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Field Care of Your Game Meat
What You Do Affects What You Taste
If you have any experience in hunting you know that making the big kill is really just the
beginning. After you have your prize, you then have to take care of the meat in the field.
What you do at this point will affect what you taste later.
Field dressing game properly is the most important aspect of a successful hunting
venture. Deer and many other animals make wonderful meals if the game is well
processed out in the field. The flavor of the eventual meat greatly depends on the care
and timeliness of the field dressing. Many animals are wasted or not as tasteful because
hunters do not follow good meat handling rules.
Every time you hunt, expect to make a kill and travel with the tools you will need to
complete deer processing.
Those tools include:
• knife
• cooler
• ziploc bags
• disposable gloves
• cutting board
• marker
There are several guidelines
you should follow in the
field in order to take care of
the game meat in a timely
manner. These guidelines
will allow you to gain access
to tasty meals later at
Guideline 1
Always work on deer processing immediately after the kill. Never let it sit for a long
celebration. (But high fives and war whoops are in order.)
Guideline 2
If your knife is not sharpened, don't even bother to start deer processing. You will
damage the meat and waste a lot of time - use a Havalon, and you don’t need to worry
about losing your edge.
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Guideline 3
Remember to keep the animal carcass cool and dry at all times. Warm tissue allows
meat to spoil very quickly. Temperatures of 40 degrees or below are best.
Guideline 4
Cut off all of the things you will not be eating such as fat, meat that has been shotdamaged, and contaminated stomach or intestinal tissues.
Guideline 5
As you continue processing the animal, cut the meat into pieces that will fit into ziploc
bags. Seal the bags tightly for placing into the freezer. You can always go back later and
remove the sinew before cooking.
Guideline 6
If this is your first time butchering a kill in the field, it’s best to have help so the deer
processing can go quickly enough. Plan ahead.
Every hunter may have a slightly different method when it comes to deer processing, but
there are efficient methods that can help newcomers understand the process. The
following methods are tried and true for deer processing:
1. Remove skin and hang deer by head or front legs from a tree. Skin the deer from
neck down to keep the hair from getting into the meat. Pull the skin down and
cut off the lower legs.
2. Wash the body while removing any dirt, blood, hair, and damaged tissue.
3. Take the loins from the back bone. This meat creates the best steaks. We’ll
address aging the meat later.
4. Take the meat from the front and rear quarters and put it into the cooler.
5. Remove the front and shoulder neck meat for ground meals or stew.
6. Remove the hind quarter meat for roasts or stews.
7. Package all meats and label them accordingly. Make sure they fit securely into
the freezer.
The amount of time the deer processing will take greatly depends on you and your level
of experience. It should take an hour or two to remove the skin, wash the carcass, and
quarter the deer. It can also take an hour to remove the bones from the various
quarters. It also takes at least 2 and up to 6 hours to cut the pieces out, package the
meat, wrap it, and then store it. Experienced hunters can complete the process with
their eyes closed. It may take beginners longer, but if you follow these methods and
guidelines, the meat you will enjoy later will taste great.
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Tools For Processing Deer Yourself
Once you’ve killed the deer of your dreams, you then have to work on field dressing the
animal. After that is behind you, you will have to think about deer processing. Many
hunters take their deer to processing companies that can make certain cuts of meat for
them. It is also possible, however, to do the deer processing on your own. If you want to
complete the cycle from hunting to processing, there are many different tools you will
need. What you need will depend greatly on the types of meat you wish to form.
Some of the things you may want to
consider, depending on how many deer
you plan to process and what types of
meat you intend to enjoy are the
following items:
band saw
The Basic Necessities
The basic deer processing necessities are
much more simple. Every hunter will
need a clean place to work and sharp knives sitting right alongside knife sharpeners.
The work space should be cleaned with a water and bleach solution before any meat
touches it. It is also a good idea to re-clean the space often while the deer processing is
taking place.
Some hunters like to use their favorite knife and take frequent breaks to sharpen the
device. Others will keep several similar knives on hand so they do not have to stop deer
processing to sharpen the knives as frequently. Sharp knives are definitely the most
valued asset when it comes to deer processing. We’re learning that our Havalon
Baracuta with XT127 fillet blades and XT115 hunter’s blades are really good for
trimming meat down from large to smaller sizes and for removing unwanted fats and
connective tissue.
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Meat Grinder
Meat grinders come in many different versions including hand crank products or
products with electric motors. If you will be grinding a lot of meat, electric meat
grinders are worth the cost. The grinder should come with a few cutting disks to aid
with coarse or medium grinds. Coarse works best for jerky while medium is good for
You can purchase tenderizer and cuber attachments for most meat grinders, but the
hand crank cubers are
something to consider. All
you have to do is drop the
steak into the cuber, rotate
the crank, and watch the
cubed steak drop out. You
can even pass the venison
through twice to cut the meat
in two directions.
Generally, grinders and
cubers will get the average
hunter through the deer
processing event. However, if
you plan to make a lot of
jerky, you will also want to
add a dehydrator to your list.
Whenever you dehydrate, you
will want to make sure you are careful that the drying process does not run too hot. You
can end up with jerky that is not dry enough and jerky that is too dry. When it comes to
venison meat, you do not want to waste anything.
Prevent Spoiling Meat
The best thing you can do for the deer processing portion of hunting is make sure that
the meat does not spoil. This is true whether you plan to take the deer to a professional
or do it yourself at home. Take the right actions while you are still in the field. That
means right after you kill the deer, you need to gut in a reasonably short period of time.
Once you get the meat ready to move, keep it cool, clean, and dry.
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Venison meat, like any meat, can spoil quickly if it is not kept in the right conditions. It
is a good idea to have all of your tools ready and sanitized before you begin deer
processing so you can ensure that the meat can be prepared before it begins to spoil.
How To Butcher A Deer Yourself
Many deer hunters don’t enjoy the butchering process and prefer to have someone else
do it. We think it’s just a factor of getting used to it by experience. It’s a little
intimidating for those of us that didn’t grow up in a family where butchering was
commonplace. But you don’t have to be an expert in order to butcher a deer safely.
Anyone who enjoys hunting should also learn the basics in butchering. Even if you do
not do the complete processing on your own, it is a good idea to understand it so you can
prepare the meat properly.
Keep in mind that no matter how you butcher a deer, you need to keep the meat in a
cool, dry environment. If it is warm and sunny outside, you will want to take the deer
home as quickly as possible so the meat does not get too hot and begin to spoil. You
may have heard about the meat aging process, but even that process needs to take place
at a temperature just a few degrees above freezing. Hot weather can ruin everything
fast. If it is hot, throw an ice bag into the cavity after gutting.
It is helpful to hang the meat before beginning the butchering process. When you hang
the deer, make sure it is in a controlled environment that’s cool and dry.
Butchering Basics
In order to butcher a deer and secure meat that is safe to eat, make sure the venison is
transported to a cool, clean, dry location quickly. Have we said this enough yet? You
will need to have several things on hand anytime you hunt in order to do this when you
make a kill.
-10-15' rope
-Sharp skinning knife (nothing’s sharper than our Havalon)
-Knife sharpener (if you’re very old school)
-Cutting board
-Paper towels
-Plastic bags
-Rubber gloves
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Field Dressing
The first step in the process begins immediately after the kill. How you field dress the
deer will help determine how you butcher a deer later. First, you will want to lay the
deer on its side and tie the rope to one hind leg. Place the other portion of the rope
around a tree so the leg of the deer is extended, exposing the belly of the animal for easy
access. If it allows easier access, you can also tie the front leg up as well.
Next, cut the skin between the groin and the belly. Make sure you do not cut through
the muscles at this point. Once the first cut is made, continue to cut the skin from the
inside and take the reproductive organs away from the body. You need to remove the
urinary and other reproductive tubes between the legs carefully so you do not
contaminate the meat. Then, remove the rest of the skin from the body.
As you continue to remove skin, be careful you do not puncture the urinary tubes or
bowel section of the deer. It is even a good idea to tie off the bowel and urinary tube
with a piece of cord. This can help prevent contamination, but you will still need to be
careful where you cut.
Then, use your knife to make a small cut in the hide near the belly region. Pull the hide
apart by hand in order to expose the belly wall and its muscles. You can then cut
through the muscle without penetrating the intestines. Once the belly muscles have
been cut from the joints, open the chest cavity and cut the gristle away between the
breast bone and ribs.
Quartering Your Deer
After the game has been killed and you field dress the animal, deer processing can be
done in one of two ways. You can take the deer to a commercial processor, or you can
do it yourself.
Plenty of hunters simply take their kill to a commercial processor. It is convenient and
these companies are able to make special items from the meat such as jerky, deer sticks,
and sausage. Other hunters like to do the deer processing themselves. Some gather
with other hunters and process more than one deer at a time. Others simply enjoy
finishing what they started and completing the project on their own.
No matter what form of deer processing you choose to use, make sure you follow the
basic rules. You will need to:
-Keep the carcass clean, cool, and dry at all times.
-Bone out the meat.
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-Avoid cutting through the brain or the spinal column with any of the processing
-Store the meat until test results are available if the deer needs to be tested for CWD. If
the deer has the disease, dispose of the meat.
If you choose to carry out deer processing at home, you will need to know the methods
well in order to save as much meat as possible.
Your work space does not need to be fancy, just clean, cool, dry and sanitized. Your
knives need to be cleaned frequently during the process. Clean them in hot, soapy water
and rinse regularly between cuts and make sure the work area is regularly cleaned. It’s a
good idea to keep bleach
water solutions on hand to
keep everything sanitized.
Deer processing can be
narrowed down to three
main steps: skinning,
boning, and wrapping.
Hang the deer by its head
and try not to cut through
the hide while you remove
the hair. Keep the contaminated areas away from the meat. Cut the lower legs off and
be sure to keep the carcass cool, clean, and dry at all times.
Take the hind quarters, loins, neck meat, and inner tenderloins off of the carcass while it
is still hanging and put them into a cooler. You can then go back and remove the gristle
and fat from each piece one at a time.
In order to preserve every piece of meat, double wrap the meat in freezer paper and get
rid of any air pockets. Label the packages with the type of cut and the date.
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Deer processing can take a significant amount of time, especially for someone who is
new to the game. If you can keep things clean and orderly, your meat should taste great
and be safe to eat.
Processing Deer: How To Age Your Deer Meat
Aging Is The Key To Great Tasting Venison
Venison actually contains many of the same enzymes as beef such as lactic acid.
Venison, however, has a different taste and it is much lower in fat. You can get an even
better flavor from your deer by aging the meat in the proper manner. Aging deer is a
simple process, but it needs to be done with care to save the meat for consumption.
After the deer dies, it enters the rigor mortis stage. This stage
usually lasts about a day. During that stage, the muscles
contract and the meat is tougher to butcher and hard to cook
and eat. You don’t want to freeze the meat during this stage.
You can either hang the skinned deer in a very cool spot, or
quarter the deer and store the meat in a very cool
In order to allow the meat to age without decay, keep the meat
at a temperature ranging from 32-35 degrees. Make sure the
meat never gets any warmer than 40 degrees because at that
temperature, bacteria can begin to grow and the meat will rot.
Aging deer can take place over a period of 3 to 10 days or
more. There is no specific time.
The general rule of thumb is that the younger the deer, the less aging it needs. If you
have a mature buck, you may want the meat to age for 7-10 days in order for it to
become tender. Younger deer usually only take 3-5 days. You will have to work in a trial
and error type of way. The aging deer process will depend on many different factors
including the environment, the type of deer and many other things. Whatever you do,
make sure you have proper storage facilities with proper temperatures. Anything
outside the right temperature range will allow meat the chance to spoil.
After the aging process is complete, you want to freeze the venison to use later at your
disposal. It is a good idea to freezer wrap each piece of meat in moisture free
wrappings. You may want to use vacuum packaging to ensure that you get all of the air
bubbles out. This will keep the meat fresh for longer in the freezer. If any moisture gets
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into the meat, it will have a much more "gamey" taste and it can become tough. Venison
can usually be stored in freezers at 0 degrees for anywhere from 6 to 12 months. Make
sure you label each package with the date so you can keep track of it's age. If you are an
avid hunter, you may also want to label the package in a manner so you can tell from
which deer the meat comes. Try it out and enjoy that tender venison!
Killer Ways To Cook Venison
Yes, You Can Learn To Make Melt-In-Your Mouth Venison
Once you’ve claimed the big game, aged and processed the deer, and placed all of the
meat into the
freezer, you then
have to figure
out ways to cook
venison so you
and your family
can enjoy the
meat you
provided. There
are quite a few
ways to cook
venison. Some
of the methods
involve using dry
heat, grilling,
braising, and
even stewing. Here are some guidelines to help you make sure the venison is tender and
If you want to broil some venison, you will be most pleased if you use chops, steaks, or
loins. These pieces of meat have all the fat trimmed from them and they work well when
they are broiled. Since the pieces are lean, you may need to add a little salt pork or
bacon fat before you place seasoning on the meat. Then, preheat your broiler and let the
temperature rise before you place the meat on the rack. Make sure the rack is far
enough away from the heat source so the meat does not burn or get tough. Broiled meat
is usually done before you think it is so check it often.
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The best cuts for grilling are the rump and loin, but there are others that can turn out
well. You want to marinate your meat before grilling, or you can simply apply cooking
oil to each side. This helps ensure the texture of the meat is not tough after it is cooked.
Be careful if you add salt before grilling because that can make the game meat dry out.
Once the meat’s on the grill, cook it to your desired level and enjoy the great aromas.
Chops, steaks, and loins work well when pan-fried. These types of meat have no natural
fat, so you will likely want to add a little oil to keep the meat savory and moist. When
the pan heats up, season the game as you like, or you can marinate it for a few hours
before you throw it in the pan. I’ll dash a lot of tenderizer on the leanest cuts and fork it
in to help prevent tough chewing. Once the pan is ready, set the meat in and watch for
the blood in the cut to appear on the top. Once you see this reaction, flip the meat over
and repeat the process until it’s done.
Oven roasting is good for the rib roast or loin portion of the deer. Before you begin
cooking the meat, make sure it’s free from excess fat and then season it with any herbs
or spices you might enjoy. Do not add too much salt, however, because this can dry the
meat out during the cooking process. Save salt for after it is cooked. That’s a good rule
for any meat. If it’s a bone in roast, put the bone on the bottom of the pan. Let the meat
sit in the oven at 300 degrees for 20
minutes for each pound of meat in the cut.
Use a meat thermometer to make sure the
center of the meat is ready before you
remove it from the oven.
There are many other ways to cook venison
including braising, stewing, grounding and
plenty more. Experiment with small cuts
of meat to find your favorite and then you
can go back and cook more in the ways you
most enjoyed.
Venison can be switched out for red meat in any of your best recipes, with one big
warning sign, “Caution – Tough Chewing Ahead.” Venison is a naturally lean meat.
That can lead to putting a hockey puck on everyone’s plate if you don’t manage it right.
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Six Tips For Serving Great Tasting “Killer” Venison
1. Never overcook venison or other lean meats. They will dry out and become tough.
Venison is not usually good past the medium well range. If you choose to roast the
venison, try covering the pan with foil for the last 15 minutes. The juices will spread out
evenly and the meat will cook with less drying.
2. Slow methods of cooking, such as roasting, are generally the best way to keep the
venison moist.
3. Do not add salt to the meat before you cook it. Salt can remove juice and dry venison.
Salt is for the table or at least for right before serving.
4. Make sure all the connective tissues are removed before you cook venison. These
tissues leave an undesirable taste that can ruin the overall affect. Our Havalon Baracuta
with fillet blades is great for trimming venison! I guarantee you’ll love it, and if you
don’t, we’ll give you your money back.
5. Marinating venison is highly recommended. The acids in a marinade (like wine,
vinegar or citrus juice) help tenderize the meat and add flavor. Oil in the marinade
helps keep the meat moist.
6. Venison burgers taste great on the grill, but they may need extra moisture since the
meat is very low in natural fat. You may want to wrap a piece of bacon around the
patties or place an egg in the mixture to bind it together as it cooks. I often lay a strip or
two of bacon over meat roasts too. With bacon, how can you go wrong?
Five Tips for Delicious Venison Roasts
Large cuts of venison roast can be quite delicious if you follow the above tips and keep
these guidelines in mind.
1. Prime cuts are best for venison roasts. Look for the top round, the rump roasts, or the
sirloin tips for dry heat roasting. These cuts are already tender and it does not take long
for any slow cooker to make them into a great meal.
2. If you want to use a high temperature method, choose a roast with 2-5" of thickness.
Or, you can pick a thinner piece and roll it up. The roast can reach a medium wellness
in the oven at 400 degrees in 10-20 minutes. Roasts cooked to well done may shrink or
dry out.
3. Check the meat with a thermometer to read the level of preparedness as it roasts. The
USDA recommends an internal temperature of 160 degrees Farenheit for venison roasts.
When the roast is five degrees below the temperature you want, take it out of the oven.
The internal temperature will rise 5 degrees ten minutes later.
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4. Low temperature roasting is good on tender cuts, or even less valuable cuts like the
bottom round. It is a good idea to put bacon in with the meat so that it will become
more moist and tender as it cooks. On low heat, the roast can be cooked to medium or
well without becoming tough.
5. Moist heat cooking is a good way to tenderize a venison roast. You can choose tough
cuts like the shoulder roast and brown the roast in hot oil along with various flavorings.
The meat will become tender on the stovetop or in an oven set to around 350 degrees.
Great Recipe for Venison Steak
Anyone who loves hunting deer knows how delicious this low calorie meat is when
prepared correctly. You want to be careful not to overcook the meat because it can dry
out quickly if left too long in any warm temperature. If you want to start simple, enjoy a
good venison round steak. The meat will tenderize as it slowly cooks within the oven.
First, lay the pieces of steaks in a
large pan and cover them with
water and a dash of salt. Be sure
that you do not add too much salt
because it can quickly dry the
meat out during the cooking
process. Let the concoction soak
for an hour. Soaking the meat in
this solution will draw some of
the blood from it and help
improve flavor.
Once the venison has soaked,
drain the water and rinse the
meat with clean water. Pat the
steaks dry and set them to the side. You will next get the steaks ready by putting a slight
amount of pepper on each side. Then coat each piece with flour.
Brown the steaks in hot oil placed in a skillet. Do not cook the steaks completely
through at this time. You will want to just lightly brown the steaks on both sides. The
rest will finish cooking when you place it in the oven.
After the steaks have been browned in the skillet put them in a large pan lined with foil.
Add enough water to cover the bottom of the pan and then cover the pan with foil. Cook
the steaks at 325 for an hour, give or take ten minutes. Make sure you check the steaks
often and add more water if it evaporates. Experiment with other additives like wine,
tomato sauce, onions and mushrooms. All of these add moisture and flavor to the meat.
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Teriyaki Deer Steak
Prepare the steaks in advance by placing them in a shallow dish with vinegar, honey, oil,
garlic, soy sauce, red pepper flakes, and ginger. Marinate the steaks in the dish in the
refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour. Make sure you flip the steaks
over at the halfway point so all the meat gets exposure to the marinade.
Next, preheat your grill or broiler to cook the steaks. Throw the marinade out and as
you place the steaks on the grill or in the broiler, make sure they are not too close to the
heat source. If you are concerned about the meat getting too dry, make a reserve bowl of
marinade and baste the steaks from time to time.
How To Make Deer Jerky
If you are an avid hunter, you are probably known for taking various cuts of venison to
family gatherings and neighborhood parties. If you really want to be the talk of the
town, learn how to make deer jerky. Deer jerky is easy to transport, easy to store, and
most importantly, delicious!
There are two main types of jerky: sliced or pressed. Sliced jerky is made from a lean cut
of meat that is free from gristle. You can use beef, elk, or really any other red meat in
place of the venison. Sliced jerky generally comes from the hind quarter of the deer, or
the area known as the round. If you plan on making jerky with the meat, you would use
the same region of the deer where you get steaks. The difference is, instead of cutting
the meat against the grain, as you would for steak, you will cut the meat with the grain.
Pressed jerky is made from ground meats that are pressed together and formed. You
will also want to choose very lean portions of the meat for this type of jerky. You will
then mix dry seasonings in with the meat, much like you would if you were making
sausage. This is the more popular form of deer jerky because hunters can get more
variety in flavors due to the various seasonings.
After the meat has been cut and prepared, you will need to dry it out in order to make
the deer jerky. There are three main options when it comes to drying the meat.
1. Oven Method
Preheat your oven to a low temperature like 150 and take the meat out of the fridge. Put
the meat on clean oven racks or a metal screen. Make sure the slices are spaced apart,
not touching. Any overlapped areas will not dry properly. Put the racks with the meat
into the oven, but leave the oven door open so the steam can escape. Leave the meat for
6 hours or more until you have reached the level of dryness you desire. Oven
temperatures can vary so check in on the jerky every few hours. Make sure you are
home during the entire process.
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2. Dehydrator Method
Check the dehydrator to see if it needs to be pre-heated. If it does, set it to the highest
temperature. Get the meat out of the fridge and put it on the dehydrator racks. Make
sure the slices are not touching so they will dry properly. Once the dehydrator is heated
up, put the racks of meat in and turn it to its highest setting, usually between 145-155
degrees. Set the timer for 8 hours, but remember, drying times can vary. It is a good
idea to check it every hour or two and stay home while the drying process completes
3. Smoker Method
Heat the smoker to 180 degrees and remove the meat from the fridge. Put the meat on
smoker racks and make sure the slices do not touch one another. Put the racks of meat
on top of the smoker and dry the meat at 180 degrees for around 3 hours. Do not add
any smoke or you will see liquid pool on the jerky. Adding the smoke is the very last
step. Soak your wood chips in water before you add smoke so the chips will smoulder
instead of burning. Once the deer jerky is dry, it should feel a bit tacky, then add water
to the wood chips to enhance the smoky flavor.
Wicked Venison Stew
First, prepare the venison for cooking.
Rinse the meat under warm water. Any
of the boneless cuts of meat will work
well for the stew. If you are using steaks,
you can cut them into cubes and put
them into a large pot.
Next, peel and quarter onions. Generally
3-5 medium sized onions will be enough
for the stew. It might seem like a lot of
onions, but they will cook down into the stew and add to the overall flavor. Add three
peeled and chopped carrots. You will then add one cup of soy sauce, one cup of oil, and
a small can of tomato paste. You do not even have to mix the ingredients together
because they will blend on their own as they cook.
Let the concoction cook on medium so there’s some bubbling going on for 45 minutes.
The juices will blend and the meat will get a chance to heat up. Then, empty a package
of frozen green beans on top of the mixture. You do not have to stir them in at this
point. Simply let them steam on top of the stew. You will cook the entire mixture on
low for at least an hour. It will not hurt it to sit longer. Often, overcooking venison
brings about bad results with tough meat, but the stew juices make the meat more
tender. Add salt and pepper to taste.
After the onions cook down and the meat seems tender, stir the entire mixture to make
sure the beans and other ingredients are evenly distributed. You can serve this stew
with mashed potatoes, bread, wine, or whatever else you choose.
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Easy Venison Chili
If you enjoy chili, you can take out the beef and add venison for a new flavor. There are
plenty of varieties and options when it comes to learning how to cook venison. Chili is
just one of the great ways you can use the meat you have captured in the wild.
If you want to keep things simple, the easy venison chili recipe will not take you very
much time. You will need 1 package of chili mix, 1 cup of minced green pepper, 2
pounds of ground venison, 2 cups of water, 1 cup of minced green onion, and 1 can of
tomato sauce.
Saute the green pepper and onion in a small amount of oil. Then, add the venison until
is browned through. Next, the chili mix, water, and tomato sauce get thrown into the
mix. Cook the chili on the stove on low heat for an hour and when it's done, you can
serve it on buns or in bowls.
Texas Venison Chili
They say everything is bigger in Texas and the same can be said for the taste of Chili that
is named after the large state. To learn how to cook venison Texas style, you will need
the following ingredients: 2 pounds of venison, 1 cup of chopped onions, 2 minced garlic
cloves, 1/4 cup of vegetable oil, 3 tablespoons of chili powder, 3 1/2 cups of tomatoes, 1
green pepper, cut into strips, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 cup of water, 1/2 teaspoon of salt,
1 cup of tomato sauce, and 2 cups of kidney beans.
Once the ingredients are nearby, brown the venison in vegetable oil, but take care not to
overcook the meat. Then, add the garlic, onions, and green peppers as you stir and cook
the mixture for 5 minutes. Next, throw in the sugar, tomato sauce, salt, water, chili
powder, and tomatoes. Let the mixture simmer for an hour to an hour and a half. Right
before you are ready to serve the chili, add the kidney beans to complete the recipe.
Count Your Blessings
Are you hungry yet? When we eat the meat gained by our own sweat and skill as a
hunter, it seems like our sense of thanks for the blessings of life and the land runs a little
deeper in our spirits. How about you, do you know that feeling? Enjoy the hunt.
About the Authors
Pat Carrothers is president and chief executive officer of Havel’s Inc. and Havalon
Knives. Paul Schwartz is division sales manager of Havalon Knives.
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