From the publishers oF ➤ Sound systems for every budget ➤ How to turn an average audio system into something amazing ➤ Fine-tuning your listening room ➤ Celebrity Q&A with Earth, Wind & Fire’s Ralf Johnson special report HIGH-PERFORMANCE AUDIO separates are the way to go when you want a topnotch listening experience. Pictured here are a few of Krell’s amplifiers, sAcD/cD player and preamp. Maximizing Your Listening Enjoyment The pieces and parts that turn an average system into audiophile gold. By Grant Clauser compressed digital files, inexpensive mass produced components, poor understanding of basic audio concepts and the general fast pace of our lives all contribute to a condition where people believe that the washed out lowrange sounds that come from their earbuds or desktop speakers are perfectly adequate. This couldn’t be further from the truth. A high-performance audio experience isn’t dif- When most people walk into a home have risen for the first time since 2004. And ficult; nor does it require esoteric equipment or electronics store, the big screens are usually we’re talking actual, physical media, not digital second mortgages. However, it does require what initially grab their attention. Yet for most sales (which are also up, by the way). Music the consumer to slow down long enough to of the history of home electronics, music was clearly is still important. listen and learn about the differences between the focus, and that focus was played through two speakers. 48 There are other signs that the audiophile a good and great audio system. in all of us is starting to break out. Turntables Talk to people over a certain age (I won’t and LPs are popular again, and not just the Hear Like An Audiophile say what age), and they’ll wax nostalgic over USB turntables that allow people to rip their Our ears, despite years of abuse by loud con- their first stereo system—usually purchased in old albums to their iPods. certs and July 4th explosions, are pretty good college, or shortly after when they landed that first Bob Cole, president of World Wide Ste- at hearing fine detail. The problem is that we post-college job. So why has music taken a back reo in Montgomeryville, Penn., actually thinks often don’t let them, so we don’t know what seat to video? Is music no longer important? flat-panel TVs have contributed to increased we’re missing. Cole notes that most people The answer clearly is that music still is interest in quality audio products. “The thinner don’t believe they can hear like audiophiles important, but our hectic lifestyles have pulled the TV panel, the worse the built-in speakers so that they can hear the difference between us away from one of the greatest pleasures sound,” he says, which is leading more people good sound and bad sound, but he knows technology can provide. In fact, Nielson Sound- to invest in receivers and speakers to balance from experience that they’re wrong. “It’s in our Scan—the company that tracks what people out their entertainment system. DNA to tell the difference between sounds. listen to—released a report in July revealing Even so, many people are still missing out that in the first half of this year, album sales on the true beauty of their favorite music. Overly ElEctronic HousE Sept ember 2011 We survived in the wilderness by hearing.” Try this experiment. Go sit in your backyard HIGH-PERFORMANCE AUDIO special report after midnight with a friend or spouse and have What About Personal Speakers? a normal conversation. Then stop talking. Pay There are plenty of times when large speakers attention. Before long you’ll be surprised at how that fill a room with sound are just not ideal loud your backyard really is. You may hear insects because the rest of the people around you and animals you never noticed, maybe a freeway don’t want to listen to your music. This doesn’t that’s a mile away or the hum of a neighbor’s TV. mean you have to resort to the little white Everyone is capable of fine detail appreciation, earbuds that came with your digital player. if they just let themselves notice it. Audiophile-quality headphones are becom- And that’s what high-performance audio is ing more readily available and more popular. about—hearing the things you didn’t know were High-performance headphones can pro- there. From the subtle rasp of a guitar pick on duce an incredibly accurate and detailed sonic the E string or the inhale between words in experience due to the inclusion of better dia- a verse. These things are the texture and life phragm materials, better fit for sound isolation of music, but poor quality gear can’t reveal and better component construction. it. Once you hear it, you can’t live without it. Setting Up Your System The Components You’ll Need Your room is as much a part of your sound The typical iPod speaker system or all-in-one system as the quality of the needle cartridge home theater-in-a-box system can’t deliver the on your turntable. Many seemingly mundane subtle nuances your music contains. High- things can impact how your system sounds, performance products include more finely from where you place your speakers and your tuned parts, audiophile-grade construction listening chair to the kind of floor covering and hand-built attention. in your room. Here are a few simple tips to The ingredients of a high-performance get you started: system aren’t complicated: a quality source 1. For your critical listening space, avoid component, most likely a CD player; a preamp room sizes with dimensions that are multiples or integrated amplifier and processor, full-range of each other. This will reduce the likelihood speakers (a subwoofer may be optional depend- of “standing waves” that occur when sound ing on the specifics) and quality interconnects bounces off the walls and interferes with the and speaker wire. Additional components, such direct sound waves coming from your speakers. as a turntable, power conditioners, high-end 2. Don’t place floorstanding speakers tight iPod dock, DAC (digital to analog converter), up against a wall. The speaker needs room to and a media server can also be added. Many perform, and putting them too close will over audiophiles opt for individual amplifiers (called emphasize the low frequencies and reduce monoblocks) for each speaker channel. accuracy. Most floorstanding speakers need Audiophile amps are usually solid-state or to be at least a foot from the wall. tube-based. Some class D (digital) amps can 3. Toe in your speakers. The left and right be found in audiophile-grade products, but not speakers usually will need to be aimed to- usually. Many high-performance components ward the center listening position for ideal go out of their way to isolate the signal paths sound. This will get the music directly to you to prevent contamination of the audio signal. with the least amount of interference from Speakers will use high-quality driver the side walls. materials, such as Kevlar, aluminum, layered 4. Listen for vibrations. Are there any knick- ceramic composites, magnesium and beryl- knacks that may rattle? Glass tables that may liumor, rather than paper. The speaker cabinets cause reflections? Windows? Secure and/ will be made of highly-braced MDF (medium or cover anything that may vibrate or cause density fiberboard) or metal, but not plastic. reflections. Speakers play a big role in the reproduction of music. Paradigm’s Signature S8 reference series speaker is made of premium materials both inside and out to maintain the sonic character of your music collection. ElEctronicHouse.c o m 49 special report HIGH-PERFORMANCE AUDIO Earth Wind and Fire’s Ralf Johnson’s Audiophile Experience Jazz, high-end McIntosh speakers and new full-spectrum Monster earbuds are some of his essential listening tools. Earth, Wind and FirE has been craft- In L.A. in the ’60s we had this incredible jazz ing its transformative sound of R&B, funk and station KBCA 105.1, and I fell in love with Have there been any recent technologies rock for about 40 years, racking up such ac- jazz. So when I got to the point where I was that have impacted how you make or ex- claim as six Grammy Awards, four American making some money with Earth, Wind and perience music? Music Awards and induction into the Rock Fire, I decided that one day I was going to I keep going back to McIntosh. Now McIn- and Roll Hall of Fame. buy myself the ultimate killer stereo system. tosh includes a USB port in their preamps A few days before the superstars played So one night in 1977 I went to a place called which allows you to take something like your the Welcome America celebration on July Federated Stereo, which was a big chain in laptop and play your MP3 collection, which is 4th in Philadelphia, they stopped by the L.A., and bought myself McIntosh Audio and what I do at home. That’s a great plus. Digital Montgomeryville, Penn., showroom of JBL speakers. I still have my dual turntable technology is constantly improving. audio/video dealer World Wide Stereo with a Shure V15 cartridge. to chat with specially invited customers and What was the impetus to develop earbuds to show off their new Gratitude earbuds, What other audio equipment do you use and headphones with Monster? which the band is launching this year in at home? Noel Lee [the Head Monster] is a big fan of collaboration with Monster ( I have Vienna Acoustics, the Mozart model, the band and he wanted to do something. We At that event, Electronic House and I also run a subwoofer, which is an M- saw what was happening with the Dre Beats got some one-on-one time with drummer audio subwoofer. What I like about Vienna and thought, well, maybe Earth, Wind and Fire and vocalist Ralf Johnson to discuss his Acoustics is there’s a hollow chamber in could come out with headphones. So we talked love of music and the importance of the the bottom where you put sand, and that about it and started to develop a plan and now audiophile experience. helps solidify the bass. I’m only listening to we’re here with the Gratitude in-ear speakers. two-channel stereo. Not 5.1 surround—just As a music professional, how important is give me two-channel stereo, and I’ll be fine, How involved was Earth, Wind and Fire in the quality of your listening equipment? not to say that home theater won’t be in the development of the Gratitude earbuds? It’s important because you always want to my future. We were quite involved. During our last meet- know you’re getting a true reference. You 50 ing in San Francisco, Monster asked me to want to feel like you’re hearing music at What audio elements are you listening for come down and give them a listen and I told its optimum. Some years ago I wanted to in your music? them “this is a very fine in-ear speaker.” make sure my listening experience was I’m listening to rhythm, I’m listening to melod- Once we heard the prototype we gave it always going to be excellent, so I bought ics. I’m listening to the choral palette that’s the go-ahead and that was it. This was not a McIntosh audio equipment, which I still going on within the song, but beyond that I’m project where we just said, “Yes, go ahead and use today. listening to the frequencies that are coming put our name on it and call us in six months I got turned on to stereo and audio at a very back to me as I’m sitting in front of the stereo with the check.” We wouldn’t release anything early age because of my father. He brought system. Is there a balance between the bot- until we thought it was right. The quality of what home this wonderful Harman/Kardon Citation tom end, mids and the highs? That’s what we have done musically has to transfer over 2 FM receiver, and I just fell in love with FM. I’m looking for. to the headphone. —GC ElEctronic HousE Sept ember 2011 HIGH-PERFORMANCE AUDIO special report Prepping Your Room for Great Sound Acoustic treatments can vastly improve the audio quality of your sound system. messing with your room design. They usually protrude only a few inches from the wall, and manufacturers offer a variety of great-looking options that can actually enhance your decor. Whether your room could use more absorption, reflection or diffusion, the actual treatments can be concealed inside fabric wall panels. You can choose the color, texture and style of the fabric to complement your room design. You can also use acoustic treatments as By Robert Archer an opportunity to redecorate. Some acoustical For decades, audiophiles have searched the problems exist in your listening space and manufacturers invite homeowners to choose for the Holy Grail of sound. During this time, fix them by installing a variety of acoustical treat- an image to appear on the panels. This can most of their efforts have focused on equip- ments. For example, he might hang absorptive be a photo of your children, a rendering of a ment changes—from turntables and CD players panels on the walls to tame the reflections or favorite painting or a movie poster, for example. to swapping out amplifiers and cables. Often place some diffusers near the back of the room The panels can be designed with a wooden overlooked, though, are the acoustical charac- or on the ceiling. Diffusers help spread the audio frame and finished or stained however you like. teristics of a listening space. evenly throughout the space. There are also Another benefit of acoustic paneling: When A trained custom electronics (CE) pro may materials that prevent sound from escaping the the right fabric is used, you can use them to be the best person to fine-tune your listening room and outside noises from interfering with hide in-wall speakers. The sound filters through room, but it doesn’t hurt for homeowners to know your listening experience. “The last thing you the fabric and into the room unaffected. a thing or two about acoustics. If fact, there are want to hear is the toilet flushing [when you’re many simple modifications you can make to your listening to music] or a loud passage ,” says Dr. room now to improve the way your music sounds. Bonnie Schnitta, a professional acoustician. Why Treat Your Room? Attractive Options You’ve made a sizable investment in your Don’t worry about acoustical treatments While their job is to make a room sound better, acoustical treatments, like the fabric panels on the wall of this home theater, can also function as decorative elements. Theater design by First Impressions Theme Theatres, Miami, Fla. sound system and music collection. You’ve trained your ears to pick up on the nuances of certain songs. You’ve become a real audio aficionado, and you demand that the music you play sounds as close to the real thing as possible. This is rarely possible, though, without the addition of some acoustical treatments. What often results without acoustic treatments is echo. Hard surfaces like wood flooring, large banks of windows, even a glass coffee table can cause the sound waves to bounce uncontrollably around the room. This effect is called reflection, and too much of it is a bad thing. Conversely, a room could have too much absorption of sound, making it difficult to hear certain parts of a soundtrack. This is what’s known as a sonically “dead” room, and is often caused by too many soft materials such as draperies, cushy couches and carpeting. The desired effect is a balance of reflection and absorption. A CE pro can determine where PhotograPhy by alan ShaPiro ElEctronicHouse.c o m 51 special report HIGH-PERFORMANCE AUDIO 2-Channel Audio Systems for Every Budget Audio experts offer recommendations for building blissful systems. Since the advent of home theater, die- ➤ Marantz CD5004 CD player, $349 hard audio enthusiasts have complained about ➤ Pro-Ject Debut III Turntable, $369 the public’s waning interest in two-channel ➤ Pair of PSB Image T6 loudspeakers, $1,199 sound systems. ➤ Pair of Audioquest G-Snake About 10 years ago, however, as people Interconnects, $39 rediscovered the joys of music, the pendulum ➤ Pair of Audioquest 14-Gauge of public opinion began to swing back in favor FLX-14/2 speaker cables, $45 of two-channel (stereo) electronics. The convenience of the Apple iPod and the growing Total: $2,500 penetration of digital audio technologies has Compiled by Natural Sound, Framingham, been met in part by the reemergence of the Mass., vinyl LP, and the two-channel audio hobby is $5,000 System once again an entertainment option for millions. Unlike the golden era of audio of yesteryear, Terry Menacker, founder of Overture Ultimate today’s music lovers have a diverse choice of Home Electronics, is a strong supporter of audio components, ranging from digital stream- the theory that good audio doesn’t have to ing devices and digital-to-analog converters cost a fortune. His recommended system (DACs) to traditional tube amps and turntables. brings media diversity to a standard stereo To explore some of the options, Electronic system. In addition to a CD player, FM radio House asked four experienced A/V profes- and digital audio broadcasting, the sug- sionals to recommend their ideal two-channel gested Rotel A/V receiver can stream con- audio system. tent from the Internet. Its built-in 100-wattsper-channel amplifier drives a pair of Focal $2,500 System Chorus 836 speakers, each which feature Eric Gaunt, a sales consultant for Natural three woofers, a single midrange driver and Sound, is enthusiastic about the components $2,500 mance audio system. “I feel that the current “They have fantastic dynamics, a good, full- line of Marantz products is outstanding for the bodied sound and are very easy and pleasant money,” he says. “The receiver has a fantastic to listen to,” he explains. “I think when you amplifier section for under $500; it competes combine the openness and detail of the Ma- with products that are closer to $800. It also rantz products with the warm, easy-to-listen-to includes a nice built-in moving-magnet phono elements of the PSB speakers, you get great stage and a good tuner. synergy [between the components].” Gaunt mated the Marantz electronics with Image T6 Floorstanding speakers from PSB. 52 ElEctronic HousE Sept ember 2011 a single tweeter. ➤ Rotel RCX-1500 Integrated Audio/ that comprise this value-minded, high-perfor- ➤ Marantz SR4023 80-Watt Stereo Receiver, $499 Video Receiver, $1,500 ➤ Focal Chorus 836 V Loudspeaker, $2,995 per pair ➤ Tributaries Series 7 SL8 Speaker Cables, $345 for a pair of 10-foot cables Total: $4,840 Compiled by Overture Home Electronics, Wilmington, Del. HIGH-PERFORMANCE AUDIO special report $5,000 $10,000 System Targeting a budget of $10,000, Stereo Exchange’s digital audio specialist Cosmos $10,000 ➤ Kimber Hero balanced 1-meter $20,000 cable, $200 ➤ Kimber 8TC speaker cable with ba- Heidtman chose products that have earned nana termination, $480 for 10-foot pair high levels of sound and a user interface that’s respectability in their categories. “Bel Canto ➤ Kimber B-Bus AG USB cable, $125 regarded as the best in consumer electron- products feature excellent jitter rejection ➤ Kimber V21 digital coaxial cable with ics, he says. “At the $20,000 price point, I [timing differences between internal digital BNC adapter, $68 for 1 meter can’t think of a more musically fulfilling and components] in its DACs; solid build quality, ➤ WaveLength Audio Wavelink USB fun system to own than a Meridian/Sooloos small form factors and efficient, high-current to S/PDIF converter, $900 combination.” He pairs the Sooloos by Me- designs,” he says. The Vienna Mozart Symphony ➤ 2 Shunyata Venom c13 power ridian Control 15 with Meridian’s DSP5200 speakers, meanwhile, “have phenomenal bass response for a 2.5-way speaker, and they love cables, $99 each Total: $10,061 high-current, solid-state amplifiers.” To round Compiled by Stereo Exchange, New York, out his theoretical all-digital system, cables from N.Y., as pure and clear coming out of the speakers as it is going in. ➤ Meridian/Sooloos Control 15 Media Server, $7,500 Kimber and Shunyata will help the products perform to their potential, Heidtman says. active speakers to ensure that the signal is $20,000 System ➤ Meridian DSP5200 Loudspeakers, $15,000 per pair ➤ Bel Canto DAC 2.5, $1,995 Products from Meridian Audio comprise the ➤ Bel Canto REF 500 amplifier, $2,595 bulk of this $20,000 audio system arranged ➤ Vienna Acoustic Mozart Symphony by Greg Abplanalp, vice president of Definitive Compiled by Definitive Audio, Audio. Meridian’s products provide users with Bellevue, Wash., —RA speakers, $3,500 Total: $22,500 ElEctronicHouse.c o m 53 HIGH PERFORMANCE AUDIO LEARN ABOUT SOUL by LUdacriS® SL300 The SL300 model offers superior noise cancellation technology combined with sleek style and professional sound. The comfortable over-ear design seals in sound and blocks out ambient noise, for a truly private listening experience. It boasts powerful sound amplification for studio quality balance of deep bass and crystal clear mids and highs. The convenient foldable design and hard protective case makes these the ideal headphones for the on-the-go music professional or tasteful traveler. Plus, it comes with 3.5 mm to ¼ inch adaptors for easy transitioning from MP3 players to amps. The premium Gold or Black/White color combinations add stylish and unique flair. $299 USD — Available Now SL150 The SL150 model features an on-ear design for professional sound and distinct personal style. Engineered for powerful deep bass with mid and high clarity, these foldable headphones feature a Chrome-on-Black color combination as a well as a Whiteon-Black option. $199 USD — Available Now About SOUL by Ludacris® Expression, Passion and Superior Sound are at the core of the SOUL by Ludacris® experience. Here to prove that style and sound quality can coexist, the SOUL line offers an array of personal audio products that masterfully balance elements such as world-class noise cancellation technology with superior sound quality, allowing you experience the full range of your music. Pair that with an award winning design team and the expressive vision of world renowned artist Ludacris, and you get the first headphone that effectively merges style with professional acoustics. SOUL Electronics US Headquarters 1025 Greenwood Blvd. • Lake Mary, FL 32746 (407) 936-9990 • Advertisement HIGH PERFORMANCE AUDIO LEARN ABOUT krell S-1200 3D Surround Sound Preamplifier/Processor The heart of our surround sound preamp/processors are their sound quality. We start with a great sounding preamplifier and then pair that to the latest in surround processing technology. The S-1200 3D includes our finest audio and video engineering plus the latest in connectivity technology. Decoding for high resolution True HD and DTS MA Blu Ray movie soundtracks are included as well as 3D video compatibility. These advanced technologies pair elegantly to an interface configurable for a user’s preferences making the S-1200 3D an uncompromising centerpiece for a reference music and home theater system. The suggested retail price is $11,500. Evolution 2250e Stereo and Evolution 3250e Three Channel Amplifiers Boasting technology sourced from their award winning larger siblings, the new amplifiers provide the immense power and refined performance that are the hallmarks of every Krell amplifier. Sharing the same advanced high speed output devices, massive power supplies, and unique Krell Current Mode circuitry, the Evolution 2250e and 3250e amplifiers deliver performance that was previously reserved for products costing far more. Power output of 250 W per channel into 8 ohms and 500 W per channel into 4 ohms will drive any loudspeaker to its full dynamic capability. The suggested retail prices are $8,000 and $10,000, respectively. About Krell Founded in 1980, Krell Industries is the world’s premier manufacturer of high performance audio and video equipment. Its amplifiers, preamplifiers, CD/DVD players, surround-sound processors, and loudspeakers have won acclaim in countless reviews, and among audiophiles worldwide. Krell Industries, LLC 45 Connair Rd. • Orange, CT 06477 (203) 799-9954 • [email protected] Advertisement
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