Morning News • Sunday, June 15, 1907 — 50 AROUNDTOWN I he Morning Newt welcomes Information from local artists about their exhibits. It Is the responsibility of the artist or the gallery where the works are being shown to submit the Information In writing to thjs newspaper. A date when the exhibition will run MUST be Included. ARTS HA mMIUM — Summer Education , Arts program win be hew July 7-11, July 14-18, July 21-25 and July 2frAug. 1 at the OW Tybee School at 5th Street. Time for ages 6-10,9-11 am; time for ages 11*15, noon-2 pm The , program Is presented by the Tybee Arts Association. Fee: $60 per week. ;786692Q. WVWWORK» CRAFT OAQZHV, 105 E. ' River St. June feature: Fish, Frogs and Cattails by artiste Chartes MeJey, Donald Gehlken and John Burke. Open from 10 a.m.-6 pm daily; from 11 am-7 p.m. Sundays; later evening hours at the end of the week and weekends. 236-2012. MPfUNTS STUDIO, 200F Montgomery Crossroads, is offering the following 'classes In June: Basics of Art Rubber Stamping; Embossing; Stamping on Fabric; Introduction to the Techniques of . Stamping and Handpalntlng on ceramic and terra cotta tiles; Painted Furniture; Birdhouses; Handstamped and hand. : .painted silk scarves; Paper Making; Children Art Classes; Adult Art Classes; and Watercolor Classes. Classes scheduled based on Individual or group needs. Call 927-8500 for more information. IftUHMMI RUM RUNNERS 2, Dessert cafe on Tybee, in coHaboratten with ' Tybee Arts Association, presents 'The Baker's Palette," featuring a different local artist every month. The chefs choice for June is Debbie Roberson displaying a threfrpaneled acrylic Panorama of Lazaretto Creek. B01MKM. WOERCOUOR WORKSHOP will be held from 9 am.-l p.m. July 10Aug. 14 at The Dolphin and The Mermaid Art Gallery & Design Studio. This is a six-week course that runs six consecutive Thursdays. Presented by Rebecca Willis. Cost: $150 for sixweek course. For more Information and supply list, call Rebecca Willis at 8971689. THE ATHDUOAliERY, 409 E. Liberty St., is featuring the pastels of local artist Lawrence Levow; furniture and basket designs by Zeinab^heis; ells and mlxeeknedla by Oenise Falk; International artist Victor Richardson's pastels; as well as the work of 12 other local and national artists. The next featured exhibition, "New Works," opens June 27. the gallery presents works of traditional, contemporary and functional works of art and Is always open free to the public. For more Information, call Shelley Smith at 2320403. Gallery hours: 10 am6:30 pm Tuesday-Friday, 11 am6 PJTI. Saturday, and 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday. AMMSTRONQ ATUkNTIC ilAlt UNMERSfTVs Department of Art and Music will present Dwellings, an exhibition of sculpture and palntlrig by John Mitchell, In the AASU Fine Arts Gallery July 7-Juty 18. An opening reception Is scheduled from 5-7 pm July 7 and the artist will give a gallery talk at 5 p.m. The exhibition is sponsored by the Visual and Performing Arts Committee of the Armstrong Campus Union Board, The free exhibition and reception are open to the pubHc, Gallery hours are 9 anvB pm Monday-Friday, For more information, call 927-5325. A JOURNEY OF RIVERS, the artistic works of Ariene Case, will ba on dtaplay through July 11 at the Beach Institute, £02 E. Harris St. Case's paintings grace the walls of homes and galleries "trtroughout the United States, Canada, England and the Caribbean. Her work also Is displayed on popular American te»evl»tonprc«rwns«uche«"LMng Single" and "Martin." The free exhibition Is open to the public. VWUACE SASSKMD — American Impressionist's paintings will be shown at Kim locovonJ Fine Art. 12 W. Harris ' St., Madison Square, from 10 am.-5 , p.m. Monday-Saturday through June ' 28. Bassford, at 99, is stIH painting In his studio In Palm Beach, Fla. This snow Is comprised of 11 paintings, including still life* of flowers artt several nudes. The show Is free. Call 2349424 for more Information. MtOnUB M MNMUVE - Exhibit at the • Qalerie Lumlere. J24 E. Oglethorpe Ave., snowing through June 29. Artists featured are Howard FInBter, Ana Bell Lee, Jas MHam, Fred Buoln, John Stevens, Paul Werner, Pat Boquard and Ruby Smiley. Call 236-7720 for rnore Information. TNI TYtJal ARTS ASSOCMflOW Is accept tog aooflcsttons from Interested artists and Una erafter* to participate In a juried Festival of Arts scheduled tor Oct. 10-11 at the new pevWon on the ' beech at Tybee. The Inaugural event, ,-x "Tybse Festival of the Arts," Is epoiv sored by the Tybee Arts Association, city of Tybee Island and Chatham County. There wW be substantial media and business sponsorship. The two-day event Is a celebration of arts, Including music and dance. Painters, potters, woodworkers, photographers and weavers from throughout the SoutheaA are invited to preasnt toolsplay and seU their art work*. For appttcation and additional tofonnetton contact: Tybee Arts Aseoclatlcn/Festlval of the Arts, P.O. Box 2344, Tybee Island, Ga. 31328, E-mail MINGSSMOLCOM or fax 786-7065. How to get stuff in Calendar The Savannah Morning News and Carolina Morning News welcome Information tor our Calender listings. N^ Ckjbe, Musto, ThMer end AuoTtton listings appear In Frideyttvecstons. Saturday and Sunday's Accent sections contain • Hat of area tourist sttee art norvantertalnment events. And Arts, Attraction* end CieesM/Talks/ReeiMngs are listed in Sunday's Arts end Travel section. Information must be submitted IN WRITING by 6 pjn. one week prior to publication. Items without information such as date, time, place, sponsor, cost or phone number may not be used. The Calendar listings are free. The newspaper reserves the right to reject Hems at the editor's Discretion. Unsolicited Information or photographs cannot be returned. CiwaaBBw B ^•••••••••»«**»*»«**«***«»*i JULYEXHOTS: The events are free and open to the public. Current exhfertion, "Before Discovery: Artistic Development In the Americas Before the Arrival of Columbus," Is on display until Aug. 3. Also on view Is "Blind Vision: The Art of Captato William E. Jordan," an exhibition of 30 drawings by this blind, selftaught artist. Art for Lunch Rim —12:30 pm July 9. "PreColumblan Art in Mexico," Aztec cosmology and MesoAmerican religions are discussed as noted writer and art critic Octavto Paz narrates white visiting the pyramids at Chteherv Itza and Teotlhuacan. Festival of the Americas Family Sunday — 2-5 pm July 13. Enjoy the "Before Discovery"' exhibition with gallery games, local artist demonstrations, hands-on art activities for all ages, and music celebrating the rich cultural traditions of the Americas. OM HAND BUEMNQ will be offered by the city of Savannah Department of Cultural Affairs. Learn the basics of hand building and glazing. Baste tools, glasses, and clay are furnished. Session 1 will be held from 2-3:30 p.m. June 16,18 end 20 at Daffln Annex. Session 2 wHI be held 2-330 pm, July 7, 9,11,14.16 and 18. Ages 8-12. The fee is $60 per session. Also, Kids Clay class will be offered. Explore ceramic in a fun, creative envi- , ronment. The class will introduce children to the sculpture aspects of clay. Session 1 will be held from 4:306 p.m. June 19-Juty 31 at Daffln Annex. Session 2 will be held from 4:306 pm Aug. 14Oct. 2 at Daffln Annex. Ages 8-12.The fee Is $60 par session. For additional information or to register for ceramics classes, call 351-3839 or contact the Cultural Affairs office at 651-6417. THE SMMNNAH ARTIST OURJ) —On June 28, Barbara Perceil of Dublin will lead a workshop painting a magnolia floor cloth using acrylic paints. On July 26, Perceil will teach how to paint another floor cloth for Christmas. Workshops are open to nonmembers for $30 plus additional costs for supplies. For more information, call 9250887. The Jekyll Island Arts Association presents the creative artworks of Donald LJzzul and Kathryn Ketchum Uzzul of New York City. The exhibition is at the Gallery at Goodyear Cottage In the Historic District on Jekyll Island. Gallery hours are from noon4 pm Monday-Friday and from 10 a.m.-4 pm Saturday and Sunday. There is no admission charge. The exhibition will run through June 30. THE UMVERSTTY OF SOUTH CAROUNA BEAUFORT ART DEPARTMENT presents Roger Shlmomura, a print retrospective through June 30. "An America Diary." Gallery Hours: Monday-Friday, 9 anx-5 pm Performing Arts Center, USCB 801 Carteret St., Beaufort. For more Information, cell (803) 521-4144. "EASTWOOD AND RHENDS", a Soto ex* bttton of the work of Savannah artist Craig Harding, will be exhibited at the Lobby Gallery at City Market, 204 W. St. JuNan St., through July 6. The large, confrontational portraits of the ferrous — Including two drfferent views of Clint Eastwood — present famWar faces in a unique manner that brings new insight to the rernarksMe Images of highly recognizable people. The larger-tharvWfe portraits may been seen In the Lobby Gallery from 9 am5 p.m. Monday-Friday, or weekends by appointment with artist. More Information: 236-9209. Harding, a senior Illustration major at the Savannah College of Art and Design, has been commissioned by the college to crate a mural of the school's new fitness center. THE ART OF LARRY UWOW - The paste! and oH originals and limited edition reproductions of Larry Levow wilt be featured In the June Exhibition at the Art Center at City Market. The Levow work Includes figurative, still life and landscape pieces created, by the artist's definition. In the classical style. The Levow Exhibition, at the Upper Level Gallery in the Franklin Ward South convex of The An Center, will be ., open from 10 am.6 pm weekdays and from noorvS pm Sundays. The artist will ba present to greet visitors on Fridays from 10 am-5 p.m. and on Sundays from noon* pm More Information, 233-2080. DATE: TOMST LOCATION: PRESENTED BY: COST: FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL OTHER: „ „.. i««»«»f»»»«»a»»f«»«»4»**»*****»*»"*»**********»f »***»***•*•»•»*•**•••••••""****•-**«****•*•*•***••*••**< Cut out this form and send information to: Community News Desk Savannah Morning News/Carolina Morning News P.O. Box 1088 Savannah, Ga. 31402 Or fax information to 912-2346522 OF CULTURAL AfflURS/lBMJRE SCTVICES BUREAU will Implement the Georgia Council for the Art's Grassroots Arts Program for Chatham County. Nonprofit social, cultural, educational or hearrjHeJated organizations are encouraged to apply for GAP fundng. Applicable funds wHI support arts programming scheduled between Aug. 4, 1997, and June 30,1§98. Grant guidelines and applications may be picked up at the Department of Cultural Affairs, 2 E. Bay St., or call 651-6417. The Grassroots Arts Program application deadline Is June 13. UFT BANK ART OAUttY, 3600 Fredertea Road, Suite 12, St. Simons Island, Through June 28: Salute To Summer featuring a special exhibit honoring 25 Georgia artists and their work*. July 131: Bastille Day Celebration Art Exhibit features a montrrtong showing of new paintings by French modem masters. Including Jamart, Le Bourdelles and Rousseau, plus the official Marine Paintings of France: Morvan, Gambler, Riguad and Bouyssou. Hours: 10 am-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. (912) 638-3017,1800-336-9469. OALLEfrY 209: Featured for June: paintings of Jane S. Lyon and the enameled Jewelry creatlonsxrf craftsman and . artist Don Rountree. Lyon offers work in watercolor, acrylic, collage, blockprint and serigraph. Rountree's featured work is his enameled, brightly colored jewelry using both copper and silver and the time-honored, meticulous techniques of cloisonne. Gallery 209 is on East River Street and open from 10:30 am-5:30 pm Monday-Saturday and from noon-5:30 pm Sunday. For more Information, call Hank Weisman at 2364583 or 23*5777. from 11 am-5 p.m. weekdays and from 1-5 p.m. weekends through July 6 at Trustee Gardens, 10 Bishops Court. The show Is presented by Savannah Art Association. The show Is free. For more Information, call 232-7731. laV HAND AWT OAUfllYt "George Plante (1914-1995) — Memorial Retrospective and ExhWtton." Is open to the public through June. For more Information, call Nancy L Chamberlain or Jack Lane at (803) 785-2318 at Hilton Heed Island. GeJtory Hours: 11 a.ra-5 pm MOnday-Seturdey. Tt* WAS* CftAPTBMAN, 223 W. River St. A cooperative of original arts and crafts from tow country artisans of . Savannah and surrounding i featuring decorative, functional and wearable fabric crafts by Henna Collins and handmade quHts by Betty Kaiser. Open from 10 am-6 pm dally. 2387280. MOONSHSU ANT •AUMV, Hilton Head Island, presents "Out of the Woods," an exhibit of new pastel paintings by Carol Rothrock, through June 20. Her work features Impressions of travels In the West and Irnpreesions of spring in the Lowcountry. The pubHc Is IrMted to attend all opening events. For more Information, call Ann Light et (803) 341-3339. Gertery hours ere 11 am-5 p.m Tuesday-Friday and 1-6 pm Saturday. fWejieAUJMV WIN host an exhibition of recent works by members Stacy Gibbon), Rachel Green, EWe Tetleferro HIH, John Mitchell, Karen continues through June. Call 2361080. •OUTMOW NMAOnOAUJBtY, 132 E. Ogtethorpe Ave., presents "INTERI- ORS" photographs by Jack Leigh, through July 12. Gattery hours are from 10 am-5 pm Monday-Saturday, 10 am-2 pm Sunday. Can 23*6449 for information. CUSSES & READINGS ,aprivate, accredKed Catholic school for grades 9-12, Is offering a summer school program June l&Aug. 1. During the school year, the school serves young men exclusively. The summer schooTis open to young men and young women. For more Information, call Tony Orstol, olrector. at 3563500. STlBWItmJJB'WmtAROMATWtAPV will be held from 9-11 a.m. • Wednesdays. June IB-July 16. at Aromatherapy Oils in Statesboro. Presented by certified aromatheraptst. The cost is $15 per class. Limited space. Call (912) 764-7877 to register. Bring sheet and pillow. STOOTtLIJNQ/SlUT volunteers needed to , work with children ages 6-12. The program is being nek) from 9 am-2 pm through Aug. 1 at neighborhood centers in the Savannah area. Qualifications: Rising ninth-graders throigh rising I2thgradersmust be willing to work well with children. They should possess good speaking and/or acting skills and must be willing to commit to volunteer for at least two weeks at a time. Benefits: Students who complete their volunteer assignments satisfactorily will receive community service credit. Call Denise Fisher, Americorps/VISTA Leader, 1108 £ Anderson St.. Savannah, Ga. 31404; phone number 651-3601. Fax 651-3603. IHt MSJUMAHOIATHAM BOARD OF I will offer the Summer Academy, a two-week program of enrichment end accelerated courses for gifted/talented and high achieving students enrolled In public or private schools. This year's program is scheduled from 8:30 am-noon dally, July 7July 18. at DeRenne MWdte School, 3609 Hopkins St. Summer Academy offerings include courses In inathemstfct, English, social studea foreign language, computer science and fine/performing arts. The program Is open to students who will be In grades 1-8 during the 1997-98 school year and have obtained above average grades (GPA 2.5 or higher) and/or scored at or above the 80th national percentlle on a standenJred achievement test. Students also must be recommended by a teacher or school official. The tuition fee Is $75 for two stogleeesston classes or one double session class. Class stes ere limited and students who meet the •enrollment criteria are accepted on a first-come, firstserved basis. For more Information, call 651-7581. AMDHCAN NB> CMOM Is offering summer swim lessons from 10-10:45 am. or from 11-11:45 em. at Daffln Park Pool. Session One — June 9-19; Session Two —June 230ury 3; Session Three - July 7-17; Session Four — July 2141; Session Five — Aug. 4-14. No classes on Fridays. Courses are taught by American Red Cross certified Instructors. Prebegkv ner and beginner classes are limited to five students par Instructor. Upper level courses ere limited to eight students per Instructor. Various skill levels will be offered. Classes are limited to 14 and up. For more information, call 651-4248. \ —10-11 am. and 1-2 pm June 16-27 at the Visual Atts SJudto. Ages 56 years and 9-12 years. Instructor: Elsie T. HIH. Fee: $60. leWi Drawing — 2:304:30 pm June 3O -' fS$ et the Visual Arts Studio. For aj|as 13-18 years. Intensive drawing workshop. Fee: $30. Painting — 1050noon and 1-2:30 pm July 7-18 at the Visual Arts Studto. For ages 66 years and ages 9-12 years. Fee: $80. Bring photos from your school days and whole family to help create treasured memories with acid free meteri- . als. Camp Cool — Art camp m Michaels Classroom. July 7-11, ages 56 and Jury 15-18, ages 9-12. children and adolescents. Sponsored by the Coastal Children's Advocacy Center, ages 14-17:66 pm June 26. The classes are taught by certMsd Instructors VengJe Msmalakls and SheHyAlneworth at the Jewish ' Educational Alliance. Classes are free,' but a $5 deposit Is required to hold ' your child's place In either class. (Deposit will be refunded If child attends) For more Information or to register your child, call the center at •• 236-1401, Teen Art - W pm July 7-18 et the Visual Arts Studto. Class will focus on the Interest of the student. Instructor: Stacy GJbbont. Fee: $60. Enameling — 46 pm June 19-Aug. 7 at the Visual Arts Studio. Forages 16acMt Create original art. Instructor/artist: John Mitchell. Fee: THI ••onaiA MtTOMCAL aouwiv, $75, materials included. Prtntmaking — 7-9 pm Thursdays, July 1997 Summer Lecture SerieKEthnte • Influences in Early Georgia 246ept. 11 at the Visual Arts Studto. For ages teervadult. Instructor/artist: The programs are free and open to the Eileen FtagerakJ Smith. Fee: $75. public. (912) 651-2125. • "WBItam Bertram and the Darien Scots" Drawing — 10-li am and 1-2 pm June — 7 pm July 10. at Hodgson Hall, , 30-Jury 3 at the Visual Arts Studto. For 501 Whttaker St. Edward CaaNn, ages 7-8 years and 9-12 years. Instructor Stacy Gfebont. Fee: $30. Augusta State University. Co-spon- r k eored by the St. Andrew's Society of OATLANO ISLAND BUCAT10N CBflBI SUMMER PROGRAMS for children Savannah. m entering kindergarten through eighth The programs are free and open to the grade: public. (912) 651-2125. Weekly camps from through Aug. 1. Camps are educationally focused, and include a drverse curriculum such as animal arid plant studies, wetland investigations, weaving, or camping skills. Crafts and nature study are included in ail camps. Costs vary dependent on age and specific camp, from $804125 per week. Out-okown visitors may register on a spacemanable basis, for one or more days. For additional fees, lunch and transportation from designated locations are available. Students are actively engaged in "handson, mlndeon" (earning and taught by experienced adult teachers. For more Information or to request a brochure, cad 897*3773. NMATTOVBMART— "Cartoon Drawing" for 7 and older will be held from 2-3 p.m. July 12 at ToySmart. Call ToySmart, 3546333, for more information. I—FlveWeek Studto Sessions for Teens and Adults, classes meet once a week, art supplies Included. The cost Is $115 pet flveweek session. Monart Is at 310 E. Montgomery Crossroads, Suite 26. Call 3546333. Session 1— JuneS-Juryl, Intermediate . Drawing Techniques — Tuesdays, 7-9 pm, (teen/adutt). Session II — July 12-Aug. 9, Advanced Mixed Media — Saturdays. 10 am.noon, (teen/adurt). Instructor Is Wendy Martin and classes are held at 310 E-Montgomery Crossroads, Suite 26. Call 3546333. Week 3 — June 16-20. Art History Through Drawing (ages 8 and older), Monday-Friday, 10:30 am-noon. $80. MlriW^mp^ametot (ages 9-12), 13:30 p.m. $120. Basic Monart (ages 51/26), 4-5 p.m. $60. Week 4—June 23-27, Getting Reedy (ages 46), 10-11 am. $60. Basic Monart (ages 66), 11:30 a.m-l2:30 pm$60. Week 5 — July 7-11. Amazing Animals (ages 7-12), 10-11:30 am. $80.*Mtol Camp Indian Magic (ages 66), 1-3:30 pm.$120. Week 6 — Getting Ready (ages 46), 11 am.-noon, $60. Folk Tales and Fairy Tales (ages 7-12), 2-3:30 pm, $75. Cartoons & Comic Books (ages 7-12),. 3306 p.m., $75. Take both for $135. Week 7—Jury 21-25, Baste Monart (ages 66), 11 am.-noon, $60. MiniCamp (ages 9-12), 1-3:30 p.m., $120. Advanced Mixed Media (teen/adurt), 5:30-7:30 pm. $115. SJBCHAB* CHAW AND AMIS < Watercolor Basic — Maxlne Hetmey — June 16,23 and 30. Airbrush — Katrierlne HempttH — 4:308:30 pm June 24. Brtngown alrbrueh. Wilton Cake Decorating — Basic is offered from 10 am/noon June 16,23, 30 and July 7, with Melante Webb. Basic from 6:30-6:30 pm June 19 and 26 end July 3 and 10, with Ella Golden. Wilton Level II from 10 am-noon June 17 and 24 and July 1 and 8, with Melanle Webb. Wilton Level III'— 6:306:30 pm June 20 end 27 and July 11 and 18. Kids Club — 10 am-noon Saturdays, June 21 and 28. Watercolor — 9:30-11:30 a.m. June 17, 19, 24 and 26. Sculpey Clay for Kkl* — Katharine HemphHl —1-3 pm June 25 and 1-3 pm June 26 (separate classes). Acrylic Painting — Maxlne Hehney —1-4 p.m. June 17. Wearable Stencil Art —10 em-noon June 20. Pamt-AAX — Kethertne HamphM'—1-3 pm June 20. Floor Cloth — Barbara Peres* —16. pm. Juns 21-22. Memory Book Meklng lesson HI — "School Dan." 1-3 pm. June 28. •DOQRAM — "CATCH THE VOW — Savannah SaNing Center presents weeklong sessions at Lake Mayer ' through the week of Aug. 11 for juniors (8 and above) and every other Saturday for adults. Times: Juntora i'. morning session from 8:30 am-noon •. and afternoon session from 1-5 pm; and adults, 9 am.-l pm. The cost is '• $75 per session for juniors and $20 per session for adults (one Saturday).' For more information, call 231-9996 or fax to 231-9699. Juggling Workshops — Steve Dahm — June 16, for intermaolate. Ages 10-15, from 5:30-7 pm; and l&edutts, 7-9 pm Cost: $15 par workshop. Puppetmaklng — Voetto— June7: .. Castles and Fairytales; June 28: Animal Tails; and July 12: Bugs and Buzzzz. Each Saturday, from 2-4 pm. » Age: 5-12 years. Cost: $10 (includes materials). Watercolor — Princlne Tighe — from 6:308:30 pm June 17. 24 and Jury 1, fourweek seseton. Teens end adults. Cost: $60. Arts & Science Camp— Painting, Drawing, Science, Movement A Creative Writing — from 9-2 pm July 7-25, Monday-Friday. Ages: 66, 9-10. 11-13. (Bring a bagged lunch). Cost: $to per week. Sign up for one week ' and all three. One-Day Actlrg Workshops — EHzabeth Austin Goodwin — from 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. June 21, 28 or July 5 (Dunnagan's Alley). Ages: 10-17 years, (Bring a bagged lunch). Cost: $30 per. day. Sign up for just one or all four. Summer Theatre Camp — Don Gruel and '. Noel Holland — from 9 am.-4 pm July 7-25, MondarFriday (Dunnagan's Alley). Focus Areas: July 7-11, Basic Acting Skills; July 14-18, stage Combat Fights; and July 21-25, Musical Theatre. Ages: 10-13 and 14*. 17. (Bring a bagged lunch). Cost: $90 per week. Summer Theatre Class — Sarah Thtgpen ' and/or Matt Rankln — from 8:30-10 am. for ages 7-12; from 10:15-11:45 • am. for ages 13-18. June 10-26, Tuesdays and Thursdays (Durtnegsn's " Alley). Cost: $60forthree week session or $15 per class tor dropto atudents. Students must register to advance. All classes require advance regiatrattoh. Classes neve s minimum and meximum enrollment requbnarnsnt so register early. Registration msy be mads Irv person or by phone: (803) 6863946, ext. 234; or fat: (803^ 842-7877. A $15carceliatk)nieewWbeseseeeett Registration forms are eveHabto from the adrnNstratlve offices end wW be meHed on request. Ths Self Family Arts Center is at 14 Shelter Cove Lane. Training Courses: > Class 4 — 5-10 pm June 26-27 et ;' Bethesda Home for Boys. And 8 *.nvT> pm June 28-29 - Bethesda Home tofBoys. To participate m the course, students must be eWe to perform the toNowing skills during the first pool seestorcBpOyard swim Including 100 yards crawl; 100 yards breast stroke; 100 yards side stroke; and 200 yards winner's . choice with no stopping or walking, "> Also, twomtnute treed water using togs only end cflve to s depth of 9 feet to retrieve s 10 pound brick. Students must be age 16 by the end of >J the course In order to receive osrtMoeH tton. AH classes require pre^sgistrs- ' tton. The cost of the course, tnehjOni Wstructtonal metsrisJs, Is $126. 8616323.
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