Html Coding for Ebay Brought you in association with How to easy add HTML Tags to any eBay listing! Written by Fruit Machine World Html Coding for Ebay The basics HTML is basically an internet language, to add any of the my codes to your listings simply drag your mouse over the code, once highlighted right click your mouse and select 'copy'. Then all you do is wherever you want the code to appear in your auction or web site simply right click and select 'paste'. Ebay When you list an item on ebay they will provide you with a description box to enter your item description, at the top of this box are two tags one called 'standard' and the other 'enter your own html', whenever you are pasting a code from below make sure you are under the heading of 'enter your own html', then once simply click the standard tag and the html will be translated, Magic! Placement Some of the codes can be entered anywhere in the html box but others have to go in a certain place, say for instance you are having three paragraphs of text and you want a picture in between each one, you would do all your text the standard way first, then get the code from your first picture, click back to enter your own html and place the code between the first 2 paragraphs, then when you click back to standard the picture will appear wherever you placed the code. Host If you want to add pictures, animations, backgrounds or music to your listings you will need a host, this is completely free and is very simple to use, first of all if you are going to be adding pictures or backgrounds click this link here you can open a free hosting account instantly which is simple to use, once you have opened your account go to 'my album and click 'browse' this will bring up a window from which you need to choose the picture you want to upload, the click 'submit', the picture will then appear in your album, if you require the html code for your picture simply tick the box and select 'generate html and img code' from the bottom of the page, then the code will appear in the box on the next page titled 'html code for ebay etc..', simply copy the code from here. I f you requir the 'URL' of your image this is located just under you picture on the main album page, this is explained in further detail below when required. For music it's the same concept but you have to use a different host, the one i use is this again is free, but if you would like to use a different one there a few choices out there. Html Coding for Ebay Preview Once you have finished part or all of your auction certain codes won't be apparent until you have submitted the listing, say for instance a link in a picture won't be clickable in the description box, to check you have done something correctly just click the 'preview tab at the bottom of the description box and that will show you the full working codes as they would be seen in your auction. The Codes! Just so you don't get confused, everything below that is in green text is the code title, everything in black is the description, everything in red is what you paste into your listing and everything in blue is what you need to replace with your own addresses or text. Free Pictures & Animations To add as many free pictures or animations to your ebay auctions as you like simply save your picture to your pc, go to photobucket as explained in the introduction and get the 'HTML' code for your image, then paste it into your listing wherever you like, this can be done as many times as you want and you never have to pay for any of them, and don't forget ebay supports the use of html in all their listings so this doesn't break any of their rules. Here are a few of my favourite sites for free gifs and animations: 'Watch my item' link This is a great way of getting your auctions to the ebay pulse, you simply paste the following code into your auction, replace xxxxxxxx with your item number (you will have to submit your listing to get this then go to 'revise' your item and add the number ebay has just given you, where it says 'click here' simply delete this and add your own text, if you would like the link to be in a picture just add the html code instead of text. <a href=''>WATCH THIS</a> Html Coding for Ebay Pre-filled 'Email me' link This is the best way for your buyers to ask any questions about your items, when clicked the link will bring your email address for the buyers to send you a direct email with your address and your chosen subject already filled in for them, this can be a text link or a link in a picture, just add your email address and either your text or the HTML code of your picture: <a href="mailto:your e-mail address?subject=your subject">E-mail me</a> Other page Links This is a good way of promoting your other items, shop, feedback, or maybe your web site, simply add the URL of the web site you want the link to lead to and add the text or a picture which will become clickable: <a href="http://address you want text to link to">Text Goes Here</a> Backgrounds in your auctions I f you would like to add a background to your auction page simply paste the first part of the code right at the very top of your auction description and the second part at the very end of your description, replace 'url of image' with the url of your picture from photobucket, remember this is the URL and not the HTML code, then just click back to standard and the like magic the background will appear behind your description! <TABLE WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="15" CELLSPACING="0" BACKGROUND=url of Image> <TR><TD> ………Type your auction content here…… Include these closing table tags after your entire auction description </TD></TR></TABLE> You can use you own background or find 1000's of weird and wonderful patterns and colors here: or Html Coding for Ebay Moving Text (marquee) This is a very simple but effective code, simply paste the code into your listing and add what you want it to say, there are a few variations of this, it may look confusing but with a bit of practice is very simple, you will need to preview your auction for this to take affect: Basic right to left: <marquee behavior=scroll direction="left">Your message here</marquee> Back and forth between the margins: <marquee behavior="alternate">your message here</marquee> To change the speed of the right to left marquee just change the number, 1 is the slowest and i wouldn't go above 15: <marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="5">Your message here</marquee> To add a background to the marquee just change the 'hex code' this can be found in a basic color chart: <marquee bgcolor="#(hex code here)">your message here</marquee> To have moving animations just the same as above adding your HTML codes instead of text. Sound or music I rarely put sound in my auctions as a lot of people browse ebay at work and don't want your music suddenly blasting from their speakers, you have been warned! If you want to add sound you must first of all host your song or sound file as explained in the introduction, then your host will give you the URL address of your song which you just add below: <bgsound src="" loop=-1> You will be aswell checking with your auction site to see if they support the use of music in descriptions before adding this code. Html Coding for Ebay Counters You can easily add different counters to your site, just visit one of the sites below and they'll do the leg work for you. Smileys If you would like to add smiley's to your auction visit the link below and add the as you would an animation Text on the status bar Currently ebay does not support the use of most kinds of javascript, although i have seen this code in place on a few auctions, this would be better on your own site, fill in the text section and whatever you write will appear on the greay status bar at the bottom of the screen: <SCRIPT language=JavaScript> var scrollCounter=0; var scrollText="***Thanks for checking out my page, Enjoy! ***"; var scrollDelay =100; var i=0; while (i ++< 140) scrollText=" " + scrollText; function Scroller() { window.status=scrollText.substring(scrollCounter++, scrollText.length); if (scrollCounter == scrollText.length) scrollCounter=0; setTimeout("Scroller()", scrollDelay); } Scroller(); </SCRIPT> Flaming Text Html Coding for Ebay 3D Text Rainbow Text Cursor Image This is my best code ever, this will ass any image you like to your cursor, but as with all the best stuff is probably not supported by ebay as it's java. <IMG id=PSlogo style="LEFT: 260px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 1321px" height=25 src="YOUR URL FOR YOUR IMAGE HERE" width=50 onload="javascript:function movecursor() { = event.y + document.body.scrollTop + 9.5; = event.x + document.body.scrollLeft + 9.5;}document.onmousemove=movecursor;"> Copyblocker To stop people copying your text and pictures you can add this code anywhere on the page, it will completely disable the right click of the viewers mouse, 1000's of people on ebay use similar codes but it is java and i would not condone breaking ebays guidelines without getting the go ahead first: <script language="JavaScript1.2" type="text/javascript"> // This script available at if (window.Event) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEUP); function nocontextmenu() { event.cancelBubble = true, event.returnValue = false; return false; } function norightclick(e) { if (window.Event) { if (e.which == 2 || e.which == 3) return false; } else if (event.button == 2 || event.button == 3) { event.cancelBubble = true, event.returnValue = false; return false; } } if (document.layers) document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN); document.oncontextmenu = nocontextmenu; document.onmousedown = norightclick; document.onmouseup = norightclick; //--></script> Html Coding for Ebay Drop down menu To add a drop down menu to your listings simply copy the code, place it where you want the menu to appear and replace the wwwwwww with the URL addresses that you want the menu to direct to and the xxxxxxxxx with the text you want in the box: <form name="gotolocation1" method="POST" ACTION=URI> <select name="lissamenu1"> <option value="wwwwwww">xxxxxxx</option> <option value="wwwwwww">xxxxxxx</option> <option value="wwwwwww">xxxxxxx</option> </select> <input type="button" onClick="location = document.gotolocation1.lissamenu1.options [document.gotolocation1.lissamenu1.selectedIndex].value;" value="Go"> </form> Text Most forms of text can be done in a programme like 'word' then simply copied into your auction, but here a few you will need the html for, just fill in the blanks: Blur: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ff00cc; filter: shadow(color=#00ff00, direction=200)">Blur</span> Dropshadow: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ff00cc; filter: dropshadow(Color=#00ff00, OffX=2, OffY=2, positive=2)">Dropshadow</span> Flip: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ff00cc; filter: flipv">Flip</span> Glow: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ff00cc; filter: glow(color=#00ff00, strength=10)">Glow</span> Opacity: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ffffff; filter: alpha(opacity=100, finishopacity=0, style=1, startX=0, startY=0, finishX=200, finishY=0)">Opacity</span> Shadow blur: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ff00cc; filter: blur(add = 1, direction = 220, strength = 10)">Shadow Blur</span> Wave: <span style="width: 150; height: 50; font-size: 20px; font-family: verdana; color: #ff00cc; filter: wave(add=0, freq=1, lightstrength=20, phase=10, strength=10)">Wave</span> Html Coding for Ebay Glowing link: <span style="position:relative; width:150; height:25; filter:glow(color=#00ff00,strength=2)"> <A href="">Glowing Text Link</A></SPAN> If you would like to change the color in any of the codes above here is a link to a color chart where you can find the hex code for your chosen color, simply replace the ones above: Borders around your pictures If you would like to add a border around your pictures, simply copy a code from below and add the URL of your picture, there are a few to choose from here but you can change the colors if you like: <img src="" style="border: solid 5px; border-color: yellow;"> <img src="" style="border: double 10px; border-color: orange;"> <img src="" style="border: inset 10px; border-color: blue"> <img src="" style="border: outset 10px; border-color: purple"> <img src="" style="border: dotted 4px; border-color: dodgerblue;"> <img src="" style="border: dashed 3px; border-color: #000000;"> <img src="" style="border: solid 5px; border-color: hotpink"> <img src="" style="border: double 10px; border-color: lightsalmon"> <img src="" style="border: inset 10px; border-color: aqua"> <img src="" style="border: outset 10px; border-color: green;"> <img src="" style="border: dotted 4px; border-color: indigo"> <img src="" style="border: dashed 3px; border-color: orangered"> Html Coding for Ebay Glitter Text & animated logos If you visit the link below you can make your own text or use a pre-made logo, the site also provides you with the html code to add to your listings: Terms and Conditions Table visit the website below and you will get all the info to add the table to your auctions For more great ebooks visit Or get free selling tips & more, send a blank email to [email protected]
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