"Green" Textiles How to Meet the Requirements for Eco-Textiles By Ulrich Sewekow, Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany S ome years ago reports appeared in journals and on television, especially in Germany, about a supposed harmful potential of clothing to buman health. Some real cases were reported; ABSTRACT A few years ago reports appeared in European media concerning alleged health hazards with clothing. Textile finishers, textile producers and related associations as well as research and testing institutes took this as a good opportunity for a new market segment and created socalled eco-textiles. They are specially labeled as toxicologically tested. Aside from trademarks of single companies; e.g., eco line, green cotton, natural line etc., the most iinportant standards in Europe are Öko-Tex Standard 100 and M.S.T. According to the requirements the goods are controlled for pH, some fastness properties, formaldehyde, carcinogenic dyes, dyes that can break down into carcinogenic arylamines or can cause allergic reactions to the skin, extractable harmful heavy metals, halogenated carriers or contaminations with pentachlorophenol and pesticides. The requirements of labelling and if they can be met with normal raw materials (fibers, dyestuffs and chemicals) or if a special selection must be made are reviewed. The experience with textiles to be tested for labeling shows that most of the problems arise in the field of heavy metal complex dyes which could be extracted from the fabrics by perspiration or saliva solutions. It can not be shown that in all cases dyeings with metal complex dyes in heavy shades meet the requirements, so a special selection is sometimes advisable. Models and recent developments for an environmentally friendly production are also reviewed. KEY TERMS Dyes Eco-Textiles Metal Complex Dyes Öko-Tex Standard 100 January 1996 (XO e.g., skin irritations from easy-care treated fabrics containing an excess of formaldehyde, and the case of a salesperson with lindane in her blood which was supposed to be due to a contamination of textiles. Additionally journalists warned of a risk from carcinogenic dyes or those which can break down into carcinogenic arylamines by enzymatic reduction (e.g., benzidine. or related compounds) or in general by textile chemicals which have not heen toxicologically evaluated. Some ofthe criticisms, suspicions and accusations directed against conventional textiles include: • Disease Through the Wardrobe, a book • Sensitizing [allergic effects) from azo dyes, formaldehyde, optical brighteners, and softeners • Poisonous—toxic residues of pesticides and preserving agents on cotton and wool • Synthetic dyes • Cancer induced by azo dyes, monomer residues in manmade fibers, formaldehyde, and halogenated carriers • Use of pesticides in cotton farming such as DDT, Lindane and hexachlorocyclohexane • Use of artificial fertilizers in cotton farming • Preservation agents in cotton and wool such as pentachlorophenol • High energy and water consumption during processing • Effluent pollution through dyeing and finishing including dyes, preparation, size, phosphate, bleach, heavy metals and complexing agents • Insufficient protection of workforce from dust and noise during processing Though no real disease could be detected in most of these cases, consumers, consumer associations, authorities and last but not least textile producers were alarmed. It was not seen hy the uninformed public that the reports were exaggerated or false. On the other hand some people convinced of a heavy impact of the textile treatment processes on the environment, wanted to act more environmentally responsible. Up to that point, textiles were considered by the majority of the consumers as entirely safe from the health point of view. There were no fears of health risks from wearing clothing. They were chosen on the basis of purpose, functionality and fashion. Today some consumers and textile producers are uncertain and doubtful about the safety of garments from a health point of view. As a result, it was not surprising that textile companies began to offer textiles which were advertised to be produced in an environmentally friendly manner and/or safe to wear. Large department stores chains and mail order houses responded to this advertisement campaign and began to offer such textiles, in a word "green products." "Green Garments" • The Beginning What are "Green Garments?" At the beginning of the late eighties no clear definition existed, which meant the term was open to interpretation. To expound the actual or putative advantages of biological, ecological, natural or similarly described clothing, they advertised with slogans showing clearly what the trade understands by bio textiles, and how the environment and the consumer would be protected. Some ofthe slogans are: • Unexcelled natural product • For demanding environmentalists • A fahric which protects our future • 100% natural fiber • Hand-picked cotton • Cotton grown without pesticides and artificial fertilizers • Pollution-free dyed • Dyed with biodegradable dyes • Not azo-dyed • Rinsed with crystal clear water • Mechanically stabilized—formaldehyde free • Bio-stonewashed (stones and water only) • Without chemical dyes and additives The substance of these advertisements is very small, and is frequently untenable in terms of fair competition. How is the consumer to know why the natural product is unexcelled or more enTextile Ctiemist and Colorist 21 vironmentally friendly, and how he is protecting the environment by purchasing this product? The expression "100% natural fiber" of course makes it clear that only cotton, wool, silk, linen etc. were used as fiber materials. Also clear is the claim "no agents used containing formaldehyde." Uncertainties arise for the specialist when he looks critically at the other slogans; e.g., "pollution-free dyed" in case of textiles dyed with reactive dyes or pigments. Who knows of a dyeing process without residual matter to be disposed of as waste? Which textile finishers do not rinse with "crystal clear water?" Here self-evidence is being featured as an advantage for the consumer. A considerable proportion of the slogans mentioned can be put unceremoniously in the "advertising" drawer, especially since concepts with the prefixes "natural", "bio", "eco" etc. were not precisely defined at that time. Advertising measures linked with environment protection are especially suitable in appealing to human emotions and should therefore be judged in accordance with strict standards in regard to their objectivity and truth content. One cannot escape the impression that many companies intend to improve the marketing of their products or obtain higher prices with the aid of the "eco-wave," as was clearly stated in a mail order house catalogue— "These advantages are well worth a little extra." Today's Eco-Textiles In the meantime the situation appears a little clearer. A multitude of ecobrands exist including: • Öko-Tex Standard 100 • M.S.T. trademark of textiles tested for harmful substances • GuT environmentally friendly carpet association • Eco-Tex • Natural Textiles • Green Cotton • Cotton 2000 • Öko-Cotton, Öko-Einish • Green-line • Nino-Life • Haute Nature Collection • Oko-Denim Depending on the standpoint of their maker the requirements of these brands can be very different, very simple like "natural fibers," "no chlorine bleach" or "formaldehyde-free" or more complex because they were produced under advanced environmentally friendly conditions or tested for harmful chemicals. The most important eco-Iabel for textiles in Germany and, in my opinion, in Europe is Öko-Tex Standard 22 Textile Chemist and Colorist 100. It was launched in 1986 by the Austrian Textile Institute, Vienna as ÖTN 100. In 1990 an association was formed involving the well-known German Textile Research Institute in Hohenstein and the International Eederation for Research and Testing on the Field of Textile Ecology. Today the association consists of 13 institutes in 13 European countries. Another label which seemed to become also important was M.S.T. (Markenzeichen schadstoffgeprüfter Textilien, which can be translated as trademark for textiles tested for harmful substances). It was introduced by the Federation for Consumer and Environmentally Friendly Textiles founded by German textile associations, dyehouses and garment producers. Its requirements were very close to the above mentioned. In order not to confuse consumers with a multitude of different eco-lahels, both merged in September 1994 under the name of Öko-Tex Standard 100. Öko-Tex Standard 100 This label is bestowed to textiles meeting the specific requirements shovra. in Table I. They are not indefinitely fixed. The parameters and the limits can be changed according to new scientific knowledge. Today's requirements are discussed below. pH-Value The pH-value which is determined according to ISO 3071, is restricted to 4.8-7.5, and 4,0-7,5 for wool and silk respectively, because this range corresponds to the natural conditions of undamaged human skin. It is not difficult to achieve it through final acidification of treated fabrics or sufficient rinsing. rasine5s Fastness properties seem not to be a toxicological factor. The background for their presence in the specifications is that dyes which are permanently fixed on the fibers cannot migrate onto the skin and cause harm. Therefore a certain level of wetfastness is required—namely to water, crocking, perspiration and saliva according to the corresponding DIN or ISO Standards 105. The saliva fastness (DIN 63160) is required for baby wear because babies usually suck on their clothing but do not perspire. Though the stipulated fastness levels are not too high, a special selection of suitable dye ranges must be made. It is not problematical to meet them on cotton with reactive dyes if they are properly fixed and rinsed, but direct dyes can cause problems due to their lower wetfastness levels. Generally speaking, direct dyes in heavy shades aftertreated with a cationic fixing agent do not meet the required level and this is sometimes also the case in medium-color depths depending on the type of dye used. In light shades the fastness levels can he easily achieved. Wool dyed with fast milling, premetallized or afterchroming dyes, and polyester, polyamide and polyacrylics fibers do not seem to be a problem. The consequence is that the quality of textiles certified to this or related standards is improved because dyes with sufficient fastness properties have to be used and rinsing processes have to be carried out accurately. In this sense the sale of a silk blouse dyed with a cationic dye in a deep-purple shade and which when w^orn stains the underwear and also the skin would not meet eco-textile requirements. Table 1. Specifications for Öko-Tex Standard 100 Parameter pH value in extract Fastness saiiva (baby wear) perspiration (acid, basic) washing water, severe dry crocking wet crocking Heavy metals in extract (ppm)' arsenic cadmium chromium, total chromium, VI cobalt copper lead mercury nickel formaldehyde (Japan Law 112) Limit 4.8-7.5 4-0-7.5 silk, wool resistant 3-4 3-4 3 4 2-3 0.2-1,0 0.1 1-0-2.0 not detectable 1.0-4.0 25.0-50.0 (150.0) 0-2-1.0 0-02 1.0-4,0 20/75/300 Parameter • Halogenated Carriers Carcinogenic dyes. dyes able to split into carcinogenic amines Sensitizing dyes Pesticides (ppm)'' total contents Aldrin Dieldrin 2,4-D 2,4,5-T DDT HCH Heptaohior (epoxide) Lindane Toxaphen Emission of volatile substances Strange odor Limit not detectable not detectable not detectable 0.5-1.0 0.1-0.2 0.1-0.2 0.1 0-05 0.5-1.0 0.25-0.5 0.25-0.5 0.5-1.0 0.5 limited for indoor textiles limited ^Lower values concern the limits for baby articles. OX Vol. 28, No. Harmful Metals The concentration of extractable harmful metals on the textile is limited, that does not mean the total amount of metals on the fibers when dyed with metal complex dyes, but rather the amount of metals which can be extracted with artificial saliva or perspiration solutions used in the corresponding fastness tests. The extractions are carried out in a liquor to goods ratio of 20:1 at 40C for one hour, and the metal concentration is determined by means of AAS. Because no extended experience about the toxicological effects of these metals on skin depending on their concentration was available, the drinking water standards in EU (European Union) were used as a model with the idea if it is good enough for drinking purposes it cannot be harmful to the skin. These limits in mg/L (ppm) were taken as the maximum values in the extract and calculated with regard to textiles as shown in Table L It is surprising that the value for the copper content is much higher than for the other metals. The reason is that no limit for copper ions exists in drinking water than only a recommended value of 3 ppm because copper pipes in houses for tapwater can release copper ions under specific conditions—a situation which is sometimes not technically possible to avoid. Ofthe metals listed in Table I. cadmium, lead and mercury are very unlikely to be present on fiber materials because in general compounds based on these metals are not used in the textile industry—they should only be present in traces as impurities. Arsenic acid has been used in Texas and Oklahoma as a desiccant to prepare mature cotton plants for harvesting by stripping and is normally removed during bleaching and scouring in the textile processing.''^ According to Gotton Inc., the use of arsenic acid has been stopped for over two years, Ghromium, cobalt, copper and nickel compounds are common in textile processing as metal complex dyes, fastness improvers (copper), oxidizing agents for sulfur and vat dyes, and for the afterchroming of mordant dyes on wool (potassium dichromate). Therefore one has to pay attention to this subject. It is important to state that according to Öko-Tex Standard 100 and similar standards the use of metal complex dyes is not prohibited contrary to some "greener" textile producers which totally ban their use for their collections. Abandoning metal-complex dyes results in a loss of some important shades like turquoise or brilliant green which use copper or nickel phthalocyanates, wetfastness in dyeings of wool or polyamide (no premetallized or afterchroming dyes) and lightfastness in case of violet, blue or navy reactive and direct dyes (Fig. 1). Coming back to the discussion of the Öko-Tex Standard 100 the use of metal complex dyes should be viewed differently. As the metal is an integral part of the dye molecule, its concentration in the extract corresponds to the dye fastness and the discussion can be continued under this aspect. Reactive dyes on cotton are firmly fixed on the fiber and can be extracted only in traces. Fig. 2 shows the results of the test with the Levafix dye range containing copper or nickel as complexes. It can be shown that the stringent limit of 25 ppm for baby wear cannot generally he achieved if heavy shades are used. In lower color depth this may be possible, but this must be tested from case to case. The limits for LF blue scale notes metal complex dyes • metal free dyes • 7i 654- #• m ••• • • • »• •> • • • • •• • V Mm • • • • 3- • Formaldehyde • 21U 1 1 yellow orange red 1 violet 1 1 blue Fig. 1. Levafix dyes, lightfastness in 1/12 standard depth. January 1996 OCO 1 1 1 1 tur- green navy- brown black quoise blue adult apparel and other textiles are 50 ppm, and 150 ppm for accessories. In our opinion it is no problem to meet them with the Levafix range even in heavy shades. Metal-containing direct dyes entail greater problems because of their limited wetfastness, and it is therefore evident that they cannot achieve the specifications in all cases. Fig. 3 shows the results of evaluations with the metal-containing Sirius Supra dye range dyed in one-quarter and onehalf standard depth and aftertreated with 3% Levogen WRD. After extraction with perspiration solutions the leachable copper concentrations ofthe brighter shades had a sufficiently low level suitable for adult apparel. It is interesting that the copper values for turquoise, gray and black dyeings are well below the limits. Though an acid saliva instead of an acid perspiration solution is used for the extraction of baby wear similar results can be assumed. The limit of 25 ppm can only be met with a special choice of dyes; e.g., turquoise dyes—consequently, direct metal-complex dyes should be carefully checked if they will be used for baby articles with eco labels. The premetallized Isolan range consists of chromium and to a lesser extent cobalt containing dyes. Diamond dyes are mordant dyes which are afterchromed with dichromate. Both dye ranges show excellent fastness properties. Processes using exactly calculated dichromate quantities in the formula and special conditions result in minimization of chrom.ium in the waste'water; e.g., the Bayer dichromate/Glauher salt process.-^ Both dye ranges used on wool in standard depths achieve the Öko-Tex Standard 100 specification for adult clothing—these are 2 ppm total chromium and 4 ppm cobalt. Hexavalent chromium is not detectable in any case. OnJy traces of chromium are leached from wool fahrics dyed with mordant dyes by perspiration solutions but to a greater extent by saliva solutions. In samples from practical ¡^-eings up to 40 ppm chromium \vas found. This is assumed to be due to the low pH (about 2.5) of the saliva solution which can extract chromium ions not fixed firmly enough on the wool fibers. 1 Formaldehyde is a toxic chemical, a skin irritant and sensitizer. Controversial animal inhalation tests with very high concentrations have shown that it is a nasal carcinogen to rats and mice. It is restricted in consumer products such as cosmetics and textiles by law in some countries or by voluntary specifications of textile producers. Formaldehyde concentrations are Textile Chemist and Colorist 23 limit baby wear 20 I o J I limits adult wear 40 60 80 L I Red Violet E-4B\J\ Blue E-GRN Blue E-RA Blue E-3GL^ Navy Blue E-4RA S Navy Blue E-2R Z Navy Blue E-RA Turquoise Blue E-BA Turquoise Blue E-G 133% T-Í? 160 _) aftertreated ^m no Olive E-GLy\ Brill. Green E-5BA ; copper ppm limits nickel 14 20 24 Textile Chemist and Colorist iiiKp 5 Pesticides 40 Fig. 2. Extractable copper and nickel from dyeings with Levafix dyes, 1/1 standard depth, extracted with acid perspiration solution. tested in accordance to the test specification of the Japan Law 112. It differs from the other procedures like AATCC 112. Shirley I and II or DIN 54260 in the hydrolyzing conditions and the detection method. Therefore the results ofthe different methods are not totally comparable because the "free" and the releasable formaldehyde are detected. The lowest value, 20 ppm, which is considered to be the detection limit of this test procedure is required for baby wear, the medium value, 75 ppm, is required for clothing usually worn directly on the skin—e.g., underwear, shirts, blouses and stockings, and the highest value, 300 ppm, is the limit for outerwear apparel. Floor coverings and mattresses are also tested in ventilated chambers. The emission limit is 0.1 mg/m-'. Formaldehyde in textiles is mainly generated by crosslinking agents used as durable press treatments or in pigment printing inks and wetfastness improvers for direct or reactive dyeings. The high formaldehyde concentrations in the air of dyehouses that use durable press reactants and on the treated textiles are a thing of the past. Through processing improvements and new products, chemical suppliers and the finishing industry have succeeded in permanently reducing the formaldehyde concentration to tolerable levels. Today, textile auxiliaries having no or a low formaldehyde content are available which can easily achieve the previously mentioned limits. Progressive "green" producers sometimes prohibit the use of formaldehyde-containing textile chemicals so that durable press finishes with conventional agents are no longer possible for special eco-textiles. l e c i i v e mm types such as trichlorobenzene and dichlorotoluene are accused of being toxic and harmful to the environment. The term "not detectable" really means that their use is restricted because traces can be found in the fibers despite drying and fixation. Alternatives are carriers based on aromatic carbonic ficids and alkyl phthalimides with betlor toxicologie properties but higher prices or, if possible, dyeings without carriers under high pressure or through continuous processes. In cases of aggressive "green" textiles, this subject is not an issue because only natural fibers can be used. Pentachlorophenol Pentachlorophenol (Pep) may be used as preserving agent for the cotton fiber size and wool during storage or transportation. It is toxic, teratogenic and carcinogenic in animal tests. According to Cerman regulations, the production and the use of Pep is banned, and impurities in textiles and leather products are allowed up to 5 ppm. Because eco standards should be better than official regulations, the maximum level was prescribed at one tenth, or 0.5 ppm. According to the present experience with textile testing this limit is rarely exceeded. Halogenated Carriers Carriers are used as auxiliaries for dyeing of polyester fibers with disperse dyes at atmospheric pressure and temperatures below lOOC. The highly ef- iimit baby wear Aside the high water consumption for cotton growing which is between 7 m^ for one kg cotton in Israel and 29 m^ in Sudan, the use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are criticized. On the other hand if insects, plant diseases and viruses as well as weeds are not controlled, supplies and quality of fibers are reduced. It was estimated that banning agrochemicals in the U.S. would cut production of cotton by 73%.-^ It is a claim ofthe critics of conventional cotton farming that the plants are treated up to 25 times during the growing period and that toxic substances remain in the fiber after harvest, causing potential health hazards. But ^vhat are the facts? It is true that some 20% of the world consumption of pesticides is used for cotton cultivation because cotton is very sensitive in intensive mono-crop farming and grows in zones with hot climate favoring the attack of pests. On average the pesticides are applied two to four and at most six to eight times at some sites. This is less than the nor- limits adult wear. _copper ppm 160 Red Violet RL Vioiet F2BL Rubine K-2BL Blue FBGLN Blue FGG Blue FRR Blue F5GL BlueGRL Turquoise Blue S-FBL Turquoise GL Grey K-CGL Black L-V Fig. 3. Extractabie copper and nickel trom dyeings with Sirius Supra dyes, extracted perspiration solution. OX Vol.26. Table II. Textile Dyes that Can Cause Cancer According to Animal Tests C.I. Generic Name C.I. Number Acid Dye Acid Red 26 Acid Red 114 Acid Violet 49 Basic Yellow 2 Basic Red 9 Direct Blue 6 Direct Blue 14 Direct Blue 15 Direct Blue 53 Direct Brown 95 Direct Black 38 Disperse Blue 1 16155 16150 23635 42640 41000 42500 22610 23850 24400 23860 30145 30235 Chemical Class Azo Azo Azo Triphenylmethane Ketonimine Tri phenyl methane Azo Azo Azo Azo Azo Azo Anthraquinone mal application of agrochemicals to wine grapes, potatoes or some vegetables. It is in the growers' interest to apply them as efficiently as possible, because they are expensive. The application of pesticides and defoliants is carried out only when the bolls are still closed so that the substances only come into contact with the leaves and not with the fibers. Herbicides are used before sowing so that in all cases a contamination with these substances is unlikely. Therefore it is not surprising that evaluations of raw cotton samples from the whole world for the most important pesticides done by the Bremer Cotton Exchange in Cermany—the biggest European importer of cotton— showed no or only low levels of contamination in the range of the detection level.^ The concentration was 1-10% ofthe limits established according to the German regulation for maximum limits of pesticides in foodstuff which are the same in the Oko-Tex Standard 100. If pesticides were to remain on the fibers they would be removed in the textile wet processing through scouring, bleaching and washing procedures. The pesticides mentioned in this list are chlorinated substances. Their use is restricted in most of the cotton growing countries. Coutamination with these products is therefore unlikely and can be only from pollution caused hy formerly used products which are persistent. Alternative active agents are pyrethroides, carbamates or organophosphorous compounds which are readily degradable. A group of "natural textile" producers give limits for a total of 28 agents and others demand naturally grown cotton—that means plants grown without application of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Their crop is some thousand metric tons at present, compared to 20 million tons of conventional cotton. January 1996 CCO Existing Textile Textile Dye no yes yes yes no no yes yes no yes yes yes yes Table III. Arylamines Used as Dye Intermediates Causing Cancer to Humans and to Animals 4-Aminodiphenyl, CAS No. 92-67-1 Benzidine, CAS No. 92-87-5 4-Chloro-o-loluidine, CAS No. 95-69-2 2-Naphthylamine, CAS No. 91-59-8 NA2 o-Amino-azobenzene, CAS No. 60-9-3^ o-Amino-azotoluene. CAS No, 97-56-3 o-Anisidine, CAS No, 90-4-0^ 2-Amino-4-nitro-toluene, CAS No. 99-55-8 p-Chloroaniline, CAS No. 106-47-8 p-Cresidine. CAS No. 120-71-8 2,4-Diaminoanisol, CAS No. 615-05-4 4,4'-Diaminodipiienylmethane, CAS No. 101-77-9 3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine, CAS No. 91-94-1 3,3'-Dimethoxybenzidine (o-Dianisidine), CAS No. 119-90-4 3,3'-Dimethylbenzidine (o-Tolidine), CAS No. 119-93-7 3,3'-Dimethyl-4,4'-diaminodiphenylmelhane, CAS No. 101-77-9 4,4'-Methylene-bis-(2-chloroaniline), CAS No. •)01-14-4 4,4'-Oxydianiline, CAS No, 101-80-4 4,4'-Thiodianiline, CAS No. 139-65-1 o-Toluidine, CAS No. 95-53-1 2,4-ToluyIene-diamine, CAS No. 95-80-7 2,4,5-Tnmethylaniline, CAS No. 137-17-7 IIA1 ^Not listed in the consumer goods ordinance. Carcinogenic Dyes The use of carcinogenic dyes and those which degrade to carcinogenic arylamines under reductive conditions is restricted. This demand is very common in the German textile industry independent ofthe new eco standards. It is important to know that in nearly all countries no legal regulations existed in 1994 for the prohibition of their production, import or use. Other exceptions are Sweden and India banning dyes based on benzidine.*" In the U.S. and the EU the problem has heen intensively discussed between the authorities, ETAD and the textile industry to prevent of risk for workers and consumers. Twelve dyes are known to be carcinogenic in animal tests, nine of them are still used for textile dyeing though they are of low importance according to the Colour Index (Table II). •• The reason that these products were coming under fire is the potential of azo dyes to split into the arylamines from which they were synthesized by chemical reduction (e.g., dye stripping) or enzymatic processes in the metaholism of organisms. The most prominent examples are dyes based on benzidine and congeners. The possibilities arouses the suspicion that azo colorants which can release a carcinogenic amine through reductive splitting, are potentially carcinogenic too. The recommendation to treat the dyes in a manner corresponding to that of the related amines has been implemented by legislation so far only in Germany. Before the aforementioned ordinance was enacted, there was not a legal ban of their use, but some large textile companies voluntarily decided to refrain from using them. The ordinance refers to the German MAK-list (Threshold Limited Value) where chemicals are listed which are known to be carcinogenic to humans (MAK III Al), those which are detected to be carcinogenic in animal tests under conditions comparable to the workplace (MAK III A2) and those which are under suspicion to be carcinogenic (MAK III B). In most cases dyes that can form MAK III Al and III A2 products are restricted, but rarely dyes forming III B arylamines. Those which are still used today or were formerly used for the production of dyes are listed in Table III. The manufacture of benzidine based dyes was stopped in 1971 by most producers. The reason was mainly to protect production workers from coming in contact with potentially bladder cancer-inducing benzidine. It can be seen from the Colour Index that they are still produced by some companies. The same is true for dyes based on MAK III A2 amines. German producers stopped making them, but in some other countries that is not the case. In all. about 28 acid, 81 direct, 8 disperse and 7 basic dyes are listed in the Colour Index as e>;isting commercial products. According to a study commissioned by the U.S. consumer product safety commission (CPSC), there is no risk to the wearer from textiles dyed with benzidine congener dyes, as they do not penetrate tlie skin." Though the exposure, combined with an extremely minute skin penetration level, is very low for the consumer, in our opinion azo dyes which can be reduced into carcinogenic amines should not be used for textiles. Substitution is not difficult because alternatives are on tlie market. They are however, sometimes more expensive. In Cermany, the voluntary prohibition was overtaken by the second amendment to the ordinance of conTextile Chemist and Colorist 25 sumer goods in July 1994—legally prohibiting the use of azo dyes capable of releasing 20 mentioned carcinogenic arylamines through reductive splitting of azo bonds, as well as prohibiting the import and trade of textiles dyed with them. The 20 arylamines more or less correspond to the MAK list (Table III). According to the fourth amendment, the deadline for manufacturing and importing textiles containing these dyes into Cermany is March 31, 1996 and for trade is September 1996. There are exceptions with longer transitional periods to 1998 and 1999 for pigment printings, protective clothing and clothing made from recycled fibers."^ According to the experience ofthe last year it must be mentioned that many problems have arisen because no unequivocal test method exists for the detection ofthe dyes or arylamines. Sensitizing Dyes Recently, the use of sensitizing (allergenic) dyes was added to the requirements as a new parameter. These are in most cases disperse dyes such as C.I. Disperse Yellow 3, Disperse Orange 3, Disperse Red 1 and 17, Disperse Blue 3, 106 and 124, as well as Naphtol AS. Many of these are not only used for dyeing of polyester but also for polyamide and triacetate where they can easily migrate out of the fibers and cause harm to tbe skin. Ecologically Friendly Production Up to now the majority of the statements involved human toxicological aspects; i.e., the content of some hazardous substances in finished textiles, but very little about process ecology. To our best knowledge no standards exist yet assessing textile production under ecological aspects comparable to Öko-Tex Standard 100. The association which has launched this standard is now discussing basic principles for environmentally friendly production. A model to compare and evaluate environmental standards during production was developed in 1987 by the Danish company Novotex for its "Creen Cotton" apparel. In its brochure, the manufacturer states its view regarding "green products," evaluating the entire manufacturing process from cultivation of cotton through spinning, dyeing and finishing to disposal in terms of environmental ratings. Alternative cultivation methods are being sought, and hand picking of the cotton has already been put into effect, with the use of defoliants and desiccants prohibited. The textiles are spun and knitted on ultra-modern machinery which ensure that legal emission limits—e.g., for cotton dust and noise 26 Textile Chemist and Colorist are not exceeded. Dyeing is carried out^ in a modern dyehouse using West European dyes and full biological treatment of the effiuent. Clothing is mechanically finished; i.e., formaldehydefree. The seamstresses run no health risk during processing, they work in a pleasant atmosphere and are adequately paid—surely an allusion to the manufacturing conditions in some Asiatic low wage countries. We can be sure that the exemplary conditions described above also apply in the overwhelming majority of the U.S. and European textile mills. But what really are environmentally produced textiles? The concept has not yet been clearly defined; i.e., it is open to interpretation by the different companies. In the extreme case, it can mean that the environment is in no way damaged during the entire life cycle ofthe product. But no manufacturing process can be carried out without the environment being subject to energy and raw material consumption and waste emission. Also the stipulation that environmental pollution should be kept as low as possible means nothing, as there is no mandatory standard. Assessment is easier, however, if the comparative form "environment-friendlier" is used, as reference can be made to an existing product or process. But here too, data from polls represent a wide range of opinions, from total abandonment of all highly industrial production to a situation where environment damage should be as low as possible, but permitting products produced to the same high standard. The first is represented by the German Natural Textile Group, an association of nearly two dozen "green" textile companies setting specific, seemingly exaggerated quality criteria for their products. For example. the latest draft of their guidelines include the use of only natural fibers, dyes and auxiliaries not containing ethoxylates, free of heavy metals and formaldehyde, organic halogenated compounds, a special choice of surfactants, no optical whitening and no treatments or finishes such as bleaching, mercerizing, mothproofing etc. All dyes being used should have a lethal toxicity LD50 of higher than 2000 mg/ kg and chemicals should not he classified as dangerous substances according to German Dangerous Substances Regulation. Strictly speaking this would also prohibit the use of common chemicals like acids and bases because of their corrosive properties. Though the market share of the Natural Textile Group is insignificant, and their apparel products represent a niche for a specific consumer group purchasing "alternative" products, their guidelines standards. Before joining the Öko-Tex Standard 100 the formally mentioned association launching M.S.T. also discussed a new label called M.U.T., which is translated to mean the trademark of environmentally friendly produced textiles. The discussion was at the very beginning, but an agreement existed to give requirements on the field of water and air pollution, discharge of solid waste and restriction of some chemicals during processing. Standards have been set up hy the German government for emissions into water and air. This means textiles from abroad could he bestowed with this label too, if effluents and waste air streams are treated. The limits shown in Table IV have to be achieved in the effluent before discharging into surface waters either by manufacturing facilities or by treatment plants of the community. They were taken from a draft of a new regulation that was not yet enacted concerning the discharge of textile effluents. A well-operating mechanical/biological treatment plant is the minimum standard to control them. Chemicals which are prohibited during processing include; • Sodium hypochlorite used in bleaching • Alkylphenol ethoxylates used in bleaching • Potassium bichromate used as an oxidizing agent • Copper sulfate used for improving fastness • Chlorinated carriers Chlorine is prohibited for bleaching because of generating halogenated organic substances, of which some are suspected to be carcinogenic; e.g.. chloroform.^^ In Germany hypochlorite bleaching is no longer used for this reason. Alkylphenol ethoxylates are restricted because it was determined that the degradatioji product with one or two ethylene oxide residues are more toxic than the original surfactant. Table IV. Requirements for Ecologically Friendly Production, Limits in Wastewater According to German Regulations maienai Limit, ppm COD BOO5 Nitrogen Phosphorus Hydrocarbons Adsorbable organic halogens Free Chlorine Sulfide Chromium VI Chromium total Copper Nickel Tin Zinc 160 25 20 2 10 0.5 03 1.0 0.1 0.5 05 (. O X Vol.26 Therefore a voluntary agreement hetween German manufacturers and the government was signed in 1986 not to sell them after 1989 on the Cerman market for household and industrial washing and cleaning purposes. Chromium and copper compounds as well as chlorinated carriers which are suspected to be harmful should not he used because of their low limits in effluents and their possibility to accumulate at the sewage sludge. Analyzing only wet processing textile production one can find further possibilities for protecting the environment not only by saving water, energy, dyes and chemicals, such as synthetic size and caustic soda, but hy secure storage to prevent emissions during an accident, by use of biodegradable textile auxiliaries and mineral oil-free pigment printing, and last but not least by improvement of working conditions; e.g., avoidance of dust, soil and noise in the factory. All the mentioned enterprises in this field are private, none of them has an official background. The official German eco-label "Blue Angel" is awarded to consumer products such as paint with reduced solvent contents, paper products made of recycled materials or sprays without ozone damaging agents but not as yet to textiles. The European Union has published a regulation on the awarding of an EU eco-label to promote the development, manufacture, marketing and use of products that have negligible effects on the environment.'-^ The regulation defines an evaluation matrix (Table V) which can be characterized as a life cycle analysis from cradle to grave. A Danish expert group is still developing the criteria for awarding the label on the hasis of two textile examples, namely cotton T-shirts and poly-cotton bed linen. This work is at an early stage. Table V. European Union Eco-Label Award Scheme Area of the Environment Preliminary Production Stage Production Distribution & Packaging Use Disposal Contribution lo waste Water Pollution Air pollution Noise Energy consumption Consumption ot natural resources Effects on the ecosystems Conclusions A multitude of activities through the whole textile chain are taking place for protecting the environment from damage by producing textiles or to humans wearing them. But it is necessary that the textile industry keep common sense in mind and not withdraw from technical competence and progressive processes, as the discussion sometimes showed. We are convinced that the suppliers of dyes and chemicals and the textile finishers will find the right way in between the extremes. Author's Address Ulrich Sewekow, Bayer AG, Geschäftsbereich Farben, Leverkusen D-51368, Cermany. References 1. Pi;rkins, Henry H. and Donald E. Brushwood, Textile Chemist and Colorist, February 1991, p26. 2. Perkins. Henry H. and Donald E. Brushwood, Textile Chemist and Colorist. May 1993, p31. 3. Duffield, Peter A. and Karl Hoppen-Heinz, Meiliand English. March 1987, p86. 4. Rhône-Poulenc, "Environmentai Issues and Agricultural Impact. Technical Bulletin. 5. Anonymous, Cotton Report. 3/4, edited by Bremer Baumwoü-börse, Breraen/Germany, 1993. 6. ETAD Annual Report, 1992, 7. Moll, Raul A.. A/e/y/ondE/igy/s/i, October 1991, p836, 8. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, Final Recommendations on Benzidine Congener Dyes. 1983. 9. 2nd Ordinance for tbe Amendment of tbe Consumer Coods Ordinance fi-om 15.07.1994. BGBl (Federal Law Gazette). Part t. 1994. pl670. 10, 4thOrdinanceforthe Amendment of tbe Consumer Coods Ordinance from 20,07.1995, BCBl (Federal Law Gazette), Part 1. p954, 11, Sebb. W.. Te.xtil Praxis International, August 1989, p841. 12, Council Regulation EEC 880/92 of 23.3.1992 Concerning a United System for the Awarding of an Eco-label. Official Journal of the EC L99 of the European Communities. April 11, 1992, Convertible unit for Water Resistance and Water Repellency Evaluation Complete unit for Spray Test and Impact Penetration Test provides ease of conversion for those running AATCC Test Methods 22 and 42 Spray no2zle u S85.00 c-jn r\n Hoop S20.Ü0 ^ Chart $20.00 Impact Penetration Head Clip and Plate unit $150.00 $145.00 Complete Spray Test Unit includes spray nozzle, hoop, chart, rinq, funnel. I J , , ^ , , ^ clamp, and stainless steel stand $345 00 _ ,^ , ^n * »• -r . • , ^ Complete Impact Penetration Tester includes stainless steel stand, funnel, clip and plate unit. ring, clamp and impact penetration head $640.00 AATCC P.O. Box 12215 • Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Tel: 919-549-8141 • Fax: 919-549-8933 VISA, MASTERCARD and AMERICAN EXPRESS ACCEPTED January 1996 CCO 7exi/7e Chemist and Colorist 27
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