Document 199428

"The Peacock Season" will
be. presented Joy. St. Agnes
School, Friday, Saturday,
Nov. 2i, 22,~8 p.m. at the
school, 300 East River Rd. .
According to Sister Ann
Patrice'Carrigan,.direct'or, the
murder mystery recalls .the old
comedy of manners in all of its
irresponsibility • .and artificiality. Set in 1910, the
drama takes place at a
weekend party for the; ultrarich arid ultra-proper. Unlike
typical mysteries, this .play
reveals the wtuKlone-if from
the start..
Photo by Joan Ml. Smith
Leads^jiri, the play are:
Mercedes Morano, as Gora
Marriner; /Michael D'Afflbra.
of Sperty High as Clark; Amy Muller, and Paul Forget,
Cardinal Mooney is having
Alarie; as Millicent.' Fcixxe? McQuaid; tony Macao and
Firestone, the hostess;-Bob Aaron Dunwoodyi Aquinas; i a "Prayer, Care and Share
Keenan, McQuaid,Detective Carl Teabout from Edison; Day, Wednesday, Nov: 26..
All: classes. will have the
.".- '•'.'-!
benefit of being, together, in
. Sharon Clays will.provide j sharing liturgies, discussions
Other cast members are:
- Janice - Schwlnd, Chantal piano music; John Muller has .and movies. The daywili ehd
with the school's annual
Rizzo, and Pat Rinehart from photographed the slides for Turkey Trot.
use in the play.
St Agnes; Jerry Vitello, John
Successful Season
The Little Irish junior Varsity finished the season with an 8-1 recored. They dropped
their, first game to Auburn by a 3-0 margin and won their last 8 to take first place in
the City-Catholic League. Team members include in front row: Todd Kellman, Brian
Johnson, Joe FfcOj,Chris Ryan, Dan Funk, Sarti Guerrieri, Jim Marrotta, Tom
Loewenguth, Jim Landry, Scott Johnson; in second row: Tom Smith, Frank Coletti,
Bob Faficone, Guy DeLucia, Nick Bianchi, Mark Dimino, Tim Bell, Dave Terry,
Dan Juu^, in third row: John Pezzulo (coach), Jim Schwab, Bob Wise, Emil
Grugnale, Pete GueUi, Mike Davenport, Terry Hancock, Jim Jordan, Eric Gertini,
Mike Ferrauilo, John Bell, Fred Brognia, Rick Concordia, Doug.Zapf, Tim Lennon
(team stats), Bob D'Ettore (coachh in fourth row: Tom Reifsteck, Leroy Meeks,
Tony Lott, Mike Loveland, Jim Vazzana, Joe Lucante, Kevin Barbato, Craig Wink,
Mike Spaziano, Joe Cilano.
Nazareth students Mary J o Pascucci, Carol Zona, Carolyn Saxe, Liz Winter,! and •
Terri Knapo'learned the election process by. participatingin' the school's mock
process. Above, they are registering for the following day's* vote.
The Vote: How t o Use It
students weren't immune to.
the excitement and hoopla .
that accompanied the election .
of: trie President of the U.S,
This year, in a program
designed by.the Social Studies.
Department in conjunction
with the City School District
and the Board of Elections,,
students at Nazareth. were
able to experience the total
electoral process.
Central" at the City.-School"
District offices.
Other students worked as
elections inspectors and poll
watchers'— seeing that all the
polling laws were observed--; At
.the end of the voting day, the
machines were sealed by Sister
Joan.McDowell, department
chairperson, and the results
• were phoned into. "Election
The outcome from the
votes, at Nazareth- Academy
did hot follow the national,
trend, on Noy. 4 —.360 .voted
forCarter; 84, Reagan, and 58
fbr Anderson.-:
According, to a news placed "sixth in overall- point •
During' the week prior to release, the Bishop Kearney standing: ~~r-. '
political Forensic' Team has main-' •
The Hamilton CoHege
speakers representing ' the tained a hectic schedule over.'
major presidential candidates the past few weeks. The . tournament was attended by
weekend of Oct. 25 saw the four of the Forensic Team's,
gave presentations. Th6n,
team at the, Port Byron . members: Patricia O'Keahe,
after studying the party
Central High School's annual
platforms and discussing the tournament. On the following Robert Gulib, Lucy Hung,ahd Robert Nicosia, Robert
issues in their .'social studies
classes, the students went to .Saturday, Nov: V, }he"team , placed "first ' in Dramatic.
competed in its first" in^. . Interpretation "for performing
the polls on election day,', used
vitational . of . the year at 1l Never-Sang for My Father
real voting". machines, and
Hamilton College. ;
. . by .Robert Anderson, and.
picked their .favorite canLucy pjaced first in Original
didates: • . ' " ' " - ' . .
attended the Port.. Byron Oratory- for performing her.;
competitions. Two of them, own.-. composition,. "The
. Michael
Szatkowski in'. Eccentricities of Modern
Dramatic Interpretation and Rhetoric."
Joseph ; Lanzafame in Ex- ".
Ronald Billitier, a McQuaid temporaneoiis.
Speaking,, - Because of his.tournament :'
sophomore', was the recipient reached the final round of the • successes, Mike is-qualified to
of the Winner's Circle $5 for tournament. In final^ torn- -participate in the 'New. York;"
the week of Nov. 5. ,
; petition, Joe placed fourth and State Finals to be held- ;in ,,
. Mike, placed first.. Th& team Albany, April 3^.5. '
Will" work . regularly at St.;
Joseph's House of Hospitality,;
a. center for the needy located
in the city. On Monday, Nov. |
2, the group made its first visit
to St. Joseph's to see what the
responsibilities woukVbe.
.fourth is workingon acitivities
like, a World Hunger Driven
the • annual .delivery of
Christmas Baskets to needy
families, and Operation
Breadbox, that will involve
the Whole school..
Members of another group
dedicate themselves to helping
teachers. They have already
assisted faculty members with
••'• SRO was organized by" . typing and correcting papers.
teachers Mrs: Jeanne Gehret, A third group is planning to;
Timothy Sigrist, Mrs. Judy paint an apartment for a
Finn, and Jim Cala. They will Laotian refugee family.' A
act only as advisors to the
- Mrs. Gehret summed: up
the feelings of the students
and.teachers connected with
SRO when she said, "Through
SRO activities, Kearnej
students are- learning tha
commitment and compassior
are "more than just words.r
On Oct, 6, Students.
Reaching Out (SRO), a* new
organization at Bishop
Kearney High School, held its
first meeting. According to a
press release,Jhe group offers
an opportunity for students of
all grades at the school to
reach out into the community
and give of themselves in hope
of helping others.
Cardinal Mooney
Within the larger S R o '
group, smaller subgroups have
been organized, with a senior
core member as leader: These
core members will originate
and; implement. various activities tor. their groups,, set*
meetings and recruit others to.
join.' Frequent meetings will •
be held in school, although
much will be done outside of :
school orr the students' own
- !
"The Cardinal Mooneyi
Follies" will be .presented; in]
the school auditorium, 800
Maiden Lane, this Friday, and;
Saturday, Nov. 21-22;° Per-;
formancesareat8p.m. •
Greece 1Athena Junior Higl
School. This year's productior
features a salute to the'rhovii
and Broadway with musi
selections from ', 'fllw J;
Singer," "The Wiz," am
"Chorus Line." .
The Follies, an annual stage!
Tickets are $3, Fojr
production put on by parents, students arid faculty, is under . reservations and informatio i
the direction of Judy contact Ginny Mueller; .86!
' '
6ne»group;"Woritef Rats," •" Ranaletta, music director at
On The Go
Thursday, Nov. 20 -^
Mothers' .Chib'Star Dinner,'
7p.m. :"! :•
. N o v . 21-22 - • "I
Remember Mama" performances.
Monday,. Nov. 24" —
^Thanksgiving Liturgy. Wednesday, Nov. 26 —
Thanksgiving recess begins. .
Wednesday; Nov.. 19 —
Baked Food Sale; freshmen
'girls retreat;
rehearsal, 7 p*.m.
: Nov. 1.9-21 — Sophomore,
retreat . a t . Notre Dame
Retreat House,; : Canandaigua.
Nov. 20 — Senior; Girls
retreat; Oxfam Fast Day.
Friday, Nov, 21 — Follies
presentation, 8 p^m.
Monday, Nov. 24 ~
Women's Guild meeting.
Wednesday, Nov. 26 —
Prayer, Care,, and Share
Thursday, Nov. 20. —
Student' Fast;
Falcone Bible Study class.
Saturday, Nov. 22 —
Ffosh.Class Day.
Tuesday, ; Nov. '25 -==Spirit. Day; 8th gradeN
Oratory Contest and school
Wednesday, Nov. 26 —
Liturgies,8:47 a.m,
" Wednesday, Nov, 19 T CareerDay,
"Thursday, Nov. 20^ -r.
-Nazareth College bus tour;
Oxfam/ Day; department
Nov,. 22;23
Sale. .
• Nov, 25rDec/. 8 , —
Spanish and French class
Wednesday,- Nov. "26; —
Service; 'faculty advisory
meeting. '.
Wednesday, Nov. . 1 9 - ^
Parent/teacher conference. =
Nov. 22-23 — Arts and
Crafts Show. ,
.: . Nov;
Thanksgiving vacation.
.ST.AGNES'.. '-'•, •
Wednesday, Nov.. •19\—
Optional faculty meetings;
aerobic dance class.
Friday,;. .Nov;. 21 —
Theology Speaker, Stan
Zawacki; "The Peacock
Season" presentation, 8 p'.m,
Saturday, Nov. 22 —
"The Peacock . Seasotf'
presentation, 8 p;m.
Sunday, Nov. 2 3 - C Y O
girls basketballin gym; Open
House, 7-9 p.m. '
.Monday, Nov.. 24 —
Thanksgiving Assembly. -..
Tuesday, Nov. 25 —.
Aerobic Dance class. '•
Wednesday, Nov; 26 —
Magazine drive holiday.