THUKSDAY, ATUUST lt>, 1934 iTii'ST in, vx\i nee-New 0 ,KIE PICS | ri i ^grU^S"!—IIHBiMllii outhful, utntopHisjtiat Madge Evans has er "grownup" return she is to become a n for Irving T h a i - 4 on of ""What Every tfs/* Melon Hayes' chicle at the Metro- # studios. As Lady vans becomes involn Aherne, th« male a east that includes' n, David Torre nee, , and Donald Crisa, la Cava directing, based on the pjay * Barrie. *oke of the week: d's colored maid, a possible picture sun-tanned trainheart, approached on the set where of Happiness" is . "Miss Boland," nd listen carefulsxt phrase is real**when is dey-all tart dat picture, Red Cap?" lat old song which a Bimboo Down in les?" That song ent as it appears. Isles are probably the Barbary Coast, I, and other scarlet sten carefully, bamThat strange but fact has given score of people proof a Bengal Sanction. The studio ment made some nces which prompt.o pieces when Vic"Lighthorse Troop" en jousted with a, just for practice, dier standing nearrong kind of bam•en^ male bamboo, -male bamboo poles $00-0-0-, as the Machine ads used •o finally got some And new Vic Mea n just knock the each other with* ything other than lished in "Death nd,** Madge Ev*9 to fly to New her mother, who •oat two weeks month visit with see Jean Hersh:ee him with a c*» -s lays ft aside being taken. OurJi Greta Garbo m y*-Majrer p H t u r e * V Hcrsiioft piac• f a r mm a nearby >n toe triad to pick -*ed op the table. •m%y eqvtpfor • > '< PAGE THBES "vTHE A D V A N C E - N E W S AAA Chief Tells Farmers1 Program /A mi Deoends On Them!Guard in the event or c ° m m u n ^ t v \he Smpiteme.. Lodge. Knights of Pythias, yesterday cheered a proposal that the lodge's military de partment merge with the National * Must Make Needs Known Po liticaUy, Says Administrator Davis. emergencies*- Ttoe proposal was made by Judge John H. Maxwell of Li verm ore Falls, Me. LEGAL NOTICE The Advance-News NOTICE CHICAGO, Aug. 15 — Guiding the next stops of the AAA, a 15Notice i» hereby given that LiinoatarOld *bai>y whose Cuture U cense Number B 16372 has been isconsidered of the utmost import sued to the aadersigned to sell ance by leaders oC organiied as^-Ifceer at retail in a restaurant anculture in tne Middle West, * » s j <!<>,. section 56 of tae Alcoholic tae chief consideration wr*en Farm Beverage Control Law at Madrid, Bureau executives from 11 states St. Lawrence County, N. V.. for on met here yesterday with the feder- premises consumption. al AAA administrator, Mr Chester Merry-Alford Restaurant, C. Davis. Alfred Gonyea, Whether the next Congress -will Madrid. X. Y support this program or not Hejtends on the success with which the farmers know what they want NOTICE and make it known political^, it was declared at the Mid-West Farm Bureau training school by Notice is hereby given that Lisi>eakers. cense No. B 17188 has been issued • "Unless the farmers can make to the undersigned to sell beer at themselves heard, the program is retail in a restaurant under secbunk." said Mr. Davis, who talked tion 55 of the Alcoholic Beverage plainly to the Farm Bureau group- Control Law at 225 Isabella street. • Must Make Needs Known Ogdensburg. St. Lawrence County, "The tutare oCthe AAA depends N. Y., for on premises consumpv on yos^fce. organised farmers. You tion. have a canvas a* which you eaa EDWARD BRUNETTE, paiat the picture you want, but only 225 Isabella Street, as the farmers are organized and Ogdensburg. N. Y. articulate, can they make known what ihey want." It was most en couraging, he thought, that 3.0*0. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE 000 farm families were now enrollOF NEWr YORK: To Otis Crane, ed in the Administration^ farm Rensselaer Falls. N. Y.; Guy program. Mr. Davis's appeal was received Crane, address unknown; Florence - sympathetically, for, as Mr- Edward Crane. San Francisco, California; A. O'Xeil. tpreisdent of the Ameri jCharles Booth. New London. Coan.t can Farm Bureau Federation, re-land all other persons being distrimarked, "Chester is one of as, and butees whose names, number, dehis under*tandinsr of the farmers gree of relationship, residences and J needs is granted." addresses are unknown and can I Takiog up the call for support not with due diligence be ascermade by Mr. Davis, Mr. Earl CSmith. president of the Illinois tained. Creditors. Legatees and Agricalrural Association, warned distributees of Clara E. Smith, late the farm leaders that halfway s u p - , « * * City of Ogdensburg in the port of the AAA on their part County of St. Lawrence and State would not be adequate. When prices of N>w York, deceased. Send GreetUegrn to rise, criticism may be ex- ing: WHEREAS Charles F. Smith. •pected from the consumers and this has much political signiii j Ogdensburg, N. Y.. administrator canoe, Mr. Smith declaredwith the will annexed of the es. "Some Democratic candidates tate of the said Clara E. Smith. are already apologizing for voting deceased, has lately applied to oar lor the AAA," Mr. Smith continued. Surrogate of our County of St "yet prices are not at parity yet-1 Lawrence for a judicial settlement Farm Bureau leaders have a det jo/ his account as such administrainite responsibility to criticize and far w i t h t h e W i n Annexed in purimi,;ove the AAV ot Tight for a SUXQee & the statnte c*^ m *nch simpler administration of it- If we m a d e mnd p r o v i d e d don't do this, we are likely to see YQU A N D EACH QF YQU are the processing tax repealed this ^ e n i m e cited ^ u d reqaired, V , B t e 1 R O , f i J:,?^ T ! T J ° £ ™ I U B * 1 1 5 , to be and appear b e f o r e ! part will toeep on the statute boois *•» ^ ^ \ - - ' of t h e United States he law that oar s>,d Surrogate, at hts office j a makes possiMe planned p r o d i | C . l O s d e a s b a T g in the Coamty o f St. Lawrence, on the l * t h day of SeaA r e Mot Conwnmists tember. 1*34, a t 1«:3* o'clock ia Answertag cbarges he had heard the forenoon, then and there to to tbe offect that tbe New Dears show cauase way sack relief shoald agricultural department workers sot be granted. ware Coammuoistic, M r . a^nita ceAad U aay of t b e aforesaid perw miadril the F a r m Buroaa people soas a r e aader the age of tweaty[land that the the chief Secretary of AgrkwHare yearsthey they are ariU please take aotadariaistrator of t h e jle«e j e e that AAA were aaea froai their » m a | p e a r by ^^j. ^ ^ re^aared to apgeaeral guardian if t ^roap. "aad those of yoa who kaow taeaa kaow they a r e not laanaiua- they have oae. a a d If they have isiic-" As far the r a a k a a d file of none, that they appear and apply Cor wacfcer^ i a Washiagtoa, Mr. Smith the appotetmeart of a i p t c l a l gvarsaid i t woald he oaly aataral to diaa. or i a the event a t theiv failfind aaaoag ao amaay people a great a r e or neglect to do so. a special variety of political a a d economic guardiaa win he appoteted by t h e view*. He agreed with Mr. Clifford Surrogate to V. Gregory. weH-kaewa Midwest Itheaa aa the farmjoaraal editor, who that MS TESTIMONY WHERE• s f i a f c told t h e weetiag he felt Of*, we have . the A A A haw tmUy Justified its Saraagate aa he f a r the far• * r s t o make kaowa t o Washing < U S ) low where they wasted it ha m o r e in fHt a 40 tk**d vel m of the b o a t H the • Would Join Army cmchflo WITNESS. Ceyioa Coaaty M Caatoa. i a Cowaty. the 3 t t h «ay Jaty, L 0 T T H. Clerk of the Surrogate's C4 JOHX J. AJXTSGSTOS. 21«-?lf Ford Street, Offers Cou • It ns For Free rip TO THE WORLD'S FAIR Century of Progress H o w t o Get Coupons W e Give Coupons 'with Every Three Months Paid-up Subscription—or More * • * * START NOW Free Trips Given Away - - - FROM JULY 21 TO AUGUST 2STH - - - CANVASS YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD SOLICIT THE AID OF FRIENDS BRING SUBSCRIPTIONS TO US AND] RECEIVE COUPONS a ot The Advance-News *SL Lawrence County's Only Morning Daily Newspaper" i
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