriculture. Scientific and technical description: developing the self-sharpening blades for movable cutting elements made of layered materials for the blade production. Advantages: increasing the edge tool wear resistance along with creating the self-sharpening effect. Invented by: V.S. Goncharov, Ph.D. in Tech. Sc., Professor. METHOD OF MAKING THE METAL-CERAMIC DENTAL PROSTHESES WITH SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS Purpose: making the metal-ceramic dental prostheses with enhanced mechanical characteristics (hardness, impact viscosity and durability). Application field: medicine. Scientific and technical description: the project presents for the first time the metal-ceramic dental prosthesis creation method by applying the nano-gradient laminated thin-film coating with the improved mechanical characteristics onto the backing (stamped or unit cast). Advantages: the proposed method provides a significant reduction in thickness of the ceramic coating applied to the denture down to 10-20 microns (in comparison to 100-200 μm with the most advanced modern technologies and 500-1000 μm with the conventional slip coating); reduction in the tooth separation, ability to use the stamped and a unit cast prosthesis (including clasp dental prosthesis) as a base; a significant reduction in brittleness of the ceramic coating while maintaining its hardness; ability to find a matching color of the prosthesis among a wide color range at the time of its production; and prosthesis cost reduction by 3-4 times in comparison to its analogues. Invented by: V.S. Goncharov, Ph.D. in Tech. Sc., Professor STEEL-ALUMINUM LAMINAR COMPOSITE LIQUID-PHASE FORMATION TECHNOLOGY Production of steel-aluminum laminated composite materials and items made of such materials. Application: chemical, petrochemical, automotive and aircraft industry for manufacturing parts of petrochemical units, lightweight partition walls; components operating in hostile environments; drain pipes for hot liquids and gases, etc. Scientific and technical description: in the process of steel-aluminum laminated composite liquid phase formation, solid steel sandwich reacts with liquid aluminum; for this, in order to achieve a satisfactory composite formation, is necessary to ensure proper steel wetting by molten aluminum. During the preparation the steel plates get cleaned of contamination, degreased and water-fluxed using the KF – A1F3eutectic system. Then the plates get dried until evaporation of the moisture from the flux coating. Dried plates are gathered in a sandwich package with the desired air gaps in-between. Then the steel sandwich is dipped in the molten aluminum, where the composite is formed. Advantages: high performance, simple design of equipment, layer adhesion above 50 MPa, ability to produce parts of any geometry without further processing. Legal protection of intellectual property: Patent No. 2414336 “Method for wear-resistant, heat-resistant coating application”. Patent No. 2437770 “Method for producing the steel-aluminum laminated composite materials”. Patent number 2435671 “Method for producing the steel-aluminum laminated composite materials”. Invented by: A.I. Kovtunov, Dr. of Engineering, Assistant Professor. FOAM ALUMINUM MAKING METHOD Purpose: application in the production sector due to the unique characteristics of the material. Application field: Transport – walls, floors, interior lining of the airplanes, ships, railroad cars; for vehicles - bumpers, casings, insulation, exhaust silencer filtering aggregate; Construction engineering – flameproof, bioresistant linings, floors and suspended ceilings with electromagnetic shielding; Production sector – antinoise casing for equipment, heat insulation, filters, catalyst carriers in the nonaggressive environments. Scientific and technical description: a method of making the foam aluminum has been developed. Summary of the process: preparing the aluminum melt, superheating it over the liquidus temperature, filling a mold for foam aluminum with the water soluble salt granules, heating it to the temperature of the melt. Calcium chloride or barium chloride, as well as potassium fluoride, may be used as salt. Then the molds are filled with the aluminum melt. After solidification the product is removed from the mold and placed into water. Advantages: this method reduces the cost price of foam aluminum products and allows fabrication of the elements of any shape with porosity up to 90%, as well as products with adjustable dispersivity. Legal protection of intellectual property: Patent No. 2008146788 “Foam aluminum making method”, Patent No. 2455378 “Foam aluminum making method”. Invented by: A.I. Kovtunov, Dr. in Tech. Sc., Assistant Professor Y.Y. Hokhlov. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMBINED HIGH CAPACITY TECHNOLOGIES FOR MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY AND PROCESSING OF THE MASSPRODUCED SELF-LOCKING EXPANDABLE SHAFTS FOR TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH LONG BONE FRACTURES Expandable self-locking shaft is used for treatment of patients having long bone fractures with the help of the intramedullary osteosynthesis. Osteosynthesis is carried out by forming the biomechanical system by way of inserting the expandable shaft into the medullar canal of the damaged bone. Scientific and technical description: In comparison with other fixation methods, such as cast application and external fixation, intramedullary osteosynthesis has biomechanical advantages by virtue of the implant’s positioning in alignment with the bone. As implants may be used shafts with different kinds of cross-section, including solid and hollow circular, oval, triangular, quadrangular bayonet-shaped ones, etc. Advantages: the main advantages of the expandable intramedullary shaft: low-impact surgery, reduced timing of surgery, reduced blood loss, reduced x-ray exposure of the patient and staff, shorter rehabilitation period, reduced number of different types of complications and deaths. Legal protection of intellectual property: Patent No. 2452426 ‘Long bone position and shape fixation shaft’ Invented by: Mikhail M. Krishtal, Dr. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. NEW GENERATION HIGH-EFFICIENCY ENERGY-SAVING LAMPS Purpose: energy-saving luminescent lamps, harmless for the eyesight, and at the same time brighter, more cost-effective and inexpensive than classical analogs. Application field: interior lighting of the industrial and public buildings, health care facilities, children’s and educational institutions, offices. Scientific and technical description: The lamps are distinguished by high energy and utility values, with low power consumption. The costs for the light output produced by such lamps is 2.5 times lower (0.15 – 0.19 Rub/ Lumen) than the LED lights presented on the market (0.53 Rub/Lumen). High efficiency and low operating costs provide a short payback period for consumers – from six to eighteen months. Advantages: • free of noise, flickering, stroboscope effect; • good color rendering; • 2-4 times energy saving; • extended service life up to 90000 hours; • higher light output (4 times); • 3-4 times lower operating costs, including the lamp recycling costs; • improved effectiveness (8606 Lumen/Wt); • comparatively low unit cost for the lamp (0.2 Rub./Lumen); • high protection class (IP 54, IP 65); • absolute fire safety. Legal protection of intellectual property: Patents for “Lighting facilities” No. 65615, 83586, 72528 Invented by: Oleg Petinov, Ph.D. in Tech. Sc., Professor. INTELLIGENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR PRODUCTION LOGISTICS - OPERATIONAL SCHEDULING AND CONTROL OF SERIAL DISCRETE MANUFACTURING Purpose: decision support system automatically generates the decision options, analyses efficiency of the prepared options, sifts the solutions, ranges the options based on specific technical and economic constraints with different optimization criteria (maximize efficiency, minimize loss), provides the possibility of adjusting the proposed decisions (interactive control). Advantages: the system allows to stabilize the production process, reduce losses, improve efficiency, reduce the volume of requests and working capital, exclude unreasonable overtime work, and improve technical and economic indicators of the company. Invented by: Y.S. Roitburg, Ph.D., Professor. MEDICAL COMPLEX FOR AN INNOVATIVE METHOD OF CHRONIC BACTERIAL PROSTATITIS AND CHRONIC PELVIC PAIN SYNDROME TREATMENT Efficiency raising treatment of chronic prostatitis with the aid of innovative method and medical complex for this method’s implementation. Advantages: • Lower amount of medication required. • Smaller percentage of patients with no or slight improvement. • Half the rate of patients with preserved symptoms. • Twice as small number of patients with residual symptoms. OOO ‘ECOMOBILE’ Telephone: +7 (8482) 53-15-41 Fax: +7 (8482) 53-15-41 E-mail: [email protected] Website: http://нтцмета.рф 445044, Russia, Togliatti, ul.Voroshilova, 17, Business center ‘Europe’, office 302 Andrey Y. Gayduk, General Director The Company is developing and testing vehicles powered by the alternative energy sources, including electric and hybrid vehicles, as well as dealing with various technologies in medicine, metallurgy and environmental programs. DEVELOPING AND LAUNCH OF SMALL-TONNAGE MULTI-PURPOSE ELECTRIC VEHICLES PRODUCTION Within the project framework, electric vehicles with the capacity up to 1 ton are to be developed and launched into the mass production. The advantage of the product and its competitiveness lies in the innovative induction motor with low power consumption (due to the improved control over electronic switches), innovative lithium iron phosphate battery for fast charge (0.3 h) and operation at low temperatures (down to -50°C). In addition to this, the project involves establishment of production and operational facilities infrastructure: • Development of fast charging (30 min) and slow charging (6-8 h) stations in collaboration with the partners, as well as integration of imported electric charging stations at the customer’s request • Project development of technical service centers for electric vehicles • Project development of industrial enterprises for the electric vehicles production • Training of the service center staff OOO ‘ECO ENERGY’ Telephone: +7 (846) 246-41-17, +7 (846) 272-72-75 E-mail: [email protected] 443086, Russia, Samara, Moskovskoye shosse, 34 ‘A’, building 3 ‘B’, office 2 Sergey A. Bogdanov, General Director, Project Manager R&D in natural and technical sciences. R&D in social studies and humanities. Manufacturing miscellaneous equipment except for electrical equipment for engines and vehicles. DEVELOPING COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM OF PERSONALITY IDENTIFICATION BY BIOMETRIC PARAMETERS With the purpose of increasing reliability of security systems performance, monitoring and managing access to various facilities, the proposed personality identification system by biometric parameters has been developed. It is characterized by high traffic capacity and is based on palm vein pattern scanning. ADVANTAGES: • High reliability • Noncontact technique • Multilevel access system • Possibility of integrating almost in any unit (owing to small size) • Low impact of human factor • Collection of detailed statistic data on each user ООО «ENERGOPROM-ENGINEERING» Telephone: +7 (8482) 63-16-46 Fax: +7 (8482) 62-37-92 E-mail: [email protected], [email protected] Website: 445047, Russia, Togliatti, Yuzhnoe shosse, 37-13 Improving energy efficiency and performance – these are the main activities of «Energoprom Engineering». The company provides a wide range of services in automation of technological processes and production, implementation of modern drive technology to optimize the production process. Special attention is paid to the safety of engineering solutions. High-tech products contribute to the rational use of resources by the customer. DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION IN PRODUCTION OF THE NEW GENERATION CABLE ENTRIES AND HIGH-TECH EQUIPMENT FOR HAZARDOUS PRODUCTION FACILITIES The project is aimed at reduction of number and severity of technogenic accidents and catastrophes. Within the framework of the project, we develop and master serial production of new generation cable entries and high-tech equipment for hazardous production facilities with a high level of commercialization. Explosion-proof high quality cable entries of the new generation are designed to meet the standards of the Russian Federation in all industries. The proposed solution has certain advantages over the best world analogues. Application of the new generation cable entries at hazardous production facilities is technically and economically feasible.
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