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EP29k, How to Screen and Interview Prospective Staff.pdf
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HOW TO: Screen and Interview Prospective Staff
Summary: In preparing to screen job applicants use Hiring Manager to enter their qualifications. Prepare for and
conduct the interview using the suggested procedures. Check references and do background checks if required.
These instructions apply only to hiring staff employees. Please check references and consult with your recruiter before
making a job offer
What you, the supervisor,
should do
How to do it
Review job applicants' resumes
and applications
1. Log in to Hiring Manager to review and screen applicants.
2. Give first consideration to any preferential rehire applicants.
3. Carefully review each applicant's skills, knowledge and abilities (SKAs) using
the Applicant Evaluation Matrix.
4. Use the preliminary codes, A, B, C, to sort candidates according to
5. Use only A, B, C codes until the end of the recruitment process.
Respond to candidates
1. Send a thank you letter to those applicants who do not meet your minimum
2. Call your prospective candidates. You may wish to conduct a phone screening
to determine salary requirements, level of interest in the position, and/or
other qualifications. Use the Telephone Interview Guide.
3. If candidates are out of the area, consider using an online interview as an
alternative to the expense of bringing the candidate to campus.
4. Schedule the candidates for an interview. Tell them where to park, let them
know what the interview process entails, and approximately how much time
they should plan to spend.
5. Send them a copy of the job description to review prior to the interview,
(together with a Confirmation Letter or e-mail, if you wish).
Prepare for the interview
1. Choose an interview committee of not more than 5 participants.
2. Prepare key questions exploring past job performance and covering all
essential functions. See the Sample Interview Questions.
3. Review your interview questions with your recruiter prior to the interviews.
Questions to Avoid During an Interview will help to ensure that you ask
only job related questions.
4. Meet with the interview committee to review the questions and logistics that
will affect the interview process.
5. Be sure to use the same interview format for every candidate and that the
interview appointments are of the same length.
6. The Interview Rating Guide will assist you in evaluating the candidates.
Conduct the interview
1. Choose an appropriate and comfortable interview environment where you will
not be interrupted.
2. Welcome the candidate and provide him/her with an overview of the
3. Ask your questions and then sit back and listen (ideally, you should talk no
more than 20% of the time).
4. Comment on what the candidate says to show interest and encourage further
5. Use follow-up questions to elicit additional information about past
performance or behavior indicated on the resume/application.
6. Ask the candidate if they have questions and respond as accurately and
thoroughly as possible.
7. Conclude the interview by thanking them and explaining the 'next steps' in
the process. Ask permission to contact references.
8. If a second level interview is necessary for final candidates, contact them and
schedule the interviews and explain the interview process.
9. Inform non-selected candidates of their status by telephone or e-mail and
EP29k, How to Screen and Interview Prospective Staff.pdf
follow up by sending a letter.
Information obtained from candidates is confidential and should not be shared with
others who are not part of the hiring process.
Check references of your final
1. Prepare reference questions in advance. A Guide to Reference Checking is
available. Tailor your questions to reflect the job requirements for the
2. Call references and ask specific questions about the candidates' background,
skills and qualifications.
Background checks
1. Background checks are required of external staff hires as part of the preemployment process. The background check is conducted by the UCIPD and
consists of a Department of Justice (DOJ) LiveScan and a Department of
Motor Vehicles (DMV) check for positions required to drive University
Have your new employee contact HR at (949) 824-5210 to schedule a
background check appointment.
HR will provide the new employee with all forms and instructions for the
DOJ LiveScan process..
If the position requires driving a University vehicle, UCIPD will also
conduct a California DMV check.
2. Internal UCI candidates who are promoted or transferred into a position
deemed "critical" are required to have a background check. See Critical
Elements Definitions for more information.
3. You will be notified by HR upon completion of the background check.
Next section: Selection
For more information, refer to the Hiring main menu.
Need an expert? Contact your Recruiter in Human Resources, (949) 824-5210.
Notice: University policies, procedures and applicable collective bargaining agreements shall supersede information in
this document or elsewhere on this site.
Author: N/A Last published: N/A
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