12 Press-Republican-Tuesday, October 19,1982 Draft seen out for at least 4 years By RICHARD C. GROSS WASHINGTON (TJPI) - A military manpower study group said Monday it seas na nmi for a draft for at least four years and D e f e n s e S e c r e t a r y Caspar Weinberger discounted the recession as a key to the success of the, all-volunteer force. The biggest incentive to join the military, Weinberger said, is that "it's an honor to wear the uniform again," plus higher pay, riot high unemployment. The report by the "Military Manpower Task. Force," presented by Weinberger to President Reagan, concluded there will not be a need for the draft for the foreseeable future. ~ It said manpower goals in all branches of the armed forces generally will be met through fiscal year 1987. "There is no requirement for a draft as a means of bringing in sufficient numbers of qualified junior enlisted personnel," the report said. The report was ; not surprising, since Defense Department officials have been expressing delight in recent months not only with the numbers of recruits and reenlistments but also with the higher educational quality of enlistees. The Pentagon's total force objective ior fiscal year 1982, thejrear ended Sept. 30, was 2,108,080. Actual strength as of June 30 was 2,107,000 men and women. Some Pentagon officials have suggested double-digit unemployment and the recession as reasons for the best recruitment year for the volunteer force since its inception in 1973. But Weinberger told a news conference at the White House that the recession was only one factor contributing to higher recruitment and retention. He said increased pay for the military was another and in' dicated the Pentagon is requesting, another military pay hike for next year. "I don't believe that the recession is a major factor," he said. "It has an effect on the numbers coming in, but it is not the sole factor." Weinberger said recruitment has been high even in areas of high employment. His assessment appeared to contradict that of the Army's manpower chief, Lt. Gen. Maxwell Thur- man, who said Oct. 11 that "the economy (is) running in our favor" in recruitment. The report also discounted concerns. toa^^U^^oIunteer concept will create ~ah all blaciT army. Although blacks are 12 percent of the general population, they comprise 19 percent of the military, including 33 percent of the Army and 22 percent of the Marines. "The task force does not look upon this as a problem," the report said, "The fact that many blacks volunteer is a tribute to their patriotism. It would be both unnecessary and unfair to move to a quota-based recruitment system to . achieve some arbitrary notion of a proper racial balance." A factor contributing to the high percentage of blacks in the military, the report said,, is "that military service offers blacks better opportunities for responsible work at fair compensation than are available to them in many segments of the private sector." The black unemployment rate reached a record"'20.2 percent in September, the Labor Department reported. Total joblessness stood at 10.1 percent nationwide. 254 Places To Buy The Press-Republican Greater Plattsburgh AtP, Rt. 9 No. Baktr Pharmacy, Skyway Plaza Base Billeting Bat* Exchange, PAFB Bay Harbor, 474 Margaret St. Bays Id* Motal, 450 Margaret St. Brooks Discount, Margaret St. '* Buck's Discount, Rt. 22 No. Buckley's Store, Pleasant Ridge Rd. Campus Corners, 104 Bridge St. Chuck; Wagon, 113 BrinkerhoffSt. Clinton Co. Airport, Rt. 3 College Bookstore, PSUC College Center. Rugar St. 58 more draft protesters arrested ' U rr-r By HENRY DAVID ROSSO WASHINGTON (UPI) - Police arrested 58 draft protesters in front of Selective Service System headquarters Monday, carrying many away on stretchers when they refused to walk to police vans. . According to police, about 200 demonstrators marched to draft headquarters as employees arrived; for work. They were met by'police who had blocked the street in front of the building. The d e m o n s t r a t o r s were members of. a group called the October 18 Resistance Campaign, which threatened to close the building to protest draft registration requirements for young men reaching their 18th birthdays. One group of demonstrators formed a circle and sang softly. "We're not going to shut it (the Selective Service) down, we're going to make it obsolete." A young woman said, "We're going to prove that love is stronger than war." Asked how long they intended to stand in front of the building, another woman said, "Until our voices get tired." Another woman added, "For the rest of our lives." By mid-morning, only about 100 demonstrators remained on the grassy hill across the street from the building. Selective Service s)K»ltesmaihloftn Lamb said that by noon, the demonstrators had left. According to Selective Service figures, some 500,000 young men have failed ^register. . Eleven men. have been indicted for failing to register, a felony punishable by a fine of up to $10,000 and five years in prison. Asked whether the protesters prevented any employees from CanitoiWjWFwyf MUonunlir fm entering the building, Mrs. Lamb young men to sign registration resplied, "None at all." She said cards. organizers held a permit for 1,000 to District of Columbia Police Lt. 2,000 demonstrators and had told H.K. Brewton said 43 men and 15 police ahead of time they wanted to women were arrested when they attempted to cross police lines. They , have 200 to 300 people arrested. * 'She said no demonstrators were charged with violating police entered the building and, the lines, a misdemeanor, and fined (50. employees "continued their very He said the demonstrators offered successful program" of persuading only "passive resistance." ^ OPTICAL CENTER1 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL FREE VISION and GLAUCOMA SCREENING MON. OCT 18 THRU SAT., OCT. 23 ON REGULAR EXAM DAYS PLATTSBURGH PERU -HOUO R S. C - . — HOURS— O . C . MON.-FRI. 9-5:00 MON.FRI. 10-5:30 WEB. EVE. T I L 7:9* ©PEN SAT. ! • • * : • * MON. EVE. TIL 7:00 EYE EXAMINATIONS. EYE EXAMINATIONS MON.-WED.-FM. MON.-WID.-FRI.-SAT. A" :oupon( 10 Not Valid w/fnbnW5pec/aY* PLATTSBURGH O.C. 582 Cornelia St. (Booths Complex 563-7809 Senior Citizens Discount! Medicaid Accepted Why Pay More? Corner MaYkei; RligW Si. 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Peru St. Lou's Market, 31 Sailly Ave. Lum't, Rt.3 M t C Market, 111 Montcalm Ave. McDonald's, No. Margaret St. McGee's.Rt.S Meyer Drugs, 52 Margaret St. Meyer Drugs, Plattsburgh Plaza Mldtown Motel, 112 Sailly Ave. Montgomery Wards, Rt. 3 .Mf dhJMWtM'sWoWtt JWy*wy*,11o« Na|ya's Diner, Clinton St. News Depot, 6 U.S. Ave, News Depot, 340 Cornelia St. Nick's Restaurant, BrinkerhoffSt. Northway Motel, No. tfargaret St. Old Country Store, Rt. 22 So. PAFB Dining Hall PtC, Upper Cornelia St. Plattsburgh Lanes, 44 Sharron Ave. Plattsburgh Fruit, 24 Charlotte St. Plaza Book House, Plattsburgh Plaza Prescription Center, 121 Brinkerhoff St. Pray's Motel, Lake Shore Rd. Price-Chopper, Pyramid Mall Recore's, Morrisonville Rd. Richard's Grocery, 71 Johnson Ave. Rip Van Winkle Motel, Cumberland Hd. Cor, Sam's Restaurant, Rt. 3, Simpson Mini Mart, Cliff Haven So. Catherine St. Grocery, 47 So. Catherine St. Armand's Service Station, Rt. 9 No. Sunbrite Laundries, Margaret St. The News Stop, 359 Cornelia St. Thunderblrd Mini-Mart, Wallace Hill Rd. Universal. News, 75 Clinton St. Y* Old* Smokeshappe, Pyramid Mall Alice's Restaurant AtP Chevron Community Bookshop EtM Grocery Gem Lake Market Grand Union, Church St. Grand Union, Lake Flower Ave. Hoffman's Pharmacy Lake View Deli Mortal's Deli Mt. Pine Reen's News Sarandc Hotel ' SOranac Lake Gen. Hospital Switzer General Store Terminal NeWi Walsh's Magazine Store icait [Plattsburgh with bureau offices in Soranac Lake, Ticonderoga, Lake Placid, Wesfport and ftouies Point 561-2300 «?*•
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