MINUTES - 1st PARTNER MEETING Dates: Venue: 29 and 30 January 2007 Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, Wiedner Hauptstraße 63, 1045 Wien Participants: Sabine Archan Eva Bradacs Klaus Candussi Carola Dittmann Katrin Eichinger-Kniely Jörg Engelmann Alfred Freundlinger Bernhard Gerstberger Ernst Gesslbauer Roswitha Hinterstein Alexander Hölbl Susanne Klimmer Bostjan Kosorok Wolfgang Krebs Peter Kreiml Andreja Krk Edith Kugi Janja Meglic Tanja Moch Wilfried Nagl Mian Papez Helmut Schinnerl Eduard Staudecker Thomas Mayr Christian Gohlisch Ulrich Hörmann Elisabeth Manneck-Reichelt Alexander Prischl Jakob Wild Apologised: Agenda: TOP TOP TOP TOP 1: Pro Mobility – Introduction 2: Contract and financial aspects 3: Work programme until the 2nd partner meeting 4: 2nd partner meeting (cf. ANNEX 01) 1 TOP 1: Pro Mobility – Introduction Sabine Archan outlines the main objectives of the project, the twelve work packages, the results and the main tasks of the partners (cf. ANNEX 02). Objectives x Short- and mid-term goals: o establishment of two platforms, i.e. the Pro Mobility Committee and the virtual platform o organisation of experimental (prototype) exchanges x Long-term goals (beyond the project period): o make qualifying mobility a part of the IVET internationalisation strategy in each country o anchor it legally in national laws and training regulations Work packages x wp 01: Establishment of a Pro Mobility Committee in each country o In this wp the operative partners will coordinate the establishment of a PMC in each country. They will contact IVET stakeholders and policy makers and inform them about the project and the objectives of the PMC. They will organise a kick-off PMC meeting in each country and regular meetings during the project period. o Duration: 12/2006 – mid-04/2007 x wp 02: Development of an evaluation design o In order to evaluate completed and/or existing mobility exchanges, an evaluation design has to be developed. This design will include questionnaires for the sending and the receiving institutions as well as for the apprentices/students (having been) involved in mobility. Furthermore, interview guidelines for qualitative interviews will be developed for IVET stakeholder and for institutions organising mobility exchanges. The uniform evaluation design will enable a structured documentation of the feedback in all participating countries and, thus, allow comparison. o Duration: 02/2007 x wp 03: Drawing up of a national evaluation report and a comparative analysis o At least ten completed and/or existing mobility exchanges will be evaluated in each country. Moreover, existing mobility instruments will be examined and assessed. The results of these evaluations will be analysed and summarised in a national final report (approx. ten to 15 pages). On the basis of all final reports a brief comparative analysis (approx. 20 to 25 pages) will be made in order to detect similarities and differences in the feedback given. o Duration: mid-04/2007 x wp 04: Development of mobility guidelines (preliminary version) o Based on the results gained from the evaluation process, transnationally and nationally relevant mobility guidelines will be developed during this wp. These mobility guidelines will address a number of key questions, among others: How can qualifying mobility be achieved in each country? What are the obstacles to be overcome (e.g. in regard to different learning sites, competence descriptions, recognition, legal regulations etc.)? What can be done to foster qualifying mobility and encourage IVET participants to take part in it? 2 In order to answer these (and other) questions the mobility guidelines will cover the Framework conditions required, i.e. legal basis, recognition of competences acquired abroad, competence descriptions etc. Infrastructure needed, i.e. exchange organisation, qualification authorities etc. Tasks of players involved, i.e. tasks of sending and receiving institutions, of mobility participants, of exchange organisation etc. Procedure to be followed, i.e. steps to be taken in mobility process Documents required, i.e. competence description, Europass mobility, Certificate Supplement, mobility contract etc. o Duration: 04/2007 – 06/2007 wp 05: Preparation and evaluation of prototype exchanges o On the basis of the mobility guidelines developed at least three prototype exchanges (preferably involving the sectors tourism and leisure time, plastics technology and hair dressing) will be prepared and evaluated in each participating country. The exchanges themselves will take place within the „Lifelong Learning“ measure of the LdV programme. The preparatory tasks of the exchanges, financed under Pro Mobility, will include the establishment of „zones of mutual trust“ and the conclusion of a „memorandum of understanding“ between the sending and the receiving institutions. These tasks cover the Discussion of the existing competence descriptions and the Definition of compentences (and their levels) abroad. o Duration: 05/2007 – 08/2007 wp 06: Drawing up of a national evaluation report and a comparative analysis o Carrying out of mobility exchanges under the LLL measure of the LdV programme o For the evaluation of the prototype exchanges the evaluation design of wp 2 will be used. o The results of the evaluation of the prototype exchanges (= testing the mobility guidelines) will be summarised in national final reports (approx. ten to 15 pages). A brief comparative analysis (approx. 20 to 25 pages) will be produced in order to detect similarities and differences in the feedback given. o Duration: 08/2007 – 03/2008 wp 07: Development of mobility guidelines (final version) o The insights gained during the preparation and carrying out of the prototype exchanges will be used to adapt and fine-tune the transnationally and nationally relevant mobility guidelines. o Duration: 04/2008 – 04/2008 wp 08: Creation of web content o In all participating countries web content will be created that will be added to existing, well-known and thematically relevant websites (e.g. Leonardo da Vinci websites or websites of exchange organisations, chambers etc.). This web content will cover the mobility guidelines developed in wp 4 and fine-tuned in wp 7. Furthermore, it will comprise information about the Europass transparency instruments, about ECVET and EQF, the VET systems in other countries, competence descriptions, a database with receiving/sending institutions, contact addresses, best practice examples etc. o Duration: 05/2008 – 06/2008 wp 09: Monitoring, evaluation and quality safeguarding o The project procedure and the results will be constantly evaluated by one of the participating partners. Furthermore, the results will also be evaluated by an external, independent expert. The outcomes will be used to improve the products. o x x x x x 3 o Duration: 12/2006 – 08/2008 x wp 10: Valorisation o Spreading information about the project and disseminating the project results are important tasks throughout the lifetime of the project, in particular, though, after wp 8, i.e. when the final products are available. The PMC will play a central role in the valorisation process in each participating country, as they are involved in national laws and training regulations. Efforts will also be made to spread the information and use the results beyond the project period. o Duration: 12/2006 – 08/2008 x wp 11: Project management o The project management includes the safeguarding of the project process, the organisation of the partner meetings, the writing of the minutes, the communication with partners, the drawing up of technical implementation and financial reports. o Duration: 12/2006 – 08/2008 x wp 12: Cooperation with EAC/44/06 o Great importance will be attached to the cooperation with the project team of the call for tender EAC/44/06 during the entire project period. Information will be exchanged regularly via e-mail. EAC/44/06 team members will also be invited to the Pro Mobility partner meetings giving both project teams the chance to exchange information and feedback. All documents and results produced will be forwarded to the EAC/44/06 project team. During the project period three one-day meetings in Brussels will be attended by two Pro Mobility team members. All Pro Mobility members will take part in a joint final conference in Brussels. o Duration: 12/2006 – 08/2008 Results x Pro Mobility Committee in each country (cooperation platform, network) x Mobility guidelines o developed on the basis of the evaluation of ten completed and/or existing exchanges, o fine-tuned and adapted on the basis of the evaluation of three prototype exchanges, o published on a website (virtual platform) Partners (cf. ANNEX 03) x Operative partners o fund receiving partner o mainly responsible for establishment of PMC, evaluation of exchanges, development of mobility guidelines o coordination of work packages divided among the four operative partners: Wirtschaftskammer Österreich, ibw, Wirtschaftsakademie Schleswig-Holstein, School Centre Velenje x Exchange partners o fund receiving partner o mainly responsible for the organisation of prototype exchanges x Policy partners o not receiving funds o PMC members, dissemination of project results, lobbying for implementation, encourage and mobilise IVET participants (providers, students, apprentices) to participate in qualifying mobility 4 TOP 2: Contract and financial aspects Sabine Archan informs the participants about the partner contracts (cf. ANNEX 04). x No contract format was issued by the Commission. x The Leonardo da Vinci contract was taken as basis and adjusted for Pro Mobility. x The partner contracts (concluded between project contractor and the partners) contain the same rights and duties as the agreement made between the Commission and the project contractor. x Operative and exchange partners receive two copies of their contracts. Both copies have to be signed by the legal representative of the institutions and stamped. One copy has to be returned to ibw, fao Roswitha Hinterstein, Rainergasse 38, A-1050 Wien.  TO DO No. 1. 2. 3. What? Check bank details in partner contract and make any changes necessary Have partner contract signed by legal representative of your institutions and stamped Return one copy of signed and stamped partner contract to ibw, fao Roswitha Hinterstein, Rainergasse 38, A-1050 Wien Until when (deadline)? Who? 14 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 14 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 19 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs Roswitha Hinterstein presents the financial regulations relevant for Pro Mobility (cf. ANNEX 04). x Funding: 74.92 % are funded by the Commission, 25.08 % are contributed by the operative and exchange partners x Payment arrangements: pre-financing payment 60 %, payment of balance up to 40 % (depending on the actual costs) x Period of eligibility: 01 December 2006 – 31 August 2008 x Reporting: final report due to be handed in at the end of October 2008, partner to send all documents to ibw by the end of September 2008 at the latest x Staff costs: o Grant agreement, II.14.2: The costs of staff assigned to the action comprise actual salaries plus social security charges and other statutory costs included in the remuneration, provided that this does not exceed the average rates corresponding to the beneficiary’s usual policy on remuneration. o For documentation cf. ANNEX 05 x Travel and subsistence costs: o Grant agreement, II.14.2: Travel and subsistence allowances for staff taking part in the action are eligible provided that they are in line with the usual practices of the beneficiary or the partner on travel costs or do not exceed the scales approved annually by the Commission. o For documentation cf. ANNEX 06 5 x Subcontracting costs: o Grant agreement, II.14.2: Costs entailed by other contracts awarded by the beneficiary or a partner for the purposes of carrying out the action, provided that the conditions laid down in Article II.9 are met. o Grant agreement, II.9: […] beneficiary/partner is obliged to ensure that competition has to take place among the potential suppliers and to award the contract to the economically most advantageous offer, that is to say, that which provides the best value for money […] o Subcontracts will be awarded centrally by ibw. Partners agreed to contribute to expenses concerning graphic design, web-creation and production of promotion materials. x Costs of conferences and seminars: o Purpose: Two dissemination events per country – the costs for one are covered by the project budget Participation of one PMC member per country in partner meetings and in final conference o Types of expenses: Organisation costs: • Renting of a room (including technical equipment) for one promotion event per country • Purchase of event folder, promotion materials, catering Travel and subsistence costs of participants and speakers • Return journey for one expert from the PMC for the participation the each partner meeting and in the final conference in Brussels o For documentation cf. ANNEX 07 x Other direct costs, especially follow-up costs: o Production of promotion flyer for follow-up activites o Subcontract will be awarded centrally by ibw. Partners agreed to contribute to expenses. x Eligible indirect costs (overheads): o Grant Agreement, Article II.14.3: The eligible indirect costs for the action are those costs which […] are not identifiable as specific costs directly linked to performance of the action which can be booked to it directly […]. o The indirect costs incurred in carrying out the action may be eligible for flat-rate funding fixed at not more than 7 % of the total eligible direct costs. o They need not to be supported by accounting documents. Quarterly financial report: Operative and exchange partners are to hand in quarterly financial reports to x enable contractor to monitor financial situation, x shift money from one cost category to another (if required), x balance the budget among the partnership (if required). For the quarterly financial reports the documentation sheets (ANNEX 05, 06 and 07) have to be filled in. 6 VAT declaration: All partners have to declare their VAT status. VAT declaration form (cf. ANNEX 08) has to be completed, signed, stamped and returned to ibw by 28 Feb. 2007.  TO DO What? Until when (deadline)? Who? 1. First quarterly financial report 28 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 2. VAT declaration form 28 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs No. 7 TOP 3: Work programme until the 2nd partner meeting Sabine Archan outlines the work programme and the steps to be taken until the 2nd partner meeting (cf. ANNEX 09). wp 01: Establishment of a Pro Mobility Committee in each country x What? o Contacting IVET stakeholders and policy makers in each country, informing them about the project and its aims Setting up a cooperation network (Pro Mobility Committee) Organising a kick-off meeting Discussing strategies, problems, steps/actions required to promote qualifying mobility etc. Organising regular meetings throughout the project period o o o AT: WKÖ; DE: WAK-SH; SI: SC Velenje Exchange partners support operative partners, participate in PMC meetings. Policy partners are members of the PMC. o 12/2006 – mid-04/2007 o o o o x Who? x When?  TO DO What? Until when (deadline)? Who? 1. Letter by ministries and social partners to be sent to other partners – can be used as “promotion letters” for potential PMC members 14 Feb. 2007 Sabine Archan Î OPs in DE and SI 2. Organisation of a kick-off PMC 23 March 2007 WKÖ, WAK-SH, SCV 3. Kick-off PMC 13 April 2007 All partners No. Report: The invitation, the agenda, the participant list and the minutes have to be added to the final report! Further documents: x Description of Pro Mobility in German and English (cf. ANNEX 10) x Presentation of Pro Mobility in German and English (cf. ANNEX 11) x List of key issues/guiding questions to be discussed during first PMC meeting (cf. ANNEX 12) 8 wp 02: Development of evaluation design x What? o o o o x Who? Coordinating exchange evaluation (WAK-SH) Drawing up a proposal for an evaluation design (questionnaires, interview guidelines etc.) (WAK-SH) Giving feedback to evaluation design, making suggestions as to its improvement Collecting feedback, considering feedback and drawing up final version of evaluation design (WAK-SH) o o Mainly responsible: WAK-SH Feedback by all partners (operative and exchange partners) o 02/2007 x When? x The following ideas and suggestions for the evaluation design were collected during the meeting: o Quantitative analysis (number of exchanges, age of people etc.) o Learning outcomes vs. IVET systems o Qualitative questionnaire for IVET participants o Qualitative questionnaire for IVET providers and exchange organisation Legal framework Obstacles (e.g. financial, formal, organisational, social security etc.) Advantages (e.g. What are the benefits of an exchange? Best practice examples) Needs (e.g. supporting tools, ZMTs, accreditation and recognition etc.) o ? Training alliances ? under Leonardo  TO DO What? Until when (deadline)? Who? 1. Proposal of evaluation design by ibw and WAK-SH 23 Feb. 2007 WAK-SH, ibw 2. Feedback by all partners 2 March 2007 All partners 3. Drawing up of final version of evaluation design 7 March 2007 WAK-SH No. wp 03: Analysis and evaluation of at least ten completed and/or existing exchanges x What? o o o Evaluating ten completed and/or existing exchanges in each country Drawing up a national evaluation report (10 to 15 pages) Drawing up a brief comparative analysis (20 to 25 pages) o o AT: ibw, DE: WAK-SH, SI: SC Velenje Exchange partners support operative partners. x Who? 9 o o National reports: ibw, WAK-SH, SC Velenje Comparative analysis: WAK-SH o mid-04/2007 x When? x The following issues concerning the evaluation were decided upon during the meeting: o Quantity: mixture of individual and group exchanges o Target sectors: preferably the sectors mentioned in the application, but other options are also possible; if possible, exchanges of disabled people should also be considered o Countries: preferably focussing on the three participating countries, but involving other countries is also possible o IVET participants: age can vary – from 16 to 25 o Exchanges: companies to companies, schools to companies – integration into real work situations (“interim stop” – workshop/laboratory); school to school exchanges should – if possible – also be taken into account; not only Leonardo exchanges should be considered o Period of exchange/time spent: from two weeks to three months  TO DO What? Until when (deadline)? Who? 1. List of exchanges including participants, providers, countries, length, contact details 16 Feb. 2007 OP (supported by EP) 2. List to be sent to ibw 19 Feb. 2007 OPs Î ibw 3. Evaluation and drawing up of national report 5 April 2007 OPs 4. National reports to be sent to ibw and WAK-SH 5 April 2007 OPs Î WAK-SH, ibw 5. Comparative analysis 15 April 2007 WAK-SH No. wp 05: Preparation of prototype exchanges The following agreements were reached during the meeting: x Preparation is financed under the Pro Mobility project. x The exchanges themselves are financed under the LLL measure of the Leonardo da Vinci programme x application required! x Target sectors: tourism and leisure time, plastics technology, hair dressing – in case not exchanges take place in these sectors, other sectors might be used as well x Number of exchanges: at least three within the participating countries – the exchanges must enable the fine-tuning of the mobility guidelines, hence, enough empirical data have to be collected x Participants: apprentices, IVET students x Number of participants: at least three x Duration of exchange: preferably three or more months; in any case more than three weeks 10 x It is important to consider people accompanying exchange groups in the application. Horizontal work packages – wp 09 – wp 12 x Monitoring, evaluation and quality safeguarding o Process evaluation – an online questionnaire will be sent out to all partners by WKO o Internal and external project evaluation (WKO) x Project management o Project coordination (ibw) o Final technical implementation report (ibw and all partners) o Financial statement (ibw and all partners) x Cooperation with EAC/44/06 o Participation in one meeting in Brussels – ibw will inform other partners about the project team EAC/44/06 and the cooperation x Valorisation o Compilation/production of promotion material Information about the projects and its aims compiled for online implementation into existing websites (ibw) Flyer about the project produced and printed (ibw) Flyer about the results of the project (PMC, mobility guidelines) produced at the end of the project (ibw) Information about the project to placed on partners‘ websites (all partners) Promotion materials (bags, pens, mouse pads, writing pads etc.) produced (ibw) o Contribution to newspapers/newsletters Articles written in partners‘ newsletters, publications etc. (all partners) Press releases, information bulletins, articles in national and international newspapers etc. published (all partners) Networks and communication channels of each partner used (all partners) Quarterly newspaper will be set up for Pro Mobility (ibw) Organisation of and participation in events Two promotion and dissemination events (“marketplace for mobility”) organised in each country (operative partners) Participation in events to promote Pro Mobility (all partners) x Remember o The Agreement n. 2006 – 4503 / 001 – 001 PIL PILOTP has to be added to all materials produced! o Any publication has to bear the following sentence: Pro Mobility was funded with the support of the European Community. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the position of the European Community. Furthermore, the Community is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. o Collect all valorisation materials for final technical implementation report! (cf. Annex 13) 11 TOP 4: 2nd partner meeting The second partner meeting will take place in Munich, between 16 and 17 April 2007. x Preliminary agenda: o Discussion about results of wp 1 to 3 o Wp 4: Development of mobility guidelines o Wp 5: Preparation of prototype exchanges o Wp 6: Evaluation of prototype exchanges o Wp 7: Adapation and fine-tuning of mobility guidelines o 3rd partner meeting 12 TO DO - SUMMARY Until when (deadline)? Who? 14 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 14 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 14 Feb. 2007 ibw Î OPs in DE and SI 4. Compile list of exchanges including participants, providers, countries, length, contact details 16 Feb. 2007 OP (supported by EP) 5. List of exchanges to be sent to ibw 19 Feb. 2007 OPs Î ibw 6. Return one copy of signed and stamped partner contract to ibw, fao Roswitha Hinterstein, Rainergasse 38, A-1050 Wien 19 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 7. Submit proposal of evaluation design drawn up by WAK-SH and ibw 23 Feb. 2007 WAK-SH, ibw 8. Submit first quarterly financial report 28 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 9. Submit VAT declaration form 28 Feb. 2007 OPs, EPs 10. Give feedback to evaluation design proposal 2 March 2007 All partners 11. Submit final version of evaluation design 7 March 2007 WAK-SH 12. Organisation of a kick-off PMC 23 March 2007 WKÖ, WAK-SH, SCV 13. Evaluation and drawing up of national report 5 April 2007 OPs 14. National reports to be sent to ibw and WAK-SH 5 April 2007 OPs Î WAK-SH, ibw 15. Kick-off PMC 13 April 2007 All partners 16. Drawing up of comparative analysis 15 April 2007 WAK-SH 16 and 17 April 2007 All partners No. 1. 2. 3. 17. What? Check bank details in partner contract and make any changes necessary Have partner contract signed by legal representative of your institutions and stamped Letter by ministries and social partners to be sent to other partners – can be used as “promotion letters” for potential PMC members 2 nd partner meeting 13 LIST OF ANNEXES Annexes Title Annex 01 Agenda of 1st partner meeting Annex 02 Presentation: Pro Mobility – Introduction Annex 03 Updated Partner list Annex 04 Presentation: Contract and financial aspects Annex 05 Documentation of staff costs Annex 06 Documentation of travel and subsistence costs Annex 07 Documentation of costs of conferences and seminars Annex 08 VAT declaration form Annex 09 Presentation: Work programme until the 2nd partner meeting Annex 10 Description of Pro Mobility in German and English Annex 11 Presentation of Pro Mobility in German and English Annex 12 List of key issues/guiding questions to be discussed during first PMC meeting Annex 13 Documentation of dissemination activities 14
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