1 1 How to Save America THE ONLY WAY WE CAN BREAK THE POLITICAL LOG JAM AND RETURN OUR NATION TO SANITY AND PROSPERITY THE CHANGES THAT MUST BE MADE - HOW THOSE CHANGES CAN BE MADE THIS INFORMATION HAS BEEN PRIVATELY PRODUCED AND IS NOT SUBSIDIZED OR PAID FOR BY ANY ORGANIZATION America is headed for trouble unless it solves several problems. These problems will not be solved by marches through the streets, camping in public parks, riots, or terrorism. That could result in governmental havoc and produce a totalitarian, military dictatoriship. We must make the changes through our legal system of enacting laws, constitutional amendments, and court actions. This will require contacting legislators and demanding that the needed changes be implemented. This presentation will clarify what our primary and secondary problems as a nation are, along with suggestions for how to solve them. The changes must be made without destroying our Constitution or our legal system. Our nation was founded by good men who had high Christian principles. The result of their efforts was a governmental system which was superior to any other one on earth, and founded on several outstanding personal freedoms. —————— — TABLE OF CONTENTS — PART ONE consists of a brief overview of the two basic problems which, you will quickly see, are closely interlocked. Unless they are solved, America cannot return to prosperity. PART TWO reveals how the lawful manner in which Americans can solve these problems. PART THREE and onward will provide you with a far-ranging coverage of many other problems which need to be corrected in order to return America to its full, former prosperity. — PART ONE — A BRIEF HISTORY THAT EXPLAINS OUR PRESENT CRISIS 1 - TWO MAJOR RISING TRENDS 3 - MAJOR LOW TRENDS BETWEEN THE HIGH POINTS 4 - TWO MAJOR RISING TRENDS — PART TWO — THE ANTI-CODEX METHOD PRESSING CONGRESS FOR ACTION: THE ANTI-CODEX METHOD — PART THREE — THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: MASSIVE WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF A FEW 1 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: THIS BASIC PROBLEM IS WIDESPREAD 2 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: SOLUTIONS TO THE CONTRIBUTION AND LOBBYIST PROBLEM 3 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: 2 2 IT BEGINS WITH CAMPAIGN FUNDS 4 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: PACS AND SUPER PACS 5 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: CRASH 5 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: WHAT THE 2007-2008 CRASH BROUGHT TO AMERICA — PART FIVE — TRYING TO TACKLE THE PROBLEM ON THE STATE LEVEL TO OUR FINANCIAL CRISIS 6 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: 1 - HOUSING: ONE EXAMPLE OF THE POWER OF SPECIAL INTERESTS IN THE U.S. - THIS ONE ON THE COUNTY LEVEL THE HOME MORTGAGE CRISIS MUST BE SOLVED SO IT CAN NEVER BE REPEATED 7 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: A FEW PEOPLE DECIDE EACH POLITICAL ELECTION 2 - HOUSING: A CLOSER LOOK AT HOW THIS CRISIS DEVELOPED 3 - HOUSING: — PART FOUR — PREDATORY HOUSING LENDING HOW WE GOT HERE: THE CAUSES OF OUR TWO BIG CRASHES 4 - HOUSING: THE FINAL REPORT OF THE U.S. FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY WISE WORDS BEFORE WE BEGIN 1 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: 1 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: THE MASSIVE EXTENT OF OUR FINANCIAL PROBLEM A BRIEF HISTORY: CAUSES OF THE 1929 CRASH 2 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: 2 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: THE FEDERAL RESERVE WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM IN THE GREAT DEPRESSION 3 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: TRENDING TOWARDS OUR PRESENT CRASH 4 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: A CLOSER LOOK AT THE EVENTS INVOLVED IN OUR PRESENT DEREGULATION WAS A SIGNIFICANT PART OF THE PROBLEM 3 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: RETURN OUR BANKS TO THEIR PROPER FUNCTIONS 4 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: OTHER FLAWS IN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM SHOULD BE SOLVED 5 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: EVEN CAPITAL HILL AND THE WHITE HOUSE ARE PROFITING FROM IT 1 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: 3 3 THE WEALTHY MUST PAY THEIR SHARE OF TAXES 2 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: WARREN BUFFET TELLS IT ALL 3 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: AN ASTOUNDING COBURN REPORT 1 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE U.S. NATIONAL DEBT IS ALREADY MASSIVELY LARGE 2 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE U.S. NATIONAL DEBT IS ABOUT TO BECOME INCREDIBLY LARGER 3 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: OUR TRUE NATIONAL DEBT IS NOT 14 TRILLION, BUT $211 TRILLION 4 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: SUMMARIZING OUR FABULOUS SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICAL CARE PROBLEMS 5 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: TRYING TO SOLVE FEDERAL MEDICAL CARE COSTS 6 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE URGENT NEED FOR INCREASED OVERSIGHT AND AUTHORITY BY THE GAO FABULOUS WASTEFUL SPENDING OF MONEY IN IRAQ 10 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: MEDICARE AND MEDICAID HAVE THE MOST FRAUD AND WASTE — PART SIX — THE MAJOR SOLUTIONS CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE — PART SEVEN — THE SPECIALLY DIFFICULT PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVED — PART EIGHT — OTHER SOLUTIONS THAT ARE NEEDED REQUIRE THAT BANKS START RELEASING MONEY IN LOANS OBAMA’S FLAWED MEDICAL INSURANCE LAW WE NEED COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTERS THE IMPORTANCE OF PRESERVING U.S. FAMILIES MODIFY CHILD LABOR LAWS SO CHILDREN CAN HELP OTHERS AND LEARN TO WORK 7 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT GOVERNMENT HELP FOR HELPING FAMILIES WHO CARE FOR THEIR OWN WASTEFUL PROJECTS: MONEY JUST THROWN AWAY THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY FARMS 8 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: IMMENSE FLAWS IN OUR PROTECT THE FARMS INSTEAD OF FISH MILITARY EXPENSES 9 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: OUR STATE DEPARTMENT’S IMPROVE HIGH SCHOOL COURSES PRISON FARMS 4 4 WOULD HELP PRISONERS PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRISONERS TO BECOME CHRISTIANS AND LEARN SKILLS STOP PREDATORY LAWSUITS STOP FEDERAL SUBSIDIES TO THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY BEGIN DRILLING IN THE ALASKAN NORTH SLOPE THE OVERSEAS MANUFACTURING PROBLEM OVERSEAS NUMBERED BANK ACCOUNTS LABOR UNIONS REDUCE TOTAL U.S. EMPLOYMENT OUR EVER-LARGER ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM OUR MEXICAN BORDER FENCE OUR “BORN IN AMERICA” PROBLEM MAKE ALL GAMBLING ILLEGAL REDUCE MANDATORY DRUG SENTENCES MUSLIMS IN OUR PRISONS INCREASE TAXES ON THE SALE OF UNHEALTHY FOODS SEPARATE HIGH-ACHIEVERS FROM LOW-ACHIEVERS IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES PROVIDE OUT-OF-CLASS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT INCREASE FUNDING FOR THE U.S. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM — PART NINE — THE TIME HAS COME FOR CHANGES TO BE MADE WE MUST SOLVE OUR DEEPENING MORALITY CRISIS THE FIRST AMENDMENT GUARANTEES THE RIGHT OF FREEDOM TO PRACTICE ONE’S RELIGION IN AMERICA THE HISTORY OF U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT — PART TEN — SIGNIFICANT QUOTATIONS FROM EARLIER IN OUR HISTORY PROTECTING OUR NATION 5 5 — PART ONE CONTENTS — A BRIEF HISTORY THAT EXPLAINS OUR PRESENT CRISIS 1 - TWO MAJOR RISING TRENDS IN THE 1920s BALANCE OF WEALTH IN THE 1920s You are going to learn that prosperity cannot return to America unless these two flaws are corrected. Of course, there are other problems which also need to be solved, but these two are basic. A way will be shown whereby this can be successfully done,—because it has successfully been done a number of times in the past. POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE 1920s 2 - HIGH POINT OF THE UPWARD TREND WAS 1928 1 - TWO MAJOR RISING TRENDS IN THE 1920s BALANCE OF WEALTH IN 1928 BALANCE OF WEALTH IN THE 1920s POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN 1928 3 - MAJOR LOW TRENDS BETWEEN THE HIGH POINTS (1929-1999) BALANCE OF WEALTH IN THE 70 YEARS BETWEEN 1929-1999 POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE 70 YEARS BETWEEN 1929-1999 4 - TWO MAJOR RISING TRENDS IN THE 2000s WEALTH IN THE 2000s POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE 2000s 5 - HIGH POINT OF THE UPWARD TREND WAS 2007 WEALTH IN 2007 POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN 2007 —————— — PART ONE — A BRIEF HISTORY THAT EXPLAINS OUR PRESENT CRISIS Facts will be presented below which clearly establish the fact that there were two significant causes to both the economic crisis in the 1920s (which led to the Great Depression), and the Great Recession (in our own time). The two causes are intertwined: (1) As most of the wealth of the nation is obtained by a small number of people, (2) they have the power to coerce Congress into enacting legislation which favors them still more. Here, in Part One of this report, we will consider the interplay of these two trends in the events of the 1920s and 2000s, culminating in the 1928-1929 Crash and the 2007-2008 Crash. In the 1920s, it was the vast accumulation of wealth in the hands of a small number of people in the nation, which siphoned purchasing power away from most Americans. This situation would be repeated in the Great Recession that started 80 years later at the end of 2007. “As mass production has to be accompanied by mass consumption [purchase by average Americans], mass consumption, in turn, implies a distribution of wealth—not of existing wealth, but of wealth as it is currently produced—to provide men with buying power equal to the amount of goods and services offered by the nation’s economic machinery. “Instead of achieving that kind of distribution, a giant suction pump had by 1929-1930 drawn into a few hands an increasing portion of currently produced wealth. This served them as capital accumulations. “But by taking purchasing power out of the hands of the consumers, the savers denied to themselves the kind of effective demand for their products that would justify a reinvestment of their capital accumulations in new plants. In consequence, as in a poker game where the chips were concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, the other fellows could stay in the game only by borrowing. When their credit ran out, the game stopped.”— Mariner Eccles, Beckoning Frontiers, 1951. The years leading up to the Great Depression of 1928 saw the same pattern develop which occurred 80 years later, culminating in the 2007 Crash. So much money was in the hands of a few that most Americans had to borrow in order to live a normal life. Between 1913 and 1928, the ratio of private credit to the total national economy nearly doubled. Total mortgage debt was almost three times higher in 1929 than in 1920. Eventually in 1929, as in 2008, there was no more credit available to the common people. The economic balance had been ruined. The wealthy had great luxury, and the rest of America had very little. So the Crash came. 6 6 In the 1920s, the richer Americans created stock and real estate bubbles that foreshadowed those of the late 1990s and 2000s. There was also frantic speculation in purchasing land. The bright hopes of Wall Street encouraged everyone—rich and poor—to invest in stocks. Just as in the 2000s, many lost much of their savings, often all they had, on stocks and property bubbles. Ironically, the same methods of fleecing the public were used in the 1920s as were used in the first decade of 2000. The Goldman Sachs Trading Corporation was started in the mid-1920s. G-S took 10% of the total, and made an enormous profit when it sold 90% to the public at $104 per share. After the Crash, the shares owned by the public were worth $1.75 each. In that same decade, National City Bank (later named Citigroup) repackaged bad Latin American debt as new seurities and sold them to investors at top prices. After the crash, the bank’s remaining assets were taken by its top executives as “interest-free loans,” while their investors were left with paper worth a fraction of what they had paid for them. The Dow (back then called the Dow Jones Stock Index) ballooned from 63.9 in mid-1921 to a peak of 381.2 eight years later—before it began its plunge. POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE 1920s Just as would later occur in the first decade of the 21st century, immense riches in the hands of powerful men—resulted in a massive increase in the number and influence of lobbyists in Washington and state legislatures in the 1920s. Prior to 1920, the power of lobbyists had been much smaller. “There was less criticism of business lobbying in the 1920s. Moreover, it had its defenders like Herbert Hoover. Whether Americans welcomed the new lobbying or not, it was a political fact of life. The 1920s saw the systemizing of lobbying that caused a permanent change in the political process. Congressmen, especially those serving on important committees, were subjected to an intense barrage by legislative agents [lobbyists], as were administrators on various regulatory commissions. In a position to present ‘expert’ facts, legislative agents drafted or heavily influenced legislation and commission decisions. They changed the face of lawmaking. The intense, indirect lobbying—through well-orchestrated propoganda campaigns in lo- cal, state, and national media—also represented a significant development, and provided those with enough money and influence to reach the public with a means of obtaining exceptional political leverage . . “Decisions were made by small numbers of people at the top of the [wealthy] hierarchy. There is little basis for viewing them as an extension of democracy.”—Lynn Dumenil, Eric Foner, The Modern Temper: American Culture and Society in the 1920s, pp. 51-52. 2 - HIGH POINT OF THE UPWARD TREND WAS 1928 BALANCE OF WEALTH IN 1928 In the year 1928, the wealthy had a higher percentage of the nation’s wealth than at any other time in the 20th century. Because the general public were impoverished because of the massive flow of wealth to a few at the top, manufacturing plants found it increasing difficult to sell to anyone. Since they had most of the money in the nation, the wealthy found they could make the most money by speculating in stocks. This resulted in tremendous stock activity. It was actually a gambling frenzy. But this greatly weakened the stability of the stock market. And then came the crash. (More on this later in this report.) After the Crash of 1929, the economy spiraled downward. Unemployed workers,with little or no access to credit, were unable to purchase much of anything. This cause businesses to lay off even more workers, which further contracted spending, leading to even more layoffs. (As we will learn later, a different method was used in an attempt to stop the crash of 2007.) The central problem back then, as now, was not too little savings, but too little demand for all the goods and services that an economy can produce. When the workers are paid very little, they have little extra with which to buy anything. Ordinary people must receive enough in wages so they can purchase products. Workers should receive a proportionate share of the fruits of economic growth. Only when this basic balance exists can there be economic prosperity for the whole nation. Otherwise, the economy will shrink until there only exists the wealthy people holding tightly to their wealth, and the rest of the public, who are living miserable lives. 7 7 POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN 1928 The government feared to tax the rich, because of the contributions and lobbyist “gifts” received from those wealthy men. Unfortunately, because of heavy political contributions and lobbyist activity, government had been bought. It was no longer free to enact corrective legislation to restore prosperity to everyone. The 1920s, culminating in 1928, marked the high point of lobbying activity in America. It would be surpassed in the decade beginning in 2000, which culminated in 2008—and another Crash. 3 - MAJOR LOW TRENDS BETWEEN THE HIGH POINTS (1929-1999) BALANCE OF WEALTH IN THE 70 YEARS BETWEEN 1929-1999 Savings of average families averaged 9-10% of after-tax income from the 1950s to the early 1980s, but, unfortunately, by the mid-2000s they were down to just 3%, The total income going to the richest 1% of Americans peaked in both 1928 and in 2007— the very years in which the terrible financial crashes occurred! In 1928 and 2007, the income of the wealthy reached more than 23% of the total income of the nation. Between those two high points (1928 and 2007), the amount of money in the hands of the wealthy dropped off heavily—and, as a result, there was general prosperity by average workers. Between the two peaks (1928 and 2007), the share of national income going to the top 1% steadily declined, from more than 23% to 16-17% in the 1930s, then to 11-15% in the 1940s, and to 9-11% in the 1950s and 1960s, finally reaching the lowest point of 8-9% in the 1970s. But, by the late 1970s, the share going to the richest one percent began to climb again. Reagan’s “trickle down” economy had begun: The wealthy few had 10-14% of national income in the 1980s, 15-19% in the late 1990s, and over 21% in 2005, reaching its next peak of more than 23% in 2007. The three decades from about 1947 to 1975 were outstanding! During those years the basic economic contract was being fulfilled. The nation provided its workers enough money to buy what American factories produced. Mass production and mass consumption proved perfect companions. Almost everyone who wanted a job could find one with good wages, or at least wages that were trending upward. During this quarter century, everyone’s wages grew—not just those in the top 1% or the top 10%. During those years, the wages of lowerincome Americans grew faster than those at or near the top. The pay of workers in the bottom fifth more than doubled over these years;—a faster pace than the pay of those in the top fifth. Productivity also grew quickly during those years, defying the self-serving pronouncements of sol-called expert economists who declared that a wide inequality between the rich and poor was necessary for rapid growth because top executives and needed the incentive of outsized earnings. It was a false report that the more the rich made, the better it was for the rest of us. In some mysterious way, their vast hourd of wealth was supposed to be nicely “trickling down to us.” During those years, labor productivity (average outpout per hour worked) doubled, as median incomes. Expressed in 2007 dollars, the typical family’s annual income rose from about $25,000 to $55,000. We were all in it together, rising and falling together. Continually doing better because everyone was sharing in the fruits of productivity. During those years, nearly full employment occurred. Businesses were not afraid to expand and hire more workers. Conseqently the share of total income that went to the middle class grew while the portion going to the top declined. Yet because the economy expanded so well, just about everyone came out ahead—including those at the top. In the late 1970s, the richest 1% of the U.S. took in less than 9% of the nation’s total income. After that, income began concentrating in fewer and fewer hands. But, tragically, from the early 1980s onward, more and more money began flowing to the wealthy, while the wages paid to the rest of Americans became stagnant—they stopped increasing. A widening inequality began. The reversal had actually begun in the late 1970s and gathered momentum through the 1980s and 1990s, and then really zoomed in the 2000s. Middle-class wages stopped climbing, even though the economy continued to expand and jobs were abundant. Once again, as in the 1920s, almost all the benefits were again going to the top. For several decades, the pay of American 8 8 workers coincided with their output. In fact, the middle class received an increasing share of the benefits of economic growth. But then the change began. Output per hour—a measure of productivity—continued to rise. But real hourly compensation was left far behind. Then something very ominous occurred; something which would produce disastrous results. Yet neither you nor I noticed it, In 1999, Wall Street used their lobbyists to convince Congress (and the Clinton administration) that America no longer needed the Depression-era law which separated investment from commercial banking. With that repeal, a wonderful new day for Wall Street—and all the major banks in the land— had opened up! They were now able to return to the opulance and luxuriant living of the 1920s! —They could once again indulge in applying company money, and investor funds, in risky stock market and investment manipulations! Today the situation has not changed, even though we are now several years beyond 2008. The Street’s major function is to make financial bets. Wall Street is a casino in which high-stakes wagers are placed within a limited number of betting houses that keep a percentage of the wins for themselves and fob off losses on others, including taxpayers. Following that terrible banking law of 1999, the year 2000 dawned, and it would take less than eight years to destroy America. —Yet it is an astonishing fact that when the Crash came, because of Wall Street’s control of Congress through lobbyist payoffs,—that 1999 repeal was not repealed after 2007, but continues on today the law of the land, and the banks would be able to continue selling high-risk investments to a gullible public. (More on this later in this report.) POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE 70 YEARS BETWEEN 1929-1999 Lobby groups and their members sometimes write legislation and whip bills. In 2007 there were approximately 17,000 federal lobbyists in Washington. They explain to legislators the goals of their organizations. Prior to the 1980s lawmakers rarely became lobbyists as the profession was generally considered ‘tainted’ and ‘unworthy’ for once-elected officials such as themselves; in addition lobbying firms and trade groups were leery of hiring former members of Congress. But new higher salaries, increasing demand and a greater turnover in Congress and a change in the control of the House all contributed to a change in attitude about the appropriateness of former elected officials becoming lobbyists from that time onwards. The route between these roles became known as the “revolving door.” The increasing number of former lawmakers becoming lobbyists led Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) to propose paring back the many Capitol Hill privileges enjoyed by former senators and representatives. His plan would deprive lawmakers-turned-lobbyists of privileges such as unfettered access to otherwise ‘members only’ areas such as the House and Senate floors and the House gym. But it did not pass. In July 2005, Public Citizen published a report entitled “The Journey from Congress to K Street”: the report analyzed hundreds of lobbyist registration documents filed in compliance with the Lobbying Disclosure Act and the Foreign Agents Registration Act among other sources. It found that since 1998, 43% of the 198 members of Congress who left government to join private life have registered to lobby. The Washington Post described these results as reflecting the “sea change that has occurred in lawmakers’ attitudes toward lobbying in recent years.” The report included a case study of one particularly successful lobbyist, Bob Livingston, who stepped down as Speaker-elect and resigned his seat in 1999. In the six years since his resignation, his lobbying group grew into the 12th largest non-law lobbying firm, earning nearly $40 million by the end of 2004. During roughly the same time period, Livingston, his wife, and his two political action committees (PACs) contributed over $500,000 to the PACs or campaign funds of various candidates. The Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal which started in the 1990s and led to a guilty plea in 2006 inspired the Legislative Transparency and Accountability Act of 2006 (S. 2349) which was debated on the Senate floor in March 2006. According to Time Magazine article in its April 10 issue, the Senate passed legislation the first week of April 2006 to reform U.S. lobbying practices. The Senate bill: (1) would bar lobbyists themselves from buying gifts and meals for legislators, but it would leave a big loophole: firms and organizations represented by those lobbyists may still dole out freebies; (2) Privately funded trips would still be allowed if lawmakers get prior approval from a commissioned ethics committee; (3) It would also require lobbyists 9 9 to file more frequent, more detailed reports on their activities, which would be posted in public domains. But the bill was not enacted into law! Lobbying expenditures increased dramatically after 2000. Between 1998 and 2010, three of the top business groups spent the following amounts on influencing legislation: • Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate: $4,274,060,331 ($4.3 billion). • Drug and medical: $4,222,427,808 ($4.2 billion). • Petroleum and Energy: $3,104,104,518 ($3.1 billion). The total amount spent by lobbyists between 1998 and 2010 was $28,919,684,431. Part of that $28.9 billion went to lobbyists as salaries, and a still larger amount was used “to influence legislation.” It is an interesting fact that it is not long after coming to Washington before every Congressman and Senator becomes a millionaire. Every year he remains in public office, his wealth steadily increases. Questions to consider: Why did Congress fail to raise taxes on the rich and cut them for poorer Americans? Why did Congress fail to stop overseas tax havens by threatening loss of U.S. citizenship to anyone who keeps his money abroad in order to escape U.S. taxes? Congress could have expanded public investments in research and development, and required any corporation that commercialized such investments to create the resulting new jobs within the borders of the U.S. Congress could have insisted that foreign nations we trade with establish a minimum wage that is half of their median wage. But instead, it did the opposite. Beginning in the late 1970s, and with increasing intensity over the next three decades,Congress deregulated the corporations and financial industry. The cost of public higher education was increased. Job training was reduced. Public transportation was reduced. Bridges, ports, and highways were permitted to corrode. Congress stood by as big American companies became global giants with no further loyalty, or hardly any connection, to the U.S. By 2009, Intel, Caterpillar, Microsoft, IBM, and other so-called American firms derived most of their revenue overseas, and most of their workers lived in foreign countries. Thanks to the comforting gifts received from lobbyists, Congress permitted CEO sala- ries to skyrocket to more than 300 times that of the typcial worker, while the pay of financial executives and traders rose into the stratosphere. Increasingly, the ranks of America’s super-rich were made up of top business and financial executives. Of all the CEOs on the 500 largest American companies, more than half of all the money that the top one-tenth of 1 percent of American earners reported on their 2001 taxes represented the combined incomes of just a few men. The great majority of the rest of the highest-paid men were financial traders and hedge-fund managers. —Yet it was those very men who had done so much to destroy the U.S. economy over the last decade! In 1999, the government deregulated Wall Street, thus permitting it to do anything it wanted. In 2008, the government insured it against major losses, and, by its silence, told it to continue betting away the money of the nation. Our government leaders knew the facts, but they were receiving so much in contributions that they had to remain silent and do nothing. And then Congress brazenly dared to halve the top income tax rate for the rich from the range of 70 to 90% that existed for several decades of national prosperity. —That top income tax was reduced to 25 to 39%! This allowed many of the nation’s rich to treat their income as capital gains subject to no more than 15% tax. Added to this, inheritance taxes were reduced so low that only the topmost 1.5% of earners paid any. Yet at the same time, sales and payroll taxes were significantly increased. This took a bigger chunk out of the pay of the middle class and the poor than of those who were well-off. (Yet so many Americans still do not understand the underlying principle here, so they are thrilled when a presidential candidate offers to toss them a 9-9-9% tax, or a 15% tax, or some other “flat tax.” —Flat tax means the wealthy pay even less than they are paying now, and the tax load is even heavier on the rest of us!) 4 - TWO MAJOR RISING TRENDS IN THE 2000s WEALTH IN THE 2000s Savings had averaged 9-10% of after-tax income from the 1950s to the early 1980s, but by the mid-2000s were down to just 3%, The drop in savings went hand-in-hand with 10 10 an increase in household debt (including mortgagues). Family debt rose from 55% of household income in the 1960s to an unsustainable 138% by 2007! Ominously, much of this debt was backed by the rising market value of people’s homes. —Their homes were the most stable asset that so many of them had! Average Americans coped with the problem of an ever-shrinking income in three ways: First, the women went to work. Second, most people worked longer hours. Third, they used up their savings and began borrowing as much as they could. Not even their homes were spared. Between 2002 and 2007, American households browwed $2.3 trillion on their homes, putting themselves even more deeply into debt. Before the 2008 meltdown, about half of U.S. consumer spending was done by the highest-earning fifth of the population. Roughly 40% of total spending came from the top 10%. But that was hardly because richer Americans were spendthrifts; it was because they were the ones who had an excess to spend. The top 10% took home almost 50% of total income. Had the broad middle class received a larger portion, total spending would have been far greater—and the middle class would not have to go so deeply into debt. POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN THE 2000s As lobbying has become more lucrative, an ever larger number of former federal officials have decided to cash in on it. In the 1970s, only about 3% of retiring members of Congress went on to become Wshington lobbyists. But by 2009 more than 30% did—primarily because they could make so much money doing it. Starting salaries for well-connected congressional or White House staffers had ballooned to abut $500,000 (while non-connected former government workers only received about $90,000 a year). Former chairs of congressional committees and subcommittees commanded $2 million or a year to influence legislation in their former committees. The Center for Public Integrity selected the years 1998 to 2004 (picked because they straddled both Democratic and Republican administrations), and found that in those six years more that 2,200 former federal officials registered as lobbyists, along with more than 200 former members of Congress. Tragically, for our fair land, a staggering amount of money from big corporations, execu- tives, and other wealthy idnividuals lies like a thick fog over the nation’s capital, enveloping everything. Not only has it enriched Washigongton lobbyists, lawyers, and public relations professionals, and won over a very large number of elected officials,—but it has also brought great wealth to the place in which they live: greater Washington D.C. Seven of the suburban counties around the District are listed by the Census Bureau as among the nation’s twenty with highest per capita incomes. Whenever new legislation is considered, it has to meet the demands of Big Business, or it will never be enacted. It is for such reasons that Congress says nothing when the corporations take their business operations overseas and primarily hire overseas workers. Indeed, Congress will enact incentives to help them do it. 5 - HIGH POINT OF THE UPWARD TREND WAS 2007 WEALTH IN 2007 The wages of the typical American had hardly increased in the three decades leading up the the Crash of 2008, considering inflation. In the 2000s, the earnings of average Americans actually dropped. According to the Census Bureau, in 2007 the median male worker (with as many men earning more than he, and as many earning less) took home just over $45,000. Considering inflation, this was far less than the typical male worker earned thirty years before. Middle-class family incomes were only slightly higher. But the American economy was much larger in 2007 than it was thirty years before. If those gains had been divided equally among Americans, the typical person would be more than 60% better off than he actually was by 2007. Where did those gains go? Who got that money? Just as in the several years preceding the Great Depression 80 years earlier, by far most of the wealth had flowed into the hands of a relatively few men. According to tax records going back to 1913, the share of total income going to the richest 1% of Americans peaked in both 1928 and in 2007! That fact cannot be a coincidence! —Yet it was in those two years that the two greatest financial crashes of modern America have occurred! By 2007 (the year when the present economic 11 11 slide began), the richest 1% took in 23.5 percent of the total national income. It is no mere conincidence that the last time income was this concentrated was in 1928—when the Great Depression Crash began. Just as in 1928, the wealthy in America had nothing to spend their vast wealth on—except stocks and other investments. With so many dollars pursuing the same assets, values exploded. The Dow Jones Industrial Average reached 8,000 on July 16, 1997, and 11,000 on May 3, 1999. The Dow dropped somewhat in 1999 when the various speculative bubbles burst. But they recovered on the hope that even higher share prices were to come. Stock prices were pushed up higher in a feeding frenzy of wanting still more profit. By October 19, 2005, the Dow had risen to 12,000; and on April 25, 2007, to 13,000. The wealthy were heavily invested and the middle classes borrowed on their credit so they could get in on the action. It is highly significant that, between 1997 and 2007, finance became the fastest-growing segment of the U.S. economy. The gains reaped by financial executives, traders, and specialists repesented almost two-thirds of the growth in our GNP (gross national product). By 2007, financial and insurance companies accounted for more than 40% of American corporate profits and almost as great a percentage of salaried income. Both before and after the bubble burst, the biggest Wall Street banks awarded tens of billions of dollars in bonuses to their wealthiest executives and managers. In 2009, the 25 bestpaid hedge-fund managers together earned $25.3 billion, an average of $1 billion each. The financial sector had gained the upper hand. It had so much accumulated wealth that it could dole out a little in contributions—and dictate what government must do. The expectations of bond traders dominated public policy. The stock and investment market had become the measure of the economy’s success—just as it had before the Great Depression. The Great Recession that started at the end of 2007, has produced no new economic order. Instead, the U.S. government stepped in quickly with enough newly-made money to weaken the downward slide. Between 2008 and 2010, the government and the Federal Reserve loaned or gave $700 billion in bank bailouts, plus a stimulus package of about the same amount, and a massive expansion of the money supply. Yet, ironically, the success in slowing the economic collapse reduced the urgency to solve the underlying causes. Nothing was done to reduce the massive inequality in the nation: A small number still have most of the money, and nearly all the rest of Americans are in poverty or near-poverty. Because of this, the buying power of the public is reduced to very little—so high unemployment will continue. Businesses will not do better, because they have few to sell their products to. Median incomes will remain flat or in decline, and most families will stay economically insecure. Inequality will continue to widen. The rich will become richer and the poor will become poorer. And Congress will refuse to tax the rich. Neither richer Americans nor foreign consumers will fill the gap. What type of political backlash will it result in? Opposition to international trade, immigration, foreign investment, big business, Wall Street, and govrnment itself. —The better plan would be for Americans to demand that the rich be taxed heavily and that Congress no longer be controlled by big business through their campaign contributions and lobbyists. If those two changes will be made, America will become young and vibrant again! By the way, not one of the men in the fnancial sector who gambled away America’s money in stocks, investments, and property; not one has been penalized! They have all been permitted to keep their vast hoard of money. In 2007, Kenneth Lewis earned $100 million as CEO of Bank of America. He received that salary bonus at the same time that he was leading his bank toward a subsequent bailout by the federal government—so it would not financially collapse. Just as did dozens of other CEOs at that time, Lewis took his princely reward and neither the company nor the government took any of it. The year before Lehman Brothers’ total collapse because of its daring stock and investment manipulations,—its CEO, Richard Fuld, collected $500 million of compensation in salary and other bonuses. What if Richard Fuld had only been paid $2 million a year, instead of $500 million? Would he have been any less efficient as a corporation CEO? He probably would have done the same as he did for the larger compensation. Lehman Brothers totally collapsed and is now gone. Fuld’s manage- 12 12 ment plan turned out to be worthless. We would solve a vast number of America’s problems if Congress enacted a law that no one can receive more than $200,000 a year in salary, bonuses, and/or stock options. What those business leaders and their cronies were actually doing was stealing company funds. The result brought great loss to investors and so weakened the firms that they were greatly weakened and only saved by government bailouts. But, because of contributions and lobbyist pay-offs, Congress dared do nothing about it. POLITICAL INFLUENCE IN 2007 In the fall of 2008, the failure of Lehman Brothers caused Wall Street to panic. Hank Paulson was Secretary of the Treasury. Before taking that position, he had been CEO of Goldman Sachs. Paulson and Ben Bernanke (chair of the Federal Reserve) warned the nation of economic catastrophe if $700 billion in taxpayer money were not immediately handed over to the banks. When Paulson and his group of helpers (all present or former key Treasury officials, and all formerly high up in either Goldman Sachs or Citibank) decided what to do, they decided to also bail out giant insurer AIG—which owed Goldman $13 billion. A U.S. inspector general later quietly reported that AIG would not have been bailed out if the plan was for it to use a large part of the money it received to repay that $13 billion owed to Goldman. For many months, neither the government nor Goldman told the public about the deal. Other big banks (Bank of America, Wells Fargo, and JPMorgan Chase) were told to value their bad loans, and the full amounts were given them by the government. Within a year, each of the above banks were once again giving big salaries and dividends to their CEOs and key traders. While the giant bailout was sold to the American people as a way to save Main Street and jobs, yet it did nothing for either. Only the big banks were helped. Small businesses could not get loans, few homeowners were able to renegotiate their mortgages, and large numbers lost their homes. Although millions of homeowners faced foreclosure, even the banks’ mortgage businesses returned to profits. Yet while the government was subsidizing the banks’ mortgage loans,—the banks were not passing the savings on to the homeowners. At the time, the Wall Street Journal mentioned “If banks had cut mortgage rates in line with [the government subsidies], homeowners would have benefited. Instead, the benefit appeared to have accrued to the banks.” Great care was taken by Congress and the president to protect the banks, but no help was given to the homeowners about to lose their property. Did you know that Wall Street successfully lobbied against a proposal to allow homeowners to declare bankruptcy rather than forefeit their homes? Ony by an extraordinary effort by the U.S. government did the meltdown of 2008 not put us into the 1928 recession. The federal Reserve Board lowered interest rates to near zero, making it easier to borrow. Congress and the White House bailed out Wall Street, cut taxes, and spent hundreds of billions of dollars on jobs and unemployment benefits. Officials of the Treasury and the Federal Reserve instinctively throw money in the direction of whatever assets are threatened. They talk solemnly of the importance of “stabilizing” the system and ”recapitalizing” it. But, because of the heavy contributions, arranged—under the table—by lobbyists, Congress did not dare—not even after the 2008 Crash and discovery of what the bankers and investment houses had done—make any changes. Congress did not dare to repeal that 1999 law which permitted Wall Street to live as recklessly with money as it wanted to. Because of the multiplied billions in bailouts by government (at your great-great-great grandchildren’s expense), in less than a year Wall Street was back. The six largest remaining banks had grown larger, their executives and traders were as rich or richer, their strategies of placing large bets with other people’s money no less bold than they were before the meltdown of September 2008. The possibility of new financial regulations from from Congress did not worry them a bit. The Congressmen and Senators had been wellpaid and there was nothing to worry about. Just one well-written law by Congress could have stopped all this nonsense and theft in its tracks. But no such law was written, Not one was suggested. None was enacted. “Why didn’t politicians do more? It may have had to do with Wall Street’s money. The Street is where the money is, and money buys campaign 13 13 commercials on television. It is difficult to hold people accountable for bad behavior while simultaneously asking them for money. “In recent years Wall Street firms and their executives have been uniquely generous to both political parties, emerging as one of the largest benefactors of the Democratic Party. Between November 2008 and November 2009, Wall Street firms and executives doled out $42 million to lawmakers, mostly to members of the House and Senate banking committees and House and Senate leaders. “In 2009, the financial industry spent more than $300 million lobbying members of Congress. During the 2008 elections, Wall Street showered Democratic candidates with well over $88 million and Republicans with more than $67 million.”—Robert Reich, Aftershock, pp. 106-107. Members of Congress who willingly cooperate with their heavy donors, can retire from Congress and hire on as a high-priced lobbyist [employee] for those firms. At the present time, the median expected salary for a typical lobbyist in the United States is $99,292. This basic market pricing data is based on yearly certified compensation analyses. According to Public Campaign, thirty big U.S.corporations actually spent more money lobbying the federal government between 2008 and 2010 than they spent in taxes. For example, General Electric—one of the top 10 most profitable companies in the world—got a net tax rebate of $4.7 billion during this period. Meanwhile, it spent $84 million lobbying the federal government. That was a pretty good bargain, wasn’t it? The same non-profit firm (Public Campaign) publishes a list of thirty corporations—and every one of them pays very little in taxes, while giving very large lobbyist contributions. The totals for all thirty are $163.1 million in U.S. profits, $10.6 million paid in taxes, and $475.7 million in lobbying. It is business as usual in Congress and in America’s State Capitals. The lobbyists are busily plying their trade. And the rest of us are suffering. The official word is that, in order to solve this Recession and return America to prosperity is for the rest of us to experience hardship until this financial crisis is past. We are told that “the long-term answer to the nation’s economic ills is for typical Americans to borrow less, save more, tighten their belts, and spend within our means.” But doing so will do no good, because the basic problems have not been solved. A key reason that millions of Americans have borrowed is because they were being paid enough so they could live without borrowing! The basic solution required to change all this is twofold: First, political contributions and lobbyists must be stopped. Second, the rich must be heavily—yes, heavily—taxed. Ideally, a law should also be enacted that no one can receive more than $200,000 a year in salary, bonuses, stock options, or from any other source. The excess profits could go to benefit lower-salary workers, produce better manufacturing equipment, and community betterment. Because lobbying, political contributions, and super-pacs have, at times, been ruled by the courts as “free speech” rights, a constitutional amendment will be required in order to make the basic changes needed which will free legislaters and judges from having to receive money in order to be elected. So now we are beginning to see what we must do in order to make the needed corrections: First, we have identified two of the basic problems that need to be solved. Second, we must use, what we will call, “the anti-Codex method” to elminate them. Keep in mind that we cannot rely on legislators to make these changes without our help! They simply are not able to. Remember that cougar, tied up in the crate. But what is the anti-Codex method? I want you to know that it has worked repeatedly ever since the early 1990s! 14 14 — PART TWO CONTENTS — THE ANTI-CODEX METHOD OF PETITIONING CONGRESS FOR CHANGES PRESSING CONGRESS FOR ACTION: THE ANTI-CODEX METHOD THERE HAS BEEN CONTINUING, SUCCESS IN PROTECTING T U.S. NUTRITION —————— — PART TWO — THE ANTI-CODEX METHOD OF PETITIONING CONGRESS FOR CHANGES PRESSING CONGRESS FOR ACTION: THE ANTI-CODEX METHOD THERE HAS BEEN CONTINUING, SUCCESS IN PROTECTING T U.S. NUTRITION Instead of sitting in city parks, marching through streets carrying placards, or complaining to one another,—all we need do is use this simple method of prodding Congress (and state legislators as well) to make the changes which are needed. But in order to do it unified action is needed. That is the key to success. Here is the story behind this ongoing nutrition war. Understanding it, you will be better prepared to work together with other Americans to bring sanity back to Congress: In 1994 the U.S. Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) was enacted by Congress. This was done in spite of a massive money campaign by the big pharmaceutical, medical, and food industries. This law, which is still in effect, guarantees both free availability of nutritional supplements (including vitamins, minerals, and herbs) and the providing of information about their health and medical benefits. How was this bill enacted? • First, people all across America were tired being sick all the time and having the FDA ban many supplements and limit dosages of what was available. Citizens wanted to use natural remedies and nutritional supplements instead of a steady diet of fast food junk, medicinal drugs, and repeated operations. • Second, a nationwide coalition, representating the nutrition industry, which lacked the money of Big Pharma and its buddies, alerted Americans to this proposed legislation. • Third, people all over the nation con- tacted their senators and representatives—and demanded that this bill (DSHEA) be enacted. It is said to have been the largest voter demand on Congress in decades. And it worked! Under the threat of being kicked out of office in the next election if they did not vote as expected, Capital Hill enacted that law! Then, quietly, the big money interests began laying plans for a counterattack. Big Pharma in the U.S. decided to team up with the largest pharmaceutical conglomerates in Germany. Two years later, in 1996 the German delegation to the Codex Alimentarius section of the World Health Organization (WHO) put forward a proposal that no herb, vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or therapeutic reasons, and that supplements should be reclassified as drugs, and only sold through drug stores in low dosages at high prices. (Understanding the Codex Alimentarius Preface. Third Edition. Published in 2006 by the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Accessed 3 September 2008.) For example, Vitamin C, which is now about as cheap as salt, would henceforth be sold in tiny, low-dose tablets at high prices—and only available through drug stores. It might be one of the many nutrients which would require paying a doctor for a prescription. Through treaty arrangements, this ban would affect nations all over the world—including, ultimately, the U.S. The result would be a massive increase in pharmaceutical sales (plus more visits to doctors and hospitals), Who cares about the health of the public, as long as the big interests are enriched. “The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for ‘Book of Food’) is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety. “Its texts are developed and maintained by the Codex Alimentarius Commission, a body that was established in 1963 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The Commission’s main aims are stated as being to protect the health of consumers and ensure fair practices in the international food trade. The Codex Alimentarius is recognized by the World Trade Organization as an international reference point for the resolution of disputes concerning food safety and consumer protection. 15 15 “The Codex Alimentarius officially covers all foods, whether processed, semi-processed or raw, but far more attention has been given to foods that are marketed directly to consumers. In addition to standards for specific foods, the Codex Alimentarius contains general standards covering matters such as food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, and procedures for assessing the safety of foods derived from modern biotechnology. It also contains guidelines for the management of official [i.e., governmental] import and export inspection and certification systems for foods. The Codex Alimentarius is published in Arabic, Chinese, English, French and Spanish.”—Codex Alimentarius: How It Began, FAO Corporate Document Repository. It is obvious that the biggest special interests on the globe were about to swallow up one of the smallest and least-wealthy groups: the processers and sellers of healing herbs and nutritional supplements. In the summer of 2005, the 28th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission was held in Rome (Codex Alimentarius Commission 28th Session, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, 4-9 July, 2005; official report). (For some unknown reason the CAC always seems to hold its most important meetings in Rome.) Among the many issues discussed were the “Guidelines for Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements”, which were adopted during the meeting as “new global safety guidelines” (UN Commission adopts safety guidelines for vitamin and food supplements United Nations News Center. Published July 11, 2005). The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and World Health Organization (WHO) stated that the guidelines are “to stop consumers overdosing on vitamin and mineral food supplements.” —That is a pretty daring admission, for it clearly revealed their objective! The UN and its food and drug backers are determined to stop you from taking more than a sliver of vitamins and minerals each day, while a variety of junk food, such as “Sugar-coated Tutty Frutty Corn Jumbles,” can brazenly declare on each box that they increase energy, reduce diabetes, help the heart, and build strong bones! The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) has said that the guidelines call “for labeling that contains information on maximum consumption levels of vitamin and mineral food supplements.” (UN Commission adopts safety guidelines for vitamin and food supplements United Nations News Centre. Published July 11, 2005). Codex is made up of many standards for every aspect of food. One of these standards was ratified (approved) in July 2005. This was the destructive Codex Alimentarius Vitamin and Mineral Guideline (VMG). According to the regulations included as part of it, the VMG can ban all high potency and clinically effective vitamins and minerals. For example, the B vitamins, so important for preventing various nerve problems, would each be restricted to only a few amount per dose. Other nutrients, including even amino acids, would also be under threat. Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul declared that the Central American Free Trade Agreement “increases the possibility that Codex regulations will be imposed on the American public” (“The vitamin police”, The Orange County Register. August 14, 2005). You see, the problem is that Codex can creep into America through the back door! It can enter through trade agreements our government establishes with Europe or South America! In July, 2003, Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) introduced the Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2003 (S. 722). If enacted, it would have banned all but the weakest vitamin supplements from store shelves, forcing the average consumer to pay sky-high prescription costs to obtain effective doses for general health maintenance. In spite of heavy lobbying activity, the public arose and demanded that it not be passed. A “food safety bill” (HR 2749) had been enacted by the House on July 30, 2009 after two failed attempts on the previous days. If passed by the Senate, the bill would become law and lead to the loss of clean, healthy food and independent farming in the US and the complete industrialization of the US food supply. But Americans rallied and it did not become law. In late 2009, there was talk that the binding food standards called the Codex Alimentarius, and created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), being set to be become law in America on Thursday, December 31, 2009—and in 183 other member countries. But a massive deluge of protests from Americans, by letters, phone calls, and emails, convinced Congress not to enact it. Business was not as usual in Washington 16 16 D.C.! The lobbyists were working feverishly, and yet the America public, once they were aroused to work together in a unified manner, defeated the lobbyists! The Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2010 (S. 3002) was introduced by Senators John McCain and Byron Dorgan into the U.S. Senate. If enacted into law, this bill would require all dietary supplement manufacturers, distributors, and holders all the way down to the retail store level to be comprehensively registered. It would also allow for the arbitrary banning of nutritional supplements by the FDA and the introduction of deceitful reporting of adverse events related to them. But, once again, American citizens rallied and stopped it. On June 30, 2011, Sen. Dick Durbin (DIL) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) introduced the Dietary Supplement Labeling Act of 2011 (DSLA). This legislation would require FDA to establish a clear definition of which products are foods and should be regulated as such and which products are meant to be health aids and should be regulated by the FDA as dietary supplements. In late summer 2011, Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) tried to get most of the provisions of S. 3002 into a non-food, necessary appropriations bill. In addition to Congressional laws, additional efforts to get the UN Codex regulations into America through treaties have been attempted. Vitamins and minerals in foods would be drastically reducted and limited specifically to the small amounts allowed by the Codex regulations. The amounts allowed would considered by some experts ot be so small that it will result in mass malnourishment. In addition, it would require that every cow be fed bovine hormones (which would later enter your body if you ate that meat). Fortunately, this law did not go into effect in America at that time. Why? Immense numbers of citizens contacted Congress and demanded that Codex, and similar U.S. laws, not be approved! The U.S. has a powerful legal tool for health freedom: the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), passed in 1994 after massive grass-roots action. DSHEA scientifically classifies nutritional supplements as food and prevents dosage restrictions; Codex unscientifically classifies those nutrients as toxins (!) and its VMG sets ultra-low doses. But those regu- lations violate U.S. law because they violate DSHEA. Many Americans believe they must unite to protect DSHEA,—their best legal defense against Codex-type legislation and treaties. The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA, 1994), was an American law classifying supplements and herbs as foods. It specified that no upper limits could be set on their use. As mentioned earlier, this law was passed by unanimous Congressional consent following a massive grass-roots support organized by health food stores. Millions of American activists told Congress, in no uncertain terms: “Protect nutritional supplements as foods or we will remove you from office”. Congress listened and carried out the will of the people. (Did you know that fruit, vegetables, nuts, and seeds continue to be banned by the FDA from mentioning that they are healthful? When Diamond Walnut Co. in California tried to mention that their products are healthful, the FDA, threatening them with dire consequences, stopped them fast. Yet walnuts are rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium, and antioxidants such as Vitamin E, and omega-3, the best type of oil.) DSHEA appropriately classifies nutritional supplements as foods which can have no upper limits set on their use. DSHEA recognizes that people use nutrients safely to deal with their individually differing needs for nutrients. The concept of “biochemical individuality” means that people have different needs for nutrients at different times. Are nutrients toxins? No, they are not toxins. They are substances essential to prevent, treat and cure nearly any chronic condition, in differing doses at different times in different people. DSHEA protects the US from Codex Alimentarius’ deadly Vitamin and Mineral Guidelines. Americans will continue to reach our Congressional members, educate them about the facts on Codex Alimentarius, and direct them to vote against anything that would threaten DSHEA. Congress holds the keys to our health freedom. And it is their job to listen to us. Americans did it for DSHEA in 1994 and 2009. They can do it again in order reform America. Massive phone calls and e-mails from the public were more powerful than a sizeable army of lobbyists with fistfuls of cash in their hands. Let us now consider what needs to be changed by Congress in order to return 17 17 America to fiscal sanity. To do so will require a national network of voter contacting, such as is used to fight Codex and its backers. 18 18 — PART THREE CONTENTS — THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: MASSIVE WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF A FEW 1 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: THIS BASIC PROBLEM IS WIDESPREAD 2 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: SOLUTIONS TO THE CONTRIBUTION AND LOBBYIST PROBLEM 3 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: IT BEGINS WITH CAMPAIGN FUNDS 4 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: PACS AND SUPER PACS 5 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: TRYING TO TACKLE THE PROBLEM ON THE STATE LEVEL 6 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: ONE EXAMPLE OF THE POWER OF SPECIAL INTERESTS IN THE U.S. - THIS ONE ON THE COUNTY LEVEL 7 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: A FEW PEOPLE DECIDE EACH POLITICAL ELECTION —————— — PART THREE — THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: MASSIVE WEALTH IN THE HANDS OF A FEW We have just viewed the way, by a massive petitioning of Congress, to eliminate this basic problem. And once it is completed, very many of our other national problems can be solved also. Here are some of ongoing problems which we live with, year after year—because this underlying situation has not been eliminated: • We send men and women who promise great things to Congress and the White House—and yet upon arriving, they sit there, collect big salaries, and appear to accomplish almost nothing. The cause is a situation that is almost never mentioned. It is a money flow problem. • The wealthy keep getting richer, and the poor keep getting poorer. • The bankers seem to be running Congress, and no one seems to understand why. • There are special interests all over the nation which are untouchable. No legislator dare interfere as they gather in more and more money. Special interests always get what they want, while the rest of us sit on the sidelines wondering how they do it. • Only a few groups of people are consistently paid much higher wages or make more profit—and it keeps getting bigger. The rest may complain, but nothing is done to stop it. And these problems will continue year after year—and keep getting worse year after year—until we address the underlying problem. —It is not that hard to solve to eliminate the causes of these problems if the American public will demand that it be done! In this brief report, I am going to tell you what that problem is, and suggest rather simple ways to solve it. Whether or not you like my solutions,—this basic problem has to be solved, and if it continues to be ignored,—America will continue to keep heading downhill. I am a native-born American citizen. On my mother’s side, I go back to the Revolutionary War. One of my ancesters came over on the Mayflower. I love this country and the Constitution and Amendments on which it is founded. But, frankly, another amendment is needed. It will plug a loophole that is permitting special interests to destroy our nation. 1 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: THIS BASIC PROBLEM IS WIDESPREAD Until this basic problem is solved, few men in elected office will dare to cast their votes for what they know to be right. From the time that a man files his candidacy for public office, until he is elected and goes to Washington, he rather quickly learns that all the time he is there,—he is going to obey the special interests that got him elected! Why is this? Because it now requires millions of dollars in order to be elected to the House, the Senate, or the White House. “I helped elect you. Now this is what I want you to do for me.” The first half of the problem are the immense number of political contributions required to put a man into office. The man who is elected was already bought before he got there! Not by one, but by many dif- 19 19 ferent special interests. The second half of the problem are the lobbyists. There are literally thousands of them in Washington D.C. alone! All aside from the White House, it is estimated that there are eight to ten lobbyists, plus many assistants, for every one of the 535 members of Congress. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, in 2008 lobbyists in Washington D.C, spent 3.30 billion dollars in that year alone “to influence legislation.” The lobbyists focus their attention on 100 Senators, 435 Members of Congress, and 7,000 staffers. The Washington Post is one of the best investigative newspapers in America! You ought to subscribe to it! Here is what they say: “To the great growth industries of America such as health care and home building add one more: influence peddling. “The number of registered lobbyists in Washington has more than doubled since 2000 to more than 34,750 while the amount that lobbyists charge their new clients has increased by as much as 100 percent. Only a few other businesses have enjoyed greater prosperity in an otherwise fitful economy.”—Washington Post, June 22, 2005. “Lobbying firms can’t hire people fast enough. Starting salaries have risen to about $300,000 a year for the best-connected aides eager to “move downtown” from Capitol Hill or the Bush administration. Once considered a distasteful post-government vocation, big-bucks lobbying is luring nearly half of all lawmakers who return to the private sector when they leave Congress, according to a forthcoming study by Public Citizen’s Congress Watch. “Political historians don’t see these as positive developments for democracy. ‘We’ve got a problem here,’ said Allan Cigler, a political scientist at the University of Kansas. ‘The growth of lobbying makes even worse than it is already the balance between those with resources and those without resources.’ “ ‘People in industry are willing to invest money because they see opportunities here,’ said Patrick J. Griffin, who was President Bill Clinton’s top lobbyist and is now in private practice. ‘They see that they can win things, that there’s something to be gained. Washington has become a profit center.’ “Take the example of Hewlett-Packard Co. The California computer maker nearly doubled its budget for contract lobbyists to $734,000 last year and added the elite lobbying firm of Quinn Gillespie & Associates LLC. Its goal was to pass legislation that would allow the company to bring back to the United States at a dramatically lowered tax rate as much as $14.5 billion in profit from foreign subsidiaries. “The extra lobbying paid off. The legislation was approved and Hewlett-Packard will save millions of dollars in taxes. “Over the past five years, the number of new federal regulations has declined by 5 percent, to 4,100, according to Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., a vice president of the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The number of pending regulations that would cost businesses or local governments $100 million or more a year has declined even more, by 14.5 percent to 135 over the period. “The result has been a gold rush on K Street, the lobbyists’ boulevard. The owner of a large lobbying shop said that five years ago he could hire veteran Capitol Hill staffers for $200,000 a year or less. Now the going rate is closer to $300,000 a year and the most-sought-after aides can expect even more. In 2002, Susan B. Hirschmann, chief of staff to House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), had so many lobbying offers that she enlisted Robert B. Barnett, the attorney for Bill Clinton and Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.), to receive and filter them. “For retiring members of Congress and senior administration aides, the bidding from lobbying firms and trade associations can get even more fevered. Well-regarded top officials are in high demand and lately have commanded employment packages worth upward of $2 million a year. Marc F. Racicot, a former Montana governor who chaired the Republican National Committee, will soon collect an annual salary of $1 million-plus as president of the American Insurance Association. “The fees that lobbyists charge clients have also risen substantially. Fierce, Isakowitz & Blalock and the Federalist Group report that at the end of the Clinton administration, $20,000 a month was considered high. Now, they say, retainers of $25,000 to $40,000 a month are customary for new corporate clients, depending on how much work they do.”—Washington Post, June 22, 2005. Lobbying activities are also performed at the state level, and lobbyists try to influence legislation in the state legislatures in each of the 50 states. At the local municipal level, some lobbying activities occur with city council members and county commissioners, especially in the larger cities and more populous counties. In December 2007, the Center for Public Integrity (CPI) gathered the total number of lobbyists in each state and divided it by the total number of legislators. On average nationwide, there are five lobbyists for every state legislator. The 20 20 influence industry in state capitals continues to grow, as state lobbyists and the companies and organizations that hire them spent a record of almost $1.3 billion in 2006, according to the CPI’s sixth-annual review. It also found that nearly 47,000 such interests—companies, advocacy groups, labor unions, professional organizations and even government agencies—hired more than 38,000 individual lobbyists. This averages out to five lobbyists and almost $130,000 in expenditures per state legislator. But, of course, Washington D.C. is at the center of it all. Strangely enough, these lobbyists are generally the highest-paid employees in Washington D.C.! Who are their employers? All the special interests in the entire nation! These are the wealthiest organizations in America, plus wealthy individuals. Why are the lobbyists paid so much? Because they are so effective in getting Congressmen and Senators to do their bidding. The organizations want Congress to enact legislation to help them. The wealthy individuals, including bankers, want Congress to protect their wealth. How do they get Representatives and Senators to do this? By promising a hefty amount of money in response to an agreement to send a certan bill to Congress, or to vote a certain way on pending bills. I am ashamed to say it, but the name of the game is bribery—and on a vast scale. First, during each election process, there are Pacs and Super Pacs (plus donations from wealthy individuals). Pacs are Political Action Committees. These are groups which receive and pool political contributions to specified parties or candidates. The Super Pacs are much larger Pacs which accept contributions from large organizations or their associations, and distribute the money to parties and candidates. More later on the Pacs. More later on what the wealthy receive in return for their donations. Second, between elections there are the lobbyists, making sure they are well taken care of in return for the bills they enact into law. Congressmen and Senators are busy people, yet one lobbyist after another keeps entering the door of their congressional offices. Yet each one need spend only a few minutes inside. He tells what he wants and then, assured it will be taken care of, promises a generous political contribution from their organization. Then the lobbyist is out again, walks down the hall, and pops in another office. It is a well-known fact that, from the time that a Congressman arrives in town, he has to spend a sizeable portion of his time, during the next two years, either on the phone plugging for donations for his next reelection battle, or talking to lobbyists who offer him multiplied thousands in return “for a favor.” Then, if reelected, the begging cycle is repeated. The problem is the high cost of getting elected. By the way, just who are those lobbyists? The lobbyists in Washington include many former representatives and senators. They know their way around the office buildings, know elected officials and their secretaries by name, and have been long-time friends. They stop in, ask for what they want, receive quick assurance from the office-holder that it will be done, and then leave. A nice check for thousands of dollars “as a campaign donation” will come in the mail shortly after their departure. We are told that this is democracy, and that everyone can speak to our political leaders. That may seem true. Yet there is an abundance of evidence that it is the special interests in the nation which are getting what they want, and the rest of us are living on the left overs. But, more specifically, who are these special interests? These are the large corporations, the biggest banks, the biggest food companies, the largest drug syndicates, petroleum and coal companies, the labor unions, the liquor interests, the gambling consortiums. —All the rich organizations who can afford to continually flood Congress with big checks. What about the other smaller wealthy groups? They are members of national organizations which lobbyists in Washington to represent them. This includes the abortionists, gay rights, government workers (who are united in unions), and many more. On state levels, this includes state workers and teachers who are members of unions. Did you know that, in some states, each public school teacher pays hundreds of dollars a year for union dues? The money goes to bribe legislators that these workers are poor and need another raise each year,—while non-union workers in that state frequently live on half of those salaries. Lastly, there are those living with abundant means. Living in lavish wealth, they ask only that an abundance of special favors be given 21 21 them—so they can keep most of that wealth and give only a smidgen back to the government in taxes of various kinds. More on this later. Obviously, this points a finger at the Republicans who want the wealthy to not lose a dime of their accumulated treasures. But never fear, the Democrats are well cared for by the labor unions and a host of other contributors. Why is it that Congress (either Democrat or Republican) never enacts a law forbidding excessive wages, bonuses, and retirement packages to the immensely wealthy? Why is it that Congress (both Dmemocrat and Republican) never limits the ability of the finance industry (Wall Street, Banks, investment brokerage houses) to amass tremendous wealth? We need to stop banks from gambling and restrict them to their legitimate purpose: connecting borrowers to lenders and savers to investors. Yet Congress, stuffed with political contributions, steadily refuses to do it. They refuse to enact hardly any regulations over the banking and stock market industries. Why is it that, year after year, Congress (both Demmocrat and Republican) always keeps subsidizing the wealthiest industry in America—the petroleum industry—with billions of dollars “to help them explore for more oil”—while each year the net profits of the oil companies exceeds that of nearly every one else? In order to figure out what is taking place, follow the money flow. First, the money flows to the politicians. Then, in return, they enact laws and administration departmental decisions to send money back to the big interests. One of our founding fathers, back in the late 1700s, said that a democracy could only work if the people in it were good. Otherwise, they would arrange for all the money to go to them—and they would bankrupt the nation. And that is what is happening today! Our political leaders are caught in a trap of inflowing money! America has become lopsided. Indeed, it has been turned upside down! Back in the spring of 1967 in the hills of eastern Washington State, I met an old trapper. We were sitting outside talking together, and I had mentioned about a bobcat which would come right up to our house in the broad daylight, when he turned to me and said, “Do you know how to catch a cougar?” Also known as a puma, mountain lion, catamount or panther (depending on the region of the American West you are in), the cougar is a fierce creature the size of a smaller tiger. “You mean catch him alive?” “Yes, we did it back in the days before tranquilizer darts. We caught them alive, put them in crates, and trucked them to zoos. They paid us well.” Astonished, I replied, “How did you do it?” Then old trapper told me something I never forgot: “First, we would catch his foot in a type of trap which did not injure it. Then two of us would lasso him two or three times. We would then walk around, back and forth while he screamed and jumped around. Soon he would be all tied up, including his feet. Lastly, we would pass one rope through his mouth and he couldn’t even scream anymore. After we delivered him, it was the job of the zoo to figure out how to release him. We had gotten our money and that was all that mattered.” —Tragically, this is what—all across America—the big donors (wealthy people and wealthy corporations) have done to nearly all of our political leaders. After they are settled in their legislative offices, the lobbyists keep them tied up—in subservience to their hidden masters. The result is do-nothing politicians who accomplish little in solving real problems. Unfortunately, there are few candidates who get into office while still preserving their integrity. Stuffed with money, they recognize that the lobbyists are their money tree, and they do nothing to oppose them. What about those office holders who still have their integrity? They are unable to make the necessary changes, because it requires majority votes to do so. In addition, there is an atmosphere in the legislative houses that a few men, who are party leaders, make the major decisions. In Congress, for example, the speaker decides which bills will be brought to the floor. Then the “whip” scurries around demanding that party members vote the party line. Congressmen know they had better obey or they will not be given extra funds during the next reelection campaign. Did you know that every time in past history when a nation has been prosperous—the middle class merchants are doing well, the poorer 22 22 classes who work for them have adequate wages, and there are few who are super rich? Did you know that every time in history when a nation is in serious financial trouble,—a small number have amassed most of the wealth in the nation, and both the middle class businesses and the workers are having a hard time making their way. (That, by the way, is what has happened in most communist nations.) That is the situation in Greece right now! And, unfortunately, in America too. Study history. During the Dark Ages, the wealthy had everything, and everyone else were serfs. It was not until the rise of middle class merchants that conditions began to change. that, if elected, he would have too much integrity to be enslaved by their money.) Oh, and what about the White House? The method of repaying their special interest masters is done differently. Instead of merely signing laws in the Oval Office, the various executive branches do special favors for the special interests. Why is it that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) permits poisons to be sold to Americans, while repeatedly trying to throttle any attempts to advertise the value of good, wholesome remedies and foods;—the ones which cannot be patented and sold for big profits by the drug industry, the processed food interests, or the meat monopolies? I said at the beginning, I love America. And I do. I am writing this because I do. We have wonderful blessings in America, but we have problems too. —Yet some of the key causes of our growing problems can actually be solved! But it cannot be done with massive political contributions at every election, and a flood of lobbyists controlling Congress between elections. The special interests must go. The needs of all America must become a special interest! More on how this can be done later in this report. Here is a story to remember: I was living in Eastern Shore, Maryland back in the early 1970s, when one day I met a local pastor who told me his story: Raised in West Virginia, he had an uncle who was in the State Legislature down in Charleston. About the time that this young man was ready to start college, he was approached by some men. They told him that, because he had the same last name as his uncle who was a wellknown figure in the State House,—they offered to start this young man on the road to the U.S. Congress! He told me that they had it all planned out, and they explained it to him. First, he would run for a local county office. He would win because Democrats controlled the State. In the following election, he would run for the State Legislature in Charleston, and they would make sure he won that seat. After several terms, at the right time, they would have him run for Congress—and they assured him that he would be elected. From then on, he would live handsomely because of the contributions that came in, some of which he could siphon off. All they asked in return was just one thing: total loyalty to do everything they asked, vote only for the party line, remain in lock-step with fellow Democrats, whether it be in the State House or in Congress. Then, years later, when he decided to leave Congress, he could slip into a job as a lobbyist in D.C. and his financial picture would improve even more. As he told me the story, he said that he did consider it for a time. But he decided to become a Christian, so he took a college course and seminary work to become a minister. For your information, it was not until the 1960 Kennedy/Nixon presidential election that television began for the first time to be widely used. From that year onward, political campaigns became more and more costly! We need to do what it takes to eliminate those costly elections! We have come to a time when it is frequently stated in the media that so-and-so has little chance of becoming elected because he has not raised enough contributions. Wait a minute! That means he has not been bought yet! The ones with the biggest war chests during an election campaign have the most hidden masters to obey after they are elected! Then, when they arrive in Washington D.C. in January,—they are mere automatons, obeying the big interests that bought and paid for them earlier. It was repeatedly stated that the problem with Mike Huckabee was that he had not received enough big contributions. In reality, that was an excellent point in his favor, yet because of it, he could not pay for enough TV ads to win the election! (Probably because the big interests realized 23 23 Why is it that every Congressman and Senator always leaves Washington wealthy, even before he becomes a lobbyist? Think about it. There is a reason. “Members of Congress—especially senators—are far richer than the average Americans they represent, the Center for Responsive Politics said Wednesday. “About 60% of first-year U.S. senators and 40% of House of Representatives freshmen are worth at least $1 million, an amount just 1% of Americans can claim to have, according to the center’s analysis of federal personal financial disclosures. “The median wealth for a first-year House of Representatives member is about $570,000, while the median wealth for a Senate freshman is almost $4 million, the research group said on its website, OpenSecrets.org. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) is worth $95 million, making him the richest freshman Congressman, according to the center. “ ‘Some are Democrats, some are Republicans, many are Tea Party conservatives while others are unabashedly liberal,’ Dan Auble, who manages the center’s personal-financial-disclosure database, said in a statement. ‘What unites these freshmen is that, on balance, they’re rich.’ “Popular stock investments among new members of Congress include Citigroup (C) and Wells Fargo (WFC), both of which received federal bailout money, as well as health-care companies such as Merck (MRK), Pfizer (PFE) and CVS Caremark (CVS).”—Daily Finance, March 9, 2011. After they have been in Congress awhile, their wealth increases. “The 50 richest members of Congress remain financially flush—each with a minimum net worth of nearly $5.5 million . . The combined wealth of the 50 richest members tallied approximately $1.3 billion in 2008.”—Roll Call, September 4, 2009. There seems to be something of a mystery about the inner workings of our federal government. Money keeps being printed by Treasury, It keeps pouring out of Congress and the White House. The country keeps getting into worse and worse shape. Neither Congress nor the White House appear to have any idea how to solve these immense problems—including the great mystery of how the banks, Wall Street, and the finance industry was able to get rid of so much of our money, gain great wealth for themselves, without even a slap on the wrist from government, much less applying solutions so it will never happen again. 2 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: SOLUTIONS TO THE CONTRIBUTION AND LOBBYIST PROBLEM Think not that this matter of lobbyists running around our city, county, state, and national capitals influencing legislators is small business! Lobbying in the United States targets the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of Representatives, and state legislatures. Lobbyists may also represent their clients’ or organizations’ interests in dealings with federal, state, or local executive branch agencies or the courts. Lobby groups and their members sometimes also write legislation and whip bills (use money to legislators to enact them). As of 2007 there are over 17,000 federal lobbyists based in Washington, D.C. alone. Just one (one) lobbyists’ information source, the Bureau of National Affairs (BNA) has 350 newsletters on topics like tax, health care, and labor. They provide basic data such as these to the army of lobbyists in America: “An appeals-court judge’s ruling on a patent dispute; when the House Appropriations Committee will mark up an EPA funding bill; and how telecom giants will benefit from a moratorium on wireless taxes. Which means every lawyer, lobbyist, and law-maker in the capital depends on BNA’s proprietary data to do his or her job and gain an edge over competitors.”—Newsweek, November 28, 2011. In August, 2011, Michael Bloomberg bought BNA for $990 million. “Bloomberg had recently launched two new subscription services online, BLaw and BGov, each with the company’s trademark approach of seducing professionals with a fire hose of data, custom-built analytic tools, and proprietary news until they feel unable to make key decisions without consulting Bloomberg. But in the crowded market for insider Beltway news, BGov and BLaw were still finding their footing when BNA put itself up for sale. “Now Bloomberg can feed BNA’s sought-after data directly to BLaw and BGov subscribers. The result: a one-stop shop for lobbyists to game the system. “Let’s say a lobbyist for a coal company wants to squash any legislation that affects his employer’s mining operations. He logs onto BGov.com (the cost is $5,700 per year) and is automatically alerted to breaking news of a just-introduced energy bill. The data drill-down begins. BGov shows the lobbyist how similar legislation has fared, what subcommittee the new 24 24 bill will face and when, who the key congressmen are, and how they have voted in the past. The lobbyist calls up information on the swing vote’s upcoming election contest: it’s competitive, and the congressman is behind in fundraising. “Lists of major donors—who might be induced to contribute or, better yet, place a call to the officeholder himself—are a click away. These political pressure points and a thousand more are how lobbyists make their mark.”—Ibid. When Michael Bloomberg spends $990 million for just one of several firms that provide news to lobbyists—lobbying in America must be pretty big business! Few Americans had any idea that lobbyists were such a big business in America. But now we know. This is why politicians cannot properly govern the nation! They are being continually bought (“influenced” is the word used) by lobbyists representing special interests all over America and overseas! Remember that cougar that was all tied up. First, we must eliminate this massive, ongoing bribery scandal that changes public officials into bond servants. Doing this will require the enactment of several different things which dovetail together. Regarding the bribery problem, a federal law could be enacted, but an amendment to the Constitution would be better. First, an amendment could not easily be replaced later by another law. Second, there are aspects to what is involved that could be considered by the courts as violations of First Amendment “free speech rights”. Third, it is very possible that portions of the needed reforms (if in the form of laws) would otherwise later be overthrown by the Supreme Court as violations of First Amendment free speech rights. (Changes to the US constitution must be passed by a two-thirds vote of each chamber of Congress and then ratified by threequarters of states—either by the state legislatures or state-based constitutional conventions.) But it should be mentioned here that this legislation would not curtail free speech; only political contributions. It is here suggested that this law would include the following provisions: • First, terminate all political contributions to any candidate for public office, or to someone already in public office. By definition here, “lobbying” includes asking for political favors based on present or past donations. While all lobbying would be illegal, individu- als, large and small, could still visit Congressmen, but no lobbying. (You might wonder how under the table passing of checks can be stopped? Yet it is better to try and stop it, than to let it run rampant as at the present time.) At this juncture, you will correctly ask, “How could this be done since it costs money to get elected?” The answer is the enactment of another provision of this law or amendment. Here is how this would be done: • Second, keeping intact the separation of church and state, require all non-religious media outlets (Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, and TV stations) to provide a certain amount of space in each issue for candidates to state their positions, how they wish to improve the country, and how they intend to do it. While in public speeches they could speak negatively about their opponents, they could not do it on supplied free space and air time. It would be reserved for stated positions on different issues, and how they would improve the country if elected. This free time/space should not consist of 30 second/single paragraph ads, but 30 minute presentations and full articles. Only one such presentation by a candidate would be needed monthly. It would be best if all the candidates’ statements were presented in the same issue, so the public could compare them. It might be that the govenment could partially subsidize this free media space/air time. • Third, help subsidize travel expenses while stumping for federal government offices, since those candidates must make appearances over wide areas. • Fourth, open up a large, central website on the internet, where every citizen can go and consider what every candidate in the nation—high and law—has to say about his plans and objectives when elected, and what he is doing while in office. Everything on that website would be organized by cities, counties, states, and federal offices, so anyone could quickly find the local, state, and Congressional candidates he is looking for. This main website would also lead to a secondary website where, in simple language, all proposed and pending legislation (county, state, and federal) would be provided for citizens to read and, if they wished, contact their legislators about. The main website would also lead to a third website which would list all potential “pork 25 25 barrel” bills, so the public could respond to them. • Fifth, forbid all contributions to the elections of judges and city/county councilmen in America, and provide them with a small part of free local media space. More on this when we discuss the shocking facts about jailing Americans at great expense in order to please bailbond agents who bought local officials. Doing so fills jails with people who do not need to be there while costing taxpayers millions in prison costs. These would be the primary aspects of a law or amendment which would eliminate the need for large political contributions during elections and lobbyists afterward. 3 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: IT BEGINS WITH CAMPAIGN FUNDS Campaign finance is a controversial issue, pitting concerns about free speech against concerns about corruption and inequality on the part of those who favor existing or further restrictions. Correct handling of political finance greatly affects a country’s ability to effectively maintain free and fair elections, effective governance, democratic government and regulation of corruption At the federal level, the primary sources of campaign funds are individual contributions and political action committees. Contributions from both are somewhat limited, and direct contributions from corporations and labor unions are prohibited. On January 21, 2010, the Supreme Court overturned a 20-year-old ruling that had previously permitted state laws that prohibit corporations and unions from using money from their general treasuries to produce and run their own campaign ads. How can we find where the money came from, where it went, and how it was used? The phrase “money trail” is a catch phrase, used to describe the source of funding for a politician or interest group. Such funding sources are not always obvious and is often only discovered through investigation by journalists, government agencies, or opposition groups. Often, the target of such investigations is a conflict of interest in the form of a recursive, self-reinforcing, circular money loop, benefiting candidates and contributors, to the detriment of taxpayers. “Front groups” are organizations established by other larger organizations to influence public opinion or bring about a desired objective that the parent organization may not be able to do under its own aegis for various reasons. But they can have their relationship with the parent group revealed by “following the money trail.” The phrase may also refer to the correlation between a legislator’s votes on a particular issue, and campaign contributions he or she may have received from organizations which favor the way the legislator voted. Such money trails can be discovered by reports of contributions that candidates, lobbyists and political action committees, among others, may be required to file with regulators. Here is but one example from past history: In 1971, the Associated Milk Producers Incorporated, or AMPI, pledged $2 million to Richard Nixon’s reelection campaign. In return, Nixon jacked up the federal subsidy for milk. “It was a simple trade,” says Richard Reeves, who covered the scandal as a reporter and later wrote about it in his book, Richard Nixon, Alone in the White House. “Nixon got $2 million for charging American consumers $100 million.” The deal was sealed on May 23, 1971. In the morning, Nixon met with AMPI leaders in the Cabinet Room. Then he left, as his aides worked out the details. “After the deal was worked out, at midnight, the Nixon people met with the milk producers. And that’s where the money passed hands.” The Nixon tapes revealed that, before they left the room, someone said, “We better go out and buy some milk before the price goes up.” Everyone laughed. The new rules of campaign finance provide a way to do what was illegal in 1971. AMPI would have to avoid a candidate’s campaign committee. But it could give any amount it wanted to a presidential super PAC, something new in the 2012 elections. 4 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: PACS AND SUPER PACS These are organizations which collect money and distribute it to political candidates during elections. (The contributions of lobbyists between elections is in addition to this.) In the United States, a political action committee, or PAC, is the name commonly given to a private group, regardless of size, organized to elect political candidates or to advance the outcome of a political issue or legislation. Legally, what constitutes a “PAC” for purposes of regulation is a matter of state and federal law. 26 26 Under the Federal Election Campaign Act, an organization becomes a “political committee” by receiving contributions or making expenditures in excess of $1,000 for the purpose of influencing a federal election. Federal multi-candidate PACs are limited in the amount of money they can contribute to candidate campaigns or other organizations: At the most $5,000 per candidate per election. Elections such as primaries, general elections and special elections are counted separately; or at most $15,000 per political party per year. It is the Super Pacs which are the most dangerous—because they are able to contribute vast amounts to candidates. The 2010 election marked the rise of a new political committee, dubbed “super PACs.” These are officially known as “independentexpenditure only committees,” and can raise unlimited sums from corporations, unions and other groups, as well as individuals. The super PACs were made possible by two judicial decisions. First the Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission decision by the Supreme Court, which lifted spending limits. Second the Speechnow v. FEC decision by the D.C. Circuit Court, which invoked the logic of Citizens United to dispense with contribution limits on independent-expenditure committees. The groups can also mount the kind of direct attacks on candidates that were not allowed in the past. Super PACs are not allowed to coordinate directly with candidates or political parties and are required to disclose their donors. The arrival of Super Pacs has brought vast amounts of bribery money into the hands of political candidates. If elected officials were owned by special interests before, they are now bound and gagged by them. They do what they are told to do—and very little else! Dozens and even thousands of organizations and individuals pay money into a Super Pac, and it passes they money on to candidates. In the 2008 election, the largest Super Pac contributor syndicate was a labor union. The third largest—yes, you guessed it—was the American Bankers Association. The liquor Pac was the fourth largest. The eighth largest was the American Association for Justice which provided contributions of the election of judges in America. Will those judges hand down fair sentences when major Super Pacs, such as the homosexuals, drug, and liquor interests, helped them get into office? 5 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: TRYING TO TACKLE THE PROBLEM ON THE STATE LEVEL Races for non-federal offices are governed by state and local law. Over half the states allow some level of corporate and union contributions. Some states have limits on contributions from individuals that are lower than the national limits, while six states (Illinois, Missouri, New Mexico, Oregon, Utah and Virginia) have no limits at all. Some of them have tried to have, what is termed, “Clean Elections.” Also called, “Clean Money,” “Voter-Owned Elections,” or “Fair Elections”), this describes a special system of government financing of political campaigns, in which the government provides a grant to candidates who agree to limit their and private fundraising efforts and limit their campaign-spending. Clean Election initiatives are used in a small number of states and local political jurisdictions in the United States. Some form of Clean Elections legislation has been adopted by ballot initiative in Maine, Arizona, North Carolina, New Mexico, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. It was also adopted by legislative action in Connecticut and at the municipal level in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Portland, OR. However, the systems in Massachusetts and Portland were later repealed, while Vermont’s was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds. These laws have increasingly run into constitutional problems in the Courts. It is claimed that they violate the “free speech rights” of those handing money to the politicians. Unlike traditional campaign finance laws that focus primarily on placing caps on campaign donations, Clean Election laws provide a government grant to candidates who agree to limit their spending and private fundraising. Candidates participating in a Clean Elections system are required to meet certain qualification criteria, which usually includes collecting a number of signatures and small contributions (generally determined by statute and set at $5 in both Maine and Arizona) before the candidate can receive public support. In most Clean Elections programs, these qualifying contributions must be given by constituents (people living within that state). To receive the government campaign grant, “Clean Candidates” must agree to forgo all other fundraising and accept no other private or personal funds. Candidates who choose not to participate are subject to limits on their 27 27 fundraising, typically in the form of limits on the size of contributions they may accept and the sources of those contributions (such as limits on corporate or union contributions), and detailed reporting requirements. Much can be learned from how the Clean Election and Clean Candidate laws are mandated. 6 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: ONE EXAMPLE OF THE POWER OF SPECIAL INTERESTS IN THE U.S. - THIS ONE ON THE COUNTY LEVEL A county judge looks through arrest reports and make sure he keeps the dangerous people in jail and, prior to trial and sentencing, lets the people who are not dangerous out. He can release defendants on their own recognizance, which he does for small crimes like driving with a suspended license. Or he can grant them bail. Many won’t be able to afford the bail Hurley sets, so they will pay a bail bondsman a nonrefundable fee—usually about 10 percent—to do it for them. The third option is pretrial release, a countyfunded program that gets people out of jail and keeps track of them using things like ankle bracelets, phone calls or drug testing. This is the best because it does not disrupt people’s lives and they can continue to work, support their families, and care for their children.—And it saves the county an immense amount of money! In Broward County, Florida, the pretrial program costs about $7 a day per inmate. Jail costs the county $115 a day, “It costs a quarter of every county tax dollar to run our jail system in Broward County,” Gulick says. “It’s the largest single expense to any county taxpayer.” Conditions at the County Jail were so overcrowded that the decision had been made to build a new $70 million jail. But, instead of doing it, The County Commissioners voted to expand pretrial release, letting more inmates out on supervised release. Within a year, the jail population plunged, so much so that the sheriff closed an entire wing. It saved taxpayers $20 million a year. After a steady increase in Broward County’s jail inmate population, the average population started to decline in 2007. That is the year that the County Commissioners doubled funding for Broward’s pretrial release program. Commissioners called the program a success. But then a year ago—two years after commissioners voted to double the program’s funding—the same commissioners voted at an otherwise mundane meeting to essentially eliminate it. The new ordinance strictly limits who can qualify for pretrial release and heavily reduces the program back by several hundred defendants. What had happened? Upon investigation, it was found that the 135 bail bandsmen in Broward County had taken action to stop the reduction in their income that the pretrial release program had brought them. “Bondsmen Wayne Spath makes no apologies for leading the charge against pretrial . . “Spath argues that pretrial release costs taxpayers too much money. And, he says, it was hurting his business. “So he and the other bondsmen did what any self-respecting private business group would do: They hired a lobbyist, Rob Book . . “According to campaign records, Book, Spath and the rest of Broward’s bondsmen spread almost $23,000 across the council in the year before the bill was passed. Fifteen bondsmen cut checks worth more than $5,000 to commissioner (and now-county) Mayor Ken Keechl just five days before the vote.”—National Public Radio, January 22, 2010. Because large numbers of poor defendants cannot afford the bail bond, they are placed in jail. it costs the county a lot of money to house and feed indigent defendants in jail because they can’t afford a bondsman’s fees. But what happened in Broward County, Florida, is taking place all across America. “Bondsmen have lobbied to cut back local pretrial programs from Texas to California, pushed for legislation in four states limiting pretrial’s resources, and lobbied Congress so that they won’t have to pay the bond if the defendant commits a new crime. “Behind them, the bondsmen have powerful special interest group and millions of dollars. Pretrial release agencies have a smattering of public employees and the remnants of their oncethriving programs.”—Ibid. —We deeply appreciate the work of NPR and other investigative groups! They are trying to protect America! 7 - THE BRIBERY PROBLEM: A FEW PEOPLE DECIDE EACH POLITICAL ELECTION “News release, December 14, 2011—A tiny 28 28 percentage of very wealthy Americans funded a relatively large chunk of the 2010 congressional midterm races, continuing a trend that has been growing for two decades, according to a new analysis of political contributions. “The Sunlight Foundation, which advocates for transparency in politics and government, found that fewer than 27,000 individuals (out of a population of 307 million Americans) each gave at least $10,000 to federal political campaigns in 2010. “Sunlight’s report, ‘The Political One Percent of the One Percent,’ said ‘these donors combined spent $774 million—24.3 percent of all money from individuals that went to candidates, PACS, political parties and independent expenditure groups in aign contributions,’ says Lee Drutman, a data fellow with Sunlight. “Looking at the absolute top tier, Drutman says just 17 individuals gave more than $500,000 each. “Drutman found that over the past 20 years, the $10,000-plus donors have accounted for an ever bigger share of political contributions. He says not just candidates but everybody leans harder on the wealthy as campaign spending escalates. “ ‘Parties want to be able to tap into donor networks of people who can give $10,000, $20,000 to the party. And both parties and candidates, both, want to be able to tap into networks who can give unlimited sums of money to independent expenditure groups,’ says Drutman. “Independent expenditure groups, more commonly known as super PACs, are approved by the Federal Elections Commission. These groups have an unprecedented ability to raise large amounts of cash in order to bombard the opposition with attack ads, such as American Crossroads does on the right and Patriot Majority does on the left. “The Sunlight Foundation’s analysis also shows that the donor elite of both parties tend to live in big cities—especially New York, Washington, Chicago and Los Angeles. And they break down into three categories of donors. “The Sunlight Foundation report finds that most of the largest donors live in major metropolitan areas. “The bigger category, corporations, gave donations to Republicans. “The much smaller categories, ideological givers and lawyer-lobbyists, tilted Democratic. “While the Obama campaign and others em- phasize their success with small givers, Drutman says there’s no mistaking the economic class of the group he looked at. “ ‘Each of these elite donors on average give $29,000 per electoral cycle. That’s more than what half of Americans earn in a single year,’ Drutman explains. “Others analyzing political giving patterns have seen similar trends. ‘Bear in mind that wealth is concentrated. And this donation pattern, of course, reflects the concentration of wealth in this country,’ says Jim Gimpel, a political scientist at the University of Maryland. “Gimpel cautions against jumping to conclusions about the donors and their motives. “ ‘It’s easy to suspect that they’re the ones behind the scenes pulling the strings, or distorting public policy in some way,’ says Gimpel.” 29 29 — PART FOUR CONTENTS — HOW WE GOT HERE: THE CAUSES OF OUR TWO BIG CRASHES WISE WORDS BEFORE WE BEGIN 1 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: A BRIEF HISTORY: CAUSES OF THE 1929 CRASH 2 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: THE FEDERAL RESERVE WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM IN THE GREAT DEPRESSION 3 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: TRENDING TOWARDS OUR PRESENT CRASH 4 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: A CLOSER LOOK AT THE EVENTS INVOLVED IN OUR PRESENT CRASH 5 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: WHAT THE 2007-2008 CRASH BROUGHT TO AMERICA —————— — PART FOUR — HOW WE GOT HERE: THE CAUSES OF OUR TWO BIG CRASHES WISE WORDS BEFORE WE BEGIN “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labor of the people, under the pretense of caring for them, they will be happy.”—Thomas Jefferson “The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.”—Thomas Jefferson “I hope a tax will be preferred [to a loan which threatens to saddle us with a perpetual debt], because it will awaken the attention of the people and make reformation and economy the principle of the next election. The frequent recurrence of this chastening operation can alone restrain the propensity of governments to enlarge expense beyond income.”—Thomas Jefferson to Albert Gallatin, 1820. “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power [of money] should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.”—Thomas Jefferson “It’s never paid to bet against America. We come through things, but its not always a smooth ride.”—Warren Buffett Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong.”—Ronald Reagan “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”—Benjamin Franklin “Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of Liberty.”—Thomas Jefferson “To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.”—Thomas Jefferson “I think we have more machinery of government than is necessary, too many parasites living on the labor of the industrious.”—Thomas Jefferson, Letter to William Ludlow, September 6, 1824 “A nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”— Benjamin Franklin “In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man, hated and scorned. When the cause succeeds, however, the timid join him . . for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.”—Mark Twain “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largess from the public treasury. From that time on the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury, with the results that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.”—John Adams “The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money.”—Alexis de Tocqueville “Man is not free unless government is limited . . As government expands, liberty contracts.”— 30 30 Ronald Reagan “It’s not an endlessly expanding list of rights—the “right” to education, the “right” to health care, the “right” to food and housing. That’s not freedom, that’s dependency. Those aren’t rights, those are the rations of slavery—hay and a barn for human cattle.”—Alexis De Tocquiville “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism, but under the name of liberalism, they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program until one day America will be a socialist nation without ever knowing how it happened.”—Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Party Candidate 1940, 1944, 1948 “In the absence of the gold standard, there is no way to protect savings from confiscation through inflation . . This is the shabby secret of the welfare statistician’s tirades against gold. Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statistician’s antagonism toward the gold standard.”—Alan Greenspan “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”—Ronald Reagan “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”—Abraham Lincoln “Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered with failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.”—Theodore Roosevelt “The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more.”—Jonas Salk “The world stands aside to let anyone pass who knows where he is going.”—David Starr Gordon The more I want to get something done, the less I call it work.”—Richard Bach “Sarasate, the greatest Spanish violinist of the nineteenth century, was once called a genius by a famous critic. In reply to this, Sarasate declared, “Genius! For thirty-seven years I’ve practiced fourteen hours a day, and now they call me a genius.”—John Maxwell “Energy and persistence conquer all things.”— Ben Franklin “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.”—Abraham Lincoln “Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.”—William Jennings Bryant “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”—Thomas Edison “Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”—Thomas Edison “What you are afraid to do is a clear indicator of the next thing you need to do.”—Unknown “Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose—and you allow him to make war at pleasure.”—Abraham Lincoln “If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.”—Abraham Lincoln “Knavery and flattery are blood relations.”— Abraham Lincoln “The people will save their government, if the government itself will allow them.”—Abraham Lincoln “If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams “No people will tamely surrender their Liberties, nor can any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and virtue is preserved. On the Contrary, when People are universally ignorant, and debauched in their Manners, they will sink under their own weight without the Aid of foreign Invaders.”—Samuel Adams “All might be free if they valued freedom, and defended it as they should.”—Samuel Adams “The liberties of our country, the freedoms of our civil Constitution are worth defending at all hazards; it is our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors. They purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense 31 31 of treasure and blood. It will bring a mark of everlasting infamy on the present generation— enlightened as it is—if we should suffer them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or to be cheated out of them by the artifices of designing men.”—Samuel Adams “A general dissolution of principles and manners will more surely overthrow the liberties of America than the whole force of the common enemy. While the people are virtuous they cannot be subdued; but when once they lose their virtue then will be ready to surrender their liberties to the first external or internal invader.”— Samuel Adams “If ever a time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.”— Samuel Adams “Nothing is more essential to the establishment of manners in a State than that all persons employed in places of power and trust must be men of unexceptionable characters.”—Samuel Adams “The right to freedom is the gift of God Almighty . . The rights of the Colonists as Christians may be best understood by reading, and carefully studying the institutes of the great Lawgiver and head of the Christian Church: which are to be found clearly written and promuligated in the New Testament.”—Samuel Adams “The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.”—George Sutherland, 1862-1942 US Supreme Court 1 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: A BRIEF HISTORY: CAUSES OF THE 1929 CRASH It is remarkable how many aspects of the 1929 Crash are mirrored in conditions which led to our present recession. Will the coming years also mirror what happened from 1929 to 1940? The Wall Street Stock Market Crash of October 1929 was the most devastating stock market crash in the history of the United States, taking into consideration the full extent and duration of its fallout. The crash marked the beginning of the 12year Great Depression that affected all Western industrialized countries. It did not end in the United States until the beginning of American entry into World War II at the end of 1941. The similarities between the causes of that crash and our own massive recession today are striking. For some reason, we did not learn from the past,—and so repeated it. The Great Depression was foreshadowed by the irresponsible monetary and fiscal policies of the U.S. government in the late 1920s and early 1930s. Murray Rothbard, in his book, America’s Great Depression, revealed how the federal government bloated the money supply by more than 60 percent from mid 1921 to 1929,—and how this easily available credit drove interest rates down, pushing the stock market higher and higher, and giving us the “Roaring Twenties”—a period of decadency and loose morals (Murray Rothbard, America’s Great Depression, p. 89). This led to an immense contraction of the money supply. Between August 1929 and March 1933, the money supply in America shrank to one-third its former value. The Roaring Twenties, the decade that led up to the Crash, was a time of wealth and excess. Massive amounts of financial speculation occurred, yet no one was concerned that the good times would ever end. Many believed that the stock market would continue to rise indefinitely. When President Calvin Coolidge delivered his 1928 State of the Union address, he noted that America had never “met with a more pleasing prospect than that which appears at the present time.” Although the disparity between the rich and the poor had widened within the past decade, yet Americans could now buy goods on installment plans (a relatively new concept), and everyone was buying on credit. The Dow Jones Industrial Average quadrupled. At that time, it was the longest bull market ever recorded; some thought it would last forever. The market had been on a six-year run that saw the Dow Jones Industrial Average increase in value fivefold peaking at 381.17 on September 3, 1929. Shortly before the crash, economist Irving Fisher famously proclaimed, “Stock prices have reached what looks like a permanently high plateau.” This exuberance lured more investors to the market, investing on margin with borrowed money. By 1929, 2 out of every 5 dollars a bank loaned were used to purchase stocks. The market peaked on September 3, 1929. Steel production was down, several banks had 32 32 failed, and fewer homes were being built, but few paid attention—the Dow stood at 381.17, up 27% from the previous year. Over the next few weeks, however, prices began to move downward. And the lower they fell, the faster they picked up speed. In the last hour of trading at the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on “Black Thursday”, Oct. 24, 1929, stock prices suddenly plummeted. The market lost 11% of its value at the opening bell on very heavy trading. When the closing bell rang at 3 p.m. people were shaken. No one was sure what had just happened, but that evening provided enough time to think about it—and fear and panic to set in. They had reason to be concerned since so much of that stock had been purchased with borrowed money. When the market opened again the next day, share prices plunged with renewed violence. Stock transactions in those days were printed on ticker tape, which could only produce 285 words a minute. Thirteen million shares changed hands—the highest daily volume in the exchange’s history at that point—and the tape didn’t stop running until four hours after the market closed. The following day, President Herbert Hoover went on the radio to reassure the American people, saying “The fundamental business of the country . . is on a sound and prosperous basis.” Several leading Wall Street bankers met to find a solution to the panic and chaos on the trading floor. The meeting included Thomas W. Lamont, acting head of Morgan Bank; Albert Wiggin, head of the Chase National Bank; and Charles E. Mitchell, president of the National City Bank of New York. They chose Richard Whitney, vice president of the Exchange, to act on their behalf. With the bankers’ financial resources behind him, Whitney placed a bid to purchase a large block of shares in U.S. Steel at a price well above the current market. As traders watched, Whitney then placed similar bids on other “blue chip” stocks. This tactic was similar to one that ended the Panic of 1907. It succeeded in halting the slide. The Dow Jones Industrial Average recovered, closing with it down only 6.38 points for the day; however, unlike 1907, the respite was only temporary. And then came October 28, “Black Monday”. As soon as the opening bell rang, prices began to drop. Huge blocks of shares changed hands, as previously impregnable companies like U.S. Steel and General Electric began to tumble. The slide continued with a record loss in the Dow for the day of 38 points, or 13%. So many shares changed hands that day that traders didn’t have time to record them all. They worked into the night, sleeping in their offices or on the floor, trying to catch up to be ready for October 29. It is said that the opening bell was never heard on Black Tuesday because the shouts of “Sell! Sell! Sell!” drowned it out. In the first thirty minutes, 3 million shares changed hands. This amounted to $2 million that had totally disappeared. Phone lines clogged. The volume of Western Union telegrams traveling across the country to New York City tripled. The ticker tape ran so far behind the actual transactions that some traders simply let it run out. Trades happened so quickly that although people knew they were losing money, they didn’t know how much. Rumors of investors jumping out of buildings spread through Wall Street; although some of the stories were not true. But this drove the prices down further. Brokers called in margins (that is, the actual money represented by stock holdings). If stockholders couldn’t pay up, their stocks were sold, wiping out many an investor’s life savings in an instant. So many trades were made—each recorded on a slip of paper— that traders didn’t know where to store them, and ended up stuffing them into trash cans. One trader fainted from exhaustion, was revived and put back to work. The next day, “Black Tuesday”, October 29, 1929, about 16 million shares were traded, and the Dow lost an additional 30 points, or 12%. The volume on stocks traded on October 29, 1929 was a record that was not broken for nearly 40 years. There were rumors that U.S. President Herbert Hoover would not veto the pending HawleySmoot Tariff bill—and stock prices shot down even faster. The New York Stock Exchange’s board of governors considered closing the market, but decided against it, lest the move increase the panic. Instead, William C. Durant joined with members of the Rockefeller family and other financial giants to buy large quantities of stocks in order to demonstrate to the public their confidence in the market, but their efforts failed to stop the large decline in prices. The ticker did not stop running until about 7:45 that evening. The market had lost over $30 billion in the space of two days. When the market closed at 3 p.m. that Tuesday, more than 16.4 million shares had 33 33 changed hands, using 15,000 miles of ticker tape paper. The Dow had dropped another 12%. Surveying the wreckage afterward, a total of $25 billion—some $319 billion in today’s dollars—was lost in the U.S. alone, during the 1929 crash. Significantly, The falls in share prices on October 24 and 29, 1929 were practically instantaneous in all financial markets, except Japan. Stocks continued to fall over subsequent weeks, and did not bottom out on November 13, 1929 (with the Dow closing at 198.60). The market recovered for several months and then began sliding again, gaining momentum as it went, heading steadily downward, reaching a secondary closing peak (i.e., bear market rally) of 294.07 on April 17, 1930 before embarking on another, much longer, slide from April 1931 to July 1932 when the Dow closed at 41.22—its lowest level of the 20th century. It would not return to the peak of September 1929 until November 1954. The Great Depression had arrived. Companies incurred huge layoffs, unemployment skyrocketed, wages plummeted and the economy went into a tailspin. While World War II helped pull the country out of a Depression by the early 1940s, the stock market did not return to its precrash numbers until 1954. Together, the 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression formed “the biggest financial crisis of the 20th century”. 2 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: THE FEDERAL RESERVE WAS A SIGNIFICANT PROBLEM IN THE GREAT DEPRESSION After the 1929 Stock Market Crash occurred, according to the clearly stated view of Ben Bernanke in November 8, 2002 (at that time a Federal Reserve Governor, now its Chairman), it was none other than the Federal Reserve that caused the Great Depression which followed—and the horrific suffering, deprivation and dislocation America and the world experienced in its wake. The worldwide economic downturn called the Great Depression, which persisted from 1929 until about 1939, was the longest and worst depression ever experienced by the industrialized Western world. While originating in the U.S., it ended up causing drastic declines in output, severe unemployment, and acute deflation in virtually every country on earth. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, “the Great Depression ranks second only to the Civil War as the gravest crisis in American history.” The economic collapse of 1929-33 was the product of the nation’s monetary mechanism gone wrong. At the time of that crisis, those in charge of the Fed believed that money and its loss was not important in working toward nationwide fiscal recovery. “The contraction is in fact a tragic testimonial to the importance of monetary forces” (see Milton Friedman and Anna J. Schwartz, Monetary History). In that 2002 speech, Bernanke explained that while it was in large part to improve the management of banking panics that the Federal Reserve was created in 1913, yet in the early 1930s the Federal Reserve did not serve that function. The problem was that those in charge of the Fed had accepted the theory of Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon that weeding out “weak” banks was a harsh but necessary prerequisite to the recovery of the banking system. Thus the Fed saw no particular need to try to stem the panics. At the same time, the large banks–which would have intervened before the founding of the Fed–felt that protecting their smaller brethren was no longer their responsibility. Indeed, since the large banks felt confident that the Fed would protect them if necessary, the weeding out of small competitors was a positive good, from their point of view. As a result, a very large number of banks failed, taking with them the savings of millions of Americans.—and the banking panics of the Great Depression were much more severe and widespread than would have normally occurred during a downturn. The Fed failed to use policies that might have stopped a recession from turning into a depression. People wanted to hold more money than the Federal Reserve was supplying. As a result people hoarded money by consuming less. This caused a contraction in employment and production since prices were not flexible enough to immediately fall. The Fed’s failure was in not realizing what was happening and not taking corrective action. In addition, the potential for a run on the banks caused local bankers to be more conservative in lending out their reserves. Weaknesses in the rural economy made local banks highly vulnerable. Farmers, already deeply in debt, saw farm prices plummet in the late 1920s and their implicit real interest rates on loans skyrocket; their land was already 34 34 over-mortgaged (as a result of the 1919 bubble in land prices), and crop prices were too low to allow them to pay off what they owed. Small banks, especially those tied to the agricultural economy, were in constant crisis in the 1920s with their customers defaulting on loans because of the sudden rise in real interest rates; there was a steady stream of failures among these smaller banks throughout the decade. Some of the nation’s largest banks were failing to maintain adequate reserves and were investing heavily in the stock market or making risky loans. Among the riskiest were loans to Germany and Latin America by New York City banks. In other words, the banking system was not well prepared to absorb the shock of a major recession. The magnitude of the shock to expectations of future prosperity was high. Most analysts believe the market in 1928-29 was a “bubble” with prices far higher than justified by fundamentals. Could such a deepening recession happen again right now? Here is the sequence of events back then: Under pressure from the Coolidge administration and from business, the Federal Reserve Board kept the discount rate low, encouraging high (and excessive) investment. By the end of the 1920s, however, capital investments had created more plant space than could be profitably used, and factories were producing more than consumers could purchase. During the Crash of 1929 preceding the Great Depression, margin requirements were only 10%. In other words, at the beginning of the crash, brokerage firms would lend $9 for every $1 an investor had deposited. 1 - When the market fell, brokers called in these loans, which could not be paid back. Banks began to fail as debtors defaulted on debt and massive numbers of depositors attempted to withdraw their deposits. This triggered multiple bank runs. 2 - Government guarantees and Federal Reserve banking regulations to prevent such panics were not properly used. 3 - Bank failures led to the loss of billions of dollars in assets. Outstanding debts became heavier, because prices and incomes fell by 20–50% but the debts remained at the same dollar amount. After the panic of 1929, and during the first 10 months of 1930, 744 US banks failed. (In all, 9,000 banks failed during the 1930s). By April 1933, around $7 billion in deposits had been frozen in failed banks or those left unlicensed after the March 1933 Bank Holiday. 4 - Bank failures snowballed as desperate bankers called in loans, which the borrowers did not have time or money to repay. 5 - With future profits looking poor, capital investment and construction slowed or completely ceased. In the face of bad loans and worsening future prospects, the surviving banks became even more conservative in their lending. Banks built up their capital reserves and made fewer loans, which intensified deflationary pressures. A vicious cycle developed and the downward spiral accelerated. 6 - The liquidation of debt could not keep up with the fall of prices it caused. 7 - The mass effect of the stampede to liquidate increased the value of each dollar owed, relative to the value of declining asset holdings. Thus, the very effort of individuals to lessen their burden of debt effectively increased it. Paradoxically, the more the debtors paid, the more they owed. This self-aggravating process transformed a 1930 recession into a 1933 great depression. Another aspect of the Great Depression years was caused by the enactment of the SmootHawley Tariff in 1930, which Congress enacted after the 1920 Crash and before President Herbert Hoover left office. This harsh anti-foreign trade law, signed into law on June 17, 1930, which raised U.S. tariffs on over 20,000 imported goods to record levels, closed U.S. borders to foreign goods. In retaliation, a vicious international trade war resulted, as foreign nations refused to accept our products. This greatly injured our industries (including automobiles) and food. We could not import needed equipment and supplies or sell anything overseas. In May 1930, a petition had been signed by 1,928 economists in the U.S. asking President Hoover to veto the legislation, but he signed it anyway. It was not until the Bretton Woods Agreement, in 1944, that a great lessening of global tariffs began in December 1945, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, was signed by the nations in the 1950s. The general misery in America was only added to by Congressional enactment of an immense increase of taxes on everyone. The Revenue Act of 1932 caused tax rates (personal, corporate, gasoline, and postal rates) paid by all Ameri- 35 35 cans to the federal government to be greatly increased. The next problem was the National Labor Relations Act of 1935 which gave organized labor great power against employers. It took labor disputes out of courts of law and brought them under a new federal agency, which tended to favor the labor unions. This weakened business even more. It is of interest that just after the 1929 Crash, unemployment in America was only 9 percent (what it is today). It climbed slowly to 11 percent. But foolish government decisions of the 1930s kept raising it—until when World War II began in 1941, it was 17 percent! Henry M. Morgenthau was the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury during the entire administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945). He played a major role in designing and financing the New Deal. More than any other man, he knew the problems it faced, and how it failed. He wrote this in his diary: “We have tried spending money. We [the federal government] are spending more than we have ever spent before and it does not work . . We have never made good on our promises . . I saw after eight years of this Administration [by 1940] we have just as much unemployment as when we started . . and an enormous debt to boot.”—H. M. Morgenthau, quoted in J.M. Blum, From the Morgenthau diaries: Years of Crisis, 1928-1938, pp. 24-25. And he added that the rich should be paying more in taxes, but that was not done—and this was part of the stalled economic recovery. “We have never begun to tax the people in this country the way they should be . . I don’t pay what I should. People in my class don’t. People who have it should pay.”—Ibid. 3 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: TRENDING TOWARDS OUR PRESENT CRASH Reagan’s tax shifts—Before considering the disastrous changes which occurred after the turn of the century, it should be mentioned that, in October 1986, President Reagan signed the Tax Reform Act of 1986. This bipartisan reform shifted a large part of the tax burden from individuals to corporations and also exempted millions of low-income households from federal income taxes. Reagan also agreed to raise the capital gains tax rate from 20 percent to 28 percent, because he said that capital gains and ordinary income ought to be taxed at the same rate. Both of Reagan’s tax changes tended to be helpful, because they tended toward higher tax payments by the rich. Gingrich and Clinton’s tax shifts—In the 1994 campaign season, Newt Gingrich and several other Republicans came up with a Contract with America, which laid out ten policies that Republicans promised to bring to a vote on the House floor during the first hundred days of the new Congress, if they won the election. Among the first pieces of legislation passed by the new Congress under Gingrich was the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995, which subjected members of Congress to the same laws that apply to U.S. businesses and their employees. That was a startling improvement. A key aspect of the Contract with America was the promise of a balanced federal budget; and a working toward the elimination of all federal debt! By May 1997, Republican congressional leaders reached a compromise with the Democrats and President Clinton on the federal budget. The agreement called for a federal spending plan designed to reduce the federal deficit and achieve a balanced budget by 2002. President Clinton signed the budget legislation in August 1997. At the signing, Gingrich gave credit to ordinary Americans stating, “It was their political will that brought the two parties together.” In early 1998, with the economy performing better than expected, increased tax revenues helped reduce the federal budget deficit to below $25 billion. Gingrich then called upon President Clinton to submit a balanced budget for 1999—three years ahead of schedule—which Clinton did, making it the first time the federal budget had been balanced since 1969. Gingrich has been credited with creating the agenda for the reduction in capital gains tax, especially in his Contract with America, which set out to balance the budget and implement decreases in estate and capital gains tax. In the year 2000, the economy was doing well, tax revenues were rolling in. Expenses for war were none. And there was a $200 billion surplus. (But keep in mind that a “balanced budget” only means that the government has not overspent that year; there is no “deficit” that year. It does not mean that all previously amassed federal debt has been paid. A “balanced budget” year, does not add to the federal debt and does not reduce it.) The Clinton tax reductions for the rich— 36 36 Then Clinton started us on the path of protecting the rich from taxation: In 1997 President Clinton signed into effect the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, which included the largest capital gains tax cut in U.S. history. This greatly helped the wealthy in America. There were also reductions in a number of other taxes on investment gains. Additionally, the act raised the value of inherited estates and gifts that could be sheltered from taxation. The Bush tax cuts—George W. Bush said his first order of business was giving back the surplus by cutting taxes. Then came Sept. 11, the war in Afghanistan and a large increase in government spending on domestic security. In 2002, the economy slid into a recession so President Bush and Congress supported another tax cut—this one to stimulate spending by businesses. By the end of that year, the surplus was gone and the government began going heavily in debt. In President Bush’s State of the Union address in early 2003, he warned of rising unemployment, and he said the best way to get people working was to reduce taxes still more. The center of this added, proposed tax cut was a reduction in capital gains taxes, and a lower rate for investment income. This meant that rich Americans would be much wealthier. Congress was already spending more money than it was taking in. Cutting taxes again would make that worse. And the Bush administration appeared to be on the brink of invading Iraq—a second war to fund. Every economic forecast from the Congressional Budget Office on down showed that it would lead to an immense, ongoing loss of federal revenues, and deficits larger than anything we had ever seen. The Obama massive spending increases— As if they were not already high under Bush, when Obama came into office, he dramatically increased the amount of money that the federal government spent. Then came the collapse in 2007. Read this! “In the first 19 months of the Obama adminstration, the federal debt held by the public increased by $2.5260 trillion, which is more than the cumulative total of the national debt held by the public that was amassed by all U.S. presidents from George Washington through Ronald Reagan.”—CNS News, September 1, 2010. That is 2,526,000,000 dollars. You could not count that high in a lifetime. 4 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: A CLOSER LOOK AT THE EVENTS INVOLVED IN OUR PRESENT CRASH 1- The housing crisis—The immediate cause that triggered our present crisis into a bursting bombshell—was the popping of the United States housing bubble which peaked in approximately 2005–2006. —But first, some readers need to better understand the basics underlying this: The main difference between prime and subprime mortgages is the credit score requirements for the borrower. In most cases, a borrower with a credit score below 580 (indicating that the loan has a higher risk of not being repaid.) can only qualify for a subprime mortgage. Subprime mortgages carry more of a risk for lenders, therefore, the interest rate charged to the borrower is significantly higher than a prime mortgage. Making late bill payments or declaring personal bankruptcy could very well place borrowers in a situation where they can only qualify for a subprime mortgage. Therefore, it is often useful for people with low credit scores to wait for a period of time and build up their scores before applying for mortgages to ensure they are eligible for a conventional mortgage. It is in the borrower’s best interest to have the highest credit score possible when applying for a mortgage debt. On the other hand, a subprime mortgage gives a borrower with lower credit scores the opportunity to own a home and begin to work on building his credit score up enough to qualify for a prime mortgage refinance in a few years. Both subprime and prime mortgages offer the same basic loan terms, with length of the debt ranging from 10 to 40 years with fixed and variable rate options. Beware: Many lenders will sneak an “adjustable rate mortgage” into the contract. This gives them permission to raise the interest rate whenever and as often as they wish—so they can later evict you for non-payment. Other subprime lenders are known for predatory lending. They are well aware that the borrower has limited options due to his credit score and will raise the rates accordingly. The borrower should shop around to try to procure the lowest possible rate, even for a subprime mortgage. Frankly, it is highly dangerous to purchase a house on a subprime basis, because you are so likely to lose the house and all you have in- 37 37 vested in it. Unfortunately, many Americans have recently discovered that fact! Now back to our closer examination of the causes of the present recession in the U.S.: When this housing bubble which burst in approximately 2005–2006, high default rates on subprime and adjustable rate mortgages (ARM), began to increase quickly thereafter. An increase in loan incentives (such as easy initial terms) and a long-term trend of rising housing prices had encouraged borrowers to sign into difficult mortgages in the belief they would be able to refinance soon at more favorable terms. Additionally, the economic incentives provided to the originators of subprime mortgages, along with outright fraud, increased the number of subprime mortgages provided to consumers who would have otherwise qualified for conforming loans. However, once interest rates began to rise and housing prices started to drop moderately in 2006–2007 in many parts of the U.S., refinancing became more difficult. Defaults and foreclosure activity increased dramatically as easy initial terms expired, home prices failed to go up as anticipated, and ARM (adjustable rate mortgages) interest rates reset higher. Add to this falling home prices, and it all resulted in 23% of U.S. homes worth less than the mortgage loan by September 2010, providing a financial incentive for borrowers to enter foreclosure. The ongoing foreclosure epidemic, of which subprime loans are one part, that began in late 2006 in the U.S. continues to be a key factor in the global economic crisis, because it drains wealth from consumers and erodes the financial strength of banking institutions. 2 - Easy credit conditions—In the years leading up to the crisis, significant amounts of foreign money flowed into the U.S. from fastgrowing economies in Asia and oil-producing countries. This inflow of funds combined with low U.S. interest rates from 2002–2004 contributed to easy credit conditions, which fueled both housing and credit bubbles. Loans of various types (e.g., mortgage, credit card, and auto) were easy to obtain and consumers assumed an unprecedented debt load. As part of the housing and credit booms, the amount of financial agreements called mortgage-backed securities (MBS), which derive their value from mortgage payments and housing prices, greatly increased. Such financial innovation enabled institutions and investors around the world to invest in the U.S. housing market. As housing prices declined, major global financial institutions that had borrowed and invested heavily in MBS reported significant losses. Defaults and losses on other loan types also increased significantly as the crisis expanded from the housing market to other parts of the economy. Total losses are estimated in the trillions of U.S. dollars globally. Weakened financial system—At the same time that the housing and credit bubbles were growing, a series of factors caused the financial system to become increasingly fragile. Policymakers did not recognize the increasingly important role played by financial institutions such as investment banks and hedge funds, also known as the shadow banking system. Some experts believe these institutions had become as important as commercial (regular depository) banks in providing credit to the U.S. economy,—yet they were not subject to the same regulations. These institutions as well as certain regulated banks had also assumed significant debt burdens while providing the loans described above. Because of this, they did not have a financial cushion sufficient to absorb large loan defaults or MBS losses. These losses impacted the ability of financial institutions to lend money. This greatly slowed economic activity. Because of concerns regarding the stability of key financial institutions, central banks took action to provide funds to encourage lending and to restore faith in the commercial paper markets, which are integral to funding business operations. (Yet even then, banks were afraid to lend out the money, so it piled up in the banks.) Governments also bailed out key financial institutions, which increased their own government debts. The risks to the broader economy created by the housing market downturn and subsequent financial market crisis were primary factors in several decisions by central banks around the world to cut interest rates and governments to implement economic stimulus packages. Effects on global stock markets due to the crisis have been dramatic. Between January 1 and October 11, 2008, owners of stocks in U.S. corporations had suffered about $8 trillion in losses, as their holdings declined in value from $20 trillion to $12 trillion. Losses in other countries have averaged about 40%. Losses in the stock markets and housing 38 38 value declines have caused consumers to be fearful of spending money, a key economic engine. Leaders of the larger developed and emerging nations met in November 2008 and March 2009 to formulate strategies for addressing the crisis. A variety of solutions have been proposed by government officials, central bankers, economists, and business executives. In the U.S., the Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was signed into law in July 2010 to address some of the causes of the crisis. But that has not solved the immensity of the problems which now exist. This is because Congress which receives so much in lobbyist money from the Financial Industry is fearful to properly regulate the banks and stock markets. Massive profits to a few in the finance industry—In 2007, at the peak of the economic bubble, the financial services sector had become a wealth-creation machine, ballooning to more than 40 percent of total corporate profits in the U.S. Financial products—including a new array of securities so complex that even many CEOs and boards of directors did not understand them—accelerated the intake of riches by these organizations. The mortgage industry was an especially important component of this system, providing loans that served as the raw material for Wall Street’s elaborate creations, repackaging and then reselling them around the globe. With all the profits that were being generated, Wall Street was amassing a new generation of wealth not seen since the debt-fueled 1980s. Those who worked in the finance industry earned an astounding $53 billion in total compensation in 2007. Ranked at the top of the five leading brokerages at the onset of the crisis was Goldman Sachs which accounted for 420 billion of that total. This worked out to more than $661,000 per employee. The company’s chief executive office, Lloyd Blankfein, alone took home $68 million. The big brokerage firms had been bolstering their bets (for that is what they were) with enormous quantities of debt. Wall Street firms had debt to capital ratios of 32 to 1. That means that for every dollar on hand, they had 32 dollars which they owed someone. What a way to live! But while those wealthy gamblers walked away with massive amounts of money, what they had been doing greatly damaged the lives of millions. Cheap money brought catastrophe—The Wall Street powerhouse which emerged from the collapse of the dot.com bubble and the post-9/11 downturn was in large part due to cheap money. Federal Reserve chairman Alan Greenspan had purposely driven the interest rates down to an extremely low level, and then held them there. This was done to stimulate growth following the 2001 recession. But these unusually low interest rates began to flood the world with money. Subprime lending added to the intensity of the crash—The crowning example of lquidity run amok was the subprime mortgage market. At the height of the housing bubble, banks were eager to make home loans to nearly anyone capable of signing on the dotted line. With no documentation a prospective buyer could claim a six-figure salary and walk out of a bank with a $500,000 mortgage, topping it off a month later with a home equity line of credit. Home prices skyrocketed as a result. Some even placed a second mortgage on their now higher-valued home, and used that to purchase SUVs and power boats. Wall Street then took these mortgages and split them up into little pieces and resold them for even more profit. As a result, every financial firm was dependent on every other. If one fell, it could bring down many others. By August 2007, the $2 trillion subprime market had collapsed, unleasing a global contagion. Two major Bear Stearns hedge funds that made major subprime bets failed, losing $1.6 billion of their investor’s money. Bear Stearns, the weakest and most highly leveraged of the Big Five was the first to fall. But everyone knew that even the strongest of banks could not withstand a full-blown investor panic, which meant that no one felt safe and o one was ure who else on the Street could be next. Instead of giving birth to a brave new world of riskless investments, the banks actually created a risk to the entire financial system. During the critical months after Monday, March 17, 2008, when JP Morgan agreed to absorb Bear Searns, U.S. government officials eventually determined that it was necessary to undertake the largest public intervention in the nation’s economic history. Our government poured over a trillion into the financial industry, all the while letting the men responsible for what happened—walk away with their profits. 5 - EVENTS LEADING TO THE CRISIS: 39 39 WHAT THE 2007-2008 CRASH BROUGHT TO AMERICA The 2007-2008 financial crisis resulted in the collapse of large financial institutions, the bailout of banks by national governments, and downturns in stock markets around the world. In many areas, the housing market had also suffered, resulting in numerous evictions, foreclosures and prolonged unemployment. It contributed to the failure of key businesses, declines in consumer wealth estimated in the trillions of U.S. dollars, and a significant decline in economic activity, leading to a severe global economic recession in 2008. The financial crisis was triggered by a complex interplay of valuation and liquidity problems in the United States banking system in 2008. The collapse of the U.S. housing bubble, which peaked in 2007, caused the values of securities tied to U.S. real estate pricing to plummet, damaging financial institutions globally. Questions regarding bank solvency, declines in credit availability and damaged investor confidence had an impact on global stock markets, where securities suffered large losses during 2008 and early 2009. Economies worldwide slowed during this period, as credit tightened and international trade declined. Governments and central banks responded with unprecedented fiscal stimulus, monetary policy expansion and institutional bailouts. While many causes for the financial crisis have been suggested, with varying weight assigned by experts, the United States Senate issuing the Levin–Coburn Report which found “that the crisis was not a natural disaster, but the result of high risk, complex financial products; undisclosed conflicts of interest; and the failure of regulators, the credit rating agencies, and the market itself to rein in the excesses of Wall Street.” Critics argued that credit rating agencies and investors failed to accurately price the risk involved with mortgage-related financial products, and that governments did not adjust their regulatory practices to address 21st-century financial markets. The 1999 repeal of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933 effectively removed the separation that previously existed between Wall Street investment banks and depository banks. You may want to read that sentence again. We are now entering 2012, and our leaders in Washington D.C. still do not know (or want to know) how to solve the banking/finance/Wall Street problem. Later in this report we will learn that they actually do—for, to please their lobbyist friends, between 1999 and 2004, our government leaders made three crucial changes which enabled the high-paid gamblers in the finance industry to accumulate millions for themselves in the process of destroying the U.S. economy. As a result, the number of Americans living in poverty has climbed to 14.3 percent, “with the ranks of working-age poor reaching the highest level since at least 1965” (Washington Post, September 16, 2010). 40 40 — PART FIVE CONTENTS — THE U.S. NATIONAL DEBT SOLUTIONS TO OUR FINANCIAL CRISIS IS ABOUT TO BECOME INCREDIBLY LARGER 1 - HOUSING: 3 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE HOME MORTGAGE CRISIS MUST BE SOLVED SO IT CAN NEVER BE REPEATED OUR TRUE NATIONAL DEBT IS NOT 14 TRILLION, BUT $211 TRILLION 2 - HOUSING: 4 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: SUMMARIZING OUR FABULOUS A CLOSER LOOK AT HOW THIS CRISIS DEVELOPED SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICAL CARE PROBLEMS 3 - HOUSING: 5 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: TRYING TO SOLVE PREDATORY HOUSING LENDING 4 - HOUSING: THE FINAL REPORT OF THE U.S. FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY 1 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: THE MASSIVE EXTENT OF OUR FINANCIAL PROBLEM 2 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: DEREGULATION WAS A SIGNIFICANT PART OF THE PROBLEM 3 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: RETURN OUR BANKS TO THEIR PROPER FUNCTIONS 4 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: OTHER FLAWS IN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM SHOULD BE SOLVED 5 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: EVEN CAPITAL HILL AND THE WHITE HOUSE ARE PROFITING FROM IT FEDERAL MEDICAL CARE COSTS 6 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE URGENT NEED FOR INCREASED OVERSIGHT AND AUTHORITY BY THE GAO 7 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WASTEFUL PROJECTS: MONEY JUST THROWN AWAY 8 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: IMMENSE FLAWS IN OUR MILITARY EXPENSES 9 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: OUR STATE DEPARTMENT’S FABULOUS WASTEFUL SPENDING OF MONEY IN IRAQ 10 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: MEDICARE AND MEDICAID HAVE THE MOST FRAUD AND WASTE 1 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: THE WEALTHY MUST PAY THEIR SHARE OF TAXES 2 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: WARREN BUFFET TELLS IT ALL —————— — PART FIVE — SOLUTIONS TO OUR FINANCIAL CRISIS 3 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: AN ASTOUNDING COBURN REPORT 1 - HOUSING: 1 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE HOME MORTGAGE CRISIS MUST BE SOLVED SO IT CAN NEVER BE REPEATED THE U.S. NATIONAL DEBT IS ALREADY MASSIVELY LARGE 2 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: A careful reevaluation of the housing market by HUD (Department of Housing and 41 41 Urban Development) in 1999 resulted in new, stricter rules which banned risky, high-cost loans from being used for the purchase of housing by individuals and families. But in 2004, under the pressure from special interests on Congress and the White House, these rules were dropped. Once again, high-risk loans were used to provide housing. Borrowers were offered a range of loans that included layered teaser rates, interest-only, negative amortization and payment options and low-documentation requirements on top of floating-rate loans. All these were traps to catch innocent people. Large numbers of people began purchasing homes with these high-risk requirements hidden in the mortgage documents. Borrowers were taking high-risk loans which it would be impossible to repay. Looking at this housing crisis more closely, we find this: Steadily decreasing interest rates backed by the U.S Federal Reserve from 1982 onward and large inflows of foreign funds created easy credit conditions for a number of years prior to the crisis, fueling a housing construction boom and encouraging debt-financed consumption. The combination of easy credit and money inflow contributed to the United States housing bubble. Loans of various types (e.g., mortgage, credit card, and auto) were easy to obtain and consumers assumed an unprecedented debt load. As part of the housing and credit booms, the number of financial agreements called mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDO), which derived their value from mortgage payments and housing prices, greatly increased. Such financial innovation enabled institutions and investors around the world to invest in the U.S. housing market. The immediate cause or trigger of the national and international financial crisis was the bursting of the United States housing bubble which peaked in approximately 2005–2006. Already-rising default rates on “subprime” and adjustable rate mortgages (ARM) began to increase quickly thereafter. As banks began to give out more loans to potential home owners, housing prices began to rise. Because interest rates were initally quite low, banks encouraged home owners to take on considerably large loans in the hope that they would be able to pay them back more quickly because of the low interest. But as soon as the interest rates began to rise in mid 2007, housing prices (the value of the houses) dropped significantly. In many states like California, refinancing became increasingly difficult. As a result, the number of foreclosed homes also began to rise. As housing prices declined, major global financial institutions throughout the world, which had borrowed and invested heavily in subprime MBS (mortgage-backed securities) reported significant losses. Falling prices also resulted in homes worth less than the mortgage loan, providing a financial incentive to enter foreclosure. The ongoing foreclosure epidemic that began in late 2006 in the U.S. still continues to drain wealth from consumers and erodes the financial strength of banking institutions. Defaults and losses on other loan types also increased significantly as the crisis expanded from the housing market to other parts of the economy. Total losses are estimated in the trillions of U.S. dollars globally. U.S. Government policy from the 1970s onward has emphasized deregulation (supposedly “to encourage business,” but probably to please lobbyists), which resulted in less oversight of activities and less disclosure of information about new activities undertaken by banks and other evolving financial institutions. Because of this, policymakers did not immediately recognize the increasingly important role played by financial institutions such as investment banks and hedge funds, also known as the shadow banking system. Some experts believe these institutions had become as important as commercial (depository) banks in providing credit to the U.S. economy, but they were not subject to the same regulations. Frankly, the almost total lack of regulation of these non-depository financial institutions had made them something like the Wild West in the mid-19th century. They were a law unto themselves. These losses damaged the ability of financial institutions to lend, slowing economic activity. Concerns regarding the stability of key financial institutions drove central banks to provide funds to encourage lending and restore faith in the commercial paper markets, which are integral to funding business operations. Governments also bailed out key financial institutions and implemented economic stimulus programs, 42 42 assuming significant additional financial commitments. 2 - HOUSING: A CLOSER LOOK AT HOW THIS CRISIS DEVELOPED Between the years 1997 to 2006, the price of an average American house increased by 124%. Between 1981 to 2001, the national median home price ranged from 2.9 to 3.1 times that of the median household income. But after 2001, the market value of homes increased dramatically. This ratio rose to 4.0 in 2004, and 4.6 in 2006. This housing bubble resulted in quite a few homeowners refinancing their homes at lower interest rates, or taking out second mortgages so they could use the extra money to buy other things. In summary, American household debt as a percentage of annual disposable personal income, which had been 77% in 1990, had become 127% by the end of 2007. During the time that housing prices were increasing, consumers were saving less and both borrowing and spending more. Household debt grew enormously: from $705 billion at year-end 1974, 60% of disposable personal income, to $7.4 trillion at year-end 2000, and finally to $14.5 trillion in mid-year 2008, 134% of disposable personal income. During 2008, the typical USA household owned 13 credit cards, with 40% of households carrying a balance, up from 6% in 1970. The extra money extracted from second mortgages on higher-valued homes were used by consumers doubled from $627 billion in 2001 to $1,428 billion in 2005 as the housing bubble built,—a total increase of nearly $5 trillion dollars over that four-year period. U.S. home mortgage debt relative to GDP increased from an average of 46% during the 1990s to 73% during 2008, reaching $10.5 trillion. From 2001 to 2007, U.S. mortgage debt almost doubled, and the amount of mortgage debt per household rose more than 63%, from $91,500 to $149,500, with essentially stagnant wages. This credit and house price explosion led to a building boom and eventually to a surplus of unsold homes, which caused U.S. housing prices to peak and begin declining in mid-2006. And then there were the subprime borrowers “adjustable-rate” mortgages. Easy credit, and a belief that house prices would continue to appreciate (go up), had encouraged many subprime borrowers to obtain adjustable-rate mortgages. These mortgages enticed borrowers with the hope of a below market interest rate for some predetermined period, followed by market interest rates for the remainder of the mortgage’s term. Borrowers who would not be able to make the higher payments once the initial grace period ended, were planning to refinance their mortgages after a year or two of appreciation. But refinancing became more difficult, as soon as house prices began to decline in many parts of the U.S. Borrowers who found themselves unable to escape higher monthly payments by refinancing began to default. As more borrowers stopped paying their mortgage payments (and this is continuing today), foreclosures and the supply of homes for sale increases. This has placed downward pressure on housing prices, which have further lowered homeowners’ equity. The decline in mortgage payments has also reduced the value of mortgage-backed securities, which erodes the net worth and financial health of banks. This vicious cycle is at the heart of the crisis. By September 2008, average U.S. housing prices had declined by over 20% from their mid2006 peak. This major and unexpected decline in house prices means that many borrowers have zero or negative equity in their homes, meaning their homes were worth less than their mortgages. As of March 2008, an estimated 8.8 million borrowers—10.8% of all homeowners— had negative equity in their homes, a number that is believed to have risen to 12 million by November 2008. By September 2010, 23% of all U.S. homes were worth less than the mortgage loan. Borrowers in this situation have an incentive to default on their mortgages as a mortgage is typically nonrecourse debt secured against the property. Economist Stan Leibowitz argued in the Wall Street Journal that although only 12% of homes had negative equity, they comprised 47% of foreclosures during the second half of 2008. He concluded that the extent of equity in the home was the key factor in foreclosure, rather than the type of loan, credit worthiness of the borrower, or ability to pay. Increasing foreclosure rates has increased the inventory, or number, of houses offered for sale. The number of new homes sold in 2007 was 26.4% less than in the preceding year. By January 2008, the inventory of unsold new homes was 9.8 times the December 2007 sales volume, the 43 43 highest value of this ratio since 1981. By the beginning of 2008, nearly four million existing homes were for sale, of which almost 2.9 million were vacant. This overhang of unsold homes lowered house prices. As prices declined, more homeowners were at risk of default or foreclosure. House prices are expected to continue declining until this inventory of unsold homes (an instance of excess supply) declines to normal levels. A January 2011 report stated that U.S. home values dropped by 26 percent from their peak in June 2006 to November 2010,—which is more than the 25.9 percent drop between 1928 to 1933 when the Great Depression occurred. 3 - HOUSING: PREDATORY HOUSING LENDING Predatory lending refers to the practice of unscrupulous lenders, enticing borrowers to enter into unsafe secured loans for inappropriate purposes. A classic bait-and-switch method was used by Countrywide Financial, advertising low interest rates for home refinancing. Such loans were written into extensively detailed contracts, and swapped for more expensive loan products on the day of closing. Whereas the advertisement might state that 1% or 1.5% interest would be charged, the consumer would be put into an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM) in which the interest charged would be greater than the amount of interest paid. This created negative amortization, which the credit consumer might not notice until long after the loan transaction had been consummated. Countrywide was sued by California Attorney General Jerry Brown for “unfair business practices and false advertising,” because it was making high cost mortgages “to homeowners with weak credit, adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) that allowed homeowners to make interest-only payments.” When housing prices decreased, homeowners in ARMs then had little incentive to pay their monthly payments, since their home equity had disappeared. This caused Countrywide’s financial condition to deteriorate, ultimately resulting in a decision by California State to seize the lender. 4 - HOUSING: THE FINAL REPORT OF THE U.S. FINANCIAL CRISIS INQUIRY The U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commis- sion reported its findings in January 2011. Testimony given to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission by Richard M. Bowen, III on events during his tenure as CitiBank’s Business Chief Underwriter for Correspondent Lending in the Consumer Lending Group (where he was responsible for over 220 professional underwriters) suggests that by the final years of the US housing bubble (2006–2007), the collapse of mortgage underwriting standards was endemic. His testimony stated that by 2006, 60% of mortgages purchased by Citi from some 1,600 mortgage companies were “defective” (were not underwritten to policy, or did not contain all policy-required documents). This, despite the fact that each of these 1,600 originators were contractually responsible (certified via representations and warrantees) that their mortgage originations met Citi’s standards. Moreover, during 2007, “defective mortgages (from mortgage originators contractually bound to perform underwriting to Citi’s standards) increased . . to over 80% of production.” In separate testimony to the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, officers of Clayton Holdings—the largest residential loan due diligence and securitization surveillance company in the United States and Europe—testified that Clayton’s review of over 900,000 mortgages issued from January 2006 to June 2007 revealed that scarcely 54% of the loans met their originators’ underwriting standards. The analysis (conducted on behalf of 23 investment and commercial banks, including seven “Too Big To Fail” banks) additionally showed that 28% of the sampled loans did not meet the minimal standards of any issuer. Clayton’s analysis further showed that 39% of these loans (i.e. those not meeting any issuer’s minimal underwriting standards) were subsequently securitized and sold to investors—who then lost immense amounts of money. Here is the concluding statement by this Commission: “The crisis was avoidable and was caused by: Widespread failures in financial regulation, including the Federal Reserve’s failure to stem the tide of toxic mortgages; Dramatic breakdowns in corporate governance including too many financial firms acting recklessly and taking on too much risk. An explosive mix of excessive borrowing and risk by households and Wall Street that put the financial system on a collision course with crisis. Key policy makers were not prepared as they should be for the crisis. They lacking a full understanding of the financial system they oversaw. There were 44 44 systemic breaches in accountability and ethics at all levels.”—U.S. Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Report, January 2011. 1 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: THE MASSIVE EXTENT OF OUR FINANCIAL PROBLEM My friend, it is urgent that we face reality in regard to our present condition as a nation. The U.S. is essentially bankrupt. Neither spending more nor taxing less will help the country pay its bills. What can our government leaders do to solve the problem? They must radically simplify our national tax, health-care, retirement and financial systems. Over the years, each of these has become heavily damaged because legislators and the White House have been pleasing lobbyists, representing corporate and financial interests, who arrive at their doors with money in their hands. But, fortunately, there may still be time in which the above-mentioned financial structures can be redesigned to achieve their legitimate purposes at much lower cost and, in the process, revitalize the economy. But in order to do it, our legislators must close the doors to the clammering lobbyists and get down to work. In July 2010, the International Monetary Fund released its annual review of U.S. economic policy. Its summary contained these bland words about U.S. fiscal policy: “Directors welcomed the authorities’ commitment to fiscal stabilization, but noted that a larger than budgeted adjustment would be required to stabilize debt-to-GDP.” In those few words, they were saying that we are in big trouble. The Selected Issues Paper of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for the month of July 2010, made this statement: “The U.S. fiscal gap associated with today’s federal fiscal policy is huge for plausible discount rates . . Closing the fiscal gap requires a permanent annual fiscal adjustment equal to about 14 percent of U.S. GDP.”—IMF, July 2010 Selected Issues Paper, Section 6. What is this “fiscal gap”? It is the difference between where America is financially now, and our projected revenue in all future years. Our U.S. current federal revenue totals 14.9 percent of our gross domestic product (GDP). In order to close the U.S. fiscal gap, in relation to revenue (federal income), an immediate and permanent doubling of our personal income taxes, corporate taxes, and federal taxes must be made! Such a tax hike would leave the U.S. running a surplus equal to 5 percent of GDP this year, rather than a 9 percent deficit. So the IMF is really saying the U.S. needs to run a huge surplus now and for many years to come—in order to pay for the spending that is scheduled. The longer the country waits to make these difficult fiscal adjustments, the more painful they will be to all of us. Next, let us consider the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) whose Long-Term Budget Outlook, released in June 2010, revealed an even larger problem. You see, we not only have admitted liabilities, but we also have ‘unofficial’ liabilities. In common language, this means that our nation has a massively larger debt than it admits to the public or the investors. Based on the data in that CBO analysis, there is a fiscal gap of $202 trillion, which is more than 15 times the official debt. (After reading that fact, pause for a moment to catch your breath.) This absolutely huge discrepancy between our “official” debt and our actual net indebtedness should not be surprising. It reflects what economists call the “labeling problem”. Congress has been very careful over the years to label most of its liabilities “unofficial” to keep them off the books and far in the future. It does this so that the public will not realize what a poor job Congress is doing,—especially so they will continue to reelect those same politicians. This is more than just “kicking the can” of solving our financial problems down the road for the next generation to worry about. It is not disclosing the full extent of what those problems are! Here is one example of how this is done: Our Social Security FICA contributions (Social Security payroll payments) are called taxes and our future Social Security benefits are called transfer payments. The government could equally well have labeled our contributions “loans” and called our future benefits “repayment of these loans less an old age tax,” with the old age tax making up for any difference between the benefits promised and principal plus interest on the contributions. But it did not do that. The actual (very real) fiscal gap is not affected by fiscal labeling. The amount owed by our government is very real and in need of payment, regardless of what we call it or how much the 45 45 government tries to hide it. Our fiscal gap is the only correct measure of our long-run fiscal condition—because it considers all spending, no matter how it is labeled, and includes both long-term and shortterm policy. Well then, how can this $4 trillion fiscal gap be so massive in size? The answer is the baby boomers. By definition, a “baby boomer” is a person that was born in or after January 1, 1946. A massive number of people were born after that date. As of January 1, 2011, the first of them turned 65 and (whether or not they stopped working then) began receiving Social Security. Stating the problem in simple words: We have 78 million baby boomers who, when fully retired, will collect benefits from Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid that, on average, exceed per-capita GDP. The annual costs of these entitlements will total about $4 trillion in today’s dollars. Even though our economy may be bigger in 20 years (and it may be smaller),—it will not be big enough to handle this size load, year after year. Some have called Social Security a massive Ponzi scheme. Although it was not supposed to be that way, in some respects that is what it is. Instead of placing the Social Security payments received into a “locked box” (a special protected fund), the government used that money for other things. For 60 years, the government took ever larger amounts of money from the young, and gave them to the old; all the while promising the younger ones their eventual turn at passing the generational buck on to their children. As one person put it: Our country is broke and can no longer afford no-pain, all-gain “solutions.” Herb Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under President Richard Nixon, had a favorite phrase he would tell others. “Something that can’t go on, will stop.” Frankly, we are in deep trouble. Uncle Sam’s Ponzi scheme will eventually stop. But when it comes to an end, it will have stopped too late. That brings us to a worrisome question: What willl happen when it does stop? • One possibility will be massive benefit cuts visited on the baby boomers in retirement. • The second will be enormously high tax increases that, tragically, leave the young with little incentive to work and save. • The third is the government will simply print vast quantities of money to cover its bills (even more than it is now doing). You will recall that Germany did just that in the 1920s, and people walked the streets with wheelbarrows full of German marks, since it would take that many of them just to buy one loaf of bread. • A combination of all three methods will probably be done. This will result in dramatic increases in poverty, taxes, interest rates, and consumer prices. Actually, we are already on that road! But it is going to get much steeper. At some point in the downhill slide, the bond traders (who are so heavily invested in U.S. government bonds) will wake up to the facts of where we are headed—and there will be a run on the bond market, in order to sell off their U.S. bonds. And then? I guess I won’t talk about it. Our U.S. fiscal gap is our government’s credit-card bill. Each year’s 14 percent of GDP is the interest on that bill. If it does not pay this year’s interest, it will be added to the balance. Each year the total will become larger, until—. 2 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: DEREGULATION WAS A SIGNIFICANT PART OF THE PROBLEM If we could look behind the curtain, we would probably find that it has been ongoing pressure from the banks, exerted through reelection and lobbyist contributions to members of Congress which were responsible for the following series of changes. Frankly, such foolish decisions could have no other cause! Economist Paul Krugman and U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner have argued that the U.S. Government regulatory framework did not keep pace with financial innovation, such as the increasing importance of the shadow banking system, derivatives and off-balance sheet financing. In other cases, laws were changed or enforcement weakened in parts of the financial system. Key examples include: Jimmy Carter’s Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act of 1980 (DIDMCA) phased out a number of restrictions on banks’ financial practices, broadened their lending powers, and raised the deposit insurance limit from $40,000 to $100,000 (raising the problem of moral hazard). Banks rushed into real estate lending, speculative lending, and other ventures just as the economy soured. 46 46 In October 1982, U.S. President Ronald Reagan signed into law the Garn–St. Germain Depository Institutions Act, which provided for adjustable-rate mortgage loans, and began the process of banking deregulation, and contributed to the savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s/early 1990s. In November 1999, Clinton signed into law the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act, which repealed part of the Glass–Steagall Act of 1933. This repeal reduced the separation between commercial banks (which traditionally had fiscally conservative policies) and investment banks (which had a more risk-taking culture). In 2004, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission relaxed the net capital rule, which enabled investment banks to substantially increase the level of debt they were taking on, fueling the growth in mortgage-backed securities supporting subprime mortgages. The SEC has conceded that self-regulation of investment banks contributed to the crisis. As early as 1997, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan fought to keep the derivatives market unregulated. With the advice of the President’s Working Group on Financial Markets, the U.S. Congress and President Clinton allowed the self-regulation of the over-the-counter derivatives market when they enacted the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. From then on, derivatives such as credit default swaps (CDS) could be used to hedge or speculate against particular credit risks. The volume of CDS outstanding increased 100-fold from 1998 to 2008, with estimates of the debt covered by CDS contracts, as of November 2008, ranging from US$33 trillion to $47 trillion. Total current over-the-counter (OTC) value of these derivatives rose to $683 trillion by June 2008. Warren Buffett famously referred to derivatives as “financial weapons of mass destruction” in early 2003. The present writer questions whether Congress will ever get around to re-regulating the banking and investment houses. Have you noticed that it has not done it yet!—in spite of the fact that we are already several years into a deepening recession. The special interests keep sending their lobbyists to check on the possibility that this might begin—and make sure that it will not. The mice are playing on Wall Street, and there is no cat to check on what is going on. 3 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: RETURN OUR BANKS TO THEIR PROPER FUNCTIONS The only sure way to avoid another Wall Street meltdown and ensure financial institutions act in ways that serve the economy—is to separate the utility function of banking (which serves savers and borrowers), from the investment function (investing in stocks, bonds, and securities)—which had turned significant portions of the banking industry into a financial market casino. The banking system needs to restructured to limit banks to their basic functions. Doing this would allow market forces to make the next financial crisis less likely and less severe. Unless this is done, the U.S. will not be able to continue to generate new businesses, growth, and jobs, without repeatedly having to bail out our big banks. We must change the present appalling state of affairs, in which highly leveraged “too big to fail” institutions expect taxpayers to pick up the multi-trillion-dollar tab when their gambling tricks go wrong. Congress has permitted today’s financial institutions to become tax-payer subsidized casinos increasingly divorced from the basic loan and savings activities society expects them to perform. While our present financial system puts us all at risk, it does not have to be this way. We can have all the benefits of a modern economy without having crises like the this latest one. But if changes are not made, it will continue to happen again—and the next one may be worse. One example of how the needed correctional change should be made has been proposed by Laurence Kotlikoff, an economics professor and writer at Boston University. He suggests an extremely simple set of reforms of the U.S. financial system, tax system, health care system, and retirement income system. His proposed set of corrections of the financial system, called “Limited Purpose Banking,” transforms all financial companies with limited liability, including incorporated banks, insurance companies, financial exchanges, and hedge funds, into pass-through mutual funds, which do not borrow to invest in risky assets. Instead, the public is allowed to directly choose what risks it wishes to bear by purchasing more or less risky mutual funds. Limited Purpose Banking keeps banks, insurance companies, hedge funds and other financial corporations from borrowing short and lending long and leaving the public to pick 47 47 up the pieces when things go south. Instead, it forces financial intermediaries to limit their activities to their sole legitimate purpose—financial inter-mediation. Limited Purpose Banking substitutes the vast array of extant federal and state financial regulatory bodies with a single financial regulator called the Federal Financial Authority (FFA). The FFA would have a narrow purpose namely to verify, disclosure, and oversee the independent rating and custody of all securities purchased and sold by mutual funds. Similar to Kotlikoff’s plan would be the one that Paul Volcker would recommend. He was an economic advisor to President Barack Obama, heading the President’s Economic Recovery Advisory Board. During the financial crisis, Volcker has been extremely critical of banks, saying that their response to the financial crisis has been inadequate, and that more regulation of banks is called for. Specifically, Volcker has called for a breakup of the nation’s largest banks, prohibiting deposit-taking institutions from engaging in riskier activities such as proprietary trading, private equity, and hedge fund investments. Volcker left the board when its charter expired on February 6, 2011, without being included in discussions on how the board would be reconstituted. On January 21, 2010, President Barack Obama proposed bank regulations which he dubbed “The Volcker Rule”, in reference to Volcker’s aggressive pursuit of these regulations. Volcker appeared with the president at the announcement. The proposed rules would prevent commercial banks from owning and investing in hedge funds and private equity, and limit the trading they do for their own accounts. 4 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: OTHER FLAWS IN THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM SHOULD BE SOLVED • We must make major banking/financing/ investment changes. There are definite flaws that need to be corrected. • Short selling—One of these is short selling. This should either be closely monitored or banned entirely. The short seller hopes to profit from a decline in the price of the assets between the sale and the repurchase, as the seller will pay less to buy the assets than it received on selling them. The stock market crash of 1929 began as speculators drove down the price of a stock by continuing to sell stock below the market price. Short selling may be used to illegally manipulate stock prices. Stock manipulators produce a bear raid, and steal money from other people. Unrestricted short selling can intensify a declining market in a security by increasing pressure from the sell-side, eliminating bids, and causing a further reduction in the price of a security by creating an appearance that the security price is falling for fundamental reasons, when the decline, or the speed of the decline, is in fact being driven by other factors. Along with this, the manipulator may inject inaccurate information into the market or created a false impression of market activity. Related problems are wash sales, matched orders, or rigged prices, that are intended to mislead investors by artificially affecting market activity. Regulations should provide an uptick rule—that is, a price test to restrict short selling—and a pre-borrow requirement to curtail the abusive potential of naked short selling. • Leverage—Leverage is the debt-to-equity ratio. This is the amount that investment banks were using to increase their profits must be managed better. In other words, business firms would go heavily in debt in order to purchase securities or other firms. An example would be how, at the time of the 2008 crash, Lehman Brothers was leveraged 30.7 to 1 (it had one dollar cash for every $30.70 it owed). Merrill Lynch had 26.9 to 1. Yet somehow they could not stop their headlong leverage buyouts, in an attempt to recoup their lost funds. What the Federal Reserve’s policy makers recognized at the time, but did not acknowledge publicly, was that credit markets were beginning to suffer as the housing bubble began slowly collapsing. Cheap credit (at low interest rates) had been the economy’s “rocket fuel,” so to speak, encouraging consumes to pile on debt (for second homes, new cars, home renovations, etc.). It had also intensified a deal-making frenzy greater than ever before seen. Leveraged buyouts got larger and larger as private-equity firms funded takeovers with mountains of loans. As a result, transactions became ever riskier. This caused normally conservative institutional investors (endowments, pension funds. etc.) to chase higher returns by investing in hedge funds and private-equity funds. 48 48 • Leveraged buyouts—Leveraged buyouts should be strictly controlled or banned entirely. (The word “leverage” means “to borrow.”) A leveraged buyout (LBO, or highly leveraged transaction (HLT), or “bootstrap” transaction) occurs when an investor, typically a financial sponsor, acquires a controlling interest in a company’s equity and where a significant percentage of the purchase price is financed through leverage (borrowed money). The assets of the acquired company are used as collateral for the borrowed capital, sometimes with assets of the acquiring company. Typically, leveraged buyout uses a combination of various debt instruments from bank and debt capital markets. The bonds or other paper issued for leveraged buyouts are commonly considered not to be investment grade because of the significant risks involved. If the company subsequently defaults on its debts, the LBO transaction will frequently be challenged by creditors or a bankruptcy trustee under a theory of fraudulent transfer. • Capital ratios—Common requirements for capital ratios are needed. This is the amount of money a firm needs to keep on hand, compared to the amount it can lend. Leverage and liquidity standards should be required by law, otherwise a company can become over-extended and its investors can lose everything they have invested. (To say it another way, debt to capital ratios are a measurement of a company’s financial leverage, calculated as the company’s debt divided by its total capital. Debt includes all short-term and long-term obligations.) The problem at this time is that the banks are hoarding money, fearful to lend it lest conditions in America become even worse. Yet small business firms urgently need loans in order to hire workers and expand their business. 5 - FINANCIAL MARKETS: EVEN CAPITAL HILL AND THE WHITE HOUSE ARE PROFITING FROM IT This indeed is a tragedy. Not only are most of the politicians controlled through political contributions, while running for office, and by lobbyists, after getting in;—but once they are settled into their new job, some are making lots of money on the side from insider stock trading! In the Spring of 2010, Peter Schweizer, a researcher at the Hoover Institute, began checking public databases, hunting for the financial secrets of Washington’s most powerful politicians. He knew that members of Congress are free to buy and sell stocks in the very companies whose up and down course on the stock market can be deeply influenced, or even determined, by Washington policy. The question was whether these ultimate insiders act on what they know. He found that it appears that some of them do profit—and regularly—on this advance information. The data revealed that some of Congress’s most prominent members are in a position to routinely engage in what amounts to a legal form of insider trading, profiting from investment activity that, he says, “would send the rest of us to prison.” For example, Senator Max Baucus (R-AL) played a central role in devising Obama’s medical care bill. At the same time that he was negotiating with pharmaceutical companies about which rules should be included, he was busily buying and selling medical and drug stocks. One year, he reported a capital gain in excess of $150,000 from his trading activities. At the time of the impending financial crash, he learned in confidential briefings with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Fed chairman Ben Bernake about what was just ahead. On September 19, 2008, after attending two such briefings, Bauchus bought options in an index fund OroShares UltraShort QQQ) that effectively amounted to a bet that the market would fall. Four days later, after the fall occurred, he received a large check in the mail from that short transaction. Senator John Kerry (D-MA) and his wife made numerous trades in medical care stocks (almost $750,000 in Teva Pharmaceuticals in November 2009 alone) during the time that, as a member of the subcommittee overseeing it, he was involved in helping to craft Obama’s medical care bill. After the first such briefing with Paulson and Bernanke, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) and his wife immediately sold their shares in 90 companies, thus avoiding the losses that ordinary Americans experienced. Another example of such “insider trading” was Rep. Shelley Capito (D-WV) who sold between $100,000 and $250,000 of Citigroup stock the day after the first meeting with Bernanke. While he was still Speaker of the House, Rep. Dennis Hastert (D-NV) inserted a $207 million earmark into a federal highway bill for a parkway near land he owned in rural Illinois. When he first went to Congress in 1986, Hastert’s net 49 49 worth was less than $300,000. By 2007, it was close to $11 million. He made more money as a Congressman than he could have made playing the slots back home. During the debate over Obama’s medical care reform package, John Boehner, then the House minority leader, was, according to Schweizer, investing “tens of thousands of dollars” in medical insurance company stocks, which made sizable gains when the proposed public option in the reform deal was killed. When Peter Schweizer began his investigative research project, he was told by a former securities regulator, that investigators always look for two thing in order to determine whether a stock action is the result of insider trading (which is illegal): First, whether the person had access to definite information about what was about to happen. Second, whether he engaged in unusual trading. No one on earth has better access to inside and advance information than members of Congress! Indeed, there is such a rich amount of advance information overload—that the lobbyists who walk back and forth through the halls of Congress, poking their heads in here and then there, obtaining pledges of cooperation and handing out checks;—also ferret out information on forthcoming enactments of legislation. This news is quickly passed on to friends who also make profitable stock trades. But think not that Congressal “insider trading” is wrong. No, no. You see, Congress has never declared that it would be illegal for its members to do this. Therefore, it is not illegal for them to do this. They are able to live above some of the laws that govern the rest of us. An early November 2011 research study of the net worth of members of Congress revealed that it had grown by 25 percent since 2008. During that same time, nearly everyone else’s had gone down by as much as 20 percent. For more on this, you may wish to read Schwizer’s book, Throw Them All Out. The book also tells how President Obama’s friends in the White House have profited immensely from various stock transactions—especially dealing with medical, pharmaceutical, petroleum, an alternative energy;—all areas which Obama was promoting in his various proposals to Congress. A full $16.4 billion of $20.5 billion in loans Obama pushed through Congress—went to companies with Obama connections. It works this way: Taxpayer “bailout” or “in- vestment” money is handed out to various companies. A young, unprofitable company (which cannot succeed) is suddenly said to have a glowing future. The plan is simple, Invest some money, secure taxpayer grants and loans, go public, and then cash out. On just one of these (Amyris Biotechnologies), a Department of Energy $24 million grant (paid for by taxpayers) resulted in immense gain for certain individuals. “Kleiner Perkins, a firm whose partners are Obama Financier John Doerr and former vice president Al Gore, found its $16 million investment was now worth $69 million.”—Peter Schwizer, Throw Them All Out. So it is all a matter of who you know, prior to public announcement of Congressional and White House decisions. In those few hours before the news reaches the public, you run out and buy or sell stocks. 1 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: THE WEALTHY MUST PAY THEIR SHARE OF TAXES In order to solve our national problems, more taxes must be paid. But the increase should not come from the poor. Let us consider the three primary methods of taxation: One way to do this is to raise taxes heavily on everyone. But when the government did this in the Revenue Act of 1932, it only intensified the Great Depression. The poor classes should moderate taxes, but not high taxes. Another suggestion is a flat tax, meaning a fixed percentage of income tax levied on everyone. That may sound fair, but it is not. A third possibility is to increase the taxes which the rich should pay. It is necessary that the rich pay taxes,—and they should pay far greater amounts in taxes of all kinds than poorer people. That, of course, is only fair! No one needs millions upon millions of dollars in the bank. A significant part of the reason that the very wealthy are being protected is because they are donating to politicians. Several types of taxes are involved here: 1 - Salary taxes. The experts declare that the wealthy now pay far less than they should. 2 - Capital gains taxes. The rich pay much less on these massive profits. 3 - Investment income. Here is the third way that the wealthy avoid paying their proper share of taxes. It is of interest that 68 percent of millionaires 50 50 say they support a tax increase for those earning $1 million or more, according to a survey by The Spectrum Group. In addition, a group calling themselves the Patriotic Millionaires has been urging lawmakers for months to boost taxes on people like themselves. Famed investor Warren Buffett wrote in a New York Times op-ed article that lawmakers should stop “coddling” the superrich by giving them tax breaks. It’s not just millionaires that support a tax increase on the super-rich; ordinary Americans would also like to see the government raise taxes on the wealthy. Nearly three-quarters of Americans said in a Daily Kos poll recently that they support the Buffett rule. In a CBS News poll, 64 percent of Americans said that they believe that lawmakers should raise taxes on millionaires to reduce the nation’s budget deficit. People recognize that doing so is only common sense. Many prominent economists agree that boosting taxes on millionaires would help to close the budget gap. It is time to let the earlier tax cuts for the wealthy expire. It is a known fact that a significant part of the financial crisis which developed between 2000 and 2007 was the removal of most taxes on the rich. Multimillionares cannot possibly use all their accumulated wealth. A large part of it should be used to helping our nation recover. They should pay high income taxes and capital gains taxes. In March 2011, Democratic Rep. Jan Scha kowsky of Illinois introduced the Fairness in Taxation Act, which would create the following new tax rates for millionaires and billionaires: • $1-10 million: 45% • $10-20 million: 46% • $20-100 million: 47% • $100 million to $1 billion: 48% • $1 billion and over: 49% There are individuals who, after having made hundreds of millions of dollars in the financial scandals which brought on the 2007 crash, then moved to Britain or France. They not only took U.S. taxpayer money, but then they fled overseas to avoid paying any taxes on it. In such cases, their U.S. citizenship should be annuled. “The $30 billion in handouts [to millionaires] amounts to twice as much as the government spends on NASA, and three times the budget of the Environmental Protection Agency . . Tax records show that more than three fourths of high earners collecting farm- ing money list their primary residence in a city—land unsuitable for farming. Top earners, surprisingly, also get significant amounts of unemployment insurance and disaster payments. “Since 2004, people with seven-figure salaries have accepted more than $9 billion in Social Security. A small band of GOP senators, led by Sen. Lindsey Graham (Rep-SC), have proposed ‘means testing’ to shrink Social security payments for people who probably don’t need them. “The biggest money comes—or goes, rather— through unpaid taxes. More than 1,500 millionaires paid no income tax last year, according to federal records, mainly due to tax loopholes and savvy accountants. Tax breaks taken by millionaires on things like mortgage interest ($27.7 billion), rental expenses ($64.2 billion) and electric vehicles ($12.5 million) keep cash from entering the federal coffers.”—Newsweek, November 21, 2011. 2 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: WARREN BUFFET TELLS IT ALL According to David Frum, the total tax rate in America at the present time is 14%—the same as it was during the Truman Administration. Here is what Warren Buffet, one of the two wealthiest men in America, wrote in the New York Times article in August 14, 2011. (About a month later, the other one, Bill Gates, commented publicly that Buffet is right.) In this article, he explains all you need to know about whether the wealthy should be taxed more heavily: “While most Americans struggle to make ends meet, we mega-rich continue to get our extraordinary tax breaks. Some of us are investment managers who earn billions from our daily labors but are allowed to classify our income as ‘carried interest,’ thereby getting a bargain 15 percent tax rate. Others own stock index futures for 10 minutes and have 60 percent of their gain taxed at 15 percent, as if they’d been long-term investors. “These and other blessings are showered upon us by legislators in Washington who feel compelled to protect us, much as if we were spotted owls or some other endangered species. It’s nice to have friends in high places. “Last year my federal tax bill—the income tax I paid, as well as payroll taxes paid by me and on my behalf—was $6,938,744. That sounds like a lot of money. But what I paid was only 17.4 percent of my taxable income—and that’s actually a lower percentage than was paid by any of the other 20 people in our office. Their tax 51 51 burdens ranged from 33 percent to 41 percent and averaged 36 percent. “You need to examine the sources of government revenue. Last year about 80 percent of these revenues came from personal income taxes and payroll taxes. The mega-rich pay income taxes at a rate of 15 percent on most of their earnings but pay practically nothing in payroll taxes. It’s a different story for the middle class: typically, they fall into the 15 percent and 25 percent income tax brackets, and then are hit with heavy payroll taxes to boot . . “I have worked with investors for 60 years and I have yet to see anyone—not even when capital gains rates were 39.9 percent in 197677—shy away from a sensible investment because of the tax rate on the potential gain. People invest to make money, and potential taxes have never scared them off. And to those who argue that higher rates hurt job creation, I would note that a net of nearly 40 million jobs were added between 1980 and 2000 [when the wealthy were paying higher taxes]. You know what’s happened since then: lower tax rates and far lower job creation. “Since 1992, the I.R.S. has compiled data from the returns of the 400 Americans reporting the largest income. In 1992, the top 400 had aggregate taxable income of $16.9 billion and paid federal taxes of 29.2 percent on that sum. In 2008, the aggregate income of the highest 400 had soared to $90.9 billion — a staggering $227.4 million on average — but the rate paid had fallen to 21.5 percent. “The taxes I refer to here include only federal income tax, but you can be sure that any payroll tax for the 400 was inconsequential compared to income. In fact, 88 of the 400 in 2008 reported no wages at all, though every one of them reported capital gains. “I would leave rates for 99.7 percent of taxpayers unchanged and continue the current 2-percentage-point reduction in the employee contribution to the payroll tax. This cut helps the poor and the middle class, who need every break they can get. “But for those making more than $1 million—there were 236,883 such households in 2009—I would raise rates immediately on taxable income in excess of $1 million, including, of course, dividends and capital gains. And for those who make $10 million or more—there were 8,274 in 2009—I would suggest an additional increase in rate. “My friends and I have been coddled long enough by a billionaire-friendly Congress. It’s time for our government to get serious about shared sacrifice.”—Warren Buffet, New York Times, August 14, 2011. 3 - TAXATION OF THE RICH: AN ASTOUNDING COBURN REPORT For a number of years now, I have thought more highly of Tom Coburn than of any other elected official in Washington D.C. On November 13, 2011, U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) released a new report “Subsidies of the Rich and Famous” illustrating how, under the current tax code, the federal government is giving billions of dollars to individuals with an Annual Gross Income (AGI) of at least $1 million, subsidizing their lavish lifestyles with the taxes of the less fortunate. “All Americans are facing tough times, with many working two jobs just to make ends meet and more families turning to the government for financial assistance. From tax write-offs for gambling losses, vacation homes, and luxury yachts to subsidies for their ranches and estates, the government is subsidizing the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Multimillionaires are even receiving government checks for not working. “This welfare for the well-off—costing billions of dollars a year—is being paid for with the taxes of the less fortunate, many who are working two jobs just to make ends meet, and IOUs to be paid off by future generations. We should never demonize those who are successful. Nor should we pamper them with unnecessary welfare to create an appearance everyone is benefiting from federal programs.”—U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D., “Subsidies of the Rich and Famous”, November 13, 2011. The complete report, which is rather lengthy, states that these billions of dollars for millionaires include $74 million of unemployment checks (this going to 2,840 individuals), $316 million in farm subsidies, $89 million for preservation of ranches and estates, $9 billion of retirement checks, $75.6 million in residential energy tax credits, and $7.5 million to compensate for damages caused by emergencies to property that should have been insured. All and all, over $9.5 billion in government benefits have been paid to millionaires since 2003. Additionally, millionaires borrowed $16 million in government backed education loans to attend college. On average, each year, this report found that millionaires enjoy benefits from tax giveaways and federal grant programs totaling $30 billion. As a result, almost 1,500 millionaires paid no federal income tax in 2009. 52 52 Millionaries deducted over $20 billion in gambling losses from 2006-09. From 2006-09, millionaires deducted over $607 million in business entertainment expenses. At a time when almost half of all American households are now receiving some form of government assistance (Bloomberg News, October 28, 2011),—the extremely wealthy are receiving vast amounts of government aid, in one form or another. “The government’s social safety net, which has long existed to catch those who are down and help them get back up, is now being used as a hammock by some millionaires, some who are paying less taxes than average middle class families. “Comprehensive information on the full range of government benefits enjoyed by millionaires has never been collected previously. This report provides the first such compilation. What it reveals is sheer Washington stupidity with government policies pampering the wealthy [while] costing taxpayers billions of dollars every year . . “Government policies intended to mainstream wealth redistribution are undermining these principles. The tragic irony is the wealth in these cases is trickling up rather than down the economic ladder. The cost of this largess will thus be shared by those struggling today and the next generation who will inherit $15 trillion of debt that threatens the future of the American Dream. These consequences are the results of shortsighted spending and tax policies like those outlined in this report that should be eliminated.”—Ibid. Here are the titles of the 12 chapters in Coburn’s report: Retirement Payments for Millionaires, Health Coverage for Millionaires, Jobless Benefits to Those Earning Millions, Farm and Conservation Payments for Millionaires, Paying to Send Millionaires to School and Take Care of Their Children, Subsidizing Millionaires’ Mansions, Yachts, and Vacation Homes, Paying Energy Costs for Millionaires, Helping Millionaires Succeed in Business, Arts and Entertainment for Millionaires, Other Agencies, Recommendations, Process for Collecting Information. Here are some highlights from this 36-page report: Social Security— “The Social Security retirement program is the federal government’s largest program . . Social Security is financed by payroll taxes paid by covered workers and their employers . . “The 2011 Annual Report of the Social Secu- rity Board of Trustees (“Trustees Report”) stated that at the end of 2010, about 54 million people were receiving Social Security benefits, including 37 million retired workers and dependents of retired workers, 6 million survivors of deceased workers, and 10 million disabled workers and dependents of disabled workers . . “The Trustees Report made clear that “the combined . . trust funds are projected to increase through 2022, and then to decline and become exhausted and unable to pay scheduled benefits in full on a timely basis in 2036 . . “Millionaires, who have paid into the program and therefore receive benefits, add to the strain on the Trust Funds. In fact, the Internal Revenue Service (“IRS”) found that in 2009, 38,217 individuals with an AGI of $1 million or more received more than $1.142 billion in Social Security benefits. Moreover, the IRS reports that in 2009, 1,430 individuals with an AGI of $10 million or more received a total of $47.23 million in Social Security benefits.” Medicare— “Since its creation, however, Medicare’s coverage has expanded. In 2011, Medicare will cover an estimated 48 million individuals (40 million aged and 8 million disabled). The Congressional Budget Office estimates that total Medicare spending for 2011 will be about $569 billion . . While initially over 98 percent of the population voluntarily enrolled in Part B, in recent years that percentage has fallen to 93 percent. The program generally pays 80 percent of the approved amount for covered services in excess of the annual deductible. The beneficiary is liable for the remaining 20 percent . . “The SSA Chief Actuary, directly accessing SSA data, found that approximately 60,000 Medicare Part B enrollees had reported modified adjusted gross incomes of $1,000,000 or more. “Congress should reduce subsidies for health care for those with more than enough means to pay for themselves. Wealthy individuals should be required to pay the full cost of their Medicare Part B and Part D coverage. Unemployment Benefits— “In September 2011, the Department of Labor, the federal agency responsible for managing the program, reported that last year, states improperly paid $17.5 billion in UI [unemployment insurance; i.e., unemployment benefitis] to ineligible recipients, including both underpayments and overpayments. The majority of overpayments went to individuals that were working, but continued to claim UI checks (30 percent) and individuals not actively looking for a job, as required by program rules (30 percent). “A spokesman for the Labor Department made clear recently the ‘first priority in 2010 was 53 53 to get money out the door . . integrity efforts became a distinct second.’ As such, the Labor Department did not aggressively recover the overpayments, getting back only $474 million (or less than 3 percent) of the $16.5 billion overpaid . . “From 2005-09, millionaires collected over $74 million in unemployment benefits . . In 2009 alone, the Internal Revenue Service reported that 2,362 millionaires collected a total of $20,799,000 in UI. “Eighteen individuals reporting an adjusted gross income of $10,000,000 or more also received $12,333 on average in UI in 2009, for a total of $222,000.29. Farm Program Benefits— “Millionaires received over $316 million in farm program payments from 2003 to 2009 . . “Over the past two years, USDA waived the $1 million AGI cap for the programs discussed below and paid a total of $89,032,263 to individuals or entities with an AGI of $1 million or more.” Many, many examples of waste follow! Here are just a very few: “In 2009, the USDA waived program requirements and paid two millionaires a total of $10,234,520, which consisted mainly of a $10 million payment to an investment company in California for restoring wetlands to protect the Riparian Brush Rabbit . . “USDA paid millionaires $749,509 to protect the Sage Grouse . . Last year, USDA paid four millionaires a total of $592,097 through EQIP, $299,847 of which was aimed at protecting the Sage Grouse by a ranch in California. In addition, $50,000 went to a farm. That farm is owned by the W.C. Bradley Company, which is best known for producing Char-Broil outdoor grills and Zebco fishing supplies. Remaining amounts of $35,250 and $210,000 went to two family trusts. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program (“WHIP”). USDA seeks to protect land for certain wildlife through WHIP by providing up to 75 percent costshare assistance to improve habitats for fish and wildlife. Over the past two years, WHIP doled out $737,000 to three millionaire recipients, with the majority of the funds ($449,662) going to protect the Sage Grouse by a family trust in California. A farm in Georgia also received $100,000 through WHIP for ‘promotion of atrisk species’. College Education Grants— “The cost of a college education is increasing much faster than inflation. While tuition and fees at public universities have increased approximately 130 percent over the past 20 years, middle class incomes have remained the same . . “For 2012, ED estimates that it will loan $124.3 billion to 25.1 million students and parents through the DL program, making it the largest federal program providing direct aid for postsecondary education. Under the DL program, low interest loans are made with capital provided by taxpayers . . Since income is not a factor in determining student aid eligibility for unsubsidized Stafford Loans under these programs, millionaires are eligible for these loans. Nor is income a factor in determining aid eligibility. The number and amount of loans to millionaires through the DL program has continued to increase over the past four years. The average amount loaned [each year] to millionaires through the DL program was $19,405.78 per student. Property Interest Deductions— “Allowing taxpayers to deduct interest paid through a home mortgage is one of the most popular and expensive tax deductions. According to the Joint Committee on Taxation, federal tax benefits for homeowners cost an estimated $140.1 billion each year between 2010 and 2014. Of this amount, the mortgage interest deduction costs the federal government $96.8 billion. A homeowner can deduct the interest paid on a mortgage covering a primary or secondary home, which, in turn, reduces that taxpayer’s income tax . . The amount of an individual’s mortgage interest deduction generally increases as that individual’s income increase . . While most assume the mortgage interest deduction largely benefits middle and lower income earners, economist Martin Sullivan points out this is actually not the case. Sullivan asserts, ‘The tax benefit provided by the mortgage interest deduction flows overwhelmingly to rich families.’ “In 2008 alone, millionaires across the country took advantage of more than $7 billion in mortgage interest deduction tax breaks. Sullivan explains [the reasons for] the disparity, ‘First, the rich have larger houses and larger mortgages than the poor. Second, the deduction is available only to itemizers. While almost all high-income taxpayers itemize deductions on their returns, very few of the poor do. Finally, the rich have much higher marginal income tax rates than the poor.’ Mortgage Interest Deductions for Second Homes— “The provision of the mortgage interest deduction relating to second homes further highlights that those benefitting from this tax break are among the most well off. Even a yacht can be considered a second residence (!), as long as the luxury boat has a sleeping, cooking, and 54 54 toilet facility and an individual lives in it for at least two weeks a year. Since there is no AGI limit on who can take advantage of the mortgage interest deduction, millionaires also use the deduction to reduce their taxable income. From 2006 to 2009, millionaires deducted over $27 billion in mortgage interest paid on primary and secondary homes.”—Ibid. Disaster and Flood Insurance— “From FY2007 through FY2010, FEMA paid over $7.5 million in disaster assistance to individuals that self-certified they had an AGI of $1 million or more through FEMA’s housing and other needs programs. “Congress has also created the National Flood Insurance Program to cover homes that are not covered by insurance. Congress created the program because individuals did not want to buy flood insurance ‘because greedy private companies charged too much.’ Therefore, taxpayers may foot the bill if a flood destroys mansion in Florida.” John Stossel details his own experience in receiving funds from the program: ‘Eventually, a storm swept away my first floor. But I didn’t lose a penny. Thanks! I never invited you there, but you paid for my new first floor. A few years later, the whole house went. Again, government flood insurance covered my entire loss. Rich people freeload off taxpayers all the time, because the over-promisers in Washington make deals for politically favored groups. Those groups tend to be the affluent, because the rich can afford lobbyists to persuade Congress to give them special tax credits— like the one for electric cars. Because of that tax credit, I got a free golf cart. Buy a cart for $6,000 and get a $6,000 tax credit. I also put solar panels on the roof of my new home.’—John Stossel, Huntington News, March 27, 2011; quoted in Recommendations— Here are Senator Coburn’s recommendations: “With a national debt at $15 trillion,124 the federal government must contain its spending. Ending the federal safety net Congress has created for millionaires would save billions each year. “Reduce or Eliminate Payments Made to Millionaires. While millionaires have paid into certain programs, such as Social Security and Unemployment Insurance (UI), their dependency on these programs is questionable, at best. Therefore, as the United States Senate voted unanimously, UI benefits for millionaires should be terminated. Further, as part of comprehensive Social Security reforms, retirement payments for higher income earners should be restrained. “End Farm Program and Conservation Payments to Millionaires. Farm program payments were designed to encourage individuals to engage in agricultural pursuits. Farmers that are millionaires no longer need this encouragement. Further, a millionaire land owner should not be paid by the government to preserve his land. Payments by the USDA to millionaires through its farm and conservation programs, as voted on by the Senate, should cease. “Means-Testing Should Be Considered for Other Government Programs. Some programs are essential for individuals without adequate financial means. Individuals with adequate means should not be taking from the federal government just because the money or benefit is available. Congress should consider means-testing these types of programs to ensure the payments go to the Americans that need them most. “Reduce or End Certain Tax Deductions and Credits For Millionaires. The incentives created by certain tax deductions, such as the mortgage interest deduction that encourages home ownership, are lost on millionaires. Congress should take a hard look at the tax code and reduce or eliminate a number of confusing and misplaced tax breaks, including those utilized by millionaires.”—Excerpts from U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D., “Subsidies of the Rich and Famous”, November 13, 2011, 36 pages. Process for Collecting Information— In the concluding chapter of his report, Sen. Coburn details the difficulties he experienced in his efforts to obtain needed information from various federal departments on government handouts to the wealthy. There is a strong effort to keep this information hidden from the public. 1 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE U.S. NATIONAL DEBT IS ALREADY MASSIVELY LARGE On February 3, 2011, the Congressional Budget Office projected that the fiscal year 2011 deficit had risen to $1.5 trillion. The deficit has not been less than $1 trillion since 2008. This accumulation of debt is simply unsustainable. The interest payments alone will crowd out spending on defense and other public goods. The only ways to pay off the debt will be very heavy reduction in government expenses, or tax increases, or both—to the detriment of the economy. And while the bond markets may be accommodating at the moment, America cannot count on low bond interest rates for very much 55 55 longer. “The arithmetic is, unfortunately, quite clear,” Bernanke said. “To avoid large and unsustainable budget deficits, the nation will ultimately have to choose among higher taxes, modifications to entitlement programs such as Social Security and Medicare, less spending on everything else from education to defense, or some combination of these.” Alarm bells are ringing over the size of the national debt, now equal to 84 percent of the country’s gross national product—the highest level since after World War II. The credit-rating agencies are hinting that the federal treasury’s bond rating is in jeopardy, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is warning that China, the United States’ largest foreign creditor, may start charging higher interest rates. 2 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE U.S. NATIONAL DEBT IS ABOUT TO BECOME INCREDIBLY LARGER Decades of overspending and overpromising by the federal government, combined with a plunge in tax revenues, are pushing America to the brink of fiscal crisis. Medicare was signed into law on July 30, 1965, by President Lyndon B. Johnson. Medicare is a social insurance program administered by the United States government, providing medical insurance coverage to people who are aged 65 and over; to those who are under 65 and are permanently physically disabled or who have a congenital physical disability; or to those who meet other special criteria. We know of few people who are not in favor of that law, yet it must be admitted that this was the beginning of massive government payments on behalf of the American people. Whether or not we wish to have it repealed, we must agree that it provides an amount of immense medical and hospitalization help for the elderly which neither they nor the government can afford. Medicare, Social Security, Medicaid, and interest on the national debt are gobbling up the gross domestic product (GDP). —And now the aging Baby Boomers are beginning to arrive! The first of the Baby Boomers turned 65 in January 2011. These were the group of Americans born after soldiers returned home from World War II, who started or expanded their families. It reversed a long decline in the U.S. birth rate. There are now 79 million Baby Boomers, making up a full quarter of the US population, according to the Pew Research Center. America is on the verge of a massive crisis seemingly beyond control or solution! Right now, the federal government guarantees certain levels of service. One suggested solution has been to put control over the programs for Medicaid (medical coverage for the poor) into the hands of the states to be in charge of. —Yet we all recognize that the states could not possibly pay for Medicaid. As for Medicare, it would go to a vouchers program, with the portion of the expenses that the federal government would pay becoming much smaller. Whatever decision is made, the actual medical care costs are going to continue to rapidly spiral upward. Bob Greenstein, president of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities says that, because of these massive problems: “Over the course of a few decades, the debt is going rise to over 100% and then over 200% of GDP and then keep rising. That’s not sustainable.” Everyone agrees that our nation is pretty deep in debt—about $10 trillion in debt. And they agree that within a decade or two, if nothing is done, debt is going to be a much bigger problem than it is today. This is because, over the next few decades, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid will consume a bigger and bigger share of government spending. And if something is not done, these programs will eventually bankrupt us. The two crucial factors are (1) the aging of the population and (2) the increase in medical care costs throughout the entire U.S. medical care system. Those two factors are the factors which will rapidly drive upwards the projected cost of Medicare and Medicaid and to, a much lesser extent, that of Social Security. Because of this, our debt is growing faster than our economy as a whole. Thus we are confronted with the fact that the first step to reining in the debt means coming up with $4 trillion in deficit reductions over the next 10 years. The supercommittee was aiming for cuts of $1.2 trillion over 10 years,—a goal that was obviously too small to stop the debt from growing. —And yet the committee members could not even agree to do the lower goal! 56 56 3 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: OUR TRUE NATIONAL DEBT IS NOT 14 TRILLION, BUT $211 TRILLION A large share of our debt is held by other nations in the world. The US now owes over $14tn (trillion). As of April this year (2011), US Treasury bonds owned overseas accounted for $4.7tn of the national debt, which is up 8% on last year. China is the biggest owner of US Trasury bonds, with over $1.14tn by September this year (down -0.3% from last year). Japan has $957.8 billion. Bonds bought in the UK (mainly private investors and pension funds) are third on the list at $421.6bn (up 120.7%, which is the biggest increase). • Russia saw the biggest decrease, down 45.3% since last year to $94.6bn It reflects a US national debt which has grown starkly, from $7.8tn in 2005 to busting through the US debt ceiling $14.294tn earlier this year Laurence J. Kotlikoff served as a senior economist on President Reagan’s Council of Economic Advisers. He says the U.S. national debt, which according to the U.S. Treasury is about $14 trillion, “is just the tip of the iceberg.” In reality, America has so many “unofficial debts” which are massive compared to the official debt. Kotlikoff says, “We have focused just on the official debt, so we’re trying to balance the wrong books.” America’s “unofficial” payment obligations, the largest of which are Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits, immensely increase the total amount of debt. What does Kitlikoff mean by this? Here is his statement: “If you add up all the promises that have been made for spending obligations, including defense expenditures, and you subtract all the taxes that we expect to collect, the difference is $211 trillion. That is the fiscal gap; that is our true indebtedness.” He adds that we not told this actual amount of debt because politicians would rather that we not be told of the full extent of the problem. It is not just a matter of “balancing the budget” (not spending more than we take in during a given year);—it is a matter of paying down our total indebtedness! 4 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: SUMMARIZING OUR FABULOUS SOCIAL SECURITY AND MEDICAL CARE PROBLEMS And, I assure you, it does appear that these two problems are going to completely break us! Unless U.S. citizens take persuasive (not fanatical or revolutionary) action in demanding changes by Congress—we will head into a terrible future! One of the biggest fiscal problems Congress should focus on is America’s obligation to provide Social Security payments and medical care to future generations of the elderly. Laurence J. Kotlikoff is a Professor of Economics at Boston University, and an expert in the field. This is what he says: “We’ve got 78 million baby boomers who are poised to collect, in about 15 to 20 years, about $40,000 per person. Multiply 78 million by $40,000—and you are talking about more than $3 trillion a year just to give to a portion of the population. That is an enormous bill that’s overhanging our heads, and Congress isn’t focused on it.” And that is for social security alone. What about medical care for elderly Baby Boomers? A recent federal report found that more than 3 million baby boomers, and others below 65, will soon be getting coverage under Medicaid, the government’s insurance program for the poor. The new federal medical law greatly expands Medicaid to include nearly all low-income adults. Prior to enactment of this new medical insurance law, recipients had to have dependent children or be disabled to qualify. In addition, approximately 3.5 million more boomers, the report estimates, will qualify for government subsidies to buy private medical insurance. Alison Fraser, director of economic policy studies at the Heritage Foundation, puts it this way: “We are on the wave—the leading edge—of 78 million baby boomers retiring into entitlement programs [social security and medical care]. So going forward, spending in the future is unsustainable.” “We have consistently done too little too late, we have looked too short-term, we have said the future would take care of itself, and we’ll deal with that tomorrow, Well, guess what? You can’t keep putting off these problems.” To eliminate the fiscal gap, Kotlikoff says, the U.S. would have to have tax increases and spending reductions far beyond what is being 57 57 talked about in Washington. And now, Kotlikoff, an expert economist tells us the bottom line; the only way our U.S. economic problem can be solved: “What you have to do is either immediately and permanently raise taxes by about twothirds, or immediately and permanently cut every dollar of spending by 40 percent forever. The [Congressional Budget Office’s] numbers say we have an absolutely enormous problem facing us.” Major federal costs in 2008: 21 percent—Medicare and Medicaid. 20 percent—Social Security. 20 percent—Defense. 17 percent—Other mandatory spending (for example, veterans’ compensation, unemployment insurance, and food stamps). 6 percent—Interest on the debt. 16 percent—Everything else, including veteran’s health care, homeland security and law enforcement, education and student aid, roads and bridges, food and drug inspection, energy and the environment, and so on. Clearly, there are no easy answers to the debt crisis. 5 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: TRYING TO SOLVE FEDERAL MEDICAL CARE COSTS Federal medical coverage, which President Johnson started in July 1965, marked the beginning of the end. It is impossible for Americans to expect taxpayers to pay nearly all of their medical costs later on. I say that knowing there will hardly be one person reading this who will like what I am saying. Yet it is true, whether we like it or not, unless drastic changes are made,—we cannot afford Medicaid and Medicare. The following recommendations by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task Force are an attempt to solve this problem, without eliminating most of Medicaid and Medicare: Restrain Rising Health Care Costs (Savings through 2020: $756 billion, excluding interest) • Incentivize employers and employees to select more cost-effective health plans: • Cap the exclusion of employer-provided health benefits in 2018, and then phase it out over 10 years. • Control Medicare costs in the short term: Gradually raise Medicare Part B premiums from 25 to 35 percent of total program costs (over five years). • Use Medicare’s buying power to increase rebates from pharmaceutical companies. • Modernize Medicare’s benefits package, including the copayment structure. • Bundle Medicare’s payments for post-acute care to reduce costs. Preserve Medicare for the long term: • Transition Medicare, starting in 2018, to a “premium support” program that limits growth in per-beneficiary federal support (to GDPplus-1 percent, as compared to current projections of GDP-plus-1.7 percent). The new system maintains traditional Medicare as the default, but will charge higher premiums if costs rise faster than the established limits. Alternatively, beneficiaries can opt to purchase a private plan on a health insurance exchange. Competition among plans will improve the quality of care and increase efficiency. Control Medicaid costs in the short term: • Apply managed care principles in all states to aged Supplemental Security Income (SSI) beneficiaries. Control Medicaid costs in the long term: • Beginning in 2018, reduce the amount by which Medicaid is growing faster than the economy (that is, reduce annual per-beneficiary cost growth by 1 percentage point). • There are various approaches to achieving these savings. One option would be to reform the shared financing arrangement between the federal and state governments, which has led to gaming of the matching payment system and rising health care costs. Through a federal-state negotiation, allocate program responsibilities between the federal government and the states, so that each will fully finance and administer its selected components of the Medicaid program. This will restore incentives for cost containment, and slow future program spending growth. Reform medical malpractice laws: • Cap awards for noneconomic and punitive damages for medical malpractice. • Start large-scale testing of systemic reforms, including safe harbors for practices that conform to accepted guidelines, specialized malpractice courts, and administrative proceedings to resolve disputes. • Help reduce long-term health care spending to treat obesity-related illnesses – including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke – by imposing an excise tax on the manufacture and importation of beverages sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup. 58 58 • The Task Force plan accommodates a permanent fix to the sustainable growth rate (SGR) mechanism that currently requires unrealistic automatic cuts in physician payments (which Congress has been annually delaying). 6 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: THE URGENT NEED FOR INCREASED OVERSIGHT AND AUTHORITY BY THE GAO The Governmental Accountability Office (GAO) is the only truly sane governmental organization in Washington D.C.! In 2011 alone, it identified hundreds of billions of dollars of duplicative and overlapping programs that, if (if) addressed by Congress, could both save money and improve services for taxpayers. Yet, instead of adopting these good government reforms, the Senate Appropriations Committee (SAC) has responded by proposing dramatic budget cuts to the GAO budget! Significantly, it is the SAC that decides where to send much of that torrent of extra money which the Treasury Department keeps printing. It appears that the SAC does not want the GAO looking over its shoulder and pointing out the waste in Congress. Aside from Senator Tom Coburn, the GAO is the only whistle blower in our federal government! Quite frankly, the reason the guidance of GAO is so important at this time is because Congress has increasingly ignored its own duties to oversee the functions of government. Even with a shrinking budget, GAO has continued to produce nearly 1,000 reports a year recommending billions of dollars in savings. By way of comparison, there has been a precipitous decline in congressional hearings despite steady spending increases for both the House of Representatives and the Senate. As the overall federal budget increased 100 percent between 1992 and 2007, GAO’s budget was slashed by more than 20 percent. For every $1 spent on GAO, the agency provides $90 in savings recommendations. No other government agency can make such a claim. —Yet now some men in Congress want to reduce the number of workers and reports at GAO. WHY? I will suggest a reason why: The lobbyists have brought word from the big interests and the wealthy—that GAO is interferring with the lucrative deals that Congress and the Adminstration departments (such as FDA) have been giving them. What other reason could there be for trying to get rid of the only government agency that is able to save America millions of dollars every year? In an appearance before Congress earlier this year, Comptroller General Gene Dodaro (the one in charge of the GAO) explained: “On return on investment, as you mentioned, Mr. Chairman, we returned last year $87 for every dollar spent on GAO in financial benefits, in terms of cost savings or opportunities to gain revenues or better use of Federal resources. Actually, our rolling 4-year average has been $94 to $1. “GAO serves every standing committee of the Congress, and, in recent years, 70 percent of the subcommittees have submitted requests . . We have more requests for our services than we can get to in a timely manner, but we work with requesters to address their highest priorities.”—Hearing of the House Committee on Appropriations, Subcommittee on Legislative Branch, “Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2012,” March 11, 2011. “On average, we receive between 900 and 1,000 requests a year from Congress. We work to prioritize those. Once we have our budget for this year, we will be able to size our staffing levels appropriately.”—Ibid. Since 2001, GAO has received 10,477 requests from Congress as well as another 1,198 “mandates” for work required by law. This amounts to 11,675—or more than 1,000 a year over the past decade. Over the last ten years, the return on investment for GAO audits and investigations has gone up. In 2008 alone, which had the highest level of return over the past decade, GAO used its $527 million budget to help the government achieve $61 billion in financial benefits, adjusted for inflation. As we seek solutions to our nation’s fiscal crisis, GAO’s nonpartisan expertise has never been more valuable. In fiscal year 2009, GAO documented about $43 billion in financial benefits, in non-inflation adjusted dollars—a return of $80 for every dollar spent by GAO. The $41.7 million cut to GAO’s budget could, therefore, result in $3.3 billion in federal funds that will be lost to waste, fraud, abuse, and inefficiency. While GAO must face the same fiscal realities being applied to every other federal agency 59 59 and program, the cut to the agency’s budget represents more than ten percent of the entire reduction proposed within legislative branch spending, measured in total dollars cut. To say it again, Congress is more willing to heavily reduce the GAO than any other agency of the federal government! And in this era of trillion dollar deficits, Congress desperately needs this rate of return to get us out of the fiscal mess that we have created and so far have demonstrated little ability or willingness to solve. Congress should first cut spending where it is unnecessary, unused, or mismanaged. We can start with more dramatic cuts in its own office budgets. Half of the Senate’s committees have held fewer hearings this year and one committee has yet to hold a single hearing. Likewise, the Senate has voted on fewer amendments to bills this year and has passed very few bills that have been signed into law. More than 100 presidential nominees have lagged in committees, awaiting hearings and confirmation. All in all, Congress is doing less at a time when our nation desperately needs vibrant leadership. It should come as no surprise then that congressional approval ratings have dropped to 9 percent, the lowest level ever recorded. Americans are growingly concerned that our debt, which will soon top $15 trillion, imperils our economic recovery, our national security, and the future of American civilization. Congress has proved incapable of finding answers to the debt crisis and now it is threatening to muzzle those who can. It has failed to pass a budget. It has ignored the recommendations of the president’s deficit commission, and now it is considering cuts that could very well hobble the one agency that members of both parties have long trusted for thoughtful recommendations. There is no question savings can be found within every agency and program, but without the guidance of GAO it is far less likely these savings will be identified. Congress has come to rely on the agency for oversight. Thousands of times a year, GAO releases reports, testifies at hearings and issues recommendations which serve as the basis for congressional oversight and legislation. With few exceptions, GAO has produced an average of more than 1,000 oversight reports for Congress each year since 2000. In March 2011, GAO released a landmark report helping to identify 81 areas of possible duplication and overlap within the federal government. That March 2011 GAO report is entitled, Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue. This one report alone, totalling 345 pages and resulting from the effort of dozens of GAO employees, shed light on possible savings worth hundreds of billions of dollars. More than just issuing reports, though, GAO experts regularly testify in front of congressional committees, averaging more appearances than there are days Congress is in session. Over the past five years, GAO experts have averaged nearly 225 appearances each year before Congress. And in 2008, the agency supplied witnesses nearly 300 times. The Congressional reduction plan appears to be to gut GAO. Many of the services provided by the GAO will be curtailed due to reductions in staff and resources. The GAO will have to implement severe measures including a significant and historic reduction in staff to below 3,000 workers, through a hiring freeze, attrition and early retirement. Ironically, the GAO has been given a new assignment: It has been told to add a productivity-crippling “cost analysis to every report” detailing the process for completing the report. This will slow the work of the GAO in producing reports; so much so that, along with its heavy reduction in staff, will greatly reduce its output. Many in Congress need to resign so we can put some competent men and women in there who are not afraid to eliminate the waste and mismanagement routinely done by that august body. Dodaro has expressed determination to make the best of the situation, but was forced to admit GAO “might end up producing fewer reports, or fewer testimonies, or experience longer delays before starting our jobs . . but we will not sacrifice quality” (Comptroller General Gene Dodaro, statement to GAO employees, October 19, 2011). In the last decade, the congressional budget has increased by nearly 50 percent, yet GAO has barely seen any increase at all over the same time. Rather, the 15 year period between 1992 and 2007, GAO’s staff was reduced by more than 2,100 people and its budget cut by more than 20 percent. Cuts are nothing new for the GAO. For the better part of two decades, GAO has seen its 60 60 resources steadily dwindle, which invariably reduces the amount of work it has been able to produce. The budget proposals being put forward today in Congress would cut the agency even further, reducing it even below 2002 in inflation-adjusted numbers. The House of Representatives would reduce 2012 levels by nearly 6.4 percent from 2011, while the Senate Appropriations Committee has proposed cutting further by 7.6 percent. As stated above, between 1992 and 2007 GAO saw a sharp decline as its staff was reduced by more than 2,100 people and its budget cut by more than 20 percent, in inflation-adjusted dollars. Over the same time, the overall federal budget grew by 100 percent, and the total public debt rose from $5.6 trillion to $13.6 trillion. Looking at federal spending over an even shorter period of time, 1999-2010, federal spending more than doubled, increasing from $1.7 trillion to nearly $3.5 trillion. GAO’s staff of investigators, accountants and auditors is being required to do much more with much less. In 1992, GAO had 5,325 employees, far outnumbering its current total of 3,212. If the current budget proposal is enacted, GAO has announced that it will likely take its staffing levels down below 3,000 for the first time in its history. (In times past, however, GAO was much larger even though the federal government was much smaller. At its peak, the agency employed more than 14,000 people to help Congress oversee the huge surge in government spending during WWII.) In contrast with the slash in GAO workers, let us consider the fat personal office budgets for each member of Congress: The Senate supplies each member with an Official Personnel and Office Expense Account, which currently allows each office to spend between $3 million and $4.5 million a year, adjusted for the population of the state represented by each senator. In 2001, the total amount available for all Senate offices was $252 million, but in 2011 it was more than $409 million. This represents an increase of more than 62 percent over that time. In the House, each office is provided with a Members’ Representational Allowance (MRA), which today is between $1.4 million and $1.7 million per year. In 2011, the total amount of funding available for MRAs was $613 million Interestingly, for both the House and Senate, the only category of congressional staff it has cut—is those on its committees which are primarily responsible for congressional oversight! It would appear that they do not want anyone watching the way they are wasting money. In summary, Congress urgently needs the help of GAO in order to solve the massive budget crisis now confronting our nation. But to do so would infuriate the campaign contributors and special interests which send those lobbyists into its offices with requests and checks day after day. There are four things Congress should do. • First, restore GAO’s budget to prior levels and eliminate any planned cuts for 2012. GAO’s budget was cut in 2011, and further cuts in 2012 would do significant harm to the agency’s ability to conduct proper oversight of federal agencies. • Second, look for cuts within Congress’ own budget to achieve needed savings. Congress has given itself significant increases through recent years and can make additional cuts to offset the restoration of GAO’s budget. • Third, require agencies to reimburse GAO for audits that uncover significant waste and inefficiencies. Agencies that are found by GAO to have wasted significant funds above an established threshold should be required to pay for such audits. Similar practices are common at a variety of regulatory agencies, which perform fee-for-service oversight of the industries they oversee. 7 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: U.S. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT WASTEFUL PROJECTS: MONEY JUST THROWN AWAY On December 20, 2010, Senator Tom Coburn released a new oversight report entitled, Wastebook 2010: A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful Government Spending of 2010. Keep in mind that the following ridiculous spending by the U.S. Government occurred after the country had fully entered the present grinding depression, with millions of people out of work and trillions of dollars in national debt: Here are a few excerpts from his report: “As 2010 ends, millions of Americans are still struggling to find work. Even those lucky enough to have jobs have had to tighten their belts. Yet, Congress continues to find new and 61 61 extravagant ways to waste tax dollars. In today’s economy, we can’t afford to spend nearly $2 million to showcase neon signs no longer in use at Las Vegas Casinos, nor can Congress and federal agencies afford to spend nearly $1 billion a year on unnecessary printing costs, “Our national debt is the greatest threat to our national security according to our own military leaders. ‘Well-intentioned people across the political spectrum will argue about the best way to get us back on track. But we can all agree that cutting wasteful and low priority spending from the budget is not only sensible, but essential. “ I hope this report will give taxpayers and concerned citizens the information they need to hold Washington accountable. As dysfunctional as our politics can seem, our system still works when ordinary citizens get informed and engaged. “Examples of wasteful spending highlighted in Wastebook 2010 include: “• The city of Las Vegas has received a $5.2 million federal grant to build the Neon Boneyard Park and Museum, including $1.8 million in 2010. For over the last decade, Museum supporters have gathered and displayed over 150 old Las Vegas neon signs, such as the Golden Nugget and Silver Slipper casinos. • The National Science Foundation provided more than to $200,000 to study of why political candidates make vague statements. “• The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) spends $175 million every year to maintain hundreds of buildings it does not use, including a pink, octagonal monkey house in Dayton, Ohio. “• Medicare paid out over $35 million to a vast network of 118 “phantom” medical clinics, allegedly established by members of a criminal gang to submit phony reimbursement claims. “• The Government Printing Office (GPO) is using a “video game space mouse” (at nearly $60,000 in taxpayer funds) to teach children the history of printing. “• In July, nearly half a million taxpayer dollars went to the XVIII International AIDS Conference in Vienna, where wine tasting and castle tours were among the events planned for the conference participants. “• The Internal Revenue Service paid out $112 million in undeserved tax refunds to prisoners who filed fraudulent returns, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA). “• The National Science Foundation directed nearly a quarter million dollars to a Stanford University professor’s study of how Americans use the Internet to find love. “• The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) took the term “cold case” to a new level in 2010. The agency spent over $20,000 in taxpayer money “to unravel the anonymity of a 2,500-year-old mummy.” “• The National Institutes of Health (NIH) spent nearly $442,340 million to study the number of male prostitutes in Vietnam and their social setting. “• This year, taxpayers forked over $60,000 for the “first-of-its kind” promotion of the Vidalia onion in conjunction with the movie, Shrek Forever After. ” “• The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded over $600,000 to the Minnesota Zoo to create a wolf “avatar” video game called “WolfQuest.” “• A $700,000 federal grant paid for researchers to examine “greenhouse gas emission from organic dairies, which are caused by cow burps, among other things.”—Senator Tom Coburn, Oversight report entitled, Wastebook 2010: A Guide to Some of the Most Wasteful Government Spending of 2010, released December 20, 2010. Here is more data on how our government wastes money. Tragically, Congress, however, has largely abandoned its constitutional duty of overseeing the executive branch and has steadfastly refused to check on, much less eliminate the runaway federal spending that is simply waste, fraud, and abuse In 2003, an attempt by House Budget Committee Chairman Jim Nussle (R-IA) to address wasteful spending was rejected by the House of Representatives, and similar calls in 2004 by then-Senate Budget Committee Chairman Don Nickles (R-OK) were rejected by the Senate. A small group of House lawmakers has formed the Washington Waste Watchers, but their agenda has not been embraced by the whole House. It is not a lack of information that is the problem. Year after year, government waste investigations and recommendations can be found in hundreds of reports. Here are a few samples: • Studies published by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) (formerly known as the General Accounting Office). • The Congressional Budget Office’s Budget Options book, • Inspector general reports of each agency, • Government Performance and Results Act reports of each agency, • The White House’s Program Assessment Rating Tool (PART) program reviews, and 62 62 • The Senate Governmental Affairs Com mittee’s 2001 Government at the Brink reports. With so much information available, why are lawmakers so resistant to reducing waste? With Congress in session just 80 days annually, reducing waste would take precious time away from most lawmakers’ higher priorities of increasing spending on popular programs and bringing pork-barrel projects home. Frankly, some of the most wasteful programs are also the most popular, including Medicaid and Medicare. This is partly to their high cost, but also the way that the government pays medical costs which are fraudulent. It is estimated that if Congress would really try to eliminate government waste, it could easily save over $100 billion annually without harming the legitimate operations and benefits of government programs. As a first step, lawmakers should address the 10 following examples of egregious waste. One example of government waste is in the Department of the Treasury’s Financial Report, which is issued every so often. This short section is entitled, Unreconciled Transactions Affecting the Change in Net Position. In a typical year, these unreconciled transactions total about $25 billion. These are funds which auditors cannot account for: The government knows that $25 billion was spent by someone, somewhere, on something, but auditors do not know who spent it, where it was spent, or on what it was spent. Although these unreconciled transactions are officially blamed on the failure of federal agencies to report their expenditures adequately; we could actually be viewing fraud at work, the theft of massive amounts of money for personal purchases. The Treasury report declared that locating the money is “a priority.” But Congress does nothing about it. Perhaps an investigation could lead to their own personal use of government funds. This $25 billion could have funded the entire operations of the Department of Justice for a full year. An audit revealed that employees of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) diverted millions of dollars to personal purchases through their government-issued credit cards. Sampling 300 employees’ purchases over six months, investigators estimated that 15 percent embezzled funds with their government credit cards at a cost of $5.8 million. Taxpayer-funded purchases included Ozzy Osbourne concert tickets, tattoos, lingerie, bartender school tuition, car payments, and cash advances (U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Inspector General, Headquarters Audit Report, “Adequacy of Internal Controls over the Individually Billed Travel Card Program,” Report No. 50601-05-HQ, June 19, 2003). The USDA has promised a thorough investigation, but it will have a huge task: 55,000 USDA credit cards are in circulation, including 1,549 that are still held by people who no longer work at the USDA. As of 2005, more than $21.8 billion worth of student loans were already in default, and too many cases of fraud have been found to be left undetected (Walker, Ibid.). Tracking students across federal programs, verifying loan application data with IRS income data, and implementing controls to prevent the disbursement of loans to fraudulent applicants could save taxpayers billions of dollars. The Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) spends $5 billion annually constructing dams and other water projects. Yet, in a massive conflict of interest, it is also deciding what projects should be undertaken. The Corps’ ‘strategic vision’ calls on managers to increase their budgets as rapidly as possible, which requires approving as many proposed projects as possible. They are manipulating data to encourage spending, for they do not want to lose any government money for the ACE. Consequently, the Corps has repeatedly been accused of deliberately manipulating its economic studies to justify unworthy projects. Investigations by the GAO, the Washington Post, and several private organizations have found that Corps studies routinely contain dozens of basic arithmetic errors, computer errors, and ridiculous economic assumptions that artificially inflate the benefits of water projects by as much as 300 percent (GAO Details Errors in Army Corps Project, The Washington Post, June 11, 2002). But, by the time that outside investigations reveal these errors, the unnecessary and wasteful projects are often underway and cannot be stopped. These errors appear to reflect more deception than sloppy planning. The Washington Post investigation uncovered managers ordering analysts to ‘get creative,’ to ‘look for ways to get to yes as fast as possible,’ and ‘not to take no for an answer.’ After a public outcry, in 2002, the Corps suspended work on 150 projects to review the economics used to justify them. Unfortunately, we have here a combination 63 63 of Congress’s thirst for pork-barrel projects and the Corps’ built-in incentives to approve projects that will increase its budget. So no real corrections will be made. The earned income tax credit (EITC) provides $31 billion in refundable tax credits to 19 million low-income families. Yet the IRS estimates that $8.5 billion to $9.9 billion of this amount—nearly one-third—is wasted in overpayments. The complexity of the EITC law leads to many of these mistakes. Calculating the credits is more complex than calculating regular income taxes. While the credit amount depends on the number of children in a household, the tax code does not clearly define how a child qualifies for the credit. In addition, fraud and underreporting of income are common, and the IRS lacks the resources to verify the qualifications of all EITC claimants. Efforts are being made to address this problem, but Congress can do more by requiring better verification of incomes and by clearly defining the standards by which a child qualifies for the EITC (Walker, Ibid.). Government’s layering of new programs on top of old ones inherently creates duplication. It produces redundancy piled on redundancy. Having several agencies perform similar duties is wasteful and confuses program beneficiaries who must navigate each program’s distinct rules and requirements. Some overlap is inevitable because some agencies are defined by whom they serve (e.g., veterans, Native Americans, urbanites, and rural families), while others are defined by what they provide (e.g., housing, education, health care, and economic development). When these agencies’ constituencies overlap, each relevant agency will often have its own program. With 342 separate economic development programs, the federal government needs to make consolidation a priority. Consolidating duplicative programs will save money and improve government service. In addition to those programs that should be eliminated completely, Congress should consolidate the following eighteen sets of programs: • 342 economic development programs. • 130 programs serving the disabled. • 130 programs serving at-risk youth. • 90 early childhood development programs. • 75 programs funding international education, cultural, and training exchange activities. • 72 federal programs dedicated to assuring safe water. • 50 homeless assistance programs. • 45 federal agencies conducting federal criminal investigations. • 40 separate employment and training programs. • 28 rural development programs. • 27 teen pregnancy programs. • 26 small, extraneous K-12 school grant programs. • 23 agencies providing aid to the former Soviet republics. • 19 programs fighting substance abuse. • 17 rural water and waste-water programs in eight agencies. • 17 trade agencies monitoring 400 international trade agreements; • 12 food safety agencies. • 11 principal statistics agencies. • 4 overlapping land management agencies. The previous 18 examples of overlapping are the result of careful analysis by the following research: • Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate, Government at the Brink, Volume I. • Urgent Federal Government Management Problems Facing the Bush Administration, and Government at the Brink, Volume II. • An Agency by Agency Examination of Federal Government Management Problems Facing the Bush Administration, June 2001. • U.S. Government Accountability Office, Managing for Results: Using the Results Act to Address Mission Fragmentation and Program Overlap. Solving this massive amount of waste is crucial if America is going to survive in the years to come. This will have to be done eventually; why not start now? 8 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: IMMENSE FLAWS IN OUR MILITARY EXPENSES We should stop our foreign wars and bring our troops home. Our present yearly military expenses is 20 percent of our entire U.S. budget. (Social Security is another 20 percent, and Medicaid and Medicare are 23 percent.) For the 2010 fiscal year, the president’s base budget of the Department of spending on “overseas contingency operations” brings the sum to $663.84 billion. (They are not wars; they are “contingency operations.”) 64 64 When the budget was signed into law on October 28, 2009, the final size of the Department of Defense’s budget was $680 billion, $16 billion more than President Obama had requested. An additional $37 billion supplemental bill to support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. By the end of 2008, the U.S. had spent approximately $900 billion in direct costs on the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. Indirect costs such as interest on the additional debt and incremental costs of caring for the more than 33,000 wounded borne by the Veterans Administration are additional. Some experts estimate these indirect costs will eventually exceed the direct costs. The US Government Accountability Office was unable to provide an audit opinion on the 2010 financial statements of the US Government because of “widespread material internal control weaknesses, significant uncertainties, and other limitations”. The GAO cited as the principal obstacle to its provision of an audit opinion “serious financial management problems at the Department of Defense (DOD) that made its financial statements unauditable”. Chief Financial Officer and Under Secretary of Defense Robert F. Hale acknowledged enterprisewide problems with systems and processes, while the DoD’s Inspector General reported “material internal control weaknesses . . that affect the safeguarding of assets, proper use of funds, and impair the prevention and identification of fraud, waste, and abuse”. Further management discussion in the FY [fiscal year] 2010 DOD Financial Report states “it is not feasible to deploy a vast number of accountants to manually reconcile our books” and concludes that “although the financial statements are not auditable for FY 2010, the Department’s financial managers are meeting warfighter needs”. It is well-known that millions of dollars have gone into the hands of terrorists in Afghanistan. The U.S. military budget for 2012 will total $1.030–$1.415 trillion. The amount the U.S. military spends annually on air conditioning in Iraq and Afghanistan is $20.2 billion. (Daytime heat there is 125o F.) The 2009 U.S. military budget accounts for approximately 40% of all military spending throughout the world. in terms of tonnage, the U.S. battle fleet is still larger than the next 13 navies combined—and 11 of those 13 navies are U.S. allies or partners. The official count of U.S. wounded in the Iraq War is 33,183, but it has been estimated that the actual number is over 100,000. Over 4483 U.S. troops have died. U.S. miltary deaths in Afganistan totals 1845. In addition, from Iraq alone, more than 320,000 U.S. veterans have brain injuries. These concussion injuries are often overlooked. US policy for protecting our troops, for better or worse, is focused on the idea of Value of a Statistical Life. Typically a policy that reduces risks of death will be approved if the cost per life saved is below $5 million, and not otherwise. The various U.S. wars of choice have cost around $250 billion a year for the last decade. Here is another detail: $100 million spent by the Defense Department for flight tickets which were never used! Between 1997 and 2003, the Defense Department purchased and then left unused approximately 270,000 commercial airline tickets at a total cost of $100 million. Even worse, the Pentagon never bothered to get a refund for these fully refundable tickets! The GAO blamed a system that relied on department personnel to notify the travel office when purchased tickets went unused (U.S. General Accounting Office, DOD Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Led to Millions of Dollars in Unused Airline Tickets, GAO-03-398, March 2004). Auditors also found 27,000 transactions between 2001 and 2002 alone in which the Pentagon paid twice for the same ticket. These additional transactions cost taxpayers $8 million. The department would purchase the ticket directly and then inexplicably reimburse the employee for the cost of the ticket. (In one case, an employee who allegedly made seven false claims for airline tickets professed not to have noticed that $9,700 was deposited into his/her account). This $108 million could have purchased seven Blackhawk helicopters, 17 M1 Abrams tanks, or a large supply of additional body armor for U.S. troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. Here is yet another scandal at the Defense Department: Over one recent 18-month period, Air Force and Navy personnel used government-funded credit cards to charge at least $102,400 for admission to entertainment events, $48,250 for gambling, $69,300 for cruises, and $73,950 for exotic dance clubs and prostitutes (U.S. General Accounting Office, Travel Cards: Air Force Management Focus Has Reduced Delinquencies, But Improvements in Controls Are Needed, GAO-03-298, December 20, 2002, p. 4, and “Travel Cards: Control Weaknesses Leave Navy Vulnerable to Fraud and 65 65 Abuse,” testimony before Committee on Government Reform, U.S. House of Representatives, GAO-03-148T, October 8, 2002, p. 8.). 9 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: OUR STATE DEPARTMENT’S FABULOUS WASTEFUL SPENDING OF MONEY IN IRAQ Over the past decade, we have all heard that there is a vast amount of useless nonmilitary spending by our government in Iraq and Afghanistan. A recently published book by one of the men involved in the wasteful spending in Iraq has been released. The book is entitled, We Meant Well: How I Helped Lose the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of the Iraqi People, by Peter Van Buren, a veteran State Department officer who spent a year working in the notoriously inept, $63 billion Iraqi reconstruction program. Nearly all of that money was wasted on ridiculous projects for the purpose of getting rid of money as an end in itself, and calling this “helping the Iraqis.” Order a copy for yourself and read it. 10 - OUR U.S. NATIONAL DEBT: MEDICARE AND MEDICAID HAVE THE MOST FRAUD AND WASTE Then we have the most fraudulent-laden program of all: The Medicare program wastes more money than any other federal program, yet its strong public support leaves lawmakers hesitant to address program efficiencies, which cost taxpayers and Medicare recipients billions of dollars annually. For example, Medicare pays as much as eight times what other federal agencies pay for the same drugs and medical supplies (Janet Rehnquist, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, testimony before the Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, Committee on Appropriations, U.S. Senate, June 12, 2002). The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently compared the prices paid by Medicare and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care program for 16 types of medical equipment and supplies, which account for onequarter of Medicare’s equipment and supplies purchases. The evidence showed that Medicare paid an average of more than double what the VA paid for the same items. The largest difference was for saline solution, with Medicare paying $8.26 per liter compared to the $1.02 paid by the VA (Ibid.). But all this wasted money means more costly co-payments by Medicare recipients. In 2002, senior citizens’ co-payments accounted for 20 percent of the $9.4 billion in allowed claims for medical equipment and supplies. Higher prices mean higher co-payments. Medicare also overpays for drugs. In 2000, Medicare’s payments for 24 leading drugs were $1.9 billion higher than they would have been under the prices paid by the VA or other federal agencies. Although Medicare is supposed to pay wholesale prices for drugs, it relies on drug manufacturers to define the prices, and manufacturers have strong incentives to inflate their prices. They, of course, are protected because they give so much in bribes through lobbyists that they know Congress will never penalize them for overcharging the government. In addition to inflated prices for drugs and supplies, inaccurate payment errors which were the results of deliberate fraud and administrative errors have cost the taxpayers $12.3 billion annually. In addition, as much as $7 billion owed to the program has gone uncollected or has been written off (David M. Walker, Comptroller General of the United States, “Federal Budget: Opportunities for Oversight and Improved Use of Taxpayer Funds,” testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, June 18, 2003). As if that is not enough, while Medicare contracts out its claims processing and administration to several private companies, in recently years, 19 cases of contractor fraud have been settled with a maximum settlement of $76 million (Dara Corrigan, Acting Principal Deputy Inspector General, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, testimony before the Committee on the Budget, U.S. House of Representatives, July 9, 2003.). In summary, Medicare reform could save taxpayers and program beneficiaries $20 billion to $30 billion annually without reducing benefits. That would be enough to fund a $3,000 refundable health care tax credit for nearly 10 million uninsured low-income households. Finally, we will mention state abue of Medicaid funding formulas. Significant waste, fraud, and abuse pervade 66 66 Medicaid, which provides medical services to 44 million low-income Americans. While states run their own Medicaid programs, the federal government reimburses an average of 57 percent of each state’s costs. Unfortunately, this system gives states an incentive to overreport their Medicaid expenditures in order to receive larger federal reimbursements. Not surprisingly, the GAO has even identified state schemes that shift money between state accounts to create an illusion of higher Medicaid expenditures. As if that was not all, some states have spent their federal Medicaid dollars on non-Medicaid purposes. Tight state budgets like those experienced by most states today have increased the pressure to use such deceptive tactics. The GAO and the Health and Human Services (HHS) Inspector General have also uncovered some states’ practice of recovering improper payments, retaining the funds, and then spending them on unrelated programs—a practice that costs the federal government well over $2 billion per year. Congress could enact legislation to prohibit these actions more effectively. Minor reforms enacted by HHS in 2001 and 2002 are expected to save Medicaid $70 billion over the next decade. A small sample of financing schemes uncovered in a few states suggests that, if Congress acts, even larger savings are available. 67 67 — PART SIX CONTENTS — THE EXPERTS SUMMARIZE THE MAJOR SOLUTIONS THE CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS THE BIPARTISAN POLICY CENTER THE CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS SENATOR TOM COBURN’S PLAN FOR SAVING $9 TRILLION A SPECIAL, RECENT GAO REPORT OTHER ASTOUNDING COBURN SPECIAL REPORTS —————— — PART SIX — THE EXPERTS SUMMARIZE THE MAJOR SOLUTIONS Before sharing with you the experts’ solutions, let me tell you my suggested plan of action, which you can add along with those of economists who have carefully thought through these problems for several years. They will tell you what needs to be done. My suggestion, just below, is about how to go about getting it done: • Remain alert to what is happening and contact Congress (and the White House, state and local legislators, etc.)—and tell them specifically what you want them to do (defeat this or pass that); do not just complain. • In order to effectively do this, a central information group should be set up which gathers data on what is taking place and regularly notifies the U.S. public. This should include special alerts when citizens must immediately contact Congress or other officials. Afterward, the public should be notified of results. There are several steps which Congressional bills regularly take before the item is enacted into law. The public needs to be notified as to what is about to happen, and told what to do. They need to be provided with phone numbers and email information. In the lists, just below, you will find web sight information on names, addresses, and pending legislation. But be aware that most of the problems needing solution are not included in pending legislation. Working with your central alert center, you need to coordinate your petitions to urged congressional consideration of many items which legislators would not otherwise be likely to consider: • This is where to obtain names, addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and, in some cases, pending bills: The website congressmerge.com will enable you to find congressmen, committees, subcommittees, and schedules. (This site is obviously for lobbyists.) Or go to clerk.house.gov and click on “Member Information”—and you will have the phone number and office room number of each congressional representative. Or go to senate.gov and then click on “Senate”—and you will find the name, address, phone number, and email of each U.S. senator. Click on “Legislation and Records” and “Committes,” to obtain additional information. Or go to numbersusa.com and click on “Contact Info for all Congress” and you will find an alphabetical list of all congressmen (both senators and representatives): Names, area represented, phone numbers, D.C. addresses. You can also click on “Recent Senate Votes,” “Recent House Votes,” “Voting Records,” “Your Members of Congress.” Go to conservativeusa.org for contact information for members of Congress, as well as state governors and state representatives. • Require that the funding and authority of the Congressional Accountability Office be increased, so it can not only locate problems in Congress and Administrative Departments, but also have the authority to demand that they be dealt with. It should also be provided with a website where you can find the latest data on its findings and efforts to produce needed changes. • It is extremely important that we avoid the calling of a Constitutional Convention! If that were to happen, anything that the liberals wished could be added, changed, or removed from our Constitution and its Amendments! • The elimination of political contributions and lobbying, and providing for stiff sentences for bribing public officials is best done through an Amendment to the Constitution (otherwise the courts would rule that such a law violated First Amendment free speech rights). But, beyond this, it is best to leave the Constitution and Amendments alone. (Changes to the US constitution must be passed by a two-thirds vote of each chamber of Congress and then ratified by three- 68 68 quarters of states—either by the state legislatures or state-based constitutional conventions.) • In regard to anti-bribing laws or amendment, give consideration to the provisions of the “Clean Elections” and “Clean Candidates” laws in various States. Clean Election initiatives are used in a small number of states and local political jurisdictions in the United States. Some form of Clean Elections legislation has been adopted by ballot initiative in Maine, Arizona, North Carolina, New Mexico, Vermont, Wisconsin, and Massachusetts. It was also adopted by legislative action in Connecticut and at the municipal level in Albuq uerque, NM, and Portland, OR. However, the systems in Massachusetts and Portland were later repealed, while Vermont’s was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court on First Amendment grounds. Now let us consider the recommendations of the experts. But keep in mind that unless there is a unified response by the public to demand that changes be made, many of them are unlikely to ever be done. Do not forget the hog-tied couger in that crate! Too many of our political leaders are controlled by special interests, which send a continual flow of money in. In response, laws and regulations are made which send a flow of money back to those special interests. THE CONGRESSIONAL PROGRESSIVE CAUCUS The Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC) consists of 75 members of the House of Representatives and one senator. It proposed “The People’s Budget” in April 2011, which included the following recommendations, which it claims would balance the budget by 2021 while maintaining debt as a % GDP under 65%: Notice that these would enable the federal government to begin taxing the rich again, and reducing money for overseas miltary operations. • Reversing most of the Bush tax cuts. • Reinstating historical marginal income tax rates of approximately 50% on income earners over $1 million. • Taxing capital gains and qualified dividends as ordinary income. • Raising the income tax cap ($106,800) on the Social Security payroll tax. • Restoring the estate tax. • Reducing tax subsidies paid to corporations, and especially the oil and gas industries. • Ending overseas contingency defense spending for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. • Reducing defense spending overall and reducing the U.S. global defense footprint. • Investing in a jobs program. • Implementing a public option to reduce healthcare costs. Economist Paul Krugman wrote in April 2011: “It’s worth pointing out that if you want to balance the budget in 10 years, you must do it largely by cutting defense and raising taxes; you can’t make huge cuts in the rest of the budget without inflicting extreme pain on millions of Americans.” CONGRESSIONAL BUDGET OFFICE The Congressional Budget Office reported in September 2011 that: “Given the aging of the population and rising costs for health care, attaining a sustainable federal budget will require the United States to deviate from the policies of the past 40 years in at least one of the following ways: “• Raise federal revenues [income sources] significantly above their average share of GDP; “• Make major changes to the sorts of benefits provided for Americans when they become older; or “• Substantially reduce the role of the rest of the federal government relative to the size of the economy.” How urgently should the U.S. put plans in place to address it’s budget challenges? Fed Chair Ben Bernanke stated in January 2007: “The longer we wait, the more severe, the more draconian, the more difficult the objectives are going to be. I think the right time to start was about 10 years ago.” THE BIPARTISAN POLICY CENTER The Bipartisan Policy Center sponsored a Debt Reduction Task Force, co-chaired by Pete V. Domenici and Alice M. Rivlin. This panel created a report called “Restoring America’s Future,” which was published in November 2010. The plan claimed to stabilize the debt to GDP ratio at 60%, with up to $6 trillion in debt reduction over the 2011-2020 period. Specific plan elements included: • Freeze defense spending for 5 years, after which defense spending would be held to the rate of GDP growth; • Freeze non-defense discretionary spending for 4 years, after which it would be capped at the rate of GDP growth; • Reduce the current six income tax rates to just two (15% and 27%). It would reduce the 69 69 corporate tax rate to 27% from 35% today. The panel would also eliminate most tax expenditures (roughly $1 trillion per year), with the exception of the mortgage interest and charitable deductions. • Implement a national sales tax or valueadded tax (VAT), starting at 3% in 2012 and rising to 6.5% by 2013. • Reform Social Security, by raising the cap on the payroll tax, reducing the annual cost of living adjustment, and reducing benefits for those who retire early. The following helpful recommendations are most of those by the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task Force (DRTF). Payroll taxes—Raise the amount of wages subject to payroll taxes (currently $106,800) to reach the 1977 target of covering 90 percent of all wages. Increase the minimum benefit for long-term, lower-wage earners, and protect the most vulnerable elderly with a modest benefit increase. The former is particularly targeted to address the needs of long-time laborers who are unable to remain in the workforce due to the demanding nature of their work. Domestic discretionary spending—Freeze domestic (i.e., non-defense) discretionary spending for four years and cap at GDP thereafter. Implementing the freeze will require policymakers to terminate ineffective programs and set priorities across the broad range of government programs. Enforce the freeze through statutory spending caps, which, if exceeded, trigger automatic across-the-board cuts in all domestic discretionary programs. Farm program payments—Reduce farm program spending by eliminating all farm payments to producers with adjusted gross incomes greater than $250,000, imposing limits on direct payments to producers, consolidating and capping 16 conservation programs, and reforming federal crop insurance. Defense spending—Freeze non-war defense discretionary spending for five years and cap at GDP thereafter (baseline assumes reduction of troop levels deployed in combat to 45,000 by 2015). Among the options for achieving the required savings are streamlining military end strength, prioritizing defense investment, maintaining intelligence capabilities at a reduced cost, reforming military health care, and applying the savings from Secretary Gates’ efficiency measures to deficit reduction. Implement the freeze through statutory spending caps, enforceable through automatic across-the-board cuts in all defense programs. Retirement ages of government workers— Reform civilian retirement by calculating benefits based on a retiree’s annual salary from his or her highest five years of government service; and reform the age at which career military can retire to be consistent with federal civilian retirement. Tax reform—Cut tax rates; broaden the tax base; boost incentives to work, save, and invest; and ensure, by 2018, that nearly 90 million households (about half of potential tax filers) no longer have to file tax returns. Cut individual income tax rates and establish just two rates—15 and 27 percent—replacing the current six rates that go up to 35 percent. Cut the top corporate tax rate to 27 percent from its current 35 percent, making the United States a more attractive place to invest. Eliminate most deductions and credits and simplify those that remain while making them better targeted and more effective. Replace the deductions for mortgage interest and charitable contributions with 15 percent refundable credits that anyone who owns a home or gives to charity can claim. Restructure provisions that benefit lowincome taxpayers and families with children by making them simpler, more progressive, and enabling most recipients to receive them without filing tax returns. Establish a new 6.5 percent national Debt Reduction Sales Tax (DRST) that, along with the spending cuts outlined in this plan, will reduce the debt and secure America’s economic future. Once debt is stabilized below 60 percent of GDP, the DRST could be slowly phased down so long as debt as a percent of GDP remains on a declining path. These reforms, taken together, will make the tax system more progressive Budget process reforms—Prevent new tax cuts or new entitlement spending from worsening the fiscal situation by enacting a strict, statutory “pay-as-you-go” (PAYGO) requirement: • Require policymakers to fully offset new tax cuts, expansions of existing mandatory spending, or new mandatory spending with increases in revenues or reductions in mandatory spending. • Trigger fully offsetting automatic cuts in predetermined mandatory programs or increases in revenue if policymakers violate the requirement. • Convert the federal budget process from annual to biennial [every two years] budgeting 70 70 if the president and the Congress cannot agree on a comprehensive package of reforms upfront, create a new budget process mechanism—Saveas-you-Go (“SAVEGO”)—to mandate specific amounts of annual budget savings in different categories of the budget. Specifically, SAVEGO would create: Appropriations spending caps for the next 10 years (Congress may choose to subdivide appropriations into separate categories, such as security and nonsecurity). SAVEGO rule with required year-by-year amounts of deficit reduction in the rest of the budget (entitlement programs and taxes). We recommend that the Congress create two separate categories: healthcare and other. Conclusion by DRTF—There are no easy answers, no quick fixes. Policymakers cannot solve the debt crisis simply by eliminating congressional earmarks or foreign aid. Nor can policymakers significantly reduce the debt by eliminating “waste, fraud, and abuse.” Nor can policymakers realistically solve the problem simply by cutting domestic discretionary spending. Stabilizing the debt by 2020 through domestic discretionary cuts alone would require eliminating all such spending—everything from law enforcement and border security to education and food and drug inspection. Nor can policymakers rely on hopes of a strong economy to “grow our way out of the deficit.” Just to stabilize the debt at 60 percent of GDP, the economy would have to grow at a sustained rate of more than 6 percent per year for at least the next 10 years. The economy has never grown by more than 4.4 percent in any decade since World War II. Nor can policymakers solve the problem only by raising taxes on wealthy Americans. Reducing deficits to manageable levels by the end of the decade though tax increases alone on the most well-to-do Americans would require raising the top two bracket rates to 86 percent and 91 percent (from the current 33 and 35 percent rates). This overall bipartisan, fair, and reasonable plan [presented by DRTF] makes tough choices and requires sacrifice from all. Nothing less has a hope of restoring America’s future for our children and grandchildren. THE CENTER FOR AMERICAN PROGRESS The following suggestions are from the Center for American Progress: Personal income tax—This plan makes the personal income tax simpler and fairer. It introduces a flat 15 percent rate for couples with incomes under $100,000. Many loopholes, deductions, and exemptions are eliminated but the ones middle-class families most rely on are replaced by better-targeted credits. There will be a large flat “Alternative Credit” that taxpayers can choose instead of the itemized credits. This Alternative Credit works similarly to the current standard deduction. For 90 percent of Americans, choosing the Alternative Credit instead of the itemized credits will both lower their overall tax bill, and make filing simple and easy. Most middle-class taxpayers will pay lower income taxes under our proposal. Tax rates are lower at most levels of taxable income. For the wealthy, loopholes are closed and the top tax rate is restored to the [higher] level it was at under President Clinton during the 1990s economic expansion. A temporary surtax of 5 percent is added for ordinary income over $1 million. The surtax expires once the federal budget is balanced. The top rate will still be lower than during most of the post-war period, including the country’s greatest period of economic growth. The top rate for capital gains is set at the level signed into law by President Reagan. The reforms make taxes simpler for the rich as well as the middle class by obviating the need for the Alternative Minimum Tax and various high-income phaseouts. After years of successive tax cuts and rapidly increasing income (even as the income of typical Americans has stagnated or fallen) the wealthiest Americans can afford to pay more. Under our plan, the average after-tax income of the richest 1 percent of Americans will still be over 40% higher than it was in 2001. The richest 5 percent will still have over 30 percent higher income. Other tax changes—There are a number of other tax changes in the CAP plan. Among them: • Remove the cap on the employer side of the payroll tax as described in the CAP Social Security plan. Currently the payroll tax to fund Social Security is only applied to earned income up to $106,800. Our proposal removes that cap, but only on the part of the Social Security tax paid by the employer—not the part paid by the employee. • Restore the estate tax to approximately 71 71 pre-Bush-tax-cut levels, but indexed for inflation. • Adopt several revenue proposals in President Obama’s 2011 and 2012 budgets. • Eliminate some industry-specific tax expenditures, including those for the oil industry. • Other revenue measures including an internet gambling tax and superfund excise tax. Overall, our plan raises revenues in 2030 by less than 2 percent of GDP compared to the baseline. That drops to 23.8 percent of GDP by 2035, just half a percentage point above the baseline. Budgets reflect values. A family budget that puts money away for the parents’ retirement and the children’s education, makes donations to the family’s church and favorite charities, and buys insurance against future risks, reflects different values than a family budget that prioritizes fancy clothes and flashy cars over saving and planning. Similarly, a business that strives to update to the latest technology and upgrade the skills of its workforce is approaching its business very differently from one that forgoes research and development in favor of short-term profits. The long-term budget plan outlined here reflects the values of the Center for American Progress. We believe that investments are critical for our national well-being, that we have obligations we must meet, and that we have to pay for what we spend. The country can, of course, choose a different path—the seemingly simple path of lower taxes, underinvestment, and abandoning our obligations. But the thrill of lower taxes would be a transitory one as, one way or another, the bills come due,—which are lost competitiveness, broken promises, bad jobs, a weak economy. The financial crisis which began in 2007, corporate bailouts, and concerns over the Fed’s secrecy have brought renewed concern regarding ability of the Fed to effectively manage the national monetary system. A July 2009 Gallup Poll found only 30% Americans thought the Fed was doing a good or excellent job, a rating even lower than that for the Internal Revenue Service, which drew praise from 40%. SENATOR TOM COBURN’S PLAN FOR SAVING $9 TRILLION On July 18, 2011, Senator Tom Coburn () released an 614-page plan which would eliminate $9 trillion dollars over the next 10 years—IF Congress will enact his reforms. To date, they have done next to nothing to doing this. The entire report is entitled Back in Black. Senator Coburn’s plan to reduce our nation’s long-term deficit would save roughly $3 trillion from entitlements, $3 trillion from discretionary and other accounts, $1 trillion in defense, $1 trillion from ending some spending in the tax code, and about $1 trillion in interest costs. This plan would gradually reduce the size of government by about 25 percent and balance the budget within ten years. Here are the first three paragraphs of this new report: “U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, M.D. (R-OK) today released a new report Back in Black that outlines how the federal government can reduce the deficit by $9 trillion over the next ten years and balance the federal budget. The 614-page plan was the result of a thorough and exhaustive review of thousands of federal programs. “ ‘The American people are tired of Washington waiting until the last minute to avoid a crisis, particularly when it is a crisis Washington itself created. The crisis, though, is not the debt limit deadline. The crisis is Congress’ refusal to make hard choices and reduce a debt that has become our greatest national security threat. The plan I am offering today gives Washington 9 trillion reasons to stop making excuses and start solving the problem,’ Dr. Coburn said. “ ‘Both parties will no doubt criticize portions of this plan and I welcome that debate. My goal is not to replace the work of the budget committees but to show the American people what is possible and necessary. What is not acceptable, however, is not having a plan and delaying reform until some perfect political moment that will never arrive. The fact is doing nothing is a tax increase, a benefit cut for seniors and the poor, and a betrayal of the core values both parties hold dear,’ Dr. Coburn said. Here is a brief list of the some of the savings which would occur if Sen. Coburn’s recommenations are enacted into law: General Government Reforms $974.08 billion (Examples: Reduces the number of limos owned by federal agencies. Savings: $10.4 million a year. Eliminates agency Hollywood liaison offices. Savings: $3.2 million a year. Reduces agency travel, advertising, printing, and conferences budgets: $4.9 billion a year.) Congress: $4.28 billion (Examples: Reduce the Senate and House of Representatives accounts by 15 percent: $3.8 billion. Freeze pay for Members of Congress for three years: $6 million. Achieve savings by reducing printing costs 72 72 of congressional documents: $312.28 million.) Executive Branch: $5.40 billion (Examples: 15 percent reduction in the White House budget. Eliminate the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) - $4.7 billion. Eliminate the Council of Environmental Quality (CEQ) - $33 million. Eliminate the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) - $77 million.) Department of Agriculture: $346.4 billion. (Examples: Ends duplicative market export programs that fund profitable companies and large trade associations. Savings: $2 billion. Reduces the Rural Development agency’s funding for nonrural or non-economically distressed recipients, such as $54 million for the Mohegan Sun Casino, $2.5 million for a Smithsonian style country music museum, and various grants to wineries and breweries. Savings: $26.9 billion. Ends payments to private landowners for allowing individuals to access their land for hunting, fishing, bird watching and other recreational activities that landowners are financially incentivized to offer without federal support. Savings: $555 million.) Department of Commerce: $26.84 billion (Examples: Ends NOAA’s management of two weather satellite systems that have incurred cost overruns of more than $7.5 billion (a 59 percent cost overrun) even though the amount of satellites being purchased has been reduced. Resulting savings are $2.2 billion. Ends a taxpayer subsidized business consulting program that costs taxpayers $125 million annually, resulting in $1.25 billion in savings. Eliminates billions of dollars in taxpayer liability in government-backed investments in other countries. Ends taxpayer support for a duplicative agency that is seen as a Congressional “Cookie Jar” for special projects and relies on self-reported data from the recipients of funding to determine the effectiveness of the program. This saves taxpayers $2.93 billion. Eliminates a program that has been used as a slush fund for NOAA instead of for seafood promotion efforts. Resulting savings are $1.05 billion. Department of Defense: $1.006 trillion (Examples: Reduces spending at the Defense Department on lower priority programs but makes no reductions or estimates regarding combat operations in Afghanistan or Iraq. Gets Pentagon out of nondefense missions such as grocery stores, schools and duplicative medical research. Reforms and modernizes military health care for retired veterans that were not injured by their military service. Adopts certain Fiscal Commission recommendations on weapon systems, troop levels, and military personnel reforms,) Department of Education: $409.10 billion (Examples: Saves state and local education systems millions of dollars they spend each year complying with requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act. States and school districts work 7.8 million hours each year collecting and disseminating information required under Title I of federal education law, and those hours cost more than $235 million. Prevents the Department of Education from becoming one of the world’s largest banks by getting bureaucrats out of the student loan business. Ends the mandatory portion of the Pell Grant program which is helping to drive up program costs, saving $78.3 billion. Department of Energy: $101.77 billion (Examples: Reduces funding for the 900 conferences and symposia held where taxpayer dollars were spent on entertaining guests at yacht clubs with extravagant meals, cigars, and wine. Savings: over $428 million. Ends ineffective appliance labeling program found riddled with fraud, leading consumers to believe they were purchasing efficient products. Savings: $627 million. Ends duplicative weatherization program that was found to be poorly managed. Savings: $2 billion.) Department of Health & Human Services: $106.70 billion (Examples: Replace outdated technology systems with cutting-edge technologies. Foster a cooperative culture of data-sharing and timely analysis in public-private partnerships. Encourage the widespread adoption of industry standards. Incentivize the identification and prosecution of waste, fraud, and abuse. Better monitor and enforce drug policies to curb overutilization and abuse. Better protect beneficiary and provider identification numbers from being defrauded by implementing safeguards. Increase penalties for the theft and resale of beneficiary and provider identification numbers. Leverage a range of technologies to examine payments and billing patterns before reimbursement claims are paid, Reform CMS management of its program integrity contractors by increasing accountability and oversight, and adopt transformative coverage and payment models with proven records of lower costs, better care, and reduced levels of abuse and fraud. (Discretionary) Key points: Repeals the worst parts of the Affordable Care Act and other federal programs that dictate the practice of medicine and interfere with the patient-physician relationship. Prioritizes funding for basic research and life-saving drugs instead of wasteful 73 73 programs that don’t deliver results and are run by organizations propped up on government grants. Annual funding increases in medical research at NIH continue. Department of Homeland Security: $23.29 billion. Dept. of Housing and Urban Development: $88.73 billion (Examples: Directing more resources to housing assistance by consolidating duplicative programs. Ending federal housing payments to slum lords. prohibiting the repayment of HUD loans with HUD grants. Preventing bailouts of risky government-backed mortgages. Bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are estimated to cost taxpayers $317 billion. Eliminating unnecessary, iInefficient, and wasteful programs. Requiring modest rent contributions of tenants receiving housing assistance. CBO projects this reform would save a total of $26.4 billion. Reducing excessive overhead costs and unnecessary bureaucracy. HUD spends approximately $537 million on salaries and expenses for administration, operations and management, including funds for advertising and promotional activities. This amount should be reduced by 15 percent, which would be a savings of $80 million. Directing AIDS housing to those with the greatest need. Over the past decade, scandals involving tens of millions of dollars of misspent federal AIDS housing have come to light across the country. HUD awards hundreds of millions of dollars to slum lords for dangerous and unsanitary housing. HUD pays the rent of hundreds of dead people. HUD’s largest affordable housing block grant program squandered $650 million on over 1,000 stalled or abandoned projects. HUD has lost 39 cents on the dollar for every home it resold. A wealthy international architecture firm, a “doggie day care,” and upgrades to Victorian cottages among the recipients of HUD community development program that steers millions of dollars to dubious projects. Department of the Interior: $26.44 billion (Examples: Ends hundreds of millions of dollars in coal cleanup payments to states and tribes who have long completed cleanup efforts. Saves $1.23 billion. Prohibits funding for next phase of renovations on the Department of the Interior’s “limestone and granite clad” headquarters in Washington, D.C. The makeover has now lasted a decade, with more years and millions of dollars more planned. (Administration request for FY [fiscal year] 2012 is $50.4 million for more “makeovers”.) Department of Justice: $34.54 billion (Examples: Ends the Parole Commission, which was eliminated by Congress along with federal parole in 1984. Savings: $12.9 million per year. Eliminates duplication between the ATF and FBI’s separate explosives training facilities that are located in the same place, Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama. Savings: $4.625 million per year. Rescinds $1 million from ATF’s Violent Crime Reduction Program that the agency does not have the authority to spend and has unsuccessfully asked Congress to rescind on several previous occasions. Eliminates DEA’s Mobile Enforcement Teams which, as the president stated, have “a narrow focus, are duplicative of other Federal, State, and local law enforcement efforts and their effectiveness in reducing crime has not been demonstrated.” Savings: $31 million per year. Eliminates funding for the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention program, which is fraught with mismanagement, fraud, and duplication and is not a federal responsibility. In one egregious example of fraud, the DOJ Office of Inspector General found over $14,000 of grant funds were spent on food and beverage costs for 24 people for a 3-day conference in New Orleans, LA, which “exceeded allowable expenditures by $9620.” Savings: $280 million per year. Department of Labor: $268.04 billion (Examples: Saves $11 million annually by terminating OSHA’s Susan Harwood Grants, a program that is inefficient and duplicative of other federal efforts. For example, one grantee received nearly $200,000 to develop and translate five training modules, and four years later American taxpayers received as a final product a 21 page PowerPoint presentation on “slips, trips, and falls,” at a cost of $9,512 per slide. Ends unemployment benefits for the super-millionaires of the world. As many as 2,840 households who reported an income of $1 million or more on their tax returns were paid a total of $18.6 million in UI [unemployment insurance] benefits in 2008, according to the Internal Revenue Service. This included more than 800 earning over $2 million and 17 with incomes exceeding $10 million. In all, multi-millionaires were paid $5.2 million in jobless benefits in 2008. Limits administrative dollars wasted by states administering the unemployment program. While basic office needs may be a reasonable expenditure, other expenditures are questionable. For example, Maine was recently found to have spent $60,000 of federal UI funds on a 36-foot mural 74 74 containing images of labor unions strikes. Department of State and Foreign Aid: $192.12 billion (Examples: Reduces foreign aid spending on countries that own billions of interest-paying US debt. Reduces programs for art and architecture exhibitions in Venice, Italy, education of foreign film directors, and music tours overseas. Department of Transportation: $192.22 billion (Examples: Eliminates the requirement for states to spend around $600 million annually on bike paths, pedestrian walkways, highway beautification, and transportation museum projects, resulting in savings of $6 billion over ten years for taxpayers.Eliminates a program that uses highway dollars for historic covered bridge preservation projects to increase tourism in a select few states. Savings are $80 million over ten years. Eliminates a program that uses highway dollars for states to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities. Savings are $850 million over ten years. Ends taxpayer support for subsidized food service on Amtrak. Savings are $850 million over ten years. Ends a $230 per month subsidy for federal employees’ mass transit use that dramatically increased in costs as a result of a recent increase of $110 per month. Savings would total $4.32 billion over ten years. Department of Treasury & GSEs: $39.72 billion. Department of Veteran Affairs: $13.57 billion (Examples: Maintains full support for disabled veterans and education benefits for all combat veterans through the Post 9/11 GI Bill. ƒæ Adopts common-sense recommendations for the VA to jointly purchase prescription drugs with the Department of Defense in order to reduce costs. Introduces cost-saving measures, such as copayments and annual fees, in VA health care for veterans well above the federal poverty line that are not injured or disabled from their military service. U.S. Army of Corps Engineers: $5.28 billion (Examples: Terminate low-priority Corps construction projects. Savings: $2.3 billion. Eliminate water and wastewater treatment projects Savings: $1.4 billion. End federal funding for beach replenishment projects Savings: $702 million. Rescind $2 billion in unobligated balances Savings: $500 million. Reducing excessive overhead costs and unnecessary bureaucracy Savings: $2.66 million. Environmental Protection Agency: $33.67 billion (Examples: Reins in EPA multi-million dollar conference travel that has resulted in trips to vacation hotspots, including a dinner cruises on the River Seine in Paris. Savings: $25 million over next five years. Ends a program in which only one state, California, qualifies, and another program in which only one state, California, receives the majority of funds. This will ensure that all states are treated equitably and fairly. Savings: $200 million. Terminates a duplicative and unnecessary outside research program that has funded extraneous items like research into “sustainable” fashion and apparel, including shoes made of chicken feathers, flaxseed and soybean oil, and a smart-lock for shared bicycles. Savings: $600 million. NASA: $51.15 billion (Examples: Because the United States no longer has a manned space program, NASA will pay $56 million per seat to send astronauts on voyages aboard Russian spaceships. Only a third of NASA’s budget is spent for space operations and aeronautics. NASA researchers are working to improve the quality of California wines and helped developed the swimsuit worn by Michael Phelps at the 2008 Summer Olympics. NASA projects are notoriously over budget, behind, schedule, or both, and just nine projects account for cost overruns in excess of $1.2 billion. The NASA Inspector General has failed to prevent or identify waste, saving only 36 cents for every dollar spent compared to an average of $9.49 saved per dollar spent by the IGs of other agencies. National Science Foundation: $14.20 billion (Examples: Eliminate NSF’s Social, Behavioral and Economics (SBE) Directorate. Savings: $2.8 billion. Rescind unspent, expired funds NSF currently holds. Savings: $1.7 billion. Small Business Administration: $3.22 billion (Examples: Under current standards, the SBA typically defines a “small business” as those with less than $7 million in revenues and fewer than 500 employees. The definition is so broad, however, that it encompass 99.7 percent of all U.S. businesses. As a result, regular claims are made, by no less than GAO and the agency’s own inspector general, that large businesses are abusing the programs to the exclusion of small ones. Improper payment problems: The inspector general reports that improper payments for the 7(a) business loan program were 27 percent in 2009, while they were 46 percent for disaster loans. Combined, this represented more than $2.3 billion in government loans. The need for small business loan guarantee programs has di- 75 75 minished greatly in recent years. First, the 7(a) program is intended for creditworthy borrowers, but billions of dollars in losses since 2008 demonstrate that the agency has a poor track record in administering taxpayer dollars for this purpose. Second, there was more than $609 billion in outstanding small business loans during the first quarter of 2011. Other Independent Agencies: $48.89 billion. Entitlements (Examples: Medicare and Medicaid $2.64 trillion. Social Security 75+ Years Solvent. SSI & SSDI $17.17 billion (Examples: Places Social Security, with its current $6.5 trillion unfunded obligation, on a solvent path over the 75-year window—eliminating the program’s current 2.22 percent actuarial deficit. Helps fulfill the mission of Social Security to combat poverty-ridden old age by modernizing the program, strengthening work incentives, enriching benefits for lower income earners dependent on the system, and slowing benefit growth of workers who can afford to save more for retirement on their own—and without increasing taxes. Modernizes the Social Security disability programs and strengthens safeguards to deter waste, fraud and abuse. Refocuses the Social Security Administration’s current culture of solely paying benefits to balancing the equally important responsibilities of managing entitlements and performing program integrity. Saves $17 billion over 10 years in the SSI program. Alters the retirement age to reflect life expectancy. This Normal Retirement Age (NRA) would gradually increase—one month every two years. This means individuals who turn age 62 in 2046 will have a NRA of 68, and those who turn age 62 in 2070 will have an NRA of 69. The Earliest Eligibility Age would also gradually increase in tandem with the Normal Retirement Age. Switches to a more accurate measure of inflation for Social Security cost-of-living-adjustments (COLAs) by using “chained-CPI” to measure inflation. Alters the progressive benefit formula of current law, slowing benefit growth, especially for higher earners. Under the changes in the benefit formula, benefits are enriched so that workers below the 40th percentile are “held harmless” from changes and experience a slight benefit increase under the formula. Above the 40th percentile, benefit growth is restrained by lowering the amount the current system replaces. Alters the spousal benefit to better reflect costs of a two-person household, while also strengthening the connection between taxes paid and benefits received. Modernizes the Social Security disability programs and strengthens safeguards to deter waste, fraud and abuse. Social Security Disability Insurance: Encourages a shift in the culture of SSA from solely paying benefits to a strong balance between the equally important responsibilities of managing the disability programs and enforcing program rules through program integrity functions. Updates the disability application and appellate process to ensure only the truly disabled that cannot work any job in the national economy are accepted into the program and able Americans are encouraged to be productive and return to work. Encourages state involvement in helping adults on SSI find gainful employment and children on SSI receive the educational help they need to grow into independent adults. Revenue Reform Tax Expenditures: $962.02 billion. Other Government Revenue: $30.34 billion (Examples: Immediately ends dozens of special interest giveaways and eliminates spending through tax code, which will generate revenue, but without increasing tax rates. Examples: Ends tax breaks for Hollywood movie producers. Savings for this item alone: $1 trillion. Eliminate IRS Tax Exemptions for Bailout Recipients. Interest saved by all the above reductions: $1.360 trillion. Grand total of all cost cut savings in Senator Tom Coburn’s carefully researched recommendatons: $9.032 trillion. See his book, Back to Black, for full details. Tragically, to date, nothing has been done to implement hardly any of these recommendations. Go to: coburn.senate.gov/public A SPECIAL, RECENT GAO REPORT In March 2011, another excellent analytic report detailing ways to eliminate duplication and waste in the federal government was released by the Governmental Accountability Office (GAO). This 338-page report is entitled Opportunities to Reduce Potential Duplication in Government Programs, Save Tax Dollars, and Enhance Revenue. Go to gao.gov and search for the March 2011 report. OTHER ASTOUNDING 76 76 COBURN SPECIAL REPORTS The National Science Foundation: Under the Microscope. In April 2011, Senator Coburn released another oversight report; this one on the National Science Foundation, which identified billions lost to waste, mismanagement and duplication. The title of the report is Under the Microscope. Help Wanted: How Federal Job Training Programs are Failing Workers. In February 2011, Senator Coburn, M.D. released this oversight report, “Help Wanted” that highlights examples of waste, fraud and mismanagement in federal job training programs. This report accompanies a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report which shows in fiscal year 2009 nine federal agencies spent approximately $18 billion to administer 47 separate employment and job training programs, all but three of which are duplicative. Federal Programs to Die For: American tax dollars sent six feet under. In October 2010, Senator Coburn released an oversight report that exposes more than $1 billion that has been sent to the deceased in the past decade. Washington paid for dead people’s prescriptions and wheelchairs, subsidized their farms, helped pay their rent, and even chipped in for their heating and air conditioning bills. Grim Diagnosis: a check-up on the federal health law In their second report since the enactment of the federal health law, U.S. Senators and doctors Tom Coburn (R-OK) and John Barrasso (R-WY) released, “Grim Diagnosis—A check-up on the federal health law” detailing how many of the consequences of the new law are worse than anticipated. Pork 101: How Education Earmarks School Taxpayers In September 2010, Senator Coburn released an oversight report on education earmarks. The report shows how Congress’ impracticl education projects are harming students, delaying reform and undermining our future. Party at the D.O.J. In July 2010, Senator Coburn has released a new oversight report “Party at the DOJ” that describes how DOJ is wasting millions of taxpayer dollars on recreational activities that are undermining DOJ’s core mission to enforce the law, prevent crime and administer justice. Bad Medicine: A Check-Up On The New Federal Health Law In July 2010, Senators Tom Coburn and John Barrasso released this report on July 7, 2010. The intention of this report is to highlight some of problems with the law and its consequences. After 100 days after passage, the report reveals new information and goes through a litany of problems with this flawed legislation. Stimulus Checkup: A Closer look at 100 projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act In December 2009, Senators Tom Coburn, M.D. and John McCain released this joint report which highlights 100 wasteful projects in the first $200 billion spent in the $787 billion stimulus bill passed in February 2009. Out of Gas: Congress Raids the Highway Trust Fund for Pet Projects While Bridges and Roads Crumble In July 2009, Senators Tom Coburn, M.D. and John McCain released this joint report which examines the $78 billion from the Highway Trust Fund not being spent on bridges or roads, but instead on projects such as bike paths, pedestrian walkways, “scenic beautification,” and road-kill prevention tunnels. 100 Stimulus Projects: A Second Opinion This June 2009 report discloses 100 of the worst examples of waste in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, or stimulus bill. The projects included in the report – worth $5.5 billion – range from Maine to California, and even two from the state of Oklahoma. Among the worst are a tunnel for turtles, a guardrail for a non-existent lake and repairs for bridges that are barely used. Washed Out to Sea - How Congress Prioritizes Beach Pork Over National Needs Billions of dollars worth of sand projects go out with the tide. In this May 2009 oversight report, Senator Tom Coburn details just how beachfront communities, D.C. lobbyists, and Members of Congress have teamed up to “save” beaches with federally funded sand – an effort that always results in additional requests for sand projects in the future. 2008: Worst Waste of the Year With billions of taxpayer dollars spent on lowpriority and questionable projects, 2008 was a banner year for wasteful Washington spending. This December 2008 report by Senator Coburn highlights more than $1 billion in taxpayer funding that Washington bureaucrats and politicians wasted on more than 60 examples of waste: everything from an inflatable alligator to training for casino workers to an unsuccessful search for 77 77 Alaskan ice worms and extraterrestrial life forms. Justice Denied: Waste and Mismanagement at the Department of Justice This October 2008 Coburn report reveals extensive waste and mismanagement at the Department of Justice, costing taxpayers more than $10 billion. Examples include excessive junkets to conferences, bureaucrats skipping work for hundreds of weeks without leave, misplacing and losing hundreds of laptops and dangerous weapons, supporting groups with terrorist ties, hobnobbing with Hollywood producers, funding duplicative and unproven recreational activities, and improperly managing thousands of grants. Missing in Action: AWOL in the Federal Government This August 2008 Coburn report details workers who skip out during work hours. AWOL is the general term given to hours during which an employee is absent from his or her job without permission. This can range from simply being late to work, to not showing for months at a time. Between 2001 and 2007, the number of work hours lost to AWOL employees rose steadily. In total, there were nearly 20 million AWOL hours in just seven years across 18 departments and agencies. The XVII International AIDS Conference This July 2008 Coburn report is about wasted money at HIV/AIDS conferences They have become very popular on the federal employee “conference circuit.” Uncle Sam planned to spend almost half of a million dollars to send over 100 federal employees to the XVII International AIDS Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, which ran from August 3 through August 8, 2008. According to new reports, conference organizers expected the event to cost $25 million and attract 22,000 delegates and conference goers. For the Farmers or for Fun: USDA Spends Over $90 Million in conference Costs This May 2008 Coburn report reveals how Federal agencies have increasingly come under scrutiny for their lavish spending on conferences, and the Department of Agriculture (USDA) is not an exception. USDA recently reported to Congress that it spent $19.4 million on conferences in 2006—almost tripling the amount it spent in 2000. There are approximately 112,000 employees at USDA, and in 2006, the Agency sent 20,959 employees to 6,719 conferences and training events across the nation and around the world. CDC Off Center This is a June 2007, 115-page Coburn oversight report examining how the Centers for Dis- ease Control and Prevention has tilted off center. The report makes recommendations about how the CDC might get back on track. The American people expect CDC to spend its $10 billion budget treating and preventing disease and dealing with public safety threats, including the threat of bioterrorism. Instead, CDC has spent hundreds of millions of tax dollars for failed prevention efforts, international junkets, and lavish facilities, while failing to demonstrate it is controlling disease. For more information on these reports, go to http://coburn.senate.gov/public 78 78 — PART SEVEN CONTENTS — THE SPECIALLY DIFFICULT PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVED WE HAVE A CONGRESS THAT GETS ALMOST NOTHING DONE OUR SEEMINGLY UNSOLVABLE MEDICAL AND SOCIAL SECURITY PROBLEMS WE NEED TO BRING JOBS BACK FROM CHINA THE CORPORATE TAX CODE MUST BE CORRECTED THE GROWING ECONOMIC PROBLEMS WITHIN CHINA OUR INCREASING ECONOMIC RELIANCE ON CHINESE PRODUCTS THE USEABLE LAND IN THE WORLD IS HEAVILY DEGRADED OUR EXPANDING ILLEGAL DRUG USE THE DANGER OF AN EMP BURST FROM FOREIGN TERRORISTS —————— — PART SEVEN — THE SPECIALLY DIFFICULT PROBLEMS TO BE SOLVED WE HAVE A CONGRESS THAT GETS ALMOST NOTHING DONE You have just read about the massive number of corrections and changes which Congress needs to make—in order to keep our beloved nation from falling flat on its face. Yet it has steadily produced less and less in useable output! With just a few short weeks remaining before the end of the 2011 session, Congress has passed its fewest number of bills in at least the last 10 non-election years. According to the Washington Post, the 326 bills passed by the House of Representatives is roughly one-third of the number they passed in 2009 (970) and nearly a quarter of the number passed in 2007 (1,127.) The Senate has approved 368 bills, also well below its typical off-year numbers, and the fewest since 1995. The House has passed just six of the 11 appropriations bills needed for next year and the Senate has ignored most of the legislation sent to them by the lower chamber. Relatively few bills are sent to President Obama to sign. Instead, our representives and senators will frequently just sit through a roll call and then adjourn for the day. This consists of a calling of their names, one after another. Doing this assures that they were “in session” that day, even though they did nothing. In addition to a monthly vacation, usually in August, for several years each house of Congress tries to have only a four day work week, and leaving on Thursday afternoon and not returning till Monday morning. In addition to the lobbyist money that each regularly receives, the current salary (2011) for rank-and-file members of the House and Senate is $174,000 per year. OUR SEEMINGLY UNSOLVABLE MEDICAL AND SOCIAL SECURITY PROBLEMS We have already discussed these two problems in detail. Together with the other immense perplexities that confront us, these two may ultimately sink us, first, because of their immense yearly cost and, second, because of the massive number of baby boomers which are becoming eligable for Medicare, starting in January 2011. But keep in mind that a significant underlying cause is a broken government which, because of massive, ongoing bribery is unable to face difficulties realistically and solve them. However, there are other problems confronting us which seemingly have no workable solution: WE NEED TO BRING JOBS BACK FROM CHINA We are experiencing the worst unemployment in 60 years, and large amounts of children’s toys and other products made in China are being recalled for toxic levels of lead (primarily in the paint). Chinese manufacturers do not seem to care enough to change their processes to protect the health of people in our country. The answer to both of these problems is to bring manufacturing jobs back to America. And to some extent, this is being done. The revival in manufacturing in America’s heartland has been driven in part by the increasing costs associated with importing goods from China, India and other Asian nations where labor has traditionally been cheap. With the cost of oil rising and a weak dollar eating into profits, many manufacturers are finding the U.S. a more attractive place to make things—not just sell them. Beyond mere economics, attitudes are also changing. Some U.S. manufacturers are bring- 79 79 ing business back to America to ensure consistent, high quality products, a outcome that some business owners find is increasingly difficult to achieve in China. The global industrial landscape certainly appears to be in the early stages of a realignment. The euro’s breathtaking rise against the dollar has spurred European makers of cars, steel, aircraft, and more to shift production to the U.S. Now the soaring cost of fuel is making it cost less to produce goods in America. Consider Japan’s steel industry, which depends on imported iron ore and coal to create high-end metal for Japanese automakers in the U.S. In 2003 it cost $15 to ship a ton of iron ore costing $30 from Brazil to Japan. By last fall, while the ore had jumped to $80 per ton, shipping costs had risen to $90. Shipping of raw materials now accounts for 13% of the price of rolled steel used in car bodies, estimates CLSA Asia-Pacific Markets. The finished steel must then be sent to factories in the U.S., increasing the price even further. The high cost of fuel is going to radically transform the way people look at where to manufacture. Examples of production shifts abound. Chinese steel exports to America are down 20% in the past year, while U.S. steel output has jumped 10% despite the slowdown in construction. Big electronics manufacturers are expanding assembly of high-end telecommunications, computer, and medical equipment in Mexico and some parts of the U.S. for greater proximity to corporate buyers. Tesla Motors, which has just begun production of its $109,000, electric-powered sports car, transferred assembly of battery packs from Thailand to a plant next to its San Carlos (Calif.) headquarters. Thailand’s low factory wages were more than offset by the costs of shipping thousand-pound battery packs across the Pacific. How has China been able to keep its edge in the face of soaring costs? One factor that is widely overlooked is rising productivity. For the past decade, U.S. manufacturing productivity growth has averaged 4.8%. That’s impressive for an industrialized nation, and bodes well for U.S. industry when the economy recovers. But productivity at medium and large Chinese manufacturers—the backbone of country’s export boom—has averaged nearly 19% over the same period. While American manufacturers have been tightening their belts, producers in China have been plowing money into bigger and more advanced facilities that are ahead of their U.S. counterparts. A decade ago the U.S. accounted for one-third of global circuit-board output. Today that’s down to 10%, with China making 80%. Chinese boards are still 40% to 50% cheaper than the ones made here. Expecting the U.S. to recapture industries that have already gone to China may not be realistic. But the new cost equation likely will influence many decisions about where to locate production in the future. America remains the world’s biggest manufacturer, after all, because it’s still the largest market for everything from drugs and packaged foods to high-end medical equipment. The U.S. may have as good a chance as anyone of being a strong player in nascent industries, whether next-generation wind turbines, medical devices with nano-scale sensors, or electric cars. The challenge will be to persuade reluctant venture capitalists and corporations to invest again in modern U.S. production facilities. Another challenge is to get U.S. banks to loan to businesses again! Labor shortages and corner-cutting by the Chinese factories are impacting quality, and it is costing as much to have a cabinets put right in the U.S., as what sellers are paying for the original product in China. THE CORPORATE TAX CODE MUST BE CORRECTED Theoretically, U.S. companies pay some of the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world, and some members of Congress say cutting them is a sure way to jump-start the ailing economy. But the truth is far different! The federal corporate tax rate is now 35 percent, and when state and local taxes are included, it rises to nearly 40 percent, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). That’s higher than any other industrialized country but Japan. But Steve Wamhoff, legislative director at Citizens for Tax Justice, says the tax burden on U.S. companies has been greatly exaggerated. While the statutory tax rate is 35 percent, corporations benefit from numerous tax breaks, exemptions and deductions that bring their effective rate down to about 29 percent, Wamhoff says. That’s about the median for OECD countries, he says. Here is what has happened: In the 1960s, the United States had some 80 80 of the lowest corporate tax rates in the world. But gradually, more and more foreign countries cut business taxes as a way of helping their companies compete in a global economy, says Douglas Shackelford, professor of accounting and taxation at the University of North Carolina. Judd Gregg (R-NH) explains it this way: “If you want to create jobs here by attracting companies from overseas to invest here, and we want our American companies to expand here, then we should have a tax law that incentivizes them to do that.” He has sponsored a bill to reduce the U.S. corporate tax rate to 25 percent. But there is more to this problem. Companies already get a very large deduction for domestic manufacturing expenses. It is used for things like producing hamburgers for fast-food restaurants, writing software, and extracting oil. But none of that is really “manufacturing.” Viewing the situation as a whole, U.S. multinational companies had decided to use many new opportunities to cut their taxes: One is to set up offshore subsidiaries to shift profits into low-tax countries. They borrow money in the U.S., take a tax deduction and then shift the money they borrow to a foreign division. Then sign up advisers and structure a Cayman Islands entity and do all sorts of different things Thus we see that the current U.S. tax system is broken. Those with accountants or lawyers to work the system can end up paying no taxes at all. But all the rest are hit with one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world. The situation needs to change. Consider the tax rate paid by two of America’s biggest companies: Wal-Mart and General Electric. Wal-Mart paid 34 cents in taxes for every dollar of profit it made in the past three years. General Electric paid just 3.6 cents on the dollar. The maze of IRS exemptions and deductions has been built into the tax code over many years by Congress. If you are in a certain type of business, you feel you have a unique situation, you send your lobbyists to Congress, make your case, and if you are successful the tax laws are often adjusted to reflect your position. The little people cannot do this so they can reduce their taxes. But the big people can. Tax expert Len Burman at Syracuse University puts it this way: “There are big companies that consider their tax departments to be profit centers,” Instead of focusing on making products, they use the U.S. tax system to boost their profits. Burman says it helps to be large and have lots of overseas subsidiaries. He explains: “They make money by moving income overseas or in different kinds of activities or adjusting their accounting in such a way that they can pay less taxes than their competitors do.” Companies that have the lowest effective U.S. tax rates are those that produce pharmaceutical drugs and computer equipment, such as General Electric, Merck, Pfizer, and HewlettPackard. But other industries that are more dependent on domestic customers and services, cannot get as many of their taxes reduced. These include Target, Disney, Home Depot, Aetna, and Wal-Mart. The companies say their behavior is driven by the fact that corporate taxes in United States are among the highest in the world. According to the U.S. statutory tax rate of 35 percent, we are among the highest among industrialized countries. But if you look at the effective tax rate—the actual tax rate that companies pay after all the adjustments they make—we’re much closer to the center of all the nations, which is about 25 percent. Tragically, when companies work aggressively to minimize their U.S. taxes, they leave billions of dollars in profits kept in banks overseas. But, in addition, when they move their production plant overseas in order to save taxes,—they hire overseas workers, and their former U.S. employees are out of work. As mentioned earlier, it si the pharmaceutical and biotech companies which pay some of the lowest U.S. tax rates—usually less than 10 percent, according to research by New York University. In contast, most retailers, including Wal-Mart, pay the full 35 percent corporate tax rate. Congress should change the tax code so that it no longer rewards moving production overseas. The National Retail Federation says the way to do this is to lower the rates, broaden the base, and thus encourage businesses to return to America. As it is now, retailers and many companies that do not do much business overseas tend to get very few write-offs. They are penalized because they remain in America! THE GROWING ECONOMIC PROBLEMS WITHIN CHINA The Chinese government, which just produced its first national audit of local finances, announced this week that local governments could owe as much as 30% of China’s GDP. 81 81 That’s a good deal more than the government’s official debt load of less than 20% of GDP. And some analysts are putting China’s real debt levels at three to four times those levels. “If you take a very broad view of the Chinese government’s contingent liabilities rather than explicit debt on the books then the number comes to well over 150 percent of China’s GDP in 2010,—Victor Shih, a political economist at Northwestern University in the U.S., quoted in Financial Times. The Economist’s Ryan Avent estimates China’s debt-to-GDP ratio is roughly 80%, which, if coupled with China’s expected 5% and 9% over the next few years and fairly conservative spending, would greatly help it. But for China to keep up its growth rate, its consumers must continue to spend. That is difficult if inflation continues to rise. Chinese consumers would need to spend more than they already do, which is the key component to China’s growth. Meanwhile, China’s biggest consumers, Europe and the U.S., are gradually reducing purchases. Having a malfunctioning banking system could also slow China’s economic growth sharply. China’s banking system is riddled with loans made on optimistic assumptions; many of which have turned bad. As the West embarked on reduction in quantities of imports, China ordered its banks to lend a huge amount of money. Much of this went to local governments, who spent it on infrastructure projects, many of which did not turn out well. Local Chinese governments have stacked up a lot of debt. The People’s Bank of China reckons that local governments now owe in the region of ¥14 trillion (around $2 trillion). In total, says Minxin Pei in The Diplomat, if you factor in these debts, then China’s debt-to-GDP ratio clocks in at around 80%. That’s in the same region as the US or the UK. As long as these infrastructure projects are necessary, and will generate a decent return, the debt will be serviced, and the loans repaid. But that’s the problem. How many of these projects can genuinely pay for themselves? About half of local government bank loans will fall due in the next two years. Chinese state-owned banks will do what everyone is doing these days: they’ll “extend and pretend”. They’ll roll over the debts and pretend everything is fine. Bad debt held by Chinese local governments is a much larger problem than previously anticipated, Moody’s Investors Service claims. A statement issued by that ratings agency adds the credit outlook for the country could turn negative if its government fails to deal with the potential scale of problem loans held to local authorities. Northwestern professor Victor Shih tallied up the potential exposure to this one type of loan, arguing that China’s official figures for public debt understated the government’s real obligations. The banking sector’s exposure to other types of risky loans—mortgages, real estate development loans, emergency working capital loans to keep failing exporters from going under, business loans diverted to stock and real estate speculation, business loans collateralized by land at inflated valuations, bonds issued to finance China’s ambitious high-speed rail build-out—is far more extensive. There has been an inexorable increase in Chinese credit, primarily funnelled through local government financing vehicles (LGFV’s); that is local banks financing local construction projects. Even within the LGFV category, RMB 2-3 trillion is only a fraction of the potential losses China’s banks may end up facing. (The RMB is the Renminbi, which is the official currency of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). The RMB 2-3 trillion corresponds (roughly) to the 23% of local bank loans regulators believe are beyond all hope of repayment. However, only 28% of those loans can be reliably repaid through cash flow. That may leave 50% (roughly RMB 5 trillion) in problematic LGFV loans that remain to be worked out. Thus we see that the debt problem in China seems to be bigger than anticipated. China has undisclosed bad debt under write-offs. Moody’s have found that out of $ 1.6 trillion debt of local governments in China, $1.3 trillion were funded by banks. Not only this, 10% of China’s $5.8 Trillion GDP is bad debt which unaccounted for. This could have been money siphoned off by local governments into slush funds for leaders. For the past decade, Chinese banks have been striving—with varying degrees of success—to turn themselves into viable commercial entities, which lent on the basis of earning a return. Sadly, with the stimulus, they reverted to being money pots for government officials. Going forward, China desperately needs to develop a banking system that allocates capital efficiently, making positive returns on investment. As mentioned earlier in this report, our 82 82 national debt is now equal to 84 percent of the country’s gross national product—the highest level since after World War II. The credit-rating agencies are hinting that the federal treasury’s bond rating is in jeopardy, and Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke is warning that China, the United States’ largest foreign creditor, may start charging higher interest rates. As of May 2011 the largest single holder of U.S. government debt was China, with 26 percent of all foreign-held U.S. Treasury securities (8% of total US public debt). As of September, 2011, China holds $1148.3 billion in U.S. Treasury Securities, 387.3 billion in Treasury Bills, and 2874.5 billion in T Bonds and Notes. It is by far the largest holder of our national debt. So what will happen when, due to its own internal financial problems, China decides to get rid of those holdings? China, the biggest foreign owner of U.S. government debt, trimmed its holdings of Treasuries for a fifth straight month in March . . China’s concern that U.S. government securities may become more risky because of the nation’s deficits and debt burden prompted its call this month for President Barack Obama’s administration to lay “a solid fiscal foundation” for long- term growth. Former Chinese central bank adviser Yu Yongding said last month that China should stop buying Treasuries because of the risk that the U.S. may eventually default. “China may ‘gradually cut its U.S. Treasuries as it seeks to diversify its foreign-exchange holdings,’ said Yao Wei, a Hong Kong-based economist with Societe Generale SA . . “ ‘We have lent a massive amount of capital to the United States, and of course we are concerned about the security of our assets,’ Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao said in March 2009.”— Bloomberg News, May 17, 2011. Referring to the possibility that foreign holders of U.S. debt may start selling them heavily, an international financial authority stated June 2008: “Foreign investors in U.S. dollar assets have seen big losses measured in dollars, and still bigger ones measured in their own currency. While unlikely, . . a sudden rush for the exits cannot be ruled out completely.”—Bank of International Settlements, June 2008 report. OUR INCREASING ECONOMIC RELIANCE ON CHINESE PRODUCTS China has largely succeeded in exporting its way to economic growth by means of low labor costs. The rise of China has been spectacular. Since 1980, the Chinese GDP has averaged 9.8% annual growth. More people were lifted out of poverty in the last half of the 20th century in China than ever before in human history, and in fact almost all people lifted out of poverty in the 20th century have been Chinese. Many factors can be given at least partial credit for this success including Chinese savings (now running at 50 percent), direct foreign investment in Chinese export industries, a controlled currency, Chinese willingness to adapt their ideology to pragmatic conditions, highly educated labor and equally highly-educated leadership. Yet, underpinning them all has been cheap but productive labor to their American and European markets. Chinese exports have grown as high as 50 percent annually and it is a poor year that has seen export growth of less than 25 percent. Much of the exports have been products assembled in China but parts of which have been produced in Taiwan, Japan, Korea, Europe or the United States. WalMart, depending almost entirely on Chinese produced goods for its sales, points out that these products lower costs to the American consumer and restrains inflation. Endlessly rising exports, however, have both limitations and costs. The limitation is that no country can depend indefinitely on low cost labor. The very success of such a strategy will increase both wages and inflation, requiring still more wage increases, until ultimately a new low-labor producer will enter the market. However, there is another powerful drive for China as the assembly-exporting country: to move up the value chain by producing the parts that go into the final assembly. China is, in fact, very quietly doing just this, a very important factor which is largely ignored. China is gradually “hollowing out” the original producers of those products—which were America and other non-Chinese industrial nations. Our U.S. addiction to personal over-consumption (that is, consumption well beyond our incomes) is well known. One estimate is that we have been consuming 106 percent of our annual GDP. Such a debt is not necessarily a problem at the level at which the accounts of countries are balanced. If America wants to buy more from China than it sells, there are a number of ways of running such a deficit, such as selling financial investments (our U.S. debt, via Federal Reserve Bonds) in the American 83 83 economy to foreigners, especially to Chinese. As long as there is a strong U.S. economy, and a willingness on the part of foreign governments to continually finance yet more of our debt, we will not collapse. And the Chinese, in the interest of feeding their export habit, must do so. They must keep buying our U.S. bonds. SinoAmerican trade depend on both parties’ willingness to enter into this implied contract. Yet, our over-consumption has tended to be consumer driven. But U.S. consumers has proven to be the flaw in this structure. It was assumed that the income and property holdings of U.S. consumers would continually increase, allowing greater and greater amounts of debt. And most equity for Americans is in their homes. The growth required in home values to ultimately fund the over-consumption, because of a variety of reasons, amounts to more than 6.5 percent. Real growth in GDP plus service costs must be added in as well. This gives the American consumer the burden of somehow financing over-consumption of about 10 percent annually out of rising home equity. In the spring of 2006, this structure began to collapse, accelerated by higher fuel costs, generalized anxiety at endless wars, real doubts about the future of the country, and stagnating home values. The result was a cutback in spending, and the collapse of the rickety support system of complex derivative instruments that had allowed banks to assuage their doubts about the underlying assumption of ever-increasing home equity. Values plummeted, liquidity (the ability of banks to loan money on the assumptions that the loans they had out on homes were, in fact, assets which would one day be on the plus side of their balance sheets) dissolved. China has taken our factories and our jobs. Here are the statistics on this: In 2009, the U.S. was a net importer and China held at least a one-third share of those imports for 91 NAICS categories (or one-fifth of the total number of categories). The hefty figure reflects the size and breadth of bilateral trade and the value of examining vulnerability to import interruption. These 91 categories accounted for almost three-fourths of total imports from China. The six-digit North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) lists 454 meaningful categories for bilateral trade data from soybeans to second-hand merchandise. They divide into 91 primary categories, which can be broken into the following five groups. By number of categories, clothing and textiles is largest, by value electronics is largest. Clothing and textiles. For example, “men’s and boy’s neckwear” accounts for 29 categories and $50 billion in imports—much of it from China. Electronics. For example, “audio and video equipment” accounts for 11 categories and $99 billion in imports—much of it from China. Home and office. For example, “plumbing fixtures” accounts for 27 categories and $34 billion in imports—much of it from China. Materials. For example, “miscellaneous wood products” accounts for 14 categories and $15 billion in imports—much of it from China. Miscellaneous. For example, “games and toys” accounts for 10 categories and $30 billion in imports—much of it from China. In these 91 categories, China accounts for 33 percent or more of all U.S. imports. In 47 of those 91 categories, China accounts for 20 percent or more of U.S. consumption. (1) We need to evaluate any areas of import dependence on China in relation to our national security implications. (2) We need to identify and cultivate alternate supply sources. (3) Most of all, we need to bring manufacturing back to America! (4) As part of this, we need to identify future needs for highly skilled labor and construct education programs to train workers for those jobs. This will require federal, local, and private participation. THE USEABLE LAND IN THE WORLD IS HEAVILY DEGRADED The United Nations completed an in-depth study of land use and availability in November 2011. It found that 25 percent of world land has been highly degraded. This was the first-ever global assessment of the state of the planet’s land resources. A full quarter of all land is highly degraded, and the warning is given that the trend must be reversed if the world’s growing population is to be fed. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that farmers will have to produce 70 percent more food by 2050 to meet the needs of the world’s expected 9 billion-strong population. That amounts to 1 billion tons more wheat, rice and other cereals and 200 million more tons of beef and other livestock. But as it is, most available land is already being farmed, and in ways that often decrease 84 84 its productivity through practices that lead to soil erosion and wasting of water. FAO’s director-general Jacques Diouf said increased competition over land for growing biofuels, coupled with climate change and poor farming practices, had left key food-producing systems at risk of being unable to meet human needs in 2050. “The consequences in terms of hunger and poverty are unacceptable,” he told reporters at FAO’s Rome headquarters. “Remedial actions need to be taken now. We simply cannot continue on a course of business as usual.” The report was released Monday, as delegates from around the world meet in Durban, South Africa, for a two-week U.N. climate change conference aimed at breaking the deadlock on how to curb emissions of carbon dioxide and other pollutants. The report found that climate change coupled with poor farming practices had contributed to a decrease in productivity of the world’s farmland following the boon years of the Green Revolution, when crop yields soared thanks to new technologies, pesticides and the introduction of high-yield crops. Thanks to the Green Revolution, the world’s cropland grew by just 12 percent between 1961 and 2009, but food productivity increased by 150 percent. But the U.N. report found that rates of growth have been slowing down in many areas and today are only half of what they were at the peak of the Green Revolution. It found that 25 percent of the world’s land is now “highly degraded,” with soil erosion, water degradation and biodiversity loss. Another 8 percent is moderately degraded, while 36 percent is stable or slightly degraded and 10 percent is ranked as “‘improving.” The rest of the Earth’s surface is either bare or covered by inland water bodies. Soil erosion has been coupled with an increased intensity of floods. In southeast and eastern Asia’s rice-based food systems, land has been abandoned. The report found that water around the world is becoming ever more scarce and salinated, while groundwater is becoming more polluted by agricultural runoff and other toxins. In order to meet the world’s water needs in 2050, more efficient irrigation will be necessary since currently most irrigation systems perform well below their capacity, FAO said. The price tag deemed necessary for investments through 2050: $1 trillion in irrigation water management alone for developing countries, with another $160 billion for soil conservation and flood control. OUR EXPANDING ILLEGAL DRUG USE It is estimated that 12.8 million Americans, about 6 percent of the household population aged twelve and older, use illegal drugs on a current basis (within the past thirty days). More than a third of all Americans twelve and older have tried an illicit drug. Ninety percent of those who have taken illegal drugs used marijuana or hashish. Approximately a third used cocaine or took a prescription type drug for nonmedical reasons. About a fifth used LSD. An estimated 9.8 million Americans (77 percent of all current illicit drug users) were smokers of marijuana—making it the most-commonly-used illicit drug. Approximately 57 percent of current illicit drug users limit consumption exclusively to marijuana. The most alarming trend is the increasing use of illegal drugs, tobacco, and alcohol among youth. Children who use these substances increase the chance of acquiring life-long dependency problems. They also incur greater health risks. Every day, three thousand children begin smoking cigarettes regularly; as a result, most of these youngsters will have their lives shortened. A majority of Americans believe that drug use and drug-related crime are among our nation’s most pressing social problems. Approximately 45 percent of Americans know someone with a substance abuse problem. Neighborhoods where illegal drug markets flourish are plagued by attendant crime and violence. Early drug use often leads to other forms of unhealthy, unproductive behavior. Illegal drugs are associated with premature sexual activity (with attendant risks of unwanted pregnancy and exposure to sexually-transmitted diseases like HIV/AIDS), delinquency, and involvement in the criminal justice system. The social and health costs to society of illicit drug use are staggering. Drug-related illness, death, and crime cost the nation approximately $66.9 billion. Every man, woman, and child in America pays nearly $1,000 annually to cover the expense of unnecessary health care, extra law enforcement, auto accidents, crime, and lost 85 85 productivity resulting from substance abuse. Illicit drug use hurts families, businesses, and neighborhoods; impedes education; and chokes criminal justice, health, and social service systems. An estimated 10 percent of federal prisoners and 17 percent of state prisoners reported committing offenses in order to pay for drugs. Underage use of alcohol and tobacco can lead to premature death. Eighty-two percent of all people who try cigarettes do so by age eighteen. Approximately 4.5 million American children under eighteen now smoke, and every day another three thousand adolescents become regular smokers. Seventy percent of adolescent smokers say they would not have started if they could choose again. In excess of 400,000 people die every year from smoking-related diseases—more than from alcohol, crack, heroin, murder, suicide, car accidents, and AIDS combined. Alcohol has a devastating impact on young people. Eight young people a day die in alcoholrelated car crashes. The younger an individual starts drinking and the greater the intensity and frequency of alcohol consumption, the greater the risk of using other drugs. Two and-a-half million teenagers reported they did not know that a person can die from alcohol overdose. THE DANGER OF AN EMP BURST FROM FOREIGN TERRORISTS Develop ways to protect against EMP bursts. Nothing is being done in regard to this very real and increasing danger. An electromagnetic pulse (EMP) produced by the detonation of a nuclear weapon at high altitude or as the result of unusually powerful solar activity (often called severe space weather) could produce catastrophic destruction in the United States. An EMP is a high-intensity burst of electromagnetic energy caused by the rapid acceleration of charged particles. A wave of EMP creates three chaotic effects. First, the electromagnetic shock can disrupt electrical devices. The second effect is similar to lightning—a power surge that would burn circuits and immobilize electronic components and systems. The third is a pulse effect that flows through electricity transmission lines, damaging distribution centers and fusing power lines. Any of these can cause irreversible damage to an electronic system. EMPs can be generated in various manners, but the cause of greatest concern is a high-altitude burst of a nuclear weapon. The result of a massive EMP event could be devastating. Communications would collapse, transportation would halt, and electrical power would simply be nonexistent. Not even a global humanitarian effort would be enough to keep hundreds of millions of Americans from death by starvation, exposure, or lack of medicine. Nor would the catastrophe stop at U.S. borders. Most of Canada would be devastated, too, as its infrastructure is integrated with the U.S. power grid. Without the American economic engine, the world economy would quickly collapse. Despite the fact that six national commissions and major independent U.S. government studies have independently concurred with the significance of the danger, Congress has yet to act in a substantive manner. For the most part, U.S. government agencies have not taken planning for their response to an EMP attack out of the theoretical stages. A comprehensive missile defense system is needed so the U.S. could to intercept and destroy a missile bound for the United States, regardless of the launch point or the objective—whether the attack is aimed at destroying a city or engaging in an EMP attack. Historical note: On September 1, 1859, British astronomer Richard Carrington observed an unusually large solar flare. Minutes later, the flare reached Earth. Telegraph operators were shocked unconscious. Their machines caught on fire as the EMP effect from the flare surged through the lines. When this event occurred, only a small portion of the world was electrified. A solar flare of this magnitude today might have a much more devastating impact. “An event that could incapacitate the network for a long time,” stated one participant in a U.S. National Academies of Science study, “could be one of the largest natural disasters that we could face.” 86 86 — PART EIGHT CONTENTS — OTHER SOLUTIONS THAT ARE NEEDED REQUIRE THAT BANKS START RELEASING MONEY IN LOANS OBAMA’S FLAWED MEDICAL INSURANCE LAW WE NEED COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTERS THE IMPORTANCE OF PRESERVING U.S. FAMILIES MODIFY CHILD LABOR LAWS SO CHILDREN CAN HELP OTHERS AND LEARN TO WORK GOVERNMENT HELP FOR HELPING FAMILIES WHO CARE FOR THEIR OWN THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY FARMS PROTECT THE FARMS INSTEAD OF FISH PRISON FARMS WOULD HELP PRISONERS PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRISONERS TO BECOME CHRISTIANS AND LEARN SKILLS STOP FEDERAL SUBSIDIES TO THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY BEGIN DRILLING IN THE ALASKAN NORTH SLOPE THE OVERSEAS MANUFACTURING PROBLEM OVERSEAS NUMBERED BANK ACCOUNTS LABOR UNIONS REDUCE TOTAL U.S. EMPLOYMENT OUR EVER-LARGER ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM REDUCE MANDATORY DRUG SENTENCES MUSLIMS IN OUR PRISONS INCREASE TAXES ON THE SALE OF UNHEALTHY FOODS SEPARATE HIGH-ACHIEVERS FROM LOW-ACHIEVERS IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES PROVIDE OUT-OF-CLASS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT INCREASE FUNDING FOR THE U.S. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM —————— — PART EIGHT — OTHER SOLUTIONS THAT ARE NEEDED Over a period of time, our nation has put itself into a corner in several respects. Here are several additional factors which need correcting: REQUIRE THAT BANKS START RELEASING MONEY IN LOANS Small businesses need bank loans so they can purchase equipment and hire more workers, but banks refuse to loan to them. Here is a statement that nicely summarizes the problem: “Why are banks sitting on so much cash? The banks have about $2 trillion in cash uncommitted to loans. They could loan in theory, at conservative ratios of 10 to 1, $20 trillion. Obviously, if that happened, the recession would be over in 15 seconds. Pepperdine [University in California] did a study showing that 40% of the small busnesses said they would expand their operations and hire more people of they could get credit [borrow money from banks], but they can’t get credit. We’ve got to clean those bank books up. Right now, everybody’s frozen. And by far the biggest thing we could do is to have a more aggressive move on the home-mortgage problem.”—Time magazine, November 21, 2011. OBAMA’S FLAWED MEDICAL INSURANCE LAW We share with a majority of Americans a deep aversion to being required to accept any medical insurance program, government or otherwise. We demand the right to think for ourselves. It is common knowledge that almost no one knows hardly anything about Obama’s medical care law, and that includes nearly all of the representatives and senators which enacted it! “In announcing that the Supreme Court will take up the 2010 health care reform law in March 2012, the Justices allotted five and a half hours over two days for oral arguments, the most in nearly half a century. The generous timing (as of 1970, most cases get just an hour) is a recognition 87 87 of the intricacies of the issues the court will weigh, including the central question of the individual mandate’s constitutionality.”—Time magazine, November 28, 2011 WE NEED COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTERS Back in 1959, I met Pop Pickel in northern Californa. He was al elderly man who told me how he did bootlegging during the 1920’s prohibition years. He said he got into it because, as a young man, he started going to bars and, he added, he still does today. I asked him why he goes there and he said there is no other place for single men to usually go in most U.S. communities. We need a community recreation center in every town in America so people of all ages can visit with friends, teach one another gardening, sewing, crocheting, and other useful activities. THE IMPORTANCE OF PRESERVING U.S. FAMILIES Here is a stunning fact: As the 2000 U.S. census, the category of “family” was no longer in the census count! Each year, over 1 million American children suffer the divorce of their parents; moreover, half of the children born this year to parents who are married will see their parents divorce before they turn 18. Mounting evidence in social science journals demonstrates that the devastating physical, emotional, and financial effects that divorce is having on these children will last well into adulthood and affect future generations. Children whose parents have divorced are increasingly the victims of abuse. They exhibit more health, behavioral, and emotional problems, are involved more frequently in and drug abuse, and have higher rates of suicide. Children of divorced parents perform more poorly in reading, spelling, and math. They also are more likely to repeat a grade and to have higher drop-out rates and lower rates of college graduation. Families with children that were not poor before the divorce see their income drop as much as 50 percent. Almost 50 percent of the parents with children that are going through a divorce move into poverty after the divorce. Religious worship, which has been linked to better health, longer marriages, and better Family life, drops after the parents divorce. The divorce of parents, even if it is amicable, tears apart the fundamental unit of American society. Today, according to the Federal Reserve Board’s 1995 Survey of Consumer Finance, only 42 percent of children aged 14 to 18 live in a “first marriage” family—an intact two-parent married family. Add to this the growing number of homosexual unions and parenting. Tragically, in America, the word “partner” has taken the place of “spouse,” “husband,” or “wife.” MODIFY CHILD LABOR LAWS SO CHILDREN CAN HELP OTHERS AND LEARN TO WORK Child labor laws should be modified so that children can work for neighbors at odd jobs. Let them learn to enjoy working while they are young; let them learn skills—and then they will not want to avoid work when they become adults. Recently, Tea Party activists and some others have urged a weakening of state child labor laws, and, ultimately, of the federal law. They agree with Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas that the child labor laws are unconstitutional for a variety of legal reasons. They have begun trying to change these state laws in Maine and Missouri. A bill in Maine would allow employers to pay anyone under 20 a six-month “training wage” that would be more than $2 an hour below the minimum wage. They’d also eliminate rules setting a maximum number of hours kids 16 and older can work during school days and allow those under 16 to work up to four hours on school days and up to 11 p.m. The Missouri bill would lift provisions in the current state law that bar children under 14 from employment, They’d be allowed to work all hours of the day. GOVERNMENT HELP FOR HELPING FAMILIES WHO CARE FOR THEIR OWN There are families in America which are caring for their aged parents or invalid children. It would cost the nation far more if they were placed in nursing facilities. It would be well for financial help, possibly in tax breaks, be given to families which care for their own. Tax cuts should also be made for mothers who are in the home caring for the children, while the husband is working. This is the way it was done before World War II. When both parents are out working, the children do not do as well. 88 88 THE IMPORTANCE OF FAMILY FARMS The government should do what it takes to help families move out to small 5-10-20 acre farms in the country. With the possible exception of grain production (which requires large fields and expensive planting and harvesting equipment), small vegetable and fruit growers could work hard and partially or fully support their families with a small farm. People want to work. They want their children to learn to work. They would prefer to live in the country. Because children are not taught to work—and enjoy work—when they are young, by the time they are 18, they frequently have little interest in working. Various locations, especially in the western states, should be opened up for homesteading by settlers who will live on the land and do something with it. Every community should have a farmers’ market, where local farmers can bring produce and sell it directly to the public. Local grocery stores, including big box stores, should be encouraged to purchase produce from local farmers. Farmers should be able to park their pickup truck on the road near grocery outlets, and sell off the truck to the public. —Let us encourage small farming! Family farms are a bedrock of a prosperous nation. They greatly add to its economic—and food—stability. But the dramatic expansion of industrial agriculture (or factory farming) has made it increasingly difficult for small family farmers in the U.S to stay in business. Instead, the food industry has become dominated by a handful of giant corporations which benefit from government policies that favor large-scale production. Family farmers are being forced out of business at an alarming rate. According to Farm Aid, every week 330 farmers leave their land.i As a result, there are now nearly five million fewer farms in the U.S. than there were in the 1930’s. Of the two million remaining farms, only 565,000 are family operations. As established family farms are shut down, they are not being replaced by new farms and young farmers. Very few young people become farmers today, and half of all U.S. farmers are between the ages of 45 and 65, while only 6% of all farmers are under the age of 35. Here are more facts: • 82% of Americans are somewhat or very concerned about the decreasing number of American farms. • 85% of Americans trust smaller scale family farms to produce safe, nutritious food. • In the US, the average principal farm operator is 55.3 years old. • Between 2005 and 2006, the US lost 8,900 farms (a little more than 1 farm per hour). In addition to producing fresh, nutritious, high-quality foods, small family farms provide a wealth of benefits for their local communities and regions. Unlike industrial agriculture operations, which pollute communities with chemical pesticides, noxious fumes and excess manure, small family farmers live on or near their farms and strive to preserve the surrounding environment for future generations. The existence of family farms also guarantees the preservation of green space within the community. Unfortunately, once a family farm is forced out of business, the farmland is often sold for development, and the quality land and soil for farming are lost. Independent family farms also play a vital role in rural economies. In addition to providing jobs to local people, family farmers also help support small businesses by purchasing goods and services within their communities. Meanwhile, industrial agriculture operations employ as few workers as possible and typically purchase supplies, equipment, and building materials from outside the local community. Rural areas are then left with high rates of unemployment and very little opportunity for economic growth. The loss of small family farms has dramatically reduced our supply of safe, fresh, sustainably-grown foods. It has contributed to the economic and social disintegration of rural communities; and it is eliminating an important aspect of our national heritage. If we lose our family farmers, we’ll lose the diversity in our food supply, and what we eat will be dictated to us by a few large corporations. PROTECT THE FARMS INSTEAD OF FISH Federal and state laws protecting fish, birds, and insects should be subordinate to the needs of food farms of all types. We need to protect 89 89 farms more than fish! Prices for fruits, vegetables and nuts throughout America have increased—because the federal government, using the Endangered Species Act (ESA), wants to protect obscure three-inch-long fish, called the Delta smelt. In California’s Central Valley, for decades one of the world’s most productive agricultural regions, an estimated 250,000 acres of prime farm land are lying fallow or dying. The parched area bears all the signs of a prolonged drought, but the acute water shortage confronting farmers and growers is largely manmade, the result of the Interior Department’s rigorous enforcement of the ESA. Responding to a lawsuit brought by the Natural Resources Defense Council and other environmental groups, the Bush administration, in December 2008, agreed to divert more than 150 billion gallons of water each year, starting in 2009, from the fertile Central Valley to the San Joaquin Delta in an effort to protect the endangered Delta smelt. With the federal government withholding water from farmers, it didn’t take long for economic devastation to grip the Central Valley. Unemployment in the areas ranges from 20 percent to a staggering 40 percent in some agricultural communities. The Central Valley’s agricultural output is expected to decline by between $1 billion and $3 billion this year compared with 2008. “Instead of stimulating jobs, federal environmental officials are turning recession into depression, and stimulating economic hardship for business, farms and families.”—Rob Rivett, president of the Pacific Legal Foundation, quoted in Washington Times, August 18, 2009. To date, the Obama administration has shown little interest in reversing a policy that favors fish over farmers. Similar water restrictions have been made to increase salmon production. But, once again, we dare not destroy Central Valley California agriculture in order to increase the number of salmon in the ocean. “There are 130 animal species in California on the federal endangered list, including five salmon species, five steelhead species, and the North American green sturgeon, To date, not a single fish within the California water system has been removed from the Endangered Species list over the past 36 years. Despite massive amounts of water diverted to help them, the ‘protected smelt, sturgeon and salmon populations have continued to decline. It is hardly unreasonable to ask why farmers should continue to suffer if di- verting water hasn’t even helped the fish.”—Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA) in the Wall Street Journal, August 15, 2009. IMPROVE HIGH SCHOOL COURSES Many Americans will not be able to afford college, for costs keep rising dramatically. Soon it will take half a lifetime to pay off the loans. We need to provide more useful instruction in our high schools. Drop Latin and other impractical subjects in high school. In their place, teach basic cooking skills to our youth. Provide optional classes in geometry, calculus, and advanced science for those able to learn these skills. (One math teacher in a minority Los Angeles school taught special classes in calculus, and many of his students later obtained doctorates.) Teach optional business and management skills classes. Teach vocational and industrial skills, such as carpentry, bricklaying, stonework, car repair, etc. Vocational schools cost money and are useful. But the basic industrial skills can and should be taught in high schools. Provide optional classes for girls in crocheting, quilt making, and other crafts. Later in life, these can provide happiness as well as extra income. Sewing is another important subject. Learning how to efficiently use a sewing machine and make clothes will help some in later life. PRISON FARMS WOULD HELP PRISONERS Establish prison farms where prisoners can be taught how to farm vegetables, small fruits, and fruit and nut orchards. Give them reduced sentences if they do well on the program. Some will be more likely to move out of the city and start a farm when they are released, instead of committing another crime and being incarcerated again. PROVIDE OPPORTUNITIES FOR PRISONERS TO BECOME CHRISTIANS AND LEARN SKILLS Prisons are called “correctional institutions.” That is what they are supposed to be. The need is to help the men and women become good citizens upon release. Some state prisons provide outstanding opportunities for sharing Bibles, religious books, and evangelism. These prisons consistently have lower recidivism rates (incarceration again 90 90 after release). Many men and women are converted, and help bring other prisoners to Christ. Such prisons often have excellent jobtraining educational program for the inmates, including literacy, carpentry, culinary arts, horticulture, welding, Auto repair, air conditioning, electrical, industrial painting, eye glass repair, etc. STOP PREDATORY LAWSUITS There are hundreds of legal firms in America which prey on individuals and business firms. Offers are made to receive no payment unless the suit is won—but if it is, they collect 10 percent or more of the awards. Because the lawyers’ syndicates contribute large amounts to candidates and office holders that their activities are rarely interferred with. Here is one example: “In Florida, some of the attorneys hired by the state in their suit against the tobacco companies in August 1997 demanded 25% of the $11.3 billion settlement the state negotiated with Big Tobacco. They rejected arbitration. “Circuit Judge Harold J. Cohen, overseeing the settlement, calculated that would amount to $7,716 an hour if the lawyers worked on the case every hour of every day since the case began in July 1994. Cohen called that ‘clearly excessive.’ So the lawyers are suing to have the state judge removed. “Ultimately, the tobacco fee arbitration awards, gave $950 million each to two Florida lawyers. “As stated by constitutional expert, Robert Levy, about the Florida tobacco fee arbitration award, ‘Incredibly, the arbitrators ignored [Judge] Cohen’s warning, disregarded the law, abandoned common sense and upped the lawyers’ award by $600 million for a total windfall of $3.4 billion’ [$1.7 billion for each lawyer]. Indeed, these lawyers were awarded even more than the absurd sum they demanded. “This money is being diverted away from treating the millions of sick and dying people that suffer from tobacco related illnesses. In the case of Florida alone, this $3.4 billion would have provided a thousand dollars of treatment for each of 3.4 million Floridians, a state with a population of 15 million people. The simple fact is many thousands of Floridians as well as people across the country will suffer or die so a few lawyers can live in great luxury.”—USA Today, December 9, 1997. STOP FEDERAL SUBSIDIES TO THE PETROLEUM INDUSTRY Most economists are agreed that federal subsidies to help the petroleum industry locate more oil should be terminated. The wealthiest industry in the nation does not need more of our money given to it. An examination of the American tax code indicates that oil production is among the most heavily subsidized businesses, with tax breaks available at virtually every stage of the exploration and extraction process. According to a study by the Congressional Budget Office, released in 2005, capital investments like oil field leases and drilling equipment are taxed at an effective rate of 9 percent, significantly lower than the overall rate of 25 percent for businesses in general and lower than virtually any other industry. And for many small and midsize oil companies, the tax on capital investments is so low that it is more than eliminated by various credits. These companies’ returns on those investments are often higher after taxes than before. BEGIN DRILLING IN THE ALASKAN NORTH SLOPE The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) comprises 19,000,000 acres of the north Alaskan coast. There is nothing there but a few caribou and polar bears. The government-imposed oil exploration ban on drilling for petroleum in the North Slope should be repealed. The North Slope oil fields in Alaska are important because the U.S. dependency on petroleum imports has risen considerably in the past decades. The shocks of 1973 and 1980, and the 1978 Khomeini revolution in Iran had serious repercussions in The United States, where Americans had to wait in line for hours to buy gasoline. The Persian Gulf War in 1991 put the U.S.’s access to two-thirds of the world’s oil reserves in great danger. Opening oil fields in Alaska would decrease U.S. dependency on petroleum imports from the Middle East and Latin America, boost the revenue of American oil companies, would create many American jobs, would lower the price of oil for American oil consumers, would increase federal, state, and local tax revenues, and lower our trade deficit. Alaska’s Northern Slope may hold large quantities of oil, but it is impossible to say for sure because exploration is banned by the ANWR. There may also may be large quantities of petroleum reserves in other 91 91 parts of Alaska. Guesses as the extent of the richness of the oil reserves in Alaska are varied. According to three government studies since 1980, anywhere from 1.69 to 14.77 billion barrels of recoverable oil may be located at the protected ANWR. A primary objection to lifting the ban is the fact that it is the calving ground of the Porcupine caribou. But the drilling areas will only be in very small, coastal parts of that vast area. The caribou are unlikely to be disturbed. (They have enough trouble, guarding their young against polar bears.) THE OVERSEAS MANUFACTURING PROBLEM We should heavily tax corporations that leave us and send their manufacturing overseas. U.S. government policies have encouraged globalization, which translates into shipping jobs overseas. Programs such as NAFTA have lowered the cost of shipping jobs south of the border, and there’s no economic penalty facing U.S. companies that decide to ship jobs overseas. Those at the apex of the corporate ladder have done a fabulous job of lobbying for policies that favor globalization at the expense of the American worker. These policies have shifted manufacturing jobs to places with lower wages. Foxconn, a Chinese computer, cell phone and electronics manufacturer, employs 800,000 people, while Silicon Valley unemployment remains higher than the national average. Foxconn, which has made headlines after a spate of worker suicides, has 250,000 employees making Apple (AAPL) iMacs, iPods and iPhones alone. For every Apple worker in the U.S., 10 people in China are manufacturing the company’s products. Moreover, all these unemployed have helped create the two-tier economy. According to Harvard Magazine, 66% of income growth in 2001 to 2007 went to the top 1% of Americans, while the other 99% got the rest. That is a 60% average income boost for the superwealthy -- and a very low 6% increase over six years for everyone else. Unemployment is hurting the bottom more than the top. While the U.S. jobless rate is now 9.5%, the bottom 40% of the labor force suffers from a 17% rate, while for the top 30% it’s just 4%, also according to Harvard Magazine. Meanwhile, Wall Street, which includes a solid share of that top 1%, paid itself near-record bonuses—up 17% in 2009 to $20.3 billion— and is on a hiring binge. Here is evidence that U.S. tax breaks for exporting jobs overseas is being done! We should not pay our business firms to make their goods for the American market in foreign countries! This is yet another example of the power of lobbyists. In its 1990 annual report, the Hewlett-Packard company made this astounding statement: “As a result of certain employment and capital investment actions undertaken by the company, income from manufacturing activities [by U.S. companies] in certain foreign countries is subject to reduced tax rates by the U.S. federal government, and in some cases is wholly exempt from taxes, for years through 2002 . . The income tax benefits attributable to the tax status of these subsidiaries are estimated to be $116 million, $88 million and $57 million for 1990, 1989 and 1988, respectively.” —The lobbyists win again! No wonder they are paid so much! Through their ongoing bribery of Congress, many U.S. firms are given greatly reduced tax breaks—because they do their manufacturing overseas! OVERSEAS NUMBERED BANK ACCOUNTS An offshore bank is a bank located outside America, typically in a low tax jurisdiction (tax haven) that provides financial and legal advantages which include: greater privacy, low or no taxation (i.e. tax havens), easy access to deposits, and protection against local political or financial instability. This is another problem which should be corrected, since wealthy Americans are able to hide their profits from both proper and fraudulent transactions overseas. LABOR UNIONS REDUCE TOTAL U.S. EMPLOYMENT Many unions have won higher wages and better working conditions for their members. In doing so, however, they have reduced the number of jobs available in unionized companies. That second effect occurs because of the basic law of demand: if unions successfully raise the price of labor, employers will purchase less of it. Thus, unions are a major anticompetitive force in labor markets. Their gains come at the expense of consumers, nonunion workers, the jobless, taxpayers, and owners of corporations. 92 92 According to Harvard economists Richard Freeman and James Medoff, who look favorably on unions, “Most, if not all, unions have monopoly power, which they can use to raise wages above competitive levels.” Unions’ power to fix high prices for their members’ labor rests on legal privileges and immunities that they get from government, both by statute and by nonenforcement of other laws. The purpose of these legal privileges is to restrict others from working for lower wages. In addition, labor unions require large membership dues, much of which are given to political parties—regardless of the wishes of the union members. U.S. unions enjoy many legal privileges. Unions are immune from taxation and from antitrust laws. Companies are legally compelled to bargain with unions. Unions also can force companies to make their property available for union use. Once the government ratifies a union’s position as representing a group of workers, the union represents them exclusively, whether or not particular employees want collective representation. In 2002, unions represented about 1.7 million waged and salaried employees who were not union members. In addition, union officials can force compulsory union dues from employees—members and nonmembers alike—as a condition for keeping their jobs. Unions often use these funds for political purposes—political campaigns and voter registration, for example—unrelated to collective bargaining or to employee grievances, despite the illegality of this under federal law. Unions are relatively immune from payment of tort damages for injuries inflicted in labor disputes, from federal court injunctions, and from many state laws under the “federal preemption” doctrine. Labor unions cannot prosper in a competitive environment. Like other successful cartels, they depend on government patronage and protection. What have been the economic consequences of unions? In 2002, full-time nonunion workers had usual weekly earnings of $587, 21 percent lower than the $740 earned by union members. H. Gregg Lewis’s 1985 survey of two hundred economic studies concluded that unions caused their members’ wages to be, on average, 14–15 percent higher than wages of similarly skilled nonunion workers. Other economists—Harvard’s Freeman and Medoff, and Peter Linneman and Michael Wachter of the University of Pennsylvania—claimed that the union premium was 20–30 percent or higher during the 1980s. Unions have blocked the economic advance of blacks, women, and other minorities. That is because another of their functions, once they have raised wages above competitive levels, is to ration the jobs that remain. The union can discriminate on the basis of blood relationships or skin color rather than auctioning off (openly selling) the valuable jobs to the highest-bidding applicants. In recent decades, union representation of workers has declined in all private industries in the United States. A major reason is that employees do not like unions. According to a Louis Harris poll commissioned by the AFLCIO in 1984, only one in three U.S. employees would vote for union representation in a secret ballot election. The Harris poll found, as have other surveys, that nonunion employees are more satisfied than union workers with job security, recognition of job performance, and participation in decisions that affect their jobs. Asked in the 1920s what organized labor wanted, union leader Samuel Gompers allegedly answered, “More.” When Chris Christie became New Jersey’s governor in January, he wasted no time in identifying the chief perpetrators of his state’s fiscal catastrophe. Facing a nearly $11 billion budget gap—as well as voters fed up with the sky-high taxes imposed on them to finance the state government’s profligacy—Christie moved swiftly to take on the unions representing New Jersey’s roughly 400,000 public employees. On his first day in office, the governor signed an executive order preventing state-workers’ unions from making political contributions— subjecting them to the same limits that had long applied to corporations. More recently, he has waged a protracted battle against state teachers’ unions, which are seeking pay increases and free lifetime health care for their members. Recognizing the burden that such benefits would place on New Jersey’s long-term finances, Christie has sought instead to impose a one-year wage freeze, to change pension rules to limit future benefits, and to require that teachers contribute a tiny fraction of their salaries to cover the costs of their health insurance—measures that, for privatesector workers, would be mostly uncontroversial. The firestorm that these proposals have sparked demonstrates the political clout of state-workers’ unions. Christie’s executive or- 93 93 der met with vicious condemnation from union leaders and the politicians aligned with them; his fight with the public-school teachers prompted the New Jersey Education Association to spend $6 million (drawn from members’ dues) on antiChristie attack ads over a two-month period. Clearly, the lesson for reform-minded politicians has been: Confront public-sector unions at your peril. New Jersey has drawn national attention as a case study, but the same battle is playing out in state capitals from coast to coast. New York, Michigan, Wisconsin, California, Washington, and many other states also find themselves heavily indebted, with public-sector unions at the root of their problems. In exchange, taxpayers in these states are rewarded with larger and more expensive, yet less effective, government, and with elected officials who are afraid to cross the politically powerful unions. Government unions may also be the biggest challenge facing state and local officials—a challenge that, unless economic conditions dramatically improve, will dominate the politics of the decade to come. On average, 39% of stateand local-government employees belong to unions. Courts across the nation also generally held that collective bargaining by government workers should be forbidden on the legal grounds of sovereign immunity and unconstitutional delegation of government powers. In 1943, a New York Supreme Court judge held: “To tolerate or recognize any combination of civil service employees of the government as a labor organization or union is not only incompatible with the spirit of democracy, but inconsistent with every principle upon which our government is founded. Nothing is more dangerous to public welfare than to admit that hired servants of the State can dictate to the government the hours, the wages and conditions under which they will carry on essential services vital to the welfare, safety, and security of the citizen. To admit as true that government employees have power to halt or check the functions of government unless their demands are satisfied, is to transfer to them all legislative, executive and judicial power. Nothing would be more ridiculous.” OUR EVER-LARGER ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM This is one of those subjects which is certain to produce controversy, whichever side you take. I will here state the facts. Illegal immigration into the United States is massive in scale. More than 10 million undocumented aliens currently reside in the U.S., and that population is growing by 700,000 per year (Congressal Budget Office, November 2005). This is an indication of how dangerously open our borders are. When three out of every 100 people in America are undocumented, there is a profound security problem. Even though they pose no direct security threat, the presence of millions of undocumented migrants effectively creates a cover for terrorists and criminals. In other words, the underlying problem presented by illegal immigration is security, not the supposed threat to the economy. Indeed, efforts to curtail the economic influx of migrants actually worsen the security dilemma by driving many migrant workers underground, thereby encouraging the culture of illegality. The primary problem with undocumented immigrant workers is that flouting the law has become the norm, which makes the job of terrorists and drug traffickers infinitely easier. The economic costs of terrorism can be very high and very real, quite apart from the otherwise positive economic impact of immigration. In order to separate the good from the bad, there is no substitute for a nationwide system that identifies all foreign persons present within the U.S. It is not sufficient to identify visitors upon entry and exit; rather, all foreign visitors must be quickly documented. This entire problem is becoming extremely political because, as of 2012, it now requires 40% of Hispanic vote for a person to be elected president of the U.S. OUR MEXICAN BORDER FENCE This is another controversial point which I will present to you: The American people favor a proposal to build a 2,000-mile security fence by a 51-to-37 percent margin. So far border authorities have built 650 miles of hard fence along the southwest border, including about 299 miles of vehicle barriers. It is estimated that $22.4 billion would be required for a single fence across the 1,400 miles remaining today. As of February, 2008, 302 miles of barrier have been constructed mostly on federal land in Arizona, New Mexico, and California. In the 120-mile swath of the US-Mexican bor- 94 94 der known as the Yuma sector, since the triple fence was finished in October, there has been a 72 percent decline in illegal migrant apprehensions Eight hundred people used to be apprehended trying to cross the border here every day. OUR “BORN IN AMERICA” PROBLEM Here is a third related controversial point: The question is whether to change the 14th amendment to the US Constitution, which grants citizenship to anyone born in America. The amendment was adopted in the wake of the civil war, as a political debate raged over whether slaves imported from Africa, and their children, could be considered US citizens. More than 150 years later, politicians are debating the amendment again. This time, they are wondering whether children born in the US to tourists and undocumented immigrants should be considered citizens simply by virtue of their birth in our land. The crux of the issue are mothers of so-called “anchor babies”—women who are said to come to the US specifically to have children, some of them who enter the country illegally, others as tourists. This is done in the hope that they themselves will be able to remain and live here. Changes to the US constitution must be passed by a two-thirds vote of each chamber of Congress and then ratified by three-quarters of states—either by the state legislatures or statebased constitutional conventions. The Pew Hispanic Center estimates there are about four million American-born children of illegal immigrants under the age of 18 currently in the U.S. Pew estimates that last year 7-8% of births in America (or around 350,000) were to undocumented mothers. MAKE ALL GAMBLING ILLEGAL This would include casinos, state lotteries, slots, and online gambling. Like all other gambling in America, online gambling is progressively on the rise and should be made completely illegal. Gambling is bad for your health and the truly addicted can suffer depression, insomnia, intestinal disorders, migraine and other stress related problems, according to a new study reported in the British Medical Journal. Gambling also presents great potential for criminal abuse and has become a growing prob- lem on college campuses. Compulsive gambling is a serious addiction that affects many people. While it may seem abrasive to consider it a serious disease, one must realize that the consequences of compulsive gambling can dwarf that of any other addiction. Gambling potentially leads to prostitution, alcoholism, drug use and other personal sufferings. Gambling is very costly because of the destructive effect it has on families, and the families fall apart. Those who place online gambling bets are in violation of the Wire Act of 1961 which was originally aimed at organized crime and sought to prevent gambling businesses from operating by phone in states where it was otherwise illegal to gamble. Online gambling is now a $12 billion dollar industry. Fully 95 percent of all Americans now live within a three or four hour drive of a casino. Tragically, 51% of American adults find casino gambling acceptable for anyone. If American adults believe that gambling is acceptable, that means their children are going to grow up thinking that it is just something you go out and do everyday. People have been known to lose their entire life’s savings. Financial ruin is only one of the serious events that ruin a gambling addict’s life. Serious crimes occur, including embezzlement, employee theft, and other illegal activities, and leave the person jobless and possibly jailed. Once they start they cannot stop, and, like any other addiction, they build up a tolerance and experience symptoms of withdrawal when trying to abstain from gambling. With the option of online gambling, compulsive gamblers can easily gamble at home and are even more unlikely to control their obsession. According to John Kindt’s testimony before a hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Small Business, “For every $1 the state receives in gambling revenues, it costs the state at least $3 in increased criminal-justice, social-welfare and other expenses.” Legalized gambling is a messy business! It brings addiction, family devastation, crime, poverty, government corruption and economic burdens. It increases welfare costs, produces human desperation and produces a wrong attitude toward work. Gambling is stealing. “The gains of the winners are paid at the expense of the losers. In winning, one receives the wages that another 95 95 person has earned without giving anything in exchange” (Gambling, Kober; p. 8). Just because it is robbery by consent does not make it right. Gambling is nothing more than sophisticated stealing. Ephesians 4:28 says “Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth.” Proverbs 13:11 says “Wealth gotten by vanity shall be diminished: but he that gathereth by labour shall increase.” Wealth from gambling quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows. A U.S. News & World Report analysis found crime rates in casino communities to be 84% higher than the national average. Domestic violence and child abuse increase dramatically when gambling comes to an area. University of Illinois economist Earl Grinols has calculated that 52% of casino revenues come from compulsive gamblers. Teens are three times as likely as adults to become addicted to gambling once exposed and at least 1 in 10 teens engages in illegal activity (stealing, shoplifting, selling drugs, or prostitution) to finance their gambling. The National Council on Problem Gambling reports that one in five pathological gamblers attempts suicide—a higher rate than that of any other addictive disorder. Gambling is a bad bet. REDUCE MANDATORY DRUG SENTENCES Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentences are unfair and extremely costly, both to the one sentenced and to the nation that has to pay to keep him in prison for an extended length of time. Such laws require that a judge impose a sentence of at least a specified length if certain criteria are met. For example, a person convicted by a federal court of possessing half a kilogram or more of cocaine powder must be sentenced to at least five years in prison. It is said that the severity of such sentences, will keep people out of jail. But evidence indicates that such lengthy sentences are not a deterent. Mandatory minimums prohibit a judge from making a discretionary judgment where it may most be needed. These laws result in instances of unjust punishment. Mandatory minimums associated with drug crimes may also be viewed as a means of achieving the nation’s drug control objectives. But do they actually decrease the nation’s drug consumption and related consequences—at a cost that compares favorably with other approaches? A special research project focused on cocaine, which many view as the most problematic drug in America today. They took two approaches to mathematically model the market for cocaine and arrived at the same basic conclusion: Mandatory minimum sentences are not justifiable on the basis of cost-effectiveness at reducing cocaine consumption or drug-related crime. Mandatory minimums reduce cocaine consumption less per million taxpayer dollars spent than spending the same amount on enforcement under the previous sentencing regime of far-shorter jail terms. And either enforcement approach reduces drug consumption less, per million dollars spent, than putting heavy users through treatment programs. Mandatory minimums are also less costeffective than either alternative at reducing cocaine-related crime. A principal reason for these findings is the high cost of incarceration. Why is treatment so much better? Most drugrelated crime is economically motivated— undertaken, for example, to procure money to support a habit or to settle scores between rival dealers. The level of economically motivated crime is related to the amount of money flowing through the cocaine market. Long sentences for serious crimes have intuitive appeal. They respond to deeply held beliefs about punishment for evil actions, and in many cases they ensure that, by removing a criminal from the streets, further crimes that would have been committed will not be. But in the case of black-market crimes like drug dealing, a jailed supplier is often replaced quickly by another supplier. Limited cocaine control resources can, however, be profitably directed toward other important objectives—reducing cocaine consumption and the violence and theft that accompany the cocaine market. If those are the goals, more can be achieved by spending additional money arresting, prosecuting, and sentencing dealers to standard prison terms than by spending it sentencing fewer dealers to longer, mandatory terms. Long prison sentences for possessing street drugs costs America hundreds of millions of dollars. We fully agree that the drug trafficing 96 96 should be stopped. But lengthy prison sentences is not part of the solution. MUSLIMS IN OUR PRISONS Minority races who are imprisoned, often on minor charges, are often placed with Muslims who work to indoctrinate them into radical Islam. To whatever degree that this is possible, by separating Muslims from non-Muslims in the nation’s prisons, will be advantageous to the Muslims, for they can more easily worship by themselves. A well-known leader in prison ministry wrote the following: “The Muslim religion is the fastest growing religion per capita in the United States, especially in the minority races! “Last month I attended my annual training session that’s required for maintaining my state prison security clearance. “During the training session there was a presentation by three speakers representing the Roman Catholic, Protestant and Muslim faiths, who each explained their beliefs. “I was particularly interested in what the Islamic had to say. The Muslim gave an interesting presentation of the basics of Islam, complete with a video. After the presentations, time was provided for questions and answers. “When it was my turn, I directed my question to the Muslim and asked: “Please, correct me if I’m wrong,but I understand that most Imams and clerics of Islam have declared a holy jihad [Holy war] against the infidels of the world and, that by killing an infidel, (which is a command to all Muslims) they are assured of a place in heaven. If that’s the case, can you give me the definition of an infidel?’ “There was no disagreement with my statements and, without hesitation, he replied, ‘Non-believers!’ I responded, ‘So, let me make sure I have this straight. All followers of Allah have been commanded to kill everyone who is not of your faith so they can have a place in heaven. “Is that correct?’ “The expression on his face changed from one of authority and command to that of a little boy who had just been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He sheepishly replied, ‘Yes.’ “I then stated, ‘Well, sir, I have a real problem trying to imagine the pope commanding all Catholics to kill those of your faith or Protestant ministers ordering all Protestants to do the same in order to guarantee them a place in heaven!’ “The Muslim was speechless! I continued, ‘I also have a problem with being your friend when you and your brother clerics are telling your followers to kill me! Let me ask you a question: “Would you rather have your Allah, who tells you to kill me in order for you to go to heaven, or my Jesus who tells me to love you because I am going to heaven and He wants you to be there with me?’ “You could have heard a pin drop as the Imam hung his head in shame. “Needless to say, the organizers and/or promoters of the ‘Diversification’ training seminar were not happy with my way of dealing with the Islamic Imam, and exposing the truth about the Muslims’ beliefs. “Because of the number of Muslims who are immigrating here, and the indoctrination that is taking place, especially in prisons,—in twenty years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the President! INCREASE TAXES ON THE SALE OF UNHEALTHY FOODS It is common knowledge that eating junk food from stores and fast food restaurants is leading to overweight, diabetes, and eventual heart attacks. Processed foods are becoming almost as dangerous as tobacco! Both are causing massive sickness and death, which costs millions in government-funded medical care before the patients die. Increasing taxes on unhealthy foods, including fast-food restaurants, would encourage people to eat good food—vegetables, fruits, and nuts. Here is one example: “Help reduce long-term health care spending to treat obesity-related illnesses—including diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and stroke—by imposing an excise tax on the manufacture and importation of beverages sweetened with sugar or high-fructose corn syrup.”—Bipolicy Partisan Center Recommendations. Remove the junk food and drink dispensers in the hallways of our public schools. The county school board makes money on these, but they should be removed anyway. SEPARATE HIGH-ACHIEVERS FROM LOW-ACHIEVERS IN HIGH SCHOOL CLASSES The present thinking is that because we live in a “democracy,” we need to throw everyone together into the same classes. But doing so is not wise. The slower ones, whoever they may be, need special attention, especially in the rudimentary 97 97 skills—especially reading and basic math. By separating the students according the needs and abilities all the students will be better helped and make faster progress. Those who are average learners will not be slowed in their learning because the teacher had to give their attention to the slower students. (Or if the teacher focuses on the average in that class, the slower ones will be disadvantaged.) According to apptitude and skills tests, the sharper students should have the opportunity to take special classes which provide advance instruction in the sciences, math, and history. According to the tests, those who place best in technical (“hands-on”) interests, should be permitted to focus more on industrial skills, such as carpentry, masonry, auto repair, etc. Let us prepare our high school students for success in adult life. PROVIDE OUT-OF-CLASS VOCATIONAL INSTRUCTION FOR THOSE WHO WANT IT Let some students do apprentice work on certain afternoons under skilled instructors in the community. These can be specialties such as farming, dairy work, violin making, eye glass or watch repair, etc. Such training could get some students started on a lifetime business. But care must be taken that they are not working in hazardous locations so accidents could bring lawsuits to the schools. A contractual agreement should be entered into that the school is not responsible for accidents incurred during the hours of instruction during school release time. INCREASE FUNDING FOR THE U.S. COMMISSION ON INTERNATIONAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) provides valuable reporting and recommendations while drawing public attention to many violations of religious freedom worldwide that are not publicized by the mainstream media or other government agencies. But some people want to shut it down. For example, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) will lose government funding and shut its doors if Congress doesn’t act by mid-December 2011. The House already passed a bill to reauthorize the Commission, and now the Senate is holding it up because of one senator. Dick Durbin (D-IL) who is attempting to close it down, by putting a proce- dural “hold” on the bill, allowable under Senate rules, until its funding renewal date expires. 98 98 — PART NINE CONTENTS — THE TIME HAS COME FOR CHANGES TO BE MADE WE MUST SOLVE OUR DEEPENING MORALITY CRISIS THE FIRST AMENDMENT GUARANTEES THE RIGHT OF FREEDOM TO PRACTICE ONE’S RELIGION IN AMERICA THE HISTORY OF U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT —————— — PART NINE — THE TIME HAS COME FOR CHANGES TO BE MADE This research report has become the size of a book. As stated back at the beginning, the reason I wrote it is because I recognize that the magnitude of the problems confronting our precious nation, coupled with the inability of our legislators to solve it—will inevitably lead to an immense groundswell of demands by the public for change. If we do not demand that changes be made through legislative processes, dangerously radical attempts could be made to change our basic form of government. More and more, the public is recognizing that corrections must be made. The subservient favoritism shown to a few—the wealthy, the richest corporations, and the largest banks and investment firms, must be changed. Proper decisions and proper government regulations must once again oversee the activities of the businesses in America. More and more, the citizens of our nation are discovering that, because of the ongoing bribery scandal, our political leaders are unable to enact any meaningful changes which can solve our massive problems. From the acceptance of their first politcal contributions, onward, they have become locked into helpless subservience to those repeatedly plying them with money. We must free our political leaders from the shackles of political contributions. How to do this in a proper manner was carefully explained earlier in this report. Some may say that it is impossible for such a law or amendment to be enacted. If so, American will continue on its present downward spiral. But IF Americans will rise up and demand that these changes be made—then they will be made! Just as surely as Americans demanded that nutritional supplements be declared to be “food,” in spite of the opposition of extremely powerful drug and food cartels, so changes can be made now using the same methods. And keep two facts in mind: First, the urgency of the situation demands that our legislators be freed from political bribery. Only in this way can good men and women be elected, and only in this way will they be willing to legislate properly. Second, it will require an amendment to the Constitution to accomplish this. Otherwise the opponents of a free legislature will declare, and the Supreme Court will probably agree, that “free speech rights” are being trampled on if the big interests, and their contributions and lobbyists, are prevented from controlling Capital Hill. WE MUST SOLVE OUR DEEPENING MORALITY CRISIS There is a corrolary between immorality and America’s downward trend. And it is a close corrolary. Those of us who have given careful study to history know that the normal pattern is for a nation to arise, become strong, and then as a result of its overabundance, gradually drift into immorality and decadence. Then it is eventually conquered by one of its enemies. This is the way it was in ancient Egypt, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, and Rome. The United States is following in the same pattern. Ancient Rome, for example, had overextension of credit, “bread and circuses” for the people, great wealth and extragance for a few (including the rulers), abortion, prostitution, and unnatural sex and dressing. Eventually rioting occurred in the streets, and foreign nations conquered and destroyed the empire. For our part, America was a family oriented nation until before World War I. Then came the “roaring twenties,” movies, and stock market manipulations. This brought on the depression, and with it a return to liquor. Television arrived in the early 1950s, and the first generation raised on it were the confused hippies of the mid-1960s. Riots in the streets by minorities began later in that decade. 99 99 Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113, was the controversial landmark decision in 1973 by our U.S. Supreme Court on the issue of abortion. Since then, we have been a divided nation over that issue, and more babies have died than have men in all our wars. In the mid-1970s, men and women demanding “civil rights” for unnatural sex and dressing began and eventually became legalized. Gambling spread like a cancer, beginning in the later 1970s, through Indian reservations, riverboad casinos, state lotteries, state casinos, cruseliner casinos, and online gambling. Prostitution dramatically increased through new modes of advertising. Pornography, as another “civil right,” spread like a cancer in magazines and later online pornography. Overextension of credit by citizens and immense debt by the government burst upon us. By the turn of the millennium, we had essentially divorced ourselves from the moral standards we were founded on—and Heaven let the dark forces begin to undermine our nation: foreign and homeland terrorists, manufacturing and industry departure to overseas, excessive deregulation of business and banks, and a blizzard of bribery payments which is captivating our governments on most levels. I have not mentioned the half of it. You can fill in the details. In brief, we have abandoned obedience to basic morality. Every nation that does this is eventually destroyed. For it destroys itself. We have turned away from being humble, bleiving obedient children of God. Far too many of us live only to pamper ourselves with junk food and drink, wasted entertainment, wild music, hard drugs, and sex. Few of us live to seek God and obey Him. Few read the Bible and are determined make our Creator first in our lives. In order to regain our former strength, we must return to our former level of morality. But in doing this, we must guarantee religious freedom to every citizen. THE FIRST AMENDMENT GUARANTEES THE RIGHT OF FREEDOM TO PRACTICE ONE’S RELIGION IN AMERICA So far in our journey through this report, we have tried to locate the ways in which we could save America, our precious homeland. And then we sought for ways to improve it. Now we want to consider ways to guard that most precious treasure that we have: our religious freedoms. We must protect them from all encrouchments! Opposition to the ratification of the Constitution was partly based on the Constitution’s lack of adequate guarantees for civil liberties. To provide such guarantees, the First Amendment, along with the rest of the first ten (called the Bill of Rights), was submitted to the states for ratification on September 25, 1789, and adopted on December 15, 1791. Here are all ten of these basic “Bill of Rights” Amendments: First Amendment [Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, Petition] Second Amendment [Right to Bear Arms] Third Amendment [Quartering of Troops] Fourth Amendment [Search and Seizure] Fifth Amendment [Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, SelfIncrimination, Due Process] Sixth Amendment [Criminal Prosecutions - Jury Trial, Right to Confront and to Counsel] Seventh Amendment [Common Law Suits - Jury Trial] Eighth Amendment [Excess Bail or Fines, Cruel and Unusual Punishment] Ninth Amendment [Non-Enumerated Rights] Tenth Amendment [Rights Reserved to States] Here is the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Here is the Tenth Amendment: “The powers not delegated to the United States [federal government] by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.” The “Establishment Clause” is this phrase in the First Amendment: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Legally, this means that “the First Amendment provision prohibits the federal and state governments from establishing an official religion, or from favoring or disfavoring one view of religion over another.” (Black’s Law Dictionary, 9th ed.). Originally, the First Amendment applied only to the federal government. A number of the states effectively had established churches when the First Amendment was ratified, with 100 some remaining into the early nineteenth century. Subsequently, Everson v. Board of Education (1947) also applied the Establishment Clause to the states as well as to the federal government. However, it was not until the middle to late twentieth century that the Supreme Court began to interpret the Establishment and Free Exercise Clauses in such a manner as to restrict the promotion of religion by the states. In the Board of Education of Kiryas Joel Village School District v. Grumet, 512 U.S. 687 (1994), Justice David Souter, writing for the majority, concluded that “government should not prefer one religion to another, or religion to irreligion.” The Everson decision used the metaphor of a wall of separation between church and state, derived from the correspondence of President Thomas Jefferson. It had been long established in the decisions of the Supreme Court, beginning with Reynolds v. United States from 1879, when the Court reviewed the history of the early Republic in deciding the extent of the liberties of Mormons. Chief Justice Morrison Waite, who consulted the historian George Bancroft, also discussed at some length the Memorial against Religious Assessments by James Madison, who drafted the First Amendment; Madison used the metaphor of a “great barrier” (Edward Mannino: Shaping America: the Supreme Court and American society, University of South Carolina Press, 2000; p. 149). Justice Hugo Black adopted Jefferson’s words in the voice of the Court, and concluded that “government must be neutral among religions and nonreligion: it cannot promote, endorse, or fund religion or religious institutions.” “In the words of [Thomas] Jefferson, the clause against establishment of religion by law was intended to erect ‘a wall of separation between church and State.’ ” The United States of America is the only sizable nation in history which was started by Christians, and its basic legal documents, the Declaration of Independence and Constitution with its fundamental Amendments were prepared by Christian men. While the rights of other religions should be guarded, the rights of Christians should be especially protected. Christians are being heavily persecuted by many other nations and religions around the world. They should be protected here, and their Bible-based religious beliefs should be respected. Our government should not seek to restrict the practice of their religion. This right 100 was guaranteed in the First Amendment. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”—First Amendment. For example, some Christians practice baptism by immersion which is what the Bible teaches, while others practice infant sprinkling. Their right to baptize should not be restricted. Another example: A large number of Christians, plus many Jews, obey the Bible command to keep the Seventh day of the week holy as the Bible Sabbath. While others attend church on Sunday, the first day of the week, there are those who worship on Saturday, the Bible Sabbath. Their rights should be protected. Amid all of the changes which must—and will—inevitably come to America in the next few years, the religious rights of the people must be respected. THE HISTORY OF U.S. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS ON THE FIRST AMENDMENT Court Tests Applied to Legislation Affecting Religion.—Before considering the development of the two religion clauses by the Supreme Court, one should notice briefly the tests developed by which religion cases are adjudicated by the Court. While later cases rely on a series of rather well–defined, if difficult–to–apply, tests, the language of earlier cases “may have [contained] too sweeping utterances on aspects of these clauses that seemed clear in relation to the particular cases but have limited meaning as general principles.”13 It is well to recall that “the purpose [of the religion clauses] was to state an objective, not to write a statute.”14 In 1802, President Jefferson wrote a letter to a group of Baptists in Danbury, Connecticut, in which he declared that it was the purpose of the First Amendment to build “a wall of separation between Church and State.”15 In Reynolds v. United States,16 Chief Justice Waite for the Court characterized the phrase as “almost an authoritative declaration of the scope and effect of the amendment.” In its first encounters with religion–based challenges to state programs, the Court looked to Jefferson’s metaphor for substantial guidance.17 But 101 a metaphor may obscure as well as illuminate, and the Court soon began to emphasize neutrality and voluntarism as the standard of restraint on governmental action.18 The concept of neutrality itself is “a coat of many colors,”19 and three standards that could be stated in objective fashion emerged as tests of Establishment Clause validity. The first two standards were part of the same formulation. “The test may be stated as follows: what are the purpose and the primary effect of the enactment? If either is the advancement or inhibition of religion then the enactment exceeds the scope of legislative power as circumscribed by the Constitution. That is to say that to withstand the strictures of the Establishment Clause there must be a secular legislative purpose and a primary effect that neither advances nor inhibits religion.”20 The third test is whether the governmental program results in “an excessive government entanglement with religion. The test is inescapably one of degree . . . [T]he questions are whether the involvement is excessive, and whether it is a continuing one calling for official and continuing surveillance leading to an impermissible degree of entanglement.”21 In 1971 these three tests were combined and restated in Chief Justice Burger’s opinion for the Court in Lemon v. Kurtzman,22 and are frequently referred to by reference to that case name. Although at one time accepted in principle by all of the Justices,23 the tests have sometimes been difficult to apply,24 have recently come under direct attack by some Justices,25 Supplement: [Pp. 973–74, change text following n.25 to read:] and in several instances have not been applied at all by the Court. and in two in[p.974]stances have not been applied at all by the Court. 26 Supplement: [P. 974, change text following n.26 to read:] Nonetheless, the Court employed the Lemon tests in its most recent Establishment Clause decisions,1 and it remains the case that those tests have served as the primary standard of Establishment Clause validity for the past three decades. However, other tests have also been formulated and used. Justice Kennedy has proffered “coercion” as an alternative test for violations of the Establishment Clause,2 and the Court has used that test as the basis for decision from time to time.3 But that test has been criticized on the grounds 101 it would eliminate a principal distinction between the Establishment Clause and the Free Exercise Clause and make the former a “virtual nullity.” 4 Justice O’Connor has suggested “endorsement” as a clarification of the Lemon test, i.e., that the Establishment Clause is violated if the government intends its action to endorse or disapprove of religion or if a “reasonable observer” would perceive the government’s action as such an endorsement or disapproval 5; and the Court also has used this test for some of its decisions.6 But others have criticized the endorsement test as too amorphous to provide certain guidance.7 Justice O’Connor has also suggested that it may be inappropriate to try to shoehorn all Establishment Clause cases into one test and has called instead for recognition that different contexts may call for different approaches.8 In its two most recent Establishment Clause decisions, it might be noted, the Court employed all three tests in one decision 9 and relied primarily on the Lemon tests in the other.10 In interpreting and applying the Free Exercise Clause, the Court has consistently held religious beliefs to be absolutely immune from governmental interference.11 But it has used a number of standards to review government action restrictive of religiously motivated conduct, ranging from formal neutrality 12 to clear and present danger 13 to strict scrutiny.14 For cases of intentional governmental discrimination against religion, the Court still employs strict scrutiny.15 But for most other free exercise cases it has now reverted to a standard of formal neutrality. “[T]he right of free exercise,” it recently stated, “does not relieve an individual of the obligation to comply with a ‘valid and neutral law of general applicability on the ground the law proscribes (or prescribes) conduct that his religion prescribes (or proscribes).’ ” 16 While continued application is uncertain, the Lemon tests nonetheless have served for twenty years as the standard measure of Establishment Clause validity and explain most of the Court’s decisions in the area.27 As of the end of the Court’s 1991–92 Term, there was not yet a consensus among Lemon critics as to what substitute test should be favored.28 Reliance on “coercion” for that purpose would eliminate a principal distinction between establishment cases and free exercise cases and render the Establishment Clause largely duplicative of the Free Exercise Clause.29 Government Neutrality in Religious Disputes.—One value that both clauses of the religion section serve is to enforce governmental 102 neutrality in deciding controversies arising out of religious disputes. Schism sometimes develops within churches or between a local church and the general church, resulting in secession or expulsion of one faction or of the local church. A dispute over which body is to have control of the property of the church will then often be taken into the courts. It is now established that both religion clauses prevent governmental inquiry into religious doctrine in settling such disputes, and instead require courts simply to look to the decision–making body or process in the church and to give effect to whatever decision is officially and properly made. The first such case was Watson v. Jones,30 which was decided on common–law grounds in a diversity action without explicit reliance on the First Amendment. A constitutionalization of the rule was made in Kedroff v. St. Nicholas Cathedral,31 in which the Court held unconstitutional a state statute that recognized the autonomy and authority of those North American branches of the Russian Orthodox Church which had declared their independence from the general church. Recognizing that Watson v. Jones had been decided on nonconstitutional grounds, the Court thought nonetheless that the opinion “radiates . . . a spirit of freedom for religious organizations, and independence from secular control or manipulation— in short, power to decide for themselves, free from state interference, matters of church government as well as those of faith and doctrine.”32 The power of civil courts to resolve church property disputes was severely circumscribed, the Court held, because to permit resolution of doctrinal disputes in court was to jeopardize First Amendment values. What a court must do, it was held, is to look at the church rules: if the church is a hierarchical one which reposes determination of ecclesiastical issues in a certain body, the resolution by that body is determinative, while if the church is a congregational one prescribing action by a majority vote, that determination will prevail.33 On the other hand, a court confronted with a church property dispute could apply “neutral principles of law, developed for use in all property disputes,” when to do so would not require resolution of doctrinal issues.34 In a later case the Court elaborated on the limits of proper inquiry, holding that an argument over a matter of internal church government, the power to reorganize the dioceses of a hierarchical church in this country, was “at the core of ecclesiastical affairs” and a 102 court could not interpret the church constitution to make an independent determination of the power but must defer to the interpretation of the body authorized to decide.35 In Jones v. Wolf,36 however, a divided Court, while formally adhering to these principles, appeared to depart in substance from their application. A schism had developed in a local church which was a member of a hierarchical church, and the majority voted to withdraw from the general church. The proper authority of the general church determined that the minority constituted the “true congregation” of the local church and awarded them authority over it. The Court approved the approach of the state court in applying neutral principles by examining the deeds to the church property, state statutes, and provisions of the general church’s constitution concerning ownership and control of church property in order to determine that no language of trust in favor of the general church was contained in any of them and that the property thus belonged to the local congregation.37 Further, the Court held, the First Amendment did not prevent the state court from applying a presumption of majority rule to award control to the majority of the local congregation, provided that it permitted defeasance of the presumption upon a showing that the identity of the local church is to be determined by some other means as expressed perhaps in the general church charter.38 The dissent argued that to permit a court narrowly to view only the church documents relating to property ownership permitted the ignoring of the fact that the dispute was over ecclesiastical matters and that the general church had decided which faction of the congregation was the local church.39 Thus, it is unclear where the Court is on this issue. Jones v. Wolf restated the rule that it is improper to review an ecclesiastical dispute and that deference is required in those cases, but by approving a neutral principles inquiry which in effect can filter out the doctrinal issues underlying a church dispute, the Court seems[p.977]to have approved at least an indirect limitation of the authority of hierarchical churches.40 Establishment of Religion “For the men who wrote the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment the ‘establishment’ of a religion connoted sponsorship, financial support, and active involvement of the sovereign in religious activity.”41 However, the Court’s reading 103 of the clause has never resulted in the barring of all assistance which aids, however incidentally, a religious institution. Outside this area, the decisions generally have more rigorously prohibited what may be deemed governmental promotion of religious doctrine. Footnotes 13 Walz v. Tax Comm’n, 397 U.S. 664, 668 (1970) . 14 Id. 15 16 The Writings of Thomas Jefferson 281 (A. Libscomb ed., 1904). 16 98 U.S. 145, 164 (1879) . 17 Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1, 16 (1947) ; Illinois ex rel. McCollum v. Board of Education, 333 U.S. 203, 211, 212 (1948) ; cf. Zorach v. Clauson, 343 U.S. 306, 317 (1952) (Justice Black dissenting). In Lemon v. Kurtzman, 403 U.S. 602, 614 (1971) , Chief Justice Burger remarked that “the line of separation, far from being a ‘wall,’ is a blurred, indistinct and variable barrier depending on all the circumstances of a particular relationship.” Similar observations were repeated by the Chief Justice in his opinion for the Court in Lynch v. Donnelly, 465 U.S. 668, 673 (1984) (the metaphor is not “wholly accurate”; the Constitution does not “require complete separation of church and state [but] affirmatively mandates accommodation, not merely tolerance, of all religions, and forbids hostility toward any”). 18 Zorach v. Clauson, 343 U.S. 306, 314 (1952) ; Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962) ; Sherbert v. Verner, 374 U.S. 398 (1963) ; Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 305 (1963) (Justice Goldberg concurring); Walz v. Tax Comm’n, 397 U.S. 664, 694–97 (1970) (Justice Harlan concurring). In the opinion of the Court in the latter case, Chief Justice Burger wrote: “The course of constitutional neutrality in this area cannot be an absolutely straight line; rigidity could well defeat the basic purpose of these provisions, which is to insure that no religion be sponsored or favored, none commanded, and none inhibited. The general principle deducible from the First Amendment and all that has been said by the Court is this: that we will not tolerate either governmentally established religion or governmental interference with religion. Short of those expressly proscribed governmental acts there is room for play in the joints productive of a benevolent neutrality which will permit religious exercise to exist without sponsorship and without interference.” Id. at 669. 19 Board of Education v. Allen, 392 U.S. 236, 103 249 (1968) (Justice Harlan concurring). 20 Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 222 (1963) . 21 Walz v. Tax Comm’n, 397 U.S. 664, 674–75 (1970) . 22 403 U.S. 602, 612–13 (1971) . 23 E.g., Committee for Public Educ. & Religious Liberty v. Regan, 444 U.S. 646, 653 (1980) , and id. at 665 (dissenting opinion); Stone v. Graham, 449 U.S. 39, 40 (1980) , and id. at 43 (dissenting opinion). 24 The tests provide “helpful signposts,” Hunt v. McNair, 413 U.S. 734, 741 (1973) , and are at best “guidelines” rather than a “constitutional caliper;” they must be used to consider “the cumulative criteria developed over many years and applying to a wide range of governmental action.” Inevitably, “no ‘bright line’ guidance is afforded.” Tilton v. Richardson, 403 U.S. 672, 677–78 (1971) . See also Committee for Public Educ. & Religious Liberty v. Nyquist, 413 U.S. 756, 761 & n.5, 773 n.31 (1973); Committee for Public Educ. & Religious Liberty v. Regan, 444 U.S. 646, 662 (1980) , and id. at 663 (Justice Blackmun dissenting). 25 See, e.g., Edwards v. Aguillard, 482 U.S. 578, 636–40 (1987) (Justice Scalia, joined by Chief Justice Rehnquist, dissenting) (advocating abandonment of the “purpose” test); Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 108–12 (1985) (Justice Rehnquist dissenting); Aguilar v. Felton, 473 U.S. 402, 426–30 (1985) (Justice O’Connor, dissenting) (addressing difficulties in applying the entanglement prong); Roemer v. Maryland Bd. of Public Works, 426 U.S. 736, 768–69 (Justice White concurring in judgment) (objecting to entanglement test). Justice Kennedy has also acknowledged criticisms of the Lemon tests, while at the samed time finding no need to reexamine them. See, e.g., Allegheny County v. Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, 492 U.S. 573, 655–56 (1989) . At least with respect to public aid to religious schools, Justice Stevens would abandon the tests and simply adopt a “no–aid” position. Committee for Public Educ. & Religious Liberty v. Regan, 444 U.S. 646, 671 (1980) . 26 See Marsh v. Chambers, 463 U.S. 783 (1983) (upholding legislative prayers on the basis of historical practice); Lee v. Weisman, 112 Ct. 2649, 2655 (1992) (rejecting a request to reconsider Lemon because the practice of invocations at public high school graduations was invalid under established school prayer precedents). The Court has also held that the tripartite test is not appli- 104 cable when law grants a denominational preference, distinguishing between religions; rather, the distinction is to be subjected to the strict scrutiny of a suspect classification. Larson v. Valente, 456 U.S. 228, 244–46 (1982) . Supplement: [P. 974, add to n.26 following Lee v. Weisman citation:] Zobrest v. Catalina Foothills Sch. Dist., 509 U.S. 1 (1993) (upholding provision of sign–language interpreter to deaf student attending parochial school); Board of Educ. of Kiryas Joel Village v. Grumet, 512 U.S. 687 (1994) (invalidating law creating special school district for village composed exclusively of members of one religious sect); Rosenberger v. University of Virginia, 515 U.S. 819 (1995) (upholding the extension of a university subsidy of student publications to a student religious publication). 27 Justice Blackmun, concurring in Lee, contended that Marsh was the only one of 31 Establishment cases between 1971 and 1992 not to be decided on the basis on the Lemon tests. 112 S. Ct. at 2663, n.4. 28 In 1990 Justice Kennedy, joined by Justice Scalia, proposed that “neutral” accommodations of religion should be permissible so long as they do not establish a state religion, and so long as there is no “coercion” to participate in religious exercises. Westside Community Bd. of Educ. v. Mergens, 496 U.S. 226, 260–61. The two Justices parted company, however, over the permissiblity of invocations at public high school graduation ceremonies, Justice Scalia in dissent strongly criticizing Justice Kennedy’s approach in the opinion of the Court for its reliance on psychological coercion. Justice Scalia would not “expand[ ] the concept of coercion beyond acts backed by threat of penalty.” Lee v. Weisman, 112 Ct. 2649, 2684 (1992). Chief Justice Rehnquist has advocated limiting application to a prohibition on establishing a national (or state) church or favoring one religious group over another. Wallace v. Jaffree, 472 U.S. 38, 98, 106 (1985) (dissenting). 29 Abington School District v. Schempp, 374 U.S. 203, 222–23 (1963) . See also Board of Education v. Allen, 392 U.S. 236, 248–49 (1968) ; and Tilton v. Richardson, 403 U.S. 672, 689 (1971) ; Lee v. Weisman, 112 S. Ct. 2649, 2673 (Justice Souter concurring) (“a literal application of the coercion test would render the Establishment Clause a virtual nullity”). 30 80 U.S. (13 Wall.) 679 (1872). 31 344 U.S. 94 (1952) . Kedroff was grounded on the Free Exercise Clause. Id. at 116. But the 104 subsequent cases used a collective “First Amendment” designation. 32 Id. at 116. On remand, the state court adopted the same ruling on the merits but relied on a common–law rule rather than the statute. This too was struck down. Kreshik v. St. Nicholas Cathedral, 363 U.S. 190 (1960) . 33 Presbyterian Church v. Hull Memorial Presbyterian Church, 393 U.S. 440, 447, 450–51 (1969) ; Maryland and Virginia Eldership of the Churches of God v. Church of God at Sharpsburg, 396 U.S. 367 (1970) . For a similar rule of neutrality in another context, see United States v. Ballard, 322 U.S. 78 (1944) (denying defendant charged with mail fraud through dissemination of purported religious literature the right to present to the jury evidence of the truthfulness of the religious views he urged). 34 Presbyterian Church v. Hull Memorial Presbyterian Church, 393 U.S. 440, 449 (1969) ; Maryland and Virginia Eldership of the Churches of God v. Church of God of Sharpsburg, 396 U.S. 367, 368 (1970) . See also id. at 368–70 (Justice Brennan concurring). 35 The Serbian Eastern Orthodox Diocese v. Dionisije Milivojevich, 426 U.S. 697, 720–25 (1976) . In Gonzalez v. Archbishop, 280 U.S. 1 (1929) , the Court had permitted limited inquiry into the legality of the actions taken under church rules. The Serbian Eastern Court disapproved of this inquiry with respect to concepts of “arbitrariness,” although it reserved decision on the “fraud” and “collusion” exceptions. 426U.S. at 708–20 426U.S. at 708–20. 36 443 U.S. 595 (1979) . In the majority were Justices Blackmun, Brennan, Marshall, Rehnquist, and Stevens. Dissenting were Justices Powell, Stewart, White, and Chief Justice Burger. 37 Id. at 602–06. 38 Id. at 606–10. Because it was unclear whether the state court had applied such a rule and applied it properly, the Court remanded. 39 Id. at 610. 40 The Court indicated that the general church could always expressly provide in its charter or in deeds to property the proper disposition of disputed property. But here the general church had decided which faction was the “true congregation,” and this would appear to constitute as definitive a ruling as the Court’s suggested alternatives. Id. at 606. 41 Walz v. Tax Comm’n, 397 U.S. 664, 668 (1970) . “Two great drives are constantly in motion to abridge, in the name of education, the 105 complete division of religion and civil authority which our forefathers made. One is to introduce religious education and observances into the public schools. The other, to obtain public funds for the aid and support of various private religious schools. . . . In my opinion both avenues were closed by the Constitution.” Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1, 63 (1947) (Justice Rutledge dissenting). Supplement Footnotes 1 Agostini v. Felton, 521 U.S. 203 (1997) (upholding under the Lemon tests the provision of remedial educational services by public school teachers to sectarian elementary and secondary schoolchildren on the premises of the sectarian schools); Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Doe, 120S. Ct. 2266 (2000) (holding unconstitutional under the Lemon tests as well as under the coercion and endorsement tests a school district policy permitting high school students to decide by majority vote whether to have a student offer a prayer over the public address system prior to home football games); and Mitchell v. Helms, 120S. Ct. 2530 (2000) (upholding under the Lemon tests a federally funded program providing instructional materials and equipment to public and private elementary and secondary schools, including sectarian schools). 2 County of Allegheny v. Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, 492 U.S. 573, 655 (1989) (Justice Kennedy concurring in part and dissenting in part). 3 Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. 577 (1992) , and Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Doe, 120S. Ct. 2216 (2000). 4 Lee v. Weisman, 505 U.S. 577, 621 (Justice Souter concurring). See also County of Allegheny v. Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, 492 U.S. 573, 623 (1989) (Justice O’Connor concurring in part and concurring in the judgment). 5 Lynch v. Donnelly, 465 U.S. 668, 688 (1984) (Justice O’Connor concurring); Allegheny County v. Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, 492 U.S. 573, 625 (1989) (Justice O’Connor concurring); Board of Educ. of Kiryas Joel Village v. Grumet, 512 U.S. 687, 712 (1994) (Justice O’Connor concurring). 6 Wallace v. Jaffrey, 472 U.S. 38 (1985) ; Grand Rapids School Dist. v. Ball, 473 U.S. 373 (1985) ; County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union Greater Pittsburgh Chapter, 492 U.S. 573; Capitol Square Review and Advisory Bd. v. Pinette, 515 U.S. 753 (1995) ; and Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Doe, 120S. Ct. 2216 (2000). 7 County of Allegheny v. Greater Pittsburgh ACLU, 492 U.S. 573, 655 (1989) (Justice Kennedy 105 concurring in the judgment in part and dissenting in part); and Capitol Square Review and Advisory Bd. v. Pinette, 515 U.S. 753, 768 n.3 (1995) (Justice Scalia concurring). 8 Board of Educ. of Kiryas Joel Village v. Grumet, 512 U.S. 687, 718–723 (1994) (Justice O’Connor concurring in part and concurring in the judgment). 9 Santa Fe Indep. Sch. Dist. v. Doe, 120S. Ct. 2266 (2000). 10 Mitchell v. Helms, 120S. Ct. 2530 (2000). 11 Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. (8 Otto) 145 (1878); Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296 (1940) ; Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993) . 12 Reynolds v. United States, 98 U.S. (8 Otto) 145 (1878); Braunfeld v. Brown, 366 U.S. 599 (1961) . 13 Cantwell v. Connecticut, 310 U.S. 296 (1940) . 14 Sherbert v. Verner, 374 U.S. 398 (1963) ; Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972) . 15 Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah, 508 U.S. 520 (1993) . 16 Employment Div. v. Smith, 494 U.S. 872, 879 (1990) , quoting United States v. Lee, 455 U.S. 252, 263, n.3 (1982) (Justice Stevens concurring in the judgment). 106 106 — PART TEN CONTENTS — SIGNIFICANT QUOTATIONS FROM EARLIER IN OUR HISTORY PROTECTING OUR NATION —————— — PART TEN — SIGNIFICANT QUOTATIONS FROM EARLIER IN OUR HISTORY PROTECTING OUR NATION “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”— Abraham Lincoln. “History, in general, only informs us what bad government is.”—Thomas Jefferson. “A typical vice of American politics is the avoidance of saying anything real on real issues.”—Theodore Roosevelt “I was born an American; I will live an American; I shall die an American.”—Daniel Webster. “Our properties within our own territories should not be taxed or regulated by any power on earth but our own.”—Thomas Jefferson. “In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.”—Thomas Jefferson. “Happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”—George Washington “Where annual elections end slavery begins.”—John Quincy Adams “Let not him who is houseless pull down the house of another, but let him work diligently to build one for himself, thus by example assuring that his own shall be safe from violence.”—Abraham Lincoln “I see one-third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt (January 20, 1937). “The saddest epitaph which can be carved in memory of a vanished liberty is that it was lost because its possessors failed to stretch forth a saving hand while yet there was time.”— George Sutherland, 1862-1942, U.S. Supreme Court Justice. “Peace and abstinence from European interferences are our objects, and so will continue while the present order of things in America remain uninterrupted.”—Thomas Jefferson. “We demand that big business give the people a square deal; in return we must insist that when any one engaged in big business honestly endeavors to do right he shall himself be given a square deal.”—Theodore Roosevelt (1913). “Whenever a man has cast a longing eye on them [political offices], a rottenness begins in his conduct.”—Thomas Jefferson (1799). “Let us have faith that right makes might; and in that faith let us to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it.”—Abraham Lincoln. “If Congress can employ money indefinitely to the general welfare . . they may appoint teachers in every state . . The powers of Congress would [then] subvert the very foundation, the very nature of the limited government established by the people of America.”—James Madison. “The first requisite of a good citizen in this Republic of ours is that he shall be able and willing to pull his weight.”—Theodore Roosevelt (November 11, 1903). “ ‘Thou shalt not covet’ means that it is sinful even to contemplate the seizure of another man’s goods—which is something which Socialists, whether Christian or otherwise, have never managed to explain away.”—John Chamberlain. “Let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt (March 4, 1933). “Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone, and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your vote is never lost.”—John Quincy Adams “A man who has never gone to school may steal from a freight car; but if he has a university education, he may steal the whole railroad.”— Theodore Roosevelt “Experience teaches us that it is much easier to prevent an enemy from posting themselves than it is to dislodge them after they have got possession.”—George Washington. “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations—entangling alliances with none.”— Thomas Jefferson. “The Ten Commandments contain 297 words. The Bill of Rights is stated in 463 words. Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address contains 266 words. A recent federal directive to regulate the price of cabbage contains 26,911 words.”—The Atlanta Journal “Laws are made for men of ordinary understanding and should, therefore, be construed by the ordinary rules of common sense. Their 107 meaning is not to be sought for in metaphysical subtleties which may make anything mean everything or nothing at pleasure.”—Thomas Jefferson. “In the counsels of Government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the Military Industrial Complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”—President Eisenhower, Farewell address to the nation. “If a due participation of office is a matter of right, how are vacancies to be obtained? Those by death are few, by resignation none.”—Thomas Jefferson. “You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in the struggle for independence.”—Charles A. Beard (American historian). “We cannot expect the Americans to jump from Capitalism to Communism, but we can assist their elected leaders in giving Americans small doses of Socialism, until they suddenly awake to find they have Communism.”—Nikita Kruschev, Premiere of the former Soviet Union, 3-1/2 months before his first visit to the United States. “If the principle were to prevail of a common law [context: a single government] being in force in the United States . . it would become the most corrupt government on the earth.”—Thomas Jefferson (August 13, 1800). “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”—Norman Thomas, for many years the U.S. Socialist Party presidential candidate. “Few men have virtue to withstand the highest bidder.”—George Washington. “Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.”—Theodore Roosevelt (1913, speaking of the Progressive Party). “The marvel of all history is the patience with which men and women submit to burdens 107 unnecessarily laid upon them by their governments.”—George Washington. “No duty the Executive had to perform was so trying as to put the right man in the right place.”—Thomas Jefferson. “The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves.”—George Washington. “Worry is the interest paid by those who borrow trouble.”—George Washington. “Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism.”—George Washington. “A radical is a man with both feet firmly planted in the air.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt (October 26, 1939). “A man who is good enough to shed his blood for the country is good enough to be given a square deal afterwards.”—Theodore Roosevelt (June 4, 1903). “There is homely adage which runs, ‘Speak softly and carry a big stick.’ ”—Theodore Roosevelt (September 2, 1901). “There can be no fifty-fifty Americanism in this country. There is room here for only 100 percent Americanism, only for those who are Americans and nothing else.”—Theodore Roosevelt. “Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!—Patrick Henry. “In the future days, which we seek to make secure, we look forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms: The first is freedom of speech and expression. The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own way. The third is freedom from want. The fourth is freedom from fear.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt (January 6, 1941). “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”—Thomas Jefferson (November 13, 1787). “If you love wealth more than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, depart from us in peace. We ask not your counsel nor your arms. Crouch down and lick the hand that feeds you. May your chains rest lightly upon you and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.”—Samuel Adams. “Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just.”—Thomas Jefferson (1784). 108 “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretence, raised in the United States.”—Noah Webster. “This year will go down in history. For the first time, a civilized nation has full gun registration. Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the future!”—Adolph Hitler [1935] The Weapons Act of Nazi Germany. “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”— Abraham Lincoln (June 16, 1858). “I take the official oath today with no mental reservations, and with no purpose to construe the Constition or laws by any hypercritical rules.”— Abraham Lincoln (March 4, 1861). “This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing goverment, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it.”—Abraham Lincoln. “I think the necessity fo being ready increases.”—Abraham Lincoln (the entirety of a letter to Governor Andrew Curtin of Pennsylvania, April 8, 1861). “When peace has been broken anywhere, the peace of all countries everywhere is in danger.”— Franklin D. Roosevelt (September 3, 1939). “We must be the great arsenal of democracy.”—Franklin D. Roosevelt (December 29, 1940). THE MORAL PRINCIPLES OF OUR NATION “Suppose a nation in some distant region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited . . What a utopia, what a paradise would that region be!”—John Adams “The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His apostles . . to this we owe our free constitutions of government.”— Noah Webster “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.”—Theodore Roosevelt “The highest glory of the American Revolution was this—that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity.”—John Quincy Adams “The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty. A student’s perusal of the sacred volume will make 108 him a better citizen, a better father, a better husband.”—Thomas Jefferson “The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests.”—Andrew Jackson “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed.”—Noah Webster “We have staked the future of American civilization upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God.”—James Madison “He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world.”—Benjamin Franklin “It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ.”—Patrick Henry “Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?”—Thomas Jefferson “It is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almight God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly implore His protection and favor.”—George Washington “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”—John Adams “It is impossible for the man of pious reflection not to perceive in [the Constitution] a finger of that Almighty hand which has been so frequently and signally extended to our relief in the critical stages of the revolution.”—James Madison, Father of the Constitution. “The belief in a God All Powerful wise and good, is so essential to the moral order of the world and to the happiness of man, that arguments which enforce it cannot be drawn from too many sources nor adapted with too much solicitude to the different characters and capacities impressed with it.”—James Madison “Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face.”—Ronald Reagan. “Without God, democracy will not and cannot long endure.”—Ronald Reagan. “If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.”—Ronald Reagan. “We are never defeated unless we give up on God.”—Ronald Reagan. SOME ADDITIONAL PRINCIPLES 109 “As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.”— Abraham Lincoln. “Ballots are the rightful and peaceful successors to bullets.”—Abraham Lincoln “Be sure you put your feet in the right place, then stand firm.”—Abraham Lincoln “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.”—Abraham Lincoln. “All that I am, or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother.”—Abraham Lincoln “I remember my mother’s prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.”—Abraham Lincoln “He who molds the public sentiment . . makes statutes and decisions possible or impossible to make.”—Abraham Lincoln. “I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts.”—Abraham Lincoln. “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.”—Abraham Lincoln I do not think much of a man who is not wiser today than he was yesterday.”—Abraham Lincoln. “I have always found that mercy bears richer fruits than strict justice.”—Abraham Lincoln. “I hope to stand firm enough to not go backward, and yet not go forward fast enough to wreck the country’s cause.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Important principles may, and must, be inflexible.”—Abraham Lincoln. “It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration.”—Abraham Lincoln. “My dream is of a place and a time where America will once again be seen as the last best hope of earth.”—Abraham Lincoln. “My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.”— Abraham Lincoln. “Our defense is in the preservation of the spirit 109 which prizes liberty as a heritage of all men, in all lands, everywhere. Destroy this spirit and you have planted the seeds of despotism around your own doors.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can fail. Without it, nothing can succeed.”—Abraham Lincoln. “That some achieve great success, is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.”—Abraham Lincoln “No man is good enough to govern another man without that other’s consent.”—Abraham .Lincoln The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.”—Abraham Lincoln. “The probability that we may fail in the struggle ought not to deter us from the support of a cause we believe to be just.”—Abraham Lincoln. “These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the people.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves.”—Abraham Lincoln. “To sin by silence when they should protest makes cowards of men.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.”—Abraham Lincoln. “We should be too big to take offense and too noble to give it.”—Abraham Lincoln. “We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.”—Abraham Lincoln. “Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”—Abraham Lincoln. “With Malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds.—Abraham Lincoln. “You cannot build character and courage by taking away a man’s initiative and independence.—Abraham Lincoln. ————— “Concentrated power has always been the enemy of liberty.”—Ronald Reagan. “Each generation goes further than the generation preceding it because it stands on the shoulders of that generation. You will have opportunities beyond anything we’ve ever known.”—Ronald Reagan. 110 “Entrepreneurs and their small enterprises are responsible for almost all the economic growth in the United States.”—Ronald Reagan. “Facts are stubborn things.”—Ronald Reagan. “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”—Ronald Reagan. “Freedom prospers when religion is vibrant and the rule of law under God is acknowledged.”—Ronald Reagan. “Government always finds a need for whatever money it gets.”—Ronald Reagan. “Government does not solve problems; it subsidizes them.”—Ronald Reagan. “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”— Ronald Reagan. “Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”—Ronald Reagan. “Government’s first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives.”—Ronald Reagan. “Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.”—Ronald Reagan. “Governments tend not to solve problems, only to rearrange them.”—Ronald Reagan. “Above all, we must realize that no arsenal, or no weapon in the arsenals of the world, is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have.”—Ronald Reagan. “History teaches that war begins when governments believe the price of aggression is cheap.”— Ronald Reagan. “How do you tell a communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”—Ronald Reagan. “If the Soviet Union let another political party come into existence, they would still be a oneparty state, because everybody would join the other party.”—Ronald Reagan. “I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress.”—Ronald Reagan. “I’ve never been able to understand why a Republican contributor is a ‘fat cat’ and a Democratic contributor of the same amount of money 110 is a ‘public-spirited philanthropist’.”—Ronald Reagan. “Information is the oxygen of the modern age. It seeps through the walls topped by barbed wire, it wafts across the electrified borders.”—Ronald Reagan. “My philosophy of life is that if we make up our mind what we are going to make of our lives, then work hard toward that goal, we never lose— somehow we win out.”—Ronald Reagan. “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal life we’ll ever see on this earth!”—Ronald Reagan. “No mother would ever willingly sacrifice her sons for territorial gain, for economic advantage, for ideology.”—Ronald Reagan. “One way to make sure crime doesn’t pay would be to let the government run it.”—Ronald Reagan. “Peace is not absence of conflict, it is the ability to handle conflict by peaceful means.”—Ronald Reagan. “People do not make wars; governments do.”— Ronald Reagan. “Politics is not a bad profession. If you succeed there are many rewards, if you disgrace yourself you can always write a book.”—Ronald Reagan. “Protecting the rights of even the least individual among us is basically the only excuse the government has for even existing.”—Ronald Reagan. “Recession is when a neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.”—Ronald Reagan. “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.”—Ronald Reagan. “Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don’t interfere as long as the policy you’ve decided upon is being carried out.”—Ronald Reagan. “The best minds are not in government. If any were, business would steal them away.”—Ronald Reagan. “The most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I’m here to help.”—Ronald Reagan. “The problem is not that people are taxed too little, the problem is that government spends too much.”—Ronald Reagan. “The taxpayer: that’s someone who works for 111 the federal government but doesn’t have to take the civil service examination.”—Ronald Reagan. “To sit back hoping that someday, some way, someone will make things right—is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last - but eat you he will.”—Ronald Reagan. “Today we did what we had to do. They counted on America to be passive. They counted wrong.”—Ronald Reagan. “Today, if you invent a better mousetrap, the government comes along with a better mouse.”— Ronald Reagan. “Trust, but verify.”—Ronald Reagan. “We can not play innocents abroad in a world that is not innocent.”—Ronald Reagan. “We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”—Ronald Reagan. “We have the duty to protect the life of an unborn child.”—Ronald Reagan. “We might come closer to balancing the Budget if all of us lived closer to the Commandments and the Golden Rule.”—Ronald Reagan. “We must reject the idea that every time a law’s broken, society is guilty rather than the lawbreaker. It is time to restore the American precept that each individual is accountable for his actions.”—Ronald Reagan. “Welfare’s purpose should be to eliminate, as far as possible, the need for its own existence.”— Ronald Reagan. “We should measure welfare’s success by how many people leave welfare, not by how many are added.”—Ronald Reagan. “We will always remember. We will always be proud. We will always be prepared, so we will always be free.”—Ronald Reagan. 111
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