How to Lobby at Intergovernmental Meetings

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How to Lobby at
Intergovernmental Meetings
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How to Lobby at
Intergovernmental Meetings
Mine is a CafféLatte
by Felix Dodds
with Michael Strauss
Earthscan Publications Ltd
London • Sterling, VA
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First published in the UK and USA in 2004
by Earthscan Publications Ltd
Copyright © Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future, 2004
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A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dodds, Felix.
How to lobby at intergovernmental meetings / by Felix Dodds with Michael
p. cm.
ISBN 1-84407-074-3 (pbk.)
1. International agencies. 2. Lobbying. I. Strauss, Michael, 1952- II. Title
JZ4850.D63 2003
This book is printed on elemental chlorine free paper
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Page v
List of Figures, Tables and Boxes
About the Authors
Foreword by Henrique B Cavalcanti
Key Messages
List of Acronyms, Abbreviations and General Terms
So Why Is This Important to My Organization?
Why Attend a UN Commission, Convention, Conference or
Summit Meeting?
International Context
Progress in Involving Stakeholders
Preparation and How To Be Effective
Tools To Prepare: Scenario-building and SWOT Analyses
National Preparations
Global Preparations
How To Attend and Participate in UN Meetings
How To Be Effective
The Negotiations: Some Tips
NGO/Stakeholder Papers and Statements
Structure of a Document
So You Want To Be an Activist?
Agreements, Charters, Conventions, Declarations, Protocols
and Treaties
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The World of Brackets
Terms in Negotiations
A Quick Guide to Jargon and Acronyms
Media Campaigning
How To Get There and Where To Stay
Getting Around Geneva and New York
Staying in Geneva and New York
Important Information
Permanent Missions to the UN in Geneva and New York
Maps of the UN in Geneva and New York
UN Addresses in Geneva and New York
Useful Web Resources
List of Key Countries to Lobby
NGO Issue Caucuses and Stakeholder Groups
UN Conferences and Commissions
UN Commissions
UN Conferences and Summits
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List of Figures,
Tables and Boxes
3.1 Scenario-building for WSSD: The Matrix Method
5.1 Maps of the UN buildings in Geneva and New York
5.2 Map of the basement rooms in the UN, New York
1.1 Global United Nations conferences and summits of the 1990s
3.1 Number of ECOSOC-recognized NGOs before and after each
review of consultative status
3.2 Differences in UN NGO status
3.3 Terms in negotiations
1.1 Groundwork for creating alliances
3.1 Elements and questions for a SWOT analysis
3.2 NGOs’ priority issues at the Rio + 5 UN General Assembly
Special Session (UNGASS) (23–27 June 1997)
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About the Authors
Felix Dodds is the executive director of
Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future. He
was co-chair of the Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD) NGO Steering Committee
from 1997 to 2001. He has been active at all UN
Commission on Sustainable Development
meetings, as well as a number of other UN
commissions. He attended the Earth Summit in
Rio in 1992, the second United Nations
Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II)
in Istanbul in 1996 and the World Summit on
Sustainable Development (WSSD or Earth
Summit 2002) in Johannesburg in 2002, as well as the five-year followups (+5s) for Rio, Beijing and Copenhagen. He coordinated NGO
lobbying at Habitat II in 1996 and Rio +5 in 1997. His previous books
are Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal (Earthscan, 2001), The Way
Forward Beyond Agenda 21 (Earthscan, 1997) and Into the 21st
Century: An Agenda for Political Realignment (Green Print, 1988). He
has also contributed chapters to a number of other books. He has two
children, Robin and Merri, who are loads of fun to be with.
Felix Dodds, Executive Director
Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future
7 Holyrood Street, London, SE1 2EL, UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 7089 4300
Fax: +44 (0)20 7089 4310
Email: [email protected]
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Michael Strauss is founder and executive
director of Earth Media, a political and media
consultancy that works with international and
national NGOs and coalitions on environmental,
economic development and social justice issues.
He has organized press events at the UN since
preparations for the Rio Earth Summit. At the
2002 Johannesburg Summit he coordinated
media outreach and daily press conferences for
NGO coalitions in the UN Media Centre at
Sandton Convention Centre. He was media
coordinator for the CSD NGO Steering
Committee from 1993 to 2002. He is editor of The Dialogue Records:
Year One (CSD NGO Steering Committee–Northern Clearinghouse,
For information on NGO coalition media activities or advice on other
press areas, contact:
Michael Strauss, Executive Director
Earth Media
International Media Advocacy Project
211 East 51st Street, 3C, New York, NY 10022, USA
Tel: +1 212 355 2122
Email: [email protected]
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A long-standing relationship between the UN and Felix Dodds has
given him the authority and the experience to bring the reader closer
to one of the remarkable inventions of the 20th century. The book is a
tribute to this human institution, with its frailties and limitations,
albeit invested with the hopes and confidence of the common
individual, and also to the steady rise and influence of organized world
society in the way that it functions. Felix Dodds shares with the reader
his vision of how the UN concept can become reality in the 21st
century, thus fulfilling the multilateral dream of peace and justice.
In describing its breadth, length and height, from its addresses and
physical facilities to its intricate structure and framework that reach,
in encyclopaedic fashion, every possible subject, resource and problem
that is of interest to mankind, the book is a practical guide to its
players, rituals and procedures. What sounds like simple hints drawn
from day-to-day experience are, in fact, remarkable lessons to be
learned that may have been inspired by Niccolò Machiavelli, Emily Post
or Carl von Clausewitz. Tactical moves, a strong feeling for the
importance of language, and a keen sense of organization are other
valuable insights that aim at effective action and results in the best
sense of the term.
The reader may start referring to the UN in the third-person
singular, but may well, at the end, think of it in the first-person plural.
Henrique B Cavalcanti
President, Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety
former Minister of Environment and the Amazon, Brazil
Chair, UN Commission on Sustainable Development, 1995
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We must always tell them that they are not alone, their action
is not futile, there always comes a day when the palaces of
oppression crumble, when imprisonment comes to an end,
when liberty catches fire.
(Albert Camus)
This book started life as a briefing document for stakeholders involved
in the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD), otherwise
known as Earth Summit 2002. The briefing was very popular during
the WSSD process and it seemed to many people that a book would
help newcomers and organizations in their engagement at the intergovernmental level, no matter what their purpose for being involved.
The book has drawn both on suggestions by many individuals
whom I have listed in the acknowledgements section, as well as
Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future’s ten years of experience
in lobbying at the UN level on sustainable development. Despite this
background, a lot of the book is interchangeable. You could replace
‘stakeholder ’ with ‘governments’ and the information would be
relevant to government delegations. Just like stakeholders,
governments are trying to get their positions accepted by as many
decision-makers as possible. Much of the book can also be used for
national campaigning.
Over the past 30 years since the Stockholm UN Conference on the
Human Environment, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and
stakeholders1 generally, have played an increasingly influential and
constructive role in framing the direction that the world might go in.
Understanding how to lobby more effectively helps to deepen
democracy and promote greater dialogue and richness of perspectives
in the inter-governmental process. Although we have finished a
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sequence of UN conferences and summits, this does not mean the end
of inter-governmental decision-making. The monitoring of
government commitments at the inter-governmental level is critical to
the phase that we are now in.
I would like to dedicate the book to Warren Lindner (‘Chip’ to his
friends), who died of an AIDS-related illness during the preparatory
process for the WSSD. He had been secretary of the Brundtland
Commission and organizer of the Rio Global Forum in 1992. The
Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future took its name out of
respect for his work and his previous organization, the Centre for Our
Common Future. We do this to honour the work of a departed
colleague who gave much of his life to try, at the inter-governmental
level, to work for a more sustainable world.
When times seem difficult, and they will be, it is good to have in
mind something that John F Kennedy said in his inaugural speech: ‘Let
us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate.’
Suggestions for improving this resource will be welcomed at:
[email protected].
Felix Dodds
Osterley, 2003
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Key Messages1
Know Your Own Goals
Decide, define and describe your objective(s) in a form that others
can understand and will want to read. This is essential, however
and wherever you wish to advance a particular issue.
Know the Decision-making Process in Your Country
Study, understand and respect the decision-making process.
Identify how, where and when decisions relating to your
objective(s) will be taken.
Know When To Work at What Level
You need to be clear about when to be active at the national level
and when to be active at the international level. Do not confuse
what you can do at what level.
Know the Decision-making Context
Study the wider political context in which decisions are being
taken. Ministers have limited time, and priorities are continually
shifting. Are there ways in which you can raise the priority of an
issue? Are there natural cycles when the issue comes to the fore?
Know the Tools at Your Disposal
What are the most cost-effective means of communicating your
message? The internet has become a cheap and accessible means
of delivering messages, and supplements the print and electronic
Know When To Make Your Position
Understand the diary of decision-making. When do you need to
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have your ideas in front of officials for them to be considered? Last
minute proposals are rarely successful: it usually takes time,
persistence and a willingness to learning in order to win.
Know Your Allies
Identify who can help share, amplify or adopt your objective(s),
and those who might join in a coalition around the issue. This will
help to strengthen your case and argument. Sometimes allies are
active (for example, other stakeholders); sometimes they are
passive (for example, the media or the judiciary). Define the terms
and duration of alliances carefully.
Know the Government Officials
Identify who the key governments are and who their key officials
are. Meet them and buy them coffee!
Know the Key UN Officials
Identify who is playing a key role within the relevant secretariats
and within the UN agencies and programmes.
Know Your Adversaries
Know why others differ from your viewpoint. Address their
concerns in developing your position. This will also strengthen
your case.
Know Your Limits
You will not have all the answers: be prepared to acknowledge this.
Coalitions mean compromise: be prepared to adopt others’
viewpoints if you expect them to adopt yours. Compromise does
not necessarily mean a weaker position.
Know Your Potential
Historically, activism has been a major factor in driving change for
the better. A few people armed with the right idea, conviction and
courage can change the world. The challenge is to find the few
words and actions that ignite people’s imaginations.
Know Your Brackets and Terms
Why are governments using certain terms? Why are they
bracketing particular sections? You need to know the answers to
these questions in order to know what your action should be.
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We would like to thank the following people who commented on the
drafts of this book and those who gave their support for this project.
Thanks: Peter Adriance, Georgina Ayre, Jeffrey Barber, Sander van
Bennekom, Karen Birdsall, Alexandra Biod, Madeleine Cobb, Derek
Dodds, Robin Dodds, Kevin Dunion, Maria Figueroa, David Fitzpatrick,
Beth Hiblin, Paul Hohnen, Leif Holmberg, Megan Howell, Laura Kallus,
Geeta Kulshrestha, Chris Littlecott, Suzanne Long, Bill Mankin, Toby
Middleton, Daniel Mittler, Aretha Moore, Goodwin Ojo, Peter Padbury,
Gary Pupurs, Bunker Roy, and Lucien Royer.
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List of Acronyms,
Abbreviations and
General Terms
Advisory Committee on Administrative and
Budgetary Questions
Administrative Committee on Coordination (UN
Secretary-General’s Cabinet)
Northern Alliance for Sustainability
Alliance of Small Island States (42 members and
Arab Towns Organization
Business Action for Sustainable Development
Business Council for Sustainable Development
the bureau of a commission is composed of the
chair and representatives of the other five
regional groupings of member states
Climate Action Network
Caribbean community: Antigua and Barbuda,
Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada,
Guyana, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint
Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad
and Tobago
Convention on Biological Diversity
Convention to Combat Desertification
Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination
against Women
Central and Eastern Europe
the chair is responsible for facilitating progress in
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City Summit
Earth Summit
the work of the meeting; during a commission,
they serve from the end of the previous session
until the end of the one that they are chairing;
different chairs may be elected for other informal
Commission on Human Settlements
Convention on International Trade in Endangered
Species of Wild Fauna and Flora
see Habitat II
carbon dioxide
Conference of the Parties (to a convention)
EU Committee of Permanent Representatives
Committee of the Whole
Commission on Population and Development
Commission on Sustainable Development (53
member state governments make up the
commission, which meets annually; observer
states and non-members (such as the EU) are
also permitted to attend)
civil society organization
Commission for Social Development
Committee on Trade and Environment (of the
UN Division for the Advancement of Women
UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(responsible for many of the commissions that
deal with reviewing implementation of the
outcomes from the summits and conferences of
the 1990s; run by an under secretary-general)
UN Department of Management
UN Department of Political Affairs
UN Department of Public Information
UN Department of Peace-keeping Operations
UN Division for Sustainable Development
(division of ECOSOC, concerned with sustainable
development issues; the DSD acts as the
secretariat for the CSD)
UN Division for Social Policy and Development
(division of ECOSOC, concerned with social
development issues; the DSD acts as the
secretariat for the CSocD)
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Earth Summit 2002
G77 and China
Page xviii
see WSSD
European Commission
European Community
UN Economic Commission for Africa
UN Economic Commission for Europe
UN Economic Commission for Latin America and
the Caribbean
NGO newsletter brought out at a number of UN
UN Economic and Social Council
economies in transition (predominately refers to
countries in Central and Eastern Europe)
Environmental Liaison Centre International
Earth Negotiations Bulletin
UN Executive Office of the Secretary-General
UN Economic and Social Commission for Asia
and the Pacific
UN Economic and Social Commission for Western
European Union (works as a group at
international meetings, in addition to the actions
of the European member states present; EU
presidency rotates every six months)
Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN
foreign direct investment
First Meeting of the States Parties
Group of 7 (industrialized countries)
Group of 8 (industrialized countries, including the
Russian Federation)
country grouping of Algeria, Argentina, Brazil,
Egypt, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Malaysia,
Mexico, Nigeria, Peru, Senegal, Venezuela,
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Zimbabwe
Group of 77 and China (the original group of the
so-called non-aligned states; this is, in effect, the
negotiating block of the member countries
present and seeks to harmonize the negotiating
positions of its 133 developing-country members)
UN General Assembly
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
Global Environmental Facility (the World Bank,
the UNDP and the UNEP established the
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multibillion-dollar GEF in 1990 to fund
environmental programmes, especially in the
South and in EIT)
gross national product
Global Plan of Action
regional country grouping used within the UN
and encompassing Latin America and the
Habitat II
second UN Conference on Human Settlements
(Istanbul, 1996), known as the City Summit
UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
high-level segment ministerial-level part of the meeting where the
most significant issues are decided
heavily indebted poor countries
Human Rights and Peace Campaign
UN Inter-Agency Committee on Sustainable
Development (closed down in 2001; but at time of
publication there was discussion of reopening the
International Atomic Energy Agency
International Chamber of Commerce
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
International Council for Local Environmental
International Conference on Population and
International Council for Scientific Union
International Development Target
International Federation of Agricultural Producers
Intergovernmental Forum on Forests
international financial institution
International Institute for Sustainable
International Labour Organization
International Monetary Fund
Inter-governmental Negotiating Committee
UN International Research and Training Institute
for the Advancement of Women
official between-sessions meeting of one of the
Intergovernmental Panel on Forests
International Standards Organization
Major Groups
member state
regional groups
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International Telecommunication Union
International Union of Local Authorities
Japan, the US, Switzerland, Canada, Australia,
Norway and New Zealand (non-EU industrialized
countries that meet as a group to discuss various
Latin American Integration Association
least developed country
Multilateral Agreement on Investment
term used in Agenda 21 to describe nine sectors
of society fundamental to achieving sustainable
development: women; children and youth;
indigenous people; NGOs; local authorities;
workers and trade unions; business and industry;
scientific and technological communities; and
Multilateral Environmental Agreement
a nation that is a member of the UN
Meeting of the Parties
UN Non-Governmental Liaison Service
non-governmental organization
popular term to describe developed industrialized
Network for Regional Governments for
Sustainable Development
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting
a session of a meeting where all parties are
present and where formal decisions are taken
permanent member
persistent organic pollutants
UN Preparatory Committee (name given to
meetings for preparation and negotiation prior to
a summit)
Africa; Asia; Central and Eastern Europe (CEE);
Latin America and the Caribbean (GRULAC); and
the Western Europe and Others Group (WEOG)
(these five regional groups meet privately to
discuss issues and to nominate bureau members
and other officials)
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Rio +5
side event
five-year review of the Earth Summit see also
Secretary of the Basel Convention
Subsidiary Body for Implementation
Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological
Sustainable Development Issues Network
South-Eastern European
South Eastern European Youth Council
an open lunch-time or evening event in the
margins of the official sessions, usually related to
the issues being negotiated
small island developing states (especially
important in relation to the Barbados Plan of
Action for SIDS)
popular term to describe developing countries
strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities
United Kingdom
United Nations
UN Programme on HIV/AIDS
UN Correspondents Association
UN Conference on Environment and Development
(Rio, 1992), known as the Earth Summit
UN Conference on Trade and Development
UN Development Programme
UN Economic Council for Europe
UN Environment Programme
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural
UN Forum on Forests
UN General Assembly Special Session (mostly
refers to the 19th Special Session of the General
Assembly – the five-year review of the Earth
Summit, known as Rio +5)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme
(formerly UN Centre for Human Settlements)
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
United Nations Children’s Fund
UN Industrial Development Organization
UN Institute for Training and Research
United States
United Towns Organization
working group
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World Associations of Cities and Local Authorities
World Business Council for Sustainable
Western Europe and Others Group (regional
country grouping within the UN encompassing
Western Europe and Others, such as the US and
World Food Programme
World Health Organization
World Industry Council for the Environment
World Intellectual Property Organization
World Meteorological Organization
sub-group of the main meeting, tasked with
drafting language for the final documents
World Summit on Sustainable Development
(Johannesburg, 2002), known as Earth Summit
World Trade Organization
Youth Forum of the European Union
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Chapter 1
So Why Is This Important To
My Organization?
Few will have the greatness to bend history; but each of us can
work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all
those acts will be written the history of this generation… It is
from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief that human
history is thus shaped. Each time a person stands up for an
ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against
injustice, they send forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing
each other from a million different centres of energy and daring,
those ripples build a current which can sweep down the
mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.
(Senator Robert Kennedy, University of Cape Town,
South Africa, 6 June 1966)
Working at the ‘global level’ can have enormous benefits for
organizations that want to set agendas, fast track an issue or hold
governments accountable to previous promises.
Let us start with an example. During the five-year review of the
Earth Summit (Rio +5) in 1997, an issue not on the agenda – that of
the proposed Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) Multilateral Agreement on Investment (MAI) –
was brought up informally by non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
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with heads of state. Many governments had not appreciated what the
OECD was doing and what the implications might be for them. NGOs
had previously tried to bring this issue up in national capitals without
any success. The contacts available at Rio +5 ensured that the issue
was addressed at the highest level of government. The MAI was dead
within five months of Rio +5.
United Nations (UN) conferences and summits, in particular, but
also conventions, offer an enormous opportunity to build considerable
press coverage for an issue. This, consequently, helps to raise
awareness levels around the world and puts pressure on governments
to do something. The importance of media coverage for these events
cannot be emphasized enough.
During the 1990s, we saw a series of global conferences and
summits organized by the UN:
World Summit for Children (New York, 1990);
UN Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro,
Human Rights Summit (Vienna, 1993);
International Conference on Population and Development (Cairo,
World Summit on Social Development (Copenhagen, 1995);
Fourth World Conference on Women (Beijing, 1995);
World Food Summit (Rome, 1996); and
Second UN Conference on Human Settlements (Istanbul, 1996).
Each of these resulted in its own set of declarations, plans of action
and conventions (see Table 1.1). In Chapter 3 we review the differences
between these terms and others to help the reader understand the
varying emphasis that governments and others give to them. But
perhaps it would be useful to understand that the difference, in
general, is between soft law (for example, declarations and plans of
action) and hard law (for example, conventions). Hard law means that
a government can potentially be held accountable for the (in)action,
while soft law is aspirational.
Combined, the UN conferences and summits have mapped out a
social and economic framework by which the world might manage its
affairs. Even as the 1990s saw the explosion of globalization, these
imperfect, but important, agreements were mapping a moral and
equitable path for all of us to follow.
It is worth noting that the Earth Summit in Rio led to the
development of the largest number of legally binding Multilateral
(a) Rio Declaration
on Environment
and Development
(b) Statement of
Forest Principles
Plan of Action for
Implementing the World
Declaration on the
Survival, Protection and
Development of Children
during the 1990s
Agenda 21: Programme (a) Framework Convention
of Action for Sustainable on Climate Change
Development – 40(b) Convention on
chapter document that Biological Diversity
covers environmental,
(c) Convention to Combat
social, economic and
Desertification* (ratified 1994)
political concerns
(d) Agreement on
Conservation and
Management of Straddling
and Highly Migratory Fish
(e) Stockholm Convention on
Persistent Organic Pollutants*
(not yet come into force)
(f) Rotterdam Convention on
Prior Informed Consent
Procedures for Certain
Hazardous Chemicals and
Pesticides in International
Trade* (not yet come into force)
Plan of action
(a) A new functioning
Commission of the UN
Economic and Social Council
was created: the Commission
on Sustainable Development
(b) For UN internal
coordination, the Interagency
Committee on Sustainable
Development was created
(c) To advise the UN
Secretary General, a high-level
advisory board was set up
New UN body created
UN Conference
on Environment
Earth Summit)
Rio de Janeiro,
World Summit
World Declaration
for Children New on the Survival,
York, 1990
Protection and
Development of
Table 1.1 Global United Nations conferences and summits of the 1990s
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Rome Declaration
on World Food
Istanbul Declaration Habitat Agenda
on Human
Led to the appointment of the
first High Commissioner for
Human Rights
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Platform for Action
Adopted by the
Fourth World
Conference on Women
World Food Summit
Plan of Action
The Beijing
Programme of Action
Adopted at the ICPD
The Copenhagen
Programme of Action
Declaration on
of the World Summit
Social Development for Social Development
The Vienna
Note: * negotiated after, but as a result of, UNCED
Source: adapted from Hemmati and Seliger (2001)
Human Rights
Vienna, 1993
Conference on
Population and
Cairo, 1994
World Summit
for Social
Fourth World
Conference on
Beijing, 1995
World Food
Rome, 1996
Second UN
Conference on
(Habitat II)
Istanbul, 1996
Page 4
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Environmental Agreements (MEAs) of any inter-governmental process
in history. These were on climate, biodiversity, fisheries,
desertification, chemicals and persistent organic pollutants.
Taken collectively, the outcomes from the summits and
conferences represented an attempt by the world to set new norms
and standards by which human beings might interact with each other
and other species on this small planet.
Parallel to this, we also saw a massive increase in NGO action
around the policies and meetings of the new World Trade Organization
(WTO), the World Bank and the International Monitory Fund (IMF).
This included direct action related to the lack of access to the
meetings, as well as interacting on the content of the meetings.
Each of the UN conferences and summits, with the exception of
the World Summit for Children, has had its own five-year review
conference. To date, only the Children’s Summit and the Earth Summit
have had ten-year follow-up meetings. The reason for this is that
governments are feeling that five or even ten years is too soon for
significant progress to be seen, and are therefore moving on to a 15year initial review cycle, with the next meeting ten years after that.
This explosion of international negotiations led to a new
generation of people and organizations discovering the UN as a forum
for international policy-making. Many of these organizations did not
at first know how to fully utilize processes effectively to put pressure
on their governments. As a result, new cadres of lobbyists were born
who found ways of utilizing the corridors and coffee bars of the UN to
move their organization’s policy goals forward.
The UN events mentioned above had tens of thousands of
stakeholders in attendance. Governments, at times, worried about the
number attending, thinking that all of them would be lobbying! The
reality is that the number of individuals actively lobbying at a global
meeting is relatively small, something we hope that this book will
change. There are several reasons for this. People attending are there
for a number of motives other than lobbying. These include sharing
experiences, organizing partnerships or just learning how the intergovernmental process operates. These can all be very valid and
important activities for their organizations, provided that this is why
they were sent.
It is important to be clear on why one is attending an international
meeting and what action is needed to achieve the identified aims. It is
also important to recognize the difference between the position of your
organization and your personal beliefs – and to understand which you
are authorized to act upon.
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Often, many individuals attending a conference would like to lobby
but, unfortunately, do not know how. Many of those who do know how
do not have enough time to transfer their skills. Not enough has been
done over the years to address this issue. New people are often left to
fend for themselves and, therefore, tend not to be effective for the first
couple of international meetings that they attend. This exacts an
enormous cost from their organization.
This book aims to provide a first step. We hope that it helps you to
make an effective start.
Participation in a UN event is not a substitute for working at local,
national or regional levels on any issue. Rather, it is a very useful
complement to the work done at other levels. It provides information
on what your government is saying at the international level, as well
as an important global forum for communicating the concerns of
constituencies at home.
International meetings offer an opportunity to place national
government policies in front of their peer group – that is, the
governments of other countries. The review of previous government
commitments or the development of new ones gives stakeholders an
opportunity to highlight their government’s failures and successes. It
may be that certain governments have, indeed, implemented very
positive policies. Highlighting these can have a positive impact on
relationships with your own government and can provide a standard
that challenges other governments to move forward. This process can
also provide an opportunity to influence your government to agree to
policies that it might not have wished to commit to domestically.
The UN processes offer the opportunity to maintain pressure on
governments and international organizations. They also provide a
chance to strengthen the goals of your organization. One of the most
exciting and useful things about UN meetings is the access that they
potentially provide to heads of state, ministers and top civil servants.
It is, in some ways, the equivalent of being allowed onto the floor of
your parliament. A stakeholder can literally walk up to any country
desk and talk to the relevant civil servant or minister…assuming that
they can be found!
There are many reasons for attending a UN commission,
convention, conference or summit. In this chapter we look at five
reasons, in particular:
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Lobbying: many people assume that everyone going to a UN event
is interested in lobbying their government or other governments.
This isn’t true; in fact, a relatively small number of stakeholder
groups actually lobby. On the other hand, stakeholders could have
much greater impact if more participants engaged in, at least,
some amount of lobbying during a given event.
Learning: learning how the international process works can be a
first step to understanding how to use it effectively. This, in turn,
leads to putting pressure on your government to implement
desired outcomes.
Working with other stakeholders: the intervals around a meeting
allow stakeholders to spend time with colleagues, building a
coalition on an issue that may or may not be on the agenda. This
activity can be part of a longer-term campaign to bring an issue
onto the agenda or to work with others on a future regional or
global campaign.
Exchanging information: this helps to clarify issues, share ideas,
circulate intelligence on the agenda for later debates, and develop
contacts and trust, as well as sending international messages.
Many people who attend UN events want to discuss what they have
been doing or want to see what others are doing. This space offers
a great opportunity for ‘show and tell’ in what is, basically, an ideas
Organizing events: many stakeholders organize events in the
margins of the meetings. These can influence the negotiations,
highlight an issue or highlight (in)action by their governments. Do
not organize your events when negotiations are taking place –
government delegates will not come and you should be spending
the time lobbying. Try to organize events during break periods. If
possible, try and host a meeting involving government and
stakeholders (for example, industry, trade unions and local
government). This will help you to build contacts and may be more
media worthy.
When your organization is deciding to become active at the intergovernmental level, there is a need for cost-benefit analysis. Budgets
need to account for the cost of sending staff who are working at this
level to the meeting, but also for preparatory time. If you are going to
participate effectively in a meeting, preparation is more than just
purchasing a plane ticket and finding accommodation.
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Organizing a stakeholder/‘officeholder’ meeting
During these meetings, sessions can be organized by stakeholders with
the appropriate head of state or minister of the country concerned. A
well-organized meeting with a head of state or minister can end up
delivering a change in a government’s position, either at the meeting
or back home. To set up well-organized meetings, stakeholders should
consider the following components:
Select a capable stakeholder co-chair who will direct the
Agree among stakeholders, ahead of time, on a series of short,
one- to two-minute questions. Have back-up second questions or
responses ready for each. The government liaison person for the
meeting will usually have asked what the issues being addressed
are. Give this information – the objective is not to catch a minister
out but to move the issue(s) forward.
Assign a specific person to ask each question.
Agree on the order of questions and supply this to the government
liaison person before the meeting; but agree that the stakeholder
co-chair will have the flexibility to change the order if the
conversation goes in a particular direction.
Always try to be positive by framing the issue or negotiating
problem effectively, and then ask open-ended questions (for
example, ‘What is your government’s policy on that?’ ‘What will
your government’s response/strategy be for dealing with that?’).
The follow-up question can then be the challenging one (for
example, ‘Might that still leave the problem of…?’ ‘Couldn’t it, in
fact, be much more effective to…?’).
Creating alliances
The UN meetings also offer the possibility of creating ‘alliances’ within
and between stakeholder groups and governments. These can be
powerful, both for lobbying and afterwards, during the most important
phase: implementation.
Step 1
Develop a clear idea of your own objectives:
What do you want?
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What is your minimum negotiating position: what is absolutely
essential and why?
Why haven’t you secured the objective to date (for example,
because of government policy, personalities, resource issues, other
factors or a mixture of the above)?
Knowing your own interests well is essential in negotiating effectively
with others.
Step 2
Try to understand the perspectives of those with different views (not
only the ‘what’, but the ‘why’). Sometimes the information you get
indicates possible ways forward. Occasionally it helps to clarify the
best negotiating tactic.
Think about all of the actors in a process – other NGOs, delegates,
businesses, trade unions, international organizations and the
secretariat. Even if you can’t speak directly with someone in a key
position, you can piece together a lot about their position from an
informed dialogue with others.
Keep a list of the key governments and what their positions are as
the meeting starts, and what and how these positions change as you
go along. This should help you to see what progress you have made in
influencing them.
Step 3
Try to engage by focusing on who you can work with and within what
limits. Being clear about the limits helps to avoid disappointment and
Box 1.1 Groundwork for creating alliances
In 1997, at the five-year review of the Earth Summit (Rio +5),
Stakeholder Forum co-chaired a meeting of stakeholders with
European environment and development ministers. The stakeholder
team included Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth, the World Wildlife
Fund, ANPED (the Northern Alliance for Sustainability), the Royal
Society for the Protection of Birds and Severn Trent Water plc. It
surprised the ministers considerably that a water company was
sitting with NGOs and putting forward a joint position on water and
poverty. This strengthened our case and the European Union
advocated the position in the negotiations.
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Chapter 2
International Context
Business as usual, government as usual, and perhaps even
protest as usual are not giving us the progress needed to
achieve sustainable development. Let’s see if we can’t work
together to find better paths forward
(Paul Hohnen, former strategic director for Greenpeace)
Over the past 13 years there has been an enormous rise in the
involvement of stakeholders at the United Nations (UN). It needs to be
remembered that the UN is an inter-governmental body. As such many,
governments and UN officials have, in the past, seen the involvement
of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) – the UN calls all
stakeholders NGOs) – as only to be tolerated in the margins of
meetings. The 1990s saw an enormous change in this because of many
factors, including the changing role of the state, globalization and the
collective impact of the many stakeholders attending the various
The UN conferences and summits, starting with the UN Conference
on Environment and Development (UNCED or Earth Summit) in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992, recognized this change and responded by giving
responsibility for some aspects of the delivery of the global agreements
to bodies other than governments – to stakeholders.1 As this occurred,
stakeholders sought to have more say in this interaction. The Rio
summit was also one of the first summits where stakeholders appeared
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on government delegations as advisers. Unheard of before, this allowed
stakeholders into what were normally closed governmental meetings.
When set up in 1993, the UN Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD), which had evolved from Rio, began experimenting
further with the involvement of stakeholders. This displeased some
governments, who were active in the other UN functioning
commissions. The first chair of the CSD was the Malaysian
Ambassador Ismail Razali, who started by allowing stakeholder
observation at most meetings. Later, chairs of the CSD actually allowed
the participation of stakeholders in the meetings. Another development
occurred in 1995 when the CSD introduced a ‘stakeholder day’, which
focused upon their contribution to delivering Agenda 21.
In fact, the CSD mandate set up by the UN General Assembly
identified the importance of stakeholders. The CSD’s mandate
(Resolution 1993/207) is to monitor progress on the implementation
of Agenda 21 and activities related to the integration of environmental
and developmental goals by governments, NGOs, and other UN bodies.
Specifically, the CSD’s mandate is to:
Monitor progress towards the target of 0.7 per cent gross national
product (GNP) from developed countries for overseas development
Review the adequacy of financing and the transfer of technologies
as outlined in Agenda 21.
Receive and analyse relevant information from competent NGOs in
the context of Agenda 21 implementation.
Enhance dialogue with NGOs, the independent sector and other
entities outside of the UN system, within the UN framework.
Provide recommendations to the UN General Assembly through the
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
As can be seen, the last three of these mandates (indicated by italics)
relate to the responsibilities of stakeholders, as well as governments.
The Habitat II conference in 1996 (Second UN Conference on
Human Settlements) also made significant breakthroughs in
stakeholder involvement. The conference was also known as the City
Summit; in particular, it recognized the role of local authorities in
delivering the agreements negotiated. The UN does not recognize local
authorities as governments, but as NGOs. One of the reasons for this
is that opposition parties run many local authorities; therefore,
governments are uneasy about their involvement, other than as part of
a global association of local authorities.
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The innovation at Habitat in involving stakeholders also resulted
in a different structure to the conference. The conference consisted of
two committees. Committee 1 dealt with negotiating the outstanding
paragraphs in the Istanbul Declaration and the Habitat II Agenda.
Committee 2 was a series of half-day dialogues with each stakeholder
group presenting their thoughts on what they believed were key to the
Habitat Agenda, and then entering into dialogue with governments and
other stakeholders. The reality was that, since the negotiations were
going on in committee 1, the level of participation in the dialogues by
government officials was low and the input from these to the
negotiations was zero. However, in retrospect, it was hugely significant
as it began what would evolve to be a whole new approach to
stakeholder involvement.
The idea of these dialogues was adopted and promoted by
Stakeholder Forum, which had been active in Habitat II at the UN
General Assembly in October 1996. The General Assembly was
discussing the framework for the 19th General Assembly Special Session
(UNGASS), which would take place in 1997 to review implementation of
the Earth Summit outcomes. The idea presented to the General
Assembly was that each major group (stakeholder group) would be asked
to report at the Second Preparatory Committee (PrepCom 2) what they
had achieved in implementing Agenda 21. The General Assembly agreed
to this in November 1996 and asked each of the stakeholders to prepare
for half-day dialogue sessions. Again, one of the problems was that these
were held while the negotiations were happening. As a result,
governments sent low-level representation, if any at all. Nevertheless,
the idea of holding stakeholder dialogues at future CSD meetings was
agreed and was written into the CSD’s next five-year work programme.
Another advancement at UNGASS was the recognition given to the nine
stakeholder groups, who for the first time ever were each given a slot to
address the heads of state section of the meeting.
In 1998, the agreed topic for the dialogues was ‘industry’. The then
director of the UN Division on Sustainable Development, Joke Waller
Hunter, brought together the International Chamber of Commerce and
the World Business Council on Sustainable Development, the
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions and the CSD NGO
Steering Committee. Under her leadership, a new formula was agreed.
This included the breakthrough that the negotiations would not take
place parallel to the dialogues but would occupy the first two days of
the CSD. The first dialogue had only three stakeholder groups
participating: industry, trade unions and NGOs. Each stakeholder group
was to consult and produce a starting paper on the sub-themes of:
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responsible entrepreneurship;
corporate management tools;
technology cooperation and assessment; and
industry and freshwater.
These papers were distributed as UN background papers before the
CSD inter-sessional in March that year so that governments would
have time to reflect on them as they discussed each issue for the first
time. One of the more important by-products of this approach is that it
caused ‘peer group’ review within each of the stakeholder groups.
Most of the stakeholders worked on a four-level preparation:
Two people, usually one from a developed country and one from a
developing country, would devise an initial draft.
The stakeholder group coordinator – usually a staff person with
the stakeholder coordination body – would liase with those
interested in reviewing the paper. These reviewers would have a
gender and regional balance.
The paper would be circulated to those members of the
stakeholder group with interest in that particular issue. A time limit
would be set for feedback to be submitted.
The original authors would revise the paper and, time permitting,
it would go out for a further round of consultation.
Another important outcome was that comments that could previously
only be made to governments in the corridors could now be made in a
‘creative’ forum, where reasons for and against were given and
challenged, all as a part of the official process. Some governments
enjoyed this role reversal and the opportunity of being able to put
stakeholder groups under the microscope regarding their position.
However, some governments were unhappy with the idea that they had
to listen to stakeholder groups and saw this as an encroachment on
governmental negotiating space.
The eventual success of the dialogues was, in part, due to the
successive CSD chairs, starting with the then Philippine Minister of
the Environment, Cielito Habito. He challenged the stakeholder groups
on their positions and led the sessions to become a very vibrant
exchange between, and among, stakeholder groups and governments.
This led to the birth of the first really dynamic model for stakeholder
engagement in an ongoing UN process.
The outcome from the 1998 dialogues was the setting up of a
multi-stakeholder review of voluntary initiatives. Sadly, the follow-up
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did not deliver the quality that had been expected from the suggestion.
There were many reasons for this; but the critical one was that there
were no funds committed to facilitate a review other than a workshop
in Canada. For the review to be successful, reasonable financial
support was needed for the three stakeholder groups participating, as
well as for the initiative’s secretariat.
The third year of the dialogues addressed tourism. In order to
ensure a better focus, the CSD NGO Steering Committee suggested
that the supporting papers should not exceed four pages and should
adopt the following structure:
institutional responsibilities; and
possible partnerships.
The active involvement of the 1999 Chair Simon Upton, then New
Zealand minister for the environment, during the preparatory process
played a critical role in another successful dialogue. Through his office
a meeting was convened in London under the chairing of David Taylor
of the New Zealand government, where representatives of all the
stakeholder groups were brought together at the end of March to
identify their level of agreement and disagreement. This helped to
focus the dialogues and increase the areas of agreement.
The other significant breakthrough that Simon Upton achieved was
issuing the outcomes from the dialogues as a letter to governments at
the beginning of the second week, which enabled their outcomes to be
drawn into the negotiations. It is unfortunate that this approach has
not since been taken during the following years, as dialogue outcomes
have not been easily brought into the negotiations.
The outcomes of the CSD dialogue sessions have been important
in setting up ongoing multi-stakeholder work. They have also helped
to build trust between stakeholder groups. In all, there has been an
enormous leap in stakeholder group involvement in the UN. Instead of
the work and expertise of the stakeholder groups being part of a side
show, or being confined to the corridors, they were now being
incorporated within preparations for the negotiations – helping
governments to make better informed decisions.
The idea of dialogues has started to appear in other UN processes,
such as the Forum on Forests, Financing for Development and the UN
Environment Programme (UNEP) Governing Council, as well as in
meetings of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and
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ECOSOC. One of the problems is that different UN bodies are using the
term ‘dialogue’ to mean different things. Therefore, stakeholders
coming into a space are very confused about what is expected of them.
During 2001, Stakeholder Forum made significant attempts to try and
create some norms and standards by looking at approximately 20
dialogue processes around the globe and producing a guide on how
best to approach stakeholder engagement.2
During 2001, the German government also contracted Stakeholder
Forum to organize the multi-stakeholder dialogues with ministers for
the Bonn Freshwater Conference. As a result of the conference,
Stakeholder Forum produced a CD-ROM showing how it had been
done and what people thought of it. Some of the significant advances
from Bonn, which have yet to be adopted by the UN, are:
In addition to stakeholder groups developing their own positions,
preparations between stakeholder groups encouraged them to
identify what they might agree on.
Areas of focus and disagreement were addressed by bringing
together stakeholders in a facilitated pre-meeting.
A facilitator was introduced to guide the dialogues.
Half of the dialogue time was allocated to governments.
A strict two-minute time limit for contributions was introduced by
the facilitator.
One or two aspects of an issue were focused upon.
The outcomes from the dialogues were brought into the formal
negotiation process.
For the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD or Earth
Summit 2002) in Johannesburg in 2002, which was the ten-year review
of UNCED, there were meant to be stakeholder dialogues at the
Regional Preparatory Committee Meetings (PrepComs),3 two dialogues
at the second and fourth PrepComs and dialogues at the summit itself.
Many viewed these dialogues as a setback since there was no link with
the official decision-making process, and the topics did not help
governments to reach better-informed decisions.
Stakeholder dialogues, as a form of helping governments to make
better decisions, are here to stay. The design of them is critical for
everyone to feel that their work is valued and for effective
contributions to be made.
In 1992, the Earth Summit established that governments alone
could not deliver the global agreements; Agenda 21 identified nine
other stakeholders who also had responsibilities. The five-year review
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(Rio +5) introduced multi-stakeholder dialogues to help governments
make better-informed decisions. The WSSD added that stakeholders
working together could have a big impact in implementation.
Since stakeholders, individually, are already involved in delivering
sustainability, it will be interesting if in 2012, at the ten-year review of
the WSSD, we are also reviewing the delivery of stakeholder
partnerships for sustainable development against the Millennium
Declaration goals.
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Chapter 3
Preparation and
How To Be Effective
Vision without action is merely a dream.
Action without vision just passes the time.
Vision with action can change the world!
(Joel Arthur Barker, president of Infinity Limited)
Scenario analysis can be a very useful tool that helps lobbyists to:
Understand how a situation may evolve.
Develop strategies to influence it.
There are many different types of scenarios; which one you use will
depend upon what you want to do. Developmental scenarios tell a
story. Future histories tell the same story backwards. End-state
scenarios describe the future you want without necessarily outlining
how to get there. A morphological approach breaks the problem down
into its component sub-systems, brainstorms the alternative states
each sub-system could take and then systematically combines the
results to create a range of scenarios. There are many other methods.
No matter which method you choose, the objective is not to predict
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the future but to understand the range of behaviours that the system
may exhibit and develop strategies to cope with that range. So take
your pick!
About a year before the World Summit on Sustainable
Development (WSSD or Earth Summit 2002) in Johannesburg in 2002,
Stakeholder Forum convened a small meeting that used the ‘matrix
method’ to develop scenarios to explore the range of potential
outcomes of the summit. This information was then used to develop
lobbying strategies to influence the preparatory process of the
The meeting profiled the major stakeholders in the summit
process. Who was influential? What outcomes did they hope for from
the summit? What was their bottom line? We recorded this information
in a ‘stakeholder matrix’. As we talked, we started to get a feel for the
various dynamics that might play out in the summit. Next, we used
this information to prepare scenarios using the matrix method.
In the matrix method, there are two axes or dimensions that
describe or structure the space that you want to explore. Finding the
right axis for the matrix is crucial to success. It is largely an inductive
process that benefits from a clear understanding of the system. Once
the axes are identified, it is largely a deductive process to fill in the
details in each box (scenario) within the matrix.
From the stakeholder analysis, we realized that the two important
variables that would shape the whole summit were:
the degree of political will (high or low); and
the state of the global economy (growth or recession).
We used these two variables to create the matrix (see Figure 3.1). There
are four cells within the matrix. Each cell represents one scenario. For
instance, in the upper left-hand corner, the scenario is defined by ‘high
political will’ and ‘strong economic growth’. We used the information
from the stakeholder analysis to anticipate how the stakeholders
would behave under these circumstances and then to deduce an
overall outcome, which we summarized as ‘New Deal’.
It is worth mentioning that between the drawing up of this
scenario and the summit there were changes in the governments in
three critical nations. These were the US, The Netherlands and
Denmark, who would be taking up the presidency of the European
Union (EU) for the last PrepCom (UN Preparatory Committee) and the
summit itself. In addition to this, Germany would be having an election
shortly after the Summit.
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EU approach very positively
US does not block
G77 approaches positively
Business engages positively
NGOs/stakeholders engage
EU approaches positively
US is not engaged
G77 positively engages
Business does not block
NGOs/stakeholders are
New Deal
• EU approaches less positively
• US has no interest
• G77 gives up on sustainable
• Business is obstructive
• NGOs/stakeholders slam
conference as a failure
• EU approaches less positively
• US blocks
• G77 replays failures of the
last ten years
• Business not interested
• NGOs criticize
Sustainable development displaced Status quo
Note: G77 = Group of 77 developing countries.
Figure 3.1 Scenario-building for WSSD: The Matrix Method
In developing Stakeholder Forum’s strategy, it was clear that the US
would be a critical player whatever party was in power. There were two
possible approaches that could be applied to the US. One was to isolate
them and the other was to work as closely as possible with them. To
isolate them would require the EU to take a formidable leadership role,
and – with the balance within Europe moving from left to right – it was
unlikely that the Europeans would be able to undertake this leadership
role in all areas. The EU’s ability to influence negotiations is limited by
two factors:
The presidency undertakes nearly all of the negotiations and
lobbying. This means that the other countries’ officials are not
utilized properly.
The coordination meetings of the EU take the key European
negotiators out of the corridors (a situation that will get worse
after enlargement).
This left the corridors free much of the time, and it was clear that the
US was populating this space with a formidable team, both in quality
and quantity. It was therefore critical for some stakeholders to retain a
good relationship with the US team of negotiators, which has built up
over ten years. Although the political people had changed or were
changing throughout the summit process, working closely with the US
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to try and help move forward areas that might be flexible was critical
for delivering the New Deal scenario.1
As 2001 rolled out, it became clear that there would not be a strong
economy; therefore, the possibility of a New Deal started to diminish.
In retrospect, the scenarios where both useful for strategy
development and somewhat prescient. The actual outcome of the
summit could be summerized as ‘sustainable development delayed’.
Global economic uncertainty combined with moderate political will
keeps sustainable development alive; but implementation still lies in
the future.
Groups preparing for lobbying too often overlook scenario
analysis. It helps to focus efforts in context of larger dynamics and also
helps to take a realistic account of the resources at hand. A simple
starting point may be creating a table of the situation’s key players and
looking at their present position, likely position and bottom line.
SWOT analysis
SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, threats and opportunities. A
SWOT analysis is often the first step in a formal strategic planning
exercise. There is much written on this method; but, essentially, it is a
relatively simple tool that can aid lobbying efforts (see Box 3.1). It can
be applied at both the organizational level of a campaign, as well as at
the policy or idea level. This kind of analysis can help you to address
your weaknesses and threats, while maximizing your strengths and
opportunities. The main benefit is that it helps to identify mistaken
assumptions and then to re-organize or re-conceptualize for greater
It can also be useful to engage other stakeholders (including
governments) in a SWOT analysis in order to better understand where
they are coming from and their constraints.
If you are going to attend a UN meeting, then you should try to ensure
that you have been active nationally before you go. This would include
the following.
Lobbying your government
It is important that before you attend any UN meeting, you should
undertake proper preparation: contact your government and make it
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Box 3.1 Elements and questions for a
SWOT analysis
1 SWOT – strengths
What is the unique nature of the campaign?
What does the team do well?
What do other people see as your strengths?
When answering these questions, write them from both your
perspective and other key players’ perspectives.
2 SWOT – weaknesses
What can you improve?
What are your resource limitations?
What do you do badly?
How do others perceive your campaign?
Do you know what all the key governments think of your
This should again be viewed both internally and externally.
3 SWOT – opportunities
Where is the campaign’s support?
What academic evidence is there in support of your campaign?
What are the key media chances that you could utilize in the
future to support your campaign?
Who is seeing key government officials in the short term?
4 SWOT – threats
What are the obstacles facing the campaign?
What funds do you have to support the campaign?
What are the views of other stakeholders?
Which of the key country blocks oppose your campaign?
clear what issues you want them to raise. They may agree with your
position, in which case you should work with them to put pressure on
other governments when you attend the UN meeting.
If they disagree, then you will need to start a dialogue to change
their view. It is important to know on what basis they are taking that
view. Is it government policy or is it in the area of civil service decisionmaking? You may want to utilize your national legislature (for example,
parliament) to put pressure on government regarding specific
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positions that they are taking. This needs to be done well in advance
of the UN meeting.
Most governments work in blocks – for example, the EU and the
Group of 77 developing countries (G77) – and will have to go through
a consultation process within the group to come to a common
position. This can start up to four months before a meeting.
One of the first things that you need to find out from your
government are the timelines within which they are working so that
you can input at the right moment. Too often, stakeholders prepare
the weekend before a UN meeting and then, at the end of the meeting,
wonder why they have not been very successful.
Identify officials
It is very important to understand that there is a difference between
civil servants and elected government ministers or political appointees.
In international negotiations, there are often grey areas, and officials,
particularly for countries with small delegations, can do a lot in
drafting particular policies. Many delegations have one or two staff
covering a number of UN commissions and are happy for extra help.
You can be an enormous help to them in drafting text and giving
advice. If you can identify under-staffed delegations early enough, it
could be very useful to bring in to the meeting a stakeholder
representative from that country.
If this is the first time that you have approached an official, it is
important that you try and do it well before a meeting. Send a letter,
introducing yourself and your organization, in addition to information
that is relevant to the meeting coming up, and say that you will be
calling soon to have an informal chat.
If you disagree with the political party in power, do not treat its
officials as if they are a member of that party. They may not be! It is
very important to try and meet the officials and get to know them in a
friendly atmosphere. This should be done through official meetings
where you are with other stakeholders asking the government to
explain their policies. However, it should also be done informally well
before the meeting, perhaps over a coffee and away from the
government offices, where you can have more informal discussions.
You should also request a meeting with the minister before crucial
international meetings so that she or he can hear directly what the
views are of different stakeholders. It may be that the minister will be
prepared to compromise or change the government’s views, or that
the views are not held by the ministry that you are lobbying. A strong
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message from a number of groups may help that ministry in interdepartmental discussions to try and change the views of others. It is
vital that you identify the government’s roadblock to any change of
policy and focus your work there. If the problem is in another ministry,
then you need to focus your energy on that ministry. If it is a summit
process and the head of state is going, then there will be people in
their office coordinating what they are going to say. It is important to
find out who these aides are early on and to organize meetings with
them as well. They will be announcing initiatives and will also be in
charge of the head of state’s speech. If you have ideas on initiatives,
then your input has to be early enough for it to go through intergovernmental departmental processes. Governments will normally set
up an ad-hoc inter-departmental committee for an important UN event.
Working with others
For a UN meeting, it is likely that many stakeholders will be attending
and your organization should link with any preparatory work being
conducted in your country. Your organization should also find out what
meetings are being planned on the issues in which you are interested.
If you can agree on joint positions within a stakeholder group, or even
between stakeholder groups, then governments are more likely to take
notice. The broader the basis of any coalition, the more likely it is that
a government will listen to the views expressed.
National reports
For many of the UN meetings, governments are requested to produce
a national report. This will review progress made in implementing past
agreements that they have signed up to. This offers a great opportunity
for groups if a dialogue with their government is started early enough.
The design of the review document may be pre-set by the UN, but is
likely to be very flexible. The kind of timelines used by the UN for a
meeting at the beginning of March would require a national report to
be sent in to the relevant UN official by the beginning of the previous
October to enable them to synthesize all of the national reports into a
UN Secretary-General report, which would then be released not later
than six weeks before the meeting.
With this timeline in mind, a discussion with your government on
how it is going to compile the report, and what input it would like from
stakeholders, can be very productive. The government, in many cases,
will have to consult several government departments about what they
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have or have not done. However, many UN agreements are not only
about government action, but about action by others. Governments
generally do not like to show that they haven’t done something
required of them; so how stakeholders address this can be critical to
the relationship. Focusing on successes and roadblocks gives an
opportunity for a balanced approach. If you can persuade the relevant
government department to look at the roadblocks, it may help them
with their inter-departmental discussions.2
One of the objectives for stakeholders participating in creating a
national report is to enable the information required for future
implementation to be made available. The opportunity that such a
review offers is not just to look back at what has or has not been done,
but, in many cases, to look at issues for the first time. A proper national
report process may set in motion work that should have been done
before but has not.
A two-way dialogue is usually the best objective. Even if a nongovernmental organization (NGO) seeks something that the
government is unlikely to be able to support, developing a good
working relationship will produce a better climate for movement in
the future. It also means that there is more likely to be a reasonable
discussion of issues. No one wants to be frozen out – either at home
or in an international meeting – because they have then completely
lost the ability to communicate on an issue. Remember that
government negotiators are talking about stakeholders in just the
same way as stakeholders talk about which government negotiators
can be worked with or not!
Dealing with the media
At least two weeks before you leave for a UN meeting you should
prepare a background briefing for the press on what is likely to happen
at the meeting. This may persuade them to attend the meeting or to
write a pre-story. At the very least, it will enable them to understand
what the meeting is all about if successes occur. You should also hold
a de-brief the week you get back on the outcomes and possible
implementation implications for your country.
Before you leave for the UN meeting, arrange for a group of staff
or other stakeholders to be available to take action in your country’s
capital when the UN meeting is in progress. This may involve dealing
with the media, with parliament or with the minister, if they are not at
the meeting. For example, in one negotiation, a US official took a
position that was not in keeping with the position of the Clinton
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administration. A US NGO reported this to the minister and the
position was changed very quickly. But this type of action should be a
last resort, as the official will remember your actions and it will make
your relationship much more difficult in future. It may also be that
having people available at home enables conversations with the media
who are not attending the meeting but who could help to create
pressure in the capital on problem issues at the UN meetings.
Remember to take the email and telephone details of your key
press contacts with you to the UN meeting.
Why work at the global level at all? This is a question that many of us
who have been working in the area ask at times. The intergovernmental bodies, such as the UN and the World Trade Organization
(WTO), set the international rules by which the world tries to operate,
whether it’s sending a letter, making a telephone call, determining how
we maintain our environment, how we trade, or how we deal with
security issues. These bodies are only ever able to do what governments
permit them to do or wish them to do. In many cases, it comes down to
the relinquishing by governments of their national sovereignty.
During the 1990s, the UN conferences and summits on sustainable
development, women, human rights, population, social development
and human settlements developed a large amount of soft law in the
area of human interaction with the planet and with each other. The
follow-up to these conferences and summits has been through the
functioning commissions of the UN Economic and Social Council
(ECOSOC),3 which are the:
Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD);
Commission on the Status of Women;
Commission on Human Rights;
Commission on Population and Development;
Commission on Social Development;
The rules of stakeholder engagement in the commissions are set by
the Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations, which has a
membership of 19 countries, elected through its regional groupings.
This sets a standard on what NGOs (stakeholders) can do in the
ECOSOC and its subsidiary bodies. More progressive commissions,
such as the CSD, have developed the involvement of NGOs beyond the
rules laid down by the committee.
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The negotiating body for a UN meeting will be made up of
governments. The number and distribution of governments will
depend upon the meeting. If it is a summit or conference, then all UN
member states are entitled to participate, and if it is a convention, then
it is all those who have ratified. For a UN commission, it will be either
the number of countries identified in the UN General Assembly
resolution setting up the commission or as outlined in a subsequent
UN General Assembly resolution. At present, it ranges from between
40 and 54 countries who are elected through their regional blocks. For
many meetings, the negotiators will be from the foreign ministries –
usually representatives at the countries’ Permanent Mission to the UN
– supported by delegations from relevant ministries from the capitals.
For some of the smaller countries, the delegation will be made up
entirely of UN Mission representatives.
Key governments or blocks to be aware of include the following.
The European Union
The EU is, at present, made up of 15 countries.4 It operates with each
of the countries undertaking the presidency for a six-monthly
rotational period. These are from January to the end of June and from
July to the end of December. They also operate a Troika, which guides
a presidency and is made up of the previous presidency, the current
presidency and the succeeding presidency. Find out in the current
presidency country who the relevant civil servant is who deals with
your issue.
The role and duties of the EU presidency involve the:
management and enhancement of cooperation between EU
members in the European Council, the Council of Ministers and
the Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER);
representation of the Council of the European Union in other EU
institutions and organs (especially the European Parliament and
the European Commission); and
representation of the EU in international organizations, meetings
and fora, and in its relations with developing countries.
The further you move into the negotiations, the more difficult it is to
get the EU to promote your ideas. They have to persuade 15 countries
(25 in 2004) that your issue is a good idea for consideration, and
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obviously this is more difficult as the text moves to bracketing. When
countries cannot agree, they will bracket text. The more text without
bracketing, the more agreement exists (for further explanation of
brackets, see the section ‘The World of Brackets’). The only country
that will usually talk in the negotiations will be the presidency.
European coordination for a meeting will start at least six months
before the meeting, and the EU may have assigned different
governments to develop the initial position paper for its discussion on
an issue. It is very important to know which government is doing the
initial papers and to contact it at the very beginning. If possible, go
and see the relevant civil servant in their capital. If you do this, it is
useful to have a national counterpart to facilitate the meeting.
The European Commission staff play a key role behind the scene,
particularly in areas where the commission has competence – for
example, agriculture. Developing a good relationship with them and
visiting to discuss issues as they are developing their first papers is
always productive.
Most European countries and the European Commission itself will
have stakeholders on their government and commission delegations.
Those on government delegations may be allowed to attend European
coordination meetings. These allow you to identify who the key
countries are that agree with your views and who the key ones are that
do not. It also allows you ‘informal time’ with the officials from all of
the governments, not just the one you are on the delegation with.
Invite key government representatives out for drinks or coffee. Identify
who will take the presidency the next time the UN meeting is
happening and build your relationship there.
Know the European timelines.
Know which country is drafting the discussion paper on each
Create a relationship with the relevant EU presidency civil
Know the relevant European staff.
Seek to become a stakeholder representative on delegation.
The Group of 77 and China
The Group of 77 (G77) was established on 15 June 1964 by 77
developing countries, all signatories of the Joint Declaration of the 77
Countries issued at the end of the first session of the UN Conference
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on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva. The chair of the G77
will be rotated through the relevant UN regions: Africa, Asia, Latin
America and the Caribbean, and West Asia. The position is held for a
year; but recently the G77 has been developing its own Troika approach
involving the previous chair, the current chair and the forthcoming
chair. The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)
group has had an increasing impact on who chairs the G77. From 2000
to 2002, the chair was an OPEC member country.
Although the membership of the G77 has increased to 133
countries, it retained its original name because of its historic
significance. The G77 has a formidable task with so many countries to
coordinate and with very diverse economies and interests. Within the
G77 there are many interest groups depending upon the issue being
discussed. In some cases, regional or interest groups may make
separate statements – for example, the Alliance of Small Island States
(AOSIS), which has 42 members and observers. Although the G77 is
large, certain countries tend to take a leading role (Brazil, China, Egypt,
Iran, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South
Africa and Venezuela). Some countries within G77 will also take
stakeholders on their delegation. This allows stakeholders to identify
which are the key countries to be targeted. For example, it may be that
in a particular process, only 20 to 30 of the G77 governments are major
players. China does not always associate with the G77, and in those
cases the chair of the G77 will only speak for the G77.
The chairs of the G77 since the UN conferences and summits
started during the 1990s have been Bolivia, Ghana, Colombia, Algeria,
the Philippines, Costa Rica, Tanzania, Indonesia, Guyana, Nigeria, Iran,
Venezuela and Morocco. Unlike the EU, there is no staff support for
the G77 chair other than that given by the country that is chairing. This
places the G77 at a considerable disadvantage.
Know the G77 timelines.
Know which country in the G77 is leading for a particular issue.
Create a relationship with the relevant country official(s).
Create a relationship with some staff within the G77 chair’s office.
The non-EU industrialized countries meet as a group to discuss various
issues. These are Japan, the US, Switzerland, Canada, Australia,
Norway and New Zealand. Iceland, Mexico and the Republic of South
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Korea may also attend meetings. This block does not often work as a
formal negotiating group – more as an ad hoc group. If it does work
together, than this tends to be with considerable US pressure and will
be a conservative force within the negotiations. It is not usually in the
interest of stakeholders for this group to work together as it represents
many of the countries who can be lobbied to take individual positions.
Governments will elect a bureau, which will be based on one or two
countries from each of the UN regions, to manage the preparations
and the meeting itself. Bureau members tend to be representatives
from UN missions to the relevant UN centre – for example, New York,
Geneva and Vienna. Some UN meetings will utilize people from capitals
– for example, the Commission on Sustainable Development Bureau
will usually be chaired by a sitting or former minister.
The bureau plays a critical role in managing the process. It can
guide the direction of the negotiations through the structuring of the
text and the inclusion, in first drafts, of certain ideas. Bureau members
are in touch with thinking in the different groups, and discussing ideas
with them can, particularly at the beginning of a process, be an
informal way of having your views expressed to others without having
to do it yourself. You should find out who the bureau members are and
meet with them well before the relevant meeting. It is well worth an
early visit to New York eight to ten weeks before the UN meeting to
meet bureau members and key government representatives in the UN
missions and the UN Secretariat. The positions that you have are worth
sharing with bureau members if they are sympathetic to your views.
Permanent members (PMs) of the UN Security Council are not
allowed to be bureau members, although some PMs do sneak in
through chairing preparatory meetings. They can then be found as exofficial members of the bureau. During the first ten years of the UN
Commission on Sustainable Development, the UK managed this three
UN Secretariat
For any UN process, the UN Secretariat will play a critical role. This
will include:
preparing the background documents;
producing or updating a website for the meeting;
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analysing the national reports;
producing promotional material for the meeting;
producing negotiating text arising from the discussions;
making available all official documents;
servicing the negotiations; and
accrediting stakeholders.
The secretariat can play a very important role in drafting the original
text upon which governments then deliberate. There can be a tendency
in secretariats, generally, for the first text handed to governments to
be too bland and middle of the road. If governments start negotiating
this, then the outcome is likely to be poor. In the Habitat II process the
secretariat text was rejected at the end of two of the UN Preparatory
Meetings, and in each case the negotiators had to begin again. A strong
political bureau can, in these instances, be very important. If the
bureau takes control of some of the drafting, then it can often be closer
to its colleagues than the UN Secretariat. A political bureau is likely if
there is a political chair – for example, a minister as opposed to a civil
servant. Ministers are more likely to focus on clear outcomes.
It is very important to discover the author of the original
background paper with which the negotiations will start. These papers
come out as UN Secretary-General papers. Once you have done this,
create a relationship with the author, who will be analysing material
from a number of sources, such as government reports, UN agency
and programme inputs and also input from stakeholders. The timelines
on this are very early – the author can start collecting input up to nine
months before the relevant meeting at which the paper will be
delivered. The paper will usually be finished around four months
before the meeting to allow for the review process inside the UN and
for time to convert the paper into the UN official languages. It will be
released six weeks before the meeting to enable governments to
consult in capitals.
Building relationships with the authors of the original text can pay
very good dividends. In one UN summit negotiation, a part of the text
had not been negotiated in any of the PrepComs. The NGOs gave their
text suggestions directly to the relevant UN official, who put them all
in the next draft that came out.
UN agencies, programmes and funds
In many processes the original UN Secretary-General’s paper(s) will be
produced by the most relevant UN agency – for example, for Agenda
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21, the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
produced the paper on education. In other areas, UN staff with a
relevant commission might write the paper – for example, the Division
for the Advancement of Women as the secretariat to the Commission
on the Status of Women.
UN agencies and programmes are very important as they usually
have field or intellectual understanding of the key issues that you will
address. Sometimes rivalry between them can cause problems in a
Major Groups/stakeholders
During the 1990s, we saw an enormous increase in the number of
NGOs that are accredited to the UN and active in conference processes.
In 1946, there were only four NGOs accredited. By 1992, this had
grown to 928 and by the end of 2000 this had increased to 2091. Table
3.1 reviews the number of ECOSOC-recognized NGOs before and after
each review of consultative status.
The rules that govern NGOs’ involvement within ECOSOC are
based on a 1996 ECOSOC resolution.
Starting with the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992 and followed up by
the conferences on human rights, population, social development,
women, human settlements and food we saw a large influx of NGOs.
They also brought a new generation of organizations and individuals
to the UN, who saw it as a vehicle to highlight their concerns and a
place to put pressure on their own, as well as other, governments.
Table 3.1 Number of ECOSOC-recognized NGOs before and after
each review of consultative status
Category A
Category B
Source: Willetts (1999, p250)
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Stakeholders on delegation
As mentioned previously, some governments have stakeholders on
their delegations for meetings within the sphere of ECOSOC. A few (for
example, Norway and the UK) have even had NGOs on their delegation
to the UN General Assembly. Being on the government delegation
usually means that you are there to give advice on a particular issue or
to act as a link between the government and all of the other
stakeholders attending the meeting. In delegation meetings, you would
be expected to put forward these stakeholder views and not just your
own. Some stakeholders are intimidated by government coordination
meetings and find it difficult to contribute as they may feel like an
outsider. Just because the government has agreed to you being on the
delegation does not mean that the civil servants feel relaxed about it.
If you haven’t met with them over the previous few months to talk
about the issues, then you may find it difficult to contribute or for your
views to be taken seriously.
The best time to go on delegation is six months before the
meeting. If you can persuade your government, you should be a
member as they develop their views. If they are prepared to treat you
as part of the team, then attending all of their main internal
preparatory meetings will give you a key understanding of how they
are taking outside views into consideration, but also how they are
dealing with inter-departmental pressure. It is unlikely that they will
be prepared to give you this kind of access to the internal
governmental machinery; but even a slimmed-down version of this is
worth fighting for. What you are suggesting isn’t just a one-way
advantage for you – they will benefit enormously from your advice on,
and appreciation of, how issues will play out.
The usual way of governments to involve those stakeholders on
their delegations is to have one meeting before departing for the UN
event, and then invite them to the preparatory meeting the day before
the UN meeting occurs, as well as to subsequent daily meetings.
Obviously, this is not ideal, either for the stakeholders or the
delegation overall.
All governments work with a government brief that has been
prepared for the meeting. This has the position of the government and
outlines where there is agreement on what can be conceded in
negotiations. Beyond the brief, officials have to go back to the capital
to ask for new instructions. If you are joining a delegation, in order for
you to be effective, you need a copy of this document. Some
governments are worried that stakeholders on delegations will leak the
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brief and are reluctant to allow them to see it. Some stakeholders have,
in the past, leaked briefs – therefore, a certain amount of experience is
required. To not release documents could be viewed as not ‘rocking the
boat’. If you find out something that would not be discovered through
normal corridor work, but which would seriously impact upon the
negotiations – and you feel that you cannot continue as a member of
the delegation because of this position – then resign. Do not
compromise the opportunity for others to be invited on delegations in
the future. Remember that stakeholders are on delegations in many of
the social and economic fields, and irresponsible action in one area
can seriously impact upon others. If you feel at any point that working
inside the delegation is having no impact, then resign.
If you have been on a government delegation a number of times,
they will trust you more than if it is your first time. Some governments
require you to sign a form of non-disclosure of information, and this
usually also lists what you cannot do in other areas, as well. If you are
not sure, ask the head of delegation.
While you are on the delegation, you need to accept the discipline
not to release the brief no matter how tempting it might be. If you do,
then the result could be:
You are taken off delegation – this might mean that you are unable
to attend the UN meeting as you have lost your accreditation to
the meeting.
You may have ensured that any future stakeholder on the
delegation does not see the brief.
You will have created serious problems for all of the other
stakeholders attending the meeting, as the officials will pull back
from sharing with them.
It could compromise future credibility for having stakeholders on
There have been many innovations that stakeholders have made to
improve their ability to be effective at UN meetings. The following
sections list a few that might be helpful.
Delegates’ photos
Stakeholder Forum operates a relatively unique approach to preparing
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for lobbying. In addition to training for staff and others, it gives a
photographic delegate listing of key officials to its team members. This
helps new members start lobbying from day one. For the WSSD
process, the photos were extracted from the Earth Negotiations
Bulletin website (,5 which features a set of photographs of
all of the key government, UN and stakeholder representatives. These
photographs, of course, make it much easier to identify officials to
whom you need to speak. The photos can then be updated as the
negotiations move forward and new people start taking key roles.
Floor managers
If your stakeholder group has enough people at the meeting, or if you
can find others who will work with you, then it is a very good idea to
set up a rota of floor managers for each of the negotiation sessions.
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin produces a very good summary the
following day; but if you are there to lobby, you need to know what is
happening as it happens. Floor managers play a critical role. They
Note what each government is saying about a particular issue.
Help to identify the countries causing a problem.
Help to identify who might be a broker for a solution.
Identify who is talking to whom.
Act as a focal point for lobbyists who are coming in and out of the
meeting and help them to identify the next person to lobby.
Give an analysis to the group as a whole at any point during the
For a floor manager to be effective, he or she needs some key
an agreed framework for collecting information;
if possible, a laptop to save time in writing up;
a mobile telephone and the mobile phone numbers of the lobbyists
working on a particular issue;
a photo journal of key negotiators so that they can identify who is
access to a digital camera; if someone is not in the photo listing
and is taking an active role, then go up after a session and ask if
you can take a photo.
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Floor managing can be critical to the success of any lobbying team
and offers newcomers the chance to understand the process more
quickly than if just focusing on one issue.
Some NGOs use dinners as a means of connecting with governments
and sharing ideas. In 1998 a number of NGOs twice brought a group of
10 to 12 governments to discuss what went wrong at the five-year
review for the Earth Summit (Rio +5) and what could be done to make
the ten-year review in Johannesburg in 2002 different. Out of this they
drew up a ‘non-paper’: a paper that tries to capture the ideas of those
who took part. Many governments used this as a basis for their own
internal discussions and the International Chamber of Commerce
reviewed it in 1999 to see what the impact of the ideas would be on
Another example was a stakeholder dinner held for governments
to discuss a paper that they had produced on the future of the
Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD). The object of the
dinner was to explore the ideas in the paper to see if they would find
resonance with governments. The paper was produced six months
before the meeting when the CSD’s future would be discussed;
therefore, government ideas were not well developed. The paper
produced was used to kick off governments’ internal discussions,
which then fed into revised versions of the paper. With this alternative
paper being produced, it also acted as a counterbalance of ideas to
those from the UN Secretariat.
In summary, there may be many objectives for organizing dinners.
Just the recognition that an NGO is trying to help governments to think
creatively in a particular area pays great dividends when they are
lobbying. Governments look for those who are continually interested
in dialogue with them, not just presenting their ideas as the answer.
Many governments have neither the resources nor the time to do the
work that they would like on a particular issue. Dinners are an
opportunity to informally explore some of the shortfalls.
Government informals
If you think that you have an issue that is critical to the negotiations,
then you can call your own informal meeting and invite governments.
This can be before or during the international meeting; invite key
governments to discuss your idea. For the Habitat conference, NGOs
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called a meeting in London to look at institutional follow-up. Each UN
region selected a country to attend the two-day workshop, which dealt
with a very controversial issue.6 The outcome from the workshop was
that G77 changed their position in line with that which NGOs were
In order to participate in a UN commission, conference or summit,
your organization primarily needs to be accredited to the UN
Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) or to the conference itself.
The conventions and UN agencies have their own accreditation
If it is a conference or summit process and you are not accredited
to ECOSOC, then there is an advantage of going through requesting
accreditation to ECOSOC at the same time as getting accredited to a
summit or conference.
The process of getting accredited to ECOSOC can take up to two
years. The accreditation will have to go through the Committee on
Non-Governmental Organizations. It meets only once a year in two
parts, usually during May and June. It is best to include a number of
countries that are less sympathetic to NGO representation.
If you are attending a UN conference or summit and are already
accredited through ECOSOC, then you only need to fill in a preregistration form, as all of those already accredited to ECOSOC will be
automatically accredited to the summit.
If you just accredit to the conference or summit, then you will only
be allowed to attend the preparatory meetings and actual meeting, and
after this your accreditation will cease.
To start the process for accreditation to ECOSOC, you need to go
to the web page to
download the relevant form. The site also includes a model application
form to help you understand how to apply. Organizations have been
refused accreditation because they filled the form in badly. You can ask
your government’s mission to look at your application form in
advance. It will usually pick up any obvious problems. In certain areas,
NGO coalitions will have staff who will also do this for you.
There are three levels of accreditation to ECOSOC. These are
general, special and roster (see Table 3.2).
Note of warning! ‘Umbrella’ or coalition NGOs should be careful
about their member organizations. One gay rights coalition ran into
opposition on the governmental NGO committee because it had
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Table 3.2 Differences in UN NGO status
Relevance to the work of
all areas
Are in consultative status with
Designate UN representatives
Invited to UN conferences
Propose items for ECOSOC agenda yes
Can speak at ECOSOC
Attend UN meetings
Circulate statements at
ECOSOC meetings
2000 words
Circulate statements at
ECOSOC subsidiary bodies’
2000 words
Can speak at ECOSOC
subsidiary bodies’ meetings
Must submit quadrennial reports
some areas
500 words
500 words
Source: UN Division for Economic and Social Affairs, NGO Section,
(inadvertently, it claimed) allowed into membership a paedophile
People accredited by the umbrella group must be made aware that
they will be deemed to be speaking for the umbrella and not just for
their own organization. If, while making a verbal intervention, they
start speaking in terms of their own group, the chair may well stop
them. However, the other side of this coin is that the large NGOs or
coalitions are accused by the small NGOs that they accredit of
exercising a veto over what they want to say.
Likewise, the umbrella organization should insist on knowing just
who is speaking – one NGO had to struggle hard to keep its
consultative status after a member group fielded the leader of the rebel
army. The official representatives of the government of the country
concerned obviously objected strongly. The borderline between an
opposition party and a partisan or minority rights group is hard to
draw. National political parties cannot get consultative status, but
international political groupings can – for example, the UK Liberal
Democrat party: no; Liberal International: yes.
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You must accredit under an ECOSOC-accredited NGO to attend a UN
The ECOSOC-accredited NGO must write to the UN to inform them
that you are going to attend at least three weeks before you intend to
be there. This should be done on their headed note paper and should
be sent to the NGO section of the Department for Economic and Social
Affairs’ (DESA’s) Division for ECOSOC Support and Coordination. For a
UN conference or summit, a separate process may be set up or they
may use the NGO section. For a convention or a UN agency, each will
have its own processes and focal points. The UN Non-Governmental
Liaison Service (NGLS) can help you with this if you are unsure.7
Depending upon the number of NGOs accredited for the meeting,
it is possible that a special desk will be set up in the UN visitor ’s
entrance for the first day. If this is not the case, then you may have to
go to the relevant NGO section, where they will check your application
and stamp your letter accordingly. They should have sent you a
confirmation of your application to attend the meeting. If they have
not, then it is crucial to take the letter that you sent to them. You can
then collect your pass from the Pass Office at the north-west corner of
45th Street and 1st Avenue. You will need to take the following with
your passport;
a copy of the accreditation letter you sent; and
a copy of any reply received.
If you are arriving early, it’s worth accrediting then, to avoid the queues
of the first day.
Before you arrive
Discuss the agenda of the meeting within your NGO/stakeholder
group and among others in your field. A well-organized back-up
by other NGOs/stakeholders in your country can mean pressure
being put on the government at home, as well as at the UN
meeting. You may want to set up a rapid reaction group who can
take action on an issue within your parliament or with national
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Place articles in the key monthly journals about the issues on
which you are campaigning. Focus, in particular, on those journals
that you know the minister or civil servants read.
Meet with the major journalists who are likely to write for the daily
and Sunday newspapers, as well as those for the radio and TV
programmes. This can be done through an informal briefing or
drinks at a bar – something many journalists like!
Research the members of the key country delegations whom you
wish to lobby.
Ensure government representatives have a copy of your views at
least six weeks before a UN meeting.
Ensure you have a copy of the latest text that is being discussed.
This will be on the UN website (and should be posted at least six
weeks before the meeting). Ensure that you have provided
governments with your view on this text within a week of the text
being posted.
Do an analysis of proposals against previous agreements.
It pays to read all of the background documents and relevant
previous agreements. Some members of delegations will not have
done this; as a result, you can become a
great source of knowledge.
As the text develops, always have short text suggestions that build
on previous agreements, which you can give to delegations.
Whichever issue your NGO/stakeholder group wants to focus on,
you should think about all of the possible outcomes, not just the
ones you would like to see. You need to know full range of these
views, and how to counter views with which you do not agree.
Contribute to the broader preparation of any issue caucus or
stakeholder group, which is usually done by list server. They
should also be working to similar timelines.
Find out the name of the relevant person in the government
missions and send your views on the issues to the key government
Send off your accreditation details at least three weeks before the
Download photographs of the key delegates from the website so
that you can identify them quickly.
Bring with you, if you are able, a mobile office: computer, printer,
telephone, etc.
Plan to meet with key government officials to discuss your position
in the week before the meeting. If you cannot get to New
York/Geneva or where the meeting is being held, try telephoning
for a chat.
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At the UN meeting
Often stakeholder representatives are the only constant people
attending as government officials are moved on. Therefore, be aware
of changing delegations as you may have to start from scratch again
and again.
Work with the NGOs/stakeholders present – it’s impossible for an
individual to cover everything. This is most effective if you have
set it up before you arrive.
The NGOs or stakeholder groups (for example, women’s groups)
usually organize a morning meeting before the negotiations start.
This is where you can quickly find out what is happening and you
can also share your information and discover who the key players
In some negotiations, the NGOs/stakeholder groups will operate
‘floor managers’. Their role is to take notes on the negotiations
and report back to the next NGO/stakeholder meeting. Get
involved; it helps in understanding what is happening.
As the negotiating text develops, contribute to the production of
suggested amendments to the text through NGO/stakeholder
group position papers, as these tend to carry more weight than
individual NGOs’/stakeholders’ papers.
Talk regularly to your government’s delegation – tell them your
priorities and suggest text amendments.
Work with the NGOs/stakeholders on your government’s delegation
to ensure that they are putting forward agreed positions.
Target other governments.
As the negotiations progress, talk to those not in a block. It is
easier to persuade one government to take on your ideas rather
than a block. Target countries that tend to act singularly – for
example, Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Norway,
Switzerland and the US.
If your country works in a block, you will need to convince more
than your own government to adopt your amendments – for
example, the EU has 15 governments to convince.
Don’t overlook countries with economies in transition, as they are
also possible targets. Some of the more progressive will be joining
the EU in 2004. Of those left, it is worth creating a relationship
with the Ukraine, Romania and Russia.
Be aware of the considerable pressures on delegates and their
interests. Remember this should be a two-way process – share
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information that might be of use to the delegate you are meeting.
As well as getting your own point across, this makes for a stronger
Make informal contacts with the delegations. Much of the lobbying
work happens informally. Key places are:
– coffee shops in the UN complexes – for example, the Vienna
Café in New York and the Geneva Lounge in Geneva;
– delegates lounge; this is meant to be only for delegates; but
you may enter with a delegate wearing either a yellow badge
(head of delegation); red badge (member of a delegation) or
blue badge (member of inter-governmental organization
accredited to the UN General Assembly);
– delegates dining room;
– corridors;
– back of meeting rooms;
– main cafeteria;
– government missions.
Lobbying is fun but can seem very daunting for a beginner. It is
important to remember a few rules:
When you meet a government official, give them your card and ask
for theirs.
The main discussion is often very procedural and can be a bit
boring, so government delegates are often really pleased to be
asked to go for a coffee. Explain who you are and that you would
like to share some ideas for section/issue X with them. Don’t go in
aggressively or forcibly.
Find out who they are as a person, as well as their work – you may
be surprised at what you find out and could make a friend as
opposed to someone just to lobby. Try and pick a neutral issue to
start the conversation – it could be sport or something about their
country – for example, perhaps you’ve been there and something
funny happened to you. One that I used during the negotiations
on the seas chapter of Agenda 21 was that I had just been
published in Fish Fryers Review, the monthly magazine of the fish
and chip shops in the UK. This led to amusing discussions on the
UK’s contribution to gastronomy before moving on to serious
issues on food stocks.
Find out which issue they have responsibility for in the delegation.
Don’t approach them in the meeting room if they are speaking or
their country card is up.
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Governments are interested in finding out what NGO/stakeholder
groups think and also what is happening in the corridors. You can
help them with this.
When giving some information about what you want, you need to
be very specific. If you want text in a particular place, then produce
material that shows where it should go. A general rule is to insert
the text you want as bold text; or if you want something deleted,
mark this as bold with the word ‘delete’ in front. Here is an
Governments and international bodies alone cannot achieve
sustainable development. (Insert: It needs active support
and participation by stakeholders of all kinds and at
all levels.) At the Johannesburg Summit, we have welcomed a
range of new partnership activities involving (Delete:
governments) stakeholders to promote sustainability in a
variety of ways. We shall ensure that stakeholders of all kinds
are further involved in the formulation of regional, national and
local sustainable development strategies, and commit to
support their role in implementation.
If you are down to brackets, understand what they mean (see the
section on ‘The World of Brackets’).
A rule of thumb: if you are spending more time with your own
group than with government officials, review your work pattern. A
good way to do this is to work out your daily timetable and
proportion out time for NGO/stakeholder work at no more than 25
per cent. It will tend to creep up; but remember that you are there
to lobby, not to spend time with your colleagues.
If you have a team of people lobbying, agree who will talk to
whom. Governments do not wish to be lobbied by lots of people
over the same issue; but do let them know how many
organizations support your view. It is useful if you are working on
an issue to have people assigned to look after the EU presidency,
G77 and countries that have single decisions.
If you have a problem with some governments, invite them all to a
meeting to discuss your idea. This can be in the building or, if it is
early in the process, then for drinks or dinner. Those that are
unable to attend should be dealt with individually. This also applies
the other way round – if governments like your idea, try and bring
together a coalition.
Try to be positive at all times.
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Governments operate every day by sending what is called a
‘telegraph’ back to the capital explaining what is happening and
asking for instructions for areas that have come up. This is an
excellent way of keeping those at home linked in and gives them
the chance to be active in the media or to support your lobbying.
Every day, try and extend the number of individuals from different
countries to whom you talk.
At some point, a list of people attending the meeting will be
published by the UN – keep an eye open for this as it will help you
to identify people whom you should see.
If you’re on a government delegation, especially for the first time,
there can be a lot going on and important information can be easy
to miss. Ask for a copy of the government brief. You should not let
anyone see this otherwise your government will not only not trust
you, but you will have negatively impacted upon the likelihood of
their trusting anyone to come on the government delegation in
future. Also ask for the daily ‘telegram’ that they are sending back
to capitals.
If there are other stakeholders on your government delegation, try
and share out the tasks between them. Try and find other
stakeholders on other government delegations and work with
It is important to realize that if you are on the government
delegation, you will need to play a key role in helping the
government to understand what is happening within the
stakeholder group whom you represent. It is also important to
share information that you hear on the floor. It can be easier for
opposing government delegations to talk to a stakeholder group
representative as an intermediary in order to move ideas forward.
Do not at any point sit in a government seat unless you are on a
government delegation and have been asked by your government
to do so.
It is also important to be aware of all the forces at play in order to
respond appropriately.
Don’t just think about the meeting at hand, but about the ones to
follow – putting in place the building blocks that lead to
sustainable results. This isn’t just thinking about the words on
paper, but also about the relationships and the networking (again,
don’t overlook business, secretariats, international organizations,
It is quite possible that the negotiations will not end on the date
or time indicated. Therefore, if you can, plan to stay until the
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Sunday after the official meeting end in case they work through
the Friday night.
When you get home, this may be at the end of a process or still in the
middle of one:
If this has been at the end of a process – for example, a summit –
then take two weeks off as you will feel very down and miss the
adrenalin rush. Everyone feels a downer after intense negotiations;
a summit process is probably the worst and many personal
relationships suffer during this time. If you can then recognize
what is going to happen and plan for it, the impact will be less.
Organize a debrief with individuals in your NGO/stakeholder
Organize a meeting with the government to discuss follow-up or
next stages.
Do follow up emails with the government officials whom you met,
just saying what you thought came out of the meeting and
thanking them for supporting your ideas and for the work that they
Write an article for relevant monthly publications so that you can
share the outcomes with as many people as possible.
Follow up with the UN Secretariat to see what they are planning;
in an ongoing process you may find that there are informal
meetings planned in New York or Geneva.
If there does not yet exist a coalition to follow up internationally,
then it is important to set one up. This, in particular, allows
support for small NGOs and those that are not used to the UN
process. An example of this has been the CSD NGO Steering
Committee (1994–2001). Although they no longer exist, their
material can be accessed online at
This section explains the formal side of what happens in a negotiation.
Although people are representing organizations, each individual will
have their own specialities; but the following should hold as generic.
This section also provides some thoughts for those on the government
negotiating team.
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For governments, the negotiations need to start early, particularly
if they are in a block of countries. They should also be testing the water
with delegates from countries with whom they are going to negotiate
in order to see where the range of agreements is. Negotiations are not
linear in their application; they are, by nature, a messy process and it
is even difficult for governments to keep abreast of what is happening
at times. If you are a government official, you need to be clear of your
range of acceptable positions.
The formal sessions of a UN meeting (Committee of the Whole) are
governed by rules of procedure and are conducted in all of the six UN
languages.9 These meetings are open for all to attend: governments
and stakeholders. It is impossible to negotiate in a plenary of (in some
cases) over 200 countries. In such cases, the agenda of issues will
usually require the setting up of subsidiary bodies. These could take
the form of the following:
Working groups are a subsidiary body to the Committee of the
Whole (COW). At any one time, usually no more than two will be
meeting. In negotiations there is usually a limit to the subsidiary
bodies created. One reason for this is that small delegations
cannot possibly have the staff support to enable them to cover
multiple meetings (usually the largest delegation attending will be
from the US). Another is that when it gets down to trading, this
keeps the trading simple enough to deal with. Although there is
usually an agreement that there will be no more than two working
groups meeting at one time, these may spawn contact groups; but
even these will be kept to a small number at any one time.
Informals are a subsidiary body of the working groups and are set
up when there is a set of critical issues that needs to be addressed.
Contact groups are set up to resolve a particular issue of
disagreement. The members of the group are drawn from the
governments who disagree, although they are open to others to
For something to be agreed, it will need to be agreed by the COW in a
formal session. If there has been an agreement in a contact group, it
will be passed up to possibly an informal, then to a working group and
finally to COW. It is only the COW that can adopt an agreement, as it is
only this committee that represents all of the countries involved. It
should be noted that sessions below working groups might be
conducted only in English. Informals and contact group meetings will
certainly only be in English.
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The hierarchy of negotiations will usually be done as follows:
Committee of the Whole – formal session;
working groups;
informal groups;
contact groups.
Rules of procedure
All UN meetings will have rules of procedure – these will, in the case of
ECOSOC functioning commissions, be set by ECOSOC and, ultimately,
the UN General Assembly. For UN conferences and summits, the UN
General Assembly will set the rules of procedures and the Committee
of the Parties will do this for a convention.
These rules cover everything from the role that stakeholders can
take, to the election of the bureau and the role of the secretariat.
For delegates to speak, they need to put up their country placard.
This is usually to put forward their position, although often this will be
done through a block (for example, the EU or the G77). They may also
want to make a point of order. Different meetings use different ways of
doing this; but the most common procedure is to put the placard up
and indicate a T with your arms. One US delegate who will remain
nameless, as he is now my organization’s co-chair, used two of the US
placards and banged them together to get the chair’s attention!
For stakeholders, there will also be a placard. Usually in meetings
in the area of sustainable development, these will be based on the
Agenda 21 Major Groups; in others it may just be an NGO placard.
The object of the negotiations is to come to a consensus. This may
not always be possible, in which case – depending upon the forum –
countries can ask for reservations to be published as footnotes to a
particular issue that could not be agreed upon. If this is a conference,
then it will be referred to ECOSOC and, ultimately, to the UN General
Assembly. If issues go down this track, it is very unusual for them to
have a better hearing in ECOSOC as these meetings will be populated
by foreign ministries. In conventions, you can see majority voting, twothirds voting or weighted voting. If you don’t know what system is
being used, ask the secretariat.
It is vital that countries have at least one good English-speaking
delegate on their delegation. Many of the sessions will be in English
and they will need to understand the subtle differences between
changing words in order to put forward their country’s position
effectively. It helps, particularly in the G77 coordination meetings, to
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have text that you want to propose written down and circulated. This
also helps to balance against the more vocal members of the G77.
It is important to have with you all of the previous decisions taken
in the area that you are negotiating. In addition, look back at your
group’s previous position and have copies of that with you. This gives
you access to already agreed language and helps you to understand
when other countries are trying to either move forward or to revise a
previous decision. If you are in a group meeting of either the G77 or
the EU and do not speak up, the assumption will be that you agree,
even if you do not.
There are a number of formal ways in which an NGO/stakeholder group
can participate in the summit negotiations. These include:
Individual stakeholder/stakeholder group
position papers:
Your organization will arrive with a position on the issues that you are
prioritizing for the meeting. These may be in the form of background
papers or focused points that you want governments to look at. An
interesting approach to this was taken for the Rio +5 meeting by
NGOs, where they produced two documents. These were a top-ten set
of issues and a larger compilation of NGO views with a common
structure for each issue. This common structure was:
we call for…;
implementation; and
This helped governments to understand what was wanted, who was
going to do it and why it was important. Many NGOs/stakeholder
groups have a tendency to put out a lot of information; but government
delegates have limited ability to take lots of information in. This is
particularly true as negotiations move towards the end game. It is
important to have in-depth information available; but do not swamp
them with it.
An example of the approach would be the second document that
NGOs gave out in 1997, as presented in Box 3.2. This was their top-ten
issues paper.
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Box 3.2 NGOs’ priority issues at the Rio + 5
UN General Assembly Special Session
(UNGASS) (23–27 June 1997)
The NGO positions were as follows.
1 CO2/Climate
Agree to a legally binding commitment to reduce CO2 emissions to
20 per cent below 1990 levels by the year 2000, and other
appropriate reductions in greenhouse gases at Kyoto, Japan, in
December 1997, including special initiatives to protect and
compensate small island developing states:
➜ ✘ 4 Result: not achieved
2002 update:
Following Rio +5, the Third Conference of the Parties (COP-3)
was held in Kyoto on 1–11 December 1997 and adopted the
Kyoto Protocol, an agreement to commitments with a view to
reducing overall emissions of six greenhouse gases by at least 5
per cent below 1990 levels between 2008 and 2012.
At COP-6 (July 2001) agreement was reached on elements of
an emissions trading system to allow flexibility in meeting the
overall target. At COP-7, governments adopted the Marrakech
Accords, finalizing the operational details of the Kyoto Protocol.
Canada has become the 99th country to ratify the Kyoto
Protocol on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The move
means that if, as promised, Russia now signs, the 1997
agreement will have achieved a critical mass and finally come
into force.
2 Toxic Chemicals
Ensure that the legally binding persistent organic pollutants (POPs)
global instrument is concluded and opened for ratification by 2000,
at the latest, and that industrialized countries make a concerted
effort in the next 12 months to assist developing nations for the
Inter-governmental Negotiating Committee (INC) that will meet in
early 1998:
➜ ✔ Result: achieved
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2002 update:
Following Rio+ 5, there have been rounds of negotiations
towards an international treaty (a legally binding instrument) on
POPs beginning in June to July 1998 and in January 1999.
The INC and its subsidiary bodies completed work on the
instrument, the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
Pollutants, in December 2000. The convention was adopted
and opened for signature in May 2001. The convention will
enter into force 90 days after the submission of the 50th
instrument of ratification by a government. There are currently
151 signatories and 26 ratifications.
3 Forests
Commit to the continuation and enhancement of the intergovernmental policy dialogue on forests under the CSD, while also
promoting (in a transparent and participatory manner) an actionoriented programme to solve critical forests-related problems
involving all types of forests, including a halt to further destruction
of primary and old-growth forests around the world, and the
establishment of networks of ecologically representative and socially
appropriate forest protected areas (covering at least 10 per cent of
the world’s forests) by 2000:
➜ ✔ Result: achieved
2002 update:
Rio +5 review recommended continuation of the intergovernmental policy dialogue on forests through the
establishment of an ad-hoc open-ended Inter-governmental
Forum on Forests.
More than 270 proposals for action towards sustainable forest
management were put forward. Although these proposals for
action are not legally binding, participants of these processes
are under a political obligation to implement the agreed
proposals for action, and each country is expected to conduct a
systematic national assessment of the proposals and to plan for
their implementation. In 2000, the UN Forum on Forests
(UNFF) was established by ECOSOC as part of a new
international arrangement on forests to carry on the work
building on the Intergovernmental Panel on Forests (IPF) and
the Intergovernmental Forum on Forests (IFF) processes. The
forum held its first session in June 2001. It adopted three
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resolutions concerning its multi-year programme of work during
2001 to 2005: the development of a plan of action and its work
with the Collaborative Partnership on Forests, and one decision
concerning the accreditation of inter-governmental
organizations. An outcome of the WSSD in 2002 was to
accelerate the implementation of the IPF/IFF proposals for
action by countries and by the Collaborative Partnership on
Forests, and to intensify efforts on reporting to the UNFF to
contribute to an assessment of progress in 2005. Three forestrelated partnerships were launched at the summit.
4 Freshwater
Initiate negotiations on a global agreement or arrangement on
freshwater by 1998 with terms of reference that include a
commitment to a catchments (watershed/airshed) approach as the
basis for action on freshwater in national sustainable development
strategies and any international plan or strategies:
➜ ✘ Result: not achieved
2002 update:
The five-year review found conflict on water rights, and regional
and political disputes too hot an issue to address. Originally,
the Bonn Freshwater Conference in 2001 was to address this
issue; but it also found it too difficult and looked at other areas.
Water moved up the political agenda from Rio +5 and, as well
as the Bonn conference, there was a report from World Water
Commission and the World Water Forum in The Hague, which
contributed informally to the preparations of Rio +10.
At the WSSD it was stated that, by the year 2015, the
proportion of people who are unable to reach or to afford safe
drinking water should be halved, as outlined in the Millennium
Declaration. A programme of actions, with financial and
technical assistance, will be launched to achieve this goal.
Furthermore, integrated water resources management and
water efficiency plans are to be developed by 2005, with
support to developing countries. It was also agreed that there
should be a similar target for sanitation.
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5 Military Weapons
Adopt a global legally binding ban on anti-personnel land mines by
1999, applicable both within and between countries, and a legally
binding ban on the production and use of nuclear weapons by
➜ ✘ Result: not achieved
2002 update:
A global legally binding ban on anti-personnel land mines has
not been agreed; however, more recently progress has been
made. The First Meeting of the States Parties (FMSP) to the
Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling,
Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on their
Destruction was held in Mozambique. The convention, already
signed by 135 countries, entered into force on 1 March 1999.
There are now 126 states that are party to the Ottawa Mine
Ban Convention. At the Fourth Meeting of the States Parties in
Japan 2002, it was noted that it was essential to promote the
universal support of the convention. 2003 is the deadline for
the first group of states parties to destroy all stockpiled antipersonnel mines. The first review conference will be held in
Cross-sectoral issues included the following.
6 Finance
Establish an Inter-governmental Panel on Finance at the UN Special
Session with terms of reference that include the need to create
innovative mechanisms for NGOs and civil society access to capital,
credit and capacity-building for community-based sustainable and
environmentally sound economic development projects.
Industrialized countries should provide substantial additional
financial resources in support of sustainable development to the
developing countries by 200, including a 50 per cent increase in
the current replenishment of the Global Environmental Facility
(GEF). They should undertake targeted debt reductions in 20 of the
most heavily indebted least developed countries by the end of 1998
in exchange for significant initiatives to further sustainable
development. Industrialized countries should meet the 0.7 per cent
of gross national product (GNP) target for aid by 2002 and achieve
one half (0.35 per cent) of that target by the end of 1998.
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Furthermore, all of the countries should take steps to ensure, by no
later then 1998, stricter scrutiny, including new laws or other
measures, to prevent the abuse of all funds and corrupt practices –
in the public and private sector – at national and international levels:
➜ Result ➜ Referred to ECOSOC
Currently recognized in ad-hoc, open-ended Working Group on
Financing for Development. The high-level International Intergovernmental Forum on Financing for Development will take
place in 2001 and will have preparatory meetings that will
discuss mobilization of resources for development. The debtrelief movement, particularly the faith-based Jubilee 2000
Coalition, has greatly helped to raise public awareness and
intensify debate reduction among the Group of 7 (G7)
industrialized countries and the Russian Federation (G8).
➜ ✔ Result: GEF replenished
➜ ✔ Result: Canada and the UK are increasing aid, and the
Nordic governments and the Government of The Netherlands
are still providing very high levels of aid
2002 update:
As of November 2001, 24 countries are benefiting from heavily
indebted poor countries (HIPC) relief, with several others in
The outcome document of the International Conference on
Financing for Development in March 2002 was the Monterrey
Consensus, which encourages greater flows of foreign
investment to developing countries in support of sustainable
development. An extra US$12 billion was announced, with a
US$5 billion increase in aid from the US from 2004, and an
additional US$7 billion from the EU.
The third replenishment of the GEF was concluded at the WSSD.
The GEF is intended to cover projects of benefit to the global
environment only; therefore, its use must be resisted to finance
projects of solely domestic benefit.
7 Trade
Adopt a clear, internationally agreed, understanding by 1998 that
environment conventions and other Multilateral Environmental
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Agreements (MEAs) shall not be bound by World Trade
Organization (WTO)-imposed requirements or restrictions (given
that such WTO measures have, with few expectations, undermined
those important agreements). In addition, convene a trade and
environment ministers summit before the next ministerial meeting
of the WTO, which includes a discussion on fair trade versus free
trade; and take steps to adopt measures, applicable to the next
WTO ministerial meeting, that ensure transparency and effective
opportunities for NGOs and other Major Groups to observe and
contribute to those deliberations:
➜ ✘ Result: not achieved
2002 update:
The November 2001 Declaration of the Fourth Ministerial
Conference in Doha, Qatar, provides the mandate for
negotiations on a range of subjects, as well as other work,
including issues concerning the implementation of the present
agreements. This Doha Development Agenda includes
negotiations aimed at reducing or eliminating tariffs and nontariff barriers, especially on products of export interest to
developing countries. Further liberalization in agriculture,
through improvements in market access, reductions and
eventual phasing-out of export subsidies, as well as substantial
reduction in trade-distorting domestic support measures, are
key priorities.
The Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for
the decade 2001 to 2010, adopted at the Third United Nations
Conference for Least Developed Countries (Brussels, May
2001), seeks to arrest and reverse the continued socioeconomic marginalization of least developed countries (LDCs),
improve their share in international trade, foreign direct
investment and other financial flows, and create an enabling
environment for them to be able to benefit from globalization,
as well as minimize its adverse consequences.
8 Corporate Accountability
To establish a sub-commission of the CSD at the UN Special Session
to enact internationally agreed, government-based mechanisms by
no later then 1999 that are designed to ensure significantly greater
accountability of business and industry, especially transnational
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➜ ✘ Result: not achieved
2002 update:
In 1998, the CSD set up an unsuccessful multi-stakeholder
process to review voluntary initiatives.
Industry, often through industry associations, has developed
codes of conduct, charters and codes of good practice
concerning social and environmental performance. The
corporate responsibility movement is widening in developed
countries, where firms are finding that better working conditions
and more consultative forms of management result in improved
economic and environmental performance.
The WSSD called to actively promote corporate responsibility
and accountability, based on the Rio Principles, including the
full development and effective implementation of intergovernmental agreements and measures, international
initiatives and public–private partnerships, and appropriate
national regulations. It also encouraged continuous
improvement in corporate practices in all countries.
9 Indigenous Peoples
Establish at the UN Special Session in a Permanent Forum for
Indigenous Peoples, within the UN system (under the CSD), to
coordinate all international initiatives on indigenous peoples:
➜ ✘ Result: not achieved
2002 update:
In February 1999, an ad-hoc working group met in Geneva to
discuss the proposal. The 17th session of the Working Group
on Indigenous Populations, the largest international gathering
of indigenous peoples in the world, also held its annual meeting
in Geneva in July 1999 and proposed numerous initiatives to
the United Nations.
A second ad-hoc working group met in February 2000 to
finalize a proposal for the Commission on Human Rights. At its
56th session, the Commission on Human Rights decided to
recommend to ECOSOC that it set up a permanent forum on
indigenous issues. On 28 July 2000, ECOSOC adopted a
resolution establishing the Permanent Forum on Indigenous
Issues. The purpose of the permanent forum is to serve as an
advisory body to ECOSOC, with a mandate to discuss
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indigenous issues relating to economic and social development,
culture, the environment, education, health and human rights.
10 NGO Access
Ensure that the arrangements for the UN General Assembly Special
Session (UNGASS) are, at minimum, based on the newly revised
Arrangements for Consultation with Non-Governmental
Organizations – Part VII of Resolution 1996/31 – and that these
arrangements apply to strengthening NGO access to, and
participation in, the UN General Assembly subsidiary bodies,
including adequate representation by NGOs and other Major Groups
from the South:
➜ ✔ Result: achieved
2002 update:
At the Rio +5, Ambassador Razali (president of the UN General
Assembly for the Special Session) was successful in securing
extensive access for NGOs to UNGASS. Ten NGO presentations
were made in the formal CSD sessions, and rights of access
were on a par with those of formal CSD sessions. These
arrangements were secured on the understanding (from the US
and others) that they set no precedent for ongoing UN General
Assembly (GA) work, so the second half of the objective has
not been met.
There was advanced involvement of stakeholders, including
discussions and dialogues before and at the WSSD. The nine
Major Groups identified in Agenda 21 spent four and a half
days discussing three themes among themselves and with
governments: review/assessment of progress (PrepCom 2);
future priorities and partnership approaches (PrepCom 4); and
commitments (during the WSSD).
Source: adapted from Dodds, McCoy and Tanner (1997)
What can be seen from Box 3.2 is that over five years, NGOs continued
their lobbying in other meetings to the point where many of the
original priorities were largely achieved. When campaigning for a
particular issue, it is vital to ensure that you have many places in which
to raise the issue. This creates a momentum that is hard for
governments to deal with.
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Agreed NGO/Major Group position papers
The UN will usually provide tables for organizations to put their papers
on. Although this is a good place to distribute your material, it is as
important to meet with government officials and give the material to
them personally while discussing your ideas.
In the lead-up to the meeting, NGOs/stakeholder groups will try to
agree a joint position paper. Because these papers represent a wider
range of NGOs/stakeholder groups and their constituencies, they tend
to carry greater weight with governments. If this is a summit process,
then these papers may show a set of agreed text amendments. As we
have shown in the section on ‘How to be effective’, the usual format is
to reproduce the government text with NGO/stakeholder group
amendments in bold. This helps the delegates to understand what you
want added and where.
Oral statements
ECOSOC-accredited NGOs/Major Groups may ask to make a brief oral
statement to the meeting. These are at the discretion of the chair and
with consent of the members. The Commission on Sustainable
Development process has allowed a great degree of contributions from
stakeholders (Major Groups is the term that they use) during the
negotiations. Usually, coordinated joint statements by a group of NGOs
or stakeholder groups will be more likely to be allowed than
statements by individual NGOs. Although, according to the rules, it
should only be accredited organizations, governments understand the
benefit of a coordinated statement and it is usually given more
prominence than those of individual organizations. The statements
are most effective if they are brief (less than five minutes) and
substantive in nature. Some processes will allow comments on the
text; others will not and will expect a set of broader comments. Make
sure that you know which is allowed otherwise the chair may
terminate your presentation.
Thirty copies of your statement must be given to the secretariat
for the interpreters. If you want your statement given out to the
governments, you cannot give it out yourself. You need to give 300
copies to the secretariat staff. You can also put extra copies on a table
in the room with other statements.
Too often, stakeholders take a long time agreeing what they will
say in a statement, thinking that this is going to make a difference. It
will not. I can only think of a couple of occasions where the statement
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of a stakeholder in a session has caused a reaction that had not already
been lobbied for in the corridors.
Remember that governments often do not talk to each other.
Within the EU, it is the presidency that represents the views of the
Union, and it tends to be the civil servants who are expected to do the
networking. The reality is they have their hands full with coordinating
the 15 countries in the EU. Often, the EU is not doing the corridor work
of talking with individual governments to help build the trust to move
forward the issues. Direct contact between some of the governments
sometimes breaks down.
Some examples of this include the following:
One of the very interesting developments in the Habitat conference
process was the informals that were held in Nairobi and Paris. The
meeting treated stakeholders in a similar manner to governments,
allowing them to enter text. The text became alive if a government
agreed with it. Some amendments were put forward as joint
government NGO/stakeholder amendments. Another development
was the use of stakeholders to chair informal meetings. One NGOchaired informal on the issue of transport disappeared to the pub
and returned after a couple of pints with an agreement!
For a CSD meeting, we had brought over a representative of one of
the NGOs whom we were working with on human settlement
issues. At the end of the first week I was playing pool at a party
and he came over to chat. I asked: ‘How is it going?’ ‘Bad!’ was the
reply, which surprised me as I thought it was going very well. I
asked him: ‘What have you been doing?’ He said that he had taken
part in an NGO meeting over the previous weekend and agreed on
a position. I then asked what had he done. He said that the group
had put the NGO paper at the back of the negotiating room, and
then he sat listening to the negotiations and couldn’t understand
why more of the NGO ideas hadn’t been taken up. ‘Oh!’ I said. ‘Did
you notice the people talking at the back of the room?’ He said he
did. I said: ‘They were lobbying! Did you notice the people in the
coffee bar?’ He said he did. I responded: ‘They were lobbying!’
Flippantly, I added: ‘Did you notice the people going to the toilet?’
and again he agreed that he had. I said: ‘They were lobbying!’ I
asked if he knew Tony Simpson (an Australian NGO
representative); he said that he did. I responded: ‘Well, follow him
about and observe whatever he does!’
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I thought this was good advice until late Monday morning. Tony, a
large guy who looks like an Australian rugby player, came over to me
as I was walking between the conference rooms. He put his arm
around my shoulders and said: ‘We have to talk!’ He asked if I had told
this UK NGO representative to follow him around. I had, of course, but
I thought my advice was more to observe than to follow. He said, ‘I
cannot even go to the toilet without him following me!’
The structure of a document can be critical on a number of fronts. A
well-structured document:
Enables gaps to be clearly identified.
Identifies problem areas to be focused upon.
Allows for principles and mainstreaming to be integrated.
An example of this is the approach taken for the Johannesburg WSSD
in 2002, when there was considerable disagreement between those
managing the process and almost everyone else regarding the
document structure. A number of organizations and the South African
government put forward suggestions on how to structure the
document. Stakeholder Forum’s suggestions were as follows.11
General outline
Each section of the agreement should set poverty eradication as an
overarching theme. Furthermore, the sections should mainstream the
following aims:
the Rio Principles;
sustainable production and consumption;
the enhancement of globalization;
the Millennium Development Goals;
human rights;
gender equity; and
good governance.
Each section will be organized under the following structure:
introduction to the
issues/problems; and
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programme areas: identify priority issues – for example, renewable
Basis for action: chapters in Agenda 21, CSD decisions, Millennium
Development Goals, setting of additional targets.
Objectives: for each priority issue, outline aims and purpose for
action – for example, to improve access to renewable energy or to
improve trade policy for energy provision.
Activities at all levels: international to local action, touching on
priorities for existing institutions, roles of stakeholders and
outlining new institutional areas.
Means of implementation: including capacity-building,
technology-sharing, education and training (targeting sustainable
Financial resources: public (domestic and foreign, aid and
investment) and private (business, foundations, NGOs and others).
Timetable and targets: 5, 10 or 15 years.
Information for decision-making: monitoring and assessing
progress; indicators; data management and provision.
Unfortunately, this approach and those suggested by others did not
happen and the WSSD agreement therefore suffers from a lack of
structure. Many possible outcomes were lost because of this.
The lesson from lobbying on this issue was that the discussions on
structure happened far too late to enable the required outcome to
occur. Although there were corridor discussion at the WSSD second
Preparatory Meeting, governments did not set time aside to have a
discussion on structure. By the third Preparatory Meeting, it was
virtually impossible to make any changes (even though Stakeholder
Forum cut up the text and repackaged it to show what it would look
like). In fact, the whole timetable for WSSD was too short – it did not
allow for dealing with throwing out the text and starting again. For a
conference and summit process with Regional PrepComs, the
minimum time span should be two years.
In addition, there might be an argument for the UN General
Assembly to agree to a draft structure for a UN conference programme
of action, as opposed to letting each bureau for a conference start from
scratch. Finally, a little bit of knowledge management would go a long
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Although this book is principally about lobbying, I can’t resist including
a small section on direct action for those NGOs or other stakeholders
coming to add weight to their colleagues’ positions at the meetings.
Although I would use less inflammatory language, I always think that
any person undertaking direct action could do no better than to start
by reading Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals, which has a great
section called ‘Alinsky’s Rules for Effective Tactics’.
Alinsky’s rules for effective tactics
Power is not only what you have, but also what the enemy thinks
you have.
Never go outside the experience of your people. It may result in
confusion, fear and retreat.
Wherever possible go outside the experience of the enemy. Here,
you want to cause confusion, fear and retreat.
Make the enemy live up to his/her own book of rules.
Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.
A good tactic is one that your people enjoy.
A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.
Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize
all events of the period for your purpose.
The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.
The major premise for tactics is the development of operations
that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition.
If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through
into its counter side.
The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.
Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it and polarize it.
As someone who started in the anti-apartheid movement during the
1970s, I am reminded of a story that Peter Hain12 told in his excellent
book Don’t Play with Apartheid: The Background to the Stop the
Seventies Tour Campaign. The story relates to Alinsky ’s first rule:
‘Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you
The story goes something like this. A London university biological
student was planning to wreck the 1970 South African Cricket Tour of
the UK with an army of locusts. He announced that he already had
50,000 of the insects at his house and would breed another 500,000
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by the time the tourists arrived for the match. The student, David
Wilton Godberford, was quoted in the London Times on 11 May as
Anything up to 100,000 locusts will be let loose at a particular
ground and I think the plan is foolproof. They will ravage every
blade of grass and green foliage… So that their insatiable
appetites will not be impaired, they will not be fed for 24 hours
before the moment of truth… It takes 70,000 hoppers 12
minutes to consume 50 kilograms of grass. The crack of a solid
army of locusts feeding on the grass will sound like flames. The
South Africans are going to dread this trip.
There were no questions in the press about how you might breed
500,000 locusts in student accommodation. No questions about how
they would be able to get them into the ground. The reason for this
was that all of the previous actions taken by those in this campaign
meant that this was treated as a real possibility!
Direct action inside a UN meeting is not a good idea. This can
negatively impact upon what you want to achieve. It can cause
countries that are in support of your position, and those wavering, to
pull back. You can have your NGO loose consultative status at the UN
– which would impact upon your work forever. There are some direct
action activities that are considered more ‘soft’. During a number of
events, stakeholders have conducted a mass walk inside, or all
stakeholders stood up together during the negotiations to indicate
non-support for an issue. The question, if you are doing direct action,
is: who is your target? If it is a particular country or group of countries,
then focus on them. Generally, this will involve gaining media attention
to enable the public to understand an issue and to put pressure back
in capitals.
If it is the media you are targeting, read the section on ‘Media
campaigning’ in this chapter and remember that the more fun the
direct action is, the more likely the media is to pick it up.
When engaging in direct action, always treat UN staff, government
officials and, definitely, UN Security with great respect. Having been
detained in South Africa at the WSSD by the South African police, it
was the UN Security who ensured that I was released.
I was in the coffee bar at the Sandton Centre (where else would I
be?). Oxfam had put out sachets of fair trade sugar (a soft type of direct
action) and the South African police were picking them up. I refused to
let the officer take mine – I was detained for this. UN Security has
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known me for ten years and understood the nature of the action and
ensured that I was released.
UN Security deals with stakeholders all of the time and has, on a
number of occasions at UN conferences, protected those they know.
If you are planning direct action outside a meeting, a few things to
think about are:
Check the law in the country in which you are conducting the
Have a local lawyer ready for those who might need help.
Explain to those who are doing any action what might happen to
Take next of kin details of all of those taking action.
Have a photographer with you who does not take part in an action
who can film or take pictures of what happens.
Do not respond if you are hit.
The term “agreement” can have a generic and a specific meaning. It
also has acquired a special meaning in the law of regional economic
Agreement as a generic term
The 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties employs the term
‘international agreement’ in its broadest sense. On the one hand, it
defines treaties as international agreements with certain
characteristics. On the other hand, it employs the term international
agreements for instruments that do not meet its definition of ‘treaty’.
Its Article 3 also refers to ‘international agreements not in written
form’. Although such oral agreements may be rare, they can have the
same binding force as treaties depending upon the intention of the
parties. An example of an oral agreement might be a promise made
by the minister of foreign affairs of one state to his counterpart of
another state. Consequently, the term international agreement in its
generic sense embraces the widest range of international
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Agreement as a particular term
‘Agreements’ are usually less formal and deal with a narrower range of
subject matter than ‘treaties’. There is a general tendency to apply the
term agreement to bilateral or restricted multilateral treaties. It is
especially employed for instruments of a technical or administrative
character that are signed by the representatives of government
departments, but are not subject to ratification. Typical agreements
deal with matters of economic, cultural, scientific and technical
cooperation. Agreements also frequently deal with financial matters,
such as avoidance of double taxation, investment guarantees or
financial assistance. The UN and other international organizations
regularly conclude agreements with the host country to an
international conference or to a session of a representative organ of
the organization. Particularly in international economic law, the term
agreement is also used as a title for broad multilateral agreements (for
example, the commodity agreements). The use of the term agreement
slowly developed during the first decades of the 20th century. Today,
by far the majority of international instruments are designated as
Agreements in regional integration schemes
Regional integration schemes are based on general framework treaties
with constitutional character. International instruments that amend
this framework at a later stage (for example, accessions and revisions)
are also designated as ‘treaties’. Instruments that are concluded within
the framework of the constitutional treaty or by the organs of the
regional organization are usually referred to as agreements in order to
distinguish them from the constitutional treaty. For example, whereas
the Treaty of Rome of 1957 serves as a quasi-constitution of the
European Community (EC), treaties concluded by the EC with other
nations are usually designated as agreements. Furthermore, the Treaty
of Montevideo of 1980 established the Latin American Integration
Association (LAIA); but the sub-regional instruments entered into
under its framework are called agreements.
The term ‘charter ’ is particularly used for formal and solemn
instruments, such as the constitutional treaty of an international
organization. The term itself has an emotive content that goes back to
the Magna Carta of 1215. Well-known recent examples are the Charter
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of the United Nations of 1945 and the Charter of the Organization of
American States of 1952.
The term ‘convention’ again can have both a generic and a specific
Convention as a generic term
Article 38(1)(a) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice refers
to ‘international conventions, whether general or particular’ as a source
of law, apart from international customary rules and general principles
of international law, and – as a secondary source – judicial decisions
and the teachings of the most highly qualified publicists. This generic
use of the term convention embraces all international agreements in the
same way as the generic term ‘treaty’ does. Black-letter law is also
regularly referred to as ‘conventional law’ in order to distinguish it from
the other sources of international law, such as customary law or the
general principles of international law. Thus, the generic term
convention is synonymous with the generic term treaty.
Convention as a specific term
Whereas during the 20th century the term ‘convention’ was regularly
employed for bilateral agreements, it now is generally used for formal
multilateral treaties with a broad number of parties. Conventions are
normally open for participation by the international community as a
whole, or by a large number of states. Usually, the instruments
negotiated under the auspices of an international organization are
entitled conventions (for example, the Convention on Biological
Diversity of 1992; the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
Sea of 1982; and the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of
1969). The same holds true for instruments adopted by an organ of an
international organization (for example, the 1951 International Labour
Organization Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and
Women Workers for Work of Equal Value, adopted by the International
Labour Conference or the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child,
adopted by the UN General Assembly).
The term ‘declaration’ is used for various international instruments.
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However, declarations are not always legally binding. The term is often
deliberately chosen to indicate that the parties do not intend to create
binding obligations, but merely want to declare certain aspirations. An
example is the 1992 Rio Declaration. Declarations can, however, also
be treaties in the generic sense, intended to be binding at international
law. It is therefore necessary to establish in each individual case
whether the parties intended to create binding obligations.
Ascertaining the intention of the parties can often be a difficult task.
Some instruments entitled declarations were not originally intended
to have binding force; but their provisions may have reflected
customary international law or may have gained binding character as
customary law at a later stage. Such was the case with the 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
The term ‘protocol’ is used for agreements less formal than those
entitled ‘treaty’ or ‘convention’. The term could be used to cover the
following kinds of instruments:
A protocol of signature is an instrument subsidiary to a treaty and
is drawn up by the same parties. This kind of protocol deals with
ancillary matters, such as the interpretation of particular clauses
of the treaty, those formal clauses not inserted in the treaty, or the
regulation of technical matters. Ratification of the treaty will
normally ipso facto involve ratification of such a protocol.
An optional protocol to a treaty is an instrument that establishes
additional rights and obligations to a treaty. It is usually adopted
on the same day, but is of independent character and subject to
independent ratification. Such protocols enable certain parties of
the treaty to establish among themselves a framework of
obligations that reach further than the general treaty, and to which
not all parties of the general treaty consent, creating a ‘two-tier
system’. The optional protocols to the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights of 1966 are well-known examples.
A protocol based on a framework treaty is an instrument with
specific substantive obligations that implements the general
objectives of a previous framework or umbrella convention. Such
protocols ensure a more simplified and accelerated treaty-making
process and have been used particularly in the field of
international environmental law. An example is the 1987 Montreal
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, adopted on
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the basis of Articles 2 and 8 of the 1985 Vienna Convention for the
Protection of the Ozone Layer.
A protocol to amend is an instrument that contains provisions that
amend one or various former treaties, such as the protocol of 1946
amending the Agreements, Conventions and Protocols on Narcotic
A protocol as a supplementary treaty is an instrument that contains
supplementary provisions to a previous treaty – for example, the
1967 protocol relating to the status of refugees to the 1951
Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.
A process verbal is an instrument that contains a record of certain
understandings arrived at by the contracting parties.
The term ‘treaty’ can be used as a common generic term or as a
particular term that indicates an instrument with certain
Treaty as a generic term
The term ‘treaty’ has regularly been used as a generic term embracing
all instruments that are binding in international law and concluded
between international entities, regardless of their formal designation.
Both the 1969 and 1986 Vienna Conventions confirm this generic use
of the term treaty. The 1969 Vienna Convention defines a treaty as ‘an
international agreement concluded between states in written form and
governed by international law, whether embodied in a single
instrument or in two or more related instruments and whatever its
particular designation’. The 1986 Vienna Convention extends the
definition of treaties to include international agreements involving
international organizations as parties. In order to speak of a treaty in
the generic sense, an instrument has to meet various criteria. First of
all, it has to be a binding instrument, which means that the contracting
parties intended to create legal rights and duties. Secondly, the
instrument must be concluded by states or international organizations
with treaty-making power. Thirdly, it has to be governed by
international law. Finally, the engagement has to be in writing. Even
before the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, the word
treaty in its generic sense had been generally reserved for
engagements concluded in written form.
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Treaty as a specific term
There are no consistent rules when state practice employs the term
‘treaty ’ as a title for an international instrument. Usually, the term
treaty is reserved for matters of some gravity that require more
solemn agreements. Their signatures are usually sealed and they
normally require ratification. Typical examples of international
instruments designated as treaties are peace treaties, border treaties,
delimitation treaties, extradition treaties, and treaties of friendship,
commerce and cooperation. The use of the term treaty for
international instruments has considerably declined in recent decades
in favour of other terms.
As the negotiations progress, the text becomes cluttered with brackets.
These represent what has not yet been agreed. If you are involved with
the negotiations it is very important to understand that there are many
different types of brackets. They are not, however, presented differently
in order to help anyone to understand what is happening! The different
types include the following:
Alternative brackets comprise alternative text for the same issue
and may revolve around a substantive disagreement, but tend to
be similar wording for the same issue.
Contentious brackets are there because of fundamental
disagreement over a particular section.
Suspicious brackets are used when one group thinks the other is
up to something with a section or a phrase and therefore the
brackets are put in until it becomes clearer.
Tactical or trading brackets may be put in by one country to enable
them to trade with another bracket in another section or in
another area. It is important to understand what might be traded
in order to unlock these brackets.
Uncertain brackets are put where no one was quite sure what the
proposed text meant or why the brackets were placed there in the
first place.
Waiting brackets are inserted when governments are waiting for
instructions from the capital on what to do.
Weary brackets are usually included when negotiations go on into
the early morning and when people get too tired to negotiate
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Understanding the use of brackets is critical during a negotiation.
Many stakeholder groups have not appreciated this in their
preparations for a meeting or as the negotiating text goes through
different revisions. Some guidance here might include:
Who put the bracket in?
When you know who put it forward, ask why.
The ‘why’ may not be clear to other delegations and you can play
an important role in highlighting the ‘why’ in your lobbying.
Depending upon the answer to ‘why’, there may be different
actions. These might include:
• If it was because they are waiting for instructions from the
capital, then phone your colleagues in the capital and get them
to raise the issue with relevant civil servants or ministers. This
only works if you are completely on top of the negotiations
and can act immediately.
• If it involves trading brackets with somewhere else in the text,
then you need to be able to work with the stakeholders who
are trying to lobby on that section.
• If it is because of exhaustion brackets, then make some text
suggestions. This can be a very opportunistic time as officials
are tired and looking for a way through the darkness – or even
to go home for the night!
• If there are suspicious brackets, then it is important to work
out why and try to help build trust.
When examining a UN resolution, you may be bewildered by the use of
certain terms, and you are right to be so. Although bewildering, they
all have a particular meaning and it is vital that you appreciate what
each is and what it means in relation to the use of other words. To help
understand the terms, we have tried to explain what you might be
reading (see Table 3.3).
How and why we communicate is key to the success of the
interactions between people. In the case of negotiations, this is even
more fraught with possible misunderstandings based on how terms
are understood or translated:
Translation, you know, is not a matter of substituting words in
one language for words in another language. Translation is a
matter of saying in one language, for a particular situation,
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what a native speaker of the other language would say in the
same situation. The more unlikely that situation is in one of the
languages, the harder it is to find a corresponding utterance in
the other (Suzette Haden Elgin, Earthsong, p9).
In Pragmatics of Human Communication, Watzlawick, Beavin and
Jackson have come up with five axioms:
You cannot not communicate.
Every interaction has both content and a relationship dimension.
Every interaction is defined by the way it is punctuated.
Messages are digital and analogical (verbal and non-verbal).
Communication exchanges are either symmetrical or
Table 3.3 is an attempt to address, humourously, the key terms used in
negotiations. The design of the table is to give you an idea of the
strength of a term. The table has a horizontal tick box system so that
each term has four levels of strength, starting on the left with the
weakest – just a sentence with the term in it. A combination of the
three possible actions together would, however, give a very strong
A primary goal of NGOs’ activities in virtually any UN process is to
increase public awareness of the issues under consideration and the
activities and positions of their own organizations. Gaining media
coverage of such positions by major news organizations can build
pressure on political leaders and influence the positions of
governments during negotiations. It can also build active public
constituencies that support continued action within countries and
The UN press corps represents a tremendous potential
communications resource. There are over 200 correspondents
regularly covering the UN in New York, from over 120 major
newspapers, magazines, television networks and radio stations that
serve virtually every country and geographical region. The numbers
are similar in Geneva and Vienna. These correspondents are often
supplemented by local journalists, freelancers and academics, and
issue specialists who are assigned to cover stories at major
international negotiations.
We are quite serious about this
We are asking governments what they
might consider doing
This is for someone else to do something
We don’t have to decide anything because
some other body already did
We are not at all serious about this
We don’t want to do anything about this at
the moment
The more people we involve, the less will
It is a mess out there and unless we get
people together nothing is going to happen
This is action! Someone – usually not
governments – should do something
We suggest that someone does something
some time in the future
We think someone should do something we
said they should have done before
We hope someone is going to do something
some time
Calls for
Does it have
a monitoring
Does it have
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Does it say
who should
do it?
Just the term –
no action
Calls upon
Table 3.3 Terms in negotiations
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We hope that these suggestions might
make a difference in someone doing something
Look, we can create something that might do
something that we can’t do at the moment
We are really annoyed that something we
asked for hasn’t been done
We really need someone to help us
It’s time to try and do what we said we would do
We should at least do what we have been doing
This means it doesn’t matter too much
Let’s just watch
We’re pleased that someone else will do it
We don’t know if this is the right direction or not
We still haven’t done what we said we would do
We said we would do something and we still
haven’t done it
This means we know there is a problem that
we haven’t yet addressed and probably don’t
have the money or political will to do so
We are really serious this time
We are asking someone whom we have no
right be asking to do something that they
probably will not do
It’s a mess out there and if we don’t hit some
heads together nothing will happen
It’s not working – needs new energy and money
Page 71
We think it is important and someone
should do something
We are thanking someone for doing
Someone is doing something somewhere
Takes into
Does it have
a monitoring
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Does it have
We made a mistake and let’s be honest about it
We agree that this is a problem that should be
addressed – hopefully by someone else
What we said before still hasn’t happened
and we need to give moral support, if
nothing else, to the agency or programme
that has to deal with the mess
We really do think this is important and hope
someone will listen
No one is going to do anything
Does it say
who should
do it?
Just the term –
no action
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In New York, the UN journalists’ offices are primarily clustered on
three floors, in a section of the UN Secretariat and Conference
Buildings. This press area is technically restricted to those with UN
press credentials, and, as with all things these days, security checks
are stricter.
Nevertheless, journalists themselves are usually fairly relaxed
about visitors – provided that they are respectful and discrete. This
means, for example, that an individual can usually place advisories or
press releases in the reporters’ post-boxes in New York (on the fourth
floor), or go to a scheduled interview with a particular reporter.
However, roaming the press offices is not advised and posting notices
of any type on the walls is definitely not a great idea.
Gaining media coverage at the UN is extremely desirable, and it is
possible – but it is not easy. A fast look at the press post-boxes will
reveal that each reporter receives 40 or 50 items per day – press
releases, advisories, newsletters and background documents. Most of
these are competing for the same, very-limited, print or broadcast
Attempting to reach journalists at the UN should be done with an
understanding that although most reporters are not specialists in your
field – and therefore require a clear explanation of the issues – their
time is extremely limited. Remember, these are the same journalists
who are at the UN reporting on issues such as war, peace, drought,
refugees and famine. The most important rule is to make sure that your
statement identifies issues that are newsworthy and presents them in
a clear, focused way.
There are a several useful methods to gain the media’s attention,
as presented below.
Media advisories
Announce your event on one page and in only a few words that explain
what it is, who is involved and when it is taking place. Identify who is
sponsoring the event. Let the press know if credentials are required (at
the UN they are; outside press must apply for accreditation from the
Department of Public Information in advance).
Press releases
These need to present a clear, focused description of an event or
action. A journalist’s requirements are very specific. An effective press
release should be:
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Complete: it should inform what the activity is, when and where it
is happening, who is involved, and why it is significant. It should
include some provocative quotes.
Clearly written: it should explain information in a direct style,
much like a news article. It should not sound like a dissertation or
a political treatise. It should also not use much scientific, political
or technical jargon.
Concise: two pages should be the most for a press release, written
in a readable font (12 point is preferable). The page should be well
spaced, without too many fancy graphics. If it needs to have
graphs or charts, put them on a background document.
The press release should also provide a contact person. It is very
important that you put in a contact name, mobile telephone number,
telephone number and email address.
Press conferences
The most comprehensive way to convey a message to the press is, of
course, a full news conference. These allow for a broad framing of an
issue, statements by expert speakers and direct questions by
journalists. Yet, it is often difficult to attract reporters (especially New
York reporters) to most NGO press conferences regarding the UN.
Reporters from ‘outside’ of the UN are usually satisfied to repeat their
own government’s official line, while UN-based reporters, who are
often overwhelmed by other major political events, are used to quoting
UN and national government officials.
Over the past few years, NGOs active on a variety of issues at the
UN have realized that by organizing press conferences and media
activities in coalition, they can be far more effective at gaining the
press’s attention. Press conferences that present speakers from a
Northern and Southern NGO, an environment and a social or
development organization, a major NGO and a local one have been
able to reach a broader potential journalistic audience.
If these can be held at one of the venues close to the UN press corps
offices, they have a far greater chance of succeeding. There are two
such venues in New York: the official UN Press Conference Room (S226) and the lounge, UN Correspondents Association (UNCA), the
association of UN journalists. Each of these requires special
permission, or payment of a fee. Both are best organized with a
coalition of NGOs and the assistance of an experienced media
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NGO media coordination for conferences and
Especially at major conferences and summits, the plethora of NGO
voices – all competing for media attention – often have the effect of
cancelling each other out. NGOs can be far more effective when
presenting their issues to the press as a coalition. The more that
leading NGOs can work together on strategies for reaching media, on
activities such as press conferences and on their actual positions, the
more likely they are to achieve a maximum level of media coverage at
Making use of an independent media consultant, who is
experienced working with international NGOs, can significantly
improve media coordination and improve results for coalitions active
at an inter-governmental negotiation. Such a consultant can help set
up a project to advise NGOs on how to promote their positions on
policy issues, organize media events, and publicize national and global
activities. An effective media project should work with NGOs actively
at a conference and at its preparatory meetings. It should be able to
cooperate closely with the official conference secretariat and with the
UN Department of Public Information (DPI) to obtain optimal access
for NGOs to official media facilities and the UN press corps.
Working with NGO coalitions, a media advocacy project can:
Organize news conferences and background briefings by leading
NGOs on active conference issues and on their political status.
Help produce press releases and media kits covering all issues,
from a broad range of international, national and local NGOs.
Arrange interviews of NGO experts in specific issue areas and from
all geographical regions.
Provide websites, calendars and media advisories.
Suggest story ideas to journalists and seek cooperation with
individual news organizations on coordinating special events.
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Chapter 4
How To Get There and
Where To Stay
‘Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’
‘That depends a good deal on where you want to get to’, said the Cat.
‘I don’t much care where – ’ said Alice.
‘Then it doesn’t matter which way you go’, said the Cat.
‘ – so long as I get somewhere’, Alice added as an explanation
(Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass, 1865)
From Geneva airport
Geneva airport has excellent transport links into the centre of Geneva.
The airport is very close to the city and therefore the time into the
centre is around 10 to 20 minutes, depending upon the type of
transport you take.
Buses Geneva
Buses Geneva operates an excellent bus system to the city centre from
the airport. There are very regular services and the cost is around
These are available at the airport and cost around US$25, including
tip, to the centre of Geneva.
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There is a station at the airport that will, for US$5, take you into the
city centre. Trains go every 10 minutes.
Transportation in Geneva
These are relatively expensive. They can be called to your hotel or you
may find it possible to hail one on the street. If you are at the UN, it is
best to order one.
These are very regular and a single ticket costs around US$1.50. If you
want a 24-hour unlimited ticket, these cost US$6.
From JFK/La Guardia airports
Shuttle buses
Shuttle buses from all of the New York airports will take you into
Manhattan. From JFK airport, these cost US$13. The bus takes about
an hour and arrives at 42nd Street. From La Guardia airport, the cost
is US$10. The bus takes about 40 minutes and also stops at 42nd
These are also available from the airports but are more expensive. The
flat rate from JFK airport to anywhere in Manhattan is US$30 (tolls and
tip are extra). From La Guardia airport, it is around US$25.
It is possible to take the subway from JFK airport. To do this, you take
a courtesy bus to the subway station. The subway ride takes about 1.5
hours, but only costs US$1.50.
Train Link
This is a new development that takes you directly into Penn Station on
the west side of Manhattan at 34th Street. You should allow up to an
hour for the journey.
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Transportation in Manhattan
These are easily hailed on the street. Officially licensed cabs are
painted yellow. A light on the roof of the vehicle indicates that the taxi
is available for hire.
Underground trains are a fast means of travel and you can buy multiple
tickets if you are going to be in New York for some time. Most of the
trains run north–south (up and down Manhattan). Cross-town trains
run between Grand Central Station and Times Square on 42nd Street.
The cost is US$1.50 irrespective of where you embark or disembark.
This buys a token, obtainable from the ticket booth, which is inserted
into the turnstile on entrance.
These are not so fast, although they can be a good way to see New
York and there are more cross-town services than on the subway. The
fare for a journey of any length is also US$1.50. This is payable as cash
(exact change only), token or via Metrocard.
These are the most economical means of paying for subway/bus
journeys and one card is valid on both. There are three purchasing
weekly pass (US$20);
one-day pass;
single-ride Metrocard, which allows you to load on as much or as
little money as you like; a ten-ride card gives you one extra ride
Metrocards are available at vending machines, at street-level vendors
and at subway ticket booths. On a single journey, so long as you are
within a limited time frame, you can transfer to/from one mode to
another at no extra cost.
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Flats located in the city
Residence Cite-Verdaine
5, rue du Vieux-Collège
Tel: +41 22 312 0120 or 317
Residence Dizerens
3, rue Dizerens
Tel: +41 22 809 5511
[email protected]
Residence Sagitta
6, rue de la Flèche
Tel: +41 22 786 3361
Email: [email protected]
Residence Saint-James
3, rue Versonnex
Tel: +41 22 849 9100
Email: [email protected]
Residence Studio House
4, route des Acacias
Tel: +41 22 304 0300
Email: [email protected]
Centre for NonGovernmental Organizations
and Delegations
31, Chemin William Rappard,
Tel: +41 22 959 8855
Email: [email protected]
Three-star hotels
Hotel Adriatica
21, rue Sautter
Tel: +41 22 703 5383
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Centre/Hospital
Hotel des Alpes
14, rue des Alpes
Tel: +41 22 731 2200
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Arcades
14–16, place Cornavin
Tel: +41 22 732 5948
[email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
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Hotel Ascot Manotel
55, rue Rothschild
Tel: +41 22 544 3838
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Carlton
22, rue Amat
Tel: +41 22 908 6850
[email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Astoria
6, place Cornavin
Tel: +41 22 544 5252
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Chantilly Manotel
27, rue de la Navigation
Tel: +41 22 544 4040
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel at Home
16, rue de Fribourg
Tel: +41 22 906 1900
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Comedie
12, rue de Carouge
Tel: +41 22 322 2324
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Centre/Center
Hotel Balzac
14, rue de l’Ancien-Port, Place de
la Navigation
Tel: +41 22 731 0160
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Cristal
4, rue Pradier
Tel: +41 22 731 3400
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Calvy
5, ruelle du Midi
Tel: +41 22 700 2727
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Centre/Center
Hotel Capitole
15, rue de Berne
Tel: +41 22 909 8626
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Edelweiss Manotel
2, place de la Navigation
Tel: +41 22 544 5151
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Auberge du Grand-Saconnex
175, route de Ferney, GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 0858
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Aéroport/Palexpo/ONU
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Hotel le Grenil
7, avenue Sainte-Clotilde
Tel: +41 22 328 3055
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Centre/Center
Hotel Phoenix
79, avenue Louis-Casaï, Cointrin
Tel: +41 22 710 0303
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Aéroport/Palexpo
Hotel Moderne
1, rue de Berne
Tel: +41 22 732 8100
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
Hotel Strasbourg et Univers
(Best Western)
10, rue Pradier
Tel: +41 22 906 5800
Email: [email protected]
Situated: Gare/Station
New York2
Here are some suggestions of places in which you might consider
staying, based on places that stakeholders have stayed in over the
years. The Manhattan East Suite Hotels, including The Beekman
Towers and The Plaza, are where many government officials stay.
Remember that for hotels, the price quoted usually excludes local tax;
so do ask what the full price is. For flats, tax is generally included.
Big Apple Hostel
119 West 45th Street
Tel: +1 212 302 2603
Eddie’s (flats used by NGOs)
212 East 51st Street (between
2nd and 3rd Avenues)
Tel: +1 212 688 6769
Fax: +1 212 355 0938
Contact: Eddie Edelman
Hotel Wolcott
4 West 31st Street
Tel: +1 212 268 2900
Iriquois Hotel
49 West 44th Street
Tel: +1 212 840 3080
Manhattan East Suite Hotels
(has ten hotels in New York)
Tel: +1 212 465 3700
Manhattan Riverside Tower
Tel: +1 800 724 3136
Millennium UN Plaza Hotel
East 44th Street at First Avenue
Tel: +1 212 758 1234
Pickwick Arms Hotel
230 East 51st Street
Tel: +1 212 355 0300
Vanderbilt YMCA
224 East 47th Street
Tel: +1 212 756 9600
11:39 am
Page 82
Web resources
New York Hotel Discounts
and City Guide
Comprehensive list of hotels
arranged by price. Each listing
has telephone and fax numbers,
and several include prices on
rooms or suites.
New York Accommodations
Discounted reservations
Name your own price for airline
tickets, hotel rooms and more!
New York City Hotel
Reservations, Discounts,
Savings, Deals
Discount New York City
Hotel Reservations
Hotel Hotline in New York
130 hotels from US$69 a night
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Chapter 5
Important Information
Never look down on anybody unless you’re helping him up.
(Jesse Jackson)1
Geneva, Switzerland2
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic State of Afghanistan to
the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 63 (5ème
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 1616 •
Fax: +41 22 731 4510
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Albania to the United
Rue du Môle 32 (Apt. 12), 1201
Tel: +41 22 731 1143 •
Fax: +41 22 738 8156
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Algeria to the United Nations
Route de Lausanne 308, 1293
Bellevue, Geneva
Tel: +41 22 774 1985/1986 •
Fax: +41 22 774 3049
Permanent Representative of the
Principality of Andorra to the
United Nations
Rue de Chantepoulet 1–3 (7ième
étage), 1201 Genève
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Angola to the United
Rue de Lausanne 45–47, 201
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Tel: +41 22 732 3060 •
Fax: +41 22 732 3084
Email: [email protected]
Antigua and Barbuda
Permanent Representative of
Antigua and Barbuda to the
United Nations
15 Thayer Street, London, W1M
Tel: +44 20 7486 7073 •
Fax: +44 20 7486 9970
Permanent Representative of
Argentina to the United Nations
Route de l’Aéroport 10
PO Box 536, 1215 Genève 15
Tel: +41 22 929 8600 •
Fax: +41 22 798 5995/1992
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Armenia to the
United Nations
Avenue du Mail 28, 1205 Genève
Tel: +41 22 320 1100 •
Fax: +41 22 320 1112
Permanent Representative of
Australia to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 56, 1209
PO Box 172, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 918 2900 •
Fax: +41 22 733 6586
Permanent Representative of
Austria to the United Nations
Rue de Varembé 9–11
PO Box 68, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 748 2048 •
Fax: +41 22 748 2040
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Azerbaijan to the
United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 67, 1202
Tel: +41 22 901 1815 •
Fax: +41 22 901 1844
Permanent Representative of the
State of Bahrain to the United
Chemin William Barbey 51
PO Box 39, 1292 Chambésy
Tel: +41 22 758 2102/2103 •
Fax: +41 22 758 1310
Permanent Representative of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh
to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 65, 1202
Tel: +41 22 906 8020 •
Fax: +41 22 738 4616
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Barbados to the United Nations
Avenue Général Latrigue 78,
1200 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 732 1737/1867 •
Fax: +32 2 732 3266
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Belarus to the United
Avenue de la Paix 15, 1211
Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 734 3844 •
Fax: +41 22 734 3844
Permanent Representative of
Belgium to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 58 (6ième
PO Box 473, 1211 Genève 19
Tel +41 22 730 4000 •
Fax: +41 22 734 5079
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Belize to the United Nations
Rue de Mont-Blanc 7 (5ième
étage), 1201 Genève
Tel: +41 22 906 8420 •
Fax: +41 22 906 8429
[email protected]
Chemin du Champ-d’Anier
17–19, 1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 799 0890 •
Fax: +41 22 799 0899
Permanent Representative of
Bolivia to the United Nations
Rue du Valais 7 bis, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 2725/3096 •
Fax: +41 22 738 0222
Email: [email protected]
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina to the United
Rue Lamartine 22 bis, 1203
Tel: +41 22 345 8844/8858 •
Fax: +41 22 345 8889
Permanent Representative of
Botswana to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 80, 1201
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Benin to the United
5, avenue de l’Observatoire,
1180 Bruxelles, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 374 9192 or 375 0674
• Fax: +32 2 375 8326
Permanent Representative of
Brazil to the United Nations
Ancienne Route 17B, 1218
Tel: +41 22 929 0900 •
Fax: +41 22 788 2505/2506
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Bhutan to the
United Nations
Brunei Darussalam
Permanent Representative of
Brunei Darussalam to the United
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International Center Cointrin
(ICC), Bloc F/G, 5ième étage,
Route de Pré-Bois 20
PO Box 1806, 1215 Genève 15
Tel: +41 22 929 8240 •
Fax: +41 22 788 5230
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Bulgaria to the
United Nations
Chemin des Crêts-de-Pregny 16,
1218 Grand-Saconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 0300/0301 •
Fax: +41 22 798 0302
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Burundi to the
United Nations
Rue du Fort-Barreau 13, 1201
Tel: +41 22 734 8000 •
Fax: +41 22 774 1019
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Cambodia to the
United Nations
4, Rue Adolphe Yvon, 75116
Paris, France
Tel: +33 1 4503 4720 •
Fax: +33 1 4503 4740
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Cameroon to the
United Nations
Rue du Nant 6–8, 1207 Genève
Tel: +41 22 736 2022 or 787 5040 •
Fax: +41 22 736 2165
Permanent Representative of
Canada to the United Nations
Rue du Pré-de-la-Bichette 1,
1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 919 9200 •
Fax: +41 22 919 9227
Cape Verde
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Cape Verde to the
United Nations
Avenue Blanc 47
PO Box 80, 1211 Genève 25
Tel: +41 22 733 3336 •
Fax: +41 22 731 3540
Central African Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Central African Republic to the
United Nations
Route de Colovrex 16
PO Box 115, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 920 6000 •
Fax: +41 22 920 6001
Permanent Representative of
Chile to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 58 (4ième
PO Box 332, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 919 8800 •
Fax: +41 22 734 5297
Permanent Representative of the
People’s Republic of China to the
United Nations
Chemin de Surville 11
PO Box 85, 1213 Petit-Lancy 2
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Tel: +41 22 792 2548/2543 or
793 3591 •
Fax: +41 22 793 7014
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Colombia to the United Nations
Chemin du Champ-d’Anier
17–19, 1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 798 4554/4555 •
Fax: +41 22 791 0787
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Congo to the
United Nations
Chemin de Thury 2, 1206 Genève
Tel: +41 22 346 6124 •
Fax: +41 22 346 6192
Costa Rica
Permanent Representative of
Costa Rica to the United Nations
Rue de Butini 11, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 2587 •
Fax: +41 22 731 2069
Email: [email protected]
Côte d’Ivoire
Permanent Representative of
Côte d’Ivoire to the United
Route de Ferney 149H
PO Box 315, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 717 0250 •
Fax: +41 22 717 0260
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Croatia to the United
Route de Ferney 25, 1202
Tel: +41 22 740 3243/3244 •
Fax: +41 22 740 3251
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Cuba to the United Nations
Chemin de Valérie 100, 1292
Tel: +41 22 758 9430 •
Fax: +41 22 758 9431
Email: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Cyprus to the United Nations
Chemin François-Lehmann 34
(7ième étage)
PO Box 113, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 2150/2175 •
Fax: +41 22 791 0084
Czech Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Czech Republic to the United
Chemin Louis Dunant 17
PO Box 109, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 740 3888/3668/3661 •
Fax: +41 22 740 3662
Email: [email protected]
11:39 am
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Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea
Permanent Representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea to the United Nations
Chemin de Plonjon 1, 1207
Tel: +41 22 735 4370 •
Fax: +41 22 786 0662
Democratic Republic of the
Permanent Representative of the
Democratic Republic of the
Congo to the United Nations
Avenue de Budé 18 (Local 1822),
1202 Genève
PO Box 2595, 1211 Genève 2
Tel: +41 22 740 3744 •
Fax: +41 22 740 3744
Permanent Representative of
Denmark to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 56 (7ième
PO Box 435, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 918 0040 •
Fax: +41 22 918 0066
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Commonwealth of Dominica to
the United Nations
1 Colingham Gardens, Earls
Court, London, SW5 0HW, UK
Royame-Uni de Grande-Bretagne
et d’Irlande du Nord
Tel: +44 20 7370 5194/5195 •
Fax: +44 20 7373 8743
Email: [email protected]
Dominican Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Dominican Republic to the
United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 65 (2ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 3079 •
Fax: +41 22 741 0590
Permanent Representative of
Ecuador to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 145 (7ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 4879/5289 •
Fax: +41 22 738 2676
Permanent Representative of the
Arab Republic of Egypt to the
United Nations
Avenue Blanc 49 (2ième étage),
1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 6530/6539/2638 •
Fax: +41 22 738 4415
El Salvador
Permanent Representative of El
Salvador to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 65 (2ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 732 7036 •
Fax: +41 22 738 4744
75363,[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Eritrea to the United Nations
9 rue du Vermont
PO Box 85, 1211 Geneva 20
Tel: +41 22 740 2840 •
Fax: +41 22 740 4949
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Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Estonia to the United
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28a,
1209 Genève
PO Box 358, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 919 1980 •
Fax: +41 22 919 1981
Permanent Representative of the
Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 56
PO Box 338, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 919 7010 •
Fax: +41 22 919 7029
Email: [email protected]
Pregny 36, 1292 Chambésy
Tel: +41 22 758 9111 •
Fax: +41 22 758 9137/2449
Permanent Representative of the
Gabonese Republic to the United
Avenue Blanc 47
PO Box 12, 1211 Genève 7
Tel: +41 22 731 6869/6847 •
Fax: +41 22 731 6866
Permanent Representative of the
Gambia to the United Nations
Rue du Rhône 30, 1204 Genève
Tel: +41 22 312 4347 •
Fax: +41 22 312 4358
Permanent Representative of
Finland to the United Nations
Rue Pré-de-la-Bichette 1
PO Box 198, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 919 4242 •
Fax: +41 22 740 0287
Permanent Representative of
Georgia to the United Nations
Rue Richard Wagner 1 (6ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 919 1010/1017 •
Fax: +41 22 733 9033
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Permanent Representative of the
Former Yugoslav Republic of
143 Rue de Lausanne, 1202
Tel: +41 22 731 2930 •
Fax: +41 22 731 2939
Permanent Representative of
Germany to the United Nations
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28C,
1209 Genève
PO Box 171, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 730 1111 •
Fax: +41 22 734 3043
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
France to the United Nations
Villa ‘Les Ormeaux’, Route de
Permanent Representative of
Ghana to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 56, 1209
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Tel: +41 22 919 0450/0452 •
Fax: +41 22 734 9161
Permanent Representative of
Greece to the United Nations
Place Saint-Gervais 1, 1201
Tel: +41 22 732 3356/3357 •
Fax: +41 22 732 2150
Permanent Representative of
Grenada to the United Nations
Bureaux 40 et 41, Avenue Luis
Casai 18, 1228 Genève 28
Tel: +41 22 747 7741 •
Fax: +41 22 747 7914
Permanent Representative of
Guatemala to the United Nations
1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 734 5573 or 733 0850 •
Fax: +41 22 733 1429
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Guinea to the United
Rue du Valais 7–9, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 6555 •
Fax: +41 22 731 6554
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Guinea-Bissau to the
United Nations
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 70,
1050 Bruxelles, Belgique
Tel: +32 2 647 0890/1351 •
Fax: +32 2 640 4312
Permanent Representative of
Haiti to the United Nations
Rue de Monthoux 64–1201
Tel: +41 22 732 7628 •
Fax: +41 22 732 5536
Permanent Representative of
Honduras to the United Nations
Chemin de Taverney 13, 1218
Tel: +41 22 710 0760 •
Fax: +41 22 710 0766
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Hungary to the
United Nations
Avenue de Champel 81, 1206
Tel: +41 22 346 0323/5165 or
347 9147 •
Fax: +41 22 346 5861
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Iceland to the United Nations
49 Avenue Blanc
PO Box 86, 1211 Geneva 20
Tel: +41 22 716 1700 •
Fax: +41 22 716 1707
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of
India to the United Nations
Rue du Valais 9 (6ième étage),
1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 732 0859 •
Fax: +41 22 731 5471 or 738 4548
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Indonesia to the
United Nations
Rue de Saint-Jean 16, 1203
PO Box 2271, 1211 Genève 2
Tel: +41 22 345 3350 •
Fax: +41 22 345 5733
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the
United Nations
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex
28,1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 733 3001/3004 •
Fax: +41 22 733 0203
Permanent Representative of
Iraq to the United Nations
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28A,
1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 918 0980 •
Fax: +41 22 733 0326
Permanent Representative of
Ireland to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 58 ( (8ième
PO Box 2566, 1209 Genève (non
pas 1211 Genève 19)
Tel: +41 22 732 8550 •
Fax: +41 22 732 8106 or 731
Email: pmungeneva.ireland@
Permanent Representative of
Israel to the United Nations
Avenue de la Paix 1–3, 1202
Tel: +41 22 716 0500 •
Fax: +41 22 716 0555
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Italy to the United Nations
Chemin de l’Impératrice 10,
1292 Pregny
Tel: +41 22 918 0810 •
Fax: +41 22 734 6702 or 733
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
36 rue de Lausanne, 1201
Tel: +41 22 731 5780 •
Fax: +41 22 738 4420
Permanent Representative of
Japan to the United Nations
Chemin des Fins 3
PO Box 337, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 717 3111 •
Fax: +41 22 788 3811
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to
the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 45–47
PO Box 1716, 1211 Genève 1
Tel: +41 22 731 7134/7135 •
Fax: +41 22 738 5841
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Kazakhstan to the
United Nations
Chemin de Prunier 10
PO Box 6, 1218 Grand-Saconnex
Tel: +41 22 788 6660 •
Fax: +41 22 788 6602
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Kenya to the United
Avenue de la Paix 1–3 (1ère
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 906 4050 •
Fax: +41 22 731 2905
Permanent Representative of the
State of Kuwait to the United
Avenue de l’Ariana 2, 1202
Tel: +41 22 918 0100 •
Fax: +41 22 740 2155 or 918
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Kyrgyz Republic to the United
Rue Manoir26, 1207 Genève
Tel: +41 22 707 9220 •
Fax: +41 22 707 9221
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Latvia to the United
Rue de Lausanne 137 (6ième
PO Box 193, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 738 5111 •
Fax: +41 22 738 5171
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Lebanon to the United Nations
Parc des Mayens 28, 1218
Tel: +41 22 791 8585 •
Fax: +41 22 791 8580
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Lesotho to the
United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 44 (1ère
étage), 1201 Genève
Tel: +41 22 900 0505 •
Fax: +41 22 900 0525
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Permanent Representative of the
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya to the United Nations
Chemin de Champ-Vovan 10,
1294 Genthod
Tel: +41 22 774 3073 •
Fax: +41 22 774 3073
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of the
Principality of Liechtenstein to
the United Nations
Rue de Montbrillant 54–56, 1202
PO Box 158, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 734 2900 •
Fax: +41 22 734 2951
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Lithuania to the
United Nations
Avenue du Bouchet 18, 1209
Tel: +41 22 734 5101 •
Fax: +41 22 734 5070
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Luxembourg to the United
Chemin de la Rochette (4ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 919 1929 •
Fax: +41 22 919 1920
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Madagascar to the
United Nations
Avenue Riant-Parc 32, 1209
Tel: +41 22 740 1650/2714 •
Fax: +41 22 740 1616
Permanent Representative of
Malaysia to the United Nations
International Centre Cointrin
(ICC), 1ère étage – bloc H, Route
de Pré-Bois 20
PO Box 18341, 1215 Genève 15
Tel: +41 22 788 1505/1509/1523 •
Fax: +41 22 788 0492
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Mali to the United
Basteistrasse 86, 53173 Bonn,
Allemagne, Germany
Tel: +49 22 835 7048 •
Fax: +49 22 836 1922
Permanent Representative of
Malta to the United Nations
Parc du Château-Banquet 26,
1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 901 0580 •
Fax: +41 22 738 1120
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic Republic of Mauritania
to the United Nations
Avenue Blanc 46, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 906 1840 •
Fax: +41 22 906 1841
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Mauritius to the
United Nations
11:39 am
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Chemin Louis-Dunant 7–9, 1202
Tel: +41 22 734 8550 •
Fax: +41 22 734 8630
Permanent Representative of
Mexico to the United Nations
Avenue de Budé 16 (7ième
étage), 1202 Genève
PO Box 433, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 748 0707 •
Fax: +41 22 748 0708
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Mongolia to the United Nations
Chemin des Mollies 4, 1293
Tel: +41 22 774 1974/1975 •
Fax: +41 22 774 3201
Email:[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Monaco to the United Nations
56 rue de Moillebeau, 1209
Tel: +41 22 919 046 •
Fax: +41 22 919 0469
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Morocco to the
United Nations
Chemin François-Lehmann 18A
PO Box 244, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 1535/1536 •
Fax: +41 22 798 4702
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Mozambique to the
United Nations
Rue Gautier 13 (1ère étage),
1201 Genève
Tel: +41 22 901 1783 •
Fax: +41 22 901 1784
Permanent Representative of the
Union of Myanmar to the United
Avenue Blanc 47, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 7540/7549 •
Fax: +41 22 738 4882
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Nepal to the United
Rue de la Servette 81, 1201
Tel: +41 22 733 2600/2621 •
Fax: +41 22 733 2722
The Netherlands
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of The Netherlands to
the United Nations
Chemin des Anémones 11,
PO Box 276, 1219 Châtelaine
Tel: +41 22 795 1500 •
Fax: +41 22 795 1515
New Zealand
Permanent Representative of
New Zealand to the United
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28a
11:39 am
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PO Box 334, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 734 9530 •
Fax: +41 22 734 3062
Permanent Representative of
Nicaragua to the United Nations
Rue du Roveray 16, 1207
Tel: +41 22 737 3090 •
Fax: +41 22 736 6012
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Niger to the United Nations
78, avenue Franklin Roosevelt,
1050 Bruxelles, Belgique
Tel: +32 2 648 6140 •
Fax: +32 2 648 2784
Permanent Representative of
Nigeria to the United Nations
Rue Richard Wagner 1, 1211
Genève 2
Tel: +41 22 730 1414/1415/1416 •
Fax: +41 22 734 1053
Email:[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Norway to the United Nations
Avenue de Budé 35
PO Box 274, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 918 0400 •
Fax: +41 22 918 0410/0411
Permanent Representative of the
Sultanate of Oman to the United
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28b
(entrée C), 1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 733 7320/7329 or
734 1453 •
Fax: +41 22 740 1075
Email:[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Pakistan to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 56 (4ième
PO Box 434, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 734 7760 •
Fax: +41 22 734 8085
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Panama to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 72,1202
Tel: +41 22 715 0450 •
Fax: +41 22 738 0363
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Paraguay to the United Nations
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28a,
1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 740 3211/3213 •
Fax: +41 22 740 3290
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Peru to the United Nations
Avenue Louis Casai 71, Geneva
PO Box 160, 1216 Cointrin,
11:39 am
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Tel: +41 22 791 7720 •
Fax: +41 22 791 7728/7729
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Philippines to
the United Nations
Avenue Blanc 47, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 716 1930/1933/1939 •
Fax: +41 22 716 1932
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Poland to the United
Chemin de l’Ancienne Route 15
PO Box 126, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 1161/1162/1170 •
Fax: +41 22 798 1175
Permanent Representative of
Portugal to the United Nations
PO Box 51, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 918 0200 •
Fax: +41 22 918 0228
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
State of Qatar to the United
Route de Ferney 149b, 1218
Tel: +41 22 798 8500/8501 •
Fax: +41 22 791 0485
Republic of Korea
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Korea to the United
Avenue de l’Ariana 1
PO Box 42, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 748 0000 •
Fax: +41 22 748 0001
Republic of Moldova
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Moldova to the
United Nations
Chemin du Régiment-de-Conti
14, 1290 Versoix
Tel: +41 22 755 1890/1891 •
Fax: +41 22 755 1880
Permanent Representative of
Romania to the United Nations
Chemin de la Perrière 6, 1223
Tel: +41 22 752 1090/5555 •
Fax: +41 22 752 2976
Russian Federation
Permanent Representative of the
Russian Federation to the United
Avenue de la Paix 15
PO Box, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 733 1870 or 734
6630/4618 •
Fax: +41 22 734 4044
Permanent Representative of the
Rwandese Republic to the United
Rue de la Servette 93, 1202
11:39 am
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Tel: +41 22 919 1000 •
Fax: +41 22 919 1001
San Marino
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of San Marino to the
United Nations
Rue de la Faucille 14, 1201
Tel: +41 22 918 5020 or 740 1231 •
Fax: +41 22 918 5030
Saudi Arabia
Permanent Representative of
Saudi Arabia to the United
Route de Lausanne 263, 1292
Tel: +41 22 758 2441 •
Fax: +41 22 758 0000
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Senegal to the
United Nations
Rue de la Servette 93, 1202
Tel: +41 22 918 0230 •
Fax: +41 22 740 0711
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Singapore to the
United Nations
Route de Pré-Bois 20, ICC, Bloc
G (6ième étage)
PO Box 1910, 1215 Genève 15
Tel: +41 22 929 6655 •
Fax: +41 22 929 6658
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Slovak Republic to the United
Chemin de l’Ancienne route 9
PO Box 160, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 9181/9182 •
Fax: +41 22 788 0919
Permanent Representative of
Slovenia to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 147, 1202
Tel: +41 22 738 6660 •
Fax: +41 22 738 6665
Permanent Representative of the
Somali Republic to the United
Rue du Valais 9, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 5450 •
Fax: 41 22 798 0732
South Africa
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of South Africa to the
United Nations
Rue du Rhône 65, 1204 Genève
Tel: +41 22 849 5454 •
Fax: +41 22 849 5432
Permanent Representative of
Spain to the United Nations
Avenue Blanc 53, 1202 Genève
PO Box 201, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 731 22 30 or 732
9930 •
Fax: +41 22 731 5370
11:39 am
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Sri Lanka
Permanent Representative of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 56 (5ième
PO Box 436, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 919 1250 •
Fax: +41 22 734 9084
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Sudan to the
United Nations
Avenue Blanc 49, 1202 Genève
PO Box 335, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 731 2663/2666 •
Fax: +41 22 731 2656
Permanent Representative of
Sweden to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 82, 1202
PO Box 190, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 908 0800 •
Fax: +41 22 908 0810
Permanent Representative of
Switzerland to the United
9/11 rue de Varembé, 1211
Geneva 20
Tel: +41 22 749 2424 •
Fax: +41 22 749 2437
Syrian Arab Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the
United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 72 (3ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 732 6522/6626 •
Fax: +41 22 738 4275
Permanent Representative of
Thailand to the United Nations
Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28b,
1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 734 2010/2018/2020 •
Fax: +41 22 733 3678
Permanent Representative of
Togo to the United Nations
8, Rue Alfred Roll, 75017 Paris,
Tel: +33 14 380 1213 •
Fax: +33 14 380 9071
Trinidad and Tobago
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
to the United Nations
Rue de Vermont 37–39, 1211
Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 918 0380 •
Fax: +41 22 734 9138
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Tunisia to the United Nations
Rue de Moillebeau 58, Geneva
PO Box 272, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 734 8450/8459 •
Fax: +41 22 734 0663
Permanent Representative of
Turkey to the United Nations
11:39 am
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Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28B,
PO Box 371, 1211 Genève 19
Tel: +41 22 918 5080 •
Fax: +41 22 734 0859/5209
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Uganda to the
United Nations
Rue Antoine Carteret 6 bis, 1202
Tel: +41 22 339 8810 •
Fax: +41 22 340 3525
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Ukraine to the United Nations
Rue de l’Orangerie 14, 1202
Tel: +41 22 740 3270 •
Fax: +41 22 734 3801
United Arab Emirates
Rue de Moillebeau 58, 1209
Tel: +41 22 918 0000 •
Fax: +41 22 734 5562
United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
Permanent Representative of the
United Kingdom to the United
Rue de Vermont 37–39, 1211
Genève 20
PO Box, 1211 Genève 20
Tel: +41 22 918 2300 •
Fax: +41 22 918 2333
Email: [email protected]
United Republic of Tanzania
Permanent Representative of the
United Republic of Tanzania to
the United Nations
Avenue Blanc 47, 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 731 8920 •
Fax: +41 22 732 8255
Email: [email protected]
United States of America
Permanent Representative of the
United States to the United
Route de Pregny 11, 1292
Tel: +41 22 749 4111 •
Fax: +41 22 749 4880
Permanent Representative of
Uruguay to the United Nations
Rue de Lausanne 65 (4ième
étage), 1202 Genève
Tel: +41 22 732 8366 •
Fax: +41 22 731 5650
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Venezuela to the United Nations
Chemin François-Lehmann 18A
PO Box 144, 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798
2621/2622/2623/2058/2065 •
Fax: +41 22 798 5877
Viet Nam
Permanent Representative of the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to
the United Nations
Chemin François-Lehmann 18A
11:39 am
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(1ère étage), 1218 GrandSaconnex
Tel: +41 22 798 2485 •
Fax: +41 22 798 0724
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Yemen to the United
Chemin du Jonc 19, 1216
Tel: +41 22 799 0510 •
Fax: +41 22 798 0465
Email: [email protected]
Permanent Representative of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to
the United Nations
Chemin Thury 5, 1206 Genève
Tel: +41 22 839 3344 •
Fax: +41 22 839 3359
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Zambia to the United
Chemin du Champ-d’Anier
17–19, 1209 Genève
Tel: +41 22 788 5330/5331 •
Fax: +41 22 788 5340
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Zimbabwe to the
United Nations
Chemin William Barbey 27, 1292
Tel: +41 22 758 3011/3013/3026 •
Fax: +41 22 758 3044
New York3
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic State of Afghanistan to
the United Nations
360 Lexington Avenue, 11th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 972 1212/1213 •
Fax: (212) 972 1216
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Albania to the United
320 East 79th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 249 2059/5654/5631 •
Fax: (212) 535 2917
Permanent Representative of
Algeria to the United Nations
326 East 48th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 750 1960/1961/1962 •
Fax: (212) 759 9538
Permanent Representative of the
Principality of Andorra to the
United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, 25th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 750 8064/8065 •
Fax: (212) 750 6630
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Angola to the United
125 East 73rd Street, New York,
11:39 am
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NY 10021
Tel: (212) 861 5656 •
Fax: (212) 861 9295
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949 1840 •
Fax: (212) 953 1302
Antigua and Barbuda
Permanent Representative of
Antigua and Barbuda to the
United Nations
610 Fifth Avenue, Suite 311, New
York, NY 10020
Tel: (212) 541 4117 •
Fax: (212) 757 1607
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Azerbaijan to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
560, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 371 2559/2832/2721 •
Fax: (212) 371 2784/2672
Permanent Representative of
Argentina to the United Nations
1 United Nations Plaza, 25th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 688 6300 •
Fax: (212) 980 8395
Permanent Representative of the
Commonwealth of the Bahamas
to the United Nations
231 East 46th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 421 6925/6926/6929 •
Fax: (212) 759 2135
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Armenia to the
United Nations
119 East 36th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 686 9079 •
Fax: (212) 686 3934
Permanent Representative of
Australia to the United Nations
150 East 42nd Street, 33rd Floor,
New York, NY 10017–5612
Tel: (212) 351 6600 •
Fax: (212) 351 6610
Permanent Representative of
Austria to the United Nations
823 United Nations Plaza, 8th
Permanent Representative of the
State of Bahrain to the United
866 Second Avenue, 14th and
15th Floors, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 223 6200 •
Fax: (212) 319 0687
Permanent Representative of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh
to the United Nations
821 United Nations Plaza, 8th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 867
3434/3435/3436/3427 or 972
1267/1317/4310 •
Fax: (212) 972 4038
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of
Barbados to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, 2nd Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 867
8431/8432/8433/8434/8435 •
Fax: (212) 986 1030
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Bhutan to the
United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, 27th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 826 1919 •
Fax: (212) 826 2998
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Belarus to the United
136 East 67th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 535 3420 •
Fax: (212) 734 4810
Permanent Representative of
Bolivia to the United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, 8th Floor
(Room 802), New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 682 8132 •
Fax: (212) 687 4642
Permanent Representative of
Belgium to the United Nations
823 United Nations Plaza, 4th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 378 6300 •
Fax: (212) 681 7618/7619
Permanent Representative of
Belize to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400G,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 0233 •
Fax: (212) 599 3391
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Benin to the United
4 East 73rd Street, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 249 6014, 6025 •
Fax: (212) 734 4735
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina to the United
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
580, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 751 9015 •
Fax: (212) 751 9019
Permanent Representative of
Botswana to the United Nations
103 East 37th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 889 2277/2331/2491 •
Fax: (212) 725 5061
Permanent Representative of
Brazil to the United Nations
747 Third Avenue, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 372 2600 •
Fax: (212) 371 5716
11:39 am
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Brunei Darussalam
Permanent Representative of
Brunei Darussalam to the United
771 First Avenue, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 697 3465 •
Fax: (212) 697 9889
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Bulgaria to the
United Nations
11 East 84th Street, New York,
NY 10028
Tel: (212) 737 4790/4791 or 327
4180/4181 •
Fax: (212) 472 9865
Burkina Faso
Permanent Representative of
Burkina Faso to the United
115 East 73rd Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 288 7515/7527 •
Fax: (212) 772 3562
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Burundi to the
United Nations
336 East 45th Street, 12th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 499
0001/0002/0003/0004/0005 •
Fax: (212) 499 0006
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Cambodia to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Room
420, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 223 0676/0435/0530 •
Fax: (212) 223 0425
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Cameroon to the
United Nations
22 East 73rd Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 794
2295/2296/2297/2298/2299 •
Fax: (212) 249 0533
Permanent Representative of
Canada to the United Nations
1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885
Second Avenue, 14th Floor, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 848 1100 •
Fax: (212) 848 1192
Cape Verde
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Cape Verde to the
United Nations
27 East 69th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 472 0333 •
Fax: (212) 794 1398
Central African Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Central African Republic to the
United Nations
386 Park Avenue South, Room
1114, New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 679 8089/7439 •
Fax: (212) 545 8326
11:39 am
Page 104
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Chad to the United
211 East 43rd Street, Suite 1703,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 0980 •
Fax: (212) 986 0152
Permanent Representative of
Chile to the United Nations
3 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 305
East 47th Street, 10th/11th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 832 3323 •
Fax: (212) 832 8714
Permanent Representative of the
People’s Republic of China to the
United Nations
350 East 35th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 655 6100 •
Fax: (212) 634 7626
[email protected]
Permanent Representative of
Colombia to the United Nations
140 East 57th Street, 5th Floor,
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 355 7776 •
Fax: (212) 371 2813
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic Federal Republic of the
Comoros to the United Nations
420 East 50th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 972 8010/8042 •
Fax: (212) 983 4712
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Congo to the
United Nations
14 East 65th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 744 7840/7841/7842 •
Fax: (212) 744 7975
Costa Rica
Permanent Representative of
Costa Rica to the United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, Room 903,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 6373 •
Fax: (212) 986 6842
Côte d’Ivoire
Permanent Representative of
Côte d’Ivoire to the United
46 East 74th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 717 5555 •
Fax: (212) 717 4492
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Croatia to the United
820 Second Avenue, 19th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 1585 •
Fax: (212) 986 2011
Permanent Representative of
Cuba to the United Nations
11:39 am
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315 Lexington Avenue and 38th
Street, New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 689 7215/7216/7217 •
Fax: (212) 779 1697
Permanent Representative of
Cyprus to the United Nations
13 East 40th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 481 6023/6024/6025 •
Fax: (212) 685 7316 or 779 0244
or 689 5716
Czech Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Czech Republic to the United
1109 Madison Avenue, New York,
NY 10028
Tel: (212) 535 8814/8815/8818 •
Fax: (212) 772 0586
Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea
Permanent Representative of the
Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea to the United Nations
820 Second Avenue, 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 972 3105/3106/3128 •
Fax: (212) 972 3154
Democratic Republic of the
Permanent Representative of the
Democratic Republic of the
Congo to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
511, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 319 8061 •
Fax: (212) 319 8232
Permanent Representative of
Denmark to the United Nations
1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885
Second Avenue, 18th Floor, New
York, NY 10017–2201
Tel: (212) 308 7009/2177 •
Fax: (212) 308 3384
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Djibouti to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
4011, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 753 3163 •
Fax: (212) 223 1276
Permanent Representative of the
Commonwealth of Dominica to
the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400H,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949 0853 •
Fax: (212) 808 4975
Dominican Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Dominican Republic to the
United Nations
144 East 44th Street, 4th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 867 0833 •
Fax: (212) 986 4694
Permanent Representative of
Ecuador to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Room
516, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 935 1680/1681 •
Fax: (212) 935 1835
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of the
Arab Republic of Egypt to the
United Nations
304 East 44th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 503 0300 •
Fax: (212) 949 5999
Permanent Representative of the
Federal Democratic Republic of
Ethiopia to the United Nations
866 Second Avenue, Third Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 421 1830 •
Fax: (212) 754 0360
El Salvador
Permanent Representative of El
Salvador to the United Nations
46 Park Avenue, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 679 1616/1617 •
Fax: (212) 725 7831
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Fiji Islands to the
United Nations
630 Third Avenue, 7th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 687 4130 •
Fax: (212) 687 3963
Equatorial Guinea
Permanent Representative of
Equatorial Guinea to the United
57 Magnolia Avenue, Mount
Vernon, NY 10553
Tel: (914) 667 8999 •
Fax: (914) 667 8778
Permanent Representative of
Eritrea to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, 18th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 687 3390 •
Fax: (212) 687 3138
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Estonia to the United
600 Third Avenue, 26th Floor,
New York, NY 10016–2001
Tel: (212) 883 0640 •
Fax: (212) 883 0648
Permanent Representative of
Finland to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
222, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 355 2100 •
Fax: (212) 759 6156
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Permanent Representative of the
Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
517, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 308 8504/8723 •
Fax: (212) 308 8724
Permanent Representative of
France to the United Nations
1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 245
East 47th Street, 44th Floor, New
York, NY 10017
11:39 am
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Tel: (212) 308 5700 •
Fax: (212) 421 6889
Tel: (212) 832 1300 •
Fax: (212) 751 6743
Permanent Representative of the
Gabonese Republic to the United
18 East 41st Street, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 686 9720 •
Fax: (212) 689 5769
Permanent Representative of
Greece to the United Nations
866 Second Avenue, 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10017–2905
Tel: (212) 888 6900 •
Fax: (212) 888 4440
Permanent Representative of the
Gambia to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400F,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949 6640 •
Fax: (212) 808 4975
Permanent Representative of
Georgia to the United Nations
1 United Nations Plaza, 26th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 759 1949 •
Fax: (212) 759 1832
Permanent Representative of
Germany to the United Nations
871 United Nations Plaza (First
Avenue and 48th/49th Streets),
New York, NY 10017–1814
Tel: (212) 940 0400 •
Fax: (212) 940 0402
Permanent Representative of
Ghana to the United Nations
19 East 47th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Permanent Representative of
Grenada to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400K,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 0301/0302 •
Fax: (212) 599 1540
Permanent Representative of
Guatemala to the United Nations
57 Park Avenue, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 679 4760 •
Fax: (212) 685 8741
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Guinea to the United
140 East 39th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 687 8115/8116/8117 •
Fax: (212) 687 8248
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Guinea-Bissau to the
United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, Room 704,
New York, NY 10017
11:39 am
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Tel: (212) 338 9394/9380 •
Fax: (212) 293 0264
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Guyana to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
555, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 527 3232/3233 •
Fax: (212) 935 7548
Permanent Representative of
Haiti to the United Nations
801 Second Avenue, Room 600,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 370 4840 •
Fax: (212) 661 8698
Permanent Representative of
Honduras to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
417, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 752 3370/3371 •
Fax: (212) 223 0498 or 751 0403
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Hungary to the
United Nations
227 East 52nd Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 752 0209 or 755
5419/4594/6290 •
Fax: (212) 755 5395
Permanent Representative of
Iceland to the United Nations
800 Third Avenue, 36th Floor,
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 593 2700 •
Fax: (212) 593 6269
Permanent Representative of
India to the United Nations
235 East 43rd Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 490 9660 •
Fax: (212) 490 9656
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Indonesia to the
United Nations
325 East 38th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 972 8333 •
Fax: (212) 972 9780
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic Republic of Iran to the
United Nations
622 Third Avenue, 34th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 687 2020 •
Fax: (212) 867 7086
Permanent Representative of
Iraq to the United Nations
14 East 79th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 737 4433 •
Fax: (212) 772 1794
Permanent Representative of
Ireland to the United Nations
1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885
11:39 am
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Second Avenue, 19th Floor, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 421 6934 •
Fax: (212) 752 4726
Permanent Representative of
Israel to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 499 5510 •
Fax: (212) 499 5515
Permanent Representative of
Italy to the United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, 24th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 486 9191 •
Fax: (212) 486 1036
Permanent Representative of
Jamaica to the United Nations
767 Third Avenue, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 935 7509 •
Fax: (212) 935 7607
Permanent Representative of
Japan to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, 2nd
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 223 4300 •
Fax: (212) 751 1966
Permanent Representative of the
Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to
the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
552, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 752 0135, 0136 •
Fax: (212) 826 0830
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Kazakhstan to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
586, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 230 1900/1192 •
Fax: (212) 230 1172
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Kenya to the United
866 United Nations Plaza, Room
486, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 421 4740 •
Fax: (212) 486 1985
At the time of publication,
Kiribati does not have
representation in New York.
Permanent Representative of the
State of Kuwait to the United
321 East 44th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 973 4300 •
Fax: (212) 370 1733
Permanent Representative of the
Kyrgyz Republic to the United
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
477, New York, NY 10017
11:39 am
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Tel: (212) 486 4214/4654 •
Fax: (212) 486 5259
Lao People’s Democratic
Permanent Representative of the
Lao People’s Democratic
Republic to the United Nations
317 East 51st Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 832 2734/0095 •
Fax: (212) 750 0039
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Latvia to the United
333 East 50th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 838 8877 •
Fax: (212) 838 8920
Permanent Representative of
Lebanon to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Room
531–533, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 355 5460/5461 •
Fax: (212) 838 2819
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Lesotho to the
United Nations
204 East 39th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 661
1690/1691/1692/1693 •
Fax: (212)682 4388
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Liberia to the United
820 Second Avenue, 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 687 1033/1034 •
Fax: (212) 687 1035, 1846
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Permanent Representative of the
Socialist People’s Libyan Arab
Jamahiriya to the United Nations
309–315 East 48th Street, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 752 5775 •
Fax: (212) 593 4787
Permanent Representative of the
Principality of Liechtenstein to
the United Nations
633 Third Avenue, 27th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 0220 •
Fax: (212) 599 0064
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Lithuania to the
United Nations
420 Fifth Avenue, 3rd Floor, New
York, NY 10018
Tel: (212) 354 7820 •
Fax: (212) 354 7833
Permanent Representative of
Luxembourg to the United
17 Beekman Place, New York, NY
11:39 am
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Tel: (212) 935 3589 •
Fax: (212) 935 5896
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Madagascar to the
United Nations
820 Second Avenue, Suite 800,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 9491/9492 •
Fax: (212) 986 6271
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Malawi to the United
600 Third Avenue, 21st Floor,
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 949 0180/0181/0182 •
Fax: (212) 599 5021
Permanent Representative of
Malaysia to the United Nations
313 East 43rd Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 6310 •
Fax: (212) 490 8576
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Maldives to the
United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400E,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 6194/6195 •
Fax: (212) 661 6405
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Mali to the United
111 East 69th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 737 4150 or 794 1311 •
Fax: (212) 472 3778
Permanent Representative of
Malta to the United Nations
249 East 35th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 725 2345 •
Fax: (212) 779 7097
Marshall Islands
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Marshall Islands
to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, 18th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 983 3040 •
Fax: (212) 983 3202
Permanent Representative of the
Islamic Republic of Mauritania
to the United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, Suite 2000,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 7963/8189 •
Fax: (212) 986 8419
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Mauritius to the
United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, 15th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949 0190/0191 •
Fax: (212) 697 3829
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of
Mexico to the United Nations
2 United Nations Plaza, 28th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 752 0220 •
Fax: (212) 688 8862
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Mozambique to the
United Nations
420 East 50th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 644 5965 •
Fax: (212) 644 5972
Micronesia (Federated
States of)
Permanent Representative of the
Federated States of Micronesia
to the United Nations
820 Second Avenue, Suite 17A,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 697 8370 •
Fax: (212) 697 8295
Permanent Representative of the
Union of Myanmar to the United
10 East 77th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 535 1310/1311 •
Fax: (212) 737 2421
Permanent Representative of the
Principality of Monaco to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
520, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 832 0721 •
Fax: (212) 832 5358
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Namibia to the
United Nations
135 East 36th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 685 2003 •
Fax: (212) 685 1561
Permanent Representative of
Mongolia to the United Nations
6 East 77th Street, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 861 9460/472 6517 •
Fax: (212) 861 9464
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Nauru to the United
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400D,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 937 0074 •
Fax: (212) 937 0079
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Morocco to the
United Nations
866 Second Avenue, 6th and 7th
Floors, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 421 1580 •
Fax: (212) 980 1512
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Nepal to the United
820 Second Avenue, Suite 17B,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 370 3988/3989 •
Fax: (212) 953 2038
11:39 am
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The Netherlands
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of The Netherlands to
the United Nations
235 East 45th Street, 16th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 697 5547 •
Fax: (212) 370 1954
Permanent Representative of
Norway to the United Nations
825 Third Avenue, 39th Floor,
New York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 421
0280/0281/0282/0283/0284 •
Fax: (212) 688 0554
New Zealand
Permanent Representative of
New Zealand to the United
1 United Nations Plaza, 25th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 826 1960 •
Fax: (212) 758 0827
Permanent Representative of the
Sultanate of Oman to the United
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
540, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 355 3505/3506/3507 •
Fax: (212) 644 0070
Permanent Representative of
Nicaragua to the United Nations
820 Second Avenue, 8th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 490 7997 •
Fax: (212) 286 0815
Permanent Representative of
Pakistan to the United Nations
Pakistan House, 8 East 65th
Street, New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 879 8600 •
Fax: (212) 744 7348
Permanent Representative of the
Niger to the United Nations
417 East 50th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 421 3260/3261/3286 •
Fax: (212) 753 6931
At the time of publication, Palau
does not have representation in
New York.
Permanent Representative of
Nigeria to the United Nations
828 Second Avenue, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 953 9130 •
Fax: (212) 697 1970
Permanent Representative of
Panama to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
4030, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 421 5420/5421 •
Fax: (212) 421 2694
Papua New Guinea
Permanent Representative of
Papua New Guinea to the United
11:39 am
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201 East 42nd Street, Suite 405,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 557 5001 •
Fax: (212) 557 5009
Permanent Representative of
Paraguay to the United Nations
211 East 43rd Street, Suite 400,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 687 3490/3491 •
Fax: (212) 818 1282
Permanent Representative of
Peru to the United Nations
820 Second Avenue, Suite 1600,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 687 3336 •
Fax: (212) 972 6975
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Philippines to
the United Nations
556 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor, New
York, NY 10036
Tel: (212) 764
1300/1301/1302/1303/1304 or
704 7322 •
Fax: (212) 840 8602
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Poland to the United
9 East 66th Street, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 744 2506 •
Fax: (212) 517 6771
Permanent Representative of
Portugal to the United Nations
866 Second Avenue, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 759
9444/9445/9446/9447 •
Fax: (212) 355 1124
Permanent Representative of the
State of Qatar to the United
809 United Nations Plaza, 4th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 486 9335/9336 •
Fax: (212) 758 4952 or 308 5630
Republic of Korea
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Korea to the United
335 East 45th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 439 4000 •
Fax: (212) 986 1083
Republic of Moldova
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Moldova to the
United Nations
573–577 Third Avenue, New
York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 682 3523 •
Fax: (212) 682 6274
Permanent Representative of
Romania to the United Nations
573–577 Third Avenue, New
York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 682 3273/3274 or 818
11:39 am
Page 115
1491/1496 •
Fax: (212) 682 9746
Russian Federation
Permanent Representative of the
Russian Federation to the United
136 East 67th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 861 4900/4901/4902 •
Fax: (212) 628 0252
Permanent Representative of the
Rwandese Republic to the United
124 East 39th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 679 9010/9023/9024 •
Fax: (212) 679 9133
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Permanent Representative of
Saint Kitts and Nevis to the
United Nations
414 East 75th Street, 5th Floor,
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 535 1234 •
Fax: (212) 535 6854
Saint Lucia
Permanent Representative of
Saint Lucia to the United
800 Second Avenue, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 697 9360/9361 •
Fax: (212) 697 4993
Saint Vincent and the
Permanent Representative of
Saint Vincent and the
Grenadines to the United
801 Second Avenue, 21st Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 0950 •
Fax: (212) 599 1020
Permanent Representative of the
Independent State of Samoa to
the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400J,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 6196/6197 •
Fax: (212) 599 0797 or 972 3970
San Marino
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of San Marino to the
United Nations
327 East 50th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 751 1234 •
Fax: (212) 751 1436
Sao Tome and Principe
Permanent Representative of
Sao Tome and Principe to the
United Nations
400 Park Avenue, 7th Floor, New
York, NY 10022
Tel: (212) 317 0533 •
Fax: (212) 317 0580
Saudi Arabia
Permanent Representative of
Saudi Arabia to the United
405 Lexington Avenue, 56th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 697 4830 •
Fax: (212) 983 4895
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Senegal to the
United Nations
238 East 68th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 517 9030/9031/9032 •
Fax: (212) 517 7628
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Seychelles to the
United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400C,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 972 1785 •
Fax: (212) 972 1786
Sierra Leone
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Sierra Leone to the
United Nations
245 East 49th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 688 1656/4985 •
Fax: (212) 688 4924
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Singapore to the
United Nations
231 East 51st Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 826
0840/0841/0842/0843/0844 •
Fax: (212) 826 2964
Permanent Representative of the
Slovak Republic to the United
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
494, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 980 1558/3308/3235 •
Fax: (212) 980 3295
Permanent Representative of
Slovenia to the United Nations
600 Third Avenue, 24th Floor,
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 370 3007/1831 •
Fax: (212) 370 1824
Solomon Islands
Permanent Representative of
Solomon Islands to the United
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400L,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 599 6192/6193 •
Fax: (212) 661 8925
Permanent Representative of the
Somali Republic to the United
425 East 61st Street, Suite 702,
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 688 9410 •
Fax: (212) 7590651
South Africa
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of South Africa to the
United Nations
333 East 38th Street, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10016
Tel: (212) 213 5583 •
Fax: (212) 692 2498
Permanent Representative of
Spain to the United Nations
11:39 am
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823 United Nations Plaza, 345
East 46th Street, 9th Floor, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 661 1050 •
Fax: (212) 949 7247
Sri Lanka
Permanent Representative of the
Democratic Socialist Republic of
Sri Lanka to the United Nations
630 Third Avenue, 20th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 986 7040/7043 •
Fax: (212) 986 1838
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of the Sudan to the
United Nations
655 Third Avenue, Suite
500–510, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 573
6033/6035/6038/6039 •
Fax: (212) 573 6160
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Suriname to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
320, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 826 0660 •
Fax: (212) 980 7029
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Swaziland to the
United Nations
408 East 50th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 371 8910 •
Fax: (212) 754 2755
Permanent Representative of
Sweden to the United Nations
1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885
Second Avenue, 46th Floor, New
York, NY 10017–2201
Tel: (212) 583 2500 •
Fax: (212) 832 0389
633 Third Avenue, 29th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) (212) 286 1540 •
Fax: (212) 286 1555
Syrian Arab Republic
Permanent Representative of the
Syrian Arab Republic to the
United Nations
820 Second Avenue, 15th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 661 1313 •
Fax: (212) 983 4439
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Tajikistan to the
United Nations
136 East 67th Street, New York,
NY 10021
Tel: (212) 744 2196 •
Fax: (212) 472 7645
Permanent Representative of
Thailand to the United Nations
351 East 52nd Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 754 2230/2231 •
Fax: (212) 754 2535 or 688 3029
11:39 am
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Permanent Representative of
Togo to the United Nations
112 East 40th Street, New York,
NY 10016
Tel: (212) 490 3455/3456 •
Fax: (212) 983 6684
Permanent Representative of the
Kingdom of Tonga to the United
250 East 51st Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (917) 369 1025 •
Fax: (917) 369 1024
Trinidad and Tobago
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
to the United Nations
820 Second Avenue, 5th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 697
7620/7621/7622/7623 •
Fax: (212) 682 3580
Permanent Representative of
Tunisia to the United Nations
31 Beekman Place, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 751 7503/7534/5069 •
Fax: (212) 751 0569
Permanent Representative of
Turkey to the United Nations
821 United Nations Plaza, 10th
Floor, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949 0150 •
Fax: (212) 949 0086
Permanent Representative of
Turkmenistan to the United
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
424, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 486 8908 •
Fax: (212) 486 2521
Permanent Representative of
Tuvalu to the United Nations
800 Second Avenue, Suite 400B,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 490 0534 •
Fax: (212) 808 4975
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Uganda to the
United Nations
336 East 45th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 949 0110/0113 •
Fax: (212) 687 4517
Permanent Representative of
Ukraine to the United Nations
220 East 51st Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 759 7003 •
Fax: (212) 355 9455
United Arab Emirates
Permanent Representative of the
United Arab Emirates to the
United Nations
747 Third Avenue, 36th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 371 0480 •
Fax: (212) 371 4923
11:39 am
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United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland
Permanent Representative of the
United Kingdom to the United
1 Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza, 885
Second Avenue, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 745 9200 •
Fax: (212) 745 9316
United Republic of Tanzania
Permanent Representative of the
United Republic of Tanzania to
the United Nations
205 East 42nd Street, 13th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 972 9160 •
Fax: (212) 682 5232
United States of America
Permanent Representative of the
United States to the United
799 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017–3505
Tel: (212) 415 4000 •
Fax: (212) 415 4443
Permanent Representative of
Uruguay to the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
322, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 752 8240/8241 •
Fax: (212) 593 0935
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Uzbekistan to the
United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
326, New York, NY 10017–7671
Tel: (212) 486 4242 •
Fax: (212) 486 7998
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Vanuatu to the
United Nations
42 Broadway, Suite 1200–12–18,
New York, NY 10004
Tel: (212) 425 9600 •
Fax: (212) 425 9653
Permanent Representative of
Venezuela to the United Nations
335 East 46th Street, New York,
NY 10017
Tel: (212) 557 2055 •
Fax: (212) 557 3528
Viet Nam
Permanent Representative of the
Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to
the United Nations
866 United Nations Plaza, Suite
435, New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 644 0594 •
Fax: (212) 644 5732
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Yemen to the United
413 East 51st Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 355 1730/1731 •
Fax: (212) 750 9613
Permanent Representative of the
Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to
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the United Nations
854 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY
Tel: (212) 879 8700 •
Fax: (212) 879 8705
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Zambia to the United
800 Second Avenue, 9th Floor,
New York, NY 10017
Tel: (212) 972 7200 •
Fax: (212) 972 7360
Permanent Representative of the
Republic of Zimbabwe to the
United Nations
128 East 56th Street, New York,
NY 10022
Tel: (212) 980 9511/5084 •
Fax: (212) 308 6705
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These maps are to help you orientate yourself to the UN buildings. It is
always easier to find the coffee bar if you know where it is!
Figure 5.1 Maps of the UN buildings in Geneva and New York
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Map of the basement rooms in the UN, New York
Figure 5.2 Map of the basement rooms in the UN, New York
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Secretariat of the Convention on
International Trade in
Endangered Species
International Environment
House, Chemin des Anémones,
1219 Châtelaine, Geneva
Tel: +41 22 917 8139/8140
International Labour
4, route des Morillons, 1211
Geneva 22
Tel: +41 22 799 6111
Telecommunication Union
Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 730 5111
United Nations NonGovernmental Liaison Service
Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva,
Fax: +41 22 917 0432
Email: [email protected]
Secretary of the Basel
International Environmental
House, 13–15 Chemin des
Anemones, 1219 Chatelaine,
Tel: +41 22 917 8218
Joint United Nations Programme
20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 791 3666
United Nations Conference on
Trade and Development
Palais des Nations, 8–14 Av. de la
Paix, 1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 907 1234
United Nations Economic
Commission for Europe
Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 917 4444
United Nations Environment
Programme, European Office
International Environment
House, 11–13 Chemin des
11:40 am
Page 124
Anemones, 1219 Chatelaine,
Tel: +41 22 917 8279
United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees
8–14 Avenue de la Paix, 1211
Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9000
United Nations Industrial
Development Organization
Palais des Nations, Le Bocage,
Pavillion 1, 1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 3367
United Nations Institute for
Training and Research
International Environment
House, 11–13 Chemin des
Anemones, 1219 Chatelaine,
Tel: +41 22 917 1234
World Food Programme
Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 917 8568
World Health Organization
20 Avenue Appia, 1211, Geneva
Tel: +41 22 791 2111
World Intellectual Property
Palais des Nations, 1211 Geneva
Tel: +41 22 338 9111
World Meteorological
7 bis avenue de la Paix, 1211
Geneva 2
Tel: +41 22 780 8315
World Trade Organization
Centre William Rappard, 154 rue
de Lausanne, 1211 Geneva 21
Tel: +41 22 739 5111
New York
United Nations Division for the
Advancement of Women
1 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 3139
Outreach Chief: Amina Adam
United Nations Division for
Social Development
2 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017
11:40 am
Page 125
Focal Point for NGOs: Mr Yao
Tel: +1 212 963 3175
Focal Point for Major
Groups: Zehra Aydin Sipos
Tel: +1 212 963 8811
United Nations NonGovernmental Liaison Service
1 United Nations Plaza, DC11106, New York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 3125
Fax: +1 212 963 8712
[email protected]
NGO unit in the Department of
Economic and Social Affairs
(DESA): 1 United Nations Plaza,
14th floor
(For accreditation)
Tel: + 1 212 963 8652 • Fax: + 1
212 963 9248 or 963 4114
Contact: Hanifa Mezoui
([email protected])
Pass Office: North-west corner
of 1st Avenue and 45th Street
(Security Pass collection)
UN Conference on Trade and
2 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 4319
United Nations Development
1 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 906 5000
United Nations Environment
2 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 8144
UN Human Settlements
2 United Nations Plaza, New
York, NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 5464
11:40 am
Page 126
European Union
Food and Agricultural Organization
Global Environmental Facility
Group of 77
International Institute for Sustainable
Development (IISD) Linkages (including
Earth Negotiations Bulletin)
International Labour Organization
International Monetary Fund
International Organization of la Francophonie
NGO–NGO Link (lists UN and related events
for NGOs in NY)
Non-Governmental Liaison Service
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Organization of the Islamic Conference
Stakeholder Forum for Our Common Future
UN Daily Journal
United Nations
United Nations Children’s Fund
United Nations Conference on Trade and
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
World Bank
World Food Programme
World Health Organization
World Trade Organization
There are over 200 countries in the UN. If you are lobbying, it is
important to start working with the ones that are most active. This list
gives you 27 to start with.
11:40 am
Page 127
(key G77 regional power)
(non-block country)
(key G77 country and
UN Security Council
(key regional player)
Czech Republic
(key country in transition
and future EU member)
(usually progressive
EU member)
(key G77 regional power)
(key EU country and
UN Security Council
(key EU country with
progressive government)
(key G77 regional power)
(key G77 regional power)
(key G77 regional power
and OPEC member)
(key developed country
not in a block)
(key G77 regional power)
Name of
For or
Mobile telephone
11:40 am
New Zealand
(key non-block
progressive government)
(key G77 regional power)
(non-block country,
usually progressive)
(key G77 regional power)
(key global player,
non-block and UN Security
Council member)
Saudi Arabia
(key G77 regional power
and OPEC member)
South Africa
(key G77 regional power)
(key EU member, usually
(non-block country, usually
(progressive African country)
United Kingdom
(key EU country and
UN Security Council
United States
(key power, non-block and
UN Security Council
(key G77 regional power
and member of OPEC)
Other countries:
Page 128
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As mentioned before, although stakeholders will operate as individual
organizations, much time is spent in trying to work together. There are
some obvious benefits of this:
coordination of information;
agreement on positions (governments listen to coalitions as they
represent a larger common view and it is easier for them to take in
one or two views as opposed to hundreds);
booking of rooms;
sharing costs for replication of material;
sharing costs for hardware equipment.
From 1997 to 2001, I was co-chair of the Commission on Sustainable
Development (CSD) NGO Steering Committee. The committee acted as
the main space for coordinating NGOs at the CSD. During that time we
introduced some very useful norms and standards. I would like to take
you through a few that might be useful.
The norms for a caucus were as follows:
Issue caucuses had to be recognized by the CSD NGO Steering
Membership in caucuses was only on an organizational basis, as
opposed to individually. Any accredited NGO could become a
member of any caucus.
Issue caucuses had to consist of at least ten accredited NGOs.
A registration of the members of each caucus was kept by the
steering committee and by the caucus.
Issue caucuses had to have one co-coordinator from the North
and one from the South: one woman and one man.
If a caucus was unable to hold an election due to little or no
attendance at a session of the CSD, the caucus became inactive. It
remained on the mailing list but had no vote on the steering
committee. In the case of an inactive caucus wishing to become
active (for example, in May to work on papers for the following
year), a postal ballot was conducted at the time that the caucus
wished to become active (for example, in May).
Each issue caucus presented a one-paragraph statement of
purpose reflecting the issues to be covered and not the positions
to be taken. The statement of purpose did not allow people or
organizations to be excluded from a caucus. The steering
11:40 am
Page 130
committee could deal with any problem about membership in a
caucus due to interpretation of issues.
A person could lose membership of a caucus for a specific cause,
which may have included repeated failure to follow the rules of
order and procedure. In case of a charge for cause, the due process
is that the matter would be referred to the process sub-committee
for recommendation to the steering committee, which would make
a decision. The steering committee might find that the cause of
the problem was not the person who was charged.
Where differences or disputes existed between caucuses, in the
first instance the caucuses would attempt to resolve the issues by
consultation. Where this failed, the matter would be taken to the
management committee.
The introduction of norms was to help the smaller NGOs, particularly
those from developing countries who might not have access to the
same amount of information as the well-funded, larger Northern
NGOs. It also allowed for disputes to be dealt with within the NGO
movement. An example of this was when one NGO caucus found that
its ‘leadership’ had put out a statement without consultation and with
all the organizational members of the caucus named on it. This
resulted in one Canadian NGO being brought before its ambassador to
explain why it had signed the statement, which it was, in fact, not in
favour of. In this case, the NGOs concerned took the issue to the CSD
NGO Steering Committee, and the caucus was closed down and put
under steering committee responsibility until an election could be held
to replace the former ‘leadership’.
During the life of the steering committee (1994–2001), it had to
take action in a further two caucuses due to complaints by its
membership. The kind of recourse the steering committee could take
included writing to the director of the NGO concerned, explaining what
its staff had done.
Some people found the steering committee too rule-orientated,
although it performed a very good service between meetings of the
CSD. For example, it:
Maintained an up-to-date website.
Set up list servers for caucuses and maintained two general ones.
Acted as liaison with the UN for NGOs.
Sorted out accreditation problems.
Sorted out visa problems.
Raised funds for developing country NGO participation.
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Managed preparation for CSD dialogue sessions.
Produced an annual report on the activities of the coalition.
Organized daily NGO sessions to report on developments in the
Organized floor management for UN sessions with the caucuses.
Organized training for new NGOs.
Reached out to new NGOs to become involved in the CSD,
especially when the issue was a new one – for example, tourism or
Sorted out rooms for NGO meetings.
Organized press conferences.
Produced a diary of events that occurred during the CSD.
Sorted out computer, internet and photocopying facilities.
Although it provided considerable services as a coalition, it did not
survive for the ten-year review because of serious problems within it.
It may be that NGO coalitions are not easy long-life bodies by the
nature of the breadth of their membership.
There is an obvious problem that if there is no overall coalition for
an issue, then NGOs will face a real problem in presenting their ideas
before governments early enough. The steering committee oversaw
the five-year review of the Earth Summit at Rio and completed a
comprehensive policy document, as well as focused upon ten key
issues that it wanted government action on. It also let governments
have their thoughts well before the first PrepCom in 1997. Of these ten
objectives, it achieved five (see the section ‘NGO/stakeholder papers
and statements’ in Chapter 3).
During the 2002 Johannesburg Summit process, a coalition did
form; but it was always behind the discussion rather than in front of it.
This saw few successes for the NGO coalition during the summit
NGO and stakeholder coalitions
Non-governmental organizations
There are numerous NGO coalitions. Some around the World Summit
on Sustainable Development (WSSD) were non-permanent, although
they were very active, such as the ECOequity coalition. Others are
more permanent, including the following.
Sustainable Development Issues Coalition (SDIN) The Sustainable
Development Issues Network (SDIN) for 2002 is a collaborative effort
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among civil society networks and non-governmental issue caucuses
aiming to improve communication and access to information on
sustainable development issues. In particular, the initiative aims to
improve communications among NGOs engaging in the World Summit
on Sustainable Development, drawing especially upon the internet
(, as well as person-to-person relationships,
to share knowledge and organize for action.
The SDIN evolved out of discussions among NGO issue caucuses
and major groups seeking methods and vehicles to increase their
effectiveness in contributing to the global dialogue on sustainable
development policy at the CSD and other relevant inter-governmental
The SDIN is not meant to compete with or replace the networking
and organizing efforts of other NGO bodies; instead, it aims to assist
and promote the efforts of civil society networks working on
sustainable development issues in various fora. In this sense, SDIN is
not another ‘network’ per se but, hopefully, a useful tool of NGO
This body is coordinated by three NGO coalitions: the Northern
Alliance for Sustainability (ANPED), Environmental Liaison Centre
International (ELCI) and Third World Network.
Networks around the Commission on Social Development (CSD) There a
number of key networks that work around the CSD. These are:
International Council for Social Welfare (;
Social Watch: an NGO watchdog that monitors commitments made
at Copenhagen (;
Oxfam International (
Networks around the Commission on the Status of Women
Energia: a global network on gender and energy
The Gender and Water Alliance (;
Woman’s Human Rights Net: works in both human rights and
women’s commissions (;
Women’s International Coalition for Economic Justice
Women’s Caucus around the Commission on Sustainable
Development (;
Women’s Environment and Development Organization
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Networks around the Commission on Human Settlement
Habitat International: a network for housing and land rights
Huarirou Commission: a network of grassroots women
organizations working on partnerships to create sustainable
communities (
Networks working on Human Rights Important NGOs with Geneva
offices working on the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) include:
International Service for Human Rights: services NGOs attending
the CHR (;
Churches Commission on International Affairs: part of the World
Council of Churches;
Quaker office in Geneva;
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom;
Amnesty International (;
Human Rights Watch (
Other human rights organizations active at the CHR are:
Anti-Slavery International (;
Article 19, the Global Campaign for Free Expression (www.article;
Human Rights International Alliance (;
Human Rights and Peace Campaign (HURPEC) (http://hurpec;
Institute for Human Rights and Development (www.african
Business and industry
Business Action for Sustainable Development (BASD)
BASD is a comprehensive network of business organizations that came
together as a focus for the business contribution to the World Summit
on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002. BASD is a joint initiative
of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the World
Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). Guidance is
provided by a small international steering committee under the
leadership of Sir Mark Moody-Stuart.
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The BASD was created in 2001 with three goals:4
To ensure that the voice of business is heard in the preparations
for the WSSD.
To identify where business can play a constructive role in the
development and delivery of a sustainable future. BASD will
emphasize business solutions to sustainable development that
focus on concrete actions and deliverable results
To demonstrate that business is already actively engaged in
initiatives and partnerships to promote sustainable development.
International Chamber of Commerce (ICC)
ICC is the voice of world business – championing the global economy
as a force for economic growth, job creation and prosperity. Because
national economies are now so closely interwoven, government
decisions have far stronger international repercussions than in the
ICC – the world’s only truly global business organization –
responds by being more assertive in expressing business views. ICC
activities cover a broad spectrum, from arbitration and dispute
resolution to making the case for open trade and the market economy
system, business self-regulation, fighting corruption or combating
commercial crime.
ICC has direct access to national governments all over the world
through its national committees. The organization’s Paris-based
international secretariat feeds business views into inter-governmental
organizations on issues that directly affect business operations
World Business Council on Sustainable Development
The WBCSD is a coalition of 160 international companies united by a
shared commitment to sustainable development via the three pillars of
economic growth, ecological balance and social progress. Members
are drawn from more than 30 countries and 20 major industrial
sectors. They also benefit from a global network of 40 national and
regional business councils and partner organizations involving some
1000 business leaders globally.
The WBCSD was formed in January 1995 through a merger
between the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD) in
Geneva and the World Industry Council for the Environment (WICE) in
Paris. Since then, it has become the pre-eminent business voice on
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sustainable development issues and is playing a leading role in
shaping business’s response to the challenges of sustainable
The WBCSD mission is to provide business leadership as a catalyst
for change toward sustainable development, and to promote the role
of eco-efficiency, innovation and corporate social responsibility
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is an independent international
organization committed to improving the state of the world. The forum
provides a collaborative framework for the world’s leaders to address
global issues, particularly engaging its corporate members in global
citizenship (
Children and youth
There are many different organizations that are active in the area of
youth and children. Two good contacts are:
United Nations Association in Canada
Tel: +1 613 232 5751
Leif Holmberg
Facilitator for Youth during WSSD
Tel: +46 70 229 2425
[email protected]
AIESEC is the world’s largest student organization. It is a global
network of 50,000 members across more than 85 countries and
territories at more than 800 universities worldwide. Each year, AIESEC
facilitates international exchange of thousands of students and recent
graduates throughout traineeships for non-profit organizations
European Youth Forum
The European Youth Forum is an international organization
established by national youth councils and international non-
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governmental youth organizations. It has incorporated the Youth
Forum of the European Union (YFEU), which acts as a bridge between
the European Youth Forum and the institutions of the European Union.
The European Youth Forum endeavours to serve the interests of young
people from all over Europe, promoting their active participation in
the construction of a common Europe and seeking to involve young
people in shaping a Europe based on the values of human rights,
democracy and mutual understanding (
Peacechild International7
Peacechild International empowers children to take responsibility for
peace, human rights and the environment through education,
leadership development and direct participation in the events that
shape our world community. It does this through producing
publications, musicals, conferences and encouraging its affiliate youth
groups throughout the world.
Since 1990 the organization has focused its attention on
environmental issues. It has published three books with the UNs. It
has launched the Rescue Mission Network, which is a project of
Peacechild International, and is devoted to implementing Agenda 21
and sustainable development (
South Eastern European Youth Council (SEEYC)
The main aim of SEEYC is to establish a platform for NGO cooperation
in the region of South-Eastern European (SEE) countries to work
toward the exchange of ideas and experiences in developing
democratic civil society. However, the basis for establishing this
integration lies in common characteristics and problems of young
people in the region (
Youth for Habitat International Network8
Youth for Habitat International Network is an umbrella organization
operating at the international level through a secretariat with focal
points and resource persons in every region. It was created with the
aim of coordinating youth participation in the UN Conference on
Human Settlements. Youth Association for Habitat and Agenda 21
(YFHIN-Turkey) serves as the secretariat of the network and
implements projects for Habitat Agenda and Agenda 21 at the national
level (
11:40 am
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There are two organizations that coordinate for farmers.
International Federation of Agricultural Producers (IFAP)9
IFAP was established in 1946 to secure the fullest cooperation between
organizations of agricultural producers in meeting the optimum
nutritional and consumptive requirements of the peoples of the world.
It works to improve the economic and social status of all who live by
and on the land (
Via Campesina10
Via Campesina is a movement of peasant and farm organizations from
all of the alternative areas of the world, and is committed to solidarity
and determination to move forward in the defence of people of the
land (
Indigenous peoples
Earth Council11
The Earth Council runs an indigenous peoples website. The Indigenous
and Tribal Peoples Centre of the Earth Council and its partners are
working to enhance the capacity of its constituency to contribute to
the construction of a sustainable and equitable future for all by
generating concrete actions and results. An important aspect of its
work is to find ways to perpetuate and combine traditional values,
knowledge and practices by combining it with mainstream science,
technology and education (
Indigenous Environmental Network12
The Indigenous Environmental Network is an alliance of grassroots
indigenous peoples whose mission is to protect the sacredness of the
Earth from contamination and exploitation by strengthening,
maintaining and respecting traditional teachings and natural laws
Tebtebba Foundation13
Tebtebba Foundation, the Indigenous Peoples’ International Centre for
Policy Research and Education, was established in 1996. Tebtebba,
‘discourse’ from the Philippine indigenous Kankanaey dialect, is firmly
11:40 am
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committed to the recognition, protection and promotion of indigenous
peoples’ rights worldwide.
Tebtebba’s main thrust is to help build the capacity of indigenous
peoples to assert their rights and articulate their own analyses and
perspectives on issues directly affecting them (
Local authorities and regions
International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives
ICLEI is the international environmental agency for local governments.
ICLEI’s mission is to build and serve a worldwide movement of local
governments to achieve tangible improvements in global
environmental and sustainable development conditions through
cumulative local actions.
Building a worldwide movement requires that ICLEI functions as a
democratic, international association of local governments; it also
operates as an international environmental agency for local
More than 350 cities, towns, counties and their associations from
around the world are full members of the council, with hundreds of
additional local governments participating in specific ICLEI campaigns
and projects. As a movement, association and agency, ICLEI continues
to work towards its sustainable development goals. It tends to
represent local government in the Commission on Sustainable
Development (
International Union of Local Authorities (IULA)15
IULA was set up in 1913 and has membership in over 110 countries. It
is the main local government body whose mission is to promote and
unite democratic local government worldwide.
The strategic objectives of IULA are to:
Develop and maintain a strong democratic political organization,
managed to high professional standards in a global setting.
Be the worldwide advocate and voice of democratic local
Be the worldwide source of key information and intelligence
regarding democratic local government.
Be the worldwide source of learning, exchange and capacitybuilding programmes for democratic local government
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Network for Regional Governments for Sustainable
Development (NRG4SD)16
Representatives of 22 regional governments from the five continents
of the world, and several associations of regions, met together in
Johannesburg on 31 August 2002 to confirm their common purpose in
making sustainable development the central guiding principle of their
governments, and to join together in a new global partnership network
to share experience and enhance their separate ability to help their
citizens achieve more sustainable futures. The outcome is known as
the Network for Regional Governments for Sustainable Development
During the meeting the participants, who included several regional
premiers, ministers, governors and other political leaders from the
regions agreed a political declaration –The Gauteng Declaration –
which set out their shared purpose and declared their determination
to adopt or strengthen existing overarching strategies to drive the
progress of sustainable development in their regions.
The regional governments represented at the meeting also decided
to establish a global network to exchange information, encourage the
formation of partnerships and other forms of collaboration, and to
clarify the roles of regional governments throughout the world in the
pursuit of sustainable development. At this time, Stakeholder Forum
acts as the interim secretariat. The network offers an interesting
missing link in dealing with government, which has powers to deliver
many of the commitments in the plans of actions as they are closer to
the people and have substantial powers in many cases
United Cities and Local Government17
A new organization, United Cities and Local Governments, is to be
created as a result of the unification of IULA and the United Towns
Organization (UTO). It will commence operations on 1 January 2004,
with its headquarters in Barcelona, Spain.
The mission of United Cities and Local Governments is ‘To be the
united voice and world advocate of democratic local self-government,
promoting its values, objectives and interests, through cooperation
between local governments, and within the wider international
United Cities and Local Governments will ensure the effective
political representation of local government to the international
community, will promote international cooperation between local
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governments and their associations, and will be the worldwide source
of key information regarding local government.
World Associations of Cities and Local Authorities
The important link between local government and the UN is
coordinated at the international level through WACLAC. WACLAC is a
world alliance of international associations of cities and local
authorities and its members include IULA, UTO, Metropolis and the
Arab Towns Organization (ATO).
WACLAC was created following the World Assembly of Cities and
Local Authorities during the Istanbul Conference on Human
Settlements in 1996. This conference placed great importance on the
role of local government and increased the necessity for better
coordination at the global level (
Scientific and technological community
International Council for Scientific Union (ICSU)19
ICSU is a non-governmental organization, founded in 1931 to bring
together natural scientists in international scientific endeavour. It
comprises 98 multi-disciplinary national scientific members (scientific
research councils or science academies) and 26 international, singlediscipline scientific unions to provide a wide spectrum of scientific
expertise enabling members to address major international
interdisciplinary issues that none could handle alone. ICSU also has
28 scientific associates.
The council seeks to break the barriers of specialization by
initiating and coordinating major international interdisciplinary
programmes and by creating interdisciplinary bodies, which undertake
activities and research programmes of interest to several members. A
number of bodies set up within ICSU also address matters of common
concern to all scientists, such as capacity-building in science,
environment and development and the free conduct of science.
The council acts as a focus for the exchange of ideas and
information and the development of standards. Hundreds of
congresses, symposia and other scientific meetings are organized each
year around the world, and a wide range of newsletters, handbooks
and journals is published (
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Trade unions
International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU)20
ICFTU was set up in 1949 and has 231 affiliated organizations in 150
countries and territories on all five continents, with a membership of
158 million.
It has three major regional organizations: the Asian and Pacific
Regional Organisation (ICFTU-APRO), the African Regional
Organisation (ICFTU-AFRO), and the Inter-American Regional
Organisation of Workers (ICFTU-ORIT). It also maintains close links
with the European Trade Union Confederation (which includes all
ICFTU European affiliates) and Global Union Federations that link
together national unions from a particular trade or industry at
international level.
The ICFTU cooperates closely with the International Labour
Organization (ILO) and has consultative status with the UN Economic
and Social Council (ECOSOC) and with specialized agencies, such as
the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (
There are many women’s organizations that are involved in the UN.
The following provides a list of some of the better known ones:
Gender and Water Alliance
Women’s Caucus around the Commission on Sustainable
Women’s Environment and Development Organization
Woman’s Human Rights Net
Women’s International Coalition for Economic Justice
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Chapter 6
UN Commissions and
The UN commissions usually meet annually and enable governments
and stakeholders to review progress towards agreed outcomes and to
develop new areas of policy, or just update old areas.
Commission on Human Settlements
The Commission on Human Settlements (CHS) undertakes the
mandate of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat),
promoting the Habitat Agenda. UN-Habitat has the following mission
The mission of UN-Habitat is to promote sustainable
urbanization through policy formulation, institutional reform,
capacity-building, technical cooperation and advocacy, and to
monitor and improve the state of human settlements
UN-Habitat was formerly the UN Centre for Human Settlements
(Habitat). It was originally founded in 1978 after the first UN
Conference on Human Settlements (also known as Habitat), held in
1976. It has been the UN focal point for work on human settlement
issues since then. The second UN Conference on Human Settlements
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(Habitat II) in Istanbul in 1996 started a process that resulted in the
UN General Assembly on 26 February 2002 upgrading the centre to a
UN programme, as well as upgrading the commission from a standing
committee to a full UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
subsidiary commission.
At the five-year review of Habitat II, ECOSOC agreed that the
programme would focus on two areas:
the Global Campaign for Secure Tenure;
the Global Campaign on Urban Governance.
The commission has a membership of 58, which is made up of 16 seats
from Africa, 13 from Asia, 6 from Eastern Europe, ten from Latin
America and the Caribbean, and 13 from Western Europe and other
states. When elected, they serve for a four-year term. The commission
acts as the governing body for UN-Habitat and provides policy
guidance and direction supervision.
UN-Habitat also oversees two key outreach campaigns. These are:
World Habitat Day (annually on the first Monday in October);
the Urban Forum, which offers an opportunity for those involved
in sustainable urbanization to share experiences.
UN-Habitat has pioneered the involvement of stakeholders in
developing policy and the advice given to governments. During the
1996 Habitat II conference, it brought out the NGO suggested text
amendments as an official UN information document and allowed
NGOs and local authorities the opportunity to present suggested
amendments during the negotiations. If a government took up these
suggestions, they became active during the negotiations. It may be
because Habitat II was at the end of the original 1990s conference
series that it greatly benefited from the advances made in other
PO Box 30030
Nairobi 00100
Tel: +254 2 621 234
Fax: +254 2 624 266/267
Email: [email protected]
11:40 am
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Contact for NGO/stakeholder relations: Anantha Krishnan
([email protected])
Commission on Population and Development
The Commission on Population was originally established in October
1946. It was modified as a result of the International Conference on
Population and Development (ICPD) in 1994, becoming the
Commission on Population and Development (CPD). The UN General
Assembly directed the commission to monitor, review and assess the
implementation of the programme of action of the conference. The
programme is designed to guide national and international policies on
population and development over the next 20 years. In addition, the
assembly requested other specialized agencies to implement and
adjust their work programmes in line with the provisions under the
programme of action of the conference.
The commission is made up of 47 member states. These are 12
from Africa, 11 from Asia, 5 from Eastern Europe, 9 from Latin America
and 10 from Western Europe and other states. They are elected for
terms of four years.
The commission coordinates its activities through a system of
topic orientated multi-year work programmes. These are assessed via
a five-yearly review of the progress made in the implementation of the
programme of action.
The UN Population Division services the commission, which is part
of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA). The director
of the division is Joseph Chamie. It also helps facilitate access by
governments to ‘information trends and their inter-relationships with
social and economic development as an input to government policy
and programme formulations’. It also ‘enhances coordination and
cooperation among organizations of the UN’.
For further information on the commission, refer to:
Population Division
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2 UN Plaza
Room DC2–1950
United Nations
New York
NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 3179
Fax: +1 212 963 2147
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Contact for NGO/stakeholder relations: Michele Fedoroff
([email protected])
Commission for Social Development
The Commission for Social Development (CSocD) is a long-standing
commission in the UN. It was set up in 1946 and has become the main
monitoring place for the implementation of the World Summit for
Social Development, held in Copenhagen in 1995. The Copenhagen
summit was the largest gathering of world leaders at that time. It
pledged to make the conquest of poverty, the goal of full employment
and the fostering of social integration overriding objectives of
The commission meets annually and has 46 members: 12 from
Africa, 10 from Asian states, 9 from Latin America, 5 from Eastern
Europe and 10 from Western Europe and other states.
The Division for Social Policy and Development, which is housed
in DESA, oversees the commission:
Division for Social Policy and Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2 United Nations Plaza
Room DC2–1360
United Nations
New York
NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 3175
Fax: +1 212 963 3062
Email: [email protected].
Contact for NGO/stakeholder relations: Yao N’Goran ([email protected])
To attend a meeting, send a letter to the above contact. An invitation
letter is available online at
Commission on Sustainable Development
The Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD) was set up in
1993 in the aftermath of the Earth Summit. The CSD monitors the
implementation of Agenda 21 and the outcomes from the five-year
review – the UN General Assembly Special Session (UNGASS or Rio +5)
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in 1997. It will also be likely to monitor the outcomes of the ten-year
review – the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD or
Earth Summit 2002) held in Johannesburg.
The commission has 53 members: 13 from African states, 11 from
Asian states, 6 from Eastern Europe, 10 from Latin America and the
Caribbean, and 13 from Western Europe and other states. The
commission has been a favourite one with governments. In 1996, the
UK Environment Minister John Gummer took the unusual action of
writing to all of his other ministerial colleagues requesting that the UK
be re-elected to the commission for another term – which occurred.
For the bureau of the ten-year review, Germany and Sweden could not
agree within the Western Europe and other states group who should
be on the bureau and the election was taken to a full vote, not of the
CSD but the membership of the UN. This occurred because the 10th
session of the CSD (CSD 10) was acting as the PrepCom for the WSSD.
The Division on Sustainable Development acted as the secretariat
to the WSSD and services the CSD. It is also part of DESA. In addition
to the work that it does for the CSD, it services related areas, such as
forests in the UN Forest Forum, and the outcomes from the UN Small
Island Developing States Conference. The technical support section
works in the areas of mineral resources, freshwater management,
energy, and infrastructure and land management:
Division for Sustainable Development
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
2 UN Plaza
Room DC2–2220
United Nations
New York
NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 3170
Fax: +1 212 963 4260
Email: [email protected]
Contact for NGO/stakeholder relations: Zehra Aydin-Sipos
([email protected])
To attend a commission meeting, contact Zehra Aydin-Sipos.
Guidelines on how to proceed are found online at
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Commission on Human Rights
The United Nations Commission on Human Rights was set up in 1946
and ‘reports regarding the international bill of rights, international
declarations or conventions on civil liberties, the status of women,
freedom of information and similar matters, the protection of
minorities, the prevention of discrimination on the basis of race, sex,
language or religion, and other mater concerning human rights’.
The commission has 53 members, made up of 15 from Africa, 12
from Asia, 5 from Eastern Europe, 11 from Latin America and the
Caribbean, and 10 from Western Europe and other states.
The commission has probably the most active attendance from
NGOs of all of the commissions. It also lasts the longest – around six
weeks – and spends much time looking at the implementation of
human rights agreements. The commission receives information from
governmental organizations and individuals in the preparation of
The commission has a sub-commission, which consists of expert
individuals who do not represent the views of their governments.
However, some members appear as individual experts at one session
and as government delegates at the next, casting doubt on their
independence. The sub-commission carries out studies on human
rights issues and receives reports on country situations. It makes
recommendations on which countries’ records should be considered
at the commission itself. This irritates certain countries and there is
pressure to limit the powers of the sub-commission.
The secretariat for the commission is the Office of the High
Commissioner for Human Rights:
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
United Nations Office in Geneva
Palais Wilson
8–14 avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9000
Fax: +41 22 917 90 11
Email: [email protected]
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Commission on the Status of Women
The Commission on the Status of Women was set up in 1946 and
monitors the implementation of the 1995 Beijing Platform of Action; it
also looks at women’s rights, in general.
The commission has, in total, 45 members, elected for four-year
terms. There are 13 African members, 11 from Asia, 4 from Eastern
Europe, 9 from Latin America and the Caribbean and 8 from Western
Europe and other states.
The Division on the Status of Women acts as the focal point for
coordination and mainstreaming of gender issues within the UN
system. It conducts research in the 12 areas covered by the Beijing
Platform of Action and serves as the secretariat of the commission.
The mission statement of the division is:
Grounded in the vision of equality of the United Nations
Charter, the division advocates the improvement of the status
of women of the world and the achievement of their equality
with men. It aims to ensure the participation of women as equal
partners with men in all aspects of human endeavour. It
promotes women as equal participants and beneficiaries of
sustainable development, peace and security, governance and
human rights. It strives to stimulate the mainstreaming of a
gender perspective both within and outside the UN system.
The division also assists the Committee on the Elimination of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). Carolyn Hannan was
appointed as director of the Division for the Advancement of Women
in 2001:
United Nations Division for the Advancement of Women
2 UN Plaza
New York
NY 10017
Tel: +1 212 963 3169
Fax: +1 212 963 3463
Email: [email protected]
Contact for NGO/stakeholder relations: Amina Adam
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As a confirmed UN conference and summit groupie, I think that they
are vital events to enable the world to set new norms and standards to
address the key issues of the day.
They can be attacked by the press as a waste of money. It is difficult
to think of another way in which such diverse cultures and political
viewpoints might try to address issues that, in many cases, are national
and not international, and where they are being judged by their peer
group on what they have and have not done, or are prepared to do.
UN Conference on Environment and Development
(UNCED), Rio de Janiero, 1992
For all intents and purposes, the road began with the Earth Summit in
Rio de Janeiro in 1992. This meeting was unprecedented for a UN
conference in terms of both the size and scope of concerns. Leaders of
nations from around the globe (172 governments represented, 108 by
heads of state) joined together with 2400 NGO representatives in
search of ways to help governments rework economic development
strategy, to eliminate the destruction of natural resources and to
reduce pollution on the planet. In other words, the conference centred
around making the necessary decisions needed to ensure a healthy
planet for future generations.
In 1972, at the UN Conference on the Human Environment in
Stockholm, the relationship between economic development and the
environment was recognized for the first time and, in turn, was placed
on the international agenda. As a result of this conference, the UN
Environment Programme (UNEP) was founded in order to act as a
motivational tool for action to protect the environment. Despite this
new programme, very little was done in the years to come to integrate
environmental concerns within the areas of national economic
planning and decision-making. In 1983, environmental degradation
was on its way to absurdity in developing nations and, in turn, the UN
set up the World Commission on Environment and Development.
Finally, in 1987 the UN General Assembly called for the UN Conference
on Environment and Development (UNCED). The primary goals of the
summit included: the establishment of concrete strategies that would
ensure broad-based sustainable development; and forming
foundations for global partnerships between the developing and the
industrialized worlds while focusing on mutual needs and common
interests of both, thus ensuring a healthy future for the planet.
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The Earth Summit held its central concern as being the need for
broad-based, environmentally sustainable development. The issues
included, but were not limited to, the adoption of Agenda 21, a
comprehensive programme of action to attain sustainable
development on the global scale; patterns of production, particularly
the production of toxic components; alternative sources of energy to
replace the use of fossil fuels; and awareness of, and concern over, the
growing scarcity of water.
After discussion of these and other issues, 108 governments
adopted three major agreements concerned with changing the
traditional approach to development:
the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development (a series of
principles defining the rights and responsibilities of states);
the Statement of Forest Principles (a set of principles to underline
the sustainable management of forests worldwide); and
Agenda 21.
In addition, two legally binding conventions, the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD), both seeking, respectively, to prevent global
climate change and the eradication of the diversity of biological
species, were opened for signature at the summit, providing a forum
for the development of these issues.
As a result of the summit and these agreements, three bodies were
created within the UN to ensure full support for implementation of
Agenda 21 and other programmes worldwide. These bodies included
the CSD; the Inter-agency Committee on Sustainable Development; and
the High-level Advisory Board on Sustainable Development. The Earth
Summit has influenced all of the proceeding major UN conferences,
which have dealt with the relationships between human rights,
population, social development, women and human settlements, and
the need for environmentally sustainable development. For example,
the World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993,
underscored the right of people to a healthy environment and the right
to development, controversial demands that had met with resistance
from some member states prior to the Earth Summit.
World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, 1993
Starting with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, the
UN articulated an international code of human rights based on those
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rights that are absolutely necessary to our survival and without which
we cannot live fully as human beings. These include, but are not
limited to, a broad range of internationally accepted rights in civil,
cultural, economic, political and social areas. The UN also established
effective mechanisms with which to promote and protect these rights,
while assisting governments in carrying out their responsibilities.
In 1989, the UN General Assembly called for a second world
meeting (the first was in Tehran in 1968) that would review and assess
progress made in the field of human rights since the adoption of the
Universal Declaration in 1948. When this second conference was
called, there was an overwhelming sense that human rights needed to
be better integrated within the overall policies and programmes
promoting economic and social development, democratic structures
and peacekeeping. In this sense, Vienna was a reflection of a
commitment reached by the international community to address
human rights issues.
The second World Conference on Human Rights, which took place
in Vienna, June 1993, marked the first major world review of human
rights. The conference brought together 7000 participants, including
an unprecedented number of government delegates from 171
countries; representatives from UN treaty bodies, academia and
national institutions; and representatives of more than 800 NGOs. The
principle theme of the conference was the promotion and protection
of human rights as the birthright of all human beings and the
responsibility of governments at all levels. The resulting document of
the conference was the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action,
which outlines a comprehensive plan for strengthening the
implementation of human rights and focuses on the links between
development, government and the promotion of human rights.
During the conference, issues centred around the promotion and
protection of human rights and the Vienna Declaration and
Programme of Action was adopted. This underscored the universality
of human rights as the birthright of all human beings and the first
responsibility of all governments involved. It also addressed other
issues concerned with the legitimacy of development and the
protection of vulnerable groups (such as women, children, indigenous
people and refugees), and pointed out that extreme poverty and social
exclusion are violations of human dignity, thus requiring that the state
foster poverty eradication and participation by the poorest members
of society. Furthermore, as a result of the knowledge and information
highlighted by the conference, the UN General Assembly proclaimed,
in 1994, the UN Decade for Human Rights (1995–2004), which
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promotes awareness and encourages the establishment of national
and international committees composed of representatives from the
public and private sector. In the end, the UN Secretary-General
Boutros Boutros-Ghali told the delegates of the conference that by
adopting the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, they had
renewed the international community ’s commitment to the
promotion and protection of human rights and saluted the meeting
for having forged ‘a new vision for global action for human rights into
the next century’.
International Conference on Population and
Development, Cairo, 1994
The International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD),
held in Cairo in September 1994, witnessed the development of new
strategies that focus on meeting the needs of individual men and
women, rather than only target groups. Those attending the
conference included representatives from 179 governments and over
1500 NGOs from 113 countries, gathered in order to discuss issues
centred around population, sustainable development and economic
growth. The result of these discussions was the programme of action
of the ICPD, an outline of procedures that would guide both national
and international policies on population and development for the
following 20 years.
During the World Population Conference, held in Bucharest in
1974, the issues concerned with population were fully addressed by
the international community and a World Population Plan of Action
was established. This plan provided principle objectives concerning
economic and social development in the realm of population. The
principles included, but were not limited to the following:
The formulation of population policies is the independent right of
each nation.
Any individual has the right to freely decide the number of children
that they have, along with the information and educational means
to aid in the decision.
Population and development are coincidental.
The following International Conference on Population, held in Mexico
City in 1984, adopted many recommendations regarding the plan, with
a central focus on the need to improve the status of women and
provide universal access to family planning methods. As a result, this
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modified version of the plan would serve as the basis for the
discussions held at the ICPD in Cairo.
After discussion, the ICPD formulated the programme of action,
which provides an outline for all people to become aware of ways to
enhance their own, and their children’s, health and well-being. This
plan of action recognizes the coincidences between population and
development and aspires to make evident to everyone their
reproductive rights, including the right of access to family planning
practices and the right to determine the amount of children that they
wish to have. The three main goals set by the programme included:
making family planning universally available by 2015 in order to
reduce infant and maternity mortality rates;
integrating population concerns within all policies in the realm of
sustainable development; and
making available to women and girls the opportunities for
education, health and employment services in order to provide
them with more options.
In the end, the programme set goals in three areas that would guide
both national and international policies on development and
population for the 20 years to come, thus making it a major point on
the road to 2002 and sustainable development.
The World Summit for Social Development,
Copenhagen, 1995
In March 1995, the World Summit for Social Development was held in
Copenhagen, Denmark, making the promotion of a people-centred
plan for social development evident to the governments of the world.
The summit was attended by representatives from 186 governments,
with 117 represented by heads of state; 2315 representatives from 811
NGOs were also present. Discussions at the summit were centred
around the issues of poverty eradication, social integration and the
reduction of unemployment with the promotion of productive
employment. As a result of these discussions, the Copenhagen
Declaration on Social Development and its programme of action were
drafted and endorsed by all states in attendance, representing the
largest consensus on social development issues ever reached at the
international level.
The Copenhagen summit was held as a result of the growing
international concern with social development problems, specifically
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dealing with poverty and social disintegration, conflict and insecurity.
These problems became evident to both rich and poor and, in turn,
promoted a great concern for solutions. These solutions, being out of
any single government’s reach, were not easily accessible and not
usually socially and economically balanced. As a result, the summit
had as one of its primary goals to make evident ways of doing away
with such imbalances by placing social development back on the
international agenda.
After the discussions at the summit, and after both the Declaration
on Social Development and the programme of action were adopted,
the issue was, most definitely, back on the table. The declaration
established ten commitments, with each followed by a method of
action. A sample of these commitments included eradicating poverty
through national action and international cooperation; giving priority
to the rights and needs of vulnerable groups (such as women, children
and indigenous people); the promotion of full and freely chosen
employment; the promotion of universal access to education and
health care; the promotion of social integration through the protection
of human rights and respect for cultural, ethnic and religious diversity;
and the promotion of equity between women and men. Other results
of the conference included the UN General Assembly establishing the
International Year for the Eradication of Poverty (1996) as a way of
promoting a heightened awareness of poverty and encouraging action
on a global scale. A decade with this same focus was also established
and began in 1997. The summit was deemed the nexus of a series of
global conferences concerning social development and, in turn, has
influenced the policy-making process for a new era.
The World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995
The 1995 World Conference on Women, held in Beijing, brought
together almost 50,000 men and women from across the globe to
discuss gender issues. Included in this number were 189 governments
and 5000 representatives from 2100 NGOs with 30,000 individuals
attending the independent NGO Forum 1995.The conference was
centred around, but not limited to, the themes of the advancement and
empowerment of women in relation to women’s human rights; women
and poverty; women and decision-making; the girl child; and violence
against women. The resulting document was the Beijing Declaration
and Platform for Action, which, among other things, set out measures
for national and international action for the advancement of women
over the five years until 2000.
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The motive to hold the Fourth World Conference on Women
stemmed primarily from the momentum generated by the three
previous women’s conferences (Mexico City, 1975; Copenhagen, 1980;
and Nairobi, 1985) and also from the United Nations Decade for
Women (1976–1985). All of these movements gave international
awareness to, and support for, national and international women’s
groups around the globe, while influencing the series of world
conferences from the Children’s Summit in New York (where the
special needs of the girl child were addressed); to the Earth Summit in
Rio (where the need for acknowledgement of women’s central role in
sustainable development was emphasized); to the Human Rights
Conference in Vienna (where the equal rights of women was
recognized); to the World Summit for Social Development in
Copenhagen (which addressed the central role that women have to
play in combating poverty); to Cairo and Istanbul (where women’s right
to exercise control over decisions affecting their health, families and
homes was underscored). All of these meetings paved the way for the
Beijing conference to reach the objectives of ensuring equality of
women, preventing violence against women, and advancing their
participation in efforts to promote peace, along with economic and
political decision-making – areas where progress was lacking.
After discussion at the conference, the Beijing Declaration and
Platform for Action was adopted. An example of the advances made in
the platform include women’s rights as human rights (recognizing
violence against women as a human rights problem and also allowing
women control over sexuality and reproductive health); reviewing laws
containing punitive measures against women who have undergone
illegal abortion; and recognizing rape as a war crime punishable by
law. In the end, the overriding message of the conference was that the
issues addressed in the platform for action are both global and
universal. The conference recognized that, in countries across the
globe, cultural traditions, attitudes and practices promote inequality
and discrimination against women, in both public and private life. As a
result, the conference realized that the implementation of the platform
requires changes in values, attitudes practices and priorities at all
levels. The conference supported a clear commitment to international
standards, of which the equality between men and women is
promoted, protected and measured with emphasis on the human
rights of women and girl children. The recognition of this as an integral
part of universal human rights, and mandating that institutions at all
levels must be reoriented to expedite its implementation, proved to be
another major step on the road to 2002.
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United Nations Conference on Human Settlements,
Istanbul, 1996
The second UN Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II or the
City Summit), held in Istanbul in 1996, was one of the last in a cycle of
major UN conferences that have shaped the global development
agenda for years to come. The focus brought together issues that were
dealt with at earlier conferences as they relate to the pressing problem
of the rapid urbanization of today’s world. Those attending the
conference included representatives from 171 governments and an
unprecedented 8000 people from 2400 NGOs (who were allowed
access, for the first time, to participate in deliberations as full
partners), and focused their discussions on the principle themes of
sustainable human settlements development in the urbanizing world,
with the provision of adequate shelter for all. As a result, the
conference adopted the Habitat Agenda, a plan that provides an
effective tool for creating sustainable human settlements for the next
generation with regard to broad-based sustainable development (such
as environmental, human rights, social development, women’s and
population issues) in the specific context of urbanization.
The first UN Conference on Human Settlement in Vancouver in
1976 had sought to develop strategies to suppress the negative effects
of rapid urbanization. Twenty years later, half of the world’s population
resides in cities, with the majority living in poverty. UN-Habitat serves
as the nexus for human settlements development within the UN
system, and also as the secretariat of both the CHS and Habitat II. In
1988, the UN General Assembly adopted the Global Strategy for Shelter
to the Year 2000, emphasizing an enabling approach where
governments do not provide shelter itself, but a coordinating legal
institution and regulatory environment to motivate people to provide
and improve upon their own living conditions. The Habitat II
conference would review and evaluate this strategy and UN-Habitat (at
that time, the UN Centre for Human Settlements), prompted by the
Earth Summit in 1992 where it was made clear that 600 million people
live in threatened housing conditions throughout the world.
During the conference, the participants agreed to address many
important issues concerning human settlements, including
unsustainable consumption and production patterns; unsustainable
population changes; homelessness; unemployment; lack of basic
infrastructure and services; growing insecurity and violence; and
increased vulnerability to disasters. After discussion of the issues, the
Habitat Agenda was formulated as an acting guide towards achieving
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broad-based sustainable development within the world’s cities, towns
and villages into the first two decades of the 21st century. Included
within the agenda is a statement of goals, commitments and strategies
for implementation. The goals within the agenda include poverty
eradication; strengthening of the family; partnership among countries;
and increased financial resources. The commitments cover adequate
shelter for all, sustainable settlements, gender equality, financing of
settlements, international cooperation, and the assessment of
progress. The strategies emphasize that individuals, families and
communities must be enabled to improve their housing, and that the
government should promote better housing by prohibiting
discrimination and ensuring legal security. Habitat II offered a positive
vision of sustainable human settlements where all have shelter and a
healthy and safe environment in which to live, with basic services
World Food Summit, Rome, 1996
The World Food Summit, held in Rome in 1996, was the first global
gathering of heads of state and government to address the problems
of hunger and malnutrition, coming at a time when slowing growth of
global food production was matched to an expanding world
population. The purpose of the meeting was to establish a new
concern in the fight for food security by focusing the attention of
policy- and decision-makers in the public and private sectors on food
issues. In attendance were 186 governments, including 41 represented
by presidents, 15 by vice presidents and 41 by prime ministers, not to
mention many representatives from the NGO community. The
conference was focused around food security and participants
renewed their commitment to ensuring that everyone in the world had
sufficient access to nutritious food in order for survival and a healthy
life. The summit adopted the Rome Declaration and the World Food
Summit Plan of Action, which outline methods to achieve universal
food security and to reduce, by half, the current number of
undernourished people in developing countries by 2015.
The World Food Conference, held in Rome in 1974, first addressed
the issue of food security on a worldwide scale. It took place during a
time when food reserves were diminishing and governments
proclaimed that ‘every man, woman and child has the inalienable right
to be free from hunger and malnutrition in order to develop their
physical and mental faculties’. With goals of eradicating hunger and
establishing food security within a decade, considerable progress had
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been made; but goals were not met. This promoted a deep concern
about global food insecurity and, in turn, prompted the Food and
Agricultural Organization (FAO) to call a World Food Summit of
government heads to address the growing problems of world hunger
and food insecurity.
The resulting documents of the summit included both the Rome
Declaration on World Food Security and the World Food Summit Plan
of Action. The plan of action outlines seven commitments to be carried
out on the part of participating governments. These commitments are
expected to aid significantly in the fight to eradicate hunger and are
concerned with the areas of general conditions for economic and
social progress to ensure food security; poverty eradication and access
to food; sustainable increases in the production of food; contribution
of trade to food security; preparedness, prevention and response to
food emergencies; optimal investment in human resources and
comprehensive sustainable development; and cooperation in the
implementation and monitoring of the plan of action. In the end, the
main goal of the summit remained: it was to reduce, by half, the
number of malnourished people in the world by 2015.
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Stakeholders in the context of the UN tend to be those identified in Agenda
21 as ‘Major Groups’, including women, youth and children, NGOs, local
government, business and industry, trade unions, scientific and
technological community, farmers and indigenous people. Others have
been trying to gain a similar status, such as the education community,
older people and the faith community.
Adapted from suggestions by Paul Hohnen.
For a list of the Agenda 21 Major Groups, see Preface, Note 1.
Taken from Hemmati (2002).
PrepComs are formal UN meetings to prepare for a conference or summit.
This is where most of the work happens.
Stakeholder Forum published Earth Summit 2002: A New Deal in late 2000
(revised edition, Dodds with Middleton, 2001), which identified some of
the key political agenda issues for the summit and the challenges in front
of us. The Danish government, in preparation for the European PrepCom
in September 2001, used the term ‘a New Deal’ to indicate the high ground
possible for the WSSD in Johannesburg.
Stakeholder Forum has template resources that show how to review
national progress on the chapters of Agenda 21. These can be found on
the website
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ECOSOC is one of the five permanent bodies that make up the UN. The
others are the International Court of Justice, the UN General Assembly, the
UN Security Council and the Trusteeship Council.
At the time of publication, the EU consists of Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The
Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the UK. EU leaders have agreed
to expand the block from 15 to 25 members in May 2004, taking in Cyprus,
the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland,
Slovakia and Slovenia.
The Earth Negotiations Bulletin is an independent reporting service,
published by the International Institute for Sustainable Development
(IISD), that provides daily information in print and electronic formats from
multilateral negotiations on environment and development. It can be
accessed at
The issue was the institutional follow-up to the Habitat II Conference.
Stakeholder Forum advocated that this should be through the SecretaryGeneral’s Administrative Committee for Coordination (ACC). The opposing
view was that it should be through the Commission on Human
Settlements. The reason for choosing the ACC is that it is the Coordinating
Mechanism in the UN for joined-up thinking.
NGLS can be contacted via
A website for the CSD NGO Steering Committee exists at but at the time this book went to press, their home
page was ‘under construction’. The information can also be accessed at
The six languages are Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and
This review has been adapted from de la Rosa (1999).
This was developed by Rosalie Gardiner, with help from Stakeholder
Forum’s international advisory board and staff.
Peter Hain MP is a former South African political exile who, at the time of
publication, is a cabinet minister of the UK government.
These definitions have been taken from the UN website to ensure their accuracy.
Drawn from Fiona McConnell’s (1999) explanation in The Biodiversity
Convention: A Negotiating History. Fiona McConnell was vice chair of
UNED-UK from 1993 to 1997, and before that was chief negotiator for the
UK government in the Earth Summit preparatory process.
Taken from the website
These are a set of hotels used by NGOs around the UN.
Jesse Jackson’s quotes can be found on the websites www.brainy and
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Taken from the UN Geneva website
misset.htm, and added to by our research.
Taken from the book Permanent Missions to the United Nations, published
twice yearly by the UN. The New York contact information is also available
at For websites of the Permanent
Missions to the UN, see
Taken from BASD website.
Taken from the ICC website
Taken from the WBCSD website
Taken from the Peacechild website
Taken from the Youth for Habitat website
Taken from the IFAP website
Taken from the Via Campesina website
Taken from the Earth Council website
Taken from the Indigenous Environmental Network website
Taken from the Tebtebba website
Taken from the ICLEI website
Taken from the IULA website
Taken from the NRG4SD website
Taken from the IULA website
Taken from the WACLAC website
Taken from the ICSU website
Taken from the ICFTU website
This chapter has been developed from the Roadmap section of, originally drawn up by Toby Middleton.
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