-! II YOURSPOILER HOWTO DOCUMENT Wewillfirststartwiththe numbersi.e.,DataPlate.AllSpoilerll's havea vehicle lD plateon the leftdoor.Thisplatetellsthecar'sbuilddate,trimcode,color,body code,DSOand transmission code.Thefollowingtextwill helpyou decodeyour whatthe codesstandfor. DataPlateand understand The Data Platealso denotesthat the Spoilerll was a SpecialPefformance have Vehicle.Thismeans,in Ford'swords,"Vehicles builtto thesespecifications production maximumspeed potentialwhich will significantly exceedregular performance". vehicle Belowisa listoftheDataPlatecodesandtheircorrectnumbersanda description of the codes. SerialNumber Body Color thru9H15M569298 9H15M563934 Note:Thisserialnumberrunis of the lowest& highestnumbersknownat thistime.There couldbe someSpoilerll'swithhigheror lowernumbers,but theyhavenot beenlocatedyet. AllSpoilerll serialnumbersarethe sameexcept .... forthe lastfourdigits:9H15M56 ....63A :2DoorOyclone-benchseat MTor MX White Note:M is for Wimbledon T is for CandyAPPIeRed Blue X is for Presidential - AllSpoilerll's have(2)digitpaintcodes! IMPORTANT Trim ....4D= DarkRedVinyl BlueVinyl 48 : Dark/Light Date ....1Bthru31C 1stthru March31st Note:DatesrangefromFebruary 19 ' / I I DSO I I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I .. ..537024 Note:Thefirsttwo digitscan varyfrom car to car accordingto wherethe carwasshipped.ln thiscase 53 meansthiscarwasshippedto Oakland'All specialorder spoilertl'shavethe sameDomestic number- 7024.Allspoilerll'shave6 digitDso numbers Axle (9) = 3.25open Note:All Spoilerll's hadthe samerearaxle Trans (X): FMXAutomatic All Spoilerll's hadthe sametransmission Theserialnumberbreakdowngoeslikethis: 9H15M564036 Year 1969Production 9... Plant . . Lorain,OhioProduction H . 2 DoorSportsroofBodYStyle 15 M . . . . . . . I Cylinder351Cubiclnch(4V) UnitNumber 564036 Consecutive aboutthe numbersendof the Spoilerll, Nowthatyou don'thaveanyquestions I willtry to giveyou the factsaboutits uniquebody & chassis. 1. All Spoilerll's haveuniquefrontfendersthatareaboutsix incheslongerthan stockCyclonefenders.Theywerebuiltfromthreestampingsspotwelded togethei.Theweldswerecoveredoverin lead.lt is uncertainwho wasthe inpointsat Holman& ceptiueproducerof the fenders,but someinformation Moodyand Kar Kraft. 2. Anotherunique1emto be foundon the Spoilerll is the headerpanel.Ths becauseof the differencein withthe Talladega paneldoes not interchange fromthe radiatorsupportforward the hoods.Basicallyall oitne sheetmetal onlytoine ll. Theonlythingsthatarenot oneoff itemsarethe is particular Cobra)andthe grittanOheadlightdoors(whichcomefroma 1969Fairlane turnsignals(whichcomefroma Fordtruck). g. Thefrontbumperis an itemmostpeopleknowabout.Thebumperis made from a stockrearFairlane- Montegounitthat has beencut in threeplaces The cut outs thenweldedbacktogetheras a narrowermoreV'd assembly, 20 werewasalsofilledin.These in the endswherethe quarterextensions SteelTubing. bumpersweremostlikelysuppliedby Dearborn 4. The hoodis not uniqueto a Spoilerll, but it doeshavea singulartrait'The holesin the frontof the hoodwherethe hoodmouldingwouldbe arewelded blanketattachedto it.Thehooddoes shut.Thehooddoeshavea insulating not useany hoodpinsnora hoodscoop,but it doesretainthe Mercury scriptin the leftfrontcorner. 1 112inchesshorterleavS. The rockerpanelshavebeenrolledapproximately ing the floorlip to be thatmuchlonger.TheNascarteamscut offthisfloor areato be abteto lowerthe carsan extra1 inch.Nascarmeasuredthe ride heightfromthe rockerpanelsto the groundso thiswasa slickwayto be ableto legallylowerthe racecars.Thisis the one itemthatwillusuallygive to duplicate. awaya fakeor incorrectcar becauseit wouldbe burdensome The rocker- floorflangeareashouldbe paintedchassisblack. 6. TheSpoilerll doesnot havestaggeredrearshocks' the351cubicinch including Z. Thedrivetrainon altSpoilerll'sis identical Windserengine(CodeM).Thisis the 4Vversionratedat 290horsepower. is a columnshiftedFMXautomatic(CodeX).Therearend Thetransmission is a 3.25ratioopenunitwith28 splineaxles.Thesecarswereall equipped withthe CrossCountryRidePackage,this includeda largerfrontswaybar and heavydutyshocks.All ll's had powerfrontdisc brakesand powersteering. arethe sameusingdeluxeseatcoversand door panels. B. All Spoilerll interiors Specialis red.Theonlycolorin a Dan Theonlycolorin a CaleYarborough GurneySpeciatis blue.AltSpoilerll'scamewitha blackvinylsteeringwheel coverto be installedby the dealer.Notall of thesecoversmadeit to the All ll's hada AM radio. wheelhowever. g. TheGoodyearpolyglass wasthe onlytirethe Spoilerll cameequippedwith. lettersand camein a F70-14sizeonly.Thistire is Thetire had raiseO-wnite but is not exactlycorrect.Thecorrect availabletodayas a reproduction wheelis a 1+xbargentstyledsteelwitha plain7" centercap and a polished trimring. stainless 10.Thetrunkmatshouldhavea checkedpatternandthe spareis the sameas item9. Thesparemountsabovethe rightrearframerail. 21 I 11. The uniqueexternalbody itemsareas follows;Thebodywastreatedto a distincttwo tone painttreatmentwithred or bluetop and a whitebottom.This paintschemewasthe WoodBrothersracecar design,so it was a naturalfor dualfull useon the homologation cars.Thecarsalsocarrieda distinguished the lengthracingstripeon the sidepanelsof the car.Thisstripeduplicated colorof the roof.The hood had a flat blackdecalattachedto the centerof it. Thecarswereshippedto the dealerwitha coupleof itemsin the trunkto be installedby them,thisis wherethefun starts.Thedecklidspoiler,the Caleor lt Dandecalsandthe steeringwheelcoverweretheseitemsto be installed. seemsthe dealercouldnotfollowunmistakable diagramsor elementary directionsbecausea lot of ll'sweredelivered lackingthe aformentioned items.Spoilerll'salsohaddualracingmirrorswiththe leftone beingremotely controlled. 12.TheSpoilerll wasequippedwitha HeavyDutyCoolingSystemwhichincludeda 428radiator& shroudanda specialfourbladefan partnumber cSsE-8600-A. 13. Spoilerll's useda standarddualexhaustsystemwiththetailpipesexitingbehindthe reartires. 14. Remember exceptfor color.Any itemsthat thatall Spoilerll's areidentical are differentfromthe normmusthavebeendealerinstalleditemsor installed by an owner.Thisis a commonoccurrence. IMPORTANT Remember thatthe Spoilerll wasa specialoptionpackage,the keywordhere This meansthat NO itemscould be omittednor could any being PACKAGE. additionalitemsbe added. to thatwas distributed Thefollowingtwo pagesarefroma Dealersupplement a on what was equipment out standard The spells Mercurydealers. supplement of. NotetheSpoiler basemodelCycloneandwhattheSpoilerll packageconsisted ll was referredto as a SportsSpecialin this supplement.All otherfactorydocumentsbeforeand afterthisone referto it as a Spoilerll. 22
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