OATSmUL MOtJNTAIN NEWS :.Páge E lé^t L^al Notices, Second Ski C enter Is Begun in A ndes Oiurch Servkes Pine HUl M argaretville, N. Y., H iursday.'M ay 23, M63 Oliverea Halcottville Chntch new* to be inicrted ia tiüa By W illiam E . Griiffin By Mrs. Barbra Gavette ' ' By Mrs. Helen Merwin Biut reach the ITewa office not Paul J. Grommeck of Andes and com— Halcottville, May 20 Uter than Monday erenlns of pnblicatiow Oliverea, May 20 NCXnCE is hereby given that W aldemar Derke of Delhi have week. Pine H ill, M ay 20 Summer liq u o r License 13-SI/- launched plans to have a new 100Alexander Shaver of Pough Joe Donahue hsus returned from 66 has been issued to the imderkeepsie spent two days last werfc Dry Brook Met&odlst Chnrcb, •Mr. and Mrs. David Funk spent the Benedictine hospital. signed under the provfeions of acre ski center in operation by Roger L. Dixon, m inister. Sunday the weekend w ith their son aind a t the home of old friends, M r. Christmas on 3,345 foot M t. the Alcoholic Beverage Control ■niere w ill be a Central Catskills and Mrs. W illiam A. Davis. daughter-in-law, M r. and Mrs. service: 9:30, worship. Law to sell liquor, wine "and Pisgah in the town of Andes. Dan Funk, and sons at Bloomfield, directors meeting at the upper beer to be consumed on the W ork has already begun on the fleischm aim s Methodist Church, N. J. Simday Dan and his fam ily ski lodge at Belleayre m ountain Miss Linda Rowe, daughter of premises where sold at the project, and the promoters expect Roger L. Dixon, minister; Sunday acccanpanied them home. They-' Thursday, May 23. M atters of M r. and Mrs. O iarles B. Rowe, Bireezy H ill Hotel, Breezy H ül that it wiU be 80 to 90 per cent services: 10, Sunday school; 11, returned later to New Jersey. general importance w ill be .dis who was in the M argaretville hos Road, in the village of Fleisch- com pleted'by December. worship. ■ cussed. \ pital following an accident, has remanns, N. Y. R uth Hecht, The builders are planning two M r. and Mrs. A. Rothm an and tuirned to her Bragg hoUow home. Sehna Jackson, Irene Vogel, H alcott Center M e t h o d i s t lifts to be installed this year to The' Big Indian-Oliverea Board Roxie Spellman spent frran Sun d /b /a Breezy HUl Operators, Church, Roger L. Dixon, m inister. Mrs. N athaniel L attin is spend Breezy H ill Road, Fleischmanns, serve trails, plus a ski lodge, w ith Sunday services: 10, Sunday day u n til Wednesday Isist week of Trade w ill hold a dinner a]t the ing this week in Poughkee^ie as N . Y. 2m23c snack bar, ski shop, first aid sta school; 8 p. m., worship. ^ w ith their d iili^ n , Mrs. P. Mint- Log Cabin June 6. tion, office and rest rooms at the the guest of her daughter, Mrs. zer and Micháel Rothman, and John R(»sitz and George Bedell Melvin H. Torbeck, who is teach 2,400-foot level. Parking w ill be Saint Margaret's Church (Epis their families in the Bronx. Sun NO TICE TO CREDITORS attended a Sunoco-dinner at Kass copal) Orchard street, near the day Mr. and Mrs. P. M intzer en ing near there. M r. Torbeck is Pursuant to an Order of Hon. laid out for 500 cars. Other plans include snow-pack- hospital: Simday eucharist and tertained 12 fam ily members at a inn last Thursday evening. spending a week at his home in W alter L. Terry, Surrogate of the church school at 9:15 a. m. Coimty of Delaware, m>tice is ing equipment, additional lifts and diimer party in honor of Mother^s M r. and Mrs. Bruno Steinbom Nebraska. hereby given to a ll persons having a 500-acre residential area w ith ^ . Pine W ill Conummity Church, day. have oi)ened their home after Chief of the firé department, riaim s ag£dnst HOW ARD P. Swiss chalet type homes on the Clifford Green, m inister. The reg spending the winter in New York. How£u:d Slauson, who has resigned, THOMSON (a/k /a HOW ARD P. 1,200-acre Grommeck tract. ular worship service w ill be held . W alter K(rfilman of New York THOMPSON) late of the Town of This w ill be the second ski cen in the church at 9:30 a. m. Sun arrived at his summer home. His Plans were made at the Big was succeeded by his son, Harvey. Delhi In said County, decease^ day, May 26. ter in Andes. The Andes ski cen meat m arket is being made ready Indian-Oliverea Ladies Auxiliary The position of secretary and that they are required to exhibit for the season. meeting last Tuesday evening for treasurer, which has been filled the same w ith the vouchers there ter opened last winter on the route Jay Gould M emorial Reformed a strawberry festival to be held by W illiam A. HubbeU, who has of, to toe subscriber, the Executor 28 side of M t. Pisgah. The area Church, Roxbury. Thiu^day: 7:15 Mrs. B. Dreifus left Monday to in June. Mrs. Midge Herdman so many activities he felt he could of the said deceased, at the law is still under development. p. m , choir rehesirsaL Saturday: offices of Donald M. Fenton, Esq., tion in church basement. Sunday: spend a couple of weeks w ith her was welcomed as a new member. not continue, has been taken over a t M argaretville, N. Y., on or be 7 p. m., Youth Fellowship recrea- daughter, Mrs. Alfred Rosenthal, New committees were appointed by John/ Finch of Halcottville. LEGAL NOTICES fore the 19th day of July next 9:30 a. m., Simday school; 10:30 and fam ily at Syosset, L. I. by the president. They are: So The members of the HalcottDated January 7, 1963. cial, Mrs. Laura Eignor; welfare, vill^D enver Card dub, who. haire NOTICE is hereby given that a. ntL, worship service; 6:30 p. m., Terry Roberts of this village Youth Fellowship at church house. DOUGLAS A, FAULKNER License No. 38-SL-557 has been Mrs. Eelanor Eignor; member closed their activities for the sea Executor and Mrs. Ann Diñnenny of Phoe issued to the undersigned under ship, Mrs. Adele Hamza; emer ClovesvUIe Bible Baptíst Church, Donald M. Fenton the provisions of the Alcoholic Fleischmanns, Rev. C l i f f o r d nicia attended the Highland hair gency, Mrs. Laura Aley and Char son, enjoyed a banquet at A l’s A tfy for Executor, Beverage Control Law to sell Wenck, interim pastor. May 26: dressers film festival a t Bear lotte Levine. Fifteen members of Seafood diner in Phoenida. *There M ai^aretville, N . Y. jy4c was a large attendance and a most liquor, wine, cider and beer to Sunday school, 10; m orning wor M ountain Inn on Monday. the Auxiliary gathered at Cobble enjoyable evening was spent. be consumed on the premises ship, 11. Wednesday evening stone inn "Tuesday événing for M r. and Mrs. Jerome Schwartz where sold, at Cr^onin’s Patio NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEET Sunday school teachers meeting, U oyd Finch of Roxbury, who Inn, route 28, Phoenicia, N. Y. 7:30. Thursday evening choir re were recent evening guests of Mr. dinner. IN G OF THE ELECTORS IN heis purchEised the former Chester •John J. Cronin Sr., d/b/a hearsal and prayer meeting, 7:30, and Mrs. A1 Ricci at Pioughkeepsie. COMMON SCHOOL DISTRICT The Friends of the Church w ill Cronin’s Patio Inn, ,route 28, at the chxutih. j NO. 10 O F THE TOW N O F Mead property, is engaged in re M r. and Mrs. Herbert Dawson hold a church fellowship s u p ^ r modeling and renovating the Phoenicia, N . Y. ‘ 2m30c M IDDLETOW N, DELAW ARE M argaretville - New Kingston and daughters of New P altz were at the Big Indian firehouse May house. He has rebuilt the kitchen, COUNTY, NEW Y O R K NOTICE TO CREDITORS Larger Presbyterian Parish, Rev. Mother’s.'day dinner guests and 24 at 7 p. m. Bring a covered added closets and rewired most The Board of Education of Pursuant to an Order of Hon. Central School D istrict No. 1 of W alter Li Terry, Surrogate of the A rtnur F. Kopp, m inister. M ar the following Saturday guests of dish. of the house as well as painting the Towns of Middletown, Andes, County of Delaware, notice is garetville: 9:30, m orning worship; her parents, M r. and Mrs. J. L. The Shandaken blood ^bank is the interior. I t wiU be a fine upBovina, Roxbury, Delaware Coun hereby given to all persons having 10:45 a. m., church school. New Schwartz. Robert M ann and Herty, and Hardenburgh, Ulster claims against ED IT H O’CON Kingston: 9:45 a. m , church bret Fay of New York were Sat dry. There wiU be a blood bank to-date home when completed. County, New York, hereby gives NOR, late of the Town of Middle school; 11, morning worship. 'The drawing May 28 from 7 to 9 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. P. Taylor Woodin notice that a Speciál Meeting of town, in said County, deceased, M argaretville Women’s association urday m orning visitors at the at the town hall. Refreshments of Schenectády spent a short time the electors in Common School that they are required to exhibit w ill meet Friday evening at 8 at Schwartz home. wiU be served. We urge all resi last week at the home of his D istrict No. 10 of the Town of the same w ith the vouchers there the home of Mrs. Charles HolMayor and Mrs. Edwin France dents of the township to give blood mother, M r. and Mrs. Frank W. Middletown, Delaware Coimty, of, to the subscribers, the Execu- dridge. spent Tuesday and Wednesday at this tim é if possible. Your Snúth. New York, vdll be held at the tore of the said deceased, at law Sacred H eart Church. Sunday w ith her parents^ M r. and Mrs. blood donation is greatly needed. StQne Schoolhouse in said D istrict offices of Donald M. Fenton, Esq., Masses at the usual tim e: 8 a. m. Eric Johnson, at North Chelms Mrs. Eva H ait entertained Ijer on the 11th day of June, 1963, at at M argaretville, N. Y., on or be niece and two children at her 8:00 o’clock in the P. M. of said fore the 23rd day of August next. at Fleischmanns; 10 a. m. at M ar ford, Mass. garetville w ith procession for chil day to vote upon the following homé last Sunday. Dated February 11, 1963. dren for the coronation at 9:45 M r. and Mrs. Herbert TruesdeU proposition: ANNE M. O’CONNOR . a. m. and 11:30 a. m. Mass at and Herbie of Andes, M r. and Mrs. Shall the Board of Educa Miss R uth Glendenning of EDW ARD I I O’CONNOR Andes. Holy day Masses on As tion of Central School D istrict A uniform farm price of $3.76 Elingston was a decent guest at Executors cension Thursday w ill be at 7:30 James Sm ith Jr., June and Dale, No. 1 of the Town of Middle Donald M. Fenton a. m. in Fleischmanns, 6 p. m. at this village, were Simday evening per hundredweight wiU be paid the home of her aunt, Mrs. Pru town, Andes, Bovina, Rox A tt’y for Executors, M argaretville and 7:30 p. m. at dinner guests of the ladies p a for A pril mUk deliveries to pool dence HHnkley. bury, Delaware County, and tents, M r. and Mrs. Qarence Mer handlers in the New York-New Margaretville, N. Y. au22c Andes. Hardenburgh, Ulster County, A baby shower was held at the win, and DouglaSi Jersey milkshed. This was the New York, sell and convey to NOTICE OF COLLECTION Kingdom HaU of Jehovah’s W it Grange haU May 16 in honor of same price paid in April, 1962. Everett W . Herrick of MarO F TAXES nesses, Arkvüle. Sunday, May 26: Mrs. Larry H o g an .a n d Mrs. Mrs. Gerald Green of Denver. garetwUe, NeW York, the TAKE N O n C E , that I, the 3 p. m., public talk, “Relief From Edna Knigge of Bearsville called The March price was $3.95. school site and school building The producer butterfat differ Friends and neighbors gave- her a undersigned Collector and Village Tension in a Troubled W orld,” by on friends in this village Friday of said District, commonly ential was set at 5.8 cents for large number of gifts which the Clerk of the Village of Margaret R. Zimmerman; 4:15 p. m., Watchknown as the Stone School ville, have received the tax roll tower study. 'Tuesday, May 28: afternoon. each tenth of a pound of fa t above baby, now a few weeks old, w ill house, for the sum of $505.00, and w arrant for the collection of 8 p. m., book study. Thursday, . Judge and Mrs. Christopher or below the 3.5 per cent standard. enjoy. and make, execute and deliver taxes for the fiscal year 1963- May 30: 7:30 p. m., m inistry Receipts from producers were The contract has been let for to said purchaser a quit claim 1964, and that I w ill attend at school; 8:30 p. m ., service meet Burke, and daughter, Susan, of up 23,713,237 pounds froin April, deed of and for the same? the painting of the Grange haU the VUlage Office in the Fire H all ing. A ll persons of good w ill New Berlin were Sunday guests Dated May 13, 1963. _ _ _ ’ Building, Church Street, in said welcome. of M r. and Mrs. E. L. íY aiice and 1962. Consumption of flu id milk The annual chicken barbecue wUl D O RR IS E. GAVETTE fam ily. Judge and Mrs. Burke increased by 10,087,658 pounds. be held at the Grange haU Sun Village, from Jim e 1, 1963 to July 4je6c Clerk 1, 1963, from 9 o’clock in the totaled 1,067,505,787 day, May 26, at 12:30. Advent C iiristian Church, Rev. have a new grandson, M artin Receipts m orning un til 12 o’clock noon, ex Albert Larcombe, m inister; Mrs. Scott, born to M r. and Mrs. pounds, compared to 1,043,792,550 cepting Saturdays, Sundays and Robert Van Benschoten, organist. ChrM opher Burke Jr. M ay 15. pounds last year, an increase of NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE holidays, for the purpose of re 10 a. m., church school for all ’ SALE 2.27 per Cent. F luid sales climbed ages; m orning worship, 11; Youth ceiving such taxes, during which M r. and Mrs. Sigfried Wurz- from 445,496,400 pounds last year STATE OF N EW YORK period taxes may be paid to me Fellowship w in meet at 8 p. m. burger of Lake W orth, Pla., M r. to 455,584,058 pounds this year. Shavertown, May 20 SUPREM E COURT ___ Tuesday the youth choir rehearsal and Mrs. A rthur Pelky of Jam aica, w ithout additional charge. TOe Leland Titches sold their This was an increase of 2.26 per COUNTY OF DELAW ARE at 4 p. m. Wednesday the Bible 'T A K E NOTICE FURTHER, herd of Jersey cows. A few beef that on all such taxes remaining Bees and King|s Jewels class at L. L, arrived at their homes on cent. £md dairy heifers’remain. Thése M ERCANTILE unpaid after July 1, 1963, five 4 p. m., the Deeper lif e hour at Statirai road for the season ThiusIN D U S T R IA L day. ...... FACTORS CO- IN C., tiiey are "botffding” for then: p«rcentum wiU be eiaded for the 8 p. m. The quartely business P laintiff, first month, and ah additional meeting of the Advent Christian tion of oMcers was held.. G ifts grandsons, u n til they return from W ari^n G. Sm ith attended the -againstchurch w ill be held following the one-half of one percentum for were brought for the birthday box Haw aii. TMs year has been very K A R L K RA N SO M H & G. IN each m onth and fraction thereof m ftming service Stmday, M ay 26. éight-day bourse of Ford' sales to be sent to a missionary’s daugh-, dry. Vegetation is three weeks VESTORS CORPORATION OF thereafter, im til paid. ■ A ll members are asked^to remain manship a^A lbany. ter in Alaska, Business meeting slow. CA LIFO RN IA , also known as Dated May 20, 1963. to take care o f the business of your was conducted by the vice-presi > . W on IM rd ^lace H . & G. INVESTORS CORP. church. W ALTER J. ODELL Fishing has been so bad in the dent, devotions by Mrs. F in di. O F CA LIFO RN IA , ÍNC., PEO Clerk and Collector of the Joyce Sm ith participated in the P L E O F THE STATE OF NEW Refreshments were served by the upper readies ‘ of ffte reservoir Village of M argaretville, go-kart races at Denver Sunday hostess. Helen Merwin of this and the smaU tributary streams YORK, E M IL SALZER, ERN A Margaretville, New York afternoon, coming in third. Her village was re-elected secretary that some of the camps in the SALZER, 2m30c father, Georgie- Balcom, Lowell for the fifth consecutive term and community have been posted as Defendants. By Mrs. MUdred Streeter LEGAL NOTICE and W arren Sm ith and Laura W hite Cross secretary for the being for sale. These same camps H alcott Center, May 20 Pursuant to a judgm ent of fore Notice to Bidders were fUled w ith happy and suc Cowan attended the races. eighth term. closure and sale, didy made and Re: School Buses cessful fishermen last season. Mr. and Mrs. George Maglaias entered in the above entitled ac To A ll Prospective Bidders: Mrsl Betty Shapiro of New York Mrs. K. Donoff entertained her tion and bearing date the U th day The Board of Education of and fam ily of Long Island spent spent the weekend here w ith Bruce W inner has been rebuUdnephew and fam ily from New of January, 1963, I, the under School D istrict No. 2, Towns of the weekend at their home here. relatives. ' ing the smaU spring-fed pond be York for the weekend. signed, the Referee in said judg Andes, Delhi and Bovina, County hind the Del Savio house. Luiz m ent named, w ill sell at public of Delaware, State of New York, J. Mrs. M arie Ejssock moved into D r. and Mrs. O. H. Reisser, Mr. M r. and Mrs. H arry George Jr. recently brought a new buUdozer auction, at the front door of the requests sealed bids for: One 30- her apartment in the George and Mrs. David Leff sj)ent the of CaldweU, N. J., spent the week for that purpose. Streeter house Monday. office of W EISS & K LEIN FELD , passenger school bus. weekend at their homes here. end w ith her mother, Mrs. W. ESQS., at M ain Street, Fleisch This vehicle, chassis and body, The annual June dinner of the V isiting Scandinavia manns, Town' of Middletown, shall meet at the tim e of delivery The annual choral and string Simmen, at Orchard Park house. church wiU be held in the church County of Delaware, State of New the Regulations of the Commis Mrs. George Crosby left by bus music festival was held at the The Ladies A id society of the the first Wednesday in the month, York, on the 13th day of June, sioner of Education of the State 1963, at 11:00 o’clock in the fore of New York R elating to School for New York city Friday. She Reginald Bennett school Friday Pine H ill Community church wiU June 5. noon on that day, the premises Bus Rules, Standards and Si^ci- took a jet from Idlew ild airport to evening. Joy and K athy Graham, have a white elephant table at Néw York state surveyors were and personal property directed by fications, the rules and regulations Copenhagen, Denmark, where her Doima Osterhoudt and Clinton the an n u ¿ bazaar in August. said judgment to be sold therein of the Motor Vehicle Bureau and aunt, Mrs. Francis Leyman, met Cure of this village were in the Item s such as costume jewelry, in this area last week identifying described as follows: the rules and regulations of the her. They motored to Gothenberg, chorus. M r. and Mre. Frasiér books, pictures, toys, etc., if do the property Imes in and about “A LL that certain plot, Public Service Commission of the Sweden, to Mrs. Leyman’s home, Cure and Vincent, Daune Graham nated w ill be appreciated. These the lower reaches of Beech hiU piece or parcel of land, w ith State of New York. where Mrs. Crosby w ill spend the and son, Timothy, Donald Oster-; m ay be le ft at M arguerite’s or stream, an area where the state’s the buildings and improve Detailed specifications m ay be next three weeks. houdt and Richard Cable attended caU Mrs. WoUner. line crosses the highway and ments thereon erected, situ secured from the clerk of the from this village. stream a t several points, as both ate. lying and 'being in the Andes Central School District, Roads Inspected A1 Rothm an spent several days stream and road wind in and out Town of Middletown and Andes, New York, or of the Super Mrs. Robert Myers and little County of Delaware, State of vising Principal of the Andes Peter Cross of Prattsville, as sons spent the weekend w ith her this week w ith his d a u ^te r, Mrs. across i t The other properties New York, bounded and de Central School. sistant county superintendent of mother, Mrs. R . Sandt, a t Wood- P hilip M intzer, and famUy in the involved were Brinley, Hoag and scribed as follows :Bronx. Sealed bids are to be in the highways, was in town Thursday Dunn. BEG IN N IN G in the center hands of the clerk of the Andes inspecting roads. The county also stock. of the highway leading from Central School, Andes, New York, had men repairing county roads Timothy G. Remick and son, F l e i s c h m a n n s , formerlj^ not later than 12:00 noon, D.S.T., Robert, spent Saturdáy at their G riffin Comers, to H alcott Tuesday, June 4, 1963. They w ill the past week. Rose M ountain home. Center at a point being south be publidy opened in the office of ÍR&. and Mrs. James Peet ar west comer of the O iarles the Central School Building, rived in H alcott Friday after ' Blood Bank a t Allaben Gordon Lot, and running Andes, New York, at 12:00 noon, spending tl\e w inter in Florida. . thence along the line of Aaron D.S.T., June 4, 1963. The town of Shandaken blood LocHnis Lot a W esterly course The Board of Education wishes M r. and Mrs. A llan Roberts bank w ill havé a drawing M ay 28 42 rods 16% links to the cornet bids after allowing trade-in . ner of the w all on the hill, credit on a 55-pupil capacity 1947 spent Sunday w ith friends. in from 7 to 9 p. m. in the town hall at Allaben. The Ladies auxiliaiy Unadilla. thence a souther^r course Mack. to Pine H jU fire department is along the cross w all on the FRE D TEMMING, Building H ay B am top of the bank 8 rods 2% soliciting donors at I£ghm otm t President of Board of Education links, thence a n easterly L IL L IA N McLEANand Pine H ill. Stanley Kelly is building a hay direction down the h ill, 25 Clerk of Board of Education bam where his bam bum ed last rods and 9 links to the center Howard, little son of M r. and 2m30c ^ fall. of the aforesaid highway, Mrs.. Howard VanLoan of LEGAL NOTICE thence , 36 rods 1%- links to Thomas Ballard, who spent last mount, was baptized at the morn Notice to Bidders the place of beginning, con The Board of Education of winter employed at the Gordon ing services in the Pine H ill Com taining 3% acres of land more Andes Central School, Andes, New fann, left Thursday for California m unity church M ay 12 by Rev. or less. York, requests sealed bids for the w ith his brother, who now lives Clifford Green. EXCEE*TING and reserving following: therefrotti the part or parcel there. Mrs. Leonard Ellsw orth of M ilk Supply for school year. 1963of the above described prem 64 M r. and Mrs. Vincent d a r k Kingston and Mrs. Clarke Leidiises deeded to Herbert Gordon Coal Supply for school year, 1963- M d fam ily, who have been living ing Of Port Ewen called on rela by deed dated A p ril 10th, 64 1 ^1 , and recorded in the in Fleisdtunanns, moved back to tives Sunday afternoon. Ice Cream Supply for school year the John Van Valkenburgh house office of the Clerk of the Charles Slater, Robert Myers, 1963-64 County o f Delaware on A pril this week. this village, and Robert Sandt of Specifications, instructions and 15th, 1901, in Book #130 of quantities can be obtained froin Deeds at page 592. M r. and Mrs. Charles Ploutz Woodstock enjoyed a fishing trip the school office upon request. TOGETHER w ith a ll right, have been victim s 6f hard ^ Id s to Saranac lake Saturday and Bids are to be submitted by title and interest of, in and Sunday. 12:00 noon to the undersigned on liie last week. to the land lying in the streets June 4, 1963. and roads in front of and ad Mrs. Frank S a n c h i s and Bids w ill be opened publicly joining said premises. Frankie, Mrs* H arry Allen and June 4, 1963, at 12:00 noon. The TOGETHER .with a ll fix Jeffrey spent Saturday and Sun Board of Education reserves the tures, chattels and articles of The severe winter killed a day at Providence, R: L Frankie right to reject any or a ll bids. personal property now or large number of fis h , in small, had an interview at the Rhode L IL L IA N W . McLEAN hereafter attached to or used Island school of design. Clerk, Board of Educátion shallow ponds and lakes. in connection w ith said prem A t Shallow Sandy pond on Lake IN STRU Cm ON TO BID D ERS: ises, together w ith any and M r. and Mrs. Francis Oster 1. Bids must be submitted on the Ontario, thousands of fish, includ a ll replacements thereof and ing walleyed and jio rthem pike, houdt of Kingston were Sunday attached bid form. additions thereto.” 2. Proposals shall be enclosed in an bass and carp, died of suffocation dinner guests of his mother, Ik&s. Dated: M ay 2, 1963 opaque envelope and be marked during the winter. Sim ilar con Stanley Osterhoudt. GEORGE MARCUS w ith the name of bidder and the ditions were encountered in many Referee Elected F ifth Time item or items on which bid is sm all bodies of water. PO LA N & M ICK EN BERG submitted. Attom eys for P laintiff ITie ladies Missiónary society of A department spokesman said Office & P. O. Address 3. The Board of Education reserves ARKVILLE, N. Y. the right to reject any or aH that the .thickness of ice covering the Clovesville Bible Baptist 277 Broadway the water prevented replenish diurch m et w ith Mrs. H£u:x)ld bids. Suite 1 3 0 1 _ ^ ^ '7 ~ ^ W right Wednesday evening. Elecm ent of oxygen supplies. New York 7, N . Y. 6je6c 2m30c BLACK-TOPPING BY Peterson Paving Co. — ---^WE GO ANYW HERE----8 Years Experience of State rad M unicipal Paving Gtves Ton Modem Methods <■Liong - TVTnviTyinm Streng;th Afid the NEW NON-SKID SURFACE, specially developed for driveways, sidewalks and play areas. FO R FR E E ESTIMATES Call Margaretville 586-4246 BENNY^S ITALIAN RESTAURANT Finest Italieui Home Cooking SPAGHETTI ALDENTI MANICOTTI SCALLOPINE LASAGNA AND OTHER ITALIAN SPECIALTIES We Make the Most Delicious Neapolitan Pizza ' -------^ Popular Prices Maplehurst, Roxbury, N. Y. Phone: Roxbury 7791 F arm M ilk P rice F or A pril $3.76 Shávertown Pleasant Valley Howto wring out cellar dampness Dampness caused by air borne moisture condens ing in your cool cellar can cost you money. Rusty • tools, warped woodwork, ínüdew . . . all can be avoided if you injrfall an electric dehum idi£ier. These quiet little workers are easily portable, actually re move gallons of water per day from moist air. And they cost just pennies per week to operate. See your local appliance dealer soon. S P E C IA l. O F F E R ! Get this usehil Taylor Humldlguide Cworth $2.95) for just 98^ when you discuss a dehumidifier with any dealer listed bdow. Registers indoor temperature and humidity. . . suitable for desk or walL CUSTOM SPRAYING SERVICE For All Crops U v e B effer Eleetrically S P E C IA L V A L U E S N O W O FFERED AT Pesticides and Weed Control Any Acresige C old K illed Fish SPECIAL i For Appointments Phone Margaretville GLF ■Serpee 586-2643 M IK E W R A N O V IC S OFFEK! Get this use^l Taylor Humidiguido (worth $2.95) for Ju« Registers Indoor temperature and humidity. . . suitable for desk or wall M argaretville F urniture Store Flione 586-1368 ...W hen you discufs air eondIttonFng*«itti u$l
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