Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 www.fabians.org.uk How to get the election year right: the next majority, the state, the debate, the Tories, the Labour case, the manifesto PLUS Mary Riddell interviews Alistair Darling Julian Le Grand defends one of Labour’s greatest achievements The quarterly magazine of the Fabian Society Volume 121 no 4 £4.95 But what about the ‘80s, Dave? Progressive posing isn’t enough; Cameron needs to criticise Thatcher to be credible on poverty It is only twenty years since John Moore, the little remembered Conservative Secretary of State for Social Security, declared the Thatcher Government’s belief that it had abolished poverty in Britain. That the right says it now accepts not just that poverty exists but agrees with the left that inequality matters should be cause for celebration. But this will not be more than political mood music, while the real work of cuts goes on elsewhere, if it does not lead to a serious and evidence-based debate about poverty and inequality. Our major new book The Solidarity Society, drawing on a two-year Fabian study, supported by the Webb Memorial Trust, therefore challenges all of the major parties to ensure their anti-poverty strategies learn from the evidence of what works and what doesn’t. A rather more impressionistic sketch was offered in David Cameron’s Hugo Young memorial lecture at The Guardian. This sought to correct, or contradict, his party conference declaration that big government was the cause of every social ill. The Conservative leader dutifully began to analyse poverty trends across the century, before an astonishing Rip Van Winkle moment saw him fall asleep in 1968 and wake up after 1997 without finding a word to say about the sharpest hike in poverty in any western democracy in the last half century. Was this case of ‘don’t mention the ‘80s’ because poverty doubled from 12 per cent to 25 per cent from 1977 to 1992, precisely as the Government sought to roll back the state and roll forward society? To be fair, David Cameron’s analysis of why poverty and inequality rocketed under Thatcher might differ from ours – but we don’t know because he hasn’t been able to give some account of what it is. If Cameron cannot show what he learnt from that history, the fear must be that he will be condemned to repeat it. The evidence is clear that redistribution matters. Simply asserting the opposite ignores the wealth of comparative data, painstakingly compiled in recent years by a major project at the University of North Carolina. Far from causing poverty, this demonstrates government spending has been the major determinant in reducing poverty and inequality. There are dangers too in the renewed popularity, given fiscal pressures, of the apparently ‘common sense’ idea of targetting help on the poorest: history shows this creates a ‘them and us’ dynamic which sees support for the poor withering away over time. Yet the left needs more than a critique of the right. Defending universalism and arguing for redistribution are necessary. But they are not enough if this is not to be as good as it gets on poverty for a generation. The new Fabian study presents important challenges to poverty campaigners on the left and in civic society too. If we are to understand how and why welfare was turned from a badge of our equal citizenship to a pejorative term, the fear that reciprocity has been lost should be taken seriously. The answer is certainly not more ‘welfare crackdowns’. But a new welfare deal, which is more generous to those currently trapped in poverty while requiring contributions to socially valuable activity, is an idea which antipoverty campaigners should embrace to make deeper progress possible. However much may have changed about our society, important lessons endure from Beveridge’s plan that everybody put something in and was protected from the worst risks in life. That idea was too powerful to be trumped by claims that an age of austerity made a fairer society unaffordable. That spirit must again inspire new campaigns for our times. SK Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 1 Image: Adrian Teal REVIEW OF THE WINTER THE WINTER IN REVIEW December sees the publication of The Solidarity Society. This is the final report of the two-year Fabian Society and Webb Memorial Trust research project Fighting poverty and inequality in an age of affluence, commemorating the centenary of Beatrice Webb’s 1909 Minority Report to the Royal Commission on the Poor Law. Current anti-poverty measures have gone as far as they can go, argues the report, setting out a new poverty email your views to: [email protected] prevention strategy, built on a vision of the generous welfare state that would enshrine equal citizenship and foster a sense of mutual independence. The Independent said: “the future the report paints, of a return to ’Victorian levels‘ of inequality and sharp social stratification by area, housing and employment, is a warning that deserves to be taken seriously. And whatever the merits of the case, this contribution from the left means that, at long last, something like an argument can now be had.” In the last issue of the Fabian Review we reported that Fabian Research Director Tim Horton had taken on Newsnight’s Politics Pen to propose reversing this year’s planned increase of the inheritance allowance. It seems the idea is catching on: The Observer recently reported “Alistair Darling is considering freezing the threshold at which the tax becomes payable, as part of plans to cut the deficit.” This would not only be good news for the deficit and for those that find the idea of extending an unearned windfall to an already well-off minority distasteful, but will throw into even sharper sharp relief the increasing albatross that is the Tory pledge to cut inheritance tax for millionaires, recession or no recession. Fabian events and news are now reported at our blog, Next Left. Join the debate at www.nextleft.org and here are some recent highlights. We are also now on Twitter @ thefabians Wednesday 29th September 2009 Saturday 7th November 2009 Darling says no to high pay commission David Miliband’s lessons from Obama “I’m worried about the bonus culture... but it is worth reminding banks and ourselves it isn’t a case of having a go at banks,” said Chancellor Alistair Darling at the Fabian Society’s Economics Question Time at Labour Party Conference. Talking at the Fabians’ recent ‘The Global Change We Need’ conference, Foreign Secretary David Miliband recalled watching Obama’s Chicago speech on television from Belgrade and why he remained optimistic about the transformational agenda of the administration. He added: “It is in their interest as much as it is in all of our interests that the system is cleaned up” and argued that it’s about getting a “properly regulated, properly supervised” system so that a global credit crisis wasn’t set off again. Finance select committee chair John McFall said: “We need good corporate governance... The lack of corporate governance means that people have got away with murder.” CBI director-general Richard Lambert argued that the financial sector should put ethics at the centre of it’s actions. “If business is not going to exercise the judgement that needs to be taken, then they will be regulated. You need a conversation about ethics.” But Darling said that the Government was not considering a high pay commission: “It would be extraordinarily difficult for a government to operate something like that.” Posted by Rachael Jolley 2 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 One audience member asked him what personal lessons he had taken from Obama’s campaign and his personal style. Miliband said he felt that the biggest lesson of both the campaign and the year since was that movement campaigning had to extend beyond election day: “‘You campaign in poetry, but you govern in prose’, as Mario Cuomo said. But the biggest lesson is that you have got to campaign in government as well as in opposition, or in the campaign, that you do not get sucked into governmentalitis. There are enormous pressures for that - but you have got to ensure that you are a persuader in power.” Posted by Sunder Katwala Fabian Review Fabian Review is the quarterly journal of the Fabian Society [email protected] Editor Tom Hampson Assistant Editor Ed Wallis Fabian Review, like all publications of the Fabian Society, represents not the collective view of the Society, but only the views of the individual writers. The responsibility of the Society is limited to approving its publications as worthy of consideration within the Labour movement. Printed by The Colourhouse London SE14 6EB Designed by SoapBox Communications ISSN 1356 1812 Fabian Society 11 Dartmouth Street London SW1H 9BN Telephone 020 7227 4900 Fax 020 7976 7153 [email protected] www.fabians.org.uk General Secretary Sunder Katwala Research Research Director Tim Horton Research Fellow James Gregory Publications Editorial Director Tom Hampson Editorial Manager Ed Wallis Events Events Director Jemima Olchawski INSIDE The politics of 2010 4 5 The route to the next majority Will Straw The state of things to come 7 We need to talk 9 Jonathan Rutherford Denis MacShane Don’t wait for the big idea 10 Tory tactics for 2010 12 James Crabtree Stella Creasy 13 Do the manifesto differently Sunder Katwala The Fabian Interview 14 The calm amid the storm Mary Riddell The Fabian Essay 18 A national treasure Julian Le Grand Books 21 The carrycot under the desk Fatima Hassan The Fabian Society 22 23 Noticeboard Listings Events Manager Richard Lane Events Manager Fatima Hassan QUESTIONS WE’RE ASKING Events Manager Genna Stawski Communications Head of Communications Rachael Jolley Fabian office Finance Manager Phil Mutero Local Societies Officer Deborah Stoate Membership Officer Giles Wright Interns Katherine Street Ollie Haydon-Mulligan Philip Edward Reynolds Laura Bradley Matthew Murray Maddy Powers Lawrence Mak ELECTORAL MAP How has society changed since 1997? p5 THE ARGUMENT Where will renewal come from? p10 THE CHANCELLOR What’s next for the economy? p14 SAVING FOR THE FUTURE Why should we protect the Child Trust Fund? p18 Fabian Women’s Network Seema Malhotra [email protected] Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 3 Navigating the politics of 2010 An existential crisis is not a good look for a political party in an election year. Time after time it is the party Ed Wallis that doesn’t appear to is Editorial Manager have its act together at the Fabian Society that is punished at the polls. On one level, Labour’s position and messaging are clear: a list of tangible achievements over the past 12 years in power; decisive action taken to save the economy in the wake of the financial crisis; and a core belief that fairness can’t be left to the whims of the market but requires the support of a strong state. Recent weeks have seen a resurgence in spirit in the Labour camp. But the politics of 2010 still look incredibly tough for Labour, and both before and after the election we shouldn’t shy away from asking the deeper questions about the reality of the political landscape and what Labour wants power for. Resist calls for a pre-election blackout on debate: the current state of the electoral maths is, in part, because we haven’t done enough of the ‘what does it all mean’ thing whilst in government. So the challenges that are considered in this Fabian Review are ones that will be with us for years to come; and, in a makeor-break political year, the way we go about them now will inform not only the next election, but the longer term inquest into where next for the left. 4 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 The politics of The route to the next majority Labour needs new research to make sure it isn’t stuck fighting the battles of the past Will Straw is Founding Editor of Left Foot Forward (leftfootforward.org) Labour has never been here before: 12 years into office and contesting an election for another four or five. Some believe the party is heading towards defeat. When this has happened in the past, there has often been a protracted period of internal division and outward confusion. It took three election defeats and nine years of opposition in the 1950s before the circumstances were right for social researcher Mark Abrams to carry out his survey-based investigation – published as Must Labour Lose? – which argued that old class-consciousness was disappearing and the party could only win if it contended with rising affluence. It then took even longer (13 years and four defeats) under Thatcher and Major for Giles Radice to write Southern Discomfort, which used qualitative research to highlight Labour’s weakness in the south. Radice’s Fabian pamphlet, coupled with the role of pollster and focus group ’guru’ Philip Gould, paved the way for the ‘Middle Britain’ strategy that dominated Labour’s thinking in 1997, 2001 and 2005, with its focus on the aspiring middle classes. There is nothing inevitable in politics, and that includes the result of the next 2010 election. But this time, we must not wait for opposition before asking ourselves how we can build a winning coalition. It would be wrong to stick blindly to the Middle Britain strategy without, first, an honest appraisal of what worked and what did not, and second, considering what has changed in the near two decades since Radice set out his thesis. That task will require new research and honest analysis. Protagonists argue that the Middle Britain strategy was an overwhelming electoral success, heralding an unprecedented period of Labour governance which has delivered a list of achievements so long it took Gordon Brown minutes to read through them at this year’s Labour Party Conference. But another interpretation shows that Labour’s 13.5 million votes in 1997 was lower than the 14 million that John Major achieved in 1992 and, because of low turnouts, fell to 10.7 million in 2001 and to 9.6 million in 2005 (fewer even than the Tories recorded in 1997). There is scant academic evidence that the focus on ‘Mondeo Man’ worked in electoral terms. Research by Dr Malcolm Brynin at the University of Essex found that “neither of the main parties can woo supporters from the opposing main party in sufficient numbers to make a difference.” From an annual survey of 5,500 British households, Brynin found that of those who said they supported the Conservatives in 1991, only 9 per cent supported Labour by 1999. But as many as 24 per cent said in 1999 that they supported no party. And in The Rise of New Labour, academics Anthony Heath, Roger Jowell and John Curtice show that many of New Labour’s key assumptions “were at best half-truths.” In the words of Dr Joe Moran, “They show that the success of the Tories in the 1980s and new Labour in the 1990s had more to do with class de-alignment (the establishment of a broad base of support across classes) than class realignment (the winning over of a particular type, such as ‘Woking man’ or ‘Worcester woman’).” Putting these findings together suggests that the targeting of ‘mosaic’ groups was not the key to success that many thought it was. On the other hand, there was clearly merit in seeking broad support. By bringing together Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 5 ideas from the left and right, this is what the 1997 manifesto sought to achieve. Ed Owen, who worked for the party through Blair’s three victories, says, “reaching out to as wide a constituency as possible was absolutely right and absolutely successful.” But did this pluralistic approach break down once in office? Neal Lawson, chair of Compass, certainly thinks so: “We governed – despite the strength of the economy, the weakness of the opposition, and our massive majority – like young people who gatecrashed a party and hung around in the kitchen waiting to be chucked out.” In doing so, Blair defined himself against elements of the party’s base (the “forces of conservatism”) and leant too far towards the Daily Mail, the CBI, and the City as he sought to ‘triangulate’ and outflank the Conservatives. Jessica Asato, acting director of Progress, says, “There is some truth in the criticism that in order to win we skewed too much of our policy directly to their [Middle Britain’s] interests.” But she adds, “On the other hand, those who say we can ignore Middle Englanders would end up with a party that wouldn’t govern in the interests of all the people. These people are the backbone of Britain and we should look to persuade them in a more progressive direction rather than kowtowing to them on the one hand or ignoring them on the other.” The most damning critique of the Middle Britain strategy is that it created no organisation able to support its aim and, instead, haemorrhaged support. According to Owen, “we haven’t been able to remobilise people and that’s partly down to spreading ourselves so thinly.” Lawson is more critical: “the problem with defining yourself against the party is that we stopped being a Labour movement.” But although membership is now a sixth of the 1950s level, the decline is common across parties in most democracies. Indeed Blair initially bucked the trend as membership increased from 266,000 in 1994 to 405,000 in 1998. As Nick Anstead and I argued in the Fabian book The Change We Need earlier this year, to reverse this requires a completely fresh definition of membership and engagement to bring the party into the 21st century. 6 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 Building a new movement will not be easy. But the task will be harder still if the party doesn’t think hard about what has changed since 1992. While the mixed record suggests it would be wrong to continue without questioning the Middle Britain strategy, it would be equally foolish to hark back to a romantic notion of class-consciousness. Changing demography, geography, values, and political reality should all have a bearing on Labour’s next strategy. There is nothing inevitable in politics, and that includes the result of the next election. But this time, we must not wait for opposition before asking ourselves how we can build a winning coalition. First, although more subtle than the decline of the manual working classes in the last quarter of the twentieth century, there have been profound shifts since Labour was last out of power. Society is older, better educated, more culturally diverse, and more likely to be working in professional or managerial jobs. We know little about what this means though. Take participation in higher education: “There has been a three to four-fold increase in university graduates since the 1980s,” Professor Geoffrey Evans, an expert in the sociology of politics at Nuffield College, told me. “Graduates tend to be more liberal and that gives more of a basis for tolerant attitudes … But what we don’t know is the degree of heterogeneity within this increasingly large category. We need more research there.” Second, over the years, deurbanisation has meant that Labour’s heartland constituencies in the north have become smaller, giving the party a bias under Britain’s first-past-the-post system. This probably won’t survive a Conservative Government, though, who plan a 10 per cent cull in the number of MPs, many from overrepresented Scotland. Third, values have changed. The decision by David Cameron to embrace environmentalism and liberal social attitudes, and his professed desire to tackle relative income inequality are victories for progressives. But we should press home the advantage in what appears to many to be a progressive moment. A recent survey conducted by YouGov for the TUC found that 53 per cent of all people, and 62 per cent of those with earnings in the middle quintile, believed that responsibility for solving economic and social problems lies mainly with the Government rather than ordinary people. Meanwhile 73 per cent of the same group (compared to 68 per cent overall) believe that ordinary working people do not get their fair share of the nation’s wealth. Finally, we need to contend with seismic shifts in the political landscape. Devolution has opened up new flanks which Labour must defend. The expenses scandal has shattered the power of incumbency while third parties’ representation has doubled since 1992. A hung parliament is a statistically more likely outcome of our electoral system than ever before and therefore meaningful electoral reform to a more proportional system may be fairly close. If that took place the calculus would shift once again with alliances and successful coalitions rewarded as they were for the first eight years of devolved rule in Scotland. Again more thought is needed to understand these dynamics but PR could strengthen those pushing Labour in a progressive direction. These apparent changes suggest Labour’s values are shared by a majority in the country, but that we need a new approach to bring that coalition together. Putting time and energy into understanding these shifts is the challenge of the next year. Aneurin Bevan complained of Abrams’ work that “this sort of thing will take all the poetry out of politics”. It needn’t. New Labour’s great mistake was being too cynical about society and too fearful of upsetting right wing newspapers like the Mail. The next Labour strategy must understand the country it seeks to govern, but remain clear about its roots and its values. The politics of 2010 The state of things to come Once again the state has emerged as the key political dividing line between Labour and the Tories. Jonathan Rutherford says the left needs a radical vision for new times. Jonathan Rutherford is Professor of Cultural Studies at Middlesex University and editor of Soundings journal (www.soundings.org. uk). His latest book is After Identity (2007). The economy will dominate the General Election, but controversy will centre on the role of the state. What do we want the state to do and how shall we pay for it? The question will define the political fault-line between Labour and the Conservatives. The Tories have come out of Conference season trying to paint Labour as the party of the unreconstructed ‘big state’. This is a politically powerful charge, with a feeling amongst the electorate that Britain has become over centralised. However both parties are trapped in the discredited ideologies of the neo-liberal decades, and neither are able to provide credible answers for the future. For Labour to have any hope of recovery in the next year it needs to accept its historic mistakes and articulate a new and compelling vision for the state. British social democracy has been wedded to the state, but the state has never belonged to social democracy. The levers of power have been consistently kept out of reach: an upper class club land has given way to a technocratic elite, and bureaucracy has been partially replaced by outsourcing and the indirect rule of arms-length regulatory bodies, but the British state remains undemocratic, highly centralised, imperial, and in service to financial capital. Labour has lacked the ideology and political confidence to confront the vested interests that sustain this anachronism. The impact of New Labour’s reforms on human rights law, freedom of information, and devolution has been as much inadvertent as planned. Since coming to power, it has avoided democratic reform of the centre and focused ‘downstream’ on the modernisation of public services and on rebuilding infrastructure after the long years of Conservative neglect. But New Labour’s market state has not been the people’s friend. Marketisation and the privatisation of services do not enhance democracy nor people’s capacity to live self-determined lives. They replace paternalism with new kinds of impersonal, technocratic and discursive forms of authority. New Labour modernisation has been a cause of the low synergy between individuals and public institutions and this has been reproduced in the political sphere, intensifying the widespread popular disaffection from political parties and the formal institutions of representative democracy. Labour’s failure to redefine the use of government power has infected the whole political system and allowed anti-state sentiment to become a resonant political calling card – one that the Conservatives hope to exploit at the next election. Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 7 The financial crisis should herald a progressive moment for the centre-left. But it is floundering in the ideological vacuum left in the wake of New Labour. It has neither the alliances across civil society, nor the collective political agency to secure a new radical electoral agenda. It has no story that defines what it stands for. The ideology of liberal market capitalism might have lost its credibility, but it remains the only story of economic life on offer. Renewal of the centre left must begin with a new political economy. Britain is now the only major economy still in recession. It has to make the transition from casino capitalism to a balanced, low carbon, more equitable form of economic development. The transition demands an economics whose principles are ecologically sustainable wealth creation, durability, recycling, cultural inventiveness, equality, and human flourishing. It is possible to make this shift and be politically viable, especially at a time of such social and economic insecurity. We need to develop a democratised, redistributive, social activist state capable of regulating markets and asserting the public interest in the wider economy, but which is also decentralised and responsive to individual citizens and small businesses. It will be an intra-national state, negotiating elements of its sovereignty in global alliances and institutions, contributing to internationally agreed goals – we must commit to the political battle for a social Europe. A social democratic state requires the introduction of proportional representation in national elections, and a new system of party funding to remove the influence of rich individuals and interests. We need an elected House of Lords and the revival of local government tax raising powers in order to deepen and extend democracy through society. In the decade ahead, the effervescent quality of wealth creation will demand secure social foundations. Business must be made accountable to employees through forms of workplace participative democracy. The advocacy roles of civil society organisations, in particular the trade unions, need to be strengthened. The welfare system will have to support flexible and fragmented 8 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 employment, as well as new emerging markets and changing needs around an ageing society, well-being and health, social care and education. On current trends this social economy will become the biggest sector by value and employment. We will need to develop novel ways linking the formal and informal economy in ways that protect the latter from the downsides of monopoly profit-seeking. The state needs reconstituting so that it is capable of interacting with the complexity and values of social and community organisations, and devolving real power and decision making to workers and users.1 Making public services more mutual and democratic can avoid the problems of the market and bureaucracy, and create new social spaces for innovation and social development. Achieving a balance between freedom and security, efficiency and conviviality, for both workers and users will be immensely difficult, but essential. One radical idea that should be considered is to underpin this social economy with a citizen’s income – an unconditional, non-withdrawable income payable to each individual as a right of citizenship (www.citizensincome.org). To meet Minimum Income Standards it will be need to be worth £10,000 per annum, paid for through income tax. To make this more politically acceptable, an interim partial Citizen’s Income of £4600 – the same as children’s Citizen’s Income – could be introduced. A Citizen’s Income challenges big cultural prejudices around the puritan work ethic, the deserving and undeserving poor, and the ‘hardworking families’ ethos. But we are now in the end game of an old paradigm, and the birth of the new will require some radical thinking. The period of austerity we are entering will involve a shift from a culture of private consumption to the consumption of public goods. It will mean wealth and resource redistribution and a state capable of fostering new kinds of democratic, convivial publics. That will be the political challenge that will define politics for years to come. 1 R obin Murray, Danger and opportunity Crisis and the new social economy, NESTA, 2009 The politics of 2010 We need to talk More open debate is politically essential – before and after the election says Denis MacShane Where are the Tory ideas? And where is Labour’s debate? Even the most loyal of Tory columnists are worried at the absence of thinking on the Tory side. The oncelegendary Conservative Research Department – home to Enoch Powell, Chris Patten and John Redwood who were all original thinkers whatever one thinks of their politics – is barely alive. Phillip Blond, who invokes early English nativist (and often antiSemitic) communitarians like Hilaire Belloc and GK Chesterton, is the Cameron’s beau du jour. But despite the catchy ‘Red Tory’ label there is no applicable system of governance emerging from Blond’s vapourings. Iain Duncan Smith is more serious and wrong, as some of his proposals in the reports he is producing are often substantial. Other once-serious Tory think tanks like Policy Exchange have been captured by obsessive Europhobes, wasting time defending Tory allies on the right of the right in Eastern Europe. Cameron, as Steve Richards of The Independent has pointed out, is not heir to Blair but rather a William Hague with hair, which gets blacker and more bouffant at each Prime Minister’s Questions. Dave is not even close to the sophistication of the Blair-BrownMandelson invention of New Labour and there is no sign of the One Nation Toryism that allowed the Conservatives to hold power for more than a decade after 1951, let alone the British version of neo-liberalism that kept Labour in opposition between 1979 and 1997. But if Cameron’s millionaire shadow cabinet is ideas-light why cannot Labour gain traction? Is it because we have lost the art of debate? Different outfits, from Compass to Progress, or the eternally young Fabians stake out positions. Papers are produced. Some become Government thinking. A few years ago I proposed in a budget amendment a financial transaction tax. It was rubbished by the Labour Treasury team. Now Gordon Brown promotes it with evangelical fervour. He has even persuaded President Sarkozy that this Anglo-Saxon idea to control excessive global financial behaviour is worth backing. Labour, thanks to the energetic pushing of Alan Johnson and les frères Miliband, are also edging close to electoral reform. Labour has allowed debate to be replaced by the pulpit; the sermon read out at the Labour Party Conference and the terror that competing ideas should be tested and voted upon has vitiated Labour But to test these and other ideas we need to debate them. Columns in The Guardian are not a debate. Labour has allowed debate to be replaced by the pulpit; the sermon read out at the Labour Party Conference and the terror that competing ideas should be tested and voted upon has vitiated Labour. Policy ideas are to be welcomed. But they are worthless if they are presented as stand-alone pet projects not subject to the dialectic of debate. Instead of happening inside political parties, the most popular mass meetings in Britain are organised by a debating forum called Intelligence Squared, where grown ups bored rigid by the sterile shouting matches and point scoring of Question Time and Newsnight pay money to hear Denis MacShane MP is a member of the Fabian executive. for-and-against speeches and then vote a proposition up or down. During 2010 – both before and after the election – Labour needs to start debating ideas again. Which is the best way of reducing inequality – creating more businesses to employ people or taxing the better earners in the middle class? Is the minimum wage the endgame in delivering social justice or must more be done to help workers? Will all-women or all-BME lists for parliamentary candidate selection finally remove as MPs those who do not have a university qualification and is this desirable? Has the balance against secular Enlightenment rights swung too far in favour of religious ideologues dictating what women wear or who controls reproduction and sexuality? What do we do about the fact that more British soldiers have died in President Obama’s war in Afghanistan than in the Bush-Blair war in Iraq. All the squillions spent by DfID have seen an increase in inequalities and poverty in the world, so do we need to rethink the categories of UK global policy? Would an independent Scotland be a disaster and does Labour need an English policy? If some immigrants reject with contempt British values, is it racist to discuss this? What would a coalition between Labour and the Lib Dems look like and how would it work given our adversarial parliamentary political culture? These are questions for debate; and I offer no views until invited to open or oppose a motion on any of them. But what was heresy months ago becomes orthodoxy today. So it should. Labour must never find itself as after 1931 saying ‘No one told us we could do that.’ Between now and the election the debate of ideas with a clear ‘for’ and a clear ‘against’ has to re-enter Labour praxis. Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 9 Don’t wait for the big idea Anyone expecting a new grand theory for the left will be disappointed – instead we need energy and resources for many new approaches, says James Crabtree James Crabtree is an editor at Prospect magazine, and tweets at @jamescrabtree 10 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 I’ve ploughed through enough Renewal essays and sat through enough Fabian conferences to know exactly what is coming. Labour is going to lose the next election, and immediately following the defeat there will arrive a small tsunami of events and articles calling for root and branch ideological surgery. The r-word will be deployed with glee. We must be genuinely radical, they’ll say – as if there is anyone out there who really just wants a little slice of a fairer society. Underlying this will be a tempting but ineffective archetype of political renewal. Labour, unlike its pragmatic Tory opponents, goes oddly weakkneed over an ideological overhaul. This approach, which one might dub ‘waiting around for another Crosland to turn up’, undergirds much of the time we all spent talking about reinvented progressivism, and the sorry cul-de-sac of the Third Way. It is a model of politics genuflecting to Thatcherism: if you don’t have a major ideological break, with some Hayek in your handbag, something isn’t right. And post-election, man alive, Labour is going to want some firm Thatcheresque renewal badly enough to do itself a mischief. The move from old Labour to new, and in the US the shift to the ‘New Democrats’ in the late-1980s, were both broadly in keeping with such a change. Both movements combined a rejection of the ideas, institutions and political divisions of the past. Both were wrapped up in the veneer of eventual electoral success. And don’t get me wrong: such pushes for Big Renewal can be a splendid thing, if they come off. That James Purnell quit the Government to try and pull off something a little bit like this with his big thinking Open Left project at Demos is an admirable thing – and more power to him. But moments of comprehensive renewal don’t come along that often. You can’t rely on them happening. Just calling for them won’t make them appear. Indeed hoping that an individual sage will eventually bring a new synthesis is almost certainly a mug’s game. Phillip Blond has just about managed it for the Tories, but he is a sui generis figure way outside the mainstream of his party. The chances of an intellectual renewal so brilliantly bold, imaginative and sweeping as Red Toryism on the left are slim. Having pre-emptively assigned that to the bin, what should we do instead? To dust off an over-used analogy, Labour should follow a strategy more like Isaiah Berlin’s fox, and less like his hedgehog. Berlin split the world into two philosophical camps. Some theorists were like hedgehogs, in that they had one big idea about how the world works. Think Plato, Kant, or Rousseau. Others were more like a fox, in that they wanted to consider many different ideas. Aristotle, or most liberal thinkers, are in the second camp, along with foxy old Berlin himself. Moments of comprehensive renewal don’t come along that often. You can’t rely on them happening. Just calling for them won’t make them appear. Indeed hoping that an individual sage will eventually bring a new synthesis is almost certainly a mug’s game Stretching the analogy, Labour thinks it wants a hedgehog renewal: one big brilliant re-imagination of social democracy for the 21st century. But much wiser to go for a foxy renewal, in which we try to build many different, competing, sometimes contradictory strands of rethinking, and hope that good things come from it. As social theorists Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri might put it, here, we want the multitude. At the risk of delving yet further into the predictable, Labour has much here to learn from the Democrats. The first and most important lesson, however, is perhaps the least obvious: we should ignore Barack Obama himself. Hoping for a British Obama to turn up is even less likely than wishing for some kind The politics of Sipa Press/Rex Features of super-charged Geoff Mulgan-onsteroids to dream up an entirely new vision of social democracy. Instead we should look more at the period of democratic renewal that occurred roughly between 2004 and 2006. As New York Times journalist Matt Bai details in his book The Argument, after John Kerry’s defeat some high level Democrats decided something needed to be done. And as I was told the story when I worked in DC back in 2006, the process of renewal came down to one man called Rob Stein, and a PowerPoint slide deck. Stein’s slides detailed how the Republicans, between about 1970 and 1994, had invested many hundreds of millions of dollars – a lot of money, but not that much money – to renew their political infrastructure. The result had been a slew of new think tanks, leadership development groups, NGOs, help for candidates, and so on. Stein touted his presentation around elite progressive politicians and rich liberal donors, and explained how the conservatives really had created a ‘vast right wing conspiracy’ – it was just a rather humdrum conspiracy housed in the plush offices of the Heritage Foundation and Focus on the Family. The millionaires were receptive. “So what you are telling me” they seemed to say to Stein “is that the Republicans bought the American Government for an investment of not much more than a billion dollars?” And, having heard this, some of them decided they could do the same. Stein teamed up with some astute operatives, like Simon Rosenberg at the think tank NDN – and, eventually there followed a feverish process of institution building. Groups like the Center for American Progress, Media Matters, Center for Progressive Leadership, and a host of others (along with money for existing progressive groups) were the result. And when Barack Obama arrived, this new progressive architecture was ready to go. He fired the weapons with skill, but Hillary Clinton could have done nearly as well. Obviously, Labour doesn’t have a billion dollars. But a concerted programme of institution building need not cost much. The Cameroon renewal has bequeathed a rich array of largely inexpensive new institutions: Policy Exchange, the Centre for Social Justice, ConservativeHome, and even Phillip Blond’s newly launched Respublica. And on the progressive side too, Compass took over the left of the left with one full time member of staff and a minimal budget. That they have achieved so much with so little is an entirely repeatable political miracle. Elsewhere there are other examples. Geoff Mulgan’s Young Foundation isn’t strictly party political, but he still built it into the biggest thinking institution in the UK in under five years. (They now have about 60 staff.) Look also at the close to miraculous reinvention of Demos under Richard Reeves. At the 2010 other end, what about Will Straw’s new Left Foot Forward blog? Again, one member of staff, and a budget of a lot less than £100,000 – already a daily must-read, and doing damage to the Tories. Here one might also add the Fabian Society’s own Next Left blog – likely run on a budget of almost literally zero pounds, and a useful source of ideas and debate. So a foxish approach to progressive renewal would realise that what we really need is another dozen – no, actually, make it two dozen – new institutions. At least one new serious big league think tank, to go alongside IPPR. A leadership academy for young activists and thinkers. A group to develop a post-crunch progressive political economy, and another to think through trade and globalisation. A media monitoring organisation, like Media Matters, to keep tabs on the right wing press and blogosphere. And a bottom-up version of Policy Network, to link up thinkers around the world (rather than wining and dining just their presidents). What else? A handful more decent wonky group blogs, like Left Foot Forward, but on strategically important areas of policy like climate change, Asia or devolving power. A web development outfit to help progressives tool up for the new era. An organising institute to help the Labour party itself change its structures and approach. An intellectual strategy group to do socio-demographic analysis. And some intelligent single issue campaigning groups, on the same model as Health Care for America Now in the US, which just helped to plan Obama’s health care bill. And so on. The left needs good ideas, and perhaps just as importantly, good people. It’s not an original thought, but Labour faces an ideological context changed utterly since 2005, let alone 1997. That the checklist of issues is familiar, from China to carbon and back again, makes it no less pressing. And the best way to prepare isn’t to expect one big theory to reinvent the centre left. Instead, why not swarm it? If progressives ditch the radical talk and really put their backs into it, there is a fighting chance the left can have Lord Cameron back in Notting Hill, by 2015. Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 11 Tory tactics for 2010 Whether to savage the Tories as barely-reconstructed Thatcherites, or take seriously their ‘progressive’ claims is a key strategic dilemma for Labour. Stella Creasy argues Labour needs to show what progressive really means. Stella Creasy is Labour’s candidate for Walthamstow at the next election Today’s Tories wear their progressive credentials on their sleeves. Gone are the days in which Thatcher said there was no such thing as society. Now David Cameron emotes about child poverty, Nick Hurd professes love for the voluntary sector and Eric Pickles wants to be a co-operator. Those of us on the left should resist the temptation to dismiss these statements as merely soothing noises directed at voters concerned they are the nasty party. Instead we must show how the issue may be progressive, but their intent is not. In setting out what progressive administration offers Britain‘s future, we need to show how and why only Labour has the politics and the policies to make this a reality. Progressive political movements seek to advance social justice; recognising that whilst talent is evenly distributed across society, the opportunity to get the most out of it is not. The outcomes progressives chase are those that rectify 12 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 these inequalities. We are passionate about the benefits to all of investment in everyone achieving their potential. We put people and possibility first, not profits and privilege. These principles also drive our practical agenda, giving purpose and priority to the nitty-gritty of service deliveryinoffice.Weshouldacknowledge Tory talk of progressiveness as a reflection of our success in government. Whether belatedly accepting the minimum wage or championing international development, their Damascene conversion speaks to how Labour has changed the terms of debate on the priorities for contemporary British politics. Yet today’s Tories still try to apply yesterday’s solutions. As they try to reconcile interest in social mobility or community cohesion with the deification of the free market, they revert to type. This manifests itself in a mantra that whatever the issue, the ‘state’ gets in the way of progress through clumsy and expensive bureaucracy. For today’s Tories, to be progressive is to ‘roll back the state’ so the voluntary sector and the market can take charge, supposedly able to respond to needs in a way that statebased services cannot. Promoting civil society may appear progressive, but as a replacement for the state it is spectacularly socially retrogressive. We know this not least from the history of progressive movements and reforming Conservative Governments. Whether the Butler education reforms or Disraeli’s public sanitation, some of yesterday’s Tories understood public provision was an effective mechanism for social progress. Co-operatives were born out of absence, not as an alternative. The original pioneers didn’t work together to act against the state, but because there was so little to protect communities from the cataclysmic impact of nineteenth century industrialisation. In modern Britain where the society and state are interwoven, the consequences of such an approach would be to cripple progressive action by both areas. Not only does today’s voluntary sector receive much of its funding from public sources, its very nature is a response and development from the actions of the Government itself. To shrink one would fundamentally alter the condition of the other and vice versa. Today’s state isn’t separate to community, citizens or the market but a framework within which each combines. Remove the support collective provision and regulation offers and little guarantees community groups or market forces could respond effectively, let alone do so in a way that advances rather than damages social progress. Depending on civil society to become a surrogate for the state is as callous as leaving communities at the mercy of the market – or their failures. There is nothing progressive about leaving the pursuit of social justice to chance. In contrast, we understand the benefits to be gained from working with the voluntary sector and the market within a progressive state. In partnership with a thriving public sector it is a mix that can create a society where opportunity is easier to realise for all. Those who gain from going to co-operative run schools also prosper from living in a country that invests in early years education and youth services. Instead of waiting for the market to act, our progressive principles challenge us to be pro-active across public, private and social spheres for the common good. And as we look to the future, we apply this to addressing the inequalities created by the challenges of globalisation. Whether planning for economic stability, addressing climate change or stubborn social immobility we know we can achieve more together than we do alone. In the face of Tory attempts to espouse progressive interests, we must stand firm as to the importance of pursuing progressive outcomes. That George Osborne can claim to be progressive because he cares about poverty highlights how we far we have to go to win the debate about what a concern for inequality means in practice. Simply stating that something is progressive doesn’t make it so. It is not enough for us merely to tell the Tories this; Labour must do more to show how and why we are the real progressive choice for Britain. The politics of Do the manifesto differently Labour is running a different kind of election campaign this time, argues Sunder Katwala – that requires a different type of manifesto Sunder Katwala is General Secretary of the Fabian Society What sort of election manifesto should Labour publish to make its argument for a further term in government? On one level that is a question about the policy agenda which the party puts forward. The next few weeks will see one final round of debate about policy ideas, from party activists keen to see bright, bold and popular ideas to push on the doorstep and myriad civic society groups pressing their issues and causes. It is, in reality, rather late for major shifts in political and policy direction, though the financial and political crises of 2008 left more in flux for longer during this electoral cycle. But it is also a question about how Labour pitches its core argument to the voters. The theme of its last two campaigns was, in effect, ‘much done but more to do’. “Large chunks of our 2001 and 2005 manifestos were more or less word-for-word identical”, one Labour Minister tells me. It is easy to understand why. Language has been carefully crafted around which the party can coalesce. The statistics on progress made were updated, and the next steps of the policy agenda set out. This had the virtues of being contentful and serious, though it suggested too that a party aware that it must govern in prose felt it might be prudent to leave the poetry out of its campaigning too. The 2010 manifesto is shaping up similarly. Labour effectively published, without much fanfare, a draft manifesto in embryonic form in its ‘The Choice for Britain’ document on the last day of the party conference. It suggests another manifesto similarly conceived of as a report of work-in-progress from a reforming government. This is strange. Labour is clear that it is the ‘underdog’ in this election: that it needs to run the insurgent campaign of a party challenging for power, seeking to disrupt the assumption that David Cameron has won. Taking that idea seriously should make the dynamic of the 2010 campaign very different from that of 2005 and 2001. That should include doing the manifesto differently too. We risk publishing an enormously policy-rich manifesto, including every statistic you would need if ‘the Labour government since 1997’ was your specialist subject on Mastermind. 2010 This risks turning the manifesto into a box-ticking exercise, not a tool of public-facing political advocacy: the issues of every ministerial team and government department, the concerns of every policy stakeholder and progressive pressure group acknowledged, yet with the overall argument buried deep within. Very few people will remember much of the content half an hour after looking at it, including those about to go out and knock on doors to persuade others of the case. An excessive focus on policy can crowd out values too. Campaigning is about contrasts; The Choice for Britain ends with twelve things Labour would do which the Tories would not. These are presented as policy differences, but each (implicitly) speaks to a contrast of political priorities and values too. Unfortunately, the reader - whether an activist ready to campaign, or a voter themselves - has to derive those principles for themselves. By all means, let’s publish before the campaign begins an audit of the Government’s record, the lessons learnt in power, and the detailed future agenda across the range of policy. But that isn’t the manifesto we need. That should be a work of political advocacy, not just a policy report. Why not publish the necessary detail alongside it? What we need at the core of the manifesto is an argument: what does Labour think is right and wrong about the condition of Britain in 2010; and about why the values of fairness are important. The manifesto should contain more politics, and less policy, and remember that five statistics are almost always less effective than one. It should not need translating into non-wonk speak to be advocated on the doorstep. Of course, clarity about Labour’s future vision and how the policy choices – from tax and spend, to care and green jobs – signpost those values are more important than the form the argument takes. But we should ensure that the manifesto doesn’t get bogged down in the details. Make it memorable for those taking the message out to others. And keep it short. Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 13 THE FABIAN INTERVIEW: ALISTAIR DARLING The calm amid the storm Alistair Darling has come through the economic crisis with his political stature enhanced – but with constant economic aftershocks, colleagues after his job and the toughest election in a generation, things aren’t getting any easier for the Chancellor, reports Mary Riddell. Rex features 14 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 THE FABIAN INTERVIEW Mary Riddell is a columnist for the Daily Telegraph Number 11 Downing Street is a no-frills place. Next to the shabby sitting room where I am to meet Alistair Darling is a Fifties-style kitchenette, in which an aide to the Chancellor offers instant coffee and forages in the fridge for milk. We squint at the label on the bottle and discover that the contents are, in theory, too ancient for consumption. This tableau suggests either frugal husbandry of public money or a government past its best-before date. Naturally, Mr Darling would discard the latter metaphor. The election looms, and he is “ready for the fight. This election, coming on the back of such traumatic economic events, will define the shape of the country for the next five or ten years. “The decisions made by the next government will be absolutely critical. I’m not going to stand back and hand it over to people who, in my view, are going to take us back 20 years. There’s everything to play for. Anyone who says the election is decided is talking utter nonsense.” While many might question such bravado, Mr Darling knows a bit about survivalism. His limpet-like adherence to his own job recently won him the Spectator’s ’Survivor of the Year’ award – an accolade that he accepted with customary modesty, explaining that his last such honour came when, as Transport Secretary, he was twice named ’Most Boring Politician’ by Truckers’ Weekly. “An obscure sect in the transport world,” he says now, but he does not sound displeased. The survivor gong acknowledged his refusal to be ousted from the Treasury; an episode about which he is also sanguine. When I say it’s no secret that Ed Balls came close to supplanting him, he says: “If you’re going to be the Chancellor, you need broad shoulders whatever is happening. You stand your ground when you need to. “Of course you’ve got to get on with colleagues and work collegiately. I don’t have any problem with a colleague who wants to do this or that. I think just at this time, though, every one of us needs to have our shoulders to the same wheel. We have a job of work to do.” It is vital “that every single one of us is pointing in the same direction. I think that is happening now,” he says, in what might be a final warning shot across the bows of Mr Balls. His limpet-like adherence to his own job recently won him the Spectator’s ’Survivor of the Year’ award – an accolade that he accepted with customary modesty, explaining that his last such honour came when, as Transport Secretary, he was twice named ’Most Boring Politician’ by Truckers’ Weekly Despite the hour (not long after dawn) and the rigours of the job (he routinely works all weekend), Mr Darling is a calming presence. Rising smoothly through Cabinet, he seemed untouched either by failure or great success until he became Chancellor. At first branded a dullard, he was later called a doom-monger for predicting, restrainedly as it transpired, that Britain faced the worst economic crisis in 60 years. Although his handling of the meltdown has earned him much respect, most days provide some new aftershock. We meet soon after the revelation of emergency Bank of England loans of £61.6 billion to HBOS and the Royal Bank of Scotland, made with the Chancellor’s knowledge and kept secret for 14 months. The episode, which appalled opponents, served him as a reminder of the stakes. “The authorities across the world were doing similar operations because that’s what was necessary to keep the banks going. Anyone who doubts that should look at what happened to Northern Rock, when it was much more difficult for the Bank of England to do things on a more confidential, covert basis. It didn’t help one bit that people knew Northern Rock was getting assistance. They went round and got their money out.” He was, he says, “living on the edge for a while. There were many days when I knew that unless the Bank was making interventions like that, then literally banks would have had to shut their doors and cash machines would have been switched off. People should be in no doubt that the world banking system was on the brink of collapse in October 2008.” It was, he concedes, a lonely and frustrating time. “I suppose it’s partly my Hebridean background. You just have to think no one’s going to help you, you’re on your own, and you have to try and make the right calls. It was [irksome] to have people sniping at the edges, saying: ‘You should have done this or that’ when I couldn’t disclose what I was doing. I couldn’t have said: ‘By the way, the banks are about to collapse, but I’m doing something about it,’ because the very act of saying that would have been disastrous. You just have to put up with it.” I had not expected such a sense of isolation, especially since Gordon Brown has sometimes seemed only too eager to alleviate his Chancellor’s aloneness by doing the job for him. Their close relationship – which did not deter the Prime Minister from trying to eject his old friend – is one of the most singular in politics. When I suggest that familiarity has made Mr Darling under-awed by the legendary wrath of Mr Brown, he offers a wry smile. “As you say, we’ve known each other a long time. But even if I’d only known the PM for ten minutes...there are times when, if you think something should be done, you need to make your Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 15 argument. There can’t be a relationship between PM and Chancellor where there aren’t healthy tensions. [Or] sometimes unhealthy tensions...” Presumably he means rows? “If everybody agreed with one another, something would be very wrong. Of course you have disagreements from time to time. On differences of opinion, living in the same place helps. I bumped into him just now – an unscheduled meeting if you like. You can talk to someone much more easily like that.” No doubt many corridor conclaves are devoted to a major alleged tension between Nos 10 and 11 – Mr Brown’s eagerness to talk up growth and Mr Darling’s focus on reducing the highest national debt since records began. “I’ve been saying two things since the Budget: that we need to support the economy and, when recovery is established, we need to live within our means, getting borrowing down to an acceptable level.” He is scathing of the Tory shift away from talking up austerity. “It wasn’t working as well as they thought, so they flipped to being in favour of growth, except that they haven’t any means of delivering it.” Maybe so, but Labour has also flipped, abandoning Mr Brown’s omerta on cuts. Mr Darling claims he has always been for focused tax rises, pointing to the squeezes he has placed on the rich. “I think the emphasis on growth is absolutely right,” he adds loyally. “Gordon and I may say [things] slightly differently, but it comes to the 16 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 same point.” And what’s his current growth forecast for 2010. Still 1.25? “Yes, that’s the midpoint. We forecast between 1 and 1.5 per cent. But you’re going to have to wait.” We are talking ahead of the PreBudget Report, on which Mr Darling lips must be sealed, but there is little hint of harmony with Mr Brown, who recently put himself at variance with his Chancellor by predicting 1.5 per cent growth next year in an interview with the Daily Telegraph. On the tone of the PBR, Mr Darling says: “The best thing you could look at is the consensus at the time of the Budget, where [everyone] said I was wildly optimistic. Look at where they are today. Most are just a wee bit more optimistic than me...I’ve been very clear that you don’t just bounce back and behave as if nothing has happened. “It will take time...I said it [the economic crisis] was going to be more profound and long-lasting than people thought, and I’ve seen nothing since to indicate [otherwise]. The tone is going to be very cautious. We’re not out of it yet. Unemployment will rise into next year.” This gloomy prognosis is bad enough, I suggest, without the intervention of Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, warning Mr Darling that his cuts aren’t stringent enough and that the UK risks losing its Triple A credit rating. “Well, [he] said he didn’t think there was any risk of that. But the governor is independent.... No one disputes that as recovery is established we’ve got to get our borrowing down.” Do the two of them get on? “We get on perfectly well,” he says, adding, slightly wearily: “I’ve seen the governor more times than either of us intended. We met in 2007, and I’ve probably seen him every week since.” I ask if he has any role models among past Chancellors, but sets little store by precedent. “A Chancellor is defined by events. A hell of a lot depends on your judgment at particular times. You’re not the club treasurer. It’s a highly political job, you’re a pivotal part of government.” With the economy “central” to who wins or loses the election, Mr Darling may indeed be the fulcrum of victory or defeat. “It will be up to all of us,” he says. “I get my retaliation in first.” While few Chancellors have been as tested by fire, he wears the trauma of the last year with an equanimity that may be rooted in his non-political background. The eldest of four children, he comes from a middle-class Edinburgh family of hybrid party allegiance. His political interests at Aberdeen University, where he studied law, focused on fixing rates for student canteen food rather than Marxist theory. Years on, he can ultimately take or leave his chosen profession. When I ask whether he plans to stay in politics for the long term, he says: “I’ve always thought that if you live a life of 100 per cent politics, you are missing out on a huge amount. Your normal friends and neighbours have normal lives and go out with their families. You’ve got to have that hinterland. “I wasn’t a professional politician. I was elected when I was 34, and I think anyone who says they’re going to be a politican until they’re 65 or 75 is being pretty presumptuous. Secondly, I don’t think it does anyone any harm to contemplate that there is a perfectly good life outside politics.” How does he keep a toehold on the real world? “This is the worst time to ask me. When I’m not here, I’m in the Treasury. Margaret [his wife] and I did get out to Gandhi’s [his favourite Indian restaurant] last week.” Even his reading list suggests an ambivalence. When I ask what he wants for Christmas, he says: “What I really like is a good book that isn’t about politics. I’ve been reading The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stig Larsson.” Though eager to receive the rest of the detective trilogy, Mr Darling is also looking forward (though not perhaps so avidly) to Skidelsky on Keynes. Will he ever go back to the law? “Oh, I don’t know. Would you go to a doctor who hasn’t practised for 22 years? I enjoyed the law.” Then, as if aware that this sounds rather wistful, he adds briskly: “All of us are concentrated on the election. That’s the most important.” THE FABIAN INTERVIEW On whether he will stand down afterwards, he says: “No, far from it. I’ve said I’m ready for the fight. There’s everything to play for. No election is decided at this stage.” George Osborne, snapping at his heels, recently accused him of being “obstructive” on green issues. Does he mind? “A Chancellor is defined by events. A hell of a lot depends on your judgment at particular times. You’re not the club treasurer. It’s a highly political job, you’re a pivotal part of government” “Osborne playing at politics has never bothered me one way or the other. If he spent rather less time doing that and rather more time solving bigger issues, he might do himself a favour,” he says, fairly pointing out his own emphasis on green recovery. “Look at his [Osborne’s] green ISAs, for instance,” he grumbles. “They’ve admitted they’ve got no money for it. It really is a sham.” Mr Darling avoids, possibly to a fault, the “focus group politics” he deplores in the Tories. Asked if he would mourn Trident, he repeats Gordon Brown’s offer of reducing four submarines to three. He does seem, however, to sound the death knell for ID cards. “Most of the expenditure is on biometric passports which you and I are going to require shortly to get into the US. Do we need to go further than that? Well, probably not.” On a Tobin tax on financial transactions, a Brown favourite, he says: “It could be made to work.., but you’d have to have international agreement.” On Labour’s core purpose, he is bolder. When I ask if he sees Labour as a party of reditribution, he says: “There’s been far more redistribution than people realise. In the first two or three years of government, you dare not mention the word, but in any civilized society you have to have the right balance. Yes, we’ve got a long way to go, but we’ve made big changes. People of lower income are getting a far better start than they would otherwise. That’s something Labour should be very proud of. They should make no apologies for it.” This may signal further measures against the rich. Certainly, it reflects Mr Darling’s contempt for his rival’s policies. Might Mr Osborne, though young and inexperienced, not make a good Chancellor? “My criticism of George Osborne is not his age. That’s got nothing to do with it. It’s just that he consistently gets things wrong. That’s fine when you’re in opposition. It’s a calamity when you’re in government.” Mr Darling’s visceral dislike of the Tories, and especially Mr Osborne, is striking in so mild a man. That animus is, I suspect, a driving force in his politics. Maybe the impulse to crush the Tories also made him cling on so fiercely when his job was under threat. Combativeness is, however, quite different from personal ambition. It is easy to guess why Gordon and Alistair, for all their rows, have never replicated the poisoned pact linking Tony and Gordon. The PM, his Chancellor says, is “first among equals.” Besides, he does not want his job. When I ask if he would like to become leader, he looks at me as if he can think of no more grisly fate. “Me? No, not remotely.” That won’t encourage his admirers. “But it’s relatively easy to understand the answer, I hope,” he says dryly. Almost no senior politicians rule themselves out of the leadership and mean it. Alistair Darling, clinging to his shrinking hinterland, is the exception to the rule. Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 17 THE FABIAN ESSAY A national treasure: Defending the Child Trust Fund from the Tories With all politicians looking for things they can cut, Julian Le Grand says Labour must fight to preserve the Child Trust Fund. 18 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 FABIAN ESSAY Julian Le Grand is the Richard Titmuss Professor of Social Policy at the London School of Economics and an ex-No 10 adviser One of the greatest achievements of the current Labour Government has been the setting up of the Child Trust Fund. That young people should set out on their adult lives not only with appropriate education and training but also with an endowment of assets or capital was an imaginative idea – championed in Britain originally by the Fabians and by the Institute of Public Policy Research.1 Since the Government set up the Fund in 2003, the idea has been translated into a successful, popular programme with the potential to transform the lives of its beneficiaries. But the Fund is now under threat. The Conservatives have described it as a ‘luxury’ and have proposed limiting it to the poorest sections of the population. The Liberal Democrats have suggested abolishing it and putting the money into education instead. This seems like a good time to remind ourselves of the initial rationale for the scheme, and to publicise more widely its successes. In the UK we invest heavily in youth, but almost entirely through education and training. Though obviously very important, this neglects a key area of potential investment: capital or asset-holding. There is evidence that the having even a relatively small amount of cash in the bank at the beginning of adulthood can make a considerable difference to the young adult’s subsequent life chances. For instance, capital or asset holding at the age of 23 has strong links with time spent in full time employment between 22-33 for men and women, earnings at age 33 for men, and the health of men and women at 33, even when other conditioning factors such as income, family background and education are controlled for.2 Preliminary findings from a recent study found a positive wage premium associated with asset-ownership, again after other relevant factors are controlled for.3 There is also evidence from the United States that individuals and families who own capital tend to have better health, more marital stability, higher levels of self-employment, lower levels of domestic violence, lower mortality rates, better educational outcomes for children, and higher savings when those children become adults. Again this remains true even when family background, past income and education levels are taken into account.4 The precise mechanism of causality has not been fully researched, but there are several plausible explanations for these relationships. The ownership of capital gives people psychological and economic independence; it encourages them to invest, to save and to think about the future more widely; it enables them better to weather the vicissitudes of life such as unemployment or the onset of acute illness that lead to unexpected income loss; and it puts them less at the mercy of others’ decisions. More generally, as the US academic Michael Sherraden has put it: ‘Income only maintains consumption, but assets change the way people think and interact in the world. With assets, people begin to think in the long term and pursue longterm goals. In other words, while incomes feed people’s stomachs, assets change their minds.’5 In practice, of course, as we all know, asset ownership is very unequal. In the UK, 50 per cent of marketable wealth is held by the top 10 per cent of the population and 7 per cent by the bottom 50 per cent.6 And this inequality is particularly acute among the young.7 This is not surprising for, in the absence of their own savings, the young have only two sources of capital: family gifts or inheritance (which are very unequal in their distribution), and the capital market (which is not usually accessible to the young in general and to the children of less well off families in particular). The ownership of capital gives people psychological and economic independence; it encourages them to invest, to save and to think about the future more widely Arguments such as these led to the introduction of the Child Trust Fund. This is an account set up in the name of each child born since September 2002, with the Government putting in £250 for every child, and an additional £250 for the children of poor families. The Fund may be invested in saving accounts or in shares in packages offered by selected financial institutions. The parents can choose which type of account they want and which financial institution will provide it. To protect children from loss through investment delay, the Government opens an account on behalf of children whose parents do not find the time to open an account themselves within a year. Parents and others can save into the Fund; and the income from the fund is tax–free. The Government adds an extra sum to the Fund when the child is seven years old. The money stays in the Fund until the child is 18, when it can be used by the young adult at will. The Child Trust Fund has proved to be both successful and popular. Research by the Children’s Mutual has found that more than 4.6 million children already have open, active accounts, with approximately 70,000 being opened each month. 75 per cent of children are having their account opened voluntarily by their parents before the permitted year is up, an engagement rate far superior to other financial products such as occupational pensions. Savings rates with leading providers have trebled and two million parents are saving for their children each month.8 The monthly amounts being saved for children are up from £15 to £24, a huge 60 per cent increase. All this includes low income families, 30 per cent of whom add monthly to their child’s Child Trust Fund. In fact, 97 per cent of the Child Trust Fund’s Government Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 19 FABIAN ESSAY investment goes to families with household income below £50,000.9 Moreover, a recent study found that parents in poor families are enthusiastic about the policy, preferring it to spending extra public money on education or income support. They also welcomed its universality, and the fact that they could not touch it. The last feature of the scheme was particularly important since it removed the temptation to raid their children’s savings and encouraged other members of the family, such as grandparents, to save for the children.10 Already the Fund has resulted in more than £2bn being invested in children’s futures, with the equivalent of £2.4bn entering the economy in 2020 and yearly thereafter. It is acting as a catalyst for new financial education initiatives in schools. And more than 100 British companies are involved in supporting parents by giving access to Child Trust Funds. Politicians take note: the public are very much engaged with, and very supportive of, the policy, as the following results from questions in a recent Children’s Mutual study show: To what extent do you agree with the statement ‘The Child Trust Fund has encouraged me to start saving for my child’s future?’ Of those who expressed an opinion 86 per cent of ABC1 and 94 per cent of C2DE agreed or strongly agreed with the statement. To what extent do you agree with the statement ‘The Government should scrap the Child Trust Fund and use the money to pay for smaller primary school class sizes?’ Of those who expressed an opinion 74 per cent of ABC1 and 100 per cent of C2DE respondents disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement To what extent do you agree with the statement ‘Any political party that planned to scrap the Child Trust Fund would make me less likely to vote for them at the next general election’ Of those who expressed an opinion 73 per cent of ABC1 and 81 per cent of C2DE respondents agreed or strongly agreed with the statement So there are plenty of reasons why anyone concerned with the long-term health of British society and its people, especially the young, should support the development and indeed expansion of the Child Trust Fund. But it is also of direct 20 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 relevance to the current economic crisis. Most economists would agree that this has been brought about in large part by excessive levels of debt, by instability in the markets, and by irresponsible, ill-informed borrowing and lending behaviour. Arguably, the Child Trust Fund addresses all of these. It encourages savings behaviour, thus reducing debt. The savings are sizeable and long-term, thus encouraging market stability. And it promotes financial literacy among both its young recipients and their parents, thereby reducing the likelihood of irresponsible and ill-informed behaviour. The policy’s merits have been recognised by other countries as diverse as Hungary, Canada, Singapore, South Korea and the United States, all of which have adopted or are considering adopting similar schemes. An EU–wide version – a ‘Bambini bond’ - has even been proposed.11 For Britain, the Child Trust Fund is a national treasure – both literally and metaphorically. It must not be allowed to die in its country of origin. Endnotes 1 J. Le Grand and D. Nissan A Capital Idea: Start-up Grants for Young People London: Fabian Society (2000). G.Kelly and R. Lissauer. Ownership for All? London: Institute for Public Policy Research (2000). 2 J. Bynner and S.Despotidou Effects of Assets on Life Chances. London: Institute of Education: Centre for Longitudinal Studies (2001). See also J. Bynner and W.Paxton The Asset Effect London: Institute of Public Policy Research (2001). 3 A. McKnight and C. Z. Namarzi ‘Evidence of an asset effect? Estimating the impact of financial savings and investment on future wages’ London School of Economics: Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion Discussion Paper (forthcoming) 4 G. Kelly and R.Lissauer (2000) Ownership for All London: Institute of Public Policy Research (2000). 5 M.Sherradan Assets and the Poor New York: M.E.Sharpe (1991) 6 http://www.statistics.gov.uk/cci/nugget.asp?id=2 7 For data on this for the UK, see J Banks and S Tanner Houshold Savings in the UK London: Institute for Fiscal Studies (1999). 8 Statistics from the Tax Incentivised Savings Association whose members cover approx 70% of the market 9 Calculated by the Children’s Mutual using Child and Working Tax Credit data. 10 R. Prabhakar ‘Attitudes towards the child trust fund: what do parents think?’ British Journal of Politcs and International Relations 9(4) 713-729., 2007 11 J. Le Grand and M. da Graça Carvalho ‘Investing in youth: Bambini Bonds’ European Commission Bureau of Economic Advisers Monthly Brief: Special Issues Social Agenda Issue 16, June 16, 2008, 18-22. BOOKS The carrycot under the desk Shirley Williams fought both personal and political battles to become one of our best loved public figures, writes Fatima Hassan. With the expenses scandal having diminished faith in our elected leaders, very few can say they have won the admiration of the public, but Shirley Williams remains something of a Fatima Hassan national treasure. is Events Manager at She is the daughter of Vera Brittain, but the Fabian Society it was actually her father, George Caitlin, a respected political scientist and failed Labour parliamentary candidate, who framed much of her political thinking. In its title alone, Climbing the Bookshelves is a tribute to a father who is credited with driving Williams’ self-confidence and political awareness – encouraging his young daughter to discover the books within his dusty library and ultimately laying the foundation for her future career in politics. Climbing the She sees common ground here Bookshelves: with the other members of that all–toothe Autobiography exclusive club of women who scaled the heights of twentieth century British By Shirley Williams politics: “I came to realise how often the Virago achievement of women politicians grew £20 out of their father’s belief in them… Margaret Thatcher, Barbara Castle, Jennie Lee and I were all examples… of daughters living out their father’s aspirations.” A deeply honest admission from Williams, whose ambitions observers have more often attributed to her mother’s legacy than her father’s underachievement. At Oxford she befriended Bill Rodgers, her future ‘Gang of Four’ colleague. Rodgers became General Secretary of the Fabian Society in the 1950’s and was followed by Williams in 1960. She recounts taking a different approach to the Society to Rodgers though: his involvement in the Gaitskellite Campaign for Democratic Socialism clearly aligned him with one side of a deeply divided party. In fact she shared many of Rodgers’ political views (as later became apparent) but she successfully steered clear of controversy and kept the Fabians from being tied to a particular political grouping of the centre-left. Her time as General Secretary of the Fabians highlights how often the personal and the political clashed in Williams’ life. Her term required a careful balancing of work with motherhood, which meant keeping her baby daughter in a carrycot under her desk in the Fabians’ Dartmouth Street offices. The male-dominated Westminster inner circle often kept Williams at arms length, leading to what feels like a deep seated resentment towards them. Williams is light on the details of the schisms and fallings out that influenced her decision to leave the Labour Party for the SDP in 1981; there is honour in this approach, of course, but it does leave many questions unanswered. Williams does provide some personal insight into contemporary debates, calling for lessons to be learnt from the Government’s management of the 1956 Suez crisis to the Iraq War in 2003; warnings of the internal rifts caused by Eurosceptics during her time in the Labour Party; and the alienation felt by Cabinet Ministers under a micro-managed system – which often diminished morale and authority. Throughout, Williams remains an acute observer of British politics, offering words of wisdom to a new generation of politicos who grapple with a new global order, and calling on the strength of hope during the most difficult of times. Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 21 D OAR B NOTICE These pages are your forum and we’re open to your ideas. Please email Tom Hampson. Editorial Director of the Fabian Society at [email protected] Membership rates On 14th November the Annual General Meeting of the Society agreed an increase of £2.00 in annual subscriptions to help fund our programme of events and publications. The annual rates are now: Cheque/Standing Order Direct Debit Ordinary £37.00 £35.00 Reduced £19.00 £18.00 Retired members, students, unwaged and unemployed members may pay at the reduced rate. The six-month introductory offer remains at £9.95 (£5.00 for students). Fabian Fortune Fund North West Regional Conference Winners: David Yorath, £100; J.R. Hartley £100 Saturday 13 March 2010 The Mechanics Institute, Manchester A note from Local Societies Officer, Deborah Stoate Half the income from the Fabian Fortune ‘Progressive Politics – the Choice for 2010’ Fund goes to support our research programme. Forms available from Giles Wright, [email protected] Keynote speech by Rt Hon Andy Burnham MP Details from Graham Whitham at [email protected] New Year Conference – ‘Causes to fight for’ Saturday 16th January 2010 | Imperial College London Tickets are priced at £30 (£15 concession ticket) and can be bought through our website at www.fabians.org. If you are not already a member and would like to join, you can take advantage of our special introductory membership offer: £35 (£20 concessions) for a ticket to the Conference plus 6 months membership. For further details please email Richard Lane at [email protected]. 22 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 FABIAN SOCIETY Listings A note from Local Societies Officer, Deborah Stoate I would like to pay tribute to Frank Billett who is retiring from being secretary of the Southampton Area Local Fabian Society after nearly 40 years in the job. Along with Pat Haynes, John and June Solomon and Ian Taylor – all long serving Local Fabian Society officers – Frank has been a loyal, dedicated and hard working secretary who will be much missed. Southampton Society have decided to have an annual Frank Billett Lecture and the inaugural one is to be given in late January by Sunder Katwala. BIRMINGHAM All meetings at 7.00 in the Birmingham and Midland Institute, Margaret Street, Birmingham. For details and information contact Andrew Coulson on 0121 414 4966 email [email protected] or Rosa Birch on 0121 427 3778 or rosabirch@ hotmail.co.uk BOURNEMOUTH & DISTRICT 8 December. Christmas Party 29 January. Jessica Asato, Director of Progress on’New Labour’s Legacy and where the Party Goes Next?’ 26 February. Professor Alan Whitehead MP on’Housebuilding – More or Better?’. All meetings at The Friends Meeting House, Wharncliffe Rd, Boscombe, Bournemouth at 7.30. Contact Ian Taylor on 01202 396634 for details. BRADFORD New Group forming. If anyone is interested in joining, please contact Celia Waller on celiawaller@ blueyonder.co.uk BRIGHTON & HOVE Regular meetings. Details from Maire McQueeney on 01273 607910 email [email protected] CANTERBURY New Society forming. Please contact Ian Leslie on 01227 265570 or 07973 681 451 or email [email protected] CARDIFF AND THE VALE Details of all meetings from Jonathan Wynne Evans on 02920 594 065 or [email protected] CENTRAL LONDON Regular meetings at 7.30 in the Cole Room, 11 Dartmouth Street, London SW1A 9BN. Details from Ian Leslie on 01227 265570 or 07973 681451 CHESHIRE New Society forming in Northwich Southampton Local Fabian Society was formed in January 1910 so the Frank Billett Lecture will coincide with the centenary of the local society. When it was formed, Sidney Webb, George Bernard Shaw and Edward Pease, one of the founders of the Society, were on the Fabian Executive Committee and there were 46 Local Societies including ones in Toronto, Christchurch N.Z. and Melbourne. area. Contact Mandy Griffiths on [email protected] Enquiries to Mike Walsh on 07980 602122 contact Kay Thornton on [email protected] CHISWICK and WEST LONDON 3 December. AGM followed by Steve Pound MP on ‘The Labour Party’s Election Prospects’. 8.00 in the Committee Room at Chiswick Town Hall, Heathfield terrace, London W4 4JE. Details from Monty Bogard on 020 8994 1780 or mb014f1362@ blueyonder.co.uk COLCHESTER Details from John Wood on 01206 212100 or [email protected] GLASGOW Now holding regular meetings. Contact Martin Hutchinson on [email protected] MIDDLESBOROUGH New Society hoping to get established. Please contact Andrew Maloney on 07757 952784 or email [email protected] for details CORNWALL Helston area. New Society forming. For details contact Maria Tierney at [email protected] DARTFORD & GRAVESHAM 28 January. Dan Whittle of Unions 21 Regular meetings at 8.00 in the Ship, Green Street Green Rd at 8.00. Details from Deborah Stoate on 0207 227 4904 email [email protected] DERBY Regular monthly meetings. Details from Rosemary Key on 01332 573169 DONCASTER AND DISTRICT New Society forming, for details and information contact Kevin Rodgers on 07962 019168 email k.t.rodgers@ gmail.com EAST LOTHIAN Sarah Boyack MSP, Shadow Minister for the Environment, on ‘Labour and Climate Change’. Tuesday, 8 December 2009 at 7.30pm in the Buffet Room, the Town House, Haddington. Details of all meetings from Noel Foy on 01620 824386 email noel. [email protected] FINCHLEY 10 December. Andrew Dismore MP on’Human Rights in the UK’. 6.30 in the Grimond Room, Portcullis House GLOUCESTER Regular meetings at TGWU, 1 Pullman Court, Great Western Rd, Gloucester. Details from Roy Ansley on 01452 713094 email roybrendachd@yahoo. co.uk HARROW 21 January. Gareth Thomas MP Details from June Solomon on 0208 428 2623. Fabians from other areas where there are no local Fabian Societies are very welcome to join us. HAVERING 29 January. Sonia Klein on ‘Similarities and Differences of Political Campaigns in the USA and UK’. AGM on Friday 21 February at Fairkytes. Mike Gapes MP on’Britain, Europe and the World’ Details of all meetings from David Marshall email david.c.marshall. [email protected] tel 01708 441189 HERTFORDSHIRE Regular meetings. Details from Robin Cherney at [email protected] ISLINGTON For details of all meetings contact Jessica Asato at jessica@jessicaasato. co.uk MANCHESTER Details from Graham Whitham on 079176 44435 email [email protected] and a blog at http://gtrmancfabians. blogspot.com MARCHES New Society formed in Shrewsbury area. Details on www.MarchesFabians.org.uk or NEWHAM For details of this and all other meetings Ellie Robinson on [email protected] NORTH EAST WALES Further details from Joe Wilson on 01978 352820 NORTHUMBRIA AREA For details and booking contact Pat Hobson at [email protected] NORTHAMPTON AREA New Society forming. If you are interested in becoming a member of this new society, please contact Dave Brede on [email protected] NORWICH Anyone interested in helping to reform Norwich Fabian Society, please contact Andreas Paterson andreas@ headswitch.co.uk PETERBOROUGH Meetings at 8.00 at the Ramada Hotel, Thorpe Meadows, Peterborough. Details from Brian Keegan on 01733 265769, email brian@briankeegan. demon.co.uk PORTSMOUTH Regular monthly meetings, details from June Clarkson on 02392 874293 email [email protected] READING & DISTRICT 2 December. Dan Norris MP and Cllr Peter Ruhemann on’How Safe are our Vulnerable Children?’. 7.30 at the Friends Meeting House, 6 Church St, Reading. 10 February’Paying to Change the Planet’ Winter 2009/10 Fabian Review 23 FABIAN SOCIETY 24 March’Question Time for Local PPCs’ Both meetings at 7.30 at RISC For details of all meetings, contact Tony Skuse on 0118 978 5829 email [email protected] SHEFFIELD Regular meetings on the 4th Thursday of the month, 7.30 at the Quaker Meeting Room, 10 St James Street, Sheffield S1. Details and information from Rob Murray on 0114 2558341or Tony Ellingham on 0114 274 5814 email tony. [email protected] SOUTH EAST LONDON For details of all future meetings, please visit our website at http:// mysite.wanadoo-members.co.uk/ selfs/. Regular meetings; contact Duncan Bowie on 020 8693 2709 or email [email protected] SOUTHAMPTON AREA 27 January. Inaugural Frank Billet Lecture. Sunder Katwala, General Secretary of the Fabian Society. For details of venues and all meetings, contact Andrew Pope on 07801 284758 TYNEMOUTH Monthly supper meetings, details from Brian Flood on 0191 258 3949 SOUTH TYNESIDE 14 December, 19.15 at the Westoe Pub, Westoe Rd, South Shields. For information about this Society please contact Paul Freeman on 0191 5367 633 or at freemanpsmb@ blueyonder.co.uk WATERSHED A new Local Society in the Rugby area, details from Mike Howkins email [email protected] or J David Morgan on 07789 485621 email [email protected] All meetings at 7.30 at the Indian Centre, Edward Street Rugby CV21 2EZ. For further information contact David Morgan on 01788 553277 email [email protected] SUFFOLK For details of all meetings, contact Peter Coghill on 01986 873203 SURREY Regular meetings at Guildford Cathedral Education Centre. Details from Maureen Swage on 01252 733481 or maureen.swage@ btinternet.com TONBRIDGE and TUNBRIDGE WELLS All meetings at 8.00 at 71a St Johns Rd. Details from John Champneys on 01892 523429 WEST DURHAM The West Durham Fabian Society welcomes new members from all areas of the North East not served by other Fabian Societies. It has a regular programme of speakers from the public, community and voluntary sectors. It meets normally on the last Saturday of alternate months at the Joiners Arms, Hunwick between 12.15 and 2.00pm – light lunch £2.00 Contact the Secretary Cllr Professor Alan Townsend, 62A Low Willington, Crook, Durham DL15 OBG, tel, 01388 746479 email alan. [email protected] WEST WALES Regular meetings at Swansea Guildhall, details from Roger Warren Evans on [email protected] WEST YORKSHIRE Details from Jo Coles on Jocoles@ yahoo.com WIMBLEDON New Society forming. Please contact Andy Ray on 07944 545161or [email protected] if you are interested. WIRRAL If anyone is interested in helping to form a new Local Society in the Wirral area, please contact Alan Milne at [email protected] or 0151 632 6283 Fabian Quiz In the current financial crisis Keynes has been taken out of his cupboard, dusted down, consulted, cited, invoked and appealed to about why events have taken the course they have and how a rescue operation can be effected. In Keynes: The Return of the Master, Robert Skidelsky looks at why we have gone back so emphatically to the ideas of an economist who died fifty years ago. PENGUIN HAS GIVEN US five copies to give away – to win ONE, answer the following question: Keynes’ most famous book is ‘The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money’ written in 1936 but what was the title of his first published book? Please email your answers and your address to [email protected] or send a postcard to: Fabian Society, Fabian Quiz, 11 Dartmouth Street, London. SW1H 9BN. Answers must be received no later than Friday 12th February 2009. 24 Fabian Review Winter 2009/10 LABOURLIST.ORG • • • • • • Labour’s biggest grassroots e-network Hourly updates from inside the party Local, national and cabinet comment Contribute to policy debates Stay in touch with daily emails Across four web platforms www.labourlist.org/join Hello. We are SoapBox. We design publications for clients like ippr, Compass, Progress and Amnesty International. And we even designed the magazine you’re holding. Now, we also build websites for Labour politicians, think tanks and NGOs. Check us out... soapboxcommunications.co.uk
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