best @buchi Information Bulletin Number 58/2010 How to Achieve Low Detection and Quantification Limits for the Nitrogen Determination with Kjeldahl en best@buchi 58/ 2010 en concentration of the titration solution on the detection and quantification limits were investigat best results were obtained by using 2 % boric acid with 3 g potassium chloride per liter. A titra solution of 0.005 M HCl worked best. With these parameters, detection limits for distillation of solutions as low as 0.008 mg nitrogen and quantification limits of 0.02 mg nitrogen can be ac How to Achieve Low Detection and Quantification Limits for the Nitrogen Introduction Often the potential of the reference electrode Eref, wh Determination with Kjeldahl which can lead to measurement variations. The varia Authors: Dr. Claudia Blum-Fretz, Stephan Buschor, Jürgen Müller Abstract Kjeldahl is one of the most commonly used techniques to determine the protein content in food and feed samples. The detection and quantification limits are important characteristics of analytical methods. The impact of the concentration of boric acid, the addition of potassium chloride, and the concentration of the titration solution on the detection and quantification limits were investigated. The best results were obtained by using 2 % boric acid with 3 g potassium chloride per liter. A titration solution of 0.005 M HCl worked best. With these parameters, detection limits for distillation of standard solutions as low as 0.008 mg nitrogen and quantification limits of 0.02 mg nitrogen can be achieved. Introduction Kjeldahl For almost 130 years, the determination of nitrogen using the method developed by the Danish chemist Johan Kjeldahl (1849–1900) has been an internationally accepted standard. The method, which is named after its inventor, has since found widespread application in life science and chemistry and has extended its scope to the determination of nitrogen and proteins in dairy products, meat products, beer, cereals, and other food materials [1]. The Kjeldahl procedure involves three major steps: In the digestion step, the organically bonded nitrogen is converted into ammonium ions by oxidation with concentrated sulfuric acid. In the distillation step, the sample is alkalinized to convert the ammonium ions to ammonia. The latter is then distilled into a boric acid solution (via steam distillation). In the final titration step, the ammonia is titrated and the nitrogen content can be calculated. 2 is stirred. To demonstrate the stirring effect, a detaile Kjeldahl For almost 130 years, the determination of nitrogen using the method developed by the Dani Theoretical of pH has been an internationally accepted standard. The me chemist Johanbackground Kjeldahl (1849–1900) measurements and which is named after its boric inventor,acid has since found widespread application in life science and c titration and has extended its scope to the determination of nitrogen and proteins in dairy products, m products, beer, cereals, andlogarithm other food materials [1]. The pH value is the negative The Kjeldahl procedure involves three of the hydronium ion activity and is major steps: In the digestion step, the organically bonded nitrogen is converted into ammonium ions by ox measured with an electro-chemical with concentrated sulfuric acid. sensor. practice this is athe measurement In theIndistillation step, sample is alkalinized to convert the ammonium ions to ammonia. T of isathen potential a (via steam distillation). distilleddifference into a boricbetween acid solution mea- is titrated and the nitrogen content can be calculated. reference electrode In the final titration E step, thethe ammonia ref and suring electrode E. The measured voltTheoretical background pH measurements and boric acid titration age U is the potential difference of of E and ErefThe . The of negative pH is performed pHcalculation value is the logarithm of the hydronium ion activity and is measured with an chemical to sensor. In practiceequations this is a measurement of a potential difference between a refere according the following measuring (1 electrode - 2), whichand are the derived from theelectrode. Nernst The measured voltage U is the potential difference of Eref. The calculation of pH is performed according to the following equations (1 - 2), which are equation [2 - 4]. from the Nernst equation [2 - 4]. pH = pH 0 − E − E ref slope (1) (1) The quotient equation(2)(2)represents represents the slope of the pH function and shows that the slope The quotient in inequation function of the temperature. Neue Neue Formeln the slope ofFormeln the pH function and Figure 1: Schematic description of the pH Electro shows that the slope is a function of f ln−log * R * T Figure 1: Schematic representation of theslope temperature. = (2) the pH electrode z*F 1 measuring electrode (e.g., Ag/AgCl) 2 ion activity internal reference solution pH negative of the hydronium f ln −log R * T • f lnlogarithm R * T • − log 1 measuring electrode (e.g., Ag/AgCl) (2) 3 the pHwhen sensitive glass membrane (2)sensor = at=zero point of pH sensor (2) slope pH (i.e., pH the signal is 0 mV) pH0 slope z • z•F 4 internal sample solution (e.g., boric acid as receiving reference solution E potential at F measuring electrode 2 5 pH liquid (e.g., ceramic diaphragm) potential of the reference electrode (should be junction constant) Eref 3 sensitive glass membrane 6 reference electrolyte (e.g.,logarithm 3 M KCl) (2.303) conversion factor for the change of the natural (ln) to the common f pHln-log negative logarithm of the 4 sample solution 7 reference electrode (e.g., Ag/AgCl) R universal gas constant (8.3145 J/(K*mol)) hydronium ionx (activity U (e.g., voltage boric acid as(5) receiving solution) (5) xabsolute measurement ) = )x (=LOD ) • k) • k ( LOQ LOD T x ( LOQ temperature [K] zero point of pH sensor pHz0 pH atnumber 5 liquid junction of electrons transferred (for pH: 1) variability the potential is produced at the li when constant the sensor The(e.g., ceramicofdiaphragm) F (the pH Faraday (9.6485*104 C/mol)borate and hydronium ion, etc.). In diluted solution signal is 0 mV) 6 reference electrolyte (e.g., 3 M KCl) solutions. If the solution is not stirred, a cloud of pota E potential at measuring electrode 7 reference electrode (e.g., Ag/AgCl) and 3) is created at the exterior of the liquid junction potential of the reference Eref Zusätzlicher U voltage the measurement Satz aufauf Seite 4: Zusätzlicher Satz Seite 4: is stirred, cloud of potassium and chloride ions i electrode (should be constant) increases and the measured pH value decreases. The variability of the potential is fln-log conversion factor for the change In this study, thethe LOD andand LOQ were always calculated according In this study, LOD LOQ were always calculated accordint of the natural (ln) to the common produced at the liquid junction (zeta thethe indirect method to be able to compare thethe findings. ForFor Kjeldahl indirect method to be able to compare findings. Kjeld potential, different mobility of borate logarithm (2.303) method is well suited, because the matrix is completely destroyed b method is well suited, because the matrix is completely destroye and hydronium ion, etc.). In diluted R universal gas constant sulfuric acid. with sulfuric acid. •mol)) solutions, the variability is higher with (8.3145 J/(K than in concentrated solutions. If the T absolute temperature [K] solution is not stirred, a cloud of z number of electrons transferred potassium and chloride ions (black Zusätzlicher (forZusätzlicher pH: 1) Satz aufauf Seite 5: Satz Seite 5: dots in Figures 2 and 3) is created at F Faraday constant the exterior of the liquid junction and (9.6485•10 4 C/mol) The experiment was setset up up in the following way: 1) optimization of to The experiment was in the following way: 1) optimization reduces the surface potential. If the concentration 2) optimization of the KCl addition and finally 3) optim concentration 2) optimization of the KCl addition and finally 3) op Often the potential of the reference solution is stirred, the cloud of potastitrant concentration. titrant concentration. sium and chloride ions is removed electrode Eref, which should be constant, shows a small variability which can from the surface so that the potential increases and the measured pH value lead to measurement variations. The variability of the potential is largest when decreases. the solution is stirred. To demonstrate the stirring effect, a detailed view of the pH sensor is shown in Fig. 1. best@buchi 58/ 2010 en 1. The pH increase due to dilution of the receiving solution by distillate is less important in low concentrated boric acid. The variability of the amount of distilled water has less impact on the pH value and will therefore lead to less variability of the blank values. The pH change related to dilution is shown in Figure 4. pH change by dilution of boric acid 5.9 5.7 pH 5.5 5.3 5.1 4.9 4.7 Figure 2: without stirring Figure 2:Liquid Liquidjunction junction without stirring 4.5 0 Figure 3: Liquid junction60with stirring 20 40 80 Added H2O [ml] 100 120 4% The stirring effect can be minimized by adding potassium chloride to low concentrated (< 4%) boric acid to ensure that a sufficient amount of potassium chloride is always at the surface of the liquid Figure 4: pH change when diluting 60 ml receiving solution at different junction. concentrations of boric acid 140 2% 1% with stirring The use of diluted boric acid is beneficial for the determination of low nitrogen amounts for the following three main reasons: 2. The blank values in less concentrated boric acid are smaller for the same 1. The pH increase due to dilution of the receiving solution distillate isimportant less important in low reason as above. Thisby is particularly because usually low concentrated concentrated boric acid. The variability titration of the amount of distilled water has less impact on the pH value solutions are used for the determination of low nitrogen amounts. For and will therefore lead to less variabilitythe of determination the blank values. The pH change related to dilution is have smaller blank of low nitrogen contents it is advantageous to shown in Figure 4. values, because the difference in titration volumes between the blanks and the samples gets larger. pH change by dilution of boric acid 5.9 3. The pH change caused by the distilled nitrogen is more important the lower the concentration of the receiving solution is. Small amounts of nitrogen cause a considerable increase in pH, thus making the titration more accurate. 5.7 5.5 5.3 pH g without stirring Detection limit and quantification limit The so-called detection limit (limit of detection LOD) and quantification limit (limit of quantification LOQ) are important characteristics of analytical methods. They have to be determined for each method, analyte, and matrix. Figure5.1 3: with stirring Figure 3:Liquid Liquidjunction junction with stirring The DIN 32 645 standard defines the two terms and describes the procedure used to values based on analytical results [5]. In this best@buchi, the definitions by adding potassium chloride to low concentratedcalculate (< 4%)these boric 4.9 of the aforementioned standard are used (the terminology used in other standards may unt of potassium chloride is always at the surface of the liquid The stirring effect can be minimized be slightly different). 4.7 by adding potassium chloride to low concentrated (<of 4%) boric acid toamounts ensure for Definitions cial for the determination low nitrogen the 4.5 that a sufficient amount of potassium Detection limit: The smallest content of the analyte that is significantly different 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 from the blank value. chloride is always at the surface of the he receiving solution by distillate is less important in low Added H2O [mL] 4% 2% 1% liquidof junction. y of the amount distilled water has less impact on the pH value ty of the blank values. The pH change related to dilution is Quantification limit: The smallest content of the analyte that can be determined Figure change when receiving solutionquantitatively. with different concentrations of boric acid The use4:ofpH diluted boric acid diluting is benefi-60 ml cial for the determination of low nitrogen 2. The blank values in less concentrated boric acid smaller for the reason as above. is limit [5]. amounts for the following three main In general, the are quantification limit is same three times higher than the This detection particularly important because usually low concentrated titration solutions are used for the nge by dilution of boric acid There are two ways to calculate these limits. The results achieved from these two reasons: determination of low nitrogen amounts. For the determination of low nitrogen contents it is methods are not equal but are equivalent: advantageous to have smaller blank values, because the difference in titration volumes between the blanks and the samples is more important. 3 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en 3. The pH change caused by the distilled nitrogen is more important the lower the concentration of the receiving solution is. Small amounts of nitrogen cause a considerable increase in pH, thus making the titration more accurate. Detection limit and quantification limit The so-called detection limit (LOD) and quantification limit (LOQ) are important characteristics of analytical methods. Theymethod”) have to be determined each method,the analyte, and matrix. Direct method (“Blank Experimental k factorfor used to calculate With the determination of a large number x (LOQ) based on x (LOD); The DIN 32 standard defines terms and describes used to calculate of blanks (n ≥645 10),[5]the detection and the Equipment two the factor is usually k=3 the [5]. procedure these values limit based analytical results. In this paper, the definitions of the aforementioned AutoKjeldahl Unitstandard K-370 with Kjeldahl quantification canonbe calculated are used (the terminology used standards may be slightly different). based on the standard deviations of in theother Indirect method (“Calibration line Sampler K-371; Schott Titronic Uniblank measurements and the slope of the method”) versal, dosage instrument (Buchi P/N Definitions: calibration line. For Kjeldahl the slope 043596); Analytical balance, reading A calibration line (in the range of the limit would be the linearity between the nitroprecision +/- 0.1 mg; Statist24cp, Verof quantification) is established (range 0 Detection limit: The smallest content oftothe analyte that is significantly different from the blank value. sion 2.0., statistical program for method gen content and the consumption of the 10 times x LOD). Based on the slope titration solution. The calibration line of of this line, the detection and quantivalidation for analytical laboratories, Quantification limit: The smallest content of the analyte that can be determined quantitatively. the entire working range is used. ©2000-2005, Georg Schmitt, Michael fication limit can be calculated. In this This method can only be used if a suitHerbold, Arvecon GmbH, Walldorf, case, the uncertainty of the blank is In general, the quantification limit is three times higher than the detection limit [1]. There are two ways able blank is available. A blank should Germany. estimated by extrapolation of the to calculate these limits. The results achieved from these two methods are not equal but are have identical properties to those of the calibration data. This method is more equivalent: Chemicals actual sample, but without any analyte. laborious and needs more statistical This is rarely the case, as most analyses know-how than the direct method, but Ammonium dihydrogen phosphate Direct method (“Blank method”) are done in complex matrices such as is often necessary due to the reasons 99.99and % (Merck, 1.01440), dried; boric With the determination of a large number of blanks (n ≥ 10), the limit of detection quantification mentioned above. acid (Brenntag, 80948-155); food or environmental samples, which can be calculated based on the standard deviations of the blank measurements and the slope of the potassium cannot be imitated easily. calculations are explained in detail chloride (Merck, 104936); 0.05 M calibration line. For Kjeldahl the slope The would be the linearity between the nitrogen content and the The calculations detection and The in the DIN 32 645 standard. Several acid (Riedel de Haën, consumption of of thethe titration solution. calibration line of the entire workinghydrochloric range is used. quantification limits statistical can Abe usedshould to 35320), the titration solutions were This method can onlyare be performed used if a suitable blankprograms is available. blank have identical properties according to the equations - 5). calculate the detection by diluting to those of actual(3sample, but without any analyte. Thisand is quantification rarely the case,prepared as most analyses arethis standard Neue Formeln using the indirect solution. done in complex matrices such as foodlimit or environmental samples,method which cannot be imitated easily. The calculations of the detection and quantification limits are performed according to equations (3 - 5). according to DIN 32 645. s Samples In this study, the LOD and LOQ were x ( LOD ) = Φ n;α • L (3) (3) always calculated according to the direct Solutions of ammonium dihydrogen b and the indirect method to be able to phosphate were diluted to obtain an f ln −log • R * T slope = compare the(2) findings. For Kjeldahl, the absolute nitrogen amount per sample z • F1 1 (4) Φ n;α = t f ;α • + (4) direct method is well suited, because the between 0.005 mg and 0.5 mg. Each m n matrix is completely destroyed by the sample was determined in triplicate. digestion with sulfuric acid. The solution was dosed into the (5) (5) x ( LOQ ) = x ( LOD ) *• k (5) Kjeldahl flasks using the Titronic Universal dosage instrument. x(LOD) detection limit limit The determination was carried out xx(LOD) quantification limit (LOQ) detection quantification limit xΦ with the (m), AutoKjeldahl unit K-370 factor, depending on number of blank measurements (n), sample replicates and (LOQ) n,α Zusätzlicher Satz auf Seite 4: Φ factor, depending on number with Kjeldahl Sampler K-371 using significance level ( α ) n,α the parameters given in Table 1. of blank measurements (n),of blank measurements standard deviation sL b this slope of the calibration line; for Kjeldahl the relation between titration solution consumption sample replicates (m), and In study, the LOD and LOQ were always calculated according to the direct and and the nitrogen content (example: 14.28 ml of 0.005 M HCl corresponds to 1 mg Nitrogen, α ) significance level ( the indirect method to be able to compare the findings. For Kjeldahl, the direct sL b=well 14.28). Tablematrix 1: Parameters for the Kjeldahl sampler system K-370/K-371 standard deviation of blank method is suited, because the is completely destroyed by the digestion quantile of the Student t-distribution, depending on degree of freedom f (f = n-1) and tf;α measurements with sulfuric acid. level α b slopesignificance of the calibration line; for Distillation Titration n number of blank measurements Kjeldahl the relation between m number of consumption sample replicates Water 50 ml Type Boric acid titration solution k factor usedcontent to calculate Zusätzlicher Satz auf Seite 5:the x(LOQ) based on x(LOD); the factor is usually k=3 [1]. and the nitrogen NaOH 90 ml Titration solution HCl 0.005 M (example: 14.28 ml of 0.005 M Indirect (“Calibration method”) HClmethod corresponds to 1 set mg upline The experiment was in the following way: 1) optimization of the boric acid A calibration line (in the range of the limit of quantification) is5established (range 0 toreceiving 10 times Reaction time s Volume sol.x LOD). 60 ml nitrogen, b= 2) 14.28). concentration optimization of the KCl addition and finally 3) optimization of thecase, Based on the slope of this line, the limit of detection and quantification can be calculated. In this tf;α quantile of the Student titrant concentration. the uncertainty of the blank is estimatedDistillation by extrapolation of the data. Thismode method is more time 240 calibration s Titration Standard t-distribution, depending on degree of freedom f (f = n-1) Steam power 100 % End-point pH 4.65 and significance level α n number of blank measurements Algorithm 1 m number of sample replicates 4 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en The experiment was set up in the following way: 1) optimization of the boric acid concentration 2) optimization of the KCl addition and finally 3) optimization of the titrant concentration. of 0.01 M corresponds to the addition of 0.75 g / liter boric acid. The pH of the boric acid was adjusted to 4.65. both cases, a significance level of 99 % was used. Results and Discussion Impact of the titration solution The following concentrations were used to investigate the impact of the titration solution on the detection and quantification limits: 0.0025 M HCl, 0.005 M HCl, 0.01 M HCl, and 0.05 M HCl. The analyses were carried out using 2 % boric acid with 0.04 M KCl. Impact of concentration of boric acid In Table 2, the mean values of the blanks and their relative standard deviation (rsd) are given using different concentrations of boric acid. The results in Table 2 show that the higher the boric acid concentration, the higher the Calculations blank value. As shown in Figure 4, the All calculations of the detection and pH increase due to the dilution of the boric acid by the distillate becomes more quantification limits according to the Impact of KCl addition important the higher the concentration. direct method (blank method) were Different amounts potassium chloride Therefore, more titration solvent is performed using the equations Results and of Discussion needed to get back to the endpoint pH were added to 2 % boric acid. The final (3- 5). The calculations according Impact of concentration boric acid to the indirect method (calibration of 4.65. The relative standard deviations concentrations of KCl inofthe boric Inacid Tablewere 2, the0.01 meanM, values and their relative were standard deviation are given are higher the lower the boric acid 0.02of the M, blanks 0.04 M, method) carried outrsdusing the using different concentrations acid. concentration. 0.06 M, and 0.1 M.of Aboric concentration statistical program “Statist24cp.” For Impact of boric acid concentration Boric acid solutions of 4 %, 2 %, and 1 % and pure water (0 % boric acid) were compared. The pH of the boric acid was adjusted to 4.65. To compare the impact of the concentration of boric acid, 10 blanks and a sample series of 5 samples with different nitrogen contents were analyzed. Table 2: Mean values of blank analyses with different boric acid concentrations (titration solution 0.005 M HCl, n=10) Table 2: Mean values of blank analyses with different boric acid concentrations (titration solution 0.005 M HCl, n=10) 4 % boric acid 2 % boric acid 1 % boric acid 0 % boric acid mean value [ml] 9.291 0.503 0.366 4 % 0.995 2% 1% 0% sd 0.216 0.033 0.026 0.037 boric acid boric acid boric acid boric acid rsd [%] 2.3 3.3 5.1 9.5 mean value [ml] 9.291 0.995 0.503 The results in Table 2 show that the higher the boric acid concentration, the higher the blank value. As shown to the dilution of the boric acid by the distillate becomes0.026 more sd in Figure 4, the pH increase due 0.216 0.033 important the higher the concentration. Therefore, more titration solvent is needed to get back to the rsd [%] 2.3 endpoint pH of 4.65. The relative standard deviations also are higher3.3 the lower the boric acid 5.1 concentration. 0.366 0.037 9.5 In Figure 5, the mean values of the recoveries of the sample series with different boric acid In Figure 5, the mean values of the recoveries of the sample series with different boric acid concentrations are shown. concentrations are shown. Mean values of nitrogen recovery 130 120 110 100 90 Recovery [%] 80 70 0.01 mg N 60 0.05 mg N 50 0.2 mg N 0.1 mg N 0.5 mg N 40 30 20 10 Figure 5: Mean values (n=3, except for 0.2 mg in 4 % boric acid, n=1) of nitrogen recovery in samples with their standard deviation when using 0 % - 4 % boric acid as receiving solution 0 -10 4 % boric acid 2 % boric acid 1 % boric acid 0 % boric acid Figure 5: Mean values (n=3, except for 0.2 mg in 4 % boric acid, n=1) of nitrogen recovery in samples with their standard deviation when using 0 % - 4 % boric acid as receiving solution 5 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en In Table 3 and Figure 6, the detection and quantification limits calculated based on the data of the blank analyses and the sample series according to both methods proposed by DIN 32645 are shown. Table 3: Detection limit and quantification limit calculated using the direct and indirect method. Direct method (blank method) 1 4% boric acid 2% boric acid 1% boric acid 0% boric acid Detection limit [mg N] 0.053 0.008 0.006 0.009 Quantification limit [mg N] 0.159 0.024 0.019 0.027 0.010 0.012 0.019 Table 3: Detection limit and quantification limit calculated using the direct and indirect method. Direct method (blank method) 1 Indirect method (calibration method) 4 % boric acid 2 % boric acid 1 % boric acid 0 % boric acid Detection limit [mg N] 0.053 0.008 0.006 0.009 4% 2% 1% 0% boric acid boric acid boric Quantification limit [mg N] boric acid0.159 0.024 0.019 0.027acid Detection [mg N] (calibration method) 0.071 Indirectlimit method 4 % boric acid 2 0.032 % boric acid 1 %0.041 boric acid 0 % boric acid 0.239 0.063 Detection limit [mg N] 0.071 0.010 0.012 0.019 A factor Φn,α of 3.5 was used, which is valid for 4 blanks and a triplicate determination of the samples, which are typical conditions of Kjeldahl determination; Quantification limitof [mg N] the factor Φn,α0.239 0.032 0.041 0.063 would be 3.9. for duplicate determination the samples, Quantification limit [mg N] 1 Detection limit and quantification limit 0.300 Nitrogen [mg] 0.250 0.200 xLOD (direct) xLOQ (direct) 0.150 xLOD (indirect) xLOQ (indirect) 0.100 0.050 0.000 4 % boric acid 2 % boric acid 1 % boric acid 0 % boric acid Figure 6: C6: alculated detectiondetection and quantification limits according to the direct and method on method the data of the Figure Calculated and quantification limits according to indirect the direct and based indirect sample based series using 0 % 4 % boric acid as receiving solution on the data of the sample series using 0 % - 4 % boric acid as receiving solution Taking into into account the blank in Table 2, in theTable mean 2, values the recovery 5), and the calculated Taking account the values blank presented values presented the of mean values rates of the(Figure recovery rates detection and quantification limits (Table 3 and Figure 6), it is evident that the best results are obtained by using 2 % boric (Figure 5), and the calculated detection and quantification limits (Table 3 and Figure 6), it is clear that acid. The blank value around 1 ml is in a good range, as well as its relative standard deviation of approx. 3 %. The recovery rates and the best results are obtained by using 2 % boric acid. The blank value around 1 ml is in a good range, their standard deviations are better than those obtained with the other concentrations of boric acid. The calculated detection and as well as its relative standard deviation of approx. 3 %. The recovery rates and their standard quantification limits are lowest, but comparable to the ones with 1 % boric acid. The subsequent analyses were therefore carried deviations are better than those obtained with the other concentrations of boric acid. The calculated outdetection using 2 % and boricquantification acid. limits are lowest, but comparable to the ones with 1 % boric acid. The 6 subsequent analyses were therefore carried out using 2 % boric acid. Impact of KCl addition best@buchi 58/ 2010 en Impact of KCl addition The measured pH shift caused by the stirring effect (using different concentrations of KCl in 2 % boric acid) is presented in Table 4. Table. 4: pH shift caused by stirring using different KCl concentrations in 2 % boric acid, with and without dilution by distillate not stirred stirred Δ pH No KCl 4.66 4.48 -0.18 0.01 M KCl 4.66 4.60 -0.06 0.02 M KCl 4.66 4.62 -0.04 0.03 M KCl 4.66 4.64 -0.02 0.04 M KCl 4.66 4.64 -0.02 0.06 M KCl 4.66 4.64 -0.02 0.1 M KCl 4.65 4.63 -0.02 No KCl + 150 ml H2O 5.31 5.03 -0.28 0.04 M KCl + 150 ml H2O 5.38 5.34 -0.04 0.06 M KCl + 150 ml H2O 5.36 5.37 +0.01 0.1 M KCl + 150 ml H2O 5.25 5.27 +0.02 As predicted by theory (see chapter “Theoretical background of pH measurements and boric acid titration”), the addition of potassium chloride (KCl) minimizes the stirring effect. In 2 % boric acid, a concentration of 0.03 M KCl is sufficient to decrease the pH shift to 0.02. If the boric acid is diluted with 150 ml water, which corresponds to the approx. amount of distillate after 4 min distillation time, 0.06 M KCl is needed to minimize the stirring effect. The amount of added KCl also influences the titration speed and the blank values (see Tables 5 and 6). Table 5: Titration time of a blank value, 2 % boric acid with different concentrations of KCl Titration time No KCl 105 s 0.02 M 52 s 0.06 M 62 s 0.1 M 59 s Table 6: Mean values of blanks (n=10) in 2 % boric acid with different concentrations of KCl. No KCl 0.01 M 0.02 M 0.04 M 0.06 M 0.1 M mean value 0.881 1.174 1.272 1.268 1.489 1.518 s 0.074 0.060 0.017 0.025 0.039 0.052 rsd 8.438 5.076 1.298 1.967 2.643 3.437 The more KCl is added to the boric acid, the higher the blank values. This phenomenon is related solely to the stirring effect. If no KCl is added, the measured pH of the boric acid at the end of the distillation and start of titration is approx. 5.03 instead of 5.34 (0.04 M KCl, see Table 4). In this case, less titration solution is needed to reach the endpoint of 4.65. Although the blank values are higher with larger amounts of added KCl, the titration is faster due to a more stable pH measurement (see Table 5). For the determination of low nitrogen contents it is advantageous to have smaller blank values, because the difference in titration volumes between the blanks and the samples becomes more important. The ideal concentration of KCl in the boric acid is a compromise between the desirable (stable pH measurement) and the undesirable (increase of blank value). 7 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en Figure 7 shows the mean valuesvalues of the recoveries of nitrogenofinnitrogen the sample Figure 7 shows the mean of the recoveries in series. the sample series. Mean values of nitrogen recovery 160 140 Recovery [%] 120 100 0.01 mg N 80 0.05 mg N 0.1 mg N 60 0.2 mg N 0.5 mg N 40 20 0 no KCl 0.01 M KCl 0.02 M KCl 0.04 M KCl 0.06 M KCl 0.1 M KCl Figure 7: Mean valuesvalues of samples (n=3) with (n=3) their standard deviation when using 0 - 0.1when M KCl using in 2 % boric acid as receiving solution Figure 7: Mean of samples with their standard deviation 0 - 0.1M KCl in 2 % boric acid as receiving solution The best results are obtained using 0.02 – 0.06 M KCl in 2 % boric acid. Based on the data of the blank analyses and sample series, theM detection limit acid. and Based the quantification limit were calculated (seeseries, The best results are obtained using 0.02 – 0.06 KCl in 2 % boric on the data of the blank analyses and sample 7 and theTable detection limitFigure and the 8). quantification limit were calculated (see Table 7 and Figure 8). Table 7: Detection limit and quantification limit calculated according to the direct and indirect method using boric acid with different KCl concentrations Table 7: Detection and quantification Direct methodlimit (blank method) 2limit calculated according to the direct and indirect method using boric acid with different KCl concentrations No KCl 0.01 M 0.02 M 0.04 M 0.06 M 0.1 M Detection limit [mgmethod) N] 0.018 0.015 0.004 0.006 0.010 0.013 Direct method (blank Quantification limit [mg N] 0.055 0.044 0.012 0.018 0.029 0.038 No KCl 0.01 M 0.02 M 0.04 M 0.06 M 0.1 M Indirect method (calibration method) Detection limit [mg N] 0.018 0.004 0.006M 0.010 No KCl 0.015 0.01 M 0.02 M 0.04 0.06 M 0.10.013 M Detection limit 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.007 Quantification limit[mg [mg N] N] 0.0550.014 0.044 0.012 0.018 0.029 0.038 Quantification limit [mg N] 0.046 0.010 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.025 Indirect method (calibration method) 8 No KCl 0.01 M 0.02 M 0.04 M 0.06 M 0.1 M Detection limit [mg N] 0.014 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.005 0.007 Quantification limit [mg N] 0.046 0.010 0.014 0.016 0.018 0.025 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en Detection limit and quantification limit 0.100 Nitrogen [mg] 0.080 0.060 xLOD (direct) xLOQ (direct) xLOD (indirect) 0.040 xLOQ (indirect) 0.020 0.000 no KCl 0.01 M KCl 0.02 M KCl 0.04 M KCl 0.06 M KCl 0.1 M KCl Figure 8:C Calculated detection and quantification limitstoaccording to the direct andusing indirect Figure 8: alculated detection and quantification limits according the direct and indirect method 0 M -method 0.1 M KCl 0M - 0.1 M KCl in 2 % boric acid as receiving solution in using 2 % boric acid as receiving solution Taking into account the blank values presented in Table 6, the mean values of the recovery rates (Figure 3), the minimized pH shift (Table 4), the titration time (Table 5), and the calculated detection Taking into account the blank values7presented in Table theclear meanthat values the recovery (Figure 7), the and quantification limits (Table and Figure 4), 6, it is theofbest resultsrates are obtained by minimized using pH shift (Table 4), the titration time (Table 5), and the calculated detection and quantification limits (Table 7 and 0.04 M KCl in 2 % boric acid. Although the detection and quantification limits are slightly lower Figure with 8), it is clear that the best results are obtained by using 0.04 M KCl in 2 % boric acid. Although the detection 0.02 M KCl and the blank values are comparable, the mean values of the recoveries as well as the and pH quantification are slightly 0.02 The M KCl and the blank values are comparable, mean values of the shift are morelimits promising withlower 0.04with M KCl. subsequent analyses were thereforethecarried out with 2 recoveries as well pH shift are more promising with 0.04 M KCl. The subsequent analyses were therefore carried % boric acid, withasathe concentration of 0.04 M KCl. out with 2 % boric acid, with a concentration of 0.04 M KCl. To determine the exact detection and quantification limits according to the indirect method, the highest To determine the exact detection and quantification limits according to the indirect method, the highest value in the value in the calibration line shall not exceed 10 times the detection limit. If the value turns out to calibration line shall not exceed ten times the detection limit. If the value turns out to exceed this limit afterwards, a new exceed this limit afterwards, a new calibration line needs to be established. In the data shown in Table calibration line needs to be established [5]. In the data shown in Table 7, the limit of detection is 0.005 mg and 0.006 mg, 7,respectively. the limit ofTherefore, detectionthe is 0.005 mg and 0.006 mg, respectively. Therefore, the highest value in the highest value in the calibration line should not exceed 0.06 mg. Consequently, new calibration line should not exceed 0.06 mg. Consequently, new calibration lines needed to be calibration lines needed to be established with lower nitrogen concentrations. The final calibration line is presented in established with lower nitrogen concentrations. calibration line is presented in Figure 9, the Figure 9, the corresponding detection and quantificationThe limitsfinal in Table 8. corresponding detection and quantification limits in Table 8. 9 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en Calibration line Determined nitrogen content [mg] 0.03 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 0.000 0.005 0.010 0.015 0.020 0.025 0.030 Nitrogen content [mg] FigureFigure 9:Calibration line with concentrations between 0.0025 and 0.025 mg nitrogen. The mean values of The triplicate 9: Calibration line with concentrations between 0.0025 and 0.025 mg nitrogen. mean determinations andoftheir standard deviations are and shown. values triplicate determinations their standard deviations are shown. Table 8: Detection limit and quantification limit calculated according to the direct and indirect method using the data of the final calibration line. Table 8: D etection limit and quantification limit calculated according to the direct and indirect method using the data of the Indirect method Direct method final calibration line. (blank method)1 (calibration method) Direct method (blank method) Indirect method (calibration method) Detection limit [mg N] 0.008 0.004 Detection limit [mg N] 0.008 0.004 Quantification limit [mg N] 0.023 0.012 Quantification limit [mg N] 0.023 0.012 Based on the calibration line data (calibration method), the detection and quantification limits are approx. of the line values bymethod), the blankthe method. Considering the recoveries the standard Based on the half calibration dataobtained (calibration detection and quantification limits areand approx. half of the values deviations of the measured concentrations of the calibration line, it is obvious that accurate obtained by the blank method. Considering the recoveries and the standard deviations of the measured concentrations of quantifications cannot be performed for concentrations below 0.02 mg. Only at concentrations > the calibration line, it is obvious that accurate quantifications cannot be performed for concentrations below 0.02 mg. Only 0.0225 mg, the recoveries are around 100 % with rsds lower than 5 %. at concentrations > 0.0225 mg, the recoveries are around 100 % with rsds lower than 5 %. In this case, the direct method gave more realistic detection and quantification limits. Impact of the titration solution Impact of the titration solution In Table 9, the mean values of the blanks and their relative standard deviation rsd are given. Figure 10 shows recovery rates of the and sample different concentrations titration solution. In Table 9, thethe mean values of the blanks their series relative using standard deviation (rsd) are given. of Figure 10 shows the recovery rates of the sample series using different concentrations of titration solution. Table 9: Mean values of blank analyses with different titration solutions (n=10) 0.05 M with HCldifferent0.01 M HCl 0.005 M HCl 0.0025 M HCl Table 9: Mean values of blank analyses titration solutions (n=10) mean value [ml] 0.134 0.687 1.396 2.744 0.05 M HCl 0.01 M HCl 0.005 M HCl 0.0025 M HCl sd 0.002 0.014 0.021 0.053 mean 1.396 1.9 2.744 rsdvalue [%] [ml] 1.80.134 2.1 0.687 1.5 sd rsd [%] 10 0.002 0.014 0.021 0.053 1.8 2.1 1.5 1.9 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en Mean value of nitrogen recovery 200 180 160 Recovery [%] 140 0.005 mg N 120 0.01 mg N 0.15 mg N 100 0.02 mg N 80 0.025 mg N 0.03 mg N 60 40 20 0 0.05 M HCl 0.01 M HCl 0.005 M HCl 0.0025 M HCl Figure 10: 10: Mean valuesvalues of samples (n=3) with(n=3) their standard deviation whendeviation using 0.0025 M – using 0.05 M0.0025 HCl as titration solution Figure Mean of samples with their standard when M – 0.05 M HCl as titration solution The standard deviations are larger when using a higher concentrated titration solution, due the fact that very small differences inThe titration volume deviations cause large differences the calculated nitrogenconcentrated content. The accuracy the titration consumption standard are larger in when using a higher titrationofsolution, due the fact using the integrated titrator with a 20 ml burette in the AutoKjeldahl Unit K-370 is limited to three digits (e.g., 0.001 ml). For that very small differences in titration volume cause large differences in the calculated nitrogen concentrations higher than 0.01 M HCl, a higher accuracy would be necessary to obtain satisfying results. The disadvantage content. The accuracy of the titration consumption using the integrated titrator in the AutoKjeldahl Unit ofK-370 highly diluted titration solutions (0.0025 M HCl) is that large volumes are titrated (higher costs per sample) and that the is limited to three digits (e.g., 0.001 ml). For concentrations higher than 0.01 M HCl, a higher titration volumes of samples with lowtonitrogen (0.005 mg N The and disadvantage 0.01 mg N) are within the statistical spread of the accuracy would be necessary obtain content satisfying results. of highly diluted titration high blank values. solutions (0.0025 M HCl) is that large volumes are titrated (higher costs per sample) and that the titration volumes of samples with low nitrogen content (0.005 mg N and 0.01 mg N) are within the The most promising werevalues. 0.01 M and 0.005 M HCl. With these solutions, more sample series needed to be statistical spreadtitration of thesolutions high blank analyzed to establish a calibration line to calculate the limit of detection and quantification (data not shown). The calculated detection andpromising quantification limits are presented in Table The most titration solutions were 0.0110. M and 0.005 M HCl. With these solutions, more sample series needed to be analyzed to establish a calibration line to calculate the limit of detection Table Detection limit and quantification limit calculated accordingdetection to the directand andquantification indirect method using titration solutions and10: quantification (data not shown). The calculated limitsdifferent are presented in Table 10. Direct method (blank method) Table 10: Detection limit and quantification limit according to the direct andMindirect 0.01 M calculated HCl 0.005 HCl method using different titration solutions Detection limit [mg N] 0.007 0.005 Direct method (blank Quantification limit [mg N] method) 2 Detection limit(calibration [mg N] method) Indirect method Quantification limit [mg N] Indirect method (calibration method) Detection limit [mg N] Quantification limit [mg [mg N] Detection limit N] Quantification limit [mg N] 0.022 0.01 M HCl 0.007 0.022 0.01 M HCl 0.005 0.01 M HCl 0.013 0.005 0.013 0.005 M HCl 0.005 0.015 0.005 M HCl 0.003 0.009 0.015 0.005 M HCl 0.003 0.009 The detection and quantification limits are in the same order of magnitude as previous values (see Table 7 and Table 8). There and quantification areMinHCl theand same order oftitration magnitude as previous values (see isThe also detection no significant difference betweenlimits the 0.01 0.005 M HCl solutions. Table 7 and Table 8). There is also no significant difference between the 0.01 M HCl and 0.005 M HCl titration solutions. 11 best@buchi 58/ 2010 en Conclusions References The detection limit and the quantification limit are as low as approx. 0.008 mg nitrogen and 0.02 mg nitrogen when 2 % boric acid with 3 g of KCl (0.04 M) is used as receiving solution. Titration solutions of 0.005 M HCl provide good results; however, the detection and quantification limits are not significantly influenced by the choice of the titration solution. The above-mentioned parameters are suitable for low nitrogen concentrations. For nitrogen concentrations usually found in food samples, the standard application using 4 % boric acid, without addition of KCl, is recommended. [1] Kjeldahl Guide, Buchi Labortechnik AG, 2008 [2] pH-Messung in der Praxis, Hamilton Bonaduz AG, 2007 [3] [4] Handbook of Electrode Technology, Orion Research Incorporated, 1982 DIN 32645:2008-11 Chemical analysis-Decision limit, detection limit and determination limit under repeatability conditions- Terms, methods, evaluation BÜCHI Labortechnik AG CH – 9230 Flawil 1 T +41 71 394 63 63 F +41 71 394 65 65 [email protected] BUCHI UK Ltd. GB – Oldham OL9 9QL T +44 161 633 1000 F +44 161 633 1007 [email protected] BUCHI Hong Kong Ltd. HK – Central T +852 2389 2772 F +852 2389 2774 [email protected] Nihon BUCHI K.K. J – Tokyo 110-0008 T +81 3 3821 4777 F +81 3 3821 4555 [email protected] BUCHI Canada Ltd. 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