BOR Papers in Press. Published on July 26, 2006 as DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.106.053967 -1- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 1. TITLE PAGE Title Toll-Like Receptor 4 in Rat Prostate: Modulation by Testosterone and Acute Bacterial Infection in Epithelial and Stromal Cells1 Short title Toll-Like Receptor 4 in prostate gland Summary sentence Rat prostate expresses and up-modulates TLR4 in response to bacterial infection as well as after androgen withdrawal, indicating an important role of the prostate gland in the innate immune responses. Authors Amado A. Quintar, Felix D. Roth, Ana Lucía De Paul, Agustín Aoki and Cristina A. Maldonado2. Center of Electron Microscopy, School of Medical Sciences. National University of Córdoba. X5000HRA. Córdoba, Argentina. Grant support This work was supported by research grants from Consejo National de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET PEI 1923/03), Grant PICT from FONCyT-ANPCyT, and by a fellowship to AQ from Fundacion Florencio Fiorini. AA, ADP and CM are members of the scientific career from CONICET. AQ and FR are fellows from CONICET and FONCyT-ANPCyT respectively. 1 Correspondence and reprint requests Corresponding author: Cristina A. Maldonado, PhD. Centro de Microscopía Electrónica. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Pab. Biología Celular 1º piso. Haya de La Torre esq. Enrique Barros. Ciudad Universitaria. X5000HRA Córdoba, Argentina. 2 Tel/FAX: 54 0351 4333021. E-mail: [email protected] Copyright 2006 by The Society for the Study of Reproduction. -2- 43 44 45 2. ABSTRACT 46 tract. However, little knowledge is available about the immunobiology within this gland. 47 Toll-Like Receptor 4 (TLR4) is considered to be a major sensor of dangerous signals and a 48 key trigger of the innate immune responses. TLRs have also been implicated in the 49 development of different inflammatory diseases in organs where epithelial-stromal 50 interactions are critical for homeostasis. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the 51 presence and regulation of TLR4 in the rat prostate. Western blot and immunocytochemical 52 studies revealed a constitutive expression of TLR4 in rat ventral prostate localized in the 53 epithelium, mainly associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum, as well as with smooth 54 muscle cells in the stroma. Additionally, increased concentrations of TLR4 were found in 55 castrated rats, predominantly in the hypertrophied smooth cells. On the other hand, 56 applying a bacterial prostatitis model, we observed an increment of the TLR4 cytoplasmic 57 content and the migration of this receptor to the apical plasmatic membrane of epithelial 58 cells at 24 and 48 h post-infection. The prostate gland is the most inflammation-prone organ in the male reproductive 59 These findings suggest that the prostate gland is able to recognize pathogens and to 60 initiate the immune response. In addition, TLR4 appears to be implicated in the vital 61 stromal-epithelial interactions maintaining the prostate homeostasis during prostatitis, as 62 well as following androgen deprivation. 63 -363 3. INTRODUCTION 64 65 As in the case of many other epithelia exposed continually to external injures, the 66 epithelium lining the reproductive tract is equipped with a variety of antimicrobial, pro- 67 inflammatory and immuno-modulatory compounds, which are key mediators of the innate 68 immune system [1]. 69 The discovery and characterization of a new host defense protein, the Toll-like 70 receptor (TLR) in invertebrates and mammals, has greatly contributed to understanding 71 how the host organism detects the presence of infectious agents and disposes of invaders, 72 without destroying its own tissues [2]. TLRs are transmembrane proteins that distinguish 73 specific patterns of microbial components, especially those from pathogens; and regulate 74 the activation of both innate and adaptive immunity [3]. Once activated, the TLR 75 intracellular signals culminate in the activation of NF-κB as well as MAPK, leading to the 76 subsequent induction of various genes that function in host defense responses [4]. 77 Among the eleven members of the TLR family (TLR1-TLR11) [5], the 78 lipopolysaccharide (LPS) receptor Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) is a central player in 79 signaling pathways of the innate immune response to infection by several pathogens. TLR4 80 is activated by the LPS [6] assembled in the wall of Gram-negative bacteria such as E. coli 81 or K. pneumoniae. These receptors are widely distributed, not only in immune cells such as 82 macrophages [7] and dendritic cells [8], but increasing evidence indicates that they are also 83 expressed in the epithelia of respiratory [9], digestive [10] and urinary tracts [11]. 84 Prostatic inflammation, or prostatitis, represents an important problem for human 85 health worldwide. Recommendations from the International Prostatitis Collaborative 86 Research Network (initiative funded by the NIH) include further studies on animal models 87 towards a better understanding of the immunobiology of the prostate, in order to improve 88 our knowledge about this disease [12]. In addition, the prostate gland is the most 89 inflammation-prone organ in the male genito-urinary tract, and is frequently a main target 90 of venereal diseases. Many peptides with innate immune activity have been found in this 91 gland [1]; but neither the presence of TLR4 nor the regulation by inflammatory stimuli 92 have been evaluated. -493 In the present study, we investigated the expression of TLR4 in the rat prostate 94 gland and its response to inflammation and androgens. The prostate morphology was 95 assessed by electron microscopy and immunocytochemistry was performed with vimentin 96 and smooth muscle alpha actin (ACTA2) antibodies. 97 -5- 97 98 4. MATERIALS AND METHODS 99 Animals 100 Adult 12-week-old male rats, Wistar strain, weighing 250-350 g, were housed at the 101 Animal Research Facility of the National University of Córdoba, in air-conditioned 102 quarters, under a controlled photoperiod (14-h light/10-h darkness) with free access to 103 commercial rodent food and tap water. The rats were divided into four experimental groups 104 (n=10/group in three different experiments): 1) Intact animals (IN group), 2) Acute 105 bacterial-induced prostatitis (BP group), 3) Orchidectomized rats (OX group) and 4) 106 Testosterone-treated group (TT group). All animal experiments were conducted in 107 accordance with the International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving 108 Animals as promulgated by the Society for the Study of Reproduction. 109 110 Bacterial Prostatitis Model (BP group) 111 A strain of Uropathogenic Escherichia coli (kindly provided by Dr. Oscar Pessah, 112 Department of Microbiology, National University of Córdoba) isolated from patients with a 113 complicated urinary tract infection was stored at -20 ºC and grown overnight in tryptic soy 114 broth at 37 ºC and then used for inoculations. The bacterial cells were spun down, washed 115 three times in sterile PBS and resuspended at a concentration of 108 cells per ml. 116 The rats were anesthetized with inspired ether, and subjected to a laparotomy to 117 expose the ventral prostate. Acute prostatitis was induced by injection of 200 ul of E. coli 118 suspension. Bacterial solution was injected with a 30 gauge needle directly beneath the 119 capsule of both ventral lobes. The peritoneum, abdominal muscles and skin were closed 120 with a simple continuous suture with a chromic surgical filament. Animals were sacrificed 121 at 24 and 48 hours after germ suspension. For controls, sham-operated rats were subjected 122 to a laparotomy but were not injected with the bacterium. The ventral prostate was 123 harvested and processed for biochemical studies. 124 125 Orchidectomy and testosterone treatment 126 The influence of androgens on TLR4 expression in the prostate gland was studied in 127 male rats (OX group) orchidectomized via the scrotal route under ether anesthesia; the -6128 epididymis and epididymal fat were also removed in the operation. Control rats for the OX 129 group were submitted to sham surgical manipulation with animals being sacrificed 10 days 130 after surgery. In the TT group, castrated rats were injected subcutaneously with testosterone 131 (10 mg/kg body weight-day; Sustanon, Organon) in sunflower oil daily for ten days 132 beginning one day after castration. For controls in this group, castrated rats were injected 133 with the vehicle alone. Animals were sacrificed 24 h after the last injection. Samples of 134 ventral prostate were obtained and processed for biochemical studies. 135 136 Serum testosterone levels 137 Prior to sacrificing, blood was obtained by intracardiac puncture from IT, OX, and 138 TT groups and their controls. Serum total testosterone levels of individual rats were 139 determined by electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassay using Roche Elecsys E170 140 immunoassay analyzers (Roche Diagnostics). 141 142 Microbiological Study 143 For bacterial culture, pieces of prostate from each rat were weighed and cultured 144 qualitatively by plating them on a McConkey (Sigma) agar plate and incubating them 145 overnight at 37ºC. After 24 h, bacterial isolates were taken and identified using 146 conventional Gram staining. The samples were considered sterile if no microorganisms 147 were detected 48 h after culture. 148 149 Light and electron microscopy 150 Rats were fixed by perfusion with 4% formaldehyde, and the ventral prostate blocks 151 were embedded in paraffin; cut into 4 µm thick sections and stained with 152 Hematoxilin/Eosin or immunostained with specific antibodies. 153 Other prostate blocks were fixed in Karnovsky mixture containing 1.5% (v/v) 154 glutaraldehyde, 4% (w/v) formaldehyde in 0.1M cacodylate buffer, and then treated with 155 1% osmium tetroxide, dehydrated and embedded in Araldite. For light microscopy 1 µm 156 thick sections were cut serially and stained with a Silver technique following the 157 methodology explained below. For ultrastructural studies, thin sections were cut with a -7158 diamond knife on a Porter-Blum MT2 and JEOL JUM-7 ultramicrotome and examined 159 using a Zeiss LEO 906E electron microscope 160 161 For ultrastructural immunocytochemistry, prostate tissue blocks were embedded in acrylic resin (LR-White, London Resin Corporation) omitting osmium fixation. 162 163 Silver staining 164 The silver methenamine technique for polysaccharides according to Sutter and 165 Roulet [13] was performed on Araldite semi-thin sections. This procedure applied to plastic 166 embedded sections provided similar results to Periodic Acid-Schiff (PAS) staining of 167 paraffin sections but with a better resolution making identification easier of tissue structures 168 such as collagen fibers, basement membranes and glycoproteic components. 169 170 Immunocytochemistry 171 Slides from paraffin-embedded prostates were cleared with xylene and rehydrated in 172 a series of descending concentrations of ethanol solutions. Then, a microwave pretreatment 173 (antigen retrieval method) was performed. To block the endogenous peroxidase activity, 174 slides were treated with H2O2 in methanol for 15 min. Sections were incubated 30 min in 175 10% normal rabbit serum (Sigma) to block nonspecific binding, followed by overnight 176 incubation with 1/400 diluted polyclonal goat antibody to TLR4 (Santa Cruz) at 4 ºC in a 177 humidified chamber. Then the sections were incubated with a biotinylated secondary 178 antibody (Santa Cruz) and ABC complex (Vector). Diaminobenzidine (DAB Sigma) was 179 used as a chromogen substrate for 10 min at RT, and sections were rinsed in running water. 180 Harris hematoxylin was used as a counterstaining solution. Expression of two markers was 181 evaluated by immunohistochemistry to characterize the stromal cellular phenotype; the 182 procedure was similar to the above mentioned for TLR4, using monoclonal antibodies to 183 vimentin (VIM) and ACTA2 from Novocastra, and applying a goat anti-mouse biotinylated 184 IgG (Amersham Pharmacia) as a secondary antibody. 185 186 Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry 187 LRWhite thin sections mounted on 250 mesh nickel grids were incubated overnight 188 on a drop of goat anti-TLR4 (Santa Cruz) diluted 1/500, and immunoreactive sites were -8189 labelled with 16 nm colloidal gold/anti-goat IgG complex (Santa Cruz). For the controls, 190 the primary antibody was replaced with goat normal serum (Sigma), purified Goat IgG 191 (Santa Cruz) or PBS–BSA. 192 193 Western blotting 194 For immunoblots, prostate tissues were minced and homogenized on ice with a 195 teflon-glass Potter-Elvehjem tissue grinder in 2 ml cold PBS containing 1.25% Igepal CA- 196 630, 1mM EDTA, 2mM PMSF, 10ug/ml leupeptin and 10ug/ml aprotinin. The lysate was 197 centrifuged at 14,000xg for 20 min at 4 ºC to pellet the Igepal CA-630-insoluble material, 198 and the supernatant was withdrawn and stored in aliquots frozen at -70 ºC until required. 199 Prostatic lysates from duplicate experimental conditions were pooled before loading into 200 electrophoresis gels. Total protein concentration was measured with a Bio-Rad kit (Bio-Rad 201 Protein Assay, Bio-Rad Laboratories). Denatured protein samples (30µg/lane) were then 202 separated on 12% SDS polyacrylamide gel and blotted to a Hybond-C membrane 203 (Amersham Pharmacia). To assess the corresponding molecular weight, Full Range 204 Rainbow Molecular Weight Marker was used (Amersham Pharmacia). Incubation steps 205 were performed in 5% defatted dry milk in PBS/0.1% Tween 20. Blots were incubated with 206 1/250 goat anti TLR4 IgG (Santa Cruz) and peroxidase-conjugated bovine antigoat 207 antibody (Jackson), and visualized applying the chemiluminescence technique. The 208 expression of β-actin (ACTB) (1/5000; monoclonal anti β-actin; Sigma) was used as an 209 internal control to confirm the equivalent total protein loading. Semiquantitative signals 210 were derived by densitometric analysis using Scion Image (version beta 4.0.2 Scion 211 Corporation) and data displayed as area units per mg protein. 212 213 Statistical analysis 214 Data from more than two groups were examined using analysis of variance with 215 Tukey as a post test. Statistical testing and calculation of western blot data were performed 216 using the InStat V2.05 program from GraphPad, Inc. 217 -9- 217 218 219 5. RESULTS Characterization of experimental models 220 In the rat prostate from the IN group, the epithelium lining the glandular alveoli is 221 comprised mainly of cylindric secretory cells; the stroma is scarce, mostly formed by a thin 222 periacinar layer of smooth muscle cells and interstitial fibroblasts (Fig. 1A). The periacinar 223 stromal layer exhibited a continuous pattern of ACTA2 reactivity, specifically of smooth 224 muscle cells (Fig. 1B), and a few VIM-positive fibroblastic cells (fig. 1C). 225 Microbiological methods tested positive for E. coli for all prostate samples from the 226 BP group at 24 h and 48 h after inoculation; while prostate from controls and the IT group 227 were sterile. 228 All prostates from the BP group showed acute inflammation, being widespread 229 throughout the gland. At 24 h after bacterial inoculation, the epithelium was hypertrophied, 230 and displayed an undulating contour. Furthermore, in the stroma, infiltrated by numerous 231 inflammatory cells, there was a great development of the ACTA2 positive smooth muscle 232 periacinar layer (Fig. 1D and 1E). VIM immunoreactivity formed two interrupted layers 233 flanking the smooth muscle cells (Fig. 1F). Infiltrating inflammatory cells in the prostatic 234 stroma also showed VIM-immunoreactivity. Similar results were observed at 48 h after 235 bacterial inoculation. 236 In the OX group, the prostatic epithelium exhibited an important reduction of the 237 nucleus/cytoplasm relation as a result of androgen deprivation. In contrast, smooth muscle 238 cells in the periacinar layer were significantly enlarged (Fig. 1G); ACTA2 staining showed 239 that the periacinar smooth muscle layer was larger in the OX than in BP group (Fig. 1H). 240 Isolated fusiform hypertrophied VIM positive cells appeared under the epithelial basal 241 membrane as well as external to the smooth cell layer (Fig. 1H). 242 In animals treated with testosterone (TT group), the enlarged prostate gland 243 exhibited a striking hypertrophy of the glandular alveoli, resulting in large lumen and an 244 increased secretory volume while the stroma was comparable to that of intact animals (Fig. 245 1J). Antibodies against ACTA2 and VIM provided a staining pattern with similar 246 characteristics to the IN group (Fig. 1K and 1L). 247 - 10 248 Analysis of TLR4 expression 249 To establish whether TLR4 is expressed in rat ventral prostate cells, and to 250 characterize its response to Gram-negative bacteria infection, the expression of TLR4 251 protein was analyzed by western blot and immunocytochemistry. As shown in Fig. 2, 252 prostate gland from intact rats expressed TLR4 constitutively. Western blotting revealed a 253 positive band of about 90 kDa for all experimental conditions (Fig. 2). 254 As expected, in the BP group there was a significant increase in TLR4 expression 255 both 24 h and 48 h after inoculation as compared with their controls and IN rats (Fig. 3). 256 The increment was time-dependent, with a greater increase in TLR4 expression at 48h after 257 bacterial inoculation compared with 24 h rats. 258 Experimental groups exposed to different testosterone levels, i.e.: IN, OX and TT 259 groups (Fig. 4A), were used to investigate the influence of androgens on TLR4 expression. 260 Surprisingly, TLR4 levels in the ventral prostate increased significantly in OX animals in 261 relation to their respective controls and IN rats. In contrast, the TT group exhibited no 262 significant differences in relation to the IN group (Fig. 4B). 263 264 Immunocytochemistry of TLR4 expression 265 The localization of TLR4 in the prostate gland and the changes in the TLR4 266 expression detected by western blot were examined by immunocytochemistry at light and 267 electron microscope levels. 268 In the IN group, TLR4 immunolabelling was faint in epithelial cells (Fig. 5A) and in 269 the stroma. A stronger staining occurred in the wall of arterioles. The ultrastructural 270 immunogold technique revealed a labeling associated mainly with rough endoplasmic 271 membranes (Fig. 6B) but with the apical plasma membrane being negative (Fig. 6A). Also, 272 TLR4 was localized in periacinar smooth muscle cells (Fig. 6C and 7A). When specific 273 anti-TLR4 antibody was replaced by goat normal serum or purified goat IgG, no labeling 274 occurred (not shown). 275 In the BP group, the increased TLR4 level found by western blot correlated well 276 with the strong immunostaining observed in epithelial cells and the periacinar layer (Fig. 277 5B); some inflammatory cells infiltrating the gland were also positive. The immuno-gold 278 technique labeled not only intracytoplasmic membranes, as in the IN group (Fig. 6G), but - 11 279 also appeared clearly polarized to the apical cytoplasm (Fig. 6F), intercellular junctional 280 complexes and microvilli (Fig. 6D and 6E). Abundant secretory granules, increased by 281 infection, were negative for TLR4 (Fig. 6D, 6E and 6F). Hypertrophied smooth muscle 282 cells also exhibited strong specific TLR4 immunoreactivity for this technique (Fig. 7B). 283 In the OX group, correlating with the increased TLR4 expression found by western 284 blot, there was an intense immunoreactivity in epithelial and stromal cells (Fig. 5C). 285 Surprisingly, TLR4 was strikingly expressed in the scarce cytoplasmic remnant in epithelial 286 cells (Fig. 5C). On the electron microscope, TLR4 exhibited a heterogeneous localization in 287 the cytoplasm (Fig. 6H) and was often associated with poorly-developed rough 288 endosplasmic reticulum, distributed along the lateral membranes (Fig. 6I and 6J) and the 289 basal cytoplasm, where gold particles appeared delineating a thin cytoplasmic region in 290 contact with the basement membrane (Fig. 6K). In the stromal compartment, an intense 291 TLR4 staining was observed in the periacinar layer (Fig. 5C); with immuno-gold labeling 292 being constrained to an area containing predominantly smooth muscle cells (Fig. 7C) which 293 frequently exhibited intense labelling of the plasmalemma (Inset fig. 7C). 294 295 296 297 In the TT group, TLR4 immunoreactivity was weak in the epithelial cytoplasm and stromal cells, and also in the IN group (Fig. 5D). - 12 - 297 298 6. DISCUSSION 299 Host defense proteins have aroused a great deal of interest in myeloid cells and in 300 the respiratory and digestive tracts. Over the last few years, several additional contributions 301 demonstrating the importance of innate immune system molecules were reported in the uro- 302 genital tract [1, 11, 14-17]. In the male reproductive system, investigations were focused 303 particularly on the epididymis [16, 17] and testis [18, 19]. The epididymis was found to 304 secrete antimicrobial proteins such as defensins [16], and the testis expresses galectins [18], 305 key regulators of the immune system. However, little is known about the innate immune 306 response within the prostate gland. 307 TLR4, originally detected in mammalian immune cells, is critically involved in the 308 innate immune response as a membrane receptor for Gram-negative bacteria whose 309 activation triggers an inflammatory cascade mediated by NF-κB [3]. Furthermore, TLR4 is 310 expressed by epithelia that interface with the external environment, as in the cornea [20], 311 the oral cavity [21], the respiratory tract [22], intestine [23] and urinary tract [11]. In this 312 study, we observed constitutive in vivo expression of TLR4 in rat ventral prostate, and up- 313 regulation of TLR4 by E. coli and castration, not only in epithelial cells but also in the 314 stromal compartment. 315 Previous studies have reported that prostatic epithelial cells and their secretory 316 products may actively participate as local modulators in response to bacteria [24, 25], but 317 the molecules involved in this process have not yet been fully characterized. Recently, 318 Takeyama et al. [26] and Gatti et al. [27] have reported in vitro, that prostate cells secrete 319 inflammatory cytokines in response to M. hominis and LPS through a TLR2 and TLR4- 320 mediated mechanism, suggesting that epithelial cells could act in the first line of host 321 defense in the prostate gland. We found in vivo that TLR4 is localized in the prostatic 322 epithelium, which exhibited a weak intracytoplasmic staining mainly associated with the 323 rough endoplasmic reticulum. This finding contrasts with the classical localization of TLR4 324 on the cell surface of macrophages and other immune cells [7]. At variance, Hornef et al. 325 [23] have also localized TLR4 in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells in the intestinal mucosa. 326 The explanation for this localization seems to be related to cell function: while immune 327 cells should be ready to initiate an immune response, epithelial cells exposed to normal - 13 328 microflora must try to avoid interaction between normal commensal bacteria and TLR4 and 329 the consequent activation of inflammatory signals; although the bacterial flora of the 330 prostate is not well defined, the occurrence of normal microflora has been suggested [28]. 331 In addition to LPS from Gram-negative bacteria, other products such as hyaluronan, 332 heparan and fibrinogen have been shown to be able to activate the TLR4 system [29]. Some 333 of these molecules, the so-called endogenous ligands of TLRs, are normally present in the 334 seminal plasma [30-32] and could trigger unwanted inflammatory reactions since semen is 335 often in contact with the prostate epithelium surface [33]. Consequently, the intracellular 336 distribution of TLR4 could serve to prevent a permanent activation of TLR4 cascades in 337 prostatic epithelial cells. 338 In view of the increment in epithelial TLR4 content described in the digestive and 339 respiratory tracts due to bacterial infection [3], we were interested in determining if E. coli 340 could achieve the same effect in the prostate. With this aim, in the present study we applied 341 a novel experimental model of bacterial prostatitis induced by a direct injection of E. coli 342 into the ventral prostate. In contrast with other bacterial prostatitis models in which E. coli 343 is introduced through transurethral instillation, in our model the delivery of the bacteria to 344 the prostate was controlled, and contamination with urine or pathogens from the bladder 345 and the urethra was avoided. These experimental conditions induced a strong local immune 346 response. Interestingly, in our model, prostatic epithelial cells exhibited an early 347 hypertrophy, an increase in TLR4 cytoplasmic content and the migration of this receptor to 348 the apical plasma membrane. In this way, the prostatic epithelium mimicked the cells of the 349 innate immune system; moreover, we found an increment of epithelial secretory granules 350 containing antimicrobial proteins such as Surfactant protein-D after bacterial infection 351 (Oberley and Quintar, unpublished data). This modulation of innate immunity within the 352 prostate gland could be a key mechanism in guaranteeing an effective clearing of 353 microorganisms, thus avoiding the progression of infections towards the restricted sites of 354 the male reproductive tract such as the epididymis and the testis. 355 It is well established that testosterone is required for the structural and functional 356 integrity of the prostate. Androgen deprivation caused by castration leads to a marked 357 involution of this gland, with severe epithelial alterations that include a decrease in 358 secretion activity and loss of epithelial cells by apoptosis. Expression of TLR4 is - 14 359 modulated by a variety of environmental factors such as microbial invasion, microbial 360 components, and cytokines [3]; however little information is available about the influence 361 of sexual hormones on TLR expression. In our experimental models, prostatic TLR4 was 362 significantly increased in the castrated group as quantified by western blot. From 363 immunocytochemistry, this increase could be ascribed to two different sources, the 364 epithelium and the stroma. Epithelial cells not only maintained their TLR4 expression after 365 castration, but often showed more intense immunostaining in comparison to intact rats. 366 TLR4 molecules appeared associated with basal and basolateral plasma membranes, in 367 addition to the cytoplasmic localization. It has been described that remnants of the 368 epithelial population are mostly comprised of basal cells after castration [34, 35]; hence, 369 TLR4-highly stained cells could correspond to basal cells that probably weaken the TLR4 370 expression when they differentiate into mature secretory cells after testosterone 371 replacement therapy. On the other hand, testosterone deprivation caused hypertrophy of the 372 stromal compartment, contributing significantly to increase TLR4 content in the prostatic 373 gland. 374 TLRs are considered a key factor in the stimulation of the immune system; hence 375 the increment of TLR4 in the prostate gland after castration described here, supports the 376 concept that testosterone has suppressive effects on the immune responses [36]. Androgens 377 appear to be responsible for the immunosuppressive profile of normal prostatic cells, 378 resulting in the low expression of proinflammatory compounds and the generation of high 379 levels of immunosuppressive factors. In this matter, Desai et al. [37] have described that 380 several genes which encode the cytokines involved in the immune response such as IL-15 381 and IL-18 are specifically up-regulated in the ventral prostate after androgen deprivation. 382 This regulation by testosterone contributes to the immune privileged status of the prostate 383 gland, where harmful inflammatory responses are usually suppressed [38]. 384 The prostatic stroma is generally implicated in the paracrine regulation of the 385 epithelial structure and function, producing critical regulatory factors responsible for organ 386 homeostasis and mutual crosstalk [39]. In castrated rats, increased concentrations of TLR4 387 were detected in the basal aspect of the basement lamina and on the plasmalemma of 388 smooth muscle cells. This observation could implicate TLR4 as a crucial player in 389 epithelial-stromal interactions following androgen deprivation. - 15 390 Smooth muscle cells of the periacinar layer not only underwent hypertrophy but 391 also became a great TLR4-positive mass, probably acting as a pivotal component in the 392 response to the two different stimuli evaluated here. It is well recognized that smooth 393 muscle cells are responsible for the stromal reorganization after androgen withdrawal [40]. 394 However, these are the first data defining a specific stromal reaction in response to bacterial 395 infection, and therefore, it is an active component of the innate immune system. A lot of 396 evidence suggests that smooth muscle cells are metabolically dynamic cells with the 397 potential to express and secrete numerous highly active signaling proteins [41]. In the 398 prostate gland, the enhancement of TLR4 expression could provide the smooth muscle cells 399 with the necessary sensors to detect a wide range of harmful signals from the environment, 400 and thereby quickly produce an innate immune response similar to that of cells of the 401 immune system. 402 Expression of TLRs in stromal cells has been reported at some sites, including the 403 female genital tract [42], respiratory system [43] and in vascular smooth muscle cells [44]. 404 At these locations, the stromal compartment has an important role in inflammatory 405 diseases, and it is possible that TLR4 system could greatly contribute by amplifying 406 inflammatory signals in conditions such as atherosclerosis and asthma. In the prostate 407 gland, modifications of the fibromuscular stroma have been involved in the development of 408 benign and malignant cell growth. Alternatively, an emerging body of evidence supports a 409 possible link between chronic intraprostatic inflammation and prostate cancer. Therefore, it 410 is conceivable that TLR4 expressed in modified prostatic stromal cells could participate in 411 the extensive signaling pathway involved in prostate carcinogenesis. In fact, an association 412 between polymorphisms of the TLR4 gene and prostate cancer risk has been reported [45]. 413 The data presented here have a wide range of implications for the physiopathology 414 of the prostate gland. In part, prostatic cells appear to provide the most important 415 membrane safeguard in sensing the microenvironment of the gland. Simultaneously, the 416 intracellular localization of TLR4 emerges as a defensive mechanism that could protect the 417 gland from unnecessary activation of TLR4 signaling. Finally, these results provide new 418 strong evidence that the smooth muscle might play a major role in controlling situations 419 that could compromise homeostasis of the prostate gland. 420 - 16 420 421 7. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 422 The authors thank Mrs. Elena Pereyra, Mrs. Lucia Artino, Ms. Mercedes Guevara, 423 and Mr. Cristian Giacomelli for their expert technical assistance and Gabriel Balabanian for 424 his valuable assistance in the use of the electron microscope. We are principally indebted to 425 the entire Team-18 for help with the biochemical analysis and for their permanent advice. 426 427 428 429 We would like to thank Dr. Paul Hobson, native speaker, for revising the manuscript. - 17 429 430 8. REFERENCES 431 432 1. Hall SH, Hamil KG, French FS. Host defense proteins of the male reproductive tract. J Androl 2002; 23: 585-597. 433 2. Medzhitov R. Toll-like receptors and innate immunity. Nat Rev Immunol 2001; 1: 135-145. 434 3. Takeda K, Kaisho T, Akira S. Toll-like receptors. 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FIGURE LEGENDS 539 Figure 1 540 541 Photomicrographs of prostate sections from IN (A-C), BP 24 h after inoculation (DF), OX (G-I) and TT (J-L) groups. 542 Silver technique (A, D, G and J) on Araldite semithin (1µm) sections was 543 performed to verify modifications in the periacianar layer underlying the basement 544 membrane. Silver technique stains dark brown all basement membranes and delineates the 545 periaciar stromal layer surrounding the alveoli. It can be observed that this layer is very thin 546 in the IN group (A) while in the BP (D) and OX (G) groups, stromal cells are highly 547 hypertrophied and exhibit several layers (arrows in D and G). In the TT group, the prostatic 548 stroma is similar to IN, but the alveoli are wider. 549 Immunohistochemistry for ACTA2 (B, E, H, K) and VIM (C, F, I, L) on paraffin 550 prostate sections. In intact animals (B), ACTA2 immunostaining pattern forms a continuous 551 ring around the alveoli, which was significantly thickened in the BP group (arrows and 552 Inset in E) as well as in the OX group (H). VIM-positive fibroblast-like cells are scarce in 553 intact animals (C) while in the BP group they describe two uniform layers enclosing the 554 smooth muscle band (arrows and Inset in F). By contrast, OX rats show isolated VIM- 555 positive cells within the enlarged periacinar layer (arrows in I). 556 In the TT group, immunostaining confirmed that the stroma was slightly modified by 557 testosterone treatment compared with the IN group. 558 All photomicrographs were taken at the same magnification. Bar= 100 µm 559 560 Figure 2 561 Western blot illustrating membrane bands stained with TLR4 antibody. Lanes 1 and 562 2: Intact rats; lane 3: BP group, lanes 4 and 5: OX and TT groups respectively. In lane 6, 563 prostatic homogenate from OX rats was run and the anti-TLR4 primary antibody was 564 replaced by goat purified IgG. MW: Molecular Weight. 565 566 Figure 3 - 21 567 Relative amounts of TLR4 measured by densitometric study of western blot in 568 ventral prostate homogenates. TLR4 expression was significantly increased at 24 h and 48 569 h after bacterial inoculation in comparison with its controls (*P< 0.05) as well as with the 570 IN group (♦ P < 0.05). The values represent TLR4 expression after normalization with 571 ACTB expression. Note that TLR4 expression at 48 h was higher than at 24 h (● P < 0.05). 572 573 Figure 4 574 Effects of androgen manipulation on prostatic TLR4 expression. A) Serum levels of 575 total testosterone assayed by ECL. B) Semiquantitative analysis of TLR4 expression by 576 western blot, showing a significant increment of TLR4 in the OX group compared to its 577 controls and intact rats. Testosterone treatment immediately after castration avoided the 578 TLR4 increment observed in orchidectomized rats inoculated with the vehicle alone. 579 Results are shown as the mean ± SEM. The values represent TLR4 expression after 580 normalization with ACTB expression. Data present results from three independent 581 experiments of three to five rats in each group. * P< 0.05 vs. controls for the same 582 treatment group, ♦ P< 0.05 vs. IN group. 583 584 Figure 5 585 Immunocytochemical analysis of TLR4 protein in ventral prostate. A) Weak TLR4 586 expression on the prostatic epithelium from IN rats is observed; while a strong 587 immunoreactivity can be seen in an arteriole (arrow). B) Prostate from BP group, 24 h after 588 inoculation, shows mildly to moderately increased TLR4 expression in epithelial cells. 589 Periacianar stromal cells (arrows) and inflammatory cells (arrowheads) are also positive. C) 590 A strong labeling for TLR4 is seen in the epithelial cells as well as in the thicker periacinar 591 layer from OX rats. D) Prostate sections from TT group showing TLR4 expression similar 592 to IN rats. Bar = 75 µm. 593 594 595 596 Figure 6 TLR4 immunogold labelling of epithelial cells on thin sections of prostate glands embedded in LR-White. - 22 597 A-C: IN group. A) Apical region of an epithelial cell exhibiting weak TLR4 598 labelling. Secretory granules (Gr) are negative. B) Paranuclear region showing gold 599 particles mainly associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) membranes. 600 Mitochondria (Mi) appear negative. C) Epithelial-stromal region: this micrograph exhibits 601 positive staining for TLR4 in the infranuclear location of epithelial cells and in smooth 602 muscle cells (SMC). Meanwhile, the epithelial basal membrane (arrowheads) and the 603 basement membrane (BM) are negative. 604 D-G: BP group. D-F) Apical region of the epithelial cells: gold labelling is 605 localized on the microvilli and junction complex (arrowheads in D and E). TLR4 606 immunoreaction is also concentrated on the cortex region (arrowheads in F). Secretory 607 granules at different stages of maturation appear negative. G) Gold particles appear 608 associated with dilated RER membranes containing abundant secretory TLR4-negative 609 content. 610 H-K: OX group. The epithelial apical compartment exhibits labelling often 611 associated with lateral membranes (arrowheads in H) or in the cytoplasm, probably related 612 to poor-developed RER cisternae. The lateral membrane also shows an intense 613 immunostaining in interdigitated regions (I and J). In the basal surface of the prostatic 614 epithelium, gold particles delineate the epithelial basal membrane (arrowheads in K), 615 touching the TLR4-negative basement membrane. N: nucleus. Bar = 1 µm. 616 617 618 619 Figure 7 TLR4 immunogold labelling of periacinar stroma on thin sections of prostate glands embedded in LR-White. 620 A) IN group. Micrograph shows the sheath of interstitial tissue surrounding the 621 epithelial alveoli. Smooth muscle cells present low TLR4 specific labelling. Basement 622 membranes (*) appear negative. 623 624 B) In the BP group, a portion of a smooth muscle cell exhibits intense TLR4 immunolabelling that contrasts with the negative extracellular matrix in the surroundings. 625 C) In the OX group, the smooth muscle cells look hypertrophied and have intense 626 TLR4 labelling. In these cells, gold particles are often found decorating the plasmalemma - 23 627 (arrowheads in C and Inset). EC: Epithelial Cell; SMC: Smooth Muscle Cell; *: Basement 628 membranes; EM: Extracellular Matrix. Bar = 1 µm.
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