POHICK POST Pohick Episcopal Church 9301 Richmond Highway • Lorton, VA 22079 Telephone: 703-339-6572 • Fax: 703-339-9884 Let your light so shine (Matt. 5:16) From The Rector The Reverend Donald D. Binder, PhD B y the time you read this, we will have started Lent, the forty-day season leading up to Easter Sunday. Within the story of Jesus’ earthly life, it represents the period from when our Lord “set his face to go to Jerusalem” (Luke 9:51). During this time, he repeatedly foretold to his disciples how this journey would end: “The Son of Man is to be betrayed into human hands, and they will kill him, and three days after being killed, he will rise again” (Mark 9:31; cf. Mark 10:34). The disciples did not know how to take these predictions. What’s more, “they were afraid to ask him” about them (Mark9:34). Almost certainly this wasn’t because they feared asking him a question. Throughout their years together with Jesus, the disciples did not hesitate to ask him about lots of things. No, they were not afraid of asking him the question; they were afraid of what he might answer! None of them wanted to hear anything about death or suffering, neither for Jesus nor for themselves. Quite the contrary. James and John dreamed of sitting on Jesus’ right hand and his left in his glory (Mark 10:35f ). All of them argued about which of them would be the greatest in the coming Kingdom (Mark 9:34). In both cases, Jesus rebuked the errant disciples. His true followers would be “last of all and servant of all” (Mark 9:34); they would “take up their crosses” and follow him (Luke 14:27). MARCH 2012 Echoing these exchanges, Jesus’ teachings about self-sacrifice and servanthood come to the forefront during Lent. They form the overarching themes of the season, themes we will be hearing about within our readings, our liturgy and our preaching. They were not popular themes with the disciples; they are even less popular today. That is because the last time the people of our nation were called to sacrifice was during the Roosevelt administration, amid the life-and-death struggles of WWII. While there have been occasional rhetorical challenges since then - JFK’s inaugural address comes to mind - otherwise the message to the masses has been not one of sacrifice, but of excess consumption. Indeed, it is often implied, if not openly stated, that we are being unpatriotic unless we fill up our shopping carts as often as we can. That is a point mostly lost during the recent harangue against the “one percent.” What I mean is this: across the stretches of both time and geography, we are the one percent - all of us. Should the end of time come tomorrow, God will categorize us as such. No other one percent of humanity has lived as well as we do today in Northern Virginia, home of the richest counties in the richest nation in the world, past or present. This is not to ignore or demean continuing concerns for poverty or inequality in our midst. Many of those concerns are valid and worthy of deliberation and action. But if they become the exclusive focus of discussion, then we face the danger of trying to reContinued on page 2 Page 2 • March 2012 Pohick Episcopal Church From the Rector: continued from page 1 move the speck from another’s eye while ignoring the log in our own (Matt 7:3ff ). Lent provides us a yearly opportunity to focus on the latter: to bring our own excesses to the forefront so that we might lay them on the altar and then take up our crosses and follow Christ in the service of others. In that way, not only do we find freedom in Christ from the worldly things that weigh us down (1 John 2:15ff ), but we do so for the benefit of the most needy. In concrete terms, that might mean “living simply so others can simply live,” as our Outreach ministry regularly challenges us to do during this season. It might also mean spending time before God in worship, reflection and prayer in lieu of other activities that have become part of your daily norm - like for two hours on Wednesday evenings during our Lenten suppers, studies and services. Whatever your Lenten discipline might be, I pray that all of us this year might share together a “Holy Lent,” one that draws us nearer to God and our neighbor, propelled in those directions by the power of Christ’s selfgiving, sacrificial love. Senior Warden’s Report Mike Elston, Senior Warden This year marches on, and Lent is underway. With Lent comes many opportunities to prepare for the holiest day on the church calendar, Easter. One of the most popular ways to participate in Lenten programs at Pohick is the series of Wednesday night potluck suppers. Attend one or all of them. February was a great month with many events and developments. The Ann Mason Guild sponsored another great Chili Cook-Off. There was a sizeable crowd and a good time was had by all. Earlier in the month, Bill Brake, former rector of Pohick, was laid to rest. Bill was an important influence in the lives of many at Pohick. His funeral service was an honor to his memory, and the many years of service he and his family devoted to Pohick. Thanks to all who made this possible. February also saw a generous response to the call for support of the Renovations Committee’s plan for the floor of the Common Room. An anonymous donor, showing tremendous faith in Pohick’s future, stepped forward with a donation of $15,000 to fully fund the floor replacement, and start semi-annual professional cleanings of the floor. The Vestry has accepted this gift with thanks and pleasure. The fundraising efforts will shift toward securing the funds needed for new chairs in the Parish House. If interested in supporting that effort, please contact any member of the Vestry. At February’s meeting, the Vestry received reports from all of the commissions and the activities of each. Discussion of the draft alcohol policy continued, and hopefully this will be finalized in the near future. The Vestry also decided not to adopt a policy regarding firearms on church property. Finally, the Vestry voted to refurbish one of the Common Room chandeliers as a test to determine whether to refurbish all of them. Two meetings were attended by the Senior Warden on behalf of Pohick. At the Architectural Review Board, a case was presented for providing handicapped access at the northwest door of the church. The case was supported by a phalanx of Historic Pohick Foundation members. Fortunately, the ARB was also supportive, and with a satisfactory design, there will be a new ramp at the northwest door. Second, there was a meeting relating to the plans to widen Route 1 between Telegraph Road and the Mt. Vernon Highway. One iteration of the current plan would put a “flyover” on Route 1 in front of the Church property that would allow northbound Route 1 traffic to turn left onto Telegraph Road without stopping. Pohick’s concerns were presented, and the plans will continue to be monitored with the intent of preventing the construction of urban blight in front of an historic church. It is too early to write local, state, and national representatives to put a stop to this nonsense, but if it comes to that support from the congregation will be requested. SEND NEWS! Articles for the April 2012 Pohick Post are due no later than March 15! Forward input by email in Word compatible format to Lori Buckius, [email protected]. Design concerns & items for the Sunday Service Volunteers page should be addressed to Carmel Hodge, [email protected]. Pohick Episcopal Church From The Assistant Rector The Reverend Lyn Youll Marshall You never marry the right person. - Timothy Keller How our culture misunderstands compatibility. In generations past, there was far less talk about “compatibility” and finding the ideal soulmate. Today, we are looking for someone who accepts us as we are, and fulfills our desires, and this creates an unrealistic set of expectations that frustrates both the searchers and the searched for. In John Tierney’s classic humor article “Picky, Picky, Picky,” he tries nobly to get us to laugh at the impossible situation our culture has put us in. He recounts many of the reasons his single friends told him they had given up on their recent relationships: “She mispronounced ‘Goethe.’ ” “How could I take him seriously after seeing The Road Less Traveled on his bookshelf ?” “If she would just lose seven pounds.” “Sure, he’s a partner, but it’s not a big firm. And he wears those short black socks.” “Well, it started out great...beautiful face, great body, nice smile. Everything was going fine - until she turned around.” He paused ominously, and shook his head. “... She had dirty elbows.” In other words, some people in our culture want too much out of a marriage partner. They do not see marriage as two flawed people coming together to create a space of stability, love, and consolation, a “haven in a heartless world,” as Christopher Lasch describes it. Rather, they are looking for someone who will accept them as they are, complement their abilities and fulfill their sexual and emotional desires. This will indeed require a woman who is “a novelist/astronaut with a background in fashion modeling,” and the equivalent in a man. A marriage based not on self-denial but on self-fulfillment will require a lowor no-maintenance partner who meets March 2012 • Page 3 your needs while making almost no claims on you. Simply put - today people are asking far too much in the marriage partner. You never marry the right person The Bible explains why the quest for compatibility seems to be so impossible. As a pastor, I have spoken to thousands of couples, some working on marriage-seeking, some working on marriage-sustaining, and some working on marriage-saving. I have heard them say over and over, “Love shouldn’t be this hard, it should come naturally.” In response, I always say something like: “Why believe that? Would someone who wants to play professional baseball say, ‘It shouldn’t be so hard to hit a fastball’? Would someone who wants to write the greatest American novel of her generation say, ‘It shouldn’t be hard to create believable characters and compelling narrative’?” The understandable retort is: “But this is not baseball or literature. This is love. Love should just come naturally if two people are compatible, if they are truly soulmates.” The Christian answer to this is that no two people are compatible. Duke University Ethics professor Stanley Hauerwas has famously made this point: “Destructive to marriage is the self-fulfillment ethic that assumes marriage and the family are primarily institutions of personal fulfillment, necessary for us to become “whole” and happy. The assumption is that there is someone just right for us to marry and that if we look closely enough we will find the right person. This moral assumption overlooks a crucial aspect to marriage. It fails to appreciate the fact that we always marry the wrong person. We never know whom we marry; we just think we do. Or even if we first marry the right person, just give it a while and he or she will change. For marriage, being [the enormous thing it is] means we are not the same person after we have entered it. The primary challenge of marriage is learning how to love and care for the stranger to whom you find yourself married.” Hauerwas gives us the first reason that no two people are compatible for marriage, namely, that marriage profoundly changes us. But, there is another reason. Any two people who enter into marriage are spiritually broken by sin, which among other things means to be self-centered - living life incurvatus in se. Continued on page 4 Page 4 • March 2012 Pohick Episcopal Church From the Assistant Rector: continued from page 3 As author Denis de Rougemont said, “Why should neurotic, selfish, immature people suddenly become angels when they fall in love... ?” That is why a good marriage is more painfully hard to achieve than athletic or artistic prowess. Raw, natural talent does not enable you to play baseball as a pro or write great literature without enduring discipline and enormous work. Why would it be easy to live lovingly and well with another human being in light of what is profoundly wrong within our human nature? Indeed, many people who have mastered athletics and art have failed miserably at marriage. So the biblical doctrine of sin explains why marriage - more than anything else that is good and important in this fallen world - is so painful and hard. No false choices The reason that marriage is so painful and yet wonderful is because it is a reflection of the Gospel, which is painful and wonderful at once. The Gospel is - we are more sinful and flawed in ourselves than we ever dared to believe, and at the very same time we are more loved and accepted in Jesus Christ than we ever dared hope. This is the only kind of relationship that will really transform us. Love without truth is sentimentality; it supports and affirms us but keeps us in denial about our flaws. Truth without love is harshness; it gives us information but in such a way that we cannot really hear it. God’s saving love in Christ, however, is marked by both radical truthfulness about who we are and yet also radical, unconditional commitment to us. The merciful commitment strengthens us to see the truth about ourselves and repent. The conviction and repentance moves us to cling to and rest in God’s mercy and grace. The hard times of marriage drive us to experience more of this transforming love of God. But a good marriage will also be a place where we experience more of this kind of transforming love at a human level. Excerpt from THE MEANING OF MARRIAGE © 2011 by Timothy Keller with Kathy Keller. Published by Dutton, A Member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc. Excerpted with permission from the publisher. All Rights Reserved. Historic Pohick Church Docents On Sundays after the 9:00 am and 11:15 am services, there is now a schedule of Pohick docents to give tours touching on the history of Pohick Church, architecture, preservation, and colonial church history. In addition to Sunday tours, opportunities for special tours are now being offered during the week for schools, clubs, and senior groups. 5th - 6th Grade EYC Bring-a-Friend Movie Night Docent Training March 18, 2012 • 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm The next docent training class will be on Saturday, March 24 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm. For those interested in becoming a docent, or those that just want to learn more about the history of the Church, this is a great opportunity. For more information, contact Charlotte Knipling at 703339-8196. Cost: FREE Movie will be shown on the “big” screen. Popcorn and drinks will be provided! Bring a blanket or chair to sit on for the movie. Pohick Episcopal Church March 2012 • Page 5 Junior Warden’s Report Stew Remaly, Junior Warden What a great privilege it is to serve the Lord and the Parish as a member of the Vestry, and especially as the Junior Warden. The Property Commission has started off 2012 with a full plate and ready to do God’s work. Rodger Jones will be providing sage counsel as the Deputy Chair for the Property Commission. This next year will be one of continued renovation and new beginnings. A few people need to be recognized for their great work and continued service. Mike Elston, last year’s Junior Warden and now the Senior Warden, was instrumental in leading some significant improvements to the physical plant. He also did a great job of establishing more efficient processes and leading the Property Commission. John Sessums has contributed a great deal of hard work, and he is wished a speedy recovery. Thanks also to Fred Crawford for his leadership on the Renovations Committee, and to the Cemetery Warden, Rusty Booth, for his great work managing the day-to-day operations. A number of projects will either be completed or are currently underway. A new extension of the hand rail leading to the lower door of the Parish House should be complete thanks to the efforts of Bill Bland. Pete Kind completed work on stabilizing the hand rails on the southeast door of the Church. Jim Hayes will complete the first draft of the Building and Grounds Operations Manual. Mike Elston has prepared an excellent presentation on the disability ramp location requirement for the Fairfax Country Architectural Review Board. Fred Crawford will provide a Renovations Committee update in the very near future. This next year, the Vestry is challenged to increase the efforts on the Facilities Master Plan. So much has been done by everyone to make the Parish a more welcoming place for all seeking a relationship with Christ. It is now time to take up the task of preparing the grounds for the improvement of the Christian Education facilities. There will be much more to discuss on how to achieve the follow-on phases to the Master Plan over the coming weeks. Blessings to all in this New Year and, remember, the members of the congregation are all Stewards of the property. Be sure to report to the Vestry any items that may need repair or appear unsafe. Martha Guild The Martha Guild will not meet in March so its members can attend the Lenten Suppers & Programs. Happy Hats Workshop Happy Hats will be made on Saturday, March 3 from 10:00 am until 12:00 noon in the Common Room Annex. The Martha Guild is sponsoring another Happy Hats Workshop and cordially invites the congregation to join in making these hats. The hats will be delivered to hospitals and hospices for children facing hair loss from chemotherapy, life threatening illnesses, or those in pediatric burn centers. There are no special skills required. Happy Hats are soft, wonderfully silly hats made from colorful material. Come join the fun! Save the Date: Friday, June 8, 2012 The Martha Guild will be hosting an evening at The Little Theater of Alexandria on Friday, June 8. The performance for the evening will be All the King’s Women. The King is alive and well in Alexandria! The story of Elvis Presley told through the eyes of 17 enthralled, appalled, and obsessed women. Luigi Jannuzzi’s award-winning comedy begins in Tupelo, Mississippi where a 12 year old Elvis wanted a BB gun instead of a guitar; to President Richard Nixon’s office and Andy Warhol’s studio; from Cadillac salesman to Graceland guards. This touching comedy for every generation captures the effects that fame, generosity, and just being a nice guy can bring to others. More details and tickets will be coming soon. So for now, just save the date: June 8, 2012. Page 6 • March 2012 Pohick Episcopal Church Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion Don Brownlee This monthly report is part of the Vestry’s ongoing effort to inform and update the Parish about the ongoing controversies within The Episcopal Church (TEC) and the Anglican Communion. These controversies largely involve the blessing of same-gender unions, ordination of non-celibate homosexuals, interpretation of Scripture, and breakdown of traditional boundary lines between Provinces. The Church of England continued to move slowly but steadily toward allowing woman to be consecrated as bishops. Efforts by the Archbishop of Canterbury to make greater accommodation opponents were defeated again; both sides are saying they will leave the Church of England if they don’t get their way. Most English parishes and dioceses have indicated support for ordaining women as bishops; all but two dioceses voted last year in favor it. But a minority say they cannot accept the authority of a woman bishop on theological grounds. Last month, the church’s General Synod again considered draft legislation on the issue. As proposed, it allowed a woman to “delegate” her episcopal authority in cases where a parish felt if could not accept her. But did not satisfy opponents; they wanted want to create “co-bishops” who were autonomous, rather than having their authority delegated by the female bishop. The Archbishops of Canterbury and York pushed hard for the “co-bishop” proposal. The Archbishop of York said it was the only way to buy time to develop a long-term solution, while the Archbishop of Canterbury urged the Synod to “leave the door open” for some future compromise. But the Synod rejected their appeals, as it did a similar proposal by the Archbishop of Canterbury last year. By wide margins in all orders (bishops, priests and lay people), the Synod voted to send the proposal to the House of Bishops for further fine-tuning, but told the bishops not to change it “substantially.” The House of Bishops is expected to take up the proposal in May, and possibly send it back to the General Synod in July. It then needs support from two thirds of both houses (the House of Bishops, which in the Synod includes clergy, and the House of Laity) order to pass. Legislation putting the plan into law would then have to be approved by Parliament, and receive Royal Assent from the Queen. *** Meanwhile, dioceses in the Church of England also continue to consider and vote on the proposed Anglican Covenant. In the days immediately before and after last month’s General Synod, six more dioceses voted against the Covenant, while one voted for it. That one diocese was Canterbury. In most of the votes so far, the priests and laity have general voted against it by wide margins, while the bishops have been in favor, or split. Ten of the church’s 44 dioceses have now voted against the proposed Covenant. Five have voted in favor of it. Eighteen of 29 the remaining dioceses will need to vote in favor it the Covenant is to be returned for a vote at the church’s General Synod. The Archbishop of Canterbury has made adoption of the Covenant his highest priority, and rejection by his own Church would be a stinging rejection. *** The Standing Committee of the Diocese of Virginia has announced a slate of six candidates for election as Suffragan Bishop. Three are from the diocese, and three from outside: The Rev. Randy Alexander Rector of Christ Church, Pelham Diocese of New York The Rev. Canon Susan Goff Canon to the Ordinary Diocese of Virginia The Very Rev. David May Rector of Grace Church, Kilmarnock Diocese of Virginia The Very Rev. Dr. Hilary Smith Rector of St. Paul’s on-the-Hill, Winchester Diocese of Virginia The Very Rev. Shirley Smith Graham Rector of St. Martin’s, Williamsburg Diocese of Southern Virginia The Rev. Canon Sue Sommer Subdean and Canon Pastor of Grace & Holy Trinity Cathedral Diocese of West Missouri Canon Goff, who currently serves as Canon to the Ordinary (overseeing the day-to-day operation of various episcopal ministries, including the discernment and ordination processes; misconduct prevention and response, and the transition process for clergy and congregations) formerly was rector of St. Christopher’s, Springfield. Walkabouts for the nominees will take place the week of March 19th, including March 20th at St. George’s Fredericksburg and March 22nd at Good Shepherd, Burke. The election will take place April 21st. The delegates to this year’s Diocesan Council will be the electing council. Continued on page 7 Pohick Episcopal Church Update on Issues in the Anglican Communion, continued from page 6 The consecration is scheduled for July 28th. We are electing a new suffragan bishop to replace the Rt. Rev. David Jones, who retired after this year’s Diocesan Council. Elsewhere: • One hundred twenty priests from the Diocese of London signed a letter asking the Church of England to allow them to bless civil unions if they see fit. Since December, British law has allowed civil unions to be blessed in churches, but the government has not required churches to do so. The Church of England has forbidden priests from doing so. Their letter did not ask for permission to marry same-sex couples, but said priests should have the same discretion to bless a civil partnership in church as they currently have to decide whether to remarry people who are divorced. • Bishop Charles Bennison of the Diocese of Pennsylvania, however, does not believe clergy should have discretion as to whether or not to bless same-sex unions. He has told his clergy that in the event the General Convention authorizes blessing of same-sex unions, they must do so if asked. “Unless the implementing resolution [from the General Convention authorizing same sex blessings] states otherwise, none of us, should we be asked to bless the relationship of a same-gender couple, may refuse to do so on the basis of their sexual orientation.” Failure to do presumably would subject a priest to disciplinary action. Bp. Bennison was convicted by an ecclesiastical court of failing to act promptly and properly when his brother was engaged in a sexual relationship with a minor. This charged dated back to the 1970s, and an appeals court overturned the conviction, saying too much time had passed. Tensions with his diocese remained, and he has faced continued pressure to step down, including a call from the House of Bishops that he do so. • Three parishes in the Diocese of Albany (NY) are considering requesting “Delegated Episcopal Pastoral Oversight, or “DEPO,” a process under which a parish receives Episcopal oversight from someone other than its own diocesan bishop. The process was developed by the House of Bishops in 2004, in response to theologically conservative parishes in dioceses where the bishop, and diocese as a whole, were theologically more liberal, generally on issues related to human sexuality. In this case, however, it’s the parishes that are more liberal on these issues, while their bishop is more theologically conservative. A similar concept, and its exact nature, was at the heart of the Church of England’s votes on allowing women to be consecrated as bishops, detailed above. Under the guidelines established by the Episcopal Church’s House of Bishops, the parish’s rector and vestry first meet with their bishop in an effort to bridge the differ- March 2012 • Page 7 ences. If they cannot be bridged, the bishop then appoints some other bishop to visit the parishes for confirmations, and otherwise provide the Episcopal oversight that he or she normally would provide. The parishes, however, remain part of the diocese and continue to participate in all aspects of diocesan life. Bishop William H. Love told the Albany Times-Union he began meeting with the three parishes – identified by the paper as St. Andrew’s in Albany, St. George’s in Schenectady and St. Luke’s in Saranac Lake – in December. Bishop Gladstone B. Adams III of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York participated in that meeting, and according to the Times-Union story, may be named by Bp. Love to provide their Episcopal care. “I’m happy to be involved in the discussions with Bishop Love,” Bp. Adams told the paper. “ It has to do with extending real Christian charity to accommodate different perspectives.”. Bp. Love currently is providing alternative Episcopal oversight to two parishes in the Diocese of Connecticut. • The dioceses of Chicago and Quincy are considering merging. In November 2008, a majority of the Quincy diocesan synod voted to leave the Episcopal Church and to realign with the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone, forming what was at the time called the Southern Cone Diocese of Quincy. Those who left are now part of the Anglican Church in North America (ANCA) and the diocese includes churches in Illinois, Wisconsin, Colorado, Tennessee, and Florida. Nine parishes remained with The Episcopal Church. Over the last year, those parishes and the Episcopal diocese have been trying to determine their future. The Very Rev. Robert Dedmon, who chaired the “Committee on the Future of the Diocese,” said the consensus of the committee is that reunification with the Diocese of Chicago “the most reasonable, faithful course.” However, many in the diocese of small towns and rural communities are worried that they would be swallowed up by the larger, and more urban-oriented Diocese of Chicago. In last month’s meeting, leaders from Chicago attempted to reassure them. “It’s a myth that we are all urban,” said Chicago Bishop Jeff Lee. “Chicago has many small rural congregations…” Large or small, rural or urban, “it’s all about the mission. How can we best proclaim the mission?” The Episcopal diocese of Quincy remains engaged in litigation with the departed churches over property issues. It is important to remember that despite all these controversies, the work of the Church - globally, nationally, and locally - goes on. We contributed more than 600 pounds of food to LCAC in January and February, and collected $500 at “Souper Sunday.” Plans and fundraising for our summer Youth Mission Trip are well underway. Page 8 • March 2012 Christian Education Frances Sessums, Director of Christian Education Pohick’s Wednesday evening Lenten programs will continue in March. Frances Sessums will be teaching a class for the preschoolers through third graders. Rusty Booth will be working with the fourth grade through senior high students. The nursery is available with a paid attendant during class time. Please come and participate in the Lenten program. Mark the calendar! Pohick’s Vacation Bible School will be July 9 through July 13 from 9:00 am until 12:00 noon each day. The theme is Gospel Light’s “SonRise National Park.” The students will learn to trust Jesus as their all powerful guide and Savior. This is a wonderful week for everyone involved! VBS is available for children as young as three years old through rising 6th grade students. The 7th 12th grade students are welcome to be assistant teachers and aides! Two and one half year olds will be able to attend VBS if a parent stays to help in the program. Please contact Frances Sessums for specific information. Volunteers are needed to make the week a success! Anyone interested in teaching, assistant teaching, being an aide, snacks, nursery attendant, art assistant, or helping in any way, please call Frances Sessums at 703 425-2857. Pohick Episcopal Church EYC News Rusty Booth, Youth Minister Planning for the Youth Mission trip is well underway with a group building meeting on March 11. The EYC has raised $13,500 of the $16,000 needed for the trip with the annual yard sale yet to come. A big thanks to everyone who supported the many fundraisers for the Youth Mission Trip to Rushville, Indiana this summer! Hammers and nails will be provided to see what can be put together! On March 18, the Jr. & Sr. High EYC groups will be going to see Third Day in concert, and the 5th and 6th EYC will have a Bring a Friend Movie Night with popcorn and drinks! Planning has also started for the EYC Spring Retreat, which will be held April 20-22. All three groups will be going to the Brethren Woods Retreat Center in the George Washington National Forest. A permission slip and informational flyer will be distributed the beginning of March. Needlework Book A new book about Pohick Church Needlework is now available for purchase. It has information on all the needlework that has been worked or is being worked at Pohick Church. Featured in the book are beautiful colored pictures of the pew cushions, the carpet under the altar table, banners, frontals, and kneelers. Included is the history of the cushion, the designer, the person who worked the cushion, the pew where it is located, and why the cushion is in that particular pew. The book is selling for $25.00 and all the proceeds will be used for the upkeep of the needlework. Copies can be purchased from the church office or by calling Jacqueline Wells, 703-780-1472. Pohick Episcopal Church Health News Carol Heddleston, Parish Nurse Women and Heart Attacks Myocardial Infarction Women rarely have the same dramatic symptoms that men have when experiencing a heart attack. Men usually experience sudden stabbing pain in the chest, cold sweat, grabbing the chest, and dropping to the floor. Symptoms for women are a bit different. Here is the story of one woman’s experience: I had a heart attack at about 10:30 pm with no prior exertion and no prior emotional trauma. I was sitting all snugly and warm on a cold evening with my purring cat in my lap reading an interesting book and actually thinking - aah, this is the life, all cozy and warm in my soft, cushy Lazy Boy with my feet propped up. A moment later, I felt an awful sensation of indigestion like a hurried bite of sandwich that has been washed down with a dash of water, and feels like a golf ball has been swallowed. It goes down the esophagus in slow motion, and it is most uncomfortable. This was my initial sensation - the only trouble was that I had not taken a bite of anything for the last five hours. After the “indigestion” seemed to subside, the next sensation was like little squeezing motions that seemed to be racing up my spine. In hind-sight, it was probably my aorta spasms, which were gaining speed as they continued racing up and under my sternum. This fascinating process continued on into my throat and branched out into the upper and lower jaw. ‘Aha! Now I stopped puzzling about what was happening - we all have heard about pain in the jaws being one of the signals of a heart attack. I said aloud to myself and the cat, Dear God, I think I am having a heart attack! I lowered the foot rest, dumped the cat from my lap, started to take a step, and fell on the floor instead. I thought to myself, if this is a heart attack, I should not be walking into the next room where the phone is or anywhere else... but, on the other hand, if I do not move, nobody will know that I need help. I walked slowly into the next room and dialed the Paramedics. I told the 911 Operator that I thought I was having a heart attack due to the pressure building under the sternum and radiating into my jaws. I did not feel hysterical or afraid. Just stating the facts. The 911 operator said she was sending the Paramedics immediately, asked if the front door was close to me, and if so, unlock the door, and then lie down on the floor where the paramedics could see me when they came in the house. March 2012 • Page 9 I unlocked the door, laid down on the floor as instructed, and lost consciousness. I do not remember the medics coming in, their examination, being lifted onto the gurney, or being put into the ambulance. I did briefly wake up when we arrived at the hospital, and I saw that the radiologist was already there in his surgical blues and cap. He helped the medics pull my stretcher out of the ambulance. He was bending over me asking questions, but I could not make my mind interpret what he was saying, or form an answer. I nodded off again, not waking up until the cardiologist had already threaded the teeny angiogram balloon up my femoral artery into the aorta and into my heart where they installed two side by side stints to hold open the right coronary artery. All the actions at home only took about four or five minutes before calling the paramedics, and both the fire station and the hospital are minutes from my home. The cardiologist was ready to go to the OR in his scrubs and ready to restart my heart, which had stopped somewhere between my arrival and the stint installation procedure. Look for the warning signs and be ready to take action. 1. Be aware that something very different is happening in your body. It is said that many more women than men die of their first heart attack because they do not know they are having one. It is often mistaken for indigestion. 2. Be sure to call 911. Do not drive yourself to the ER. 3. If possible, take an aspirin. 4. Do not assume it cannot be a heart attack because you have a normal cholesterol count. Lorton Community Action Center The Lorton Community Action Center is asking for gently used and not so gently used towels, twin bed sheets, blankets, and comforters. They also need bed pillows, but the pillows must be new. Please leave items downstairs in the Common Room marked for New Hope Housing. LCAC thanks the parishioners of Pohick Church for their support and generosity. Page 10 • March 2012 Pohick Episcopal Church The Persecution Corner Bob Munson “We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:8-9) On July 9, 2010 the country of South Sudan declared its independence, and a country born of religious persecution became free. The former country of Sudan was the largest country in Africa. This massive nation stretched along the Nile River from its Northern desert boundary with Egypt to its Southern rainforest border with Congo and Uganda. The Nile brought the people together into one country even though it served as an axis for conflict. Looking back in history, Arab Moslems followed the Nile south from Egypt not long after the rise of Islam, and slowly converted many people to Islam. In the 19th century, European mission Christianity spread north along the Nile from the British colonies of Kenya and Uganda, and also converted many people to Christianity. These two religious movements met somewhere in Southern Sudan. The British took control of Sudan in the 19th century without establishing a clear religious policy. They sometimes strongly favored the central region around Khartoum, hence Islamic groups and sometimes assisted the people in the South, hence non-Moslems, many of whom were Christian. Sudan became independent in 1956, but the strife began much earlier. While it is too simplistic to classify the conflict simply as Northern Moslems against Southern Christians, this classification holds much explanatory power for the ethnic conflict tends to fall in-line with religion. As the British were preparing to leave the country, the Southerners, fearing domination from Khartoum, made their first attempts to resist, and periodically plunged parts of the country into warfare. Thereafter, the country was at war two thirds of the time from 1956 until a peace agreement in 2005. This peace agreement set up a referendum on independence for Southern Sudan. The voting took place on the January 9, 2011, and the people voted overwhelmingly for independence. A new country with a long memory of persecution was born. During the periodic warfare up to 2005, the Khartoum-controlled military targeted the people and Christians in the South. The military directly struck churches, hospitals, missions, or other Christian institutions, and indirectly targeted Christianity through attacks on the people. During this time, over 1.5 million Southerners lost their lives, and over five million were displaced. The country of South Sudan is now free, although not peaceful. With the division of the country, many people - generally Christians - who lived in the North are now attempting to move back to their “homes” in the South. Large migration streams have formed, which are bringing people to a very poor unfamiliar country. The Southern government is inexperienced and the country has little infrastructure or ability to meet the people’s basic needs. Its near term future is uncertain, however, it is free, and the people no longer fear the bombs of the Northern military. Despite the violence, over the last 30 years the Christian church has grown significantly in the South from 1.6 million Christians in 1980 to over 11 million in 2012. The new country enjoys assistance from Christian relief organizations and churches around the world, including many in local area. On July 8, 2011, the United Nations Security Council established the United Nations Mission in Southern Sudan to provide security and help the country develop. This mission has a mandate for up to 7,000 peacekeeping troops, and the US has agreed to send five officers. In the weeks ahead, please remember in prayer the Christians in South Sudan. Remember also those in the North who are being forced to migrate due to their religion and ethnicity. While the freedom of South Sudan helps to solve part of the problem of religious prosecution, it is not a panacea for the death and destruction faced by the people for the last 50 years. Many children have grown up without knowing peace in their land. Pray for peace in their future. Perhaps the Christians in South Sudan are like the treasure hidden in the jars of clay, as Paul wrote to the church in Corinth (2 Cor 4: 7). They can now come out from their hiding place, and reveal the power of God. The Southern Christians were persecuted, but not abandoned by God or other Christians. They now can be a witness for what He has done for them. March 2012 • Page 11 Pohick Episcopal Church Easter Flowers To make contributions toward flowers for the Church at Easter, please fill out this form and return it to the Church office with payment no later than Sunday, April 1, 2012. Forms can be mailed to: Pohick Church, 9301 Richmond Highway, Lorton, VA 22079. Name:__________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________________ Please write the memorial, thanksgiving, or other designation for publication in the Easter Bulletin: Enclosed is a check payable to Pohick Church, marked “For Easter Flowers” in the following amount: $11 $22 Other _________________ Please note “For Easter Flowers” on the memo line of check. Page 12 • March 2012 Pohick Episcopal Church Docent Guild A few of the members of the Historic Pohick Church Docent Guild visited Christ Church on January 27. From the visit, lots of wonderful ideas will be incorporated in the Pohick Church tours. It was also wonderful to visit the delightful gift shop. Help! Batman is missing! Somtime on Sunday, January 22, I lost my coffee cup at Pohick Church. The cup is not valuable, but the yellow band with the Batman logo around the cup was a gift from my grandson. Many of you know what that means. The cup is a tall, rather battered, metal Thermos travel mug with a yellow Batman band around it. If you have seen it, please let me know. Thanks, Mo Faber, 703-440-9557 Hospice Volunteers Needed VITAS Innovative Hospice Care of Northern Virginia is now recruiting volunteers in northern Virginia for “friendly visits” to patients at the end of their life. Visits made by volunteers help patients and touch families. HELP by visiting patients or working in the office. Orientation and assignments are made according to individual preference. Please contact the Volunteer Services Manager at 703270-4300 or VolMgrNoVA@ vitas.com. Summer Camps at Shrine Mont Brochures for the many 2012 camps and events at Shrine Mont are now available. Brochures can be found by the steps near the Church office. More information can be found on the website: www.camps.thediocese.net. Applications and camper forms can be found there as well. Specific questions or concerns can be directed to Paris Bell or Kathlyn Jones at 1-800-DIOCESE. Christmas Mart Brainstorming Session It is never too early to think “Christmas Mart!” All Women of the Church are invited to attend the Christmas Mart “Brainstorming Session” to be held on Saturday, March 10 from 10:00 am until 11:30 am in the Common Room Annex. The Session is for all those that have been involved, want to be involved, or just want to find out more about the Christmas Mart. Bring thoughts, ideas, and suggestions about the various aspects of the Mart. Improvements to a great event are always welcome. Direct any questions to Connie Myers at 703455-4652 or at [email protected]. Pohick Episcopal Church Sunday March 2012 • Page 13 Pohick Church Activities • March 2012 FEB 26 27 4 11 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 28 29 MARCH 1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 23 24 30 31 Lent 1b 6p COH Training 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed, Parenting Course 11:15a HE II 12:30p St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir 5p Youth Conf. Class 6:30p EYC ( Jr&Sr), Parenting Course Lent 2b 6p COH Training 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed, Parenting Course 11:15a HE I 12:30p St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir 5p Youth Conf. Class 6p EYC Dinner Night (all groups) 6:30p Parenting Course Lent 3b 6p COH Training 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed, Parenting Course 11:15a HE II 12:30p St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir 5p Youth Conf. Class 6:30p EYC ( Jr&Sr), Parenting Course 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 7p Tutoring 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 7p Tutoring 9:30a Staff Mtg. 9:30a Ann Mason Guild Mtg 2:30p HE/FX 7p Tutoring 7:30p Vestry 6p St. Francis Choir 6:30p Potluck Supper & Studies 8p HE II & Healing 6p St. Francis Choir 6:30p Potluck Supper & Studies 7p Prayer Shawl Ministry 8p HE II & Healing 6p St. Francis Choir 6:30p Potluck Supper & Studies 8p HE II & Healing 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 18 19 20 21 Deadline for Pohick Post 22 25 26 27 28 29 Lent 4b 6p COH Training 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed, Parenting Course 11:15a HE I 12:30p St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir 5p Youth Conf. Class 6:30p EYC (all grps), Parenting Course Lent 5b 6p COH Training 7:45a HE I 9a HE II 10:15a Christian Ed, Parenting Course 11:15a HE II 12:30p St. Cecelia St. Alban Choir 5p Youth Conf. Class 6:30p EYC ( Jr&Sr), Parenting Course 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 7p Tutoring 9:30a Staff Mtg. 2:30p HE/FX 7p Tutoring 6p St. Francis Choir 6:30p Potluck Supper & Studies 8p HE II & Healing 6p St. Francis Choir 6:30p Potluck Supper & Studies 8p HE II & Healing Shrine Mont Cleanup Weekend 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA 6:15p Bell Choir 7p EFM 7:30p Choir of Pohick 8:30p AA Shrine Mont Cleanup Weekend 3 Saturday 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a HPCF 9:15a Property Committee Mtg. 10a Happy Hats 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 10a Christmas Mart Brainstorming Session 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:15a Renovation Committee Mtg 6p St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Shrine Mont Cleanup Weekend 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 10a Docent Training 8a Brotherhood of St. Andrew 9:30a Pohick & LCAC Contact the Parish Secretary, Vonne Troknya, [email protected], to list group meetings or events on the calendar. Page 14 • March 2012 Pohick Episcopal Church SUNDAY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS 4 MARCH 7:45 9:00 Ken Evans Rodger Jones Mo Faber Santos Garcia John Godley Grant Hodges 11:15 Kathy Kirkland 11 MARCH Dru Hodges Terry Mullins Dennis Myers Wes Speer Steve Edgemon Angela Edgemon 7:00 R. Stankwitz F. Ayorinde 1:00 T. Rivenbark J. Bireley 12:15 M/M Myers Pasour/Remaly AM J. Sunderland N. Bireley A. Cannon C. Heddleston J. MacDonald M. Merriam R. Teale/B. Wagner J. Wells N. Sage H. Parker J. Buckley C. Foster R. Stankwitz J. Brimmer S. Homar AM 7:45 M/M Altman 9:00 M/M Harding 11:15 M. Yezek M/M Jacobus AM J. Elston J. Hodges Stew Remaly 7:45 Cenci (P) P. Springer (R) 9:00 S. Harding (R) M. Harding (P) 11:15 Muir (P) Hayes (R) Poad (P) Heddleston (R) Rick Nelson Paul Walden Stew Remaly Jim Bartholomew Bill Patton Edwardene Pitcock TBD Don Homar Mike Wooten TBD J. Bartholomew A. Gurrola R. Jones K. Kirkland T. Marsico S. Remaly Kirkland/Hoffheins Heintze/Jacobus M/M Thurston J. Wells N. Sage H. Parker J. Buckley C. Foster R. Stankwitz BJ McPherson J. Holm A. Powell J. Schmid E. Pitcock S. Caesar A. Marsico BJ McPherson J. Holm A. Powell J. Schmid E. Pitcock S. Caesar A. Marsico M. Merriam BJ/K McPherson Flower Guild M/M Jacobus M/M Jacobus M/M Bireley K. Kirkland M/M Heintze M/M Thurston TELLERS ALTAR GUILD FLOWER GUILD M/M Don Homar Faber (R) Sage (P) TBD LOCK - UP COFFEE HOUR M/M John Godley 1 APRIL Bob Davies Lane Phillips OPEN - UP S. Caesar 25 MARCH Tony Marsico Mike Vaughn Tom Bland Jim Foster Jim Heller Jan Hoffheins M/M Myers 7:45 M/M Paul Peterson 9:00 Roberta Fede 11:15 M/M Rick Nelson Sunderland (P) Cenci (R) USHERS Becky Wagner Pam Orel Sandra Caesar 18 MARCH M/M Buckner NURSERY L. Look Arnhart/Duggin L. Look B. Sweetser TBD Edie Bartlett M/M Ken Evans Doug Smith M/M Randy Haufe C. Hodge Anne Cannon GREETERS M/M Fuzzy Thurston LAY READERS M/M Dennis Myers M/M Dick Heintze Thorson (R) Marsico (P) P. Springer (P) Wagner (R) Muir (R) Thorson (P) Homar (P) Sassin (R) Hayes (R) Nelson (P) Heddleston (P) Cenci (R) R. Booth (R) M. Booth (P) Gastrell (P) Cockroft (R) Faber (P) Pasour (R) The Sunday Service Volunteers Schedule is also available at Pohick Church’s website, www.pohick.org, under “Ministries.” Pohick Episcopal Church March 2012 • Page 15 SUNDAY SERVICE VOLUNTEERS 4 MARCH 7:45 9:00 LC Rachel P LC Scott S SC Casey L T Amanda L T Ben S B Kathryn S 11:15 LC Travis F SC Slayton S T Will H T Sydney H B Keighan S 11 MARCH LC Jonathan C LC Dru H SC Jacob H T Mary B T Mac M LC Klint E SC Mitchell F T Parker L T Emily L 9:00 Rita Stankwitz Fred Crawford 11:15 Dick Hamly Denise McHugh 18 MARCH ACOLYTES 1 APRIL LC Hunter G LC David G TBD LC Kathryn V SC Hannah V T Mikey K T Elizbeth K LC Robert M SC Hannah G T William H T Catherine H B Melisa L TBD Carol Heddleston Terri Hayes Jackie Wells Micheyl Bartholomew Grace Delaune Nancy Sage LC Jordan C SC Graham H T Isabel H T Emily E DOCENTS St. Patrick’s Day Celebration Dinner The Brotherhood of St. Andrew, Pohick Chapter, will sponsor a dinner in honor of St. Patrick with traditional corned beef, cabbage, and all the fixings. The dinner will be held on Saturday, March 17 at 6:00 pm in the Common Room/Annex. This has always been a popular family event. Please buy tickets in advance from any Brotherhood ticket salesman or call Fred Crawford, 703680-1664. Don’t Forget! 25 MARCH Daylight Savings Time begins Sunday, March 11, 2012. Remember to set clocks forward one hour! LC Brad M SC Keighan S T Hayden S T Sydney T B Slayton S TBD Outreach The Lorton Community Action Center is providing food to a new family in the area. The family could benefit from a queen size bed and clothes/shoes for the children. The children are boys: age 8, shoe size 1, pants and tops size 8; age 11, shoe size 6, pants size 12, tops size L. The children will start school next week while the parents are actively looking for employment. Donations for this family can be left in the Common Room marked for the LCAC near the red food box. The LCAC should be called directly if a bed donation can be made. Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 2 Lorton, VA Pohick Church 9301 Richmond Highway Lorton, Virginia 22079-1519 Return Service Requested The Purpose of Pohick Church is to be a nourishing community where Christ’s love is experienced and taken beyond its walls. VESTRY • GRAM Sr. Warden: Jr. Warden: Treasurer: Register: Members: Mike Elston Stew Remaly Jim Bartholomew Kathy Kirkland Femi Ayorinde, Jud Bireley, Michele Booth, Tom Buckner, Jonathan Cooke, Andrea Gurrola, Rodger Jones, Tony Marsico, Kristina Myers, Tom Rivenbark, Leslie Schwoppe, Rita Stankwitz Pohick Church Vestry Date: _____________________ Subject: _____________________ To: The Vestry From: The Rev’d Donald Binder, PhD The Rev’d Lyn Youll Marshall The Rev’d Dr. Ruth E. Correll, Ed.D. Daniel Cenci Linda Egan Frances Sessums Rusty Booth Vonne Troknya Mike Morgan John Sessums Pohick Church Staff Rector: Assistant: Priest Associate: Seminarian: Minister of Music: Director of Christian Ed: Youth Minister: Parish Secretary: Finance Admin: Sexton: Telephone: 703-339-6572 • Fax: 703-339-9884 Church Office Email: [email protected] • Web Site: www.pohick.org
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