Document 193453

Financial Aid Quiz
Name 4 of the 5 charges that factor in to the total
cost of a year away at college.
a. tuition
b. room
c. board
d. books
e. fees
=COA (Cost of Attendance)
2. What is the FAFSA form and why should everyone fill
it out?
-Free application for federal student aid.
-In order to get any financial aid.
3. When is the first day a senior can fill out the FAFSA?
-January 1st of their senior year.
4. What month will a senior find out EXACTLY how
much college will cost him/her to attend college the
following year?
5. What is the maximum amount of PELL Grant money a
student can receive?
6. What is the maximum amount of federal stafford
loans a student can take out as a freshman?
7. What does EFC stand for in the college financial aid
-estimated family contribution
5. What is the CSS Profile?
- an additional financial aid application required by
some private colleges/universities. Available on
How to find your financial “need”
COA (cost of attendance= tuition/room and board/books/fees)
EFC (estimated family contribution)
Financial Need (grants/loans-parent & student/work study)
***Find a practice FAFSA at This will give you your
Financial Aid Timeline
College A
College B
via Financial
Aid Letter
College C
Sources of Financial Aid
 1. Need Based Aid: Grants received from state, federal,
and colleges based on family’s EFC determined by the
 2. Merit Based Aid: From either the university or
community scholarships based on student success in
 Athletics
 Arts (vocal/instrumental/theater/fine arts)
 Community Service
Sources of Financial Aid
 3. Gift Aid: Money received from a university in the
form of a grant or scholarship based on need or merit.
 4. Self Help:
 Loans
Student either subsidized (government pays interest while
student is in college) or unsubsidized (student pays interest
while in college).
Loan repayment begins 6 months after graduation or if
student drops out of college
Student loans are not eliminated by declaring bankruptcy
Sources of Financial Aid
 5. Parent PLUS Loan
Parent begins repayment 60 days after final dispursement.
This is typically March of freshmen year. There will be another
loan each year for the next three years.
 6. Student Employment
The student works on campus up to ten hours each week and
it typically paid weekly. This amounts cannot usually be used
to pay for COA
 Directly from Colleges
Merit based and usually are determined by GPA and test
Check for a separate application.
Pay attention to deadlines!
 Private Entities
Check with your parent’s employer
Conduct a national college search (online)
Pay attention to local scholarships (posted on FC)
Student Loan Information
Student Loan Information
Helpful websites