Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Math. Sci.), Vol. 110, No. 2, May 2000, pp. 121±132. # Printed in India How to recover an L-series from its values at almost all positive integers. Some remarks on a formula of Ramanujan CHRISTOPHER DENINGER WWU, Mathematisches Institut, Einsteinstrasse 62, D-48149 Munster, Germany MS received 25 August 1999; revised 15 January 2000 Abstract. We define a class of analytic functions which can be obtained from their values at almost all positive integers by a canonical interpolation procedure. All the usual L-functions belong to this class which is interesting in view of the extensive investigations of special values of motivic L-series. A number of classical contour integral formulas appear as particular cases of the interpolation scheme. The paper is based on a formula of Ramanujan and results of Hardy. An approach to the problem via distributions is also presented. Keywords. Interpolation formulas; analytic functions; contour integrals; special values; L-functions 1. Introduction The purpose of this note is to answer a question, Mazur asked me: Is there an interpolation scheme allowing to recover a complex L-series from its values at almost all positive integers? This is interesting for example in view of the extensive investigations of special values of motivic L-series in the last decades, culminating in the Bloch±Kato conjectures [BK]. Note that p-adic L-functions are determined by their values at these points because the set in question is dense in Zp . It turns out that modifying one of Ramanujan's favourite formulas one gets a satisfactory interpolation procedure for a class of analytic functions which in particular comprises all Dirichlet series and hence all L-series. Incidentally the classical representations of certain zeta- and L-functions as contour integrals are particular instances of the interpolation scheme. Ramanujan did not specify exactly to which functions his formula applied. A useful class F H was singled out however by Hardy in his commentary on Ramanujan's work [H], ch. XI. We introduce a universal class F of interpolizable functions which is essentially canonical. Hardy's result then implies that F H F . Apart from the general setup and a number of examples we also give a short distribution theoretic proof of a special case of Hardy's result. This uses Schwartz' extension of the Paley±Wiener theorem to distributions with compact support. It should be emphasized that this note is essentially a commentary on one aspect of the work of Hardy and Ramanujan. 2. Preliminaries To a sequence of complex numbers a a 0 , 0 2 Z we associate the Laurent series: 121 122 Christopher Deninger a x : X a x : 0 Extend a to a sequence indexed by the integers by setting a 0 for < 0. We call `good' if the following conditions are satisfied: converges in a punctured neighborhood of the origin; 1 0 has a holomorphic continuation to U where U is a neighborhood of ÿ1; 0 and U 0 U n f0g: 2 For some 2 R we have j zj O jzj as jzj ! 1 in U 0 : If 3 is good, the contour integral Z 0 1 dz zÿs z I s : 2i ÿ1 z 4 defines a holomorphic function of s in Re s > for any as in condition (3). Here the integration is along any path within U n ÿ1; 0 starting at ÿ1, encircling the origin counterclockwise and returning to ÿ1. The power zÿs is defined via log z log jzj i Arg z where ÿ < Arg z . Note that I does not depend on the choice of the path. Lemma 1.1. In the situation of (4) we have: I a for > : Proof. For s > since zÿ is single valued the integral reduces to I 1 dz dz ÿ ÿ z z Resz0 z z a I 2i jzj" z z by taking " sufficiently small. & We need another consequence of the residue theorem: Lemma 1.2. A rational function d and we have: of degree d with no poles on ÿ1; 0 is good with X I s ÿ Resa z a2Cn ÿ1;0 ÿs dz z z in Re s > d: Finally we require for later use. Lemma 1.3. Assume that Then we have I s ÿ P 0 a x is good with some < 0 in condition (3). sin s M ÿx ÿs for < Re s < 0 : Remarks on a formula of Ramanujan Here Z MF s 1 0 xs F x 123 dx x is the Mellin transform on R . Proof. For Re s > and every " > 0 small enough we have: Z ÿ" Z ÿ1 1 dx 1 dx ÿs log jxjÿi e x eÿs log jxji x I s 2i ÿ1 x 2i ÿ" x I 1 dz zÿs z ; 2i jzj" z Z 1 I sin s dx 1 dz xÿs ÿx zÿs z : ÿ x 2i z " jzj" Since j zj O jzj0 as jzj ! 0 we have the estimate I I 0 c"0 ÿRe s and hence lim "!0 jzj" jzj" for Re s < 0. Hence the formula. & Remark. The theory of the Mellin transform is well developed. In [I], Theorem 3.1 for example two function spaces are defined which are in bijection via the Mellin transform. Together with Lemma 1.3, Igusa's result leads to information about the interpolation functional I . Unfortunately the class of functions to which we want to apply I in the next sections is quite different from the one that can be treated in this way. 3. Interpolation We can now set up the interpolation scheme. Consider the C-algebra: A0 : fsequences a defined from some 0 onwardsg= where a a 0 a0 a0 0 iff a a0 for all 0. 0 If sequences a; a0 are equivalent, then a is good iff a0 is good. Hence we can define: A : fa 2 A0 j a is good g: 0 On the other hand let F be the C-vector P space of holomorphic functions defined on some half plane Re s > s.t. x > x is good. Here the summation is over all integers > . By the principle of analytic continuation we may identify functions in F 0 if they agree for Re s 0. Theorem 2.1. I defines a linear `interpolation' map I : Aÿ!F 0 via I a I a : It has the `special-values map' S : F 0 ÿ!A; S 0 124 Christopher Deninger as a left-inverse: S I id: Proof. For any sequence a a 0 such that a is good the function s I a s is holomorphic in some half plane P Re s > . By Lemma 1.1 it has the property that > a. Hence x > x is good as well and thus 2 F 0 . If a a0 then a ÿ a0 2 Cx; xÿ1 . By Lemma 1.2 we therefore have I a I a0 in 0 F . Thus the interpolation map is well defined. As we have seen I a > a and hence S I id on A. & We now define: F : Im I F 0 : Then I and S define mutually inverse C-linear isomorphisms I A ÿ! ÿ F: S 5 This is clear since I was injective having a left-inverse and we have made it surjective. By construction the functions in F have the property that they are uniquely determined by their values on any set of integers of the form fj 0 g. Moreover given these values for 0 there is an explicit formula for the function, valid in some half plane Re s > . Note that we have a canonical projector: P I S : F 0 ÿ!F ; P2 P: 6 In these terms we have: PROPOSITION 2.2 (1) For A; A0 2 A form A A0 2 A0 . If A A0 2 A, then I A A0 P I A I A0 in F : (2) S and I are equivariant with respect to the Z-action by shift. Proof. (1) If A A0 2 A then I A I A0 2 F 0 since I A I A0 I A I A0 a a0 for 0 where a 0 ; a0 0 are representatives of A; A0 . Hence 0 S I A I A0 A A0 . Applying I gives the assertion. (2) Shift by one acts on A0 by T a a1 . The corresponding is xÿ1 a which is again good. Hence the shift & acts on A and by a similar argument also on F 0 . The rest is clear. Remark. There is a convolution product for sequences but it does not pass to A. Before we incorporate the Hardy±Ramanujan theory into the picture let us give some examples. For a sequence a with a in A we set I a : I a. = ÿ1; 0 the class of a is in Example 2.3. For 2 C consider a ÿ 0. Then if 2 A and I a ÿs where arg 2 ÿ; . In particular s ÿs 2 F. The functions ÿs defined using different normalizations of arg lie in F 0 and are mapped via P to the principal one. Remarks on a formula of Ramanujan 125 Proof. For 2 = ÿ1; 0 the function x a x 1 X ÿ x 0 1 ; jxj < 1 ÿ ÿ1 x is good in our sense. By Lemma 1.2 we have 1 dz I s ÿRe sz zÿs ÿs : 1 ÿ ÿ1 z z 7 & Example 2.4. a 1=!0 defines a class in A and I a ÿ s 1ÿ1 2 F . Proof. ex is clearly good and Z 0 1 dz zÿs ez ÿ s 1ÿ1 I a s 2i ÿ1 z a x is Hankel's representation of the inverse ÿ-function. We can also argue as follows: Since shows that I a s ÿ a x & ex is good for any 2 R, lemma 1.3 sin s M eÿx ÿs for Re s < 0: Now by its definition ÿ s equals the Mellin transform of eÿx so that I a s ÿ sin s ÿ ÿs ÿ s 1ÿ1 first in Re s < 0 and then for all s by analytic continuation. Example 2.5. We want to interpolate the values ÿB1 = 1 of the zeta-function at the negative integers. Since they grow so quickly that has radius of convergence zero we renormalize them as follows: ÿB1 = 1! for ÿ1. We expect them to be interpolated by the function ÿs=ÿ s 1 and this is indeed the case. More generally consider the sequence: ÿB1 a= 1!ÿ1 for 0 < a 1 where Bn a is the nth Bernoulli polynomial. Its -function is z 1 X ÿ1 ÿB1 a 1 z 1X z eaz ÿ B a : 1! ! 1 ÿ ez z 0 It is good and j zj O jzj for any 2 R. We have Z 0 1 eaz dz ÿs; a zÿs I s 1 ÿ ez z 2i ÿ1 ÿ s 1 8 9 by formula from the theory of the Hurwitz zeta function s; a P1a standard ÿs a c.f. [EMOT] 1.10. Thus ÿs;a ÿ s1 2 F is the interpolation of its values 0 B1 a for any 0 ÿ1. It follows that L ;ÿs ÿ 1! ÿ s1 2 F is the interpolation of its values 0 at the integers 0 for any 0 ÿ1 as well. 126 Christopher Deninger 4. Invoking the Hardy, Ramanujan theory. Further examples The problem is of course to give good criteria as to when an analytic function defined in some right half plane belongs to F . For this we take up ideas of Hardy. We first require a formula of Hardy, [H], (11.4.4) whose proof is omitted in [H]. For the convenience of the reader we give a proof below. Actually, in the following proposition, we show a slightly stronger result since this requires no extra effort and may be useful for extending the theory. PROPOSITION 3.1 Assume that is holomorphic in Re s > and satisfies an estimate of the form: j itj f tePjtj for > where P 2 R and f 2 L1 R is such that limt!1 f t 0. Fix an integer 0 > and choose r > such that 0 ÿ 1 < r < 0 . Then for any real ÿeÿP < x < 0 we have the integral representation: Z ri1 X 1 x x ÿ s ÿxs ds: 2i sin s rÿi1 0 Here the series is absolutely convergent and the integral is in the Lebesgue sense. Proof. Consider the contour C C1 C2 C3 C4 : where L 2 12 Z. By the residue theorem: Z X 1 x s ÿxs dx: 2i sin s C 0 <L We have eÿjIm sj sin s for jIm sj 0: Using periodicity of sin we get that for R large enough c1 eÿjIm sj holds on C for all L: sin s Hence Z C2 c1 L ÿ reÿR emax Pr;PLR max ÿxr ; ÿxL f R: Remarks on a formula of Ramanujan 127 R R Thus for fixed L, we have limR!1 C2 0. Similarly limR!1 C4 0. Next Z Li1 Z 1 Z L ÿjtj PL jtj L Plog ÿx c2 e e e f t ÿx dt c e 3 Lÿi1 ÿ1 1 ÿ1 f t dt: Hence the integral exists and tends to zero for L ! 1 by our assumption ÿeÿP < x < 0 i.e. P log ÿx < 0. Similarly the integral from r ÿ i1 to r i1 exists. Hence the formula. & One now uses the integral representation for of the proposition to show that which a priori is holomorphic only in 0 < jzj < eÿP extends to a holomorphic function in some punctured neighborhood U 0 as in (2) above which is bounded by a power of jzj as in (3). More can be done but let us stay with a class of functions introduced by Hardy. For A < set: ( ) 's analytic in Re s > for some 2 R such that there : F H A exists P 2 R with j itj ePAjtj in Re s > S Any such is called allowable for . Set F H A< F H A. Then we have the following result which follows from the preceeding considerations and those in [H], 11.4: be the Theorem 3.2. F H F .PMore precisely, if is allowable for 2 F H let analytic continuation of > x to a punctured neighborhood U 0 of ÿ1; 0. Then we have j zj O jzj as jzj ! 1 in U 0 for every > and the interpolation formula Z 0 1 dz zÿs z s I s 2i ÿ1 z therefore holds in Re s > . Remark. The example of s sin s shows that the condition A < is not unnatural. Proof. By assumption j itj ePAjtj in > for some P 2 R; A < . Hence Proposition 3.1 is applicable. Let 0 be the least integer > and choose r > such that 0 ÿ 1 < r < 0 . Then by (3.1) we have for any ÿeÿP < z < 0: Z ri1 1 s ÿzs ds: z ÿ 2i rÿi1 sin s Choose 0 < < ÿ A. Then for ÿ < arg ÿz < we have: j ÿzs j jzj eÿt arg ÿz jzj ejtj : Thus Z Z c1 ri1 rÿi1 1 ÿ1 c2 jzj r eÿjtj ePrAjtj jzjr ejtj dt Z 1 ÿ1 e Aÿjtj dt O jzjr : 128 Christopher Deninger Since we know that the series for converges in 0 < jzj < eÿP it follows that extends to an analytic function in some region U 0 as in (2) where it satisfies z O jzjr as jzj ! 1 for any r > . Thus is good and hence 2 F 0 . Moreover I s defines a holomorphic function in Re s > . It remains to prove that I . Unfortunately this cannot be checked by substituting the above integral representation for into the contour integral I since the former does not converge for the s on the loop around zero. Instead we reduce the claim to a formula of Hardy and Ramanujan ± the last equality in [H], 11.4± which itself is an application of Mellin- or Fourier-inversion: Formula of Hardy±Ramanujan. For 0 < < 1, let H be holomorphic in Re s ÿ and satisfy the estimate H s eP1 Ajtj there for some P1 and A < . Setting H x 1 X H ÿ1 x 0 we have that Z 0 1 xw H x dx H ÿw x sin w for 0 < Re w < : By Lemma 1.3 we have for < Re s < 0 : Z sin s 1 ÿs dx x ÿx : I s ÿ x 0 Now choose 0 < < 0 ÿ so that in particular < 1. Set H s s 0 . Then the Hardy±Ramanujan formula applied to H s s 0 gives the equality: Z 1 dx 0 ÿ w: xwÿ0 ÿx x sin w ÿ 0 0 Thus for 0 ÿ < Re s < 0 we find that Z sin s 1 ÿs dx ÿ x ÿx s: x 0 Together with the above formula for I s it follows by analytic continuation that I s s for Re s > as claimed. & Remark 3.3. Our interpolation functional I has two advantages over the one of Hardy± Ramanujan: Z sin s ÿ1 dx IHR : 7ÿ! ÿxÿs x x 0 which requires convergence at 0 and ÿ1 whereas I needs convergence at ÿ1 only. As a consequence interpolation formulas involving IHR are valid at most in some region < Re s < whereas those using I hold in a half plane Re s > . Moreover only in I is it possible to add to an arbitrary Laurent polynomial without changing its value. This is crucial for interpolating elements of A i.e. sequences which are only given up to equivalence. Remarks on a formula of Ramanujan 129 In the rest of this section we use distributions to give a different and more conceptual proof of the assertion 2 F in Theorem 3.2 for a restricted class of functions : Let be an entire function which satisfies an estimate of the form j sj 1 jsjN eAjIm sj in C for some A < . By Schwartz' extension of the Paley±Wiener theorem to distributions [Y], VI.4 the function is the Fourier±Laplace transform of a distribution T with compact support in ÿ; . Choose some " > 0 such that supp T is disjoint from the set C" of y in R with jeiy 1j < ". Let be a smooth function on R which is 0 on C" and equal to 1 on supp T. We have: ^ s T s 2ÿ1=2 hTy ; eÿisy i: Hence x : 1 X x 2ÿ1=2 hTy ; 1 ÿ xeÿiy ÿ1 i 0 for jxj < 1. The formula z 2ÿ1=2 hTy ; y 1 ÿ zeÿiy ÿ1 i gives the analytic continuation of to a neighborhood of ÿ1; 0. Since X sup jD h yj jT hj C jjN jyjL for some constants C; N; L and all smooth functions h on R it follows that j zj O jzjÿ1 as z ! ÿ1: Hence is good and thus 2 F 0 . Now Z 0 1 dz zÿs 2ÿ1=2 hTy ; y 1 ÿ zeÿiy ÿ1 i I s 2i ÿ1 z * + Z 0 1 dz ÿ1=2 ÿ1 Ty ; zÿs y 1 ÿ zeÿiy 2 2i ÿ1 z 2:3 2ÿ1=2 hTy ; eÿisy i s: Since supp T ÿ; . Hence 2 F . If more generally T has compact support in R n Z then is still good by the identical argument, so that 2 F 0 . However we now have, again using (2.3), that: P I s 2ÿ1=2 hTy ; yeÿisy i; 10 where y 2 ÿ; is such that y y mod Z. Note that eÿisy is not smooth but yeÿisy is. Writing T as a finite sum X T T 130 Christopher Deninger of distributions T with compact support in ÿ ; it follows that ^ T^ . By (10) we see that P eis and hence where T; X P eis 2 F : P Incidentially this is also a consequence of Theorem 3.2 applied to eis . 5. Applications In this section we illustrate the preceeding theory by interpolating certain interesting classes of functions. We are mostly interested in L-series and their completed versions by ÿ-factors. Set 8 9 < 's analytic in Re s > for some 2 R s.t. for every = > 0 there exist a and some P 2 R with F 0 H : ; j itj eP jtj in Re s > and ( F 0H 's analytic in Re s > for some `associated' s.t. j itj eP in Re s > for some P 2 R ) : 0 0 Clearly F 0H F 0 H F H. Moreover F H and F H are C-algebras and F H is a module 0 under them. Note that if f 2 F H and 2 F H have f and associated to them, then max f ; is associated to f . P Clearly every Dirichlet series an ÿs n with n > 0 and abscissa of absolute conver0 gence < 1 belongs to F H with being admissible. In particular L-series and their inverses belong to F 0H . On the other hand L-series completed by ÿ-factors do not even belong to F 0 since the associated power series has radius of convergence zero. The reciprocal function however has a better behaviour if the ÿ-factor is simple. To see this we require the following fact: PROPOSITION 4.1 For every 0 < a < 2; b 2 R the function ÿ as bÿ1 belongs to F H with associated 1a 12 ÿ b. Proof. For given > 0 the complex Stirling asymptotics for ÿ s implies that ÿ s eÿs e ÿ1=2log s 21=2 1 O sÿ1 in j arg sj ÿ as jsj ! 1. Hence this estimate holds for all s with Re s 12 ; jsj > 1. Thus we also have ÿ sÿ1 es e 1=2ÿslog s 2ÿ1=2 1 O sÿ1 in Re s 12; jsj > 1 and hence: jÿ sÿ1 j e e 1=2ÿ log jsj ejtj=2 ejtj=2 Remarks on a formula of Ramanujan 131 in Re s 1=2; jsj > 1 and hence in Re s 1=2. Thus jÿ as bÿ1 j eajtja=2 for Re s 1a 12 ÿ b: 11 & Examples. (1) It follows again that ÿ sÿ1 2 F . (2) Since 2s 2ÿ1 2 F 0H with ÿ1=2 (abscissa of absolute convergence) and since ÿ s 1ÿ1 2 F H with ÿ1=2 by the proposition we find that ÿ s 1ÿ1 2s 2ÿ1 2 F H with ÿ1=2. Hence theorem 3.2 gives us: Z 0 1 X 1 z dz 1 1 zÿs for Re s > ÿ : ! 2 2 2i ÿ1 z ÿ s 1 2s 2 2 0 Note that the series in the integral converges everywhere. Setting ^ ÿs=2 ÿ s s s 2 ^ 2ÿ1 2 F H with ÿ1=2 and that: we get similarly that 2s 1 2i Z 0 ÿ1 zÿs 1 X z dz 1 ^ ^ z 2s 2 0 2 2 1 in Re s > ÿ : 2 ^ ÿ1 2 F H with 1 and hence: Similarly s Z 0 1 X 1 z dz 1 in Re s > 1: zÿs ^ ^ 2i ÿ1 z s 2 (3) A similar formula holds for the completed L-series ^ s L E; s 2ÿs ÿ s L E; of an elliptic curve E over Q: Z 0 1 X 1 z dz 1 zÿs ^ ^ 2i ÿ1 z L E; s 2 L E; 3 in Re s > : 2 (4) For s 2s 2 F 0H F and 1=2 the corresponding function p 3.2 is given by z f ÿz where f is the even function 1 1 ÿ wew ÿ 1 weÿw : f w ew ÿ eÿw 2 in Theorem After some calculation which we leave to the reader the formula of theorem 3.2 leads to the functional equation of s. This example was suggested by the discussion of Ramanujan's formula in [E], 10.10. Remark. A variant of the first formula was first given by Riesz as mentioned by Hardy: Z 1 1 X ÿ1 x dx ÿ s xÿs ! 2 2 x 2s 2 0 0 valid for ÿ1=2 < Re s < 0. 132 Christopher Deninger The case ÿ 2s bÿ1 is not covered by the proposition. We close by noting that a direct computation gives: Fact 4.2. ÿ 2s nÿ1 2 F for all n 2 Z. Proof. SinceP F is shift-invariant we may restrict to ÿ 2s 1ÿ1 . The associated function 2 1 w ÿw . The mapping is x 1 0 x = 2! which is entire. We have w 2 e e 2 w7!w transforms any strip 0 Re w into a neighborhood U of ÿ1; 0. In 0 Re is bounded in U. Thus w the function 12 ew eÿw is bounded and hence ÿ 2s 1ÿ1 2 F 0 . For Re s > 0 we have: Z 0 Z 0 1 dz 1 dz 1 ÿs ÿ10i z ÿ1ÿ0i zÿs z zÿs z ÿ 1 ÿ 2i ÿ1 z 2i ÿ1 z 2is Z 0 1 dz zÿs z ÿ 1 : 2i ÿ1 z Using Lemma (1.3) we see that for 0 < Re s < 1 this equals Z Z sin s 1 ÿs dx sin s 1 ÿ2s dx x ÿx ÿ 1 ÿ2 x cos x ÿ 1 ÿ x x 0 Z 10 sin s xÿ2s sin x dx s 0 by integration by parts. Substituting the formula in [EMOT], 1.5.1 (38) Z 1 xÿ1 sin x dx ÿ sin in ÿ 1 < Re < 1: 2 0 We arrive after some calculation at the desired formula: Z 0 1 dz zÿs z ÿ 2s 1ÿ1 : 2i ÿ1 z & Acknowledgements I would like to thank B Mazur for his question and the Harvard mathematics department for its hospitality. I would also like to thank the referee for suggestions to improve the exposition. References [BK] Bloch S and Kato K, L-functions and Tamagawa numbers of motives, in: The Grothendieck Festschrift, vol. 1, Prog. Math. 86 (1990) 333±400 [E] Edwards H M, Riemann's zeta function (Academic Press) (1974) [EMOT] Erdelyi A et al, Higher transcendental functions. The Bateman Manuscript Project (McGraw-Hill) (1953) vol. 1 [H] Hardy G H and Ramanujan S, Twelve Lectures on Subjects Suggested by His Life and Work (Chelsea) (1978) [I] Igusa J-I, Lectures on forms of higher degree. (Bombay: Tata Institute of Fundamental research) (1978) [Y] Yosida K, Grundlehren Bd. 123, (Springer: Functional Analysis) (1971)
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