GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products To meet the Requirements of the EMC Directive A-72937E-09 August 2000 To meet the requirement of the EMC Directive 9th Edition/ Aug 30, 2000 Hardware Laboratory FANUC LTD 1. Forewords .......................................................................................................................3 2. Conformity evaluation test............................................................................................4 2.1 Items of conformity test for FANUC products .......................................................4 2.2 Certification for a machine series ...........................................................................5 3. Guidelines for electric design ........................................................................................5 3.1 Cabinet ......................................................................................................................7 3.1.1 Fundamental consideration about cabinets ....................................................7 3.1.2 Treatment of gaps ..............................................................................................7 3.1.3 Biggest allowable hole .......................................................................................7 3.1.4 Close holes electrically ......................................................................................8 3.1.5 Door.....................................................................................................................8 3.1.6 Eliminate conductive stuffs floating electrically.............................................9 3.1.7 Operation box .....................................................................................................9 3.1.8 Separation of input power portion................................................................. 10 3.2 Noise filter.............................................................................................................. 12 3.3 Surge absorber ....................................................................................................... 15 3.4 Spark killers........................................................................................................... 16 3.5 Grounding of equipment ....................................................................................... 16 4. Cables........................................................................................................................... 17 4.1 Grounding of shield (braided copper wire) .......................................................... 17 4.2 Ferrite core............................................................................................................. 18 4.3 Detailed description of each cable........................................................................ 18 (1) Video cable (in case of CRT display) ................................................................. 18 (2) Video cable (in case of display units other than CRT display) ....................... 19 (3) Video cable (where Distribution Board is employed) ...................................... 19 (4) Power supply cable for Distribution Board ...................................................... 19 (5) Power supply cable for display units (where Distribution Board is employed) ............................................................ 19 (6) Power supply cable for display units (in case of CRT display) ....................... 20 1 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (7) Power supply cable for display units (in case of display units other than CRT display)............................................. 20 (8) MDI cable ............................................................................................................ 20 (9) Cable of Manual Pulse Generator..................................................................... 20 (10) Servo command cable ....................................................................................... 20 (11) Servo motor feedback cable ............................................................................. 21 (12) Servo motor power cable .................................................................................. 21 (13) Shield treatment of each model at motor side ............................................... 22 (14) Servo motor brake and fan cable..................................................................... 24 (15) Feedback cables for additional position detector........................................... 25 (16) Spindle command cable (serial interface and analog interface)................... 25 (17) Spindle power cable and fan cable .................................................................. 25 (18) Spindle motor feedback cable (between motor and amplifier)...................... 26 (20) Serial port cable (RS232C, RS422) ................................................................. 27 (21). I/O link cable.................................................................................................... 27 (22). DI/DO cable (both of DC24V type and AC voltage type) .............................. 27 (23). Analog I/O cable............................................................................................... 27 (24). DC24V Power supply cable for various unit ................................................. 28 (25). Communication cable for I/0 unit Model B ................................................... 28 (26). Battery cables .................................................................................................. 28 (27). Connection cables to electric devices put in machine side........................... 28 (28). Input power cable ............................................................................................ 28 (29). AC 200V input power cable for PSM control................................................. 28 Annex 1: Change of FANUC products in relation with the EMC Directive............... 29 Directive Annex 2: List of cables .................................................................................................... 31 Annex 3: Outer dimensions of noise filter..................................................................... 35 filter Annex 4: Sample drawing of metal fittings for spindle................................................ 44 spindle Annex 5: List of shielded cables based on IEC standard (Power cable for Servo motor, Cable for break/fan of Servo motor) .................... 46 Annex 6: Noise-preventive Devices Manufacturers ..................................................... 47 2 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 1. Forewords In EU, the EMC Directive became mandatory on 1. January 1996. To show the conformity, CE marking is required to apply on products. As it is known, the CE mark is primarily for final products for users. FANUC’s CNCs and amplifiers are essentially parts of machine tools, nevertheless, considering various situations like FANUC exports those products directly to EU, FANUC has decided to display the CE mark in those products (hereafter referred as FANUC products). However, by the following reasons, the CE marking of FANUC products does not certify that a machine equipped with FANUC products conforms to the EMC Directive. 1) The CE mark of FANUC products assumes that the products are installed to fulfill certain conditions. Therefore MTBs have to install the products as requested in the conditions. 2) Normally, a machine tool has electric equipment from other vendors than FANUC. For that equipment, an MTB is supposed to take appropriate countermeasure to meet the EMC Directive requirement if necessary. Therefore, as we experienced in case of the Machinery Directive, MTBs are responsible for displaying CE mark in machines in relation with EMC Directive as well. However, having certificates of conformity to the EMC relating standards on FANUC products might help the MTB get the EMC conformity's certificates for their machine or machine series more effectively, as describes in the following chapter. This document is installation guideline for MTBs to design a machine tool equipped with FANUC products. We believe MTBs can get machines certified if they follow this document. The contents of this guideline subject to are changed without notice depending on any situation. 3 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 2. Conformity evaluation test In September 1995, the generic immunity standard (EN50082-2) was harmonized by EU. Consequently, a manufacturer can declare, by themselves, product conformity to the EMC Directive by indicating the product meets relevant harmonized standards. 2.1 Items of conformity test for FANUC products FANUC has been working with a German CB (Competent Body) before the harmonized standards issued and we have prepared for declaration of conformity by getting the CB’s certificate. FANUC products actually clear the following tests. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Test Item/Standards/Level etc. Radiated emission (EN55011) Group 1, Class A Radiative susceptibility (IEC61000-4-3/EN61000-4-3) Level 3 (ENV50204) Level 3 Conducted emission (EN55011) Group 1, Class A Conductive susceptibility (IEC61000-4-6/EN61000-4-6) Level 3 Contents measure electromagnetic wave emitted by products apply electromagnetic wave to products and check immunity measure electric noise emitted by products to power line apply high frequency noise to power and signal lines and check immunity Electrostatic discharge (IEC61000-4-2/EN61000-4-2) Contact: Level 2, Air discharge: Level 3 Fast transient (burst) apply burst noise to power and signal (IEC61000-4-4/EN61000-4-4) lines and check immunity Power line: Level 3, Signal line: Level 4 Surge (IEC61000-4-5/EN61000-4-5) Power line: Level 4, Signal line: Level 3 Voltage variation (IEC61000-4-11/EN61000-4-11) ±10% 5minutes Voltage dip (IEC61000-4-11/EN61000-4-11) -30% 10ms,-60% 100ms,-60% 1000ms change input power voltage statically change input power voltage dynamically Voltage interruption (IEC61000-4-11/EN61000-4-11) -95% 5000ms Power frequency Magnetic Field (IEC61000-4-8/EN61000-4-8) Level 4 Continuous field apply power frequency magnetic field to products MTBs still have an option to go through CB certification when they have a problem to test their product because of size of products or other reasons. Please consult to a CB. 4 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 2.2 Certification for a machine series When an MTB intends to get a CB's EMC certificate for their machine, it is said possible that the MTB can get the certificate for their machine including a machine series through a documentation based inspection if they construct their machines strictly following the stipulations of each EMC relating component and those components are all certified ones. On the other hand, if they applied other methods than stipulated by some components, a MTB shall conduct all or some of above listed evaluation tests depending on the cases for at least one representative model. Even in this case, the certification process can be reduced if they use only certified components. In this case they need to submit the technical writings of justification on electromagnetic equivalency between their tested machine model and other models within the machine series. 3. Guidelines for electric design As the biggest concern is how we can get our products to pass the test, this document concentrates in this point From MTB’s viewpoint, we can classify the tests listed in the previous section as follows. Group 1 1) Radiated emission Group 2 3) Conducted emission Group 3 2) Radiative susceptibility 4) Conductive susceptibility 5) Electrostatic discharge 6) Fast transient (burst) 7) Surge 8) Voltage variation 9) Voltage dip 10) Voltage interruption 11) Power frequency magnetic field 5 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E As to the test items in the group 3, as far as FANUC products are concerned, it is OK to take the conventional countermeasure (unit grounding, shield grounding and so forth) that has been described in ordinary connection manuals. (To pass the tests, FANUC modified the products. The units modified are listed in the annex 1.) As to the conducted emission in the group 2, the countermeasure is just a noise filter. If the recommended filter is used, a machine will get the test passed. Though this is new item, it isn’t technically difficult except for space needed. Radiated emission in the group 1 is most difficult. FANUC modified products (see annex 1) and MTBs need to take quite some new countermeasure on top that. This document describes new countermeasure later and most of them are for the radiated emission. FANUC’s products are so called “electronic equipment” and they have some oscillators as listed below. (1) Switching of NC power supply unit (2) Clock of NC logic circuit (3) Switching of α-series power supply module (4) Switching of α-series amplifier These oscillators induce oscillating voltage in conductive materials (cables, metals not grounded etc.) inside of a cabinet and those conductive materials become antenna and emit electric wave. As mentioned earlier, FANUC modified the products to have less noise emitted. However, MTBs also need to take countermeasure. The countermeasure is fundamentally as follows. 1) Units that have oscillators in it should be put in an enclosed metal cabinet. 2) Ground all the conductive stuffs that are electrically floating. 3) Stuffs that could be antenna (e.g. signal cable with high frequency) should be surrounded by grounded metal. (Shielding) The countermeasure for EMC issue is very delicate. Narrow gaps, condition of cable shielding and other conditions influence on the result largely. Bear in mind this situation and take the countermeasure as strictly as possible. 6 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 3.1 Cabinet Cabinets are, as well as cables, most important element to eliminate radiated noise. If our products are put in a totally enclosed metal box with no hole, it will pass the test. But it is not realistic because we need a door, holes for cable inlet and outlet, holes for unit mounting and others. Electric wave gets out through these holes and it prevents products from passing the test. Therefore, the point is how to close the holes electrically. 3.1.1 Fundamental consideration about cabinets A basic condition is cabinets should be made of metal. Then, connection between walls, floor and ceiling is by welding or, in case of screw assembling type cabinet, is sure to eliminate paint in the contact area to have conductivity. 3.1.2 Treatment of gaps In case of screw assembling type cabinets, a gap at connecting portion is the issue. Even if there is no mechanical gap, electric wave can come out if the walls are painted because there is electric gap. As described in section 3.1.1, eliminate paint in the contact area to get electric contact. Further, it could happen screwing bends a panel. Pay attention to this problem as well. Normally there is no problem in welding type cabinets. 3.1.3 Biggest allowable hole Size of minimum hole where electric wave can go through differs dependently on wavelength. It is said the guideline is a tenth of the wavelength. The regulated frequency in the EMC Directive is from 30MHz to 1GHz. Also it is known, from the experience, level of electric wave come out of the cabinet is very small in frequency of 300MHz or higher, when FANUC products are put in a metal cabinet. Wavelength of 300MHz electric wave is 1m and a tenth of that is 10cm. Therefore, 10cm is a maximum diameter of allowable holes and take countermeasure to close them if holes are bigger than 10cm. 7 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 3.1.4 Close holes electrically “Close holes electrically” means to use conductive stuff (normally metal) as a cover and the cover is connected to a cabinet in low impedance. The following is the standard configuration. 。 That is, eliminate paint from circumference of a cover and a cabinet hole to get conductivity between them. The followings are bad examples. (1) A cover is made of non-conductive material like plastic. (2) Metal is used, but either or both of a cover and a cabinet is painted. (3) A cover and a cabinet are connected through a wire. (No contact by surface) (4) By some reason like a cover is too thin, the cover is bent and it gets gap when it is screwed. Pay attention especially to a gap. Even 1mm gap leaks electric wave if the length is big. 3.1.5 Door A door gives a biggest hole in a cabinet. It is important to eliminate a gap by good combination between a door and a cabinet so that no electric wave can come out. 1 A door should be made of metal. 2 Use conductive gasket between a door and a cabinet. Eliminate paint from the area the gasket is applied in both of a door and a cabinet. (The conventional way to connect a door and a cabinet by thick wire is not enough.) 3 Not get any gap between a door and a cabinet. 8 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E To FANUC’s knowledge, available gasket from the market is questionable in sealing performance (IP54) and also in industrial environment use. Therefore, FANUC recommends to use two gaskets in parallel, one is conventional gasket good for industrial environment use and the other is conductive gasket. (See below) In such case, pay attention so that the conductive gasket gets suitable contact between a door and a cabinet. Door Conventional gasket Conductive gasket 3.1.6 Eliminate conductive stuffs floating electrically As described earlier in this chapter, be sure to ground conductive stuffs that are floating electrically in a cabinet. Those floating stuffs are easily influenced by electric wave and they immediately act as antenna. Metal fittings prepared for mounting of units and shield cables used because of availability of materials although they need not to be tend to be overlooked. Pay attention to those stuffs especially. 3.1.7 Operation box Pay attention to the following points in designing an operation box where an operator’s panel like CRT/MDI is installed. 1 A faceplate of operator’s panel should have paint removed at flange portion so that the faceplate has electric contact toward the operation box. Of course the operation box needs to have same construction, that is, paint must be removed around the mounting hole. For mounting, use conductive gasket. 2 When the box has a door, use a conductive gasket between the box and the door and make sure to have tight electric contact in between when the door is closed. This is the same consideration as a main cabinet. 3 As described in Chapter 4, shield of video signal cable needs to be grounded at the operator’s panel side as well. Therefore, the operation box should have cableclamping system in it. (See section 4.1) 9 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 4 Tie the cabinet and the box by a thick ground wire, unless those two are connected tightly through a machine body or a part of the main cabinet. 3.1.8 Separation of input power portion In a magnetics cabinet, there are units that emit noise and the cabinet is, so to speak, filled with electric wave. Therefore, cables come out of a cabinet are influenced by them directly and/or indirectly and the cables are just like antenna to emit electric wave. If those cables come out without any countermeasure, they emit big noise and a system does not get the test passed. This section describes about the input power portion of the cabinet. Cables are described in chapter 4 in detail. As it is easily understood, a problem we are going to solve in this section is the noise emitted by power input cable going out of a cabinet. As it is difficult to take countermeasure like shielding in power input cables, we separate the input power portion from other portion of a cabinet so that the input power cable is not contaminated by noise inside the cabinet. See the drawing below. Cabinet NC Amplifier AC input Breaker Other Other device device Noise Surge Filter absorber Transformer In the above drawing, cables shown by thick lines should be clean because noise is eliminated by a noise filter. But, noise (electric wave) shown by dotted line contaminates the cables and the cables are noisy again. 10 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E In order to prevent such situation, we separate the cabinet into two portions, that is, before the noise filter and after the noise filter as shown below. Cabinet NC Amplifier AC input Breaker Other Other device device Surge Noise absorber Filter Transformer Shielded area The separation (shielding) is normally done by metal sheet. Also pay attention to gaps between metal sheets. 11 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 3.2 Noise filter Noise filters are indispensable in countermeasure for EMC. FANUC worked to select suitable noise filters and, as a result, FANUC recommends the following filters. Choose a right filter according to a power supply module used and put it just after the input breaker shown in section 3.1.8. Power supply module Recommendable noise filters for EMC (1) PSM-26 PSM-5.5 PSM-11 PSM-30 PSMR PSM-15 PSM-45HV PSM-18HV PSM-30HV PSMV-11HV SVU1,2,3 PSM-45 PSM-75HV Rated current 30A 75A 150A 200A Rated voltage AC500V Outer dimension Annex 3-Fig.1 Weight about 5.2 kg about 12.0 kg about 23.5 kg about 24.5 kg Number of phase 3-phase Withstanding voltage Between the terminal and the case : 2000Vrms, 1 minute Insulation resistance Between the terminal and the case : 500MΩ (at DC500V) Leakage current 8mA (at AC500V,60Hz) Operating temperature -25℃~50℃ Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter model 3SUP-HL30-ER-6 3SUP-HL75-ER-6 3SUP-HL150-ER-6 3SUP-HL200-ER-6 (OKAYA Electric Industry Co., Ltd.) Power supply module Recommendable noise filters for EMC (2) PSM-26 PSM-5.5 PSM-11 PSM-30 PSMR PSM-15 PSM-45HV PSM-18HV PSM-30HV PSMV-11HV SVU1,2,3 PSM-45 PSM-75HV Rated current 30A 80A 150A 200A Rated voltage AC460V Outer dimension Annex 3-Fig.2.1 Annex 3-Fig.2.2 Annex 3-Fig.2.3 Weight about 3.2 kg about 13 kg about 23 kg about 23.5 kg Number of phase 3-phase Withstanding voltage Between the terminal and the case : 2500Vrms, 1 minute Insulation resistance Between the terminal and the case : 500MΩ (at DC500V) Leakage current 5.3mA max (at AC460V,60Hz) Operating temperature -20℃~50℃ Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter model HF3030C-TMA HF3080C-TMA HF3150C-TMA HF3200C-TMA (SOSHIN Electric Co., Ltd.) 12 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Power supply module Rated current Rated voltage Outer dimension Weight Number of phase Withstanding voltage Insulation resistance Leakage current Operating temperature Recommendable noise filters for EMC (3) PSM-26 PSM-5.5 PSM-11 PSM-30 PSMR PSM-15 PSM-45HV PSM-18HV PSM-30HV PSMV-11HV SVU1,2,3 35A 80A 150A PSM-45 PSM-75HV 200A AC480V Annex 3-Fig.5 about 3.8 kg about 7.6 kg about 11 kg about 13.3 kg 3-phase Between the terminal and the case : 2700VDC, 2 second Between the terminal and the case : 500MΩ (at DC500V) 9mA max (at AC480V,50Hz) -20℃~50℃ Filter model Filter: Filter: (SCHAFFNER) FS5559-35-33 FS5559-80-34 ※ SCHAFFNER’s agency in Japan is Unidux LTD. Filter: FS5559-150-35 Filter: FS5559-200-40 Recommendable noise filters for EMC (4) / For neutral point grounding system only Power supply module PSM-5.5 PSMR PSM-11 PSM-15 PSM-18HV PSM-30HV PSMV-11HV PSM-26 PSM-30 PSM-45HV PSM-45 PSM-75HV SVU1,2,3 Rated current Rated voltage Outer dimension Weight Number of phase Withstanding voltage Insulation resistance Leakage current Operating temperature Filter model (SOSHIN Electric Co., Ltd.) 30A 80A 150A 200A AC460V Annex 3-Fig.3.1 Annex 3-Fig.3.2 about 3 kg about 6 kg about 10 kg about 20 kg 3-phase Between the terminal and the case : DC2500V, 1 minute Between the terminal and the case : 500MΩ (at DC500V) ※250mA max (at AC460V,60Hz) -20℃~50℃ Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter: NF3030C-TX NF3080C-TX NF3150C-TX NF3200C-TX ※ In case of open-phase operation, above leakage current will occur. (UL & IEC certified products) 13 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Recommendable noise filters for EMC (5) / For neutral point grounding system only Power supply module Rated current Rated voltage Outer dimension Weight Number of phase Withstanding voltage PSM-5.5 PSMR PSM-11 PSM-15 PSM-18HV PSM-30HV PSMV-11HV SVU1,2,3 30A 75A AC480V PSM-26 PSM-30 PSM-45HV 180A Annex 3-Fig.4.1 about 1.8 kg Annex 3-Fig.4.2 Annex 3-Fig.4.3 about 4 kg about 11 kg 3-phase Between the terminal and the case : DC2800V, 2 second Between the terminal and terminal : DC1700V, 2 second Insulation resistance Between the terminal and the case : 2.18MΩ Leakage current ※26.5mA ※28.2mA ※32.8mA Operating temperature -25℃~50℃ Filter model Filter: Filter: Filter: (SCHAFFNER) FN258-30 FN258-75 FN258-180 ※ These values are of neutral point grounding system at 480V/50Hz. ※ SCHAFFNER’s agency in Japan is Unidux LTD. Recommendable noise filters for EMC(6)/ For neutral point grounding system only PSM-45 PSM-26 PSM-5.5 PSM-11 PSM-75HV PSM-30 PSM-15 Power supply module PSMR PSM-45HV PSM-18HV PSM-30HV PSMV-11HV SVU1,2,3 Rated current 30A 75A 150A 200A Rated voltage AC500V Outer dimension Annex 3-Fig.1 Weight about 2.5 kg about 7.0 kg about 10.0 kg about 16.0 kg Number of phase 3-phase Withstanding voltage Between the terminal and the case : 2000Vrms, 1 minute Insulation resistance Between the terminal and the case : 500MΩ (at DC500V) ※250mA max (at AC460V,60Hz) Leakage current Operating temperature -25℃~50℃ Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter: Filter model 3SUP-HK30-ER-6 3SUP-HK75-ER-6 3SUP-HK150-ER-6 3SUP-HK200-ER-6 (OKAYA Electric Industry Co., Ltd.) ※ In case of open-phase operation, above leakage current will occur. (UL certified products) The outer dimensions are shown in Annex 3. Each noise filter is provided with a M4 or M6 stud for grounding (see annex 3). Provide a grounding terminal close to the unit and connect the terminal and the stud by a wire more than 5.5 mm2 and less than 10 cm. The noise filters should be mounted directly on a surface inside of a metal cabinet with no paint in the contact area or on a surface inside of a metal cabinet with stud bolts attached on a metal plate of a cabinet if painted. 14 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 3.3 Surge absorber Be sure to provide a surge absorber in input power line. It is recommended to put 5A circuit-protector as shown below and it can be used to protect other circuit as well. Circuit Protector R AC Input S T Circuit Breaker Noise Filter PE Insulating Transformer or Autotransformer Circuit Protector To CNC MCC AC Reactor αseries Power Supply Module 5A circuit Protector To other devices Surge absorber (across the lines) Where αseries amplifier is connected to 200V power line without transformer, and where the system consists of only HV type servo/spindle and is connected to 400V power line without transformer, it is required to provide another surge absorber between earth and each power line. Circuit Protector R AC Input S T Circuit Breaker Noise Filter Circuit Protector To CNC MCC AC Reactor αseries Power Supply Module PE 5A circuit Protector To other devices Surge absorber (across the lines) Surge absorber (between line and earth) 15 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E One of the suitable absorbers is available from Okaya Electric Industries. The type number is as follows. 200V system for between lines R・A・V-781BYZ-2 (Okaya Electric) for between line and earth R・A・V-781BXZ-4 (Okaya Electric) 400V system for between lines R・A・V-152BYZ-2A (Okaya Electric) for between line and earth R・A・V-801BXZ-4 (Okaya Electric) 3.4 Spark killers Be sure to provide spark killers to all the inductive equipment. FANUC recommends CR network for AC circuit and diodes for DC circuit. Varistors just cut the peak voltage and the steep rising edge of voltage remains as it is, so it is not recommended. 3.5 Grounding of equipment All the equipments should be grounded as the vendors recommend regardless to the location the equipments are installed (inside/ outside of the cabinet). 16 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 4. Cables Cables are very important in the EMC countermeasure because they influence a lot in emitted noise level. As mentioned earlier, the cables come out of a magnetics cabinet have high frequency noise, more or less. If no countermeasure is taken for that, the cables act as antenna and they emit large level noise. The problem is not only for signal cables but also for power cables. It is essential to take countermeasures as far as possible so that cables get less noise in a cabinet and emit less noise out side of the cabinet. Though it is conventional, shielding of cables is a primary countermeasure. Also ferrite cores are effective in some cases. And it is also effective to put cables close to metal wall of cabinet in some cases. FANUC did a lot of experiment and determined ways to make cables in each use. The ways are described in section 4.3 and also a summary table in the annex 2. Please have a look at the table as well. FANUC would like machine tool builders to follow the way. Please have a look at the table in the annex 5 for Servo related cables also. 4.1 Grounding of shield (braided copper wire) Shield (braided copper wire) should be grounded by cable clamps attached to a FANUC CNC. The way to use the clamps are described in the connection manual of each FANUC CNC. Please follow the way. Where cables are connected between inside units and outside ones, fit the cabinet with a ground plate (earth plate) for the cables near the inlet of the cables as close as possible. When one or two cables need to be grounded apart from other cables, the following cable clamp is also available. 17 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E This kind of clamp is available from Kitagawa Kogyo as FG-series clamps (parts number FGC-3 and others) or from Osada (parts number P01 and others). It is not recommended to solder a vinyl copper wire to the braided wire and ground it. 4.2 Ferrite core FANUC recommends to use ferrite cores for the cables for display unit (CRT or LCD) and also for the cables for serial port like RS232C. One of the available ferrite cores in the market is ZCAT3035-1330 from TDK. According to their product brochure, the outer dimension of the ferrite core is as follows. This is a shared type ferrite core put in a plastic case and it is easy to install it even to assembled cables. E04SR301334 from SEIWA Electric, the outer dimension is the same as follows, is also available. It may be necessary to use ferrite cores to get the certificate from a competent body. As to a location to put the cores in each cable, refer to section 4.3. 4.3 Detailed description of each cable (1) Video cable (in case of CRT display) Use coaxial overall shield cable for the video cable. FANUC introduced new video cable (A66L-0001-0371) in Dec. 1994 and it is suitable for this. As to the new cable, we issued a Technical Report (TMN 94/184) at that time. As to the details of the cable, please see it as well. The video cable should be constructed as follows. The ferrite core is as introduced in section 4.2. Display unit side connector NC side connector Ferrite core 18 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (2) Video cable (in case of display units other than CRT display) Similarly to the case of CRT display, use the new coaxial overall shield cable. On top of that, install a ferrite core in the display unit side as well. Display unit side NC side connector connector Ferrite core Ferrite core (3) Video cable (where Distribution Board is employed) In the case of any display units, use the new coaxial overall shield cable. On top of that, install a ferrite core in the NC side. In the case of display units other than CRT display, on top of that, install a ferrite core in the display unit side as well. Ferrite CRT unit (example) Video cable NC Distribution Board or +24V Power Supply Ferrite core Power supply cable LCD unit (example) (4) Power supply cable for Distribution Board The power supply cable should be constructed as the item (6) below. Refer to above figure as well. (5) Power supply cable for display units (where Distribution Board is employed) The power supply cable should be constructed as the items (6) and (7). However, the term “NC side” should be considered as “Distribution Board side”. Refer to above figure as well. 19 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (6) Power supply cable for display units (in case of CRT display) Use conventional vinyl copper wire or cabtyre cable when the cable stays within a cabinet or the cable goes to another cabinet or operation box through metal duct. Use overall shield cable when the cable goes out of the cabinet without metal duct and ground the shield at NC side. (7) Power supply cable for display units (in case of display units other than CRT display) Similarly to the case of CRT display, use conventional vinyl copper wire or cabtyre cable when the cable stays within a cabinet or the cable goes to another cabinet or operation box through metal duct. Use overall shield cable when the cable goes out of the cabinet without metal duct and ground the shield at NC side. Furthermore, use a ferrite core at the display side in the above both cases. The following is an example in case that the cable goes out of a cabinet without metal duct. Display unit side NC side connector connector Ferrite core (8) MDI cable Use conventional overall shield cable for the MDI cable. Ground the shield at NC side. (9) Cable of Manual Pulse Generator Use conventional overall shield cable for the cable. Ground the shield at NC side. (10) Servo command cable Use conventional overall shield cable for the servo command cable. Ground the shield at NC side. Up to now, there are some cases that no shield treatment is done because it is only the internal cable in a cabinet and also the length is short. However, from the viewpoint of noise emission, be sure to ground the shield. 20 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (11) Servo motor feedback cable For servo motor feedback cables, use double layered shield cable. The double layered shield cable is constructed as below. Specification of the cable is A66L-0001-0405. This cable is also available from Hitachi Cable Ltd. and Shinko Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. Shield treatment of the cable should be as follows. 1) Grounding of the cable should be done in the outer shield only. Leave the inner shield open in both ends. Shield treatment of outer shield. Peal out the sheath in the NC side and make contact with an earth plate by a cable clamp. 2) For the motor side please refer to the itemized discussion in the item (13). By the way, as for the following each cable (feedback cable, power cable and spindle power cable and fan cable), the assembled one with the connectors could be provided as a cable assembly. (12) Servo motor power cable For servo motor power cables, use shield cables. One of those cables is available with “OR-VV-SB” from Shinko Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., a Japanese cable manufacturer. Shield treatment should be done as follows. 1) Servo amplifier side Peal out the sheath in the amplifier side and make contact with an earth plate by a cable clamp. Mount an additional grounding bar close to the cable inlet of the magnetic cabinet. Connect the power cable shields to this grounding bar. 2) Motor side Connect the shield wire to the ground through the ground terminal in the connector that is led to the grounded motor body. Detailed connection method is described in the following paragraphs in item (13). 21 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (13) Shield treatment of each model at motor side Power connector Earth wire Shield cable Shield wire 1) Model β0.5(α0.5) a) Feed back cable Use double layered shield cable. Leave the both inner and outer shield open in the motor end. b) Power cable Use shield cable. Clamp the shield wire and the earth wire together to the contact. 2) Model α1 to α2.5 Power connector Shield cable Shield wire a) Feed back cable Use double layered shield cable. Leave the both inner and outer shield open in the motor end. b) Power cable Use shield cable. Clamp the shield wire and the earth wire for the connector shell together. 3) Model α3 and over a) Feedback cable Use double layered shield cable. Connect the outer shield to the contact ‘L’ in the cannon connector with the drain wire or short connecting wire. 22 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E ◎ The shield clamp adapter and bridge wire (FG mesh) are not necessary except for the older version that either of the following conditions is met. Conditions: 1. The motor employsα pulsecoder (Spec. No.: A06B-0***-B*75~B*77, B*86~B*89) but its manufactured date is before May ‘96. 2. The motor employs SERIAL A pulsecoder. (Spec. No.: A06B-0***-B*84,B*85) Note) The current motor, which does not meet any of above conditions, has the feedback connector in which the contact ‘L’ has a connection with its shell and motor body. That is why the connection of current signal cable does not require using shield clamp adapter or FG mesh as is required below. Feedback connector Power connector Shield clamp adapter FG mesh When either of above condition is met, apply the following two step measure instead of connecting the shield to the contact ‘L’. Firstly, connect the shield stranded wires to the connector-block for the motor using a shield clamp with its clamp ring inside. Treat the shield wires and then fix the cable by a cable clamp as illustrated above. These shield clamp adapter, used between the connector-block and the cable clamp, are available with connectors certified by TÜV from JAE (Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd.), Hirose Electric Co. Ltd. or DDK Ltd. The shield clamp adapter, the connector-block and the cable clamp should be in combination of the same manufacturer’s products. connectors with a shield clamp adapter 20-29SW Japan Aviation Electronics Industry Ltd. (JAE) JL04V-2022SC (FANUC’s spec. number) (A63L-0001-0716#2022J) Hirose Electric Co. Ltd. H/MS2022-SC (FANUC’s spec. number) (A63L-0001-0716#2022H) DDK Ltd. CE-12AD (FANUC’s spec. number) (A63L-0001-0716#2022D) 23 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Secondly, connect the feedback connector and the power connector by a bridge wire. Use screws that fix the connectors of the motors for this connection purpose. When there is a concern about the environment where the wire is exposed to cutting liquid and so on, using a plated metal could be a solution for that. “FG mesh: FGM-50-M3” which is manufactured by Kitagawa Industries Co., Ltd. is available for this case. b) Power cable Use shield cable. Solder the shield wire and the earth wire to the ground contact directly together. The drain wire or thinned out shield wire is available for this case. The ground contact is connected directly to the connector case and is also connected to the motor body by wiring. 4) β series servo motors (Model β1 to β6) a) Feedback cable Use double layered shield cable. Leave the both inner and outer shield open in the motor end. b) Power cable It is the same as above (Model α3 and more). Please refer to that. (14) Servo motor brake and fan cable A shield cable is necessary as power cable when the CS test (Conducted Radiofrequency Immunity of Signal and Control Lines) is passed surely such case of the cable is exposed to the outside of the machine. One of those cables is available with “OR-VV-SB” from Shinko Electric Industrial Co., Ltd., a Japanese cable manufacturer. The shield treatment 24 EMC_GL_9.DOC is the same as power cable. A-72937E (15) Feedback cables for additional position detector For the cables for additional position detector, use conventional overall shield pair wire cable and ground the shield in NC side. Also, provide ferrite cores at both ends. (16) Spindle command cable (serial interface and analog interface) For the spindle command cable, use conventional overall shield pair wire cable and ground the shield in NC side. Up to now, there are some cases that no shield treatment is done because it is only the internal cable in a cabinet and also the length is short. However, from the viewpoint of noise emission, be sure to ground the shield. (17) Spindle power cable and fan cable For spindle motor power cable and fan cable, FANUC recommends shield cable. In the amplifier side, the shield treatment should be done by cable clamp to connect with the earth plate. In the motor side, connect the shield to the ground terminal inside the terminal box. When a metal conduit with braided shield is used for the connection, it is OK to use just a normal cabtyre cable. In this case, as the terminal box is not metal, it is necessary to bring a metal fitting that is put in parallel with the plastic wall. The metal fitting is grounded through a wire. See the following drawing. For reference, a sample of drawing of such metal fitting is attached as annex 4. For example, FAW, FCK (waterproof type) and FAE (waterproof type) of that metal conduit are available from DAIWA DENGYO Co., Ltd., 25 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (18) Spindle motor feedback cable (between motor and amplifier) For the spindle motor feedback cable, FANUC recommends a double layered shield cable. (see (11)servo motor feedback cable.) The amplifier side of the outer shield should be connected with an earth plate by cable clamp. FANUC recommends that the motor side of the outer shield is connected to the ground terminal of the terminal box. The amplifier side of the inner shield should be connected to 0V of PCB through a pin connector. (As for the pin number for 0V, please refer to the Description of the spindle amplifiers.) The motor side of the inner shield should be left open. When a metal conduit with braided shield is used for the connection, it is OK to use conventional overall shield pair wire cable. In this case, shield treatment of the braided shield of the conduit should be done similarly to that of spindle power connection. Grounding of the cable shield is done not by the cable clamp but by connecting to 0V of the PCB. For the details, see the Description of spindle amplifier. (19) Position coder cable For the position coder cable, use conventional overall shield pair wire cable and ground the shield in NC side. When the position coder is installed at a place where an operator can touch it, it is necessary to ground the position coder connector in order to have immunity against electrostatic discharge. There are two ways for that. 1) Put a wire between the connector and ground. The connection to the connector can be done by a screw that fixes the connector. 2) Similarly to the shield treatment of servo motor feedback cable, use the shield clamp and make connection between the cable shield and cable connector. By mating the cable connector with the position coder connector, the position coder connector is grounded because the shield is grounded by cable clamp at NC side. However, Where this cable is connected to analog input of FANUC series 16i/18i, take above measures and also put a ferrite core in NC side. 26 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (20) Serial port cable (RS232C, RS422) For the serial port cable, ground the shield in both ends of the cable and also put ferrite cores in both ends. However, in the case of cabinet side, ground the shield near the inlet of the cable. In the case of RS232C of FANUC series 16i/18i, ferrite cores are not needed. Ferrite Cabinet Ferrite core I/O devise NC Overall shield pair wire cable Where punch panel is used, ground the shield and put a ferrite core close to the punch panel. In addition to grounding of the cable, ground a wire attached to the cable as well if exists. FANUC recommends grounding near NC or on halfway to NC as well. Cabinet Ferrite core Ferrite core I/O device NC Overall shield pair wire cable Punch panel (21). I/O link cable For the I/O link cable, use conventional overall shield pair wire cable and ground the shield in NC side. (22). DI/DO cable (both of DC24V type and AC voltage type) For DI/DO connection, use shield wire and ground the shield in NC side (I/O unit side). (23). Analog I/O cable For Analog I/O cable, use overall shield cable and ground the shield in NC side. 27 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E (24). DC24V Power supply cable for various unit Use conventional vinyl copper wire or cabtyre cable when the cable stays within a cabinet or the cable goes to another cabinet through metal duct. Use overall shield cable when the cable goes out of the cabinet without metal duct and ground the shield in both ends. The various units are I/O unit, Additional I/O of Series 0, Power supply unit for Series 20/21 Connection unit for operator’s panel Standard machine operator’s panel with I/O link, etc. (25). Communication cable for I/0 unit Model B For the communication cable for I/0 unit Model B, use overall shield cable and ground the shield in both ends. For the communication cable, there is a special cable to be used. See Connection Manual of I/O unit model B. (26). Battery cables Use overall shield cable and ground the shield in NC side. (27). Connection cables to electric devices put in machine side Cables that from a relay panel in a cabinet to electric devices (e.g. induction motor, solenoid valve, etc.) in machine side could also are antennas. Use shield wires and ground the shield in the cabinet. (28). Input power cable Use conventional cabtyre cable. (29). AC 200V input power cable for PSM control Use conventional cabtyre cable. But put ferrite core in PSM side like below. Connector for PSM Power source Ferrite core 28 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Annex 1: Change of FANUC products in relation with the EMC Directive Power supply unit for CNCs No. Product remarks 1 Power supply unit AI 2 Power supply unit BI 3 Power supply unit of 0-C that meets CE requirements Display unit, MDI unit No. Product remarks 4 Units that use 9.5”LCD(TFT type)unit 5 Units that use 8.4”LCD(TFT type)unit 6 Units that use display device other than above two 7 MDI unit 8 Machine operator’s panels 9 Handy type operator’s unit for Power Mate-D/H 10 DPL/MDI unit for Power Mate-F/D/H/E CNC PCBs No. Product remarks 11 Memory card for 0-C 12 Axis card of 0-C 13 Multi-axis card for 0-C 14 Servo PCB of Power Mate-E 15 Integrated I/O card D of Power Mate-F 16 Base PCB of Power Mate-D 17 Base PCB of Power Mate-F Servo motor, servo amplifier, spindle amplifier No. Product changes 18 Integrated α pulse coders in servo motors 19 α Power supply module (PSM) 20 α Servo Module (SVM) 21 α Spindle Module (SPM) 22 Servo Unit(SVU, SVUC)) Note) There is no change in spindle motors. 29 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Annex 2: List of cables Note:Where cables are connected between inside units and outside ones, fit the cabinet with a ground plate(earth plate) for the cables near the inlet of the cables as close as possible. Use specification of cable No. Grounding of Remarks shield material 1 Video Cable (in case of CRT display) coaxial overall shield cable in both ends use ferrite core in NC side 2 Video Cable (In case of units other than CRT display) coaxial overall shield cable in both ends use ferrite core in both ends 3 Power supply cable for display units (in case of CRT Vinyl copper wire or cabtyre display) in case the wire stays within a cabinet or the cable 4 Power supply cable for display units (in case of CRT overall shield cable cable goes through metal duct in NC side display) in case the cable goes out of a cabinet without metal duct 5 Power supply cable for display units (in case of units Vinyl copper wire or cabtyre other than CRT display) in case the wire stays within a cabinet or the cable cable goes through metal duct Use a ferrite core in display unit side 6 Power supply cable for display units (in case of units overall shield cable in NC side other than CRT display) in case the cable goes out of a cabinet without metal duct Use a ferrite core in display unit side 7 MDI cable overall shield cable in NC side 8 Cable of Manual Pulse Generator overall shield pair wire cable in NC side 9 Servo command cable overall shield pair wire cable in NC side Ground the shield even when the cable does not go out of a cabinet 31 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 10 Servo motor feedback cable double layered shield cable outer shield: in both ends Leave the both inner and outer shield inner shield: no treatment open in the motor end for the some of the motors 11 Servo motor power cable shield cable in both ends 12 Feedback cable for additional position detector overall shield pair wire cable in NC side Use ferrite cores in both ends 13 Spindle command cable (serial interface) overall shield pair wire cable in NC side Ground the shield even when the cable does not go out of a cabinet 14 Spindle motor power cable (in case of no use of shield cable in both ends metal conduit with braided shield) 15 Spindle motor power cable (in case that metal cabtyre cable conduit with braided shield is used) earth the braided shield in both ends 16 Spindle motor fan cable (in case of no use of metal shield cable in the cabinet conduit with braided shield) 17 Spindle motor fan cable (in case that metal conduit cabtyre cable with braided shield is used) earth the braided shield in both ends outer shield: As to the connection to 0V of amplifier, amplifier) (in case of no use of metal conduit with recommends to earth see the Description of spindle amplifier. braided shield) in both ends 18 Spindle motor feedback cable (between motor and double layered shield cable inner shield: connect to 0V of amplifier 19 Spindle motor feedback cable (between motor and overall shield pair wire cable connect to 0V of amplifier amplifier) (in case that metal conduit with braided shield is used) 32 EMC_GL_9.DOC As to the connection to 0V of amplifier, see the Description of spindle amplifier. A-72937E 20 Position coder cable overall shield pair wire cable in NC side When this cable is connected to analog input of FANUC series 16i/18i, put a ferrite core in NC side. 21 Analog interface spindle command cable overall shield pair wire cable in NC side Ground the shield even when the cable does not go out of a cabinet 22 Serial port cable (RS232C, RS422) overall shield pair wire cable in both ends Ground the shield close to the punch panel when it is used. Use ferrite cores in both ends 23 I/O link cable overall shield pair wire cable in NC side Ground the shield even when the cable does not go out of a cabinet 24 DI/DO cable (DC24V) shield cable in NC side 25 DI/DO cable (AC voltage) shield cable in NC side 26 Analog I/O cable overall shield pair wire cable in NC side Ground the shield even when the cable does not go out of a cabinet 27 DC24V power supply cable for various unit 28 DC24V power supply cable for various unit Vinyl copper wire or cabtyre in case the wire stays within a cabinet or cable the cable goes through metal duct shield cable in both ends in case the cable goes out of a cabinet without metal duct 29 Communication cable for I/O unit Model B shield cable in both ends 30 Battery cable shield cable in NC side 31 Input power cable cabtyre cable 32 AC 200V input power cable for PSM control cabtyre cable 33 EMC_GL_9.DOC Put a ferrite core in PSM side (2 turns) A-72937E Annex 3: Outer dimensions of noise filter Fig.1 filter Outer dimensions of 3SUP-HL□-ER-6&3SUP-HK□-ER-6 noise 単 位 : mm 一般公差:±1.5mm 品名 Type 寸法 Dimensions (mm) A B C D E F G H I J K L 3SUP-HL30-ER-6 246 230 215 200 100 85 13 18 140 4.5× 4.5×7 4.5 M4 3SUP-HL75-ER-6 396 370 350 330 170 140 18 23 155 6.5× 6.5×8 6.5 M6 3SUP-HL150-ER-6 484 440 420 400 200 170 30 25 200 6.5× 6.5×8 6.5 M8 3SUP-HL200-ER-6 484 440 420 400 200 170 30 25 200 6.5× 6.5×8 6.5 M8 3SUP-HK30-ER-6 226 210 195 180 120 90 13 18 100 4.5× 4.5×7 4.5 M4 3SUP-HK75-ER-6 306 280 260 240 150 110 18 23 110 6.5× 6.5×8 6.5 M6 3SUP-HK150-ER-6 364 320 300 280 180 150 30 25 130 6.5× 6.5×8 6.5 M8 3SUP-HK200-ER-6 384 340 320 300 210 180 30 25 140 6.5× 6.5×8 6.5 M8 35 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 図2.1 HF3030C-TMAノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.2.1 Outer dimensions of HF3030C-TMA noise filter 品名 寸法 Dimensions (mm) Type A B C D E F G H J K L M HF3030C-TMA 260 210 85 155 140 125 44 140 70 R3.25 M5 M4 36 EMC_GL_9.DOC No. 名称 Name 1 入力端子 Input terminal 2 ケース Case 3 銘板 Name plate 4 出力端子 Output terminal 5 接地端子 Earth terminal A-72937E 図2.2 HF3080C-TMAノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.2.2 Outer dimensions of HF3080C-TMA noise filter 品名 寸法 Dimensions (mm) Type A B C D E F G H J K L M HF3080C-TMA 405 350 100 220 200 180 56 210 135 R4.25 M8 M6 37 EMC_GL_9.DOC No. 名称 Name 1 入力端子 Input terminal 2 ケース Case 3 銘板 Name plate 4 出力端子 Output terminal 5 接地端子 Earth terminal A-72937E 図2.3 HF3150C/3200C-TMAノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.2.3 Outer dimensions of HF3150C/3200C-TMA noise filter 品名 寸法 Dimensions (mm) Type A B C D E F G H J K L M N HF3150C-TMA 570 550 530 230 190 100 15 210 140 100 M10 M8 33 HF3200C-TMA 38 EMC_GL_9.DOC No. 名称 Name 1 入力端子 Input terminal 2 ケース Case 3 銘板 Name plate 4 出力端子 Output terminal 5 接地端子 Earth terminal A-72937E 図3.1 NF3030C/3080C/3150C-TXノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.3.1 Outer dimensions of NF3030C/3080C/3150C-TX noise filter 寸法 Dimensions (mm) 品名 Type A B C D E F G H J K L M N P NF3030C-TX 217 200 185 170 120 90 44 115 20 85 R2.75 φ5.5 M5 M4 NF3080C-TX 254 230 215 200 150 120 57 115 30 80 R3.25 φ6.5 M8 M6 NF3150C-TX 314 300 280 260 200 170 57 130 35 90 No. 名称 Name 1 入力端子 Input terminal 2 ケース Case 3 銘板 Name plate 4 出力端子 Output terminal 5 接地端子 Earth terminal 品名 Type 定格電圧、電流 Rated 試験電圧 Testing voltage ロットNo. Lot No. 銘板 (例 NF3030C-TX) Name plate(Ex. NF3030C-TX) 39 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 図3.2 NF3200C-TXノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.3.2 Outer dimensions of NF3200C-TX noise filter 品名 Type NF3200C-TX 寸法 Dimensions (mm) A B C D E F 450 430 410 230 190 100 G 15 H J K 180 134 100 L M N M10 M8 23 No. 名称 Name 1 入力端子 Input terminal 2 ケース Case 3 銘板 Name plate 4 出力端子 Output terminal 5 接地端子 Earth terminal 品名 Type 定格電圧、電流 Rated 試験電圧 Testing voltage ロットNo. Lot No. 銘板 Name plate 40 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 図4.1 FN258-30ノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.4.1 Outer dimensions of FN258-30 noise filter 41 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 図4.2 FN258-75ノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.4.2 Outer dimensions of FN258-75 noise filter 42 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 図4.3 FN258-180ノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.4.3 Outer dimensions of FN258-180 noise filter 43 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 図5 FS5559ノイズフィルタ外形寸法 Fig.5 Outer dimensions of FS5559 noise filter 寸法 Dimensions (mm) 品名 Type FS5559-35- A B C D E F G H 330 85 370 348 110 370 95 420 95 I J K L 80 30 25 1.5 6.5 410 388 170 140 50 25 1.5 6.5 25 M8 460 438 180 140 50 25 1.5 6.5 25 M8 370 155 410 388 170 140 50 70 1.5 6.5 25 M8 440 150 480 458 200 170 50 35 1.5 6.5 25 M10 440 170 480 458 200 170 50 35 1.5 6.5 25 M10 M6 33 FS5559-6034 FS5559-80100 FS5559-10034 FS5559-15035 FS5559-20040 Annex 4: Sample drawing of metal fittings for spindle 44 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E 45 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Annex 5: List of shielded cables based on IEC standard (Power cable for Servo motor, Cable for break/fan of Servo motor) Kind Spec. Number in FANUC Construction Main Use Others (Rated voltage Vac) (Maker) Conductor size Outer diameter Outer diameter ×Number of core (mm) OR-VV-SB A66L-0001-0411#3X0.5 0.5 SQ×3 *1 2.0 (between wire-shield of sheath (mm) 6.6±0.2 /wires) Break / Fan based on IEC52 on IEC53 on IEC53 on IEC53 on IEC53 on IEC53 (300/300V) (Shinko Electric A66L-0001-0411#4X0.75 0.75SQ×4 *1 2.42 9.5±0.3 Power of MODELα0.5 *4 based (300/500V) Industrial Co., Ltd.) A66L-0001-0411#7X0.75 0.75SQ×7 *2 2.42 10.8±0.3 Power of MODELα0.5 *5 Power of MODELα2 A66L-0001-0411#7X0.75A 0.75SQ×7 *1 2.42 10.8±0.3 General based (300/500V) based (300/500V) A66L-0001-0411#4X2.5 2.5 SQ×4 *1 3.84 13.3±0.4 Power of MODELα3~6 / etc. based Power of MODELα12~22 / etc. (300/500V) A66L-0001-0411#M7C 4 SQ×6 + 4.38 19.4±0.6 Power of MODELα30~40 / etc. 10 SQ×1 *3 6.9 based (300/500V) *1: One grounding wire included *4: without Break *2: Two grounding wires included *5: with Break *3: 10 SQ is a grounding wire. 46 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E Annex 6: Noise-preventive Devices Manufacturers For details including the specifications of noise-preventive Devices, contact the corresponding manufacturer. The contact for each manufacturer is listed below. Okaya Electric Industries Co., Ltd. Contact : (03)3424-8126 Soshin Electric Co., Ltd. Contact : (03)3775-9112 Unidux Co., Ltd. ※SCHAFFNER's agency in Japan Contact : (0422)32-4111 TDK Corporation Contact : (03)5201-7229 Seiwa Electric Co., Ltd. Contact : (03)5687-2043 Kitagawa Industries Co., Ltd. Contact : (03)3241-1381 Hitachi Cable Trading Company Contact : (03)3255-5415 Shinko Electric Industries Co., Ltd. Contact : (03)3492-0073 47 EMC_GL_9.DOC A-72937E
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