DIRECT HIT: UROLOGIST? WHO IS THIS? The biologically active food supplement “URSUL” was specially developed by Vision as an effective means for preventing of the problems connected with the prostate grand. Clinical trials in the Nutrition Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and years of experience in using the product by many consumers around the world testify its highest quality, efficiency and safety. Only the best… Only from Europe… UROLOGIST? WHO IS THIS? The highest quality only natural ingredients, manufacturing in accordance with the In year the 2001, the BAFS “URSUL”entered requirements of GMP, applying of the unique the diet of the commander of the space technology of the cryogenic grinding for ship “Soyuz TM-33” during his stay aboard preserving of the biological activity of the the International Space Station. plant components provide the product with well-deserved recognition. URSUL Possesses anti-inflammatory effect. Prevents urogenital diseases. Provides bactericidal action. Reduces the risk of impotence. Improves the condition of joints. Prevents the development of oncopathology. Improves the adrenal function. ATTENTION! The biologically active food supplements are not drugs. Before use, we recommend to consult with an expert. Order products from internet shop: Tel: +359888375236 E-mail: [email protected] Be Healthy Together with Vision! BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS DIRECT HIT Only the best… Only from Europe… THREAT TO A MAN’S SECOND HEART No man is immune from prostatitis. This disease occurs in 40-60% of men. Often the prostatitis develops in people of 25-45 years old. In men over 55 years it occurs on the background of benign prostatic hyperplasia. The prostatitis may be causes by any infection: staphylococci, streptococci and other microorganisms, which present in various organs of a healthy person and cause inf lammation only at lower defense abilities of the organism. The reason may be in chlamydias, gardnerellas, gonococci, trichomonas, influenza viruses, herpes and others. Most commonly the infected pathogens penetrate into the prostate from the genitals and urethra. But also any other foci of chronic infection in the body may be the cause of prostatitis. The triggering factor may also be the congestion in the pelvic organs. This is due to the sedentary lifestyle, poor nutrition, abuse consumption of alcohol. Trouble in the end make a man to pay attention to the problem in his body. A typical symptom of prostatitis is a pain with varying intensity and localization: in the genitals, in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar and sacral region, increased frequency and difficulty of urinating decreased potency. • 95% of people are affected by one or the «bouquet» of the TORCH-infections (herpes, chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellez, cytomegalovirus, etc.). Not all of them are transmitted only sexually. This complex of disorders can turn a man’s life into a nightmare. But this is not all: the quantitative and qualitative composition of the sperm is changing, which leads to the male infertility. In the set of reasons, the result is the following: if you are over 25 – you are likely to have the prostatitis already. Remain a man or go to the finishing line “prostatitis-adenoma-carcinoma” the choice is yours. Everything can be solved. LIFE WITHOUT TREATMENT, HEALTH WITHOUT DRUGS – OBJECTIVE REALITY Martini fragrant (diabolical claw) normalizes the func tion of the genitourinary system, providing antiinflammatory, sedative, analgesic, antimicrobial action, tones smooth musculature. In addition, it is an effective cardiotonic, anti-arrhythmic means, improves the function of the gastrointestinal tract. Bearberr y – uro -antiseptik, has diuretic, anti-inflammatory action, cleanses the urinary tract from the bacterial flora and the products of inflammation, traditionally used for kidney and bladder. Echinacea purpurea. Its roots contain a complex of biologically active substances with antimicrobial, antiinflammatory, immunomodulatory, hemostatic ef fect. Reduces permeabilit y of the connec tive tissue, preventing the penetration of the pathogenic organisms. Increases activity of lymphocytes, stimulates action of the inter feron. Shows bactericidal, fungicidal (antifungal), antiviral properties. Its use is effective in treatment of the chronic inflammatory BIOLOGICALLY ACTIVE FOOD SUPPLEMENTS processes, which is associated with the positive effect of echinacea on the various links of immunity. The immunomodulatory effect of this plant allows to use it at cancer and AIDS diseases. Silver (colloidal) - bactericidal metal, showing activity against 650 species of bacteria which do not get the stability against it (but exhibit virtually to all antibiotics). Gold (powder) e n h a n ce s a c t i o n of the colloidal silver, increases spectrum of the antibacterial action. Copper has an astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory effect, increases the protective forces of the body, plays an important role in the antioxidant protec tion, biosynthesis of the hemoglobin. direct hit
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