INCLUDED ITEMS »» »» Ozonesonde(s) One-year warranty HOW TO ORDER Contact DMT for pricing or more information: +1.303.440.5576, [email protected]. ELECTROCHEMICAL CONCENTRATION CELL (ECC) OZONESONDE OVERVIEW The DMT/EN-SCI ECC ozonesonde is a lightweight, compact, and inexpensive balloonborne instrument for measuring atmospheric ozone. Developed by Dr. Walter Komhyr and sold for decades by EN-SCI Corporation, it is now manufactured exclusively by DMT. APPLICATIONS »» »» Atmospheric research Climate-change research HOW IT WORKS Unlike some ozonesondes, ECC sondes do not require an external electrical potential. The ECC gets its driving electromotive force from the difference in the concentration of the potassium iodide solutions in the instrument’s cathode and anode chambers. When ozone enters the sensor, iodine is formed in the cathode half cell. The cell then converts the iodine to iodide, a process during which electrons flow in the cell’s external circuit. By measuring the electron flow (i.e., the cell current) and the rate at which ozone enters the cell per unit time, ozone concentrations can be calculated. ADVANTAGES »» Accurate, precise, high-resolution ozone measurements »» Unique design that allows pump operation without ozone-destroying lubricants »» Easily coupled with the most popular radiosonde models for parameters such as GPS coordinates, pressure/altitude, temperature, and relative humidity »» Portable and economical data system (optional) MODELS ECC Ozonesondes are available in several models to accommodate different radiosondes and operating environments: DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM The Model DAS-2 Data Acquisition and Processing System allows for data acquisition, data processing, and post-processing analysis. The DAS-2 system includes the following components: »» »» »» Software Modem Tripod-mounted 403 MHz Yagi antenna with preamplifier »» 403 MHz receiver »» 15-meter co-axial signal cable The user supplies the personal computer the DAS-2 system runs on. »» Model Z: fits Vaisala RS92 digital and analog radiosondes »» Model 2Z-V2D(E): fits older Vaisala radiosondes »» Model 2Z-V7: fits InterMet radiosondes »» Model 4Z: designed for ground use Photo: ECC Ozonesonde being launched in Fairbanks, Alaska. Photo courtesy of NOAA/ ESRL Global Monitoring Division. ACCESSORIES »» »» »» »» Balloons Ozonizer/test unit Ozone-observation program start-up kit Data acquisition system (DAS-2) The ozonizer/test unit (above) is used for conditioning ECC ozonesondes with ozone and checking sonde performance of prior to flight. The kit includes a HI ozone source, a NO-LO ozone source, a 12 VDC sonde pump, power meters, and an 18 VDC power source. The start-up kit, pictured above, is designed for preparing ECC ozonesondes for use. It includes sensor chemicals for 200 flights, an airflow-rate measurement apparatus, a pressure vacuum gauge, and ozone destruction filters, as well as syringes, beakers, and a scale. ECC OZONESONDE ECC OZONESONDE, CONT. PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONS SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Pressure Altitude (hPa) Accuracy (%) Precision (%) Resolution* (km) 1000 ±5 ±4 0.3 200 ± 12 ±12 0.3 100 ±5 ±3 0.3 10 ±5 ±3 0.4 4 ± 10 ±10 0.4 * Corresponding to approximately a 90% step change in ozone in one minute. GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Technique Electrochemical process that generates electrical current in proportion to ozone concentrations Measured Parameters Ozone partial pressure Auxiliary Parameters Sonde housekeeping parameters Included Components »» »» »» Operating Pressure 1050-4 hPa Operating Temperature 0 – 40 °C Inside flight box ambient temperature to -90 °C Power Requirements 12 – 18 VDC, 120 mA Weight »» »» Instrument Dimensions 7.6 cm x 7.9 cm x 13.3 cm Flight Box Dimensions 19.1 cm x 19.1 cm x 25.4 cm Pump battery (Lithium dry cell or water-activated) Sampling tube Styrofoam flight case Komhyr, W.D., “Electrochemical Concentration Cells for Gas Analysis,” Ann. Geophys., 25: 203– 210, 1969. Komhyr, W.D., J.A. Lathrop, D.P. Opperman, R.A. Barnes, and G.B. Brothers, “ECC Ozonesonde Performance Evaluation during STOIC 1989,” J. Geophys. Res., 100(D5): 9231-9244, 1994. Reid S.J., G. Vaughan, A.R. Marsh, and H.G.J. Smit (1996), “Intercomparison of Ozone Measurements by ECC Sondes and BENDIX Chemiluminescent Analyser,” J. Atm. Chem., 25, 215-226. Smit, H. G.J, W. Straeter, B. J. Johnson, S. J. Oltmans, J. Davies, D. W. Tarasick, B. Hoegger, R. Stubi, F. J. Schmidlin, T. Northam, A. M. Thompson, J. Witte, I. Boyd, F. Posny (2007), “Assessment of the Performance of ECC-ozonesondes under Quasi-flight Conditions in the Environmental Simulation Chamber: Insights from the Jülich Ozone Sonde Intercomparison Experiment (JOSIE),” J. Geophys. Res., 112, D19306, doi:10.1029/2006JD007308. Stübi R., Levrat G., Hoegger B., Viatte P., Staehelin J., Schmidlin F. J.: 2008, “In-flight Comparison of Brewer-Mast and Electrochemical Concentration Cell Ozonesondes,” J. Geophys. Res., 113, D13302, doi:10.1029/2007JD009091. Terao, Y., and J. A. Logan (2007), “Consistency of Time Series and Trends of Stratospheric Ozone as seen by Ozonesonde, SAGE II, HALOE, and SBUV(/2),” J. Geophys. Res., 112, doi:10.1029/2006JD007667. 480 g for instrument, including wet battery 240 g for polystyrene flight box Specifications are subject to change without notice. 2545 Central Avenue Boulder, Colorado, USA 80301 ph: 303-440-5576, fax: 303-440-1965 Rev A -3 June 12, 2014
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